#eden smp stuff
obsidian-art04 · 5 months
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Okay, who let my self insert get hotter? I just wanna talk...
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grape-writes · 10 months
Eden SMP [1]
Chapter One: Creation and Thereafter
Contents: Creation myth for me and my friends smp, implied death, destruction, and war, one reference to Christianity in the first sentence
Masterlist - Next Chapter
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In the beginning, there was nothing.  
Just a vast black emptiness, except nothingness didn’t exist before creation, that was just how it was. There were no eyes to perceive the darkness, there was simply nothing. there was no light to create darkness, there was merely nothing.  
and then, there came Time. A being with barely a form, yet the potential for power so great, its very presence made the nothingness around it shudder. Following Time, more beings came into existence, each with just as much power as the first. Each with the potential to create and destroy.  
Seven gods. Seven immortal beings of creation and destruction, each unique in their power. Beings of Time, Knowledge, Aetherius, Void, Magic, Adventure, and Life. And from their power came existence as we know it.  
It began with the land, the ocean, the biomes. It progressed into plant life, animals, different realms of existence for unique creatures to roam.  
Their creation, once given a jumping off point, was given a name.  
“What shall we call it?” the being of Knowledge asked, newly formed hands hovering over the skies of their shared creation.  
“Minecraft.” The being of Adventure answered, pools of sea green eyes watching their work with endearment.  
the other gods did nothing more than agree. It was the perfect name for their work.  
From there, the god's creation blossomed into more; intelligent life spawning within the various lands the gods had made. Beings able to think and act as the gods, only without the endless lifespans of them. Time had recommended it, a barrier to prevent their mortal creation from becoming puffed up with pride over themselves.  
Regardless of their limitations, their creation had freedom, and power. The power only given to those left unchecked, unhindered by most outside forces, unhindered by their position at the top of the food chain. They had no natural predators, nothing to stop them from taking what they believed to the rightfully theirs: everything.  
In the hindsight of what occurred next, the gods realized they should’ve added more hinderances to their mortal creation. 
As without it, these mortals wiped out large swaths of forests, replacing them with cities that reached the skies. They further began to segregate members of their populace into groups, forcing some to pick resources from the earth, and others to grow food for the more fortunate, and even others were made to clean up the mess of the wealthy, and even others made to slaughter the animals of the land. These groups rarely saw the fruit of their labor and were silenced quickly and violently.  
The mortals thought little for the consequences, killing the life around them. All while forcing the blame onto those, they force to do the killing. They were slowly killing everything, even themselves with the strange magics they created for themselves.  
If only they’d foreseen the consequences of upsetting the very balance of life itself. They hadn’t realized what would happen if they upset the gods by believing everything was owed to themselves just because of their intellect.  
The Cataclysm. An event so great, it changed the very existence of mortal life from then on. Almost nothing survived the cataclysm of death and destruction created by the god of life herself.  
When Life saw what the mortals had done to her precious creations, she could do nothing but mourn them, sending destruction and sickness throughout the mortal's cities and settlements. Many mortals died that day, both deserving and innocent. No one was spared from Lifes grief. She’d spent so long creating these animals and creatures for them, and they did nothing but scorn her gift.  
Her fellow gods, unaware of her grief, only saw the destruction it caused. They only saw the balance of things disrupted massively. The other gods urged and pleased with Time to do something about it, do something to fix the issue and get Life to stop her rampage.  
Time went down to speak with his fellow god. the eldest of the gods speaking to the youngest. Their conversation unknown, even to the other gods. Yet from it came new creation.  
Hostile mobs. The only way to prevent mortals from destroying everything in their own hubris was to add a limitation, a safety measure. Thus came the hostile mobs; the corpses of those who died in the cataclysm rose again in the dark shadow of night to attack the living, giant spiders the size of pigs, green quadrupedal creatures that exploded the moment a mortal being approached them too closely.  
Now, with something to keep them from repeating their mistakes which cost thousands, mortals continued on creating and living. They created new settlements, new homes, all while keeping their own in check.  
Some mortals began to realize the power of the gods, creating shrines and temples to worship them. Desert temples, ocean monuments, jungle temples, all made in an attempt to bring glory and honor to the beings responsible for their creation and lives. The gods allowed this, enjoying the gifts and praise and sacrifice the mortals gave them.  
In return, the gods would choose a mortal amongst them to be their vessel. A mortal the gods could use to finally interact with and appreciate their joined creation. Without the vessels, the gods were much too powerful to do this safely, running the risk of destroying what they wished to protect; if they didn’t, they could destroy entire chunks with a single hit, creating pits to the void beneath the overworld.  
Most mortals accepted the vessels as a part of life, allowing the vessels a high position amongst their communities and idolizing them as priests and prophets of the gods. The vessels were sacred to them, and any who chose to harm them was dealt with great consequence by the community. A great many mortals were sacrificed or gravely injured over minor disputes with Vessels. 
Other mortals, however, rejected vessels, viewing them unworthy of their positions or frauds seeking greater influence in the settlements they lived in. Many vessels had been persecuted by their settlements'; one was even sacrificed to the very god that marked them; the village that did that had been a ghost town for decades after.  
One day, two of the gods fought over a mortal, both trying to claim the mortal as their vessel. However, with their infighting, the mortal's soul was ripped to pieces. Time could do nothing but stare at the mortals' body as the land around it reversed, their power unable to revive a shattered soul.  
Souls are timeless after all. 
It is believed Time disappeared after that day, as did Knowledge.  
With the new hostile mobs, and the involvement of the gods themselves, came Origins. Humanoid mortals who weren’t quite human. People with strange skin tones, animal ears and tails, even some with immunity to fire and lava or features of the hostile mobs. Many pure humans rejected these origins, shunning them away and exiling them from their cities.  
Soon settlements made purely of these origins began to appear, uniting in their shared rejection and creating a pleasant peace across the community. This peace, life peace often does, was not long lasting.  
Soon the differencing peoples began to find conflict between each other; the end inhabiting enderians shunning the ocean dwelling merling for their watery habitats, the merling and the winged elytrarians arguing over fish, the origins native to the nether conflicting with the origins of the overworld over a sickness that permeated throughout the overworld, killing nether residents.  
Soon the enderians began to demand land and resources from both the overworld and the nether, a payment for peace that was never given to them. The conflict between the Elytrarians and the merlings progressed into battles on the shores. The netherborn origins breaching through the portal to their realm in drones to cause destruction to the overworld settlements.  
The gods... did little to stop the death and destruction.  
The mortals were well within their rights to fight amongst themselves, so long as the balance of the world around them wasn’t disturbed, they had no reason to get involved. They couldn’t get involved, even as hundreds and thousands died in pointless battles for land and resources. The gods had rules to abide, rules they could not disobey.  
Slowly overtime, the wars concluded. Whether by tide turning battles or fading as people's numbers dwindled. The evidence of their conflict stayed behind even as the peoples disappeared, towering, ruined cities, fields forever marred by the battlefields left behind from even the smallest of conflicts.  
Even so, settlements persisted, villages rose and fell. Old refugee camps formed out of a desire to help those in need were dismantled by those they themselves wronged. Portals to other realms closed, left in ruins for those curious, or determined enough, to find and open once more.  
The actual story, amongst the tragedy and hardship of this world, starts somewhere in the middle of everything, on a hill between the shrines, overlooking a vast cavern cut into the earth. A group of survivors looking for a new escape, a new life.  
An enderian ex-soldier, an insectoid with an interest in dyes, a goat hybrid who doesn’t quite move or act like one, and many, many, more. Each somehow intertwined with each other and the gods themselves.  
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pookie-draws · 9 months
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Uh oh!
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zzombietango · 3 months
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Hey!! Intro + Info on postings!!
My names Tango or Scott, here's some things abt me!!
I use He / It / Ze / Fin + more, I'm omnisexual with a male pref, I have ADHD, and Bipolar Disorder (Also a system but that won't be shared here often).
Here's some things I like!!
Hazbin, Life SMP, Minecraft, Sally Face, Slenderverse, Creepypasta, Reality Shifting, Midwest Emo, PoppyPlaytime, etc!
Here's some things you'll see posted on here!
Asks, art, fanfics, HCS, opinions, random posts with / replying to friends, and maybe even some socials of ours, OCs, info blogs
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Here's some stuff I will do!
Some rare ships
I'll make playlists for asks aswell
Things I will not do!
p3d0 shit
Mumbo x Grian (sorry (◞‸◟ㆀ))
Here's my FAV ships!! (Esp to write)
Life smp; Scarian, Flower husband's, Ranchers, SNOWBUGS!!! Flower ranchers, boat boys, SNOWBUGS, did I say snowbugs yet... bc I love them *drools*
Creepy pasta; tbh.... I haven't thought this one through yet...
slenderverse;Brian x Tim (MH), PAST Evan x Jeff (EMH, also iffy..), Evan X his like gf I forgot her name it's been a while.. any canon ships!!
Hazbin;ADAM X LUCIFER!! especially eden 😍😍😍, cherri x sir pentious, angel x husk, somebody hear me out on adamsapple
Other; Sally x Travis (Sally face)!!!!!!!!!! ^_<......is stan frederick fans alive? I'll write for him alone... angst or not.... yr choices........ 😋
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Okay THAT'S ALL!!!! ily guys mwa mwa please give me some asks!! DON'T BE ASHAMED FOR ANYTHING!! ^_^
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raggstorice · 1 year
I have decided that my Content will be Twisted Wonderland as it is my current hyperfixation (Subject to change)
(Authors Note: this post is longggg)
Stuff about it (and me ig):
Hi I'm Raggs I use They/them pronouns. That's it.
Asks are: OPEN
I do Headcanons! Yay!
I will do:
Romantic and Platonic headcanons between any number of characters.
Flash headcanons! For random headcanons or prompts like, Sexuality, Gender, relationship with another character, Angst stuff, fluff stuff, reactions to a scenario, etc. (Be creative! Even if it's not here I'll do it.)
Character's & OC (I might do this as a ship. Maybe. I'll have to know about the character.)
Characters & MC
Any characters this includes Staff, NPC's, (Deuce's Mom, Cheka, Farena, Etc.) Neige and Chenya.
What I won't do:
Nsfw (Even if the character is an adult)
Characters/Reader (I cannot write this. It will turn out a mess)
Oc/Reader (^)
Female MC (I struggle with writing this but I can try! I'll need a scenario though so unless specifically asked my MC will remain gender neutral)
Jamil/Kalim (I'm sorry I know it's a popular ship but 1. Gives me the ick 2. Kalim considers Jamil his brother (canon))
Third years/First years (if the grades don't touch neither do you.)
Teacher/Student (does this need explaining)
Leona/Ruggie(Leona is canonically an adult)
Leona/any second year(^)
Ortho/anyone(Child. Baby. Robot?)
Anyone/Lucius(Will do platonically?)
Favorite characters:
Ace Trappola
Trey Clover
Leona Kingscholar
Azul Ashengrotto
Jamil Viper
Vil Sh- (I cannot spell his last name)
Idia Shroud
Sebek Zigvolt
(in case you didn't notice I named at least one person from each dorm also I love all the characters these are just my favs)
Other Fandoms I'm in:
Danganronpa (V2 and V3)
Fanganronpa's such as:
Danganronpa Despair Time
Danganronpa: Heartless Deceit
Brave Danganronpa: Cowards Paradise
Project: Eden's Garden
(And more. Soon. After I'm done procrastinating watching them)
Empires SMP
The entire Third Life series
Minecraft: Story Mode
Spider-Man (Spiderverse and Tom Holland's)
Project: Sekai
Bungo Stray Dogs
Sk8 the Infinity
Haikyuu (not caught up)
My Hero Academia(not caught up)
Epithet Erased
Genshin Impact
Honkai: Star Rail
Weak Hero (Webtoon)
Unordinary (Also Webtoon)
Lost In Translation (Guess what? Webtoon)
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint (NO SPOILERS)
Lout of the counts family's (again No. Spoilers.)
The S-Class I raised (please don't spoil)
K-pop? Ish? Recommend songs.
Fence (comics)
That's it.
I'll take requests for Headcanons and stuff!
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yukikinda · 2 years
Hello hello everyone!!!!
Since there's a bunch of new people creating Tumblr accounts and joining i decided I'm gonna do a neat lil post to explain this blog and what you'll find on it
So I'm Eden, pronouns are they/them and it/it's (no preferred one, like use them 50/50) and I'm Aroace, and i post my art here, either Fanart or original stuff, i always try to Reblog my mutual's art too
DNIs are basic stuff but i know it won't stop some of you so this a block on sight kind of thing
Anything nsfw or like, gore etc will be tagged properly but i don't Reblog anything like that most of the time
So here's a bunch of different fandoms you'll find here :
Mcyt (mostly Empires smp and Hermitcraft, apart from Technoblade stuff you'll barely find Dream SMP)
The Dark Crystal
The Owl house
And original characters (that you can find in the oc tag hopefully)
Homestuck (I'm sorry)
A lot of other fandoms too this is a multifandom blog </3
Hope all of you have fun on this hellish website!!
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minimusvellus · 1 month
Hi My name is Floof!!
My pronouns are They/Them, I am an artist who mainly draws mcrps I enjoy and sometimes ocs! :D
My current interests:
Kaboodle Smp
Lifesteal Smp
Natures Forge Smp
TheFamousFilms Fnaf
Roomies University
Eden Smp
Kaloscope Smp
Seven stories Club Yandere Highschool
Minecraft Clue
Minecraft spies
Your last days smp
Im also open for recommendations for other mcrps to watch :D
(Preferably one that isn’t fnaf inspired :3)
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lolo-l0ved · 2 years
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↳ Sources
Ask about unlisted sources ! All Sources for Movies, TV Shows & Cartoons listed are not all the sources I like/seen, but are my favourites.
Italics = Selective / Don’t know a lot but knows this source
Coloured = Favourite / Really liking atm
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Movies — Please just ask, I have way to many for this list lmao
TV Shows — Alice In Borderland, Bones, Brooklyn Nine Nine, BBC Ghosts, Community, Dollhouse, From, The IT Crowd, Midnight Mass, Misfits, Mythic Quest, Sweet Home, Shameless, Stranger Things, Sitcoms in general, The Boys, The Haunting of Bly Manor, The Haunting of Hill House, The Inbetweeners, The Muppets (mainly the movies, but TV show is good as well), The Unlisted (Netflix), Umbrella Academy, WandaVision, Wednesday + Way More !
Cartoons — ABC Me/3 cartoons (asked beforehand just in case !), Adventure Time, Carmen Sandiego, Clarence, Craig of the Creek, Disney shorts/shows, Ducktales 2017, Gravity Falls, Helluva Boss, Inside Job, Jurrasic World Camp Cretaceous, Scooby Doo (all Movies + Shows), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Any series), The Amazing World of Gumball, The Cuphead Show, The Looney Tunes show (Any series), Tom & Jerry (all Movies + Shows), Total Drama (S1/S2/S3/S4/Reboot) + Way More !
Animated Movies — Big Hero Six, Captain Underpants, Coraline (+ most stop motion movies/shorts), Disney Movies (asked beforehand just in case !), ParaNorman, Pixar Movies (asked beforehand just in case !), Scooby Doo (all), Spider-Man into the Spider Verse, Spider-Man Across the Spider Verse, Spirited Away, Turning Red, Wish Dragon
Games — Ace Attorney, Cuphead, Danganronpa (all games + fangans), Doki Doki Literature Club, Five Nights At Freddys (all games), Fran Bow, Kindergarten 1&2, Little Misfortune, Sally Face (all chapters), Telltale: The Walking Dead (S1/S2/S3) + Way More !
Animes — Ajin: Demi Human, Assassination Classroom, A Lull in the Sea, Beastars, BNA, Bungo Stray Dogs, Classroom of the Elite, Demon Slayer, Dorohedoro, Eden Zero, Great Pretender, High-Rise Invasion, Kakegururi, Kakegururi Twins, Mob Psycho 100, Mr Osomatsu, Number 24, Oddtaxi, Oshi No Ko, Paranoia Agent, Summer Wars, The Disastrous Life of Saiki K, Toilet Bound Hanako Kun, Your Name + Way More !
Mangas — Alice in Borderland, Beastars, Chainsaw Man, Dorohedoro, Junji Ito Works, Komi Can’t Communicate, The Promise Neverland, Toilet Bound Hanako Kun, Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead + Way More !
Webtoons — Batman: Wayne Family Adventures, Clinic of Horrors, Conspiracy Research Club, Ghost Eyes, Jackson’s Dairy, School Bus Graveyard, Unfamiliar, unOrdinary + Way More !
Musicians/Bands — Arctic Monkeys, Billie Eilish, Bo Burnham, Destroy Boys, Jon Lajoie, Lovejoy, Melanie Martinez, Olivia Rodrigo, Penelope Scott, Rare Americans, The Killers, Wilbur Soot + Way More !
Misc — DC stuff, Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared (TV Series Included), Starkid Musicals (Main are: The Guy Who Didn’t like Musical, Black Friday, Twisted & A Very Potter Musical), Marble Hornets, MCYT & Minecraft series (Dream SMP is selective), Minecraft Empire’s, Salad Fingers, Sanrio, VIVINOS content (ie Pink Bitch Club & others), Vocaloid + Way More !
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bones-sprouts · 3 years
Human Error series by teeth_eater - Alright, first up we have the Human Error series! This series uses the "humans are space orcs trope" in that Tommy is a human stowaway on an alien ship run by SBI. Hijinks and angst ensue. 
Questions for Ada series by SilverWing15 - Aka that one fic series in which Tommy is a werewolf who so happens to go through the foster system. He's placed into the SBI household and tries to keep his werewolf stuff a secret.
when the wolf comes home by ThatWeirdGuyInTheBushes - Clingy Duo oneshot of after the New L'Manberg explosion.
Dollhouse by Lacy_Star - Holy frick Cam can I not recommend this one enough. It's fic in which the premise is that Dream locks everyone inside Pandora's Vault so they can all be one big happy family again. It's absolutely chilling and lowkey horrifying in which some of the characters behave towards their new predicament. 10/10, leaves a pit of dread in your chest afterwards.
that's it, it's split (it won't recover) by Jk_Kat - Tommy is revived and gets addicted to being dead after seeing all the new changes to the server. Angsty but with a happy ending, I love it.
keep you warm and safe by always_an_anxious_mess - Bench Trio fluff + WingInnit = Very fluffy preening scene. 
dissonance by shrugofgod - Tubbo centric fic that can kinda act as a character study. Deals with him processing his trauma.
Adagio by eneli - Another one I absolutely adore. I enjoy most works by eneli in general, they're an amazing writer. But anyways, this fic is a modern setting AU with coming of age Tommy and his new friend Tubbo. Focuses a lot on Tommy's relationship with SBI and Tubbo. I must warn you however, if you choose to read the rest of eneli's fics you'll notice a certain trend with them (not bad, just ohohohoho).
As for another work by this author I recommend TommyInnit's unbeatable method of avoiding sudden death. Vigilante Tommy crack fic. So much crack. So much humor. Made me cackle several times while reading.
Saturday's at the Diner by justsummr - SBI foster family focused fic (surprise surprise, you can tell what fics I highly enjoy). Wilbur, Techno and Phil own a family diner in which Tommy starts visiting pretty often. Very heartwarming fic, I adore it.
where did my courage go (I think I left it under the rubble) by violet_sunflowers - Ah the vigilante fics I read. This is one of them and focuses on Vigilante Bench Trio + Superhero SBI (Phil, Wilbur and Techno). 
Saturday series by ScumbagSimon - Another vigilante fic series. The first book focuses on Vigilante Tommy and Bench Trio, in which Tommy gets into encounters with Villain Dream Team and Superhero SBI. The second book is more Ranboo centric with Villain BBH + Crimson.
Bee & Boo & Michael (and sometimes Tommy) series by Doodlebloo - Ah the series which I go to ignore canon. Heavily Bee Duo centric with lots of fluff and a bit of angst. 
Casualty and Consequence by skyestar7703 - The SMP is a hellhole Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo and Purpled are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Literally.
On another note, definitely check out the Living in the Circular series by the same author. This one has certain DSMP characters going through multiple "loops" and basically serves as a fic in which they go into several pieces of media and AUs possible.
east of eden series by subwaywalls - Holy shit Cam. This is another one I can't recommend enough, the description is beautiful and this series left me with a bittersweet numb ache after reading it. One of those fics that made me cry. It's an SBI foster family fic in which Phil is the equivalent to a biblically accurate angel, and Wilbur, Techno, Tommy and Tubbo are different magical beings. 10/10, I love to reread it.
ad astra per aspera series by cacowhistle - From difficulty to the stars. It's a canon divergent fic set near exile time in which Bedrock Bros heal together and more characters join in on healing. I very much adore this series.
I was a kid in the village, doing alright, then I became a prince overnight by sircantus - Phil's a king, Techno and Wilbur are princes and Tommy's an orphan who gets adopted into the royal family. Hijinks galore.
Another fic by the same author I like is Change fate by being aggressively kind. Phil's an avian in a world where avians are rare, Techno, Wilbur and Tommy are the Minecraft equivalents of the Antichrist. Cue Phil having another way to stop the apocalypse without murdering the children.
Honeycomb by khaoticwoes - Tangled AU in which Tubbo is Rapunzel, Tommy is Flynn and Dream is Gothel. Tommy's just accidentally caused crime towards King Phil, and we also have Sapnap and George as criminal brothers to Tommy.
Stream Labs LIVE by A_Non_ymousWriter - AU in which there's an ARG surrounding genius teen scientist Tubbo that is very highly produced. Turns out this ARG isn't an ARG an everything is happening in a fantasy world parallel to the modern one. I recommend other works from this author as well.
We'll (Ender)walk this long road together by Ravivkit - Bee Duo centric fic in which Enderwalk Ranboo cares about Tubbo very much, but Ranboo is unaware and afraid of it. Cue lots of fluff but also some angst.
Those are my fic recs for now! I hope you enjoy them!
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heliianth · 2 years
i would like to hear about your au! you mentioned that it was a superhero? au i believe.
hello hi ty yes and no on the superhero part its a bit weird. ok. preface this is admittedly mostly not based on the actual dsmp storyline. everything is under the cut because its LONGGGG read at your own risk
So we start somewhere in the year 2800 (we're going scifi baby), we're still on earth <- sounds redundant to clarify but i wanted to since so many aus take place on an SMP-equivalent. the main setting is a fictional American megacity which I havent named yet L. a full out WWIII happened in this future, which caused a massive nuclear war. comic book science dictates that huge amounts of high tech radiation nukes = superpowers. u see where im headed. huge swaths of people were caught up in the fallout and found themselves with superhuman abilities the government would later label as virtues, but since these were from an unstable source their actual utility and longevity were also unstable, and could stick around for a only few generations or literal centuries. the American government imposed laws which sought to regulate civilian use of these powers (your classic dystopian surveillance stuff). this caused massive protests to break out nationwide, which the government couldn't crack down upon effectively because. superpowers yk?
THAT was a block of text woo-ee ok heres another one. America started the Virtue Authority and Legal Union of Evolution (VALUE) which carried on R&D from after WWIII. In order to conduct the research, the government tried to "equalize" things by imposing alternative regulations on those without virtues for "safety reasons," putting the blame on any superpower accidents on those without the means to avoid them. VALUE would be used to try and restore virtues in a family line if they disappeared, eventually dipping it's toes into simulating them artificially by reactivating dormant genes with radiation. unfortunately for America, these experiments would only further heighten unrest because of their high mortality rate and the dubious state of whether people were actually volunteering. so the organization would be redirected towards the purpose of keeping "national peace."
THIS IS WHERE STUFF THAT ACTUALLY EFFECTS our little guys come in. Alrighty. VALUE, in order to meet the American government's demand for policing and enforcement, started drafting their virtued people for those purposes. by the year 2850 (sorry LOL), the demands would escalate to the point where entire academies were developed for teaching virtued people to basically be weapons for the government to use to ensure control. the stakes kept escalating, spreading outside of America, and VALUE's (which is now an American branch of a global organization with the same purpose) simulated virtues using already existing people weren't cutting it. a new branch of VALUE, the Eden Program, utilized the virtue academies to start what would later be essentially a eugenicist effort to create more test subjects via being born into their custody. By 2900, the Eden Program, which had branched out into selectively breeding for certain virtues, would be perfected to the point where it's subjects (units) were genetically controlled down to their appearance. If you're familiar with the mcu, these are basically reflavored winter soldiers LMAO. conversely, a scattered group of freedom fighters (could be considered terrorists depending on whos side youre on) called the Arc continue to resist against everything going on.
alright ok phew are we still following? now to get onto actual people we recognize.
The Eden Program started Project Convergence, which organized the Academies in response to the Arc growing in popularity, and tried to play god with their already stupid-evil genetic programs. The reality-warping virtues that were simulated by Project Convergence ended up being extremely unstable and dangerous to both the units born into the project and the researchers and staff involved. Dream (woof woof!), current day (2950s), is the only living survivor of Project Convergence, because he was the only one who held out long enough for stabilizing technology to develop.
Sapnap and Punz are the main other familiar faces involved in Project Covergence, but not as units. Sapnap was brought in as a different "class," sort of like a support dog but as a little brother. Eden thought if Dream could develop an emotional connection, he would live through the programming Project Convergence demanded (they were right because the power of love conquers all <3), and Punz comes in later after Dream and Sapnap are enrolled in a virtue academy with BBH as an instructor, during which George (a non-virtued student prodigy in technological development working for the British branch of VALUE) would be assigned to keep Dream's stabilizing technology up to date. COMMENCE FRIENDSHIP
Techno was a part of the Eden Project before Project Convergence was started, but intervention in the form of an Arc raid, lead by Phil (hello!) on the academy he attended disrupted his programming and he found himself tentatively going with them after Phil showed him kindness that contradicted the propaganda he was fed. Techno's later allegiance and involvement in the Arc movement is a big deal politically and optically, because the Eden Program units are built different (to underexaggerate LOL) compared to those with natural virtues, and having one on your side is an absolute win. Wilbur and Tommy are born into the Arc movement a while afterwards, though Wilbur stops wanting to be involved after an altercation that kills Kritsin (sorry mumza :c) and he's got some eldest daughter syndrome going on surrounding Tommy.
we are nearing the end of how much i've thought this au through (its relatively plotless most of what i've got is backstory. dog frisbee meme NO PLOT ONLY CONCEPT). ok. hang on a little bit longer.
George is pulled away from his usual job working on combat technology for Sapnap Punz and Dream to contribute to a possible breakthrough on old Project Convergence research. Sapnap goes with him as his Endurance Class (if i explain the different classes that were selectively bred for i will be here all day just tell me if you want them ill make a different post). The research facility is subsequently infiltrated and arson-ed by the Arc (Phil is present at this one), and the Eden Program, not wanting anyone to get away with the research, disables all methods of escape from the inside. So SNF are trapped. George finds an elevator panel and starts hurriedly taking it apart, trying to recalibrate it so they can escape, while Sapnap protects him from the fire. the Arc, seeking escalation and a way into the building, fries the electricity, which causes all of the lines to overload and explode, one of which directly in George's face. through sheer force of will and lots of pain tolerance Sapnap manages to get both of them out and into a hospital, where they say George will probably have trouble seeing for the rest of his life (for all the fancy tech they have, they cannot restore sight). Dream, who up to now has kind of only gone where the government has pointed him to, has his anger at the Arc deliberately used as a tool to send him on a warpath. and of course Eden isn't going to tell him that they were the ones who locked his friends in.
The Arc gets wiped on the floor, and eventually they're forced to send Techno into the field to protect themselves and their men, as the only person able to stand up to another Eden Program unit, but Eden pulls an unstable Dream back before they can confront each other physically, not wanting to see the fallout. After all that massacre is done, Punz (who is basically a bloodhound) finds evidence corroborating the story Techno told Dream on the field (that Eden locked George and Sapnap in deliberately, intending for them to die in the Arc's explosion so there would be no witnesses of the research they were doing in the facility), and Dream has to levy all the weight he's got as the only Convergence Class to keep both of them alive when Sapnap privately corroborates the story as well. Convinced enough by Eden's disregard for his friends, Dream reaches out to neither Phil nor Techno to extend a hesitant offer of neutral allegiance, but to Tommy and Wilbur, who Punz had sniffed out on the search for Phil. Dream states that Phil and Techno would probably never accept their little group, and isn't too keen on being on friendly terms with them either after what Phil did to his friends. Tommy, who knows all about the Eden Program both through getting in trouble with enforcement and due to simple wonder, immediately writes back without Wilbur's knowledge (and gets an earful for it, but it's too late), telling Dream that they've got his back and they have a healer if he'd like to get Sapnap and George out of the danger zone.
OKAY were all caught up on what my brain has thinked up minus details and worldbuilding (like the inventory system, weapons, virtue classes bred for in Eden, particular character roles, etc) I can provide along with clarification if anyone is curious ^w^ so yes, kind of a superhero au, kind of not.
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obsidian-art04 · 11 days
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God of Time
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grape-writes · 10 months
Eden Smp [2]
Chapter Two: New Beginnings
Masterlist - Previous - Next
Content: Character introductions, specifically of the characters Eden and the nameless (but often referred to) Bug.
Warning(s): Exhaustion, characters not taking care of themselves, etc. [To be added to]
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They weren’t sure how long they’d been walking, the burn in their legs made it feel like it’d been weeks. Their path up the hillside felt agonizing to walk along, pushing their way through the forest towards a direction unknown to them. Even as exhaustion pressed on their limbs, as pain shot up their legs from their newly acquired hooved feet. They didn’t know where they were headed, they just knew they needed to move forward, get as far from their previous home as possible. It was almost as if something was pushing them forward, away from their past.
‘Keep moving.’
A voice, not their own, echoed in their mind. The words sent a jolt through them, forcing their limbs forward.
They shambled like a zombie, back hunched over, staggering forward. Their black hair was unkempt, dirty and tangled despite its short length, short and jagged, like it’d been cut with a sword. The underside of their dark hair was a stark white, barely seen with the length of it. Their skin was almost pale enough someone would have confused them for a ghost wandering through the forest. The pale was disrupted by gold lined black horns growing from their hairline, scar tissue forming around them, and the purpled grey hair along their ears and legs. Their violet eyes were marred with bags, formed from their lack of sleep.
Their clothes weren’t in any better condition. Their violet hoodie was worn, poorly patched, and covered in ash and dirt. Their shorts were ripped, signs that they had once been longer pants, cut short in a hurry with frayed edges. Their top was a sleeveless turtleneck with an open back; their back wasn’t exposed, however, with bandages wrapped around the flesh, dried blood dotted the edges.
‘Stop. Person nearby.’
The voice commanded, and their body obeyed without question. Like a puppet, forced to move with it’s strings, stilling in an instant the word ‘stop’ was spoken- er thought?
They couldn’t help the scowl that formed on their face at the sensation as it overcame them. Yet they couldn’t force their body to move any further, the only thing they could move was their eyes, searching and scanning the trees in front of them. There was nothing, no sound in the air, no sticks being broken, not even the subtle sound of breathing that hid beneath the sound of the wind or animals.
Who could they have been led to? The dread that built towards anything related to the voice in their head, Xiolraeth, was all encompassing. Anything related to Xiolraeth was dangerous. Though so was nothing anyone going against them could really do to them. They doubted Xiolraeth would do anything to bring harm to the goat hybrid, but that didn’t mean Xiolraeth was trustworthy.
A hand on their shoulder broke them from their scrambled thoughts, igniting a squawk that quickly turned into a bleat. Their body froze up, joints locking up in surprise. “What the fuck.”
They weren’t sure if the curse was at the noise that came from their throat or at the hand on their shoulder. Probably both.
‘Don’t be rude.’
Xiolraeth’s voice chastised. Eden chose to ignore it.
As they turned around, they came face to face with the strange person, who’d backed away. Their sleeves uselessly covered their raised hands, lifted in a pacifying way.
“Oh! Apologies! I didn’t mean to startle you. You just... looked a little lost? Or perhaps unwell? Do you require aid?” Came the soft voice from the stranger.
They- she? Was a small thing, a bit shorter than Eden themselves, her white face looked blurry- or maybe it was fur? She had long hair that fell in long waves, strands tangled and dirty, ending loosely at her waist. Her eyes were beady, black, reminding the goat hybrid of the eyes of a fly or butterfly. Her hands appeared to be, even under her sleeves, clawed, with two fingers. Her feet were similarly shaped. Atop the stranger's head were two antenna, easy half her height each, each tipped in a transparent dot at the end, like any insect with antenna, really.
The weirdest part about her physical appearance was the fact she appeared to have no mouth, just smooth skin in the place of it.
The stranger wore a very oversized striped sweater, the sleeves long over her hands and stained with the remains of dyes. Over the sweater she wore overall shorts, one of the straps falling over her shoulder, flowers embroidered into the fabric. On her legs, she wore what appeared to be striped leggings or stockings
The stranger's antenna dipped down to inspect the goat hybrids face, poking at their cheeks and nose, concern clear in her eyes.
The hybrid leaned back away from the sudden barrage, “n, no, it’s fine... sorry about that...” they tugged their hoodie over their shoulders, suddenly aware of the chill in the air, “...Mm fine.”
They had hoped the lie was enough to drive the stranger away. They wanted to be left alone, regardless of what the voice in their head clearly was trying to do.
The whisper sent a chill over their skin.
The insectoid kept the distance between them the same, stepping forward to offer a clawed hand, “Are you sure? You look like you haven’t eaten in a while... or slept... I have a camp just over the hill there that’s safe from mobs.”
This stranger wasn’t wrong, they hadn’t stopped moving since they’d left, exhaustion hung over their shoulders like billowing clouds over land, and hunger gnawed at their insides. Their eyes must’ve appeared bloodshot from how little sleep they’d gotten.
“...Maybe a... little... hungry...” the goat hybrid straightened their back, ignoring the burn of pain that shot through them when they did, “...Been lookin for a place for a while... to set of shop, I guess.”
The hybrids tone was noncommittal, indecisive. An attempt to give themselves an out should this stranger prove to be like their previous home.
Ash and fire burned into their mind, only brushed away with a quick shake.
“Er just... just a place to stay until I decide to move on...”
The insectoid lit up, clawed hands slipping out of her sleeves to grab onto Edens arms, dual claws digging into the arm of their hoodie. “Perfect! There's a ton of land where I'm camped out! We can discuss it while you eat something!!”
‘She is trustworthy. She will not bring you harm.’
Xiolraeth’s tone was full of endearment, soft. They couldn’t help their shoulders relaxing at these words, like a weight was lifted off.
They weren’t sure about this stranger's trustworthiness, not quite yet, but a part of them couldn’t help but agree.
They could feel Xiolraeths smile at that thought.
“Oh!” What do I call you?” the flowers that wrapped around the stranger's head swayed softly, her antenna bounced, “I don’t really have a name personally, so you can call me whatever you’d like!”
The name Evelyn sat on their tongue at the question, a name long since removed from them yet it was the first thought when asked for something to call them. they washed it away by licking their lips. It had been the name their dad gave them, originally the name of some distant relative that’d died long before their birth. A name with far too much history, too many sad memories that drowned out the good ones.
They... wanted to start fresh. And this seemed like the best chance of doing so.
“Eden. Call me Eden.” they- Eden- finally said, “...Nice to meet you.”
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radioduo · 3 years
i was tagged in a thing by @chimerical-caracal and i have free time so let’s do it!
name?: eden!
gender?: uhhh non-binary, but i’m thinkin agender is good :]
star sign?: scorpio! i don’t really know what it says about me so do with that information what you will lmao
height?: d-danny devito height.....
current time?: i don’t want to destroy the illusion that i may or may not be british so i’ll leave you to wonder lmao
birthday?: november 16th...... no i’m not kidding i promise /lh
favorite bands?: i’ll be honest, i don’t listen to too many bands? i’ll just say lovejoy! i also don’t know what songs i listen to are by bands and what songs are by solo artists 😳
fave solo artist?: BEN PLATT! FUCKIN LOVE THAT GUY! also uhh, dodie and penelope scott!
song stuck in my head?: a mixture of sex sells and line of sight lfndnkfhdj a very interesting combo
last movie watched?: i have no clue, but it might be like.. some disney movie that i don’t remember
last show?: i also have no idea what the last show i watched was, but i think it might be atla?
blog creation?: uhhhhh as i answer this i realize how bad my memory is- i don’t remember this one either-
what i post?: i usually post stuff about the dream smp n stuff, sometimes i branch out to like no straight roads or other games but usually just random stuff about the dsmp
last thing googled?: i think it was my local theatre company and the date of their next performance
other blogs?: i’ll probably end up making a side blog at some point, but for right now i don’t have one
do i get asks?: no 😔 i got a rlly nice anon ask a bit ago but other than that not really
reason for url?: haha funny garden of eden pun go brr (i really have no idea bro it just kinda happened lmao)
how many following?: 91!
average hours of sleep?: we..... we don’t talk about that.... /j
lucky number?: not really lucky, but i like the number 12 for some reason? it’s funny to me for no reason at all
instruments?: i’ve been playing piano for 5+ years, and i taught myself ukulele and guitar! i also own an otamatone but i don’t play it well lmao
fit check?: a peach colored shirt, a blue plaid flannel type thingy, black leggings!
dream trip?: i’ve thought about it a lot, but honestly i want to take two of my irls to a little cabin in the mountains by the lake where we just chill for like two weeks, on the way there listening to a road trip playlist that we each contribute to... good vibes 😌
nationality?: a mystery that may never be solved.....
favorite song?: multiple way tie between action movie hero boy, sweet hibiscus tea, sex sells, and line without a hook :]
last book i read?: it was either jackaby by william ritter or the dear evan hansen book but i don’t know for sure
top three fantasy universes i’d want to live in?: uh probably the pjo universe, minecraft, and if i’m allowed to say my own, i have a poggers paranormal type universe (and if i’m not, then my back up universe is the pokemon universe!)
last but not least, favorite color?: mm either a deep navy blue or a nice plumb purple. i also like whatever colors are on my blog theme, it’s like a sunset and i love it!
that’s all! i don’t know who does and doesn’t like it, so i won’t tag anyone, but if someone happens to see this and wants to do it, go ahead!
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at7reblogs · 2 years
Decided to finally make a blog that’s only for reblogs. Usually fandom stuff. Primarily runs on queue.
Will contain things that might not be suitable for all ages, you have been warned.
General Tags
signal boost
important message
misc. stuff
Fandom Tags
mcyt fanart
hermitcraft (hermitcraft fanart)
traffic light smp (traffic light smp fanart)
3rd life smp (3rd life smp fanart)
last life smp (last life smp fanart)
double life smp (double life smp fanart)
limited life smp (limited life smp fanart)
secret life smp (secret life smp fanart)
100 hours hardcore
empires smp (empires smp fanart)
afterlife smp (afterlife smp fanart)
new life smp (new life smp fanart)
evo smp (evo smp fanart)
witchcraft smp (witchcraft smp fanart)
rats smp (rats smp fanart)
pirates smp (pirates smp fanart)
Anime & Manga
fairy tail
gegege no kitaro
kekkai sensen
edens zero
Cartoons & Comics
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obsidian-art04 · 14 days
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The gorgeous sun god and her ugly ass moon god brother
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obsidian-art04 · 15 days
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So, anyone elses private minecraft smp like this? Or are my friends and I just a bit weird
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