#edgeshot death
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"Watch us tell our stories at the Circus of Death."
Some Circus of death character arts I did to pass the time <3
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godlessflea · 2 years
Ep.51 - I do what I can
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da-vulture-boi · 2 years
Bakugou explaining how he has the heart of a hero:
Random “Aw yeah, you sure do bud! You go man!”
B “No… I like- literally have the heart of a hero…”
R “yeah I get it! You mean well!!”
R “…”
B “yeah, that’s right. Be fucking silent you dumb extra!”
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quill-n · 2 years
(written with your Living Doll AU in mind, didn't feel right to post it since it isn't technically mine, so here ya go.) *drops this like a bomb and runs away*
“Tsunagu?” Shinya asks through the door, rapping his knuckles on the old ancient wood. “Do you have a spare moment?” Shinya opens the door and pokes his head inside. Tsunagu has his head on his crafts table as if he’s fallen asleep while trying to work, but stirs at the sound of Shinya’s voice.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you, I saw the light and thought….” Shinya trails off, feeling foolish. “Sorry, I’ll let you sleep.”
Four spider-like eyes blink at him through the demure light of the lantern, and Tsunagu’s words stop him from leaving the room. “What did you need, Shinya?”
“Oh! Ah, haha,” Shinya chuckles nervously and scratches the back of his head, and Tsunagu already notices the problem before Shinya says it; the threading around his mouth is undone again. “My stitches are messed up and, I can’t find the hand mirror?”
“I’ll fix them, it’s no trouble,” Tsunagu says, bidding Shinya to sit as he reaches for his sewing kit. As he sits, Shinya notices an open book on Tsunagu’s desk that Tsunagu must been reading before succumbing to sleep. It’s flipped to an herbal remedy, and guilt pricks at Shinya like a thorn. He should be diverting Tsunagu’s attention from trying to save that human boy, but damn him if he doesn’t love Tsunagu’s attention.
Gentle fingers guide him to look to his right, and butterflies flutter in his stomach as the touch lingers, tilting Shinya’s head up so Tsunagu can have a better view. A clawed finger—or is it just a pointed nail?—brushes over the tear in his flesh and he shudders at the feeling. There’s always a sort of inexplicable sensation when Tsunagu touches him as if his undead skin is reacting to Tsunagu’s spirit energy. He’s not sure if Tsunagu can feel it too, or if it’s something only the dolls can feel, but a blush rises and he adverts his eyes.
A small smile tugs at Tsunagu’s lips as he eyes the tattered string still in the tear. The broken edges are too clean to be anything but intentionally cut, perhaps with the scissors from Shinya’s own sewing kit.
He gently plucks the cut threads free, then begins sewing the tears with fresh navy thread. His stitching is as seamless as ever, after a lifetime of tailoring, it’s effortless and somewhat calming to him now. He never minds fixing up his dolls when they break, especially Shinya, although, fixing Rumi and Keigo does annoy him from time to time, and sometimes he just wants to sew their mouths shut to stop them from bickering.
Tsunagu tries to stitch through the holes already present but Tsunagu has no fear that Shinya’s in any pain. Being dead, their pain receptors don’t function as they used to, but they can feel the uncomfortable sensation when something foreign enters their skin, like when you get pricked with a needle but the nurse can’t find a vein and just digs around for one.
Shinya wants to lean into Tsunagu’s touch, close his eyes and enjoy the moment, but Tsunagu would probably judge and question the action, so he turns his gaze to Tsunagu’s face instead. His eyes are focused on his work, each movement slow and controlled as he takes his grand old time to do things right. Or perhaps he’s taking his time so he can enjoy the moment for as long as possible? A cute, self-indulging, hopeful thought that warms his heart, but is utterly false.
“Where’s Rumi and Keigo?” Tsunagu murmurs.
“They went out to find something edible for our new friends,” Shinya answers not thinking much of it, but a fond huff from Tsunagu has his eyebrows scrunching in question. “What?”
“I was just thinking of the Christmas cake you tried to make me one year.” Shinya’s face turns to a scowl in rapid time, and Tsunagu laughs, though Shinya’s change of expression forces him to pause in his work.
That cake, if you could even call that inedible monstrosity a cake, was made about a year and a half before they died. He’d tried to recreate his mother’s old recipe for it and completely missed the mark. “That’s hardly an example of edible food.”
“Indeed, but it’s a pleasant memory, now stop moving if you please. Thank you.” Tsunagu prods Shinya to look the other way and begins working again. They continue reminiscing, talking about nothing in particular and Tsunagu is grateful for the distraction. He has no idea how to help Bakugou, and he’s been running himself ragged trying to figure out how to help, which he should be doing now, but the break is welcome and it eases his stress.
Tsuangu finishes much sooner than he or Shinya would’ve liked. Tsunagu wants nothing more than to stay here with Shinya and forget about his troubles for a little while longer, the time already eclipsed seems too short.
He trails a finger over the new stitches “Do they feel okay?”
“Yeah,” Shinya affirms. “good as new.”
“Good, then I suppose we’re done.”
“Uhh, wait, could you, uh,” Shinya flushes, his voice becoming meek and quiet. “could you check the stitching on my tongue too? I-I think I felt it loosening a bit ago.”
“Did you?” Tsunagu asks, not at all believing that, but fully willing to indulge his little doll as he attempts to play his not-so-subtle mind game. “Let me see?”
Shinya obediently opens his mouth to let Tsunagu check for the nonexistent loose threads. He slips two fingers into Shinya’s mouth, his mind flashing to a very different thing he could slide into his doll’s willing mouth, and Shinya unknowingly echoes a similar thought, his breath hitching. Tsunagu gently raises Shinya’s tongue to look under it but finds nary a stitch out of place. Which is exactly what he expected.
“The stitching looks perfect.” Tsunagu retracts his fingers, and Shinya mourns the loss but closes his mouth and swallows back the building saliva. Tsunagu grabs some spare cloth he’d been meaning to turn into a towel before certain recent events transpired and wipes the saliva off his hand.
“Sorry, must’ve been my imagination then.” Shinya lies.
“There’s no remorse needed for cautiousness,” Tsunagu says, turning to put his needle and thread back where they belong.
“Oh, well, thank you for indulging me.” Shinya murmurs, looking for any reason he could stay. He’s already taken up enough of Tsunagu’s time, and he knows that since Tsunagu is done patching him up he should leave, but he doesn’t want to. He wants Tsunagu to himself a bit more.
“Of course, Shinya. I’m happy to indulge you.” Tsunagu’s voice sounds pleased and a bit teasing as he speaks and he makes sure everything is neatly squared away, then glances at the open book with a frown—he’s studied it for hours and has yet to glean any useful information from it—and shuts it.
Their companionable silence is short-lived, however, as a very panic-stricken Aizawa barges into the room unannounced, and Shinya frowns at the sight of him, already knowing what’s about to happen.
“Hakamata-san!” Aizawa all but shouts, and Tsunagu whips around, his heart sinking. Back to work. “It’s Bakugou, he’s…”
“Show me.” Tsuangu’s already rising from his chair, and he follows Aizawa out of the room, casting Shinya a regretful look as he passes, his sharp fingertips flighting across his shoulder.
Shinya’s heart flutters at the touch, and an anger-fueled jealousy bubbles from his core, anger at Bakugou for getting hurt so badly, for Aizawa stealing Tsunagu away from him and monopolizing all his attention. And, selfishly, he wishes it were just them like it was in the beginning, before all the other dolls.
The bone-deep chill of guilt chases his anger away leaving a hollow cave in his heart, and he instantly feels horrible for even thinking such things. it’s not Bakugou’s fault for getting hurt, nor Aizawa’s for helping him.
I’m acting like a child having a temper tantrum when his mother forces him to share his toys. I should be doing something useful, not… not this.
He eyes the book on the table, it must’ve come from the library. Perhaps he should check the library too, it’d give him something to do at least.
OH MY GOD? OH MY GOD OH MY GOD???? (positive)
I kept almost-dropping my phone while I was reading this because I'm SHAKING FROM EXCITEMENT
hold on—
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^ artist's rendition of my actual reaction to this
I seriously can't get over this— you wrote their dynamic SO PERFECTLY I'm
I am *so honored* to have such good writing done for my au— THANK YOU SO MUCH!! (genuine; very excited)
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kiribread · 1 year
Spirit Realm AU!
I’m finally getting to a lore post with this au!
Also while the AU does differ from the main series it does mirror some of the OG bnha storyline so spoilers ahead!
So this AU consist mostly of the spirit realm (obviously) and the living! It mainly follows Edgeshot and Bakugo. Edgeshot died in a lab incident after reviving Bakugo but due to the nature of his revival it opened up a vestige realm between them! 
Living World:
In this world, quirks exist but in a different manner than in the OG series.
People receive quirks in this world by either one, being gifted it in lab experiments or two, either one or both parents passing their quirk DNA onto their offspring.
Quirks, while originally reserved for police and military, have been spreading throughout civilian lives.
The main reason for this was the rise of illegal quirkifications. Many criminals were illegally getting quirks and terrorizing citizens. The quirkified police force (QPF) was not yet fully formed at this time so they let citizens within certain parameters receive quirks to defend themselves.
A few years has passed since then and now quirks are mostly a part of normal life with criminals being better taken care of by the QPF.
The Beginning of Lab Experiments:
The lab experiments were started by two brothers.
Their goal was (what it seemed at least) to make people's lives easier by special powers they called quirks. 
The younger brother stayed true to this goal, he himself was rather weak and fragile due to his health and hoped that with quirks burdens like this could at least be eased for future generations.
The older brother however did not, he saw the potential power this could bring and became consumed by power and greed. 
Because of this the two brothers fought and broke the experiments up. The younger brother kept his experiments going according to his ideologies while the older brother hid in the shadows and did his experiments according to his ideologies.
Today, governments mostly use the younger brother's experiments for their country while criminals use the older brothers.
Lab Experiments Today:
While the younger brother was still alive and was running his version of the experiments he had a specific guideline of morals for the experiments to follow. He did this to avoid corruption and to give every right possible to the experimented.
Of course as time went on after his mysterious death those guidelines grew to only be loosely followed if followed at all.
The Public Safety Commission (PSC) runs both the experiments and the QPF.
Experiments are usually done either before the subject is born (in which case they’ll be considered lab born) or after which the time period to receive said quirk is from the moment they’re born till they’re about 5 or 6.
The reason they’re done so early is that it gives the subject the most likely chance of survival. After 5 or 6 the rate of survival drops year after year. While it still can be done as an adult it would be very risky.
This time period also gives them a chance to adopt and grow into their quirk.
Unless the subject lab born, receiving a quirk is considered like a second birth.
The quirkification process can provide a large toll onto the body so to combat that they put the subject into a medically induced coma for anywhere from a week to a month or 2.
If you’ve been experimented once before (usually when you first receive your quirk) you could be experimented on again since now you have a tolerance. 
This (for the little brother’s version at least) doesn’t mean you’re getting another quirk, but they can run tests and all that good stuff on you.
They can only do this to subjects either in the military or in the QPF. So civilians are mostly safe.
There’s no way to 100% ensure you won’t get experimented on as a military or QPF member since if you want to be either one of those things you have to sign a waiver agreeing to it. If you say no you’ll be denied. 
You can consent to certain experiments however. So you could agree to experiments that may test your quirk’s endurance or how it interacts with different environments.
The experiments don’t usually sound too bad on paper, (done on purpose) they could be a lot worse in action.
The PSC also has been known for out right discarding your options and just doing what they want to you anyways.
Spirit Realm:
(This category isn’t exactly done because I only have notes down for the overview and one of the subclasses so there will be a second post once I get at least the important ones down. Also this post is already pretty long so breaking it up should make it more manageable!)
This includes one section of many realms you can enter when you die.
These realms have more of a relationship similar to countries in the living world than being separated. Think like how the US gets along with the UK and not with Russia. 
If you were to look at all of them on a map I'd look more like a puzzle than a world. 
Each one of these realms can be quite different from each other and could have sub categories.  
They all have one thing in common though, it’s that they are semi similar to the living world and are a common destination for young people (18 and younger), those who had a strong will to live at death, and those who are not ready to fully pass on (The main spirits can also chose if someone is ready to pass on or not). 
Sometimes people choose to go to the spirit realms if they have a friend or loved one there that they want to stay with.
Well that’s enough for now! I’ll link the posts for character info and more spirit realm info here and here for when I finish those!
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dolche-tejada · 2 months
You know, I think this ending would have been slightly less of a fucking disappointment if the heroes hadn't been so unfairly favored by Horikoshi compared to the villains. I mean, seriously
Deku destroys every bone in his body multiple times throughout the story and is warned that if he continues, he'll permanently lose the use of his limbs ? Everything's fine, his body's just got used to being reduced to a bloody pulp somehow so there's no consequences for him. In fact even when he literally loses his arms to Shigaraki, he gets them back two minutes later thanks to Eri because guess what ? Her horn still works even when cut off from her body. How convenient.
Gran Torino gets his ribcage obliterated by Shigaraki ? Don't worry guys, he'll survive that despite his old age and injuries, and this to have no particular role in the plot afterwards.
Bakugo dies heroically trying to buy time before Deku arrives ? Lmao, did you really believe it ?? No of course not, Edgeshot just uses his last-minute Deus Ex Machina to save his life at the cost of his own and- Oops nope he's fine too, my bad !
Hawks murders a criminal fleeing for his life in cold-blood ? The best Hori has to offer is him completely free and in charge of the HSPC.
And no, losing his quirk isn't a real consequence for him because not only it literally played a major part in saving the world with Vestige!Hawks raising an insurrection among AFO's quirks, but also because his quirk has always been the element through which people exploited him.
Endeavor abused his family for years and completely destroyed his eldest son ? No jail time and no media backlash for that, the only blame he received was due to the heroes' failure to stop the League during the Raid Arc.
And don't even get me started on this bs about facing hell or whatever for what he's done : He's literally free and wealthy ; he have Rei, Fuyumi, Shoto, his sidekicks and Hawks on his side ; and all the difficulties he's apparently going to suffer are off-screened.
Deku had to sacrifice OFA and his future hero career to save the world ? Guess what, Bakugo invested all his time and money to make him an Iron-Man suit and now he can still be a hero with everyone else.
There are plenty more examples of this but I think you get the idea. Now let's take a look at the villains' ending :
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Toya is now a piece of charcoal kept artificially alive for the few years he has left, unable to move a finger, and whose few minutes a day during which he can stay awake will be spent talking to his father who abused him as a child.
Toga, a literal teenager, killed herself to save Ochako and because she knew it's still better than rotting at Tartarus her whole life.
And not only did she die but she did by bleding to death. Let me repeat for those who have trouble grasping what I've just said : In a manga where the heroes can survive having their heart blown to bits, being impaled Kakyoin-style or smashed against buildings like a fly on a windshield, one of the main antagonists died of a fucking hemorrhage…
As for Shigaraki, after learning that his very birth and all the tragedies of his life have been orchestrated by AFO, after all this development and narrative promises about him being saved in the end... Deku just kills him.
Because despite all his speeches about saving him, it seems like the best he could do was beating him both physically and mentally until he crumbles to dust…
Compress on his side is apparently locked up for life and kept alive by machines too.
A begging Kurogiri tried in a desperate attempt to save Shigaraki, only to be unceremoniously blown up by Bakugo and dying off-screen without anyone giving a shit, including Aizawa and Mic.
And Spinner will now spend the rest of his life struggling with the extra quirks inside him that affect his body and mind, while having to cope with the thought that his boyfriend best friend and companions have either died alone or are locked away for life in horrifying circumstances.
Clearly not the same as with the heroes...
Now don't get me wrong, even if they suffered just as much from the consequences of their actions or the plot as the League, this ending would still be a disaster in terms of writing but AT LEAST it wouldn't reek that much of hypocrisy.
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marimeeko · 2 months
So what WAS THE POINT of Toga dying? Other than making Ochako sad?
Like truly I am not sure what the point of her death was. She could have EASILY lived.
They dragged Dabi's burnt body off the battlefield. Twice.
Edgeshot, said he would die from stretching himself so thin and using all of that energy to help Bakugou. He lived.
I love her, bless her, but Lady Nagant blew up from the inside?? TWICE? How did she live from an "insurance policy" devised by AFO himself, let alone twice??
And Himiko Toga dies because she gives some blood? They could have EASILY saved her life in time too? The math isn't mathing? In the end, what was it for, exactly?
She was the one villain who I thought might have turned it around. She would have faced prison, but I really thought that she was the most likely to get rehab and have that support system from Ochako as they continued to talk across the bars and Ochako would begin to understand her more. I thought there was a chance that they could have continued a relationship after the war. It wouldn't have been perfect, and toga would still have to answer for crimes committed, but, I felt optimistic that there would be at least a sort of balance or common ground they could reach. That she would actually take Ochakos offered hand.
What was the point when she dies from something so preventable?? We get one chapter of Ochako being sad, but what does it MEAN.
Idk this might just be rambling and I might think of it later BUT I am just kinda MEH on this ending with Toga being gone for real.
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peachsukii · 4 months
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₊✩‧₊ ⎯ 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞. it's your final year of UA High, an achievement that should be celebrated and joyous, but you couldn't believe just how much has changed in such a short amount of time. one thing you never thought you'd have to deal with is the potential of losing your best friend and being powerless to stop it.
content // spoilers for ch.362 through 424 of the manga (this is how i'm coping), aged up to 18/19 + end of senior year @ UA, teeny bit of angst mixed with emotional comfort & fluff, reader is in the support department (w/ an unnamed quirk), reader & bakugo are childhood friends, talks of ptsd/trauma/regret and nightmares about death, mentions of medical issues & therapy, emotionally vulnerable and sickly sweet confessions, extremely soft bakugo (maybe ooc? but trauma changes people's outlooks soooo), idiots in love, best friends to lovers. wc // 5.7k + crossposted to ao3 『 k.bakugo masterlist 』
tagging in the beginning to prevent spoilers if you wanted to avoid them; @slayfics @maddietries @starieq @liluvtojineteyam @jays-adventure3 @simp-plague @queenpiranhadon
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War…is over.
For now.
The media wouldn’t stop playing the coverage on repeat, leaving you unable to escape the scene that will haunt you for the rest of your life and forcing you to realize how vulnerable you are as a human being.
((spoilers below the cut))
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You knew the second that Bakugo popped out of the shell of UA’s fortress through a grainy livestream that something was wrong. The way he staggered out, covered in blood with a mangled arm…your heart sank. You had no clue what happened moments prior in that bubble, only the heroes inside knew the truth at the time. Watching Midoriya’s awestruck tears flow as they worked together to save All Might from All for One’s grasp didn’t fill you with hope like others around you - it filled you with fear, a deadly reminder of how dangerous hero society is and the sacrifices it entails. How your duty as a support technician, and as a best friend, wasn’t even close to enough to help him in such dire straits.
Your calls and texts to him went unanswered...as expected. He probably doesn't even have his phone on him. Rumors spread over the course of the week following Shigaraki and All for One’s demise about what happened on the field when the cameras weren’t rolling.
Did you hear about that Bakugo kid? How’d he even get up after all that? You mean from being clinically dead? Yeah, I heard Edgeshot saved his life on the fly. His heart exploded! No, he was punched and it ruptured. But he saved All Might’s life! That was so cool to see. Deku helped, too. He wouldn’t have made it in time without him. A lot of the other students went through a lot of shit…and they expect them to go back to school?
UA was 'kind' enough to give all students a two week break from classes with dorms and buildings open for access as needed. Two weeks to recover from everything that's happened...it was a joke.
You lost count of how many nights you woke up sobbing from nightmares about Bakugo’s death within the past week, ranging from surgery complications to being left to die on the battlefield alone, unable to reach him in time. Your therapist reiterated in your session that this is all a normal response, even when the events didn't directly happen to you and resembled a form of survivor's guilt. It only worsened your negative outlook on society as a whole, knowing full well that they’ve saved Japan today, but there will always be evil lurking and stewing in the shadows, waiting for the next greatest hero to bring to their knees.
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The hospital barred anyone outside of the immediate family to see patients, no matter how much you begged every front desk associate to let you see him. You didn’t want to resort to sounding desperate, but you gave in by the end of the week, stopping by Bakugo’s family home to talk with his parents. To your surprise, Mitsuki was home and answered the door. Not more than a second passed before she was scooping you up into a hug, her shaky hands clutching the back of your shirt as if you were her own daughter returning home for the first time in months.
“Hi sweetie,” she greets, her voice hushed and somber; an entire 180 from her normal demeanor. She lets you go, moving her hands to your shoulders as she invites you inside.
You spend some time catching up with her before asking the inevitable question lingering in the air. “How’s Katsuki? The hospital wouldn’t let me in to see him.”
Mitsuki’s eyes glisten, tears pooling in her eyes as she shakes her head and swallows harshly. “He’s a tough ass kid. Surgery went as good as it could’ve, but…” she trails off, wiping the lone tear rolling over her cheek. “Why don’t you come with me this afternoon to the hospital?”
You bite your lip, hands curling in on themselves as they rest on your knees. “But they told me—”
“Screw that!” She interrupts, standing to her feet. “You’re comin’ with me. You are family to us.”
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Your stomach cartwheels as the hospital comes into view from the backseat of the Bakugo family car, Masaru driving the three of you through the visitor’s parking lot. Mitsuki glances in the rear view mirror, catching the nervous twitch in your lips as you stared out the window.
“Dear, could you give us a minute?” she asks Masaru, motioning him to go on ahead. He nods in acknowledgment and leaves the car to head to the lobby.
“Do you wanna talk before going inside?”
How the hell did she know you were nervous? She’s known you for a good chunk of your live, it’s not too far fetched she’d be able to analyze your emotions like she does for her own son.
“I'm...” you say meekly, fidgeting with your jeans. “...trying to stay positive, but I’ve had so many nasty nightmares and I don’t know what to expect. I've only heard rumors at school about his condition.”
Mitsuki reaches to the backseat and gently takes one of your hands in hers. “Honey, it’s okay. You’re allowed to be scared. Shit, I’m terrified for him and all the other kids…this isn’t something everyday people experience, so it’s unfair to expect yourself to have standards on how to feel. He's alright, I can promise you that.”
You sigh, her words giving you a sense of comfort. “Thank you.”
“And if I can say one thing,” she adds, squeezing your hand to grab your attention. “That kid adores you, he’s just a stupid boy who doesn’t know how to say it.”
The laugh that bubbles up from your belly is genuine, a thin layer of anxiety dissolving at the thought of him getting embarrassed by his mom’s words. Nodding, you let go of her hand and open the car door, signaling you’re ready to go inside.
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“Katsuki! You can’t be up and roaming around!”
Mitsuki’s heels click against the marble flooring as she scampers to Bakugo’s side down the hallway, Masaru trailing behind her when she catches a glimpse of him hobbling into a room that isn’t his own. You stay back, peering from around the corner to avoid being seen if he happened to glance your way. A few minutes pass before you faintly hear Masaru say, "Come on, let's get you back to your room to rest," and the sounds of their footsteps retreating down the hall.
It's almost embarrassing how long it takes you to work up the courage to follow after them - what's the big deal? Your best friend is physically here, not some ghost or a walking corpse from your nightmares. You knew in your heart what it was that kept you frozen in place, a feeling you've long shut away, burying it within the depths of your heart to keep yourself sane.
And it scared the shit out of you, especially now. 
Retreating back to the lobby, you mindlessly scan the vending machines as a distraction until a hand touches your back. You jump at the contact and turn to see Mitsuki and Masaru standing behind you.
"We're heading home for a few hours to make some dinner and come back with leftovers for Katsuki. I told the nurses you're with us, so keep this pass with you." She hands you a visitors badge and you tuck it in your uniform pocket. "I'll bring you some dinner, too, dear. Don't waste your money on snacks. Now go see him, he could use some time away from us."
You've got a chance to be alone with Bakugo to talk with him about...everything, and you're frozen in the goddamn lobby. It takes a bit of kicking yourself in the ass to get moving, but eventually, you begin to warily make your way back to the patient wing. 
A vague memory of standing at UA’s entrance comes barreling to the front of your mind, the day that the hero courses all left to prepare for the war torn city streets with the pros. You’d stood to the side, passively blessing everyone with good luck and your best wishes as they prepared to depart. When Bakugo shuffles away from his parents, he spots you in the crowd and approaches you with a straight face. Just when you’re about to say something, he grabs you by the shoulders, spins you around and pushes you toward a set of hedges nearby. Not completely out of sight, but enough to hide from the majority of the congregation of friends and families.
“Kats?” You question, confused by him secluding the two of you from everyone else.
“Not another word,” Bakugo warns, cornering you in the darkness of the wall and bushes. He hesitates before reaching for one of your hands, warmth flooding from his palm into yours. His other hand scratches at the back of his neck nervously, eyes upturned to the sky as he speaks lowly. 
“Wanted to say thanks for supporting my dream of bein’ a hero all these years. Don’t go worrying about me while I’m out there, alright?”
Before you could interject, his back was to you and marching over to join the others. 
His words rang in your head every night, repeatedly taunting you about the feelings that rattled your ribs from how fast he made your heart beat.
You should have told him then.
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The walk up the stairs to his floor fills you with unexplainable jitters that you've never felt before - were you dreading the conversation? Are you scared he wouldn't reciprocate your feelings, despite Mitsuki's words from earlier? Or...afraid to see the damage in person?
You find his name on one of the patient plaques, taking a deep breath as your knuckles tap on the hollow door. His voice follows soon after, "Yeah, come in."
Your hand lingers on the door handle for a moment before you convince yourself to go inside.
‘Come on, it’s Katsuki. He's your best fucking friend. He knows everything about you and vice versa. Don’t be a damn coward and make it weird.’
The door slides on the track at a snails pace, revealing your face bit by bit to Bakugo as he stares in your direction. Imagine your surprise when his eyes widen upon seeing you, mouth open to say something, but nothing comes out. You shut the door and walk over to the right side of his hospital bed.
“Hey Katsu—”
The words refused to come out as you took in his current condition - a full arm cast, a brace around his waist, oxygen tubes through his nose and multiple bandages covering his pretty face. The window sill is lined with various vases of fresh flowers and 'Get Well Soon!' cards. It's overwhelming, the lump in your throat hardening at the sight, unable to stop the lightning bolts of anxiety zapping the color from your face. Bakugo snaps you out of it when his left hand reaches across the bed and grips your wrist, pulling you closer to him.
“Stop analyzin’ the damage and c’mere already.”
Before you could react, he’s using his free arm to wrap around your shoulders, tucking you against him as tightly as he could manage. “Was wonderin’ when you were gonna come visit me.”
The tears are swiftly building on your waterline, threatening to downpour all over your cheeks and stain his hospital gown. It takes every ounce of willpower not to say 'I didn't think I'd ever see you again.'
“They wouldn’t let me, I’ve been trying for a week. Your mom convinced them to let me in,” you explain as you lay one of your hands over his heart, thumbing over the fabric and feeling the freshly raised scar tissue underneath. “I’ve called and texted you, but figured they didn’t let you have your phone.”
“I don’t even know where it is,” he huffs. “Ma probably has it, or it’s dead on my desk in the dorms.”
Bakugo’s fingers run through your hair, playing with it absentmindedly in silence, sighing to himself. “I’ve got so much shit runnin’ through my head that I can’t think straight.”
“Yeah...I thought that would be the case.” You pull yourself away from his embrace, shifting to the opposite side of the bed before settling in to the chair by the window. "What's going on?"
He pouts, extending his left hand in your direction. There’s a hint of pink under his bandages that begins blooming down his neck when he mumbles, “Want you closer.”
You pick up the chair to scoot it forward as Bakugo groans aloud, shaking his head and patting the empty space next to him in the hospital bed.
“Kats, there isn’t enough room for both of us,” you laugh, unable to hide the drag of your lips curling into a smile at his flustered expression. He stares at you for a moment longer, asking 'please?' with those beautiful ruby eyes of his.
How can you not give in to him?
As gingerly as you can, you slide under the thin blanket on the bed and up against his left side, his arm raised to make room for your body to mold into his. You’re terrified to touch him, treating him like a porcelain statue and stiffening in his embrace.
"M'not gonna break if ya touch me," he comments, patting you on the back for assurance. Reluctantly, you lay your head against his chest and drape your arm over his midsection, settling in and getting as comfortable as you could in the confined space, careful to avoid all of the wires and tubes hooked up to him.
"I'm not used to you being touchy-feely for more than a minute at a time," you joke, smiling when you hear the click of his tongue against his teeth in response. 
"My damn parents are the only ones I've been stuck with, gimme a goddamn break!"
A few minutes pass before you two carry on the conversation again, Bakugo clearing his throat awkwardly before letting go of the breath he was holding. "How...are ya holdin' up?"
Truthfully? You weren't, hoping that the light purple pockets forming under your eyes and lifeless hair were not dead giveaways of your mental status.
"I've...been better. What about you?" you reply, blatantly lying through your teeth. It wouldn't be fair to lay out all of the traumatic shit you've thought about over the last week when he's in the hospital recovering from the actual traumatic events.
"It's...lonely here," Bakugo mutters faintly, almost too low to hear. "An' I can't sleep. The nurses are nice, though, same with the therapist they sent in yesterday."
"They made you see a therapist straight out of surgery?"
"Right? S'what I said. Didn't talk much, though. Basically gave me the rundown of UA supplying all the students a therapist next month. Don't think it'll do much for me, not like I can undo all the shit that happened, but Ma talked me into goin' later on."
"Can't hurt, even if it's every once in awhile."
You trace some of the creases in his hospital gown idly, savoring his presence and the sound of his voice. Bakugo fidgets with the material of your shirt, wanting to avoid dumping all of his thoughts on your shoulders, but the weight is too much for him to hold onto any longer. 
"Izuku's...quirkless again. I don't know how to feel, but I cried like a damn child when I overheard him talkin' with All Might about it. Gave me a perspective that I never thought about before all this shit went down."
"And what's that?"
"...I robbed him of his dream."
You wish, more than anything, that you could go into Bakugo's head and pluck out all the guilt he still harbors over his and Midoriya's childhood together. It's not like Midoriya held it against him anymore, and Bakugo knew that, but he couldn't shake those demons loose that reminded him of his past self.
"You didn't. He knew the costs of One for All and agreed to it, it's not your fault."
"I know, but I feel so fuckin' shitty for treating him like he's dirt for so long."
"It's not stupid to feel," you say, feeling his body tense and relax beneath you. "But Katsuki, you need to forgive yourself. You can't let this eat away at you forever, it's been over two years since you apologized."
His heart aches at your words, knowing you're right, but he couldn't forgive himself...not yet, anyways. Maybe tomorrow, or next week, even next month, just not right now.
"...thank you," is all Bakugo can say, biting the inside of his cheek to prevent himself from getting choked up about it for a second time. Silence falls upon the room, letting the two of you simply co-exist for a moment of peace. It had been a long fucking week, and being in the same room, let alone touching one another, was a luxury you didn't know if you'd ever have again.
"I'm out of commission for a bit, but that's not a concern to me right now. I know I can come back from this shit and stay on track to bein' number one. There's somethin' else that's been on my mind since..." he trails off, the hand on your back moving to your shoulder to tighten his hold on you. "...I fought Shigaraki in that damn fortress."
You rest your hand atop his on your shoulder. "You don't have to talk about it if it's stressful."
"No, I need'ta tell ya before I chicken out 'cause I didn't say it when I had the chance." He tucks a piece of hair behind your ear, twisting the strands in his finger as he bit his lip nervously. He's thankful you aren't currently looking at him, else wise all his cover would be blown before he spoke one word about it.
"The second he broke my arm, I didn't think about the pain, all I could think about was seein' you again. And then some otherworldly shit happened, the weirdest fuckin' out of body experience. I didn't believe in any of that junk until now."
Hearing him recollect the memory of his untimely death resurfaces all of the dormant fears lying in your mind from your nightmares. You screw your eyes shut to keep them away, to shield you a little longer from the pain they inflict upon you. Bakugo was right here, right now, with you. He's not an illusion or a figment of your imagination...he's here.
"...are you shaking?" He asks, hand cascading down your back to calm your nerves. You hadn't noticed that you were trembling, focused on doing your damndest to keep it together and let him spill his guts freely. "Do you want me to stop talkin' about it?"
It's muffled against his hospital gown, but you're able to squeak out a measly 'no.' He pats your head tenderly and shuts his eyes before continuing.
"I remember focusin' on rushing in and getting hit a second time, but this felt...different. There wasn't any pain, and when I came to, All Might's vestige ghost was there. He didn't say anything when I talked to him," Bakugo pauses, inhaling deeply to compose himself. "He led me back to UA and took me to the support wing's workshop. You were testing somethin' with Goggles, giggling away like an idiot with her."
The tears welling up in your eyes were inevitable at this point - was he insinuating that while he was skirting between life and death, he thought about you?
"And then I was outside, lying in the grass at our favorite spot down by the river. You'd dropped your fuckin' popsicle in the dirt, whining about how much you wanted it. I made fun of ya a bit before givin' you mine, but you insisted we share it instead. It was...nice. Everything felt warm and peaceful. When I actually woke up to Jeanist and the others, they kept sayin' I was revived and needed to go to the hospital. That's when I jumped in to help Deku and, well, y'know the rest."
Your body shivers, the hiccup you were desperately holding in coming to the surface in a muted sob. He silently lets a few tears fall, too, the bandages growing saturated with saltiness and stinging the open cuts on his face. His stomach was in knots, but shockingly, he welcomed the foreign feeling. To him, it only confirmed what he felt was true. He didn't know jack shit about love, but was more than confident that he could untangle the complexities of it with you.
"I was knockin' on death's door and you led me back home. Before I left, I was gonna tell ya how important you are to me...now more than ever."
You pray that Bakugo can't feel, or hear, how hard your heart was beating against your sternum, hammering away at his unexpected confession. The whirring of the medical machinery accompanied his words hanging in the air, swirling in tandem with the thoughts in your head.
Do it.
Say it.
Take the chance.
Cautiously, you attempt to sit up and haphazardly slip on the sheets, colliding foreheads with him while trying to catch yourself. Instead of scolding you, Bakugo bursts out laughing, a few stray tears falling from the corners of his eyes. "Y'coulda said something instead of head butting me, brat."
"Like you gave me a chance to say shit!" you scoff, poking him in the chest playfully. When your eyes meet, reflective hearts are bouncing between your gazes, faces lingering dangerously close to one another. "I've...been waiting to tell you something, too."
"Yeah? An' what's that?"
Your vision begins to blur, eyes falling shut as the gravity becomes too much to bare any longer. Your left hand glides up his chest, finding purchase on his collarbone while your lips rest plush against his. Electricity races through your veins and time stands still, all the clichés about love coming to the forefront of your mind and how true they proved to be in the moment. You barely notice when Bakugo's free hand threads through your hair and settles at the nape of your neck, melding the two of you into a deeper first, and definitely not last, kiss. When you part, it's not met with gasps for air, but with breathless sighs of bliss. You're pulling away only to gravitate back into his orbit, unable to resist his advance when he lurches forward to steal a second kiss. Your lips quiver against his as the words in your heart beg to be released, unable to cage the emotions thrashing around in your chest.
"You have no idea how many nightmares…I had about you not coming home…or that it was too late…to bring you back to life in the hospital,” you mutter between delicate kisses, finally having the strength to lean back and lock eyes with him. “I'd be standing at your goddamn grave like a widow whose husband returned from war in a casket, vacantly staring at the ground while the rain soaked through my clothes. The roses always had thorns that cut my hands open. It changed every single night, a new version of losing you before getting the chance to say...," you stop, attempting to swallow the pain long enough to confess, but your voice betrays you and cracks as you blurt out, "that I love you, Katsuki, and—"
He dreamily exclaims, "I love you, too," before the realization hits that he said it out loud and not in his head. It catches you both off guard and sends him into an adorable panic, the previous pink hue to his skin growing deeper by the second.
"S-shit," he stutters, squeezing his eyes shut and scrunching his nose to hide his lovesick expression. Your run your finger along his jawline, careful not to catch any of the bandaging, and stop at his chin to coax his attention back to you.
"I want to be the loudest person that you can hear cheering for you in a crowd when you save a little kid or capture a villain." Your hand cups the right side of his face while you continue to pour your bruised heart out. "To be your number one fan at signings and promo events that an agency is going to force your grumpy ass to do, the one who picks up your broken pieces when no one else is around. I want to give you everything because you deserve nothing less than that."
For the first time in his short life, Bakugo is speechless. What did he ever do to deserve your endearment? He wasn't one to shy away from expressing what was owed to him through blood, sweat and tears - like working hard on an assignment and deserving nothing short of a 100% passing grade - but this was unlike anything else. He truly didn't know why you were so captivated by his energy, even before these confessions came stumbling out into the open. What about him appealed to you in such a way to make you desire him so deeply?
"I—" he struggles to find the words to say, searching his brain incessantly for something to match your sweet sincerity. "I'd be happy sharin' popsicles with you by the river for the rest of my life if that's what it came down to. I don't need money or fame as a hero, bein' with you is more than enough for me."
In the past, something so sickly sweet would make Bakugo gag and be an immature jackass over the sentimentality, but now? He wouldn't admit that he enjoys the warmth blossoming in his chest and how it gives him stupid ass butterflies, especially when it comes to you. It struck at the most random times; when you'd laugh at his dumb jokes, toss him a smile in the hallway between classes, sit on the countertop while he cooked dinner for you two in the common room kitchen, fall asleep during your movie nights on his shoulder and drool on his shirt...the list kept growing exponentially until it kept him up at night, yearning to be by your side whenever you two were apart. 
He should've known the moment you approached him on the playground over a decade ago, joining him on that rusty swing set out of nowhere and started talking his ear off about the dandelions by the riverbed. 
Fuck, he was smitten as hell for you.
Your eyes well up with crocodile tears, lower lip wobbling and unable to stop the fat droplets coating your lashes, staining your strawberry cheeks and dripping down your neck. 
"T-thank you," you choke out, wiping your palms over your face to erase the tears. Bakugo chuckles under his breath, reaching to cradle your cheek in his hand. 
"So, do I still gotta ask you?" he jokes, smiling awkwardly as his eyes dart to the ceiling. 
You don't know what he's referring to. "Ask me...what?"
"...Seriously?" Bakugo lets his hand fall from your face. The blank expression on your face confirms you are absolutely clueless to what he means.
"Fuck, fine." He rolls his eyes, shrugging his shoulders dramatically before shifting in the bed to re-position himself. He leisurely tilts his head forward and into your space, close enough for his breath to fan over your lips as he speaks. "I want ya to be mine."
"Didn't sound like a question to me," you tease, lovingly nuzzling your nose with his.
"Shut the fuck up...wanna hear ya say it."
Uh oh, gravity is kicking in again.
Your lips part with half-lidded eyes as you purr, "I'm already yours, Katsuki," before melting into him, sealing your promise with another kiss. He tries to control it, but the tiniest moan floods out of him when he experimentally swipes his tongue across your bottom lip, ferociously flaring your cheeks into a deep scarlet flush as you reciprocate. Instinctively, he moves his right arm to cradle you closer and is met with searing pain, jolting away from your lips unexpectedly.
"Fuck!" he shouts, out of breath and wincing at the pain burning into his shoulder. "Sorry, s'my fault for trying to move the damn thing. Wasn't thinkin' and forgot where we are."
The sparkle in his eyes dim as he cast his gaze downward to analyze the cast. His shoulders slump and he shakes his head, a frown tugging at the corners of his mouth. "I was never good at timin', but dammit, I wish I could hold ya properly."
"No, no, it's alright, we've got plenty of time when you can."
Bakugo exhales while shifting his weight to readjust, making room for you to lay on his chest and tucking you back under his good arm a second time.
"Promise me somethin'," he sighs into your hair. "No matter how awful shit gets in the future, don't lose faith in me or the others over some dumbass villains and let it sour your outlook on the world."
Wow, were your feelings that obvious?
"It's...not that." Guilt trickles down your spine, goosebumps prickling up your arms from pinpointing the negative associations you've built up in your head. "Of course I believe in you, Kats, but it scares the shit out of me that this all happened before any of you had the chance to be pros. I know you said you're not worried about it, but I am."
He knows you're right, you have every reason to be concerned over the state of the world and what that means for the future after everything that's happened this year.
"I have hope," he starts, letting his head fall back against the stack of pillows. "Doc told me my right arm is dead in the water 'cause of all the bone segments they had to join together in the surgery, but the possibility of it healin' isn't out of the question."
Your heart sinks in the pause of conversation. How could he have such a positive outlook after being legally dead?
"I refused a prosthetic and wanna try rehab first. M'not gonna let it ruin my approach to bein' a hero. The real challenge is my heart, but that's not—"
"Wait, what's wrong with your heart? I thought Edgeshot patched it up?" you interrupt, turning up at him with your brows scrunched together. It might be a silly question, all things considered, but Edgeshot was a masterful surgeon with a high success rate in his field...everything should be fine, right? 
His heartbeat kicks up in tempo under your cheek - that can't be a good sign.
"He did...but it's not that simple, sweetheart. I've gotta take it easy for at least six weeks, maybe some meds to keep things stable. Shit sucks, considering I'm used to training daily, but it's not impossible to deal with. I can handle it. Plus, I got you an' your gadgets on my side."
"And you're telling me all this, but are worried about my feelings and Izuku being quirkless instead of yourself?"
Damn, you hit the nail on the head. Bakugo smirks, laughing to himself. "Heh, yeah. Guess so."
"Typical Katsuki, silently caring about everyone else before himself." You snuggle into him, a yawn falling out of you as you pull the blanket up to your shoulders. "Stop making me like you more and go back to grumpy, please."
"Only if ya promise to stick with me." 
"Like you have to ask. I promise."
He places a kiss to the crown of your head. "Good."
Your eyes fall shut, the rhythm of Bakugo's heart beginning to lull you into a tranquil, and much needed, sleep. Before you pass out, you drowsily slur, "Everything's gonna be okay. You're the strongest person I know...love you, Kats."
Pearlescent tears pool at the corners of his eyes, the ones that escape rolling over the gauze on his face and soaking into the material once more. All the pain, worry, and relentless thoughts about failure temporarily fade away into nothingness, offering him peace and a sense of safety to drift off to dreamland. He closes his eyes, lips upturned into a smile as he whispers, "Thank you...love you too, princess. Sweet dreams."
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The door to Bakugo's room creaked open a half-hour later, Mitsuki and Masaru returning with dinner as promised. "Hey kid, we're—"
She stops herself, putting a finger to her lips and turning to Masaru, signaling for him to quietly shut the door. They can't help but jointly smile at the sight before them, the two of you are snoring away on the hospital bed together, cozied up under the sheets and out like a light. 
"Reminds you of us, doesn't it? I had a feeling seeing her would help him relax," Masaru says, lightly stroking Mitsuki's back. "Why don't we come back in a bit to see if they're up?"
She nods and hands the containers of mabo tofu for him to take while she approaches the hospital bed. Her palm glides over Bakugo's cast, thumb tracing over his right wrist as her mind wandered back to memories of him as a little firecracker of a child; chasing butterflies in the backyard, playing super heroes with Izuku, and his toothy little grin anytime he was excited about something. Nineteen years flew by, and Mitsuki couldn't be prouder of her bombastic hero. Before turning to leave with Masaru, she affectionately pinches Bakugo's cheek, light enough not wake him from his slumber. She peers over at you, admiring how much you've grown, too.
'If anyone's gonna take care of my brat, it's you...thank you.'
The two of them leave you to enjoy each other's comfort. 
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The hurricane has passed and there's sunlight shining on a new future. The will be storms to come, but society has been given a chance to heal, all thanks to the next generation of pro heroes sacrificing their youth to challenge the status quo. Things won't be easy, that's for damn sure, but it's gonna take something stronger than the depths of hell to keep Katsuki Bakugo away from his dream - and you. 
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written in a frenzy while listening to epiphany // evermore & semi-proof read through my own tears, so apologies if it's just a bunch of mushy ramble. i have a bunch of other projects to work on, and am shifting back to them, this just was in my head and i needed to get it out. thanks for reading. <3
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I mean, listen.
This death wouldn't hurt so much if it weren't for:
-Toga committing suicide -Toga committing suicide in an exceedingly preventable way -Toga committing suicide because she felt like she wasn't meant for this society and like she had no other options, which nobody disavowed, not even Uraraka directly -So many other characters with way worse odds surviving (like Bakugou, Nagant, Edgeshot?? Dabi???) -Seriously, why did she have to die? Let her be comatose, at least?? -Hawks being all like, 'Yeah, I shouldn't have killed Twice, the villains shouldn't have to die' -Hawks being nearby at the time, right? And of the same damn blood type? -Anyone willing to help nearby, actually -Didn't they put her on the helicopter? You're telling me that Dabi survived the stretcher ride, but not Toga? -It being. so preventable. not like Dabi's path toward destruction, or Shigaraki turning his body into a vessel for a greater evil. she was just a girl who was helping someone she'd hurt. and didn't need to give up all her blood to do it. -She didn't need to give up all her blood to do it. (Bakugou survived worse. Uraraka would've been fine.) -Her being seventeen -Her death feeling so meaningless, as the theming could have been accomplished by Shigaraki's death alone, except as a conduit for Izuku and Ochako to hold hands together. Which stings. My film professor would be completely unsurprised. -Bury Your Gays -Bury Your Unconventional Love Interests (thanks, film professor!) -the frustrating positive tone of some parts of the epilogue, with no real address of the character's failures and emotional struggles -Not even Uraraka gets to monologue about what this means for her future? Izuku's just slapping an emotional bandage on this? Really? -What even is Izuku's characterization right now? -Is Shoto really the only one who more or less Saved, in addition to Winning?
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o0azalie0o · 6 months
My Hero Academia Final War Arc: Character Status (MANGA SPOILER 420)
Disclaimer: These statuses are not 100% accurate since it is sometimes hard to make them out.
List gets updated every chapter.
Class 1-A
Yuuga Aoyama: severely injured, large head injury
Mina Ashido: injured, severely dehydrated,
Tsuyu Asui: injured
Tenya Iida: injured, mufflers destroyed
Ochaco Uraraka (unable to battle; close to death): severely injured, stabbed through the gut, severe blood loss,
Mashirao Ojiro: injured
Denki Kaminari: injured, exhausted from Electrification
Eijiro Kirishima: severely injured
Koji Koda: injured
Rikido Sato: injured
Mezo Shoji: injured
Kyoka Jiro: severely injured, left ear and earphone jack blown off,
Hanta Sero: injured
Fumikage Tokoyami (unable to battle): severely injured
Shoto Todoroki: severely injured, severely burned
Toru Hagakure: seemingly uninjured
Katsuki Bakugo (unable to battle; close to death): severely injured, fractured right arm, large facial injury, heart and lung injury, heart failure, severe blood loss
Izuku Midoriya: severely injured, severe stomach injury, large head injury, large facial injury, loss of both arms (rewinded), severe blood loss, lost One for All, lost all stockpiled Quirks,
Minoru Mineta: severely injured, large head injury
Momo Yaoyorozu: injured
Class 1-B
Yosetsu Awase: missing in action
Sen Kaibara: missing in action
Togaru Kamakiri: uninjured
Shihai Kuroiro: seemingly uninjured
Itsuka Kendo: seemingly uninjured
Yui Kodai (unable to battle): severely injured
Kinoko Komori: severely injured
Ibara Shiozaki: uninjured
Jurota Shishida: uninjured
Nirengeki Shoda: missing in action
Pony Tsunotori: uninjured
Kosei Tsuburaba: uninjured
Tetsutestu Tetsutetsu: seemingly uninjured
Setsuna Tokage: uninjured
Manga Fukadashi: injured, head injury
Juzo Honenuki: seemingly uninjured
Kojiro Bondo: missing in action
Neito Monoma (unable to battle): severely injured
Reiko Yanagi (unable to battle): severely injured
Hiryu Rin: uninjured
UA Big 3:
Mirio Togata: seemingly uninjured
Nejire Hadou (unable to battle): severely injured, stomach sliced
Tamaki Amajiki (unable to battle): severely injured
Other UA-Students
Mei Hatsume: minor injuries
Hitoshi Shinsou (unable to battle): severely injured
YuYu Haya: injured
Business Course Students: uninjured
KetsuButsu Students
Yo Shindo: minors injuries
Tatami Nakagame: uninjured
Shikkui Makabe: uninjured
Itejiro Toteki: missing in action
Shiketsu Students
Inasa Yoarashi (unable to battle): severely injured
Nagamasa Mora: seemingly uninjured
Seiji Shishikura: severely injured
Camie Utsushimi: severely injured
All Might (unable to battle; close to death): severely injured, severe blood loss
Endeavor: severely injured, severely burned, lost right arm
Hawks (unable to battle): severely injured, sliced face and chest, lost Fierce Wings
Best Jeanist (unable to battle): severly injured
Edgeshot (unable to battle; close to death): severely injured, reduced to the size of a thread
Mirko (unable to battle): severly injured, lost right arm
Kamui Woods: severely injured
Wash: missing in action
Ryukyu: uninjured
Gang Orca: injured
Shishido: injured
Mt.Lady (unable to battle): severely injured, sliced stomach
Fat Gum (unable to battle): severely injured
Manual: injured
Mandalay: uninjured
Pixie Bob: injured
Tiger: severely injured
Cementoss: uninjured
Ectoplasm: uninjured
Eraser Head: seemingly uninjured
Ms. Joke: minor injuries
Present Mic: last seen uninjured
Rock Lock: uninjured
Power Loader: uninjured
Thirteen: uninjured
Vlad King: missing in action
Snipe: missing in action
Selkie: missing in action
Side Kicks
Burnin: severely burned
Kido (unable to battle): severely burned
Onima (unable to battle): severely burned
Sirius: injured
Former Villains
Gentle Criminal: seemingly uninjured
LaBrava: uninjured
Lady Nagant (unable to battle): Severly injured, severe blood loss
All for One: original body died from rewind, vestige resurfaced in Tomuras body
Tomura Shigaraki (unable to battle, exact status unknown): soul disintegrated, lost Decay, body hijacked by All for One vestige
Kurogiri: unstable/glitching
Gigantomachia (unable to battle): severely injured, half of the body destroyed
Dabi (unable to battle; exact status unknown): severely burned, exposed Bones and tendons, lost right arm
Himiko Toga (unable to battle; exact status unknown): severe blood loss
Spinner (unable to battle): severely exhausted
Moonfish: arrested
Skeptic: arrested
Kunieda (unable to battle): severly injured, arrested
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Also please tell us more about the circus of death au 🥺🥺🙏🙏
OH!!! Gladly!!! Thank you so much for asking about one of my aus it means a lot :D!
Okay okay- so- Circus of Death au, my beloved, it's been a while so I think I'll do a lore post since I haven't explained much for this one yet.
The Circus of Death (or Dead Circus for shorter convenience) is a circus of dead souls that exist in a magical demonic space between life and death!
They greet those who have stumbled into that realm and provide them with one final performance before death!
Only those who have - died tragically, enter the river that connects the realms, or who wish to join the dead circus - may enter the realm where the circus of death remains.
Spirits who are dead have tickets to the show which allow them to pass peacefully once the performance is over.
Those who wish to join may volunteer as an audience member during the performance - they will die during this and become part of the circus.
Don't eat the carnival food, its made of demonic shadow-y matter and you will just die.
The rest is going under a cut because it is long and also ->
CW // death, graphic details of said deaths, generally dark themes:
So. In life there was a circus. People knew it as a 'cursed circus' because they were renowned for constantly having accidents and mishaps and things going wrong.
But they were well known.
The ringmaster - literal piece of shit - had signed a contract with a demonic entity: "Give me fame and money and in exchange I will give to you all the souls that join my circus."
And so, everyone who joined the circus had signed their souls away via a contract without knowing. This caused them to be seen as a whole big massive bargaining chip by both the demonic realm and the ringmaster.
The ringmaster was an asshole and treated his circus as animals and shit. A lot of them were mutilated for his own gain (like hawks having fake wings stitched into his back for show, etc)
- -
Now, for the roles (+ how they died) ->
Tsunagu: Aerialist, did trapeze and aerial silks together with Shinya and he was the centerpiece of the show. (Hung and beheaded. The One Who Started It All.)
Shinya: Partners with Tsunagu, did all the same things. (SURVIVED. The Missing Piece)
Kuugo: escape artist specialising in water tricks and water escape stuff. (The lock jammed and he drowned.)
Hawks: Did acrobatics and aerial tricks. (Wings and props got stuck and he fell.)
Miruko: Did a mixture of circus acts mostly including tumbling and trampolining and knife-throwing. (The scaffolding fell and skewered her.)
Ryuko: Fire tricks such as juggling, fire performance, and such. (Set herself on fire. Down came the circus, alongside her.)
Uwabami: Snake-handler(?), she did tricks with a pit of venomous snakes and also just looked after them. (She fell in.)
Mic: Tightrope tricks, did all sorts of tricks. Also was in charge of announcements and introductions. (He fell as the structure holding the rope broke.)
Aizawa: He did knife-throwing and also looked after the kids with powerloader and midnight in the side tent. (Was crushed by the structure as he rushed out when Mic fell.)
Ectoplasm: Lion-keeper. He took care of them and did small tricks with them. He loved them a lot. (Killed by them and ripped apart by those which he cared for.)
Powerloader: The magician. He did classic magic tricks during breaks and waiting times, and entertains and looks after the audiences/circus members kids during the shows in a side tent with magic and arts and crafts. (Watched everything happen, clawed his eyes out and was killed. The Witness to it All.)
Snipe: Sharpshooter, did tricks with his gun and partnered tricks with Midnight. (Shot himself.)
- -
Now back to plot and lore.
The ringmaster saw Tsunagu as this. Trophy. This shiny little centerpiece for his shows that was the most important thing because he was a) pretty and skilled, and b) made him more famous for a good show.
But, since Shinya came along and partnered with Tsunagu and they were together, he HATED Shinya.
But at this point everyone knew how horrible the ringmaster was, and they were struggling financially.
So the ringmaster plotted. He was going to kill Shinya in a staged accident, which would make Tsunagu not be able to perform, and then the entire Circus -> this way, he could run away with Tsunagu and start ANOTHER circus that was more successful.
And. It worked. But not the way he intended.
Their final performance.
Ringmaster hired a few subordinates to help with the plan, sabotaging most of the equipment and stuff.
Shinya was supposed to be the first death -> he had to step in as the target for someone's knife-throwing, which he had done before.
The knife was supposed to go through his head and kill him, but the guy missed and it went in his eye, and somehow he survived but was too injured to perform. The show continued.
They did a few acts regularly to avoid suspicion and were going to initiate the plan after the break (which is after Tsunagu and Shinya's performance usually)
Tsunagu refused to skip, and went on to perform (despite this being against the ringmasters plan) and his death was the first and only pure accident.
His routine went wrong, he got tangled in his silks and basically slowly hung himself above the ring and no one could get to him bc of the ringmasters meddling.
The ringmaster lost it over this, and ragefully went up and. Cut off his head so that the rest of him could just fall down and the show resumed.
Shinya was knocked out and stuffed into a closet so he couldn't interfere and the rest of the circus members were threatened to continue, some already figuring out what was happening.
The audience also weren't allowed to leave.
Slowly, the acts played out. Sabotaged. Accidents and tragic deaths occurred and one by one, the members of the circus died. Occasionally they were simply just killed by the ones that planned it.
It ended with fire. The tent went up in flames and the ringmaster had already snuck off (with Tsunagu's head). Shinya woke up and managed to escape but he was semi delirious so didn't know what was happening.
The circus burned and the souls were claimed by the demonic entity from before, making them manifest in the other realm. But they don't know themselves, they don't know how they died. Who are they?
Shinya was the only survivor and the missing piece. That and Tsunagu's head.
In order for the circus to regain their sense of self fully, to know who they were and what they are: Shinya must die, Tsunagu's head must be burned and brought back to him, and the ringmaster must be killed.
For now, the only thing they know is to repeat their last performance over and over again in the realm between realms.
They perform and die for other dead souls over and over again, slowly learning who they were. They wear masks that show parts of themselves. But the one who still doesn't know anything about himself is Tsunagu.
He waits.
The Circus is a family, it is a whole piece, and it is waiting for Shinya to come home.
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bnhaemporium · 2 years
You Getting Injured Headcanons
Characters: All Might, Endeavour, Edgeshot, Aizawa, Hawks
✧. ┊    ✧. ┊    ✧. ┊    ✧. ┊    ✧. ┊    ✧. ┊    ✧. ┊    ✧. ┊    ✧. ┊    ✧. ┊    
All Might
How Toshinori initially reacts to you being hurt is very dependent on whether or not he is currently working as All Might. He hates it but he knows he cannot show you extra concern while his façade is up. Not if it could bring even more danger to you in the future.
He panics in a way he’s very rarely felt before. His eternal smile becomes incredibly difficult to maintain as he tries to focus on the moment and how he can best help. He struggles not to just pick you up and hold you close.
He worries about the worst-case scenarios for the longest time, even as you begin on the road to recovery. Once you’re healed, the fear still lingers with him as a constant reminder.
You’ll have him at your side almost constantly while you’re getting better and he’s very willing to do whatever you need. He’s at your service and overprotective in the way he makes sure you stay comfortable.
Aizawa’s seen many of his close friends and allies hurt before. He’s dealt with countless situations just like this one but nothing ever compares to what he feels when he realises you’ve been injured.
There’s a level of logic he forces himself to maintain on the battlefield but this is one of the few moments where he comes very close to losing it. All he can focus on is making sure you’re safe – no matter what it takes.
It surprises everybody but you’re most likely to get into a fight directly after you’ve been stabilized. When he learns that you’re alright and not knocking on death’s door, all those emotions that he’s been suppressing are going to explode out at everybody, including you.
He apologizes about half-way through this argument when he realises that you’re not the one he’s angry at. This is when you see how he truly feels; when he tucks you against his chest and falls asleep like that.
As much as Keigo thinks he’s prepared for the day you inevitably get hurt by some villain (your relationship isn’t very secret), none of his previous rationalizations matter when it actually happens.
He’s incredibly professional so he doesn’t show his panic visually but internally, he’s an absolute hurricane of stress. He focuses on getting you to help first before dealing with the rest of the situation because he knows he needs you somewhere safe above everything else.
He holds you close for many days afterwards and, though he doesn’t voice his fears, he makes it obvious in the way his wings are always wrapped around your shoulders like a shield.
As the days pass, you can expect more teasing about the situation but he’s still very helpful if you need him to be. Just be prepared for him asking for some payment in the form of kisses.
Enji is furious about every aspect of the situation. Angry at you for not being careful enough, angry at the villain for daring to do anything to you, but most of all, angry at himself for not being there to protect you.
You can see his temper flare in the heat of his flames and the slight break in his carefully controlled quirk. His focus will be on dealing with the situation first and then getting you to help. He doesn’t want to split his attention and wind up with you worse off because the villain gets around his defenses again.
He’s horribly, awfully silent when you get home from the hospital. The tension around both of you is uncomfortable and he’s not going to do anything to break it for at least a day. Not until he stops feeling strangely guilty.
He’s helpful in ways you wouldn’t even notice at first and helps without being asked to. He won’t baby you though and he’s very dedicated to helping you heal the fastest you can, no matter what it takes.
Shinya doesn’t react visually or emotionally to you getting injured. He won’t let himself until he knows the situation has been handled and both of you are safe enough to allow for the distraction.
He’s going to move you to a safe spot, make sure that your injuries aren’t fatal, and then turn his full thoughts onto the villain. If his attacks are more vicious than usual… well, nobody would call him out on it.
You can expect to see him at your side every day you wake up for the next two weeks. Even if he normally rises before you, when you’re injured, he’s going to make sure he’s there for whatever you need.
He keeps in contact with at least two doctors to make sure you’re healing in the best way possible and uses his own expertise whenever he can. Even his job can take a slight backseat to you during this time and he’ll take an official break to ensure you’re alright.
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needtoloveoutloud · 2 months
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Shadows Of Our Past, Present, and (possible) Future — Series
My Hero Academia — Female!OC Fanfiction on AO3
Part One (Completed — 93k words):
The one where Shota Aizawa stumbles upon a back alley full of stray cats and ends up adopting a child
“Fine, then a cat? We both know how much you love those little furry…things.” At this, Shota paused the game and turned to the pushy blonde next to him. “I actually have considered that.” “And?” “And: also, no. It makes no sense.” Hizashi looked almost scandalized. “Makes no sense?” “I made a pro and contra list.” “Of course you did.”
When underground hero Shota Aizawa, twenty-two years old, is out on patrol one Friday evening, he doesn't expect that a single meow from a cat would lead him to find a homeless girl called Yoru. From then on, Yoru and Shota grow up together, make mistakes together, and try to overcome every obstacle life throws at them.
>> Read on AO3 <<
Part Two (Ongoing, regular updates — growing long fic — 231k words so far — READ PART 1 FIRST, PLEASE AND THANK YOU):
The one where Yoru Aizawa tries to navigate through life at U.A.
Two days after her fifteenth birthday, Yoru decides to drop the bomb on him. “I want to go to U.A.” “You want to go to U.A.” Her Dad puts the book he's been reading down on the glass balcony table.  “Yes, I want to go to U.A.” She slumps down on the outdoor couch next to him, grabbing the discarded book. “What are you reading?” ‘A Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi — The classic guide to strategy ’. She raises an eyebrow. “Reading that for fun, huh?” “Why do you want to go to U.A.? You never cared much about heroes. Besides Edgeshot, that is.” Yoru smirks up at him. “What, jealous?” “As if.” “You know, even if they sold Eraserhead posters, I wouldn’t hang them up. It would be super weird.” “Good to know where your loyalties lie.” He rolls his eyes. “Back to the topic at hand, why do you want to go to U.A.? Because Shinso wants to go?” “No.” Pause. “Okay, that may be part of it. But I’m serious. I’ve been thinking about it for a while now, and I really want to go.” “That might be so, but you still neglected to tell me why you want to attend there.” Yoru plays with her hair, noting how it’s time for another hair cut when she finds some splint ends. “I wanna be a hero.” Her Dad blinks. “A hero?” “Yes. Well, I want to help people and do some good with that shitty quirk of mine.”
When Yoru tells her Dad that she wants to attend U.A., she expects it to be a difficult path. She didn't expect all the awkwardness, blossoming friendships, confusing feelings, and near-death experiences, though.
>> Read on AO3 <<
Please heed the warnings/tags (TWs in the author's notes of chapters where they apply to).
This story is a mix of:
Slice of life
SLOW BURN Romance — Enemies to Lovers (Bakugo x Yoru)
Growing up, coming of age (hopefully lol)
Teenage awkwardness
Mixed media (pictures, music, chat screenshots (later on in Part 2), etc. — chat screenshots will always have the written text below, to make it accessible for visually impaired folks or people who use screen readers)
Author: NoBecksPleaseNo on AO3
Please don't copy the work, the character, the premise, etc. Also, no cross-posting anywhere, please and thank you.
Disclaimer: Yoru's image is AI generated and then edited/adjusted by the author. The other character images in the header are from Pinterest (besides the one of Present Mic/Midnight, that one's from the light novels) — unfortunately without a source. If you're the artist, and you're not okay with me using them, please message me and I will remove them. If you're the artist and are okay with me using them, please tell me, so I can credit you.
Besides the OC characters, I don't own any already existing characters from the My Hero Academia Universe — that honor belongs to Kohei Horikoshi.
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pikahlua · 1 month
so I really liked the epilogue arc,but I did have a pretty big issue with it; Katsuki's death feels really irrelevant. It's doesn't seem to have an impact on anyone or anything in a meaningful sense. Besides bodily issues,like his heart,some scars,and Edgeshot's whole body deal,it doesn't seem to have any consequences or effects on the characters or the story.
Which is frustrating because it obviously was big deal that a literal child died on the field with his parents and classmates watching,but now it isn't seen as the sacrifice it was or seemingly at all. Do you feel this way? Or am I maybe missing the point?
To me, Katsuki's death was never about its impact on other people, it was about what that "death" represented to his own character development. The changes in Katsuki since then ARE the impact his death had. Plus, I wouldn't discount the impact it had on Best Jeanist and Edgeshot lol. They seem pretty invested in him as his mentor gay uncles.
You will never, ever be satisfied if you frame this as "a literal child died on the field with his parents and classmates watching." This is the shounen genre, hon'. Teenagers are given way more agency and power than that because they are the main POV focus of these stories. The story is far more concerned with making sure we understand Katsuki's struggles from his perspective, that in the face of adversity and hardship he maintains his drive to never quit no matter what and that helps him come out the winner. His REVIVAL is even framed as his own subconscious doing. Edgeshot only gets credit for keeping Katsuki from brain death, not for resuscitating him.
Basically, Katsuki's death was the ultimate obstacle for him to prove just how dedicated he is to never giving up on victory, and it represented the death of his old ego and the rebirth/arrival of the fully ascended hero he has become. He's been a lot more open and vulnerable and honest about all his feelings ever since he revived himself. Even when employing his delinquent persona, he expresses his anxiety about being chased and hides behind Iida. This is vulnerability. He's relying on others to listen and take him seriously and have his back. He's open about his dreams for Izuku with One For All and is honest with himself to effectively delay his progress in the hero charts by prioritizing funding Izuku's new suit (this is an implication, not an explicit canon fact, but I feel it's pretty well-supported by the text).
The only thing I wish was that we could have had even more of him, but alas, that's not the framing Horikoshi decided to bring full circle in the ending. I'll just have to fanfic about it.
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thr0wnawayy · 21 days
Who would the 10-13 1A members that died in the MLA be, if MHA had any actual stakes? I really liked your Kaminari idea, so I just wanted to explore it with you. It would have realistically made UA/the heroes look a hell of a lot worse and the villains look a hell of a lot smarter if they went for the angle of "the best heroics school in Japan is using child soldiers!"
I know for the heroes, it should have been Pixie Bob and Gran Torino in addition to Crust. Endeavor also should have died because it would have actually given the story actual stakes - Japan is now in shambles and the new #1 hero/heavy hitter is dead. Oh shit, what are they going to do?
Firstly I feel I should clarify that both 1A and B would lose some team members as both classes were thrust into war with basically no real training. Although for the sake of plot 1A would lose vastly more.
With that stated, let us begin.
I know for a fact that Koda is dead.
Truthfully, there is no way someone as bulky as him (with the addition of his poorly designed costume) would be even marginally capable of outrunning Shigaraki's Decay.
His quirk (Anivoice) gives him zero advantages and being in Jaku (a city under evacuation) would only add to this.
We also mustn't forget that the rubble by itself was also capable of disintegrating anything it touched. Putting all that together and given how close he was to "ground zero", his chances of survival are slim to none.
Additionally, everyone who found Midnight's corpse is either dead or brutally injured.
Midnight's body is isolated in a decently foliage heavy area, with plenty of hiding spots and vantage points making it all too easy to set an ambush.
Our merry band of MLA/PLF mercenaries simply have to bide their time, wait for the shock and horror to settle in and then strike.
Sero, Kirishima and Setsuna are easy targets (with Setsuna being the farthest from the bait) their backs are turned and mentally are either distant or "vacant".
If Momo didn't recover from her grief and get off the floor, it's game over.
However. She would likely manage to fend them off long enough to escape (thanks to her intelligence and dexterity), although not without some scars. (eyepatch momo, anyone?)
Mina might be able to hold them off due to her acid but will eventually falter because (as you mentioned) Aizawa's a shitheel.
That brings us up to 5 students so far (if we include Kaminari's death) that have died due to UA's (and the HPSC's) crippling negligence.
I'm a tad hesitant to add Tsu here but it's unlikely she'd survive. (even if she does survive the wave, she'd likely die in the crossfire)
Comicman, because yeah he's unimportant.
For the Villa Raid team it's important that we cut some heroes in order for this scenario to work.
Edgeshot is dead, likely fried to death by Electro-lite.
This would cause the raiding heroes to become discouraged and overwhelmed.
the MLA's gear is more than a match and combined with their years of fighting and tactical prowess. It's not even close.
Simply put; divide and conquer.
Mineta's dying for sure. His costume restricts his (torso and leg) movements and makes him standout like a traffic cone. That guy with holes all over his body is likely the one to snuff him out.
Ojiro is dead the moment the MLA members use numbers to overwhelm him, no amount of martial arts will save you from getting jumped.
Mines dies because his quirk (Twin Impact) suffers from the Flect Fallacy.(Overwhelming the quirk will break it). So pretty much any MLA member could be the one to kill him
That sets the score to 11 total student deaths (8 for 1A, 3 for 1B), not a good look.
We know the rest, Dabi kills Enji for good.
Skeptic publishes a video along with Dabi's exposé that reveals UA is using child soldiers and that the HPSC forged paperwork to allow this.
And the crowd goes wild!
The reactions would be brutal, national if not global criticism from every angle.
The entire raid and evacuation effort would be considered an immense failure, the villains remain at large to gather their numbers and most civilians would be left homeless and displaced.
The hero that everybody placed their bets on turned out be a child/wife beating eugenicist who bought (and later assaulted) his wife when she was only 17. Only to be killed off by the very child he left to burn.
The (global) outrage partially stems from the fact that if it weren't for Dabi, no one would have known otherwise .
The number 2 hero is an (attempted) murderer and seems almost irritated at Enji being outed, the world stage takes this the wrong way and opts not to aid Japan.* What pisses them off the most is his uncaring attitude.
Considering them a lost cause when Shigaraki not only breaks everyone out of Tartarus but also manges to kill AFO by sheer force of will (and wanting to see his friends live as they please)
Rei's speech/conference serves as the final nail. Going into immense detail of the pain she and her children suffered at the hands of Enji. (If their were any doubts Touya was her son, they were killed here)
When asked if anyone knew, she finishes her speech off with revealing that some heroes and staff knew about the abuse and chose to look the other way. Causing the room to burst into an uproar.
*(explaining why Japan was allowed to fester for as long as it did without intervention, something Hori failed to explain)
Parents begin pulling out their children in droves, not wanting to risk their kids getting drafted, others quit by choice.
Shiketsu and Ketsubutsu don't put their students on the front lines (they aren't stupid). The commission is unable to force them due to their, "unique" situation.
The heroes that quit are harshly criticized by the public and media (and usually fairly too), pointing out how shitty it looks (and is) for heroes to suddenly abandon them as soon as things get serious.
Class 1A is left to pickup the pieces with 8 classmates killed (+ Bakugo) the events of the last week have shocked them to their cores but perhaps there is hope.
Of course they're left to pick up their predecessors mistakes, again.
Midoriya would still go rouge, albiet he would stick to his principals. He's made a disturbing connection between Bakugo and Endeavor and it haunts him.
(I should add that Bakugo's death is portrayed for the selfish play it was)
Midoriya likely driven by the need to ensure that he doesn't lose anyone else. His anger at AM would probably stem from the fact that he is putting himself in danger for someone as "expendable" as himself.
I could see the two having a heart to heart that Midoriya is more than his quirk once he willingly returns.
Some additional information:
Bakugo dies permanently, because Edgeshot was killed by "Electro" earlier (even then I'm not doing the writing atrocity that is the "Jeart".)
For heroes I'd like to add Jeanist to the roster. Gigantomachia should have swatted him and his airship like a fly. This means the top 3 are dead, adding to the chaos. This also prevents the old-gen from taking up space.
The High-End Nomu beat the tar out of Miriko, leaving crippled at best and a paraplegic at worst. (That is assuming they don't kill her).
Fourth Kind is killed when, like Ojiro, he is overwhelmed.
Your absolutely correct, Gran Torino and Pixiebob are eliminated, joining Crust.
Twice actually lives, though I would keep that ambiguous until later, he wouldn't get out unscathed of course and would probably need to be put into a coma while his injuries heal.
Himiko's revenge plot now has additional stakes as she promises Twice that she will return to him. (before he's medically put under)
This also fuels the PLF + Spinner, vowing to do right by their ally and friend.
Dabi would have disfigured Hawks upon discovery of his attempt on Twice's life, no more cosmetic scars. Just good old fashioned brutality.
(The fear of losing Twice may have dug up the past memory of losing his mother after Enji drove her to the brink. As Dabi cares deeply for both [even if he won't admit it] ontop of the fact that it's a "hero" that's trying to take them and he betrayed them).
Overall this world is going to be one wild ride with a very different ending to what Hori gave us.
It is a story not of heroes and villains, but of ideals and goals. It asks the question:
What is it to save?
A few additional notes:
Momo would likely have a revenge arc as a sort of parallel between Izuku and Himiko. However it wouldn't be as bland as what we got in canon with Mina.
The mercenaries aren't mustache twirling supremacists, no. Here they're cold, calculated soldiers who are strictly tactical. Midnight was "nothing personal, just business" to them.
They serve as a dark mirror to Momo's shift in personality during the war, as Momo reverts to her initial cold confidant personality and kicks it up to 20 as she hunts them down.
Midnight's killer even points out midbattle on how Momo was sexualized and she doesn't even know it. Telling her at one point: "You may see them as an equal, they see you as a display"
The battle isnt treated as a victory either, while the Momo and her squadron win, the gravity of the situation isn't ignored and Momo actually listens to her opponent's critique.
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what did izuku think of katsuki’s hero name? where did “kacchan bakugou” come from? does izuku get flashbacks to katsuki’s death like he did when katsuki got stabbed? how does katsuki process his own death? why did it take eight goddamn years to get izuku that support gear? where’s best jeanist? where’s edgeshot? why was all for one’s doctor also izuku’s pediatrician? what does the support item do? why should they have to pay for it anyways? what does all might vs afo have to do with it? what about “control your heart”? did touya die? why melissa but no rody, katsuma, or mahoro? is anyone traumatized? why does no one care about izuku? why did izuku become a teacher?
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