#edgy cat books
kamiitsubakii · 9 months
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The cat StarClan left behind
The design and concept in the second pic is inspired off this AMV.
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yarrowleef · 1 year
im sorry but your note about felidae makes me intensely curious on why you dont want to talk about it, can you summarise your dislike in a sentence maybe?
well, in sentence, the author is unbelievably bigoted
[extreme content warning for racism discussion, particularly against muslims, if you look through any of the links]
I looked him up again to make sure I was remembering it correctly, and it's somehow worse then I recalled.
In more than a sentence, when I say bigoted I don't mean ignorantly bigoted, I mean like all he does now is write right-wing anti-immigrant and anti-lgbt propaganda. One of his other books is called "Germany Gone Mad: The Crazy Cult around Women, Homosexuals and Immigrants" and I don't know the exact contents of this book but I think the title is enough. Made a comment about how it's a shame that concentration camps aren't in use anymore at an anti immigration rally. This rally was set up by a xenophobic anti-immigration group, and even that group had to later apologize for this guy being just a little too racist in public, and he had to get kicked off the stage for going on his frothing tirade too long. These were comments he later got sued over. Most of his wiki page is just listing his controversies and now he is most known everywhere in Germany as a local right-wing shit-head first, and cat book author as a foot note
A few years ago I was wondering why it was so hard to find his book and why I had never even seen the many sequels Felidae supposedly had anywhere, and it turns out it was because both his german and U.S publisher (penguin random house) kicked him out of his book deal for his awful behavior and refused to distribute any more of his books in the U.S. And traditional U.S publishers will look the other way about a lot of shady behavior from their authors, so you have to really be off your shits for them to publicly kick you. Hell, apparently even amazon removed his books from many places, most noticeably kindle (I don't know if this is still true, but it was as of a couple years ago)
He's still alive and still probably receives book royalties so, yeah, Would Extremely Strongly Suggest never paying for any of his work
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francy-sketches · 1 year
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tommy b kitty again lol (cringe show edition this time)
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stupidheadwisp · 1 year
did anyone else have a warrior cat phase that lasted so long you made 3+ of your own clans filled to the brim with characters containing fully fleshed out lore and character development or is it just me?
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whilomm · 10 months
telling ppl what ur into when they ask for Gift Giving Reasons is such a fucking minefield sometimes when ur an opinionated ass bitch. i cant tell ppl "oh alice in wonderland is my favorite book" what if they buy me something with that used car salesman looking fucking disney flesh cat. i would have to pretend to enjoy the flesh cat!!!
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exocomets · 2 years
it's been ages since i read the books so i probably forgot some. you can answer for the one you think you'd be in/your oc is in or just whichever one is your fave.
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sirendeepity · 11 months
Changing my phone wallpaper/cover is a nightmare because no I don't know what I want but I know I don't want that
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pussyratpower · 1 year
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catbrawl · 2 years
one (although very edgy) idea i have to help with the issue with leaders 9 lives being too much is to change a bit on how getting your 9 lives works. i’ll say moonstone/moonpool interchangeably here because it’s not really important as someone who will become a leader, when you touch your nose to it, you don’t end up in starclan. the dark forest is at every inch of starclan’s border, dark twisted woods with small glimmers of light that lead you to starclan in the center. the evil spirits that possess the dark forest have decayed everything around it, yet starclan in the center blooms with life, like the light at the end of a tunnel. you start at the far reaches of the dark forest, and you need to make your way to the center where starclan is.
the herbs you are given at your journey to the moonstone/moonpool, they both give you the energy to make the journey, but they are also rumored make you undetectable to dark forest cats. they won’t know where you’re coming from when you come into their territory, though they will probably be on the prowl since they know your clan needs a new leader.
so you make it through the dark forest as silently and quickly as possible, wary that every creaking branch you hear could be an assailant. once you make it through to starclan, you are granted your 9 lives.
but you can’t just open your eyes and wake up once you’re given your 9 lives. you have to go back through the dark forest, you can only wake up once you go so far away from starclan’s border.
however, it doesn’t end there. the dark forest cats can feel the energy surging in starclan, it takes power to give a mortal cat their 9 lives. they have been alerted, and now, you must run until you can wake up.
every time a new leader appears, the dark forest partakes in the thrill of the hunt, chasing down the new leader and trying to tear their lives from them, and leaders never come out of it with all 9 lives intact.
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hanjnah · 2 months
you know what aminal likes, I like, it likes edgy kiddie stuff very much.
I love teen titans, one time I saw an edgy tiktok edit of lion king and I watched it on loop forever!! Spirit horse too! If I read warrior cats I would have loved that stuff even tho it’s like too dnd nerd adjacent for me, but it’s edgy enough so it cool.
When I was with my ex I was very very into that crazy joker girl from that arcane show, I fucking loved watching my traits be embodied in a way I wanted to embody them, to this day I can’t resist an edgy Jinx edit when it appears on tiktok. <- I use tiktok because I get free tarot readings and they are very amusing, it’s also app I became miserably addicted to during worst time of my life where I was horrifically attached to my desires, which is the state these apps want you in, that’s where ur the most vulnerable, anuways
I love arcane Jinx, that girl is me, my ex was so mad at the way I needed to express my trauma thru embodying it to heal, and this clown gendered girl was doing it like I needed, so I watched her a lot a lot and watched edits obsessively and posted her a lot on my ig stories, I would vent and draw so much on ig stories and my ex didn’t give a shit about that, she wouldn’t really even look at them, and when she did she wouldn’t ask about them bcuz they were too esoteric and hard to understand and she was weirded out by that, she never tried to bridge the gap to try to understand me, like she kind of just..didn’t ever actually want to.. she never asked me about anything I was experiencing, I just wanted to feel like she gave a shit about things that were important to me, things about how I functioned n moved through the world.
She did not actually want to care, she was still too immature to get past her knee jerk reactions, she was unwilling to unlearn that discomfort..
I was too crazy for her, and in the end when she was annoyed enough she leaned into that discomfort and blamed everything on me, which made her feel safe and comfortable about ghosting me and freaking out at me when months (!!!) later I told her I thought she should apologize to me n talk to me. Like we could have had a normal goodbye but she just yelled at me about finally being happy or whatever and blocked me. Like that’s what I Wanted the whole time you idiot. I wanted peace for you and us both simultaneously you just never wanted to work through anything and it festered , you left me to drown in my trauma that came up (to go, this was overwhelmingly good thing) because you convinced me I was safe with you and while I frantically splashed around in a panic you turned your back on me and just stood there, getting increasingly annoyed at my yelling for help. U til you finally walked away and then when I pulled myself out I came to you months later with water still in my lungs to tell you hey are you ever going to talk to me and apologize and stuff and you yelled at me that you finally found peace now that you couldn’t hear me screaming, and u were mad that I came back as if I was going to do that again, but like, you didn’t have to worry about that because all the trauma was nice and nestled back inside, never healed, just like you preferred it, so I was calm.
Ouuuuh I don’t care…I only care about edgy Jinx edits…
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danielleurbansblog · 2 months
Review: The Garden Girls
Synopsis: On a remote Outer Banks island, a serial killer collects his prized specimens. And to stop him, an FBI agent must confront his own twisted past. FBI agent Tiberius Granger has seen his share of darkness. But a new case sets him on edge. It’s not just the macabre way both victims—found posed in front of lighthouses—are tattooed with flowers that match their names. There’s also the…
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Head full of latest OC f/o From A Dream........
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forestfullofberries · 2 years
i haven't really cared for warriorcats for years but scourge murdering the nine lives out of tigerstar in a single blow is still one of the coolest and most brutal things to have happen ever
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dottyistired · 2 months
the post-tumblr-sexyman era 2016-2020ish backlash against bill cipher was so interesting in hindsight. i definitely participated in it, albeit passively, feeling too ashamed to admit that the corny edgy cheshire-joker smile hot topic villain is cool. i'm sorry, but it's true. the concept of being possessed by a being of pure id and sadism is fucking cool. deal-with-the-devil types are cool.
this doesn't cancel out the fact that he is also deeply, deeply pathetic, a trait now considered desirable in the post-sexyman era. bottomless confidence and edgy slogans are out, pathetic sopping wet cat guys are IN. and brother, book of bill is cocaine in that respect, heavily emphasizing his wet-catness that is completely his own fault yet still pitiable. thus it is acceptable once again to unironically go cuckoo bananas for bill cipher
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just-some-user-hunny · 2 months
The Cannibal dragon headcanons ...
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(art credit for middle image, ig: dracalyss)
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. Cannibal is a huge dragon, the largest of all wild-dragons, but I can't see him being any larger than Vhagar- let alone Balerian the black dread. I imagine he'd be a tad bit smaller than Vhagar- just about. His build is bulky and scarred, a thick neck of scarred obsidian scales, a set of jagged jet-black spikes that run along his spine, and covered in thick taut muscle and hardened flesh. His eyes are a blazing emerald green, teeth sharp and jagged like a shark.
. I also love the idea of him having this 'grinning' look on his face, like a crocodile or the indoraptor from Jurassic world. (His personality screams indoraptor to me, just a mean guy with a nasty lil goblin grin). And with his torn jaw and exposed teeth, it makes him look even creepier and menacing. There's something way too...human about it. Expressive in both his grin and mannerisms.
He's definitely a stare-er too. Something about a monstrously big dragon being unnervingly quiet and observing is uncomfortable, which is exactly the vibes he gives off.
. I like to visualize him as a very 'wild' looking dragon, like how'd you imagine a stray feral cat. His scales are rough and weather-worn, covered in large claw-like scars from fighting and hunting other dragons throughout his life. There's also fanart of him missing a huge chunk of flesh around his jaw and mouth, baring his teeth, which I think looks really cool :) as a young dragon he probably picked off the small and easy dragons, ones that wouldn't put up much of a fight. But as he grew in age and size, he would probably grow cocky and try his luck with larger prey. Due to him being an absolute monster, I'd imagine he'd often come up on top- but not without earning a few disfiguring scars in return.
. Despite never being bonded to a rider before, nor being ridden before in his life (he'd scoff at the mere thought of some little measly human thinking that they could climb upon his back and treat him like a pony), once he bonded with you it was like an instant connection. He is still a little edgy and unpredictable, but there is one thing for certain and that is he is always as gentle as possible with you. He'll press his body into the dirt if it allows you to climb on and off safely, craning his claws and jaw for you to step upon.
. He wouldn't wear a saddle, so you'd have to learn to ride him bareback. Thankfully he has many jagged scales and spikes to cling onto, but to be on the safe side, you'd have special riding gear to wear to help cling on. Rougher gloves and boots and trousers, it certainly helps, even if it's just a little. If anything the fact you ride bareback is a testament of your bond, showing how close and in sync you both are.
. The biggest issue with him would be his... diet, and how he'd have to adapt once he begins to hang around dragonstone more often. I'd imagine he wouldn't eat much, adding to the unpredictability of him and when he would hunt, but as his rider you'd have to supply him at least livestock every week to keep him happy and saturated. Cows, horses, large livestock due to his sheer size.
. He flies quite similar to Vhagar. His form is heavy, and although strong, he is lumbering.
Although at his age now he'd be a rather ancient dragon, he wouldn't really show his age besides a few moments where he just wants to curl up in his little cave upon his ✨private island ✨ to take a nap. In his youth he was most likely a very quick dragon, like a stalking panther striking upon his food. (Being younger dragons and hatchlings). I've seen someone write about him being a silent hunter (I'll reblog and credit once I find them), but that's such a neat idea for his character! He's survived from hunting his own kind, so he's going to hunt differently. Smarter.
. His fire in the books is described as green, and that's just too cool to swap it out with normal fire. Blazing emerald flames that engulf earth and prey, unnatural and mystical. It'd be very distinctive as well, whoever finds their fields or flocks of trees burning and crackling in a blaze of green fire, they'd know that the cannibal had just been there.
. Personality wise, I feel like he'd be cruel and sadistic, but wise and grumpy. Probably cocky as well, for having survived on his for so long and through unconventional means.
He's not a hardheaded bully, he's very tactical when it comes to facing challenges, but at this point he's such a huge threat he may be blinded by his own ego and emotions. If something were to happen to his rider, he'd make sure you'd get avenged. He's ride or die, quite literally. He'll burn everything down for you, because he feels strongly for the one human he feels he can trust. His grief is not silent or tearful, it's angry.
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