titanbabyeams · 6 months
I have been trying to stop thinking about ‘oh, but if readers prefer this—‘ or something similar when I’m trying to write, and to focus solely on writing what I want to write.
Which is great, yeah! I love it! I’m trying!
But it also leads to entertaining brainrot (/pos) ideas like Single-Dad Edward Elric moving to Japan and ending up with Hawks and Winry.
It’s the image of Hawks and Edward casually hanging out, getting close, and then Winry appearing. Winry, who unashamedly hangs off of Edward and teases and argues with him, like they’ve been married ten years but they’ve instead known each other their entire lives. The image of Hawks seeing their interactions and simply being… curious about the depths of it, of what exactly he’s missing about Edward Elric.
It’s the image of Winry instantly mothering Edward’s child, and Edward doing his best with said child, and Hawks being able to openly observe the growth of decent parents. Of Winry and Edward having a too-close, not close-enough relationship, that they’re still learning how to navigate the boundaries of in adulthood.
Besides, how do you think Hawks would react to having their overwhelming about of love directed at him? Gosh. I love brainrot sometimes.
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titanbabyeams · 11 months
I’ve got to start publishing for EdHawks fics. They’re so much fun to play with but I need AU ideas.
My ideas so far:
—Reverse AU. Instead of Ed going to UA to help them, Hawks is contacted and brought to Amestris as an ambassador. An older Ed—who has since rejoined the military after an extended leave—is tasked with escorting + showing Hawks around the place.
—An on-brand idea. Tossing these two precious boys into a whole other universe and forcing them to survive. Which one, though… Dragon Age is my first contender.
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titanbabyeams · 1 year
✨Hello! Welcome to my blog!✨
You can find my works here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/TiTaNbAbYeAmS
But most specifically I've been working on a Fullmetal Alchemist / My Hero Academia crossover series! https://archiveofourown.org/series/3156039
I am most prideful of my introduction of Edward Elric x Takami Keigo (Hawks). I hope this small bit of content may intrigue you to my agenda. :DD
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titanbabyeams · 11 months
Now... I know I haven't actually talked about EdHawks too much yet but surprise! I just posted the first little bit of my slash fic. Please enjoy!!
Title: The Agenda.
Rating: Teen.
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titanbabyeams · 1 year
101 Dalmatians except it’s only the meet-cute between Edward and Hawks.
Edward is walking dogs for pocket money and one of the dogs starts running around Hawks’ legs, wrapping them with a leash… Ed is chasing the dog to try and drop him but Hawks is laughing at the scene. Ed has to stop a second because he’s stunned by the laugh… and eventually they manage to de-tangle.
Hawks is so intrigued (+ massive mood boost) by the embarrassed Ed that he joins Ed for the rest of the walk…
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