#edit: i posted this in a rush last night and woke up and instantly went ''I KNEW I FORGOT SOMETHING''
matchaball · 7 years
parallel lines
AN: Hello hello @convenientalias !! I am your secret santa this year! :D I saw that you particularly like canon-divergent fics and decided to go off on that and do a slow reveal between these dorks :') Hope you enjoy, and Merry Christmas!
Giant thanks to @mlsecretsanta for organizing this enormous event!
EDIT: I also must thank @ming85 5 billion times over for helping me out with this fic and for kicking my writer’s block square in the butt. You’re a star!! <3 
( AO3 )
1. they say, seeing is believing.
“Could you pass me the icing please?”
Adrien bends down close, melding his personal space with hers, but Marinette leans into it and hands him the bag of icing sugar lying beside the gingerbread house she’s decorating. Another time, she would have blushed uncontrollably at the way her fingers brush his, and she would have thought of literally nothing else for the next few glorious days moments.
Instead, she has to do everything in her power to not drop her gaze to where the breast pocket of his jacket lies beneath his apron. She can see the slight bump in the fabric anyway, out of the corner of her eye.
She’s seen him. The kwami.
The black cat kwami.
(She could’ve chalked up Adrien walking out of the same alleyway she saw Chat duck into after a particular harrowing akuma attack as a funny coincidence, but then the punchline came zooming out of his jacket pocket demanding cheese, and she knew.)
Which means…
Instead of decorating, Marinette leans back a little and openly watches Adrien as he concentrates on piping eyes and a mouth on the little fondant figure he’s sculpted. His tongue sticks out just the littlest bit, and his tousled hair glitters with the sugar that exploded over him from Tom greeting him with a great bear hug earlier.
It’s as subtle as a shift of light, but now that she knows what to look for, it’s as clear as day and night.
She sees Chat as clearly as she sees Adrien.
His eyes focus entirely on the task at hand, but her gaze seems to nudge at him until he looks up at her.
Marinette’s breath catches in her throat as those brilliant green eyes blink slowly at her.
(She wonders if she could make him purr.)
“Am I doing this right?” Adrien asks, a shy, uncertain smile growing on his face in light of her unwavering stare.
Another time, Marinette would have babbled to the ends of the earth to assure him he’s doing grape- no, gorgeous- no, great, and she likely would’ve knocked everything off the table in the process. But the bump in his jacket pocket is there, and he looks far too reserved for the friend, and partner, and so much more that she knows him to be to her so-
“It’s purr-fect,” Marinette declares, winking as she taps his nose. Like flicking a switch, Adrien’s face lights up with a familiar mischievous grin.
“It is, isn’t it,” he agrees with exaggerated pride as he holds up his handwork. One eye is smudged and the smile wobbles on one end, but the iced blue pigtails and pretty pink fondant outfit makes it undeniably Marinette. “I’m sure you could get bread-er if you didn’t loaf around so much.”
“Oh, you don’t want to start that with me,” Marinette smirks. “At the very yeast, save yourself or else you’ll be toast.”
Laughter blooms from her chest, as light and airy as cotton candy, and it grows ever bigger as Adrien seems to do a double take at the easy way she volleys puns back at him. He flounders for a moment, clearly teetering between bemusement and delight before relaxing into an easy smile she’s seen hundreds of times, framed in black leather and shared high up among the rooftops.
“Well,” Adrien sighs theatrically, “I guess that’s just the way the cookie crumbles then.”
Marinette’s hand instinctively stutters to her hip, her fingers searching for the tiny purse that cradles Tikki. Her too-loud laugh hastens to cover her transition to grabbing a fistful of chocolate chips on the table.
“Careful what you wish for!” Marinette teases.
It takes a second for Adrien to realize what she means, but a second is all she needs to launch said chocolate chips at him. Glee lances through his eyes before he lunges forward, mouth open and aimed at the delicious projectiles. A few bounce off his face, and more evade him still as they fly to land softly in his hair.
She flicks one more. He goes cross-eyed in his attempt to catch it- and luck lands it squarely on his waiting tongue.
They both freeze, absolute surprise mirroring across both their faces, before Marinette breaks it with a cheer. Adrien fist pumps into a dramatic victory pose and it’s pure Chat, through and through. Her willpower pushes down the natural instinct to fistbump him, and she settles for grinning broadly at him instead, sharing in the victory.
“That’s definitely my hardest accomplishment of the day,” Adrien laughs, his cheek puffing out as he sticks the chocolate chip to the side to suck on.
“Sculpting me definitely didn’t take you all day and was the easiest then, wasn’t it.”
“Piece of cake,” Adrien grins. “Actually more like, the icing on top of the cake.”
He gestures to the magnificent gingerbread house taking up most of the kitchen table. Its candy cane balcony and translucent sugar glass storefront windows makes it a close replica to the bakery and her home.
“I think the house is pretty much decorated,” Marinette decides, tilting her head in thought.
“Not quite,” Adrien insists. He hunches over his work and concentrates on adding the finishing touches, before straightening up and gently, carefully placing his little fondant figure up on the balcony. Fondant Marinette beams up at them with her icing sugar smile and glittering sprinkle eyes, perfectly framed by the gumdrop fairy lights strung along the gingerbread rooftop.
It’s technically complete, and yet…
“It’s missing one more thing,” Marinette declares. She scoops up some leftover fondant and briskly, expertly moulds them into the exact shape she wants. Her fingers fly as they collect icing sugar and sprinkles for decoration, and several heartbeats later, her creation comes to life between her hands.
She hesitates, then settles the little black cat next to her own sugar figurine on the balcony.
“There,” Marinette says, softly. “Done.”
A part of her, the cautious, logical part, clambers immediately for her to rewind and redo, because this felt about as subtle as a brick, but the larger part of her, the braver, curious part, looks up, and watches.
She spots the breath that catches in Adrien’s throat for just that split second, spots the bump in his breast pocket shift ever so slightly, and she wonders briefly if his heart is beating as fast as hers. He turns to look at her, green eyes focused thoughtfully, intensely on the open book of her face, reading between the lines. He looks for an answer she’s not sure she can give.
It’s a look Marinette’s seen before, when her Lucky Charm is cradled between her palms like a giant question mark waiting to be solved.
There’s always a split second, a terrifying, infinitely long second, where she’s not sure if she can do this- be the person with the answers, be the infallible superhero, be Ladybug. The fear is irrational, she knows that- and yet no matter how often the fear comes to seek the cracks in her confidence, it never lingers.
“Less a house now, I think,” Adrien says, a smile curling up to warm his expression into something soft, something hopeful, “and more a home.”
He sees her, and she believes.
2. they say, believing is knowing.  
Believing was never the problem, with Adrien.
It just happens to fall into his particular blend of trust and optimism. Why wouldn’t he believe that Hawkmoth will be defeated, that that they could have a white Christmas, that Plagg could potentially eat something other than Camembert?
Call him romantic, or foolish, or naive, but he likes to hope. And no matter how tiny the hope, he holds on and doesn’t let go.
Except he might have slightly miscalculated how much holding onto this particular hope could cost him.  
“Get out of the way, GET OUT OF THE WAY!” Marinette screams as she rockets towards him, arms flung out in a desperately futile attempt to balance herself. Her skates knife across the clear ice as she accelerates towards him like a furious, pink torpedo.
Adrien gracefully glides out of her path and snags her arm as she zooms by. She swings around his pivot like a yoyo until she’s safely reeled in and stopped within the bracket of his arms.
“This looks like the opposite of getting out of my way,” Marinette muffles into the blue of his scarf.
“You’re welcome,” Adrien laughs. He carefully moves back, never letting go of her mittened hands. “Ready to try again?”
A fierce, determined look flashes through Marinette’s eyes, and at her decisive nod, Adrien slowly begins skating backwards. Their linked hands tug Marinette forwards, and soon she’s wobbling along as he guides her across the rink.
It’s funny, how flipping across the rooftops of Paris as Ladybug is as natural as breathing, yet a simple layer of ice proves to be her ultimate downfall. It’s funny, how she can nail a pinpoint landing onto her balcony for a detransformation that he accidentally spots, yet the simple act of even turning her skates proves impossible without his help.
Adrien’s fingers tighten protectively, possessively over Marinette’s, and his heart is the one stuttering and tripping as Marinette glances up at him, cheeks pink from the cold, blue eyes sparkling from the lights strung around the rink, mouth stretched wide in a grin as they complete a full circuit without stumbling once.
Honestly, it’s a miracle he can still function around her now.
“Ok… I think I’m getting the hang of this,” Marinette says slowly as they begin to circle around once more. Her fingers squeeze his, then begins to untangle from his grasp.
“Are you sure?” Adrien asks, reluctant to let go.
“Yes,” she answers. A pause, then, “Maybe. Stay close… just in case.”
A worried knot within Adrien’s chest loosens at that, and this time he can let her go. He gracefully turns himself around so he’s by her side, and adjusts his pace to match hers. It takes a few minutes, but soon enough they’re mirroring each other, stroke by stroke across the glittering ice.
“Not bad, for someone who hasn’t skated since she was three,” Adrien teases as they maneuver around a pileup of kids and their pylon cones.
“I can start just fine,” Marinette protests. “Stopping…”
The mere thought has her wobbling dangerously for a heart-stopping moment. Adrien reacts before he can think, his hands shooting out to steady her to him. He doesn’t miss the way Marinette’s hands fly to the pocket of her peacoat, and he has to resist his curiosity to ask about her kwami.
“You’re gonna need steel-toed skates at this rate,” Marinette grumbles as she rights herself.
Adrien stumbles and covers it up with a loud laugh, because oh, the irony.
“I’ll wear them next time,” he promises with a wink, “just for you.”
Princess almost escapes at the tail end of his sentence but he catches himself just in time. The word lingers in his mouth, sweet as sugar, but a pause still seems to bubble up anyway in lieu of the endearment.
Marinette merely reaches up and taps his nose fondly. “Silly, they’re protection for you. It’d be just my luck if I skated over your toes or something equally horrifying.”
“Sounds more like my kind of luck,” Adrien chuckles, feeling Plagg shift in his pocket.
“Maybe we’ll find a balance, between the both of us,” Marinette laughs. Her skates catch upon a patch of rough ice and she lurches forward with a, “Oh n-”
“-ope, not today!” Adrien finishes as he catches her yet again and steadies her until she’s solidly upright. He laughs, long and loud, as she puffs her cheeks at him, amusement and exasperation mingling in her eyes. “Looks like we already balance each other out.”
“You’re being way too nice,” Marinette huffs. “I haven’t done anything except almost take you and everyone else out the whole time we’ve been out here.”
“You’re dazzling,” he counters confidently. The sentiment comes out a little more honest, a little more heartfelt than he’d intended, and Marinette’s cheeks go pink right alongside his at the compliment.
“...sounds like a challenge,” Marinette comments after a moment. The smile she sends him is pure Ladybug, confident and daring.
The grin he sends back is all Chat, with mischief curled in the corners. “Only if you can keep up.”
“Keep up?” Marinette laughs, tossing her head back. “You’re on.”
She digs her skates in, and flies, blowing right past awkward fumbling and into breathtaking speed. Adrien whoops as he pushes off after her. The wind whips by his cheeks and playfully ruffles his hair as they chase each other around and around, a dance they’ve done dozens, hundreds of times up among the rooftops and framed against the endless sky.
“You’re a natural!” Adrien laughs breathlessly as Marinette glides to a slow, panting stop.
“It’s easier when I’m with you,” Marinette grins. She shrieks as he pulls up next to her with a hard stop that sends ice shavings flying in a spray of glittering white. They catch the light, turning into wings, into butterflies, that perfectly frame the way her laugh rings through the air.
It’s such a little snapshot of a moment, but it’s extraordinary in that it’s theirs.
Adrien’s always believed in Ladybug, but believing in her twice- loving her twice- makes him know.
Marinette is better than hope; she is real.
3. they say...
“I thought we said no presents this year,” Ladybug says, eyeing the bright pink package held between Chat’s hands.
“We did,” Chat nodded blithely as he gestured to the sky blue bag dangling from Ladybug’s fingertips. “Clearly we’re both great at following rules.”
They only ever had one hard rule though- and evidently that had been too difficult to follow as well.
“Well,” Ladybug chuckles as she sits down at the edge of the rooftop and pats the space next to her for him. “At least we’re on the same page.”
“Always, My Lady,” Chat grins as he folds himself down next to her.
They sit in peaceful silence, enjoying the lingering smell of chestnuts and hot chocolate from the markets that were open earlier. Fairy lights still twinkle through the streets, illuminating the few couples and families out for a late night walk in the scant snow dusting the ground.
“Here,” Chat says softly as he nudges the pink box over. “Merry Christmas Bugaboo.”
“Merry Christmas Chat,” she smiles as she passes him her bag. “Are we opening them now?”
“Why not?”
For such a light suggestion, the air between them feels a little heavier, a little more loaded as they open their gifts.
Ladybug gasps in delight as a soft pink scarf winds around her hands. She immediately wraps it around her neck, sighing blissfully as the plush wool curls against her skin. It’s handmade: her fingers find the sporadic gaps and occasional lump in the scarf, finds the time and love infused in each stitch. She looks up to thank him when her hands find a little surprise.
At one end of the scarf is a small pocket. Not quite big enough for a pair of gloves, not quite small enough for anything better off in her purse.
But a perfect size for a kwami.
Paranoia freezes her on the spot, holds her thanks captive in her mouth, so she is utterly silent as she simply watches him unwrap his gift.
Chat makes quick work of the tissue paper stuffed in the bag, and draws out a sky blue beanie. He doesn’t need his night vision to see that the beanie is made from the same yarn his scarf is made out of, the scarf gifted to him on his birthday, allegedly by his father.
He knows better now; the carefully stitched signature at the edge of the scarf that he found shortly after receiving it tells him several truths. It’s Marinette, who made him the scarf, who made him feel remembered and welcomed and loved. It’s Marinette, who’s always been there for him, always.
The beanie rests carefully in his clawed hands, and he turns it over and over until the light gilds the fine thread stitching a tiny signature along the inside edge.
He looks up at her, a question in his eyes, and sees it mirrored in hers.
Do you know?
A breathless, weightless heartbeat passes and neither one of them moves first.
“I saw you.”
The words rush out of out Ladybug’s mouth and drops between them like a gauntlet. At Chat’s startled, wide-eyed look, she swallows and commits.
“I saw you,” she whispers, and the emphasis leaves no room as to what she means.
Chat’s ears prick forwards and he scoots closer to her, a gentle smile curling on his face in contrast to the tense furrow of disbelief wrinkling Ladybug’s brow. He picks up her challenge and turns it into an invitation.
“I had hoped it was you,” he admits, as openly honest as he can be in this strange teetering space they find themselves in. “Of everyone I know, I had hoped Ladybug would be you. You’re confident and so capable and so easy to love. I really do think you’re dazzling, with and without your Ladybug powers.”
“I don’t know how I thought you could be anyone else,” Ladybug whispers. The tension in her shoulders begins to unwind at his honesty, at his softness. “You’re always so kind. Talking to the akuma victims after we defeat them. Offering your umbrella to someone who snubbed you the whole day. Your heart’s always been the same.”
“My heart’s always been yours, my lady,” Chat murmurs. He takes a breath, and falls first. “Princess. Marinette.”
“Kitty,” she says, softly. Logic has her hesitating, but it’s the look in Chat’s eyes that has her falling after him. “Adrien.”
The revelation stuns them both into silence, but as a shy smile grows on Chat’s face, a similar one mirrors across Ladybug. They break out into nervous giggles, smoothing out into a familiar, comfortable ease.
“So where do we go from here?” Chat asks.
“Let’s… not go anywhere,” Ladybug decides, slowly. “There’s no rush, right?”
“No rush, no pressure,” Chat agrees as he tugs his beanie over his head. His cat ears poke up into the soft fabric, making the fit a little odd, but he beams so delightedly that it looks perfect anyway. “We have all the time in the world.”
Relief settles onto Ladybug’s shoulders, but she shouldn’t be surprised. In anything, everything, she’s never had to handle anything truly by herself. She’s never been alone.
She shifts until she can rest her head on his shoulder, and sighs softly as he wraps an arm around her waist, his head coming to rest on top of hers. They breathe, and accept, and hold on to each other as peace comes to blanket warmly over them.
To see, to believe, to know, has nothing on love.
“Hey,” Ladybug murmurs, “I’m glad it’s you.”
Chat chuckles, and turns to press a kiss to the top of her head. “I’m glad it’s you, too.”
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sapphirelass · 4 years
What family is all about - Weasley FamilyxWeasley!Sister
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Hiiiiiii!!! It’s... been a while. Again. Let’s face it, I’ll never be able to post as often as I’d like. I just don’t like rushing stuff, or posting anything I’m not happy with, so...
Anyhow, I LOVED writing for the Weasley family, and I’ll most likely do it again soon. Bill and Charlie are both underrated characters in my opinion and I had a ton of fun letting them ‘shine’ (despite this being a sort of sad story, but that always seems to be where I end up... XD)
Also, I might have to edit this once more, but it’s late, I have not posted in about two weeks and I just want to go to sleep XD That being said, take it for what it is, and I’ll try to correct any grammatical errors later. Good night! <3
Please note:
1: I don’t own any of the gifs used, nor any already established characters, so credit to the authors and original creators - You have done a phenomenal job :)
2: English is not my native language, as I was born and raised in Sweden. I have, however, studied English for almost a decade, so I don’t think it’ll be a problem, I just thought I’d let you know ;)
Word count: ≈ 2800 (they just keep getting longer, don’t they? XD)
Warnings: Light swearing, blood, angst
Enjoy! :)
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That’s what family is all about 
“How big did his tongue get?”
“It was four feet long before his parents would let me shrink it!”
The sound of laughter was heard from the kitchen as Elwira Weasley entered her childhood home. She worked as an arithmancer, and had been stationed at a research-facility in the northern parts of Sweden for the past few years. Her work took up most of her time, but she had just travelled home to go see the quidditch final with her dad, older brother Bill, twin brother Charlie and all their younger siblings.
“It isn’t funny”, her dad shouted. “That sort of behaviour seriously undermines wizard-muggle relations! I spend half my life campaigning against the mistreatment of muggles, and my own sons-”
“Are just a wee bit too daft to understand that!”
She walked through the door and found her entire family, plus two other people she didn’t know, all sitting or standing around the kitchen table.
Her older brother and twin, with whom she had always been extremely close, both made their way across the room and pulled her into a hug so tight she could barely breathe.
“Blimey! ‘ello Bill, hey Charlie! Long time no see, huh?”
“Certainly!”, their mother exclaimed while pushing the two oldest sons to the side as she tried to get a good look at her grown-up daughter. “Not a single visit since Christmas, Elwira Weasley, we’ve had to do with owls for six months?!”
“Sorry, mum, there’s been a lot of work to do… I thought I’d stay for the rest of the summer though, if that’s okay with you?”
“Of course, dear! Have you eaten yet?”
“No, I’m famished!”
Mrs Weasley went off to get another plate, and Ellie, after greeting everyone and being introduced to Harry and Hermione, took a seat between her dad and youngest brother.
“So Ronald? Had a good term?”
“Err.. Sure? Nothing interesting except for the stuff I wrote to you about, though.”
“Well you’re going into your fourth year now - almost halfway through!” She paused for a moment and turned to her father. “You good dad? You seem a bit… tense?”
Arthur looked up from his plate and sent his daughter a kind smile.
“Don’t worry about it, darling. Hosting the world cup comes with a great deal of problems all with the need to be solved. Admittedly, it’s not really part of my job, but the entire ministry becomes quite chaotic when something like that is days away. I’m a bit stressed, that’s all. How are things up in Scandinavia?”
“They’re… somewhat slow to be honest. There’s so much work to do between like October and February, but in the summer it’s mostly filing and other boring bits of paperwork.”
“Elwira?”, Hermione asked. “Sorry, I’m just curious, what is it that you do? Ron’s never told us…”
“That’s probably cause Ron doesn’t understand what I’m doing”, she smirked, “but of course, I work with, and study, arithmancy which, as you might know, is part of what’s called ‘natural magic’.”
“Great!”, mumbled Ron quietly, making sure only his friends and older sister heard. “Hermione, there are four rules in this house, okay? One: Don’t ask Charlie about dragons, Two: Don’t ask Percy about anything, Three: Don’t ask dad about muggles, and Four: Don’t ask Ellie about her job. Break either and you’ll be stuck listening to a five hour lecture.”
 Hermione didn’t seem to be bored though, so Ellie ignored her brother’s comment and continued. 
“It’s the type of magic that has been studied and worshiped since ancient times and has a very strong connection with nature. The natural phenomena with the strongest affiliation with magic is, while they in themselves have what the muggles would call a ‘scientific explanation’, the northern lights. Meaning it’s only when they’re visible that we can make any significant progress.”
Ellie paused and glanced at the younger girl, trying to see whether she had caught on or not, and was happy when realizing that she had.
“And... “, questioned Hermione, “the northern lights are only visible north of the polar circle and b-”
“Between September and March, exactly… Meaning there’s sadly not that much advanced research that can be done during the rest of the year…”
“It’s still a fascinating subject though. I only started last year, but I love it.”
“I’m glad! At least some people appreciate the wonderful art that is arithmancy, Ronald!”
Ron looked up at the mention of his name and met his sister’s gaze. 
“I just don’t find it interesting”, he said.  
“Right, because you ha-”
Ellie didn’t get to finish her sentence before being interrupted by her twin brother.
“Hey, Ellie? Must have been fun watching the Nordic versus Germany, huh?”
“Oh shut up, Charlie!”, she groaned while putting her head in her hands. “Holy Merlin…” The Nordic National Quidditch team, of which she had become a huge supporter in the last few years, had suffered a HORRENDOUS loss against Germany, and it had certainly not been a fun night. 
Her brother, however, did not shut up, but instead burst out laughing.  
“Charlie, it’s not funny!! You should have been there though… You’d have done a much better job than the stand-in seeker we had.”
“What were the results again? 700-20?”
“... 520 actually”
“520 to??”, Bill said mockingly
“You’re idiots both of you… 520-0, happy now?”
Ellie hadn’t realized that everyone else around the table had been listening in on their conversation, but was made aware when Fred, George, Harry, Ron, Ginny and Arthur began laughing loudly.
“Why is this so funny to everyone? England lost badly too, and neither Romania nor Egypt even qualified to compete?!”
“Yeah...”, began Fred.
“But none of them lost with 520 points.”, finished George, earning himself a furious look from his older sister who stood up and shook her head.
“I’ll go see if mum needs any help…”
Ellie loved her family, and therefore all her slightly annoying brothers, beyond everything, but being away from them for months and then meeting them all at the same time was TIRING! Having no desire to sleep through the world cup, she decided to go to bed early the night before, and she had barely closed her eyes before she fell asleep...
“3, 2 ‘shhhh, quiet!”
Ellie took notice of the obnoxiously loud whispers, but it wasn’t enough to fully wake her up.
“We’ve got one more chance, 3, 2, 1, ELLIE!!!!”
She woke up instantly and sent a blast of blue sparks towards her older brother, barely missing him by an inch.
“What ‘ru doing, El? You can’t just go attacking people?!”
He tried to sound angry, but failed miserably, a heartwarming laugh escaping his mouth.
“You bloody idiots?! Why’d you scare me like that? You’re 21 and 23, not five?”
“Brings back memories, doesn’t it? Do you remember-”
“Yes, I do!”. She rubbed her eyes slowly, “‘85, look can you two please let me sleep?”
“Sorry, sis”, said Bill. “We’re leaving in half an hour. The kids and dad left ages ago.”
“Yeah, you don’t want to be late do you? Not when you can cheer for a team that might not loo-”
“Charlie, I swear!”
The match was fantastic! Ellie would never admit it to her brothers, but it was nice to watch an even one for once. Watching and cheering with her family brought back fond memories of childhood games at the Burrow or Hogwarts, and she realized just how much she had missed actually playing. They stayed up late discussing players and tactics, but eventually their father ushered them all off to bed. 
She stirred slightly and pulled the sleeping bag tighter around her.
“Ellie! Damn it, wake up!”
She opened her eyes slowly and saw her twin brother bent above her. The sight made her sigh.
“Charlie”, she mumbled. “We see each other once- or twice a year nowadays, do you really feel obligated to wake me up every time you get the chance?”
“Elwira, I’m serious! Get up!”
This caught her attention. Sure, the twins often used their full names when messing with each other, but it didn’t sound like Charlie was joking at all. She sat up, rubbed the sleep from her eyes and yawned loudly.
“What’s going on? Wha- Charlie? It’s still dark out? Why’d yo-”
“Ellie, c’mon. We have to help dad. Someone’s attacking the muggles.”
He threw his sister a jacket and pulled her out of the tent. Arthur, Bill and Percy were all waiting outside.
“Dad?”, she asked. “What’s happening? Charlie sai-”
“We’ve got to help the ministry!”, he said while frantically trying to count everyone and make sure they were there. “Fred, George, you make sure the others are safe. Go wait in the woods and I’ll come for you when the situation’s under control. Bill, Charlie, Percy, Ellie, let’s see if there’s something we can do.”
Nobody questioned Mr Weasley’s instructions, and immediately left in different directions. There were people everywhere though, and the two directions quickly became three, four, six. Spells and curses were fired left, right and centre and Ellie found herself disarming and stunning at least a few death eaters. There weren’t that many of them, roughly thirty or so, but the insane amount of witches and wizards fleeing the campsite made it difficult to fight back. She couldn’t risk hitting any random bloke.
While duelling a tall man in a black mask, Ellie suddenly stumbled forward, a particularly nasty curse having hit her straight in the back. Falling to the ground felt way more painful than it should have, and her wand landed well beyond her reach. She groaned as a burning pain spread through her lower back, but made an effort to get back up anyways. She did, however, not make it very far before the sharp end of a wand dug into her throat.
The death eater behind her sniggered and pulled her up by the collar of her shirt.
“Well, well, well… Why’re you trying to ruin our fun?”
He stood way too close for comfort and Ellie felt his breath on her neck. She tried to answer, but the curse that was shot at her must have hit its intended target, as all that came out when she opened her mouth was a strained cough and warm blood.
The bloke holding her let out a dark chuckle and threw her to the ground. She could barely keep her eyes open, and a thick, red liquid oozed from the wound in her back.
“Not so high-and-mighty now, are we?”
Ellie lacked the strength to fight back, and to the death eaters that seemed to take all the fun out of the situation. They set off back towards the campsite, leaving Ellie on the ground next to a few pines. She tried her very best to sit up, but ended up passing out…
Bill ran up to his younger brother and pulled him in for a quick, one-armed hug.
“Charlie, you okay? We’ve got to get back to the tent. Where’s El?”
“Wha-, I-I thought she was with you?!?”
“What? Last I saw her you were together?”
The brothers shared a lock of utter terror.
“Bill, we have to find her!”
“I know… Dad went to get the kids and Percy’s back in the tent waiting.”
“There’s no time to waste then. Let’s go”
They had been running around the camping grounds for half an hour, and there was still not a trace of a living soul - let alone the special one they were searching for. At first, they had been shouting her name at the top of their lungs, but were now walking silently. That was, at least, until a shout made both of them turn around.
“Bill! Charlie! What are you doing? I told you to stay in the tent?”
Arthur Weasley came running towards them, with Harry, Ron and Hermione following close behind.
“Dad!”, Charlie shouted. “Have you seen El? We can’t find her?”
“What?”, asked Arthur. “But she was with you, wasn’t she?”
“Yes, at first, but we must have gotten separated… Dad, is that? You know?”
He threw a dark glance at the skull and snake decorating the night sky and said, “Yes. Yes it is. Look, I’ll take Ron, Hermione and Harry back to the tent, and I’ll meet you back here in ten minutes, okay? Don’t go too far. Come on kids!”
Just as the brothers were about to give up, go back to the clearing, wait for their dad and hopefully find both their sisters safe and sound, Bill noticed something. A glimpse of red in the moonlight…
“Charlie? Get over here fast!”
The younger brother followed Bill’s gaze and immediately set off through the forest when his eyes found a mess of ginger hair sticking out from behind a rather large pine. Bill followed closely behind.
Charlie stumbled to his knees and turned his sister around, trying to get a better look at her. He pressed his hand to her wrist and breathed a sigh of relief when he found a pulse.
“She’s alive”, he mumbled. “Bill, she’s alive!”
“Good. I- Good.” Bill was lost for words too and mumbled a quick “Let me see”.
He pushed some hair out of her eyes and searched for any clues to what had hit her. He was a curse-breaker after all, but that usually meant working with curses placed on things or places, not people. 
“Charlie, I-I don’t know what that is… it’s not a curse I’m familiar with and I’m no healer… You want to carry her?”
“Of course”
Charlie brought his twin into his arms and picked her up, her bruised, limp body threatening to fall unless he held on tight enough. The brothers walked back to the clearing where they’d promised to meet their dad, but kept a close watch on their sister. They would apparate, though at the moment none of them felt like they had much time for ‘Deliberation’. It wasn’t very far anyways.
“DAD!”, Bill shouted as soon as they noticed Arthur in the clearing where they were supposed to wait.
“Boys! Didn’t I tell you t-”
“We’ll take that later, Dad, you’ve got to help her!?”
Arthur Weasley was speechless, which had most likely never happened before, and Charlie felt so helpless. This was worse than his worst nightmares, and there was nothing he could do. Had it been a wounded dragon, sure, he knew loads about them, but this?
“Dad?”, asked Bill. “What can we do?”
“Right. Er… I suppose there’s no use trying to get you to wait here?”, he said while looking at Charlie who frantically shook his head. “Right, Bill could you go back to Percy and the kids? Fill them in on what happened? Then Charlie and I’ll take Ellie to St Mungos, okay?”
Bill didn’t look too happy with the idea, but nodded nonetheless.
“Charlie sit down!”
“Fred, he can’t”, said George. “Hey, I think you missed a spot over there, Charles”
“Shut it both of you! Honestly, why am I the only one that’s worried?”
Arthur stood up and put an arm around his son.
“Listen, we’re all worried, but walking back and forth isn’t helping anyone. Just sit for a moment, huh?”
“No, dad, you don’t understand! It’s my fault. We were supposed to stick together! I let her out of my sight...I-”
“Charlie, we all-”
“No, Bill, you don’t get it either, I should-”
“-let your sister sleep for once? That’d be greatly appreciated, thank you.”
The entire family turned at once, and found the oldest daughter struggling to sit up.
Charlie stumbled over and put a hand on his sister’s back, trying to help her up, but unfortunately placing it right where the curse had hit her.
She moved away from his touch and he pulled his hand back immediately.
“Blimey, Ellie I’m so s-”
“Charlie, it’s good. Don’t worry about it.”
Ellie pulled her brother into a hug, though he was now extremely careful, and she looked over his shoulder at the rest of her family. Her eyes met Bill’s and he sent her a kind smile. She gestured for him to come join them, and eventually the whole family found themselves in a loving group hug. Molly did her very best to wrap her arms around all her children, desperately trying to convince herself that they were all there - safe and sound and loved. 
Because if there was one thing the Weasleys had a lot of, it was love and that is, after all, precisely what family is all about.
~ L
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atinydise · 5 years
Ateez cheating on their s/o (1/2)
❦ Genre: Angst.
❦ Pairing: OT8.
❦ Word count: 1k8.
❦ Masterlist.
Part 2
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“Sorry Y/N but we need to work till late tonight. Don’t wait for me babe.” “Oka-“ you tried to say but he hung up too fast. It’s been 2 weeks now. He was like a ghost for you. He came to sleep at your apartment and was gone before you woke up. You took a deep breath and threw your phone on your bed, frustrated. The comeback promotions were over, on what he could work on so bad.
You stoop up of your bed, determined to cheer him and the boys too. In 10 minutes, you were at the convenient store buying their favorite snacks. You couldn’t help them much because you were not a pro, but at least you could help to fill their stomachs. Few minutes later you were in the KQ’s elevator. Your hands were shaking from excitement. They would be so happy. You checked your phone to see if Hongjoong answered you, but still no message from him. As you walk on the corridor, you could hear a loud music resounding. It came from your boyfriend’s studio. Without knocking, because you wouldn’t hear it anyway, you opened the door. “Hongjoong! I have-“.
You paused.
Your boyfriend and the girl on his laps paused too.
The music was loud, but you couldn’t hear anything at this moment, too focused on the horrible scene. The plastic bag fell of your hand. Your cheeks were wet before you could notice. Hongjoong pushed the girl away from his laps. “Y/N… that’s not what you think!” Then what was this girl doing on him? Why her lipstick was on his lips? Why his hair was messy? You couldn’t stop your tears. You wanted to throw up. He took your hand, but you removed so fast that he stepped back. “What are you doing Hongjoong?!” you finally yelled at him. The rest of the members came when they heard you. “What is happening?” Asked Seonghwa. “What are you doing Hongjoong?” you repeated. He couldn’t look at you, too ashamed. You threw on him, the scarf he gave for your birthday. “I hate you!” You left, hearing Yunho asking you to stay with them. But it was too late, they wouldn’t see you again.
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[“It’s good to be home! I missed my mom and her cooking skills!] [“Say hello to your mom for me. I will try to send another chocolate box soon!”] [“Okay! I will tell a bit later, she’s with her friends.”] Your boyfriend was taking a break for few days at his parents’ house. You encouraged him to go. He worked so hard this year. [“Well baby, I will be busy for few hours. I’m going to see my uncle!”] [“Okay, have fun there! I love you!”] You searched on few websites what you could buy for his birthday. He’s going to be on tour, but he would be so happy. You saw the shoes that he wanted so bad since he saw it last week. That was a bit expensive, but you could afford it. You just needed to wait the end of the month. You could see him moonwalking with these boots. That’s like a ritual for him when he buys new shoes.
After your little online shopping, you opened Twitter. Your tweets list was boring, even if some got your attention. You typed “ATEEZ” on the search bar to see Atinys’ posts. It was the “Atiny Selca Day”, the fans were posing in the same position of their bias. Your boyfriend was a bit everywhere. As you wanted to see the popular selcas, one tweet got your attention. That wasn’t a selfie. But that was definitively your boyfriend on this picture. You felt your heart race when you saw that he was hugging and kissing this girl. You couldn’t believe it. Is that an edit? You prayed that it was one. As you zoomed on the picture to see any default or any sign of photoshop, you received a SNS’ notification. The title was “Seonghwa (Ateez) spending time with his girlfriend in Jeju Island.” You didn’t believe it or you didn’t want to. Everything was happening so fast. Confused, you texted your boyfriend. [“Seonghwa were are you?”] You instantly saw that he was answering. [“What do you mean? I’m with my uncle.”] [“Take a picture of both of you. Now.”] [“I can’t”]. Your heat skipped a beat. [“He doesn’t like picture…”] He was lying and you knew it. You sent him a screenshot of him and this girl. [“Take a damn picture of you and your uncle Park Seonghwa.”] You wiped one of your tears. He was writing but stopped. For 2 longs minutes the dots appeared and disappeared on your screen. [“Y/N… I’m sorry…”] Now he confirmed it. Your heart was so heavy that you thought you were going to die. [“Don’t try to talk with me ever again.”] That’s the last time you talked to him.
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Every Friday, you were at Ateez dorm with your boyfriend, for a movie night. That was like a ritual, since he worked so much and didn’t have so much free time, that’s the last thing he could do for you. Tonight, he chose Harry Potter, aka his favorite movie. But he wasn’t paying any attention on it. Always looking at his phone. “Who are you texting like that No-no*?” you asked. You felt him tense a bit. “Mingi!” He almost yelled, “we are talking about the new choreography. Idol life, you know.” He giggled. “You guys never take a break. You will transform into machines.” He kissed your forehead. “But at least we like our job.” You smiled at him and focused back on the movie. 30 minutes later you asked Yunho, “Can you bring more popcorn? This one was really good, where did you bought it?” “A friend gave it to me. It’s from Chicago.” “Then ask him where he bought it,” you giggled, “I can bet it’s Johnny!” you guessed as he left the living-room. You tried to focus back on the movie but Yunho’s phone was non-stop buzzing next to you. “Ya Mingi… let him rest a bit.” You whispered. You decided to trap Mingi by answering one of his messages. When you unlocked his phone, you weren’t expecting to see “Sojin” texting your boyfriend. “Who is Sojin?” you asked Yunho. “What? I don’t hear you.” Before you could ask him one more time, the phone buzzed in your hand. A new message from Sojin. [“Wow… I can’t wait. What are you doing tonight? I want another round.”] Instinctively, you’ve read all the messages. Most of them was suggestive. She sent few selfies as well. “Here’s your popcorn prin-“ Yunho stopped when he saw you, his phone on your shaking hands. “Yunho, who is Sojin? And why are you talking with her like that?” Your eyes didn’t leave him. “I-… Y-Y/N” he stuttered. “Were you talking with this girl since I’m here? Why she’s asking another round Yunho?” you faced him. “Talk to me for god’s sake!”. “Y/N…” “Are you sleeping with this girl?” He didn’t answer you. But you knew. You threw his phone on his chest. “Y/N wait!” he begged when you packed your stuff. “How dare you? Asking me to wait while you are flirting and more with this Sojin!” You head was spinning, you wanted to throw up, your heart was in pain. He didn’t try to hold you back as you left the room.
*No-no: a nickname for Yunho.
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You invited all the members to go at restaurant for celebrate their first win. Everyone was so excited. They felt so much lighter now. Having a first win is a big step for idols. “I can’t come with you guys.” Said Yeosang embarrassed. “Why? We can’t celebrate that without you!” you said. “I promised my friend to meet him today since he’s in Korea for 1 week.” He explained. “Then go hyung, but I want my Bulgogi! We need to go Y/N!” Wooyoung almost begged you. You giggled, it would be less funny without your boyfriend but you don’t want to disappoint the boys. “Okay! Let’s go!” You kissed Yeosang softly, “have fun babe.” He smiled at you, “thank you!”. “Y/N” yelled Wooyoung.
The dinner was cool and funny. The boys were so happy. They mocked Yunho, Jongho and Wooyoung because they cried like babies. Honestly, they were all crying. Even San and Mingi backstage. At the dessert, Jongho asked you. “How is your relationship with Yeosang, Y/N? He’s too shy to talk about it with us.” You laughed, your boyfriend is so awkward when someone is asking these kind of questions. “We are doing good. I’m so happy with him that I could scream to the world my love for him.” You smiled. “Ew… so romantic.” Said Wooyoung disgusted. At the end of the dinner, you decided to walk a bit with them. Wooyoung and San were behind, probably talking about their first win. Mingi, Jongho and Honghoong were in front of you, laughing. And you were talking with Seonghwa about his idol life. Suddenly, you bumped accidently on Mingi, not paying attention. “Ew, sorry Mingi!” He didn’t answer you, his mouth was open in shook and his eyes went wide. “Mingi? Are you okay?” You look at this direction he was staring on. The scene that you saw caused you to react exactly as the rapper. Yeosang was laughing and hugging tightly a girl. They seemed close. It confirmed when he pecks the girl lips. Exactly like he does with you. “What is Yeosang doing?” asked San angrily. Your knees were shaking, you couldn’t support you weight anymore. Almost falling on Mingi. “Y/N!” Yelled the boy as he holds you. Everyone was looking at you, your ex-boyfriend included. Through your tears you could see him detache his embrace to the girl. But it was too late. He rushed to you. The only thing you could do was to slap him. The noise resonated in the whole street. Yeosang was holding his cheek. You punched, (or at least you tried) his arms, his torso, his face. Even if he didn’t move at all. You wanted to hurt him as he did. Mingi grabbed your arms and led you somewhere else as you were swearing at Yeosang. You never felt this sensation in your heart. You just wanted to rip it.
Part 2
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papellie · 4 years
MC's a nurse in the hospital that Jumin's child was rushed to. Memories of the past hits Jumin because of something familiar.
Read this while listening to Once upon a dream by Lana Del Rey
After that 16 hours shift all you wanted to do was take a shower and sleep on your bed. That felt like heaven in your head so you hurriedly packed your things and said goodbye to your colleagues that was on the night shift. You looked at your watch it was 11 PM already the hospital hallways were silent. You have just been working in this hospital for two months but the people already respects you because your best friend is the child of the owner and because you're from abroad.
Suddenly, one of the patient's room opened. A boy about 5 years old stepped out, squinting his eyes while approaching you. You knelt down and pat his head.
"Hey Ha-jin, why are you still awake?" you asked.
"I'm scared, Nurse MC. They were running after me *hic* the monsters" he suddenly sobbed and hugged you.
"It's okay, I'm here now Ha-jin" you picked up the crying boy.
One of the nurses that was doing rounds saw you and hurriedly approached you. "Oh, I'm sorry miss MC! Let me take him. You should go home your shift is over." the other nurse insisted.
"It's okay, I'll just walk him around the hospital until he's asleep." you turned down her offer and walked away still holding the boy and his IV pole. Looks like your bed will have to wait.
"Did the monster get to you Ha-jin?" you asked the little boy that was still sniffing on your shoulder.
"No *sniff* I woke up. I went out because I don't want to wake up uncle Yoosung." he held tight to your scrub suit.
"You should go back to sleep, Ha-jin. Your uncle will be really worried if he found out you went out of your room in the middle of night. Don't worry I'll be with you until your asleep." you comforted the child.
He rest his head on your shoulder while you rock him and hummed a lullaby. "Can we go to the lobby? Maybe daddy will be there." The child requested.
You felt sad for the boy. He was one of the patients that was always going in and out of the hospital because he has a weak heart, you read from his medical records. You don't know why he was attached to you instantly. He just said he liked your lullaby.
Once the elevator doors opened you walked to the lobby and sat on one of the chairs. Humming and rocking the child on your arms.
"Mr. Han, wait!" his assistant called. Jumin almost ran out the car. He needed to see his child immediately. His whole flight he was drowning in worry because his child was rushed to the hospital again. He thought the little boy was getting better because it has been 6 months since he last had an attack. If he knew this was going to happen he didn't even thought of flying half across the world. Even if the doctor told him that his son was okay he still can't stop worrying until he sees his son.
"I know you I walked with you once upon a dream~" he instantly stopped when he heard someone singing that song.
"I know you that look in your eyes is so familiar, a gleam~" His eyes landed on a familiar silhouette.
"No, that can't be." he said in his head. He tried to reach his hand to the woman.
"And I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem~" Before he could reach her she stood up carrying a child one of her arms and held an IV pole on the other.
"But if I know you, I know what you'll do~" Jumin just stood there frozen, only eyeing the woman carrying his sleeping child to the elevator.
"You'll love me at once~" He moved on of his feet to try to reach the woman again. He can believe what he was seeing, he was so overwhelmed.
But his heart dropped when the woman finally faced him. "The way you did once upon a dream." Just before the elevator door completely closed their eyes met.
*DING* the elevator closed.
Jaehee was trying to catch her breath after running after her boss who was dying of worry for his child. But she saw him just standing in the middle of the hallway staring at a nurse who was carrying his child in the elevator. Jumin was known to be always calm and composed but when if it was his child they were talking about he becomes frantic. "But why was he just standing there when his child was in front of him?" she thought.
"Wasn't that Ha-jin, Mr. Han?" she asked. Jumin finally snapped out of his trace, shocked that she was right beside him. He looked so lost and scared like he's seen a ghost. Jumin was never like this.
"What the hell is happening?" she said in her head.
reposted this from @mystichubbies cause i just wanted to post all my stories here on the main.
Hope you enjoyed it!!!
edit: Yah it's the same story just changed the name of the bby.
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buckyspetpsychopath · 6 years
Back to sleep
0David Dobrik x reader Vlog squad
I'm startled awake by the sound of my phone ringing. I panic slightly and sit up from my bed and reach over on my nightstand for my phone. I click the answer button after seeing Davids picture pop up.
"Hello?" I answer groggily. "Fuck, did I wake you?" he sighs. "Yeah, it's fine. I'm up now, what's wrong?" I ask wiping the sleep from my eyes. "nono go back to sleep," he says. "David seriously. Its like 3am, you called for a reason spit it out." I huff. "I mean, I just. Could I come over?" he asks and I go silent for a moment so he starts explaining. "I don't have to. but I'm trying to edit and I can't focus and I need something to take my mind off it, but I wouldn't be able to sleep and I need to post tomorrow," he explains. "You want to come over now?" I whisper, biting my lip. "Yeah" he mumbles. "Fine" I grin. "I'll be around by 3.30" he chirps and I laugh slightly. "I'll be waiting," I say and hang the phone up. 
I look at the time and its 3.04. I look down at my sweatpants and oversized shirt for bed and shake my head, heading to my dresser. I pick out a cute lingerie set and quickly change into it.
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I spray some deodorant and perfume before going into my bathroom and brushing my teeth. I quickly curl the ends of my hair so its messy and then fluff my hair. Before I know it the front door of my apartment is opening. I hurry to throw on a pair of heels before strutting out of my bedroom. David looks up when he hears my heels clicking. I smirk as I see him gulp. He quickly sets his backpack down, taking his shoes and jacket off. I walk closer towards him, wrapping my arms around his neck. His hands fly to my waist.
"I'm sorry, I know its late and you have class in the morning but I'll do all the work, you can just lie there. I'll take real good care of you" He smiles. I bite my lip and unravel my hands from his neck and push his hands down off my waist onto my butt. He bites his lip and squeezes, pulling me closer to him. "What are you doing to me" He gulps backing me up against my kitchen counter. He lifts me up effortlessly and sets me on the edge leaning in to kiss me. His lips attack mine and I feel sparks flying. This happened all the time, David would call me up at random awkward times of the day, fuck me then leave. I understand that when we first met he was going through a break-up. But its been over a year since that, and he still hasn't asked me on a proper date. Nobody knows about our midnight get togethers.
He pulls away from my lips and moves down my jaw and down my neck to my collarbone. He leaves a couple marks and I roll my eyes. He's always been really territorial, but I don't mind- it wasn't like I was dating anyone else, or even trying to. I push his head away from me and his eyebrows furrow.
"Bedroom" I breathe out and his eyes light up. He picks me up again carrying me to my bedroom. He gently drops me on the bed and I pull his shirt off when he goes to stand up. He smirks and steps back, unbuckling his jeans slowly while he watches me panting on the bed, his eyes hooded from lust. And let me tell you, it was a sight to see. He pushes his jeans and underwear down. Then he reaches into my bedside table to retrieve a condom, I take it as a sign to unlatch my bra so I reach behind me and pull it off throwing it on the floor. He smiles at me and pulls my underwear down my legs before crashing down on top of me, his hands holding him up slightly so he's not completely crushing me. He seems to fit perfectly in between my legs.
"You're so beautiful" he whispers leaning in to kiss me as he nudges himself into my entrance. He keeps pushing until he's all the way in and we both let out a euphoric sigh. He starts moving making me instantly let out little gasps. He hooks one of my legs around his hip, holding it there. My other leg intertwining with his legs. He moves faster and faster, our moans getting louder as the feeling keeps getting better. He connects our lips and they move together feverishly. One of my hands connects to his cheek and the other tangles in his fluffy hair holding him close to me. He's holding onto my hip and keeping himself up as he rocks against me. "Fuck Dave, I'm so close" I whine and he shushes me. "Its ok baby, me too. You can cum" he mumbles putting his lips to mine once again. The hand holding his cheek falls back to grip the bedsheets and he speeds up his movements bringing a hand to hold mine. He's practically ramming into me when I starting gasping his name as I unravel beneath him. "Fuck David" I moan wrapping my leg tighter around him and squeezing his hand. He stills for a second while he cums then move slowly again trying to milk our orgasms. He pulls out of me slowly and leans up to discard the condom in the bin next to my bed before dropping beside me, his head in my neck. Our sweaty bodies suction together but neither of us mind. I stroke my hand through his sweaty hair. Somehow, eventually I fall asleep.
When I wake up in the morning I grin seeing a mop of dark fluffy, almost curls beside me. I snuggle closer to David, pushing some of the hair off his face. I admire his sleeping figure, still naked from the night before which excites me, but most of all he's calm. Which is a rare sight. "Stalker" he mumbles, his eyes fluttering open. I blush. "I was just admiring." I defend myself and he laughs. "Stalking" he argues jokingly wrapping an arm underneath my body and yanking me into his side. "Admiring" I giggle leaning down to press my lips to his. "You always look so pretty in the morning, especially after sex" he grins, his voice groggy from just waking up. "hmm, someones a sweet talker today" I joke to put off the fact that what he said gave me butterflies. "Just admiring" he smirks and i roll my eyes. I look at the time and gasp, shooting up out of his arms. "Whats wrong?" he asks. "I need to be in class in half an hour, i need to take a shower and its a twenty-minute drive from here" I yell behind me as I rush to the bathroom. I step in the shower, clipping my hair up so it doesn't get wet, not having enough time to wash it. I start rinsing my body when I feel hands at my waist. "Oh no, not today mister. I'm gonna be late" I say pushing his hands off me. "Baby please, just skip it. You've only got like one exam left then you're finished, you can afford to miss this lesson" he compromises. My eyes widen, he actually listens to me. I sigh and don't have time to respond before he steps forward, pushing me against the wall and kissing me passionately. I melt into his touch wrapping my arms around his neck hands falling into his now wet hair. We make out for a while until we need air. "Thought you were gonna be late" he breathes out. "Fuck it" I shrug. "Fuck me, dont you mean" he smirks picking me up and holding me against the wall as he pushes into me.
We spend the morning in the shower and when we're done we go out for breakfast. It's nice, we just sit and chat. Our hairs both wet and wearing comfy clothes, since that's all he had left in my house from previous times he'd been over. I'd started a little collection for him, cleaning out an entire drawer just for his clothes. I'd even gone as far as buying him some deodorant, a couple shirts and pairs of jeans and sweatpants. We'd never discussed it, it just happened. Before I knew it, David had done the same at his house. Nobody really questioned the woman's razor, deodorant, bits of makeup, clothes or womanly products in his room and bathroom.Everyone decided to congregate at Davids house so we drove in his Tesla back to his, seeing our friends cars on our arrival. As we walk in the living room it goes kind of quiet.
“Uh hey guys?” I laugh. “Hey, where have you two been huh?” Zane sassily crosses his arms. “We went out for breakfast” David shrugs sitting next to Jason on the couch. “That’s not what our sources say” Todd teases and we furrow our eyebrows looking at each other. “Ok guys what’s going on?” David asks. “We just think it’s funny how you say you went out for breakfast, but natalie over here woke up at 6am to come on a hike with us and when we came in to see you, you weren’t there. Bed wasn’t even slept in” Todd says. “And then all the women’s clothes and stuff in your room” zane nods. “And don’t forget them huge ass hickeys on her neck” Jeff cuts in pulling the hemline of my shirt down a little. I swat his hand away and roll my eyes. “Grow up you guys” I sigh going to get a bottle of water. I throw one to David and everyone seems to move on in the conversation. 
Later on in the day I’m really tired from our activities. David is finishing to edit some of his video he wasn’t able to last night. We’re laying on the love sac cuddling. My hood is pulled up and I’m snuggled into him whilst his laptop is between us so he can edit. Nobody seems to bat an eye at our position. I start drifting asleep when David whispers in my ear. “You asleep baby?” He asks and I don’t have the energy to respond so I stay silent. “Is she asleep?” I hear someone ask and my ears perk up. “Yeah, she’s napping” David chuckles. He moves his laptop off my back so I assume he’s finished, and his hand drops to my butt resting there. I internally roll my eyes. “So, what’s going on with you two?” Jeff asks. “Nothing” David laughs. “Oh yeah we’ll pretend like we’ll believe that” Jason snorts. “Seriously, you two are attached at the hip. Look how you are right now, friends don’t do that shit” zane says. “And friends don’t leave hickeys on other friends necks” Todd interjects. “Fine, we’ve been sleeping together for a couple months” David admits and they all let out cheers making David shush them. “And all this time we though you weren’t getting any” Todd chortles. “So are you dating?” Zane asks. “No” David says all quickly and I frown. “We could never be together” “What do you mean?” Jason asks. “She’s really good in bed, and I care for her. But I don’t have time or the energy for a girlfriend. I’ve been talking to Liza a lot more and I wanna see how that turns out” David explains and I feel a pit in my stomach. “Dude, you can’t string her along like that” Jeff tuts. “I’m not stringing her along” David sighs rubbing my back. “She’s great. I just can’t be with her, she has a lot of history with her ex and stuff. I just don’t wanna get into anything serious with her, I think I’d end up getting bored with her. She’s kind of a know it all, throws her intelligence in your face.” David shrugs. The guys continue to berate me for a moment before I feel david shaking me.“I gotta go the toilet baby, wake up” he whispers. I pretend to wake up and move off of him. I grab my phone and pretend to check the time.
“I should probably go home” I say stretching. “If you wait 5 minutes I’ll drive you home” David says and I shake my head. “I’ll get an Uber it’s ok” I shrug. David goes to disagree before Jason steps in. “Come on I’ll take you, I gotta go check in on my mum” Jason says. I smile at David and wave at the others. As soon as we’re out the door my smile drops. I sigh as I sit down into Jason’s car. “I thought your mum wasn’t coming until tomorrow morning?” I ask as he pulls out of Davids driveway. “She’s not. It was a lie” Jason says and I furrow my eyebrows. “I know you were awake. I know you heard all that, I’m sorry about them. And I’m sorry I didn’t say anything” he apologises and I sigh. “It’s fine Jason it’s whatever. Crazy of me to even believe any of them liked me, or for even thinking I could be with David.” “You have feelings for him?” He asks. “I think I’m in love with him” I breathe out, my voice shaky from being about to cry. “Doesn’t matter though does it. I’m boring and a know it all, nothing compared to Liza right?” I chuckle.Jason sighs and pulls over, turning in his seat to look at me. “We both know you’re nothing like what they were describing you like. I don’t know what got into them, they always talk about how much they like you and want you to be with David” Jason reveals and the tears are falling rapidly now. “It doesn’t really matter what anyone else thinks now. David doesn’t want me and I can’t keep putting myself through this emotional trauma, now I 100% know he doesn’t want me I can try and move on” I mutter. Jason starts driving again and soon we’re pulling into my apartment complex. 
I go to leave the car but Jason puts a hand on my knee. “Don’t do anything stupid. You have the same look in your eye the night my wife left me” He sighs. “I told you, I can’t do this anymore” I sob and he pulls me into him. Hugging me and stroking my hair. Throughout the time I’ve been around everyone, I always felt really close to Jason. He’s got that paternal outlook on things. “What are you gonna do?” He asks. “I think I might go stay at my grandparents house for a while, get away from here for a while.” “You want me to take you there?” He offers. I go to protest and he shakes his head. “I don’t mind. Come on I’ll help you pack a bag” He sighs and we walk up to my apartment. He just watches me as I pack a bag.
“Why are you doing this? You’re friends with David” “Because how he treated you back there was trash, and I can see when someone’s falling apart. At this current moment you need to be thinking about finishing your last exam and graduating college. I think some time away will do you and David some good.” He explains and I nod. “I don’t wanna drag you into this Jase, but could you take a bag back to Davids for me? Please don’t tell him where I am, as far as you’re aware you left after I gave you this bag.” I say picking up another random bag and filling it with Davids stuff he left here. Jason nods and I can see the empathy he’s holding for me. We get back into his car and he takes me to my grandparents house. He gives me a hug before driving off. I sigh and go into the house, straight up to the guest bedroom. I had called my grandma in the car and she had informed me they weren’t home currently, they had taken a spontaneous trip to Hawaii but I was welcome to stay there.I send out a tweet then turned my phone off.
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Davids POV*
I had let all my worries and thoughts escape me as I was talking to the guys. Feeling guilty about even thinking that way about y/n. When she left, it was about an hour later that Jason returned. He comes in solemnly and hands me a bag. I furrow my eyebrows at the guys and heath, Mariah, Natalie, Kristen, Scott And Matt who had joined us.
“What’s this?” I ask confused, with a laugh. I stop laughing when I open the bag. My face drains of colour as I look up to Jason. He bites his lip and looks away from me. “What is it?” Todd asks quizzically thinking it’s a bit. “My stuff from y/n’s house” I mumble furrowing my eyebrows. I look to Jason for answers and he sighs. “She was awake, she heard every last bit of it” he admits and I jump up. “Where is she?” I panic. The others who weren’t here before are confused. “She doesn’t want me to tell you. She needs space David, she doesn’t wanna speak to you. She never wanted to see to you again before I convinced her to leave it a week” Jason seethes. “And I’m supposed to thank you? Tell me where she is right now, I have to go explain to her” i grit. “explain what? That you’re a dick? That you’ve been stringing her along just so you’ll get laid? That you made her fall in love with you and you had no intention of being with her” Jason spits. I step back slightly. “In love with me? Did she tell you that?” I ask, tears spilling out my eyes. “Yeah. How do you feel now? You’ve absolutely broken her heart. So no, I’m not telling you where she is” he huffs and I sigh wiping my eyes.
“What the fuck just happened?” Heath interrupts. I go to my bedroom and let Jason and the guys explain it to everyone. Tears spill over my eyes as I pick up the first thing I see in my room and throw it. It becomes a habit and soon enough natalie runs into my room holding me back. We collapse on the floor, with me sobbing in her arms. “I fucked up nat” I sob. “Yeah I know you did. You just gotta give her some space. Hurting yourself or your things won’t make you or her feel any better.” She soothes. We stand up and I go back out to the living room to apologise to Jason. He shakes his head and pulls me into a hug.
“The fact is though, I didn’t even mean it, any of it. I’m just scared. I think I might love her” I admit and everyone stays silent.
Normal POV* 6 days later and I had just finished my last exam. Without jinxing myself- it went pretty well. I mean, I had studied hard the past week to take my mind off of my crumbling relationship, or lack thereof. A couple of friends and some of the guys in college were going out drinking. Normally I decline and go chill with David and them, but tonight I think I deserve it. I had bought a new outfit, something usually out of my comfort zone. I had retreated back to my apartment to get ready with my best friends joining me. They help me look extra good and then take a cute picture on my small balcony.
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I watch the likes and comments roll in, the vlog squad all immediately liking it. Whilst we’re waiting for the others to get her so we can uber to the bar I start answering a couple comments. I make a couple stories of the girls getting ready, dancing, pouring drinks and a couple boomerangs.When we finally make it to the bar we were going to start our night as we walk in and find a large table in the middle. One of the guys, Dylan, one of my close friends in college has me over his shoulder. I’m giggling but smacking his back to let me down and trying to make sure my skirt is not revealing anything. He lets me down when we reach the table. Stumbling a bit he catches me by my waist making us both laugh. I sit on his knee as we all talk about our futures.
“So. When are you going to man up and ask y/bf/n on a date?” I whisper into Dylan’s ear. He shrugs. “I don’t think she’d say yes” “Are you kidding? I’m going behind her back saying this but as both of your friend, I feel obligated to step in. She’s crazy about you.” I smile. He looks up at me with his eyes wide. “Really?” He asks and I nod. A song comes on and we both gasp. I pull him and y/bf/n up with me. We start dancing and laughing. They eventually gravitate towards each other so I go back to the table with a smile on my face.
My smile fades when I get back to the table and look up. David and mostly everyone from the vlog squad are at the table opposite ours. My eyes widen when Zane notices me staring. He hits David in his arm which everyone notices. They all look over to me but I’m solely focused on David. His face lights up and he goes to stand up. I panic and run to the bathroom. I try and calm my breathing and fix myself in the mirror slightly. I take a deep breath and walk out. I bump into someone as I walk out and immediately apologise. My eyes widen.
“Hey Ilya i didn’t know you were here?” I awkwardly say wrapping my arms around him. “Yeah. I’ve been here a couple days. Uhm, Todd called me. David’s been a mess so they brought out the big guns” he laughs but I stay silent looking down. “Look I know what got said and what happened. But he’s in absolute bits about it, I think you should let him explain. You might be surprised with his response” he says rubbing my arm before walking away. I furrow my eyebrow. “Ilya?” I call out and he turns around. “Were you waiting for me outside the bathroom?” I ask and he just laughs sending me a wink before continuing back into the club. I roll my eyes and make my way back in myself. I look between the dance floor where my friends are and to the table where David was sitting pretty much alone, most of them all on the dance floor themselves.I internally smack myself as my feet drag me in his direction. He looks up shocked as I stand in front of him. I cross my arms.
“You have 5 minutes” I state and he nods. “That’s all I need” He starts so I sit opposite him, having to lean a bit closer to hear him over the music. “Look, it’s gonna sound like a shitty excuse but I didn’t mean it, any of it. I’m just really scared of being in another serious relationship and that’s what I want with you. I don’t just want the sex, however amazing it is with you. I wanna know how your day is and I wanna meet your parents. I want to take you on dates and late night drives. I want to cuddle with you and kiss you whenever I want. I want everyone to know that I love you” he pauses taking my hands in his. “And that you love me. Hopefully still, despite me being an ass” He asks hopefully. I take a moment to think. “If you didn’t mean it then why did you say it? It really hurt my feelings dave” I whimper. “I was trying to pick out things, excuses not to be with you. I don’t believe any of it, I promise. I’m not just saying it, I really don’t” he says and I bite my lip. “Please. Say you’ll be my girlfriend and I cross my heart I’ll never hurt you again. Ever. Please.” He pleads. My heart hammers in my chest at our close proximity. I do the thing that feels most natural and lean forward connecting our lips. He desperately pulls me into his lap holding my cheek. “I love you” He whispers as we pull away. “I love you too David. I swear, if you pull any of that shit again I’m out of your life faster than you can blink” I frown. He nods and leans up to kiss me again. “That’s never gonna happen cause I’m gonna make you feel the most love you’ve ever felt. I’m gonna love you right” “As much as I hated you. I really missed you” I mumble running my hand through his hair. “I missed you too baby” he smiles nudging his nose against mine.
“Ooooh baby are we back on schedule?” Zane screams in front of us so we pull away from each other to see everyone standing there eagerly. I turn back to David with a smile and he beams up at me. “Yeah we’re dating” David announces and they all go crazy. I roll my eyes and snuggle myself into Davids neck. “Congratulations by the way” he comments in my ear and I smile pecking his throat.​
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goldencherrymooon · 6 years
Return the Favor
a/n: hi so this is smut! i’ve never formally written it before so i’m actually very nervous to post this so pls be gentle with me. and if i tagged you and you don’t want me to, please tell me! idk what i’m doing! i’m new and lil nervous so like. here i am! (also this wasn’t edited by anyone else so let me know if i missed something) ok enjoy!
You could feel it lurking underneath your skin as soon as you woke up. You were in a very particular mood that only Calum could get you through.
Of course, he was gone before you had woken up for the day, and wouldn’t be back until evening time, having to do promo work for the band. It was a long and busy day, so you knew you probably wouldn’t hear too much out of him anyway, leaving you to sit at home and try to ignore this feeling pressing on every ounce of your being.
You weren’t sure what brought these moods on; they didn’t happen too often, and it always felt random. It could be the relief of having Calum back home after so long, knowing that you can get to him nearly 24/7, not having to settle for texts and phone calls.
The day was just going to drag on until he got home, knowing nothing you do would truly take your mind off of it. You’re cuddling with Duke on the couch as you text Calum with a pout, saying, “Excuse me, but where was my goodbye kiss this morning? That just ruined the whole day :(”
He texts back quickly, “Sorry angel, didn’t want to wake you. You were exhausted after last night, so I let you rest ;),” making you roll your eyes with a soft laugh.
You decide to tease him a little bit with your next message, “Well that’s too bad, could’ve helped you start the day off right…”
Calum has to take a deep breath at that, already knowing where you’re trying to go with it. He’s about to step into another interview with the boys, he can’t even start to think about you like that if he wants to make it through. “Baby, please don’t tease me, that’s not fair :(“
You’re giggling with his response, deciding to take it easy on him, knowing what you have planned when he gets home will be just enough. “Sorry bub, can’t help it sometimes. Saw some pictures, you look so hot today, honestly. I’ll see you tonight. Xoxo.” Knowing that text still will do him in, you have to walk away from your phone to distract yourself until he makes it home.
It’s just after seven when Calum makes it home. He’s walking in from the garage as you come around the corner, immediately making your way towards him. You’re only in panties and one of his sweatshirts, having stayed home today. He sighs with a small smile as you come closer, wrapping his arms around your waist when you cling to his neck. “Hi handsome, missed you today,” you murmur before you give him a kiss. It’s quick, but just enough for Calum to catch on, as you capture his bottom lip between both of yours. You draw back slowly, fluttering your eyes open as his do too.
“Know you did, baby. Had me thinking ‘bout you all day, ready to get home to you,” he says with a low and raspy voice, just a tinge of lust to it. His hands make their way down your back slowly, before getting just where he wants to grab onto your ass with a firm grip. You bite your lip as you look at him, seeing the hunger for you in his gaze instantly making your panties damp. Pulling him closer to you, you feel the bulge that’s growing in his pants, whining out a small sound as you start to get desperate.
“I’m sorry baby, I just really needed you today. ‘ve been dying to get my hands on you,” you whisper with a pout, trying to inch the two of you back to the couch.
“Yeah? What’d you have in mind, angel?” he says as he starts making his way down the left side of your neck with wet, sucking kisses.
“Wanna suck you off. Please,” you pant out, making him freeze before his head pops up. It caught him off guard, because he was expecting you to be begging for his mouth before he fucked you. He was already thinking about getting to lick you out until you screamed, but his cock twitched in his pants at your request.
“Fuck, yeah baby, ‘course you can. Always love your mouth on my cock,” he praises as he all but drags you to the couch, not even pretending that he’s not desperate for this.
He pulls you into a hot, demanding kiss with his hand behind your head, groaning as he gets your mouth on his. With the sudden action, it caused you to gasp, giving Calum to perfect opportunity to glide his tongue along yours. Your hands are clawing down his firm back as he kisses you, the only sounds in the room being your harsh breathing and the wet, smacking sounds of your kisses. One hand makes its way to his tummy, trailing down until you can palm him in his jeans.
He breaks off the kiss as soon as you do, letting out a low moan as you rub on his cock, feeling him get impossibly harder. It’s your turn to plant dirty kisses down his jawline to his neck, before you inch back up to his ear to say, “Gonna let me play with your cock, babe?” You bite onto his earlobe with smile as he releases a deep moan, before you start pushing his leather jacket off of his broad shoulders.
Calum is completely entranced by you, and incredibly turned on with how you went from begging to mocking so quickly, knowing just what you do to him. He hastily throws his jacket somewhere to the side before he helps you get his shirt off, doing anything to hurry this up. Your hands trail down his chest and stomach again before you get to his pants, undoing his belt buckle as you make your way back to his lips.
“Been thinkin’ about getting your cock in my mouth all day, wanna make you feel so good, Cal,” you say with a smirk on your face as you pull of his belt and he’s already moving to help you get his pants off.
You crouch down to your knees, pulling his pants down his legs quickly. It’s when you see the small wet patch on his briefs that you really start to speed it up, desperate to get your mouth on him. With his underwear pulled off next, his cock is out and ready. The tip is already a deep red, the smallest drops of pre cum dribbling out. Letting out a small moan under your breath, you push him to sit on the couch as you crawl to be between his knees. He’s breathing hard as he watches you slide your hands up his thighs, before one moving down to lightly cup his balls, already feeling the ache in them.
Calum lets out a raspy whine before he says, “Angel, please- please don’t make me beg, put me in your mouth baby,” watching you scoot a little bit closer. You don’t say anything; just look him right in the eyes as you lick a firm stripe up his length, before you suck his tip into your mouth. He moans, deflating into the couch as he gasps, “Fuck baby, yes, that’s it.”
Wrapping your right hand around the base, you keep your eyes on him as you start inching your way down. Slowly swiping your tongue over a prominent vein, you feel nothing but content as you taste the slightly salty drops of his pre cum, knowing this was what you needed today. Calum’s eyebrows furrow as his mouth drops open with a silent moan, letting out a harsh breath before his head falls back. Your lips meet your hand, causing you to slowly pull up to his tip, pausing to swirl your tongue around him again before taking him all the way back in. A moan from deep inside his chest comes out at the feeling of your warm and wet mouth finally taking him in, already having to stop him from thrusting himself into it.
You’re taking your time with him, sucking on his cock like a lollipop, with your eyes closed and a dreamy sort of breath coming through your nose. Slowly bobbing your head on him, you pull off for a breath and let your hand do slow pulls on his cock. Calum cracks his eyes open just in time to see you let your spit slowly drip over his cock, your hand using it to get his cock wet and smooth at the parts your mouth doesn’t reach.
His right hand makes its’ way back into your hair, holding it tight as he groans, “You’re so fucking good to me, princess. It’s like your mouth was made to suck me off, shit.” You let out a giggle before sponging soft kisses up the left side of him, letting your thumb rub over the slit on his tip, causing more pre cum to bubble out. His fist clenches in your hair as he moans loudly, his back arching just a bit from the couch with the feeling. With your hand still wrapped around his base, you take him in, before pushing yourself for more. Your eyes are watering as you get almost all of him down, before you give a small gag on his cock.
Pulling back up and off, a few lines of spit connecting your lips to his tip, before you go back down. Calum is fidgeting all over the couch, letting out continuous whines and moans as he feels his orgasm approaching. The room is filled with the wet sounds of you on his cock, and his desperate pleas to you. The heat pools at his core, a slight tingle in his lower back, and the near painful throbbing of his balls is suddenly rushing forward as he chokes out, “Fuck, baby, fuck ‘m gonna cum, fuckfuckfuck ‘m gonna cum angel.”
Hearing this only spurs you on, moving your mouth and fist faster on his cock, letting out a small moan as your left hand makes its’ way to the front of your panties. You know you’re damn near soaking them at this point, slowly circling your clit over the fabric as you finish him off. Cal has both hands in your hair now, small thrusts of his hips as the rest of him tenses up. He tries to speak again, choking out, “Yes! Fuck, yes baby, don’t stop please don’t stop- oh shit-“ before it hits.
Calum feels the white-hot ecstasy shoot through his veins as his orgasm hits him, going silent before he lets out a long, loud moan at his release. He wanted to watch you, he really did, but he couldn’t stop his head from flying back or his eyes clenching shut. His chest is heaving and his hips are thrusting up as he lets it take over, shooting his hot and sticky cum down your throat. You’re moaning as he does, swallowing him down as your right hand keeps tugging on his spent cock, trying to get everything you can.
It’s when he pulls his head back up that he sees your left hand moving, pushing himself forward just enough to see you rubbing your clit frantically. His eyes practically roll back at the sight, pulling your mouth from his cock before trying to switch your places. Grabbing on to your upper arms, he pulls you up and tosses you on to the couch next to him, smirking when you squeal at the sudden movement.
“Baby, you think I’m gonna just let you play with yourself after you took care of me like that?” Calum mumbles with a smirk before he kisses you. It’s a hard kiss, one with a force so strong that it could bruise your lips; deep inhales through the nose, groaning because you just can’t get close enough to each other. Wet, smacking sounds fill the room as his tongue slips into your mouth, groaning when he can taste himself on you.
“I just- wanted to treat you, oh fuck, wanted to make it about you today.”
“And what would make it even better is letting me lick your sweet pussy ‘til you stop me.”
With that, Calum works fast to get off your sweatshirt, kissing his way down your body. He peeks back up at you as he kisses around your right nipple before he sucks it between his lips, swirling his tongue around the peak as he pinches and pulls on your left. You’ve got a hand laced into his hair, holding him to your chest as you cry out for him.
“God I fucking love your mouth,” you pant out as he kisses his way across your chest, hiding his laugh in your chest.
His hands slide up the outside of your thighs, snapping the hem of your panties before he starts pulling them down your legs. Releasing your nipple with a soft ‘pop’ sound, he pulls back just far enough to get the fabric off of you and fling it behind him. Calum pulls your legs apart, slowly kissing his way up from your left ankle to your inner thighs. You whine as he hovers over where you need him most, kissing just above your clit, knowing exactly what he’s doing with the soft kisses, before he pulls back quickly to your right ankle.
“Calum! Baby please don’t tease me, please, I-I need you.”
“‘M sorry princess, just can’t help myself.”
Usually, he would take the time to kiss all over and around your soft mound. Usually, he would start out slow, taking his time to enjoy you and watch you squirm. But today, he just doesn’t seem to have the patience.
You choke on a gasp when Calum decides to just dive right in, using his index and middle finger to spread your lips open before he gives a firm stroke of his tongue on your pussy. Immediately, you’ve got one hand holding his hear and the other clinging to the pillow behind you, and your legs are draped over his shoulders. You’re both moaning as Calum keeps giving those wide, firm strokes of his tongue.
He has to keep one arm looped around your thigh to hold your legs open, pulling back for a quick breath and to admire you in the process. “You’re so wet for me, angel. Were you savin’ this for me all day? Waitin’ on me to come home and eat you for a while? ‘M thinkin’ you were, baby. Drippin’ all over for me.” Calum is nearly panting at the end of it, a deep moan coming from his chest before he gives you quick, hard licks.
“Oh my god, oh my- fuck baby, please,” you’re moaning out, your hips moving with his mouth so you don’t lose him for even a second. He’s still got two fingers keeping your pussy open for him, giving him access to press his tongue firmly against your sopping entrance. It’s got his nose pressed up to your clit, but he doesn’t care. He would gladly drown in you.
He’s still trying to pull you to his face, just needing moremoremore, his head moving from side to side to get deeper. Your legs are twitching on the sides of Calum’s head, letting out pitiful squeals from what his mouth is doing. When he finally pulls back just enough to breathe, he licks up to your clit and suddenly is puckering his lips around it in strong pulls. It’s when he does that, that he thrusts one finger into you, easily jumping to two fingers when he feels how wet you are.
You let out a moan from deep within your chest, clenching down hard on his fingers. Calum started with slow thrusts of his fingers and quick flicks of his tongue. His fingers curl up towards the front wall, middle finger just barely catching that sweet spot. He moans with you at that, speeding up to keep hitting that spot, the wet sounds of his thrusts getting louder.
Your squeals and moans are nonstop, knowing that this orgasm will be stronger than what you’re ready for. Your legs are twitching, your fists are clenched in his hair, hips thrusting up into his mouth.
“Cal- Calum! Fuck, fuck oh my god, fuck! B-baby, I’m-“ you break to shout out, before continuing, “’m gonna cum baby please don’t stop!” He pulls off for less than 2 seconds (but it could’ve been five minutes to you) to say something that finishes you off.
“C’mon princess, think you’re gonna squirt for me. Give it to me.”
That does it, your mouth dropping open with a silent moan before you’re nearly screaming his name. You feel everything and nothing, eyes shut so tight all you see is white.
You don’t even notice that Calum pulled his fingers out right as your orgasm hit you, wrapping both arms under and around your thighs to hold your pussy tight to his mouth. You don’t realize that you’re moving so much, he has no choice but to move with you, because he refuses to let you go until he’s got every drop he can. And you’re definitely too far gone to care about the gush of wetness dripping all over Calum’s face, making a mess of the both of you.
Calum could not be more pleased with himself, licking and sucking all over your slit before you have to push him off, the sensitivity hitting you faster than usual. He cleans you up with small laps of his tongue, from bottom to top and all around, before kissing his way back up your body. Your chest is heaving with your breaths, pulling him in for a kiss and tasting yourself on his tongue.
“Thank you baby,” you mumble through your kisses. He smiles into it before he pulls back to look at you, returning the sentiment.
“Wanna explain to me where that came from, angel? Not that I don’t love it, but…” You giggle as you lean into him.
“I dunno. Maybe you can take me to the bedroom and help me figure it out.”
Calum was so glad to be home.
tags: @myloverboyash @flannelpunkcalum @irwinkitten @millioncth @softforcal @caffeinatedcalum
ok im nervous bye!!!!!
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“Dreams” - Jack/Anti/Septiishu mini fic
Haven’t posted a mini fic in ages so I decided to write one! Hope you enjoy it :)
I was at the computer, just doing my usual editing work. It was being much slower than normal, crashing more frequently than ever, but I didn’t know why. I just did the best I could. I couldn’t let my community down, I was proud of my upload schedule. I didn’t want to miss a video unless I had to. Today was not that day. I suddenly got a message on Tumblr. I clicked on the window to look at it, and I was instantly confused. There was no name at the top of the message box. Nothing. The font of the message looked weird. It just said ‘you need to see this’, followed by a link. I was apprehensive, but I clicked on it just in case it really was important. It took me to YouTube, and the video opened. At first, the screen was black. I guessed that maybe it would be one of those screamer videos. I waited, though, as I knew I could’ve been wrong. But then there was a sudden, maniacal laugh as a face briefly appeared on screen, which made me jump. It looked like me, but he had pitch black eyes, paler skin, and darker green hair. I was too in shock to immediately close the video. Just as I slowly regained composure and I was about to get rid of it, he appeared again, pretending to draw a knife across his throat and laughing as he did it. I screamed. It seemed so real, like the video was in 3D. He suddenly reappeared, reaching his arm out through the screen; he grabbed my shirt and he dragged me into his universe. I fell onto the ground of wherever I was, and he was stood over me. He was glitching, and I could hear static along with his echoing laughter. His eyes filled me with terror and I turned my head away fearfully. He crouched down and he grabbed my face to make me look at him. His eyes burned mine. I had to shut my eyes tight. I let out a cry of pain as I felt a blade across my wrist. I knew he was doing it because I closed my eyes, but I was too afraid to see him again. The same sharp pain went across my other wrist, and I screamed again. The blade actually burned, making the cut hurt twice as much. The pain was already unbearable. I opened my tearful eyes, my body shaking. His eyes were like lasers as they glared at me. He laughed again, seeming to enjoy watching me squirm. He held his hand over the knife and I saw it glow with heat. He grinned as he saw the terror in my eyes. He drew back his arm, ready to stab me. He laughed. The blade descended. It was about to go through me. I shut my eyes.
I woke up with a loud gasp, sitting up sharply. I was shaking all over, feeling like I could barely breathe. I’d obviously moved around a lot or something in my sleep, because Signe was already awake; she turned on the lamp, which caught me by surprise and I jumped.
“It’s alright,” she said softly. As I looked at her, I began to cry. “Oh, Seán, sweetheart… come here.” She took me in her arms and I clung to her like a frightened child. “It’s okay, honey,” she comforted me, stroking my head slowly. “Everything’s okay. It was just a dream.”
“I-I thought - he was gonna kill me…” I stammered shakily.
“No, no-one’s gonna kill you,” Signe reassured me lovingly. “It’s just you and me. Everything’s alright.”
“It was so - real…” I gasped.
“I know,” she responded sympathetically. “But it wasn’t. It was just a horrible dream. It’s all over now, babe. It’s all over.”
“I’m so scared…” I cried.
“Shhh, it’s alright,” Signe soothed me, “Everything’s alright, darling, I promise. There’s nothing to be scared of. Shhh. I’m here, sweetheart. I’m here.” She cuddled me a little closer, and I held her a little tighter. “I love you,” she continued softly. She placed a loving kiss on my head, and I started to feel better. She slowly ran her fingers through my green locks. The longer I was in her arms, the more I felt safe and the calmer I became. The dream was still in my head, and I was a little spooked, but I was much more relaxed now; I was breathing properly again and I didn’t feel afraid anymore that he was going to jump out of the shadows and stab me. “I love you so, so much, Seán Mcloughlin,” she said sweetly with immense affection. I looked in her eyes and smiled.
“And I love you too, Signe Hansen,” I replied to her, my hand gently placed on her face which I then caressed. We shared a kiss, and then we continued to cuddle. I’d almost forgotten about the dream. If it hadn’t been so vivid and freaky, I would have done by then. But I felt calm now, and I let my eyes close when they became heavy.
But it happened again. He had me chained up, unable to escape.
“You really thought I’d just let you get away?” he taunted
“Please,” I begged, “Let me go!”
“Hmm, let me think… no.” He laughed at me then. I began to cry. “Aww, poor diddums! It’s a shame your precious Signe isn’t here to save you.”
“Where is she?” I asked fearfully.
“Oh, she’s gone,” he grinned.
“G-Gone?” I stammered. I paused. “No… no, she can’t be…” He laughed again.
“Penny dropped, has it?” he teased me. I sobbed. “Aww, poor Jackaboy’s crying for his stupid girlfriend!”
“I love her!” I sobbed.
“I love her!” he mocked me. “If you didn’t waste time loving people, then you wouldn’t have a problem, would ya?”
“We’re not all emotionless like you…” I wept.
“Oh, I’ve got emotion,” he replied, “I’m getting a lot of joy out of this!”
“You’re sick…” I cried a little angrily. “Sick and twisted!”
“Thank you,” he smirked. “Now, time for some fun.” He pressed a button; I didn’t know what it did, until I felt the chains around my wrists start heating up. More and more. Hotter and hotter. My wrists were burning. He pressed another button and the chains got tighter and tighter. It soon became excruciating and I screamed in agony. He just laughed again, loving every second of my pain. I’m sure my wrists were broken now. He let it go on, increasing it until I begged him to kill me. I wanted to die anyway, now that Signe was gone forever. He toyed with me a little longer, cutting my arms with the blade he had and making me look into his eyes of pure evil, before finally agreeing to let me die. He put the knife to my throat, ready to slash it open. I felt the last pain.
I woke up again, even more worked up the last time. I turned to Signe, but she wasn’t there. I turned the lamp on to be sure. Gone. Was that dream real? Was she really gone?
“No, no, no…” I cried in a panic. I hyperventilated, my chest growing tighter and tighter like the chains did. I then spotted blood on her side of the bed. I sobbed. I screamed out her name. She soon came running into the room - and she was fine.
“Seán! What’s the matter?” she gasped worriedly as she rushed to my side. I could barely speak because I was so jumpy and breathless. “It’s alright, sweetheart,” she reassured me, caressing my face. “I’m here now, babe, I’m here.” I threw my arms around her and held her like I’d never let go. She held me close, stroking my head. “I’ve got you, sweetheart. It’s alright.”
“I-I thought…” I began, still gasping.
“Shhh, it’s okay,” she soothed me. “Everything’s okay.”
“I-I-I thought- I lost you…” I wept.
“No, of course you didn’t, honey,” she replied softly. “I’m fine, darling.”
“B-But… the blood…” I cried. She giggled a little with affection.
“Babe, that’s just… It’s just that time of the month,” she explained. “That’s why I was gone, I was in the bathroom. I’m fine, sweetheart.” I sighed with relief and held her closer. “I take it you had a bad dream again,” she continued. I nodded. “Awww, babe. It’s okay, I’m here now. I got you.”
“I love you,” I cried, but calming down slightly.
“I love you too,” she replied adoringly.
“Don’t leave me,” I stammered.
“It’s okay, I’m not going anywhere,” she comforted me lovingly.
“I’m sorry,” I said guiltily.
“Babe, what have you got to be sorry for?” Signe asked in reply.
“For doing this… again…” I answered tearfully.
“Aww, it’s not your fault,” she said sweetly, “I would do this every night if I needed to. I wouldn’t want to, though, because I wouldn’t want you to be like this.” She kissed my head gently. I looked into her eyes, and she gave me a loving smile. I was able to smile back, I cupped her face, and I began to kiss her. As we kissed, I thought less and less about the dream and more and more about her. I couldn’t believe it was possible to love another human being this much. She didn’t stop kissing me until she knew I was alright - and I had to stop to catch my breath. I gazed into her beautiful eyes and she did the same back to me. I finally felt safe again, and I began to feel tired. I wanted to sleep, but I was worried that the dream would come back. Signe talked to me until I couldn’t stay awake any longer and just fell asleep.
When I woke up in the morning, I remembered what Signe had done for me that night. I felt like the luckiest guy in the entire world. I decided that there was something I just had to do. I knew more than ever that she was the one, and I wanted to spend my life with her. I had never loved her more in my life. I was going to do this some time anyway, but what happened last night just decided for me that the time was finally right - especially after thinking I’d lost her. I had to find an opportunity that day - it couldn’t wait any longer - to go out and get to the shops. I had a ring to buy. I absolutely had to marry this girl. I was so in love with Signe like I knew I never would be with anyone else. She was so amazing that it was too good to be true, almost like she wasn’t real. Being able to know her and love her was like the best ever dream.
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