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Finally actually working on an explanation post for the Prophet AU so while I’m working on that have a ship base with a bunch of my designs for it, the quality’s a bit rough since it’s on a much larger canvas
(@rowan-m-ravenwood I remembered we talked a bit about this AU a while ago-)
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ghost-and-a-half · 2 years
so that cristo account huh?
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rowan-e-ravenwood · 10 months
have you got any tcomc playlists? 👁️👁️
i posted them a while back but i can't be bothered to find the post, so if i do i'll delete it to keep from clogging up the tags...
as i've said before, it's been a hot minute since i've really participated in the fandom (i'd like to remedy that), so some of my views on the characters have changed a bit since i made these? so not all of the song choices are perfect imo anymore... but i am constantly tweaking these playlists so it's whatever.
oh also also, a couple of these are major WIPs, lol. ANYWAY.
putting them under a read-more cut so that nobody hates me for the length of the post, lmao
here's Edmond's:
here's Fernand:
here's Villefort:
here's Danglars (one of the ones i'm less happy with lol):
here's Caderousse (my favourite character heheh):
here's Mercédès:
here's Albert (idk this one's a WIP):
here's Benedetto (another of my favourites!!):
and finally, Valentine! (my beautiful darling sweetheart):
i also have playlists for a couple ships i like, so if you're interested in those, feel free to ask, but they're not quite as good lol
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vickyvicarious · 2 months
An absolutely stellar quote for each of the villains from 'The Hundred Days':
Villefort shuddered at the idea of the prisoner cursing him in the darkness and silence, but he had gone too far to retreat. Dantes would have to be broken between the cogs of his ambition.
God, that second line is so good. What I love about this line is how deliberate and at the same time resigned it is. Villefort will sacrifice anything to his ambition, and by doing so finds himself somewhat trapped by his own choices. He has no way out but forward. While he may cringe a bit, and dreads the idea of reprisal from his enemies, he knowingly continues to walk this path.
...his denunciation had been accurate and, like all men with a certain natural aptitude for crime and only average understanding of ordinary life, he described this strange coincidence as 'a decree of Providence'. But when Napoleon had returned to Paris and his voice, imperious and powerful, was heard once more in the land, Danglars knew fear.
While his decision to leave here does end up working for him, it's motivated by no great strategic mind; rather, he is described as having criminal instincts but not a great deal more. He fears revenge (and that last line is fantastic) but, for all his scheming, he isn't the character who sees the picture around him most clearly (except in one distinct way - he remembers Dantes, and fears him, rather than any official/larger-scale fallout. He knows the kind of man Dantes is more than the others). That's Villefort, who is described above and earlier in the chapter as being quite aware of his situation and possible future ramifications, as well as having good instincts. So Danglars runs, always hoping to rebuild anew somewhere else.
As for Fernand, he understood nothing. Dantes had gone away; that was enough. What had happened to him? Fernand did not try to find out.
Look, this guy's dumb. He's a loser. He wants Mercedes, he hates Dantes, and that's as far as he goes. His lack of curiosity or awareness of what is truly going on around him makes him in some ways the easiest mark of them all, certainly compared to the two schemers above. This quote made me laugh.
Caderousse was called up as Fernand had been; but, being eight years older than the Catalan and married, he was not recruited until the third wave of conscription and sent to guard the coast.
Okay, I admit this stretches 'absolutely stellar quote' to the limit. It's not really at all, but I do feel like it kind of sums his role up decently. He's kind of a sucky guy, but not as much as the other three. He hangs back, in terms of villainy, both in convicting Dantes and in profiting off his absence, compared to the others. While he does get drawn in to the villainy repeatedly, it is more reluctantly/gradually... but it does still happen. He succumbs to temptation. He gets used, he keeps quiet out of cowardice, he gets greedy, etc. I dunno, it's probably just because I thought some of the other lines were somewhat character-defining, but I thought this line about his eventual conscription sort of matches his role among the villains.
Also, a couple bonus lines that I love:
So it was that Dantes, during the Hundred Days and after Waterloo, remained under lock and key, forgotten, if not by men, at least by God.
The reversal of the usual phrase here, where he may be remembered by men but has been forgotten by God, is delicious.
It was not the fact that Mercedes lacked the courage to carry out this intention, but the succour of religion that saved her from suicide.
I dunno, I love the emphasis on her bravery and her genuine love for Edmond. Also the contrast of her 'hopeless expectation' driving her to suicide being held back by her religion and the comfort she recieves from Fernand is such an interesting contrast to Dantes' own suicidal thoughts in prison.
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urgeeky-friend22 · 5 months
Do you still plan in drawing Caderousse?
well...I'm not into the Count of Monte Cristo right now, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut...maybe someday when I'm hypefixated, lol? I can't control my love for random stuff, so it can be unexpected
tho, I have Edmond (he's still not finished, oh) and I'm gonna rethink and redraw the designs in the future!! but I remember about Caderousse...always...🙌
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pen-inks · 2 months
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Some Count of Monte Cristo characters as bracelets
(My friend made the Dantès and Villefort ones)
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autismmydearwatson · 3 months
A lot of tcomc adaptations I've seen have ended the story by having Edmond get his revenge and then happily reunite with Mercédés and leave the story like that, and here's why that does NOT fly with me.
The Count of Monte Cristo is NOT a love story about Edmond and Mercédés, though it starts that way. A lot of adaptations tend to do this, as in zero in on the romance (and leave Haydée out if the plot, wtf???) But the romance, although an accessory of the tragedy, is NOT central to the tragedy! Mondego, Danglars, Caderousse, and Villefort didn't JUST steal Edmond away from Mercédés, they also a) left his father to starve to death, b) took advantage of Mercédés' misery to marry her when she had no one left, c) abandoned Edmond to suffer in prison presumably for the rest of his life, and d) did all of that other insane shit that didn't affect Edmond personally.
But the point of the original ending is that there is too much time lost between Edmond and Mercédés, too much loneliness between them, and they have changed too much apart from each other for things to go back to how they were. Although Mercédés can see past the Counts callousness to find his old humanity, Edmond HAS changed, he's not the same bright-eyed young man who had so much in life to do. Mercédés isn't the same untroubled, poor woman Edmond fell for, and that's okay! They still love each other, though they have different paths in life and different responsibilities! It just seems, maybe cheap is the right word, to give Edmond the traditional "happy ending" by having him "get the girl back" in the end, as if that were the point of his efforts. They've earned their peace!
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live-fast-pet-frogs · 5 months
Genuine Question for the Monte Cristo fans:
Why is Fernand always ALWAYS the bff of Edmond in every single adaptation? Like, in the books they pretty much meet literally before the almost-wedding of Edmond and Mercedes, and they don't even like eachother much. It's pretty much stated that even Edmond who is benevolent af is only putting up with Fernand because he is the cousin and best friend of his fiancee, and he wants to form a friendship based on their shared love of Mercedes. But like he is not completely blind and knows that Fernand gives him the stink eye. As for Fernand, he is super vary around Dantes and Mercedes has to essentially beg him to be nice to him.
And historians think they were best friends ?!?!
In fact, book Edmond is super kind but he is not THAT stupid. He knows that Danglars is highkey jealous of him, he knows Caderousse is planning to exploit him (as his landlord) after finding out he got a promotion, and he KNOWS that Fernand isn't his biggest fan. He is just amicable with them and polite but doesn't genuinely consider them friends or trust them at all. He only trusts his father, Mr. Morrel and Mercedes, that's it. And Villefort because he doesn't think that being honest with an officer of the law will result in him being fucked over. Which is completely reasonable, and most people would do the same.
So why is his naïveté exaggerated in every adaptation? And WHY do people ship him with Fernand so badly? I get the whole "My bro stole the love of my life " trope but come onnnn.... it's a cliche and not what Dumas intended at all when writing the book! (At least that's what I think, I can't exactly ask him...)
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gayest-classiclit · 9 months
a list of people in the classic literature sexyperson bracket
the following are already on the sexypedia and automatically in:
hamlet, hamlet
atticus finch, to kill a mockingbird
rodion raskolnikov, crime and punishment
sherlock holmes, the sherlock holmes books
arsene lupin, the arsene lupin books
frankenstein's monster/adam, frankenstein
jonathan harker, dracula. (his wife mina is tagteaming w/ him)
gerald croft, an inspector calls
big brother, 1984
erik/the phantom, phantom of the opera
mercutio, romeo and juliet
and the following have been submitted:
inspector goole, an inspector calls
benedetto, the count of monte cristo
edmond dantes, the count of monte cristo
gaspard caderousse, the count of monte cristo
quincey morris, dracula
ivan karamazov, the brothers karamazov
anatole kuragin and helene bezukhova, war and peace
dmitri razumikhin, crime and punishment
nastasya filippovna, the idiot
jean valjean, les miserables
captain hook, peter pan
dorian gray and basil hallward, the picture of dorian gray
charles bingley, pride and prejudice
carmilla, carmilla
helen of troy, greek mythology
benedick and beatrice, much ado about nothing
irene adler, the sherlock holmes books
annabel lee, annabel lee
violacesario, twelfth night
clopin trouillefrou, the hunchback of notre dame
lady macbeth, macbeth
therem harth ir em estraven, the left hand of darkness
eugene onegin, eugene onegin
alyosha karamazov, the brothers karamazov
count dracula, dracula
jesus christ and judas iscariot, the bible
henry jekyll, the strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde
cathy ames, east of eden
enjolras, les miserables
hotspur, henry iv part 1
balladyna, balladyna
jay gatsby and daisy buchanan, the great gatsby
ruy blas, ruy blas
grendel's mother, beowulf
gregor samsa, the metamorphosis (by proxy)
eugene de rastignac, the human comedy
chloe, froth on the daydream
the duke de nemours, la princess de cleves
emma bovary, madame bovary
behemoth, the master and margarita
grantaire, les miserables
jane bennet, pride and prejudice
catherine, wuthering heights
milady de winter, the three musketeers
mephistopheles, faust
woland, the master and margarita
medea, greek mythology
prince hal from the henriad
fitzwilliam darcy from pride and prejudice
the woman behind the wallpaper from the yellow wallpaper
don rodrigue from the folktales
robin hood from the folktales this brings us to 63 entries so far! :)
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Caderousse and Albert for the character bingo? :3c
hello comc and drawfee mutual!
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ok im ab to say smth that may not make sense if you didnt follow one of my quests [the comc 19th cen. fanfic quest (i read a couple of comc fan sequels from the 19th cen. {they werent very good})] and in these fan sequels he is criminally underutilized!!!! bc he ends the real book when he is BEGINNING a character arc! he is on a quest to restore his family honor and make a new life! and i think the book ended at a good spot im not saying it should have followed him further but! if! you are writing a fan sequel, hes the only one who has an actual trajectory[spelling?] to follow and they! do! nothing! with him!
i love how we are introduced to him as like. a frat boy/spoiled rich kid and slowly it is revealed he has like actually many good qualities. this frat boy has a moral backbone! that doesnt always line up w what is socially expected of him like in the duel! or even what i expect of him like when he first finds out ab his dad's war crimes and he decides to cover it up but is also absolutely devasted i cant articulate it but that was a really interesting moment for me
i had an answer to this one but now i cant explain it. he really is just a silly guy! hes not interesting bc of any hidden issues to brood over or his dynamic w the count, hes interestong bc hes a rich frat boy who apparently has moral integrity!
and by fans i mean the aforementioned 19th cen fic writers and also some adaptations. i never think ab how much i love albert until i am deprived of him then i start screaming for him to get more screentime.
i think he would enjoy being a purse dog
when my mom was reading comc and she was fairly early into it she said "i hope they dont have albert and haydee have a ~thing~ going on just to cause drama" which i must say is a thought that absolutely never would have occured. to me.
hes just a silly lil guy!
and now caderousse:
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i just like it when charcters have a signature accessory. the red kerchief is a look!
i like how different he is from the rest of the haterz clubtm. bc he straight up didnt want to do that! he just wanted to complain and drink! but danglars and fernand went wild w it. he even wanted to come forward afterward but danglars threatened him! i just think its neat that everyone else in the haterz clubtm seal their fate here except caderousse, who gets locked into the vengeance much later when he kills that jeweler*. edmond was straight up going to forgive him/give him a second chance and massive diamond for providing exposition. gaspard you fumbled the bag!
i get why he tends to be cut, hes not as integral or dramatic a part of the vengeange as the rest of the haterz clubtm but if you dont have ONE then whats even the point
idk im just kinda curious ab him. especially his past w benedetto!
*or maybe didnt kill that jeweler i love how ambiguous it is on who killed who in that scene very interesting [and also i love how the intro sets up what each of the haterz clubtm's fatal flaw will be, and caderousse is greedy yes, but also he is completely spineless!! if danglars says keep your mouth shut, you do it! if your wife says lets kill this guy, you do it! if benedetto says it'd be super easy to rob this place, do it! my guy, stand up please!!!! my mom said "he should be on america's dumbest criminals but for france" i cant disagree.
well yeah
the red kerchief is a look! is it a good look? who's to say...
he's a lil cringfail baby kitty cat who cant do anything right<3
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wanna-bewitch-you · 2 years
“Yes; but one gets out of prison," said Caderousse…"and when one gets out and one's name is Edmond Dantès, one seeks revenge.”
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pedanther · 6 months
The Calendar of Monte Cristo: Chapter 2
c. 1790: Caderousse born. [R]
c. 1794: Fernand born. [R]
c. 1798: Mercédès born. [R]
c. December 1814: Pharaon departs Marseille for a voyage including a stop at Smyrna. [R]
Edmond's father repays Edmond's debt to Caderousse. [R]
24 February 1815: Pharaon returns to Marseilles. Edmond visits his father. Caderousse meets with Danglars. [R]
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mzannthropy · 3 months
The Count of Monte Cristo - What's in a Name?
I'm not sure whether this is what the author intended, or whether I'm even reading it right, but it struck me, even on my first read all those years ago, how the main character is referred to by the narration.
So we know his name is Edmond Dantes, and that's what the narration, obviously, calls him. Until it doesn't. After he gets rich and starts on his quest for revenge, he becomes the various aliases he adopts. The banking clerk, abbe Busoni and so on. This part (when he watches, hidden, M. Morrel having a first look at the new ship he bought for him) is particularly interesting:
“And now,” said the unknown, “farewell kindness, humanity, and gratitude! Farewell to all the feelings that expand the heart! I have been Heaven’s substitute to recompense the good—now the god of vengeance yields to me his power to punish the wicked!”
He is "the unknown". As he says farewell to kindness and humanity and gratitude.
Next comes the time jump and we only know him as the Count of Monte Cristo, first through Franz's eyes (well, to be precise, as Sinbad the Sailor initially). The only time the name Edmond Dantes is mentioned is when Bertuccio tells his story and he's quoting Caderousse.
On Caderousse's deathbed, the count reveals his true identity to the dying man--however, we don't get to hear that.
He approached the dying man, and, leaning over him with a calm and melancholy look, he whispered, “I am—I am——” And his almost closed lips uttered a name so low that the count himself appeared afraid to hear it.
I find this really fascinating.
And slowly, we start hearing his real name again.
There is the bit that has stayed with me since I first read the book more than 20 years ago: in the chapter where he visits the Morrels for the first time, Maximilian talks to the count about how his father was almost ruined, but was saved at the last minute by a mysterious benefactor. M. Morrel is now dead, having died happy, of old age, his last words being:
‘Maximilian, it was Edmond Dantès!’
I don't know about you, but this line gives me the shivers. In this chapter we also see the count get emotional, when up till now he has been cold and cynical. The Morrels are the ones who bring out the human side of him (see how disgusted he feels after he arranges for the reunion of the fake Cavalcanti father and son, and he decides to go visit the Morrels to cleanse the negative feelings).
Next when we hear the name, it comes from Mercedes--and she directly addresses him as such, when she pleads him not to kill her son in a duel. She repeats his name several times (quite a lot of times, actually, many highlights using Ctrl + F in this chapter in Gutenberg!). She manages to persuade him to spare Albert's life (which means he agrees to die) and the chapter ends with the famous quote "What a fool I was not to tear my heart out on the day when I resolved to avenge myself!" So he still has a heart!
Next utterance of the name Edmond Dantes comes Fernand when he recognises him, and the effect is so strong he kills himself (okay I exaggerate.) Then he tells the Morrels, who are, as expected, overcome with emotions. Then Villefort, who goes insane. Then, finally, Danglars. The quest for revenge is completed.
The book ends with a letter to Maximilian, signed Edmond Dantes, The Count of Monte Cristo. This is after he reunites the two star-crossed lovers and gifts them part of his fortune. It seems to me as if this means he reconciled his two identities.
Tell the angel who will watch over your future destiny, Morrel, to pray sometimes for a man, who, like Satan, thought himself for an instant equal to God, but who now acknowledges with Christian humility that God alone possesses supreme power and infinite wisdom.
So, idk, this is just my own thoughts and impressions.
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
“God’s justice! Speak not of it, reverend sir. If God were just, you know how many would be punished who now escape.”
“Patience,” said the abbe, in a tone which made the dying man shudder; “have patience!” 
Yeah, I'll bet his tone made Caderousse shudder.
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smalltownfae · 1 year
The Count of Monte Cristo opinions so far. I read this book too many years ago and it was the abridged version. Now I am reading the 1000+ one and it's a joy so far. Still very engaging. I forgot a lot though.
Edmond Dantès: poor little meow meow that didn't care for politics and got involved in it anyway. So innocent, so pure. I can't wait for him to go apeshit. I can't believe he was only 19 at the start of the book.
Gérard de Villefort: damn, he is a little bit complex, isn't he? He was ready to free Dantès until he reads the letter that incriminates his father and that would look BAD on him. He is selfish and oportunistic, but also cares a bit about his father. He lies to poor Dantes and decides his fate. His father is iconic tbh the way he just changes his appearance so quickly in order to not be recognized and insults the king and his people? Iconic.
Caderousse: I can't help, but like him. He just wants to get drunk and have a good time (and get rich). He genuinely didn't want Dantès to be arrested, but he is too much of a coward to tell people what he knows. Fuck you, Danglars.
Danglars: the least interesting "villain". Just wanted to get a promotion and have Dantès' job. Could manipulate Fernand, but even a monkey could do it so that is not impressive.
Fernand: no thoughts, but Mercedès. A really really dumb man. I don't like him. I can't stand this kind of stupidity. You did all that and for what? Loser behaviour.
Mercedès: Not many thoughts about her, but I teared up when her room is the only light Dantès sees before getting on the boat for the prison, which means she is the only person still awake. Still hoping, still in pain. The tragedy of it.
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natitoonfan · 1 year
If count of Monte cristo characters were in a mean girls au.
Edmond Dantes = Cady
Janis =Eugénie.
Damian = Franz or Albert.
Fernand Mondego= Regina.
Gretchen = Villefort or Danglars.
GASPARD Caderousse = Karen Smith.
Mercedes Herrera is Aaron Samuels.
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