roseybonez · 5 months
does anyone have tips for emotional eating☹️
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daedrafae · 2 years
This fat bitxh actually hit her goal omfg. I did lots of exercise today shopping and carrying things so my net is 900. Like ffs why cant I do this good everyday?
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I can't wait until I get those Itty bitty lean runners legs! 🥰
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frightful-fridays · 9 months
When I was younger fasting was so easy, now I just wanna claw my eyes out when I do it
seven more hours to go and all i wanna do is give up
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thinspohoar · 2 years
went into recovery not that long ago but if I'm back again it's back to wearing bandages under my hoodies and purging every chance I get,In my health and social care class we have to do about eating disorders it's so fucked up I have a test next week so I'll probably have a panic attack wich it great o well I'm back bitches!!
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pezcyclingnews · 3 years
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As much as we’re thrilled to be getting the hell outta 2020, it wouldn’t be right to not wave one more round of middle fingers at this f’r of a year. And who better for the job than our own Ed Hood? Read his final rant of the year: https://pezcyclingnews.com/features/comment-ed-hood-festive-rant-for-2020/. #edrants #whenmenweremen #fu2020 #cyclingstories https://www.instagram.com/p/CJbo1S9lluO/?igshid=1igzcfenqy2jd
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uninterestingbb · 4 years
food log - 08/09/20
mostly had cheerios but I did ok today
a lot of cheerios (330cal)
freeze dried banana slices (60cal)
gerber puffs (75cal)
hershey's miniatures (170cal)
coffee w a teaspoon of sugar (15cal)
1 cup of 2% milk from cereal + coffee (130cal)
780cal in
142cal out
total - 638/900
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frag1lef41ry · 2 years
my current safe foods/ meals
shirataki noodles- pretty good and you can add anything to them, fills me up and feels like a full meal but with almost no calories, i love
mini cucumbers and pickles- literally so good, no explanation needed
flavored rice cakes- ive been loving the caramel ones and apple cinnamon ones and theyre not much more cals  than the plain ones and they taste way better
ive been obsessed with apricots and raspberries they’re so good and i cant wait until its watermelon season again because thats a big staple for me
daily harvest smoothies- theyre so easy to make and its all fruit, i just make them with water and some of them are under 100 cals, they’re all super good but i love this pineapple matcha one
veggie straws- theyre so much healthier than chips, they taste good, and you can eat a lot of them for not that many cals
halo top ice cream- the birthday cake one specifically bc i used to love cake batter flavored ice cream sm, and theres no dairy so it doesnt hurt my stomach (also literally less than 300 cals for the entire pint??) 
ive been doing really well with not binging and im honestly really proud of myself for not overeating and knowing when im actually full. big meals and going out to eat still scares me because i cant count them accurately and some menus dont show calories and the ones that do are crazy high. literally we got cheesecake factory and i couldnt find anything remotely low in calories, even the salads were over 600 cals, literally how the HELL is that even possible. 
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thinslxx · 2 years
When u walk into a therapist office and she goes
The therapist: u have eating issues don't you ?
Me: you could tell that from the results ?
The therapist: .........I could tell as soon as u walked in through the door
Okay no but fr she said that cuz I'm fat and she even said she's putting me on a diet herself cuz I can't get better unless I lose weight
Haha time to starve to death ig. Not to mention she said my antidepressants we're adding on the weight so guess who stopped taking them without supervision and I can already feel my mental state worsening fuck sake i screamed and cried in the bathroom today cuz of what the therapist said about giving me a meal plan to lose weight which is goddamn embarrassing and the plan is gonna be all healthy and shit. mind you I havent cried in a while since all I have been feeling is ✨ nothing ✨ ain't no way in hell I'm drinking one more fucking antidepressant in my life fuck that shit bro. I'll rather smoke weed or some shit to calm me down. Does weed have calories. And not to mention the therapist said I have anxiety and I'm doing a test for depression personality disorders/everything on Wednesday 🤡 I had my first brain wave treatment (teaching Ur brain to chill) yesterday and the therapist called over my parents showed them the monitor of my brain and went "her anxiety levels are worrying"
So that was lit😃 I now have to go to those brain wave treatments two times a week plus therapy. All the while my parents are wasting money on it and I feel guilty about that too cuz they fucking need money at this time since we are moving to another country. Wow love being a goddamn failure of a child, a gf and a member of society 👹
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ohwhatapittea · 2 years
I’m at the point where I get so distressed about not being what I see as an acceptable weight for myself that I constantly refuse myself to leave the house and shut myself in extremely , it’s gotten so bad that I was going to ghost my therapist because I don’t want to be seen, so my dad took me ( a 26 year old woman who should take myself ) to and from the appointment while I was in a hoodie to hide and then I locked myself inside and cried , yet I still felt like binging even though it triggers me more. I hate myself
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roseybonez · 5 months
i need the starve yourself sad not the binge sad grr
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daedrafae · 2 years
Today my fat ass is going to be making sure I only eat 900 calories. Yesterday was 990 cause i gave up on the diet cause it was so fucking hot out and i wanted a low calorie yogurt bar. Anyway my goal today is 900 and overall goal is to stay under 1000 as per usual. This seems to be my sweet spot.
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I'm jealous of men and their thin thighs
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depressedbitchlmao · 4 years
when you count up the calories from the alc u drank at a party last night
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skinnybitch13x · 3 years
little rant
being sober helps not bingeing so so so much. sure I wish I could take adderall and vyvanse like I used too but whatever. but not being able to smoke weed or to drink alcohol is INFINITELY helpful. the majority of my binges came from when I got high or got drunk and got a mad case of the fuck it’s. every time I would be dead set on fasting or following my calorie limit, I’d smoke hella, than immediately be in the kitchen fixing a binge plate without a second thought. or id get drunk and be out and get fast food because my decision making was too impaired to recognize how much I’d regret it. like being completely sober ( other than my antipsychotics ) has just fucking changed the game. no more alcohol calories and bloating, no more stoned binges. I’d highly recommend. Plus a much greater feeling of overall control. I feel so clear headed. besides my mental illness. LOL
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uninterestingbb · 4 years
currently fighting the urge to not work out bc I don't want whatever happened to my hip to get worse but I feel like g a r b a g e after eating rip
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