#eeevil schemes
eeevilschemes · 6 months
EEEVIL scheme of the day #18:
Break the rules
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racefortheironthrone · 6 months
I agree that Morrison's Magneto didn't work, but also I feel there's a common wisdom they singlehandedly reverted him to a one dimensional villain? When if anything it was part of a general direction at the time Morrison came in to write a very eeevil villainous Magneto. Though I guess the high profile and influential nature of their run (and some of its specific excesses when it came to the character) draws more attention?
I think that conventional wisdom is an exaggeration. I would agree that there was "a general direction at the time" to make Magneto a villain - although I'd say it started earlier with X-Men #1 (1991) through Fatal Attractions (1993), so it had been going on for several years by the time that Morrison was involved.
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However, I would say that Morrison brought a different kind of villany to New X-Men. In both the swan song of the Claremont run and the Nicieza years, post-heel-turn Magneto was still depicted as a powerful yet dignified villain, (especially in comparison to the slimy and despicable Fabian Cortez and the fundamentalist fanaticism of Exodus) "Milton's Satan" as I termed it.
Morrison's Magneto is entirely lacking in dignity. He's a drug-addicted mentally ill old man coasting off of deluded teenage groupies who neither understand nor care about his increasily-incoherent rants. Magneto's final scheme completely obliterates any self-serving pretense that there was ever a meaningful revolutionary ideology behind his supervillainy. He goes out killing major characters, to be sure, but the means by which he is dispatched are a deliberate joke on Morrison's part.
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pccyouthleader · 1 year
Hedgehog Hodgepodge: A Story of Espionage, Confusion, and an Evil Plan Gone Haywire
     “There’s got to be something I haven’t tried yet,” said Dr. Eggman. His chin rested in one hand while he drummed his fingers with the other on the desk in front of him. “I’ve been going over option after option in my head, but nothing feels… dastardly enough. It’s been a long time since I’ve pulled out all the stops for a fight with Sonic.”
“You know what they say, Boss - you shouldn’t reinvent the wheel!” said Cubot. 
“That’s right,” agreed Orbot. “You could look at your files and see what’s worked in the past.”
Eggman thought a minute, then started typing into his computer. “Yes. YES! This is the perfect plan! I’m so glad I thought of it!” The two automatons gave each other a knowing glance.
“I’ll go back and tweak the attacks that have put a chink in the armor of that blue rat before!” The clicking of the keyboard paused. “Problem is, the size of his entourage has doubled. That makes it less likely that he’ll see the bulk of the action… Hmm…” The doctor continued to type, wracking his brain for additions he could make to his past schemes.
“What if we give his friends a little distraction that pulls them away from the main event?” he said, adding notes to a new file. “Oh ho ho! This is so eeevil! And quite the complex scheme!”
The two robots glanced at each other, expecting the doctor to give them more details. 
“Anything we can do to help, Boss?” asked Cubot. 
Eggman gave a menacing smile. “Just watch it all unravel…”
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jamwithme-o · 2 years
little eeevil nepeta >:3 huhuhu scheming about how shes going to tackle you
don't mess with horse idiot! he is MY idiot.
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AC: :33< very true!!!
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xenoredux · 4 years
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From left to right: Hydiella (hid-ee-el-uh), Wreekayla (ree-kay-luh), Dragglynn (drag-ul-lin), and Diamond Dawg.
Hydiella, Wreekayla, and Dragglynn are The Infamous Witches of Gloom Mountain, though most layponies shorten that to “The Gloom Witches”. They have a longstanding blood feud with Starwish Dreamer’s ancestry, and that’s why she’s the one who takes them most seriously. Their goal? Destroy the pony population of Everlast Valley, including everyone who lives in Paradise Estates, so as to claim the land they believe should be theirs. Their track record? Stupidly poor. That damn pink horsie and her friends always manage to save the day. Frankly it’s not very hard given none of the three are, like, smart.
As with all witches (that is their species btw, not their occupation), these chicks are equipped with potion magic. Hydiella often says “If we can brew it, we can do it!” which is a good summary of their abilities. Their magic doesn’t have much reach, but so long as they can combine the right ingredients and chant the right spell, they can create a concoction that does just about anything. The caveat is that no potion’s effects are ever permanent, and every recipe has its own antidote. Many a time have they slipped something into a little pony’s drink only for the effects to either wear off or be treated shortly after.
Hydiella (leftmost) is the undisputed leader of the group. This is primarily because she’s Wreekayla and Dragglynn’s mom, but she’s also the most eeevil and determined of the three. She’s a bitter old hag with endless disdain for all things happy, frilly, and cute. Ergo, All Ponies Must Die. She believes the four legged population of the land are wasting their magic’s potential on frivolities like home decorating and making sweets, and it sickens her. Really, she pukes like once a day just for fun. And she’ll keep doing it until all of the ponies - every single one! - are gone.
Wreekayla (middlemost) is truly her mother’s daughter. She’s too much of a bumbling oaf to earn her mother’s approval, but she wants to be the most dutiful daughter she can. She’s probably the dumbest out of all of them, but she makes up for her lack of brains with excess amounts of cruelty which she usually aims at smaller animals. She holds genuine hatred for anything her mother tells her is bad and she’s often insolent when frustrated. The only things she shows a sliver of kindness towards are her ma and her younger sister, and even then she bullies her sis mercilessly.
Dragglynn (rightmost) is the aforementioned younger sister, and she’s the family’s black sheep. Speaking of black, her dark hair is one of the quirks her father gave her, as is her tall stature. Her pop is an unmentionable topic in her home because he was an evil warlock turned heroic knight, and it’s obvious her mom resents Dragglynn both for looking like her dad and also being a big ol’ idiot. True, Bedraggled Draggle (as her sis calls her) isn’t very bright, but she’s different from her family. She wishes she were more evil so as to make her mama proud, but she can’t rid herself of her ever growing empathy for the ponies.
Diamond Dawg is a unique creature created by Hydiella to serve as a walking, talking moodring. Seriously, he was a normal puppy “adopted” by the witches and turned into a sentient, color-changing diamond. Unlike most of their handiwork, this was not achieved through potions but instead via a ceremony that can only take place every 1000 years. Despite being “owned” by the witches, he’s only involved in their evil schemes because 1) they pay him in gemstones and coffee, his two favorite things, and 2) it lets him to take out his frustration on the fluffy, warmhearted creatures of the valley who have friends, families, and cultures, all things he bemoans his lack of. He’s especially jealous of Spike given the goddamn reptile knows more about dog stuff then he does. He’s not “evil”, he’s just employed in a miserable job and is always having an existential crisis.
Dawg is equipped with gem magic, the rarest kind of magic there is. It can only be granted through dark rituals, an almost unheard of concept in this land of whimsy. His magic lets him change colors to reflect his mood, sure, but it also grants him control over organic materials like rocks, minerals, and crystals. He mostly uses this ability to create crystalline tools for the witches to pair with their potions. The major downside to this magic is that it leaves him very weak, so he can only use it sparingly. The Witches understand this limitation and try to utilize his powers only about once a day, but their poor planning often puts all his efforts to waste anyway. Typical.
The Gloom Witches’ size hasn’t changed much from generation 1 to now, but since Diamond Dawg is just a mutt on two legs he’s closer to the ponies’ size. The top of his head almost meets theirs when he walks on all fours, though you’d be hard pressed to see him do that. I can’t tell if this makes Dragglynn, the tallest, taller or shorter then the average person, but I guess it doesn’t matter. There’s (probably) no humans in Everlast Valley to compare them to.
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Getting away from Always Chaotic Evil in D&D doesn’t mean you can never use orcs or drow as antagonists again, or even that you have to change their concepts all that much.  Just take a more nuanced and fleshed-out approach to worldbuilding.  Orcs can still be warlike and drow can still be scheming - plenty of human cultures were into this stuff - but a plausible functioning society also does plenty of other things.  I think the most important change is to get away from the idea that “OK, these guys are the villains, so their cultural worldbuilding needs to be as eeevil as possible, even when a more humane custom would be more practical and make just as much sense.”  
Don’t be afraid to give them redeeming features that fit their overall shtick.  Maybe the poorest clanless orphan orc child can grow up to be a war leader if they’re a big enough badass when most of the “civilized” people around them are still all about hereditary monarchy.  Maybe the drow theocracy isn’t just a staging ground for the backstabbing political struggles of sexy elf ladies battling to become Domme Spider Pope - maybe the lower ranks also provide useful educational and medical services?  Does the church sponsor a lot of religious art?  (All those disconcertingly hunky Saint Sebastians got nothing on drow church art!)
When you’re dealing with fantasy humanoid cultures, I think the rule of thumb should be that even if they don’t act entirely like humans, they should act like reasonably plausible people.
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hellyeahheroes · 5 years
Looking back at the 90’s it’s mind blowing how many series chuck Dixon helmed!!! And a lot where really good!!! Robin, nightwing, detective comics, Birds of Prey, Batman, etc. How he managed to pull it off baffles me, but he did it
And then come 00s and he got bitter that people were bored of him and other writers like Ed Brubaker or Grant Morrison were taking over the reins of Bat-titles more and more and then he invented a conspiracy that "eeevil liberals" are scheming to keep "good hard working-conservatives" from finding a job...while writing titles many people would KILL to get to work on. And recently he jumped to write a....combination of shameless fanservice and throwbacks to racist Jungle stories from 50's and affilated himself with ComicsGate. So....yeah.And let us not pretend he was THAT good, okay? He could write great action but he was rather shallow on everything else and he clearly didn't get certain characters, every time he uses Lady Shiva it is the same "corruption" arc where she tries to push a guy he is writing to kill and it is always for the benefit of male characters only. Or that he had the whole Bane of the Demon where he tried to tie Bane to O'Neal Ras Al' Ghul stories and it result in him making Bane act like a total incel and expecting us to feel bad for him and not Talia for having to put up with his shit.Also, I'm kinda bitter people at the time were showering Dixon's story about Stephanie Brown's teen pregnancy with praises, when it was basically him using Tim as a mouthpiece so he can soapbox his pro-life beliefs and all of that while Dwayne McDuffie did teen pregnancy storyline in Icon MUCH BETTER.And don't even get me started about that time he went "No Homo" in fucking page description because he couldn't stand some people ship Babs and Dinah...- Admin
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midnightradiowl · 5 years
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Okay here is classic omniscient narrative RPF. Self contradictory af but whatevs. Observe how the narrator knows exactly what her character, cc!mia, thinks in the deepest recesses of her mind. The RPF villainess cc!mia knows cc!darren is gay as an Easter bonnet. She knows he loves another man, precisely cc!chris ... and she has unlimited financial powers permitting her to force cc!darren to marry her, force cc!chris to go along with this, pay off cc!will to spend every free moment acting like Cc!Chris’ boyfriend down to matching Halloween costume pictures taken while touching his butt to cc!chris’ butt (the exquisite detail of the farce!), to paying off cc! will’s family, cc!chris’ friends and family, cc!darren’s every last family member, friend, casual acquaintance or “fan” to send tweets or post IM pictures on their accounts to make her relationship look real. Yet cc!mia somehow is still a dupe of her own evil scheme, dangerously obsessed with her own prisoner. She physically abuses and psychologically tortures him. Yet she secretly wants him not just to fake marry her and fake love her ... she actually loves him in her sick way and and wants him to really love her! Bwa ha ha eeevil!!!!. Even though she knows he’s 100% gay and has never touched her. She has a long term bf who she makes Darren support in his home and fucks this guy on the regular, but still thinks Darren May love her some day. But! Understand! Darren and Chris don’t want any of this. But she has a deep dark secret about them that she may use if they don’t comply. But not that dark. Because of course Darren didn’t do anything illegal or immoral. Just he blindly believes his team that his career as a male sex symbol (playing mainly gay characters so far but that was phase one of Mia’s evil plan) would be hurt by him coming out. But he’s not a sellout!
Hey where are you going? come back it’s really simple unless you’re blind or stupid! Lol
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eeevilschemes · 6 months
EEEVIL scheme of the day #2:
Find the most NEFARIOUS rock!
(for eeevil rock science purposes)
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eeevilschemes · 6 months
EEEVIL scheme of the day #7:
Organize your EEEVIL laboratory!
Chaos is a valid strategy but make sure you can find all of your mad science experiments!
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eeevilschemes · 6 months
EEEVIL scheme of the day #4:
Council with your most DESPICABLE allies!
Plot, scheme, and have lots of eeevil fun
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eeevilschemes · 6 months
EEEVIL scheme of the day #6:
Conquer your most WRETCHED foe!
Get out of your comfort zone
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eeevilschemes · 5 months
EEEVIL scheme of the day #22:
Ponder your next EEEVIL deeds!
Plan out your next week
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eeevilschemes · 6 months
EEEVIL scheme of the day #8:
Further your EEEVIL plots!
Continue working on your projects
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eeevilschemes · 6 months
EEEVIL scheme of the day #1:
Get some EEEVIL breakfast!
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eeevilschemes · 10 hours
EEEVIL scheme of the day #24:
Outpizza the hut!
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