#eelers choice
podplane · 8 months
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Eeler’s Choice is a serial maritime horror audio drama set in an alternate 19th century, where instead of whales, great eels roam the waves, famous schools hide dark secrets, and the ocean never gives back what it takes unchanged. It's set in a small coastal town whose economy has lived and died on the hunting of the Great Eels for generations. As demand for product has increased, so have the catches… but even the generosity of the sea has its limits, and all debts must come due. The sound design in this show is great, and I love where the story is going. Transcripts here.
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eelerschoice · 3 months
Ask The Eelers- Season 1 Q&A
We sit down with our cast to answer your most pressing eel-related questions! Thanks to Tanja, Rae, Shads, and Caroline for offering their time and their thoughts.
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monstrousproductions · 6 months
Audio Drama Sunday - 26/11/23
Happy Audio Drama Sunday, friends! This week has also been largely dominated by Murderbot BUT I did manage to squeeze some of that GOOD PODDY GOODNESS in as well!
I polished off the last of @vestaclinicpod and absolutely loved it! It's such a fun, cosy wee show with a really strong premise, and you can just feel how much fun everyone involved is having😍
I also started @theheartpyre who are doing a way more intensive choose-your-own-adventure thing than Travelling Light - super impressed, it's already enough work for me to do it every few weeks so this is a workload not to be sniffed at 🤩 I love seeing how each choice turns the story in a new direction, and it's always a joy to hear an accent in AD that isn't American or London 💖
The latest episode of @the-mistholme-museum was as delightful as ever - love to hear Dom singing the praises of a billionaire businessman with a penchant for altering reality... 😉
And finally I binged all four eps (so far!) of @eelerschoice and WHOO! I'm always here for eldritch marine life, and the world they've built here is absolutely compelling. I love finding out more about how the magic works, and the characters are so rich and full of life!
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shadsasaur · 8 months
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i forgot to post black light party eel so i might as well do it now while im listening to eeler's choice ep 2 with my husband [and looking intensely at him and writhing vigorously at worm mention]
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probsnothawkeye · 8 months
Okay I had a very long and busy and bad day but it's finally FINALLY time to talk about @eelerschoice !!!!
Spoilers for episode 1 below but if you want a non-spoiler review: it's incredible. Listen to it. This is not a request it's genuinely so fucking good and you have to listen
The logical part of my brain knew the eels had to be big. That said, when they were describing how big the eels were my brain went "Oh!! Eels BIG!!" as if I didn't assume that
The discussion of how the eeling economy worked (from the eelers to the bone appraisers and the people who actually like sold the meat of it all) is really really interesting both in terms of world building and also in terms of me wanting to know everything about the big eels
When they said that the eels are caught with 2 boats and only 1 came back? My heart sank. Real effective shorthand for "hey. Big eel dangerous." And also allowed for introduction of religious ideas in the world. Lighting candles, talks of funerals, little things that make the world feel big. All of it is so fucking good
And then there's Ran and Pugill who are just so good right off the bat
Rae Lundberg and B Narr did incredible jobs with these characters and im already in love with them both
I love Pugill's pining and the fact that he's in a gang apparently and his friendship with Ran
And Ran with their big aroace vibes and bigger dreams and desire for a better (if not more dangerous) life
The last line being their desire to start eeling? Iconic. Inspired. I'm sure terrible things won't result from it in this maritime horror fantasy show
Lastly we gotta talk about the song because holy shit the SONG
Hauntingly beautiful and everything you want a sea shanty to be
I forgot about the musical aspect of the show and was very :0!!
It will be stuck in my head forever
Please put it on bandcamp I'll pay human money for it
Eeler's Choice *is* joining the list of podcasts I'm annoying about when they release episodes that's just how this is gonna go
Lou and Daisy have made one hell of a show and I can't wait to see what comes next from it!!
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fyeahaudiodrama · 3 months
If you like Dungeon Meshi...
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Have you heard the good word of audio drama? Come on in, the medium is full of little weirdos with specific obsessions!
Bullet points in text below the cut!
The Dungeon Economic Model
Still all about dungeons!
Focus on the economic impact of dungeons (and why your town wants one!)
Just ignore the cults and old magic, it’s fiiiiiiine
Eeler's Choice
Strong economic ties to the pursuit of monstrous creatures
Emphasis on maintaining balance within this system
Worldbuilding based around ideas of food, consumption, and being consumed
Makes you want to slow down and enjoy what’s on your plate
Inn Between
Fresh interpretation of classic fantasy RPG settings
Importance on reflection and rest between adventures
Full of adventuring party hijinks
Focus on food and its role in healing and growth
Settings as living reflections of their inhabitants
Non-standard cat girl
Setting that loves you (and holds onto you, and never lets you go)
Managing the supernatural through study and investigation
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aropodcastfuck · 9 days
Listening to new podcasts always means I get to play the game: what other podcast do I recognize this voice from!?!?!?
Why are there like 10 VAs that are in everything
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boombox-fuckboy · 3 months
Don't know anyone here? Pick one and go listen!
Am I missing your favourite? Are they from a horror? Let me know!
Where is Sister Carpenter? She is too powerful and would skew the results. But rest assured, she will be appearing in an upcoming poll.
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acepodcastweek · 7 months
Did I miss your favourite? Let me know! They might've even featured in another poll
Don't know any of these? Pick a show and go listen!
Want to know more about Ace Week Fiction Podcast Festivities? Click here.
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arianwells · 6 months
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I felt it all, from the tiniest worm writhing in the sand to the gargantuan squid far out in the depths, gazing into the blackness with massive eyes. The barnacles on the rocks. The sharks and octopi feasting on carcasses on the sand. I was the sea itself, the whole mass of it, and all that lived in it. - Eeler's choice ep 5.
@eelerschoice thank you for the show!
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winterstaryu · 20 days
I could be normal about Podcasts if Podcasts stopped having so many characters I wanna give little kisses
If I wasn't supposed to obsess WHY are they all so damn smoochable then???
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eelerschoice · 3 months
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Thank you so much for ten thousand downloads! I can hardly believe it! Wiggles for everyone! -D
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monstrousproductions · 6 months
Happy Audio Drama Sunday, friends! Very quiet listening week for me as I'm still on my Murderbot audiobook relisten (don't even say the word "Skarsgard" to me 🤢) but I did get a couple of eps under my belt!
First up @the-mistholme-museum my beloved. Loved the latest ep and especially the gorgeous visuals of the umbrella story. plus there's really nothing like a little bit of rich-kid endangerment to brighten up your week 😍
i also caught up on Modes of Thought in Anterran Literature (who I don't believe are on Tumblr - shout if you know otherwise!) it's such a brilliant, immersive show, with fabulous naturalistic performances from everyone involved.
and finally i got chance to the last two episodes of @eelerschoice! a bittersweet but fundamentally hopeful end to the season, and i can't get enough of the world-building and the magic system. also, spartina sawbones is my soulmate 🦈🔥
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shadsasaur · 7 months
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new eeler's choice new black light party eel
halloween was too busy with trick or treaters to listen with the husband so tonight is eel night!
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vestaclinicpod · 6 months
Audio Drama Sunday - 17th December ✨
Happy #AudioDramaSunday! Here’s what I’ve been listening to this week! 
🤠 @caravanradio was the flickering fire in this cold winter week. I’m relistening and having an even better time the second go round knowing how it all Pans Out. It's so funny and clever and I ADORE these characters. I’m absolutely desperate for season 2. Please, if you haven’t listened to Caravan, you absolutely MUST. 
🧳 Travelling Light by @monstrousproductions (6) EEK SO CUTE. I made so many eeky-squeepy noises listening to this episode. Cute baby aliens are my kryptonite. 
🌒 I’ve started the Moonbase Theta Out Q&A (@monkeymanproductions) and loving the answers so far! Hearing that Deej would put the Caravan characters on the moon when I’ve just started relistening this week was a perfect coincidence (I AGREE entirely by the way). 
⚓️ @eelerschoice (6) that was kind of bittersweet 🥺 there was so much action in this episode, I loved it!! Very excited to hear what kinds of questions come up in the Q+A!
🏢 @somewhereohio (S2E2) variance is only variance if you’re comparing against something different HELL YEAH LET’S GO. Also! Oh, no! Lapis! Oh no!! 
I'm so excited to listen to the latter half of Caravan S1 this week. I keep thinking about all the fun things to come and eeeeekk!!!! Hope everyone is having a lovely festive period!! 
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ash-alder · 8 months
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Um. Have @eelerschoice fan art, I guess?
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