keemlenyekun · 3 months
Bazı karışıklıklar.
Ana baba olmak çok zor sevgili defterciğim. Allah ana babalarımızdan razı olsun. Annemin hastalığından beri oğlana gündüz bakma işi bana kaldığı için çok zorlandım. Bir yandan ev işi, bir yandan avukatlık mesleği derken darmadağın oldum. Çözümü şöyle buldum. Bazı önemli kurallarımı kafaya takmamaya kendimi alıştırdım. Ev mi dağınık? Umurumda değil. Haftasonuna kadar o lego parçası sandalye altında bekleyebilir. Yemek mi yok? Tost yeriz. İşte mutlu bir ailenin sırrı burada takmıyoruz. Puhaahahajaj.
Böyle böyle tatile geldik. Dedik ki çocuğu bırakıp ufak bir tatil yapalım. Ama nerde? Oğlan babiş yanına gidelim, anniş yanına gidelim diye çıldırınca cunda asos işi de hayal oldu. Galiba oğlan seneye 3.5 yaşına girince gidebileceğiz tatile.
Aslında başlarda "oğlanla gideriz efeste gezeriz." demiştik.
Ama birlikte gezemeyeceğimize dair o kadar çok örnek yaşadık ki. Misal geçen Billur müzesine oğlanla gittik. (Böyle deyince koç billuru gibi oldu. :)) Cam ve billur müzesine gittik. Oğlan bir insan evladı olarak müze içinde bir an durmadı. Durmamak var, koşturmak var. Baktım olmayacak mecbur kaptım çocuğu dışarıya çıkardım. Koş babam koş. Kilo da veremiyorum zaten. Allah ömrünü uzatsın ama yani biz de insanız.
Oğlan bu durumdayken efeste asosta nasıl yürüyebiliriz ki?
Herşeyi ertelediğimiz gibi bu da ertelendi. Olsun. Biz de yıldız parkına gittik. ://
Oğlan isyan edip koşuyor, hatun fotoğraf peşinde, ben hepsinin peşinde. İşte mutlu aile örneği.
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İstanbul nispeten boşken güzeldi. Şimdi doldu taştı yine. Sinirlerimi hoplatıyor bu şehir benim ama gizli bir sevdam da var. Ne lanet bir dilemma.
Hatunu şimdi cennete getirdik. Açık çek verdik. Kapıda bekliyoruz. Seviyorum onunla alışverişi. Açıkçası onunla herşeyi seviyorum.
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İstanbuldan bildirdik. Ben serco. Vesselam.
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vahdaniyet · 3 days
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Selçuk Efes'te Sarsıcı Deprem Tehlikesi: Uzmanlar Uyarıyor!
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Efest 18650 3500mAh is now available! It has an extra capacity for longer battery life. Specifications: Size: 18650 (18.5mm diameter x 65.2mm long) Type: IMR/Li-Mn (Rechargeable) Rated Capacity: 2600 mAh/ max 35A Rated Capacity: 3500 mAh/ Max 20 A Max Discharge Current: Voltage: 3.7V Protected: No Style: Flat Top Weight: 55g Color: Dark Purple ***These are sold as single batteries the Picture is just for reference
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pazaryerigundem · 4 months
Selçuk Efes'te Anadolu Kültürü Tanrıçaları Sergisi'ne büyük ilgi
Selçuk Efes'te Anadolu Kültürü Tanrıçaları Sergisi'ne büyük ilgi
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Selçuk Efes Kent Belleği, Anadolu’nun zengin kültürel mirasına dikkat çekmek amacıyla resim ve müziği buluşturan “Anadolu Kültürü Tanrıçaları” Multidisipliner Sergisi’ne ev sahipliği yapıyor.
KONYA (İGFA) – Anadolu Kültüründe yer edinen tanrıçalara sanat ile bakmayı amaçlayan etkinlik, Türkiye ve yurt dışından birçok kadının katılımı ile oluşan Şahmaran adlı uluslararası sanat gönüllülerinin eserlerinin yer aldığı “Anadolu Kültürü Tanrıçaları” serginin gezilmesiyle başladı. Sergiye İlçe Kaymakamı Oğuz Alp Çağlar, Belediye Meclis üyeleri ve çok sayıda sanatsever katıldı.
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Sergi gezisinin ardından dünyaca ünlü piyanist Dr. Züleyha Abdullayeva eşliğinde  “Ben Anadoluyum” Korosu Konseri katılıcıların büyük beğenisini topladı.
Anadolu’da tarih boyunca tanrıça kavramını farklı bir bakış açısıyla ele alan kültür sanat etkinliğinin söyleşi kısmında tarih boyunca tanrıça kavramları konuşuldu.
Söyleşinin açılış konuşmasını yapan Dr. Nodira Güçsav, genel olarak tanrı kavramından bahsederek; “Toplumsal uyanış kadın olmadan olmuyor. Kadın kendi gücünü, kendini keşfetmesi lazım. Kadının mücadeleci ve güçlü olması toplumda da birçok olumsuzluğun önüne geçecektir” dedi.
 Tanrıça kültünün nasıl doğduğu hakkında bilgi veren Osman Altay Güçsav;  İnsanı insan yapan şey kendisini, neden yaratıldığını, yaratanı sorgulamasıdır. Antik çağlardan bu yana anneliğin, kadınlığın damgalaştırıldığı, tanrının, yaratıcının kadın kabul edildiğini görüyoruz” dedi.
Tanrıça figürlerinin Eski Türkler için de oldukça önemli olduğuna dikkat çeken Güçsav; “Türk kadını özellikle Orta Asya’da devamlı hayatın içinde ve erkeklere destek olarak geçmiştir. Eski Türklerde kadın asla edilgen değildir. Bu yüzden İslamiyet’e kadar eski Türkler kadını tanrı olarak kabul etmiştir. Bugün de her zaman kadınları bir adım önde görmek istiyoruz” dedi.
Ressam Evrim Gökçelik Artemis’in kentinde Anadolu Tanrıçalarını konu alan bir kültür sanat etkinliği düzenlenmesinden duyduğu memnuniyeti dile getiren Gökçelik Tanrıça Hekate hakkında bilgi verdi. Hekate’nin Kybele ile ilgili bağlantısına değinen Gökçelik; “Baktığımız zaman Kybele Hekate ve Artemis ayrı tür başlık taşırlar. Bu başlık bir de Afrodit de vardır. Başka yerlerde Afrodit aşk tanrıçası olarak görünürken bu topraklarda başka bir anlama sahiptir. Benim yaptığım çalışmada Artemis’in karşısında Athena var. Athena da aslında Hekate’den bazı özellikler taşır. Çünkü Hekate son ana tanrıçadır. Bugün Hekate’nin tapınağı Yatağan’dadır. Hekate bugün üzerine en çok araştırma yapılan ana tanrıçalardan biridir. Ayrıca bugün burada bulunmamızın ayrı bir önemi var. Çünkü bu topraklarda hem Artemis hem Meryem Ana var. Bu da kültürel ve mitolojik açıdan önemli bir değer” dedi.
“Anadolu Kültürü Tanrıçaları” Multidisipliner Sergisi 30 Mayıs’a kadar Selçuk Efes Kent Belleği’nde ziyaret edilebilecek.
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BU Haber İGF HABER AJANSI tarafından servis edilmiştir.
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in costume
ecco siamo arrivati alla prova costume, party in piscina efeste scapestrate… ecco la prova costume più adatto a questa estate 2023 Costumi gonfiabili di tutti i temi: Animali, T-Rex, Elefanti, Galline e mucche ma anche lottatori di sumo ballerine o extra terrestri zombie etc…
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View On WordPress
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The Gods are dead: prologue
The Gods were dead. Their blood flew in the Holimpus, their thrones were now just memories. 
Zeus lied near to his wife, holding her hand, as if he remembered her, finally. Her body seemed to protect him. Maybe their love wasn’t strong, and hate, jealousy, cheating and anger had ruined their union, but, in the end, they remembered their role. They were a king and a queen, and in that way they’ll be remembered. As fighters.
Poseidon lied too. He would never have thought that he would die in that way, so far from the sea that he loved. In the moment of his death, he missed the water. He missed how that had the power to make him feel at home.
Demeter’s arms were on her heart. She was the most lifeful goddess, and it didn't seem possible for her to die. Inside her hand was growing a little plant. She would have enjoyed that her death brought life.
Hades was really calm. He knew everything about death. He knew that it wasn’t possible to fight her. He didn’t care about it. 
Apollo and Artemis lied near each other, like they had returned to their mother’s womb. They were so similar in death. They spent their lives trying to go as far as they could from the other, but in death they were one thing again.
Athena’s eyes were empty. No strategies, no ideas, just nothing. It was unnatural. Her mouth was open for a last battle cry.
Ares lied near her. For their last battles, he had followed her indications. He looked comfortable in their ichor, in the violence, in the destruction. It was his element. 
Aphrodite had her most beautiful dress. Her ichor looked like a drawn, a beautiful, beautiful drawing. She wished to look sad, destructed, broken as she felt, but it wasn’t her destiny. She was caged inside the beauty.
Efest was far from the other Gods. His body was near the entrance, with his weapon. He knew there wasn’t a place for him between them. He died surrounded by his inventions.
Dionysus’ last smile was still on his face, his last message for the world. He was crazy, strange, drunk, he didn’t care about anything. He used to be a mortal, he was too broken to care about his own death.
Hermes held his Caduceus tight, like that could protect him. He couldn’t steal life, he couldn’t lie, there wasn’t a way to escape. The god that did anything for his freedom was caged.
Hestia was the last one even in death. Her body was hidden, in a place where it wouldn't ever be noticed. The goddess was forgotten, like she would always be. But she didn’t look upset. She didn’t need recognition, she just wished for peace. 
The immortal were dead. That seemed impossible, but he supposed that this is what happens when the world ends.
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xbarvapes · 1 year
Powerful Puffs: Unveiling the Top E-Cig Battery Brands for Exceptional Vaping Experience.
Introduction: When it comes to vaping, the performance and reliability of your e-cigarette battery are crucial factors that can significantly enhance your overall vaping experience. A high-quality e-cig battery ensures long-lasting power, efficient vapor production, and convenient usability. In this article, we will explore the top e-cig battery brands renowned for their exceptional performance, durability, and innovation. Let's dive in and discover the best options available on the market.
LG: LG is a well-established brand known for producing reliable and high-performing batteries. Their extensive range of lithium-ion batteries has gained popularity among vaping enthusiasts. LG batteries offer impressive capacities, ensuring long-lasting vaping sessions without frequent recharging. Moreover, their batteries are built with safety features, providing protection against overcharging, short circuits, and overheating.
Samsung: Samsung, a renowned electronics manufacturer, has also made its mark in the e-cigarette industry. Their batteries are highly regarded for their longevity and stability. Samsung batteries feature high discharge rates, allowing for intense vapor production, making them a preferred choice for sub-ohm vaping. Additionally, Samsung batteries incorporate advanced safety measures, providing vapers with peace of mind during their vaping sessions.
Sony: Sony is a trusted name in the technology industry, and their expertise extends to e-cig batteries as well. Sony batteries offer exceptional performance and reliable power delivery. With their high capacities, vapers can enjoy extended vaping sessions without interruptions. Sony batteries are designed to handle high current loads, making them ideal for sub-ohm vaping and advanced setups. Safety is a priority for Sony, and their batteries are equipped with protection mechanisms to prevent accidents.
Efest: Efest is a brand renowned for its commitment to manufacturing high-quality batteries specifically designed for e-cigarettes. Their batteries are known for their reliability and excellent performance. Efest batteries come in various capacities and sizes, catering to different vaping needs. The brand prioritizes safety by integrating protective features such as over-discharge protection and short circuit protection into their batteries.
Panasonic: Panasonic, a household name in electronics, has also ventured into the e-cig battery market. Known for their exceptional quality and durability, Panasonic batteries provide vapers with long-lasting power and consistent performance. Panasonic batteries boast high discharge rates, ensuring quick and efficient power delivery to meet the demands of intense vaping sessions. Safety measures are a priority for Panasonic, with built-in safeguards against overcharging and overheating.
Conclusion: Selecting a reliable e-cig battery is essential for a satisfying and uninterrupted vaping experience. The top e-cig battery brands mentioned in this article, including LG, Samsung, Sony, Efest, and Panasonic, have consistently proven their excellence in terms of performance, reliability, and safety. Before making a purchase, remember to check the compatibility of the battery with your specific device and consider your vaping style and preferences. By choosing a battery from one of these reputable brands, you can enjoy powerful puffs and maximize your vaping pleasure.
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houseofvape0 · 2 years
House of Vape: Your Vaping Needs Met
House of Vape is Australia’s leading online vape store and retailer, with five retail outlets in Neutral Bay, Dee why, Drummoyne, Heathcote, and Belmore. We are also opening more outlets in your vicinity soon. Our vape shop offers a broad spectrum of high-quality vape products to cater to every vapor’s needs. Whether you are an experienced vapor or just started your vaping journey, we provide all the help and vaping supplies to enhance your vaping experience.
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 A Diverse Range of Vape Supplies
 We offer a diverse range of Australia’s best vape accessories including disposable vape pens, vape e-juices, vape supplies, and vape gear from popular and leading brands in the vape industry. The collection on our website includes brands like Vape Dinner Lady, Tribal Spirits, Shisha Cloudz, and Cloud Nurdz. Soon our vape store will add brands like IGET Vape, Iplay, HQD, GunnPod, FreeMax, Aspire, and many others. We also plan to add more brands to our website soon.
 Disposable Vapes
 The collection of our disposable vapes is one of our specialties among many others. These devices are perfect for vapors who are always on the go and want a convenient and hassle-free device that requires no maintenance. 
 Our disposable vapes come in various designs, and styles, with complex sweet flavors that cater to every vapor's taste buds. Currently, we are offering disposable vapes from famous brands like Vape Dinner Lady, Tribal Spirits, and Shisha Cloudz.
 Extensive Range of E-Liquids & Concentrates
 We offer a wide collection of vape e-juices in various diverse flavors that are made with the finest ingredients. Our e-liquids are collected from authentic and leading brands. The flavors on our website include fruits, desserts, menthol, tobacco, blends of tropical fruits, and other complex delicious flavors. 
 You can access the diverse e-liquids brands on our website including Black note, Dinner Lady, Fruit & Custard, Dripmore, Wik'd Wik'd Joose, and many others. Our vape shop also offers Concentrates from famous brands like Vampire Vape, Vape Dinner Lady, and OLL Concentrates.
 Australia’s Best Vape Accessories & Vape Gear
 We also provide vape supplies and vape gear ensuring that you have access to the latest and most convenient technology. We offer all vape accessories including batteries, tanks, pods, coils, replacement coils, and cotton wicks from the leading brands in the vape industry.   
 You can get batteries from the brands like Efest, Golisi, LG, Molicel, Samsung, and Sony. You can also get access to cotton wicks and cotton threads from various brands including Holy Fiber, COTN, Canna Cottin, Cloud 9 Cotton, Wicked Cotton and etc. 
 Tanks, Coils, Pods & Glass are sold by brands like Aspire, Geekvape, Freemax, Uwell, Smok, Innokin and etc. All of these brands can be found in our Vape shop.
 Starter Vape Kits Starter vape kits are designed for those individuals who are new to vaping or want to try it for the first time. These kits come with all basic vape accessories like a battery unit, a vape tank or vape pod, and a charging cable. House of vape offers starter vape kits from brands including Aspire, Geekvape, Uwell, and various others that are the first choice among vapors in Australian Community.
 Dry Herb Vapes
 Dry vape herbs are a popular alternative to traditional smoking methods, as they provide a cleaner, healthier way to enjoy herbs. Through dry herb vaporizers, vapors can inhale the active compounds found in various herbs without burning the plant matter. This creates a smoother and less harsh experience and reduces the number of harmful chemicals and toxins that are produced through combustion. 
 Dry vape herb devices come in a variety of sizes and styles and can be used for both personal and medicinal purposes. House of vape offers advanced vaporizers for dry herbs vaping from brands like Airistech, Boundless Technology, Kingtons BLK Dry Herb, and others.
 5-Star Customer Service
 House of Vape is your go-to stop for all things related to vaping. House of Vape takes pride in providing excellent customer service and premium vape products. We are always available to answer your calls or inquiries. Our team has expertise in offering all the help and recommendations to keep your vape device running smoothly. 
 House of Vape is a leading shop in Australia, We offer a broad spectrum of high-quality vape products that cater to every vapor's needs. The shop also provides a diverse range of vape supplies, including disposable vapes, e-liquids, vape accessories, vape gear, starter vape kits, and advanced vaporizers for dry herb vaping. House of Vape takes pride in providing 5-star customer service. Visit https://houseofvape.com.au/ and explore your options concerning vape products.
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hughwinner · 2 years
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$5.0 Only! ~ Efest 18650 3000mah 3.7 volt, Universal Battery Chargers, Multi Purpose Battery Chargers BUY HERE! #UniversalBatteryChargers, #MultiPurposeBatteryChargers,
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smpnegeri1pamekasan · 2 years
Menang tidak selalu berarti menjadi yang pertama, menang berarti Anda melakukan lebih baik dari sebelumnya.
Selamat Dan Sukses Kepada Siswa Siswi SMP Negeri 1 Pamekasan Ananda :
3. ELSYA ANDITA KIRANA Juara Harapan 3
Dalam English Olimpiade Efest IAIN Pamekasan 2022
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vapordnaofficial · 5 years
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Double The Fun The EFest iMate 2 Dual Port Battery Charger! Get one today and prep your day for clouds and never miss a beat. Features a 3A max charge level power with micro processed controlled chipset, LED backlit display & USB Type-C powered Now Available At VaporDNA.com
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iconiclkld · 5 years
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Sharing the Iconic Harvest with you for the November deal! This months deal includes the GeekVape Blade, Alpha tank, two kickass Efest 20700 batteries, and the charger you will need to keep the batteries running!! November’s deal also comes with the choice of e-liquid- Royalty II, Dragonglass, or Guava Cheesecake! #getitaticonic #iconiclakeland #vapedeals #geekvape #blade #Alpha #efest #20700 #charger #royalty #dragonglass #guava #cheesecake #turkeytime #lovelakeland #yumyum #dealofthemonth #whoneedsblackfriday #getadealnow (at ICONIC) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4VdhvlnDEc/?igshid=h51l53x86v9y
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expodato · 5 years
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¿Te gustaría ser ALIADO en nuestros eventos?⚡😏 Contáctanos por el link de nuestra bio📲 ¡Hagamos de cada expo una experiencia inolvidable!😎 - - #expokabine #expodato #expobazares #expoferia #bazar #efest #zonaexpo #lazonaexpo #venezuelaemprende #modavenezuela #eventos #talentovenezolano #emprendimientovenezoalano #caracas #expocaracas #ccct #expotalento #zonacaracas #miranda #expoccct #emprendecaracas #aliadoscomerciales #sanantoniodelosaltos #sanantonio #expovenezuela #eventosvenezuela @tuevento_cb https://www.instagram.com/p/B28IOdwnIJC/?igshid=155uv6zjlpfv4
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blogalexcarry2005 · 5 years
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dubcvapor · 7 years
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Battery Wraps for Days! #18650 #26650 #battery #batteries #batterywrap #batterywraps #lithium #sony #samsung #efest #sanyo (at WC Vapor)
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EFEST 20700 3100mAh High-Drain Battery 30A Specifications: Dimensions: 70mm (L) x 20mm (D) Rated Capacity: 3100mAh Nominal Voltage: 3.7V Voltage at end of Discharge: 2.5V Max Charging Current: 4A Standard Charge: 2A Discharging Current: 30A Features new Purple Battery Wrap for Increased Durability It Includes: 1x EFEST 20700 3100mAh High-Drain Battery 30A Note: Picture is for reference only!
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