#effortless slay 10/10
barbiebutgayer · 1 year
Rating Talia al Ghul’s Outfits:
*disclaimer this is just my personal opinion based on my style/taste and everyone style’s different so take this with a grain a salt*
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1. Starting out LOVE the Matcha green color on her and we already know this girly can rock a skin tight leather anything at this point. Personally, wouldn’t have added a belt but we know if miss girl can incorporate an accessory to her look she will take the opportunity. It does bring more attention to her shape because it hits right under her natural waistline that, mixed with how the neckline hits, creates a nice harmony that compliments her figure well. I’ll give the nails a bonus point as well. My only downside is that while cute it would be a headache to wear with that fabric all day. I know queen is picking the wedgies out left and right when she wears this. Also she only has a front zipper which means she has to peel off that entire suit just to use the bathroom especially when it’s hot outside. With all that being said I’ll give it 6/10. The color of the suit with the nails is to die for but while it’s aesthetically is cute it’s a little underwhelming. Also the idea of trying to peel that off at the end of a long day is a no for me.
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2. Love Love Lovveeee this one!! Her in vibrant pinks slay every time it’s always a vibe like you go you dramatic lil groovy barbiecore gal 💞 Anyways getting onto the look the waistline is gorgeous it looks like either gold boning or fabric draped down along the body whatever it is it’s stunning and adds a dramatic yet dainty detail. I’m also loving the pleats on the skirt and the sleek sophisticated yet playful feel the fabric and sleeves gives her. I know this one is a specific type of taste but personally it’s a yes for me I’d give this one an 10/10 Ik Ik it’s only the 2nd one I’ve rated but I’m a big fan of this look and am always here for a good high neck moment also feeling the slit yes queen get the airflow. That is one downside of the dress is the slit fairly high so prone it accidentally flashing and some people could find the high neck stiff and restricting but overall with the shape, color, fabric, the gold on the dress paired with matching gold bracelets the look gives a very feminine elegance that while soft makes a powerful statement.
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3. …..total early 2010s vibes with the chunky bracelet paired with the even chunkier necklace. It’s perfect for the era of when this comic came out but I’m sorry it’s not the vibe personally. Love the shoes and the blouse but just maybe not with that skirt paired together. Or you know what the outfit is do able I take that back the combo isn’t too bad. It’s just not the best for what she’s trying to do like I’m sorry this doesn’t scream “I’m the woman who’s going to world dominate and take your business” she’s still girl bossing and dominating yes, but in a Vegas Nightclub Receptionist way. Which isn’t a bad thing I say that as someone from there. It’s just idk something about it ain’t hitting. My baby is always pretty and her hair flows gorgeously in harmony with her blouse maybe it’s her stance the photo but idk I’d give it a 3.5/10. 🤷‍♀️
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4. A simple look but she does her job bringing back the hot pink in the form of cargo pants. It’s Talia’s world and everyone else just lives in to when she walks around in pink. Her blouse is super cute and length of her sleeves give her a “let’s get down to business” energy. It’s not her most over the top and flashier moments but it’s giving effortless intelligent beauty who might or might not be some sort of doctor/professor. I’d give it a 7/10 nothing bad aesthetic wise and comfort wise you’re pretty set. A little bit on the basic side for someone like Talia but for someone who constantly wears statement pieces. A casual civilian moment is refreshing to see on someone like her. Definitely a perfect outfit to for a cute hiking date or mission with Bruce. Not high enough to be a 10 but too cute of an outfit to be a 5.
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5. Yeah you know not really feeling this one either. I know different artist have done variants of this suit but no matter the art style it just doesn’t do any thing for me aesthetic wise. Like idk what it is about it because I ofc love white on her and I can appreciate the symbolism behind the suit but idk i feel like they could of gone different directions. The suit just is a little stiff looking. Which I know that is the point of the look but I’m sure she definitely not comfortable imagine getting a back itch in this outfit not the vibe. The gloves are little too medical feeling especially with the straight jacket looking bands. I know I’m tearing into this one but a positive of the look is the texture of the suit I do like that added detailing gives her a bite of a regal white knight in shining armor feel. Overall would give it only a 3/10.
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6. Idk about y’all but I’m feeling the long slit midi skirt with the black garter or weapon giving a free little show. The whole ensemble all together gave camp steampunk pirate feel in the best way. What I’ve learned making this post is that our girl loves a good blouse and any outfit she pair with it. The sleeves on this one is a lot more of a puffier bishop than the ones she’d d normally wear. I also really like the little belt she has sitting at her natural waist with the gold in the center. It’s a tiny detail but the gold on the belt pick up on the gold rose on her skirt. I’d rate this one a solid 8/10 maybe that’s too high of a rating but it’s different it’s dramatic without it being too over the top. Very Talia as well. 🏴‍☠️
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7. It’s iconic, it’s an OG style on the queen we all know and love just with added accessories. Always the moment whenever she wears this type of style dress and she knows it. It’s a 9.5/10 ofccc! Love the plunging neckline again personally wouldn’t of done a belt if so maybe a gold one to pair with the gold jewelry but maybe that would of been too much gold and draw too much attention. Her shoes are so cute and look comfy which is a plus. Her cape piece and how the fabric falls gives her such an ethereal but modern essence when she walks through the door.
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8. -10000/10 Love an orange moment on her just not when it’s a prison uniform…. #freemygirl
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9. Another iconic look from an iconic moment. She reminds me of the blue fairy from Pinocchio. The twinkle in the night serving femme fatale but also girl next door at the same time with the pink dainty shoes. A simple but timeless dress comfortable enough to tend to Bruce’s wounds while also looking good. Some people might say it give night gown vibes but in a 13 going on 30 way. I’d give it a 7/10
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10. Basically her high neck pink dress but in a sun-kissed orange and more gold accents with a ruby gem draped over her waistline with a slit. My god and though SLEEVES giving Shakespearean vibes ! 😍 Since it’s a version of the other one ofc I’m going to give it a 10/10 🧡
But yeah that’s it maybe I’ll make a part 2
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sleepless-stories · 9 months
Who's Your Daddy~~
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Summary: You X Harry Styles X Pedro Pascal You are an actor, and much more. Pedro is your hotty daddy costar in a new up and coming movie. And Harry Styles is your past Ex
Warnings: Mischaracterization of everyone, vague smut, blood play (Mild), incest implied?, varying descriptions of Harry Styles eye color
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DISCLAIMER: I fucking hate this and it's all a joke.... please help it's the first thing I've written in almost a year
You are a Hollywood actor, model, millionaire, and trapeze artist. Recently you broke up with your long but short time boyfriend, Harry Styles. Together you were a power couple for two to three weeks. Sadly you broke up over beliefs on animal sentience. It was harrowing, so, so sad. 
Anyway! This week you finally got a new gig, in an upcoming blockbuster, box office shattering, but box office bombing movie! And you’ve managed to get the lead role! Today’s the day you’re going into the studio for script reading. 
You get up bright and early, at 3am. A red glow filling your apartment with warmth and love, glancing over you see your small but life sized night light of Pedro Pascal’s beautiful, daddy material, face. Slowly but sensually you get up from your bed, violently tossing your covers to the floor. Turning on your overhead light, brightness fills your room. Your room isn’t large, but it isn’t small either. Your bed sits up against a corner, bright colored sheets that fall somewhere on the color spectrum cover your bed. Your walls, a lovely, pale yet bright color, covered in posters of your absolute Idol. Your idol over course, Pedro Pascal. Some ripped remains of old posters are also still tacked up against your walls… posters of your previous love, though he shouldn’t be named after what he did to you. You open your closet up grabbing the perfect outfit for the day, a heavy, light but dark colored cropped sweater, booty shorts with neon glittery letters saying “baby” on the ass, and thigh high but knee length boots. Putting it on you feel ready to slay the day away. You do your hair and your minimal face routine before eating a small but large and filling meal, first of many meals of the day. You sit down on your comfy but rather hard couch, pulling out your ambiguously branded phone. Unlocking it you quickly open your favorite but least liked app, Tinder™, ready to swipe your minutes away mostly to the left because nobody meets your high but low maintenance standards. 
Minutes then hours pass by, in a breeze that’s going a mild 5 mph or 8 kmh. Soon, but after a while it finally turned 12pm. Putting your phone on its unplugged charger, you carefully grab your coat and start preparing for your script reading at 11am. Leaving now you’d probably be early by about forty two minutes. 
You head out the door of your one story, single person, not rented, high rise apartment complex. Getting into your luxury but not exactly economy class Lotus Evija. Driving a moderate speed equal to the speed limit, but much under. You arrive at the perfect time of 10:09 am. Many people were arriving, though almost nobody was at the studio yet. 
Getting out of your car you head into the studio building, finding your way to the conference room the table reading would be performed in. The moment you open up the glass, clearly see through the door, that is too clear to be able to fully see through, you notice him. Pedro Pascal sits in, but not on, one of the chairs at the long conference table… and he is looking as, good… no! great! Perfect! As ever. His looks are so effortless but highly maintained as ever. Delicately you trip into the room falling onto your face immediately. A hand grabs your shoulder, gently helping pull you up from the floor, and there… standing before you… Is someone you’ve never seen before, they were… ok looking? In their stupid floral, plaid, striped, polka dotted, rainbow colored, outfit. They were certainly no Pedro Pascal. 
You stand gently but very obviously pushing the person away, “um thanks, but keep your…” you glance over them again before frowning, “hands off of me… I’m trying to stay looking good.”
“Well… It’s fine, you’re looking rather beautiful/handsome.”
“Awe thank you, you’re looking like a solid three.” 
“Wow, thank you for that, I was feeling like a two this morning but with your compliment I’m feeling more like a four.”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself now.” You smile sweetly patting the other’s head before pulling out a chair and sitting down. You just so happened to pick the chair right next to Pedro’s out of all 10 of the open chairs. 
Pedro turns to you smiling perfectly, “Good afternoon, you must be y/n.”
“I am! How-how did you know my name?”
“Oh, well you’re wearing a name tag.”
“OH.” You glance down at your shirt remembering the name tag you had been given before walking into the room before. “Yes… It’s amazing to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you too, I’ll be acting as your love interest in the movie.”
“My l-love interest?” You quickly grab for the script that sits before you, flipping through the pages of it memorizing every line already thanks to your photographic memory. “There’s some… pretty um in-intimate scenes in this script,” you stutter blushing brightly. 
“There do seem to be.” Pedro nodded, opening up the script, “Maybe we’ll have to meet after this to have extra practice with the scripts.” 
“Take me away daddy…” You mumble before realizing what you just said. “Shit! I mean sure! Want…Want to maybe d-do it at your place?” You ask blushing rather brightly at the proposition. 
Pedro nods, attractively, “Of course. I’ll give you my address. We may take a while to do it, so make sure to bring a bag.”
“I’ll remember. Want to maybe, um, possibly meet up at a restaurant downtown first? We could get dinner and talk before heading to your place to start going over the script and practicing.”
“We’ll go to my favorite restaurant, Hoobee’s House.” Pedro suggested, attractively. 
“Oooo that’s so exotic! I’ve never heard of that place.” You agree immediately, if it was his favorite place you just had to go. 
“Yeah it’s like if Applebee’s, Hooters, and Waffle House had a threesome.” “Oooo, we should definitely go.”
Pedro nodded and handed you his unlocked phone to have your number put in. Naturally you give him your number, 605–477–3018. 
After giving him your number most of the other few, about 30 people walk into the room taking their seats. The script reading begins, you naturally give the best performance anyone had ever heard in their lives, fucking amateurs. 
The script reading had gone well, it took a few hours but it was all worth it being able to sit so close to Daddy Pascal for hours. You finally got home by the time it was 5 Post Meridiem, quickly you pack a bag of your sexiest outfits and head out to the restaurant. Tossing your bag into the back seat of your Toyota Corolla, you drive over to downtown to see your love. 
You park on the sidewalk, blocking a door to a local orphanage, firehouse, combo. You get out of the exotic supercar and start to walk down the street. 
You hear your name, but don’t turn, because of how grossly famous you are. It’s probably paparazzi and fans like always. 
A hand suddenly grabs your arm, but it’s not startling, it feels almost familiar… You turn facing the other. The world feels like it slows down for a moment as you look into his eyes. It’s like you’re the only two people in the world for a few moments. 
You lean a bit closer to him, whispering in a quiet but sensual tone, “Animals aren’t fucking sentient.”
“I’m Harry Styles,” your famous ex responds. 
You stand there, with Harry’s hand on your forearm, looking into his beautiful eyes that remind you of wet dirt after a hurricane. 
“I… what are you doing here? Don’t you live in Australia?” 
“I just missed you, I couldn’t live without you, Y/N. Please, I’m sorry! I’ll agree animals have no souls, for you love.”
“Y/N?” another voice calls out, this voice very distinctly… Daddy. 
You turn to see… Pedro Pascal. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to be late.”
“No it’s fine… you’re an hour early, I’m the one who was late.”
“Who is this?” Harry asks. He’s staring at Pedro with his glowing orbs that remind you of the clouds on a sunny afternoon day during a horrible tornado. He looks almost entranced… he looks at Pedro with more love than he’s ever stared at you with. 
“Well, I’m Pedro Pascal.”
“Daddy,” you cough out, under your breath. 
“I’m Harry Styles.”
Harry lets go of your arm stepping closer to Pedro, holding out his hand. “It’s enchanting to meet you.” 
The two men shake hands, standing a bit closer than necessary, staring into each other's eyes as their hands are firmly grasped together. Harry’s eyes looking almost like crushed starlight before a supernova, Pedro’s eyes looking… attractive. 
“Y/N, would you be ok if we all skipped dinner. We could eat back at my place.” Pedro suggested.
Well you had heard that Pedro was a decent chef, no articles had ever mentioned him burning down a kitchen before. “Sure! I’d love that!” you agree without hesitation. 
Everyone went back down the street, getting into your Ford Focus. Pedro gave directions as you drove to his mansion. 
Pedro’s house was ginormous, though rather modest and quaint. The place was covered in gold and marble. 
As soon as the car was parked Pedro pulled you and Harry into the house immediately, shutting the door behind you both once inside. 
Suddenly without even realizing it all three of you were in Pedro’s bed, a small Alaskan king. 
Clothes were gone. 
You laid there beneath the two, looking at them sexually. You look up seeing Harry’s voluptuous disks of burning camembert cubes inside of a blackhole. Then there’s Pedro Pascal, “daddy,” you accidentally let slip out as you stare at his large sexy deep nose pores. 
“Oh what’s that you called me?” Pedro asks you, his voice full of attraction. 
You are about to respond when you feel something very… distinct enter you. Only a moan leaves you. Your eyes shut focusing on the feeling, though moments after when you open them all you see is Harry and Daddy Pascal making out, erotically. 
As you watch them the pleasure continues to build up, something wet starts dripping down… your face. 
Harry’s hand gently glides under your nose, his hand pulls away covered in your blood. He stares down at you with his beautiful pools of oceanic eyes during a volcanic explosion. Slowly he starts licking your blood off of his hand, eyes closed in pleasure as he cleans the blood of your nose off of his delicate fingers.
You gasp watching, your nose gushing a bit more. Though soon more than that gushes. 
The three of you soon lay there on the bed, cuddled up close together under the covers. Daddy Pascal holding you close and gently running his hand through your hair. 
“Thank you, daddy… and Harry.” you whisper. 
Though suddenly you start to hear a familiar song, backstreet boys… Your mother is calling. 
The Caller ID reads: Kris Jenner. 
Pedro happens to see it as he reaches for your phone to hand it to you, and he suddenly freezes. “Kris?”
“Oh, well that’s my mom,” you explain reaching for the phone out of his hand. 
“How old are you?”
Pedro nods, releasing your phone, “I think I’m… your father.”
“Oh… well I guess you really are a daddy then.”
“I guess I certainly am.” Pedro smirks, kissing you carnally before he leans over you, kissing Harry too in a passionate manner. “I also suppose this was wonderful practice for our movie.” 
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bhimakeupacdmy · 6 months
2024’s Top 10 Makeup Trends: Slay Like a Celebrity!
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As we immerse ourselves in the allure of 2024, the beauty landscape unfolds with a plethora of captivating makeup trends, promising to elevate your cosmetic journey. Whether you’re an avid makeup enthusiast or an aspiring professional, staying abreast of the latest trends is paramount. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the hottest makeup trends of 2024, providing profound insights and expert tips to help you master the art and slay like a celebrity. Additionally, for those seeking to refine their skills in the vibrant city of Mumbai, we will explore the top Makeup School in Mumbai, transforming your passion into expertise.
Dewy Skin Perfection
Illuminate your visage with the coveted radiance of a dewy complexion, a staple on runways and red carpets.
Hydration reigns supreme in achieving this luminous look, and we’ll explore the must-have products to attain and maintain that coveted glow.
Colorful Eyeliner Statements
Bid adieu to the simplicity of basic black eyeliner and embrace a spectrum of vibrant hues to make your eyes pop.
Journey through the world of colorful eyeliners and master the art of creating bold and playful eye statements.
Barely-There Makeup
The “no-makeup” makeup look continues to dominate, offering a timeless aesthetic of effortless beauty.
Discover the nuanced techniques and essential products to achieve a flawless complexion while preserving a natural and understated allure.
Statement Lips in Bold Hues
Command attention with bold and vibrant lip colors that define and accentuate your pout.
Dive into the hottest lipstick shades, and glean insights into crafting a statement lip that exudes confidence and style.
Graphic Eyeshadow Designs
Elevate your eyeshadow game by introducing intricate and bold graphic designs, a trend set to turn heads.
Unleash your creativity with unique eyeshadow shapes and patterns that add an avant-garde edge to your makeup repertoire.
Sculpted Brows with Flair
Well-defined brows are a timeless trend, but 2024 introduces a creative twist with sculpted brows that boast artistic flair.
Learn the art of brow sculpting, embracing bold shapes and textures that frame your face with personality.
High-Shine Glossy Lids
Bid farewell to matte eyeshadows as glossy lids take center stage, exuding sophistication and glamour.
Dive into the technique of applying glossy eyeshadow for a mesmerizing look that captures the essence of high fashion.
Metallic Accents Everywhere
Embrace the futuristic and edgy allure of metallic elements that add a touch of opulence to your makeup.
From metallic eyeshadows to lip accents, discover how to seamlessly incorporate this trend with elegance and flair.
Individualistic Lash Styling
Customize your lash game with individualistic styling, transforming your eyes into a canvas of personalized expression.
Explore various lash styles and techniques to create a unique and eye-catching look that reflects your individuality.
Glowing Inner Corners
Elevate your eye makeup with a subtle yet impactful trend — highlighting the inner corners of your eyes for a fresh and youthful appearance.
Master the technique to brighten and accentuate your eyes, adding a touch of radiance to your overall look.
Makeup Academies and Schools in Mumbai
For those passionate about honing their makeup skills, Mumbai stands as a beacon of opportunity with its renowned makeup academies and schools. Whether you’re a novice eager to learn the basics or an enthusiast seeking advanced training, consider enrolling in a Makeup Academy in Mumbai or a Makeup School in Mumbai. These institutions offer expert-led courses, hands-on training, and invaluable industry insights, serving as a transformative stepping stone to turn your passion into a thriving profession.
As of my last knowledge update in 2024, I don’t have specific and up-to-date information about makeup academies and schools in Mumbai. However, I can provide you with some popular makeup academies that were known to operate in Mumbai. Keep in mind that it’s essential to verify the current status, courses offered, and any changes in their information before making any decisions.
Embark on a beauty odyssey by embracing the enchanting makeup trends of 2024 and unveil your inner makeup artist. Whether you’re drawn to bold statements, prefer a natural aesthetic, or yearn for artistic expressions, these trends cater to diverse preferences. For makeup aficionados in Mumbai, the city’s prestigious makeup academies provide an unparalleled opportunity to refine your skills and step confidently into the world of beauty and glamour. Get ready to slay like a celebrity with these trends, making a bold statement with your makeup prowess, and let your beauty journey unfold with elegance and confidence!
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allenhalsted · 9 months
Sweat in Style: Embrace the Trendy Seamless Sets!
Fashion and fitness have collided to create the latest trend in activewear – seamless sets! At Twill Active, we believe that looking stylish while working out should be effortless, and our collection of trendy seamless sets is designed to elevate your fitness wardrobe to a whole new level.
1. The Art of Seamless Design
Seamless sets are the epitome of fashion and function. Crafted with advanced knitting techniques, these sets have no uncomfortable seams, offering a smooth and flattering fit that feels like a second skin. Say goodbye to distractions and discomfort and hello to a seamless workout experience.
2. A Perfect Match
One of the best things about seamless sets is their coordinated perfection. Each set is thoughtfully designed to include a matching top and bottom, creating a stylish and cohesive look that's ready to wear straight from your gym bag. No more mismatched gym outfits – seamless sets have got you covered.
3. Comfort Redefined
Comfort is essential during workouts, and seamless sets deliver just that. The soft and stretchy fabrics provide a snug yet flexible fit that allows you to move freely without any restrictions. Embrace your workout with ease and comfort, and focus on achieving your fitness goals.
4. Versatility at Its Finest
Seamless sets are not only perfect for the gym but also incredibly versatile for all your active endeavors. Wear them during yoga sessions for optimal flexibility, or sweat it out during high-intensity workouts – seamless sets adapt to your fitness routine seamlessly.
5. Stay Cool and Dry
Moisture-wicking properties are a hallmark of seamless sets. Stay cool and dry as you push through your workouts, thanks to the high-performance fabrics that wick away sweat and keep you feeling fresh. Enjoy your workout without worrying about discomfort caused by damp clothing.
6. Say Goodbye to Visible Lines
No more worries about visible panty lines or bra outlines. Seamless sets provide a sleek and smooth silhouette, ensuring a polished and streamlined look. Feel confident and focused during your workouts, knowing that your activewear is on point.
7. Fashion-Forward Fitness
Seamless sets are not just about performance; they are also fashion-forward. With a wide range of stylish designs and colors to choose from, you can express your personal style while breaking a sweat. Make a statement with your fitness fashion and slay your workouts in style.
8. Confidence Booster
Wearing trendy and comfortable activewear can be a major confidence booster. Seamless sets enhance your body's natural shape and highlight your hard work. Feel empowered and motivated as you embrace your strength and fitness journey.
9. Sustainable Activewear
At  Twill Active, we are committed to sustainability. Our seamless sets are crafted from eco-friendly and high-quality materials, so you can feel good about your fashion choices while taking care of the environment.
10. Sweat in Style
In conclusion, our collection of seamless sets is all about sweating in style and embracing fashion-forward fitness. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or just starting your wellness journey, our seamless sets are designed to elevate your workout experience and make you look and feel fabulous.
So, say goodbye to boring workout wear and embrace the trend of seamless sets at  Twill Active. Sweat in style and achieve your fitness goals with activewear that's on-trend, comfortable, and performance-driven.
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kayfi · 11 months
10 Timeless Fashion Pieces Every Woman Should Have In Her Wardrobe
Fashion trends come and go, but there are some pieces that have stood the test of time and remain relevant season after season. These classic outfits are not only stylish but also versatile, making them essential in any woman's wardrobe. From simple abaya designs to wide leg trousers, these looks are the building blocks of a timeless wardrobe that will never go out of style. Whether you're a fashionista or someone who prefers a more minimalist approach to style, these timeless fashion pieces are must-haves that will elevate your wardrobe to the next level.
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Black Lurex Wide Sleeve Abaya
Get ready to slay in this fierce and fab black abaya - the ultimate glam outfit! With shimmery lurex fabric and magnificent wide sleeves, it's the perfect mix of bold and chic.
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Off-White Kimono Sleeve Abaya
Step up your style game with this off-white abaya that's anything but basic. The impeccably tailored, voluminous silhouette and kimono sleeves made with lurex fabric create a modern aesthetic perfect for day-to-evening wear.
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Green Shawl Collar Ramadan Abaya
Say hello to your new style obsession: this green abaya is the perfect blend of classic and trendy. Featuring playful balloon sleeves and an on-trend shawl collar, you'll be serving up major looks that are equal parts stylish and sassy.
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Grey Empire Waist Maxi Dress
Ditch your basic LBD and turn heads in this gorgeous maxi dress. The empire waist perfectly accentuates your curves, while the kimono sleeves and playful ruffle details add a touch of sass to the whole look.
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Lilac Glitter Mesh Dress
Make a statement and own the spotlight in this lilac dress that's all about minimal form with maximum impact. Featuring a high neckline, long sleeves, and a figure-hugging fit made of glitter mesh fabric, this maxi-length dress is the ultimate showstopper.
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Pink Triangle Trim Kimono Kaftan
Elevate your summer wardrobe with this must-have pink kaftan that's all about effortless style. The easy-going silhouette gets an extra dose of enchantment with trendy triangle trim in gold, making it the perfect choice for any occasion where you want to look effortlessly chic.
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Black Tassel Sleeve Kaftan
Strut your stuff and own the scene with this black kaftan that's all about high fashion vibes. The maxi-length fit features a sleek halter neckline and cold shoulders, while the straight silhouette and striking tassel sleeves add the perfect touch of drama. 
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White Glossy Organza Slip Dress
Make a lasting impression on your next special occasion with this understated yet oh-so-chic slip dress. The glossy organza fabric gives it a feminine touch, while the round neckline and flattering a-line design keep it laid-back and versatile.
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Blue Wide Leg Trousers
Bloom like a summer sweet pea and rock these blue trousers that are all about style and sass. The classic wide-leg tailoring and fluid drape strike the perfect balance of refinement and comfort, while a tucked-in patterned top completes the look.
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Beige Pleated Tapered Trousers
Unleash your inner boss babe with these ultimate pleated pants that blend chic and comfort. The tapered fit and pleated detailing exude sophistication, while the relaxed silhouette keeps you breezy all day long. 
In a world where fashion trends change at lightning speed, it's important to invest in ageless pieces that will never become outdated. These ten timeless fashion pieces are not only versatile and practical but also elegant and unfading, making them essential in any woman's wardrobe. By investing in quality clothing that will stand the test of time, you can build a wardrobe that is both functional and fashionable. So go ahead and add these timeless aesthetics to your wardrobe, and enjoy an effortless style that will last for years to come.
Geared up to build a wardrobe that will outlast the trends? Head over to kayfi.com to check out more stylish pieces that will survive the passage of time.
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dvnscreativespace · 3 years
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Kibbe Body Type and Style Essence: Park Jihyo
Jihyo is the leader and main vocalist in the Korean girlgroup TWICE. She was born in February the 1st in 1997. She was a trainee for 10 years before debuting in TWICE in 2015, making her the idol with the longest training period under JYP Entertainment. Jihyo has a dynamic personnality and a powerful presence despite being only 5ft3.
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Jihyo looks short and athletic yet she has some softness to her flesh.
She is a Soft Natural in the Kibbe system. As a consequence, she looks great in flowing and light fabrics with curved edges and waist emphasis.
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Her big doe eyes and full features make her very youthful yet there is something mature about her face. She also looks very down to earth and warm. 
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Therefore, I think she has a Romantic, Ingenue and Natural essence in the Kitchener system. She looks great in fresh and flirty outfit. (flower patterns, short skirts, lightweight fabric, cute detail...)
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She may have a stronger Romantic essence than Natural or Ingenue as she looks gorgeous in pure Romantic style.
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Besides, her beauty is enhanced with a short hairstyle and soft waves.
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To resume, Jihyo is a woman who can display sensuality and youthfulness in an effortless way. She can slay any concept but she shines the most in summer as it embodies her personallity in an effective way. “Alcohol Free” is my favorite Jihyo era. (Honorable mention to “Dance The Night Away”)
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thecreaturecodex · 4 years
Dream Lord, Grimm
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“Troupe Master Grimm” © Caio Santos, accessed at their ArtStation here
[Commissioned by @arachcobra​, who wanted dream demigods for the Dimension of Dreams. Since that’s a weird demiplane with relatively little information, I figured that it should be in the CR 21-25 range (and that the thematically similar Eldest of the First World are probably between CR 26 and 30). Hollow Night is, yet again, a game I am loosely familiar with but haven’t played. I did immediately fall in love with this character; theatrical goths are 100% my jam [see Gengar, my favorite Pokemon]. The main character is a tiny bug, right? So Grimm, who is enormous in comparison with him, is probably supposed to be about man-sized. But I wanted to have that scale difference if you’re having him fight your adventurers.]
Dream Lord, Grimm CR 23 CN Outsider (extraplanar) This spindly giant stands four times the height of a man, with thin clawed limbs concealed beneath a shadowy cloak. His head is a white mask shaped like a heart set in a sea of black, with red eyes and a vertical stripe through each. He moves with effortless grace despite his great size.
Dream Lord, Grimm Troupe Lord, The Nightmare King CN male dream lord of fire, rebirth and theater Domains Chaos, Fire, Healing, Luck Subdomains Fate, Resurrection, Revelry, Whimsy Favored Weapon lance Holy Symbol a heart-shaped mask with red eyes and a vertical black stripe through each eye Worshipers bards, destined sorcerers, performers, pyromancers Minions animate dreams, chaotic phoenixes, fire elementals Obedience Give a performance lasting at least one hour to an audience of at least one individual. This performance must incorporate a live flame into the act in some way. Gain a +4 sacred bonus to saves against fire effects Boons 1: levitate 2/day; 2: dimension door 2/day; 3: delayed blast fireball 2/day
Grimm is a dream lord, but is rarely found in the depths of the Dimension of Dreams. He is a vagabond and traveling entertainer, who moves from plane to plane with his troupe of fiery acrobats, clowns, dancers and thespians. In addition to the staged dramas his troupe performs, he often tasks heroes on these journeys with great quests to fulfill his love of real drama. These quests often involve journeys to perilous locations, nurturing a strange dream being, and culminate by facing him in battle. If the drama is successful, he is slain and reborn, demonstrating the cyclical nature of fate and the universe, before departing for new environs.
Grimm’s need to be faced in mortal combat is a compulsion that even he cannot fully explain, and it seems as though Grimm may be beholden to some power greater than he. Grimm is a dedicated combatant and fights to win. He has a sense of sportsmanship and theatricality, and creatures that do not respect his theatrical gestures (like beginning and ending combat with a bow) earn his disdain. Grimm typically opens combat by summoning flying fire elementals and focusing his attacks on enemies that are resistant or immune to fire. Grimm’s cape has a mind of its own and can twist into numerous shapes, such as a stinger to jab at foes, a drill when Grimm charges through enemies or a spiked ball to defend the Nightmare King when he uses his spell-like abilities.
Grimm’s personality is typically charming and smooth. He is soft spoken and careful with his words, and is happy to explain the nature of his fate to others, as long as they play their proper part in the revels. He is fond of bats, and incorporates many bat-like mannerisms into his behavior—resting while hanging upside down is a particular favorite. He is fond of artists, dreamers and performers of all stripes, and may bestow them with his divine favor as a patron.
Grimm stands about twenty feet tall, but is lean and light for his height.
Grimm   CR 23 XP 820,000 CN Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar) Init +12; Senses arcane sight, darkvision 60 ft., Perception +35, thoughtsense 60 ft. Defense AC 42, touch 30, flat-footed 30 (-2 size, +12 Dex, +10 deflection, +12 natural) hp 429 (26d10+286) Fort +19, Ref +27, Will +23 DR 20/lawful; Immune charm, compulsion, disease, fire, poison, sleep effects; Resist acid 20, electricity 20; SR 34 Defensive Abilities revivification, shield of dreams, spiny configuration Offense Speed 50 ft., fly 50 ft. (perfect) Melee 2 claws +36 (4d6+10 plus 4d6 fire), sting +36 (2d6+10 plus stagger) Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. Special Attacks drill rush (6d6+15, DC 33), impaling field Spell-like Abilities CL 23rd, concentration +33 Constant—arcane sight, tongues At will—delayed blast fireball (DC 26), dimension door, dream, dream scan (DC 26), greater dispel magic, haste, nightmare (DC 25) 3/day—quickened fire shield, empowered fire storm (DC 28), irresistible dance (DC 28), mislead (DC 26), moment of prescience 1/day—dream voyage, gate (travel only, DC 29), mass charm monster (DC 28), meteor swarm (DC 29), summon firebats, true resurrection Statistics Str 30, Dex 35, Con 32, Int 29, Wis 26, Cha 30 Base Atk +26; CMB +38; CMD 71 Feats Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dimensional Agility, Dimensional Assault, Dimensional Dervish, Dimensional Savant, Dodge, Empower SLA (fire storm), Lucid Dreamer (B), Mobility, Quicken SLA (fire shield), Power Attack, Step Up, Vital Strike Skills Acrobatics +39, Bluff +37, Diplomacy +37, Fly +40, Intimidate +37, Knowledge (arcana, local, religion) +33, Knowledge (planes) +36, Perception +35, Perform (dance, drama) +27, Sense Motive +35, Spellcraft +33, Stealth +39, Use Magic Device +34 Languages Aklo, Common, Draconic, Ignan, Sylvan, tongues SQ dream lord traits, occult Ecology Environment any (Dimension of Dreams) Organization solitary or troupe (1 plus 2-20 animate dreams, phoenixes and fire elementals) Treasure double standard Special Abilities Dream Lord Traits (Ex/Su) Grimm is a dream lord, a powerful outsider native to the Dimension of Dreams. Dream lords gain the following abilities:
Immune to charm, compulsion, disease, poison and sleep effects
Immune to one energy type and resistance to another two energy types
A dream lord’s natural weapons, and any weapon it wields, count as chaotic and magical for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction
Occult (Ex) A dream lord gains Lucid Dreamer as a bonus feat, and     can use occult skill unlocks even if it lacks other psychic magic
Shield of Dreams (Su) A dream lord adds its Charisma modifier as a deflection bonus to its AC and CMD
Summon (Sp) Once per day, a dream lord can summon thematically     appropriate monsters as a standard action. These creatures remain until dismissed or for 1 hour. A dream lord cannot summon a monster or monsters of greater than a CR 19
Dream lords can grant spells to worshipers as detailed in their divine information. A worshiper can gain boons from performing an obedience to a dream lord, as per the Deific Obedience feat, but the boons granted are simple, appearing as a 2nd, 4th and 6th level spell usable as a spell-like ability twice per day.
Drill Rush (Ex) This ability functions as the trample special attack, except that Grimm deals piercing damage with this attack and can use it on creatures of his size or smaller. The save DC is Strength based. Impaling Field (Su) As a full round action, Grimm may create multiple copies of his cape and force them to grow from the ground. He may make a single sting attack against all opponents in a 40 foot radius. Grimm may only use this ability once every 1d4 rounds. Revivify (Su) The first time in a year that Grimm is slain, he immediately returns to life and full health 1d4 rounds later. If slain for a second time that year, he is reformed in the Dimension of Dreams over the course of a century, and cannot enter the plane he was slain in for another millennium. If Grimm is slain in the area of a dimension lock spell or forbiddance keyed to chaotic neutral creatures, he cannot revivify, but returns to life in the Dimension of Dreams as above. Permanently slaying Grimm is a feat subject to GM discretion, but should involve a great quest, an artifact, or mythic power. Spiny Configuration (Ex) As a move action, Grimm can invert his cape and point it outward in a shield of spines. He may not make melee attacks in this configuration, but creatures striking him with melee weapons, touch attacks, natural weapons or unarmed strikes take 1d8+12 points of piercing damage on each hit. Melee weapons with reach do not endanger their wielders in this way. Grimm can revert his cape as another move action. Stagger (Ex) A creature struck by Grimm’s sting attack must succeed a DC 33 Fortitude save or be staggered for 1d3 rounds. The save DC is Strength based. Summon Firebats (Sp) As a standard action, Grimm can summon 4 fiery bats. These are treated as elder fire elementals with a fly speed equal to their land speed (perfect maneuverability).
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swankychichair · 3 years
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🌼🌻💐Spring into Spring at Swankychichair.com Check out our new gorgeus malaysian loose curly. This gorgeous queen @moran.esq rocking her crown with another effortless slay💁🏽‍♀️ We offer:👇🏾 SAMEDAY DELIVERY 💨 FREE ONLINE SHIPPING ☎️516-532-5343 (10-8) 💻SWANKYCHICHAIR.COM 📧[email protected] 💎 BUNDLES💎CLOSURES💎 FRONTALS 💎UPART WIGS 💎FULL LACE WIGS 💎LACE FRONT WIGS 💎 CUSTOM UNITS 💎HAIR CARE PRODUCTS 💖SwankyChicHair.com https://www.instagram.com/p/CMfBWiOpI4C/?igshid=r26rleekeuqr
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mulderspice · 5 years
have you ever watched an episode of the Emmy award winning sci-fi drama, The X Files?  Maybe you’ve read my original post and yet you’re still wondering where the hell Fox Mulder got all those strands of hair on his jumbo gigantic head.  I am back and here to help you find the answers to some of your burning questions; as we celebrate the hard work and triumphs of the hair and makeup department on the Fox Lot and team up with my big huge brain and my New York State Cosmetology license to give the people what they want once again: another top ten guide to Mulder’s fucking hair..
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upon making this post a second time (rip 😔), I realized that just about every episode (yes, every. single. one. even the ones without Mulder and the latest season where he has to share headspace with [redacted]) has its own important and iconic hair looks... You may recognize that some of these are slightly repeated from the last post but that’s ok! What I'm here to do is enforce! So lets get started..
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#10 s6:e21 Field Trip: Here again we begin our journey into cosmetic superstardom with a personal favorite of mine.  Mulder rolling with the times by getting a haircut fresh off the FTF wave left our nation in fucking shambles. Can’t imagine going to see a major motion picture in theatres jam packed with Mulder’s most supreme hair looks only to come back to my tv screen to see it all gone away.  For students reading this post for educational purposes, this caused a worldwide walkout on popular salon franchise Supercuts in the year 1998.  However, a haircut didn’t necessarily mean Mulder forgot how to take care of his hair.  The precision and placement as each strand of hair perfectly outlines his jumbo head is revolutionary and inspiring.  Mushroom induced drug high? K. Lemme still grab my teasing comb and my hairspray and make sure I look presentable for when my partner walks into my apartment screaming abt “where's Mulder” and wanting “answers”.  The answer is this: this look is about giving people like myself with big heads rights and looking fuckable while doing so. 10/10 for inspiring hope.
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#9 s1:e9 Space: Imagine you’re a few episodes into a show, the core plot is developing right before your eyes and you’re beginning to get to know The X Files three main characters; Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, and Mulder Hair Strands #1-3.  All is well except, you still have no clue how crucial, and critical Mulder Hair Strands 1-3 will become to the show and to your life and I am here to tell you that you are in for a very rude and bold awakening.  This message goes out to all the haters and all the people who didn’t believe Mulder’s hair was valid prior to season 4. He is here to tell you he DID know how to use dry shampoo and even the occasional blow dry oil and you can suck a dick abt it. Bold of you to assume he wouldn’t pull the round brush and the biosilk out the drawer to impress a visit to fucking NASA. 10/10 for involving science.
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#8 s4:e6 Sanguinarium: I sit here writing to you today as the song ‘Handmade Heaven’ comes on shuffle; strikingly fitting for this raw and ethereal image of straight up beauty and wonder and magic and heaven in hair. This special, freshly washed and air dried smells like strawberries and sandalwood and fuckability. The look reaches through your TV and wraps its hands around your neck and sucks the life right out of you.  Are you gonna let it happen? You sure are.  Lucky for you, I just so happened to be there when the angels hand sewed each strand of hair onto his head and here’s what they had to say about it:  this is everything and more and the way Mulder has just washed his hair with fresh mountain water droplets hand collected like nothing else mattered. Put his clothes back on and went on his merry way. Can’t imagine being in Scully’s shoes ready to walk on in her partners room unannounced to go over serious case related matters and theories.  Woulda went bonkers. This truly is a handmade heaven.  Hand crafted by Mulder for Scully and for the good viewers of the globe. 10/10 for embracing me in its arms.
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#7 s4:e3 Home: A look from one of primetime TV’s most notorious banned episodes.  Viewer discretion IS advised not only for the horrifying and cringeworthy content displayed in this episode, but for also making it painfully blunt to the viewer that Mulder’s hair follicles are happier and healthier than anybody else's will ever be in their lifetime.  In fact, I can feel my own hair falling out and being respawned onto HIS head as I type this and I’m sure you can too. The way the sun glistens off his golden brown strands makes me want to walk into oncoming traffic.  You might also notice how effortless this look was, as it probably only took a quick run thru with his fingers, and Mulder’s passion and need to look sexy at any time of the day at all times. It’s obvious that this kind of thing comes naturally to him, which just comes off as insulting to men everywhere. 11/10 for striking fear into men’s hearts.
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#6 s4:e20 Small Potatoes: Genuinely took every bone and nerve ending in my body to not put this look in the top 5 even though it so clearly deserves it.  Here at mulderspice we believe in diversity, meaning it wouldn’t be right to make my top five greatest hairstyles ever produced on The X Files just of Mulder’s iconic and revolutionizing middle part (though really who is stopping me..). This screenshot in general has me up in arms at how perfectly the blue background matches his eyes, and how it accentuates his hydrated skin and lips.  But you’re not here for that. It’s the hair particularly that really pulls the shot together, as Mulder took the time that morning to spray it with some tinted dry shampoo that most defiantly and absolutely smells like chocolate.   This look feels like a warm hug on a frigid winter day. I feel EMBRACED and I feel CARED FOR thanks to the wonderful staff and team @ Mulder’s head and hair follicles. What the fuck could be better than this. 16/10 for making me feel some type of way.
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#5 s4:e8 Tunguska: Currently you may not think anything of Krycek to the left of this image though ill have you know he plays an extremely vital part of this look and all the words I’m about to speak to you directly. So listen up: Krycek may have heroically slayed Mulder’s father in cold blooded and justifiable murder, but we thank him for this, as it caused Mulder to lash out in the best way possible: through looks. “Un-shun: Krycek do you think I’m good to bring my Redkin Rewind 6 styling paste with me or will the Russian TSA think of that as contraband? :Re-shun”.  A sweaty, manly and highly illegal treck through a Russian testing facility and a stint in a violent foreign PRISON surely was not going to stop Mulder from keeping his hair properly hydrated, styled and parted. That’ll really ruffle Krycek’s feathers and make him feel sorry for what he did…. The sexiest way to avenge the death of your deadbeat father. 24/10 for you know why.
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#4 s1:e6 Shadows: In the year 1993, Mulder steps onto the scene, young, fresh faced, bright eyed and ready to give men around the globe what they (so desperately) needed: the encouragement to care about their hair.  Any backstreet boy you may know have this scene to thank directly, as this is what encouraged them to reproduce Mulder’s hair onto their own heads time and time again.  What I would give to see with my own eyes Mulder length times width times height his head to equal this perfectly proportionate look of volume and sexy. And who can I write a warrant out to for allowing this shot to take place.  Oh to be the various and expensive hair care products in Mulder’s bathroom …… 899/10 for starting a movement (-1 for making us do equations).
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#3: s1:e10 Fallen Angel: The biggest regret I’ve ever had in my short little life was not adding this moment to the last post.  And tumblr deleted it in order to give me this opportunity to present this to you today.  By the way, that absolutely is in fact a choir of angels singing as you view this image. Go ahead and try to think of something on this earth that could be better than this tossled bed headed im-stressed-becos-my-partner-of-2-weeks-isn’t-seeing-the-big-picture-about-how-we’re-all-key-pawns-in-an-ongoing-government-conspiracy hairstyle hand crafted by Mulder all while holding his head in his hands hard at work trying to break through to the truth.  Scully [insert photo of Scully with her eyes popping out of her head here] and I both wanna rip our own hair out and throw it in the garbage. 2000/10 for making our hearts ache..
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#2: s4:e10 Paper Hearts: Behold- the image I’m slamming down on the desk at full force when I finally get myself a therapist. I need a licensed professional doctor to help me understand the various angles that this purposeful shot affects my life health and well being. In a paranoia induced out of body experience Mulder took his pinky finger and parted his hair down the middle, took a protractor to perfectly round the tendrils falling ever so gracefully on his forehead and ran out of his apartment and through the woods of DC.  Doesn’t matter if he’s crazy? Doesn’t matter if its fuck all 4am? Who knows if the discoveries of this night is finally going to answer the heartbreaking questions regarding Mulder’s baby sister? Fuck it we’re just gonna make sure Scully has something to look forward to after being awoken yet again in the middle of the night and asked to come wrangle and control this stupid idiot.  This just makes me unhinged.  50000/10 for waking up in the middle of the night and doing the most for us all.  
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#1 s4:e3 Teliko: This one will remain number one for as long as I shall live.  I’ve dedicated my life to this cause and I’m ready to make you painfully aware of it. Grab a pen and paper and get ready to do some heavy math with me because this look right in front of your eyes is the equation to happiness and sexiness. Can barely find the words to describe to you how this picture makes me feel. Each strand of hair is personally reaching down and wrapping his head in one big giant hug of protection and solitude.  Unbelievable that Scully didn’t head back to her hotel room and scream at the top of her lungs right after this. There’s no way she went about her day as normal without wanting to kick the shit out of him and then put him back together with soft feathery kisses.  What you are witnessing here is the very turning point of the show where Scully looked into into the very center point of that part and said “guess I have no choice but to fall in love with him 🚶🏽‍♂️”. Chris Carter’s idealistic version of Mulder and the one we actually ended ups seeing as viewers were so drastically different that it’s blatantly clear that he had absolutely no idea the cultural implications that were about to rock the world to its core and tip it on its axis when David Duchovny showed up on set looking like this. I could write a thesis about this. I could conduct research and studies about this.  I got kicked out of college because I cared more about this than I did actual schoolwork. I feel like I’m in a very sexy chokehold. Wish I could live forever in one little square pixel of this image.  Nothing means more to me than this.  1000000/10 no further comments.
and the honorable mentions go to....
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s8:e16 Three Words: Dead? Did you die? Did you die and miraculously defy god by rising from the dead and coming back to life? Just got home from the morgue? Think nothing is the same? Left guessing if you’re a soon to be 5 minute father? Did you just fucking die? He’s lost his family and his job and the world just went on without him like it was nobody’s business.  Walked out of the morgue right to his apartment and what did he have left? His expensive array of hair styling and finishing products that’s what the fuck he had left.  Being an all around reject from society didn’t at all stop him from taking his fingers and dipping it into that Big Sexy styling pomade and fluffing his head to high heavens. As a personal fuck you to god and to John Doggett too.  He’ll never let you know the emotional hellstorm going on in his life in that moment but he WILL make it known to you that despite being 8 feet under ground for 6 months he’ll never give up on his hair. For the PEOPLE. Try and go through the nightmare of death and then rejected fatherhood and see if you come out of it with any hair at ALL.  An itty bitty glimpse into what would have been Untitled Mulder Abduction Story (2001)....
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I Want To Believe (2008): Here you will see the sluttiest moment in major motion picture history.  Shh im not using this opportunity to show you this screenshot for the 800th time I’m trying to keep you educated.  BREAKING NEWS; Man hiding in home office for 6 years fully off the grid has FULL head of hair and is getting regular sex *not clickbait*. So what if Mulder has gone fully unhinged and off the walls bonkers he’s also gone FULL slut and it shows in that sexy thick voluminous head of slut hair.  If you ever for a second thought prior to seeing this movie for the first time that Mulder would show up a full on son-less wreck and a half think the fuck again babes.  He’s managed to hold on to every single little strand ever grown on his head even well into his middle aged madness and its about time we give him the credit he deserves.  (PS. Please know I wrote this entire spiel without even viewing the shot shown here. Its just permanently etched on the inside of my forehead so its there when my eyes roll back into my head.)  For this we say…..; Whore rights.
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s11:e3 Plus One: Incase you were unaware, I have been going through a very slow and painful process of erasing Season 11 from my brain completely.  Its been a long road but its achievable and the end result will save me from a lot of future heartache and trauma.  This however, is a moment I will cherish forever and though you may think its for the hot sex (which is like maybe 30% the case) its actually because it puts together everything I’ve ever loved and believed about the show in only a few thousand pixels. How old is Mulder here? 30? 31? Still has hair and still has an unbelievable amount of love to shower Scully in for as long as they both shall live (which lets face it, she deserves one million times over.)  What this has taught me was to hang up my “Mulder deserved…” hat for good and just be thankful for what I’ve got. I ended up with no son or happy dreamy ending where Mulder gets to die with a family he’s never had in his life, but here we are left with the little things.. Like Mulder and Scully’s unconditional love and most importantly .. The hair on Mulder’s head. Its called growth and acceptance and I am learning it.  Also I just wanted to show you what it would look like if you were like 57 and sexy and still had all ur hair. That’s it :-)
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zhanghaos-hairclips · 4 years
Absolutely no one asked for this but here it is anyway: my review of The Boyz Reveal album
Okay I admit the first time listening to this I was kinda like eh but you know what? Upon listening to it further I realise I am a fool and a heathen and this song slaps. Rap line continue to just.. deck me in the face with their talent okay go off I guess.
Oh boy this song is catchy. The part with Kevin & Q just before the chorus? Chef's kiss. Beautiful. Deserves an award in itself. Vocals? On point. Rap? On point. The bridge? So beautiful I give it another chef's kiss. One last thing, I'm really bad at recognising voices still but I think New is doing the backing vocals towards the end? So effortless and damn boy you slay.
Shake You Down
Okay I really like the beginning, idk it kinda sounds like a siren?? Another song I wasn't that fussed on at first listen but you know what? It's kinda catchy and it's growing on me and we all know those songs end up grabbing your heart pretty bad.
Okay. Okay. So.. Sunwoo main vocal 2k20?? Yes? Once again rap line goes way harder than they needed to, please let us live. I absolutely live for Q's voice in the chorus and whilst I love everyone's voices in this, I kinda wish I could have heard him sing that part more but that's just me. His voice in that part is just so gentle and perfect and the song is not that gentle but it works so well?? This song also made me realise that Juhaknyeon's voice is even better than I thought before. Poor Juyeon stans don't get much here tbh :/
A bit of a calmer song. I actually really love the vocals on this song.. I mean not that I don't love them on every other song here but hhhhhh the chorus. I don't know why but for some reason I get an older vibe from this?? Do I even make sense at this point it's like 4am. I also get summer road trip vibe like.. imagine listening to this whilst driving on a warm summer day. I think we have a new main vocal. Mwah big love.
Break Your Rules
Funky boys be funky. One of the softer songs on the album. The first half be like bam but this is like.. a hug. That didn't make any sense but sssh I know what I mean. The prechorus is mwah in itself but CANADA LINE??? Bruh it really hits different. Someone also tell my man that he really should stop coming for my heart like this. Listen to the song and you'll know what I mean.
Awwwww. A softer, more pure concept here. I love how calm this song is and how beautiful their voices sound here. Like... their voices are kinda breathy here and that absolutely works for this song. Standouts here for me are Q and Juhaknyeon. Just.. beautiful voices, I love. Also kinda get the older vibe from this song too??
Hhhhhh I knew this song would cut me deep. Just from the title alone I knew, and then the preview we got only confirmed it. And now the full thing. First thing, Younghoon & Sangyeon's harmonies. Yes. That is all, thank you. No words could possibly say how in love I am with the chorus. None. This song feels reminiscent and magical and... kinda Christmassy tbh. 12/10 needs to be on an OST.
Spring Snow
OST song part 2. Another Christmas vibe here but then again it is about snow so what did I really expect? I really hate to admit it but Hyunjae's voice in the chorus is so beautiful. I Will Not Discuss Sunwoo's Vocals. Eric did not have to go that hard on a ballad calm down boy. But yes, this whole song is beautiful and I thought this was going to be sad but it actually isn't! It's actually really sweet.
Overall thoughts
I think we have a new main vocal
Rap line always goes too hard
Vocals on point at all times
They're so flexible, they can go from grr to uwu so easily.. how?
I Do Not Know Which Song Is My Favourite
They deserve a million awards tbh
Stan The Boyz
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courtinginsanity · 5 years
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Warning: this is going to be long af. (Also, this was started weeks ago and then life happened, so apologies for the weird timing lol).
TL/DR: you’re all amazing and I love you. 
Okay. So. First of all, I cannot express how grateful and humbled I am having been presented these awards in Granger Enchanted Survivors. I am so thankful to have such wonderful fandom friends and readers of my fics.
Let’s talk about ‘Necessary Evil’. It started as a random idea in 2013, and was originally published as ‘The Green Vase’. I did not plan anything, just wrote what came to my head. Chapters ranged from 1-2k. I had no alpha. No beta. I think I reached chapter 10 before getting bored and resigning myself to a life of reading Fanfiction rather than writing it.
When I decided to return to the story and rewrite it, I was in a much better place in my life. I was able to admit I needed help. So I started DFW, and I enlisted the help of a beta. I started with a long list of people, and then found the one I worked with best, littlered1992. She was tough but always kind and the story would not have been completed if it wasn’t for her messages asking where the hell the next chapter was 😂
On the 7th of May, 2018, a new reader went through the available chapters and left essay-length comments on EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. That was @mhcalamas, who is now one of my most dear friends and fellow writer. This is our fic. It’s the one that brought us together. Her encouragement and amazing comments kept me motivated and fed my muse. I couldn’t have done it without her belief in me and my ability to finish something.
As I gained confidence and learned to love critique, I found @ravenclaw-sass. Another one of my most dear fandom friends. This girl has an eye for everything and taught me the important skill of internal monologue. If I had a question or concern about characterisation, I knew who to turn to. I am a better writer because of this amazing human being.
Entering the Facebook world of Dramione fandom, I quickly found myself surrounded by inspiration from other writers and readers. I joined fests—too many fests—and continued to practice my craft. Each piece I’ve written, each person I’ve worked with... they made me better, stronger, more confident. I wouldn’t be where I am without any of them. In fact, it was a post in Strictly Dramione that led me to write ‘Taking Flight’!
So, I have some people to thank. In no particular order... 
@lovesbitca8 - you make writing look effortless. I know it definitely isn’t, but gosh you do it with such grace. I really admire you and your style, and have subconsciously tried to emulate it.
@senlinyuwrites - I don’t think I can really put into words how much I respect you. In my mind you’re the super-cool chick everyone wants to be friends with but are in total awe of. Like think leather, aviators, and a motorbike lol.
@ladykenz347 - my puffiest puff friend! I live for our conversations. Your never-failing enthusiasm for all things Dramione. Your descriptions slay me and I am so jealous of your raw talent.
@indreamsink - another cool-vibing chick. Another one who makes it look effortless. What I wouldn’t give to crawl into your brain and explore it for just an hour (that sounded way less creepy before I wrote it down lol)
@mykesprit - you never fail to make me smile, and for that I am grateful. Your sense of humour has inspired me to attempt to purposefully write something funny which may have been the most terrifying thing I’ve ever done.
@ms-merlinblack - is it weird to tell you that you make me feel safe in this pocket of the universe? Like I feel like I can do anything if you’re involved. You and LadyKenz are now my parents.
@otterlyardent - we’ve only just started getting to know each other and I wish I lived closer so we could catch up for a drink and a hug! Your raw truth is inspiring to witness and I aim to be more like you.
@themourningmadam - we don’t talk much but you must know that I LIVE for conversations involving you. Your insight is always hilarious and perfect. And your writing... if I eat it, do you think I’ll absorb the genius?
@frumpologist and @frecklesandbroomsticks - I don’t know why but in my mind you two are the Puff Pair. And I adore each of you for very similar reasons. You’re so down to earth and relatable. You’re unfailingly supportive of all my ideas even when they’re bad. And you’re both amazing writers who I’m honoured to know!
@thelastlynx and @hysteracal - another Dynamic Duo! You guys constantly make me laugh and I hope that one day I can be half as intelligent as you both! Thank you for always being super honest and open with me, and teaching me that you don’t need to sell your soul to be a Fanfiction writer.
@disenchantedglow - You may be the embodiment of all things good in the world. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you utter a negative thing to say about anyone and you inspire me with the simple elegance with which you write! 
@bionicallywriting - words cannot describe the joy I feel when you comment on my writing and tell me that it’s not complete and utter garbage lol. I highly value your opinion and am so grateful that you joined our little community! 
@deweydecimateher - I wish I had your sense of humour. I’d never be sad or down or anything becasue I’d just be constantly laughing. Can you please move to Australia, or send a pocket version of yourself I can keep with me always? 
@mrsren96 - I actually tear up thinking about how we became friends because clearly I am a giant sap. I still laugh when I remember how fangirly I got when I saw that ‘Mrs. Ren’ had commented on one of my fics and then I found out that it was you, someone I’d been talking to for a little while at that point. Inside my brain there’s a Buzz Lightyear going, “There seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere.” I could go on and on, but you know I love you, girl!  
@rzzmg - when I wrote for you in the Dramione christmas fest I almost  d i e d! I was so honoured and I loooooove your writing. I am a (mostly) silent fan but please know that I really admire and respect you!
@ravenslight - if I had a friend who was always ready to bail me out of jail, you would be that friend. I have taken for granted that you are always there waiting to beta for me but I really am grateful for all of your help! And (spoiler alert!) I’ll probably be sliding into your DMs again soon to beg for more assistance... and to continue my plan to steal you away from your fiance!  
@party-lines - I am actually so proud to know you. The whole world collapses around your ears and you just keep on going like a freaking boss. And you’re a fellow Aussie which makes me even prouder! So much love and respect for you, girl! 
@hginny25 - you have no idea the level of happiness I reached when you joined DFW! I love that this community brought us together and I’m excited to continue to get to know you! 
@naarna - we’ve known each other for aaaages and I am so proud of how far you’ve come both in terms of writing and life in general. I feel privileged that I get to keep watching you go from strength to strength. You are an inspiration! 
@kyonomiko - we don’t talk all that much but I really admire your creativity... and will admit I’m jealous of it lol. You bring such a grace to your writing and your interactions within the community I hope to one day emulate. 
@perilous-circumstance - this one actually let me beta for her. ME. I’m still in awe because your story is just so unique and amazing and I genuinely love it so much! We make a good team (I think) and I hope we can work togeher forever! 
@niffizzle - we’re basically bff’s now thanks to a mutual love of Panic! At the Disco and because you introduced me to Mariana’s Trench, for which I’ll forever be in your debt. You are a light in the community and I’m proud to count myself among the people who get to chat with you one on one!  
@ruthy4vrsmoak-ed - some days I don’t know what I would have done without your never-wavering encouragement and support of not only my writing but of DFW, too! Thank you for being so lovely! 
@felgia-starr - one of the DFW originals and a forward thinker! The group wouldn’t be where it is if it wasn’t for you and your support. Thank you for being my time zone buddy and someone I can rely on! Even though we don’t chat that often, I feel like if the world was falling you’d definitely help me and probably fix the entire situation in a sentence. 
@mrbenzedrine89 - and all your crew for organising the awards! I can’t imagine that it was an easy feat, so kudos to all of you! Also, massive fan, hi *waves awkwardly*. 
I feel like there’s a million people I haven’t thanked but should... I wish I could personally tag all of you but please know that I love you and I am so, so, so grateful for you! This community only works because you do, and I respect the shit out of each and every member of the Dramione fandom. 
Much love and squishy kangaroo hugs...
CourtingInsanity xx
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untitledscut · 4 years
Nyashinki -Lucky You Album Review (9.5/10)
Nyashinski has dropped what is arguably the album of the year so far in Kenya, I mean it’s only April, but Lucky You is pound for pound a solid album. Given this is his first solo project, I know I know there were the albums with Kelptomaniax (M4E — Maniacs forever) and a catalog of very solid singles over the past 3 years ranging from Malaika to club bangers like Free, Finyo, and Aminia to name just a few. But Lucky You takes us to a different level of storytelling and maturity that we have not seen Nyash expose us to yet (hope he still goes by this name).
Greener — Prod by Nyashinski
The album starts with Greener which is a self-produced song by Nyash, In this song we see the classic Nyash using his voice as one of the chords and laces a more mellow flow. The song is about comparisons and as it goes the grass always looks greener on the other side. It's basically an intro to set course for what is to unfold in the rest of the album. The song is more of a statement of Nyash reminding us that people will always be comparing and whatever he does people will always have an opinion that may seem otherwise (the other side).
Sweet Aroma — Prod by K Da Great
I gotta admit this is one of my favorite songs in the album. The beat by just gives the song such musicality and the combination with Nyash almost laid-back effortless flow gives it such a good finish. The song is a celebration of his success, as he hints at his come back in the first verse and how some folks are not feeling his success — neighbors complaining. Reminds the haters that he’s here to stay and the future is really bright. He continues his celebration telling us how he’s now living in penhouses and how he is enjoying his time. Best hint “watu wakingonga cheers wakicelebrate, na-wish kimoja kingekuwa kinarotate”. Certainly, Nyash is not hiding his feelings to the world.
Glory — Prod by Desmond “$ire” Bosire
Certainly, the song has a west coast feel to it…the beat starts off feeling like you’re in a low rider. The song is loaded with punch lines. Starting off with the title itself Glory, almost an oxymoron here Nyash saying he gives God the glory while the fans/industry glorifies him. He goes off to offer his first dose, “mamember hurudi home na hope, Pastor anaenda na ganji” an all too familiar situation in prosperity gospel scenes. He continues to diss promoters “Small talk yukuwa job. Ubaya ni hailipangi. Nimemaintain najiskizia, msiniite kaamnikanji”, simply stating show me the money and save your talk. “Hi ni miracle baby, Naona nikamnanidare”, he again reminds us of his rebirth into the scene, funny wordplay to compare to Pastor Deya bring miracle babies. Another diss to haters or people who aren’t putting in work and just want to shine on others backs (slay queens) “Kama ushachange na unapewa lift, Sijui utakuwa nani ukibuy kibenz”. The rest of the song is another reminder of how Nyash has turned the industry on its ears.
Traveler — Prod by K Da Great
Another solid display of producer and artist chemistry. I’m beginning to think these two have found a working formula like Nyash and Cee-do. This is one of those pick-up songs…reminds me of a bonnie and Clyde but only for a night. Nyash is putting himself in a traveler’s shoes and he’s throwing game on the road. Telling the shorty, don’t worry you will just be another memory on my mind, coz tomorrow I’ll be gone. Reminds me of his line in Sauti Sols Short and Sweet “And by sunrise, I’m gone. I’m not here that long. Keep it short and sweet”.
G.O.A.T — Prod by K Da Great
By this track, I have stopped being surprised by the levels Nyasha and K Da Great have pushed the music quality. This song reminds me a lot of a Latin song but with a very nice tempo that makes it work so well for a rapper. Nyash takes us back to how he has inspired the industry and how he is still on top of his game hence the term G.O.A.T. A key mention is the comparison to the two groups Mushrooms and P-Unit both made up of several members like Nyash used to be in Klepto, but now he’s reviving the industry (Industry ilikuwa flat kila vital sign) as a single artist. Another reminder that Nyash is back and here to stay and gives a shout out to Sauti Sol at the end as another group that has shown longevity.
Time — Prod by K Da Great
If you are a fan of artists like J.Cole, this is one of those songs is very similar to forest hill drive tracks. Nyash goes a bit philosophical on the song, showing us he is thinking of his time on earth and how he wants to maximize his time. The first verse is all about the industry and how he struggles with trust. While the second verse is more personal, he's implying there is someone in his life who makes him open up a bit more, “All gangsta mpaka tucatch mafeelings, Alafu alafu, jealousy..”. As I said this is more of a J.Cole type vibe…reminds me of G.O.M.D.
Everyday — Prod by K Da Great
Another track that brings that other side of Nyash out that we saw in Malaika. He is probably longing to see his partner/soul mate, it seems like he is writing the track while on the road. He gives credit to the Mrs and how she saw his potential, “Uliona Bima mahali kulikuwa na bicycle”. He is longing to see her and it seems she came and changed his life around and he is hoping she says I do. I guess this song is inspired by the Mrs 😊.
Lucky You — Prod by K Da Great
This is one of those songs when the artist tries to show people how what you think of the artist may not always be true. He is struggling with fame, lack of privacy and all he does is under a microscope. Takes us back to the first song — Greener…where he lays the theme that it's not always what it seems from outside. “Najua fame kutoka far inakaa painless” and “Room iko overcrowded after shows. Matym mi nataka tu kudoz” are just a few of the lines that show his struggle. In the end he reminds people that he has worked hard for his current status and it’s not just luck. Taking us back to Kapuka days and how he’s among the last surviving artist from that era.
Wach Wach — Prod by Sam “Are” Ali
Another one of my favorites from the album, such an old school vibe, you find yourself just head bopping as the beat flows. He pays tribute to Makaveli on the track, as it is one of those cautious rap tracks citing the state of the government and the levels of thievery in our society. The second verse is giving advice on how to stay on point and stay on course and ends the song with Nyash reconfirming he’s on top of his game.
Too much — Prod by Sam “Are” Ali
This feels like one of those songs were Nyash was probably just in his zone and lets out his feels. The song is more about him being on the edge and warning folks not to try him out otherwise he will unleash that stress on them.
Fathela — Prod by Nyashinski
Nyash is back on the dials with a second self-produced song in the album. You can feel the coastal influence on his flow, as he gives prop to God/ Fathela (deep Sheng meaning Father). He also plays on the word, taking the role of the Fathela as he gives advice like a father does, Usije ukapenda za bure bure pekee. Atokee anayekupa cha bure kwake upoteen.
Flowers — Prod by Sam “Are” Ali
The album comes to a close with another sweet track that fuses some traditional African sound with a nice modern Afro-beat. Certainly, another song destined to be a big club banger with a very relaxed feel of high life music. Could almost be mistaken for a Safaricom themes advert (sorry just had to throw that in there).
Overall this is a solid album with a very good mix of afro-beat, some daring tracks, and lots of culturally relevant topics. Nyash has truly demonstrated his breath and growth in the music scene. Coming back from a hiatus to still be not just relevant but setting the pace in the scene. I would have loved to see a song or two by Ceedo as I think their partnership was fire. But we know artists need to show their growth by working with other producers and Nyash didn’t disappoint.
Untitled’s Cut — by the Untitled.
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dwtspd · 5 years
SYTYCD 16 Top 8 perform
Love me some district 78. Gino slayed that. Ah, so we’re having a travel theme. Each dance inspired by a different country or something like that. Oh boy, this will be 2 hours long?? I rather they have shorter episodes and eliminate 2 people every other week, let us know the dancers longer. Also that is less rehearsal for them each week which is more physically sustainable.
Plus, I record my episodes on an online DVR that tends to buffer a lot the longer episodes are...so its gonna take me like, 3 hours to get through this. Anna and Benjamin Tahitian dance: nice. Bit of stumble in the middle. Benjamin’s Long Limbs were an asset this time as he could accentuate the moves a lot. Whereas Anna would lose the hip and knee action once she had to travel. Don’t know what Nigel was going on about having seen a great Tahitian routine before therefore he couldn’t enjoy this. By that logic, he shouldn’t be able to even glance at the thousands of modern and contemporary bits on this show. 8/10 Sophie has very nice floorwork I’ll say. But I think I saw the same leg lift like 3 times in that solo Madison and Ezra hip hop: damn, that’s one way to enter the stage. I loved this dance and I think the dancers saw the choreographer’s vision through. They were very effortless and floaty in the slow parts but then the beat would drop and they would be hitting it hard. I thought both were good, dunno what the judges were on. 10/10 Is that my first ten of the season??? Insert some dwts gif here. Gino you are fantastic and all but please no more andra day Bailey and Mariah Cha Cha: aww he got her flowers. I like the theme and costuming of this dance. Oof, I wanted this to go better. Dimitry gave them a HARD routine. Bailey was...stiff? Like, he was visibly trying very hard and was stamping the ground really hard with his footwork. Lacked hip action but he had good body rolls. Props to him for doing all the tricks. Mariah has the best ballroom out of all the non-ballroom dancers. He gets her flowers every week!!!!!! They are adorable in a completely wholesome, platonic way. 8/10 Madison has a nice solo then Ezra has a fantastic solo!! That pirouette with his leg in second going into that spinning jump and landing into a roll. Except for his all red costume. You know I’m not a fan of those. I think it’s the red Cuban shoes I can’t get over. Maybe if he had a different colour I could get pass this look. Gino and Sophie contemporary: Gino can cook??? Important skills. Dear Evan Hansen! OH WOW. WOW. TAKE A BOW KC MANNING. if the show suddenly ended here I wouldn’t be mad, because this is the best dance ever. I love the use of the props, setting, and blocking. Holy crap Gino’s leaps...I swear he jumps Sophie’s height. Sophie had such lovely smooth transitions and turns. I like the choreography too. It had lots of technique but also some simple but memorable phrases. 12/10 Oh Mariah, I wonder how she gets her solos because they always feel emotionally disconnected. Benjamin and Anna Broadway: oh man, Anna has that lovely hairdo and dress but why did they give her those shoes? They made her feet look clunky. That said she looked pretty good despite that. I actually think one of her turns was better than Benjamin’s! They got all the nuances of a soft, elegant piece like this perfectly. 9/10 Madison and Ezra Argentine Tango: I’m confused, Madison said Ezra reps death but he is also “giving her little pieces of life” as she is dying?? Madison looked stressed in rehearsal and even Ezra a bit tepid. AT has a different feel from ballroom when you are doing it. Despite how scared they were this was actually a very good dance! They were both so sharp and precise. It might have been better if they had closer body contact, and Madison sometimes was hunching forward slightly. AT is HARD to learn though. 9/10 ps Ezra has decent guyliner. One of the better ones. I’ve had enough of rum boy run but I like the whole ancient warrior theme Benjamin had going on. And then Anna follows up with another piece of music I’m not a fan of. Bailey and Mariah contemporary: slide into your arms/DMs. There are so many innovative routines tonight! Wonderfully done and staged, and beautifully executed by the dancers. Bailey’s feet are as nice as Mariah’s. He is one of if not the best b boys at contemporary. Oh wow. I don’t want to see them apart either, Mary. 10/10 Gino and Sophie Jazz: another good one! This was such fun. Sophie got the character spot on. I feel like she got the mood of the dance more than Gino, though he was moving better (could blame Sophie’s pants though). Did they take out the hat trick (haha, hat trick, geddit? Cos Gino called it a soccer ball). D trix doing the tamale train lol. 9.5/10 Madison Mariah Ben Gino Contemporary: Another song that I’ve had enough of. Ugh. And I thought we were having such a good second half of the show. Okay, music aside, that was fine until they took the guys shirts off. What was the point of that? I felt random and gimmicky. Can’t believe I’m rating Talia Flavia this low. 5/10 Time for some results. Gino and Mariah are safe, so Benjamin and Madison are in danger. Anna Sophie Bailey Ezra Afrojazz: Hmm, I feel like this dance was very short? Like, I was just getting into it and then it ended. 7.5/10 Oh right, we’re we supposed to have a travel theme? I kinda forgot about that in the middle of the show. And the dances did too. Damn, 5 pieces in 6 days. Jeezus. Ezra is in danger again as is Anna. So Ezra or Benjamin, Madison or Anna... I feel like Ezra’s solo might have saved him this week although Nigel might have a soft spot for the broadway routine. Madison had a very strong night especially with that tango routine but Anna was lucky that the show was so long her weak showing in the opening Tahitian routine would have been forgotten by that point. The judges save Ezra. That’s two eliminations he’s survived now. I thought he’d be more popular. They save Madison too, so that pairing gets another week together.
So Anna and Benjamin are going home. I would have picked Ezra I’m a heartbeat, but I find this is a little harsh on Benjamin, who had a good night. And I feel like he had a very cool personality under that hooded-eyed, floppy haired, laid back exterior. That’s why we should have a TOP 20!!!!!!!! Or at least a longer season. This episode was SO. LONG. would have been better cut in two. Then we’d have these guys around for at least a 1 more week.
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roxywashere · 5 years
Knee Deep in the Dead
Roxy takes a Vacation
Contrary to what you might think, Hell is a veritable Paradise for an Angel. Especially those Angels who take pride in and derive enjoyment from their ability to slay Demons.
Roxanne is one such Angel. And she had one Hell all to herself, after the associated Earth and Heaven attached to it had disappeared from the face of the Multiverse, leaving only the Demons and their prison behind. However, she’d been an Angel for so long that she had started growing bored with her personal, as it were, Hell.
Lucky for her, she wasn't limited to one Hell. She had infinite Hells to pacify.
Roxanne stood on a cliffside in her private Earth, barren of humanity, which she had christened Altar. She unsheathed her magic sword, Dawnherald, and pointed it out over the cliff, which faced a pristine blue ocean.
She spoke to the sword. “I think it’s time we took a vacation, eh? You pick this time. Try to surprise me.” She released the hilt, leaving the blade floating in the air. Dawnherald then minutely vibrated, in an increasing frequency and tightening amplitude, until it’s subatomically sharpened point snagged on a subatomic wormhole and then ripped an orange-red swath through the blue sky.
Roxy peered through the portal and examined the universe Dawnherald had chosen. “I’m intrigued... tell me more.”
Dawnherald continued ripping open the wormhole until it completely enveloped Roxy, bringing her into the world Dawnherald was proposing. She saw an endless plain of sulfur, interrupted only by towers of sulfur spitting clouds of sulfur like smokestacks.
The air smelled of sulfur, and napalm, and melting flesh, and burning plastic.
She saw movement, in small patches, on the edges of the horizon: Imps, scrambling towards the holy presence of Roxy and her semi-animate gear, enraged at her consecrating effects on their infernal home.
Roxy pointed at Dawnherald and traced a curve from where it was now to it's sheath on her back, which Dawnherald followed until it clicked snuggly into its home. Roxy took a calm, deep breath, and then rocketed towards the squadrons of imps so fast she left a vacuum which sonic-boomed in her wake.  
She stopped among a group of imps as fast as she had gotten going, knocking to the ground all but the one she had stopped in front of and held still by wrapping her ethereal wings around it. Her hand was outstretched towards it, her pointer and index pressed gently against its forehead, and her middle finger was pinned towards her palm by her thumb. When she released the coiled-up flick, the minor Demon's head exploded backwards in a jet of steam, literally vaporized by the energy Roxy's smallest possible attack had imparted.
“Come on, put up a fight. Make me earn my vacation.”
The Demons snarled and indulged her, all attempting to pounce on her at once. She grabbed one, palming its face, and used it as a club to bludgeon the rest. Its neck failed after only three Demons, the body detaching from the head and flying off into the near distance. She then pitched the head at a tight cluster of imps, splattering the head through all 6 of them.
These imps were no challenge for Roxy at all. As soon as she realized she had already exhausted her enjoyment from this particular encounter, she reached back to Dawnherald, pressing the button to release it from its sheath and help dispatch the imps.
As soon as the last imps splattered across the ground, Roxy heard a steady, rhythmic pounding. She smiled. “There we go...” She zipped in the direction of the sound, and as she grew closer she tracked it as coming from beneath the ground.
She set down on the sulfuric stone, and punched down at it, shattering the relatively thin floor she had been standing upon, revealing the chamber below.
It was massive.
It was several hundred feet across, and the bottom of the chamber was so far down that it was obscured by the glowing smog of sulfur dioxide that filled the low-lying regions of this world. She could see flickering sources of light, and shifting shadows, but no details.
The walls of the chamber were smoothed and shaped sulfides, with a whole wall of pure carved native Sulfur. The Sulfur wall had a door 50 feet tall, and behind that door was the source of the pounding.
Roxy wedged her fingers between the crack of the doors, and ripped a hole through it, the soft stone crumbling in her grip. As soon as she did the great fist of some Greater Demon punched through the door, grabbed her, and pulled her into the pitch darkness. It drew her close to its face, and opened its eyes, revealing six charcoal flames, and then opened its mouth and snarled, revealing a bright furnace burning white-hot.
It exhaled rocket exhaust at her, and her semi-mortal flesh melted away, stripping her down to little more than a golden skeleton wearing golden armor, which the demon released to watch clatter to the ground.
The skeleton dropped down to the floor, and then instead of collapsing jumped back up and head-butted the Demon. Roxy pulled her disk shield, Aegis, off her back and held it up, where it surrounded her with an impenetrable sphere of light.
As Roxy’s flesh reconstituted behind the barrier, she slowly paced around the Demon, examining it in the new light. It was 30 feet tall, with skin like bubbling tar, the face of a gorilla and the horns of a ram, cloven hooves, and fingers like foot-thick obsidian blades.
“You couldn’t have picked a more typical form,” she enunciated as soon as her lungs, throat, and mouth had grown in. “Got a name?”
“Ba’al-Beirut,” it growled in response.
“I’m Roxanne. Tell your friends.” With that said, Roxy took Dawnherald and smashed it against Aegis. The two rang out with a thundering clang, and the sphere of light exploded, sending Ba’al-Beirut flying through the ruins of the door and down into the chamber below.
Roxy’s human form had completed repairing. She walked up to the edge of the chamber, just in time to see Ba’al-Beirut scamper off whimpering before the sulfur dioxide smoke filled the Ba’al-Beirut-shaped hole that had been punched through it. She dropped down into the darkness. She landed in a gentle kneel among the smog, surrounded by hundreds of pairs of embers.
“Hello, boys. It’s time to fucking party.” She reach back towards Dawnherald in its sheath, and without even touching the catch pressed it and then flicked her wrist upwards, an action Dawnherald mimicked, launching into the air. “Shine.”
Dawnherald ignited with the light of a sun, blinding every single one of the five or so hundred Demons in the chamber with Roxy. Roxy could still see perfectly, however. While they were all still stunned, Roxy zipped around obliterating the Demons in approximate order of ascending power. By the time she had eviscerated the imps, the other Demons had recovered.
They all competed to be the one to kill her, accidentally attacking each other in their frenzy. Roxy took advantage of the confusion by hovering in places that would lead to more collateral damage when they missed her. She managed to kill almost a quarter without laying a finger on them.
It wasn't much of a challenge, but it wasn't effortless either. Once Roxy had almost completely cleared the room, the surviving greater Demons turned tail and ran.
“You fucking cowards,” Roxy yelled at their backs. “You call yourselves Demons? Get back here!”
She took her time tracking them through the endless system of sprawling tunnels under the surface of this Hell. She slowly, patiently, paced every foot of the 100,000 miles that quest required, killing a million other Demons along the way. But after 10 years, more or less, she found them all, and killed all but one.
She had left Ba’al-Beirut alive, out of some fleeting whimsy to see what his driving fear of her would lead him to do.
She saw him journey across Hell for 20 years after she had finished killing the other Demons she had first come across. He consulted with hundreds of Demon fortune teller and magisters, seeking what it would take to get this implacable Heaven-Spawn off his trail.
Every place Ba’al-Beirut passed through would be shortly thereafter wiped from the infernal map, so the longer his quest drew on the more resistance he found from other Demons not wishing to be marked for certain annihilation at the hands of a bored rogue Archangel.
But eventually his quest led him to the answer he thought would work best.
After utterly destroying the demonic temple that had given him his final solution, Roxy caught up with him as he was adding the final touches on an enormous magic circle.
It was a massive pentagram made of crushed up cinnabar, with lettering in greek, arabic, and norse runic along the edges, and surrounded by more geometric shapes extending out almost a hundred feet from the center. Ba’al-Beirut had spent a day tracing it, making sure that each line and curve were perfectly drawn, to minimize the chance of failure. Thousands of other Demons had gathered to watch.
Roxy recognized this ritual: she'd seen it attempted six dozen times across the Omniverse before; it was the ultimate ritual of local Multicosmic Demonism. Never once had she failed to stop it.
But this Hell was a sandbox. She wanted someone else to play with.
Roxy sat in the air above the circle, legs crossed patiently. When Ba’al-Beirut stopped to run and cower, she zipped into his path, still sitting lotus.
“Finish the ritual,” she commanded of him. Not only did Roxy not interfere with the process, she actively aided it: when Ba’al-Beirut reached the final step, and went to kill a random imp for blood sacrifice, Roxy stopped him.
“He’s more likely to answer if it’s somebody he knows,” she advised. She stood in the center of the pentagram and used Dawnherald to slit her own throat so deeply her head technically wasn't connected to the rest of her body. Her blood pooled within the pentagram, not spreading past its 5 sides. It poured out of her until her heart ran dry. “Call to him,” Roxy ordered.
In an ageless and multiversally spread infernal tongue, Ba’al-Beirut cried: “<Therion, I summon thee.>”
There was a flash of light from the center of the pentagram, and a crack of thunder, and the cinnabar dust started glowing.
The blood started roiling and churning, as if it wasn’t only mere centimeters deep. A shape slowly rose out of the liquid, looking like it was composed of the blood itself. It was vaguely human-shaped, though many things often were, but as it rose higher it’s features became sharper. The face of a man became distinct, already smiling wickedly, and before it had risen completely its eyes snapped open.
Therion leapt forward at Roxy, not yet fully formed. His arm shot forward like a tentacle, which materialized into a hand around Roxy’s neck. She still had Dawnherald in her hand, so she swung it to cleave the gripping fist.
She zipped backwards, out of his reach. “I thought She forbade you from entering any Hell?” she interrogated.
“She let me back in as a reward for my good behaviour,” still half-blood Demon answered disingenuously. “I thought She forbade you from using your wings under foreign suns?” he then asked in return.
“She gave me new wings.”
“Well, I guess that all our questions have been answered.” He examined his surroundings, and himself, still partially solidifying out of Roxy’s blood. He saw the figure of Ba’al-Beirut towering over the much more minute Angel. “Though it was her blood that drew me here, the voice that summoned me was not hers. I presume that was you?”
Ba’al-Beirut was in a state of obvious confusion. “I summoned the Demon King, God of Evil, the Immortal Dragon. What is this buffoonery?”
Roxy and Therion shared a rare smile over their mutual amusement at the situation.
Ba’al-Beirut gestured at the random assortment of Demons that had surrounded to watch the ritual. “Kill this imposter!”
Roxy gave him some space, flying straight up to not be in the way, and Therion spread his arms and cackled as hundreds of imps and middling Demons converged upon him and ripped his finally completely solid body to shreds.
Roxy landed upon a hill a fair distance away. Ba’al-Beirut turned his back on the frenzy and walked for a long minute to confront her. “Why did the spell fail? You said he would answer.”
“And answer he did, you stupid impish emberling. Look again, and see for yourself.”
In the minute that Ba’al-Beirut had spent stomping over to Roxy, the scene behind him had changed dramatically. No longer was there a legion of imps tearing at the flesh of some random human, but there was instead an enormous form standing above the imps, stretching up into the sulfurous smog until it could only be seen as a shadow against the ambient glow of this Hell’s atmosphere.
Everything had gone silent. The enormous shadowy figure had never made a sound as it had come into being, and the imps had ceased their squawking out of awe.
A shadow leaned down out of the smog, revealing a colossal draconic head beset upon a long thick snake-like neck. The head was itself beset by a crown of four curved horns. Six other nearly identical heads then leaned down around the first head, their only difference being having a single pointed horn instead of four.
The central head spoke, with a deep, but genial voice. “Therion, The Beast from the Pit, The Seven-Headed Dragon, the King of Demons, at your infernal service. I see you have already met my opposite.”
Ba’al-Beirut fell to his knee and genuflected. “Forgive me for my disbelief-”
“Up! Stand up! We don’t have time to be formal, we’ve got a Legion to organize! No time to waste! Go, rally as many as you can!”
As Ba’al-Beirut scampered off to obey his command, Therion leaned even further down to Roxy. “You think yourself so clever, driving a Demon to insanity to draw me into a far-flung realm and imprison me...”
“You’re the one calling me clever, here,” she responded. “I only wanted to see what would happen if you were summoned to where you were forbidden. I thought maybe the process would finally destroy you.”
“If only.”
Roxy sighed in commiseration. “If only indeed.” Roxy cracked her neck and fingers, her joints popping as loud as firecrackers. “Let’s get to business, shall we?”
Therion reared his six single-horned heads back up and inhaled deeply through all of them. At the very end of the inhale, his four-horned head quietly said “Let’s,” and then roared with all the Wrath and Pride he exemplified, the sound spreading out over this Hell for thousands of miles.
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"I think these days, people are reaching out for connection and comfort in the music they listen to. We like being confided in and hearing someone say, 'this is what I went through' as proof to us that we can get through our own struggles. ...I think a lot of music lovers want a biographical glimpse into the world of our narrator, a hole in the emotional walls people put up around themselves to survive."
-taylor swift | ELLE UK | march 2019
@taylorswift this is def one of my favorite quotes in your @elle essay. like...dang. that's some real talk, sis.
it also perfectly describes the vibe I felt watching you slay that long live/new years day piano mash-up at rep tour seattle - as seen via the brief (albeit important) IG story clip posted above 😩😭😂😂😂
first of all, those are two of my favorite songs of all time that hold a ton of personal meaning for me. so, you hit me with that "i said remember this moment..." it was OVA. IMMEDIATELY. hahaha. 🤣 I can't recall a time where I felt as overwhelmed as I did in that video.
thankfully, I had my #swiftsquad to hold me up (figuratively and literally. 😩😂). although, to be fair, they def knew in advance I was gonna LOSE MY SH-T during this point in the show, so they were prepped + ready to handle my imminent full emotional breakdown. 😂👌
I believe that on May 22nd, 2018 at CenturyLink Field in Seattle, WA: Taylor Swift's Reputation Stadium Tour was exactly where I was supposed to be with at that exact moment in time, side by side with those exact people who were standing beside me.
As I've mentioned countless times in my posts on here since beginning this tumblr blog many years ago, I've been a *loud and proud* certified Swiftie (whatever that means. lmao that was lame) for well over 10 years... wayyy before beginning this silly tumblr blog.
Anyway, I "officially" leveled up from "casual fan" to certified Swiftie somewhere around the beginning of Speak Now Era, I've found myself supported you in essentially everything you've done. Which has NEVER been because I've felt the need to emulate you as a human, or agree with every move you make simply because you're Taylor and I'm a fan. My admiration and loyalty goes far deeper than that...and certainly goes well beyond basic-ass, superficial "fan-girling"
The immense support you've unknowingly provided me all these past 12 years is something so special that I'm not a me to adequately put the words on paper. Your music has remained a consistent "safe place" that I go to and have been fortunate enough to be able to count on during many significant periods throughout my life, a good amount of "highs"...but unfortunately quite a few lows as well. In addition, the simple sense of comfort I've felt through not just through the authentic vulnerability you convey through your songwriting, but also just WHO YOU ARE AS A PERSON, your hilariously awkward personality, genuine appreciation for your fans and the REAL relationship you maintain with us, unwavering dedication to your personal values and beliefs, your humble and down-to-earth character, your fierce-bad-assness that emerged via Rep Era....I could go on, but this is getting really out of hand.
Listen, whether or not I'm still writing you these goofy, long-winded, random ass essays I consistently find myself penning at 2AM...I want you to know that l I will forever remain in awe of you and your work. Your effortless ability to convey storytelling in a way that's so transparent and relatable, combined with poignant lyricism, all while maintaining a level of musicality that's refreshing by producing smart CATCHY AS F, CERTIFIED BOPS time and time again.
Your artistry will forever remain so deeply personal and cathartic for me in such a way that cannot possibly be put into words. At the end of the day, your selfless, honest songwriting is relatable for literally everyone in some way, and fulfill a certain, sacred level of human connection that we ALL crave and NEED to survive (whether or not we're willing to admit it). I've never felt more content than I do when witnessing you pour out your heart and soul onto that stage night after night (and I can't imagine how exhausting it can be). I admire the complicated, beautiful, honest, pure relationship you have with music and I pray you never lose that. Listen, the ability to make a stadium of 60,000 people FEEL understood, accepted and loved is a nothing short of a gift from God.
ok i really need to wrap this up.
anyway, i adore u.
cuz u get it.
and u get me.
i've never been more proud to be a taylor swift fan and i've neva, eva been more HYPE for an album than I am for TS7.
in other words:
1, 2, 3 LET'S GO BITCH 🍾🎉
love u,
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