yoga-onion · 8 months
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- Meaning of Sprit Animal, The Crocodile –
When the crocodile spirit animal pays you a visit, it comes to alert you to the opportunities that you have been overlooking.
Much is happening in your environment. Unfortunately, you are not always aware of this. But trust that the crocodile spirit animal will open your mind.
This spirit animal has unbridled creative force. This force is usually manifested in the animal’s ferocity, fury, and primal energy. This spirit totem comes to protect and preserve the knowledge you have gained in life. The crocodile marks the end of an era and the beginning of a new one.
This new period in your life means regeneration. You are able to create the balance you need to integrate new ideas in your life. The crocodile presence in your life has one powerful meaning: primal instincts. This totem stands for your survival and ability to reproduce.
The spirit is responsible for your physical strength. When the crocodile waddles into your life, people recognise the raw power that you represent. You can use this to catapult your life to loftier levels. Hardships will not break you. Instead, they only serve to strengthen you, to make you wiser and stronger. You are able to spot opportunities and to move with speed to grab them.
This spirit guide wants you to concentrate on the birth of new concepts in your life. You can use the wisdom of this totem to make your life better.
[Image above: Salvador Dali, The Funny Dreams of Pantagruel: Crocodile, 1973]
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muxas-world · 1 month
When sobady calls charles a fraud but stans lando I fear your have a problem in your eyes
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impofthegasstation · 2 months
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i relaced my mother with him
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layzeal · 2 years
before i pass out-- this is fem ximang zzzzzgoodnight (x)
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tviirus · 1 year
u got 2 options with l/eon s k/ennedy... and it's going out to dinner with him or giving him a kiss.
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alivehouse · 1 year
the specific subtype of people on here who compare being "proship" with shit like degenerate art and actual government censorship really do make me want to kill someone with my teeth sorry
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lanciilatte · 2 years
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gayteensupreme · 7 months
sorry guys i found out the funniest fucking shit. so joan of arc right. wheres "arc"? like if shes of arc then shes from a place called arc right? WRONG.
ok so in french "of arc" is "d'arc" right? ok so. get this. her dads name was fucking. Darc. not "d'arc". just Darc. she never really gave herself a last name anyway but like if u take it from her dad then its joan darc. so not joan d'arc.
im just imagining applying this to other famous people now. matt of amon. hugh of ancy. ted of anson. timothy of alton. ellen of egeneres. judi of ench. snoop of ogg.
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nofacednerd · 10 months
how much you wanna bet superman ends up sav ing th egeneral and he turns into an ally?
honestly I'm like 70% sure at this point that the general might be Lois' dad so. likelihood of him being an ally later on is high I think
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countessofravenclaw · 3 months
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Theres is always this dynamic with next gen is that you need to define the future, which is the most impossible thing the in the world.
So I try not to do that. I don't go in dteail about any tecnology or innovations. I have done few things like phase out all paperwork. All the official forms that people might be signing are on tablets.
Anyways, the point of this for me was that, as a casual royal watcher I like to make references to monarchies, but you need to keep do some math over who would actually be the monarch. (I thank my lucky stars over never specifying the english monarch in the Simbar proposal because I wrote that in 2022, but it happanes in 2023, so Queen Elisabet II was alive when I was writing about the time when she was dead). That's why I went to with the Queen Of Sweden here because, I can't predicts anyone's healt problems, but we know that there are two egenerations of Queens waiting for the throne. So thete would be a Queen Regnant in Sweden in 2047 in all it's likelyhood, was it Victoria or Estelle
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sayitaliano · 1 year
Italia: Impero Romano (3)
After the two posts about the Medieval Era, it's time to take a step back and look better at the Roman Empire that reigned right before it.
The Roman Empire is dated to start in 27 a.C. (avanti Cristo = before Christ) with the first Emperor, Ottaviano Augusto, and ends in 476 d.C. (dopo Cristo = after Christ) with the last Imperatore d'Occidente Romolo Augustolo. The crisis starts in the 3rd century d.C. and the Impero definitely falls after the Barbari's invasions (Romans used to call Germans "Barbari" cause they came from abroad) and cause of the pandemics, misery and destruction they, and many inside wars, brought to the population.
Let's take a step back to the beginning of this huge Impero or Stato Romano (Roman State): In 49 a.C with Gaio Giulio Cesare, we see the start of a dictatorship and the end of the Res Publica (to the point that "caesar" became a synonym of "emperor"). In 31 a.C Agrippa's fleet wins over the Egyptians, making the road easier for Ottaviano Augusto to be in charge of Roma: he takes the power in 27 a.C. without any real position but as "primo inter pares", and he went on until he got the absolute power in 12 a.C when he became Pope.
Before the arrival of Vespasiano (the guy who "invented" the public toilettes -yeah, I have to add it: we had public toilettes -some underground, others nope- around our cities until before 2000, I guess. And they were called "Vespasiani" cause of this guy), the only person to be called Imperator was the military chief, but with him, things changed. He was one of the three Imperatori of the gens Flavia (the Flavian dynasty of Vespasiano, Tito and Domiziano: they ar egenerally studied together in school, cause they also buildt the Anfiteatro Flavio a.k.a. the Colosseo -it was Tito who started, I believe).
The fulcrum of the Impero, in the first years, was the Urbe (=Roma): it was the biggest city, the most important place for commerce and the most politically, economically and socially active area: not to mention, people in the countries and outside Roma had to pay higher taxes too.
At the moment of its maximum expansions (with Tito in 117 d.C), the Impero looked like this (in red the real Stato, in pink the client states - you can find the list of all the States involved in the Wikipedia's link I left at the end of this post):
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It wasn't the wider state, cause Chinese State was bigger (and so others as well), but it was probably the biggest/most important for how it was managed, the quality of the territory involved and the social and political organization: lot of cities, bridges, roads, aqueducts, fortifications were buildt in this period in all the areas involved.
With the crisis of the 3rd century, in which the Barbari started their invasions, Roma and the Impero had to defend themselves and so the expansion stopped. The military, which was probably the most important and powerful part of the Impero, became a weight: for 50 years we had a total military anarchy in which 21 Imperatori chosen by the soldiers, died assassinated. This, until Massimino, a very poor but a soldier too, became the new Imperatore: a huge sign that nobles and senators were losing their power.
After more fights, betrayals and repressions (like the Cristians' one in 249 d.C. with the Imperatore Decio), this tragic period ended in 284 d.C.: borders became safer as Diocleziano, the latest Emperor, also made some changes in the military and the administration fields.
With Diocleziano, Roma partially lost its importance to move it also to other cities, but it still stayed as the capital of the Impero until the V century, when Costantinopoli took over (also helped by the Barbari invading the Occidente and the Bizantini still shining bright with their commerces in the Oriente).
In 395 d.C. the impero is divided in two parts, East and West (d'Oriente and d'Occidente: the first ones with the Bizantini, keeps reigning until 1453 while the latter ends earlier as mentioned above and in the Medioevo's posts). In the first side, they spoke Greek while in the second they spoke Latin. For some people this division signs the real end of the Impero Romano (at least, it was as a whole).
You can read more about this in the Medioevo's posts here and here
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hebert i would be. the nicest to yiu. i would also be an ASHSOLE to you because we would both like the banter but like in a egeneral sense I would be so fucking good to you idemake you soup and solve all of your problems and be the best kisser and it would all. work out say Yes we're getting married !
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valorous-research · 2 years
if u flee to Unova i can . house u in my dorm room clsoet. OR Just mys doorm in egeneral i think my roommate fucking. left or something they havent veen here in forever. n e ways gl pat the little bastard on the head 4 me
plaese do not put me in your closet. i have just come out of one.
real talk though i will keep this in mind. if i go to unova i have a LOT of options. thank you. i guess. or something like that, i dont really care
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doctorslippery · 6 months
Wheres Waldo: Maze To Recovery by Dall-eGenerator
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misspeculiar-principe · 7 months
I think I discovered her show before Charice Pempengco (aka "Jake Zyrus") even guested on it.
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Materialismo y Humanismo.
El materialismo histórico de Marx percibe el arte como una pieza producto de la lucha de clases. El proletariado. El arte en egeneral es una muy buen inversión. En oposición, con una mirada humanista, ponesmoa ataención a la vida y obra del artista como algo que informa la obra ya que la historia del arte no es una enumeración de objetos, gentes o acciones sino muchas veces tendencias eaparcidas por los colonos en turno.
LSR. 2023.
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