#eggman x elise
bumblekastclips · 5 months
KYLE CROUSE: Alright, we got one last question. It’s from JediPony. [chuckles] Love that name, I don’t know why. It makes me laugh. [reading question] “How would you write an 06 adaptation in Sonic X?” Here’s the question, would you write the 06 adaptation in Sonic X the show, or Sonic X the comic?
IAN FLYNN: [laughs] KYLE: It’s very— two very different things. IAN:Very different things. I don’t know, if we’re gonna be true to the source material, then Elise doesn’t really have a role, and Chris is the one who has the Flames of Disaster sealed inside him. KYLE: [laughing] Oh no! Oh! IAN: “Chris, whatever you do, you can’t cry!” [as Chris, weepily] “But why?!” [Iblis roar] KYLE: It’s all he does! [laughs] No! IAN: Oh, man, now I’m imagining Mephiles with, like, that really bad early 2000s CG effect. All these awful filters flyin’ around. KYLE: Oh, God, no! [laughing] This would be awful. IAN: You’d have, like, the budget episodes where Soleanna and New City are just, like, these flat, grey urban textures that have like, no depth, but then you get to the final episode where they’re doing the Super fight against Solaris, and the animation bump goes through the roof, and it’s glorious. And you forgive the last 26 episodes of your life that you’ve wasted watching it so far. KYLE: Mhm. IAN: [choking the words out through high pitched, wheezing laughter] This means Chris is the one that kisses Sonic back to life! [fit of maniacal laughter] KYLE: [frantic, horrified laughter] No! No! No! No! Ian, no! Ian! No! IAN: [prolonged cackling laughter] KYLE: The worst timeline! Oh, no! IAN: Oh, and Eggman has to be as close as they can get him to photorealistic Eggman in the Sonic X style. KYLE: No! IAN: Which does not work at all! KYLE: No, no, no! No! This is not going on the thumbnail! No! IAN: [wheezing laugh] KYLE: No, do not put this on the thumbnail! [laughing] IAN: Oh, my goodness, just imagine the art errors for Silver’s head alone… KYLE: Oh… no… oh, no… at least Dan Green could still be the voice of Mephiles. IAN: Oh, yeah, that’d be fantastic. [microphone glitches] That’s the only reason to do this. KYLE: That would be— yeah. Oh… IAN: Oh, would they try to hand-animate Omega? Or would he be like, early 2000s CG? KYLE: Just crappy CG, no! IAN: That you just composite into each shot… oh, man, it’d be awful! KYLE: [pained sound not unlike he is receiving a fully conscious appendectomy] Oh! IAN: Wait! [microphone glitches again] They did the weird thing with Sonic and Shadow’s spines when they would turn their heads. What would Silver look like?! KYLE: [resigned groan] IAN: Would it just be like, one giant spine, depending on the angle? [bursts into laughter] KYLE: [groans as if he is dying] Ian… what are you doing… why are you— IAN: [microphone glitches again as if resisting] The Iblis monsters would have the terrible CG effects, too! KYLE: Why am— why am I the reasonable one!
IAN: [laughs] KYLE: Why am I the one who’s being… [gives up on finishing this sentence] IAN: Forget the comic, the comic can’t hold a candle to this idea! KYLE: Oh, no… IAN: [in awe] What a glorious trainwreck! KYLE: What’s even funnier is that your mic is trying to stop you. IAN: [cackles] KYLE: It’s not working. [laughs] So cursed! IAN: The whole thing would be so awful… KYLE: Yeah? IAN: But then there would be, like, this incredibly well-written and poignant subplot about Elise dealing with her emotional trauma, and how Soleanna as a country even works. And it’s like, maybe an episode, maybe two that really gets into it and fleshes out this world in a meaningful and robust manner. KYLE: [chuckles] Yeah. IAN: And that’s it. That’s like— that and Dan Green are the only redeeming things out of this season. KYLE: [sigh, reading chat] Ian, in the chat… IAN: Yeah. KYLE: In the Bumblekast Discord server, open it up. There’s a little piece of art there. Someone has, uh, sketched Silver. [chuckles] IAN: [seeing it, delighted, evil] Yes! KYLE: [laughing] IAN: Cursed Toucan Sam! KYLE: [cackles] Oh no! Why do you…? No! Awful! Toucan— IAN: [as Silver] “Just follow my nose, wherever it goes!” KYLE: [horrified, amused] Toucan Silver! No! [emits the world’s most drawn-out, pained cry of defeat] IAN: Psycho-beak-nesis! KYLE: [laughing] Bumblekast was a mistake! IAN: [laughs] It was, but at least we’re over with it for today. KYLE: [laughing] Oh… I guess so.[outro music fades in]
EPISODE THUMBNAIL by the incredible @nintendoni-art
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—— TRANSCRIBER’S NOTE: Please remember that nothing that is said on BumbleKast is canon! It’s just some guys and their opinions occasionally spitballing ideas. If you don’t like an answer, you don’t have to take it as Word of God or anything like that. It’s all just for fun!
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sotogalmo · 3 months
Smth smth. I remember this Sonic exe au I had(never left)...
Smth smth, more focused on the humans of STH universe— Chris, Elise, Eggman and Stone (<- added just now). Sonic exe having them being equal to the freak shows.
Dark Wood Circus is helping me more with the idea-
Chris and Elise being "Siamese twins"("the two headed child with the freak smiles". Eggman being "grotesque diva" and Stone being "the beast who likes all of his meals cold")
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a moodboard of Princess Elise x Eggman with a shy crush and villain x heroine aesthetic
Requested by:anon
-Mod Vanilla
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audaciousacolyte · 11 months
Could I request Sonic x Reader where they were childhood friends and now are dating several years down the line? 👉👈
Best friend boyfriend
Sonic the hedgehog x Childhood friend!reader
《|| AN: Heya!! Terribly sorry for the long wait, I've been cooking up quite a few little treats that I think that all of you will enjoy!! That being said the following headcanons are based on my own, personal thoughts on sonic as a whole. I hope you enjoy!!! ||》
FLUFF (Pre-crush)
◇| As many of us know, Sonic the hedgehog is the coolest guy around.
◇| Whether he’s rolling around at the speed of sound (Haha), or fighting off Dr.Eggman, he’ll be having a blast and a half doing it.
◇| I’d think that sonic met you while on one of his many adventures, probably around the same time he first met Knuckles or Amy. Maybe he saved you from a badnik attack? Or maybe you popped up to try and stop the mad doctor yourself?
◇| However the two of you met, He’s ecstatic to have another buddy to horse around with! (He wouldn’t admit it though, (mostly because he can’t) but also because he has an emotionally unavailable bad boy image to maintain!)
◇| Be prepared for him to drag you along on all of his adventures, because once the two of you are friends, he’s going to mess around and have fun with you whether you like it or not!!
(Post Crush)
◇♡| Sonic is, and will likely continue to be, incredibly emotionally evasive. This boy can, will and has run from his feelings like they were coming to drag him to the very bottom of the ocean.
♡◇| Seriously, he runs from his demons like nobody’s business. And you and I are VERY well aware of how fast sonic can run.
◇♡| When he DOES eventually begin to consider the thought that MAYBE he likes you more than a friend should, Sonic gets…well, not nervous exactly, but definitely a bit WEARY around you. Probably tries to play it “cool” (or cool-er, I guess) around you, but usually ends up making a complete fool of himself
♡◇| (It’s fine though, you usually just laugh it off or play it down to spare his pride. He REALLY appreciates it.)
◇♡| He likely only begins to acknowledge his feelings after he meets Elise during the (very confusing) events of Sonic ‘06. (And also because Tails keeps teasing him about his (BIG, FAT, VERY OBVIOUS) little crush)
◇♡| Genuinely has no clue what he’s supposed to do with this information. He’ll probably just…sit on the fact that he likes you like that for a while. (And then go to Amy or Rouge for help, because what else is he supposed to do?)
♡| You are going to have to make the first move. Full stop.
♡| Sonic may be impulsive and quick on the uptake, but he’s got NEGATIVE ZERO relationship experience. He is out of his depth already with this crush, he’s not about to confess to someone he’s known for practically half his life at this point.
(Post dating)
♡| MASSIVE FLIRT, he will tease and fluster you FOR AGES. he WILL NOT get tired of it, EVER.
♡| (However, If you flirt back, he’ll turn into a flushed red mess… he can dish it out, but he sure can’t take it!)
♡| REALLY likes holding your hand, he finds it soothing to know that you’re never too far away from him while out and about. Sonic probably also plays with your fingers a lot as well.
♡| I feel like Sonic would probably do stupid shit in front of you to show off.
♡| He has done ENTIRE CHOREOGRAPHED ACROBATIC ROUTINES while fighting eggman’s mechs when you were around as a way to showboat. (Nobody knows where he learned to do this, but it worked way too well for anybody to complain.(Eggman was so confused that he just…stopped functioning for a hot minute. He genuinely did not know what to do))
♡| Will do stupid little victory dances on Badniks for no reason other than to see you smile.
♡| Loves, loves, LOVES when you are goofy with him. It’s just so endearing to him!
♡| Please, for the love of all that is holy, play with his quills when y’all are cuddling!! He may say he hates it because it messes up his ‘do, but he actually loves it! (he does get a bit freaked out when you don’t do it though. He thinks that he did something to upset you if you don’t mess with his quills and will frantically try to “win” your love back or something)
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nightfurylover31 · 7 months
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Maybe it’s an odd time to bring it up, but it is Valentine’s Day. Sonamy and Sonally have been one of the biggest ship wars in the franchise. Thankfully, it doesn’t seem to be as much of a thing as it used to be, but there is still occasional bashing or something. After some deep thought, I think I came up with an answer to make both sides happy.
It has nothing to do with Amy or Sally. It depends on the VERSION of Sonic.
When you think about it, Archie/SatAM Sonic and Mainline Sonic are actually pretty different. With SatAM and Archie, Sonic was born in a monarchy and had a steady home, even when fighting in a war. He’s used to being in one place. He also fought Robonik/Eggman because he had to, freeing the planet and restoring the kingdom. As for the games and IDW, Sonic travels the world and fights Eggman because he wants to, not because he has to. It may not seem like much, but they are key factors. These different lifestyles show more of who would be a better partner for him. Sally has responsibilities as a princess and leader. Even if Eggman is defeated for good, she will still be bound to these duties. Amy, on the other hand, is more adventurous and loves trying new things. She may settle down at times, but she still loves to travel. Both girls are compassionate and ready to help others and can even take the lead when they have to, but go about it in different ways. Sonally is a case of opposites attract and Sonamy is more kindred spirits.
While Sonic and Sally clash at times over how to plan, they work together to pull them off. They are more at ease when they don’t have to be on missions, and more overt about dating. They are also childhood friends in these continuities, knowing each other longer than their other friends. This led to their feelings becoming stronger over time. Sally has grown more into being on the battlefield, but usually works more behind the scenes or deals with the more technical or planning while Sonic takes most of the action.
Sonic and Amy both love adventure and sometimes act before they think. They also go out of their way to help others without a second thought. Amy may be a big romantic, but her relationship with Sonic nowadays is more on the subtle side and no less important and sweet. She used to chase after Sonic, but wasn’t so blinded to put her own desires ahead of others. Amy is also one of the first people Sonic met in his fights against Eggman. Amy also trained herself to be stronger to stand by Sonic’s side so she could protect him like how he protects her.
I do want to talk about the X Years Later/Light Mobius arcs in Archie. In that timeline, Sonic and Sally are married and rule as king and queen. While at times he’s not always happy with being king, he loves Sally enough to accept it. He was even willing to be her royal consort until they could be wed in Archie issue #124 (which is probably the most out of character moment compared to his game counterpart ever). And while we never see Amy in those arcs, Ian Flynn has said a few times on the Bumblekast he thinks Amy would be traveling around with the Time Stones. I thought that was a cool idea, and that feels more like the kind of life the mainline Sonic would want to have.
I kind of feel obliged to bring up Elise. Most people may not like it, and I prefer them as friends, but she was also written as a love interest. Anyway, in one scene Elise asks Sonic if he’ll leave after Dr. Eggman and his plans for Soleanna are stopped, which the hedgehog confirms. Despite what feelings he may have for Elise, he’s not going to give up his lifestyle just to be with her. And I do not mean to make it sound mean, it’s just who he is. A free spirit, free as the wind. And in Sonic and the Black Knight, he is revealed to be the true King Arthur, but he doesn’t accept it. He’s uncomfortable with how the other knights bow to him. I find it hard to believe this Sonic would want that kind of life for anyone, even if Sally was part of the main continuity. She wouldn't give up her duties for him either. A steady relationship or royal lifestyle just isn’t for Sonic’s game counterpart. In issue #2 of IDW, Amy knows Sonic can't be held down and respects his decisions. She loves Sonic for who he is and doesn’t want to change him. Instead, she’s fine with just going on adventures with him. Living in the moment. It’s not the life she initially wanted with him, but it’s enough for now. It does feel like they have become closer after Forces. The game was far from the best, but the premise of spending six month apart is a good way to build something up for them.
The reboot in Archie kind of proves this point about the relationships as well, albeit unintentionally. While the main reason is the new mandates were that game characters could not date, Sonic and Amy felt a lot closer than before. Sonic and Sally were also confirmed to only have a platonic relationship in the new timeline. This is due to Sonic’s past now being closer to his game counterpart rather than SatAM. He’s still part of the Freedom Fighters, but still has his world traveling roots. For example, he came to Mobotropolis after Eggman took over instead of living in the city at the time.
Sonamy and Sonally are both valid ships and deserve support. But don’t hate on the other when it’s the version of Sonic that truly matters for deciding who is the better match for him.
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kittydoremi · 3 months
Me: Posts a Princess Elise and/or SonElise post
The comments:
"Too bad Elise's writing was shit"
"I'd like her more if she didn't kiss Sonic's corpse"
"Sonic X Human = ew"
"Nice art, but I hate Elise/SonElise"
"They have no chemistry"
"Sonic didn't like her"
"Just why?"
"I hate her"
"Blaze should've had her role instead"
"Amy should've kissed Sonic, Elise stole him from her, Sonic belongs with Amy"
"What you posted is miles better than how she was in 06, she sucks in the actual game"
"She should've just punched Eggman in the face, why didn't she do that"
"Elise is a selfish bitch, she wanted the world to end just because she loved Sonic, and she only blew out the flame because he convinced her to."
"She should've been an anthro instead of a human, that would've fixed everything"
"She has no personality outside of getting kidnapped"
"She's boring"
"Elise is useless"
"Amy/Sonamy is better"
"Elise should of never existed"
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sonicjustbecause · 3 months
Humans are hard to include in worlds filled by anthros (Sonic aestetic analysis)
Aestetic... a word I like.
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This kinda work. Both of them have about same cartoonish proportions, similar head size, similar hands and feet size. The human girl has a thicker body and is bigger, but humans are tricky to include in a world with anthros.
The fact is, since we are humans, the specie is particularly familiar with us. What we are is written in our DNA. If you ask to a blind person to draw a fellow human, the drawing will turn out correct, the very same a person with normal sight woyld do.
So is tricky to avoid the uncanny valley and keeping them recognizable as humans. Humans are also rather large overall compared to hedgehogs and other beasts as specie. In fact we are included in the great apes group. Alongside the gorillas we are the also the tallest so pretty much big animals (but we are also slim).
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Actual hedgehogs are as big as human hand, or so. Sonic doesn't need to be this small. Just more balanced.
Humans are always been a presence in Sonic world. Eggman is the most well known. And he has large hands and feet, like Sonic and the other. But his proportions are quite realistic and I think he should look bigger because actually, his head is smaller than Sonic's and the other...
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In this scene from Sonic X it works well. Eggman's human features are exaggerated (like the typical human long nose compared to the flat noses of the other apes), and his head is about as large as Sonic's, making him fit the enviroment.
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Those are very a little bit awkward. When I complain that the size are awkward is because of Eggman's small head.
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This is no-no! She just doesn't match in the universe. Like, she belong somewhere else. Small hands and feet, anime proportions, vintage Italian style doll face...
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Back in the '80s I saw some that were even closer to what Maria looks like. There were even drawings of girls who just looked like Maria around, some hanged on walls in my granparents home, I just can't find them not even online (the last time I saw them I was 16).
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(Shadow likes those pictures...)
Surprisling Mario fits greatly despite being part of a completely different universe.
With modern style...
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And even with SatAM style
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Both in Sonic and Mario, humans tend to have small eyes.
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Roundish head, large hands and feet, noodle limbs just like the beasts... Eggman obioulsy has small eyes. I figure them being about roundish, like Mario's.
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Now, we see some human eyes there. A western aestetic just look better within Sonic world (the aestetic is pretty much western overall, being based on rubber hose style). Maybe hands and feet size could be more balanced...
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I don't like Eggman having Majin Bu style eyes like in SatAM and AoStH. I've read somewhere he has regular human eyes. There (Archie) he looks as if he is possessed by an entity, so I wonder, Sonic should try to save him at this point? I imagine is to show that Eggman is a psychopath, but it doesn't do the job. The shape and size of the eyes is fine.
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This is a joke... 'never mix styles' I was told 'Characters should look like they're part of the same universe!'...
Even Eggman was changed to have a realistic look, and it sucked.
Elise should be with Cloud Strife and Sephirot, not with Sonic, if we are talking about the style.
Outside Sonic series...
Top Cat
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A human and six cats. They fit perfectly in their universe. Like Sonic, the cats are bigger than real cat, still smaller than humans. Heads look perfectly in proportions.
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Now, here we are in the opposite territory. The feline is bigger than a human. In fact he is a puma.
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Just to show how well human and anthro blend togheter in Hanna&Barbera works. In addition they also have actual four legged beasts, like Scooby Doo.
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In Japan antros are rare, yet it can still work it the style is consistent. In Dragon Ball and Dr Slump we have plenty of anthro characters who blend well with humans. And there are also actual four legged beasts.
Some Japanese anthros
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pixelheartthrob · 4 months
A post from reddit:
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*Sigh* Here we go again... Let's go through each of these "points", shall we?
"Poorly written" - Um, no...she's not. Elise's character is simple. She has the same desire for adventure as Sonic, but because of her status and responsibilities as a princess, she can't fulfill that desire. Her arc was about Sonic teaching her to open up, enjoy life, and inspiring her through his love of adventure. Despite how scared she felt when being kidnapped by Dr. Eggman, Elise states that she enjoyed the time she had with Sonic on their adventure because it allowed her to see things she had never seen, do things she'd never done, and be herself.
I think it's kind of tragic how some of the things Elise shows excitement and joy about are rather small, such as seeing flowers or running in a field. It just shows how lonely she is and that she didn't get to have a normal childhood. It's clear that she doesn't get out much. Elise may not have the most in-your-face personality but she's not poorly written. She's a kind, reserved, and selfless princess that cares deeply about her people, but she gets called "bad" because female characters whose main personality traits are kindness or selflessness are considered "boring" nowadays.
"Poorly designed" - I know this is subjective but I find Elise's design pretty. They could mean her in-game character model, but the way its worded sounds like they mean the design itself. The bright orange leggings are a bit weird, but her design is meant to be reminiscent of a bird.
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I will say the soft peach color of the leggings in the CGI cutscenes looks much better though. I have no clue why they're bright orange in the game. Her actual design: the dress, hair accessories, heels, etc. are well-made. I also think it's unfair that people dismiss it as a "Final Fantasy design". She's a Sonic character and it's a Sonic design. It's safe to say that there's no standard as to what is and isn't a Sonic design. There's been many unique and crazy-looking Sonic characters. Final Fantasy is far from the only franchise to have realistic-looking humans either so I don't understand why people say this.
"Contributes nothing to the plot" - Besides reviving Sonic and snuffing out the Flame of Disaster, which effectively got rid of Solaris and allowed everyone to live in peace. Yes, Sonic, Shadow, and Silver did the fighting but it was ultimately Elise who had to deliver the killing blow to Solaris and put out the flame to truly defeat it.
"Molests Sonic's corpse" - ...Is this one even worth addressing? People still say this in 2024? Sonic fandom and the internet as a whole, I'm begging you, PLEASE learn what the words beastiality, necrophilia, and molestation actually mean instead of throwing them around because you're just repeating what YouTubers say. Thank you. Were they looking at some other site and somehow miraculously confused it with Sonic 06? Because there are no X-rated scenes between Sonic and Elise in the game. The dreaded kiss scene is a second long and obscured by a light. People keep trying to apply a sexual element to Sonic and Elise's relationship when literally nothing about it is sexual. Also, Sonic wasn't dead, but likely in a coma. Elise even says as much:
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So yeah, a lot of the criticisms thrown at Elise don't really hold up and much of it is exaggerated to a ridiculous degree. It's time for people to let it go and put this to rest.
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randomthefox · 1 month
"It’s crazy how Stanley appears to be incapable of writing a new character without warping the entire universe to revolve around that character."
That's the craziest part of it all. The idw characters do absolutely nothing and are worth absolutely nothing, but the entire setting/cast gets inexplicably warped so that they're the center of everything. The more I think about it, the more baffling it gets.
Cosmo from Sonic X is the only non-idw character I can think of that's comparable. When Cosmo appeared, the entire show was forcibly altered to focus on her. She hijacked almost every aspect of the story and character writing. But here's the thing. Cosmo, at the very least, played a part in saving the universe. She did SOMETHING meaningful at some point. I'm not saying she's a good character, but her taking over everything had more justification than whatever is going on with the IDW OCs.
Every single idw character without exception is equivalent to background citizens. They never do anything beyond the scope of what you'd expect from a background citizen. But they're presented as if they're the center of the universe, and every other character gets ruined to hell and back as a way of propping up the current OC star.
It's unforgivably abysmal. Even the worst fanfics understand that their glorified OCs need to DO THINGS and HAVE A MEANINGFUL EFFECT ON THE CAST OR SETTING in order to justify them infesting every iota of the writing. The writers for idw sonic have no grasp on this concept. They sincerely think that repeatedly TELLING the audience to treat the comic OC of the week like the most amazing thing ever is all it takes.
The idw characters are a very unique kind of bad. The hog all relevancy to the detriment of other characters while still being so inconsequential that nothing would change if they got erased.
I'm starting to think the writers are vehemently against the notion of show don't tell and they're writing the comic to be an aggresive insult to the rule.
At least Cosmo had the decency to die at the end of her story.
A Sonic story introducing a new character and the story being ABOUT that character isn't a bad thing in concept. That's how most of the games work. Sonic Rush was Blaze's game. Rush Adventure was Marine's game. 2006 was Elise's game. Frontiers was Sage's game. Superstars was Trip's game. Ect and so on. Sonic racing through some new characters life and inspiring them for the better is a standard formula of the series.
The problem isn't that the comic is ABOUT these OCs, not really. The problem is the games cast are barely in the fucking comic. And the OCs rarely if ever interact with Sonic himself, and it's never in a positive fashion. The only and I stress this the ONLY TIME that Sonic EVER has an interaction with a comic OC that even remotely resembles the type of scene you'd see in the games was the one with Belle from issue #49
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And frankly this moment is too little too late considering EVERY single other time Sonic interacts with Belle he's being a fucking asshole to her. From attacking her on sight when they first met, to wanting to ditch her when they leave the Eggman base where they met her, to him smirking in bemusement or rolling his eyes while she has an existential breakdown. This is the ONLY positive interaction Sonic EVER has with Belle. And after this moment he goes right on back to treating her like shit. And he never has ANYTHING like this with ANY of the other comic characters. Not Tangle, not Whisper, not Surge, fucking nobody.
The problem is not that the comic is ABOUT these OCs. It's that the video game cast is undermined in effort of propping up the OCs. The games cast SHOULD be acting as a supportive force for the OCs, they SHOULD be friends and inspire them, but that's just not what is fucking happening in this comic. Sonic and the games crew should be grabbing the OCs by the hand and pulling them up onto their feet - instead the comic slams a baseball back into the games crews shins to topple them onto their hands and knees so that the OCs can stand up ontop of their back.
The games cast acting as a support cast for OCs would be one thing. But that's not even what's happening. The comic is jobbing the games characters to try and put the OCs over with the audience. And then acting surprised when people aren't digging it.
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beevean · 1 year
I'm interested in your views on Sonic as a character. Which games or other media stay true to his core character?
Sonic is cool :)
And I don't mean just cool in a "totally radical" way, or in a "look how awesome his feats are!" way. It's just... he's a friend. He's supportive and optimistic and a full believe in the Superpower of Teamwork™, cocky yet polite, helping others because that's just what he wants to do. Sonic has no moral code, he doesn't operate on hero logic: he does good because he wants to do good, it ain't that deep fam. This is why IDW's portrayal of his as someone who has strong principles about freedom is just OOC - it's not a principle! It's not something that holds him back! He will kick your ass and imprison you in a lamp for all eternity if you proved yourself to be unredeemable! But then you contrast this with how he rejects Tikal's plan of sealing Chaos in the Master Emerald again because that won't make its anger vanish. giving him a super lobotomy to calm it down worked, though
Secret Rings, Black Knight and Unleashed have probably my favorite portrayal of Sonic. The first one shows well his friendship with Shahra, how he put himself in harm's way for her as soon as he met her and got cursed on her behalf, how he could empathize with her and her ambiguous history with Erazor Djinn and didn't hold it against her for not being able to let go of him; the second one is nearly unanimously considered to be the best Sonic of all time, because it actually shows the freedom and strong will of his character, how he's willing to be "the bad guy" in a story if that means doing what he thinks is right, and his surprisingly poignant views on mortality; and as for the third one, his line "Do I need a reason to help out a friend?" is just him in a nutshell :)
Also, I'm still not fond of how they relegated him to wooden secondary character in '06, but I can't deny his relationship with Elise is cute for what little we see - he meets this girl who has been forced into the role of the reserved queen since she was 7 and he teaches her how to have fun and let go of her worries! And Elise is so inspired that at one point she jumps out of Eggman's Egg Mobile to get away from him! Sonic is just this strong positive influence on other people and it's just. ugh. he's so friend shaped <3
Of all adaptations, Sonic X is the one who got the closest to capture this - not surprising, since it's the only Japanese adaptation we have so far and it was the most closely supervised by Sonic Team. It's not perfect, it has its weird moments like Sonic manipulating his friends because he really wanted to get off a boat, but he's overall nice and supportive as he should be. Episode 14 is a must watch to get Sonic.
The OVA is nice too? A bit more dated, and Sonic is just a little more prickly, but other than that I have no issue with his character - the ending is a standout.
Anyway. Sonic is the character of all time. I love my boy so much, I've loved him since 2004. I will protect him against adaptations who think he has to be an arrogant jerkass or a funny little penis man to give him "depth" and "appeal".
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crusherthedoctor · 7 months
People often mistake Game!Eggman as being Affably Evil when he's actually more Faux Affably Evil. Hell I vaguely remember even tvtropes at one point listed him as Affably evil due to his gentleman -esque act to Elise.
Doesn't help that there are incarnations of Eggman that actually are Affably Evil , such as X Eggman and Boom!Eggman who's so Affable that he can hardly be called evil at all
Remember the scene in '06 where Eggman "politely" informs Elise that he'll reduce the bustling, non-abandoned town to ashes if she didn't surrender to him?
They didn't.
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jadeyarts · 11 months
Would you like to share any personal thoughts towards the Sonic Human characters besides than Eggman? (Ex; Elise, Chris, and Maria)
uhhh... ok
elise should have been modeled a little more cartoony from the get-go but the fact she wasn't is in no way a knock against her as a character, and her design was adorable otherwise. she's a perfectly fine character and i'm not about to blame a character who is conceptually interesting and complex in ways that are contextually coherent and relevant for the other faults found in a work.
at several points i did feel like aspects of chris's character and place in the narrative felt at odds, in the sense that he is an extraordinarily normal boy despite how absurdly rich he is meant to be and i felt like he should either just be a totally normal middle class child or have an exaggerated well-intentioned-but-spoiled rich boy personality. but he was otherwise fine. got a lil weird in season 2 but in a way that made sense so it really didn't bother me especially since he grew out of it. i always liked how he was characterized in season 3, and found his arc in that season to be really interesting.
shadow the hedgehog should have met and directly interacted with helen at some point during sonic x. like any point. i like the relationship he formed with chris, i thought it made contextual and narrative sense, and actually prefer it to the original game's sequence of events ... but at the same time the similarities between helen and maria both in terms of appearance as well as their arcs - both being optimistic, kind-hearted, blue-eyed, blonde-haired white girls who live/d with chronic illnesses that disabled them in some way and are acutely aware of the ways this inconveniences their families who love them very much, that perhaps underestimate/d how much they are loved and treasured, who want to help others and do more than maybe they are capable of at the moment, ect ... i liked helen a lot. i also thought it was cute she and chris ended up together lol. shadow should get to go to the wedding
additionally, hope's grandma is hot as hell
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twisting-echo · 2 years
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Twisting-Echo's Sega Sonic Ship Chart
I want to start by saying that I was a weird kid and I'm a multishipper, so I like a lot of STH ships; there is no ship that I hate. Sadly, if I were to let myself be myself, this whole chart would become an unreadable mess of multicolored lines and curves.
This Is My Favorite: My favorites are Sonic x Elise (Sonelise) Knuckles x Sara (Knuxara/Knuxsara) Shadow x Maria (Shadaria) Tails x Maria (Taiaria/Tailsmari) Rouge x Topaz (Roupaz) Mephiles x Maria (Mephilia) Metal Sonic x Maria (Metal Sonmaria) Sliver x Blaze x Amy (Silvazamy) Silver x Blaze (Silvaze) Blaze x Amy Blazamy) Silver x Amy (Silvamy) Big x My friend @javelin505's oc
Chris Thorndyke x Dave the Intern (Davis) Eggman x Katella the Intergalactic Huntress (Eggtella)
I Like This: Vector x Vanilla (Vectilla) Cream x Charmy (Chaream) Fang x Elise (Fangelise) Bark x Maria (Barkmari/Barkaria) Bean x Sara (Beansara/Beanara) Espio x Elise (Espielise) Espio x Sara (Espisara) Espio x Molly (Espiolly) Jet x Elise (Jetelise) Storm x Maria (Stormaria) Wave x Sara (Waveara) Ray x Marine (Rayrine) Ray x Tangle (Rangle) Honey x Mighty (Mightoney) Omega x Maria (Omegaria) Cosmo x Tikal (Cosmikal) Shade X Tikal (Tikade) Tiara Boobowski x Madonna (Tiadonna) Tikal x Chaos (Tikaos) Maria x Gadget (Gadaria) Maria x Infinite (Infimari) Elise x Others 😏 Sara x Others 😏 Maria x Others 😏 Elise x Zor (Zorelise) Sara x Zaza (Zazzsara) Maria x Zavok (Zavaria) Sonic x Knuckles (Sonuckles) Sonic x Shadow (Sonadow) Sonic x Sara (Sonsara) Sonic x Maria (Sonmaria) Sonic x Amy (Sonamy) Amy x Elise (Amelie) Sonic x Amy x Elise (Sonamelise) Knuckles x Shadow (Knuxadow) Shadow x Amy (Shadamy) Shadow x Amy x Rouge (Shadougamy) Eggman x Ella (Eggella) Knuckles x Rouge (Knuxouge) Shadow x Rouge (Shadouge) Blaze x Rouge (Blazouge) Rouge x Amy (Rougamy) Blaze x Elise (Blazelise) Wave x Rouge (Wavouge) Wave x Blaze (Blazave) Elise x Maria (Marielise/Marelise) Amy x Maria (Amyria) Metal Sonic x Sara (Metal Sonsara) Chris Thorndyke x Sonic (Sonchris) Tails x Zooey (Tailsey) Tails x Amy (Tailsamy) Tails x Cream (Tailsream) Rouge x Manic (Manouge) Espio x Sonia (Espionia) Cream x Marine (Maream) Starline x Maria (Staria)
It's Okay: Chip x Maria (Chiparia) (They are so cute!) Chip x Sara (Chipsara) Chip x Blaze (Chipaze/Hot Chocolate) Chip x Amy (Chipamy) Chip x Topaz (Chipaz) Chip x Rouge (Chipouge) (Chip really likes the ladies) Espio x Shade (Espade) Tails x Cosmo (Tailsmo) Fang x Rouge (Fanouge) Shadow x Tails (Shadails) Eggman x Sara (Eggsara) Eggman x Elise (Eggelise) Knuckles x Amy (Knuxamy)
This chart belongs to @fini-mun
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hellowyn-llewellyn · 1 year
You know what to do
(For sonic ask game)
Okay for this one I’m going to keep my answers short and exclude any ones that I already answered separately. They’ll be under the cut since this is gonna get long
1- First Game? Sonic Forces
2- Favorite Game? Sonic Adventure 2 or Sonic ‘06
3- Favorite character? Rouge the Bat !
4- Favorite IDW character? I’m sorry, but. Dr Starline
5- Favorite Archie Character? Mina Mongoose !!
6- Favorite Sonic the Comic character? I have not read it 😔
7- Favorite show? Tie between Sonic Satam and Sonic Boom
8- Favorite stage/level? City Escape from Sonic Adventure 2 !
9- Favorite Boss Fight? The train from tmosth because I suck and it was the easiest one for me so far
10- Favorite stage theme? Pumpkin Hill
11- Favorite spin-off Game? I’d say The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog. I really liked the sonic cast in a visual novel :D
12- Favorite Racing Game? Team Sonic Racing
13- Favorite Handheld title? I can’t really answer this one. Sowwy
14- Least Favorite Game? Again I can’t really think of one. Sowwy
15- Spin-off I’d like to see? Sonic underground based rhythm game
16- Classic Adventure or boost gameplay? I’m going to be real honest I’m not entirely sure what this means
17- Dream Sonic Game? I’d be happy to see more visual novels or Team Dark get their own game.
18- Dream sonic show/story? Sonic Saran season three would be epic
19- Pitch for a third storybook game? My mind is drawing blanks rn but I’ll definitely get back to this later
20- Favorite non-sonic Sega franchise? Hatsune Miku
21- Favorite version of Sonic? Jaleel Whites sonic has a special place in my heart
22- Favorite transformation? Super sonic
23- Favorite team? Team Dark !!
24- Favorite Robot? Does the Tails Doll count??
25- Favorite Villain? Look Snively is just a poor little meow meow loser and for that he’s my favorite
26- Overrated Character? Look I’m sorry but I have to go with Tangle or Surge. Nothing wrong with them, they’re both very cool. I just think sometimes they can be a lil overhyped
27- Favorite Chao? Dark Chao
28- Favorite wisp? The violet void one
29- Favorite human character? Helen from sonic x or Princess Elise
30- Favorite rivalry? Sonic and Eggman. It’s a classic
31- Favorite ship? I don’t really ship anymore but Bunnie and Antoine will always be special to me
32- Favorite Sonic Voice actor? Jaleel White and Roger Craig Smith
33- Favorite piece of merch? Heads and Tubes ofc !
34- Favorite sonic artist? I couldn’t possibly pick one! Especially when so many of my friends are wonderful sonic artists :]
35- How long have you been into sonic? I remember watching a bit of Sonic Boom when I was 7 but I didn’t really get into sonic until I was around 11 so four years ? Almost five ?
36- Favorite Sonic related memory? Either Sonic Symphony back in 2021 or Taking Heads and Tubes on different adventures
37- Hottest sonic take? Sonic underground’s worst episode is better than Sonic Primes best (no hate to prime I just don’t think there’s a lot a fun character interaction in it)
38- Coldest sonic take? Hating on modern 3d games for no reason does not make you look cool. In fact it does the exact opposite
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sonelise · 10 months
Heya! Just found your blog, I just usually follow the #sonelise tag for new art and it recommended you and your art on my dashboard!
May I just say I'm happy someone else ships Sonelise; while not my OTP, I always thought they were stinking cute, and I dislike how much everyone gives it the shaft, mainly by hating on Elise.
There's nothing wrong with Sonelise! Like, if people can ship Shadria — which is arguably worse because of the whole sibling dynamic between them — without backlash, often just by turning Maria into a hedgehog (to remove the whole "bestiality" shtick (though it's not actually bestaility)) which really doesn't change the problem, with her very rarely just being her human self, then I sure as fudge can ship Sonelise because they actually show interest in each other and are just... stupid cute!!
So yeah! Really happy to know others ship Sonelise, and your art, my goodness, your art is SO CUTE!! ^^
Also, outside of Sonelise, who else do you ship? :)
I'm a real sucker for Shadikal (Shadow x Tikal), Shadamy, Sonilver and Knouge X3
(You can be a mulitshipper! It's kind of awesome honestly, means I don't really end up hating any ships X3)
hello!!! i'm glad you enjoy the stuff i post! glad you found me, then :D
i think they're really cute, too, and the hate they get always seemed so unfounded and dumb, and i thought i could help lessen it a bit!! people seem fine with shipping like, Rouge and Topaz, and Eggman and Starline, too, so i really don't get what the big deal about Sonic and Elise is.
I'm glad i'm not the only one who thinks they're so adorable, too!! their scenes in the game are really sweet to me, i think their interactions are so cute.
and thank you!! i'm glad you like my art!! i plan to post much more :D
other than sonelise,, i'm not a super big shipper, i tend to like most other ships in much more quiet, but i do like a bunch of others that i think are cute or sweet! but i'm not as vocal with them as I am with Sonic and Elise dkfjfkfj
thank you for the kind words! i hope you have a wonderful day! :D
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spinningbuster98 · 1 year
To be honest, another thing I think about the familialization of Eggman is that agent stone is so popular and Sega is reimporting elements from the movie. Considering Sega's support for the LGBTQ community, I feel that the possibility of making him canon and making Eggman gay and officially coupling with him may be possible. Considering that eggette was introduced in the form of that character, and considering why sonadow was being pushed recently in Prime etc.
I mean...I guess it's not impossible given how fast and loose SEGA has been playing with canon in later years (something something Frontiers referencing IDW characters and Sticks)
They can do whatever they want, however of all the characters to have come out as gay Eggman would be the worst choice: the guy loves only one person in the world and that's himself, as noticed by how he constantly puts his mug over almost everything he builds. Sexuality as a concept is pretty much inapplicable to him: is he straight or is he gay? Nah, he's just Eggman
Besides, as a rule of thumb, if you're gonna have LGBTQ characters in your series it's better to make completely new ones so as to avoid as much fan discourse as possible over X character never having expressed X sexual orientation until now even in moments where they should have, and even then it will have to be handled lightly as Sonic as a franchise just doesn't do romance outside of light teasing like with Amy and Sonic or Rouge and Knuckles. This is a mostly action/adventure oriented series with a big focus on friendship, not romantic love of any kind
The last time they tried doing romance was 06 and we all know how that turned out: even if you removed the Kiss or if you made Elise a Hedgehog it would still be far too mushy for the series
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