#eggman’s lair
heabybepponsboy · 1 year
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Sup sillies ! I’m in the wip of making a rp server, u can rp any aus or just spectate any rps that’s going on ! There’s Oc rps, non serious rps n art stuff !! See yall soon !!
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kellterntempest · 4 months
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the first time stone accidentally burst into flames, eggman's stache nearly burnt off
from my sonic boom au (afterwards, they find out he still retains the Valaka Ruby fire powers)
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andysambcrg · 2 years
in sonic 3 i want stone to hire his own assistant because "now i'll have more time to assist you, doctor 😊" and then he spends the whole movie completely oblivious to the fact that robotnik is actually insanely jealous and secretly trying to get rid of them the entire time
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mazeppafanart · 1 year
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themetalvirus · 2 years
egghog sonic desperately trying to get things to return to "normal" at the cost of the last scraps of positive relationships he had with his brothers. god
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blinday · 1 year
"You? Intimidating? Hell no."
Gonna have to agree with Wiskey here, friend
*grabs phone* mom people on the internet are bullying me 🥺🥺😭😭😭
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tornado1992 · 4 months
it would be so funny if Eggman tried to implement Sage in more of his plans so he tells her “I’ll handle the hedgehog so I want you to stop the fox this time” and she makes this whole diversion plan with huge science, physics, and programming puzzles to keep Tails occupied, but then he beats them all in record time, smirks at her every time she appears before him, and even congratulates her for keeping him away from the battle for 40 full minutes.
And she is so confused (???) because “the data indicated it would take him at least three hours to pass the tests” and he did it so quickly and with such unorthodox techniques, not to mention he tried to casually talk to her throughout the whole thing, so instead of stopping him she follows him to “study his behavior and thinking process” for future battles (cause she knew from the very start that even if she stopped him Eggamn’s plan for Sonic would be insufficient to win).
Eventually Tails reaches the main battle with Sonic and Eggman and after team Sonic wins Eggman goes back to whatever lair they’re staying on and when he asks Sage why didn’t she stopped Tails with another method when he busted the first plan she simply says “he is an insteresting research specimen, I want to study him more” as she opens hundreds of tabs with all available data about Miles “Tails” Prower, from statistics, biological data, and battle style to personality analysis, criminal record and multiple photos of him at different stages in his life. And she reads, listens and absorbs anything and everything that there is to know about the fox kit. She stays doing that for days.
And Eggman is WRECKED, because his daughter is obsessed over a boy. Even if she said it’s for “strategic purposes” she is looking at apparent useless information like the kit’s personal likings, pastimes and online presence; he could hardly call that strategic research, and he knows that’s not rivalry obsession, she’s smiling and compiling specific bits of non-battle related information, by what he knows, that’s GIRLY OBSESSION, but it can’t be, can it? His daughter is still too young to think about boys, much less obsess over one, specially when the boy in question is his LIFETIME RIVAL’S BROTHER. A boy nearly as smart as Eggman himself, a boy almost as fast as Sonic. His daughter is obsessed over that boy.
He starts to wonder if it’s time to put on some parental control over Sage’s programming.
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lizaluvsthis · 5 months
SMG4: You used to be cool...
"HEY LIZ! howd that new epis-"
*thanking @shygirl4991 for putting up some thoughts for the new episode! I really like to read those :)*
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wait sh-t wrong image...
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cant we all just talk about the part when THREE WASNT CONSIDERED THE "COOL EVIL VILLAIN" to his other villain mates from what he USED to be back in the old days of his shenanigans??
Eggman doesnt see that our man three has had his thing called- " DEVELOPMENT " RIGHT AFTER THE WHOLE THING...
Three has gone far too long- three has been through so much and so many things had changed including him and his way of seeing things. He had gone too soft from the past few years and eggman sure had been catching up on his daily does.
EGGMAN. However. He considered to be three's idol back then- but now? He sees three as a 'low level of villain' because the three he knew before had so much destruction and destroying stuff.
Eggman missed the three he knew, the one who USED to be a total top Villain.
SMG3 has never realized how much things had changed and that he too did. Now bringing up this part
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This part when three was shocked when Eggman told him that his final task was to "KILL" his arch nemesis. SMG3 is flabberghasted.
In his lair- room¿ he was practicing his shooting skill (pointing it at four) for the right aiming AND to finish him off.
See- I noticed something here- SMG3 couldn't bring himself up to do it for seconds... just a single detail of his hand SHAKING while holding a gun, pointing it at SMG4 (which is just a picture of him from a cardboard)
He couldnt do it- just- COULDNT. He had those memories flashing back to him, his hand holding with SMG4, how they both used to bond together, how he said they were FRIENDS and that he really meant to say that infront of his face, with four's reaction.
Notice how the music came to get intense during the flashbacks? Where we saw this event from Three drawing him and smg4 after 23th of wotfi? This is the most important part. That HE SMG3 drew them both together in his personal diary, a MOMENT of a good memory he and four created.
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But oh wait- how did this come to three shooting him still? Even tho it was just a confetti? Why did he still shot SMG4 (on that picture)? I'll tell you another reason. "Christmas Wars" :) lets go back to that shall we?
"You'd consider partying with the guy that tried to kill us?"
Now THIS CANON EVENT. so happens to ruin Three's mood. THATS where he onwardly shoots four's picture with a gattling gun... a REASON. Why.
This triggered him SO much from the memories he spent with Four and what he'd thought about his ex rival.
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After Three kept being indenial to eggdog that he doesn't care about SMG4 and that "he had NO character development" with him.
That was all a lie. (We already know that- but it's still important and relating to the episodes HOW MUCH of a bastard SMG4 is to SMG3, he continues to be friends with Four as he moves on.)
-the gun to four scene-
During this scene when Three barges in with Four making a new meme for his content Tomato Soup. Four never even thought about the things that could ever happen when three is there. He simply went on with the usual "friends conversations" talk.
Because four knows that they were both friends now. And that he knows 3 has gone soft. With an emotionless face, he approached to Four holding a GUN.
To where Four noticed- "oh a glock- watcha gonna do with that...?" He felt nervous and worried something with three carrying it- "Oh, something that I should of done long ago..." With Three holding up a gun and pointing it at Four, SMG4 screamed "THREE WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?"
The detail... his eyes? From a pinch of second his eyes when he LOOKED infront of Four's? He felt sorry to himself. He had been pointing this gun at SMG4 and the pain he's baring from his chest lived on with mixtures of feelings he had developing with Four next to him.
He was unsure. He couldnt decide- because HIM as SMG3 he wanted to be the most evil villain known of everyone and other of his villain buddies. Including Eggman. And with another spot he also wanted to make eggman prove to him that he hasnt gone soft.
that HE- would actually do it- for himself to prove that he is better...
But he cant- couldnt he?
Lets point this straight- we all get it- three has a soft spot- and that is SMG4 too- he could NEVER do that to him. He promised, he swore, he declared it, he announced it in official.
"Remember what I said? W-we- We're Friends!"
He will never EVER. take this part of him. He will never REMOVE THIS BECAUSE HE BUILT THIS DEVELOPING FRIENDSHIP WITH SMG4
he could never.
SOOO he ends up shooting the tomato with four gettin all worried n stuff- making that "blood splatter" from the window to where eggman mistaken that he actually "did" kill SMG4
SMG3 backfires on Eggman with a sneak attack,
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"Like usual-"
Okay three- we get it. You annoy his ass back when he annoys you first. You ruin beeg and his dating plan and may or may have shoved a dynamite in four's mouth right after "the inspection" with his coffee request.
But we've never actually seen any other stuff beyond that reach right after wotfi 23... so three... tell me... how USUAL were you trying to put when you've BARELY DONE ANYTHING EVIL THAT RELATES FROM "KILLING" OUR GUY?
Maybe it was all... pure torture of asmr or just ruining four's day... (thats atleast what he'd meant when he said "killing you" with no tensions of doing so in literal)
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When SMG4 looked at three who emotionally cried when he said this line- he still continued to cry (even after when Three smacked his face annoyed with him being a baby)
He still cried at his new meme continuosly. He didnt gave himself a second to think. "If he actually wanted to kill me, then why didnt he just do it already?" "What is stopping him from killing me?"
NOOO when i THOUGHT. ABOUT THE "allow me to demonstrate" GAVE ME THE REFERENCE FROM ANDRIAS'S WORDS FROM AMPHIBIA "TRUE COLORS" Scene... (if- you guys watched amphibia)
This part when Andrias said "allow me to demonstrate" thats the part he made the whole line about "thats how a thing about friends is it? The more you love em the more it hurts to let them go..." THEN THE LINE CONTINUES WITH HIM DROPPING DOWN THE PROTAGONIST'S FRIEND OFF A HEIGHT-
and seeing this part when- eggman said that? I am... SH-TTING with myself.
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With three expecting to take the hit, but instead he pointed the missle at Four, Three would be expecting that now. But with eggman knowing that he and Four had a bond for a few years and on? HE POINTS IT TO FOUR ON PURPOSE. TO SEE HOW THREE WOULD BE ACTING.
Some of you might say "yeah we get it- he pointed that gun at four so whats up about it?" UM- EXCUSE ME... *COUGH* HE- WAS POINTING AT HIS DEAR FUTURE BOYFRIEND/HUSBAND-/HJ
With Three getting a bit too protective and tried defending SMG4 it was all on worth the time. As he squashed four's newly made meme, this is referenced from "mario's spicy day" where back back back BACKKKK in the episode where Four had destroyed Three's whole production area he had took time to work on.
SMG4 destroyed his children. Children of his own that were his MEMES. And putting it here when Four had his own memes as his children? IT WAS HIS- TURN TO SPIN THE TABLES AND PUNCH IT AT FOUR'S FACE.
To let him experience.
The suffering and pain he had done. Thats why... he laughed at him.
With SMG3 putting out his true speech from "I am happy with just the way I am..." he TENSIONALLY- PLACED- HIS RIGHT HAND AT SMG4'S SHOULDER. standing up at his own. All proud and happy...
Three finally learned his own lesson that he doesnt have to be forced to be like someone that he used to be and the stuff he'd usually did before. Because that was the old him, the old self of his? Is gone now. Three is continuing to bloom from his own way and had things that he ever needed or desired to have. A job of his? Is there, friends? There already, a partner by his side? Is also there! (Barely- but still is!) His twitch strreaming or taking care of his son? Is there!
He has had a new purpose of living and this is the path he chose. So he broke free from just by being himself and not getting pushed by other people by just telling him. "You used to be cool..." "wheres the old smg3 we knew?" "Why arent you the three we know that used to commit world destruction anymore?" "Wheres three?"
You cant call the old three because THIS IS THREE.
This is the baby boy we have and he still grows on and on out of his shell. Leave the man alone ya big bozos because he's having his own development, discovering his own ways between living the life of good and bad.
Three had an amazing development honsetly and I dont like how people say "we want the old three back" but you guys cant.
Please dont tell me these two will get foreshadowed... please dont.
*flat heart rate monitor*
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nobodyfamousposts · 3 months
Will Tails react to Littlebug similar to how Donnie in the TMNT crossover with the Dolls?
Not quite...
(When the heroes storm Eggman's lair)
Eggman: Haha! You fools!
Shadow: (Sees Littlebug) YOU LITTLE TRAITOR!
Littlebug: (Looking guilty but points because the goggles! She did it for the goggles!)
Shadow: I thought we had something special!
Sonic: ….dude, her inking some of her hair red to match you isn't exactly special.
Shadow: What, jealous?
Sonic: (To Littlebug) I don't get it! We were fine! Everyone was friends, we were all getting along, you even got Shadow to smile and relax a bit! So why work with Egghead?
Littlebug: (Waves hands)
Knuckles: ….he promised her an island to do what she wants with when he rules the world.
Sonic: WHY?!
Littlebug: (Makes a fist)
Knuckles: She wants to give it to her mother.
Sonic: Say what now?
Knuckles: It's going to be a gift to her—
Sonic: (To Littlebug) YOU HAVE A MOM?!
Littlebug: (Waves hands)
Knuckles: "She's the best mom."
Sonic: What, does your mom like taking over planets or something?!
Littlebug: (Suddenly looks away, ignoring him)
Sonic: ….wait a minute. She doesn't know about this, does she?
Littlebug: (Nervous)
Sonic: Does she want you to do this?
Littlebug: (Looks away)
Knuckles: She says "she never said she didn't want an island."
Amy: Come on, Little Maria! I'm sure your mother wouldn't want this!
Sonic: Please don't encourage Shadow's name issues!
Shadow: Hey!
Amy: (Ignores him) And whatever Eggman has over you, we can help!
Littlebug: (Frowns thoughtfully)
Knuckles: She says she wants to learn to make things and he's a smart guy who offered to teach her.
Sonic: (Gets an idea) Oh! Look! Look, little…Lady! (Brings over Tails) See? He's smart like Egg-head over there! He's got his own plane and plenty of inventions!
Tails: Wait—what?!
Sonic: And he's fluffy!
Littlebug: (Eyes wide, immediately wants)
Eggman: Don't be absurd! Clearly the Little Lady has better taste than anything that rodent has to offer— (Turns to Littlebug only to find her gone and the goggles left behind) What the blazes?!
Littlebug: (Now with Sonic and Tails, holding Tail's hand and wanting to see his inventions)
Tails: Um….thank you?
Sonic: Awesome, can we go now?!
Littlebug: (Nod nod)
Eggman: Not so fast! I still have the robot made with her powers! (Pulls a curtain) BE—hold? (Notices it's gone)
Sonic: ...wow. This is just an off day for you, huh?
Eggman: WHAT GIVES?!
(Meanwhile, in Marinette's room)
Marinette: (Staring at a red and black polka-dotted egg-shaped metal contraption in the middle of her room)
Marinette: TIKKI!
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piko-power · 5 months
Sleepy Sonic Headcanons Because Why The Hell Not
Like Tails said in Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic sleeps in the weirdest places. The first time Tails found this out was when they were younger when Tails just randomly found Sonic napping in the pilot's seat upside down in his plane. He still has the photo of it after years.
Around winter, Sonic tends to take more naps depending on his mood. Sometimes he would just nap for the entire day without even realizing it until Tails told him that it's the next day.
Sonic sleeps walks, and sometimes even sleep runs. (I blame @neurotypical-sonic for this one lol) It's a miracle he didn't run into any danger or do anything stupid while he sleep ran. The only time something like that happened however was when Sonic sleep ran all the way to Eggman's lair and destroyed every single Badnik there while Tails tries to stop him. Eggman didn't even know that Sonic was asleep the entire time, he was just pissed that Sonic destroyed his Badniks in the middle of the night for no reason.
He would feel tired after a big meal, usually after some chili dogs. Knowing Sonic he would need to eat a lot, but there were times where he would actually feel full, which is a shocker to most except Tails. In that case, he would be groggy and light, and in need for something to pass out on. (He's gonna fall asleep on the floor anyway)
Sonic owns chili dog themed slippers. Istg this is the best headcanon I've ever come up with. I need someone to draw this omg-
Sonic had nightmares since his first few months being in the Death Egg, they've only gotten worse ever since Tails, Amy and Knuckles left on their journey. But when they came back, the nightmares stopped. Since they stopped, Sonic wouldn't see any point about bringing them up to his friends, that is until suddenly Sonic gets a really bad nightmare one night. Sonic would cry out for his little buddy and thrash in his bed (or couch??) and Tails would come running in to see if he was okay. After a moment of crying and comforting, Sonic decided to tell him about the night terrors and even how much he missed him and Amy and Knuckles. THAT'S when the nightmares stopped for real.
If he's not having nightmares, then he's probably having a dream that is adventurous and epic, or very weird and bizarre. He surprisingly remembers most of his dreams considering how crazy they can be at times.
Even if his nightmares aren't about drowning, or loosing his friends, or Eggman defeating him, or flashbacks about the most intense part of his adventures, sometimes his "nightmares" would just be plain stupid depending on who you are. Like the next time you're gonna see Sonic in his bed, hugging his blankets and looking a little frightened, worry not, he just had a dream about chili dogs going extinct and Eggman, who was an actual egg with a mustache, turning everything into brussel sprouts. (Okay THIS I wanna seen being drawn lmao)
One of Sonic's favorite places to sleep is outside under the stars. Looking up at the pitch black sky that's covered in beautiful stars and galaxies is the most wonderful thing to see before he falls asleep. It's just his most favorite thing about the sky, and the night in general.
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ask-the-sonic-cast · 5 months
Storms outside the abandoned Eggman lair with messy quills and bags under eyes
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"Ok, who's the bitch that is making a racket at this hour?"
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"Cause people are trying to get some actual sleep here!"
*Scourge was just…blowing the fuck up out of some old robots for the absolute hell of it*
“Fuck yeah! Call me Michael Bay cause I’m blowing this shit up! WOOO!!”
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0ne-shot · 3 months
its gonna be okay.
team chaotix fic that KIND of counts as angst? idk but some shit happens. tw for major child injury.
``Fine, you barbarians want to ignore my warnings and keep wrecking my newly-built lair? I’ll teach you the lesson the hard way.`` Eggman’s static voice rang out from the now deactivated badnik’s screen as it flashed back to black, leaving the three to soak up what he had just threatened.
Vector fixed his eyes over to Charmy and Espio beside him. The chameleon seemed to digest the information well enough to put on a brave face in response to the threat. But Charmy.. The kid tried to be brave, too, but his body language said otherwise: his own arms were grasping onto each other for comfort as he stared at the black screen with a glint of fear in his orange eyes. A small, worried smile grew on the crocodile’s long, sharp muzzle as he knelt down to the bee’s height.
``What’s worryin’ ya so bad?`` Vector’s rough voice had a hint of sympathy.
``I- `` Charmy put his head down, considering how he should really phrase this to Vector.. ``I know Eggman’s enough of a doof-y coward to not really act on what he just said.. But it’s just this gut feeling that this whole case is gonna loop us into Eggman’s blacklist for good.``
Vector tilted his head in thought, before putting his large hand on the bee’s shoulder and giving him a reassuring smile.
``So what? We’ve probably gotten into Eggman’s bad side loooong ago, and what’s he done? Throw a couple o’ badniks in front of us? It’s really nothing to break a sweat over, kid. It’s all gonna be okay in the end.``
``And besides, if Eggman does try anything, I won't be far behind you and Espio. If we detectives kicked his butt once, we can kick his butt again.`` Charmy giggled a little at Vector’s last line.
Espio exhaled, the smallest of smiles creeping up on his face. He knew all three of them were too strong to falter at Eggman’s schemes, no matter how difficult it was to undergo. Almost all recent crime cases have started to revolve around Eggman, so if they can confront him face-to-face one time, they can do plenty more.
Yeah. It was all gonna be okay in the end.
It was all gonna be okay…
``....A-Agh..`` Charmy grunted as he slowly opened his eyes, nothing but darkness surrounding him.
…Not much was okay.
He couldn’t remember much happening, really. The rapidness of it all, the screams, the panic, it was too much for him to process in that short of time when they were all in battle with Eggman. All that was left for him to remember in the midst of the haze that was his memory was Vector and Espio yelling.. Well, it had to be something. Something important. A warning that didn't get to Charmy in time before it all went white for him.
Even if it wasn't, Charmy couldn't help but feel like it was his fault. His fault for not being able to listen to the two while he was facing Eggman full head-on.
Vector was gonna be so mad…
Well, if he could already imagine the trouble he’d get in, he’d better get started getting himself out of this enclosed area. But that was basically near impossible when all of his lower body was throbbing with pain, especially at his abdomen... His right wing hurt so much, too—immobilising any sort of flight the bee could’ve used instead. Probably just from the adrenaline of the fight.
The pain in his abdomen felt like there was a chunk of metal lodged into his body, some tears falling down his muzzle in sheer agony from it.
The rest of his small body felt numb and cold. That’s fine: it beats pain..
The little bee attempted to just walk it off and attempt to lift his body off the ground anyway, but that only ended with a yelp of agony as his body staggered quickly back to the floor.
Ow. Okay. Definitely not trying any funny stuff, then.
Charmy gazed around the tight space keeping him pinned down to wherever he was. Thick metal sheets, rubble and ruined debris of what used to be badniks piled up and enclosed the space of where the bee was — some remains were even on his body and crushing some parts — only having small creaks of openings that let air in and allowed Charmy to peer outside of where he was trapped. Whatever he could actually see outside didn't make one difference when his blurry vision clogged up any possible insight he could've gotten on how to get out or at least alert Vector or Espio.
His fuzzy antenna twitched with a constant ringing sound pulsating in his ears, deafening any familiar voices he could’ve heard from outside.
The world really was itching to kick his butt today with completely closing off all his senses when he needed them most, huh?
The bee didn't really know if the cause of his weird sense of sleepiness was from staying up all night yesterday, or from barely getting any oxygen intake and only breathing in dust and oil fumes from broken machinery mending itself one with the debris.
In either case, he felt the urge to just listen to the sensation and go back to sleep, but he needed to at least try and escape first.
He suddenly heard a soft static noise in his left antenna, buzzing (pun intended) in his ear quietly. Charmy weakly lifted a hand up, grazing the coarse floors with his elbow, and touched it to try and see what was causing it..
Right. The communicator. It was an earpiece Vector had been working extra hours and saving up for, just so the crocodile could get three for each of them — and to say that it has improved their missions in terms of coordination would be an understatement. Still, it was pretty new to Charmy, and the little bee had to fumble with it a few times until he heard—
``Charmy?! Charmy, are you there?``
A familiar voice rang in his antenna, the bee recognizing it upon the first syllable it enunciated. A weak, small bittersweet smile emerged on his face upon it.
It— It was Vector!
``...Mmph- `` The little bee tried to reply to the voice, but it only really came out as a muffled noise of struggle. `` ..I- ..Mhm.. ``
Charmy couldn't see right now, but he could definitely sense the relief yet fear that came on Vector’s face when he heard just how weak the bee’s voice was. Practically inaudible if they didn't have earpieces heighting up eachother’s volumes.
`` Oh thank Gaia... You gave me a scare there, kid. `` Vector then seemed to yell something from afar, something not directed to Charmy. He then heard the second voice he had wanted to hear…
``Charmy? Where are you now?`` The ninja’s usually sage voice seemed to come off with a small hint of worry right now.. But still, Charmy was more than glad to hear the voices of the two people he held close in a situation like this, calming down the little kid’s internal stress.
Charmy wondered why his right wing still hurt so bad when the adrenaline he had had before was now calmed down by Vector and Espio..
`` D-.. debris.. ``
``’Debris’?`` The older reiterated as he turned back to Espio ``The kid’s under some sort of pile of remains, keep that in mind.. ``
His body seemed to not take that sudden usage of energy from just speaking well, every part of him growing more numb by the second as he felt the urge to just let go of consciousness for a while; eyes growing dull and heavy.
`` Charmy? `` The crocodile got back to the bee.
`` … ``
`` C’mon, don’t leave me hanging, little guy. ``
The kid only mustered up a feeble groan of pain instead of words, really.
``How bad are you hurting? What are the injuries?`` The slight anxiety in Espio’s voice was really starting to peek out now. It wasn't the chameleon’s fault—it’s not the end of the world if you drop your cold demeanour for a near-dead kid.
…Shoot. Charmy really didn’t want to worry the two in this case: stressing the older ones out more than he already was, was going to get them nowhere… He just wanted them to come here, not to waste time while his body was hurting most.
But he just needed to tell them, or Espio would keep insisting on knowing.
``..It- …It hurts.. A lot…``
Vector’s concerned grunt only indicated to Charmy that he was starting to get more and more worried about the bee’s general health and safety.
``Just stay with us on the line, okay? Keep breathing as deeply as you can, and we’ll be here in a blink. It’s gonna be okay, kid.`` Vector must’ve noticed how shallowly the bee was breathing.
Charmy doesn’t know if he could even really trust Vector anymore with that phrase when the croc’s already promised it once and it ended in this ruined predicament.
But he couldn’t blame Vector.
He couldn’t blame Espio.
He couldn’t blame anyone.
All he saw on who’s at fault for this was himself.
 For getting himself this hurt and putting that burden onto their shoulders because he was reckless. Because he couldn’t listen.
Tears started to leak out again from his orange eyes, but now it was paired with a lifeless expression. An empty, tired expression. All his energy was being slowly sucked out of him each second Espio and Vector weren't here, and the little bee couldn't do a thing about it. Nothing but lay here and wait for exhaustion to finally pull him under.
Charmy could feel the weight of his body start to grow on him as his attempts in moving became more sluggish.
The world started to spin.
Eyelids were heavier than ever.
He finally stopped trying to hold on and let his small body rest.
`` …M’s-sorry, ‘ector… and Esp..io… ``
``Damnit! The communicator just went off with no signal!`` 
Vector struggled as he ripped the earpiece off and tried everything he could to connect back to Charmy and communicate with him, tinkering with it with shaky hands. But no — too much to ask for, it seems. To have basic communication with a dying kid you hold dear.
Espio nudged the crocodile’s shoulders to get him to focus on what’s at hand, the final door in front of them. Charmy must’ve been in here.
``I’ll need help getting these doors down. I’ll skewer the hinges, you pull each door apart.`` Vector only replied with a quick nod as Espio already made his way up the wall and against the rim of the metal doors, taking out a kunai and preparing himself to aim at the ends. The elder put his two large hands on the crack of the door, left on left, right on right.
The crocodile exerted himself with a low grunt as he gripped and pulled apart the two openings so hard his knuckles were turning white, while the ninja kept swiftly screwing the kunai’s sharp end into the hinges until they were loosened and now susceptible to the force of Vector’s push as the two doors ripped right off.
The two immediately dashed into the final room, debris being the only thing that filled the space as toxic fumes and dust emanated from destructed badniks and other machinery.
``Charmy? We’re here! `` Espio called out from the ceiling he was clinging onto to get a better view of the room, swirled tail latched on a hanging, turned-off light
Vector checked every pile of debris with a keen eye, making sure to not miss any signs of Charmy possibly being in one of them.
``C’mon, kid.. You’ve gotta be okay. You’ve gotta be here somewhere.``
It didn’t take long before he spotted something standing out from the rest of the clumped up remains of metal and rock, near one of the piles of debris.
Something colourful that stuck out from the dull shades of everything around it.
A torn piece from Charmy’s vest.
``Espio! C’mere!`` He called out to the chameleon as Vector started to frantically lift off and throw away each piece of remains from what looked to be the bee’s body, and no sooner had Vector started to dig away into the pile that Espio had deftly sprinted next to the larger to help him out, lifting off the smaller parts more faster as Vector lifted off the bigger parts more carefully.
He made sure not to jostle anything around: he didn't want to hurt Charmy more than he already was.
Espio was able to uncover some of the smaller bee’s lower body, an icy sweat running down Vector’s forehead when he saw a large, thick sheet of metal jabbed into his abdomen with red bloomed over it. How long had the poor kid had that metal part stabbed into him like that?
Don’t panic. Don’t panic. Don’t look at the blood for too long. You’re gonna make it worse if you panic.
Vector finally lifted and got off the biggest clump of debris enclosing Charmy, the little bee’s body now in full view. He was laying on the ground flat, bloodied face slack, eyes shut and head lolled over with antennae drooped limply to the side as blood was pooling underneath him. His right wing had half of it torn off, too.
Vector wanted to punch himself when he saw the tear-jerking sight.
How could he have not gotten Charmy out of this sooner?
The pain the bee must’ve felt…
…But, he couldn’t dwell on that now. 
``We’ve got you, we’ve got you.. `` He knelt down, carefully scooped up Charmy’s limp body and propped his head with his large hands, getting up again. Espio looked to be just as horrified, shuffling next to Vector as he gazed at the unconscious bee in his arms.
``That’s…- …That’s fatal. We need to rush.`` All attentive eyes, the chameleon could tell about the bee’s condition from just one look. ``..He can pull through, th-though. Correct? ``
Vector frowned at the slight wobble in the ninja’s voice. `` The little guy’s resilient; he won't give up to Eggman that easily.. Don’t worry. And you don’t have to tell me twice about getting outta here, big guy. C’mon, let’s get outside and get some medical help for Charmy.``
Vector securely kept Charmy’s small body cradled in his arms, not minding the blood and dust now covering himself as they made their way back from the doors they entered, now with their missing member with them.
As Vector took deep breaths as he walked past, today might’ve just had the most fear he’s ever felt in forever.
But they made it through.
It was all gonna be okay.
note: charmy i am so sorry for your hurting its for the audience i swear
also its like. my first time writing a proper fic thats not a draft. can you tell
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bestjeanistmonster · 6 months
With Dc au Sonic i wanted the theme nature vs machine to be demonstrated on an emotional level
He had lived in Gotham his entire life and Gotham isn’t exactly a safe nor healthy place to live cuz of all the crime, chaos and rampant pollution from factories that the citizens have to breathe in daily
Plant life in Gotham suffers heavily because of this too, healthy plants aren’t really commonplace
Nicky hated the pollution in the city with a burning passion but after Eggman brainwashed him, he saw the pollution of the city as not that bad of a thing and sees it as a sacrifice for scientific advancement, Doctor Eggman’s scientific advancement to be specific
Working with Eggman meant being exposed to the worst of the pollution with his constant manufacturing of robot henchmen and chemical experiments with Joker venom on the daily, it isn’t good for Sonic by any sort of means (mentally and physically) but he doesn’t really care about that, just about helping the doctor in any way he can
But then he meets Shadow, poison ivy, a hedgehog who can literally control nature, is part of nature and he starts benefitting from being around him both physically and mentally, Shadow’s lair supplies the cleanest oxygen that Sonic has ever breathed in, he can be his own person when he’s with Shadow, etc.
With Eggman and his machinery he gets more hurt but with Shadow and his connection to nature he starts to heal
Idk i just thought it was cool and wanted to talk about it
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Okay we all agree Boom! Shadow could've been characterized better in almost every way (although his absolutely lame reasons for beating up Sonic were kind of hilarious). But I think the most objectively hilarious thing they should've done was just to fully embrace the "Shadow is technically Eggman's uncle" thing. Like Eggman already has his whole dysfunctional robot family going on in that show, and then just throw Shadow in for good measure.
Eggman: (about to do something stupid)
Shadow: As your uncle, I order you to stop
Eggman: But Shadoooooooow...
Shadow: Don't whine at me, Doctor
Eggman: Mom-Bot! Tell Shadow to let me blow up the village!
Mom-Bot: Listen to your uncle, young man!
Shadow: (gives him "I told you so" look)
Or just imagine Sonic busting into the lair and finding Eggman and Shadow chilling having brunch together. Or Shadow (grumpily) cheering Eggman on in his latest scheme like a dad at a sports game
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mazeppafanart · 11 months
Tumblr media
She found a new hobby lol
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shadowthtrash · 3 months
Randall would be Shadow's Tom? You are so wrong!
I saw a Reddit post saying that if Sonic has Tom and Knuckles has Wade, then Shadow is going to be paired with Randall, yes?
Not only would Shadow absolutely clinge to JoJo because she's the closest thing to Maria we have in the cast...
He knows what unconditional love, and grief, feel like.
He's a genious (let´s not forget my man knows several languages, plotted a scheme to support Eggman as soon as he could come back, made a secret evil lair full of tech in his absence... and he even pretended to be a GUN soldier and found out about Shadow himself when Eggman was out of the equation).
He's morally grey, His reason to be either "good" or "evil" is determined by someone he loves.
And, the most important one. He loves coffee. He had a cafeteria. He makes incredible lattes. Like, c'mon, does Randall have good coffee beans and tiramisu to give Shadow as a treat after all that trauma? No? Then get out!
But there is also that part where both Sonic and Knuckles teach Tom and Wade a lesson. Sonic helps Tom see that he was already changing the world for better and being a hero by helping his small community, and Knuckles helps Wade being his best version and learn to be more capable.
Shadow? He would be perfect for Stone. Cause our man deserves better!!! And there are two main things that make me think of that:
Unconditional love doesn't equal having to be silent about abuse. He can speak up when Robotnik bullies and belittles him. He's as valid as him, no more, no less.
Independence! Shadow is a character that, in the game canon, had to go through hell and back to become who he is now, and Stone has no idea of who he is in Robotnik's absence, he was always his tool. Shadow's discovery journey can be Stone's as well. Now, that would be a hell of a spin-off!
In conclussion, Stone and Shadow are the perfect team and I'll die on this hill.
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