#eggsy x top male reader
Eggsy Unwin x Male Reader
The search for Excalibur
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No warning, maybe fluff and angst
Kinda wanted make this into multiple parts hmmmm. Enjoy 🫰
As Eggsy was fighting Gazelle, Y/n was sneaking around the place looking for a gun for some reason.
"What the fuck are you doing there? Help me you useless shit stain."
Eggsy yelled at Y/n as he was dodging Gazelle's attacks and trying to counter attack.
"Looking for a gun."
Eggsy yelled now getting frustrated.
"Ow, right."
Y/n said as he looked pensively and walked outside of the room.
"That fucking dick."
"Okay this, it's just uhmm I mean what is happening?"
Gazelle stopped as she tried to stop her laughs.
"My partner with dicks for brains is thinking."
Eggsy stated as he was panting heavily with his hands on his knees.
"What the hell is happening down there, Gazelle?"
Valentine asked as he tried to look behind him.
"I completely forgot about him, my partner was supposed to be dealing with him."
Eggsy said as he ran his hand through his hair. A moment later a gunshot was heard and Valentine's body fell through the glass and down behind Gazelle. Gazelle looked behind her but was already shot in the head, falling down lifeless.
"Took you long enough, what the fuck is wrong with you? Are you sure you are an agent?"
Eggsy sat down on a chair as he relaxed completely.
"Don't you dare question my abilities."
They could hear a something move on the upstairs booth area.
"I will just shoot every body I stumble upon upstairs, I am too anxious for this shit."
Y/n head as he checked the ammo of his gun and cocked it as he inserted the magazine again.
"Tell Merlin we are going out in a bit, just need to double check."
"You're way too paranoid, come on, I am tired as shit."
Eggsy beckoned for Y/n to come to him.
"One guy there doesn't have his brain all over the place, and he looks to be breathing, never hurts to check, Eggy."
Y/n mocked him as he went down and then up to the booth area, straight to the body missing an arm and pointed at gun at his face.
"Speak now or forever hold your peace."
Y/n planted the nozzle of the gun on his temple.
Y/n stood directly on top of him and looked down.
Y/n trigger finger was itching.
The guy suddenly used his arm his remove the gun from his temple and slid out of the way.
"Wasn't so hard now, was it?"
Y/n smiled at the man.
"Eggs, do you know this bloke?"
Y/n lifted the guy's head by his hair as he brought his face on the railing.
"Charlie? You still alive? How?"
Eggsy asked confused as he looked up at them.
"Guess when you used the ring it messed with the sim card."
Y/n rolled his eyes as he mercilessly shot Charlie at the back of his head.
"Th-that was uncalled for and you know it."
"My finger slipped, whoops."
Y/n looked at Eggsy expresionlessly.
"Can you still stand?"
Y/n ran towards Eggsy.
"Barely, adrenaline is going off."
"You look hot like this."
Y/n ran a hand through Eggsy's hair, the other on his cheek, the thumb grazing the cut on his lip. Eggsy hissed in pain but didn't recoil back, they stared at each other, Eggsy's hands rested on Y/n's hips.
Eggsy chuckled as one of his hands went to Y/n's hand on his cheek, caressing the back of his hand softly.
"Come on, Merlin is calling us."
Y/n said as he pulled Eggsy up on his feet.
"We're coming, Merl, Eggs is just tired his adrenaline is off now."
"Hurry you two, Lancelot is waiting for us and she is very cold."
"Yea yea."
——— 2 months passed———
"You good, Eggsy?"
Merlin asked as Eggsy sat down on the chair along with Arthur and Lancelot, Y/n is missing.
"Just, Y/n hasn't been responding to me for a while now and I haven't seen him as well."
"That's the thing, Galahad, we're afraid Excalibur is missing."
Arthur said as he looked at Eggsy.
"Y/n... Is... Missing?"
Eggsy asked, his voice evident of concern and worry.
"Not to worry, we have located him, something in his last mission went wrong and he had been stranded in a jungle in Cambodia, he seems to be doing okay."
"How can you be sure he's okay?"
Eggsy frantically asked.
"He sent us a voice mail, he lost his glasses during the mission. But he found it again we don't even know how, with where he was deployed and how big the place is, it's a miracle."
Merling played the voice clip of Y/n.
"Eyyup, I don't know who is listening to this, hopefully it's you Merlin or whoever, I am stranded here, something went wrong with the extraction. They found my plane and planted a bomb in it attached to a tripwire. The explosion was quite close to me, luckily I am still alive b-but very weak, hurry up, please."
The message abruptly ended.
"He's in trouble, Merlin."
Eggsy stood up and began to walk out of the room.
"Calm down, Galahad, we cannot be rash, that's why we called you and Lancelot here, you two are going on a rescue mission to save a fellow Kingsman. You two will depart in no more than 3 hours from now, get your affairs in order and yourselves prepared, the search for Excalibur is now.
Arthur dismissed them along with Merlin to give them a brief overview of the mission.
"I will be waiting in the plane in an hour, if you are ready just head in."
Merlin said his farewell as he left them to get ready.
"You seem eager to save your boyfriend."
"He's not my boyfriend, Rox."
"Let's just save him and get this over with, he might be in danger."
"He's THE Excalibur, Eggsy, no need to worry, he's the only one named Excalibur since the founding of Kingsman apparently."
"And why?"
Eggsy asked Roxie with curiousity.
"Guess you'll just have to ask him."
Roxie chuckled and went ahead.
Eggsy smiled as he followed Roxie.
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ethanharli · 4 years
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Requested: 😘 i want to request, Reader is Eggsy ex-boyfriend (I guess) because Eggsy suddenly dissapear (coz his job being a spy) and no contact at all. One day reader see wounded Eggsy chased by some guy(VILLAIN) and reader help him to hide. And maybe some couple argument then room become heated and they can't help to touch each other lmao. Maybe some rough or kink to reminisce their relationship? Well anything is fine 😙
Pairing(s): Gary 'Eggsy' Unwin x Top Male Reader.
Warning(s): Slight Angst (but mostly fluff), Slight Arguing, Nfsw/Smutt, Kinda rough, Definitely biting, Couch sex, Begging.
A/n- I have never seen Kingsman and I have no idea if it takes place in a city (cause that's what I did and I realized it right when I finished it). And I'm sorry if this is bad :"(
Pushing my hands deeper into the pockets of my jacket I looked at the night sky, letting out a long drawn out breath, just to watch it blow away in the cold air. I always made it a habit to go on cool night walks, but they always feel lonelier then they used to, mostly cause I used to go on these walks with my ex-lover. It's been about two, maybe three years since he disappeared, just up and left with no way to get in contact with him, and I've slowly made peace with the fact I might not ever get to see him again, so all I can do is hope that where ever he is, he's okay. Taking a deep breath I headed down the sidewalk, trying to avoid the people that walked by, but out the corner of my eye I spotted two people running on the other side of the street, and I couldn't help but feel like one of them seemed familiar.
Looking down the side walk and back towards were I saw them, I didn't know what to do, on one hand I wanted to see what was going on but on the other I just wanted to head home. "Fuck it" After a moment of thinking it over I quickly crossed the street, making my way down the path they had ran, cursing once again when I found a gate blocking my way. Ripping off my jacket I let it fall to the ground before gripping onto the gate and swiftly pushing myself over it, hitting the ground on the other side with a soft thud. A small huff slipped past my lips as I saw only two paths, both left and right, most noise and footsteps coming from the left so I headed towards the right, "If I'm quick enough I might be able to get there before them."
Picking up the pace I quickly darted around the corners, using my security guard training as a way to keep a steady breath and cut corners. Finally making it to a clearing I saw the street was bustling with people, so taking a deep breath I headed to the other side of the alley, seeing the two quickly heading this way. So pressing my back to the other side of the wall I hid from their vision, quickly grabbing the arm of the one being chased as he came out of the alley and pulling him to the side. "What the-" I didn't let him continue as I dragged him into the crowd, watching as the other person let out a frustrated huff, scanning around on last time before walking away.
"[Y/n]?" I instantly turned at the call of my name, about to question how they knew it until my eyes meet a familiar blue pair. "Eggsy.." My breath caught in my throat as I looked at him, his brown hair obviously slick with gel but slowly starting to fall in front of his face, lips slightly parted as he panted for breath, but his eyes had me captivated, as they always did and I didn't know how to feel, torn between hugging him or yelling at him. Yet, once I heard a soft hiss slip past his lips as he gripped his side I pushed my feelings away and gently rested my hand on his shoulder, guiding him through the crowd, "Let's get you patched up." We didn't speak much on the way towards my apartment, he mostly sent awkward glances my way but I was to stuck in my own head to really care.
So when we arrived I made sure to check around making sure we weren't followed before I got him inside and settled him on a chair in the living room. "Take your shirt off, I need to look at the wound" I spoke bluntly, still trying to wrap my head around the fact that it's him, that he's here, after three long, painful years of nothing, he's finally here. Shaking my head I pulled out a first aid kit from the top cupboard, making sure to take a seat in front of the injured male, while trying to make sure my eyes didn't wander over his bare torso. Yet I immediately spotted the medium sized bruise on his side, it was a nasty shade of dark purple and I could tell it'll last for a long while, so, I went to work.
Five minutes, it took five minutes of him staring at me and gently pressing a heated pad to his side for him to finally say something. "You're still here? You always talked about moving, you worked hard so you could" His tone was soft and steady, but hesitant and I can't really blame him for that. Fidgeting every so often under my touch, trying to relax against the chair as I tapped my foot against the wooden floor, "Yeah well, that was before my boyfriend just up and disappeared out of no where." I didn't mean for the words to come out so harsh, but I couldn't deny the anger that slowly bubbled up within me. All the pent up anger and frustration over the years that I tried so hard to forget about, coming crashing back in one big tidal wave.
"[Y/n], I'm sorry I-"
"You're sorry?"
My eyes narrowed as I glared at him, trying my best to keep my anger under wraps as I grit my teeth together, "You left! Do you know how hard it was to know I went to sleep with you in my arms, thinking everything was alright, that we were alright, only to wake up with you gone." My body tensed at the memory of that night, remembering how we laughed and kissed, like there wasn't a thing wrong in the world and it was just us two. Going to bed with him in my arms, and telling each other 'I love you,' only to wake up alone, with all his stuff gone as well, "[Y/n] I had no choice." Something in me seemed to snap as I quickly stood from my seat, the hand that kept the warm pack on his side tensing slightly, as I leaned over him, not caring about the close proximity when I rested my hand on the back of the chair, trapping him between it and myself.
"No choice? You could've told me you were leaving! I spent three years- three long agonizing years thinking you left cause you didn't want to be with me anymore! And if that were the case then why not just fucking tell me?!" I couldn't stop the sudden rise of my voice, glaring into his blue eyes as I brought myself closer to him, making sure to keep eye contact even if we were only a few inches apart. Letting out a heavy breath I ignored the heat rising in his cheeks as I pressed forward, "I spent countless nights looking for you! Wondering where the hell you could've gone, and wondering if you were alright, cause I was scared shitless!" Tears slowly gathered in my eyes as I looked at him, feeling my heart ache in my chest, not feeling the way his hands rested on my arms.
"I was told to give up, I was told to accept the reality that you were probably dead, but I couldn't- I couldn't because I lo-!" My eyes widened when he pulled me down into a desperate kiss that I couldn't help but sink into, letting my eyes flutter shut as I brought my hand to the back of his head, running my fingers through the soft brown strands as our lips slid together perfectly, and I couldn't help but remember those countless nights we shared before as I dragged my tongue along his lower lip, shyly brushing our tongues together when he finally granted me access. However my hands traveled beneath his thighs, making sure not to touch his bruise as I hoisted him up and moved us towards the couch, pressing his bare back against the couch cushions before I peeled off my shirt and threw it to the side. I practically drank in the sight of him, a rosey red blush coated his cheeks and dusted lightly over his shoulders, his chest rising and falling as he panted softly, "Absolutely stunning, every god damn inch of you."
His blush only seemed to deepen from my words, while our noses bumped together slightly as he quickly pulled me back down into a feverish kiss, my hands trailing over his torso, rolling my thumbs over his nipples, forcing a high pitched whimper past his throat that had my cock throbbing from the sound of it. "Good to know you're still sensitive here" A sly smirk was brought to my face as I leaned towards his neck, dragging my tongue up his heated skin before I chuckled softly and bit down, "Ngh!" His pleasured grunts and roll of his hips against my own encouraged me to continue, making sure to litter his neck and shoulders with multiple love bites, as my thumbs continued to toy with his perky buds. "F-Fuck, [Y/n] please.." Sitting up I adjusted myself between his legs, drawing my tongue over my upper lip as I looked down at him, "C'mon baby, you know what to do" He narrowed his eyes at me in slight irritation but he knew as well I did that he enjoys it. So propping himself up against the armrest he looked me in the eyes as he unbuckled his pants, "Please [Y/n].. I need you, I need to feel you," He panted softly, beginning to slide out of his jeans and boxers, "Please, fill me up."
The mere sight of him nearly had me choking, and I hadn't realized just how much I missed the feeling of him beneath me, the feeling of him pressed against me. In a quick motion I brought my fingers to my lips, coating them in my saliva before moving them between his legs and positioning my middle finger at his entrance, "You ready sweetheart?" Watching him nod I let out a drawn breath before slowly pressing my finger inside him, watching him squirm a bit and I couldn't help but notice how tight he is.
"Let me kn-"
His breathy moan caught me a bit off guard, but I was happy to comply and started to thrust my finger at an even pace, letting my lips continue to explore the unmarked places of his neck before sliding in another finger, "Ngh, Fuck" His moans only spurred me on and I couldn't help but notice how uncomfortably tight my pants have gotten. "Please just- just put it in [Y/n] please!" With a low chuckle I nodded my head, pulling my fingers out of him so that I could take off my own jeans and boxer briefs, then position my tip at his entrance, slowly pushing inside of him and shuddering at the feeling of his tight walls around me. "Fuck! Y-You can move" Letting out a soft pant I slowly rocked my hips, letting us both adjust until I quickened my pace, searching for a certain spot I had memorized years ago.
His nails dug in and raked down my back, letting out a broken shuddering moan that let me know I had found it, "There! Shit-" He groaned out as I made sure to hit that spot, raising my hand to gently wipe away the tears that gathered in his eyes before capturing his lips with my own, feeling his hips jerk when my other hand made it's way to his throbbing cock, causing my core to sting when he moaned into my ear, "I-Im gonna cum" He hissed softly, now rocking his hips with my own. "Go ahead sweetheart, cum for me" I spoke huskily, running my thumb over his tip while hitting his prostate dead on. Causing his body to shudder and tense beneath me, cumming into my hand as I speeded up my thrusts, hearing his breath hitch in his throat, "In or out?" I asked through clenched teeth, feeling him wrap his legs tightly around my waist, "In."
So with a quick thrust I came inside him, letting out hard batted pants that mixed with his own, and I couldn't help but lay on his chest, cuddling into him like I had done many times in the past, loving the feeling of his fingers running through my hair, I was tired, we both were, but I was scared to fall asleep, "Eggsy.." I spoke softly, looking up into his eyes as he smiled back at me, "Yes?"
"Please be here when I wake up.."
"I will, I promise."
And to my surprise, he was.
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itsanerdlife · 5 years
Restless Secrets 16
Pairing: MC!Eggsy Unwin x Steve Rogers Sister!Reader
Warning: Language. Abuse mentioned. Secrets. Drugs mentioned. Violence. Alpha Males. Kidnapping.
*******This is the last part I have for a few days on this. I’m working on an ending. But I have a nasty headache currently so I’m not sure how long till I get around to writing today.*********
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The guys spill out of the chapel, setting to work with their plan. He heads for Y/N sitting at the bar still with Nat and Gwen.
“Have a plan now?” Y/N turns. The finger prints on her cheeks and jaw were starting to slowly bruise.
“We do.” He nods.
“Good. Being smart is what’s best in this.” She nods.
“Nobody said it was smart.” He snorts.
“Um. Wait.” She blinks, confusion flickered in her face.
“Your plan is back firing.” Nat leans in whispering at Y/N. She swats at Nat getting her away.
“Livie is at stake, Eggs.” She blinks. “Why are we not being smart?” She asks, her voice sounding nervous.
“Livie will be safe. Don’t worry.” He explains. “Now go change. You’re going with us.” He nods.
“Both of you.” Buck adds joining them.
“Come on. I have some stuff you can wear.” Nat looks at Gwen, the two of them leaving together.
“But I thought.” Y/N shakes her head “Just how?” She babbles.
“You knew was going to happen if he touched you again. He touched you, left marks and threatened you and Livie.” Eggsy’s voice was hard. “What’s coming for him is only what he deserves.”
“You’re either in or you’re out, Y/N.” Buck grumbles. “If you’re going to hesitate, don’t come with.”
“He threatened my baby.” She glares at Buck. “Don’t question me for weakness.” Her tone sharp instantly. Buck nods, turning he wanders a short distance to speak to Clint.
“Mo-ma. Da.” Livie comes running into the room, Roxy a hot step behind her.
“Yes baby?” Y/N scoops her up, placing her in her lap.
“We has izza?” Livie asks, batting green eyes up at them. He and Y/N exchange a look quickly.
“You know what, you can.” Y/N kisses Livie on the cheeks. “Mind ordering it while I change?” Y/N asks before handing Livie over to him.
“Yeah.” He nods, setting Livie on the bar top. “Livie, mom and I are leaving with your uncles. You’ll stay with Rox and uncle Clint, okay?” He nods.
“Tay Dada.” She nods, matter of fact like. Her little pig tails bounce. Y/N freezes, he swallows, as the room comes to a complete stop.
“What did she just call him?” Steve asks loudly.
“We didn’t think that one through.” Y/N mumbles, wincing.
“Did she call him, dad?” Buck asks.
“Why would she call him that?” Steve demands.
“Hell is about to rain down.” Brandon nods, as Y/N quickly pulls Livie off the bar top, securing their daughter in her arms.
You tuck Livie into your side, nervous about what was going to happen next. Eggsy takes a deep breathe, turning to face the club, your brothers. Brandon stood at his side, you had a gut feeling this was going to be so bad.
“I’m Livie’s father.” He announces, nodding. You wince. Not how you were thinking you’d have gone into it. Talk about ripping the band aid off.
“You knocked up my baby sister?” Steve yells suddenly. Livie flinches, shrinking into you.
“Steve. It’s more complicated than that.” You try to step in.
“This whole time you’ve been lying to us?!” Your brother turns on you. You freeze.
“Let us explain.” Eggsy speaks up.
“You knocked up our sister!” Buck grabs Eggsy by the front of his kutte.
“Buck!” You yell. “Stop that!” This was escalating quickly.
“You left her to be on her own!” Steve swung first. Fist connecting to Eggsy’s mouth.
“You don’t know the story!” Brandon jumps in, the four of them swinging at each other, shoving one another.
“Steve! Bucky! Eggsy! Brandon!” You yell. You were getting no where like this. You turn handing Livie over to Clint. She curls into his chest, as he shields her away from the fight.
“Guys enough!” Peter tries to jump between them. “Talk it out!” He takes a hit to the face.
“Fucking Christ!” You throw your hands up. You crawl up on to a bar stool leaning over the bar. You grab the bar gun. Sitting down on the edge of the bar, hitting the water button aiming at the five fighting. Ice cold water sprays them.
“Fucking cold!” Peter pulls at his wet shirt under his kutte. Buck shivers, and Steve wipes his face. The fight coming to a stop.
“How dare you act this way!” You yell. Spraying the five of them again. “In front of Livie!” Your hand snaps out pointing at your daughter in Clint’s arms.
“Shit.” Eggsy’s eyes widen, a small cut in his lip. Sam throws him a towel. He’s quickly wiping off as he hurries towards Livie.
“Now sit the fuck down.” You growl at them. “And don’t you dare say a word till I’m done telling you what happened.” You demand.
“Y/N.” Steve growls. You spray him again quickly, hitting him in the face.
“I’m not close to being finished. Shut your cake hole, Steven.” You glare at him. Sam hands him a towel as he drops into a seat. Eggsy sits with Livie in his lap.
“You know when she doesn’t get her way it’s worse.” Sam looks at Buck who is the only one left standing. He grumbles before dropping into a seat as well with his towel.
“Look when I told you two, I didn’t need her father. It wasn’t a lie.” You start. “I just didn’t really know who her dad was, exactly.” You admit. “When I came home for Spring Break, the last time before I told you I was pregnant. I met a guy, while out partying. It was supposed to be one night, but than suddenly two weeks passed, and I was slipping out of my hotel room to catch my flight.” You shrug.
“The guy being Eggsy?” Clint lifts a brow.
“I got his name from the bartender. Gary.” You sigh. “I didn’t know much about him. So when I went back to school and found out I was pregnant. Honestly I had no idea how to find him, to tell him.” You run a hand through your hair. “Till the day I showed up here. There he was, and when he put it together that Livie is his, I was scared he would want to take her from me.” You admit with a shrug.
“But you gave your blessing on us being together.” You look at Steve who rolls his eyes. “You said it yourself, Steve. Eggsy is a good guy.” You remind him. “I didn’t plan to tell the club till we knew where this was going. If we’d even work out. But Livie calls him ‘dad’ and there is no going back now.” You shrug.
“You knew since you got here?” Steve growls, glaring at you.
“That’s all you took from that?” You throw your hands up, shaking your head. Your brothers are glaring at Eggsy, who is still comforting Livie.
Everything Peaches 2/6/19: @xmtd5 @mo320   @all1e23 @irepeldirt @alyssaj23 @allyp1023 @joannie95 @kolakube9 @rileyloves5 @sarahp879 @pcterpvrker @pigwidgexn @doctoranon @abschaffer2 @nickimarie94 @teller258316 @wandressfox @amandab-ftw @son-ova-bitch @henrietteoaks @nea90sweetie @circusofchaos @bettercallsabs @lucifersnipnips @queenkrissy11 @destiel-artemis @paintballkid711 @iwillbeinmynest @teaand-cookies @sweet-honey15 @mellxander1993   @spookygrantaire @geeksareunique @supernatural508 @sammysgirl1997 @itzmegaaaaaaan @booksbeforebois @mariekoukie6661 @capsheadquaters @samanthasmileys @futuremrsb-r-main @lovemarvelousfics @petersunderoos96 @loving-life-my-way @booktvmoviefangirl @supernatural-girl97 @toffeecoloredqueen @abbypalmer14-blog @awkwardfangirl2014 @supernaturaldean67 @xqueenofthecraziesx   @writingaworldofmyown @sprinklesandsugarcubes @for-the-love-of-the-fandom @ocaptain-mycaptainmorgan @wonderlandfandomkingdom @crazy-little-thing-called-buck @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @stupendoussciencenaturepanda @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety
Eggsy Tag List 8/23/18: @courtmr @rockagurl   @kgbrenner @xlatinaaxx   @dkpink123 @sgarrett49   @poetsheart   @ingridsigne     @kazuha159 @breezy1415     @emilymorganb   @bellamouse16 @cece-lives-here   @orange-jps3497 @paranoiadestroyah   @nerdyandexhausted @deanwinchestersrifle @fandomsstolemylife00 @darkestbeforethedawn16     @hunter-demigod-timelord      
Restless Secrets: @dumblani @patzammit @trustme3-13 @deghostyboi @callie-bear15 @geekymummy @raven-black102 @capandbuckylvr @mrskokitztelford @geeksareunique @that-awkwardnerd @crawlingnightmares @fanfictionjunkie1112
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overly-b · 6 years
True Intentions Made Untrue (A Kingsman Fic) - Chapter 3
Pairing: Eggsy Unwin x American Reader
Summary: Being the daughter of top agents meant that she never had a shot. Until one day, when it seemed that out of the blue, the rules had suddenly changed. But why? How did the rules once so firmly pressed into stone suddenly change? Was it her, was it the agency? Sometimes the truest intentions can turn bitter.
Just a lil disclaimer, this fic will be hard to follow if you have not seen the Kingsman movies (or at least the first one) spoiler alert if you have not! Also, I am American, so I tend to write things as well as my characters with that point of view so the reader is American.
Please feel free to message me or shoot me an ask if you want to be added to the tag list!
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: swearing, spoilers if you haven’t seen the movie
Enjoy loves!
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 
It took everything that I had not to gush over the pyramid of puppies in front of me. I kept my lips pressed in a firm line to force myself to listen to Merlin who stood on the balcony above them.  
“As some of you will have learned last night,  teamwork is paramount here at Kingsman. We're here to enhance your skills, test you to the limit. Which is why you're gonna pick a puppy.”
My eyes went straight to the brittany spaniel that was placed in the middle of the pyramid, as well as the pit bull right next to it. I weighed my options. My family in America had brittany's back home. Hunting dogs, easy to train, easy to get along with, plus, I have tons of experience already. However, Pitbulls are tough and hearty. Easy to train as well.
“Wherever you go, your dog goes. You will care for it. You will teach it. And by the time it's fully trained, so will you be. Those of you who are still here, that is. Do you understand? Choose your puppy.”
I go for the brittany, scooping up the puppy in my arms. I take a moment to squeeze it gently before attaching its leash and placing the small being at my feet. I stand next to Eggsy with Roxy on his other side. I peer over their choices.
“A poodle?” Eggsy asks slightly smug expression on his face.
“What? They're gun dogs. Oldest working breed. Easy to train.” She looks to me for back up, Eggsy peers my way along with her. I nod in agreement to her statement. “A pug?” She beats me to the punch. Eggsy then looks up in a panic.
“It's a bulldog, innit?” My mouth widens in surprise and amusement and I shut it quickly not to burst out laughing at his mistake. Roxy shakes her head. Eggsy then cocks his head towards me with a look of help me on his face. He sees my expression and realizes the mishap.  “It'll get bigger, though, won't it?”
“Not by much” I stifle a giggle.
“Shit” He drops his shoulders, looking at my dog. “Alright then, what’s that?” He asks, obviously annoyed with himself, trying to see if I had made a bad decision as well.
“It’s a brittany” I say matter of factly. “Hunters, gun dogs, quick learners, and I have previous experience”  
“Fuck me” He groans, seeing that I chose wisely.
“At least he’s cute” I glance down to Eggsy’s feet where our puppies sniff each other wearily, both so tiny and weak. He chuckles at my attempts to make him feel better.
Shortly after we all fall back in line, Merlin dismisses us for the day. I decide to stay outside in the sun and play with my new found friend. I sit down in the grass, letting him off of his leash. He patters around slowly for a while, unsure of his surroundings. I giggle as he trips over himself multiple times, his footing still not being the greatest. As I ponder names for the tiny brown and white dog, I hear footsteps behind me.
“Mind if I join you?” Eggsy’s accent rings through my ears. I turn my head to find him with his pug in his arms. I pat the grass next to me, motioning for him to sit. He sets his puppy down near my leg and takes the place beside me.
“Any ideas for names yet?” I question the blonde haired boy.
“Not really. You?” We both stare intently at the creatures bouncing about.
“Meh. I’m brainstorming” I answer. “What are some of your favorite things?”
“What?” He furrows his brows.
“What are some of your favorite things?” I ask again. “You know, singers, shows, movies. What are some things we could base his name off of?”
He spends a few minutes listing singers, movies, shows, characters, telling me all about some of his favorite things. I find it interesting simply listening to him.
“Jack Bauer is my favorite character of all time though.” He admits.
“You’re gonna name your dog Jack Bauer?” I muse.
“Nah. That’s a bit funny don’t ya think?” He chuckles.
“JB” I state absentmindedly, watching our dogs play together whilst picking at a blade of grass.
“JB, that’s perfect” He sits up slightly.
“What?” I whip my head around to look at him, giggling in a confused manner.
“JB! I love it”
“Oh my god I was joking!” I exclaim.
“Well I’m not, I fuckin love that. JB the bulldog” He states matter of factly.
“Eggsy he’s not a bulldog!” I laugh gesturing to his pug.
“Yeah, how the bloody fuck did I do that?”
“I don’t know how the hell did you do that?” I scoff at him, answering his question with the same one.
“Fucking,” He sighs in annoyance with his own mistake. “What are you naming your dog?”
While Eggsy was listing off his favorite things, I was listening and thinking of some names as well. One however, was as random as it gets, but it seemed to suit the young boy pup.
“Bentley” I state.
“Bentley? Like the car?” he tilts his head.
“Yup” I answer, thinking of a certain automobile that I hold near and dear to my heart.
“Ya like Bentleys?” He squints in the ever prevailing sun.
“I do yeah. My dad had one” I leave it simply, not wanting to dig further into the topic. He seems to understand this as he asks no further. We sit for a while longer before Merlin’s footsteps approach us.
“Y/N, Eggsy” He begins. I quickly stand at attention, and Eggsy is clumsy in following my lead. “At ease.” He tells us. “A word with you please” He nods in my direction. I clip Bentley’s leash to his collar and shoot Eggsy a quick smile before walking in Merlin's shadow into the Kingsman base.
We walk a ways through an endless maze of hallways and doors before coming to one in what looks to be a hospital-like setting.
“Understanding that Harry is some of the only family that you have, I feel that it is important that you know he was injured on a mission today”
My face drops as I feel my heart fall to my stomach and I fail to keep my composure.
“What- um, what happened?” I ask Merlin, just above the tone of a whisper.
“Of course you know I can not discuss certain information, he’s in a coma. He’s stable, however, we don’t know how long it’ll be until he will come to.”
I take a moment to process the information given.
“Can I see him?” Merlin answers my question by opening the door and holding it for me to walk through. After I enter, he steps in behind me and shuts the door.
In the blindingly white room, I find machines, beeping and whirring away. Screens and lights blinking and showing breathing patterns and heart waves. And in the middle of it all, Harry. I go from pursing my lips in anticipation to biting my bottom lip so hard in an attempt not to lose it before Merlin's eyes. I let a shaky breath out of my mouth.
“Is he going to be okay?”
“It seems that way yes. I think we just need to have patience. If I were you I would try not to worry. Focus on your training. Make him proud”
I nod at Merlin, walking over to Harry’s bedside and giving his hand a gentle yet tight squeeze.  
“Thank you, Merlin” I take long strides out of the room.
As I find the way back to our quarters, I try not to focus in the fact that Merlin didn’t say that Harry was going to be okay. I try not to think about how unsure he was of it all. I try not to think of the look on his face when I asked. I try, but I did not win that game.
I was thankful to find that the quarters were empty and decided to take a shower. I tied Bentley’s leash to the foot of my bed while he slept just to make sure he didn’t run off.
After standing in one of the semi-private single showers, I stripped down and turned the water hot. I stand in the steaming water in hopes that it would calm me down before anyone else wandered back to the quarters.
I heave sobs, shoving them down my throat before they can escape my mouth. It causes a painful lump in my neck that I am forced to swallow as soon as I hear voices. Charlie, Rufus, and Digby all walk past the shower room into the area where the beds lay. Being that the showers are secluded, they take no notice of me standing there listening to every word they say.
I quickly dry off and dress.
“Lads, who d’ya think is gone next?” I hear Charlie ask his friends.
“Ah that pleb Eggsy has no place here, he’s bound to fuck up soonest,” One of them says. Exiting the shower, I tiptoe to the entrance of the room, listening intently.
“I have a feeling that Roxy might put up a good fight but, she doesn’t have what it takes either”
I scoff to myself. Typical male energy.
“But we both know that you’d tap that, either way, eh Rufus?” Charlie slaps his shoulder. The group laughs.
“What about Y/N mate. She’s well fit, how’d ya think she’ll hold up?” My ears perk up.
“Not well fit enough. D’ya see how small she is?” Charlie gestures, mentioning my short figure. “She’s got to be the youngest one here. She’s feisty but, I doubt she’ll keep up. All talk I bet, she’s too soft for this.”
My face contorts at their demeaning comments. Not into a look of sadness or offense, but into a look of anger, and pure determination.  I decided then to walk out of the shower room.
“Evening boys”  I comment nonchalantly, walking to my bed.
“Evening Y/N” Charlie stands from his position and demeaningly walks towards my bed where I untie Bentley. I turn to walk back out, having every intention of taking my dog for a walk, but Charlie plants himself directly in my path.
“‘Excuse me” I demand.
“Where you going so quick love?” He places his hands on my shoulders to steady my attempt to get around him. I swiftly shake his hands off. 
“A walk, now get out of my way” I take a step to his other side, but his large legs beat me there again.
“Care if I join you?”
“Yeah, I do actually” I sass, absolutely hating the fact that I am forced to look upwards when I speak. “Plus, doubt I could keep up anyway.” I sneer. It was then that he realized I was listening to what he had said.
“Oh come on darling” He chuckles slightly. “I didn’t mean to offend you-” “Good, cause you didn’t” I cut him off sharply.
“I’m just saying love,” There’s that word again. “I just don’t think you have what it takes.”
“All talk right?” I rehash his insult.
“Seems like it to me” He looks me up and down. “Little thing like you, how could you possibly beat out all of us”
To this, I narrow my eyes and look straight into his.
“I guess you’ll find out” I state firmly, with a glint of bitterness to my tone. With that being my final sentence, I begin walking. But not without bumping shoulders with the tall man as hard as I could muster. And sure enough, it was a force great enough to knock him out of my way.
Taglist: @simplechicwithacrazedheart @mylifeinablogggg @bohemianrhapsody86   @justapeachysoul @spaskaalekha @sabrinarosevangorp @yummypheonix39 @dez-the-geek 
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“Proof” - Part 2
“Proof” - Part 2
( Part 1 )
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Eggsy Unwin x Reader
Harry Hart x Daughter!Reader
Word Count: 1,458
Key: Y/N = Your Name, Y/L/N = Your Last Name, H/C = Your Hair Color, E/C = Your Eye Color
Warnings: Cursing, Violence, Torture,
Summary: You and Eggsy have been dating in secret. After finally telling Harry, you two are sent on one of your most dangerous missions yet. Will this mission help Eggsy win your father’s approval?
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Author’s Note: This idea arose from a conversation that @witchymarvelspacecase and I had about how I’m in love with the whole Harry Hart x Daughter!Reader thing. Then it progressed into this. Hope you guys enjoy this mini-series! 
If you would like to be tagged in any of my future pieces, check out my tag list above and let me know! And as always, feedback is greatly appreciated!
- DreaSaurusREX
Breaking into one of the most heavily armed bases in northern Romania seemed damn near impossible, until you got there.
You and Eggsy were undercover as a wealthy married couple from Poland, here to talk to Ioan Funar. Ioan was the leader of the infamously large weapons manufacturing location in all of Europe. He was illegally selling his merchandise across the globe, putting too much power in way too many of the wrong hands.
Ioan was having a gala for the most rich, and influential people in the region. You and Eggsy were there because there was talk that Funar was going to show the power of his weapons by firing at a small city on the outskirts of Mumbai, murdering thousands.
Merlin had hooked you up with some very nice outfits to help with your disguises. It wasn’t too hard for Kingsman to find a well-fitting suit for Eggsy, they did work in a tailor shop for christ sake. Your outfit, on the other hand, was a bit more troublesome since you were one of only two women spies in Kingsman. Roxy had helped the team find a simpler grey dress that was easily dressed up with an elegant choker, a black clutch, and some heels from your own closet. The cherry on top were the wedding rings that you and Eggsy wore.
The two of you played the role of a married couple well, but it didn’t seem to get you any closer to the details of Ioan’s plan. It was about an hour into the gala when you and Eggsy decided to split up. Eggsy would try his best to talk to the other male members of the organization while you tried to find the main holding area for the “main event.”
“Alright, Branwyn, you’re going to want to take a left at the end of this hallway.” Merlin spoke into your earpiece.
You had helped him design jewelry with a microphone and a small camera in the necklace and a hearing piece in one of the earrings. It was much less suspicious as wearing the thick-framed glasses that Eggsy was wearing. Eggsy could see and hear everything in the corner of his glasses while he chatted up some of the thugs still in the event hall. You could only hear him and Merlin.
“After this left turn, you’re going to want to take an immediate right.”
You took the left turn and started to go right when you saw three very big men standing in the hallway. They had heard you before you could try to hide. So you tried to act your way out of it.
“Hi. I seemed to be very lost. Someone told me the ladies room was out here somewhere and I cannot seem to find it anywhere. Would one of you gentlemen help me?”
The three men looked at each other and then walked toward you, the looks on their faces confirming your worst thought in this moment.
“That smells like bullshit. Don’t you think so?” One of the brutes motioned to another, who just nodded in response. Seeing how weak your lie was, you quickly turned and tried to make a run for it. Because of your dress, you weren’t in the best position for fighting right now. You had shorts on underneath for when you would have to inevitably fight Ioan later, then you could just rip the skirt part of your dress off. But if you did that, you would be completely out of place trying to sneak back into the gala.
So as of now, you were royally fucked.
You tried to quickly pull the knife from your thigh holster under your dress in an attempt of escaping, but the men were too quick. One goon hit the knife from your hand while another hit you in the face rather hard.
You took a few recovery steps backwards and hoped to god that your mic was working and Merlin was working on alerting Eggsy.
“I could really use some help, fellas. Just let me go and I’ll--”
Before you could keep talking, you felt something hard hit the back of your head, causing you to fall to the ground. Two of the men grabbed your arms and picked you up.
“We’ll see what boss wants us to do with her.” Was the last thing you heard before your vision completely blacked out.
The men had taken you to a windowless room somewhere within the compound and tied you down to a metal chair in the middle of the room. Their boss, Ioan Funar, had joined them not long after you woke up. After hearing about this incident, he decided to converse with some of the other upper-class Polish guests and came to the conclusion that no one knew who you or your “husband” were.
Your cover was blown. You knew what this would lead to.
For what felt like hours, each of the four men in the room took turns torturing you. You were covered in cuts and bruises and most likely had at least one broken rib. The three subordinates that found you did most of the physical work, while Ioan circled you like a predator. He kept demanding information from you, but you didn’t budge.
“Your time is running out, bitch. Whoever you work for is not going to save you. You are just a pawn. So just tell me who the fuck you work for, then maybe I’ll spare your life.”
You were in the most pain you’d ever been in, but you wouldn’t let that break you. You just let your head fall back as you let out a few difficult chuckles.
“What is so funny?”
“You. You think that I would even consider telling any information to a piece of shit like you without knowing for sure if you’re gonna kill me or not? You really need to get your act together, buddy. And also, all of this,” you painfully motion your head around the room “is very cliche. I mean, really, are you trying to be an unoriginal wannabe villain who can’t even--”
A hard slap crashed into your cheek, causing you to fall as far forward as you could while being bound. The one earring with a hearing piece in it flew across the room. You hadn’t been getting any feedback from Merlin or Eggsy since you woke up, so you had no idea if they even knew what happened to you.
You were on your own. But you had to have hope that they would find you.
You could hear Ioan breathing heavy, angry breaths while you tried to catch your own. He began to pace around the room for a minute, crushing your earring in doing so. A new wave of fear slowly creeping through you.
“Enough!” Ioan looked to his henchmen and nodded, you heard movement behind you but couldn’t see what was going on. “Maybe a little shock will help you see this situation more clearly.”
You had been prepared to handle various types of torture during your time as a Kingsman agent. The punches, slaps, and cuts were beginner level stuff. But there was one form that still terrified you: electricity.
The goons behind you wrapped wires around various parts of the metal chair that you were confined to. Your eyes followed the wires to a big box full of knobs and a big power switch.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!” You couldn’t help the panicked words rush out of you as the electric box whirred to life. You would never give up any information about Kingsman, no matter how scared you were, but you weren’t the cocky little shit that you’d been a few minutes ago.
“On my count.” Ioan said from somewhere behind you, your fear manifesting into tears and uncontrollable breathing and shaking.
The only thing going through your head was your family. Harry. Eggsy. Even Merlin.
You might not see them again. You’d known that this mission would be the most dangerous yet, but you thought you’d make it somehow.
“Three… Two... ”
“Eggsy please.” You thought. “Please hurry the fuck up! I love you too much and I’m not done with you yet!”
The electricity ripped through your body. It felt like every cell in your body was on fire and bouncing off of one another. Your pain filled screams echoed through the entire room. Your body convulsed as much as it could, but the roped tied around you kept you from moving too much. At one point, the convulsions were so severe that the chair you were strapped to tipped over. 
Once you hit the floor, the feeling of fire stopped.
Tags - @melconnor2007 @ashenfallsof @geeksareunique  @witchymarvelspacecase @theeactress @thomasstanleyhoelland @white-chocolate-mocha-fan
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terriblecreations · 7 years
The Way I Feel Inside (Part 2)
Summary: Part 2 to The Way I Feel Inside. 
Pairing: Eggsy x Reader
Warnings: Cursing, Fluff? idk
Word Count: 1914
A/N: Well, it’s finally here. Sorry for such a long wait guys but I’ve just been busier than I expected. But, I’ve had some time lately to work on this and I’m sorry if it sucks. This was meant to be only two parts, but I’ve decided that it might just be a series. Please let me know what you guys think!
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It started with the room.
You rolled your eyes as Eggsy flirted with the cute hotel receptionist. He had been silent the entire flight to Paris. Of course, as soon as the attractive woman unbuttoned some of her blouse he was quite the chatterbox.
The hotel wasn’t the best the Kingsmen could offer, but they were being careful with their resources. No one wanted to risk anymore agents getting arrested, which meant a temporary frugal lifestyle for field agents.
From the outside, it appeared more of a prison than anything. You were sure you had seen the beginnings of a mugging on the ride there, and upon entering you noticed that the cold stayed with you. No heat. In the middle of winter. Lovely.
“Rupert, darling,” you started in the horrid accent your persona called for. Eggsy turned to you immediately, the receptionist forgotten. You yawned, unintentionally proving the point in your next words, “I think it’s time we headed up to our room.”
“Of course, love,” Eggsy replied in the same inflection, though it complimented his voice much better than yours. With a parting wink towards the blushing receptionist, Eggsy joined you in walking to your room.
For a moment there was silence. Then you couldn’t help but state, “You know you can’t be doing stuff like that, unless you want us to be compromised.”
“You’d best be worrying about yourself, Y/N.” He snapped back. “Unlike you, I have more than enough field experience to get this job done just fine on my own.”
You stopped mid-step, forcing him to as well. “Where the hell is all of this coming from?”
“What are you talking about?”
“You being an asshole is what I’m talking about. Ever since you came back from that mission in the Kremlin, you’ve been nothing but rude to me.”
Something flashed in Eggsy’s eyes, an emotion you couldn’t discern due to its swiftness. “Sorry if I don’t shower you with the same doting attention as everyone else at headquarters.”
You took a step back. “Eggsy I thought we were friends. Just because Princess Tilde’s getting married doesn’t mean you have to snap at me.”
“What does any of this have to do with Princess Tilde?”
“I don’t know. You tell me because Roxy says that that’s the reason you’ve been behaving like such a dick. Or is there something else no one wants to tell me?”
Eggsy just shook his head and opened the door to your room. Just the same as the rest of the hotel, it appeared rather dingy. It consisted of only one bed, a dresser, and a TV originating from back in the 70s. You headed into the bathroom, ready to change and sleep this trip away. When you exited, you found Eggsy making a make-shift bed on the floor.
“Really, Eggsy? You’re gonna catch a damn cold if you lay down there.”
“Well since I’m such a dick don’t you think I deserve that?”
“Maybe, but I need my partner to be in tip-top condition for this mission.” Sliding underneath the thin covers, you lifted the other side in a sort of invitation. He hesitated. “Eggsy,” you sighed, your sleepiness present in your voice, “just get in the damn bed already.”
He stood, though he did not appear very happy about it. He slid in next to you, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t appreciate the extra warmth. You turned to face away from him, placing your hand underneath your head as you closed your eyes in an attempt to sleep.
A cool wind blew from outside. Due to the thin walls of the shithole of a hotel, the breeze came straight into the room. Goosebumps erupted across your skin, and you released a shiver.
Without any warning, a large, muscular arm wrapped around your waist. You turned to find your eyes centimeters away from a broad chest you had tried your damn hardest not to picture for the longest time.
You glanced up to meet Eggsy’s eyes. If you allowed yourself, you could get lost in them. But what good would that do? He didn’t see you in that way. And after what happened with Dean… you couldn’t fall for another agent again.
“I need you to be in tip-top condition too, you know,” Eggsy whispered, his warm breath fanning over your face.
You snorted in disagreement. “I’m the worst partner to have. Or have you forgotten how I got this?” You motioned to the stitches on your right arm.
He traced them with his fingers, ever so lightly. He remained silent, his attention solely on the wound, before he said. “You know, Y/N, you do this thing with your nose when you lie.”
“I do not,” you scoffed in disbelief.
He smirked the slightest bit. “Yeah, you do.”
Rolling your eyes, you snuggled a bit closer to Eggsy (for warmth of course). The steady rhythm of his heartbeat lulled you into a deep sleep.
(Eggsy POV)
I stared at her as she slept. Not that I was being a creep. It’s just… she was beautiful, a real crumpet as the lads would say back home.
She looked so peaceful as she slept. Gone were the tense shoulders and furrowed brow. Those bags under her eyes, I reckoned she hadn’t slept in ages.
Man… I had really mucked up this time haven’t I?
Y/N was right, I was being a git. I couldn’t help it though. Her words replayed in my head all hours of the day.
“If you’re trying to imply I feel something for Eggsy, then you might need more rest than I do.”
Was I really that bad? She turned me down before I could even make a move. And now I definitely wouldn’t be able to because…
I released a sigh. Another breeze ran through the room. She shivered and scooted closer until her head rested in the crook of my neck. I couldn’t resist the urge to press my lips against the top of her head. The scent of coconuts invaded my senses. Damn, her hair always smelled excellent.
I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to end my day every day like this. With a better room of course, but me and her, in a bed (not even in a sexual way), with my arm wrapped around her. This felt so much better than waking up every morning with a cold spot next to me, just waiting to be filled by someone… by her.
Man… I had mucked this up big time.
(Time Skip – Back to Reader’s POV)
You awoke to find yourself laying across Eggsy’s chest, both of his arms wrapped around you securely. For a moment, you reveled in the feeling of someone holding you, of the warmth he gave off. Then you felt something pressing against your upper thigh.
Oh. My. God. You thought to yourself.
Picking up  your head, you glanced at Eggsy to find himself deeply asleep. Once again you succumbed to the urge to just watch him and take him in. Sure, it was a creepy thing to do, but could anyone blame you. As you took in his features, you thought back to how kind he had been when you were falling asleep, and hoped maybe he wouldn’t act like a dick and that it had just been a phase.
“I know I’m handsome, darling, but there’ll be plenty of time to stare at the gala tonight.” You stumbled out of your thoughts to see a pair of twinkling blue eyes staring at you. “What do you say to a day out in Paris before we need to get ready, love?”
You nodded your head, your heart warming as you realized he would indeed be in brighter spirits than the past week. With a smile you untangled yourself from his arms, “I’ll go get ready, then.”
(Another Time Skip to the Good Stuff, Don’t Want Any Boring Bits)
You and Eggsy walked through the streets, arm in arm. You stuck close to his side, for his warmth of course.
Snow was a rarity in Paris, but of course you two had come at just the right day. Sure, it wasn’t terrible, but you were quite susceptible to the cold.
Eggsy didn’t say anything about you clinging to him however. In a way, to you it seemed as though he welcomed it, even going so far as to wrap an arm around you.
He led you to a cafe which he and Roxy had once frequented when they went on a joint holiday. Merlin forced them to take a break from the business, and neither had a romantic partner to spend it with, so the two figured it’d be better to be in the company of a friend rather than alone.
Upon entering, you grinned at the warmth and aroma of coffee. The hostess led you both to a booth and Eggsy took your jacket before allowing you to slide in. You took off your gloves. His eyes slid to the ring on your left hand. A ring he himself had picked out from the Kingsman’s stash of jewelry.
“Bonjour, monsieur et mademoiselle. Je m'appelle Mathieu. How may I serve such a lovely couple on this fine morning?”
“Good morning, good sir. May I have a coffee, black, and a chocolate croissant.” You kept your head down so neither male could see your eyes widen and your jaw slacken at just how damn good Eggsy’s French sounded. It rolled off his tongue with ease, as though he truly was a native here.
“Et toi, belle femme?”
“May I have a chai latte and a chocolate croissant as well?” Your words may not have been as effortless or as smooth as Eggsy’s, but they would work.
“But of course, mademoiselle. Such a beautiful woman must have a lovely name, I assume?”
“Amara Foix,” you replied with a glance to Eggsy.
“And I am Rupert,” he introduced.
“Well, Mr. and Mrs. Foix, I will bring your order up straight away. It should only take but a few moments.” And with that, your waiter was off.
In the time you waited for your breakfast, you and Eggsy talked about multiple things. Your families, your friends, and you even traded some stories from your youth. You had missed this companionship with Eggsy, especially how he could always make you laugh.
When Mathieu came back, you were covering your wide smile with your hand whilst Eggsy just stared at you in wonder. You blushed, and accepted your drink and croissant from the waiter.
“How long have the two of you been together?”
“Three years,” you and Eggsy answered simultaneously.
“Le coup de foudre,” Eggsy whispered, causing you to blush even more and the waiter to smile out of happiness for us.
“You two are very lucky. That sort of love is rare. Let me know if I could be of any more assistance.” With that, Mathieu was gone again.
You and Eggsy continued your easy going chatter for a while, but natural calls. “Excuse me, love,” you said, as you stood and went to search for a bathroom.
He watched you go with a smile on his face. Maybe, just maybe, he would allow himself to pretend that this was all real. That you were madly in love with him, that you two really were newlyweds.
No matter the heartbreak it may cause him in the end.
Part 3 is Here
Tag List:
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6rookie-writer0110 · 3 years
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The night is the verdict - Sonny Carisi x Male Reader
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Headcanon - Kara Danvers x Reader/ Shazam
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On the disc, there are 3 words - Luke Dunphy x Male Reader
Tea and Honey - Luke Dunphy x male reader
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Having the same jacket as Ferris Bueller - Barry Allen x Male Reader
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Being Nate Heywood and Ray Palmer’s son would include…
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Let the sun be lonely - Bucky Barnes x Reader
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Red pale moon - Karl Heisenberg x Male Reader/Son
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Fading - Pedro Pascal x Male Reader (SMUT)
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Zero Hours - Eggsy Unwin x Male Reader (SMUT)
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Headcanon being her bodyguard (who is scorpion from MK 11) x Male Reader 
Headcanon - Rosemary Winters x Male Reader/Venom bodyguard  
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Remember what happened in Monaco? - Natasha Romanoff x Top!Fem!reader (SMUT)
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itsanerdlife · 6 years
Restless Secrets 8
Pairing: MC!Eggsy Unwin x Steve Rogers Sister!Reader
Warning: Language. Abuse mentioned. Secrets. Drugs mentioned. Violence. Alpha Males. Kidnapping.
Everyone has secrets. Everyone made mistakes. Now you’re rocking the single mom life. But when you’ve got yourself into trouble, you head home to seek the help of your brothers. Bucky and Steve. But your secrets are coming to light when a member of your brothers MC and you have a secret. She’s turning three and the apple of your brothers eyes. Gary ‘Eggsy’ Unwin, is the fling from college Spring Break, and the father of your daughter Olivia. You and Olivia came home for help, but all hell was going to break loose now.
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“Get to know them?” Steve repeats the words slowly.
“I’m not trying to just sleep with your sister. You know me, Steve. I would never do the shit her ex did, that’s not who I am. I actually really like her.” He admits.
“One slip up, Unwin and I’ll bury you in an unmarked grave.” Steve points a finger at his chest.
“When have you seen me fuck up?” He smirks.
“With you, Eggs. They have to be safe. That’s my family.” Steve sighs looking almost defeated.
“I have yours and Buck’s backs. I take care of my mom and Daisy. Don’t question my loyalty, Rogers.” He reminds him.
“Fine.” Steve sighs, nodding. “If she agrees, I’ll accept it.”
“That’s good enough for me.” Eggsy smiles, they shake hands. With that he turns heading back for Y/N.
“Thanks Peter, I got this.” Eggsy nods, letting Peter know he could leave. Peter nods getting up he walks out without another word.
“Oh god how mad is he?” You sniff, looking up at Eggsy from where you sat on the edge of the bed. “What did you tell him?” You brush at your wet cheeks. He chuckles, coming over to sit next to you. His hand comes up brushing your hair back as he looks at you.
“He’s not mad. I told him you were upset, and the club didn’t need to see you crying.” He nods slowly, his words soft and soothing. “All I did was hug you.” His hand slips down your back slowly. You didn’t want to, but you really enjoyed the comfort you got from his touch.
“Really?” You swallow, confused how your brother just accepted that.
“I told him I have feeling for you and that if you’ll give me the time of day, I want to get to know you and Livie.” He smirks, your eyes widen as you stare at him in shock. “With his permission of course.” He nods.
“What?” You blink. “Why would do that?” You splutter.
“Because,” he reaches up brushing back a loose strand of hair “I want to get to know you and my daughter.” His voice low only for the two of you. “I want you to get to know me, so you can trust me. I won’t take Livie from you. But I want to help you. You’re not a single mom, I want to be apart of this with you.” He gives you a small smile.
What would be so bad about giving him a chance? You were so tired of doing it alone. You just wanted someone who would love you and Livie. Who better to do that, to help you, to be the support you needed than her actual father?
“Why?” You wonder.
“Hate to tell you this, but you’re not easy to get over babe.” He smirks.
And there he is, the cocky, smooth talking, gorgeous and trouble man you’d met in the bar during Spring Break, you started a fling with. Eggsy was a weakness, and you knew he was from the second you saw him across a crowded bar and he flashed that crooked grin at you. You were in a funk for weeks after leaving, you thought it was adventure depression. You always got a little bummed out when you came down from the fun high.
But dating wasn’t fun after that. Eggsy always came back to mind when you thought about what you wanted in someone. He was funny, kind, tattooed, pretty eyes and he made you feel safe, yet wildly out of control all at the same time. Was that something you were still craving? Security and freedom?
“I want to go apply at a few place in town. I missed the deadline for school applications, figured I would get a waitressing gigging to get by.” You shrug. “Go with me and Livie, tomorrow?” You ask.
“Time and place and I’m all yours.” He grins. It’s the same goofy grin Livie got when she was overly excited.
“You better be right.” You warn him. “I want to trust you. Livie needs you, and I think I do too.” You admit softly.
“Promise, babe.” He smiles. “Ask anyone here.” He shrugs.
“Okay, tomorrow, after lunch.” You nod, grabbing your laptop you stand, heading for the stairs.
“See you at breakfast.” He calls. You glance back at him for a moment. You nod and head up the stairs.
You set the laptop on the couch as you shuffle into the living room of Steve’s little apartment. You really needed to look into getting your own place as well. Your To Do list was long and still growing.
“Hey.” Steve steps in behind you, shutting the door as well.
“Hey.” You smile.
“You okay?” He asks softly.
“I think I might be soon.” You nod, a small smile on your face.
“I know, it’s hard. Talking to your big brother, but I’m glad you can talk to Eggsy. He’s a good guy. Family is a big deal to him. His mom and Daisy are the center of his life.” Steve smiles.
“Daisy?” You look at Steve, did Eggsy have another daughter?
“His little sister. She’s four or going to be four.” Steve nods. “He is a good guy, as much as it pains me to say this, if you’re going to trust anyone, Eggsy is top of the list.” Steve sighs.
“It bothers you, your little sister and a member of your club?” You smirk.
“More like it just hurts me thinking about you dating.” He chuckles softly.
“Really? I’m an adult Steve.” You laugh.
“Yeah, well I still see you like Livie. Running around loud as hell, with two uneven pigtails and my god damn shadow. I was your hero, the only one you needed for so long. I guess I was never ready for you to grow up.” He sighs, shrugging, a small smile on his lips.
“You know, big brother. No matter what, I’m always going to need you and you’ll always be my hero.” You smirk at him. “Besides, now Livie is your shadow. You’re her whole damn world Steve. The girl is all about her uncle, nothing is going to change that.” You nod.
“You think? Even if you contact her dad?” He looks almost let down.
“Dad’s are one thing. But uncles? They’re even better. Steve you’re always going to be her hero. No matter who comes along.” You reach up on your toes, kissing his cheek.
“Think Livie can sleep in my bed tonight?” He stops you before you get the door open to his spare room.
“You know you’ll be up early with her again.” You smirk.
“I know, but I like getting up early with her. We have breakfast together and we spend some time together, without you.” He smiles.
“Take her. I would never take that from you.” You smile, pushing open the door to the room.
“Thanks Y/N.” He grins moving silently into the room.
Everything Peaches 2/6/19: @mo320   @xmtd5 @all1e23 @irepeldirt @alyssaj23 @allyp1023 @joannie95 @kolakube9   @rileyloves5 @sarahp879 @pcterpvrker @pigwidgexn @abschaffer2 @nickimarie94 @teller258316 @wandressfox @amandab-ftw @henrietteoaks @nea90sweetie @circusofchaos @bettercallsabs @lucifersnipnips @queenkrissy11 @destiel-artemis @paintballkid711 @iwillbeinmynest @teaand-cookies @sweet-honey15 @spookygrantaire @geeksareunique @supernatural508 @mellxander1993   @sammysgirl1997 @itzmegaaaaaaan @mariekoukie6661 @capsheadquaters @samanthasmileys @futuremrsb-r-main @lovemarvelousfics @abbypalmer14-blog @petersunderoos96 @booktvmoviefangirl @supernatural-girl97 @awkwardfangirl2014 @supernaturaldean67 @xqueenofthecraziesx   @writingaworldofmyown @sprinklesandsugarcubes @for-the-love-of-the-fandom @ocaptain-mycaptainmorgan @wonderlandfandomkingdom @crazy-little-thing-called-buck @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @stupendoussciencenaturepanda @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety
Eggsy Tag List 8/23/18: @courtmr @rockagurl   @kgbrenner @xlatinaaxx   @dkpink123 @sgarrett49   @poetsheart   @ingridsigne     @kazuha159 @breezy1415     @emilymorganb   @bellamouse16 @cece-lives-here   @orange-jps3497 @paranoiadestroyah   @nerdyandexhausted @deanwinchestersrifle @fandomsstolemylife00     @hunter-demigod-timelord      
Restless Secrets: @dumblani @patzammit @trustme3-13 @deghostyboi @callie-bear15 @geekymummy @raven-black102 @capandbuckylvr @mrskokitztelford @geeksareunique @that-awkwardnerd @crawlingnightmares @fanfictionjunkie1112
165 notes · View notes
itsanerdlife · 5 years
Restless Secrets 14
Pairing: MC!Eggsy Unwin x Steve Rogers Sister!Reader
Warning: Language. Abuse mentioned. Secrets. Drugs mentioned. Violence. Alpha Males. Kidnapping.
Everyone has secrets. Everyone made mistakes. Now you’re rocking the single mom life. But when you’ve got yourself into trouble, you head home to seek the help of your brothers. Bucky and Steve. But your secrets are coming to light when a member of your brothers MC and you have a secret. She’s turning three and the apple of your brothers eyes. Gary ‘Eggsy’ Unwin, is the fling from college Spring Break, and the father of your daughter Olivia. You and Olivia came home for help, but all hell was going to break loose now.
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You pull open the doors under the severs station. Your hands hold up three empty straw boxes. You sigh looking at Gwen who shakes her head.
“Why does night shift, never stock anything?” You growls, annoyed.
“They’re zombies. Expect nothing from them.” Gwen laughs, as you throw the empty boxes into the trash.
“Christ.” You throw your hands up. “Guess I’ll stop before we clock out.”
“I’ll vacuum our section.” Gwen snorts. You shake your head, heading for the back stock room.
Gwen is returning the vacuum, as you try to find the stock of straws. The last thing you needed in your stocking trip.
“Straws.” You throw your hands up. “Where the fuck are the damn straws?” You scuff, looking the shelves over again.
“Check the big boxes in the corner.” Gwen points.
Three big boxes sat one on top of another the other alone. You stalk over, ripping open the lone box. Inside are straw containers. When you pull one free it’s far too heavy to contain just straws. Your head tips, mauling it over. You quickly pull open the top of the cardboard container.
“Holy fuck.” You give a small gasp. “Not straws.” Your voice faint in shock. Inside are small baggies, a white substance inside each one.
“What are they?” Gwen steps towards you, curiosity on her face as you whirl around to look at her. Your eyes catch movement in the small window of the door. Brock was stalking towards the backroom.
“Gwen, go.” You snap at her. “Now.” You look over at the small window again, he’s talking to another server. “I’ll met you outside. Play stupid. Go.” You give her a small shove. She looks confused and nervous but hurries out of the stock room. You look down at the drug filled straw container, instantly cursing yourself. How did you always manage to fucking step into trouble? Being a Rogers was really biting you in the ass.
“What are you doing?” Brock growls, standing in the stock room with you suddenly. Your head snaps up quickly.
“Looking for straws. We’re out at the stations.” You swallow, setting the container on top of the open box. Unsure of what was going to happen. You curse inwardly, you should have sent Gwen with your phone to call Eggsy.
“You didn’t see anything. You don’t say anything, understand?” Brock growls stalking towards you. Your back hits the shelves, in your attempt to keep distance between the two of you.
“You’re smuggling drugs, Brock. I know what I saw.” You retort, lifting your chin. You could take care of yourself. His hand closed around your jaw, squeezing, as he got closer, trapping you.
“Not if you value your life.” He growls. Dark eyes flare with anger at you. “Or your daughter’s. I read your paper work.” Your body stilled for a moment, before you blood boiled instantly. “I know where you live and about your kid. You’ll keep your mouth shut.” He growls, threatening you.
Your knee slams up into his groin. His hand slips from your face, pain burst in your cheeks. When he doubles over, you smash your elbow down into the back of his neck. Dropping him to the ground, without a chance of getting up for you. You hurry over him, heading for the door.
“Get back here!” He croaks loudly. You’re out the door, hurrying to the bar, you grab your bag before rushing for the front door.
“Are you okay?” Gwen jumps up, rushing at you.
“Surprisingly not the worst I’ve dealt with.” You nod. Your fingers touch your tender cheeks.
“What are you, we going to do?” She asks quickly.
“I’m parked over there.” You point. “There is only one thing we can do.” You sigh. You knew this was going to be a shit show. All hell was about to rain down.
“What?” Gwen asks as the two of you hurry towards your car.
“Tell my family.” You wince as you unlock the car. The two of you hurrying inside.
“The club?” Gwen looks nervous.
“They have more power than we do and cops on the take.” You sigh, staring your car.
“We’re going to need new jobs, huh?” Gwen glances over at you as you pull on to the road.
“Probably.” You nod.
“Is it okay, you bringing me to their place?” Gwen asks after a few minutes of silence.
“What the fuck do you think this is? Secret headquarters of Hydra?” You snort.
“How are you so hot and so nerdy?” Gwen smirks at you.
“It’s a gift.” You shrug. “They aren’t like serial killers, Gwen. Mayhem protects this town. What Brock is doing is breaking their laws. Touching the baby sister of the President and the Sargent In Arms, as well as the VP’s old lady, he’s got a death wish. Let alone threatening my child.” You growl, gripping tighter to the steering wheel.
“Christ. Got a thing for men in power of MC’s?” Gwen lifts a brow at you.
“I was raised this way.” You shrug. You wince. “I should mention, I sort of hurt Brock. Before I left.” You nod slowly.
“You’re like MC barbie.” Gwen grins at you.
“Also, my brothers, the club as well, they um, they don’t know Eggsy is the father of my daughter.” You admit, pulling into the clubhouse parking lot.
“Well how about I just stand there and keep quiet?” Gwen suggest.
“That could work.” You nod, turning the car off.
Eggsy, is standing in the garage, working his hands with a red rag. Buck is digging through a tool box and Steve is half under a car.
“Okay. This is going to be so very bad, let’s get this over with.” You nod, opening your car door. Eggsy looks up, pausing, watching. Buck follows, before he kicks Steve’s foot, he rolls out from under the car, looking as well.
“Are they staring at us?” Gwen looks over at you.
“Is my face still red?” You ask, walking around the car.
“Oh yeah.” She nods.
“That would be why they are staring.” You nod.
“Oh so you meant, so very bad, really.” Gwen nods, three men moving towards the two of you, each looking more and more pissed off as they get closer.
Everything Peaches 2/6/19: @xmtd5 @mo320   @all1e23 @irepeldirt @alyssaj23 @allyp1023 @joannie95 @kolakube9 @rileyloves5 @sarahp879 @pcterpvrker @pigwidgexn @doctoranon @abschaffer2 @nickimarie94 @teller258316 @wandressfox @amandab-ftw @son-ova-bitch @henrietteoaks @nea90sweetie @circusofchaos @bettercallsabs @lucifersnipnips @queenkrissy11 @destiel-artemis @paintballkid711 @iwillbeinmynest @teaand-cookies @sweet-honey15 @mellxander1993   @spookygrantaire @geeksareunique @supernatural508 @sammysgirl1997 @itzmegaaaaaaan @booksbeforebois @mariekoukie6661 @capsheadquaters @samanthasmileys @futuremrsb-r-main @lovemarvelousfics @petersunderoos96 @loving-life-my-way @booktvmoviefangirl @supernatural-girl97 @toffeecoloredqueen @abbypalmer14-blog @awkwardfangirl2014 @supernaturaldean67 @xqueenofthecraziesx   @writingaworldofmyown @sprinklesandsugarcubes @for-the-love-of-the-fandom @ocaptain-mycaptainmorgan @wonderlandfandomkingdom @crazy-little-thing-called-buck @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @stupendoussciencenaturepanda @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety
Eggsy Tag List 8/23/18: @courtmr @rockagurl   @kgbrenner @xlatinaaxx   @dkpink123 @sgarrett49   @poetsheart   @ingridsigne     @kazuha159 @breezy1415     @emilymorganb   @bellamouse16 @cece-lives-here   @orange-jps3497 @paranoiadestroyah   @nerdyandexhausted @deanwinchestersrifle @fandomsstolemylife00     @hunter-demigod-timelord      
Restless Secrets: @dumblani @patzammit @trustme3-13 @deghostyboi @callie-bear15 @geekymummy @raven-black102 @capandbuckylvr @mrskokitztelford @geeksareunique @that-awkwardnerd @crawlingnightmares @fanfictionjunkie1112
137 notes · View notes
itsanerdlife · 6 years
Restless Secrets 1/20
Pairing: MC!Eggsy Unwin x Steve Rogers Sister!Reader
Warning: Language. Abuse mentioned. Secrets. Drugs mentioned. Violence. Alpha Males. Kidnapping.
Everyone has secrets. Everyone made mistakes. Now you’re rocking the single mom life. But when you’ve got yourself into trouble, you head home to seek the help of your brothers. Bucky and Steve. But your secrets are coming to light when a member of your brothers MC and you have a secret. She’s turning three and the apple of your brothers eyes. Gary ‘Eggsy’ Unwin, is the fling from college Spring Break, and the father of your daughter Olivia. You and Olivia came home for help, but all hell was going to break loose now.
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You step out of the car, softly shutting the door. Leaning against the side of it, you watch the open garage bays, finding your brother. When his head comes up from the computer screen, his brow pulls down and confusion washed over his face.
“What the hell?” He quickly wipes his hands on a dirty rag. His best friend, basically your other brother, Bucky looks up. Confusion plays across his own face as well.
“Steve, is that Y/N?” He looks over at your brother.
“I’ll be back.” He sighs, heading towards you. You chew your bottom lip as he comes towards you, avoiding the rain puddles in the lot.
“Steve.” You push off the car, looking at him. Anger colors his face as he looks you over.
“Y/N, what’s going on?” His blue eyes pin you, as he towers over you.
“Well that’s a long story.” You shrug, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Where is Livie?” He asks, looking at the car.
“In the back seat, asleep.” You jerk your thumb towards the back, your head swivels, looking back.
“Hey, whoa, the fuck?” Steve’s hand catches your jaw.
“That would be part of the long story.” You swallow, before pulling back from his hold.
“I’ll get my niece.” Steve growls, as the rain starts to come down again. “Get your ass inside.” He glares at you. You nod, shoving your hands into your pocket of your jeans, wincing.
“Steve?” You turn looking at him, before he gets the door open. He stares at you for a moment. “Don’t be mad, but my cars leaking something.” You lift one shoulder, dropping it quickly. You wince slightly at the annoyed look on his face.
“Christ Y/N.” He mutters pulling the door open. Livie starts to stir. She slowly wakes as he unbuckles her, pulling her from the seat. “My best girl, oh I’ve missed you.” He mummers to her as she snuggles in against him.
“Uncle Tevie.” She wraps her arms around his neck, hugging him for life.
“Don’t be mad, if you see what’s in the trunk you’ll understand. We’re here, for good.” You nod slowly.
“Good. She’s getting to big, I’ve missed too much.” He sighs, kissing the top of Livie’s head.
“I know I said I could do it on my own. But I really need my big brothers, and she needs her uncles.” You swallow.
“Come on.” Steve ushers you towards the garage. “I’ll get you a coffee, you look like you need a hug and some sleep.” He mutters.
“I’ve been driving for two days.” You sigh.
“Christ, have you stopped to sleep?” He looks down at you.
“Crap motels for only a few hours.” You admit.
“When you’re back on the mend, remind me to whoop your ass.” He sighs.
“Bring it.” You smile at him. He shakes his head, but you could see the faint grin on his face.
“Sam, car over there. Pull it into Bay four.” He tosses the keys at a tall, well built chocolate colored man with a goofy grin on his face.
“I down?” Livie pleads.
“She’s been in that seat for so long. Can we just talk outside for a few?” You ask your brother.
“Yeah come on let’s get under the cover.” He nods jogging towards the covering of the clubhouse, Livie giggles with joy, you hurry after them.
“Hey where’s Rogers?” Eggsy jogs over to Bucky sitting at the computer, punching in tickets for a receipt. “Random car in Bay four. Sam says he told him to pull it in, but I got nothing on the system for it.” Buck looks up.
“He’s out there.” He nods towards the open doors of the garage, under the cover of the clubhouse Steve stood with a woman and small girl jumping in little puddles on the concrete from the rain runoff.
“Who’s the legs with him?” Eggsy chuckles.
“His little sister, Y/N.” Buck looks over at him.
“I forget Steve’s got a sister.” He nods, remembering the few times Steve left town for a visit.
“And a baby niece. Well I guess Liv isn’t a baby, but she’s a toddler.” Buck nods.
“How old?” He smirks watching the little dirty blond girl entertain herself. She’s too far away to see much detail about her, except her large purple rain boots and blonde hair.
“She’s about to be three.” Buck chuckles as the girl giggles loudly when she splashes Steve who scoops her up tickling her.
“Steve’s an uncle, wow.” Eggsy nods.
“Y/N’s our fucking hero.” Buck snorts. “Girls a god damn force. A pain in our fucking ass’ but a force. She had a full career planned out, went off to college, came so close to graduating too.” Buck nods slowly, scratching his jaw.
“What happened?” He looks over at Buck.
“She got knocked up with Liv while home for Spring Break. When Steve asked her who the dad was, she said she didn’t need a man. She dropped out of school, and since has taken care of Liv all by herself, refusing help from anyone.” Buck has a soft smile on his face.
“Strong woman.” He chuckles.
“She’s always saying she needs Steve, but really it’s the other way around. They’re the reason he keeps it together. Why he’s so god damn level headed.” They both snort. “They’re the reason I don’t keep it together most of the time. They’re my trigger, Steve’s too, but he’s better at controlling it.” Buck shrugs.
“Shit. I never understood why you two were that way. Makes sense.” Eggsy nods. “I gotta talk to him about the car. Get Sam started on it.” He nods, Buck nods, agreeing.
Eggsy jogs out into the drizzle of rain, his head down as he comes up on them. Her back to him, the little girl between them. He comes to a stop under the cover.
“Steve.” He smiles.
“Eggsy.” Steve nods. “This is my baby sister, Y/N.” He points at the woman. She turns to greet him, her soft smile slips, the memories come crashing back. Spring Break, the bar they met in, a few times.
“Your sister.” Eggsy nods, his brow lifted as he stares at her. Her hair was piled on top of her head, she wore a T-shirt and jeans. She wasn’t made up, but she was still the same woman he’d met over three years ago.
“And this is my niece, Olivia.” Steve grins down at the little girl in front of him.
She’s holding to his fingers. Eggsy’s eyes slip to her, dirty blonde hair like Steve’s, trapped in a ponytail, round, baby cheeks, full lips and pretty green eyes make up the little girl watching him. She’s got on a sweater and leggings with her purple rain boots.
“Niece.” He nods. “Olivia.” He repeats her name, she gives him a smile and he can’t help the smile on his lips.
“Nice to meet you, Eggsy.” Y/N nods, before she scoops up Olivia, holding her protectively to herself.
“Yeah, nice to meet you.” He watches her. Shifty blue eyes won’t meet his own green eyes, she’s fussing with Olivia’s sweater instead.
Everything Peaches 2/6/19: @mo320   @all1e23 @irepeldirt @alyssaj23 @allyp1023 @joannie95 @kolakube9   @rileyloves5 @sarahp879 @pcterpvrker @pigwidgexn @abschaffer2 @nickimarie94 @teller258316 @wandressfox @amandab-ftw @henrietteoaks @nea90sweetie @circusofchaos @bettercallsabs @lucifersnipnips @queenkrissy11 @destiel-artemis @paintballkid711 @iwillbeinmynest @teaand-cookies @sweet-honey15 @spookygrantaire @geeksareunique @supernatural508 @mellxander1993   @sammysgirl1997 @itzmegaaaaaaan @mariekoukie6661 @capsheadquaters @samanthasmileys @futuremrsb-r-main @lovemarvelousfics @petersunderoos96 @booktvmoviefangirl @supernatural-girl97 @awkwardfangirl2014 @supernaturaldean67 @xqueenofthecraziesx   @writingaworldofmyown @sprinklesandsugarcubes @for-the-love-of-the-fandom @ocaptain-mycaptainmorgan @wonderlandfandomkingdom @crazy-little-thing-called-buck @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @stupendoussciencenaturepanda @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety
Eggsy Tag List 8/23/18: @courtmr @rockagurl   @kgbrenner @xlatinaaxx   @dkpink123 @sgarrett49  @poetsheart   @ingridsigne     @kazuha159 @breezy1415     @emilymorganb  @bellamouse16 @cece-lives-here   @orange-jps3497 @paranoiadestroyah   @nerdyandexhausted @deanwinchestersrifle @fandomsstolemylife00     @hunter-demigod-timelord      
Restless Secrets: @trustme3-13 @deghostyboi @raven-black102 @capandbuckylvr @mrskokitztelford @geeksareunique @that-awkwardnerd @crawlingnightmares @fanfictionjunkie1112
186 notes · View notes
itsanerdlife · 5 years
Restless Secrets 15
Pairing: MC!Eggsy Unwin x Steve Rogers Sister!Reader
Warning: Language. Abuse mentioned. Secrets. Drugs mentioned. Violence. Alpha Males. Kidnapping.
Everyone has secrets. Everyone made mistakes. Now you’re rocking the single mom life. But when you’ve got yourself into trouble, you head home to seek the help of your brothers. Bucky and Steve. But your secrets are coming to light when a member of your brothers MC and you have a secret. She’s turning three and the apple of your brothers eyes. Gary ‘Eggsy’ Unwin, is the fling from college Spring Break, and the father of your daughter Olivia. You and Olivia came home for help, but all hell was going to break loose now.
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Eggsy’s rough hands cup your neck and slip into your hair as he stops in front of you. You’re nervously fidgeting in the shadow of three large men. Gwen is staring with curiosity in her face.
“What the fuck happened to your face?” Eggsy growls.
“Eggs, babe. I’m fine.” You try to explain. Three scuffs retort at you.
“Those look like finger prints.” Steve grinds out, his voice deep and gravel sounding.
“Steve, Buck, Eggsy.” You push hands away from your face. “This is Gwen. We work together.” You look over at Gwen, so do all three men.
“Or used too.” Gwen shrugs. You wince. She was going to be the death of you if she didn’t watch what she said.
“Used too?” Eggsy turns on you again.
“Well.” You give an awkward laugh. “You see,” you nod, swallowing “something happened today.” You mutter quickly avoiding making eye contact with any of the men towering over you.
“Is this family or club?” Buck squints at you. His voice was filled with built up anger.
“Club.” You squeak, licking your lips still not looking at them.
“How do you manage to always end up in trouble?” Eggsy sighs, scrapping his hand down his face.
“Genetics.” Buck grumbles.
“Fuck off.” You and Steve sigh at the same time. Gwen smirks.
“Wow you two are related.” She presses her lips together trying to not laugh.
“Wait, it gets worse.” Eggsy sighs.
“Buck round up the guys.” Steve orders. “I’ll find Rox, have her watch Livie.” He nods, the two of them leaving. Eggsy takes your hand, leading you towards the club house as Gwen follows.
“So fucking bossy.” You mutter.
“Let’s get you some ice.” Eggsy pulls open the door for the two of you.
“Eggs, I’m fine.” You sigh.
“Did your boss do this?” His jaw clenches.
“I thought we were getting ice while we wait for the guys?” You ask, looking away from him.
“Sit. I’ll get ice.” Eggsy growls, pointing at two bar stools. Peter is jogging into the room, panic on his face.
“Fucking Christ, Y/N.” He cups your chin, turning your head from side to side.
“It looks worse than it is, Peter.” You pull away from his hand.
“Yeah says the woman who has secrets that would make a priest cuss.” Peter gives you a look.
“You’re so hot.” Gwen grins at you. You glance over at her.
“Gwen, Peter. Peter, Gwen.” You introduce them.
“Hello.” Gwen smiles at him.
“Hi.” Peter smiles, its bashful and confusing. Was he blushing?
“Ice.” Eggsy comes back holding a gel pack.
“I’m fine.” You repeat.
“I swear to god, Y/N.” He pins you with a look. You take the gel pack placing it against one of your cheeks.
“The fuck happened to your face?” Brandon is next to you suddenly. Eggsy folds his arms over his chest, waiting.
“I’ll get to that.” You drop your chin, looking down at your lap.
“Her boss?” Brandon asks.
“That’s what I’m waiting to know.” Eggsy’s voice is filled with hostility. You sigh, throwing the ice pack on the bar top.
“Sit down and shut up, both of you.” You point a finger at the two of them. “I swear to god, Gwen if you say it, I’m going to hurt you.” You cut your eyes to her. She grins.
“Say what?” Eggsy looks over at her.
“She’s so hot. Like MC Barbie.” Gwen shrugs, grinning.
“She’s not wrong.” Brandon snort. Peter shrugs, nodding in agreement.
“Shut up.” Eggsy sighs, shoving Brandon’s shoulder. The three of them head for a seat, the other guys filling in as well. You run a hand through your hair, sitting up straight.
“Look I know what this club does. I know how this town works.” You face the guys watching you. “This isn’t a family issue, because I stumbled on to something that goes against the clubs rules.” You admit.
“Someone putting hands on you?” Clint’s voice scraps like road rash, harsh and rough. The club nods, in agreement.
“I’ll punch you, just for fun. Swear to god.” You shake your head slowly.
“What did you stumble on?” Buck is squinting at you. Broad arms folded over his equally broad chest.
“Gwen and I found out our boss, Brock. He’s smuggling drugs through the bar.” You admit quickly.
“How? What? And what the fuck happened?” Steve demands. You quickly run down the story of finding the drugs.
“I told Gwen to leave. I can defend myself, besides I know what the club would do for me.” You shrug. “Brock found me. He grabbed my face, threatened me, and” you trail off, knowing the next thing to come out of your mouth was going to send the club into a uproar.
“And?” Eggsy asks before anyone else can.
“Livie.” You admit in a small voice. Six chairs slam back, you move, jumping off your stool. You plant yourself in front of Gwen. Unsure of the hell that was about to break loose. The commotion started instantly.
“Sit down!” You yell over them. They blink at you. Mouths open to object. “I didn’t fucking stutter, did I? Sit your asses down.” You repeat. There’s a round of grumbling and dirty looks. “You’ll think twice, and level headed. Do not put Livie at risk. So no half cocked action.” You fold your arms over your chest, staring them down.
“Chapel.” Steve growls, the club stalks off for the room they held church in.
“You’re so hot.” Nat grins when the room is empty of bikers.
“I said the same thing.” Gwen peers around you, grinning.
“Gwen, Nat. Nat, Gwen.” You drop back into your seat.
“Livie isn’t at risk.” Nat sits with you. “You would murder someone first.” She snorts.
“I know that.” You scuff. “But this way they actually come up with a plan and not just bolting out the door.” You nod.
“Not a bad idea.” Gwen nods slowly.
“I know this club like the back of my hand.” You smirk.
Everything Peaches 2/6/19: @xmtd5 @mo320   @all1e23 @irepeldirt @alyssaj23 @allyp1023 @joannie95 @kolakube9 @rileyloves5 @sarahp879 @pcterpvrker @pigwidgexn @doctoranon @abschaffer2 @nickimarie94 @teller258316 @wandressfox @amandab-ftw @son-ova-bitch @henrietteoaks @nea90sweetie @circusofchaos @bettercallsabs @lucifersnipnips @queenkrissy11 @destiel-artemis @paintballkid711 @iwillbeinmynest @teaand-cookies @sweet-honey15 @mellxander1993   @spookygrantaire @geeksareunique @supernatural508 @sammysgirl1997 @itzmegaaaaaaan @booksbeforebois @mariekoukie6661 @capsheadquaters @samanthasmileys @futuremrsb-r-main @lovemarvelousfics @petersunderoos96 @loving-life-my-way @booktvmoviefangirl @supernatural-girl97 @toffeecoloredqueen @abbypalmer14-blog @awkwardfangirl2014 @supernaturaldean67 @xqueenofthecraziesx   @writingaworldofmyown @sprinklesandsugarcubes @for-the-love-of-the-fandom @ocaptain-mycaptainmorgan @wonderlandfandomkingdom @crazy-little-thing-called-buck @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @stupendoussciencenaturepanda @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety
Eggsy Tag List 8/23/18: @courtmr @rockagurl   @kgbrenner @xlatinaaxx   @dkpink123 @sgarrett49   @poetsheart   @ingridsigne     @kazuha159 @breezy1415     @emilymorganb   @bellamouse16 @cece-lives-here   @orange-jps3497 @paranoiadestroyah   @nerdyandexhausted @deanwinchestersrifle @fandomsstolemylife00     @hunter-demigod-timelord      
Restless Secrets: @dumblani @patzammit @trustme3-13 @deghostyboi @callie-bear15 @geekymummy @raven-black102 @capandbuckylvr @mrskokitztelford @geeksareunique @that-awkwardnerd @crawlingnightmares @fanfictionjunkie1112
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itsanerdlife · 6 years
Restless Secrets 12
Pairing: MC!Eggsy Unwin x Steve Rogers Sister!Reader
Warning: Language. Abuse mentioned. Secrets. Drugs mentioned. Violence. Alpha Males. Kidnapping.
Everyone has secrets. Everyone made mistakes. Now you’re rocking the single mom life. But when you’ve got yourself into trouble, you head home to seek the help of your brothers. Bucky and Steve. But your secrets are coming to light when a member of your brothers MC and you have a secret. She’s turning three and the apple of your brothers eyes. Gary ‘Eggsy’ Unwin, is the fling from college Spring Break, and the father of your daughter Olivia. You and Olivia came home for help, but all hell was going to break loose now.
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You bounce down the stairs stuffing your apron into your purse. You drop your purse on the bar top, checking the pockets of your high waisted black shorts. Finding the hair tie you were looking for you snap it around your wrist quickly. When you look up again, you notice several of the guys in the main area are watching you. Eggsy holding Livie, Peter, Brandon, Clint, and Sam stood with them as well.
“What?” You look between them. “Why are you looking at me?” You lift a brow. You were dressed for work, ready to say your goodbyes and head out.
“We’re not.” Peter scuffs, the five of them shift. You squint, folding your arms over your chest watching them.
“Christ Eggs!” You throw your hands up, putting it together. “You told?!” You scuff at them.
“I just, I mentioned it to Brandon.” Eggsy glances at his best friend quickly. Before he hands Livie over to Sam, he quickly leaves the room with your daughter.
“I briefly crossed it with Peter.” Brandon admits, looking down at his shoes.
“I might have brought it up to Clint.” Peter scratches the back of his neck. Eggsy winces, and Brandon flinches, Clint turns leaving the room looking as if he would rather not be apart of the scolding that was about to happen.
“Fuck!” You groan. “You boys are worse than girls!” You snap at them.
“She’s not wrong.” Nat snorts walking through the room.
“Stop watching me!” You point at them. “I’ve dealt with worse.” You remind them. “I’ll be just fine and if I’m not, I’ll say something. Then you gossip queens can wail on him.” You shoot them a look.
“You know,” Peter starts.
“Peter, I will hurt you. No, I will hurt you, genius boy.” You sigh closing your eyes for a moment.
“I’ll be in the garage.” Peter nods, turning he scurries from the room quickly.
“You know babe,” Eggsy clears his throat.
“Eggs, I went to college. I was raised by two bikers. I came home cause I know how safe I am here.” You step towards him, placing your hand on his chest. “So how about you worry about the big issue.” You drop your voice to a whisper.
“Big issue?” He blinks down at you.
“Telling the club you’re Livie’s father.” You nod. Brandon winces, scratching the side of his neck. Eggsy’s face runs pale white, his mouth closes, his eyes widen. You smirk, proud of your handy work.
“I know you’re trying to distract me.” Eggsy croaks.
“And it’s working.” You grin. You turn grabbing your purse.
“Text. Call. Check in, or we’d be happy to camp out there all day.” Brandon grins at you. It was nice having Brandon in on the secret you and Eggsy had. But he worried just as bad as Eggsy, making it almost worse than dealing with your brothers.
“Fine. Fine.” You wave your hand. “Keep your skirts on.” You sigh.
“Really babe?” Eggsy sighs.
“Walk me to my car, scaredy-puss.” You grin at him. He sighs but takes your hand, walking you out of the clubhouse and towards your car, Brandon followed.
“I’m not scared.” Eggsy shakes his head.
“Bullshit.” Brandon snorts.
“I’m not.” Eggsy sighs as the three of you come to a stop next to your car. “I’m, I’m waiting for the best time.” Eggsy shrugs.
“Like when Livie graduates high school?” You snicker, Brandon laughs.
“I was thinking college.” Eggsy chews his bottom lip.
“Pussy.” You laugh, reaching up to kiss him quickly.
“I like her.” Brandon grins as you get into the car, pulling the door shut.
“Shut up.” Eggsy sighs, looking over at his best friend.
A long six hours later, you are shoving your car door shut and heading into the clubhouse. The door isn’t even closed behind you before you hear Livie yelling, running towards you.
“Mo-ma!” She squeals as you scoop her up. Your purse hits the ground, as you wrap her in your arms, kissing her cheeks.
“Oh I missed you babes.” You laugh as she giggles in your arms.
“How was work, love?” Eggsy grins, picking up your purse, before he leans in kissing you.
“Busy.” You sigh, settling Livie on your hip. “Not much to speak of.” You smile at him.
“Good. Good.” Eggsy nods, a few times. You grin at him, he was so overprotective, but trying to not smoother you with it.
“Don’t worry, he didn’t touch me.” You reach up kissing him once more.
“Good.” He physically relaxes. “Go get ready.” He takes Livie from you, handing you, your purse.
“Fine. Fine.” You wave him off and head through the main room, towards the stairs.
You’re double checking the diaper bag for Livie, as you come down the stairs. Livie in Eggsy’s arms, coming down behind you. You wore jeans and a tank top, your cardigan draped over the diaper bag.
“Where are you three off too?” Steve smirks from the bar.
“My mom’s.” Eggsy replies handing you, your phone.
“Meeting the mom, huh?” Buck grins, from where he sits next to Steve.
“Big deal.” Steve nods slowly.
“Really?” You snort. “Not like we’re living together or anything.” You roll your eyes.
“Sass.” Steve sighs.
“Criminal.” You retort back quickly.
“Hey!” Bucky, Steve and Eggsy gasped together. You snort into your hand.
“Three for one.” You grin.
“Remember she’s your problem now.” Buck warns Eggsy.
“You have no idea.” Eggsy sighs, shaking his head.
“Good luck.” Buck grins as you shake your head, walking past your brothers.
“Drive safe!” Steve calls after the three of you.
“Shut up!” You call back, flipping your brothers off before you push out the door.
Everything Peaches 2/6/19: @xmtd5 @mo320   @all1e23 @irepeldirt @alyssaj23 @allyp1023 @joannie95 @kolakube9 @rileyloves5 @sarahp879 @pcterpvrker @pigwidgexn @doctoranon @abschaffer2 @nickimarie94 @teller258316 @wandressfox @amandab-ftw @son-ova-bitch @henrietteoaks @nea90sweetie @circusofchaos @bettercallsabs @lucifersnipnips @queenkrissy11 @destiel-artemis @paintballkid711 @iwillbeinmynest @teaand-cookies @sweet-honey15 @mellxander1993   @spookygrantaire @geeksareunique @supernatural508 @sammysgirl1997 @itzmegaaaaaaan @booksbeforebois @mariekoukie6661 @capsheadquaters @samanthasmileys @futuremrsb-r-main @lovemarvelousfics @petersunderoos96 @loving-life-my-way @booktvmoviefangirl @supernatural-girl97 @toffeecoloredqueen @abbypalmer14-blog @awkwardfangirl2014 @supernaturaldean67 @xqueenofthecraziesx   @writingaworldofmyown @sprinklesandsugarcubes @for-the-love-of-the-fandom @ocaptain-mycaptainmorgan @wonderlandfandomkingdom @crazy-little-thing-called-buck @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @stupendoussciencenaturepanda @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety
Eggsy Tag List 8/23/18: @courtmr @rockagurl   @kgbrenner @xlatinaaxx   @dkpink123 @sgarrett49   @poetsheart   @ingridsigne     @kazuha159 @breezy1415     @emilymorganb   @bellamouse16 @cece-lives-here   @orange-jps3497 @paranoiadestroyah   @nerdyandexhausted @deanwinchestersrifle @fandomsstolemylife00     @hunter-demigod-timelord      
Restless Secrets: @dumblani @patzammit @trustme3-13 @deghostyboi @callie-bear15 @geekymummy @raven-black102 @capandbuckylvr @mrskokitztelford @geeksareunique @that-awkwardnerd @crawlingnightmares @fanfictionjunkie1112
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itsanerdlife · 6 years
Restless Secrets 7
Pairing: MC!Eggsy Unwin x Steve Rogers Sister!Reader
Warning: Language. Abuse mentioned. Secrets. Drugs mentioned. Violence. Alpha Males. Kidnapping.
Everyone has secrets. Everyone made mistakes. Now you’re rocking the single mom life. But when you’ve got yourself into trouble, you head home to seek the help of your brothers. Bucky and Steve. But your secrets are coming to light when a member of your brothers MC and you have a secret. She’s turning three and the apple of your brothers eyes. Gary ‘Eggsy’ Unwin, is the fling from college Spring Break, and the father of your daughter Olivia. You and Olivia came home for help, but all hell was going to break loose now.
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He rubs his hands through his hair as he walks through the main room. Out of the corner of his eye he sees someone sitting on the couch with a laptop. He looks over finding Y/N sitting on the couch, laptop in her lap, she looked rather annoyed and tired.
“What are you doing up still?” He walks over towards her. Tired blue eyes look up at him.
“School stuff. Livie kept kicking the laptop.” She sighs. He nods, coming to sit on the edge of the coffee table in front of the couch.
“Look Y/N, we need to talk.” He sighs.
“Oh um, I’m sort of busy.” She drops her gaze to her laptop.
“Is Livie mine?” He asks blatantly.
“Shhh.” She sits up setting the laptop on the couch. “Christ.” She grabs his hand pulling him after her. She rips open the door to a back room, pulling him in after her. She flips the light on as he pulls the door closed.
“You didn’t tell me you were a part of the Mayhem Brotherhood. You told me your name was Gary.” She turns on him, folding her arms over her chest. She had on little sleep shorts and a tank top, her hair pulled up into a messy bun on her head.
“Hey you left out a lot too.” He points at her. “And my name is Gary. Eggsy is my stupid nickname. Nobody calls me Gary.” He sighs. He pulls out his wallet, flashing her his ID, she stares at it for a moment.
“I thought you were just some Spring Breaker, at first.” She admits softly, looking a little stunned he hadn’t actually lied about his name.
“You up and left, Y/N. You didn’t say goodbye or fuck mention you were only here for two weeks.” He runs a hand through his hair.
“That last night, I was going to tell you. But we got, distracted.” She shrugs. “That next morning I had to meet Steve for a goodbye breakfast and then catch my flight. I figured it was just fun for you. Most guys would be over the moon for that type of split.” She admits looking guilty.
“Maybe I’m not one of those guys.” He bites out. “Fuck Y/N.” He groans, rubbing his hands over his face. “You’re saying Livie, is mine?” He throws his hands up in the air, frustrated.
“I didn’t know much about you. When I found out about Livie I had no idea how to find you. Let alone if you wanted a god damn child. I had no idea you were a part of the club.” She sighs.
“Fuck Y/N. She’s mine! God damn it.” He licks his lips. He paced a small circle, irritation and confusion pulsed through him.
“Don’t take her from me, Eggsy.” She pleads in a small voice. His hands drop as he stares at her in shock. “Despite what brought me home, I’m a fucking good mom.” Her voice shakes.
“You think I want to take her from you?” She shrugs, tears welling up in her eyes. “I’m just trying to wrap my head around this. I’ve missed so much of her life.” He sighs, know this wasn’t any easier for her than it was for him.
“I’m sorry. I came back here with hopes to find you. I mean, she’s a good girl, but it’s fucking hard being a single mom.” She sniffs, tears running down her cheeks. His heartaches for her. “I’m scared to lose her to you, but I don’t know if I can keep doing this on my own.” She shakes her head. Sad blue eyes look up at him. He sighs pulling her into his arms. Her head on his chest, his arms around her.
“Hey, hey.” He spoke softly. “No, you won’t lose her. You’re not on your own either.” He reminds her, his chin resting against the top of her head. The door opens, suddenly with no warning.
“Oh.” Peter looks surprised. The two of them looking over in shock and panic.
“Y/N?” Steve stares at them. “Eggsy?” His brow snaps down as anger takes over his face.
“Steve.” He groans. This looked bad and he knew it.
“The fuck?” Steve shakes his head, storming off. Y/N covers her face sobbing into her hands. Torn between which one he was supposed to comfort first.
“Steve! Let me explain.” He calls after him. “Peter, make sure she’s okay.” He orders Peter as he runs out of the room after Steve. Who whirls around suddenly, making Eggsy stop.
“Why are you hiding in a bedroom with my sister, Unwin?” Steve glares down at him.
“It’s not what you think, I swear.” Eggsy puts up his hands.
“What I think is you’re using my sister like a tart.” Steve wasn’t pulling any punches.
“On Daisy, I wasn’t, Steve.” Eggsy swears, on his little sister. This seems to soften Steve around the edges.
“What were you doing then?” Steve folds his arms over his chest. He looked as if he was sure Eggsy had been up to no good in the bedroom with Y/N.
“We were talking. She was getting emotional, talking about how she’s struggling as a single parent. I figured the whole fucking club didn’t need to see her have a break down. I pulled her aside, for her own pride and dignity.” He sighs, not exactly the truth but close enough.
“Nothing more?” Steve lifts a brow.
“I only hugged her.” Eggsy nods.
“Okay.” Steve nods after a moment. “My apologizes than. Thank you, for doing that.” Steve puts out his hand, waiting for Eggsy to shake it. He shakes his head instead.
“Steve.” Eggsy sighs.
“Yeah?” Steve looked confused for a moment.
“I’m not going to lie to you.” He sighs. Steve’s hand drops. “But I like your sister. I like Livie. And if your sister will give me the time of day, I want to get to know them.” Eggsy nods, looking at Steve. Who looked torn between hitting him and gapping at his boldness.
Everything Peaches 2/6/19: @mo320   @all1e23 @irepeldirt @alyssaj23 @allyp1023 @joannie95 @kolakube9   @rileyloves5 @sarahp879 @pcterpvrker @pigwidgexn @abschaffer2 @nickimarie94 @teller258316 @wandressfox @amandab-ftw @henrietteoaks @nea90sweetie @circusofchaos @bettercallsabs @lucifersnipnips @queenkrissy11 @destiel-artemis @paintballkid711 @iwillbeinmynest @teaand-cookies @sweet-honey15 @spookygrantaire @geeksareunique @supernatural508 @mellxander1993   @sammysgirl1997 @itzmegaaaaaaan @mariekoukie6661 @capsheadquaters @samanthasmileys @futuremrsb-r-main @lovemarvelousfics @petersunderoos96 @booktvmoviefangirl @supernatural-girl97 @awkwardfangirl2014 @supernaturaldean67 @xqueenofthecraziesx   @writingaworldofmyown @sprinklesandsugarcubes @for-the-love-of-the-fandom @ocaptain-mycaptainmorgan @wonderlandfandomkingdom @crazy-little-thing-called-buck @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @stupendoussciencenaturepanda @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety
Eggsy Tag List 8/23/18: @courtmr @rockagurl   @kgbrenner @xlatinaaxx   @dkpink123 @sgarrett49   @poetsheart   @ingridsigne     @kazuha159 @breezy1415     @emilymorganb   @bellamouse16 @cece-lives-here   @orange-jps3497 @paranoiadestroyah   @nerdyandexhausted @deanwinchestersrifle @fandomsstolemylife00     @hunter-demigod-timelord      
Restless Secrets: @dumblani @patzammit @trustme3-13 @deghostyboi @callie-bear15 @geekymummy @raven-black102 @capandbuckylvr @mrskokitztelford @geeksareunique @that-awkwardnerd @crawlingnightmares @fanfictionjunkie1112
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itsanerdlife · 7 years
Captivated (MC Series) 7
Pairing: Biker!Eggsy Unwin x Reader
Characters: Natasha Romanov, Merlin, Clint Barton, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Scott Lang, Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy, Michelle Unwin, Frank Castle, Roxy, (Mentions of) Harry Hart, OFC Logan and Markus, Tony Stark, Charlie Hesketh.
Warnings: Swearing, creepy boss, a girl who can handle her own, stalking, creepy guy, law breaking, random hook ups mentioned, angst, sass, drama, cops involved, sexual harassment (nothing happens tho promise), melt downs, and allegations of abuse.
In your town there is a Biker club Called Kings Rebels, you weren’t a good girl and you surely weren’t a biker girl, or were you? One night changes everything in your life. You started that night out as a hostel waitress who works in Stark Tavern, one ass grab and a sucker punch later, did you just slip the Pres of a Biker Club, Eggsy Unwin, your work hours? But is MC life for you, being an old lady? When your faith is tested for the club, they follow through with everything Eggsy promised you. Will your world stay upside down since walking into the Clubhouse, or do you fit into their lifestyle more than you ever thought possible??
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You sat in the middle of the fight ring, with Eggsy. You were throwing French fries for him to catch in his mouth, making the both of you laugh. You’d spent the last hour talking about the club, the tarts, who he was and what this was going to do to your life. The MC was basically a big family, they would support you, protect you, have your back and always be there to be counted on. Eggsy was sure you could take anyone of the tarts in the place, so he saw no issue there.
He was a simple guy, he had a mom, a sister and a father figure, the original leader Harry, who apparently just helps run the construction company. This was going to change your life, but not for the worse. He promised to never put you at risk, to never allow you to come to harm. For a girl who grew up with two brothers and a mom who couldn’t be counted on, he was preaching to your hopes and dreams, but being an old lady? Was the really something you were looking to be?
“What’s an old lady?” You laugh as a fry bounces of his forehead.
“Girlfriends, wives, they keep up in line, help keep the clubhouse running, plan parties, lunches, family dinners.” He shrugs. “My moms like the Queen Bee. She’d be more than happy to teach you the ropes.” He smirks, taking a drink from his cup.
“I never said I agree yet.” You smirk. He shrugs, nodding. “Speaking of teaching a few things.” You bounce up to your feet, looking around the ring as Eggsy stands up. “Still need me to show you a few things?” You grin at him, your hands up.
“I don’t hit girls.” He chuckles, green eyes rolling over your body.
“Good. I’d hate to have to beat your ass.” You giggle, your hand lashes out, patting Eggsy’s cheek. He nods, a grin on his lips. You reach out again, he blocks your hands, catching your wrists, pulling them down with one hand as his other cups your cheek. You bring your knee up, pretending to jam it into his thigh. His hand curls around your calf, his other slipping from your wrists, wrapping around your waist. The two of you laughing as you hit the floor of the ring.
You hook your ankles at the back of his thighs, locking your hips, your grab his forearms, and roll him. Stunned green eyes blink up at you as you settle on top of him, your hands hold his wrists the floor. You lean forward, your hair falling into a curtain on one side, as your chest pressed against his own.
“Tap when you give.” Your voice barely a whisper, as you brush your bottom lip across his own lips.
He stiffens underneath you for a moment, before he attempts to catch your lips with his own. You pull back, waiting, before you slowly brush your lips across his once more. You repeat this a few times, he softly pulls his wrist from yours, you feel his hand tap twice on your ass. You grin, your hands slip across his chest, as you level your lips with his. You grin, as he relaxes, waiting for what he thought was coming. You stand up, quickly slipping between the ropes, and down the steps to the concrete.
“Goodnight.” You turn grinning at him. He was still laying on the ring floor, his head lifted up looking at you. You heard him mutter a few cuss words before you turned the corner, and started down the drive, practically skipping home.
“Have a good night?” She grins as he sits down at the bar.
“I was having a great night.” He tries to resist the grin on his lips.
“Aw did something happen?” She grins, tipping her head, her hair falling over her shoulder. Fuck.
“Someone ran out on me.” One corner of his mouth turning up at her.
“Damn. Did she Cinderella you?” She giggle, pouring him a beer.
“Something like that.” He nods as she places the glass in front of him. “She didn’t leave a shoe behind, she left without something else.” He winks at her, she flushes bright red, as she laughs.
“What the fuck, who let you be in charge of a bar?” A male voice calls out, making Eggsy snap around quickly. He hears Y/N squeal with delight, rushing out from behind the bar, leaping into one of the men’s arms. He swings her around, before placing her on her feet, the second man scoops her up hugging her.
“Look what trouble just walked into my life.” She laughs as she’s set back on her feet, looking from one man to the other. Both guys are tall, well built, tatted from their necks to their wrists. Hell, they looked like bikers, Eggsy swallowed quickly. One had dirty blonde hair pulled up into a bun like Buck wore, the other had a close cut, except for the top was longer and combed back. They looked like trouble between the two of them
“Is that new ink?” One grins down at her exposed shoulder.
“You found a guy?” The other peeks down at it.
“Something like that. A friend of a friend.” She struggled with the grin pushing into her lips.
“Hook your brothers up, little sister.” The one pleads. Y/N had brothers? This explained some of the things she could do.
“I’ll ask.” She nods, waving them after her, they settle at the bar, a stool over from Eggsy. “Peter open for business?” She leans on the bar looking at him.
“Depends.” He couldn’t help grinning at her.
“Eggsy, my brothers, Markus and Logan.” She looks over at the two men next to him, he turns looking at them. The both of them are looking him over, before looking at their sister.
“Trouble must be genetic.” Logan, the one with the bun, laughs.
“Sick fucking sleeve.” Markus grins, looking his arm over.
“This explains so much about you.” He laughs, picking up his glass taking a drink as she rolls her eyes at him.
Captivated: @mo320    @rileyloves5   @irepeldirt   @travelwithwords   @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked   @lesmiserablememelovingfuck   @taylorjacksonandtheolympians   @lovemarvelousfics   @mrskokitztelford   @live-for-the-avengers   @shamptainshmerica   @misspygmypie   @mariekoukie6661   @bluebird214   @allyp1023   @sarahp879   @nerdyandexhausted   @i-love-superhero   @supernatural-girl97   @petersunderroos   @kazuha159   @sweet-honey15   @ingridsigne    @red-writer13   @nessy-bearxb   @cece-daughter-of-pitch-black   @thedarklightwithinus   @itsemmyb   @debbienewnes84  
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