#eggsy x male reader
Eggsy Unwin x Male Reader
The search for Excalibur
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No warning, maybe fluff and angst
Kinda wanted make this into multiple parts hmmmm. Enjoy 🫰
As Eggsy was fighting Gazelle, Y/n was sneaking around the place looking for a gun for some reason.
"What the fuck are you doing there? Help me you useless shit stain."
Eggsy yelled at Y/n as he was dodging Gazelle's attacks and trying to counter attack.
"Looking for a gun."
Eggsy yelled now getting frustrated.
"Ow, right."
Y/n said as he looked pensively and walked outside of the room.
"That fucking dick."
"Okay this, it's just uhmm I mean what is happening?"
Gazelle stopped as she tried to stop her laughs.
"My partner with dicks for brains is thinking."
Eggsy stated as he was panting heavily with his hands on his knees.
"What the hell is happening down there, Gazelle?"
Valentine asked as he tried to look behind him.
"I completely forgot about him, my partner was supposed to be dealing with him."
Eggsy said as he ran his hand through his hair. A moment later a gunshot was heard and Valentine's body fell through the glass and down behind Gazelle. Gazelle looked behind her but was already shot in the head, falling down lifeless.
"Took you long enough, what the fuck is wrong with you? Are you sure you are an agent?"
Eggsy sat down on a chair as he relaxed completely.
"Don't you dare question my abilities."
They could hear a something move on the upstairs booth area.
"I will just shoot every body I stumble upon upstairs, I am too anxious for this shit."
Y/n head as he checked the ammo of his gun and cocked it as he inserted the magazine again.
"Tell Merlin we are going out in a bit, just need to double check."
"You're way too paranoid, come on, I am tired as shit."
Eggsy beckoned for Y/n to come to him.
"One guy there doesn't have his brain all over the place, and he looks to be breathing, never hurts to check, Eggy."
Y/n mocked him as he went down and then up to the booth area, straight to the body missing an arm and pointed at gun at his face.
"Speak now or forever hold your peace."
Y/n planted the nozzle of the gun on his temple.
Y/n stood directly on top of him and looked down.
Y/n trigger finger was itching.
The guy suddenly used his arm his remove the gun from his temple and slid out of the way.
"Wasn't so hard now, was it?"
Y/n smiled at the man.
"Eggs, do you know this bloke?"
Y/n lifted the guy's head by his hair as he brought his face on the railing.
"Charlie? You still alive? How?"
Eggsy asked confused as he looked up at them.
"Guess when you used the ring it messed with the sim card."
Y/n rolled his eyes as he mercilessly shot Charlie at the back of his head.
"Th-that was uncalled for and you know it."
"My finger slipped, whoops."
Y/n looked at Eggsy expresionlessly.
"Can you still stand?"
Y/n ran towards Eggsy.
"Barely, adrenaline is going off."
"You look hot like this."
Y/n ran a hand through Eggsy's hair, the other on his cheek, the thumb grazing the cut on his lip. Eggsy hissed in pain but didn't recoil back, they stared at each other, Eggsy's hands rested on Y/n's hips.
Eggsy chuckled as one of his hands went to Y/n's hand on his cheek, caressing the back of his hand softly.
"Come on, Merlin is calling us."
Y/n said as he pulled Eggsy up on his feet.
"We're coming, Merl, Eggs is just tired his adrenaline is off now."
"Hurry you two, Lancelot is waiting for us and she is very cold."
"Yea yea."
——— 2 months passed———
"You good, Eggsy?"
Merlin asked as Eggsy sat down on the chair along with Arthur and Lancelot, Y/n is missing.
"Just, Y/n hasn't been responding to me for a while now and I haven't seen him as well."
"That's the thing, Galahad, we're afraid Excalibur is missing."
Arthur said as he looked at Eggsy.
"Y/n... Is... Missing?"
Eggsy asked, his voice evident of concern and worry.
"Not to worry, we have located him, something in his last mission went wrong and he had been stranded in a jungle in Cambodia, he seems to be doing okay."
"How can you be sure he's okay?"
Eggsy frantically asked.
"He sent us a voice mail, he lost his glasses during the mission. But he found it again we don't even know how, with where he was deployed and how big the place is, it's a miracle."
Merling played the voice clip of Y/n.
"Eyyup, I don't know who is listening to this, hopefully it's you Merlin or whoever, I am stranded here, something went wrong with the extraction. They found my plane and planted a bomb in it attached to a tripwire. The explosion was quite close to me, luckily I am still alive b-but very weak, hurry up, please."
The message abruptly ended.
"He's in trouble, Merlin."
Eggsy stood up and began to walk out of the room.
"Calm down, Galahad, we cannot be rash, that's why we called you and Lancelot here, you two are going on a rescue mission to save a fellow Kingsman. You two will depart in no more than 3 hours from now, get your affairs in order and yourselves prepared, the search for Excalibur is now.
Arthur dismissed them along with Merlin to give them a brief overview of the mission.
"I will be waiting in the plane in an hour, if you are ready just head in."
Merlin said his farewell as he left them to get ready.
"You seem eager to save your boyfriend."
"He's not my boyfriend, Rox."
"Let's just save him and get this over with, he might be in danger."
"He's THE Excalibur, Eggsy, no need to worry, he's the only one named Excalibur since the founding of Kingsman apparently."
"And why?"
Eggsy asked Roxie with curiousity.
"Guess you'll just have to ask him."
Roxie chuckled and went ahead.
Eggsy smiled as he followed Roxie.
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Kintober day 4
Eggsy Unwin + size difference
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I was imagining reader with a pyramid head height and build the entire time when writing this. Idk what the reader is in this, but he isn’t fully human.
kinktober list
Eggsy cursed under his breath as he ducked around yet another corner, bullets flying past where he had just stood. He could hear Merlin in his ear as he watched through the glasses on Eggsys face, telling the younger man which way to go to get to safety.
The mission had been a bust. Eggsy had simply needed to break into a secret lab, collect some information, and get out. But to his luck, he had been caught. He had shoved the USB stick with the information into one of his inner pockets, leaving his hands free to use his gun as needed. Another bullet whizzed past, hitting the very edge of his glasses, and sending them careening off his face, smashing as they met the floor.
Eggsy cursed out loud this time as his one connection to Merlin was gone, and he was on his own. He turned down another hallway, this one seeming less cared for as it was made mainly of cement and metal doors with no windows. The kingsman sped down the hallway, his shoes tapping against the hard floor under him. When he heard the yells of the enemy getting closer, he looked around for an out but all he could see were the doors.
Biting his lip, he shoved one of the doors open and silently shut it after him, his ear pressed to the metal as he heard the sound of the soldiers running by. Eggsy kept still, giving it some time before he would make his way out, in the meantime he turned around, taking in the room he was in.
Right behind him stood the large form of a man, so tall Eggsy had to bend his neck enough to ache to see his face. The scars littering his body, and the medical gown told the spy that he most likely wasn’t here willingly. Eggsy had almost calmed down before the man came at him with a speed a normal human couldn’t reach, but instead of attacking he shoved the brit up against the cold metal of the door.
At any other time Eggsy would be reaching for whatever weapon he had on him and fight his way out, but he froze up at the heavy weight that was pressed against his stomach. He gulped, glancing up at the large man that had him pinned up against the door. His pupils were large, not just from arousal but from what Eggsy could only assume was drugs. Flicking his eyes downwards where they were pressed up against each other, he almost felt his jaw drop to the floor as he saw the size of the man through the flimsy robes.
His chin was lifted, with a care that didn’t seem to match the mans gnarled appearance. Eggsys eyes widened when their lips pressed together, the fingers holding his chin squeezing just enough at his jaw to make his mouth open. The other man’s tongue was cold as it rubbed against Eggsys own, a shiver running down the kingsmans spine like freezing water.
Eggsy fumbled with his hands, lost as where to place them, before he rose to the tips of his feet and wrapped them around the neck of the man. (Y/N) grunted softly as Eggsy tightened his grip, the larger man reaching a hand down and picking the kingsman up with ease. The spy moaned softly as he wrapped his legs around (Y/N)s hips, grinding his hips down to rub his own hardening length against (Y/N)s own.
After what felt like hours of their tongues rolling against one another, Eggsy found himself laid down on a metal table. (Y/N) grabbed onto his clothes and pulled, the well-placed stiches tearing under his strength like one would tear through a napkin. Eggsy whined softly as (Y/N) ripped off the paper gown, revealing the type of body Eggsy could only have ever dreamed off in the past.
The brit couldn’t help but gulp at the mere size of the man, subconsciously clenching his thighs together at the idea of that being inside of him. (Y/N) just huffed a noise that could be seen as laughter as he stepped closer, stepping over the piles of ripped fabric and paper that had once been their clothes. Eggsy gulped as (Y/N) grabbed his thighs, pressing them together instead of spreading them like the spy had assumed he would.
Eggsy grabbed onto the edges of the table as he felt (Y/N) press his cock between his thighs, moaning out loud as he saw and felt the length press against his own where it rested against his stomach. Eggsy cursed, clenching his thighs as arousal poured throughout him. The pants from (Y/N) made it obvious the other man was just as into it as Eggsy himself, the brit biting his lip as he wiggled his hips, jostling the position enough to make (Y/N) groan softly.
His mouth felt open as (Y/N) began to thrust his hips, slowly pulling back and pressing forwards again, rubbing their cocks together in a wet and sticky display. Eggsy couldn’t keep his noises quiet as he reached up, grabbing at (Y/N)s hands where they were still holding his thighs together, trying to force his hips backwards to make the large man move faster.
Seeming to understand what Eggsy was trying to do, (Y/N) tightened his grip and started moving faster, their lengths grinding harder up against one another as precum dribbled onto Eggsys stomach. The spy reached down to try and wrap his hand around both of their lengths, but he soon realized he needed to use both hands to get anywhere near wrapping his hands around both of them.
The kingsman moaned as he felt the building feeling inside him, his eyelids fluttering as it grew closer and closer. He started moving his hands quicker around the two of them, and grinned to himself as he felt (Y/N)s hips stutter in an obvious sign that he was growing closer.
(Y/N) was the first to cum, thick robes of white painting Eggsys torso, a splash even hitting his chin. Eggsy moaned as the white painted him, moving his hands quicker as he reached his completion, his own white joining what (Y/N) had shot all over him. When (Y/N) finally let go of his thighs, Eggsy wrapped his legs around the man’s waist and pulled him closer, reaching up to pull him down so he could press his lips against his again.
Eggsy knew that Merlin was most likely trying to find him, and that enemy were still outside and searching for him. But as he kissed the surprisingly gentle man, he threw those thoughts away for later. He would deal with Merlin and Harry scolding him when he was finished up here, and hopefully he could bring his new friend with him back to the Kingsmen.
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anabdaniels · 11 months
As long as you hold my hand
After a hard day, you met Jack at the bar, and he ends up surprising you positively.
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Paring: Agent Whiskey x Female Reader
Word counting: 9.8k
Rating: 18+
Warning: Not cannon copliant, alcohol, Jack's dubious flirt, extrasoft!Jack, a lot of nicknames, porn with plot and feelings, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, explicit language, p in v sex, brief mention of unpleasant male behaviors (but there's nothing to do with Jack), light choking, slightly rough sex, creampie, aftercare, cuddling.
“Your turn to order our drinks, bruv.” Eggsy reminded Jack, after finishing his beer.
“I’d already noticed, but thanks for the reminder.” Whiskey responded with sarcasm. It's not that he didn't like the youngest, but Eggsy could be incredibly insufferable at times.
“Y'get pissed off so easy, fella.” Tequila teased his friend some more, breaking out in laughter after that. Eggsy, already slightly drunk, looked like he thought this was the most hilarious thing in the world and laughed louder than he probably should’ve. Whiskey could only roll his eyes and look at Ginger almost in a cry for help.
“Do not look at me. It was your idea to end the day at the bar.” Ginger raised her eyebrows at the conclusion of the sentence, making Whiskey look ready to cry.
“Even you won't stand by me, Gin?” Jack was more dramatic than necessary, but given how determined Eggsy and Tequila seemed to be to upset him, it wasn't that far from a genuine expression of exhaustion.
“Bring me a margarita and we can negotiate my position as your lawyer.” she said as if the matter were really serious. Whiskey finally gave up and chuckled.
“And don't forget my beer.” Eggsy had finally stopped laughing and didn't miss a chance to speak up.
“And my rum.” Tequila spoke raising his empty glass.
“Okay, I'm on ma' way.” Jack adjusted his hat as he looked around, stopping his gaze on the bar counter “I bring your drinks, you two give me five minutes of peace and if all goes well, I won't be driving home alone tonight.” he said without looking away from the counter.
Looking confused and surprised by the sudden comment, Eggsy, Ginger and Tequila looked in the same direction as Whiskey.
“That beauty in the black dress? Just in your dreams, bruv.” Eggsy didn't even flinch before said his thought out loud.
“Don’t be so sure, kid.” Whiskey replied with a crooked smile.
“If you can talk to her for more than five minutes without getting kicked, after you've brought our drinks obviously, I'll pay your share of the bill and clear your share in the Statesman's stable for a month. If you fail, you pay my bill and shine my shoes for a month.” Eggsy suggested with conviction, having no doubt that Whiskey was going to decline the proposal.
“Done.” Jack didn't even think before agreeing “I hope your biceps are strong because there's going to be a lot of work in the stable.” after a wink, Whiskey got to his feet and walked to the counter, leaving Eggsy awestruck by the unexpected response.
After stopping next to the lady who had captured his attention, Whiskey ordered drinks from the bartender and kept a discreet eye on the woman next to him. He deduced that she was alone, since in all the time he was there he didn't see anyone with her.
When the drinks were delivered, Jack thanked the bartender and made his way back to the table before Eggsy showed up claiming his beer. Once his friends had their cups in hand, Whiskey straightened his leather jacket and walked back to the counter, for the first time in years feeling butterflies in his stomach from being about to approach a woman.
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You've had a horrible day. Although you finally got your work cut out, things weren't much better. You loved your job as a curator at the museum, but sometimes things could get pretty stressful. Having a few drinks to try to relax was the best idea you had that night, even if, as usual, none of your friends wanted to join you.
You took your attention away from your glass for a moment when someone stopped next to you and it was a little hard to get your focus back to anything else. Cowboys weren't exactly your type, but it was impossible not to take a good look at that man wearing a good Stetson hat and a leather jacket you wouldn't dare imagine the price of, and no less remarkable was the well-groomed mustache on his face.
When the man walked back to the table he came from, you refocused on your glass of Jack n' Coke, starting to consider going home and tensing slightly remembering that you would’ve to spend at least thirty minutes in a taxi or uber with an unknown driver trying to make small talk and not even trying to disguise the prying eyes at your legs or cleavage.
It was fair to say that you were positively surprised when the cowboy walked back to the counter and stopped a little closer to you, but you kept looking around.
“I beg your pardon, miss. But can I ask you a question?”  You turned your attention back to the man at the same moment you heard his voice.
“Of course. What is it?” you stared at him intently, curious for what's to come.
“Do you have a map by any chance?” he asked with a neutral expression on his face. You blinked two or three times trying to understand what kind of question was that.
“No, I don’t.” you answered totally confused “Why?”
“It’s a shame, 'cause I just got lost in the brightness of your eyes.” he replied calmly with an arm resting on the counter. You stared at him for a second as you processed what he had just said. When you were sure of what you heard, you couldn't help but laugh heartily. It definitely wasn't the approach you were expecting, but you couldn't deny that he hit on the kind of humor you liked.
“Okay, that's a new one.” You rested your face on your hand as you regained your composure, refocusing on him, who had a little smile on his lips. “I should’ve seen this coming.” you bit your lip lightly without breaking the smile on your face “Does this work?”
“I don’t know. Worked with you?” he asked with a smirk, raising his eyebrows. You pondered for a moment, tilting your head slightly to the side.
“Maybe.” you admitted still smiling a little.
“So, we didn't get off to such a bad start.” he teased and held out his hand to you “I’m Jack.”
“You have a point.” you replied and shook his hand, saying your name right after.
“May I?” he asked pointing to the empty stool next to you and you nodded promptly “So, what's a beautiful lady like you doing alone in a mid-range downtown bar?” he said after sitting down facing you.
“I had a shitty day at work, I can't count on my friends for anything but parties, and I really didn't want to go home and sink into a portion of fried chicken. So, drinking myself out of my problems seemed like the best option.” You shrugged it off as if it wasn't that important, but you wouldn't be venting to a stranger in the bar if you weren't about to explode with the whole thing.
But what shocked you the most about the whole process was the fact that he actually seemed to be paying attention to what you were saying, and his eyes remained fixed only on your face while you were talking. Definitely another thing you were not expecting.
“It's a shame, darlin’. And, despite the short time we've been talking, I'm absolutely certain that it was your friends who lost out here.” Jack said softly, his words accompanied by a smile that seemed really sincere. You smiled discreetly and took a sip of your drink.
“And what about you, cowboy? I noticed you're not alone, so what's a man wearing an expensive Stetson doing around here?” As you spoke you turned your body a little to be fully face to face with him while you waited for his answer.
“I came to spend some time with my work colleagues after a not so good day.” he shrugged and leaned his crossed arms on the counter “But the real question is how can you identify a Stetson so easily in this shitty light?” he seemed really intrigued by your recognition ability.
“I grew up in a rural town. I recognize an expensive hat when I see one.” you mentioned with a proud tone.
“I'd like to know where ‘cause you’re definitely not from the South and, taking a high guess, I'd say you're not even American. Where are you from, sugar?” Jack leaned his body forward a little, really interested in your answer.
“Okay, you got me there. You're right on both your guesses. But being this good, I think you can guess where I'm from.” you challenged him with a mischievous smile on your lips.
“You're not wrong, I already have a hunch and I'm pretty sure I'm right.” he paused briefly, looking deep into your eyes before giving you an answer “Brazil.” Jack said with conviction, and you couldn't tell whether you were more disconcerted by the right answer or by the pair of beautiful brown eyes looking at you.
“How do you know?” you asked, unable to hide your mixture of surprise and excitement. Jack looked at your mouth for a second before answering.
“Your accent.” he finally explained “You don't have much, but I can hear it.” he winked at you and straightened up on the barstool.
“All right, you've convinced me of your talent for observation. But you already know too much. I would like some answers too.” you said quietly, trying to ignore the chill running through your stomach.
“I’m all yours to interrogate as you wish, honey.” Jack said as he leaned one hand on the back of the stool you were on, subtly narrowing the space between you two.
You took a deep breath so as not to lose your focus with his proximity, but concluded that it hadn’t been a very smart idea when his scent invaded your sense of smell. The mixture of the woody perfume and the fragrance of the aftershave lotion was the best thing you had smelled in a long time.
You were aware that he certainly noticed that it took you a few seconds to get your train of thought back, but there wasn't much you could do about that.
“Well then.” you ran your tongue across your lips, as you pondered what you were going to say “You're certainly not a big-city man. You have well taste in clothing, you have a good pair of boots, a brand-new Stetson, but you don't have the manner of someone who grew up in the city.”
"Apparently I'm not the only one with observation skills." he mentioned with a satisfied smile "You got that right, honey. I like living here in Louisville, but I couldn't be more grateful I wasn't born here."
"That being the case, I think I have the right to know which town I should be grateful for the existence of the most handsome cowboy I've ever met." Finally, you gave up trying (and failing miserably) to disguise that you were completely into him.
"It's a fair reason." Jack laid a hand on your face, stroking your cheek with his thumb "Feel free to thank Bardstown."
"I've never been so grateful in my entire life." you replied as you rested your hands on his shoulders and wondered how you had managed to keep your composure until then. Calmly you extinguished the space between the two of you and it took a lot of self-control not to groan when his hand that had been on the back of your stool took hold of your waist and squeezed gently, while Jack busied himself with taking your breath away.
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Across the bar, Eggsy was on the verge of having a heart attack as he shook Tequila and Ginger to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.
"Don't worry so much, Eggsy. You'll love Statesman's horses." Ginger didn't miss the chance to mock the boy.
"She's right, buddy. You'll enjoy the experience of takin' over the stable." Tequila also seized the moment to piss Eggsy off.
"How nice that my misfortune is serving as entertainment for you two." Eggsy leaned back in his chair still staring in astonishment at the bar counter "How did he manage not to get excoriated the very moment he opened his mouth? I saw his miserable flirting when we were at Glastonbury, there's no way he did it."
"You believe it or not, he made it. So, I hope your credit card is handy." Ginger said very calmly, although she was controlling herself very hard not to laugh openly.
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It took you a few seconds after the kiss to get your mind back on track. It had definitely been worth it not to go home to watch Me Before You with a pot of KFC. You didn't hurry to take your hands off Jack's shoulders, just as he didn't bother to let go of your face and continued stroking your cheek.
"Can I ask you a question?" you questioned in a slightly husky voice and he nodded in response "Do you have plans after here?"
"Actually, I don't." Jack answered promptly and brought his face a little closer to yours "And, considering your question, I assume you don't have any plans either, so I guess we can find something to do together."
"It was exactly what I was thinking." you admitted, unconsciously adjusting the collar of his jacket. Jack smiled and stroked your forearm with his fingertips.
"Look, give me a minute to talk to my friends to make sure everyone can go home safe and then we can spend the rest of the night however you please. Sound good, sugar?" you nodded at the same time, liking the proposal a lot.
"Sounds pretty good to be honest." you said sincerely.
"I'll be right back" Jack grabbed your wrist and kissed the back of your hand before getting up and walking over to the friends’ table.
You couldn't help but smile when you thought more about the situation. This man seemed too good to be true. He had the same sense of humor as you, he approached you in a really friendly way without acting like a predator, he listened to you complain about your day without even knowing you, even though he was about to go home with you he cared about making sure his friends would be okay, and he was certainly the most handsome man you'd ever seen in Louisville. You couldn't see any downside to spending the rest of the night with him.
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Eggsy crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes as he saw Whiskey approaching the table with a satisfied smile.
“You fucking dickhead. How did you do that?” Eggsy looked more shocked than ever. Jack laughed and shook his head at the boy's indignation.
"You had a chance to quit, kid. Now all that's left is for you to develop a beautiful friendship with the Statesman’s horses." Whiskey said as he leaned his hands on the table. Eggsy rested his head on one hand.
"You left your girl alone just to come and piss me off?" the boy's British accent sounded more drawn out than ever.
"Not really. I just came to make sure y’all can make it home safely."
"Don't worry. The only one down is our British boy." Tequila said alternating his glance between Jack and Eggsy.
"Nothing we can't take care of." Ginger stated quietly.
"Will you guys take care of me? Awn, I love you guys." Totally groggy, Eggsy laid his head on Ginger's shoulder.
"It just gets better." Ginger laughed and looked at Whiskey "We'll survive our drunken child."
"Good luck with that." Whiskey said as he straightened his posture "See y’all on Monday."
After saying goodbye to his friends, Whiskey returned to the counter, stopping next to you.
"Shall we?" he asked holding out one of his hands to you.
"Sure." you took his hand and stood, smiling involuntarily when Jack intertwined his fingers with yours as the two of you walked out of the bar.
You cringed involuntarily as you felt the cold night air hit your arms, regretting leaving your coat at work. Noticing the chill on your arms, Jack released your hand and removed his jacket, slipping it over your shoulders.
“Thank you.” you thanked with flushed cheeks.
"Whenever you need, sugar." He kissed your forehead and held your hand again as you walked to the car.
It was no surprise to you that he drove a 70's Bronco, it was a good match. Whiskey opened the car door for you, waiting for you to get into the passenger seat, and closed the door, then walked around the vehicle.
Given the hour the street was empty, which allowed for a continuous commute. You leaned your head back on the seat and closed your eyes, feeling the wind ruffle your hair, and were able to relax for the first time that day. When the car stopped at the traffic light, you opened your eyes and looked in Jack's direction, smiling as you noticed that his gaze was already on you.
"You haven't had just one bad day, have you?" he asked leaning his hand on your knee. You shook your head negatively.
"My whole week has been a shit. I can't remember the last time I wanted to throw it all away before Wednesday." you admitted, placing your hand over Whiskey's.
"Which institution is responsible for making you so upset, honey?" the affectionate tone in his voice surely melted you a little more.
"Frazier Museum. I like my job, but sometimes things get complicated, especially when your partners use their friendship with you to leave everything for you to solve." Whiskey turned the hand that was on your leg to entwine his fingers in yours, gently stroking the back of your hand with his thumb. You looked down with a smile, unable to ignore the fact that your hand almost disappeared into his.
"It's probably none of my business, but I'm going to insist on suggesting that you review your friends list. I mean, they stress you out all week and don't even deign to accompany you to the bar on a Friday night?" Jack said slightly indignantly, alternating his attention between you and the avenue.
"You're probably right. I'm aware that they're a bunch of sons of bitches, but I guess I've convinced myself that I'm not going to get anything better and I've settled into this situation." you frowned for a moment as you noticed that only now you had realized how much your friends couldn't really be called that.
"I don't want to sound inconvenient, but in case you're going to renew your social circle, my schedule is free." Whiskey said solemnly, despite the smirk on his face.
"I'll take it." though the playful tone, you were serious "That's the first decent conversation I've had with anyone here in months."
"Count me in for a talk anytime." he kept his smirk but his tone made it clear that it was true.
"Since that's the case, I need to touch on an important matter. I don't want to sound like someone who pays attention to what I shouldn't but that's not the keychain that usually comes with the drinks." you said, looking at the keychain in the car for a moment and then turning back to look at Jack "Let me guess, you work at Statesman Distillery."
"Again, you're right." he glanced at you briefly as he spoke.
"I don't mean to abuse your sympathy, but I haven't been able to find a bottle of the 1963 Statesman Reserve anywhere in Louisville and I feel like you might be able to get me one." you said bluntly. Dealing with your weekly stress demanded quality booze. Jack genuinely laughed at your sincerity and nodded in agreement.
"I really didn't expect that." he said with an amused smile "You're not the only one with this problem, out of every ten calls at the distillery office, nine are to complain about the lack of the '63 reservation."
"I was pretty close to being the next one to call to complain." you stated in a laughing tone "What caused it anyway?"
"I can't blame you; I'd do the same." Whiskey raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at you as he stopped at another traffic light "We had a problem with the company that prints the labels, fortunately it's been taken care of. And you’re in luck, I must have two or three bottles at home, I can give you one." you couldn't help but smile broadly at the statement.
"I knew that a southern gentleman wouldn't deny help to a lady in need of good quality whiskey." you spoke as if it was something vital, not containing your laughter "But seriously, you will be contributing to the non-existence of my criminal record."
"Great, that will be my good deed for the week." Jack joked as he parked in front of his house "At this point, I think there’s something you will find interesting to know. At Statesman we have this thing where we nickname each person after some different drink."
"If you're going to tell me you're whiskey, I might as well bury what's left of my dignity here in your garden." you ended up laughing, feeling your cheeks burn.
"I'm not going to say it then, but it is." he winked at you and got out of the car, going to open the door for you.
"Considering your name is Jack, I get the joke and find it amazing, honestly," you admitted.
"If you thought that was amazing," Whiskey opened the door on your side of the car and leaned his arm on it "how much more enjoyable will it be if I tell you my last name is Daniels?"
“You’re fucking kidding me. There’s no way.” you were in disbelief, but at the same time laughing about it "Prove it and I'll turn it into a museum exhibition on Monday."
"As you wish, dear." he reached into his pocket and grabbed his wallet, then handed the driver's license to you.
"No way." you stated after reading his name at least three times to make sure you weren't reading it wrong "Ok, nothing else can shock me after that." you said laughing and handed back his driver's license.
"I will be waiting for my exhibition at the museum." Jack said as seriously as he could, putting his wallet back in his pocket and extending his hand to you.
"I think I'm going to need a longer deadline because by Monday I still won't have processed this information." you tried to speak as if it were really something serious, but your smiling expression did not allow such a thing. You took his hand and got out of the car. "But honestly, this just makes me surer that I really like whiskey, no matter which bottle it comes in." You had long ago given up disguising your interest in him, and even if you were going to try, your dilated pupils staring at him would give you away.
"I'm happy to help you analyze your preferences." Whiskey teased with a smirk and hugged you around the waist, gently pressing his lips to yours and making you sigh audibly. He kissed your forehead and then the two of you walked to the front door of the house, Jack keeping one hand on your back as he opened the door.
You looked around as you entered the living room, briefly analyzing the rustic décor, if not for the view of the street that the large windows provided, you might believe you were on a ranch in a country town.
Your focus changed when you felt Jack's hands carefully remove the jacket from around your shoulders.
"Be aware that with each passing minute you convince me more to drop in occasionally to visit you." you turned to look at him.
"That's the idea. I won't complain about having a stunning woman walking around my house." Whiskey tilted his head and deposited a kiss on the curve of your neck, causing goose bumps all over your skin.
"I won't accept complaints when you've had enough of my presence," you teased, taking the hat off his head and putting it on yours, knowing full well what that meant, and you enjoyed watching a mischievous grin form on his lips. "I know the rule, by the way." you winked at him and turned, starting to walk across the room. Jack took a deep breath and bit his lip hard, caught by surprise at your sincerity. He put his hands in the pockets of his jeans, crossing the room and sat on the armrest of the sofa, watching your every move.
You stopped walking when you got in front of the sideboard, looking carefully at the bottles of alcohol, not taking long to find the bottles of Statesman from the '63 reserve.
"You didn't lie about the reserved Statesman." you said still looking at the bottles.
"I wouldn't dare lie to a woman like you," Jack's deep voice echoed through the room.
"What do you mean a woman like me?" you questioned after turning to look at him.
"Smart, observant, perceptive, good at connecting information, attentive." just when you thought this man couldn't positively surprise you anymore, here he was assigning you more than three adjectives without having to include your appearance among them to make the list longer.
"This coming from a man who has noticed the remnants of my accent even though I have spent the last ten years speaking English." Whiskey shrugged, running his tongue over his lips.
"It's fair game after all." Jack concluded without hesitation.
"It definitely is." you agreed as you walked over to him, stopping beside the couch and sitting sideways on his lap. Surprisingly you managed to keep a neutral expression when you felt something hard in his jeans and it definitely wasn't his phone. "I hope you were serious about the whole me visiting you thing." you started to speak, passing your arms around his neck "Because I got really comfortable here." you looked down for a second as you said "here", making it clear what you were referring to.
"I’ve never been more serious in my life." Whiskey placed a hand on your thigh and encircled your body with his arm " You're welcome here anytime you want."
Finishing with your remaining breath, he kissed you hungrily, pressing your body against his. After a few moments, you realized that you were mounted on his lap, although you couldn't tell when you were settled that way. But you didn't think it was bad position, the occasional rubbing of his erection between your legs that occurred at this angle was definitely not something you'd complain about.
In the brief moment of clarity you had when Whiskey stood holding you tight against him, you also realized that at some point his Stetson had fallen out of your head. You sank your face into the curve of Jack's neck as he led you into the bedroom, his scent was inexplicably addictive.
Once in the bedroom, he carefully placed you on the bed, and took advantage of the fact that his hands were free to get rid of his own shirt and boots. Whiskey was about to unbutton his jeans, but your idle hands were faster. He didn't protest and just watched with full attention as you sat down on the bed to remove his jeans and didn't hesitate to stroke his hard cock over his boxers. He groaned in response to your touch, keeping his eye on what you were doing. You took that as a positive answer and allowed yourself to dare a little more, staring at Jack shamelessly as you removed his underwear. You couldn't resist finding out what it felt like to hold his hard cock with nothing in the way of contact, running your thumb over the tip and already imagining what it would feel like to have it buried entirely in your cunt.
He would gladly enjoy the situation for a few long minutes, but there was something he wanted even more at that moment. Gently he grabbed your wrist, pulling your hand away from his cock. Whiskey made sure to look into your eyes as he deposited a kiss on the back of your hand and then he didn't even hesitate to suck your index finger. Your mouth was slightly open as you looked at Jack with baited breath. You were practically mesmerized by how stunning that man could be doing anything. And if you were already wet before, now you were undoubtedly soaked.
Without difficulty, he grabbed you around the waist and made you kneel on the bed. With no hesitation, Whiskey pulled off your dress and tossed it somewhere, then he grabbed your chin and kissed you even more intensely than before. You felt a shiver run down your spine when Jack brought a hand up to your back and unhooked your bra, freeing you from it without a second thought.
He took hold of your hips and settled you in the middle of the bed, resting his body on top of yours without interrupting the kiss. You moaned into Whiskey's mouth as your already sensitive nipples brushed against his chest. And this certainly did not go unnoticed by him. Jack moved his mouth to your neck and you sank your hands into his hair, not knowing whether it was the wet kisses on your neck or the feel of his mustache scratching deliciously at your skin that gave you the chills.
Whiskey caressed the sides of your body as he covered your breast with his mouth, slowly running his tongue over your nipple. You closed your eyes and pressed your lips together, trying vehemently not to moan out loud, gripping his hair tightly. Due to his attention to your every slightest movement, Jack realized how hard you were struggling to control yourself.
You were able to breathe more calmly when he touched your face and took his mouth off your breast, you opened your eyes and saw him propped up on his elbows, looking up at you with a tender expression.
"You don't have to try to be quiet, love. I’ll gladly listen to every moan and scream that comes from you." It was fascinating to you how sweet he could be to make a reasonably obscene declaration, and all you could do was nod in response.
He kissed your jaw and calmly ran his mouth down your neck and chest before sucking your breast again. You kept your hands in his hair and finally allowed yourself to moan as you really wanted to. Whiskey stroked your hips in response and let his free hand massage your other breast.
Despite pulling his hair harder and harder, you relaxed under his touch, feeling good like you haven't felt in a long time. Your body began to move involuntarily, and you could feel your womb reacting more and more to it all.
"Jack, please." was the longest sentence you could form, and you said it practically whimpering. He smiled against your skin and deposited a kiss on your breast before raising his head to look at you. Whiskey intended to tease you a little more before moving on, but when you opened your eyes and looked up at him with such a pleading expression, he knew he wouldn't have the heart to deny you the relief you so desperately wanted.
He spared no kisses as he made his way to where you needed him. You couldn't resist your curiosity and lifted your torso to watch him work on you. Being so self-confident and vain, Jack kept looking into your eyes as he pulled off your panties and positioned himself between your legs, kissing the inner part of your thighs, acting calmly while making you shiver all over.
"Jack" you called him in a wavering voice "Can I ask you a favor?"
"Of course, honey." he replied solicitously "What do you need?" you flinched a little before asking, wondering if it would sound too silly. Finally, you held out one hand to him.
"Would you..." your mind kept screaming how stupid that was, and you agreed as you realized what you were about to ask. You were ready to shrug your arm and die of shame for thinking that was a good idea, but he was quicker and held your hand in the most loving way anyone could. You couldn't hold back the wide smile that formed on your face. For heaven's sake, this man was definitely the best thing that ever happened to you in a bar.
"It's okay." Jack entwined his fingers in yours and kissed your wrist "Feel free to ask anything you want, sugar."
"You're going to spoil me if you keep being so supportive." you said in a joking tone, but it was more serious than you'd like to admit.
"But that's the goal. I was serious about wanting you around." you waited for him to laugh or make it clear that he was just mocking you, but he seemed sincere. And you honestly didn't know how to handle that possibility.
"I guess I could consider the idea." you couldn't hide your genuine interest in the direction things might take "But you'd have to give me a few more reasons to think about it." you couldn't help but tease him a little.
"If what I need to have you with me often is to convince you that it will be worth it, then let me convince you emphatically." before you could formulate a response, he buried his tongue in your cunt, giving you no choice but to cry out in a mixture of surprise and pleasure.
He was in no hurry, Whiskey had confidence in what he was doing and frankly you couldn't blame him, after all, you were wriggling around on the bed while moaning audibly, squeezing his hand as hard as you could, and the closest he had ever come to your clit were the two or three times his nose bumped into it as his tongue worked its way into your soaked folds.
It wasn't easy, but you managed to keep yourself propped up on one elbow as you watched his every move, you certainly liked the idea of having that view more frequently. Jack couldn't have been enjoying the situation more, being between your thighs while you looked into his eyes was heaven for him. You could see him flash a satisfied smirk and should've seen what was about to come.
“Puta que pariu.” you cursed as you collapsed on the bed when he licked your clit, too overcome with pleasure to be able to speak English. Whiskey had no idea what the words meant, but from your intonation he was sure it was something dirty.
You frowned and raised your head slightly in confusion when his mouth left you.
"Is there a problem?" you asked confused and he denied with his head.
"Just a request. You keep looking at me." he said so firmly that your only reaction was to nod readily, almost like a natural reflex. Under other circumstances your pride would never allow you to obey so easily, but his satisfied smile at your condescension caused you so many things that you couldn't care less about your pride.
It was more challenging than you expected to keep your eyes open when he resumed what he was doing. The situation of looking into Jack's eyes as he licked you like a hungry man would do was the obscenest thing you had ever experienced. And you definitely weren't complaining. Despite the slightly trembling legs and irregular breathing, you coped well with keeping your eyes open and it was noticeable that you took Whiskey's words seriously, since quite possibly the neighbors were listening to your little show, moaning his name amidst the most varied dirty words in an almost incomprehensible mixture of English and Portuguese.
When you were close to the edge, things got a little more intense and you closed your eyes, but were reminded that you shouldn't do that when you felt Jack tap your thigh twice. It was hard to open your eyes and even harder to keep them open, at this point your nails were digging into the back of his hand and you were pulling his hair possibly harder than you should have, but he didn't seem bothered, on the contrary, he seemed very happy to have your thighs squeezing his head. You couldn't control the involuntary movement of your hips when he slid two fingers inside you, making you moan even louder, even though you thought it wasn't possible.
“Puta merda.” at this point you were no longer able to know which language you should use, not even your full name you would be able to say by now “Jack, please.” you were not sure what you were asking, but you no longer had control over what you were saying.
You were sure that Jack knew what you needed when you felt him curve his fingers inside you with precision and hit the right spot. You arched your back and let out a cry as the orgasm overtook your body, making your legs tremble, and finally you collapsed on the bed, trying to cope with the intensity of the sensation.
Whiskey smiled broadly as he took a closer look at the mess you were, your irregular breathing, your fingers still clutching his hand reasonably tightly, the little spasms that still affected your body, and your hair that earlier in that night had perfectly aligned waves, was now totally disheveled and some strands sticking to your forehead from the sweat. He took his fingers from you carefully, knowing how sensitive you still were, and licked every drop of your taste from them. Jack settled himself next to you on the bed, disentangling his fingers from yours to caress the back of your hand. You opened your eyes, looking up at him with eyes shining, both from your genuine satisfaction and from the tears that had formed a few moments ago.
“You’re okay?” he stroked your cheek with his free hand, drying the one tear that persisted in falling with his thumb.
"Honestly, I can't remember the last time I felt this good," you admitted feeling your cheeks flush and sank your face against his chest "But we have a problem." you said tilting your head back to look at him "Since you've decided to get me on shaky legs, we're going to have to negotiate compliance with the hat rule." you said with a mischievous expression, although it was true. God knows how much you wanted to ride this cowboy, but you didn't count on the fact that he would leave you with weak legs before he even fucked you. Whiskey chuckled and pulled you onto him, holding your thighs.
"Unfortunately, that's not how things work, sweetheart." he sat on the bed, letting you mounted on his thighs "You can't expect to mess with a man's hat and get away with it." even though he spoke with a firm tone, the little smirk that persisted in forming at the corner of his mouth gave away his enjoyment of it.
"I understand that." you said as you passed your arms around his neck "But you've been a gentleman all night, I think we can come to an agreement that will please both of us." If it weren't for the feeling of his rigid length pressed against your thigh, you might believe that this was a serious conversation.
"You're right, honey. We can both get quite satisfied out of this." you smiled as he put one of his hands on your lower back and pulled you closer, while his other hand held your chin and he rested his forehead on yours, looking into your eyes "You're so beautiful, darling." You felt your cheeks burning but you had nowhere to run, your only option was to stare into Jack's tender and desirous gaze.
"You'll end up stealing my heart if you keep this up," you joked, although you were aware that that man could steal even your soul with that pair of brown eyes. Whiskey laughed and nibbled on your chin.
"If I accomplish this feat, I'll die a happy man." he concluded the statement by kissing the corner of your mouth and then kissed your lips, holding you tight against him. Your body relaxed involuntarily in his lap; Jack's large, rough hands were incredibly gentle as they caressed your body even when he groped you firmly. You scratched his back and moaned audibly as Whiskey sat you on his cock, at that moment making sure that you were going to comply with the hat rule. Although your body was still a little sluggish from the orgasm you had just a few minutes ago, having that man inside you was unexpectedly invigorating.
Despite your desire for him being gigantic, you still were in no condition to ride him the way you wanted to and Jack knew that. Being a helpful gentleman, he held your hips and helped you move, which took your breath away completely. You didn't want to stop kissing him, but your lungs needed some relief. You rested your forehead on Whiskey's shoulder, finally taking a deep breath and realizing that, even though it wasn't going to be an easy task, you needed more of this man. You took another deep breath before straightening up and looking at him. You couldn't help the butterflies in your stomach as you noticed how much his desire for you was evident on his face. You stood staring into Jack's eyes as you moved on his lap, still not believing how comfortable he had made you to the point where you lost every drop of your shyness.
At this point you weren't even trying to control your sordid thoughts, but you definitely didn't expect to let one of them escape out loud.
"Hold my neck." you asked involuntarily when he squeezed one of your thighs, and the way Whiskey smiled sideways and didn't hesitate to comply with your request made you feel your whole body burning in a very good way. He put just a slight pressure on the sides of your neck, but it was enough to make you moan loudly and tighten your cunt around him.
You were already on the verge of losing control and hearing him moan while grabbing your ass with his free hand was the last straw. No longer thinking clearly, you grabbed onto Jack's strong arms and rode this cowboy avidly as you had desired from the first moment you saw him in that bar.
Whiskey couldn't have been more pleased. He liked being the one in control, but his nature would never allow him to see any disadvantage in having a beautiful woman riding him. He paid attention to every detail of that magnificent scene, absorbed in everything he could notice: the way you closed your eyes and threw your head back; your flushed face and bust; the way your breasts swayed beautifully each time your hips moved up and down; your buttocks slapping against his thighs produced the most delicious sound he could hear that night. For God's sake, if Jack kept thinking so hard about how hot you looked riding him desperately in search of your relief, he wouldn't be able to last much longer. He had good distractions right in front of him and he didn't hesitate to entertain himself with them.
You could only grip his hair tightly when you felt Jack's mustache lightly scratch your shoulder and he began to distribute kisses, bites and hickeys all over your skin. He was in no hurry as he tasted the warm skin of your shoulder, then down your collarbone and into the space between your breasts. Although your knees were propped up on the bed, you could feel them trembling as Whiskey carefully nibbled your nipple and licked it soon after. This man was definitely good at everything he did with his mouth.
You couldn't handle it anymore; it was too much. Not just because had been a long time since you’ve had sex with someone, but because this was way better than you’ve expected. Jack was fucking handsome, handsome enough to make you cum without a lot of effort, however he seemed really dedicated to please you. He quickly learned what you liked and didn’t flinch before use the acquired knowledge. You took his hand that was in your ass and moved it to the front of your body, needing just a little more to reach the climax. Whiskey understood immediately want you wanted him to do and promptly moved his fingers to your clit, making you grab his forearm while your nails sank in the skin of his shoulder. As if you aren’t dizzy enough, Jack kissed you intensely and put a bit more pressure on the fingers around your neck. You whimpered and moaned in his mouth as you had the second orgasm of the night, not being able to move your hips anymore and letting your body collapse on his lap. Jack passed one arm around your waist and caressed your back, pressing a gentle kiss on your temple while patiently waited for your body to stop shaking and your breath to calm down. It took a few moments, but finally you managed to put yourself together. You straightened up and looked at Jack with a wide smile, just to find him smiling too.
“I’ll assume that I ain’t no longer in debt for stealing your hat.” you tilted your head slightly to the side, still smiling.
“You definitely have paid your debit.” he answered with soft voice “But that doesn’t mean we’re done for tonight, sugar.” before you could even think about, Jack rolled on the bed, letting you underneath him. Only now you paid attention to the most specific details, realizing that this man still fucking hard inside you and you enjoyed it really much, even if you were almost sure that you’ll be unable to walk tomorrow.
“I hope you know that I won’t be able to go home tonight.” you warned as you ran one of your hands through the hair that fell across his forehead.
“Even if you were, do ya really think that I’d miss the opportunity to sleep with the most stunning woman of this city in my bed?” Whiskey admitted with a smirk, sliding a hand over your arm just to reach your hand and interlace his fingers with yours “I’ll not waste any chance to have you close, honey.” you ran your tongue across your lips, really appreciating all of this.
“Very well, cowboy. I suppose I can spend the whole weekend here.” you tried to sound playful, but at this point you really wanted to spend more time with him.
“I like this perspective really much.” Jack affirmed with his forehead resting on yours, pressing a kiss in your lips “And I hope to please you enough to make you consider spending the rest of the week too.” he whispered and winked at you, resting his free hand in your thigh and kissing you. You pulled a lock of his hair and let out a content sigh when Jack started to move in a calm pace, stroking the back of you hand with his thumb. His body was pressed against yours, although he did not let the weight fall on you.
You tried to suppress your thoughts and feelings, but it became impossible with him being so loving. It was almost insane how much you felt comfortable and safe with him in such a short period of time. You only realized that you had tears running down you cheeks when you felt Jack drying one of them. You opened your eyes, totally ashamed and having no idea how you were going to apologize for this, but then you realized that this wouldn’t be necessary when you saw Jack with a little wrinkle between his eyebrows and a slightly worried expression.
“You’re okay, sweetheart?” he asked louder than a whisper, cupping your cheek with his hand. You nodded and sank your hand in his hair, thinking about the right words before you started to speak.
“I know this will sound so fucking stupid, specially considering that we only met a couple of hours ago, but it’s been a while since the last time I’ve felt so good and comfortable around someone. I guess I just got overwhelmed with everything. I'm not really used to being treated well.” you didn't know why you admitted the last part and looked away from Jack when you realized what you had said, even if it was the truth. You smiled when he kissed your forehead and somehow built up the courage to look into Whiskey's eyes again.
"Considering that earlier this evening you secured me a place in your new social circle, I don't think you'll have to worry about that anymore because, if you allow me, I'll make sure you feel that way every day." This was definitely not the answer you were expecting, but you undoubtedly liked the whole concept.
"Yes, absolutely yes!" you readily agreed "Even though it's been a very short time since we've met, I like the way things are working out."
"You have no idea how happy that answer makes me. And, after all, who is measuring how much is a short time?" and that was enough for you. Fuck that it had only been a few hours, you wanted Jack close to you and he made it very clear that he had no intention of moving away from you either. You didn’t give a shit about anything else.
You certainly caught Jack off guard when you held the hair on the back of his neck firmly and kissed him intensely, but he didn't think twice before responding.
Only when you softened under him, and began to rock your hips involuntarily, Jack began to move inside you again, causing you to sink your nails into the back of his neck (which would surely leave a mark) and squeeze his hand with reasonable force.
Whiskey was aware that your thighs would certainly be sore the next day and he really had no intention of making the situation worse, but the sight of you arching your back and begging for more broke his benevolent spirit. Jack hooked one of your legs around his waist and smiled sideways when you voluntarily hooked the other leg around him. He held your hip tightly, sure to leave a bruise or two on your skin, but neither of you could care less.
"Jack, you said I could ask for anything I wanted, right?" you inquired with ragged breaths and a half shaky voice.
"Yes, love. Anything you want," he replied without turning his face away from yours, and the mixture of his raspy voice and gasping breath only made you more certain of what you were about to ask.
“Then, please, fuck me as hard as you can. I can’t deal with this torturing slow pace anymore.” if you had any crumb of pride left, at that moment it was gone. You no longer cared about pride or dignity, the only important matter was your urgent need to see and feel him fucking you as the rough cowboy he was.
“You’re sure? You’ll be terribly sore tomorrow.” Jack wanted to fulfill your request so badly, but he needed to be certain that you knew what you were asking for.
“If I gave a shit about the consequences, I wouldn’t have ridden you with so much effort. Go ahead, cowboy. I can handle it.” The almost devilish grin that was present at the corner of his mouth gave you the assurance that he wouldn't disappoint you. Jack kissed you one more time before he lifted his torso and knelt between your legs. He continued to hold your hand, and you couldn't deny that the ease with which he lifted your hips using only one arm was a highly memorable sight.
Jack Daniels was certainly a gentleman, but he was also a damn teaser. He knew how desperate you were for more, so he started moving even slower, curious for your reaction. You leaned your elbow on the bed to face him better, and narrowed your eyes at the satisfied and proud smile on that beautiful face.
“You’re such a bast- Caralho!” you didn't get a chance to finish the sentence when he finally gave you what you wanted so badly. You grabbed the sheet with your free hand and had no pity as you dug your nails into the back of his hand. It was an almost impossible effort, but you kept your torso up, you needed to watch every detail of every single time Jack buried his cock in your pussy and then pulled almost all of it out just to enter you again vigorously, making audible the sound of his thighs slapping against your ass. If the pleasure wasn't so overwhelming, you might have paid attention to how much your quadriceps seemed to be burning; definitely at least a week of painkillers and not even thinking about wearing heels. But honestly? It would be worth it.
Just when you thought the scene couldn't get any more pleasurable, you raised your gaze to Jack's face and holy shit, the man managed to be even more attractive with his skin glistening with a thin layer of sweat and his once-milimetrically aligned hair now totally messed up and sticking to his forehead. And as if it wasn't almost a crime that he looked so attractive, Jack made sure you noticed his gaze admiring every bit of your body until it stopped at your face, looking into your eyes as he fucked you.
At this point you almost lamented how good he was at what he did because you really wished you could hold on a little longer, but your legs were already starting to shake and the spasms were getting more frequent and, judging by Jack's grip on your hand, he was close to the limit as well.
"Jack" you just nodded, not needing to say anything more for him to understand what you wanted. He leaned over on the bed, laying his body on yours and resting his forehead on yours, still holding your hips. You released the sheet only to sink your hand into his hair, at this point you no longer had the strength to pull at the brown strands. You kept looking into his eyes as long as you could until you sank your face into Jack's neck when the orgasm came, screaming his name along with an almost incomprehensible stream of obscenities in a mixture of Portuguese and English. You scratched lightly at the back of his neck as he squeezed your hips harder, entering you one last time and letting out a hoarse moan as he came deep inside you.
Jack released your hip and propped his hand on the mattress, kissing your shoulder as he caught his breath. You sighed as you curled his hair in your fingers and kissed the curve of his neck before laying your head on the pillow.
"Changed your mind about the weekend?" he joked as he looked at you, kissing the point of your chin.
"If by changed my mind you mean started considering spending next weekend here too, then yes." you replied with a smile, speaking in a lazy voice.
"I'll be waiting anxiously, honey." he said before pressed his lips gently in yours. Jack caressed the back of your hand and carefully deinterlaced his fingers from yours.
He pulled out of you slowly and got up from the bed, you couldn't help but stare straight at his ass as Jack walked to the bathroom. Now that the excitement had passed, you were beginning to feel your body heavy, especially your legs and your eyelids. You closed your eyes for a moment and relaxed back into bed, knowing that it would take no effort to fall asleep.
"Honey?" you heard Jack call, running his fingertips along your thigh.
"Yes?" you replied keeping your eyes closed.
"Just making sure you're awake." he replied as he gently spread your legs a little further apart, carefully beginning to clean you up. It was still almost a mystery to you how gentle this man could be after fucking you so hard. When he finished what he was doing, he planted a kiss on your knee, making you smile and finally open your eyes.
"Definitely a gentleman," you said with a satisfied expression on your face.
"Unfortunately, I can't say anything similar about you, Miss." you frowned uncomprehendingly, and he approached his face closer to yours "Next time you're going to stare at my ass, at least try to disguise it," he said as if it was something really serious and nibbled your jaw.
"I needed to make sure those jeans do justice to it." you replied with a crooked smile.
"Okay, you have a good point." he laughed rolling his eyes and walked back to the bathroom only to throw the towel he had cleaned you with into the laundry basket and turn off the light, as well as the lights in the bedroom. He closed the curtains to make sure that the sun wouldn't be responsible for waking you both up earlier than necessary and finally returned to the bed, laying down beside you and draping the comforter over both of you. You settled on your side and couldn't help but look at him with an expression that betrayed that you wanted something. Jack smiled, fluffing up his own pillow, and stretched his arm toward you, patting his own shoulder. "Come here." You didn't hesitate to cuddle up against him and lay your head on his chest, still fascinated by how easily he could guess what you wanted.
"I hope you don't mind if I casually sleep in until two in the afternoon," you said, raising your head slightly to look at him.
"Very kind of you to think that I'll be up before five in the afternoon." Jack replied as he stroked your cheek with his thumb, then he moved a little closer just to kiss you softly.
Once the kiss was finished, he put his arms around you and let his face rest against the top of your head. You settled down, practically hidden in his embrace, and rested your head comfortably on his chest.
"Good night, sugar."
"Good night, cowboy."
Then, concentrating on his heartbeat, you drifted placidly off to sleep.
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 2 years
A Palomino Christmas
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Jack Daniels x f!reader
|| Palomino universe oneshot, out of chronological order as I haven't finished the series yet. Can be read as a stand-alone. ||
{ Fuck Yeah Holidays | Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist }
Rating: E
Summary: You spend Christmas at the ranch with Jack. You thought the present you got him was inspired until you see him wearing it - the cowboy way.
Inspired by snowsuit anon and this adorable post (and a super cute nickname for a pony) sent to me by @aynsleywalker.
Warnings: !Ski suit action!, drinking, mention of food, gratuitous descriptions of the male bulge body, dirty talk, safe unprotected sex, feelings so fluffy. These holiday fics are for fun, so not as *rigorously edited* as my regular stories, please forgive any mistakes or plot holes!
Word count: 4.5k
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Dedicated to @guiltypleasure-girl who I'm so grateful to have made friends with this year and who, imho, draws the best Jack in all the lands. If you don't already, follow her art page @guiltypleasure-art for the most gorgeous fanart ❤️
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It’s always busy in the Stateman’s main kitchen on Christmas morning. The smokey burn of firewood warms the cozy space as the radio blares holiday tunes. Poppy presides over the operations at the head of the table - everything is planned down to the T and everyone has a role.
On any other Christmas day, Jack would be her sous-chef, the one she relies on to keep everyone on schedule and in their place.
But alas, today is not any other Christmas day.
The normally put together cowboy ambles around the place like a headless chicken, leaving a trail of half-completed tasks in his wake. Tequila, in uncharacteristic discretion, follows two steps behind.
He turns off the tap that Jack’s left pouring into the already full kettle, draining the excess water and putting it on the boil.
There’s one slice of bread in the toaster, while another lies forgotten on the table, which Teak slides into the free slot and pushes down the lever.
Jack pulls a jar of pickles from the fridge unseeingly, putting it on the table and walking away in search of a mug under three sets of watching, worried eyes. Teak replaces it with his friend’s favourite strawberry jam without a word.
While the oblivious cowboy’s back is turned, Teak motions his hand and forth across his neck in a slicing motion, mouthing nope emphatically at the occupants of the kitchen table.
On his cue, Poppy clears her throat and speaks up, ‘Jack, sweetie, why don’t you go check on the horses after your toast? The stable boys want to leave work early today after doing their morning rounds.’
‘Yeah, sure,’ he answers absent-mindedly, staring down into the empty mug in his grasp as if he’s lost his train of thought.
At that very moment, the toaster pops and Jack practically jumps out of his skin, stepping on Jameson’s paw where he’s lying on his rug in front of the fire, prompting an indignant yelp from the border collie and winces from around the table.
‘Sorry boy,’ he apologises and picks up his toast - burning his fingers - and stumbling over his feet to set his plate down. ‘Mornin’,’ he nods to the others without really registering who’s there.
Jack proceeds to butter his toast with such singular focus that he doesn’t notice when Tequila fills his still empty cup with coffee, only to knock it over immediately when a phone buzzes and his hand flies out to grab his. Ginger and Poppy trade concerned looks as he jumps onto his feet with another apology, snatching a tea towel to clean up the mess.
Eggsy, on potato peeling duty on the other side of the table, isn’t so diplomatic. ‘You’re jumpier than Bambi this morning, cowboy.’
Jack grunts noncommittally and chews on his toast, not rising to the bait.
‘Don’t be so nervous mate, we promise we’ll be on our best behaviour.’
Teak snorts from the kitchen counter where he’s making his PBJ. ‘I don’t know about England, but around these parts, lying on Christmas day is frowned upon.’
Eggsy replies high-handedly, ‘Can’t speak for you, Tequila, but I’ll be on my best behaviour.’
Ginger chuckles as Teak sits down at the table with his sandwich. ‘Ha! I’ll believe it when I see it.’
Jack points a forceful finger at the boys, one after the other. ‘I swear to the baby Jesus Christ, if you two don’t behave yourselves, there will be hell to pay.’
Eggsy snickers. ‘Never thought I’d see the day. Ol’ cowboy Jack falls heads over heels for a bird -’ he screeches when the coffee-soaked rag hits him in the face, which sends Teak into hysterical laughter. ‘Oi! What the fuck, man!’
Ignoring the ruckus, Jack dusts the crumbs from his hands and shrugs on his jacket, grabbing a thermos and filling it up with fresh coffee. With a hurried later, he strides out of the warmth of the kitchen and into the frigid morning air.
Thermos tucked under his arm, Jack rubs his palms together, warming his fingertips with his breath as snow crunches beneath his well-worn boots. The ranch is blanketed in thick snow, a picture-perfect postcard landscape as it is every Christmas. The morning mist has yet to burn off, but he can tell by the peek of blue through the clouds that it will be a fine day.
If your flight is on time, you should be on your way by now. He’d wanted to pick you up from the airport, but you insisted that there’s no point in him driving all the way there when you already know the way. Depending on the conditions, it shouldn’t be long until you arrive.
His list of chores isn’t long this morning - the stable boys will be on duty until lunchtime - but still, he wants to tick all the boxes before you get here. Striding into the heated stables, he says howdy to the grooms and whistles, smiling as dozens of faces appear at the doors, ears pointed forwards in attention, snickering and whinnying at him.
This never gets old.
‘Mornin’ ladies and gentlemen,’ he calls out, wandering down the stalls, rubbing a velvety nose here and pulling on a furry ear there. ‘Who’s ready to stretch their legs this fine mornin’, huh?’
Starting at the end of the stables, he unlatches Bourbon’s door and ushers him out of the stall, then crosses the aisle to let out Tanqueray, Champ’s elderly but still supremely poised Friesian, who clops leisurely towards the exit. Zig-zagging back and forth, Jack whistles, jostles and chats to the horses, all smartly dressed in warm rugs, as they file out down the corridor and into the courtyard for a bit of morning exercise while the stable boys mucked out their stalls.
‘No loitering, ma’am,’ says Jack sternly when Poppy’s mare, Pie, idles in the middle of the building. He gives her a firm pat on the rump to get her moving and whistles at one of the cheeky Shetland ponies who’s snuck into someone else’s stall. ‘Half-Pint! What did I say about stealing your friends’ treats? Shoo, now!’
The stables empty, the echoes of hooves on the concrete ground fading, with Scotch being one of the last to exit. Looping back to make sure there are no dilly-dalliers, Jack’s surprised to find the palomino, who would normally be leading the charge towards the grazing fields, still lingering at the barn doors.
‘Whatcha doin’, boy?’ he calls out.
Scotch tosses his head and steps to the side -
And you appear.
With the biggest grin, you run towards him and fly into his arms.
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Your cheeks are wet, the spray of snow powder melting when it hits your skin. It drifts all around you as Scotch eats up the white ground, the thundering hooves muted by the soft cushion of the untouched, overnight snow. The mountain air is sweet and pure and stingingly cold, you can barely feel your face anymore - but it might just be from how hard you’ve been smiling.
You feel like you’re in the middle of a Christmas movie. The lush, green landscape you remember so well from your trip months ago is now all coated in wintry glory, but you still recognise the contours of the land and the mountains. It’s your first time in the saddle since - the whistle of the winds in your ear is a song you remember all the words to, the burn in your out-of-practice muscles all over a familiar old friend.
And you’re happy.
Slowing Scotch to an easy trot as you approach the end of the trail, your breath mists in front of your face as you look down over the ranch, a scene straight out of a classic snow globe, thin wisps of smoke drifting from the chimneys of the wooden lodges dotted across the property.
Gently manoeuvring the palomino to a halt and giving him a pat on the neck, you turn to smile at Jack as he walks up beside you on Whiskey. ‘I’ve missed this so much.’
‘Me too,’ he answers, warm eyes on you.
You give him a sidelong glance. ‘You’ve been here the whole time, cowboy.’
‘I know. I’ve missed you being here.’ He reaches over and pulls your gloved hand towards him, presses a kiss to the back. You want to shuck off the leather and cup his whiskered jawline in your palm, push the well-worn hat off and twine your fingers into his hair -
Later. There will be time for all that later, preferably in front of a roaring fireplace.
You break the moment with an eyebrow arched in a challenge. ‘Race you to the stables?’
Jack grins. ‘You’re on, darlin’.’
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Christmas dinner is in the main lodge, which you didn’t use during your trip in the summer. The intimate space is exuberantly decorated in red and gold, a huge, freshly cut pine tree stands proudly by the antique fireplace, a merry fire burning. The table is beautifully laid, silverware immaculately polished and fine china sit alongside holidays-themed napkins. A magnificent feast lines the length of the mahogany dining table comfortably seating eight.
But any kind of decorum stops there.
As the hours tick by and bottles of wine and sherry are emptied, the meal has descended into what Jack warned you in advance as ‘typical Kingsman chaos’. According to the cowboy, the whole Kingsman team comes to the ranch every summer for their annual company retreat, but only Merlin, Eggsy and Harry fly over for Christmas. And while their contingent is small, havoc is an inevitable conclusion where any number of the Kingsman are involved.
Desserts are still being passed around the table - sticky toffee pudding, pecan pie and Yule log - when Teak and Eggsy start to raise their voices and slap the table about British and American Christmas songs. They’re currently yelling - not singing - carols at each other, with Jameson barking excitedly in the background.
Tequila throws his hands up in frustration at Eggsy’s rendition of Twelve Days of Christmas. ‘Why is there a partridge in a pear tree? What the fuck is a partridge?’
Champ and Merlin are having a more civilised but no less intense debate about pies - specifically mince pies versus pumpkin pie as a holiday dessert.
‘Next year, old chap,’ declares Merlin. ‘I’ll bring mince pies with me and you’ll be eating your words, just you wait.’
Jack whispers in your ear. ‘He says that every year, but never does.’
You chuckle and turn your attention to Harry, who’s now insisting that they should put Love Actually up on the big projector screen after dinner, whereas Ginger and Poppy are lobbying for Elf.
‘Why not The Holiday? It’s literally the perfect American-British movie,' you pitch in, which launches another furious tirade of debate at your end of the table.
Jack mumbles under his breath. ‘Because they’re idiots and pointless, festive arguing is a winter sport around here.’
His arm is warm around your shoulders as you giggle into your mulled wine. ‘Is it like this every year?’
‘Yup,’ he answers, really popping the P. With a mild touch of embarrassment, he holds your amused gaze and asks, ‘Too much?’
Tipping your face upwards, you press a chaste kiss to his lips.
‘Just enough,’ you assure him as the corners of his eyes crinkle in the warmest smile.
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You didn’t have time to drop off your suitcase at Jack’s cottage, which is a short drive from the ranch, when you arrived in the morning. Instead, with Champ’s blessing, you commandeered one of the guest cabins, all empty in the off-season - which is just as well. By the time midnight rolls around, it’s clear that no one is in any state to make their way back to their respective off-site houses.
Harry and the ladies retired to their borrowed rooms a little while ago, leaving you and Jack to round up the stragglers. You check on Teak, lying face down on the sofa, bundled up in his winter quilts in an aborted attempt to leave. A few steps over, you drape a blanket on Champ and another one on Merlin, who are passed out on armchairs which look comfortable enough to sleep in, socked feet up on matching ottomans. Eggsy is cuddling with Jameson in front of the fire, and Jack feeds the logs to make sure it burns till morning.
It’s bleak outside. Jack shields you from the worst of the winds, tucking you into his side as you trudge across the snow, the early start you’ve had catching up on you. Thankfully, the heating is already on in the cabin when you get there, and he starts a fire as well while you get ready for bed.
When you pad into the bedroom in your pyjamas, teeth brushed and makeup washed off, Jack looks up to see you holding a neatly-wrapped present, a shy smile on your lips.
Standing up from the fireplace, he dusts his hands and reaches for you, palms settling on the small of your back, leaning down to graze his still cold nose against yours. ‘Is that for me, darlin’?’
‘Maybe,’ you reply coyly. ‘Do you want to do presents now or tomorrow morning?’
‘Let’s do it now, I have to feed the horses early tomorrow,’ answers Jack, pecking you on the cheek. ‘Give me five minutes.’
The bed is cold, and you have to steel yourself to burrow into the icy cocoon of the thick covers, missing Jack’s warmth. He doesn’t make you wait long, re-appearing in just boxers, and a big box in hand, switching off all but the bedside lights.
Sliding under the duvet, he yelps when your icy feet tangle into his longer legs, making you laugh. His bare skin heats you up instantly as he wraps one arm around you and pulls you into his broad chest. You feel him hum when he asks, ‘You want to go first, darlin’?’
Blinking up at him, you answer nervously, ‘No - you first.’
He pushes the box your way and you sit up, pretending to shake the package to gauge what’s inside. Jack chuckles, his strong forearms dark against the beige quilt wrapped around his middle. Only his fingers give away his nerves, picking at loose threads in the fabric as you carefully unravel the wrapping paper.
Lifting the lid of the box, your lips part and you stare wordlessly at what’s inside.
‘Jack,’ you breathe. ‘It’s beautiful.’
Gently, you pull out the cowboy hat in tan suede, the smell of fresh leather comforting as you turn it over in your grasp, marvelling at the craftsmanship in the dips and swells of the construction.
‘Try it on, darlin’,’ he says, his shoulders relaxing in relief at your reaction.
You do, and of course, it fits perfectly. Shuffling onto your knees, you crawl closer to kiss him fully on the lips, tilting your head to the side so that his face fits under the brim of your hat. ‘Thank you, I love it.’
Jack arches an eyebrow. ‘You might want to check the box again, darlin’.’
Sitting back on your haunches, you send him an almost accusatory look. ‘You can’t give me two presents, cowboy.’
He shrugs with an insolent grin. ‘I’m a grown man, I’ll do what I like. ‘
Your eyes alight on the black velvet case at the bottom of the box, and you draw it out with careful fingers as if it will break. With one last glance at Jack, you gingerly lift the lid, feeling the hinges creak.
Jack watches you closely, his own breathing suspended as you stare down into your hands, thoughts whirring in his head. Is it too much, too soon? Is he comin’ on too strong? Would you even like it?
After the longest ten seconds of his life, you look up at him with soft eyes and brows drawn, a crack in your voice. ‘Jack.’
He gives you a lopsided smile and reaches for the box. ‘I went back to the same silversmith who made my belt buckle and asked him to make this.’
The chain is delicate in his big, weathered hands. It takes him a couple of tries, but he eventually manages to pry open the hinge of the clasp and holds out the necklace towards you in a question. ‘May I, darlin’?’
Turning around, the bed dips behind you as Jack shifts closer, cool silver kissing your décolletage as he fastens the clasp behind your neck. Your gaze drops downwards, the tip of your index finger testing the weight of the solid sterling pendant in the shape of a flask, Statesman emblazoned in delicate lettering -
A much smaller but exact copy of his belt buckle.
His words draw you out of your thoughts. ‘You like it?’
‘I love it,’ you correct him, twisting around to tackle him into the mattress, your knees around his waist as you loom over him, knocking off your hat so you can kiss him properly. ‘It’s perfect. Thank you.’
The pendant dangles from your neck, tickling him on the chin as he winds one big hand into your hair, his eyes following as it sways. ‘It looks good on you, darlin’.’
The warm, fuzzy feeling in your chest starts to recede as your eyes land on the present you got for him on the bed. The giddiness you felt when you found it is a distant dream, instead, anxiety threatens to take root deep in your head. If you got something from Amazon tonight, is there any chance that they could deliver tomorrow -
‘Darlin’. You’re thinking too loudly,’ says Jack soothingly, chucking you gently under your chin. ‘What’s wrong?’
You shake your head. ‘I got you a really stupid present. Let’s forget about it - I’ll get you something else.’
His brows draw together in concern as he grabs your wrists and pulls you flush against his chest so that there’s nowhere else to look but at him. ‘Don’t say that, there’s no such thing as a stupid present. Whatever you got me, I’m sure I’ll love it.’
You inhale deeply, chewing your bottom lip. ‘You mentioned a few weeks ago that your leather jacket and fleeces are too bulky and it’s hard to move around in all the layers when it's cold.’
He nods encouragingly. ‘That I did.’
Propping yourself up on your elbows, you reach out and drag the package towards him. ‘Well, I saw this at my local shop, and thought it might help.’
Jack gives you a reassuring smile and leans back into the pillows, grabbing the present excitedly. He pulls you against his side, as if he’s trying to squeeze all the self-doubt out of you, the gift draped across your laps as he starts to unwrap it.
You’re a bundle of jitters when he rips off the wrapping paper with impatient fingers, and the lightweight and puffy blue fabric comes into view.
Jack shakes out the neatly folded one-piece. ‘Is it - a ski suit?’
You nod and point out the black contrasting detailing on the front of the suit. ‘It's light and it's warm. Look at the western design with the single point pockets - I couldn’t not get it for you.’
Jack chuckles, the sound warming you as his arm tightens around your shoulders. ‘Well, I’ll be damned. So simple, yet so clever.’
‘You like it?’ you ask in the smallest voice.
‘I love it,’ he grins, drawing you in for another kiss. ‘Thank you, darlin’.’
Finally assuaged, you sag against him, a yawn creeping up on you as the tension in your body recedes. ‘You want to try it on now?’
Tucking you in, he says, ‘I’ll try it tomorrow, it’s been a long day for you, darlin’.
Putting your hat and his ski suit on the bedside table, Jack turns off the light, his body immediately seeking out yours under the sheets, claiming every inch of you with a leg between your thighs, front plastered to your back, palms under your ratty pyjamas top, splayed across your naked skin.
It’s been too long.
Nose tucked behind your ear, his arms full of you - finally here after months of feeling your phantom weight in his embrace - the night slips away as the snow falls outside.
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It’s too warm under the covers when you wake up, even though Jack’s side of the bed is empty. You stretch lazily, the clock reads 8am but the fire is still going strong, he must have stoked it when he got up.
You decide to make some coffee and wait for him to come back before venturing to the communal kitchen for breakfast. While the water boils, you smile as you fiddle with the necklace sitting on your chest, warm and reassuring against your skin.
The smell of caffeine fills the cabin as you sip from your mug, and before long, you hear Jack stomping up the stairs, humming a country tune in his raspy baritone as he approaches the door.
Pouring him a steaming cup, you say, ‘Hey, I made you some coffee -’
You trail off when you turn around.
Your morning brain can’t quite grasp the picture in front of you. Jack’s still wearing his cowboy hat, his nose red from the cold. Vaguely, you realise he’s wearing the present you gifted him - and you congratulate yourself on the fact that it fits him like a damn glove.
The ski suit accentuates his broad shoulders and tapers in at his waist in a flattering cut, the zipper drawn all the way up to the hollow of his throat. He’s replaced the detachable belt that came with the ski suit with his own, the flask bottle buckle popping against the blue.
But the bottom half - that you have trouble comprehending. It takes you a beat longer to realise why.
He’s wearing full-length cowboy chaps over it.
Chaps are essentially leather trousers with the seat cut out, and Jack's wearing them with his belt looped through the straps. You know he only uses them when it’s muddy, to keep his jeans clean. He didn’t wear them at all on your pack trip, but you’ve seen a peek on Facetime in the rainy months in between. And now that you're seeing them in person, you decide that like them - a lot.
Your gaze, slow as molasses despite being completely unburdened by shame, slides all the way down to the triangle of blue framed by the negative space in the brown chaps where - for the lack of a better expression - his prominent endowment hangs heavy at the apex of his strong thighs. Not that you’re trying to look, but you can see the very heft of him through the fabric.
Jesus H. Christ. It’s too fucking early to be sinning.
When Jack realises that you’re staring, he says somewhat apologetically, clearly oblivious to the merry tangent your mind has gone off on. ‘Sorry, I know I’m not meant to wear it this way, but I didn’t want to get it dirty -’
You shake your head hastily. ‘No, it’s not that. It’s - perfect.’
Something breathless in your tone catches his ear, and he tilts his head to the side, one large hand coming to rest on his hip, thick fingers spread obnoxiously wide over the side of the chaps. The beginning of a cocky smile lifts the corner of his mouth. ‘Yeah, darlin’? You like it?’
Leaving your mug on the counter top, you bite your lip and give him your best teasing grin. ‘Why don’t you turn around so I can take a better look, cowboy?’
He arches an eyebrow at your boldness, but decides to indulge you. Voice dropping an octave, he rasps, ‘Better take a seat for this, darlin’.’
You grin and do as you’re told, turning the kitchen chair around so that you’re facing him, running your eyes up and down his frame as he steps into your space, narrow hips swaying to a beat you can’t hear. Hooking his thumbs into his belt, he suddenly turns with a dramatic flourish and arches his back, granting you an unrivalled view of his behind framed by the chaps cut off at the top of his thighs, the ski suit tight against his pert bottom.
‘Enjoy the view, darlin’?’ he asks, grinning over his shoulder at you.
You swat him on one cheek playfully, and when he swoops suddenly into your lap in a classic burlesque move, you squeal, ‘Jack!’
Bending his knees, he grinds into your thighs as you laugh, the ski suit soft on your skin while the leather chaps scrape against your bare shins. Turning around, he reaches up to tug the suit’s zipper downwards in a slow, deliberate course, and he purrs, ‘What say you if ol’ cowboy Jack gives you a proper show, hmm?’
You inhale sharply as the white wife beater underneath comes into view, and you reach up to help him push one side of the ski suit off his shoulder, revealing the firm line of his left arm.
‘Thought that was more of Teak’s thing,’ you quip, licking your lips as your eyes skim down his front to settle on the weighty bulge now straining against the front of the suit, your eager fingers pulling him closer by his belt buckle.
Gripping the edge of the table, he traps you into your seat, his stare dropping to the matching pendant resting on your now heaving bosom, taking in your blown pupils as he grins. ‘Anythin’ for you, darlin’.’
‘Aren’t I the luckiest girl,’ you muse, taking off his hat and flinging it onto the table, his hungry stare alone pinning you in place when you drag him down to you by his lapels.
Warm lips part yours and he delves into your mouth, kissing you deeply. The promise of more leaves you chasing him as he draws back with a drawl. ‘You’re about to get a whole lot luckier, darlin’.’
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The thick material of the ski suit is almost pillowy as your fingers dig into his shoulders to steady yourself. It rubs gently on your nipples as you rock against Jack, arms wound around his neck while his desperate hands cup and knead the plump swell of your ass, dragging you up and down his hard cock.
‘That’s it, you’re ridin' me beautifully, darlin’,’ he growls into your ear, exhaling hot and heavy as he nips your collar bone. ‘Missed you so much.’
His chaps are slippery under your bare thighs from your slick, and you clench at the sensation of being completely naked on top of him when he’s still fully clothed, only his belt and zipper undone so that he can fuck up into you, the rickety kitchen chair groaning under the weight of the two of you.
‘Missed you too,’ you whisper against his lips, crying out when he hits a particularly deep spot inside you. ‘Yes, yes, harder, Jack.’
Leaning forward, he takes one breast into his hot mouth, one eye on your necklace that’s sticking to your sweaty skin before licking you between your tits and over the silver pendant, the salt sharp on his tongue. He hums, ‘You wear it so well.’
‘I won’t take it off, ever,’ you swear, throwing your head back when he scrapes his teeth against the column of your neck, so full of him that your knees quake.
‘Good,’ growls Jack, thrusting harder into you, making your breath stutter. ‘Keep me with you, darlin’ - always.’
You smile, fingers curled into his hair, stealing a tender moment as your noses bump and eyes meet with the easiest promise you will ever keep. ‘Always.’
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Notes: Am I allowed to pick favourites? I'm not? I'm doing it anyway -- this is my favourite out of all the holiday fics, no question! I'm so soft for cowboy Jack and his darlin' 🥹 We've been spending time with just the two of them so far in the series, so it was really fun to explore the group situations, especially with the Kingsman involved!
I hope you enjoyed this fluffy interlude. Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and thank you so much for reading ❤️
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itsss4t4n · 10 months
Who I write for /Rules
I'm new-ish to writing (i used to write fanfiction when i was like 13. i'm 18 now soo..) but I really wanna do it again.
So this is a list of characters/fandoms I write for as well as some rules for asks. Some things may be missing from this list so if you dont see something on this list, feel free to ask. :))
I will add a prompt list to this blog soon but again feel free to request other scenarious. Do add as much detail as you want to a request and please ALWAYS have at least some sort of prompt, as i'm really not good with coming up with storys on my own yet.
I WILL NOT DO SMUT SO DONT REQUEST IT! I might however do spicy stuff (Nothing more than making out tho).
My writing will be for all ages but please still be careful if the fic-warnings include sensitive topics and i might repost some 18+ things so be careful when navigating my blog.
Please be nice and have manners when requesting.
If you have any questions at all if i write for something, or if a topic you want me to write about is okay or not, please reach out through my asks or my inbox.
Also please include what gender/pronouns you want the reader to have (i write for all genders):)))
I write both romantic and platonic for all my characters. Although Teen!readers will always be platonic if the character is an adult.
I also write poly relationships. AUs are also totally on the table (big Fan of celebrity AUs).
Some things I will not write include: Pregnancy, toxic/yandere, student x teacher.
(Also english isnt my first language, and even know in my opinion i speak it really well, if they are any mistakes, thats why.)
Sally face
-Sal Fisher
-Travis Phelps (male or gn readers)
-Larry Johnson
-Ashley Campbell
Harry Potter
-Fred Weasley
-george Weasley
-lee jordan
-Charly weasley
-Bill weasley
-cedric diggory
-Fleur delacour
-olliver wood
-sirius black
-remus lupin
-James potter
-sirius black
-remus lupin
-regulus black
-Evan rosier
-Barty crouch jr
-pandora lestrange
-lilly evans
-marlene mckinnon
Hogwarts Legacy
-Sebastian Sallow
-Ominus Gaunt
-Gareth Weasley
-Poppy Sweetings
-Imelda Reyes
Die drei fragezeichen / the three investigators
-Bob Andrews
-Peter Shaw
-Justus Jonas
-Skinny Norris
-Jasper Hale
-Emmet Cullen
-carlisle cullen
-esme cullen
-rosalie hale
-alice cullen
-sam uley
-Paul lahote
-charlie swan
-Leah clearwater
-Percy jackson
-Anabeth chase
-luke castellan
-clarrisse larue
-selena beauregard
-charles beckendorf
-ethan nakamura
-nico di anglo (no romantic fem readers)
-rachel elizabeth dare
-will solace (no romantic fem reader)
-travis stoll
-connor stoll
-hazel levesque (no romantic)
-jason grace
-leo valdez
-piper mclean
Magnus chase
-Magnus chase
-samirah al abbas ( no romantic)
-alex fierro
-malory keen
-tj (thomas jefferson jr)
Kane chronicles (havent read it in a while so might be ooc)
-Carter kane
-sadie kane
-walt stone
MCU (Avengers)
-bucky Barnes
-steve rogers
-tony stark
-sam wilson
-natasha romanoff
-yelena belova
-Peter Parker (tom holland and andrew garfield)
-Wanda maximof
-Piedro maximof
-Clint barton
-scott lang
-stephen strange
-kate bishop
MCU ( Guardians of the galaxy)
-peter quill
-steven grant
-mark spector
-layla el-faouly
Daredevil (Season 1)
-matt murdock
-Foggy nelson
-Karen page
-James wesley
X-men universe
-Eddie Brock
-Harley Quinn
-Jason Todd
-Dick Grayson (any version, young justice, robin, nightwing,etc.)
-wally west
-roy harper (young justice)
Disney Descendants
-Carlos devil
-Benjamin beast
-Chad charming
-Audrey rose
-Harry hook
Rise of red
-james hook
Tiny Pretty things (Netflix)
-Bette Whitlaw
-oren lennox
-shane madej (no romantic fem readers)
-June park
Jennifers Body
-Jennifer Check
-Colin gray
Ever after high
-all characters
Redacted Audios (no x reader, just ships)
-literally all characters
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madlittlecriminal · 1 year
Hello! I really like reading x reader fics and don’t request a lot but you seem nice. 🫶
I was wondering to request an Eggsy x male reader fic? :D
-The 🦑 anon
The Parents ⋮ Eggsy × Male!Reader
awe :) you're so sweet! i don't get male readers often as ive written i believe three or four fics that were male readers, so whenever i get these, i get all giddy inside :)
Warnings: supportive parents because my parents are confusing asf and i have yet to tell them about my sexuality, it is a little short, but it's sweet, does eggsy trying to be the best boyfriend count?
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It was safe to say that you were nervous. You invited Eggsy over to meet your parents and they were surprisingly supportive of you being gay. You just hoped you didn't catch him at a bad time since you knew about his Secret Service job that he covered up as being a tailor.
You took a deep breath as you heard a knock on the door, knowing it was him. When you went to open the door, he gave you his signature smile and kissed your cheek. "You alright love?" You nodded. "I am now." He chuckled and you invited him in before closing the door. You made your way to the dining room where your parents were at and introduced them to your boyfriend. They were confused as to how "Eggsy" came from "Gary" but when he told them the story, it made sense.
"We have never seen our son so happy in a relationship before, so thank you Eggsy." You mother said as she reached out her hand towards him. "Eggsy smiled and thanked her. "He saved me if I'm being honest. When I needed a friend most, he was there and from then, we got closer. I wouldn't trade that for anything, so thank you for raising an amazing man." You felt your cheeks warm up at his words as he grabbed your hand. You gave it a gentle squeeze and he couldn't help but smile.
"So how did you two meet?" Your father asked. The real answer: on a mission; Eggsy was undercover, and you helped him out without knowing he was on a mission. "I needed a new suit for an office party and Eggsy helped me out. I cracked a few jokes, said he poked me with his needles, and such. I didn't know he was having a bad day, so I guess it was luck that I was a funny guy." Your dad nodded, looking over at your mom. "He got that from me." Your mom glared at your father and the three of you couldn't help but laugh.
"Anyway, did you invite Eggsy to that office party?" You didn't, he crashed it because one of your coworkers were selling Poppy's toxins at the party. Eggsy checked everyone and when he saw you again, you exchanged numbers before he left. "He did actually. We had fun and got to know each other a bit more and I'm pretty sure I asked him out a week later."
You gave him a glare. "I'm pretty sure I was the one that asked you out." He shook his head. "I don't reckon, love. I'm almost positive it was me." You sighed. "We'll talk about that later."
From there, the dinner went amazing. Your parents loved Eggsy and said they wanted invites to your future wedding. As they left, Eggsy pressed a gentle kiss on your lips and smiled. "See? Nothing to be afraid of, babe." You chuckled. "You're right...so now about that first date."
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stormyelliotwritez · 10 months
okie dokie so here's the fandom list and the characters i'll write for. i will update this at times so yeah, here we go.
supernatural (dean winchester, sam winchester (not soulless or lucifer sam though), castiel, lucifer, balthazar, bobby (platonic only for jack and charlie))
911 and 911 lone star (tk strand, carlos reyes, evan buckley, eddie diaz, paul strickland, christopher diaz (platonic only), chimney, hen, owen strand)
stranger things (eddie munson, steve harrington, the kids (only platonic), robin buckley (platonic only), nancy wheeler, jonathan byers, argyle, hopper, joyce)
house md (gregory house, james wilson, lisa cuddy and i can write foreman, chase and cameron but i can't promise it will be good. also im only on like season 5 so yeah.)
doctor who (any new who doctors and companions and friends tho coz im writing male reader bill, jenny and vastra will be platonic only coz otherwise that just feels weird also probably platonic for yaz and 13. also any masters because i love them and am obsessed with them)
hannibal (just hannibal and will coz im only on like the first season so it'll be based on vibes mostly)
star wars (like anyone basically just not palpatine and the creepy bad guys like the blue one or moff gideon. i am obsessed with clones and bounty hunters so yeah!)
batfam and dc (anyone basically coz ive got a pretty good grasp of most of their characters. if anyone requests the joker, i will probs mean like lego batman or the animated tv shows joker so the one who isn't an ass and is a bit gay. if they're lesbians, it will be platonic though.)
marvel (anyone like please just give me ideas of marvel stuff to write. i will need like a really good idea to be convinced to write for tony because he pisses me off sometimes. also team red and loki tv show are like my favs so i will write actual masterpieces for those)
criminal minds (the bau gang and also clyde easter like please just request him for giggles otherwise i'll just write stuff for him unprompted)
the mentalist, castle and bones (just the main crews)
good omens (aziraphale and crowley (platonic only) also like any of the other characters besides metatron because i wanna murder him in his sleep (: so yep)
marauders (the marauders obvs, the Valkyries and the Slytherins)
sherlock bbc (sherlock, john, molly, jim, greg, mycroft)
star trek (the one with chris pine) (bones, kirk, spock, scotty) (i can do the old tv show, i just haven't watched much)
the addams family (im talking like the live action movies and the animated because i watched one episode of wednesday and it sucked ngl so yeah. ill write for the whole family so yeppity yep)
shameless (the gallaghers tho not lip and debbie when they're in their problematic arcs mostly because im not up to there and also kev and v but only platonic for them and mickey ofc)
kingsman (eggsy, harry, merlin, agent whiskey)
ghosts bbc (any of the ghosts and also allison and mike)
gravity falls (anyone basically except for gideon and his dad)
hades the video game (anyone tho i don't think anyone would request this)
the x-files (mulder, scully, skinner, the lone gunmen)
spiderverse (hobie, miles, gwen, noir, pav, peter b parker, miles universe peter, miguel (only if you wanna get into a fight with him))
person of interest (reese, finch, fosco, carter, root)
Law and order: SVU (the whole crew tho im only on s4)
Dead boy detective agency (anyone but niko and jenny will only be platonic coz lesbians)
i think thats it so yeah! :)
please send in requests tho ive got no idea if anyone will see this but yeah!
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ethanharli · 4 years
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Requested: 😘 i want to request, Reader is Eggsy ex-boyfriend (I guess) because Eggsy suddenly dissapear (coz his job being a spy) and no contact at all. One day reader see wounded Eggsy chased by some guy(VILLAIN) and reader help him to hide. And maybe some couple argument then room become heated and they can't help to touch each other lmao. Maybe some rough or kink to reminisce their relationship? Well anything is fine 😙
Pairing(s): Gary 'Eggsy' Unwin x Top Male Reader.
Warning(s): Slight Angst (but mostly fluff), Slight Arguing, Nfsw/Smutt, Kinda rough, Definitely biting, Couch sex, Begging.
A/n- I have never seen Kingsman and I have no idea if it takes place in a city (cause that's what I did and I realized it right when I finished it). And I'm sorry if this is bad :"(
Pushing my hands deeper into the pockets of my jacket I looked at the night sky, letting out a long drawn out breath, just to watch it blow away in the cold air. I always made it a habit to go on cool night walks, but they always feel lonelier then they used to, mostly cause I used to go on these walks with my ex-lover. It's been about two, maybe three years since he disappeared, just up and left with no way to get in contact with him, and I've slowly made peace with the fact I might not ever get to see him again, so all I can do is hope that where ever he is, he's okay. Taking a deep breath I headed down the sidewalk, trying to avoid the people that walked by, but out the corner of my eye I spotted two people running on the other side of the street, and I couldn't help but feel like one of them seemed familiar.
Looking down the side walk and back towards were I saw them, I didn't know what to do, on one hand I wanted to see what was going on but on the other I just wanted to head home. "Fuck it" After a moment of thinking it over I quickly crossed the street, making my way down the path they had ran, cursing once again when I found a gate blocking my way. Ripping off my jacket I let it fall to the ground before gripping onto the gate and swiftly pushing myself over it, hitting the ground on the other side with a soft thud. A small huff slipped past my lips as I saw only two paths, both left and right, most noise and footsteps coming from the left so I headed towards the right, "If I'm quick enough I might be able to get there before them."
Picking up the pace I quickly darted around the corners, using my security guard training as a way to keep a steady breath and cut corners. Finally making it to a clearing I saw the street was bustling with people, so taking a deep breath I headed to the other side of the alley, seeing the two quickly heading this way. So pressing my back to the other side of the wall I hid from their vision, quickly grabbing the arm of the one being chased as he came out of the alley and pulling him to the side. "What the-" I didn't let him continue as I dragged him into the crowd, watching as the other person let out a frustrated huff, scanning around on last time before walking away.
"[Y/n]?" I instantly turned at the call of my name, about to question how they knew it until my eyes meet a familiar blue pair. "Eggsy.." My breath caught in my throat as I looked at him, his brown hair obviously slick with gel but slowly starting to fall in front of his face, lips slightly parted as he panted for breath, but his eyes had me captivated, as they always did and I didn't know how to feel, torn between hugging him or yelling at him. Yet, once I heard a soft hiss slip past his lips as he gripped his side I pushed my feelings away and gently rested my hand on his shoulder, guiding him through the crowd, "Let's get you patched up." We didn't speak much on the way towards my apartment, he mostly sent awkward glances my way but I was to stuck in my own head to really care.
So when we arrived I made sure to check around making sure we weren't followed before I got him inside and settled him on a chair in the living room. "Take your shirt off, I need to look at the wound" I spoke bluntly, still trying to wrap my head around the fact that it's him, that he's here, after three long, painful years of nothing, he's finally here. Shaking my head I pulled out a first aid kit from the top cupboard, making sure to take a seat in front of the injured male, while trying to make sure my eyes didn't wander over his bare torso. Yet I immediately spotted the medium sized bruise on his side, it was a nasty shade of dark purple and I could tell it'll last for a long while, so, I went to work.
Five minutes, it took five minutes of him staring at me and gently pressing a heated pad to his side for him to finally say something. "You're still here? You always talked about moving, you worked hard so you could" His tone was soft and steady, but hesitant and I can't really blame him for that. Fidgeting every so often under my touch, trying to relax against the chair as I tapped my foot against the wooden floor, "Yeah well, that was before my boyfriend just up and disappeared out of no where." I didn't mean for the words to come out so harsh, but I couldn't deny the anger that slowly bubbled up within me. All the pent up anger and frustration over the years that I tried so hard to forget about, coming crashing back in one big tidal wave.
"[Y/n], I'm sorry I-"
"You're sorry?"
My eyes narrowed as I glared at him, trying my best to keep my anger under wraps as I grit my teeth together, "You left! Do you know how hard it was to know I went to sleep with you in my arms, thinking everything was alright, that we were alright, only to wake up with you gone." My body tensed at the memory of that night, remembering how we laughed and kissed, like there wasn't a thing wrong in the world and it was just us two. Going to bed with him in my arms, and telling each other 'I love you,' only to wake up alone, with all his stuff gone as well, "[Y/n] I had no choice." Something in me seemed to snap as I quickly stood from my seat, the hand that kept the warm pack on his side tensing slightly, as I leaned over him, not caring about the close proximity when I rested my hand on the back of the chair, trapping him between it and myself.
"No choice? You could've told me you were leaving! I spent three years- three long agonizing years thinking you left cause you didn't want to be with me anymore! And if that were the case then why not just fucking tell me?!" I couldn't stop the sudden rise of my voice, glaring into his blue eyes as I brought myself closer to him, making sure to keep eye contact even if we were only a few inches apart. Letting out a heavy breath I ignored the heat rising in his cheeks as I pressed forward, "I spent countless nights looking for you! Wondering where the hell you could've gone, and wondering if you were alright, cause I was scared shitless!" Tears slowly gathered in my eyes as I looked at him, feeling my heart ache in my chest, not feeling the way his hands rested on my arms.
"I was told to give up, I was told to accept the reality that you were probably dead, but I couldn't- I couldn't because I lo-!" My eyes widened when he pulled me down into a desperate kiss that I couldn't help but sink into, letting my eyes flutter shut as I brought my hand to the back of his head, running my fingers through the soft brown strands as our lips slid together perfectly, and I couldn't help but remember those countless nights we shared before as I dragged my tongue along his lower lip, shyly brushing our tongues together when he finally granted me access. However my hands traveled beneath his thighs, making sure not to touch his bruise as I hoisted him up and moved us towards the couch, pressing his bare back against the couch cushions before I peeled off my shirt and threw it to the side. I practically drank in the sight of him, a rosey red blush coated his cheeks and dusted lightly over his shoulders, his chest rising and falling as he panted softly, "Absolutely stunning, every god damn inch of you."
His blush only seemed to deepen from my words, while our noses bumped together slightly as he quickly pulled me back down into a feverish kiss, my hands trailing over his torso, rolling my thumbs over his nipples, forcing a high pitched whimper past his throat that had my cock throbbing from the sound of it. "Good to know you're still sensitive here" A sly smirk was brought to my face as I leaned towards his neck, dragging my tongue up his heated skin before I chuckled softly and bit down, "Ngh!" His pleasured grunts and roll of his hips against my own encouraged me to continue, making sure to litter his neck and shoulders with multiple love bites, as my thumbs continued to toy with his perky buds. "F-Fuck, [Y/n] please.." Sitting up I adjusted myself between his legs, drawing my tongue over my upper lip as I looked down at him, "C'mon baby, you know what to do" He narrowed his eyes at me in slight irritation but he knew as well I did that he enjoys it. So propping himself up against the armrest he looked me in the eyes as he unbuckled his pants, "Please [Y/n].. I need you, I need to feel you," He panted softly, beginning to slide out of his jeans and boxers, "Please, fill me up."
The mere sight of him nearly had me choking, and I hadn't realized just how much I missed the feeling of him beneath me, the feeling of him pressed against me. In a quick motion I brought my fingers to my lips, coating them in my saliva before moving them between his legs and positioning my middle finger at his entrance, "You ready sweetheart?" Watching him nod I let out a drawn breath before slowly pressing my finger inside him, watching him squirm a bit and I couldn't help but notice how tight he is.
"Let me kn-"
His breathy moan caught me a bit off guard, but I was happy to comply and started to thrust my finger at an even pace, letting my lips continue to explore the unmarked places of his neck before sliding in another finger, "Ngh, Fuck" His moans only spurred me on and I couldn't help but notice how uncomfortably tight my pants have gotten. "Please just- just put it in [Y/n] please!" With a low chuckle I nodded my head, pulling my fingers out of him so that I could take off my own jeans and boxer briefs, then position my tip at his entrance, slowly pushing inside of him and shuddering at the feeling of his tight walls around me. "Fuck! Y-You can move" Letting out a soft pant I slowly rocked my hips, letting us both adjust until I quickened my pace, searching for a certain spot I had memorized years ago.
His nails dug in and raked down my back, letting out a broken shuddering moan that let me know I had found it, "There! Shit-" He groaned out as I made sure to hit that spot, raising my hand to gently wipe away the tears that gathered in his eyes before capturing his lips with my own, feeling his hips jerk when my other hand made it's way to his throbbing cock, causing my core to sting when he moaned into my ear, "I-Im gonna cum" He hissed softly, now rocking his hips with my own. "Go ahead sweetheart, cum for me" I spoke huskily, running my thumb over his tip while hitting his prostate dead on. Causing his body to shudder and tense beneath me, cumming into my hand as I speeded up my thrusts, hearing his breath hitch in his throat, "In or out?" I asked through clenched teeth, feeling him wrap his legs tightly around my waist, "In."
So with a quick thrust I came inside him, letting out hard batted pants that mixed with his own, and I couldn't help but lay on his chest, cuddling into him like I had done many times in the past, loving the feeling of his fingers running through my hair, I was tired, we both were, but I was scared to fall asleep, "Eggsy.." I spoke softly, looking up into his eyes as he smiled back at me, "Yes?"
"Please be here when I wake up.."
"I will, I promise."
And to my surprise, he was.
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cryptidkaruma · 4 years
I want to request eggsy on mission to spying reader but reader caught him. Reader nonchalant about it and let eggsy go. Eggs become more curios about reader and end up fall for reader. Hehe 🥚
Eggsy x Male reader
Warnings: Slight language?
Just another mission they said
Oh just spy on someone they said
`Mission my arse` thought Eggsy. How is spying on someone a mission? He grumbled impatiently as he made his way towards the building that the man apparently lived in. It was just a normal brick building with balconies decorated with flowers and grandmas with cats on their laps. He wasn’t expecting much out of this. The man seemed normal enough, though good looking. He had seen a very limited file on the man which had included a picture. Black (H/L) hair with dull (E/C) eyes. Eggsy looked around the street and took note of the people around there. Sighing he found himself a place to observe the building for now
It had been two days since he started on the mission and he had seen the man enter and exit the building a few times a day. Finally getting down the man’s schedule so he could enter his flat when he was out. It had been quite easy actually. He had waited until the (E/C) eyed man left before climbing the back of the building and slowly working open his back window. Eggsy climbed inside and set up a few cameras and mics. He looked around for a while but found nothing suspicious so he left again. 
The next few days were spent watching the man through the cameras he set up and following him when he went out. He had seen the man undress quite a few times and though he found it awkward, he told himself that this was just a mission and did his best to not be tempted by the other’s (S/T) skin. The man was fairly normal. He woke up early and did everyday things before leaving for work and sometimes he went to other places throughout the city before returning when dark. 
Today Eggsy was in his now new car that had been gifted to him from the agency, with a drink in hand, feet on the dashboard and boringly looking at the screen that showed him the man he was spying on, who’s name, he had learned earlier, was (M/N) (L/N). But suddenly all the screens went black and he could no longer hear the shuffling of feet across the room. 
``What the fuck?-`` he scrambled out of his car and raced to the building. Again he climbed the back of the building and through the window. The entire flat was dark and eerily silent. He stumbled on a fallen chair blindly. He was beginning to be worried now. Had something happened to the man? Did someone break into the flat? Was he hurt? Dead?
He tapped his glasses that enabled night vision, a feature he had discovered a few months prior, and looked around the room. Some things were knocked over and the carpet had been moved alot. Slowly he made his way to the living room, only to see (M/N) casually sitting on his office chair in the middle of the room and a smirk on his lips. 
~POV Switch~
You crossed your legs and raised your brows at his frozen expression. With a gruff laugh you spoke.
``Come on now, did I make you malfunction?``
This seemed to bring him out of his frozen state. He looked to the floor in front of you and saw all the cameras he set up torn and broken. The mics too had been disconnected. You noticed his stare and simply kicked away the broken pieces. 
``How?`` was all he could ask. He didn’t know what else to say and he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to form his words properly.
``It wasn’t that hard really. I saw you a few times more to just be a coincident. Played along for a while but not being able to wank off with cameras everywhere was starting to get pretty tiring,`` Eggsy was glad you didn’t do it in front of the cameras. He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to handle the sight. ``Now, go tell your boss that you failed your mission before I decide to kill you.`` 
``And how do you know I won’t kill you?``
``Oh please, that wasn’t what you were told to do was it? You’d be in big trouble if you killed me.`` You smiled wider ``Well now, off you go!``
He did do as told. But something about you intrigued him. You were too calm about the situation and knew much more than you should have. Also, threatening to kill him? That was kind of hot. So this time he decided to pay you a surprise visit. When you came home you noticed that something was off and immediately knew who. Sighing as you opened the door, you spoke before switching on the lights. ``Did I not tell you to leave me be?`` you pointed a look at the couch in the dark. Switching the lights on and revealing an Eggsy sitting there with a sheepish grin. Once again surprised that you found out so quick.
``I did tell them.``
``They told me that I could stop and they’d find another way to keep an eye on you.``
``That means, that you’ve come here on your own will?`` you smirked and closed the door, ``well then, how incredibly rude of me. I should be tending to my guest.``
Thank you for requesting again, haha. This was nice to write, hope you liked it. Also sorry for the delay
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malereader-inserts · 2 years
A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant To Be
Fandom: Kingsman Pairing:  Gary “Eggsy” Unwin x Male!Reader Summary: Word Count:524 A/n: Short and sweet - well, not sweet.
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"Do you think, in a different lifetime, we could be together?"
There was silence as you shrugged your shoulders, you pulled your coat closer to you - trying the block out the cold. You let a shaky breath, watching the mist from your hot breath.
"Maybe, or maybe we weren't really supposed to be together," You replied, you weren't trying to be harsh.
But, Eggsy looks at you and his heart hurts. He looks at you, knowing you're refusing to look at him because if you do, you don't think you can stop the tears running down your face. He knows you, you're not emotionless, in fact, you were your heart on your sleeve.
You feel everything and anything, you were loving, compassionate, and kind. He loved you for that, he loved you for being you, and he didn't want to let that go. But, here you are: parting ways.
"Didn't think you would have believed in those things," You spoke honestly and quietly, that Eggsy almost missed what you were saying.
"What?" Eggsy chuckled, "Reincarnation?"
"Don't strike me as a religious man."
Winter, why did it have to be winter where you break things off - Eggsy wishes he was indoors, in the warmth, next to you. He wanted to be cuddling up on the sofa, with a movie in the background as you both drink hot chocolate.
He wanted you, he needs you, but you know he really doesn't. He's just lying to himself and you don't want to hurt yourself in process of falling in love with him. But, still, you fell in love with him and he fell harder.
He wants to wake up every morning with you by his side, soundly sleeping as he admires your pretty face. He wants to give you all the compliments and tell you all the sweet nothings till you're too embarrassed to even show your face to him.
"What if we tried?"
"We'd hurt ourselves in the process."
You weren't mean, but Eggsy can't help but feel a stab into the heart at those icy words. You're honest, he's honest, and you're both wondering if it's possible to be too honest, maybe Eggsy wished you could lie to his face, give him a shitty lie to make this break up easier.
He wants you to tell him you cheated, found someone else you love more than him, stole from him. Whatever, anything just so he could hate you - it makes things so much easier, for the both of you, but you're honest and it's the only thing that he hates at the moment, but's overshadowed by your other great traits.
"I want you though!"
"Eggsy," You hummed, sparing him a glace for the first time, "You know deep down, you don't, this is for the best."
"I wished this worked out."
He's honest, you can tell, and you turn away from him. Preparing to walk away from him forever, hoping that the two of you will never have to cross paths again. You let out a sharp breath, choking back the tears - hoping he can't tell that your eyes are brimming with tears.
"Me too."
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Harry Hart x Kingsman!male reader
The sword and the knight
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No Warning
Just fluff or something
I got back into kingsman and saw a lack of male readers, so I am fixing that. I could do a lot better than this one, it's pretty boring and long, I am still trying to get back into the game and that will take a long while. But for the mean time, enjoy 🫰
Didn't have time to proofread, sorry.
Eggsy entered the tailorshop with his casual wear, jacket, shirt, cap and all. He looked out of place as he looked around until he saw Harry looking at him with a man beside him, his head was on Harry's lap with eyes closed, while Harry stroke his hair. Eggsy found it amusing and was about to talk until Harry put a finger to his lips, signalling him to shut it.
"Keep your voice down, he gets very grumpy if he gets woken up."
Harry said in a hushed tone as he beckoned Eggsy closer.
"Who is he exactly?"
"You'll know when you get into kingsman, now, are you ready?"
"way to leave a bloke in a cliffhanger, yes, I'm ready."
" Alright, head to the third fitting room, I will follow you shortly."
Eggsy did as he was told, still looking at Harry and the mystery person. After waiting a few minutes in the fitting room, Harry got inside and stood beside Eggsy.
"Apologies, he reacted not how I anticipated he would. Now, what do you see?"
Harry asked Eggsy as they were both looking in the three mirrors infront of them.
"Because I see, a man who is loyal, who can do as he is asked, and wants to do something good with his life."
Eggsy looked intently at the mirror.
"You ready?"
"What have I got to lose?"
Harry placed his palm on the mirror, a few moments later the floor began to descend into a subway. They got into the pod and travelled to the kingsman HQ.
As they arrived Harry told him everything he needed to know and brought him to the dorm with the other candidates. A few moments later Harry was joined by a bald man and the man earlier.
"Alright you lot, listen here and listen close, what I am about to say is vital. Your recuitment into kingsman is to take up to 3 months, more or less depeninding on how well all of you do."
The man from earlier spoke, and looked at Eggsy.
"I am Excalibur, and the bald scotsman beside me is Merlin, and this tall as shit fellow here is Galahad."
Excalibur said as he pointed to them respectively.
"I do not appreciate being called that, Excalibur."
"I just described you, what you want from me?"
Merlin just sighed as Excalibur crossed his arms in sort of a pissed off kid kind of way.
"Your test is already underway, the moment you stepped into this place the test has started. Now get some rest, and goodluck."
The three of them left after saying their farewells.
"When are you going to make them swim?"
Excalibur asked Merlin as he stood beside him.
"In a bit."
Merlin pressed the button, making the doorm fill up with water, Eggsy was the first to wake up. Noticing the water, the others were not far behind.
"Loo snorkels, loo snorkels."
Charlie said as he pointed towards the toilets.
"Showers heads."
Roxy followed behind, Eggsy was confused looking around as he looked at the door. After the room was full of water, he swam towards the door and tried to open it, unfortunately it was locked. He looked towards the mirror and began to swim towards it, as he got to the mirror he repeatedly punched it until it broke.
"That was fast."
Excalibur said as he looked towards the candidates on the floor.
"Good job, Charlie for quick thinking, as well as Roxy. However, all of you failed, you forgot the most important thing, teamwork, look inside."
Merlin said as the candidates now looked inside the dorm again, finding the lifeless body of a girl named Amelia.
"Still commendable, get some rest, we will continue tomorrow."
Excalibur said as he smirked at them, Eggsy looked quite pissed off.
"Are you trying to kill us?"
He asked angrily as he looked at Excalibur.
"Our job is to narrow down the candidates to one, Arthur never said how."
"For an old man you sure are fuckwd in the head."
"I am not old, I am just 3 years younger than Harry, I am Y/n, by the way."
Y/n reached out his hand for Eggsy.
"Proper sadist you are."
Eggsy shook his hand as he followed where the others went.
"If you see Harry, tell him I am looking for him, he knows where."
Y/n said before Eggsy was out of sight.
As Eggsy was walking to his dorm, he stumbled upon a tired Harry sat against the wall as he turned the corner. He looked to be asleep but with a cut on his head and he is sweating profusely.
Eggsy ran towards him.
"You good, mate?"
Eggsy shook his shoulder as Harry slowly opened his eyes.
"Just got into an accident, no need to fret."
Harry said with a tired face as he closed his eyes again.
"You sure? Well, Y/n is looking for you."
"thank you, Eggsy."
Harry nodded at Eggsy as he began to stand up, although struggling, he managed to be on his feet. He began to walk but he was stumbling and seemed to be in pain.
"You sure, you good? You don't seem proper, Harry."
Eggsy walked beside Harry as he put one of Harry's arms around his shoulder.
"I am feeling quite tired, my apologies, but I may need some assistance if you don't mind that is?"
Harry looked at Eggsy.
"You are tall, never realized just how tall until now."
Eggsy joke, trying to lighten the mood as he went with Harry.
"I am indeed tall, tallest in this place not to boast."
Harry chuckled.
"where are we going?"
"Just to Y/n' office."
"Right, I forgot, just on the second floor and last door on the right."
Eggsy hummed in acknowledgement.
"If you don't mind me asking, why are you lot named after the knights of the round table? Guess it fits the name, dunnit?"
"We are named based on our capabilities."
"And why is Y/n named excalibur?"
"Because he is the best of us, he is quite literally, Arthur's weapon. When Arthur deems it necessary, Excaliber will be there to slay the foe. He is a cold blooded killer, he does not show remorse, he has his own justice. He is the one Arthur sends when his Knights are in trouble, Excalibur has never failed a mission yet, and Arthur trusts him with his life."
They reached the door to Y/n's office after Harry explained.
"Well, here we are, would love to know more about the others. But Your duty calls, and sleep is pulling me down, Night."
Eggsy gave a two fingered salute to Harry before making his leave, leaving Harry infront of the door. He knocked six times in a pattern, alerting Y/n of who is at the door.
"Come in."
The voice from inside said, just as Harry opened the door to the office, he collapsed. Y/n immediately ran to Harry and shook his shoulder while gently tapping his cheek.
"Harry? You good, Love? Come on."
Y/n aid as he was getting emotional, his voice wavering a bit. Harry woke up after a few moments, later.
"I'm alright, nothing to worry about."
Harry said as he forced himself to stand, Y/n noticed and helped him, holding his hips so he doesn't fall.
"Why don't you lay down, hm?"
Y/n offered as he looked at Harry with distress.
"If it calms you down."
Harry laid down on the couch in the office.
"What did you call me for, my dear?"
"I just missed you."
Y/n said shyly as he looked everywhere but at Harry.
"Needy little thing, aren't you?"
Harry chuckled as he motion for Y/n to join him in the couch.
"Was the mission hard?"
Y/n asked as he snuggled into Harry, his small frame fitting perfectly with his head on Harry's chest with Harry's hand playing with his hair.
"Then why are you injured?"
"I fell down a flight of stairs."
"Don't lie."
"I jumped off a plane."
"Come on, Harry, why so secretive?"
"Whatever do you mean, my love? I am telling you nothing but what happened as best as I remember it."
"You're so annoying sometimes, I wonder why I even married you in the first place."
"Because you fell for me 27 years ago, why? Do you regret it?"
Harry said as their bodies relaxed, the playful banter becoming softer and quieter.
"Very much, I would rather have been with someone else if I knew you would be this annoying, posh twat."
"That is not a gentleman thing to say to someone."
"Look at my eyes and tell me whether I care or not."
Y/n raised his head hid chin now resting on Harry's chest.
"I love you."
Harry said as the hand on Y/n's hair now rested on his cheek as he caressed it carefully and lovingly.
"You cheeky, bugger, I love you too."
They leaned in for a kiss, not rough nor was it delicate, just the perfect kiss to fit the moment and to slightly calm the fire of their love just for a moment of respite between them. They fell asleep in each other's arms, not wanting to let go, Y/n face buried in Harry's neck and his face in Y/n' hair. Just the way they like it, close and feeling the love they hold for one another.
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
ive been watching kingsman, and why do i love Chav Eggsy more than Eggsy in a suit.
hes so scrimbly and gender.
I really need to finish up the requests in my inbox before adding new fandoms to my blog, sob sob.
(editing this post to say chav and not roadman lmao)
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siriusblacksbxtch · 4 years
The Keeper’s Entertainment
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Requested: Yes
Pairing: Eggsy Unwin x top!reader
Warnings: cursing , teasing , dirty talk , semi-public sex
Summary: Eggsy was supposed to be protecting Y/n from whoever was trying to hunt him down, easy to say he got very distracted by his mission
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Eggsy watched you tentatively, hands locked in front of him and his posture rigid, only breaking his stance to push up his glasses every so often.
You were huntched over your desk, furiously writing away at one of the many files piled around you. Your tie was somewhere around the room, the first three buttons of your shirt ripped open, and a hand fisted in your hair as you continued to scrawl across the paper.
With a loud yell you abruptly lunged forward, sending all of the papers flying around the room and onto the floor, resting a hand under your chin and falling back against your chair.
You could feel Eggsy’s eyes burning into you with amusement at the brim, your breath coming out in short huffs as you tried to calm yourself down.
“Are you going to stare all day, or are you going to ask me what you’ve been wanting to the whole time you’ve been watching over me?”
Eggsy gave a grin, the other members of The Kingsman had warned you of his attitude, but mostly you had found him amusing. You could hear his quiet remarks when you were in a meeting, and he would catch you laughing under your breath.
“Yes, I would actually.” You found yourself shifting your weight at the sound of his voice, raising an eyebrow in question. “How is it someone as pissed off as you all the time deals with their anger management?”
“Come over here and I’ll show you.”
The words left your mouth before you could swallow them back, and you found yourself going to apologize. However, before you could, Eggsy was walking toward you with a challenging smirk.
He stepped between you and your desk, sitting back on it and putting his hands in his pockets, looking down at you with an arched eyebrow.
You moved your chair forward, resting your elbows on the man’s thighs and looking up at him with a tilt of your head.
Slowly, you ran a hand on the outside of his thigh, the other hand still holding up your chin as you looked up.
“Tell me, Eggsy.” He hummed in question. “Do you enjoy being a security detail?”
“I don’t mind when it’s you.” You grinned at the answer, your eyes looking him up and down.
He always wore expensive things, but you could tell that’s not what he grew up with. You could always see him shifting his weight, glancing at the watch on his wrist one too many times.
You slowly reached up, loosening his tie and pulling it over his head. You stood up, a hand going to Eggsy’s throat and pushing him so his back was flat against your desk. Even from the position he was in, the prat was still grinning.
“Something funny, darling?”
“Nothing at all, Y/n.” You hummed at the answer, moving your hands underneath his suit jacket and shoving it off of his shoulders.
Eggsy watched with a smirk as you unbuttoned his shirt, your hands lingering on his bare skin as you pulled it off.
“You wear far too many clothes.” You huffed, leaning forward and pressing your lips to the agent’s, both of his hands going to the sides of your head to pull you down roughly.
As you bit at the side of his neck, you could feel Eggsy’s hands moving to your chest, and without warning he ripped opened your button-up, the soft clatter of the buttons going everywhere in your office.
“I quiet liked that shirt.”
“That’s too bad, darling.” He mocked with a grin, and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes, moving to undo your belt with a glare.
“Turn around.” Eggsy’s amused expression only grew, standing and undoing his own belt before turning back around and bending over the desk.
You nearly groaned at the sight of his ass, not being able to stop yourself from stepping forward and squeezing it. It was your turn to grin when Eggsy let out a loud moan.
“We have all the time in the world then, don’t we?” Despite his attitude you knew he was right, anyone being able to walk in at any time. But then again, that was the fun part.
With the thought of making the man beneath you scream, you took a small bottle of lube from your desk drawer, wasting no time in coating it on your fingers.
“Keep it down, would you Eggsy?” He opened his mouth, to something snarky you were sure, but instead there was a sharp gasp when you pressed your finger inside him. “Gone all quiet?” You hummed teasingly as you pressed your finger in and out of the Kingsman. “Right, then.”
You eased in another finger suddenly, noticing the way Eggsy’s hands were in fists, his forehead pressed into the wood of the desk. You were stretching him open, and every once in a while when you brushed his prostate he would thrust back into your fingers.
Feeling as though you had done enough, you pulled your fingers out, quickly replacing it with you cock after one hard thrust.
“Bloody-" Eggsy swallowed a scream of surprise, settling for the small whimpers that left his lips as you gave slow shallow thrusts.
“Caught you off guard?”
“Not at all,” he hissed through his teeth. You laughed at the reply, snapping your hips harshly and reveling in the moan you drew from Eggsy.
Speeding up, you pulled all the way out before thrusting back in roughly, one hand on Eggsy’s hip and the other on the side of your desk.
“Fuck, Y/n.” Eggsy was panting, now holding himself on his elbows as you continued to thrust in and out of him.
“Like you said,” you huffed for air as you leaned over him. “We don’t have all day.” This time when you thrusted back into Eggsy, you hit his prostate head on, repeating the action over and over again.
“Shit, Y/n. Fuck, right there. Don’t stop.” He was a mess as he tried to keep his voice down, one of his hands moving down to pull at his own dick as you kept your harsh pace.
“Almost there, Eggsy. Come for me, darling.”
He did as you asked, shaky breaths escaping him as his release coated your desk, and the sight was enough to trigger your own high, spilling inside of him.
“How’s that for anger management?” You smirked, Eggsy opening his mouth to reply, but being cut off by the sound of a knock at the door.
“Mr. L/n, someone is here to see you if you’re finished.”
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thedailyimagines · 4 years
Imagine being the ‘bad guy’ and falling for Eggsy.
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Anon requested: “I want to request enemy to lovers with eggsy and top!male reader. Like reader is villain (in eggsy eyes) but really love teasing eggsy when they meet and never serious fighting eggsy. Eggs really hate reader but eventually they become couple.”
Y/h/c = your hair color
Y/f/c = your favorite color
Sorry for the delay and thank you for your patience! Please enjoy!
“Eggsy, you do remember why we are here, yes?” Eggsy raised the glass he had taken from a tray to his lips and spoke into the communication device.
“Course I do. Stop the bad guy, save the day, and go home in time for some dinner. Easy as pie.” A sigh came from Harry’s end of the comm.
“Yes, well, please remember that the ‘bad guy’ is y/n l/n, a young man well known for his elusiveness and has escaped capture on many occasions.” Eggsy just took a sip from his water glass.
“It’ll be fine Harry, we’ll get him. Don’t suppose you got a description for ‘im?”
“Harry?” There was nothing but static from Harry’s end of the comm.
“Oh, dammit.” Eggsy made his way to a door marked Employees Only, to find a young man around his age with y/h/c hair. The other man looked surprised at the sight of Eggsy.
“Sorry, guests aren’t allowed back here.” Eggsy gave the man a apologetic smile.
“My apologies, it’s an emergency.” The y/h/c-haired servant shook his head and started to gently push Eggsy towards the exit.
“Really sorry, but I have to insist you go back to the party.” Eggsy pulled away and started headed back towards the hallway beyond the small room.
“I just need to—!” Eggsy was grabbed by the arm and spun back towards the door he came in. He turned to look at the servant incredulously.
“I said, go back to the party.” The Kingsman shook off his surprise and took a fighting stance.
“I’m going to take a guess and say you’re not actually supposed to be here?” The not-servant grinned and nodded.
“Smart man. My name’s y/n.”
“You’re coming—mmph!” Eggsy jerked back as y/n kissed him. It was only a moment, but the kiss left Eggsy’s lips tingling.
No, wait—they were numb. The numbness quickly spread from his lips to the rest of his body. Eggsy fell over twitching. Y/n grinned and knelt down beside the fallen Kingsman.
“Don’t worry cutie, it’s just a paralytic. Should wear off in a couple minutes. I would love to stay, but I need run. Ta ta!” With that, y/n booked it to the exit.
Harry was never going to let him hear the end of this.
And so it went on. Eggsy would chase after y/n, and y/n would lead Eggsy on until he would slip away like water. It was increasingly frustrating for the Kingsman and enormously hilarious for the freelance thief.
“Come on darling! Put a little more omph into that punch!” Currently the two were fighting on the rooftop of a museum, where y/n had stolen a rather pricey set of diamonds.
“Would you just be quiet!” Y/n grinned and jabbed at Eggsy’s stomach.
“Make me~” Eggsy responded by throwing another punch at y/n, who bobbed and weaved away from the hit.
Only to be caught with an uppercut from the Kingsman. The blow split y/n’s lower lip and blood dropped down his chin.
“Are you done yet? Or do I have to knock you out?” Y/n gingerly touched his lip. Somewhere, a clock tower began to chime 11 o’clock. Y/n debated staying a little longer with the handsome spy, then shook his head. No time.
“As much as I like playing rough, I’m on a tight schedule. Catch you later!”
“Hey!” Eggsy reached out and grabbed y/n by the back of his collar. Y/n jerked in surprise.
“Okay, listen. As much as I want to stick around, if I don’t deliver by tonight then I don’t get paid.” Y/n tapped his chin in thought. “If you really want to find me...there’s a café near here. Has a raven for a logo. Meet me there tomorrow? My treat.” Eggsy blinked in surprise. He had just busted y/n’s lip and now the thief was offering a date?
“I can’t tell if you’re serious.” Y/n grinned.
“Serious as a stroke. I’ll wear a y/f/c shirt.” With that, the thief ran off into the night, leaving behind a very confused Eggsy.
The Ravenhead Café wasn’t particularly busy that afternoon. A few customers wandered through the doors, and others sat in the cushy seats inside. One couple sat in the back near the fireplace, the two men sipping at their drinks.
“Remember when we first met?” Y/n asked as he swirled the liquid in his cup and then took a sip.
“You kissed me with a paralyzing chemical.” Eggsy grinned at the memory. It had been about two years since their first encounter at the party, and one since y/n had proposed coming to this very café for a drink.
“Happy one year anniversary Eggsy.”
I don’t own the above gif, all credit goes to the owner.
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mayhemcj · 4 years
who all do you write for?
oh, gosh. I'll put the fandoms down, but I likely won't write for all of the characters in it!
-Stranger Things (Really only Steve)
-IT (90's/2017, adult or younger)
-Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Really only Newt, haven't seen the Harry Potter movies)
-Umbrella Academy
-I'd consider doing some Maze Runner
Theres likely more, but honestly just request anything, if I dont know the character, I can try to direct you to another writer!
I dont write NSFW at the moment, and won't ever for underage characters. I'm working on getting back into writing still.
I write for male (trans or not)/non-binary/gender neutral readers
thank you for the ask!
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thehermitsaltar · 5 years
Would you be up to do an Eggsy bit for "Wanna, like- Imean, if you're not busy... We could get lunch? Or even just coffee if you don't have a lot of time?"
Eggsy was freezing. Was it because he was belly first in mud? Was it because he hadn’t moved much in about 2 hours and it was about four degrees? Who knew. 
He would be pretty upset if he wasn’t with the coolest guy ever. 
Mr. Dreamy. Aka, Y/N.
Ya’ see, Merlin had the two on a mission to watch and take pictures of this suspect but they had to be incognito. Outside. On the ground. Looking through their sniper scopes for two hours.
It was miserable but Y/N made it interesting. They talked about bugs, played ‘I spy’ and joked around. It was all great until Eggsy decided to make it awkward; which is his specialty lately.
“Hey, do you wanna, like- I mean, if you're not busy... We could get lunch? Or even just coffee if you don't have a lot of time?" Eggsy mumbled quickly.
He heard Y/N chuckle and looked up at him. “Sure Eggs. Weird time to ask but I could use some dinner after this shit.” He smiled a toothy grin and Eggsy felt butterflies in his stomach.
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