#eggy unwin
Almost Too Late
Eggsy Unwin x plus size reader
Who knew the perfect opportunity to finally admit his feelings was when she was tied to a chair with a gun held to her head?
Request: Fluffy eggsy after saving his crush from the villain?
Warnings: this is just all fluff, guns, love confessions, kissing, swearing, kidnapping
WC: 895
A/N: Sorry I skipped the fight scene, I was too lazy haha
Minors DNI
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Y/N looked bored. “This is bullshit.” She groaned, rolling her neck in a vain attempt to get the kinks out of it after being forced to sit in the most uncomfortable chair in the world for such a long time. 
“Will you please stop talking!” The man was clearly exasperated, his face almost purple it was so red, the vein on his big ass forehead throbbing with anger. “Then entertain me! This is so fucking boring.” She whined, shuffling against the wood she was sitting on in an attempt to ‘wake up’ her ass which had gone numb over an hour ago.
“I’m holding you hostage! This is supposed to be boring!” Y/N kicked her feet out like a pouting child as her head lolled back against the back of the seat. “I didn’t ask to be kidnapped and tied to a chair for hours on end, now did I!” The cold barrel of a gun was suddenly pressed tightly to her temple. “Shut the fuck up!”
“Now, I don’t think that’s any way to talk to a lady, mate.” Y/N sagged in relief at the sound of his voice, breathing out a deep sigh, she knew she was finally safe. “And who the fuck are you?!” She winced as he pressed the gun even tighter to her skull. Eggy’s blue eyes rolled behind his black frame glasses.
He looked casual standing in the doorway of the dilapidated house, one hand tucked neatly into his suit pants pocket, the other loosely clutching a black umbrella. He winks at her, his pale cheeks only slightly pink with a flush. “I’m her knight in shining armour ain’t I.”
 His hands were soft against her cheeks as he tilted her head to the side, inspecting the tiny cut just behind her hairline from the gun. “You think I’ll live doctor?” The pine cologne he always wore surrounded her as she pulled the navy suit jacket closer to her curvy body. “Unfortunately, I think we need to amputate.” He murmured solemnly but the upturn of his lip into a boyish smirk gave him away.
“Is there any other way?” She giggled, nuzzling her cheek into his palm. Eggy’s smirk fell into an easy smile, his eyes dropping down to her lips before traveling back up to her eyes. “You scared me princess.” He knelt before her, his slim body taking up everything in her vision, preventing her from seeing the body on the floor.
“‘M sorry.” She muttered, eyes half lidded. “Not your fault.” He held her tenderly, his left hand rubbing the rope burn along her wrists. Eggsy had never been this close to her before, their previous touches being platonic ones, a handshake here, a clap on the back there, but he craved it. He needed to feel the softness of her skin, smell the products she used in her perfect hair, see the way her eyes reflected the dim light of the lone lightbulb above them.
His heart was pounding so loudly he feared Y/N could hear it. “I should’ve gotten here earlier.” Now it was her turn to cup his cheek, his 5 o’clock shadow scratching the sensitive skin of her palm. Azure eyes fluttered shut at her touch, a please sigh escaping his slightly chapped lips. “I knew you would find me, you always do.” 
He couldn’t tell her how scared he had been, how his veins had turned to ice when his mother called him to tell him that Y/N hadn’t shown up to babysit Daisy while she went to work. He’s sure Merlin would inform her later that he had to slap the young Kingsman to get him to calm down when she wouldn’t pick up her phone. 
She’s safe in his arms now, unharmed, just a little shaken. But he’s still panicking, still feels that icy grip of fear around his heart. He could have lost her today, shown up too late or not picked up his mum’s call. And all he could think about was how much he regretted not telling her how he felt before.
“Y/N?” She glanced up at him, eyebrows scrunched in confusion. “Eggsy?” “I need to say something yeah so just let me get through this and then you can slap me and tell me to fuck off, alright.” Her fingers tightened on his naked forearms. Taking in a shuddering breath, he looked deep into those eyes he loved so much.
“I love you, I’ve loved ya forever. You’re just the most incredible person I have ever met and I don’t know what I’d do without you. I was so terrified when mum said you were missing, I froze. I couldn’t think.” A strand of sandy blonde hair fell from his hairstyle. Y/N pushed it back, a shy smile stretching over her lips. 
“I love you.” He whispered, slowly leaning forward. Then, “Gallahead just feckin kiss ‘er already!” Eggsy winced at the volume of Merlin’s voice. “Shut up will ya! ‘M tryn ta be romantic here!” 
But Y/N just laughed and tugged him closer so he now knelt between her thick thighs, looking up at her with wide eyes. “I love you too Gary Unwin.” And then she kissed him, right there in the middle of an abandoned house but she didn’t care, all she wanted was him. 
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bledf1rst · 1 year
EGGSY UNWIN / starter [...]
for @cloistress
"   well.   this   is   awkward.   "   eggy's   mouth   was   pressed   into   a   tight-lipped   grimace,   fingers   on   his   watch   to   use   if   need   be.   THANK   CHRIST   for   memory-erasing   technology.   he   just   hoped   he   wouldn't   have   to   use   it.
he   hesitated   mainly   because   this   woman,   this   person   he   stood   astride   to   in   some   glorified   supply   closet   looked   NOTHING   like   the   slimy   blokes   that   he'd   been   dismantling   for   the   better   half   of   an   hour,   nozzle   of   his   pistol   hot   with   use.   so   eggsy   hesitated-   at   risk   of   getting   himself   killed.  
"   ...   you're   not   with   these   guys,   are   you?   "   he   carefully   asks,   inching   closer   to   the   door.   his   off-hand   finds   the   knob,   "   are   you   with   another   organization?   "
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its2019lol · 7 years
Kingsman: The Golden Circle (Review)
I felt the need to write this because I have a lot to say about it.
Okay so this isn't gonna be in any proper format, so there's that.
I had been waiting for this movie for a while and I'm truly indifferent of whether of not it lived up to my expectations.
The first sequence with Eggsy and Charlie fighting was so rushed and really random to me. I think it was just used as a sequence to possibly wake the audience up lol
Merlin’s character development and extra screen time was so rewarding.
Tilde is a cute and good gf protect her tbh. Her smoking the joint while refusing to text Eggsy back was the most relatable content in this movie.
Although this movie had its flaws, I will give it this. THE COMEDY WAS GOLD. So many endless clever sequences such as the bit where Eggsy has dinner with Tilde's parents and the bits with Elton John. I laughed so hard at some points that my sides were hurting.
This film confirmed all my headcannons about dating Eggsy and I'm gonna be forever in my feelings about it.
I like that even though Eggsy's status has changed and even though now he is a bonafide spy, he never lost sight of what's truly important and stayed close to his original friends. The scene where he's having a drink and hanging out with Tilde and his friends was so cute :(
They brought the new friend in for like 0.005 seconds just to kill him AND JB. The first of many heartbreaks this film gave me.
At least the last thing Eggsy said to her was call her his best friend </3
Eggsy and Merlin getting drunk off the whiskey in the safe and it took them until they reached the end of the bottle to realize what it said: big mood.
And they went to America LOL
I’m sorry but Channing Tatum and Jeff Bridges’ characters were......irrelevant. However, I still enjoyed them and Tequila’s first meeting with Eggsy and Merlin was HILARIOUS. 
Now.......Poppy..... See.....
I liked how ruthlessly insane they made her, but I disliked how easily they were able to kill her. Valentine was such a braw to the death and then with this.......Eggsy just stabbed her in the neck and she died......if anything, Charlie was more of a strong villain in the movie than Poppy was. I guess they used the trope of a villain who has all their henchmen do shit for them, but I just thought the way she was killed off was way too easy. 
BUT OMG I love the aesthetics of all of Poppy Land tbh
Speaking of Poppy and Poppy Land, gotta love them unnecessary cannibalism like......??? Thanks we get it shock value 
The gadgets of the statesman were bomb af I was proud of that
I love them both
Ginger Ale was so intelligent and an amazing character over all 
I hope they add more amazing statesman like her in the future, especially woc
#JUSTICEFORWHISKEY because the whole part about him being a double agent and turning against them was bullshit
You’re gonna kill off the only brown man in the movie and demonize him in the process?? Sorry that just doesn’t sit well with me.  
It’s not like he didn’t have a reason to do what he did?????
His high school sweetheart got caught in the cross fire between meth heads at a ....I think he said ...convenience store?? But regardless, experiencing that would definitely scar him and make him have a different attitudes about drug users so....? wtf
I did truly enjoy Harry’s storyline in this, it surprised me. I like the whole element that the statesmen can bring people back to life from a head shot, like FUCK IT UP
Harry’s butterfly spacing out moments was hilarious 
The blue vein thing freaked me out and every i see a vein pop up on my skin I’m gonna be paranoid now thanks 
Action sequences/car chases bore me in general so tbh I didn’t pay attention to those.......sorry.......
and last..........but CERTAINLY not least....
I legit sobbed for 15-20 minutes in the theater after it happened
I’m not joking
My friend can testify to this
And the way he died was so emotional, how he sacrificed himself for eggsy and harry :(
I’m rly pissed about this bc the three ppl that were killed in this movie were a woman, a brown man and the only canonically gay character in this franchise. 
But on a lighter note, Eggsy’s wedding with Tilde was sweet and I’m glad her and his other friend were able to be saved. 
He’s legit a prince now and he’s also a spy. Goddamn. 
In conclusion, I did enjoy the film overall, I just feel like too many things were done for shock value and it made the plot lack. But again, this is just my opinion so!
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playbucky · 5 years
It was true
Requested by @courage-grace-rose - Could you do an eggsy x reader where they are both agents and have to go undercover somewhere for a mission but it goes wrong( like they are surrounded or one of them is being held a gun point) so they don't know if they will make it out alive and you can tell that they both have feelings for each other but both try to dance around them because agents cannot fall in love. Characters – Eggsy x Reader. Word Count – 864
‘Eggsy.’ You said, he turned around. You were staring down the barrel of a gun, his heart started beating faster. ‘Do anything stupid.’ The man warned him, Eggsy nodded and bent down lowering the gun to the ground, he kicked it over and one of the men picked it up. ‘Move.’ The man demanded, waving the gun in the direction he wanted you to move. You started walking following another man, as you and Eggsy walked next to each other. Only now they realised they couldn’t hear Merlin’s voice, you both glanced at each other at the same time, silently communicating.
‘What did I say?’ He asked, you were both breathing heavily but he was holding your neck tightly, the gun pressed into the side of your head. Eggsy stopped and hesitantly stood down as he watched the man, remove his hand from your neck, before running it down your cheek, you turned away from him. ‘You know, you would already have a bullet in your head if you weren’t so pretty.’ He said, grabbing your chin and making you look at him. You glared at him and bared your teeth at him, he only chuckled. ‘Feisty as well.’ He commented, Eggsy jaw clenched. ‘Just wait and see bitch.’ You snarled at him, Eggsy smirked a little but it was quickly dropped as a gun swung and hit the back of your head, knocking you to the floor, he tried his hardest to get to you but he couldn’t move due to the men that were holding his shoulders. The man looked between the pair of you, as Eggsy watched you sit up letting out a groan as you rotated your neck. ‘Ah,’ He said like a mad scientist, looking between the pair of you, ‘You have feelings for each other.’ He said, you and Eggsy looked at each other, before looking away from each other. ‘This will make it even better.’ He sneered before you were grabbed by the hair and dragged across the room, you clawed at the ground, trying to stop him but he didn’t until he flung your head back and it collided with the brick wall.
‘You good?’ Eggsy asked, you rubbed the back of your neck as you looked at him. ‘I’m good.’ You said, as you started walking towards the jet. ‘Hey, are sure everything’s okay?’ He asked, you stopped and turned to him, you smiled and nodded. ‘Eggsy, I’m fine, just tired and have a killer headache.’ You told him, giving him a small smile, before you turned around and climbed the stairs, giving nod of thanks to Roxy, Harry and Merlin before disappearing into the secluded room.
‘Are we going to talk about what happened at the mission?’ Eggsy asked as he held the door open for you, you had just finished the debrief with Harry and you just wanted to go have a shower and then read a book. ‘We said what we had to.’ You said, not giving him the reaction or answer that he wanted. ‘No, don’t pull that trick.’ He said, annoyed. ‘Eggsy.’ You warned him, as you looked at him, he shook his head as the door shut behind the pair of you. ‘Everything I said was true, wasn’t yours?’ He asked, you kept your hands at you side, Eggsy looked down at them and noticed you were rubbing your thumb and forefinger together, something you did when you were nervous. ‘It was true.’ You said, making his head snap back up to you, his eyes wide. ‘But we can’t do anything about.’ You said quickly afterwards, his brows furrowing as you walked away. He quickly caught up with you and pinned you against the wall, you stared at his eyes angry evident and he let out, stepping back and giving you space, knowing fine well what you were capable of. ‘Why?’ He asked, determined to get an answer. ‘Eggsy, they just used it against us. What happens when word get out that two agents are dating.’ You asked him, he dropped his head and clenched his jaw. ‘So what?’ he asked motioning with his hands. You racked your brain trying to find an answer before the first thing you learned when you joined popped into your head. ‘It’s one of the rules!’ You exclaimed. ‘When have you ever followed rules love?’ He asked you, you dropped your hands and let out a huff as you stared at each other, your chest rising and falling in sync as he tried to read your mind. ‘I follow the rules when it affects the person I –‘ You cut yourself off before you could do anything else to damage the friendship. ‘The person that, what?’ He asked, you something clicked in your head and you stood up taller, coping Eggsy stance. ‘That I love, okay? You happy?’ You said, he looked shocked and was about to say something when one of the large doors opened, you turned and looked at Roxy, who was standing there as Eggsy stayed focussed on you. ‘Merlin needs your help.’ She said, you nodded before stepping past Eggsy and heading your way to Merlin.
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soldierwinters · 7 years
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Hearts ❤ Art by: @juanmao1997
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skyboundseafarer · 7 years
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And here’s my precious babe, Eggsy in his superchic orange tuxedo jacket! 
Love him!! <3
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malvoi · 7 years
confused harry hart calling eggsy ‘eggy’ is the reason why i’m living and breathing
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kfawkes · 7 years
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turnonegerton · 7 years
The Taron fandom is alive and well.
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klausbens · 7 years
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the one and only mood i have after kingsman tgc,
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acabecca · 7 years
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“You're quite the mystery, aren't you?" - Sophie x Eggsy - requested by @kolstilinski (bc she's the only one who ever sends requests and is probs the only person reading this whoops)
One of these days he was really, legitimately, going to kill Dean fucking Baker. Fuck the consequences. He didn’t give a shit anymore. He never should have come home, never should have quit the marines. He should have made his mum leave that waste of space years ago… But then he wouldn’t have his sister, and he loved his sister. She was the only reason he hadn’t left for good before now.
Pulling his cap down a bit further than normal to try and hide the bruise forming on the corner of his forehead, Eggsy pushed open the door to his local pub and looked round for his mates.
He hadn’t made any plans to meet them there, he never did. He didn’t need to. Ryan was nearly always there and wherever Ryan was, Jamal wasn’t too far behind.
He heard them before he saw them this time, Ryan’s loud laugh catching his attention as he caught sight of him and Jamal leaning against the bar and chatting to a pretty brunette he’d never seen before. Jamal looked nothing short of bored, but Ryan was in his element.
She turned her attention to him as she door banged closed behind him and Eggsy raised his eyebrows as he looked her up and down (as best he could, anyway, what with her being stood behind the bar). Ryan followed her gaze and grinned when he saw his friend.
“Oi, Eggsy! Come ‘ere, wanna introduce you to someone!” he called, and Eggsy stuffed his hands in his pockets before he made his way over. “Sophie, this is Eggsy, my best mate. Eggsy, this is Sophie, she’s new round here.”
“And he fancies her.”
Eggsy snorted at Jamal’s comment, nodding towards the girl – Sophie ­– as he leant with elbow on the bar. “Alright?”
“Yeah,” Sophie nodded back. “What can I get you?”
“He’ll have the same as me, babe,” Ryan told her.
“Babe?” Sophie pulled a face. “We on to pet names already, are we?”
“He doesn’t get much female attention, you’ll have to forgive him,” Eggsy smirked as Sophie placed a pint of lager in front of him. “Where you from?”
“Bit of everywhere, really,” Sophie shrugged in reply. “Moved all round London when I was a kid, lived in Manchester for a bit, came back here a few months ago. You?”
“Lived here all my life.”
“Nearly got away from us, though, didn’t he J?” Ryan threw an arm around Eggsy’s shoulders and flicked at his cap, knocking it backwards. “Went off and joined the marines.”
“Really?” Sophie asked with interest, turning to face Eggsy properly. “Wow. Reckon you’ve got to be pretty brave to do that. Are you on leave or-?”
“He packed it in,” Ryan interrupted and Eggsy elbowed him sharply. “Ow! You did!” he whined, and Eggsy scowled in reply as Sophie pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes, her gaze trained on Eggsy’s forehead. He quickly fixed his cap, but it was too late. She’d already seen it.
“That looks nasty,” she told him. “Bang your head, did you?”
“Yeah, against his dad’s fist-”
“He’s my stepdad, you dick,” Eggsy grumbled, turning to shove Ryan away from him. “Fuck off, anyway. She was talking to me, weren’t you Soph?”
“I was,” she answered with a quiet laugh. “Why don’t you go sit down, uhm… Ryan, was it?” she cocked her head to the side and Eggsy snorted as Ryan looked between them with a frown.
“Come on, cuz,” Jamal sighed, grabbing the back of Ryan’s hoody and pulling him away. “Don’t reckon you’ve got much of a chance there.”
“I saw her first!”
“You got dibs, have you?” Sophie called after them and Ryan huffed as Jamal pushed him into a seat. “What a brat,” she muttered, and Eggsy chuckled as she turned to look at him sheepishly. “Sorry, I know he’s your mate but… He’s not left me alone since he got here! It’s only my first day, don’t want to seem like I’m slacking off.”
“Oh, you want me to leave you alone?” Eggsy asked, pointing at his friends over his shoulder.
“No!” Sophie answered a little too quickly, her cheeks flushing slightly as Eggsy smirked. “I mean… No, it’s alright. It’s quiet enough, isn’t it? Don’t think Paul would mind me chatting, getting to know the customers a bit. Assuming you’re a bit of a regular, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Eggsy took a sip of his drink. “Ryan’s in here most nights, not much else to do round here once you get too old to kick a ball round on the estate. You moved on to the estate, or just round here?”
“On to the estate.”
“Not seen you round before.”
“Yeah,” she sighed. “I tried to keep to myself a bit, never really lived alone before and it was all a bit scary. Not too sure what to make of my neighbours either, they’re always fighting, dog’s always barking, kids always screaming…”
“Welcome to life on the estate,” Eggsy chuckled darkly. “What block you in?”
“Second, on the ground,” Sophie replied, resting her chin on her palm as she leant against the bar. “You?”
“Fourth, on the top floor. Just with my mum, sister, and stepdad.”
“How old’s your sister?”
“Few months. You’re nosy, ain’t ya?”
Sophie shrugged. “Inquisitive, I guess. And bored. And yeah, a bit nosy,” she laughed. “My mum always said I was. Could never keep any secrets from me, she hated it. Always had to know what presents I was getting for Christmas and my birthday, she could never surprise me with anything. I hate surprises, anyway. Have to know what’s coming.”
“Your poor mum.”
Sophie smiled weakly and Eggsy was about to ask if she was alright, but she shook her head and carried on speaking. “So why’d you really leave the marines, then?”
“There’s that nosiness again,” he pointed a finger at her and Sophie rolled her eyes, swatting his hand away. “Couldn’t really hack the training, y’know? Harder than I thought it would be. Then my mum had my sister and I just decided I should come home. Just wasn’t for me. Not really meant for stuff like that.”
“Bet you are. Bet you could do anything you put your mind to.”
Eggsy narrowed his eyes. “You flirting with me?”
“What?” Sophie raised an eyebrow. “Am I not supposed to because your mate saw me first? I’m not flirting, anyway. Just being honest. You seem like you could be anything you want to be,” she told him, and Eggsy shrugged his shoulders in reply as he stayed quiet. “There’s something about you. Can’t quite put my finger on it, but there’s something. You’re quite the mystery, aren’t you, Eggsy?”
“You’ve got no idea, babe,” Eggsy shot her a wink, picking his glass up and turned to head towards the table his friends where at. “See you around some time, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Sophie nodded in reply. “See you around, Eggsy.”
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Eggsy Unwin: Christmas Miracle.
Note: This is a scheduled post. I hope that you enjoy this imagine. I had fun working on this. Please forgive me if the grammar and whatnot is a little more wonky than usual, it’s late at night.
For the Country of choice, I went with Brussels in Belgium. I did a little research and according to google, you can travel by train until you are 37 weeks. So with that being said, please don’t come at me for writing this imagine how I did.
Anyway, let’s move on shall we.
Imagine for: @dogmom2014
Request: Eggsy x reader are on vacation somewhere snowy ( I can’t think of a place🤦🏼‍♀️) . The reader is pregnant and goes into labor while they are on vacation. They can’t get anywhere because of the weather. Eggsy being the amazing spy and someone who is talented decides to deliver their baby where they’re staying. Reader ends up giving birth on Christmas, up to you ?
Christmas may be the most magical time of the year but it was not a time that you wanted to be travelling at all. The crazed mass of people running around like headless chickens and leaving havoc in their wake. Being 36 weeks pregnant and travelling? Emma wanted to kill Eggsy for even suggesting that they should spend Christmas somewhere else, just the two of them before the birth of their baby.
“This is going to be so good.” Eggsy said as he leaned back in his train seat. Emma grunted and struggled to get comfortable.
“Are we there yet?” Emma grumbled. Eggsy looked at her with sympathy. He looked at his watch and nodded.
“One more hour and then we can relax.” Eggsy replied. Emma huffed and rubbed her face.
“Remind me to never put you in charge of Christmas again.” Emma said, closing her eyes in the hopes that she could sleep the last hour off to make everything go faster. Thankfully for her, she barely closed her eyes and it felt like Eggsy was waking her up to tell her that they had arrived.
Before too long, Emma was laid on the large king sized bed running her hand over the bump and playing little games with the unborn baby in her belly. Eggsy was busy unpacking everything like he’d promised he would and smiled every time he heard Emma’s giggles.
“Why don’t you come and relax. You can unpack later.” Emma said after a little while. Eggy smiled at her and hung up the last shirt. 
“All done.” He replied, coming over to her. He leaned down and captured her lips in a very slow and tender kiss, one that sends tingles and shivers all over your body; giving you a warm and fuzzy feeling.
“I love you.” Emma sighed. 
“I love you too.” Eggsy replied, crawling next to her.
The Christmas vacation was going well until midnight on Christmas day when Emma’s waters decided to break unexpectedly. She woke up with a start and when she realized that she was practically laying in a puddle of fluid, her first instinct was to wake her dead to the world boyfriend.
“Eggsy!” Emma shouted whilst slapping his bare arm after having no success of waking him before this point.
“OW!” He screeched, jolting upright and rubbing his arm. Emma simply grunted lowly as a very intensely painful contraction tore through her body rendering her speechless. Eggsy got the message when he felt the warmth of the wet patch touching his leg.
“Breathe baby.” He coached, earning himself a very dark glare. He knew that she was capable of breathing but he also knew that when she was in situations of intense pain, she tended to panic. When the contraction was over, Eggsy kissed her cheek and got out of bed and made his way around to her side so that he could help her into the shower to get cleaned up.
An hour later, Emma’s contractions seemed to slow down somewhat and she was able to relax a little more. Eggsy on the other hand was silently freaking out as he knew full well that they wouldn’t be able to get to a hospital due to all the snow that had fallen the previous day. He took a deep breath and readied himself for the impending birth of his child in which he would have to deliver their son or daughter. 
“How are you doing Emma?” He asked, coming into the room where she laid in a fresh bed that the housekeeping staff changed for them after Eggsy explained what was happening. The staff were more than happy to help and provide the couple with whatever they needed when it came time for the little Unwin to be born.
“I hate you for suggesting we go away for Christmas because now we are stuck in another country, I hurt and I have no idea who the hell is going to deliver the baby because the weather is so fucking stupid right now.” Emma said as she felt another contraction hit her and felt another gush of her waters leak from her.
Eggsy hurried to her side and coached her through the contractions. As much as Emma hated the situation, he was so glad that she had Eggsy with her. He was her rock and her steady hand in an unknown situation.
“That’s it baby. You got this.” He encouraged as Emma squeezed his hand and grunted a low but very loud moan, making sure to breathe as well.
“I hate this.” Emma whined when she was able to breathe normally again. Eggsy simply smiled and rubbed her arm.
“Why don’t we try and relax for a bit and hopefully you can get some more sleep before the baby gets here.” He suggested. Emma nodded before Eggsy helped her to lay down. He went as far as tucking her in before going around to his side of the bed, climbing in and getting comfortable himself.
“I love you Em.” He whispered, hoping that his tone would help calm her and keep her not so panicked. 
“I love you too.” She replied, rolling over and resting her head on his chest so that she could be as close to him as she could get with her bump in the way. Eggsy held her close and hummed to her, eventually making her fall asleep.
Eggsy watched Emma sleep. He watched the flutter of her eyelids while she dreamed. He saw the corners of her mouth curl up in a slight smile as though she had seen something that made her happy, it made him wonder if she was dreaming of their baby that was on its way. Whatever the case, it truly warmed his heart. His Emma was a warrior and he would always be proud of her and everything she had been through. She was his warrior and always would be.
At 7:50am, Emma woke up with the most horrendous contraction she had felt yet. She knew that she needed to go through this pain if she wanted the end result but at this point, she was so beyond exhausted, even if she had just had a nap.
“I’m gonna be sick.” Emma stuttered. Eggsy rubbed circles on her belly and told her to breathe. She listened to him and the sick feeling soon passed and more and more contractions took its place.
“The sick feeling just means that the baby is moving down. That’s a good thing.” Eggsy told her, hoping to ease her mind. Emma smiled gratefully and closed her eyes to focus on her breathing. Once her current contraction ended, she looked up at her boyfriend and started crying.
“Oh darling, what’s the matter?” He asked, seeing her tears.
“I’m scared.” She admitted. Eggsy held her even closer and kissed the top of her head.
“Don’t be. We are in this together. Until I hear our baby cry, you are my main focus now.” He reassured her. Emma hid her face in his chest and took a deep breath as she rode the pain of another contraction.
“I need to sit up.” Emma spoke up. Eggsy did as she said and helped her. Something told him that he had to check her and make sure that everything was going smoothly.
“Can I check you?” Eggsy asked. Emma looked at him puzzled.
“I need to see how far along you are.” He told her. Emma nodded and prepared herself for her boyfriend’s fingers going deeper than she was used to. Feeling what he knew to the baby’s head, he smiled brightly.
“I can feel the top of the baby’s head.” He said. Emma’s brows rose in surprise and then her face changed to a look of pure fear. Eggsy did his best to calm her before he quickly made a call to the front desk to ask for what he knew he needed for the delivery.
Everything seemed to happen so fast. People came in and out of the room with God knows what and in the middle of that, Eggsy was washing his hands and removing his long sleeved shirt so that he could keep his focus on one thing, his girlfriend.
“Emma, just focus on me and ignore everyone else.” Eggsy said as he removed the blanket that covered her and replaced it with a thin sheet, making sure to move it so that he could see what he needed to.
“How the hell do you know all this?” She asked with a shaky tone. Eggsy smiled his million dollar smile and of course sent her the very same wink that she fell in love with.
“That’s for me to know love. I promise that it will be ok. Just listen to my voice.” He replied. Emma wanted to respond but she couldn’t when she had the sharpest pressure in her vagina. She shifted awkwardly, alerting Eggsy.
“Fuck!” Emma practically screamed. Eggsy immediately got to work and helped Emma through the worst pain she had ever felt.
“Fucking push Emma.” Eggsy said firmly after Emma had told him that she couldn’t push anymore.
“Eggsy I can’t!” She bellowed. Eggsy locked eyes with her and she stopped.
“If you want this to end, you had better fucking push.” He warned. Emma listened, knowing he meant business. With all her strength, Emma pushed with all her might and that’s when she felt the ring of fire and the pain that almost caused her to pass out. 
“Push Emma!” Eggsy snapped when he could see her pushing weaken a little. Emma gave all she had and a few seconds later, the baby’s head had passed through hell’s ring.
“That’s it. Baby head is out.” Eggsy said as tears started clouding his vision. Emma opened her eyes and started crying, knowing that soon all of her pain would end and she could meet their surprise baby.
“I need you to give me small pushes now. Nothing too hard.” Eggsy said, bringing Emma through the final stages of pushing. Emma did as she was told and soon enough, she could feel the baby slip from her and of course there was the fact that the baby seemed to have their daddy’s set of lungs.
Arms and legs flailed about as Eggsy looked down at his little boy. He cut the cord and wrapped the healthy boy into a baby blanket that the staff had brought up to them. He passed the baby to Emma who could barely see due to the many joyous tears falling from her eyes. 
“Hello you.” Emma said as she held the baby close. She still had no idea what the gender was but she knew that Eggsy would tell her in due course.
“Our son.” Eggsy said as he and Emma relaxed in the bed that he helped the poor staff change once again. The staff assured him that there was no apologies needed and that they were happy for some exciting gossip that they were sure would be spoken about for a while.
“He needs a name.” Emma whispered as the boy looked up at his parents. Eggsy ran his index finger down his son’s face and sniffled. Emma looked at him and kissed Eggsy’s cheek.
“I think Harrold Gary Lee Unwin suits him. It’s a good strong name.” Emma said, looking at her now dozy son. Eggsy started crying all over again and this time, hid his face as best he could in Emma’s shoulder.
“Hello my boy.” Eggsy said when he had calmed himself. Little Harry wrapped his small hands around his parents index finger, making them beam down on him with the utmost pride and joy. 
“Our Christmas miracle.” Eggsy and Emma whispered in unison before celebrating with the sweetest of tender kisses and a well deserved nap.
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This blog is no longer active
I have decided to “close” this blog because I don’t have the time or energy to invest in it anymore, and haven’t even been on Tumble in months. I’ll keep the blog up just in case I come back.
Blog/Self Intro
I figured this might be easier than flooding my blog header description with content.
About Me
My online alias is Goji Hime. 
Pronouns are she/her.
Header image is a commission completed by @stillfuckinbetterthanyou and features Telltale Riddler, me, and Silco. 
Avatar is me from the same commission piece.
Massive fan of Lady Gaga.
Happy gamer who can’t game for crap lol.
I’m a self-shipper/fictosexual, and my f/os are listed on my masterlist page as well as in this post. I’m happy to share my f/os as well, so no worries!
The weird title for my blog can be explained as follows: “Plastic” and “Doll” are from “Plastic Doll,” one of my favorite songs by Lady Gaga, and my favorite song off of her Chromatica album. The song also hits me in a personal way that I won’t go into here. “Nightmare” is present in my blog title because I like horror games and movies, and I love Doom, which has always had a “Nightmare” mode of gameplay. 
Do Not Interact
DNI if you hate reader-insert writings and/or canon character x o/c pairings. I mean, follow if you want but don’t be mean about these kinds of writings, is what I’m saying.
DNI if like pairings with and/or post content involving underage characters.
DNI if you are extremely possessive of your s/os and don’t like the idea of sharing them.
DNI if you don't like self-shippers and/or fictosexuals.
DNI if you are racist, sexist, and/or are trans/ace/aro/pan/biphobic.
DNI if you hate animals/support animal cruelty.
DNI if you are intent on causing drama. I will shut that shit down.
DNI if you are a hard-core BlackCage (Erron Black x Cassie Cage) fan, and/or are a die-hard Cassie Cage fan. And don’t come bitching to me about either of these. I don’t want to fucking hear it.
About My Writing
Here is a masterlist of writings, headcanons, drabbles, etc. for your viewing pleasure =D
Here is a link to my AO3 account as well.
I tend to write (female) reader insert works, but will once in a while use an o/c.
Feedback and constructive criticism of my work is encouraged! Just don’t be a dick.
I don’t take requests, though, for my writings, just fyi. If I ever do, I’ll be sure to make a post about it and will update this one.
Sometimes, I am inspired be other people’s works, and I will mention it in any case where this is so.
I don’t write or support pairings involving underage characters.
I also DO NOT write pairings in such a way that involves non-consensual content or abusive behavior, or tries to “romanticize” such things. Some possessiveness and jealousy can be present in some of my works but nothing that is terrifying and/or creepy.
That being said, if I ever do write fics or h/cs that would involve non-con material, abuse, severe depression, etc. I swear, I will post a warning before the writing, for one, and I won’t use such material for “shock value” nor do I intend to write such content in a disrespectful, immature manner. I take these things seriously, so, if I put anything of the sort in a fic, there’s a reason, and it’s, again, NOT for shock value.
There are some age gap pairings I do support and follow (i.e. one of my OTPs is Eggy Unwin x Harry Hart from the “Kingsman” movies), and sometimes I write stuff involving age gap pairings, BUT, thanks to a kind user, I promise that I will try to remember to post a disclaimer stating if the fic involves an age gap pairing AND what the age gap is. This way, no one who is uncomfortable with such content is caught off guard while reading, which can be upsetting, I understand.
If I ever forget to post some sort of trigger warning for a fic or set of h/cs, then by all means, message me and let me know so I could update tags and warnings accordingly. I wouldn’t intentionally forget to do such a thing, but accidents happen, and I don’t want people to feel upset by my work when it could be avoided.
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myriadimagines · 4 years
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Characters: Reader x Gary ‘Eggsy’ Unwin
Warnings: alcohol
Gif credit: dailyeggsyunwin
Spotify Prompt: 43. Bad Days by Chance Peña: “All I know is the weight on my shoulder won’t hold me down.”
Word Count: 375
A/N: this really had no plot to it. just a good ol comfort piece i guess (spotify prompts are not open)
You look up upon hearing someone enter the bar, and you perk up as your boyfriend, Eggsy, strolls inside. His face lights up as his gaze meets yours, and you make your way over to him as he sits down at his usual seat. Leaning over the bar, he greets you with a kiss as he says, “Hey, babe.”
“Hi, Eggsy,” you chuckle, reaching under the bar for a glass. Raising an eyebrow at him, you ask, “The usual?”
Eggsy nods, and you tilt your head, knowing that something’s clearly on his mind. With Eggsy saving the world every other day, you know that he’s always worried about something. Pouring him a drink, you slide the glass over to him, resting your elbows on the countertop as you gently ask, “What’s on your mind?”
Eggy’s gaze flicker up to meet yours, and he lets out a heavy sigh as he reaches for your hands. His fingers wrap around yours, and he brings his hands up to his lips, pressing a kiss to your knuckles as you offer him a gentle smile. Shaking his head, he mumbles against your skin, “Nothing, really. I’m just stressed, is all.”
“Oh, Eggsy,” you reach a hand out to caress his cheek, and Eggsy turns his face into your palm, closing his eyes as he relishes your touch. He feels as though the rest of the world melts away when he’s with you, like he can breathe out all his burdens and leave them on the countertop to forget about them. “You’re always carrying the world on your shoulders. You deserve to rest every now and then.”
Eggsy chuckles slightly, opening his eyes as he looks up at you. “When’s your shift over?”
You glance over your shoulder at the clock behind you. “In ten minutes.”
“Can I stay at your place tonight?” Eggsy asks, and you smile at him. “I just don’t want to be alone right now.”
“Of course,” you lean over the bar to kiss him, and Eggsy reaches his hand up to pull your face closer to him, not wanting your lips to leave his. You pull away, giggling as you press your forehead against his as you continue, “You know I’m always here for you.”
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Omg the Statesmen look like gunslinging yeehawing cowboy motherfuckers and I love it 😩👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽
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1-800-unwin · 5 years
off limits
#2 | eggsy unwin x reader
ii. eggsy’s heart is settled in dangerous territory
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Eggsy had a bad habit of not knocking when he entered. He surely wouldn’t do so when visiting his mother. Dean and his goons could shag themselves if they protested. 
“Long time, no see, Gary.” 
The rouge piece in this long-time standoff. Y/N was the one weakness in this dangerous game of cat and mouse between himself and Dean. She was the kindest, demure woman he had met. How she came from a rat like Dean, he wasn’t sure. 
“Been busy at the tailors. Is my mum around?” He looked around, mostly to avoid Y/N’s eyes. He’d turn to a pile of goop if he stared for too long. 
“Left for the market a while ago. She should be back soon, I think.”
Y/N stood, walking towards the room off to the side. Eggsy stood in his place, but did allow himself to look where she headed. She returned with a sleeping toddler in her arms. 
“Michelle went out to get some medicine for Amelia. Love has the sniffles and cuddles with Mummy don’t seem to help,” Y/N said. She rested her cheek on her daughter’s forehead. The babe sighed before curling up closer. 
“Poor thing. Try putting cut potatoes in her socks when she sleeps. Pulls out the bad stuff in her system.” 
Y/N raised an eyebrow. She turned more towards him. 
“I’ve never heard of that one before.” Eggsy shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets. 
He looked to the child in Y/N’s arms. He could remember the day he met the little one. She hadn’t been more than a week old when his mum and Dean got together. They had a hell of a family dinner to unite the families. Everything was swimming til Dean took a verbal hit Eggsy. It just went downhill from there. 
Anyway, Eggsy had grown protective of Amelia ever since. Dean wasn’t likely to hurt her, but there was no way in hell he’d even think about it under Eggsy’s watch. He was just glad his mum hadn’t had one of his kids. Y/N was a miracle (probably due to her angel of a mother, who Eggsy met not long ago) and he didn’t want any chances taken. 
“Eggy,” a small voice whined. Y/N moved her head back to see the toddler. She rubbed her eyes with one hand, while blindly reaching for Eggsy with the other. He didn’t even ask to take her. She was in his arms and swayed slowly moments later.
They had an inseparable bond. Y/N asked him to watch her many times, from the first meeting to just a month or so ago. Unfortunately Eggsy got busy and couldn’t visit. Today was his first real day off in so long. 
“Amelia Badelia. I heard you’ve caught the sniffles. How’re you to survive?” His voice feigned mock worry. Amelia shrugged in his arms. She huffed, but was met with a cough from breathing too hard. 
“Dunno,” she mumbled. Eggsy sat himself on the couch where Y/N had just been. She sat by him, sippy cup given to Amelia when in reach. 
“Dunno? That doesn’t sound like a cure for sniffles.” 
Eggsy poked some fun but Amelia’s lack of interaction back worried him. She was usually one to quip back. Poor thing must really be under the weather. 
“I’ll take her to the doctors Monday. Dean’ll have to cover it... hopefully,” Y/N muttered the last part. Eggsy turned his head to her.
“I’ll go with you. Forget Dean and his blood money.”
Y/N opened her mouth to protest but Eggsy wasn’t having it. He silenced her with one shake of the head. 
“This isn’t charity, or some pity sh- stuff. This is for the well-being of Amelia. I’ll take care of it.” 
It wasn’t like Eggsy wasn’t absolutely loaded. Being a Kingsman had many perks. The best one was being able to provide for those he cared for. He’d rather spend it on Amelia’s health than some car or shoes.
“Fine. I’ll pay you back with my next check,” Y/N said. She may be kind and gentle, but she could be a hard head in other ways. 
After some light bickering, the two fell into a nice silence. They watched the news on the telly. Eggsy went to comment on something when he heard the softest snore. He looked down to see Y/N had curled up in his side, fully asleep on him. She and Amelia looked so alike, it was scary.
Eggsy soon dozed off himself. It was just so peaceful. He couldn’t have this, not with his line of business. Though one day, maybe he could quit the Kingsman and take the girls away. He knew Y/N harbored some mutual feelings for him. They were just waiting for their moment. 
Until then, he’d take this moment. This second in time. 
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