blackcat-brazil · 6 months
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Sekhmet Rising
Collab with Anisis
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procentr · 6 days
От чего вымерли динозавры и упала атмосфера!
Всем привет, сегодня: прямо сейчас поговорим о нашей атмосфере, как она появилась и что с ней происходило! В школе нас учат, что атмосфера земли состоит из пяти основных слоёв: Тропосфера — ближайший к поверхности Земли слой, простирается на 7-2... Читать дальше »
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walkingwiththegods1 · 2 years
Pagan Misconceptions Clarified: Why Maat, is NOT "Only The Egyptian Goddess, that appears in The Weighing of The Heart; to decided if that Soul deserves The Eternal Life?!"
     Well... The answer?!... Is, Yes! (...And, No!)
     Maat, (Or, Ma'at) really is The Goddess that appears during that key event; according to The Book of Dead, BUT... Maat, have other functions as equally as important; as deciding the fate of the weighed souls.
     Maat, is too: The Goddess of Order and Balance, The Goddess of Harmony; The Goddess of Morality, The Goddess of Truth, and... The Goddess of Law and Justice!
     According to Wikipedia... Maat, is the daughter of Ra; that existed after the Beginning of Creation, and he put her in the place of Isfet; (Chaos) and since then, all the Pharaohs had to keep order and balance in the nation, to ensures the survival of the People; their Kingdom, and... Of Egypt. She is the wife of Thot, (The God of Wisdom, Knowledge and Magic; with the head of an Ibis) with which she have a daughter, called Seshat; and her cult, included her own temple in Menphis; a santuary in Karnak, and... She was venerated, in all the temples dedicated to other Gods and Goddesses; in all the cities of Ancient Egypt!
     And now... The other domains of Maat!
     The Goddess of Order and Balance: Without Order, only exists Chaos and Confusion, which will make immposible that we could make; even the most basics of tasks. And, without Balance; we could be living in a world where we will have too little or too much of anything we need: Clothing, Food; Water, Basic Services, Anomalies in Temperature the same day, More or Less Money for your job every month... Ancient Egyptians, got it: Without Order and Balance, Life will be very hard to live; and all around will be lacks of common sense; so this is one of the key importance of... The Goddess Maat!
     The Goddess of Harmony: And of course, the result of an ordered and balance world; is... Harmony: Everything is proporcionate, balanced; and in its ideal amount, in The Universe; The Earth, and... In Human's Life! Also, is relate to Peace and Understanding; between two or more people: Only with Harmony, can people in a nation get along together; to work for the common good, or at least; don't be wasting their energies in fighting to each other, when they should reserve the same to fight; side by side, against invaders... (Another reason of why is important, to keeps the favor of Maat!)
     The Goddess of Morality: For to keep Order, Balance; and Harmony in The Human World, The Goddess Maat created a set of rules of behaviour, called Morality: Is a set of costumes and norms that are taking as good, to directs or judge the behaviour of persons in a community; like for example, don't sleep with somebody that is already married with somebody else, which was in Ancient Egypt, one of the most grave things a person shouldn't never do; because he/she will losed the favour of The Gods, and... Of the whole society! Maat, is the one that demanded that every man or woman; in behave in a way that they doesn't cause harm to their community, or; to another person.
     The Goddess of Truth: This atribute of Maat, is very evident during the ceremony in The Egiptyan Underworld; (Duat) called, The Weighing of The Heart: When the recently deceased, enters into The Hall of Maat, the soul said all the wrongdoings he/she never committed in their life; and once was confirmed the soul is pure, the heart of the soul must be place in one plate; while in the other plate; is a Ostrich's Feather, that represents to Maat: The soul that was in the same level as the feather, or was lighter, Thot recorded the result; and will be presented to Osiris, which will admitted that soul, in The Kingdom of Osiris, and... Became an Immortal Soul! The ones which heart is heavier, well... Will have a fate, that is much worse; than Death!
     The Goddess of Law and Justice: Sometimes, it wasn't enough that Ancient Egyptians knew the moral codes; and try to be as honest as possible... Sometimes, people in Ancient Egypt transgressed the moral roles they learned since they were children; so, they had to they create laws to protect to the offended... And punishes to the offenders. The Law, is the set of rules established by a superior authority; than regulates in accordance to Justice, some aspect of the Social Relatioships. In equal way, it has to being created persons that persecute to offenders; (Ancient Armed Forces) to defend to the accuse to avoid being punished unfairly, (Lawyers) the one that defends that the offence made happened and has to be punished; (Prosecutor) someone that has to decided the luck of the accused, (Jugde) a group of people that are not judges but help to The Judge to takes the final decision, (A Jury) the appropiate procesing of all this, (Trial) people than may talks in favour or agaisnt the offender, or offended; (Witness) and... The place to makes The Trial, as long this may lasted. ( A Court)  All of this elements, ensured the application of The Law against the offenders; and avoid that innocent people ended in jail, or punished. For all of this, Maat was the one that presides everything related to Law; and/or Justice!
    Curious Fact: Some kings, added the name Maat into their own names; be it as a probe of devotion; or, as a way to show their seriousness in keeps order and balance on earth; day by day, and being called after this; as Lords of Ma'at, or... Beloved of Maat! In fact, when Hapshepsut; (One of the first female pharaohs) rised to power, she put herself the name of Maatkara before her own name; because Ancient Egiptians believed, that if a woman ruled Egypt; that would disrupt order and bringed chaos and destruction upon Egypt! (Funny: I thoughted, that cruel and corrupted rulers; civil wars, a climate of religious/social intolerance, famine, droughts; deadly rivalry inside royal families, losing wars against invaders, poor administration of The State, spending carelessly the money of your subjects; and constant attacks from States that are your enemies... Is what brings Chaos, and Destruction: ...How Silly of me!)
    Maat, keeps the harmony and equilibrium in the Cosmos; by regulating the movement of the stars, the seasons and the accions of mortals and deities alike; so... There you go: She is a Goddess with a great amount of power, if she can manage everything; from The Universe and Deities, than bringed order after chaos... Until the actions of Humanity!
    In conclusion: Maat, is one of the most important Goddesses in Ancient Egypt; and her relevance, goes beyond The Trial of The Souls; because, she was present too with The Ancient Egyptians; everyday of their lifes, while they were alive!
    This is all, about The Egyptian Goddess of Order and Balance, Harmony; Morality, Truth, Law, Justice; and... The Goddess of The Fair Trials, in this World; and in the next: Maat! 
Have a nice, harmonius and balanced Life; where you will be fairly judged... So Be It!
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phasepandemonium · 10 months
The egiptyans could have built the pyramids, but they needed an alien to sign the project so that it was actually compliant with the law.
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7ooo-ru · 1 year
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Египтяне отказались играть со сборной России
В пресс-службе Египетской футбольной ассоциации заявили об отказе от идеи сыграть товарищескую игру против национальной сборной России в сентябрьское окно для международных матчей. Об этом сообщает Sport24.
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2023/07/25/226-egiptyane-otkazalis-igrat-sosbornoy-rossii-grss-225665668.html
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dantenotalighieri · 1 year
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Sorry for the long time i spent away from tumblr guys, here, as an apologie some of my sketches of my characters, Helena and Seraphine. They are inspired in the greek and egiptyan mithology.
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And some drawings i made of Helena and Celine on Ibis Paint, because my PC can't handle Photoshop anymore ;-; Also i made a tiktok account!! I'm posting some stuff there, link on my bio! <3
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pacoctavio · 4 years
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Algo así como un neandertal egipcio #drawing #dibujo #ink #inking #tinta #entintado #neanderthal #neandertal #egipcio #egiptyan #beard #barba #bald #calvo #scars #cicatrices #saber #sable #warrior #guerrero #traditionalart #artetradicional https://www.instagram.com/p/CHzDSDNANpY/?igshid=1hkdek2xwbsei
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Character: Marc Spector (Mentions of Steven Grant)
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Pairing: Marc Spector / Steven Grant x Fem!Reader
Mentions: DID and Sleep Disorders
Warnings ⚠️: Smut (nothing explicit), only mention some things. Spicy. Mentions of Egiptyan Gods. Site in London. Fears. Mentions of Death. Fluff. Very fluff. Angst a little bit. Memories. Insecurities. Romantic fluff. Mentions of others characters. Post!Endgame.
Inspired by: Para el Amor - Camilú
Author's Note: Hello everyone! I hope you're all ok.
I'm here tonight with a different fic... I'm trying to write new things (You see in the warnings a new hashtag, that's smut) and this is my try about it.
This isn't the fic that I posted a sneak peek a few days ago but this just came to my mind yesterday and end it a few minutes ago.
I need a little of the romantic side of Marc Spector.
So... I'm hyped about the next episode of my beloved, and I hope that this fic makes your wait less hard until the episode's out.
Thanks for the likes, the comments, the corrections and reblogs. Means a lot for me ❤️❤️❤️
Ps: It's long. A little bit long fic.
Enjoy the reading an welcome to my new followers! XOXO 😘
Lo único que espero de los dos, es que lo incierto no nos llene de dolor. Que las palabras sean honestas y que contemos sin darle vueltas para lo bueno para lo malo y para el amor. Para lo bueno para lo malo y para el amor...
Para lo bueno para lo malo y hacer el amor.
I blink a couple of times at the small rays of sunlight that enter through the window. I barely manage to cover my face with my arm, blocking out any speck of light that might dazzle my eyes, and stare up at the ceiling of Steven's apartment.
I feel the space next to me, hoping to find the warmth of Marc's body, but all I find is emptiness and cold, a clear indicator that he hasn't been in bed for a long time. I sit up slowly feeling the pain in every part of my body reminding me of everything we did last night and I smile as I see our clothes on the floor.
Until then, there is not the slightest trace of Marc in the vicinity.
“Surely he had to leave. As always, without even saying goodbye"
I still wasn't used to him disappearing even though we'd been together for two years, but I knew that was his job. One day he arrives and the next, when they need him or he needs him, he leaves without warning.
I close my eyes before the annoying noise of the alarm and as soon as I move to turn it off, I see that the screen lights up showing me a small white sign:
“10:00 a.m. Breakfast with mom”
I sit up suddenly taking the sheet with me and when I see that Steven's wall clock reads 11:40 I feel the air escape from my lungs as if I've been hit in the stomach.
Shit. I fell asleep.
My eyes search for the most important parts of my clothes but I stop when I see that Marc or Steven, depending on who is currently in control of the body, walking towards the bed with a steaming cup of dark liquid in his right hand and another of amber liquid on the left too concentrated on his slow walk and on the fact of not spilling a minimum of liquid on himself.
I let out a giggle as I put my hand to my mouth so as not to distract him, but he seems to ignore me completely. He is frowning at the concentration of his movements as his shoulders are tense beneath his fully unbuttoned blue shirt.
I curse the moment when he just decided to wear the black boxer shorts under that shirt.
I let out a sigh as I watch him carefully and without a hint of embarrassment until I see his lips curve into a smile and with the slight movement, a couple of his curls fall onto his forehead.
- Are you watching something interesting, darling?
The low, soft tone of his voice sends a shiver through my body and I press the sheet tighter than necessary against my chest, as if it were some kind of armor that could protect me from his scrutiny.
- Marc?
- Yep, it's me. Steven says hello. He's a little upset that I'm here with you and not him.
He laughs as I watch him set the cups down on the little table next to the bed and watch him sit on the edge of the bed leaving only a tiny distance between us, which shortens when he lifts his hand up and caresses my face. I sigh as I surrender to his soft caresses.
- How are you? I know I barely let you rest last night - The memories of the desperation to feel the other, the moans, the screams and our synchronized movements as if we were one person come back to my mind and I can't help but blush - Haven't I hurt you?
- You would never do it, Marc. You are too careful… even in that aspect. Effusive but careful.
He laughs and more curls fall onto his forehead, making him look more cute and seductive than usual. He drops his hand gently down my neck to the edge of the sheet that barely covers the valley of my breasts and traces little doodles on my skin and the fabric.
- I really missed hearing you laugh.
- And I miss hear you say my name - I give him a slight push with my free hand which makes him laugh more openly. I know I'm his personal fun and I love it. Especially when this facet of his personality is kept just for me.
- Leaving jokes aside, are you okay sweerheart?
- Yes, of course - I look at the cell phone again and let out a sigh as I take his hand, move it away from my body and kiss his knuckles, a movement that makes him tremble, almost imperceptibly - I know you won't like to hear it , but I have to see my mother. I made an appointment to see her for breakfast and fell asleep… Besides, she must be upset… I have to go.
Marc just gives me one of those “know-it-all” smiles and indicates my cell phone.
- I already talked to her a while ago. She told me to let you know not to worry, that she will see you on Saturday afternoon.
-You didn't hear me, Marc, she will be up… - My words stopped when I processed his words - Did you say you talked to my mother?
- A charming woman like you - The tranquility in his voice makes me see him with a frown, as if a horn had grown on his head- Now I understand where that charm that has me so captivated came from.
Marc Spector. Former mercenary. Avatar of an Egyptian god. London superhero against his will… Talking to my mother as calmly as if he were talking about robbing a tomb?
- It's a joke?
- No sweetie. I talked to her less than an hour ago, while you were sleeping. I told her that last night you came to my apartment to help me with some tasks at the museum and that you had slept very late – The false innocence of his story makes me laugh that catches his attention - Needless to say, she was very happy knowing that a man answer your cell phone.
- I had no museum duties. You lied her.
His laugh disappears completely and his gaze becomes darker, more enigmatic and even more mischievous.
- Of course I lied to her. I couldn't tell her that I spend the whole night buried in you, making her little girl scream with pleasure and lust who only begged for everything I had to give her - I refrain from spitting the tea in front of her words and I feel that his hand rests on my leg, where the fabric of the gray sheet does not cover - And what I still have to give you.
I feel the heat start to rise up my neck and as soon as I put the cup down on the table, Marc pushes me against the bed making me shout and climbs on top enough so that I can feel his weight on mine, while resting his lips against mine in a soft and possessive kiss at the same time. I let out a sigh through his lips and feel his smile as I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer to me.
I missed that intimacy so much, that moment where it could only be the two of us, away from the world that I enjoyed every moment that I had the chance.
- Do you know something? I missed you so much - I separated from him enough to caress his hair and in response, Marc leaves a kiss on my neck.
- Me too darling. You have no fucking idea how much we miss you.
- I know, but I can imagine it – I try to surround him with my legs but with the weight of his body he keeps me still against the mattress, making it clear who is in control.
- When I woke up I saw that your cell phone said something about your mother, I assumed it was important. But I didn't want to wake you up because all of you, disheveled, blushing and sleeping as if there were no problems in the world could with me - Marc leans on one of his arms and begins to draw circles on my chest, which go up and down my neck as they play with the edge of the sheet - You had to rest even for a while. I only let you sleep for an hour.
- I don't regret it - I take his face and kiss him again, feeling that warmth and the smell of mint that his clothes give off and that reassures me so much. I play with his hair for a few minutes, I bury my hands in his curls and feel the kiss deepen, as if something about my movements aroused him more than usual.
- Damn, you don't know what you cause in me when you play with my hair - I let out a laugh as soon as he pulls away and falls next to me while he removes the sheet and gets under it, I automatically curl up on his chest and start drawing circles on it, while his arm closes around me and I feel his lips against my hair - You don't know how I miss feeling you around me, hearing my name from your lips while I put all my care into make you mine. Make it clear that you are only mine.
His voice now sounds agitated, while my heart races at his words. I play with the buttons on his shirt and climb up until I take between my fingers his little gold Star of David pendant that he hasn't taken off since he was a little boy. One of the few things that kept him tethered to reality.
- Stop talking about it, please….
- Why? - A smile mixes with the tone of his voice and brings me even closer to him, almost leaving me sitting on his lap.
- You know why. Don't play the innocent boy with me, Spector.
- With you I could never be innocent, darling. With you I commit even the most ordinary of sins without even regretting it.
- You know very well that I'm not going to say no, but now I want to talk.
I feel him tense under my hands and look away to one of my hands, more precisely the one that holds the small pendant of the Jewish religion and nods while he sits up a little until he is almost inches from my face. His expression is worried and I see that he hesitates at his movements but after a second, he rests his hands on either side of my hips and heaves a sigh.
- I do not.
- Marc…
He snorts softly and when he looks at me with those beautiful brown eyes I see the reality in them: he's scared. I give him a small smile as I move away a little and link one of my hands with his.
- I know it's difficult for you to talk about emotions and about what happened in Egypt, but – I hesitate to talk about my feelings, much more when I know that maybe they are too much for him and he wants to run away or avoid the conversation. But I need him to know what happened to me when he wasn't there – I thought that this time, you wouldn't come back. I thought of all the possibilities and none of them seemed to bring you here again.
- Dear…
- No, no. Let me finish. I need it - I stop him by putting my fingers on his lips and he just nods while I hold the sheet under my arms as best I can - I thought I lost you when Layla told me what had happened to you in Egypt. But I was more afraid of losing you when she told me who you had become.
- Layla managed to find us only a few months before you found us – His voice sounds a few decibels lower as if she was whispering in case someone was listening to our conversation – And the truth is, doubting for a second if coming back with you was the right thing to do was the right time hardest of my life.
- Why?
- Because I didn't know if being with me... would be dangerous for you or not. Shit, I didn't know if I'd be able to be by your side being fully aware of my actions – He curses again and I feel him tighten his grip on my hand – I was so afraid that Khonshu would want… If being with me would make you in his sights, that was going to kill me.
- And yet, here you are.
- But hell, at first he was terrified of me. I couldn't sleep, I heard the voices in my head and Steven who wouldn't shut up, who complained about the silence, the pain, and the loneliness... And just thinking about not being able to control it and the possibility of hurting you made me sick. Steven, who didn't know about you at the time, didn't understand my torture. So when you met us at the museum and Steven was just quiet, I knew, I knew that he had recognized you from some of my memories that seeped into his head and that's when I wanted to run.
He laughs as I pat his head and Marc lets himself be petted for a second before continuing to speak.
- You running from fear? That is new.
- It's not new if it's about you.
My heart sank at his words and as soon as his eyes met mine, I wanted to cry. He was the same man she had met in New York years ago but it is as if he was discovering a new facet that was very well hidden from the outside world.
- Steven helped with this – He moves his free hand between us, indicating both of us and leaves it on the empty space – He kept talking over and over again about you, that we would do things right, that we wouldn't hurt you. That we could protect you even from Khonshu if it became necessary…. I never want that day to come.
- Do you want to not think about an improbable future for a while? - He shakes his head and looks away, but I take his face with both hands and make him look at me again - Marc? Steven? I am here and you both are here with me. We are good and side by side. What could be more important than that right now?
Something in his eyes changed. I don't know if it was my words, something in his head or maybe he was taking dimension of reality, but his eyes became brighter and his gaze became softer.
- I don't think I've ever told you, but I feel like the most damn lucky man to have met you that afternoon at the Natural History Museum.
I let out a laugh as he hugs me and pulls me close until I'm straddling his legs, taking much of the sheet with him in the motion.
- I love you too, Marc - He just smiles at me as he presses his lips against mine and we lose a minute in each other. In the caresses of his hands on my stomach, in my hands tangling in his hair, caressing his neck, seeking to bring him even closer than possible. He pulls away from him somewhat shaken and drops his head until he feels his lips against my collarbone – I love you both. Steven too.
- But Steven is not here - Marc smiles against my skin and I feel a chill run down my spine - I'm here. Steven couldn't do even one of the things I did to you last night, and I will do to you again in a bit. Get used to it because I won't let you out of here until Saturday.
-Marc… - I let out a sigh when his lips continue to descend to the top of my breasts, where he leaves a trail of kisses as if he did it carelessly - Marc?
- Hmm?
- Don't underestimate Steven.
Marc suddenly pulls back as if my body is cast iron against his lips and frowns in annoyance. I laugh out loud as I see how upset he is, but the only response I get is for him to push me back onto the bed and kiss me with that passion and possessiveness that he knows I love.
- Did you just compare me to Steven?
- I never said that, Spector - I let out another giggle when he rests his arms on either side of my head and looks at me defiantly.
- I'm going to show you that Steven has no comparison with me, darling - He moves away just a little to take off his shirt and once he gets back on top of me, he asks in that seductive tone that he knows I won't be able to say no to anything - Do you let me make you mine again?
- Do what you want with me, Moon Knight.
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phanenthusiastic · 7 years
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yoursteppets · 8 years
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"Cleopatra F. Nea thea" En progreso.... #art #arte #tattoo #tattoos #tattoer #tattooist #scketch #cleopatra #lienzo #canvas #linework #cat #egiptyan #girl #femenine #egyptiantattoo #ancientegypt #egypt #queen #legtattoo #caracas #color #venezuela🇻🇪 #ink #tintas #felizjueves #greek #venezuela realizado en #lmanchaztattoostudio por: @samugonzalez_art @samugonzalez_art @samugonzalez_art @samugonzalez_art @samugonzalez_art Consultas y citas al: :::04241298370:::: Correo:::: [email protected] (en El junquito Km 16)
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marie-lamb-b · 5 years
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Currently working on the favorite Drama Diva~
But as much as I love kittens, I can't see myself praising them like an ancient egiptyan ^-^u
Sorry the bad resolution. I haven't changed my phone yet (even when I have storaged the new one for about 3 weeks...)
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lovethedanielhd · 6 years
A cuál de tus shipps le queda mejor la frase "Ella era bella, frágil como una rosa, él era una bestia, esclavo de sus impulsos"? Xd
ay Egiptyan star JJAJAJAJA la rosa es James y la bestia Anubis:( 
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3vialart · 6 years
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Nefertiti, the Egiptyan swan
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newspanels · 6 years
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orgonitheka · 3 years
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Orgone pendant amethyst of energy #Orgonite #Orgone #orgonit #Orgon #Orgonita #Orgonite pendant #Orgonite necklace #amethyst pendant #qems #quarzt #quartzcrystal #orgoneart #healingstones #Handmade #etsy #etsy #etsy #etsy #emf #egiptyan #etsyorgonitheka #Orgonitheka #goodvives #lightworkerart #spiritualtools #talisman #amulet https://www.instagram.com/p/B71Y82UlvIj/?igshid=v0cx79p33239
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