#eijirou kirishima x reader smut
kaidabakugou ยท 7 months
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The taste of ash weights heavy on your tongue when you descend through the clouds towards the glare of fire below. The heat from the smoke prickling at your skin causes you to tighten your grip around the black spikes on Kirishima's back where you sat atop the crimson dragon as he rushes towards the commotion below, massive leathery wings tucking close to his large body - far too large for a juvenile like himself as his shadow swallows the night sky behind him when you emerge from the sea of smoke revealing the magnitude of destruction the town has suffered in mere moments. Streets that were once booming with vendors and some of the finest establishments you could find this far south of the kingdom, now nothing but ruins that further crumble under the weight of the wind from the red dragonโ€™s wings as you continue to hurry towards the source that caused such calamity.
You'd traveled from the west with Bakugou, the dragon prince, and his dragon Kirishima, the Crimson Dread, under the orders of the king to deal with the issue of a fiery dragon that's been rumored to have gone rogue and has been terrorizing the southern towns at night. Upon your arrival the immensity of the situation was evident when the ancient bridges that connected to the neighboring towns were demolished for the river below to swallow, something only the great scaled beasts could manage, leaving the southerners to result in new measures and travel by boat.
It was only your second night in the town when you were setting up the fire place in your inn with Kirishima whilst you waited for Bakugou who ventured into the other side of town in search of something to cook for the three of you for the night, when the thunderous sound of an explosion in the distance alerted you. Rushing to the open area of the plaza where Kirishima could shift without causing damages to the housing nearby as you quickly mounted the dragon and headed towards the commotion. The orange glow of fire blazing in the horizon only feeding the worry that sat heavy on your chests knowing Bakugou was near that area of town, and now as you fly through the core of where the beast continues to wreak havoc, you could only pray to the gods above that he was okay.
A piercing roar ahead pulls you from your thoughts as it collides with the crackling sounds of Bakugouโ€™s explosive magic followed by the clashing of steel from his dual swords. The silhouette of the onyx dragon comes into view amidst a pit of fire, your eyes frantically searching for your prince as you spot him beneath one of the beast's hind legs trying to wriggle out from between its three prehensile talon-tipped toes that hold him captive as the chest of the dragon begins to glow a deep orange hue, preparing to spew a stream of deadly fire upon him that was sure to leave a flaming crater in its wake from the force - one that not even Bakugouโ€™s fire resistance could survive.
Swallowing the vile lump that builds in your throat at the thought, you lean forward against Kirishimaโ€™s back, the rough scales of the dragonโ€™s armor brushing along your palm when you reach for the large spikes of his torso. The ones that prepare him to attack once you give him the command, but just as you take a sharp inhale to give him the order you're interrupted by the rumbling of snake-like hisses building up a thunderous roar as Kirishima leaps towards his opponent.
Catching the attention of the onyx dragon as he directs his fire towards you, but the Crimson Dread is not only known for his size, but also for his abnormal speed and agility that was rare for a beast of such calamity as he quickly rises to flash his hind legs. Sharp claws locking onto the beastโ€™s neck, pinning him down as the horrid screeching of both dragons clashes together - one from anguish in a desperate attempt to be released and the other from a raging hunger for blood as Kirishima's claws pierce through the black scales, slashing the dragonโ€™s throat open causing it to wriggle beneath him as it chokes in its fiery blood. But the red beast remains unsatisfied as he leans down to grasp the head of his victim in between his dreadful maw before tearing it from its body and tossing it into the fiery pits of its own creation followed by a victorious roar that seems to further agitate the flames that surround you.
You press your palm to his scales in an attempt to calm him despite how taken aback you were from his actions for he has never acted on his own without his riderโ€™s orders regardless of the ravenous creature he was. Gently caressing his heated scales whilst you coo down at him as his snarls slowly shift into low rumbles under your touch when your soft voice reaches his ears between haggard breaths. Shaking his head with a final blow of smoke through his nostrils as his scales shudder from head to tail until he returns your pets with a content purr, letting you know he's calmed down before directing your attention towards Bakugou who was already climbing up the dragonโ€™s side to join you on his back. Unharmed, lest a few scratches that oozed with blood yet nothing you couldn't heal later with your magic.
โ€œAll good?โ€, bare chest pressing against your back as he leans forward to press his palm to the crimson scales alongside yours as you look over to your side where his head rests on your shoulder. Only answering with a nod when your eyes meet his vermilion ones, not all there as he looks lost in thought before your gently nudge him with your elbow as they focus on you again, sharing the same concern for your dragon but nothing to fret about right now considering the long night you've all had as you feel him relax against you before signaling Kirishima again. Taking to the skies once more as you fly back into town for the night since you couldn't do anything else for now until the fires die out with morning come.
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The ache in your muscles melts away as you sink deeper into the hot springs, the warmth enveloping your body when you rest against the edge to peer up at the night sky where remnants of the smoke from the fires obstructing your view of the stars as the faint orange hue of the horizon begins to fade, letting the sound of the water around you prevent your mind from thinking back on the prior events.
Once a dragon bonds with one rider, no other person can bond nor ride them throughout their life for they will remain loyal to their mount until they are parted by death, but Kirishima is the first ever dragon to bond with two riders. Claiming both Bakugou and you as his mates, a rare case in history that not even the wisest of maesters could decipher, tossing it up to be a result of his shifter abilities. But being a mate to the great fiery beasts of this era was not for the faint of heart as dragons undergo different stages in their lifetime that could be overwhelming for some, and your dragonโ€™s recent stubborn behavior could only mean the beginning of one thing.
You lean over the edge towards the tray that rested on the rocks near the natural basin, reaching for the bowl of hot water to pour it over the previously strained matcha before taking the chasen and begin whisking. Too distracted to notice the water rippling behind you but your ears prick at the sound of low purrs approaching, hearing him before you feel him as sharp claws circle around your thighs. Curving along the plush skin of your hips to trail up your sides causing the hairs on your spine to rise towards your nape as he presses his nose above your rear before following the prickled skin up towards your shoulders in a slow calculated pace that causes your toes to curl against the hot stone below until his nose finds the crook of your neck - inhaling deeply as he savors your scent, the smell unlike any other causing his tail to slowly sway from side to side through the water whilst the purring amplifies. Feeling the vibrations against your back when he presses his hot chest to your skin as you lean into his frame, claws circling your abdomen when scaled arms hold you close causing you to hum at his touch as you settle back into the water.
The heat that radiates from him rivals the one around you as hot puffs of air fan across your skin, feeling the tips of his forked tongue ghost along the back of your ear where his nose is nestled into your hair. An occurrence that wasn't foreign to you since the three of you often slept wrapped around each other and Kirishima would find solace in sleeping with the smell of his mates right under his nose, but there was something different in his current demeanor.
When a dragon's heat is near, there are often visible warning signs to heed to avoid falling in their grasps when overcome with lust. The scales along their skin tend to darken in color, one of the more elusive signs to notice considering the change is very minimal but easily spotted for those that are in constant contact with the scaled giants. Their breathing patterns as well as their purring shift from long and passive inhales to heavy huffs followed by exhales of higher temperatures to their regular hot breaths. Every dragon's purrs are slightly different in melody but it's often deeper while in heat, emitting from somewhere further down their chest and at a much quicker pace than normal. The most identifiable of the signs are their behavioral changes, although already territorial, dragons tend to be more aggressive and jealous towards others lurking around their den and mates as well as seek out physical touch more often and show higher levels of affection. All signs that usually begin to manifest weeks in advance.
But Kirishimaโ€™s changes only began hours prior. Even though it wasn't the first time his heat had started abruptly, another unknown factor that the maesters could only assume as a product from his shifter abilities, it was the first time you've been in battle when it happened. Which justifies your worry while seizing the onyx dragon earlier.
The air around you felt heavy and the tension was almost palpable with the way he was holding you, like prey caught in the jaws of a predator as his claws travel along your skin, occasionally gripping at your flesh while his hold on you tightens. Moments like these remind you of the danger that he kept hidden from you most of the time until he had you in his grasp - so pliant and at his absolute mercy, he could do anything he wanted and youโ€™d let him.
A sharp dark claw travels across your abdomen in slow back and forth motions beneath the water before trailing up the exposed skin of your chest. Circling your tits in a teasing matter that has your nipples hardening at the threat knowing it wouldnโ€™t take much effort for those claws to rip into your skin. Kirishima smiles against your neck when he feels the way your heartbeat increases under his touch, how the rise and fall of your chest quickens the more he greedily explores your body. Savoring the way your smooth skin feels against his calloused one, the sweet scent of you downright intoxicating as he feels his teeth ache at the thought of you on his tongue. Moving his mouth to rest at the juncture of your neck at the temptation to feel your skin give under the force of his fearful maw, tearing into your flesh and watching you bleed for him as his purring deepens at the thought knowing how pretty youโ€™d look covered in crimson to match that of his scales.
His tail curls around your ankle as it slowly travels up your leg until itโ€™s wrapped around your plump thigh, squeezing the fat of it while scales drag against the curve of your rear. The scaled pointed tip ghosting along your inner thigh as it occasionally brushes through the tuft of hairs above your cunt at slow, almost ticklish pace that had you suppressing your moans against the edge of your cup as you bring the warm tea to your lips, enjoying it while you can knowing that it will soon be forgotten with the way Kirishimaโ€™s scorching breath was fanning over your skin alerting you of how close he was to your vital spots.
โ€œFuck, my loveโ€, the searing touch of his tongue licking along your skin makes you gasp as thick drips of drool burn onto your skin, โ€œI need youโ€.
โ€œYour heat becoming too much, baby?โ€, you hum against him before drinking the last of your tea as you reach forward to return the cup onto its tray.
โ€œI could just devour you right nowโ€, he purrs close to your ear as he takes a deep inhale of your skin, continuing to let your scent invade his senses. โ€œWill you let me, love?โ€
โ€œGo aheadโ€, you tilt your head further giving him access as your voice falls into a breathless whisper at the feel of sharp teeth grazing against your skin. โ€œTell me how I tasteโ€.
A guttural growl ripples from his chest at your words as his tongue laps at your skin again, more drool dribbles against you before his lips press to the juncture where your neck meets your shoulder sucking on that spot as you arch your back with a sigh, the feel of his teeth digging ever so slightly into your skin behind closed lips sends a whirlpool of emotions to your gut. The moans you suppressed earlier ripping from you when his fangs finally break through your flesh as a rush of warmth spreads across your skin where he eagerly drinks from you, letting your blood quench his thirst before he sucks bruising kisses higher up your neck making you squirm against him.
Tightening his grasp as he slowly moves your bodies towards the edge of the natural basin where claws circle your waist to spin you around as he looms over you, caging you between the warm stone that digs against your back and his large body as he presses himself against you. Gently nuzzling his nose into the top of your head before slowly trailing down the center of your forehead to meet your nose as your eyes lock with deep pools of scarlet staring back at you. Your hands reach for his biceps, feeling the scales shift under your touch as you continue to trail upwards towards his nape where your fingers brush through the crimson strands of his hair whilst your other hand reaches for a stray strand on his forehead, securing it behind the dark, curved, and angled horns that protrude on either sides of his head that would demand submission from even the most endowed elks that roamed the enchanted forests, a grin spreading across his lips when you do before he leans down to press his lips to yours.
Hot breaths melding with each other as claws curl around your throat pressing his purlicue beneath your chin causing your head to tilt further, giving him more access as his lips move frantically against yours - messy and wet as spit smothers against your skin while your tongue tangles with his long one until the need for air becomes inescapable. Leaning back to catch your breath as far as his firm hold around your neck allows you but he can't help but chase your lips with his sharp teeth, keeping his intentions gentle against the delicate skin but still so, so hungry for you as he nibbles on your bottom lip until it splits for him. The sting makes you hiss as lustful eyes meet your equally lewd ones when he slowly pulls back, sucking the small dribble of blood into his greedy maw until your lip slips from his own. Not giving you enough time to recover as the warm pads of his digits digging into the sides of your neck twitch as they pull you back in to meet his lips - mouths bruised and swollen as his tongue swipes against you to lick into the small cut.
Parting from your lips to press kisses on your jaw and down your neck as his hands reach down to grip your waist and hoist you up onto the edge. Stopping when he reaches the valley of your breast as he leans back to look at your body now fully on display for him, mesmerized at the sight like the first time he saw you like this and he canโ€™t help the shudder that ripples through his scales and settles at his pelvis where his cock twitches beneath the water.
Fiery pupils dilate when they rake along the curve of your breasts and settle on your nipples, wet and glistening and so inviting as he dips his head down to capture the erect bud in his mouth. The feel of sharp teeth scraping against your skin threatening to pierce through your flesh sends shivers down your spine followed by the smooth contrast of his warm tongue alternating between fast flicks and tight curls against you that causes your hips to slightly grind forward as arousal begins to gather at your core. The faint smell of it hitting his nose only riles him further as he suckles on your tit harder while roughly kneading the other as he pulls and twists the bud between his clawed digits.
Only stopping to sink his teeth into the flesh of your chest again and again with low mumbles of โ€˜mineโ€™ whispered into each nibble as he continues to trail them down your abdomen. Drowning in the increasing scent of your arousal the closer he gets to the source, his mouth unable to stay away from you other than to quickly move to another unmarked spot on your skin as his breaths become haggard at the mouth watering aroma of your drooling cunt leaking onto the stones below. Calloused hands curve beneath your thighs as he spreads you open for him, ankles resting on his broad and scaled shoulders while his mouth never leaves your skin as it reaches your pubes. Inhaling deeply into the tuft of hair as he feels the way your body twitches against his touch when he slowly pulls the hairs between his lips, his warm breaths feels almost ticklish but the sensation is quickly replaced by the slight sting from his tugging before he releases the hairs from his lips.
Diving forward again to run his nose through them, his head dipping lower and lower until the slick feel of your pussy lips meets with his own, savoring you a little longer as he trails his nose through your swollen slit causing it to part as he does. Eyes fluttering at the feel of your arousal coating his skin before finally surging forward into your heat making you arch in your spot as your arms stretch behind you to support you further from the intensity of his mouth against you. Tongue pressed flat on your pussy as he wriggles it from side to side while thick globs of saliva drip from his thirsty mouth onto you - creamy slick and viscous spit mixing together as both of you become more and more lost in pleasure.
Moans falling from your lips without a care if others residing within the inn could hear you for youโ€™re unable to hold them with the way his tongue laps up towards your clit, circling it with just the tip before his lips wrap around the sensitive bud while his eyes look up to meet yours causing something to ripple in your stomach the closer you get to your release. Watching how they darken when he feels your fingers skim across his pointed ears, ghosting along the wet strands of hair before wrapping around one of his horns knowing it would get a reaction out of him with how sensitive they were, especially during his heat and you can't help the grin that breaks through your features when you see his lip curl with the nastiest growl you've heard resonate from his chest thus far. Strong enough to make the water around him shake causing it to ripple at the same thundering cadence while his hands pinch and knead at your thighs, feeling how the muscles clench and tremble under his touch when you feel the vibrations of his snarls against your pussy.
Causing your features to morph into a whine as you let your head roll back onto your shoulders to release a moan up towards the sky while briefly closing your eyes before your entire body jolts when Kirishima slots his hot mouth onto the length of your puffy slit. Demanding your attention as your eyes meet again, a newfound hunger in his fiery orbs as your clench around his imposing figure when the tips of his forked tongue tease along your entrance before wriggling itโ€™s way inside - velvety walls tightening around the incredibly long and thick muscle as it spreads you open, greedily slurping every last drop of creamy arousal that pours from your messy pussy.
Both of your hands now wrapped firmly around his horns to pull him closer and the snarl that follows causes his sharp teeth to scrape dangerously against your swollen clit, sending you over the edge as static rings in your ears making the world around you spin as your release gushes into his awaiting tongue. Claws dragging up and down along your thighs leaving red, throbbing marks in their wake before they press into your hips, threatening to pierce the skin as he holds you down when your hips continue to jerk and twitch. Overstimulated as he continues to drink every last drop of your sweet nectar, not stopping until he gets his fill as your cries clash with the loud and wet squelch of your pussy ravished by his hungry maw.
Slowing his movements to ease you down from your high as his tongue slithers out of your warmth, running it through the red and swollen folds of your sopping wet pussy before leaning back to watch the pretty mess he created - thin threads of syrupy slick and viscid spit clinging to his skin causing it to glisten under the faint moonlight emerging from the smokey clouds as the distant fires begin to die down. Whimpering at the empty feeling as you fall back onto the stones breathless, your hands slipping from his horns in exhaustion only for scaled ones to catch them as he brings them towards his face, nuzzling into your palm to lay kisses onto your wrists - soft and tender unlike the previous ones as he repeats the actions on the other one before trailing up the length of your arm while slowly rising from the water to slot his body above your own.
Warm droplets of water dripping onto your skin where he continues to lay gentle kisses as his lips press against your stomach to travel up onto your breasts, briefly nibbling on the plush skin before dipping towards your collarbones; feeling how he follows the outline of your protruding bones with the tip of his nose to settle at the small hollow at the center where his searing exhales fan over your skin causing you to lean your head back to allow him more access as he wanders up the length of your throat where he slows down to feel it contract against his lips when you swallow, eliciting his purrs to return as they vibrate into your jaw until he curves along your chin to finally capture your lips in his. Tasting yourself on his tongue when it tangles with yours as it freely explores every inch of your mouth before he pulls away to peer down at your pretty face, noticing your eyes glossy with tears as he smiles down at the sight before leaning in for a kiss once more.
So enthralled with each other that you don't hear the distant call of your names when the wooden door of your room slides open. Only the feel of something hot dripping against your thigh capturing your attention, making your breath hitch into him as he pulls back to press his forehead onto yours for the both of you to peer between your bodies to reveal his large cock.
A mass of dark pubes trailing from his belly button towards the base where thick veins throb with need around a swelling knot as they fork out onto the ribbed crimson ridges that matched those of his scales leading up to a tapered tip that dripped molten globs of creamy white onto your skin where it hanged heavy causing it to curve downwards from the weight and size as it twitched the more his knot continued to grow with the overwhelming and carnal desire to empty load after load of the sticky cum that resided within the hefty balls that rested hulking between his muscular thighs inside your heat.
The same thighs that slide closer to press behind yours as a clawed hand slides along the side to grip the back of your knees and guide one leg around his waist, mirroring the action with your other leg as they lock at the dip of his back where his long tail sways languidly from side to side. Securing your bodies together as he lowers his hips to meet yours, slotting his cock between your thighs to slide his pulsing length through your weeping slit. Gasping in unison when he grinds his hips harder through the slickness as your hands snake around his broad shoulders to bring him closer, his lips already chasing yours as claws tangle in the hairs at your nape where he cups your head to deepen the kiss. His thumb smearing away the stray tears that stain your cheeks at the feel of every ridge and curve of his cock rubbing through your slick pussy, getting caught against your clit with each thrust making you mewl into his mouth as he swallows every sound.
Groans and purrs vibrating softly against you when he feels your hips roll up and fall into rhythm with his. Smiling against him when your actions elicit a broken whine to rip from his chest, amused at how such a feared beast could be reduced to such a needy thing when it came to moments like this, entangled with each other in such ways that it's uncertain where one begins and the other ends.
The growl that festers deep in his chest pulls you from your thoughts as a heated sting spreads across your bottom lip when he draws the sensitive flesh between his teeth to get your attention once more, prying your mouth open for him as he chases your bloodied lips with a carnivorous hunger that elicits another growl to crawl up his throat as clawed digits wrap around your wrists to capture your hands in his and stretch your arms above your head, pinning you beneath him and rutting his hips desperately against you until the bulbous head of his leaky cock finally presses against your entrance. Both of you falling silent as you peer down between your bodies, watching how your pussy splits open and swells around each girthy bump of his cock until it reaches the curve of his knot as it presses against your slit; ceasing his movements to relish the feel of your heat wrapped around him while you bask in the way it stretches your pussy so good you could almost feel him in your throat as you lips part around a silent moan.
Heavy knot throbbing against your entrance, not quite ready to slip inside just yet as he rolls his hips back - your pussy molding perfectly to each ridge as the friction makes you arch your back so beautifully into him. Both of your hands restrained under one of his while the other curls around your center to hold you close as his lips press along your jawline, whispering sweet praises in his motherโ€™s tongue as he falls into a steady pace that has the telltale coil winding tightly inside you sooner than expected as white spots cloud your vision when you sink into sweet ecstasy. Soft kisses and nibbles morphing into feral bites as he grows wretched with need at the taste of your blood mixed with the tight clench of your silken walls gripping his cock so deliciously he feels he could devour you whole.
Slowing his thrusts to a gentle rock as his lips find yours again in a sloppy and panting mess - the sound from your heaving chests echoing through the area loud enough to quiet the heavy patting of feet against the damp stone floor approaching your position until a shadow obstructs the dim light of the candles that surrounded the hot springs, looming over you as it waits for the two of you to notice its presence.
โ€œโ€˜M gone a few minutes and you two can't keep yerโ€™ hands off of each other that long, eh?โ€, both of you peer up to meet vermilion irises staring down at you with amusement. Grin spreading across his features when your eyes simultaneously trail down to look at his cock fully displayed before you, the thick vein beneath his shaft throbbing all the way up his leaking tip where milky beads of white coat his skin.
Meeting his gaze again, your sultry smile matching his own as you feel lips press to your jaw followed by the slight tickle from Kirishimaโ€™s hot breath fanning over your skin as he speaks.
โ€œYou're just in time, my prince - our little princess is just about ready to take me wholeโ€, a dark claw brushes through the stray hairs that cling to the damp skin of your forehead as he tucks them behind your ear to press his nose to your own, voice falling into a whisper. โ€œAren't you, baby?โ€, nodding into his touch while he beckons Bakugou closer.
โ€œCome โ€˜er, Katsukiโ€ฆ I want to watch you both as she takes my knotโ€, to which he complies as Bakugou lays down beside you. Pulling you towards him when Kirishima leans back from his position as you straddle the blonde, his eyes wandering down your skin as his fingers trace along the wounds that adorn your body - bruised and bloodied.
Digits stained with red as he brings them towards his lips for a quick taste, eyes fluttering when he does before he reaches for your skin again to collect more of the blood that dribbles from the bites left by the dragon, bringing them up to your lips this time where it mixes with the drooly blood from your bottom lip as you wrap them around his fingers to languidly suck on them.
Clawed thumbs dig into the fat of your hips as Kirishima positions himself behind you, curling along your spine to press his chest against you. His large physique overpowering the both of you when he stretches his wings, briefly casting a daunting shadow that consumes you before he tucks them back into place. Leaning in close to nuzzle his face into your neck as Bakugou mimics his actions to your other side, their warmth encompasses you entirely like a heavy cloth draped over you on a cruel winter. Bakugouโ€™s lips press tender kisses along your mangled skin while a long, wet and hot tongue laps a stripe all the way to your ear where he nuzzles into you once again.
โ€œHold still for me, my loveโ€, arching into Bakugouโ€™s chest when the tip of Kirishimaโ€™s cock presses against your cunt, dripping heavy glops of precum that seared against your skin - so impossibly hot like it was made from the molten steel used to make the finest of swords. Spreading it through your slit as he strokes it up and down causing syrupy strands of arousal to leak onto Bakugouโ€™s thighs before his cockhead catches your entrance.
Immediately feeling the stretch of every ridge and curve again as your lips part around a loud whine, both men reacting instantly as hands roam every inch of your body in a mixture of soothing touches and hungry kneads from sharp nails that twitch at the urge to tear at your skin to elicit more of those sweet noises to rip from your body. Kirishima doesn't waste time to settle on a fast pace that knocked the wind from your lungs, lost in the way your pussy sucked him further - squeezing him so tightly he couldn't help but to nibble on the skin of your neck again, fangs piercing anywhere they could reach causing his purring to morph into wet gurgles from your blood while Bakugou leaned back to ogle at the sight.
In all your years together, nothing riled him up more than moments like these. The both of you look ethereal above him - recalling all the times he had the same thoughts and he fears they might fall short to the sight before him. The first time he laid eyes on Kirishima when the crimson hybrid shifted into a fierce dragon for him to ride after many had failed to mount the fiery beast; the same beast that never allowed anyone to get too close to him, yet there you were mounted on his back treating a tear to his wing while cooing down sweetly at the scaled giant while all his rider could do was just stare at the two of you in awe in that field of freshly bloomed blue irises all those springs ago. He never thought that just winters later he would find himself by a ditchfire and a chalice filled of your joined blood, a scar on each of your left palms to prove it - wed by fire and blood to be sealed by a long night of mating.
And now, as the hard stone cushioned by a the thin bedding of moss forming on the rocks dug into his back as he stared up at the two of you above him, your skin riddled with bites and blood with Kirishima still latched onto your neck as you cried out into the night to soon take his knot, the sight before him rivals all the others for he thinks he's never seen the two of you so beautiful as this very moment.
His heart skipping a beat when both of your eyes meet his own, reaching for him as your hands curl around his shoulders while claws press against the dip of his skull to bring him closer to your bodies. Your lips pressed against his while Kirishima nuzzles the crook of his neck, smiling against Bakugou when you feel his breath hitch at the dragonโ€™s fangs piercing into his flesh. The taste of both of his mates blood mixing on his tongue turn his thrust violent, extremely so you can't contain the overstimulated squeals that ripped from your chest and before you can register it he thrusts forward in a hard roll of his hips until you feel it - a wet pop as you're stuffed to the brim with his knot. Your eyes rolling while you feel lightheaded at the mixture of his thick, knotted cock grinding deep inside of you along with the heat that radiates from their bodies engulfing you completely.
Claws suddenly digging into your flesh as Kirishima yanks your bodies closer to him, switching from marking Bakugouโ€™s neck to yours back and forth while lips brushed against skin in a mantra growled in the old draconic tongue.
Mine mine mine
โ€œYou're mine, yeah? My blood?โ€, each question is followed by a pull of his lips against your skin and all you can do is desperately nod against him as salty tears stain your cheeks while your cunt spasms around him, squeezing and pulling him deeper as he grinds rapidly into you.
โ€œBoth of you were made for meโ€, he snarls as his lips chase Bakugouโ€™s next, piercing his bottom lip in a much more hurried manner than he did yours causing a groan to vibrate loudly from the blondes chest as the redhead devours him.
โ€œYou were born bound to me, right?โ€, your bodies were dripping in sweat and your brains were fogging with the overstimulation of both pleasure and pain, as the dragon reminded you who you belonged to while switching between your bodies; licked, sucked, and bitten into the skin of the familiar things pinned beneath him. Chasing your sweat with teeth and tongue, drunk on the scent of home - of mate. Many would call the love Kirishima felt for the two of you an obsession, but that pales in comparison to the unwavering hunger and passion he felt for you.
His thrusts turn vicious, borderline animalistic as he rolls his hips forward once, twice, three times until you finally feel it. The rush of cum pouring in hot, always so impossibly hot, heavy globs against your velvety walls as he ruts his hips close to bury himself deep in your pussy to ensure you were plugged up and stuffed full with his seed that continued to pour inside of you in a never ending river that had the both of you falling depleted against the blonde making him groan at the sudden weight pressed against him. All three of you panting as your bodies relax against each other, hearts beating as one while you let the soothing sounds of the water splashing behind you ease you down from your highs.
But the Crimson Dread was nothing if not insatiable, leaning back as clawed digits captured Bakugouโ€™s chin between them to bring him closer, pulling him into a kiss while you trailed kisses along the blondeโ€™s jawline. Your ear pricking when you hear the redhead speak into the kiss and you canโ€™t help the grins that follow at his words.
โ€œYour turn, my princeโ€, he whispers while maneuvering your bodies into the warm water to soothe your wounds and prepare you for the long night ahead.
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mhathotfic ยท 8 months
Sleeping with a married woman wasnโ€™t something he๏ฟผ ever planned on.
He๏ฟผ๏ฟผ thought heโ€™d never be so stupid as to be the other man, but he๏ฟผ๏ฟผ couldnโ€™t quite control the lust he felt when his cute little neighbor would flirt with him and tease him. He knew it was wrong, but a young woman his age showing him interest was so enticing.
The taboo of it, him getting all this attention from a lonely little housewife that married an older man who didnโ€™t truly love her. Of her being so obvious about her desires.
Eijirou๏ฟผ๏ฟผ found himself in hot water fast. He was only supposed to patching up a few things for her. Supposed to be in and out.
Now he found himself on her marital bed, sliding his dick in to her pussy while she cried out his name. Moaning like she hasnโ€™t had good dick in ages. Considering that old businessman never spent time at๏ฟผ๏ฟผ home, he figured she hasnโ€™t.
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kirisslut ยท 1 year
just some thoughts <3
boyfriend!kirishima who is the sweetest boyfriend ever and will do anything and everything in his power to cheer you up
boyfriend!kirishima who resorts to turning you on when none of his flowers, kisses, or jokes cheer you up
boyfriend!kirishima who will eat you out until you and your pussy are crying for him
boyfriend!kirishima who makes you forget all about what was upsetting you by fucking you stupid
boyfriend!kirishima who makes your pretty pussy squirt around his massive cock multiple times before he finally lets you rest
boyfriend!kirishima who gently cleans you up afterwards, kissing the spots where he gripped too tightly and making sure you're nice and comfy and warm before he drifts off to sleep
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whysageee ยท 28 days
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gojosprettyprincess ยท 2 months
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A/n wrote this at 5am so I apologize for any errors! <3 also it's poorly written but I hope you guys still like it.
Yk what fucking drives me crazy the most?
Sweet innocent looking men that treats you so well, I'm talking like he writes you cute poems, follows you around everywhere like a lost puppy and gets all flustered and shy when you want to go to Victoria secret to get new bras and panties but he still goes in with you anyways with his hand clinging onto your arm instead of just leaving because anything for you, the way his face melts into your hand whenever you'd cup his cheeks, looking at you with those innocent puppy dog eyes then he kisses your hand. Like he's just such a cutie you know? He'd let you do his makeup and let you baby him and feed him. Literally just anything you want he'd do it and lets you do. Whatever makes you happy.
And that same sweet innocent guy would have you against the wall, his strong arms holding you up, fingers digging into the soft flesh of your thighs as he slams his hips against you, each thrust pushing you higher against the wall as he let you drop back down on his fat cock after, and he's even noisier than you are, loud whimpers and groans escaping his lips as he looks at your face, feeling satisfied and happy that his thick cock is the reason for your cute fucked out expression and sweet moans that are like music to his ears. Your nails leaving long red marks on his shoulders and back that he's sooo proud of having, he loves it when you do that, it's like a reward to him for making you feel good. His big strong arms pressing your legs back even further up as your knees raised up by your shoulders, giving him a deeper angle as his cock brushed against the right spots inside you that made you see stars to the point where you can't even think straight.
"O-oh fuck! baby, need you to cum ple-ase, fuck! please, wanna see you make a mess on my cock please I'm begging you princess", his voice cracks as he whimpers it out to you. The sweet and innocent needy tone in his voice compared to his rough pounding like he fucking hates you and had to prove it was all it took for you to cream around him, nails digging deeply into his back as he's practically making out with your neck, kissing and sucking on the tender flesh, leaving a bunch of purple and red marks that's definitely going to make him all fluttered and shy when he sees them in a few hours, remembering about what happened earlier. His eyes rolling back as he feels you coating his cock with your cum and dripping all over him.
"Ngh! Oh fuck, Tha-nk you! Thank you so much, gon-na cum!". He cries out. Your toes curling as he sped up his pace, hammering his cock in a reckless pace into your poor cunt, his thick cock head kissing your cervix with each one of his deep thrusts as he greedily chases his orgasm. He made sure to have his cock so deep inside of you to the hilt so he can fill you up full of his cum as he painted your tight walls white, thick ropes of cum spurting out of his cock, stuffing your hungry cunt full as he lets out a shaky groan while planting his face in your neck. He starts breathing heavily, panting against your neck as you felt his cock twitching inside of you. And you know what? He slowly pulls it out of you, being sooo careful that he doesn't spill any cum as he grips on your thighs even tighter before getting on his knees and eating all of his cum out of your filthy stuffed cunt like the good boy he is, after all its his mess and well, yours also but he doesn't mind! he just wants to make it easier for you to clean you know? :(
Choso, Izuku, Armin, Toge, Zentisu, Kirishima, Yuuji, Kaneki.
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tteokdoroki ยท 3 days
tw ! dubcon + free use.
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there is just something so crazy about kirishima and free useโ€ฆ
โ€ฆhim being able to lift you up and down on his cock whenever he wants because heโ€™s impatient. going from coaxing you into riding him in the middle of his agency after a shift to grabbing your hips and controlling their pace cause he thinks youโ€™re going too slow, youโ€™re too shy, youโ€™re not taking enough of him at once. he doesnโ€™t take over because youโ€™re tired.
its because eijirou kirishima is used to getting everything he wants with just a sweet smile or a lazy grin. he always, always has his wishes come true.
he doesnโ€™t care that youโ€™re fucked out and slumped, arms loosely wrapped around his shoulders while he pumps you full of another load. the third load. you can take it. heโ€™ll make you take it. the base of kirishimaโ€™s girthy, meaty cock is coated in a thick layer of cream โ€” the result of your stringy release foaming around him with each thrust. it slings between your bodies, smears over your clit every time your bodies connect and you cry out because youโ€™re so overstimulated and kirishima wonโ€™t stop using you.
his pretty baby, his perfect fuckdoll. if you needed him to stop, youโ€™d tell him. but your brain fizzles with such an intense level of desire that all you can do is wail and whine as the man uses all of his strength to plunge deep into your pulsating walls โ€” making sure whatever he has to give you, sticks.
kirishima wants you messy wherever possible, whenever possible. even if he has to do all of the hard work himself, even if it makes you cry from those angel eyes as they blink up at him weakly, even if he has to coo a little praise into your ear โ€œthatโ€™s it sweet thing, just a little more fโ€™me. let it all out, cover me in it. sโ€™pretty,โ€ just to get you to cum and clench around him, milk his heavy cock until thereโ€™s nothing left.
and youโ€™ll let him do it all, because eijirouโ€™s got you trained to adore being used by him โ€” itโ€™s written all over your dopey face and in the hearts that sparkle in your teary eyes <3
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๊’ฐย end.ย โ€” all rights reserved ยฉย tteokdoroki 2024.ย do not copy, repost, translate, feed into ai & recommend elsewhere.
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crushmeeren ยท 29 days
Bakugou/Fem Reader/Kirishima
Gym Scenario
NSFW one shot โ€” all characters aged up/18+. Move on or block if that bothers you.
Warnings; dirty talk, pussy eating, blowjobs, fingering, squirting, vaginal sex, Eijirou cums inside reader
I was VERY excited to write this and for some reason it became so fucking hard to write. It took FOREVER โ€” I edited, re-edited and re-edited it some more until it became something Iโ€™m semi happy with. Cuz fuck me LOL.
Anywho, hope you all enjoy!
โ€œDonโ€™t be such a pussy. You know you can fucking do it, so do it,โ€ Katsuki demands, jaw clenched. Irritation laces his voice.
Unfortunately, the harsh pep talk doesnโ€™t quite motivate you the way he wants.
You know itโ€™s his way of being encouraging, but his efforts fall flat.
โ€œFuck off Kat,โ€ you bite, panting heavily. โ€œGod! I wish Ei was here,โ€ you hiss crossly, gritting your teeth.
Your sweat covered palms slip over your bare knees as you bend in half, desperately gulping down air, heart rate erratic.
Katsuki clicks his tongue behind his teeth, laughing โ€” which sounds more like heโ€™s mocking you, tapping his foot impatiently.
Clearly heโ€™s not offended.
โ€œWhy? So he can baby your ass?โ€ He taunts, lifting his chin up. He crosses his arms over his tank top clad chest.
He sits up straight on the workout bench across from you, one leg stretched out in front of him.
You throw him an icy glare, choosing to ignore his jab.
Standing upright, you use the bottom of your muscle tank to wipe off the metric ton of sweat pouring down your face.
The scent of your shirt is overwhelming and gross. Your nose wrinkles in distaste.
Youโ€™ve been at the gym with Katsuki for two hours. Two grueling, lactic acid filled hours.
The gym at Eijirou and Katsukiโ€™s agency is relatively quiet and secluded. With all the equipment you could ever hope for.
Naturally, Katsuki woke up deciding today was the mother of all days to work on one rep maxes.
Youโ€™re both off work. Ei is out on patrol โ€” so Katsuki can push, bully you into lifting as much weight as he wants.
Katsuki swears itโ€™s so you canโ€™t run to Eijirou with โ€œbig ass doe eyesโ€ and a pout whenever you get tired and want to go home.
So, here you are, stuck with Katsuki. Heโ€™s already hit a new PR and youโ€™re working on yours. Youโ€™ve failed this weight three times already.
You could put your fist through a wall youโ€™re so pissed off.
Your glutes are on fire. Your hamstrings are on fire. Your lower back is on fucking fire.
Still, your boyfriend is ruthless. Youโ€™re reaching a boiling point.
โ€œKaaaat,โ€ you whine, dragging out the A in his name. โ€œI canโ€™t do this today. Please, I just - I wanna go home. I wanna see Ei.โ€
Tears of frustration start to sting and well up in your eyes.
You sniff, adjusting the strap of your lifting belt tighter, avoiding Katsukiโ€™s gaze.
An exasperated albeit fond sigh hits your ears. You take to fiddling with the hem of your stretchy biker shorts, irritated in your own lack of ability.
It sits in your chest like a lead balloon.
The bench protests as Katsuki rises from his seat. You adamantly stare at a crack in the black mats that make up the floor, shifting from foot to foot.
You listen to his quiet footsteps approaching until suddenly black lifting shoes fill your vision.
Gently, a thumb and forefinger grip your chin. Katsuki tilts your head until youโ€™re meeting his warm yet intense ruby red stare.
You deflate, becoming putty in his hold.
โ€œBaby,โ€ he begins, rough voice infinitely softer now. โ€œYou are going to fucking lift this weight. Youโ€™re stronger than you know.โ€ Heโ€™s overly confident, as normal.
Your lower lip wobbles, heat creeping up your neck and burrowing into your cheeks.
As infuriating as he can be, heโ€™s no doubt your biggest supporter, fan, etc. Not counting Eijirou.
Katsukiโ€™s unwavering belief in you sends goosebumps crawling up your sweat soaked arms. It ultimately convinces you to try again.
Wrapping your fingers around the wrist helping support your chin, you feel his steady pulse thudding.
โ€œOne more time and then we can go home?โ€ You ask reluctantly. His lips curl into a smug grin realizing heโ€™s won you over.
Playfully, Katsuki shakes your head side to side, grip tightening on your chin.
โ€œYeah whatever,โ€ he relents, rolling his eyes. โ€œYa know, if you hit this, Iโ€™ll give you a reward,โ€ he says nonchalantly, trailing his hand down to snake around your throat with a barely there pressure.
โ€œWhat kind of reward?โ€ You eye him suspiciously. Although, youโ€™d be remiss to deny the anticipation his words bring.
He leans into your personal space, smirking like the Cheshire cat. It gives you a close up of the golden brown freckles dusted across the bridge of his nose.
The air between you sparks dangerously. Warm like the left over embers of a bonfire.
โ€œHow bout, I eat that cunt till youโ€™re squirting all over my face, yeah?โ€ He purrs, squeezing your throat a bit harsher.
You grab his tank top with both hands, inhaling sharply. Katsukiโ€™s tone of voice, his words - your entire body flashes hot within the second.
โ€œOh?โ€ You squeak out, trying to ground yourself while youโ€™re this close to him.
Katsuki pushes in until his soft lips brush your ear lobe. It tickles pleasantly.
He slips two fingers into the top of your lifting belt, tugging you to his chest.
โ€œFuck yes. Iโ€™ll get you so soft, so goddamn pliant, that Ei will just slip right into your pussy when he gets home,โ€ he whispers, voice low and gravelly.
โ€œOh god,โ€ you groan, letting your forehead thump onto his collar bone. You fist his shirt until your knuckles are white, a blistering heat gathering in your belly.
Katsuki snickers, placing a kiss to your jaw and pulling back to force your head up, leveling his gaze with yours.
โ€œCโ€™mon baby, you know how much Ei loves that. So, why donโ€™t you be a good girl, hit this lift and let me take your ass home.โ€
With that heโ€™s gone. Leaving you to soak in the offer, causally making his way back to the bench.
Your hands linger mid air where they held his tank top. Blinking rapidly you watch him โ€” mind blown, shattered, melted.
He sends you a pointed look to say โ€œhurry the hell upโ€, resting his left hand on the seat to hold his weight.
You breeze through your personal record the very next try.
One steamy, rushed shower later โ€” youโ€™re spread open wide, entirely bare and resting on your back.
The cool sheets on your bed help soothe your sweltering skin.
Youโ€™re not alone. Katsukiโ€™s naked too. Comfortably laid out on his belly between your thighs.
Heโ€™s lazily pumping two fingers in and out of your drooling pussy. Paying close attention to the lewd way you suck him in.
Yearning, insatiable. Cunt strangling every coherent thought from his head besides the stunning view in front of him.
Katsuki reaches up to take hold of your hand, lacing his fingers with yours. He runs his thumb over your palm, keeping you focused on him.
He casually rests your conjoined hands on the mattress near your hip.
Your low moans pierce the air when Katsuki sinks his canines into the delicate area of your inner thighs.
Katsuki gazes up at you through his long lashes while he marks you with dark reddish purple hickeys over and over.
They ache and sting, pulsating dully. Each new bite causes your pussy to flutter. It steals your breath away โ€” the way heโ€™s taking you apart.
Yet, youโ€™re getting restless, squirming in the blondeโ€™s hold. By now, youโ€™ve already sent a salacious video of you deep throating Katsukiโ€™s cock to Eijirou.
Drool and precum dripping down your chin, cheeks flushed and eyes half lidded for the camera. Katsukiโ€™s husky moans decorating the background.
Anything to seduce Eijirou, to tempt him into getting home quicker. Youโ€™re proud to admit it works almost too well.
He instantly replies heโ€™ll be home in 20 minutes.
That was about 15 ish minutes ago. Youโ€™ve already been made to cum twice since then.
Katsuki had let his release spill down your throat right after he clicked send on the video. Now heโ€™s currently inching you towards a third orgasm.
Youโ€™re aware Katsukiโ€™s going to make you squirt this time. The slight fullness and pressure building in your bladder is a telling indicator.
Heโ€™s also trying to his damndest to stretch this out until Eijirou gets home. Craving for the red head to be his captive audience.
You share his desire. Longing for your currently absent boyfriend to just be here already. You desperately want Eijirou to turn you into a pretzel.
Nevertheless, itโ€™s exhilarating how sweetly Katsukiโ€™s treating you for the time being. Heโ€™s normally a bit rougher so this tender side of his is turning you to a pile of mush.
Slim fingers curl up into your sweet spot, stroking it lovingly, sending a warm shiver snaking down your spine.
Your back bows off the bed with something similar to a keen falling from your lips.
โ€œKatsuki!โ€ You cry out his name. It sounds as sinful as a curse and as holy as a prayer.
You free hand bunches the silky sheets up in pleasure, skull digging into the mattress below.
โ€œYeah thatโ€™s right. Your pussy feels fucking amazing, doesnโ€™t it princess?โ€ He purrs, tone almost patronizing.
But he canโ€™t hide the underlying simmering heat coloring his voice.
His soft lips plant a kiss over your swollen clit and it gets your blood buzzing.
โ€œSo โ€” ah! So f-fucking good Kat,โ€ you babble, eyes falling shut. Itโ€™s irresistible, the pull you feel to roll your hips in time with his thrusts.
Youโ€™re almost feverish from it all, cheeks so scalding steam may as well rise from them.
You cling to Katsukiโ€™s hand even more while he edges your orgasm to the surface, intermittently kitten licking your puffy clit.
You tilt your head, glancing down at Katsuki with half lidded eyes, slack jawed. He keeps his leisure pace, stretching the rubber band of your climax to its limit.
The blondeโ€™s expression mirrors yours. Dilated pupils, red blossoming brightly over his cheeks and down his throat โ€” lids so heavy theyโ€™re almost closing.
His stare is laced with a rabid want that you recognize all too well.
The sight of him occasionally rocking his hips down into the mattress sets your nerve endings alight.
Itโ€™s obscene, the way he chases relief for his obviously aching, full cock. You think heโ€™s more than likely smearing precum along the sheets below.
He never fails to become drenched when heโ€™s so badly turned on.
You stare briefly at the ceiling, knowing itโ€™ll be over immediately if you keep leering at him.
Youโ€™re already on the cusp of cumming. The slow, sweet buildup of it making your heart pound brutally behind your rib cage.
Katsuki rips a high pitched wounded noise from your throat when he suckles on your clit again. Your free hand shoots out to tangle and twist his soft blonde hair.
A fresh wave of goosebumps light up over your arms, a thrill racing through you as he devours you. Instinctively you cross your ankles over Katsukiโ€™s upper back.
Youโ€™re huffing, tits heaving with the rise and fall of your breathing.
You try to warn him, open your mouth to tell him youโ€™re about to cum โ€” but youโ€™re interrupted by your bedroom door swinging open.
Katsuki halts his movement, your orgasm fading into the background as both your heads snap towards the direction of the door.
You donโ€™t have time to be upset about it because finally your other boyfriend is home.
Eijirou stands there in street clothes, broad shoulders filling up most the doorframe.
His red strands hang loosely, framing his face. The ends are dripping, remnants of a quick shower he must have taken at the agency.
Eijirou wolf whistles.
โ€œWell damn! What did I do to deserve walking in on a sweet treat like this?โ€ Eijirou teases, crossing his arms and leaning his shoulder on the doorframe.
โ€œEi! Youโ€™re hoโ€”oh fuck!โ€ You begin to greet him but cry out when Katsuki brushes the pads of his fingers over your sweet spot intentionally, startling you.
You untangle yourself completely from the blonde, leaning up and bracing your weight on your elbows.
You shove at the blondeโ€™s shoulder with your heel, half heartedly scowling at him.
Katsuki snickers, pillowing his cheek on your squishy thigh and slyly looking over to Eijirou. He looks quite seductive, red eyes full of mirth.
Eijirou laughs delightedly at the playful display. The sides of his eyes crinkle when he beams at you both.
โ€œOi, quit fucking around Ei. Take your damn clothes off and get your ass over here.โ€ You smoothly join Katsuki in egging the other on.
โ€œYeah Eijirou, been waiting a lifetime for you to come home. Katsuki wants to put on a show for you.โ€
Katsuki barks out a laugh, wanting to deny it, but he canโ€™t.
โ€œOkay! Okay, Iโ€™m hurrying,โ€ Eijirou giggles, cheeks turning a soft peachy pink.
He wastes no time, disrobing quickly. Pulling down the zipper of his hoodie to reveal heโ€™s wearing nothing underneath.
Eijirou ignores the over the top catcalls you both throw his way. Mumbling under his breath, pretending he doesnโ€™t love it.
He sheds the jacket, dropping it carelessly to the floor as he makes his way to the side of the bed. He slips out of his sweats just as shamelessly.
You watch Eijirouโ€™s already half hard cock twitch when you reach out for him. He eagerly accepts it, kneeling on the bed next to your head.
You look up at him adoringly, lips turning up into a smile that makes the apples of your cheeks twinge.
โ€œHi Ei, we missed you,โ€ you croon, affectionately squeezing his hand.
In response, he bends down to give you a sweet kiss in greeting. Itโ€™s brief, but makes you feel like youโ€™re bathed in sunshine either way. He pulls back, a question clearly on his lips.
โ€œWanna sit in my lap baby? Iโ€™ll get the best view of you that way,โ€ Eijirou says, entirely serious. He shuffles until he can sit behind your head, bracing his back on pillows and the headboard.
โ€œYou donโ€™t have to ask me twice,โ€ you reply. Scooting yourself backwards until youโ€™re able to slot in between his wide spread thighs, resting your own sticky back along his chest.
As you do so, Katsuki chases you, inching forward. He never lets his fingers leave the searing heat of your pussy.
โ€œOh fuck,โ€ you laugh breathlessly, taking note of their presence. You tighten around him greedily, desire burning you to ash.
โ€œOh princess, look at you. Even more fucking needy now that Ei is home,โ€ Katsuki comments meanly, digging his thumb into your puffy clit as he settles in his new spot.
A weak yelp leaves you at how sharp the sensation becomes.
You feel the rumble of Eijirouโ€™s laughter as it vibrates throughout his chest.
โ€œMaybe I just want to cum,โ€ you chide him. โ€œYouโ€™ve been edging me forever.โ€
Katsuki doesnโ€™t respond. Just grins like heโ€™s won the lottery, a bit manic, and sets an borderline violent and relentless pace.
The howl you produce is ear splitting. The sudden dynamic shift begging your spine to bend but Eijirou quickly keeps you caged in.
He wraps his thick biceps around your stomach, hooking his chin into the muscle just behind your collarbone.
โ€œBe good,โ€ Eijirou warns. โ€œYou wanted this yeah? Then let Kat do what he wants.โ€
You scramble to lock onto his forearms, nails dragging angry lines over his skin.
You obediently nod along with what he tells you, starting to get the impression your skin is too tight to fit over your bones.
Your body bounces in time with Katsukiโ€™s motions and the razor sharp points of Eijirouโ€™s teeth threaten to pierce the delicate flesh of your shoulder.
Mercifully, your orgasm comes on like a freight train. In less than a minute to be exact.
Katsuki bullies your sweet spot with a precision only he could possess. Flicking his tongue over your clit in a steady up and down rhythm.
Pleasure pulses white hot in your pelvis, threatening to prickle out all over your waiting body.
โ€œOh. Oh, Iโ€™m gonna cum Kat! Ei, please, shit!โ€ you curse, head spinning, not even sure what youโ€™re begging them for.
โ€œThatโ€™s it babygirl, weโ€™ve got you,โ€ Eijirou coos, tone a 180 from a couple minutes prior.
Youโ€™re wiggling in his iron clad grip, on the edge of exploding. One more push is all you need.
The stifling heat of Katsukiโ€™s mouth envelops your clit once more, sucking.
Then, your toes curl into the sheets, all the muscles in your lower half tensing as your climax rips you apart.
You hold onto Eijirouโ€™s forearms for dear life, molten lava gushing through your veins like a busted dam.
Katsuki pulls his mouth away with a wet pop, punishing you with each slippery glide of his fingers. You donโ€™t think you can take much more, crossing into over sensitive territory.
Yet, it doesnโ€™t matter, the looming pressure on your bladder gives without your permission.
โ€œYouโ€™re so hot like this baby. Now fucking squirt for me,โ€ Katsuki snarls. Eijirouโ€™s cock kicks where itโ€™s trapped against your lower back.
Itโ€™s too easy to bend to his will.
Youโ€™re soaking the blondes chin and wrist before you know whatโ€™s happening, liquid running down to your ass.
His head jerks back, briefly startled, before his eyes get wide.
Katsuki slows, lolling his tongue out to lick his drenched lips for a taste. He moans, flush traveling down to his chest.
โ€œNo more,โ€ you complain, hips stuttering as you push at his forehead.
You try to catch your breath, coming down from the high โ€” becoming boneless on Eijirouโ€™s chest.
โ€œGood job sweet girl, you did so well my love,โ€ Eijirou murmurs in your ear. His breath tickles your cheek and you lean into him. The red head smoothes his palm over your belly.
Katsuki slips his fingers free, biting the inside of his cheek when your pussy desperately tries to keep him from leaving you empty.
He rises up, settling back on his calves. He admires how drenched his hand has become.
He arches one pretty blonde eyebrow, smirking at his boyfriend.
โ€œWant a taste of her Ei?โ€ Katsuki asks teasingly, wiggling his fingers at the red head.
Eijirou hums his agreement.
Katsuki surges forward, leaning over you, dangling his dripping hand in front of Eijirou.
Katsukiโ€™s cock, hot and heavy, brushes your lower belly. God, you just want to drag him down by his slim hips, flip him over and ride him until he sees stars.
But you donโ€™t. The deep seated desire for Eijirou to fold you in half wins out.
You tilt your head up just in time to witness Eijirouโ€™s pink tongue dart out for a taste.
He trails his tongue up Katsukiโ€™s fingers, dipping into the grooves between.
You shudder, simultaneously moaning with the blonde.
โ€œEi,โ€ you interject brokenly. โ€œI need you to fuck me, now please.โ€ Eijirouโ€™s boner jumps against your lower back.
โ€œI can totally do that,โ€ Eijirou responds quickly, playfully pushing at your back. You laugh, looking up at Katsuki expectantly.
Heโ€™s still hovering over you.
โ€œYeah whatever I just wanna watch Eijirou fuck you silly.โ€ He winks at you. You swallow and itโ€™s like your throatโ€™s lined with cotton balls.
Katsuki retreats, loosely circling his fingers at the base of his cock and squeezing.
โ€œCโ€™mon Ei, Iโ€™ve been waiting for you all day,โ€ you giggle, sliding down until youโ€™re flat on your back again.
You plant your feet on the bed, allowing your legs to fall open as wide as theyโ€™ll go.
โ€œI wonโ€™t make you wait any longer baby,โ€ Eijirou assures. He crawls down as Katsuki moves upwards, effortlessly switching places.
Katsukiโ€™s knees bracket your head as he maneuvers until heโ€™s comfortable. If you glance backwards youโ€™ll be met with the view of the blondeโ€™s cock and his partially obscured face.
โ€œReady pretty girl?โ€ Eijirou asks, pawing at the squishy spots of your thighs, inching close enough until he can part the lips of your pussy with his shaft. Pink head bumping into your clit.
You nod, biting into your lower lip.
Eijirou uses his thumb to angle his cock down where your warmth waits to greet him. To suck him in like a vice. To clamp down around him until his brain is fuzzy.
He barely dips the head of his cock in once, twice โ€” before finally applying enough pressure his tip fully pops in.
The initial stretch makes you shiver. As he fills you with the rest of his cock, you start to tremble.
Your pussy doesnโ€™t offer even a hint of resistance.
You wheeze out his name, when he bottoms out. Eijirouโ€™s blunt nails leave indentations on the backs of your thighs as he pushes them a bit towards your chest.
His grip is bruising, licking his lips as he concentrates on being still so you can adjust.
You look down to where youโ€™re connected, fists clenched in the sheets by your sides. Your pelvis throbs briefly from just how big his cock is.
Eijirou grabs your attention with a strangled sound. Your gaze flickers back to him and his expression is pleading, impatient.
You snort, giving him the go ahead.
He runs with it, proceeding to carve out a space inside you for himself. His eyes flutter shut as your pussy pulses, choking his cock.
His lips part slightly, eyes glued to where youโ€™re swallowing him just right.
He rolls his hips, pulling back and thrusting in with a singular fluid motion. Slowly working up to a rougher, faster pace.
Katsukiโ€™s curses from somewhere behind you. Voice low and ragged as he tells you just how fucking pretty you look taking Eiโ€™s cock.
You echo the sentiment, praising the red head as he shifts around on his knees and thrusts harder.
Eijirou whimpers, taking your ankles, lifting until your knees hook over his shoulders. He bends you in half, placing his hands by your head.
A moan is punched out of your chest and you cling to his shoulders. It feels like his cock is in your belly.
โ€œEijirou, holy shit! Please โ€” donโ€™t stop!โ€ you beg, voice edging on a sob. Katsuki hisses in pleasure behind you. The slick, wet sound of him jerking his cock burned into your ears.
โ€œAnything baby, whatever you want,โ€ Eijirou says with a breathy sigh, fucking you hard enough to bounce your body with each thrust. The smack of his skin against yours spurs him on even further.
Your pussy chases his cock every time he pulls back, not letting him go for a second. He fucks you until you feel high, and when you get impossibly tighter โ€” he knows youโ€™re cumming.
Eijirou talks you through it, because of course he does.
He makes sure to drag out your orgasm as long as he can.
A drop of sweat falls from the tip of his nose into the valley between your tits, admiring the way your body releases all its tension as you come down from the high.
โ€œGood girl, you cum so beautifully for me,โ€ Eijirou praises. โ€œIโ€™m gonna cum inside you okay?โ€ Heโ€™s panting as he moves, clearly hanging on by a thread.
โ€œCum for me Ei,โ€ you murmur, trailing your hands up and wrapping your fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck.
Eijirou whines as you pull him down into a hungry kiss, attempting to eat him alive.
He whimpers into your mouth, shoving his cock to the hilt in your pussy. A new warmth blooms inside you as your boyfriend cums.
Eijirou wrenches his mouth from yours to gasp, jaw falling open as he rides out the last few pulses of his orgasm.
A high pitched whine slices through the gooey atmosphere and you look backwards just in time to watch Katsukiโ€™s gorgeous face as he cums.
Eyes pinched shut, the muscles of his neck straining as he tosses his head back on the headboard with a thump.
He traps the tip of his tongue between his teeth, partially muffling the next moan he canโ€™t control.
Eijirou hisses when your pussy involuntarily flutters around him as you watch the blonde squirm with pleasure.
Katsukiโ€™s shoulders drop as he relaxes, chest heaving. His stomach is covered in cum. As is his chest โ€” thereโ€™s even some on his cheek.
Reluctantly, your attention snaps back to Eijirou when he gingerly pulls his softening cock free. Taking a moment to track the way his release sluggishly flows from you.
โ€œEnjoying the view?โ€ You ask coyly. Eijirou glances at you in surprise, rubbing the back of his neck with a nervous laugh.
โ€œI always do.โ€ Heโ€™s giggling now.
โ€œFucking sap,โ€ Katsuki snorts.
โ€œHey!โ€ Eijirou protests. You laugh, reaching backwards to slap Katsukiโ€™s ankle.
โ€œDonโ€™t listen to him Ei, heโ€™s just as bad.โ€
Playful banter consumes the three of you as you enjoy the relaxing and affectionate atmosphere.
Eventually, you manage to clean yourselves up.
You and Eijirou easily convince Katsuki to cook and fill your bellies with food.
As you wait, you sit at island in your kitchen.
Happily retelling Eijirou how you got a new PR today at the gym.
Not leaving out the way Katsuki used dirty tricks and promises of sex to persuade you, which makes Eijirou laugh out loud.
Katsuki just raises his middle finger over his shoulder in return, taking all the credit for your lift either way.
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blondieeu ยท 2 months
hold on. bakugou k.
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katsuki who has worked harder than any other pro hero to get to where he is today. so when he gets called for the "#1 Hero Award" at Japan's Pro Hero grammys he's winded.
ring sparkling on his finger while he blinks away small tears at the microphone before beginning his acceptance speech.
"first of all, i'd like to thank my wife"
and everyone in the room turns to look at you and smile. you could even feel your face getting a little hot from so much attention.
"so many times i jus' wanted to quit and she slapped my ass back in place."
the crowd laughed, bakugou sharing a smile in the moment. One of the first real, genuine smiles they'd seen from him in all his years of being famous.
"thank you all for this reward, i will continue to try my best to be Japans best Pro Hero!"
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like this one? check out pyrimids.
blondieeu xx
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cutecatlov3r ยท 9 months
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oh to be ran through by denki, sero, katsuki, and kirishimaโ€ฆ
what would it be like? college au
a/n: bro I havenโ€™t posted in forever ! but maybe Iโ€™m back for awhile ? you should check out my c.ai bots :3 dekusquad ver here .
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itโ€™ll start off with the five of you chilling in seroโ€™s college dorm. you five all just playing games and chatting. until denki realizes there is literally a girl in the room with the four of them. the reality of the situation, youโ€™ve been their friend for a few years... why the hell hasnโ€™t he thought of this sooner?! heโ€™s seen too much porn to know what could go down.
so when you go to the bathroom he talks to the boys about the situation heโ€™s playing in his head.
โ€œwell we could always try to convince her, I mean sheโ€™s been our friend for years and Iโ€™d be so down to fuck her,โ€ he spoke unashamed.
next thing you know, youโ€™re fully convinced on letting it happen, the boys basically begging you to let them inside of you .
Bakugou obviously going first. he has to be the number one in everything. so when you allow him to fuck you, heโ€™s the one to take off your clothes, being rough. heโ€™ll rip them up, not caring. when he whips out his cock itโ€™s long and thick, slapping against his abdomen as it is released.
โ€œgโ€™na fuck you nice and good, you slutโ€
and he does, he wastes no time plunging into you deeply. of course you didnโ€™t really need foreplay due to the fact it turned you on to see them all begging for you to fuck them. as he fucks you in a mating press he will pull your hair. itโ€™s a little off because heโ€™s making out with you so sensually and sweet but his cock is ramming into you, only caring for itโ€™s own pleasure.
โ€œfuckโ€ฆ fuck youโ€™re so tight, stop squeezinโ€™ around me like that, dumbassโ€ฆโ€ he pants, voice a little raspy.
the boys watching, the heat inside them unbearable. just looking at your whiny face as bakugou fucks deep in you makes them so needy and heated.
he keeps going hard, his tip occasionally grazing against your cervix.
in the end, bakugou will gladly cum deep inside you, filling you up. pulling out heโ€™ll watch it seep out, using his fingers to fuck it back into your hole.
Sero is next, looking down at you as you whine due to bakugouโ€™s cum spilling on to your thighs. it was an uncomfortable feeling but you sort of liked it.
โ€œdonโ€™t worry sweetheartโ€ฆ i will be nice and slowโ€ he hums, kissing your neck, groping your ass.
he takes off his pants as heโ€™s kissing you, placing you on his lap. his cock was long, not as girthy as bakugouโ€™s cock but it looked a bit longer. he groans as he slips inside your wet and sloppy cunt. he rolls your hips, his cock rubbing against your g-spot as he rolls them.
he leans his back on the ledge of the couch, getting a good view of your sticky pussy moving up and down his cock. he loved the squelching noises it made. it was so eroticโ€ฆ the boys watching also loved it, they fucking needed you.
towards his climax he grabs you close, pressing your chest against his as he pistons his cock inside you, chasing his high.
โ€œs-shit! fuck- ah- im gonna fucking cumโ€ฆ yeah, yeah, right in your slutty pussyโ€
you were moaning and creaming around his dick. the rutting hitting your g-spot over and over again. you were out of breath and he just kept going, holding you tightly so you couldnโ€™t use your arms to get away from his body.
eventually he came inside you. his cum mixing around with bakugouโ€™s. both of their bodily fluids leaking out of your slutty hole.
Denki happily offers to go next, it was his idea after all. look, heโ€™s a pervert whose down for anything, he doesnโ€™t even want his dick inside your messy cunt that was still leaking of sero and bakugouโ€™s cum, instead he honestly wanted to give you a facial. so when you looked at him with your dazed eyes, he grabbed your chin, nodding his head to the floor.
โ€œcome on baby, on your knees for meโ€ he smiled happily with a small chuckle.
you got on to your knees, looking up at denki. he held your cheek as he took out his hardened cock. it slapped against your faceโ€ฆ your eyes glued to the pink tip that leaked of precum. he was pretty long, youโ€™ll give him that.
without warning though, he shoved his dick right in between your cute soft lips, letting out a little whine. one hand gripped your hair, the other holding his shirt up so he can see as your tongue glided against him.
โ€œsโ€ฆso warmโ€ฆโ€ he moaned, eyes shutting slightly. though he did reach down to squeeze your breast, pinching your hard nipple.
your head bobbed on his cock, his grip on your hair tightening slightly. with your hand you fondled with his balls which caused an audible groan as he thrusted into your mouth more.
spit was rolling down your chin. your eyes fluttering as you looked up at denki who now has his shirt in his mouth. he gripped it with his teeth, his free hand grabbing some more of your hair and he thrusted his hips more.
after hitting the back of your throat, it caused him to go a bit crazy, moving faster, balls slapping against your chin. he was whining and moaning, feeling like he was gonna explode. he pulled out just in time, you stuck out your tongue as he painted your face white.
โ€œthatโ€™s it babygirlโ€ฆ all over your faceโ€ฆโ€ he panted, slapping his tip against your tongue.
Kirishima was last, he frowned looking at you, you were so messy.
โ€œlet me clean you upโ€ he said softly, taking off his shirt to clean off your cute little face. he brought his shirt down to your cunt, cleaning it off, along with your thighs. there was still sero and bakugouโ€™s cum inside you but he wasnโ€™t gonna worry about cleaning that up. afterwards he sighed happily. he brought you to his lips, placing soft kisses against yours.
โ€œItโ€™s okayโ€ฆ you did so good for us today, y/n. thank you for letting me have the opportunity to please youโ€ he smiled, laying her on the couch gently.
he took the hair out of your face, smiling down at you so sweetly. he started to remove his pants and my godโ€ฆ his cock was huge. it was so fat that it hung low even though he was hard as hell. you were in for it.
โ€œnot gonna hurt you, okay? if you need me to stop, I will. i will stop immediately,โ€ he said, softly to which you nodded, propping yourself on your elbows to watch him sink into you. he went slow and steady, one of his hands by your head to balance himself. he was stretching your hole out, you felt so full.
he let out a soft moan as he kept trying to push himself deeper in you.
โ€œg-gonna move now, okay?โ€ he panted, his hips making a bit of movement. his thumb played with your sensitive clit as he made the small fulfilling movements. he rubbed you gently, the rubbing causing you to moan and his cock making you see stars.
a white ring was around his cock, your juices and the other boys around him as he made his small movements.
he whispered sweet nothings in your ear. this thumb rolling around the nub, he knew how to please a woman.
and out of everyone, he made you cum. you squeezed around his dick as you came, causing him to moan. he went down to your chest, sucking your nipples as you felt your bliss. he made sure you came before him, his hips now picking up the pace, your pussy tight around him, your walls clenching in overstimulation.
he went at a moderate pace not to hurt you, pulling out to cum on your stomach, he gave you a sweet kiss, wiping off the cum with his shirt that was on the floor.
โ€œyou did so good today, we are so proud of you, y/nโ€
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slayfics ยท 5 months
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Late night texting with Eijiro.
Warnings: Eijiro aged up | NSFW themes
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Eijiro tossed and turned in bed unable to drift to sleep with the memories of today's spar plaguing his mind. He had been rougher with you than he intended to today and he couldn't help but feel guilty.
Giving in to his worry Eijiro grabbed his phone and decided to message you.
Hey, I just wanted to say I'm really sorry about today's spar. I didn't intend to be so rough. I hope you're alright.
You responded to him almost right away,
Kirishima it's late you should be asleep!
I couldn't help it! I just wanted to make sure you were doing ok.
I'm fine, no need to worry. Look, it isn't even that bad.
You texted and sent over a picture of your injuries from the spar. Eijiro felt his breath catch in his throat as soon as his eyes focused on the image.
You were lying in bed and had pulled your shirt up to show the injuries to your abdomen left from the spar.
He knew you were just trying to ease his mind by showing him the injuries weren't anything to worry about, but he couldn't help his mouth from falling open and his cheeks warmed by an excited blush.
The image showcased your body so perfectly lying delicately in bed. Eijiro couldn't look away from it as badly as he wanted to. This isn't manly at all. He thought as he found himself excited by a picture of your bruised body. Even still knowing it was wrong, his grip tightened on his phone and his heart rate increased the longer he stared.
Just as his hormones shot him nefarious thoughts causing his member to enlarge, you messaged him again.
Hello? You fall asleep on me Kiri?
Fuck, he typed out a response fast.
I'm still up! I guess it's not too bad, but I'm still sorry!
Stop apologizing! Besides, I got you pretty good too right?
Yeah, you did! You did amazing today!
Alright, let's see it then!
Eijiro felt himself freeze for a second time tonight. You- You wanted a picture of him? Eijiro shook all crude thoughts out of his mind. Don't be a perv, he told himself. You were just wanting to make sure his injuries weren't bad.
Eijiro must have been contemplating the meaning of your request for longer than he thought because you texted him again.
Unless you feel uncomfortable then it's totally fine you don't have to!
No no, it's fine! Give me a second!
Eijiro jumped out of bed panicking. You wanted a picture of him! He looked around his room and clumsily stumbled into the restroom deciding that was the best place to do it.
Ok ok, you can do this, he thought trying to hype himself up. Besides he is usually shirtless in his hero costume right? But for some reason, this felt so different. Eijiro struggled to keep his hands from shaking as he ripped off his shirt and nervously took selfies in front of the mirror.
What the hell am I doing, he second-guessed himself as he scrolled through the pictures he took deciding on the best one. Finally settling on one he nervously pressed the send button.
Your response came in minutes but felt like ages as he shakingly waited. Did he show too much skin, he wondered? He hoped his picture didn't look too suggestive. But you asked for one right? So it's fine, he thought, trying to ease himself.
Eijiro's eyes snapped to his phone as soon as it buzzed with a response from you.
Was all your message said.
Damn, what?! He thought, running his hands over his face. Maybe you meant his injuries? Of course, right? That is what you two were talking about.
Yeah, you got me pretty good, but don't worry I'm alright!
He responded, commenting on the darkened bruises on his own abdomen that you had given him.
Not the injuries silly. You. You look good.
Eijiro's face burnt red hot reading your message. Do you really think he looked good? Was that the real reason you had asked him for a picture? Were the injuries just an excuse to ask, he wondered.
You look good too.
He typed and sent before thinking, panic caused him to quickly send a follow-up text.
Oh man, that sounded so pervy I'm sorry! I didn't mean for that to be weird or anything!
However, you didn't respond to Eijiro with a text but with another picture instead. This one was more provocative than the last showcasing even more of your body.
Eijiro suddenly felt his sweats become tighter as his excitement grew at the revelation that you were doing this on purpose. You wanted him to look at you with lustful eyes.
Yet again, Eijiro found himself staring too long causing you to send him a follow-up text.
Don't be rude, send one back.
Eijiro dabbed at the blood beginning to leak from his nose, as he realized: this was going to be a long night.
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Tags: @unofficialmuilover @maddietries
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kaidabakugou ยท 2 years
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โ™ก Welcome to my Kinktober 2022! This is my first time doing one of these so itโ€™s going to be a little different than the usual. Instead of doing a post every day of the month, Iโ€™ve decided to upload two posts per week.ย 
โ™ก Uploads will be every Wednesday and Saturday for the month of October + a bonus on the 31st for a total of 10 posts.ย 
โ™ก Some expectations and notices to keep in mind are that all works are 500-1000 words, with little to no plot. All my readers are female. Kinks and pairings were chosen by me, based on what I felt comfortable writing and they will be listed in the warnings. Lastly this post will serve as the masterlist for this event and will be updated with the links upon posting.ย 
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October 1st | Temperature Play - Katsuki Bakugou
October 5th | Throat Fucking - Katsuki Bakugou
October 8th |ย Threesome - Katsuki Bakugou & Eijirou Kirishima
October 12th | Spit - Katsuki Bakugou
October 15th | Sweat - Katsuki Bakugou
October 19th | Spanking - Katsuki Bakugou
October 22nd |ย Sex Toys - Katsuki Bakugou
October 26th | Tit Fucking - Eijirou Kirishima
October 29th | Angry Sex - Katsuki Bakugou
October 31st | Monsterfucking - Katsuki Bakugou
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mhathotfic ยท 2 years
When I said Iโ€™m uselessly horny did you expect anything else from me? Itโ€™s just a short piece to get back into writing my monster fucking fics
Warnings: monster fucking, breeding kink, outdoor sex in the woods, knotting, primal play, fem afab reader, vaginal sex described, reader thinks of herself as Kiriโ€™s breeding bitch, written with plus size reader in mind
Pairing: werewolf! Eijirou Kirishima x reader
Well past midnight wasnโ€™t the smartest time for pretty twenty something to go running in the woods, really was there any safe time for young woman to go running? There were lotโ€™s of scary things in the woods after all.
Wildlife that could potential kill, plants filled with toxins and poisons. All sorts of nasty things really, so why did (Yn) find herself running in the pale glow of the full moonโ€™s light? Heart pounding in her ears, making them ring like some sort of alarm only she knew of; adrenaline rushing in her veins and swears slipping past her plump lips every time root or rock tripped her up?
Simple her circumstances were unique.
Her pursuer, happened to be her lover who was quite an insatiable beast of a man when he was in this state. She didnโ€™t mind though, she was more than happy to play the helpless damsel for him.
After all, how often do you get to be pinned against a tree and fucked until you blacked out? Who else could say that theyโ€™ve happily become their belovedโ€™s breeding bitch? That a literal werewolf, practically straight out of a questionably at best adult novel, was the one doing so?
Hell, even the way they fucked looked like a scene out a novel.
Her hands tangled in thick luscious black fur tinted red at the tips from his last dye job; his mouth on her neck, teeth as sharp as knives sinking in and marking her permanently as his mate. Legs pushed as far apart as he needed to fit his monstrous frame between her thick thighs.
He had tried to be gentle like his more human side wanted but the more she cried his name begging him not to hold back he just couldnโ€™t disappoint her. Fucking into her like he was trying to change the shape of her warm little cunt and growling into her neck every time she babbled about how close she was getting before crying his name out again and again.
Taking his knot so well he swore she was meant for this, to be the bitch she claimed to be no matter how dirty it felt to agree with her on it.
โ€œF-fuck, oh fuck! Gonna cum, gonna cum again, Eiji please!โ€ he snapped out of his thoughts, focussing instead on cramming his knot deep into her one last time for the night.
Carefully dragging her down and pinning her to the ground, legs pushed back with her knees to her chest. Mesmerized by the sight of her tight little pussy clenching around nothing, just waiting to be stuffed full.
He howled in pleasure, burying himself in her and setting a desperate pace. His head teetering back as he indulged in the way her body was practically sucking him in. He was just as close, just as desperate for release as she was.
โ€œGod yes!โ€ she monad into his ear feeling his knot slap against her, trying to plug her up โ€œfuck please, Eijirou fuckinโ€™ knot me! B-breed me! Want it so bad please!โ€
He didnโ€™t need to be told twice, with a loud growl he forced his knot in. Felt her shake in pleasure before going limp against him, babbling incoherently about the little family theyโ€™d have soon and falling asleep not long after. He knew heโ€™d be mad at himself later for giving in and going so far, but that was future himโ€™s problem. All he to do was enjoy being knotted with his mate a little while longer.
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kirisslut ยท 1 year
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โ€”I Can Treat You So Much Better w/ Eijirou Kirishima
โ€”Cw: bestfriend!kirishima, cheating, phone sex, facetime sex, masturbation, toxic!partner, UNEDITED
โ€”Summary: your partnet is toxic and your best friend, Eiji, thinks you deserve a lot better
โ€”Author's Note: I got out of a toxic relationship roughly 2 monthes ago and Iโ€™ve unintentionally made it a new personality trait and I think about it everyday and it came to my mind while thinking of smut ideas and someone please help me I donโ€™t want to think about that- anyway enjoy me self projecting to the fucking extreme :)) Also I tried to make this gender netural but reader is afab and i wrote it with my ex in mind so if I accidentally called the ex a boyfriend at some point I apologize- ALSO I HAVENT WRITTEN IN FOREVER SO SORRY IF THE WRITING IS BAD
โ€”Please keep in mind that you must be 15+ to read this piece, thank you <3
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Eijirou hated this, he hated everything about it. Eijirou has had feelings for you for a couple years now, ever since middle school. He hasnโ€™t had to see you with very many partners before, there were a couple of few month relationships with people that he didnโ€™t particularly like but they treated you well so he wasnโ€™t too bent out of shape over it. But this was by far his least favorite relationship of yours. You had been dating this person for about six months now and he hated everything about them. First off, he thought you were way too pretty to be with this person. In his eyes, they were a one and you were an eleven. Secondly, they treated you horribly. They said mean stuff to you, upset you, made everything about them, didnโ€™t respect your consent, and so much more. And on top of that, they were horrible in bed. They made the most bold and most wrong movements and refused to educate theirself on your body and what you enjoyed. On top of that, there was never any aftercare whatsoever.
And it pissed Eijirou off. You were perfect to him, how come you gave this person a chance and not him and let them treat you horribly? Well one night, he had enough, Eijirou finally snapped. This was the fourth time that week that youโ€™d texted him, saying some along the lines of โ€œi was hanging out w/ p/n and they really upset me becauseโ€ฆโ€. And that was the last straw for him, he was gonna remind you of your worth.ย 
Y/n: Eiji, they did it again. We were making out and it was kinda going further and they did something wrong and it hurt so I asked them to stop and they asked if I was just turned on too much-
Eiji: Iโ€™m sorry sweetheart, your partner sucks :( why donโ€™t you facetime me?
Not even five seconds later a call was coming through and he answered it, smiling at the sight of your face.
โ€œHi, pretty, howโ€™re you?โ€ He asked, running a hand through his hair. You gave a small smile in return.
โ€œHi Eiji, not great.โ€ You were laying in bed, one hand holding up your phone while you laid your head down on your arm, โ€œI just wish theyโ€™d take the time to figure out what I likeโ€ฆyโ€™know?โ€
โ€œI know, love, Iโ€™m sorry theyโ€™re like that. You deserve a lot better than that, youโ€™re gorgeous. Anyone who doesnโ€™t wanna treat you right in bed is a total idiot.โ€
Your cheeks heated up a bit and you smiled at Eijirou, โ€œThanks, Eiji.โ€ Eijirou was sitting up, his phone propped up on his desk, with a controller in his hands, you assumed he was playing a video game. He was wearing a tight gray shirt, it perfectly outlined his pecs and showed off how big his shoulders were. You started unintentionally staring, and who could blame you? Eijirou was hot. Even you, as his totally platonic, never gonna be anything more, best friend could see that.ย 
โ€œSweetheart? Are you even listening to me?โ€ Eijirou asked, looking straight at you. Your cheeks heated up more and you looked away.
โ€œYeah, Iโ€™m sorry, I just spaced out,โ€ you replied.
โ€œWhat were you thinking about, sweetheart?โ€
Your next reply took a moment, you were scared to say it. This was wrong, everything about this was wrong. You were facetiming your best friend who calls you every pet name under the sun, to complain about your boyfriend, and on top of that you were thinking about how hot he was. But you were desperate.
Eijirou paused, making eye contact with you, โ€œWhat about me, pretty?โ€
โ€œ...I was looking at your chestโ€ฆand thinking about how youโ€™d treat me so much better than p/n.โ€
The smirk that spread across his face killed you. You might as well go get a new name and move to a completely new country at this point, because you were so embarrassed.ย 
โ€œOh, you know I would, sweetheart. I bet you donโ€™t even think about them when you two are getting into it, bet you just thinking about me, huh?โ€ And he wasnโ€™t exactly wrong. Sometimes you found your mind drifting to Eijirou when you were getting intimate with p/n. You didnโ€™t mean to, it just sort of happened.
You nodded, โ€œYouโ€™re just so pretty, Eiji, and p/n canโ€™t make me cumโ€ฆbet you could. You have pretty hands..and Iโ€™ve seen the way your fingers move on your controller.โ€ You started subtly rubbing your thighs together, trying to relieve the feeling forming between your legs.
โ€œI definitely could, pretty. Iโ€™d eat you out so good if I could, bet you taste amazing,โ€ Eijirou says, setting down his controller and turning his full attention to you, โ€œWhy donโ€™t you take off your shirt, sweetheart? I wanna see what I would have to work with.โ€
This, you hesitated on, more so than the other stuff. Talking was just one thing, but to show Eijirou your body would be straight up cheating, absolutely no excuses.
โ€œWell, I donโ€™t know..I donโ€™t wanna cheat on p/n.., Iโ€™m just upset at him right now.โ€
โ€œCome on, sweetheart, when does he ever care about your feelings? You deserve so much better than that. Just this one time, honey, I wanna show you what you could have. And I wanna see what that loser is failing to make feel good. Theyโ€™re so stupid, I bet youโ€™re super sensitive, I could make you feel so good.โ€
Eijirouโ€™s sweet sweet words got to your head and soon enough you were propping your phone up, sitting on your knees, legs spread a little with nothing but an oversized shirt and short shorts on. The shorts hugged your thighs and pussy. Eijirou could see the outline and you swear he whispered โ€œfuckโ€ at a couple points. Slowly, you took your shirt off and Eijirouโ€™s eyes widened. No bra.
It made sense, you were home and nobody wants to wear a bra when relaxing in their own home, but he was just a little startled. He didnโ€™t mind though, of course. A hand drifted down to his sweatpants, palming his half-hard cock through the fabric.
โ€œLook at you, sweetheart, youโ€™re absolutely gorgeous. Those are the best tits Iโ€™ve ever seen, you wanna show me some more? I bet your pussy is just as pretty.โ€
โ€œMm, can I see you first, Ei? Please? Just wanna see your abs please,โ€ you beg and Eijirou smirks a little, taking off his shirt. He was so perfect, perfectly tanned skin that was so smooth, and his muscles were gorgeous. You bit your lip, looking at his perfect body.
โ€œNow take off your shorts, sweetheart, I wanna see,โ€ Eijirou said, and you happily obliged. You slipped your shorts and panties off, spreading your legs a little more, โ€œFuck, pretty, youโ€™re soaked. Do you have any toys there with you? I bet youโ€™re one of those little whores who needs to play with their pussy every night before they go to sleep.โ€
Your cheeks heat up, โ€œY-yeah, I have toysโ€ฆdo you want me to use some..?โ€
โ€œYes, pretty, itโ€™s no replacement for my cock or my tongue, but itโ€™ll have to do. After all, weโ€™re just testing this out, right? No cheating.โ€
You nod, โ€œMhm, not cheating. Just testing it out.โ€
โ€œGood girl.โ€ You reach into your bedside drawer and pull out a little box, showing Eijirou the contents on the call.
โ€œWhat should I use, Ei?โ€
โ€œHow about you use that wand vibrator and that pink dildo? I think thatโ€™d look cute stuffed in your pussy,โ€ Eijirou says, returning to palming himself. He was so hard for you, you were just too hot. You removed the toys from the box, putting it back and resuming your original position.
Suddenly, you were shy, youโ€™d never done this over the phone before. You took a moment, and Eijirou didnโ€™t rush you and eventually you mumbled, โ€œCan I see your cock first?โ€
Eijirou smiled, โ€œOf course you can, sweetheart.โ€ He pulled his sweatpants and underwear down a little and then you saw it, your eyes widening a bit. Eijirou was huge, atleast seven inches. It was so pretty, p/n was nowhere near that size, nor was it as pretty or well kept as Eijirouโ€™s. Eijirou ran a hand up his length, watching you, โ€œThis is all for you, sweetheart, youโ€™re so pretty. It gets me all hard.โ€
โ€œ..youโ€™re hot too, gets me all wet..โ€
โ€œHow about you get something in that pussy then, sweetheart? Show me how you get off after your shitty partner fails to make you cum.โ€
You donโ€™t hesitate anymore before sinking down onto your dildo, not bothering with the vibrator quite yet. Eijirou kept pumping his length, watching the way your pussy swallows your toy up. After adjusting, you started bouncing on your dildo, making yourself feel good. Strings of moans left your lips, getting off on the fact that your best friend was watching you pleasure yourself.ย 
โ€œLook at you go, sweetheart, youโ€™re just so horny, huh? Not even thinking about p/n anymore, just thinking about cumming and my fat cock.โ€
โ€œFuck- yes Ei, โ€˜m thinking about your cock in my pussy, itโ€™d stretch me out so so so good, d-donโ€™t think I could take it,โ€ you said as you reached for your vibrator, turning it on and pressing it to your clit. Eijirou stroked himself faster.
โ€œOh, you definitely could, pretty, I know youโ€™d take it so good. Can already picture you creaming all over it. Shit- Iโ€™m getting close, cum with me.โ€
And that you did, you came around the dildo with no thoughts in your mind other than Eijirou and your orgasm. You slowly stopped, panting, and your phone buzzed. You glanced at it, at the top of the screen there was a singular notification.
My Love <3 : hey u busy?
โ€œMmm, that was so hot, sweetheart. Did you enjoy that?โ€
Y/n: yeah abt to go to bed, gn ily
โ€œYeah, Ei, of course I didโ€ฆwhy donโ€™t you come over?โ€
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shonen-brainrot ยท 4 months
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Dragon!Kirishima, who is a huge dragon with fiery red scales that gleam brilliantly. Crowned with two razor-sharp horns, he boasts a majestic golden-red mane that billows in the wind as he soars through the skies, his massive wings casting an impressive shadow below.
Dragon!Kirishima, who is a fire dragon. When faced with a threat or an intruder trespassing on his territory, he doesn't hesitate to unleash torrents of scorching flames, leaving behind a searing trail.
Dragon!Kirishima, with an affinity for all things shiny and golden, shares the common dragon love for richness. His lair is adorned with numerous trophies and trinkets, golden coins and goblets, jewelry, gold bars and many, many more.
Dragon!Kirishima, who is all about rhubarb and figs. Every dragon craves heaps of calcium, and it comes from different sources.
Dragon!Kirishima, who experiences intense heats, making it hard for him to think straight, with his mind consumed by the overwhelming desire to relieve himself in any way possible.
Dragon!Kirishima, who's finding amusement as you navigate lost in his territory, initially contemplates swift retribution. However, upon catching a whiff of your sweet and intoxicating scent, he has a change of heart, opting for a more intriguing course of action.
Dragon!Kirishima, who waits until you enter his den before revealing his massive presence. Amused by your initial screams, he reassures you that he won't harm you and offers a deal โ€“ your assistance in helping him get off in exchange for your safety.
Dragon!Kirishima, who, beneath his impeccably sculpted strong abdomen, has not one, but two cocks. Both of his impressive cocks boast extraordinary length, a substantial girth, and a mesmerizing gradient of coloration. Starting with a striking crimson hue near his pelvis, the tones gradually transform into a captivating shade of gold at their tips.
Dragon!Kirishima, who keenly observes as you tentatively discard your garments. In a swift and deliberate motion, his forked, serpentine tongue envelops the entirety of your pussy, earning him a chorus of sweet moans from your lips. The sensation of your exquisite flavor cascading over his tongue sends waves of wild passion coursing through him.
Dragon!Kirishima, who guides you through a series of climaxes with the adept use of his to gue and muzzle. The relentless waves of pleasure leave you thoroughly drenched, creating an ideal state for accommodating one of his impressive cocks.
Dragon!Kirishima, who, once you're wet enough, confidently seizes the opportunity to simultaneously fill both of your eager holes with his cocks. Witnessing you completely engulfed by him ignites a primal surge of satisfaction within the dragon.
Dragon!Kirishima, who fucks you in a forceful, hard rhythm, thrusting into you with primal, guttural sounds escaping his muzzle.
Dragon!Kirishima, who's nearly pushed over the edge by the symphony of your sweet pleas and desperate cries, as you express your inability to last any more.
Dragon!Kirishima, who's unleashing his runny, golden cum in a series of at least a few robust spurts, roaring loudly, praising you for taking both of his cock so well.
Dragon!Kirishima, who, having reached his peak, insists on keeping you close, sprawled on his massive, scaled paws. He watches you breathing heavily, pressing his sizable muzzle against your abdomen, savoring the lingering scent of your slick wetness and of the sex you just had, still hanging in the air.
Dragon!Kirishima, who's confident in his allure, and knows you'll return for more. After a bit of post-coital cuddling, he fulfills his promise and allows you to depart from his den, fully aware that you'll be irresistibly drawn back to him.
Dragon!Kirishima, who's deeming you his mate, luxuriously spoils you with furs, trinkets, and jewelry. Whatever you desire, simply ask, and it's yours.
Dragon!Kirishima, who has a little secret he hasn't revealed yet - a human form tucked away. He decided to keep that tantalizing mystery for himself just a bit longer.
these headcanons were requested by my lovely mutual @crystalwolfblog ilysm โค๏ธ
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gojosprettyprincess ยท 2 months
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A/n About mha but there's so many jjk characters I feel like would do this :3 so sorry for any errors.
Thinking about having a Pro-hero boyfriend that everyone loves, they adore him, he's just so sweet and kind yk?, literally would do anything to protect the civilians, helping people and saving them from villains. Practically risking his life every single day for others with a smile plastered on his face. Everyone looks at him with pure adoration and honor.
But behind closed doors when he's with you, he's not so nice and sweet when he has your body folded in a mating press, heavy balls slapping against your asshole as he's stabbing his cock into you in a reckless pace that has your cunt gushing and creaming all over his length, he makes sure that he's balls deep buried into your cunt to the hilt with every hard thrust. Every. Single. Time, when he's frustrated because of work, whether it's because a villain got away or he didn't get to save a civilian, he takes it all out on your poor cunt as soon he gets home, he doesn't waste a second. He doesn't even bother getting his hero costume completely off before he's rutting his hard cock into your tight hole, splitting it in two around him while he's stretching you apart.
He thrusts himself so fucking hard into you that he might almost break you one day because of how reckless he is with your poor little body, training and working out is a serious thing for him so him being so fucking bigger and stronger than you, even than a normal man is no surprise, matter a fact he practically has the body of a fucking Greek God so manhandling you into whatever fucking position he felt like bullying his cock into you in and fucking you stupid in, wasnโ€™t that difficult for him at all.
He loves having his way with you, it's almost sadistic how he laughs and mocks you every time he has you blabbering a bunch of nonsense on his thick cock with fat tears leaking out your eyes, big strong arms flexing against you, displaying his ripped muscles while he's holding your body effortlessly as he's fucking you in full nelson, your pathetic little babbles and moans filling his ears as he's licking your tears away. Hell, he'd even have you screaming his Hero name while he has your filthy cunt making a mess all over his cock.
And Oh there's no words to describe how much he loves making you nervous and teasing you whether it's circling his thumb over your asshole, and poking it ever so slightly so he can hear the shifting of your moans, making you overthink that he's going to force his thumb inside of you, then he just chuckles and moves his thumb towards your clit to rub sloppy circles on the sensitive bud. Or whispering a bunch of nasty shit to your ear while he's ruining you because he knows how much that shit drives you crazy.
"Fucking hell I'm gonna ruin you, gonna reshape this cunt to the size of my cock so it could be perfect just for me, you get that? You belong to me".
"Such a good little cumslut f'me aren't ya baby? so fucking warm and tight for my cock".
"Fuckkk princess no one can fucking ruin this cunt like I can, your daddy's one of the best fucking heroes, only I can fuck you this good and stupid, yeah?"
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crushmeeren ยท 2 months
How They Eat You Out! - MHA
Everyone is 18+/aged up โ€” if thatโ€™s a problem, keep scrolling or block me.
Bakugou, Kirishima, Todoroki
Bakugou Katsuki
โ€ข Katsuki truly enjoys eating your pussy. Itโ€™s just as much for his pleasure as it is for yours. Plus, Katsuki likes to play with his meal before he eats it.
โ€ข He definitely gets you worked up first by sharply smacking his fingers against your clit multiple times, forcing you to specifically tell him you want his mouth instead.
โ€ข Katsuki teases you with the filth that spills from his mouth โ€œCanโ€™t believe how fucking whiny you are, pretty girl just wants me to eat her pussy so badly, yeah? Beg me for it.โ€ โ€” telling you itโ€™s pathetic, but in the next heartbeat heโ€™s moaning like a whore at the first taste he can get.
โ€ข Heโ€™s absolutely the guy who presses your thighs so far back into your chest it makes your ass lift off the bed. His shoulders and biceps flex as he keeps you pinned in place, spread wide open so he can see you entirely.
โ€ข He runs his tongue from canine to canine, wasting no time before his warm tongue circles your clit in a maddeningly slow fashion. He keeps that up until you plead with him to go faster, promising youโ€™ll never suck his cock again unless he picks up the pace.
โ€ข He has the audacity to laugh โ€” but ultimately he bends to your whim. Wrapping his soft lips around your clit, making you see stars when he starts sucking in a slow but steady rhythm. He flicks his tongue up and down at the same time, just to add to the intensity.
โ€ข Katsuki can also be an asshole. Often, he has you writhing โ€” toes curling and hips twitching, gripping handfuls of his fluffy hair. He gets you begging for his fingers too, needing them so badly โ€” but no. He forces you to cum just from his tongue, poor pussy tightening around air, aching for him.
โ€ข Donโ€™t worry, he more than makes it up to you, stretching you deliciously with his thick cock right after. Fucking you until your legs are numb.
Kirishima Eijirou
โ€ข Eijirou honestly just canโ€™t help himself. Heโ€™s enamored with your pussy, drunk on it. He loves eating you out whenever he gets the chance. The man gets rock hard doing it because your pleasure is his pleasure.
โ€ข Heโ€™s the kind of guy who loves getting on his knees for you. Grabbing your ankles and yanking on you till your ass is on the edge of the bed. He laughs and drapes your thighs over his broad shoulders, making sure your comfortable while you lay on your back.
โ€ข Eijirou grabs onto your hips, looking up at you like you hung the moon as he runs his tongue between your lips up to your clit on the first pass. He whines, lids fluttering closed, nails sinking into your skin at how soft and warm your pussy is.
โ€ข He licks your clit leisurely at first, like one would eat a popsicle. Eijirou savors the taste, letting his lips meet again and again over your clit. Swirling his tongue in between โ€” as if heโ€™s making out with your pussy.
โ€ข Eijirou gets so lost in it, after awhile you have to lace your fingers in his silky red hair and tug gently to get his attention. He opens his eyes in question, cheeks flushed pink as he teases your hole with the tip of his tongue.
โ€ข โ€œI wanna cum Ei, please,โ€ you plead sweetly, rolling your hips up to meet his mouth. โ€œOh! Yes, please cum for me baby girl, want me to use my fingers to help you sweetheart?โ€ Eijirou coos, tone teasing and warm. He rubs your clit with his thumb and nips the soft flesh of your inner thigh while he waits.
โ€ข You nod yes and Eijirou hums happily, slipping his middle two fingers into your ridiculously slick pussy with ease. He instantly starts licking over your clit again and thrusting his fingers, curling into your sweet spot perfectly.
โ€ข Your thighs tghten around his head, back arching when it takes you no time at all to cum. Gasping his name, tugging at his hair again โ€” and he moans when your pussy doesnโ€™t want to let go of his fingers as he works you through your orgasm.
โ€ข Once he lets you go, you find his hand wrapped loosely around his cock, covered in his sticky release. He grins sheepishly, admitting โ€œI couldnโ€™t help it baby, you taste too good.โ€
โ€ข No matter, heโ€™s still hard. Eijirou makes love to you until you cry from overstimulation. Wiping your tears with his thumbs and asking you to give him one more orgasm.
Todoroki Shouto
โ€ข At first, Shouto wasnโ€™t quite sure how to eat pussy. Sure โ€” he could eat pussy, but not well. After your more than willing participation in helping him practice, he eats pussy like a champ now.
โ€ข He absolutely loves going down on you. Often he gets you singing his name, toes curling so tight they cramp, squirting all over his face and fingers.
โ€ข Shouto starts out slow, spreading you out gently on the bed. Biting kisses into your neck, sucking on your nipples. Letting his thumb rub circles into your clit at the just the right pressure.
โ€ข He lays on his belly, placing soft kisses everywhere but your pussy. Sinking his teeth into the sensitive crease of your thigh. Barely ghosting his tongue over your clit.
โ€ข Shouto gets a thrill out of the anticipation. He leaves hickies on your inner thighs and pushes two fingers in your pussy, just letting them rest there until youโ€™re begging him for more.
โ€ข โ€œSho please stop teasing,โ€ you whine. Those slender fingers start to move and curl when he responds. โ€œSorry princess, how about I make you squirt? Will that make up for it?โ€ he purrs, voice low and playful.
โ€ข You moan your agreement, gripping the sheets. When Shouto finally, blessedly lets his warm tongue run over your clit, your back arches so hard it almost snaps. You breathe out his name and groans loudly. โ€œGood girl, say my name again,โ€ he demands, smacking the side of your hip harshly.
โ€ข You cry out and Shouto takes his fingers from your warmth. He hushes you, sliding a slick finger into your ass up to the last knuckle. Wanting to keep you completely stuffed, the fingers from his free hand find their place in your pussy.
โ€ข You pull his soft hair so hard you think itโ€™ll come out in fistfuls. Sobbing his name as he eagerly sucks your clit in between his lips. You start to cum, entire body taught and Shouto happily finger fucks you through it.
โ€ข Even when you shove at his forehead he doesnโ€™t stop, bullying your sweet spot till you flutter around him again. He frees himself from your thight holes, using his thumb to rub your clit harshly as you squirt, making a mess of his face.
โ€ข It makes him moan brokenly and then heโ€™s desperately crawling between your legs, begging to put his thick cock inside. You agree and he fills your pussy over and over โ€” sweet and slow until you both cum again.
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