#eileen glass
dsudis · 1 year
Great news, guys
I am listening to the audiobook of Human Omega: Discovered on the Slave Planet for approximately the fourth time and a) it is still fantastic, but b) I am not crying all the way through it this time, so maybe the amount of crying I did the first three times (c.2020-2021) were at least partly about the depression or overwhelming existential dread or something??
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jkatz · 1 year
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Check out this cool shirt!!!
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ac1d6urn · 1 year
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The Wrong Kind of Prince
The portrait of Eileen Prince (not yet Snape.)
“Behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic.”
― Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray
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blackramhall · 2 months
The guys practically live on a Clue board.
The suspects in Cluedo, but with the Glass Onion (Knives Out sequel) actors/characters.
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Madelyn Cline/Whiskey as Miss Scarlett
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Dave Bautista/Duke Cody as Colonel Mustard
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Kathryn Hahn/Claire Debella as Mrs. White
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Edward Norton/Miles Bron as Mr. Green
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Kate Hudson/Birdie Jay as Mrs. Peacock
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Leslie Odom Jr/Lionel Toussaint as Professor Plum
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It's a terrible, terrible game.
CLUEDO card art by Lacey Van Nortwick
Blackram Hall: whodunit, murder mystery, hardboiled, pulp, crime, thriller, italian giallo, noir and neo-noir, detectives and serial killers, spy stories, vintage, manor houses, art, life and death.
Avatar pic by Mitchell Turek
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quibbs126 · 2 years
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More sketches from the past two days
So first I just wanted to draw Flora in that outfit she has during the credits of Curious Village, because personally I really like it, and I feel like it makes her look more similar to Luke and Layton’s type of clothing. Not sure if I would have preferred this outfit over the one we got, because I still like that one, but still
Next, I just wanted to draw something funny with Descole. I know DS games should be too modern for this world, but I swear I’ve seen some art where Luke has a DS, and I just think it would be funny if the one thing from modern times this series has is just. The DS. So yeah. For context, the game Descole is supposed to be playing is Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs. In it there’s a character called Leanne, who’s an archaeologist studying the ancient history of Oblivia, but also she’s married to Oblivia’s Area Ranger Rand, and has a daughter named Nema, and they all live happily. I feel like Descole would end up drawing parallels to his own family and get kind of jealous he can’t live that happy life Leanne is
Next, I was looking for some poses to draw in my photos, and I came across the one with three people, and initially I was going to draw it with Des and his old crew, but then I thought the pose would also work with the prequel trio, and I thought maybe I should do that instead. But I still wanted to draw the Des trio, so I just ended up making two different versions, as you can see here. I feel like Luke ended up looking a bit weird here
Oh yeah, and for context as to who the kid in the middle of the Des trio is, that would be Kyle Azan, or as he’s originally known at this time, Gabriel Redwood, who I’m just gonna say was Desmond’s apprentice back in the day, similar to how Luke is to Layton. Gabriel, Desmond and Eileen (along with Raymond) would go around the world in an earlier version of the Bostonius searching for ancient ruins and artifacts, having plenty of adventures along the way. Also for reference, I’m saying that Gabriel is around 12 years younger than Desmond, but they first met when Gabriel was about 9, so it was a pretty sizable age gap
Anyways, so after that I had some free space, so I decided “you know what? I complained about the villains not getting new outfits in the Layton cafe art, why not just try and do it myself?” And so I decided to start with Clive. I based this outfit off of a combination of his normal outfit and Luke’s alternate outfit. Also I lost the hat because from what I can gather, the hat was just part of his “Future Luke” persona, considering once we see him as Clive, he’s no longer wearing the hat, so I ditched it so that he’d stand on his own instead of just being Luke’s counterpart
But yeah
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steelycunt · 5 months
are there any like super super mainstream songs you like? cause ik your music taste is pretty obscure ✨
hi yes absolutely there are!! loads!! to be honest i wouldnt say my music taste is all that obscure...or at least however much obscure stuff im into is quite healthily balanced with more mainstream stuff : ^ ) my tastes tend to lean towards older music over modern music but a lot of my older tastes are still pretty mainstream or famous like. the beatles for instance lol that underground band you may have heard of the beatles...david bowie...as for more modern stuff i like a bit of hozier which is very mainstream...the arctic monkeys...a bit of lorde...mitski also!! idk!! im not sure exactly what we're classing as 'super super mainstream' songs but id definitely say a fair bit of what i enjoy is 'mainstream' : ^ ))
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This is me rambling jxjwjkfkskdk ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ
Oh! How I wish for better sight!
My contact lenses are so bad
And I CANT see nothing at all
༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽(⁠ ⁠ꈨຶ⁠ ⁠˙̫̮⁠ ⁠ꈨຶ⁠ ⁠)
Probably will delete fruvfykceuvmoydejj
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Jotaro can totally do the "pssshspspsspsp" thing to get Eileen all over him. They're like, vegged out on different couches and he just, does that. Next thing he knows he's got an Eileen tucking her head under his chin and pressed up against him.
Good ole' weighted blanket.
It's funny when Eileen does the same thing, but instead of Jotaro coming over, SPlat just,,, manifests and puts his chin in the palm of her hand.
She's halfway between going "Aw!" and "lazy bastard".
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astralscrivener · 1 year
hello everyone. crying at 5 pm on a sunday because i got 5 hours of sleep and i love my girlfriend a lot
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dsudis · 1 year
Do you have any more recs in a similar vein as the Human Omega series? I never would have read it without your recommendation but I did and I loved it!
The one that immediately leaps to mind for having Large Aliens, Very Different Alien Culture, and a delightful language barrier, is Lyn Gala's Claimings, Tails, and Other Alien Artifacts.
If anyone else has recs that hit some of those buttons, I would also be glad to have them!
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softroots · 2 years
god .     lilibeth  has  such  a  warped  view  of  love
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After seeing all these posts about themed ACNH islands, and that after imagining character lives for certain villagers, I have been wondering--has anyone tried a Hannibal-themed island? Here I'm actually not speaking about any horror at all. I mean the dark, brooding glamour; the baroque extravagance and Old World charm, all rooted (transplanted?) in New England/East coast climate and topography. Reference the designs of the Hannibal tv series, specifically the home and office of Mads Mikkelsen's character of Dr. Lecter, MD.
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It is admittedly ridiculous but I've had it in my mind (after much fantastical reverie) that Zell would be my perfect choice for a Hannibal: classy, yet always a touch of condescension in each remark.
As for the other characters who might possibly play a role, it remains for me to work that out.
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selfdiscoverymedia · 1 year
TSM23-15. Astronaut Col. EILEEN COLLINS
Their Story Matters with Sara Troy and her guest Col. Eileen Collins, on air from April 11th Retired NASA astronaut and the agency’s first female shuttle commander, Col. Eileen Collins With all the craziness happening here on Earth, recent stories of big happenings in outer space haven’t received as much media attention as they might deserve. Trashing the International Space Station, mountains…
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Throwback ..
just putting the halves together .. full video of Nick's IG stories from this day .. coming off the release of Soft Lad .. i'm melting at his messages with his mama❤️
October 29th, 2022; 8:46 p.m. EST
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pinknatural · 4 months
Pick out the biggest, reddest, juiciest strawberries. Wash ‘em real good. Lay them out on a tray covered in parchment paper. Pat them dry, and leave them out. Put some chocolate chips in a bowl, and microwave in 30 second intervals. After the chocolate is good and melted, pick up the strawberries by the stem and dip them in, coating them thoroughly before putting them back on the tray. 
Dean’s never made chocolate-covered strawberries before. Never had a reason to. It’s kinda nice, to dedicate all his focus to making sure the chocolate is covering up the berries evenly. To try not to get them to drip. 
Since moving into the Bunker, Dean’s found that baking is fun. He likes putting a bunch of stuff together and seeing delicious results. And chocolate-covered strawberries aren’t exactly rocket science, but he knows they’ll taste good and make Sammy happy and that’s all he really wants, right?
Plus, he thinks, gently placing another strawberry back on the parchment paper. He doesn’t think Jack has ever had a chocolate-covered strawberry before, and he can just picture the kid’s excited eyebrows at the taste. 
He picks up another strawberry, pinching all the leaves between his fingers so they don’t get chocolatey. He dips it nice and slow into the glass bowl, turning it gently as he brings it out of the chocolate.
“What are you doing?” 
Dean yelps, nearly dropping his strawberry. 
“Jesus christ, Cas, you snuck up on me!” he says, turning to glare over his shoulder. Cas is standing just behind him, staring curiously. He could’ve been there for two minutes or twenty. Dean didn’t even know he was in the Bunker, let alone the kitchen. “I’m not kidding about that bell, dude.”
“Apologies,” Cas says. He doesn’t sound a bit sorry at all. Dean rolls his eyes and turns back to his strawberry, putting it on the tray next to the other completed ones. Cas moves in closer. “What is the purpose of this exercise?”
“Chocolate-covered strawberries,” Dean says. 
“I see that,” Cas says. He sniffs, as if the smell disagrees with him. “But why are you covering the strawberries in the chocolate? Is it for a spell?”
“No, it’s a dessert. Like a candy, I guess,” Dean says. “For Valentine’s Day.”
“Ah, yes,” Cas says. “Unattached drifter Christmas.”
Something in Dean’s heart stabs, at that. He hates that Cas has heard him say that, or heard Sam reference it, or whatever. 
“Yeah,” he says, looking away from Cas’ eyes. The strawberries are safer to look at. “I guess.”
Cas’ big hands enter Dean’s field of view, and he plucks up a strawberry. Not one with chocolate on it. A naked one. Despite himself, Dean looks back up at Cas. It’s hard to not look at him. He has a very nice face.
“What does chocolate strawberries have to with the patron saint of bees?” 
“And epilepsy,” Cas says, squinting at the strawberry. “And the mentally ill. And happy marriages.”
“Uh, it’s more about the happy marriages thing,” Dean says. “Valentine’s Day is about love and shit.”
“And strawberries,” Cas says, nodding wisely, as if he understands everything. He sets the strawberry back on the tray. Dean’s not sure if he’s fucking with him or not. Surely after all this time on earth, Cas knows what fucking Valentine’s Day is. 
“You give the strawberries to your Valentine,” Dean says. “Or chocolate or whatever. Or those fucking disgusting chalky heart things. But Eileen loves chocolate-covered strawberries and so these are for Sam. To give to her.”
Dean told Sam to make his own chocolate-covered strawberries, but Sam said that either Dean could make them or he would buy some from the store. And Dean does not trust fucking Hy-Vee to have quality chocolate-covered strawberries. He picks up Cas’ naked strawberry--the last one--and dips it into the chocolate. 
“That’s very kind of you,” Cas says, watching him. “To help Sam out.”
“Whatever,” Dean mutters, holding the strawberry up so the excess chocolate can drip back into the bowl. “I wanted Jack to try some, too.”
“You say that like it will make me think you less kind,” Cas says. Dean is tempted to throw him out of the kitchen. But goddamnit, he likes Cas and likes when Cas hangs out with him and asks stupid questions about Valentine’s Day. But knows that Saint Valentine is the patron saint of epilepsy, or whatever. Ugh. 
Dean never knows when Cas is leaving, anyway, so he’s gotta take all the time he can get. He leaves his strawberries behind and fetches another glass bowl. The white chocolate chips are already out, beside the opened bag of regular chocolate chips. 
“I thought you said white chocolate was an abomination,” Cas says, watching Dean pour some into the bowl. 
“It is,” Dean says. “But it will look fancier this way, trust me.” He puts the bowl in the microwave, punches in a 3-0-enter then turns around to look at Cas. He’s inspecting the neat line of chocolate-covered strawberries. They’re a little messier than Dean wants, but hell, it’s his very first try. 
“I don’t understand why you would put the chocolate on the strawberries,” Cas says. “My understanding is that strawberries are perfectly good on their own.”
“Dude, bacon is perfectly good on its own and we put chocolate on that,” Dean says. He crosses back to the counter and picks up a strawberry by the stem, holds it out to Cas. “Go on, try it.”
He expects Cas to take the strawberry from him--chocolate end first, and then he’ll get chocolate all over his fingers and Dean will die a million deaths watching him lick the chocolate off. Instead, Cas does something a thousand times worse and leans forward, biting into the strawberry without taking it, like Dean’s feeding it to him or some shit. 
Dean has a vision of a picnic somewhere, red and white checkered blanket and all. The sky is blue and the grass is soft and Cas’ head is in Dean’s lap and Dean’s feeding him strawberries and kissing him between each one. 
But instead Cas just--doesn’t break eye contact. Just stares, as he bites into the strawberry, chews and swallows. 
“Good?” Dean says, mouth dry. 
Cas closes his eyes, licking his lips. “Mmm, very.” He straightens back up. Even though he licked his lips, he missed a little--has a chocolate mustache. Dean has the insane urge to lick it right off his face. 
“Uh, you got some--chocolate,” Dean croaks instead. He mimes with his own thumb. Cas swipes the chocolate and succeeds in smearing it everywhere. 
“Did I get it?” he asks, and his wide blue eyes hypnotize Dean into reaching forward and wiping the chocolate off Cas’ face with his own fingers. Then Dean licks the chocolate off his thumb. 
Then Dean realizes that the microwave is beeping and the white chocolate’s first 30 seconds have been up for a long time, and he should probably go get that, and he escapes across the kitchen. 
“The strawberry molecules and chocolate molecules are very pleasing together,” Cas says. “Do humans put chocolate on other fruits?”
“Yeah,” Dean says, stirring the white chocolate frantically. If he doesn’t look at Cas maybe Cas will think that what just happened was normal, and that Dean isn’t fucking insane. “Uh, apples, bananas, pineapples. I think I saw it on kiwi once. Uh, maybe orange slices.”
“Fascinating,” Cas says. Dean puts the white chocolate back into the microwave. “Yes, I think Jack would like that very much.”
“Good,” Dean says. He goes to the fridge, gets a beer. Opens it on the side of the counter and takes a big swig. The microwave beeps.
It’s all melted. Dean grabs a spoon and goes over to the berries. He is not confident about this part at all, but crazyforcrust.com said to use a spoon. And hopefully he can get, like four or five good-looking ones for Sam, and the rest can be for him to pig out on on the fourteenth alone in his room while he tries not to wonder where Cas is. 
He dips the spoon into the white chocolate and covers it, then raises it over a strawberry and zig-zags over it, letting the white chocolate drip and drizzle overtop.
“See?” Dean says to Cas, who he knows is watching. “You can hardly taste the white chocolate this way but it looks good.” Well, it doesn’t look bad. Dean’s sure they’ll look better as he goes.
“I see,” Cas says. He points to the drizzled strawberry. “Are you giving that one to Sam?”
“No,” Dean says. “That one was just a practice one.”
“Good,” Cas says, and he picks up the strawberry by the stem. Dean’s never, ever seen him go for seconds before, but he makes a mental note of it. But then Cas turns the strawberry around, unmistakably offering it to Dean. “You should have one. You made them.”
“But--” Dean starts to say, and then Cas brings it up, so it nearly touches Dean’s lips. He looks at him with the same kind of focus he gives to a hunt, or smiting demons. 
“Eat it,” he says, nudging Dean’s lips with the fruit. Dean opens his mouth and bites into it. Maybe Dean would lay his head on Cas’ lap in their picnic, and Cas would feed Dean. 
The strawberry is good, probably. Dean’s not really sure what it tastes like. All he can see are Cas’ eyes, boring into his. 
Dean swallows. 
“You don’t have any chocolate on your face,” Cas says. He sounds disappointed. Dean can’t unpack that. 
“That’s ‘cause the chocolate is less melty,” Dean says, mostly on autopilot. He feels a million miles away. “Cause it’s starting to harden.”
“Okay,” Cas says. “Can I help with the drizzle?”
“Oh,” Dean says, shaken out of some kind of trance. “Sure. Get a spoon.”
Cas fetches one. He holds it like an instrument of war. Dean loves him so fucking much.
They drizzle white chocolate over the strawberries. Cas does it so precisely his drizzles look like they came from the store. Dean’s drizzles improve. He makes a couple decent ones. For Jack, he guesses, ‘cause the ones Cas made should probably go to Sam.
“I gave you a strawberry,” Cas says out of nowhere. “And you gave me one. Does that make us Valentines?”
Dean freezes. 
A moment later, his heart restarts and he looks at Cas, who is solemnly drizzling. Then he looks innocently up at Dean, and Dean realizes that Cas has absolutely been fucking with him this whole time. Absolutely knows about Valentine’s Day, absolutely ate that strawberry out of Dean’s hand on purpose. Dean narrows his eyes at him. Cas tilts his head. 
“You’re a menace,” Dean grumbles. 
“That’s not a no,” Cas says. 
“You’re right,” Dean says. “I guess it does make us Valentines.” Cas smiles, a tiny, private thing, and then looks back down at his drizzling. 
“Good,” he says quietly, and Dean ducks his head, cheeks warm and heart fluttering, and he lifts up his spoon. 
It’s kind of cold in Kansas in February, but Dean imagines him and Cas wrapped in blankets,  feeding each other chocolate-covered strawberries in front of the TV. This time, he thinks, he’ll actually taste the strawberry. And you know what? Dean’s sure that those strawberry molecules and those chocolate molecules are gonna be fucking fantastic.
Especially if he gets to kiss them off Cas’ lips. 
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quibbs126 · 2 years
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I redesigned my version of Sycamore’s wife
Changed her name to Eileen, though I’m not entirely sold on it yet
(Info about her under the cut!)
In terms of backstory, I haven’t entirely figured out what her profession is (maybe she’s also an archaeologist?), but she and Sycamore had a partnership so they could go around looking for Azran artificacts and stuff like that. They traveled around the world (along with Raymond) in an earlier version of the Bostonius, finding Azran ruins, crossing paths with Targent, and probably committing a few felonies
Their relationship was originally just “work partners”, but over time they grew to genuinely trust and care about one another (life threatening experiences do have that effect on people), and eventually they started dating. I don’t know when, but sometime before then I have it in my head that they technically got married, but it was either due to laws of the land or under false names, though at the time they disregarded it, until they wanted to actually get married and realized they already were. I don’t remember the exact circumstances but I’m fairly certain crossdressing was involved and Desmond wore the dress. Anyways
So they went around having adventures, but they started to settle down a bit more once they had their daughter. Desmond still went out on explorations, considering that was still his job, but they were doing less of them as time went on. Around the time of that fateful incident, they were actually considering just putting the whole Azran business to rest, but obviously, that never happened
I based her outfit on this picture I found when looking for 40s outfits. I really like the second outfit too, I might draw her in that too
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