#kyle azan
quibbs126 · 2 years
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More sketches from the past two days
So first I just wanted to draw Flora in that outfit she has during the credits of Curious Village, because personally I really like it, and I feel like it makes her look more similar to Luke and Layton’s type of clothing. Not sure if I would have preferred this outfit over the one we got, because I still like that one, but still
Next, I just wanted to draw something funny with Descole. I know DS games should be too modern for this world, but I swear I’ve seen some art where Luke has a DS, and I just think it would be funny if the one thing from modern times this series has is just. The DS. So yeah. For context, the game Descole is supposed to be playing is Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs. In it there’s a character called Leanne, who’s an archaeologist studying the ancient history of Oblivia, but also she’s married to Oblivia’s Area Ranger Rand, and has a daughter named Nema, and they all live happily. I feel like Descole would end up drawing parallels to his own family and get kind of jealous he can’t live that happy life Leanne is
Next, I was looking for some poses to draw in my photos, and I came across the one with three people, and initially I was going to draw it with Des and his old crew, but then I thought the pose would also work with the prequel trio, and I thought maybe I should do that instead. But I still wanted to draw the Des trio, so I just ended up making two different versions, as you can see here. I feel like Luke ended up looking a bit weird here
Oh yeah, and for context as to who the kid in the middle of the Des trio is, that would be Kyle Azan, or as he’s originally known at this time, Gabriel Redwood, who I’m just gonna say was Desmond’s apprentice back in the day, similar to how Luke is to Layton. Gabriel, Desmond and Eileen (along with Raymond) would go around the world in an earlier version of the Bostonius searching for ancient ruins and artifacts, having plenty of adventures along the way. Also for reference, I’m saying that Gabriel is around 12 years younger than Desmond, but they first met when Gabriel was about 9, so it was a pretty sizable age gap
Anyways, so after that I had some free space, so I decided “you know what? I complained about the villains not getting new outfits in the Layton cafe art, why not just try and do it myself?” And so I decided to start with Clive. I based this outfit off of a combination of his normal outfit and Luke’s alternate outfit. Also I lost the hat because from what I can gather, the hat was just part of his “Future Luke” persona, considering once we see him as Clive, he’s no longer wearing the hat, so I ditched it so that he’d stand on his own instead of just being Luke’s counterpart
But yeah
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Mujeres que inspiran: Patricia Azán 🎤 Voz latina de estos personajes y muchos más 💘
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just-antithings · 6 months
okay so i need to share this related to south park spanish speaking fandom! why are there so many cartman shippers there? because cartman and kyle's VA (patricia azan) ships them so hard jshfjhdfjdsak
lmao nice
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probablygayattorneys · 4 months
So now that you finished Azran Legacy, do you think it kinda puts Hershel's choice to go look for Katrielle's dad (despite everyone else telling he doesn't need to go that far) under a new perspective? When I first finished watching LMDA I was kinda confused by his reasoning, but then I remembered his absolute shit show of a family reunion in AL. So I guess he didn't want Kat to find out about her family through some absolutely tragic circumstances like he did (although that didn't end up turning out well regardless..). Also in the end, Hershel himself chose his adoptive family and rejected his bio dad as a father, so maybe he wanted Katrielle to also have the opportunity to choose for herself.
Would really like to hear your thoughts on it!!
You know, I do think I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one, because he's not looking for Kat's family. Like, the only tie that the relic stone mystery has to Kat is that her biological mother happened to be working on it when she died, but her death was completely unrelated. If he was actually looking for her biological family, but the time they learned K. Azan was Kamille and not Kyle, the mystery would have shifted into trying to find Kamille's family, not to following the relic stones, so I'm going Occam's razor on this one and saying that the reason he did was because he saw a puzzle in front of him, a really big and great and exciting puzzle, and he couldn't just walk away from it, because he never can.
I do think, however, that the revelations in Azran Legacy do explain why orphans are drawn to him like moths to a flame or me to a bag of cheetos, and why he always takes them in.
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factoides-yajan · 2 years
Factoide #3875
(#3875) Patricia Azan, la voz de Erica Cartman en latino Patricia Alexis García, más conocida por su nombre artístico Patricia Azan, es una actriz de televisión, teatro y doblaje nacida en Cuba. Fue criada en España y Nueva Jersey, EE.UU., y lleva muchos años radicada en Miami, Florida (USA) donde primeramente se desempeñó como actriz de teatro y más tarde, en el año 1999, empezó a hacer doblajes al inglés y al español. Actualmente es reconocida en Hispanoamérica por ser la voz de Eric Cartman y Kyle Broflovski desde la tercera temporada en South Park; además por doblar a Vicky, Tad y Chad, y a otros personajes en Los padrinos mágicos. Cuando la segunda temporada de South Park (grabada en 1999) estaba siendo doblada, Patricia fue hacer una prueba para entrar al cast de la serie (doblado en ese entonces en el estudio GlobeCast Hero Productions), pero debido a que su español no era bueno, fue rechazada, y hasta fue motivo de burla por dicho problema. Después de 3 meses de práctica, con un diccionario inglés-español, y usando muchos métodos para buena dicción y pronunciación, asistió nuevamente al estudio para que la probaran, y como las personas a cargo notaron una gran mejoría, comenzó a hacer voces adicionales en la serie; hasta que Vivian Ruiz renuncio al doblaje de Cartman y Kyle los cuales finalmente le fueron cedidos. Ella ha afirmado que Eric Cartman es su personaje favorito. Patricia ha doblado a Kyle y Cartman sin interrupción en todos los episodios de South Park desde la tercera temporada (e incluso ha llegado a doblarlos en todos los capítulos de la serie debido a que en 2011 se redoblaron las primeras dos temporadas), excepto en el episodio Crippled Summer de la decimocuarta temporada, donde un loop de Kyle fue doblado por Paulina Cossio. Gracias a Nesu Beltrán por el aporte
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[Publicado originalmente el 21 de Junio del 2022]
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aquamarineglow · 3 years
I've been shaking and crying all day. I've done it. I've discovered the identity of Katrielle and Alfendi's biological father. He was right in front of us at all times, yet we missed him.
However, the information is so cursed that I've withheld it for so long.
Kyle Azan, the husband of Kamila Azan, the father of Alfendi and Katrielle Layton is none other than:
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This guy.
Look at his yellow jacket, the exact same that Katrielle wears. His blue and red striped tie? It matches the jumper Alfendi wears. Red hair? Pointy nose? It all fits.
So I looked it up and apparently his name is Tommy and he was a Targent assassin.
Once Targent was disbanded it makes sense for him to find another criminal organisation to work for and eventually met Kamilla.
Kamila fell in love with his fake identity and they had fun together.
As soon as she got pregnant he bailed. 👋😔
Here's a dramatic reenactment of the tragic events:
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Not knowing anything about his life, Kamila assumed he had been kidnapped or killed by the same organisation he worked for.
But actually he was just chilling with his mates, drinking beer and shooting people in the face. Lovely.
I can't wait for the next Layton game which will be about him getting visitation rights to his children. There will be a ten minute cutscene of how he seduced a woman twice his size and had a baby.
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laytontheories · 4 years
One of the remaining mysteries in the Layton world is the identity of Katrielle's biological father.
Kamilla tells Luke that his name is Kyle Azan and he was an archeologist.
However, Layton can't find any evidence of a Kyle Azan existing. So perhaps it isn't his real name.
Azan sounds similar to Azran, who are likely connected to the relic stones so he may have chosen the name due to his interest in the Azran and the stones.
Also since Kat has curly brown hair, its possible that her father does too.
Hmm. Archeologist. Brown hair. Interested in the Azran.
You don't think....
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Would it be wrong if I suggested that Desmond moved on from Targent but continued studying the Azran. There he studied the relic stones and met Kamilla. They fell in love, got married and were expecting their first child together.
However something happened and the two were separated. Kamilla boarded the ship and the same tragedy happens again.
Stricken by grief, Desmond destroys all evidence of him ever existing and disappears.
By the time he discovers his daughters existence, he decides that she is happy with Layton and doesn't need him.
Wouldn't that be messed up?
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muzzable · 5 years
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So I decided to compare Katrielle to her mother Kamilla, because I figured any physical features Kat has that Kamilla doesn’t have would logically need to come from her biological father.
So here’s a list of features her bio dad probably has (under the cut).
Kat’s biological father likely has:
reddish-brown hair
significantly less curly hair
hair that parts to one side (as opposed to Kamilla’s being symmetrical)
thin eyebrows (more common than thick ones in the PL universe)
thin lips that aren’t very pronounced (again, less common but a difference compared to Kamilla)
a short nose
thin hair (possibly as a consequence of having less curly hair)
cheek blushes (note: The other two primary examples of this, Luke and Flora, have parents who do not have cheek blushes. As we have not seen Flora as an adult, our main example would be Luke, who does not have them when he is shown at 25 years old in the anime. However, Katrielle is also an adult, making her the only example of a Layton character having cheek blushes through adulthood, as far as I know.)
a short, skinny build
wider, round eyes of a slightly darker shade of blue than Kamilla’s (the same shade as Kat’s)
skin of a slightly darker tone than Kamilla’s (again, same as Kat’s)
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fuck-them-angels · 2 years
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Tia paty adoptame
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jmgirl100 · 7 years
This doesn’t mean anything but I find it cute that the Latin voice actress (Patricia Azan) of Cartman and Kyle made videos with them telling each other that they love one another ;___; 
This makes me so happy dude.
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dytaktshang · 7 years
Patricia Azan 
Voz en latino de Cartman y Kyle <3
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quibbs126 · 2 years
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More sketches
First I just wanted to draw Kamilla and Kyle because I realized I have a design for Kyle Azan, but I haven’t drawn him since that first time, so I just wanted to draw him and his wife while also showing how much shorter he is
Then I wanted to draw even smaller Hershel and Theodore, so here’s the smalls
Oh yeah and also, it’s my headcanon that Layton/Theodore was originally born with blonde hair like his father, but over time it turned brown, since I know that’s a thing that can happen
Then I drew Hershel with Dimitri just because I had this funny thought that in a No Targent au, these two would start out with Dimitri being the smaller of the two, only for later in their teenage years Dimitri to hit a huge growth spurt and suddenly be way taller
Then the last thing was something I think would happen in @multiversal-madness ‘s How Things Change au, because from what I can understand, Luke ends up being friends with Leon to the point where Targent is supposed to abduct the Bronevs, meaning that he had to have been around when Hershel and Theodore were born, right? And he knows Descole is Layton’s older brother Hershel, so this thought would have to cross his mind at some point, right? I dunno, just a thought I had. But to @multiversal-madness, I look forward to seeing more of the au! (I should probably work on my own AUs to be honest…)
But yeah
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yandere-daydreams · 5 years
Who would win A: The overprotective FBI agent watching you or B: the Delusional yandere alien you rescued from area 51?
So this *technically* wasn’t a request, but this scenario was all I could think about since I got this. Please don’t be mad at me.
This raid wasn’t supposed to go this way.
Claws dug into your wrist, the humanoid figure positioning himself in front of you, his back blocking out most of the steely hall. Around the corner, the Naruto-Runners were calling for retreat, your initial wave over and prepping for the flood of Karen’s who’d take their place as a distraction, while the Kyles re-stocked their Moster supply. But, their voices grew more distant as footsteps approached from the other side of your new extraterrestrial companion, the familiar sound of a magazine sliding into its chamber echoing throughout the empty space.
“Let the human go,” A steady voice called, cool and professional, as always. You already knew who it was, but still, you summoned the courage to peek around your alien’s side, only lingering long enough to see those mirror-shades and that black tie before you pulled back. It was a soldier, obviously, but not just your average, everyday soldier. An agent. An FBI agent. “I don’t want to do this, Azan, you and I are friends,” He paused, raising his glock your protector. “But I’ll do what it takes to protect my planet.”
“No!” Azan growled, the words coming out harshly, roughly, scratchily. They weren’t made for his mouth, and the teeth that nearly extended beyond the confines in his mouth certainly didn’t help. “You call us friends, but you imprisoned me. You took my craft, you kept me in a cage.” You could feel his grip tighten around your wrist, threatening to draw blood. “This human saved me! We will leave this place, or we will die together!”
You blinked, glancing between the two. Lightly tugging on your confined hand, you took a step back. “Look, man, as much as I want to die-”
“We love each other!” Azan interrupted, dragging you back into place. “You can’t take my mate away from me, I... I won’t let you.”
You were stunned, if only for a second, but the agent didn’t seem phased. He took a step forward, but no more. You could already see Azan growing more… aggressive, the black patches littered across his skin beginning to glow a vibrent blue. “I won’t let you abduct (Y/n), either.” His voice was just as smooth, but there was something else, now. An anger, an entitlement. Something you weren’t sure you recognized. Something you weren’t sure you wanted to recognize. “I’ve been watching this one for years, and you think you can just grab what you want and take it? You can’t keep my assigned citizen safe, you couldn’t even try. If anyone’s leaving with that human, it’ll be me.”
“Oh, that’s tea,” You gasped, a hand moving automatically to cover your mouth. This wasn’t just any agent, this was your agent. The man who’d watched over you for years, who’d seen every question you searched during your ‘tentacle’ phase. He was the one who’d given you the password to your neighbor’s wifi while yours was down, and always stalled the public transport systems when you were running late. Part of you wanted to feel thankful, for all those miracles he’d performed over the years, the other wanted to ask how many times he’d seen you cry in your underwear. Slowly, you opened your mouth, ignoring the way both men were now staring each other down. “Hold on, just me? Or, like, do you have multiple people you’re planning to kidnap?”
Your question was ignored. Azan was the first to approach, letting go of your wrist and bracing himself to pounce, your agent’s finger falling to the trigger in preparation. But, before either could really attack, the building started to shake. The very walls vibrated around you, the floor beginning to quake and crack under your feet. The reality of your situation dawned on you in a moment. The furbies must’ve been released, the final wave, the last resort. As if by instinct, the agent sprinted around the extraterrestrial and took your hand, tugging you forward gently. His eyes looked panicked… or you guessed they did, you mean. He was still wearing sunglasses. You couldn’t see his eyes.
“Wait,” You told him, turning away from the government operative. Instead, you turned towards the alien, now stunned and looking around frantically. You could tell, because wasn’t wearing sunglasses inside, like an asshole. You offered him your hand, trying to smile despite the army of crazed monsters you knew were coming. “Please, come with us! You don’t have to die here, none of us do!”
Slowly, his eyes drifted to the agent behind you, a grimace soon gracing his inhuman features. “You don’t, (Y/n). I’d never ask that of you…” He pushed past you, grabbing the collared shirt of you legally-endorsed stalker. Guns were drawn, eyes were slit, somewhere in the distance, a soft ‘Sasuke!’ could be heard. You watched with bated breath as the two were brought face-to-face, their attention completely divorced from you.
Well, almost completely. Azan still owed you an explanation.
“You don’t have to die here, but, he does.”
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n3rdx · 5 years
Do you prefer the Spanish sp voice acting or the English sp voice acting? Which one do you think fits the characters more?
That’s a good question dear Anon ❤, I love both English and Latin voice acting, and also I have a story about this (Link) drawing, it was one of the first fanarts I made of the South park boys back in 2016. The original one though looks like this:
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Cuz I went to a con where I live and the voice actors Patricia Azan (Cartman and Kyle) and Orlando Noguera (Stan and Kenny) autographed my drawing of the main four, and it was such a nice day, like Patty even gave me a hug so I was in a bliss.
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harukaspiegel · 4 years
Patricia Azan is the official voice actress for Cartman, Kyle, Bebe, Tweek and more South Park characters for Latin America. She has a Youtube channel where she mainly makes videos playing Cartman. There a video where she's playing Tweek responding questions from the fans. In this video, Cartman hacks into Craig's computer and he makes it look like Craig is cheating on Tweek with Thomas; Cartman calls Tweek and tells it. Tweek gets pissed and breaks up his relationship with Craig and tear a photo of them to pieces, and he tells to the fans he hates Craig and he is a bastard; then, Tweek calls Bebe and asks her to go hang out with him. Bebe says she is not interesed 'cause Tweek is gay and she calls Wendy, and Wendy calls Craig and then Craig writes him an email explaining to Tweek the truth and that he is going to meet with him at his house soon, Wendy does same. So, Tweek is too ashamed of his behavior and he regrets his breakdown.
And all of them are the official voice actors of South Park in Spanish.
Here is the Craig's email to Tweek:
"Hello, Tweek,
I’m writing to you because you don't answer your phone. Eric hacked my computer and he's giving likes to other boys as if he was I. Don't believe him anything if he calls you.
Also, Wendy just called and she told me that you called Bebe and told her you weren't gay anymore. What's that, Tweek? What's that?
I'm going to your house right now! I'm there in 20 minutes.
I'm crying right now! The drama begins in the minute 7:44.
P. S.: My English is not that good, I’m sorry.
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teekro · 5 years
Katrielle Layton anime theory
Spoilers for the Katrielle Layton Anime (and the Layton Mystery Journey game), with a wild theory I have and with nowhere else to put it:
With the last two episodes of the season coming up, and (hopefully) the conclusion to the Relics Treasures story, there’s a couple big mysteries that haven’t been solved and not much time to solve them in: Where is Rufus Aldebaran, and where is Katrielle’s biological father, Kyle Azan? 
I then thought about how these two mysteries could be solved at the same time:  Rufus Aldebaran is Kyle Azan!
What if Rufus used the pseudonym of ‘Kyle Azan’ when he woke up in the present time? Maybe, something went wrong with the stasis booths (like advanced degradation or memory loss or something) and he is researching the Relics to try to fix it? And on the way, he met Kamilla (Kat’s mother), and then fathered Katrielle? And then, as the time-travel issues got worse, Rufus/Kyle ‘went missing’ (that is, he ran away), and left Kamilla to try to research the Relics on her own, leading to her death and then Katrielle’s adoption by Professor Layton? 
It’s a long shot, since we know that Katrielle’s father, ‘Kyle Azan’, went missing while researching the relics, and he is not a registered archaeologist. So, why would Rufus/Kyle be researching the relics, if he’s already solved them? Also, this would mean that it’s been about 20 years (Katrielle’s age) since Rufus came out of the time-travelling stasis booths...so why hasn’t he revealed himself to the world, or completed his villainous ‘masterplan’ yet (assuming he is a villain, and that he had a plan)?
But this theory has grown on me because both Rufus and Katrielle have some similar traits: they’re both such drama queens when they solve crimes, they both have blue eyes, and they both talk to their dogs (although it doesn’t look like Rufus’s dog can talk). 
Also, I want to see whether the anime will make Katrielle choose between her ‘two fathers’, maybe in a life or death situation between Rufus and Professor Layton? There’s so much potential for this to become an emotional decision for Katrielle... 
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