#either way this is a PERSON here im dealing with not just a Static Crush i have to be good enough for
myownprivatcidaho · 3 years
hello!! it’s the anon from a bit ago!!!! i truly hope i’m not being annoying and/or incredibly invasive in your life but i know personally it’s always helped to hear other peoples experiences with romance centered things in general. for me i really hit a point where my mental health was deteriorating because this guy wouldn’t answer me back, genuinely it was becoming unhealthy and obsessive and i truly believe you have to have a moment of introspection if it comes to that point. i had to be honest with myself and be like okay sis he either likes you or doesn’t and either out come you HAVE to find a way to be okay with it. it’s not up to ourselves to force other people to do things. i had to have a genuine moment of being like put the phone down, go read a book go sit outside go talk to someone go do literally ANYTHING else then sit around and think about how this guy must hate you because of xyz reasons just because he’s not replying to a text. i will say him not responding was annoying as FUCK but i can also realize that i was putting all my self worth and just belief in LOVE in this entire cellular communication and nothing else which is not good. if you have have a chance to be open and honest about your intentions, and you feel like that’s something you can do…be honest and go for it. tell him directly or semi-directly your intentions. you seem like a lovely bright person and he sounds like he is showing signs of feeling the same way so don’t let something like miss communication ruin your life!!!! again i hope this isn’t like annoying as hell
pls dont apologize! honestly it really does help hearing from other people so ty :D and yeah i think im kinda starting to approach this point where. like yknow its his move and whatever he does i am gonna have to accept it. you ARE right about getting overinvested, i do have a tendency to do that and need to figure how to moderate this one specifically so ty for pointing that out!
#definitely worried about like. voicing interest or being upfront with intentions though yknow#especially like. again idk if hes just extremely shy and/or Doesnt Want To Get His Heart Broken or just like. is attracted but doesnt want#to take tgat anywhere. hes kinda hard to get a general read on at times. i think hes SLOWLY starting to like. unfurl now that im more#deliberately expressing interest#but yeah it was this afternoon that it kinda. ig there was this mental role reversal like.#oh he is a person and inherently a very very imperfect one. and thats gonna entail stuff thatll have to be worked out between us#like yknow when you like someone and youre just sizing yourselfup thinking 'well THEYRE perfect and im ME' and thats the root of your#nervousness.#idk like. with the general options either he just generally isnt fast to respond for other reasons#or hes shy or insecure or something#either way this is a PERSON here im dealing with not just a Static Crush i have to be good enough for#if any of that makes sense#BUT. butttttt. im still wanting to press forward anyways knowing that like. hes not perfect and theres stuff thatd have to be talked about#and worked out. like im still interested in him. kinda worries me even more like if hes nervous over anything and worried i might react#badly. like NO beloved i want to work things out if theres anything you need help with i want to help#and i want to make you soup <3#but yeah man its. Yeah.#but yeah. taking a step back that frustration is valid but i need to not let it get the best of me though#ty again :)#archived.crush
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xtreme-icecream · 7 years
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the usual deal I Guess is for me to draw OC’s in squad batches; this one is a team i’ve nicknamed The Goddamn Squad™, i like 2 imagine them as an action rpg party n that means theyre gonna save the world, As Usual
character into notes in the read more bc Ya Just Gotta
so the one at the top right with the big blue anime eyes is Abel:
-her name is abel bc?? name genders??? theyre like fashion: theyre there for aesthetic. get names that suit your style helen -she wants to *zack fair voice* Become a Hero but like that’s vague and her definition of it changes constantly so in effect her goal is Altruism p much -her way of life is swords. she loves swords. smithing fighting history decorating All of it -The Chosen One™, eventually, after the first third of the story i guess -there’s an important sword see it chooses her lmao  -a Good Misunderstood Orphan-class hero. a naruto. -as u can see she’s every generic inoffensive jrpg hero x10 but with a drop of character development and a dash of gay and also for once she’s a girl (ya gotta). she’s here to subvert everything -also she’s half dark elf (whatever i end up calling those) but she doesnt know and she also doesnt know that the Greater Cosmic Forces have hated her guts for like 7000 years
at the right of abel, the one who looks like she has a bug on her head, thats Ce(ci)lia:
-rich -i drew her a lil more sinisterly than she really is tbh she’s a gentle soul but she presents herself in a way that makes her hard to approach, smh -she’s so nice she’s almost boring. what few snide tendencies she has she got bc abel rubbed off on her.  -she n abel live in the same hometown n go to the same Not Sword Hogwarts school (which her dad owns). they’re two different kinds of top students which means they’re best friends of the rival flavor -theyre also girlfriends they dont know that yet i guess???dam -uses a Gun so u know she’s rich when u fight her lmao -her signature plot weapon is a morphing sentient symbiotic lizard shield thing tho. it cramps her style (gun+shield??blease) but the plot demands it  -most likely to leave the party and Then come back as a duel boss before coming back -im gonna be honest here i’ve always wanted my own riku/sasuke/weiss/celica/zuko character so that’s what she is i guess
at the top left is Hawke:
-like archer elf aladdin but he’s in a thieves gang -he’s a wood elf, different from abel, js -his real name is Marcus Piccabeen and he’s the only guy whose name im Sure of rn. (everyone actually has a surname rn but they need finalizing) -he lies, cheats and steals and such but Actually he wants to be heroic too and climb up the classes in society so when Abel and Celia track down his gang he tags along with them because he thinks theyre pretty cool -he’s a thief but in the party he’s the mage character. his arrows are made of magic bc 1) he cant Buy arrows 2) cant make them either 3) one of his gang friends is a magic genius and taught him -he calls the magic arrows “bolts” bc crossbows and also like when zeus does the lightning thing. they work like that -his other agenda is finding the guys who pillaged his hometown and hunted the elves down but its more of a closure thing than a revenge thing
the guy who looks like if lok’s mako cameoed in thundercats and put on a dead anime mom hairstyle is Damian:
-u talk to him a lot as a suspiciously-designed npc before he joins the team for real. he helps the main party but he has his own thing to do see -he’s of the kind of fantasy race that’s animal people (he’s a lion i think) -(there’s a whole discussion for why he’s so human-looking but it boils down to: My Own Shortcomings. but thats meta talk anw) -he’s some kind of spiritual scholar, his academia whatever is about studying for the betterment of the spirit and society or something. he’s on a research trip that doubles as a pilgrimage. -honestly the most static of the characters so far despite what he’s doing but i’m very close to figuring out his character arc. it has to do with the prince of the main kingdom -exposition? u got it
the generic-looking guy with the undercut is Randall:
-his archetype is that of the sad young man with a dead girlfriend. crush. whatever -that crush was the princess leading the war effort (u can taste the fire emblem) so really i guess he had it coming  -he was like, a handpicked lieutenant or some kind of secondary position like that, which was a promotion from Personal Retainer or something helps to be friends with the princess huh -the princess is a Major character despite dying a third of the way in, and is Very Important to abel’s arc, so he’s here to be her ghost. something like that. -he n the princess were part of a Trio tho; his personal issue has to do with the third character there
finally the ominous one with the not-human vibes is Astreia:
-she’s sboilers,,.,,, -she’s a recurring boss, but for story reasons the astreia u get in the party is Way powered down from boss!astreia -the fact that she’s the last party member would be sbpoilers too if this was an actual thing -the Real zuko but her mark is celia -not from this realm, but after Developments she can’t go back home because the Big Fellas Beyond the Clouds told her to fuck off bc she screwed up -is the lore equivalent of a fallen angel i guess -she’s been here for centuries and only admits after joining the party that she wanted to get along with mankind but they’d find her too freaky :((
anw thanks for looking all these designs are Super tentative they might change tomorrow even *dabs*
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