ak-alexandra · 10 months
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nespounta · 2 years
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#Paris2022 #SomeWhereNearParis #Vitry #NeufQuatre #LegendaryMc #EJM #JveuxDuCash #MyFriend #MorningBusinessMen #MorningEyes #HeFinished #IStart #StillHipHop #DontWorry #Haha #CominBackSoon #StillGuerrilleros #StillForLife #StillHastaLaMuerte https://www.instagram.com/p/CjpCMmNoyPE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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even though Jonny's like short compared to the rest of the mechs, hes the taller side of average for new Texans, maybe an evolutionary thing or a weird mix of alien and human genetics, but new Texans are short. I also headcanon that new Texans look mostly human until you look a little closer, and then you realize their teeth are on that side of too sharp and their nails are just slightly too long, and there eyes glow a bit in the dark, and maybe sometimes they make noises that probably aren't in the human vocal range. I just like the idea of new Texans being a little fucked up, especially jonny.
-mod will
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hershelchocolate · 1 year
Okay oddly specific question but @ the mechs fans out there is there. Any canonical information on Carmilla? Asking for a friend (the friend is me I do not have the time to go through all the fiction please help)
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kellterntempest · 1 year
how the hell was robotnik refraining from kissing this man everywhere.
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jesus christ look at him
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lewisbian · 5 months
…. It’s giving 2011 disney channel red carpet
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You know, if I had a nickel for everytime a podcast has resulted in my music taste expanding, I would have three nickels; which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened three separate times.
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eeejay · 1 year
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sophiagrimes · 8 months
watching the x files like “this should be me and the coworker i have a crush on”
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c0tards--s0luti0n · 2 years
people who write drumbot as just brutally honest (on ejm or otherwise) i love you . btw
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kandicon · 4 months
Actually I think it's severely underrated how fucking funny ejm Brian has the potential to be when there is no actual end. When he's just living on the ship on the day to day between stories and the like. Ends are so, so subjective when there are no wars or really even active society. Stuff like
Brian on his way to the kitchen to grab smth to feed the octokittens -> Jonny and Tim are arguing in front of the door -> he knows from experience that interrupting or trying to get by would only mean getting himself dragged into it -> the octokittens make (most) everyone happy and deserve to be fed food that won't immediately kill them -> conclusion: shoot both Jonny and Tim before they notice him so he can walk over their corpses to the fridge and get the octokittens food
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MJE Brian can’t do CPR because of the damage it can do to peoples ribs, but EJM Brian can
-mod wil
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saym0-0 · 7 months
no one can challenge marius to arm wrestles or thumb wars. or brian on ejm at that matter. you will end up with a broken arm or thumb.
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hyperfixating on Lyfrassir and Marius kissing but slowburn so obviously i was thinking about different scenarios of them reuniting after the Bifrost Incident. And I realized I want more.... Chaotic/crack treated seriously variations.
The dramatic/angry ones and the "found Lyf floating in space half dead" ones are so very delicious indeed BUT it's too late I'm thinking about silly ones now and I have a personal favorite to share:
Marius has been moping (aka in the worst lovesick guilt ridden agony ever) ever since they left Lyf behind, so the crew obviously kept an eye out for any sign of Lyf.
Not too terribly long after the Bifrost, Brian gets a signal while piloting. Whatever it is (Lyf's tiny space shuttle, a random planet, Lyf having stowed away on a large spacecraft the boys get to pirate raid) is based on interpretation ngl BUT Brian finds them. Of course, there are a couple factors to consider:
One, he is on EJM. Two, Jonny and Tim have been complaining relentlessly about Marius's moping (well, most of the crew has, but Jonny and Tim the most). Three, he realizes that The Birthday Day (the day in which the crew of the Aurora celebrate everyone's birthdays at once, since they've all long forgotten their original and time is strange anyway) isn't very far away.
(The fourth secret factor is that while I like polymechs I'm also a big fan of Tim Jonny and Brian being their own thing.)
So instead of reasonably telling Marius, he goes to Tim and Jonny and devices a plan to "make Marius less boring again".
Cut to Marius on The Birthday Day, half-asleep and face tear stained, getting dragged into the common room much too early in the day by these three maniacs.
(Much of the usual stuff has been/is currently being set up by the other crew members- a present pile that doesn't contain all the day's presents nor does it contain solely presents, random decorations salvaged through the years, snacks and a giant pile of blankets and pillows and other soft things in the center of the room so they can pass out there at the end of the day, etc etc)
There's a large box (the kind that look like fancy wrapped presents but have a removable lid like a hat/shoe box) next to the pile the three maniacs are pushing Marius to open ("Guys it's fine I'm really not in the mood for The Birthd- you never let me open presents early is this a trick?"). Marius eventually caves and pulls the lid off the box, the cardboard walls falling to the floor-
There is Lyfrassir Edda, bound and gagged, sat on the floor, glaring the sharpest daggers ever up at everyone. The three maniacs probably shout "surprise!" with shit eating grins.
Marius, both extremely relieved, overjoyed, and terrified nearly has a panic attack removing the bonds and immediately being punched square in the face for his troubles. (It's okay those two will work out their problems- eventually.)
edit: forgot to mention Lyf does 100% in fact have a giant bow stuck on their head and someone in the reblogs beat me to saying that lmao glad you got the same idea
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saintmeghanmarkle · 3 days
So who's paying for Prince Harry's private jet to NYC?? I suspect he's flying private on a jet that's scheduled to depart Santa Barbara airport and arrive at Teterboro airport (the main airport private jets use for New York City) today. It looks like the one-way flight costs US$85100 before tax. by u/BuildtheHerd
So who's paying for Prince Harry's private jet to NYC?? I suspect he's flying private on a jet that's scheduled to depart Santa Barbara airport and arrive at Teterboro airport (the main airport private jets use for New York City) today. It looks like the one-way flight costs US$85,100 before tax. The tail number indicates the jet belongs to Executive Jet Management (EJM), which is a subsidiary of Net Jets (pal Nacho reps Net Jets, so maybe PH gets a friends and family discount?). According to the flight cost calculator on EJM's website, this one-way trip costs over $85,100, excluding taxes. If the non-profit Archewell has paid for the jet rental, the flight would be exempt from California state sale & use tax but most likely not from the US federal excise tax of 7.5% for passengers. Personally, I suspect Archewell Foundation is paying for this. What do you all think??https://ift.tt/kCEw0yD post link: https://ift.tt/tJC4knG author: BuildtheHerd submitted: September 22, 2024 at 05:57PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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moonsfireflies1993 · 11 months
Why Panama is on Strike
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From afar the Panama protests look like maybe a bunch of hypersensitive eco-fools or maybe like those people who think throwing paint on museums is making any difference instead of going directly to the companies. 
The reality is that Panama is protesting way more than just the “contract”. But, let's start with the contract. 
First, the company can own Panama by owning land property of the Panama state" inside or outside the 17,000 hectares from what was licensed.” This means that the ANATI (the National Authority of Land Administration) HAS to give it to the mining company with no setbacks.
The mine puts danger around 8 countries of Centroamerica with already reported 200 environmental damages
If the company wants to own private lands that are located inside or outside of hectares of the land that was licensed. The company can own the land and pay nothing in exchange, with no questions.
The contract was done with random permits without the proper process of acquisition. 
The contract promises to give Panama a very small quantity of payment to Panama when Panama already spends millions of dollars on the state. This means the company will give Panama less money than what Panama already invests in the country. So we are selling parts of Panama for less than what we already invested. 
Panama's government is allowing a foreign company to NOT pay 70% of their taxes during the first 10 years of copper extraction. 
The community of Donoso (where the mine is located) says they see tons of copper trucks going out every week and at the same time they complain they haven't seen improvements in their community. Ejm: railroads, electricity.
The company threatens with an international lawsuit of millions of dollars if Panama doesn't sign the contract. But if the company fails to comply with the contract, claims it will only pay 70 million dollars (Which is less than what they make extracting copper from the mine).
The contract has a clause that makes an actual law. The contract will reign according to the laws of Panama, except if a law looks inconsistent. In other words, if Panama makes a law that prohibits mining or a law that obliges them to pay taxes, because of their contract it will not apply at all because of that clause. 
The joke was that the president signed the contract in less than 3 hours.
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Now, going to the other complaints of the population. Panama already has tons of issues and complaints that are not resolved. These issues have put the whole country on the verge of exploitation.
In September, there were massive protests in several parts of the country because of the sexual assault of the minor Madeleine at the hands of the National Juvenile Assembly. To keep it short. Every year the country makes a national juvenile assembly and this kid was from outside the city representing her district. She ate and drank with each political party and told a classmate to check on her because her water tasted like medicine. The kid hours later was attended by an ambulance with no notification of this to her mom. After this, the kid was behaving erratic and paranoid with a location on her phone that wasn't at the hotel in Panama where all the kids were. The other claims of the event were that all the minors had those dinners with the political parties representatives and on those tables were "Gringos" (foreign European or North American people). Why those kids were sharing tables with gringos in the first place?
When the kid arrived from the trip, she was in a catatonic state and with constant PTSD attacks. There's still no justice or any trace of who were the ones who committed those crimes, and even no accountability by the MEDUCA (The Ministry of Education of Panama).
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It is not the first time since such an event happened at the hands of the state. In 2021, we had another state scandal when it was reported that one of the deputies ( Arquesio Arias) of the national assembly raped several women in the indigenous Kuna Yala region. Of course, you can imagine he was dismissed from the charges and when that announcement was published, one of the victims tried to kill herself and got into the ER.
Then there are the deputies who name some of their relatives to the state payroll and don't even work in the state but take tons and tons of money monthly. Meanwhile, the oncologico hospital keeps getting shortages of injections and gloves.
Panama is considered an international hub, one of the richest countries of Latin America and still we struggle with poverty and access to vital things for the population, why? Because people of the state and international companies steal the money, they sometimes build roads and bridges and the costs are higher to the price from the real costs of those constructions, for example, the Odebretch scandal. They charge lots of money, so they can bribe some of the money to both parties (the construction company and the one who is soliciting the construction.
But then again bribing is part of the panamenian culture as we say "juega vivo", bribing the police, the hospital, and the system is all about money and taking advantage of situations as they come even if it is illegal.
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Is funny we are all fighting for water, Well my friends here where I am with the famous "Panama Canal" that provides us with most of our income as a nation while having lots of rivers and geographically we are surrounded by both the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean, having all of that I get shortages and cuts of water for more than 6 times a month.
This week, the IDAAN (the company that provides water to the whole nation), has been making shortages all week. My family and I have been saving water tanks each day because of the shortages. I keep joking internally that I have a toxic relationship with the IDAAN since we kind of got used to this and the irony is that while the entire country struggles with the shortages they still sign a contract that will even affect the water flow to the Panama Canal in the long term.
The protests are not just because of the damage to nature is that the government sold us to a foreign Canadian company that has shareholders from the US and China to exploit us leaving us with nothing.
My biggest worry right now is that our current president is sick, the whole country knows he has cancer and during his last speeches, he has been looking like a corpse with now rumours of him leaving the country to intern himself to a hospital in Houston Texas. If he dies then probably the vice president has to take charge, but he has been missing since the protests and people HATE him. So yeah, Panama is on the brink of chaos and if that happens .. well
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