ao3feed-the100 · 6 years
Sleeping With a Friend
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2CLgmIH
by EkikaMess
Bellamy and Clarke have been friends for years. Clarke realized her "more than friends" feelings and after trying to drop hints for a year, has decided to look elsewhere.
Words: 2337, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The 100 (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Bellamy Blake, Clarke Griffin
Relationships: Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin
Additional Tags: NSFW, Smut, Bellarke, Modern AU, Friends to Lovers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2CLgmIH
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bellarkewrites · 7 years
Night Blood Temple
by EkikaMess
Clarke is going to try and save those that don't want to be saved, and Bellamy will do anything to go with her.
Words: 332, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The 100 (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Bellamy Blake, Clarke Griffin, Abby Griffin
Relationships: Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin, Bellamy Blake & Clarke Griffin
Additional Tags: could be more to it, depends on the level of inspiration and interest
Read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2nJLrna
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ao3feed-bellarke · 6 years
Sleeping With a Friend
by EkikaMess
Bellamy and Clarke have been friends for years. Clarke realized her "more than friends" feelings and after trying to drop hints for a year, has decided to look elsewhere.
Words: 2337, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The 100 (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Bellamy Blake, Clarke Griffin
Relationships: Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin
Additional Tags: NSFW, Smut, Bellarke, Modern AU, Friends to Lovers
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/16302257
0 notes
imthedoctordonna · 7 years
Lost and Found Chapter 5
I know I am extremely late with this (by like 2 weeks, its ridiculous, I know...) but I had a hard time getting it going and to where I liked it. I hope you enjoy.
If this is your first run in with Lost and Found, know that it is a sequel to my completed multi-chapter fic titled A Woman in Wolf’s Clothing. Felicity is a werewolf (of sorts), Damien Darhk is her father, and Team Arrow (circa season 3) are all ARGUS agents. I hope you enjoy this AU.
It can also be found on AO3 and FFN
Without further ado:
The team was gathered around the center island which was covered in fast food wrappers, cups, and bags when Felicity made her way out. “Good morning Sleeping Beauty”, teased Diggle.
“Not even close, but I am feeling much better, thank you.” She gave his arm a gentle squeeze then moved around him. Donna stepped in front of her daughter, put her hand to her forehead to check for a fever and looked into her eyes. “I am better mom. I promise.” She gave her mom a quick peck, grabbed a burger from the bag then plopped down on a stool, moving things aside so she can open her laptop. “Let’s see if we have an image of who ordered smoked Smoaks.” She took a hefty bite, dusted her hands on her comfy-pants and let her fingers fly across her keyboard. Within seconds she had the recorded video from her crafty cameras and began setting parameters to narrow her search. After a few minutes, a couple burgers, and halfway through her medium fry she exclaimed, “Gotcha sucker!” She hit a few more keys and sent the video to the big screen tv mounted on the wall.
The team gathered around to watch as a blurry silhouetted figure, with a duffel bag in hand, slinked to the front door, the time stamp read 2330, the culprit knelt down, lifted the same rock Felicity had pulled the spare key from, and opened the front door. She looked at the screen with far too much focus, avoiding Oliver’s “I told you so” glance. The lights never came on, and he exited the house about 20 minutes later sans duffel bag.
“Do we have any shots of their face? Body type? Car?” Oliver asked.
“No, those cameras were a decade old and weather worn; but we do have an approximate time and I know for a fact that the security at the front gate is child’s play to get into.” She opened a new program and drew up the feed from the more updated security cameras at the security gate. They scoured through 3 hours before and after the shadowed figure rigged the bomb with no luck.
“Could he be a neighbor? Donna, who all did you tell about Felicity coming home?” Barry asked.
“I… I am not sure. I guess I mentioned I was excited to see her again, but I don’t think I told anyone that she was coming here or when she would get here… I am still pretty secretive over my baby girl. Up until earlier today I thought my ex-husband was still after her.”
“Any enemies you’ve made recently? Any neighborhood disputes? Issues at work?” This time it was Laurel asking.
“I’ve had a few people trying to snake my position at work. I work the VIP rooms on weekends and holidays and get paid a pretty penny for it. A lot of girls want the position, but I don’t think any of them would actually kill for it. I don’t have much of a life outside work.”
Felicity felt for her mom. This beautiful sunshine of a woman was a veritable hermit despite her extroverted personality all because her ex-husband made her daughter into a freak show. Not that her mother would ever use those words, but there were many nights full of teenage angst where Felicity had convinced herself she was a freak and her mother would spend all her free time convincing her otherwise. There was a sense of disappointment that even after her father was apprehended, her mother was still bound by the threat of him. Felicity needed to find the one that tried to kill them, almost as much as she needed to find those missing kids. “I’ll use an algorithm to estimate height and weight, we’ll have to make a guess on gender because the camera quality just sucks.”
“Can’t you just enhance a still? Ya know, like they do on tv…” Roy asked.
“All I would enhance would be his backside. He cut across the front of the yard through the cacti, so it was out of the driveway coverage...” She clacked away at the keyboard for a few more seconds. “So in reference to all the known measurements our boom-boom maker is Roy.” Everyone looked at Roy who paused mid bite, eyes wide with denial and shock. “That is to say he’s about 5’10 and between 160-190 lbs, depending on musculature.” Felicity finished.
“So a needle in a haystack is what you’re saying.” Diggle asked, annoyance lacing his voice.
“I will compare the stats against everyone living or staying in that neighborhood and we can narrow it down from there.” Felicity was compiling her list of possible suspects when Barry’s phone rang, he stepped away to answer it.
“That was Iris. She says Caitlin, Ray, and Cisco are helping comb through the crime scene evidence. They are with the LVPD now. Also, there is no evidence of a Damien Dahrk ever living in the Las Vegas area; but there are plenty of property records pertaining to a Noah Kuttler in all spelling variations. She is emailing a list. According to her source, none of the properties have been sold or foreclosed on, so they might still be in use. This could be what we need to find the bomber.” Barry said excitedly.
“Or the missing kids.” Felicity whispered.
“Alright, when we get that list in, let’s map it out and divvy it up. I want Laurel, Barry, and Roy on one team, it’ll be John, Felicity and me on the other. We will split up and start searching these properties. Laurel, you were a lawyer, could you find a friend in the LVPD and let them know what we’re going to be doing? I don’t want to be disturbed because the neighbors think were breaking in.”
“Excuse me.” Donna interrupted hesitantly, “Sorry. But that may not be the best idea. I know that Noah… Damien… had plants inside the force. The few times I ever tried to enforce the restraining order my brother fought tooth and nail for me to get; were all thwarted by the police officers. They would just drive by, wave at Noah sitting in his car or standing on the side walk and speed off. Who’s to say he may not still have some insiders? That’s why the only person in law enforcement I trust is my brother, the FBI agent.”
“Good to know Donna, thank you. We’re going to change it up then. John and I will take half, Barry and Roy will take the other half. Laurel, you and Felicity stay here with Donna and be ready to help us if we get into trouble.”
“I can look for other security cameras in the neighborhood and see if anyone else got a better shot of his face or other identifying marks.” Felicity said, feeling more herself with a challenging task in hand.
Oliver laid his hand on Felicity’s shoulder and squeezed gently when she rested her cheek on it. “We’ll find them. All of them.”
Barry and Roy came upon the first property. It was an unassuming little brown house on the northern outskirts of Henderson with the closest neighboring structure, a homestead that was likely abandoned in the late thirties, 2 miles away. Barry ran the property line, a perimeter that enclosed close to 10 acres, to look for any threats or signs of life at all. All he found were the infamous Jumping Chollas, but he managed to escape their attack thanks to his speed. He then ran a smaller loop, checking the perimeter of the house itself and motioned for Roy to approach. Side-by side they entered the ramshackle, Felicity listening apprehensively on the comms as she skimmed through security camera footage.
“It’s empty.” Roy said, “Looks like it hasn’t been entered in decades. You’d need a shovel to clean out all this dust.“ He swiped a finger across the window sill.
“There’s no furniture, no art or pictures on the walls, no curtains… It doesn’t look like anyone has ever lived here.”
“Let’s get a team out there to do a full property search. Let’s include some cadaver dogs and ground imaging.“ Laurel said, casting a sympathetic look at Felicity.
“Um. Not to sound gross or ridiculous; but I’m as good as any cadaver dog. Better even, with the whole being able to talk thing. I can go out there now.” Felicity said.
“Honey, do you really want to use your abilities like that?” Donna was getting dangerously close to wringing her hands in knots.
Felicity reached out and held them in her own. “Yes. Because after dozens of cameras and hours of work I wasn’t able to pick up our friendly neighborhood bomber. So why not use the other half of my abilities. I might be able to find something.”
“Wait til I get there.” Oliver ordered. “I’ll take you.”
“No. You search the addresses on your list. I will stay with Roy and Barry. It’ll be fine.”
Oliver grunted in reluctant agreeance and Felicity bid her mom and Laurel farewell, promising to bring back some In-N-Out after her scouting mission.
Night had finally fallen, but that far out in the desert it didn’t really matter. It just meant the rattlers and coyotes had gone to bed and the owls were soaring in the night sky looking for kangaroo mice or a stray cat. The almost-full moon might as well have been a spotlight on the desert, everything was visible as if it were dawn. It also reminded Felicity that in a couple days, she would be useless for 24 or so hours. She had to do as much as possible before the full moon.
She pulled up in a black coupe, (which was so not made for the desert dirt roads) climbed out and inhaled deeply. The Santa Ana’s were pretty calm for now and the clean, dusty smell of the desert and warmed creosote bushes put her at ease. Home.
“What’s up fellas?” She walked toward the two leaning against their own car. “Where do you think I should start?”
“Inside.” Roy suggested. “We couldn’t find anything, but you might be able to.” He tried to hand her a flashlight.
“I don’t need it. I can see just fine. Could you guys stay out here for a bit? I want to make sure I pick up on any and everything, and it’s easier without any extra sensory input.” She had to focus her senses once again, catalog and ignore the familiar scent of hotel soap cloaking the two ARGUS Agents, the creosote bushes; bypass the chirping crickets and the distant sounds of cars travelling too fast on I-15; see through the dust motes floating in the air and the moths looking for their next meal.
The house smelled empty. She could tell Barry and Roy had spent some time in there; but otherwise it smelled… empty. Not like it wasn’t lived in, but unnaturally empty, and it was getting her heartrate ramped up. She looked around the small living room, her once blue eyes reflecting yellow, but she didn’t see anything out of place. It wasn’t until she wandered into the kitchen that she heard it. An echo of her own footstep.
There was a basement in the Nevada desert, and that was not normal. She studied the room, every nook, cranny and crevice; looking for the entrance to the basement. She found a too-wide grout line on the tiled floor and one slightly discolored tile hidden in the small pantry. She pushed on the tile with her foot and nothing happened. The dust on the floor was thick, thinking that maybe that had caused the discoloration (but why it would only be on this one tile in particular, she had no idea) she knelt down and went to dust it off with her hand when she felt the electric charge emanating from the tile. Curious, she felt the smooth tiles on each side of it, no charge. But hovering her hand above the one, she could feel the electricity. “I think I found something.”
“What is it?” Oliver said tensely.
“Not sure. But I think you are going to want to pull Ray and Cisco from the bomb and put them on this. We are going to need their help.”
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imthedoctordonna · 8 years
What do you mean I updated a fic?
Yeah... so after a long hiatus in the fanfic department, I went ahead and posted a new chapter to Lost and Found my Olicity AU fic that is a sequel to my Woman in Wolf’s Clothing. Pop on over to AO3 or FFN to read the fic in it’s uncompleted entirety.
OR you could read chapter 4 below...
               After an hour of briefing the team, pacing the floor, and worrying about Felicity, Oliver stepped in their bedroom to find her sleeping peacefully. He fought the urge to cuddle up next to her and shut the door on his way out. He collapsed on the couch, his whole body exhausted from the events of that morning.
               “Here, eat this.” Donna handed him a slice of pizza that Roy had ordered earlier.
               He chewed it mindlessly, and when it was gone he looked to the woman fidgeting uncomfortably on the couch across from him. “What did you mean by ‘This isn’t the first time’? I have a feeling you were speaking literally.”
               “I was and I wasn’t.” She sat in a pensive silence for a couple minutes before looking to him and continuing. “I have quite a few years under my belt, as you can imagine. Even tried my hand at dating once or twice since I left Damien… those men were only interested in one thing, and it wasn’t something I was willing to give up easily. Felicity. After the third date, when I thought everything was going great and I might actually have the opportunity to be happy again, they would start pushing about ‘When am I going to meet your daughter?’ and ‘Where does she go to school? Maybe we could pick her up someday’ or ‘My cousin would gladly watch her for the weekend while we go to Havasu.’
               The thing was, I rarely ever mentioned her. I am extremely guarded when it comes to her and had mentioned her only once or twice. They were fixated, and that’s when I knew it had to be Damien’s doing. He was trying to get at my baby through me and I was not going to let that happen, so I called off all the relationships when they got too insistent. They were confused, but eventually most of them went their own way without much of a fight. This one guy though, Roger, he took it a bit… harsher… than the rest. He became overbearing and borderline violent. I was truly afraid for the second time in my life. He would show up at the casino and sit in my section. If I would switch areas with someone; there he was. I even went so far as to request a schedule change, or to work the VIP area only and he still found a way to harass me.
               That’s when I asked my brother for some help. He helped me file a TRO by falsifying a few small things here and there and for a while, Roger had disappeared. I remember the relief I felt, not having to fear going to work or letting Felicity ride the bus to school…” She smiled sadly. “Not three weeks later, right as my world started to feel normal again, Roger was waiting by my car after work.” Donna paused, the memory making her voice shakier than she wanted. She wrestled for the strength to speak smoothly and detached, as she always did when it came to recalling that night.
Oliver waiting patiently for her to regain her footing, and only a few minutes had passed when she started speaking again. “He was sweaty and shaking. This angry smile stretching his cheeks too wide. He had said I looked good for an old hag, and that my ‘B’ of a daughter and I had missed the opportunity of a lifetime with him… When I started telling him just where he could shove his ‘opportunity of a lifetime’, he unzipped his jacket. Eight little pipes were strapped to his stomach and…” She took a deep breath and shook off the tears that were threatening to fall. “Anyway, one of my coworkers had seen him in the parking garage and went to get security. They must have seen the bomb on the feed because they made it there only seconds after he had unzipped. One of the officers pulled me behind an SUV while the other tried to talk him down. Roger took off running toward me, but he tripped and accidently set off the device before he could get close enough to kill me. I walked away with some shrapnel wounds and small third and second degree burns.
So other than some rather ridiculous plans that never came to be, that is the first time something, or someone, ever blew up in my face.” She shuddered out a laugh and rubbed her upper arms attempting to fight off the internal chill.
Placing a hand over one of hers, Oliver spoke. “I am sorry you had to go through that, and this may seem insensitive, but do you think your brother would have any information on this Roger? If he was connected to Darhk, we could uncover a whole trove of information.”
“I know he would. I can call him now and see if he can’t pass it to your boss.”
“That would be great, Agent Diggle can give him all the information he needs to get ahold of the director.” When Donna stood, so did Oliver. “You know that by pursuing this new lead, you are going to need to tell this story to Felicity, right?”
“I know. I just wish this is one of those times she was acting like she was asleep but she was really listening to the whole thing…” They both looked toward to bedroom door. When there was no movement Donna whispered “I am really worried about her.”
Me too, Oliver thought. He placed his hand on her shoulder with reassurance and turned to his team (who were currently acting like they hadn’t listened in on the entire conversation) “We need someone in the crime lab helping them sift through the debris and giving us up to date information on the bomber and their handiwork. Also, I need two of you to start on the outskirts of Henderson, working your way to North Vegas, searching for storage units Dahrk might have owned. Look for all his known aliases and ones that seem similar.”
“He went by Noah Kuttler when we were married.” Donna chimed in.
“I can call Iris,” Barry suggested, “She has sources everywhere, and might be able to find more details faster, especially with Cisco and Caitlin.”
Oliver nodded in agreement and with that, the team dispersed, looking for the smallest clue to lead them to the missing kids.
 Hours later Felicity finally stirred, her eyes dry and overly sensitive (which was saying something) and her throat scratchy. If this is what it was to be “normal” she could do without. After a few minutes of sitting on the bed in a fog, she walked listlessly to the en suite bathroom and rinsed her face, attempting to wash away the cobwebs. She realized that the face rinse wasn’t going to wake her up nearly enough, so she started the shower.
The sound of the water hitting the tiled shower wall drowned out the ambient noise that was always driving her to the brink of insanity. She stood beneath the near-scalding heat, letting the water beat the tension from her body and the haze from her mind. Her mind raced over the events of the day, trying to problem solve with minimal facts was only leaving more questions than solutions. It was only when she realized her hands were getting pruny that she shut off the faucet.
She stepped out of the shower and into the steamy bathroom, wrapped herself in the hotel’s luxurious robe, twisted her hair into a matching towel, and proceeded to brush her teeth. So what if it was almost dinner and her stomach was yelling at her? She was finally feeling human again (or as close as she gets at least). Her eyes no longer burned and her headache was only a horrible memory. Feeling miles better she went to the bedroom to get dressed and join the others in the main living area.
She stopped short when she saw Oliver standing just inside the closed door, rubbing his thumb and forefinger together in that adorable nervous way he has.  She let herself enjoy the sight of him for just a moment before reality dragged them back into its all too firm grip. He exuded strength and confidence even when he was worried or unsure, he was safety personified. His shifting stance and furrowed brow made her smile to herself.
“Are you alright? I’ve been worried. We’ve been worried. Your mom says you’ve never been sick. You slept for hours. Should we get an ARGUS medic here? Maybe Caitlyn?”
“I am much better now, Oliver. Diggle is probably right, it’s probably just the let down from the adrenaline rush. No need for a doctor. How long was I out?” She looked down, questions furrowing her own brow, “I woke up feeling like I ate sand. Or like I dipped my entire head into the sand like some sort of ostrich. Though I know they don’t actually…” She took a breath and looked up from her own fidgeting hands to see his smile. “I am good. If I start feeling anything like that again, you can call Caitlyn. Deal?”
As they stood there smiling at each other, Felicity slowly came to the realization that she was wearing just a robe and a towel. Her eyes darted to the bed and back to him, and her heart started racing. She must be feeling better because she was beginning to have many ideas about how to get full use out of that large mattress. He seemed to sense her train of thought because his smile dropped, his eyes went half-lidded and he took a step toward her, matching her own determined steps. They met, not with a crash, but with a caress.
He cradled her face, tilting her chin upwards, and searching her face for the answer to a silent question. Her hand stroked his stubble, she bit her lip, smiled and gave him a nod. Yes, I am ready. He took a steadying breath and grinned.
“Later.” He promised. “When we don’t have half the agency in the hotel room with us.” He sealed that promise with a tender, lingering kiss. They parted when Felicity’s towel fell to the floor. Barry, Iris, Cisco and Caitlyn are looking at all the self-storage places between North Vegas and South Henderson. If they find anything suspicious, they’ll let us know. I’ll leave you to get dressed.” He backed toward the door his hands lingering on her until she was out of reach. “And there is almost an entire spread of Big Belly Burger out there. You might want to hurry before Barry gets back and eats it all.”
Her stomach growled in appreciation, drawing a chuckle from them both. Food was just the right motivator. She was dressed in record time.
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ao3feed-the100 · 7 years
Night Blood Temple
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2nJLrna
by EkikaMess
Clarke is going to try and save those that don't want to be saved, and Bellamy will do anything to go with her.
Words: 332, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The 100 (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Bellamy Blake, Clarke Griffin, Abby Griffin
Relationships: Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin, Bellamy Blake & Clarke Griffin
Additional Tags: could be more to it, depends on the level of inspiration and interest
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2nJLrna
0 notes
imthedoctordonna · 9 years
Lost and Found Chapter 3
I finally got around to finishing this chapter!! Yay!! One day, I’ll be able to turn out a chapter a week again, for now it looks like one a month is barely doable. I hope you enjoy.
You can also read it on AO3 or FFN
Oliver’s heart was in his throat as the last remaining fiery bits of Felicity’s childhood home rained down. He dragged himself from beneath the car and pulled a stunned Felicity after him. He set her on her feet, examining her from head to toe and breathed a sigh of relief when he found nothing but superficial scratches lining her arms and one on her cheek. His hand was cradling her face when he saw awareness of the reality before her creep in.
“You’re ok.” He reassured her, “I am going to check on your mom, don’t move.” He slowly released her, ensuring she had her footing before looking under the car for her mom. He was on his hands and knees ready to coax the older woman out, when he saw her feet. Just her feet.  Oliver stood quickly, raced to the other side of the car, hesitant to see the state of distress he would find her in. Donna had made her way from under the Honda, dress slightly tattered, but standing steady as ever in stilettos. She was dusting off her thighs and shaking her head. “Donna? Are you ok? Do you know where you are?”
“Oh, honey. I am fine.” She dismissed his concern with a wave of her hand, “This isn’t the first time something has blown up in my face. Dammit, I liked this dress!” She was examining a rather problematic tear in the fabric at her waist that revealed a fresh, shallow scratch beneath.
“Mom, you’re bleeding.” Oliver turned to see Felicity, standing tall, assessing the situation and cataloging damages. He could almost see the synapses firing within that amazing brain of hers.
“Felicity, baby. I am fine. You know I’ve had worse than this.”  She smoothed a hand through her hair, cringing at the crunch of the singed ends, then ran her hands down her face and sighed with relief, “at least I still have my eyebrows.”
“I know but…” she rushed to engulf her mother in an embrace. The loss of the home didn’t bother her sentiments, but she knew her mother had worked hard to keep that home, and in the blink of an eye it was gone. “This is my fault,” she said for only her mother to hear, “He found me, and now they want me dead for helping capture him.”
“You did WHAT?!” Donna shouted. “I told you to stay far away from that man, and to let me know if you ever sensed anything. And now you’re telling me he not only found you, but you helped capture him?”
“You didn’t tell her?” Oliver asked, clearly astonished. That was quite a pivotal event to leave out for a few weeks. The sound of rapidly approaching sirens halted their conversation. He called headquarters and was displeased to learn that he was right; Waller was none too thrilled about having to send in a cleanup team so early in the mission.
 “I need to meet our team downstairs in five. You will stay in this room, away from the windows and the phone.” Oliver was not happy with the most recent development in their quest. Why hadn’t Felicity told her mother what had happened over these past few weeks? What was the reason she gave for their interest in her father’s old papers? Most of all, he was pissed that what was supposed to be a discreet, fact finding mission has turned into a no-holds-barred operation, complete with an explosive attempt on their life, the need for their entire team, and constant check-ins with HQ.
“Do you remember that talk we had about my contrary nature? Yeah. I am finding it extra difficult not to defy you out of spite.” Felicity stood in their hotel room, arms akimbo and still smelling of smoke. When she woke up that morning, she definitely had thoughts of being dirty in the hotel room with Oliver. Only, in her inappropriate thoughts, her mother wasn’t showering in the next room and she and him weren’t literally dirty. “And look at those fucking windows! They are floor to ceiling! It’s not going to matter how far I am away from them.”
“I’ll close the curtains, then! Do I really have to explain why it would be a good idea for you to stay put?”
“It’s not the reasoning! It’s the tone! You walk around like you are the “be all- end all”, and that your word is law. Well, news flash sunshine, it’s not. So, if I wanted to call the local news channel and tell them that my psychotic father played around with human genetics, kidnapped and murdered what is likely hundreds of runaways,  made his own daughter into a werewolf, and is now out to get said daughter even though he is trapped underground in his own personal prison cell between a psychotic psychiatrist and a very angry one-eyed Australian; I will.”
“Felicity Megan Smoak.” She cringed as she heard her mother’s tone. “Apologize to that man right now! He has done nothing but protect us since that bomb went off.” She looked as comfortable in a set of Felicity’s baggy pajamas as she did in her dress and heels.
“Mom, I didn’t hear you get out of the shower.” Felicity said sheepishly.
“Obviously.” Donna looked to Oliver, just missing the curious look he flashed at her daughter. “Mr Queen. Agent Queen? Oliver?”
“Oliver, please.” He insisted.
She smiled, “Well, Oliver. If you haven’t noticed, my daughter is a bit of a control freak, and when things get out of control, she lashes out. Take everything she says right now with a grain of salt.”
“Mom!” Felicity muttered indignantly.
“No, she’s right to get upset. See, I have the same problem and I’ve been told I become rather bossy when I feel my control of a situation slipping away. I just wasn’t prepared for an assault on this trip, not of this magnitude, at least.”
“Oh. A man who owns up to his faults.” She said dreamily, “Felicity, where did you meet this one? And is there an extra for me somewhere?”
“The woods, Mom. And no, he’s a one off.” Felicity said, her fingers trying to massage the migraine that had started to build since the adrenaline had worn off. Her brows furrowed in pain and Oliver went on high alert.
“You should have let EMS look at you.” He insisted for the twelfth time since the ambulance had arrived at the house, or what was left of it.
“No, they would have insisted on tests, and my mom will tell you, tests on me are not the best idea. What if they ran a blood test and saw how different I really was? Anyway, it’s just a headache. A shower and some rest and it should go away soon enough. And Digg is at the door.” Felicity walked shakily to the bathroom to shower, two sets of eyes watching her with concern.
Oliver moved toward their hotel room door, and opened it before Digg’s knock sounded. His slightly stunned friend walked in the room and set up a mini-command center on the kitchenette counter within a minute. The only acknowledgement was a mutual nod; there would be time later to talk and elaborate on the situation.
“It’s not normal for her to get headaches like that.” Donna said almost to herself.
“Has she ever had a major head injury? Concussion? Anything like that?” Oliver walked to her side.
“No, not that I know of. But I learned today that distance has made my daughter able to keep some pretty big secrets. Like the fact that Damien has been captured.” She moved her eyes from the now closed bathroom door, and looked into his steadily. “What. Happened?”
“Your daughter and I met under some rather unusual circumstances in the woods one morning. When we went to take her home, her townhome had been ransacked. We were ordered to provide protection detail, and were attacked at our safe house. After that attack, we gained intel on who was trying to get to Felicity; Damien Darhk, the leader of a secret terrorist organization and her father. We set up a trap for him in an unpopulated area and waited for him to take the bait. When he did, we were able to subdue his men and capture him with zero casualties on our end. He was transported to a top secret location where he was interrogated before being sent off to the most isolated detention facility known to ARGUS. He gave us information on his operations and what he did to Felicity and countless others. Felicity feels the need to find every kid he ever experimented on and bring them home, or at least their remains. That’s why we wanted to look through his old paperwork.”
“If she had told me why you wanted to look through that bastard’s things, I could have told you my attic was a waste of time. Any and all paperwork regarding his… work…” she spat out the word like it left a bad taste in her mouth, “was probably kept under lock and key somewhere else.”
“Do you know which one?” Felicity said from the bedroom door. After the fastest shower she had ever taken, a towel was wrapped around her still wet hair and she was wearing blue sweatpants and Oliver’s favorite shirt. After a quick perusal, he knew she was feeling a little better, but pain was still creasing her brow.
“No, baby. I don’t. All I know is that he never talked about his work and he shut down whenever I asked him about it. As it was, I found out he was injecting you with chemicals only after you told me. I’ll never forgive myself for not seeing it sooner…” She shook the guilt back to the recesses of her mind and continued, “Anyway, after we left him, I had your uncle look into him and he found gaping holes in his identity that his initial search couldn’t find. I married, loved, and had a child with a monstrous stranger, who then hurt my baby. I took that precious child and ran. We went off the grid, which was a whole lot easier in those days, let me tell you. My brother was able to get us new social security numbers, but we were able to keep our names. We moved into the house that just exploded and I worked for cash under the table for years. I thought we were safe, that he had lost interest. I guess I was wrong.”
“Not wrong, mama. He moved to Mexico and continued his experiments, figuring that since he did it once, he could do it again. As far as we can tell, he wasn’t able to. That��s part of what I need to find out. I need to know how many kids he killed for his twisted idea of science-assisted evolution.” She started rubbing her temple again, trying to ease the migraine that was still ravaging her head.
Oliver made his way toward her and grabbed her hand, when she tried to pull away he held fast and started massaging the pressure point just above her thumb. “It’s an acupressure trick I learned in my travels.” He whispered.
She grunted a reply and dropped her head to his shoulder. “Mom, I think I have a migraine.”
“You’ve never had one of those before.”
“It’s the adrenaline let down. It’s normal.” Digg spoke softly as he damped a washcloth with cold water. “Is there a comfortable room that can be completely dark?”
“Our bedroom.” Oliver said, his focus totally on Felicity as she was still huddled into his shoulder. “It has blackout curtains and a comfy bed.”
“That’ll do.” Digg led the way for Oliver and Felicity. Soon, the curtains were closed and Felicity had her feet in warm water with the cold damp rag on her neck. “Lyla says this does the trick for her every time.”
“Thanks, John. I’m sure it’ll work. Let’s just hope it’s soon.” Pain laced her voice.  John left the room quietly, but Oliver stayed behind. “I can smell your worry and it’s not helping any. I’ll be fine. I mean; I know I’ve never been sick a day in my life, but we’ve all gotta start sometime, right? I want you to ask my mom a question for me though. Ask her what exactly she meant by ‘It’s not the first time’.”
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imthedoctordonna · 9 years
Lost and Found Chapter 2
It took me a while to avoid real life and finish the second chapter. I hope you enjoy!
You can also read it on AO3
               She laid in that massive king sized bed for two hours, unable to settle her mind enough to get to sleep. The sounds of Oliver shifting restlessly on that deceptively small couch made her even more aware that they were together- alone- in a very nice hotel room without the threat of danger or death hanging over their heads. When she heard him tumble to the floor and curse she had had enough. She fought out of the covers and walked to the sitting room in time to see the man settle back onto the couch with his head on one armrest and his feet touching the floor on the opposite side of the makeshift bed.
“Get in the bed,” She implored.
“I am not letting you sleep on this sorry excuse for a couch. I’ll just sleep on the floor. I’ve slept on worse.”
“Oh, I’m not giving up my spot on the bed, but since the thing is larger than the bedroom I grew up in and can easily fit six men of your stature, I think we can manage to share.” She was too tired to think about anything but sleeping in that enormous bed, the dirty thoughts and perpetual blushing were sure to come with the morning light, but for now… sleep.
“Oh.” Oliver seemed a bit stunned. “I don’t want to invade in your space. And I don’t want you to think that I planned this or expected anything.”
“I know. It’s fine. Listen, we both need sleep. I can’t fall asleep while I know you are out here suffering, so put me out of my misery and come to bed?”
He laid there and considered the options for a moment. Could they share a bed without crossing boundaries? Could their budding relationship survive if said boundaries were obliterated? Yes. “Ok.” He stood up and followed her to her –their- room.
“Now, not to sound picky, but I like the left side of the bed. Is that alright with you?” Felicity asked shyly.
“As long as my body is parallel to the floor, I am comfortable.” He walked to the right side of the bed and they both crawled in.
All Felicity’s bravado left her and she was suddenly feeling very shy. She clenched the covers at her chin and her muscles were so tense her feet started shaking. “Good night.” She said, her voice slightly shaking.
               The tension in her body was palpable and it was making him shift uncomfortably. “Good night.” He rolled on his side, facing her, and attempted to go to sleep. After a mere two minutes he couldn’t take it anymore. “Come here.” He opened his arms in invitation, “I don’t want anything more than to hold you tonight.” He smiled when she scooted into his embrace. “There. This is better.” He place one hand in her hair and the other on the small of her back, while she used one of his biceps as a pillow and placed a hand on his chest.
               “You’re right. This is better.” The tension left her and she melted into his embrace. Within minutes, the couple was asleep. The first decent sleep they had in a long while, but nightmares still tried to surface. Felicity would start making distressed mews and growls which would wake Oliver, he would murmur soothing words and reassurances that he was there and she was safe until she settled back down. Oliver’s muscles would begin to twitch and his brows would furrow, Felicity would wake long enough to soothe him in his sleep and kiss his forehead to relax his expression. They were both pleasantly surprised when they woke to the sun shining into the room, and the alarm clock reading 7:50am.
               “I can’t believe I slept that long!” Felicity said, surprised. “We should sleep together more often. I mean… nope. I said exactly what I meant.” She was now sitting with her arms crossed, refusing to send herself into a babbling spiral after such a glorious amount of sleep. She peeked over to Oliver who had propped his head up on one arm and was smiling at her. “What?”
               “You’re talkative even before coffee.” Just then a knock on the door sounded.
Oliver rolled out of bed and answered the door while Felicity remained stock-still in the bed, listening intently. She heard Oliver thank someone before the door closed and then she smelled it; coffee, eggs, bacon, and toast. The smell was enough to pull her from the luxurious bed and into the dining area. “When did you order room service? Not that I’m not thankful, because I am. It smells perfect.”
“Last night. I made sure to make the order for 8:00 so we could energize ourselves properly before starting our day.” He smiled at her again. He wasn’t typically a morning person, but last night had been the most peaceful rest he’s had in recent memory. It was a fight trying to keep himself from laughing out loud with how good he was feeling.
She blushed, tucked a tuft of hair behind her ear, poured herself a cup of coffee and filled a plate with food. “Do you have an itinerary for today? Or are we just playing it by ear?”
“I may technically be lead on this operation, Felicity, but you have all the cards. What do you suggest we do?” He took a bite of his eggs and waited for her response.
“I have that list of rented spaces from the files ARGUS acquired when they seized his mountain fortress. Also, we could dig around in Mom’s attic to find anything he left behind. She may or may not have saved his stuff, but we’ll have to look to know.”
“We should gather all the information possible before doing anything. Your mom’s attic it is. Will she be there? I don’t want to surprise her, or wake her up if she’s sleeping. I remember you said she works nights.” He hoped that the words didn’t come out as panicked as he felt.
“She is still working. She had the 2-10 shift this morning, but she knows we’ll be stopping by eventually.” She took a hefty bite out of her toast and smiled at him while she chewed. “You’ll be fine.” She belatedly reassured him, “It’s not like she’s armed... I don’t think…”
  Felicity’s childhood home was a desert brown, one story, stucco, ranch and Oliver had a hard time believing a vibrant person such as Felicity was raised in such a drab home. He wasn’t sure what he expected, maybe a bright pink or turquoise, or perhaps even a vivid white with an eccentric trim, but definitely not this brown cookie cutter home that looked so similar to it’s neighbors, it’s a wonder Felicity found it on the first try. The front yard was dirt, gravel, and displayed artfully planted sparse native plants that looked more dangerous than pretty. “Nice. I especially like the spiky cactus looking thing.”
“It’s called a Yucca. That one there,” she pointed to a smaller paddle shaped cacti topped with a purplish bulb, “is a cactus. Prickly Pear. The blooms are beautiful and if you’re lucky, I’ll even find you some Prickly Pear jam. So good!” She lifted a rock by the front door and fished a key from the dirt beneath. She looked back to Oliver and saw his raised brow, “What? It’s a good hiding place! No sane person would ever blindly reach under a rock in the desert. Where do you think the scorpions live?”
“Is your mom not worried about break-ins? Or the fact that your- I mean Darhk could have- I don’t know, kidnapped or murdered you without even having to bust down the door?”
“Oliver. I am going to say this once, so listen up.” She started to open the door but instead turned to face him. “My mom worked hard to get us into a gated community with 24/7 security. She chose a house surrounded by an NRA member, a cop, a special agent in the FBI and an accountant. Not that the accountant would have been able to do much had we been in danger, but still. She did the best she could with what she had, which was damn good. Yes, the key is in an easily accessible and easily guessed spot, but she is safe. I am safe, because of her.”
“You’re right. I’m sorry. I guess I am not used to seeing places without security cameras or guards or razor wire.”
“Oh, there are security cameras. I rigged some up after I graduated MIT to blend in with the overhang, there.” She pointed out the small bump that would look like a structural defect to anyone not looking for it. “I have a few placed around the property, they all run off solar batteries so they are constantly monitoring. Do you want to see them?” Oliver nodded and they walked to the front of the two car garage. She pointed out two more lumps on the fascia. One directed through a knothole toward the driveway and the other pointing toward the yard. “They have color and IR capabilities, so they see everything, day or night. I have the feed set to stream via secured wireless signal to a small server I have hidden in the house. I can remotely access it anytime I need to. This baby is part of the reason ARGUS recruited me.” She beamed up at Oliver, obvious pride in herself shining through her eyes.
“You truly are remarkable.” He looped his arms around her waist and took her lips. Their mouths mated for a brief moment before he pulled back to look at her. “I’m sorry for the careless comment about the kidnapping and murdering thing. I feel this uncontrollable need to protect you and everything you care about.”
“I forgive you.” She went up on her tip toes and pecked him on the cheek, “This time.” Linking hands they began walking back to the front door when a car pulled into the driveway. The early 2000’s Honda Civic parked next to their rental and its engine sputtered to a halt. “Gird yourself,” she whispered and released his hand to greet the driver with a heartfelt hug.
The driver, who Oliver assumed was Felicity’s mom, was only slightly taller than her daughter even though she was in heels. She was wearing a modest navy blue cocktail dress (ok, modest by Vegas standards) and nude heels. Her possibly naturally blonde hair was worn down in cascading waves and her face was lit up with happiness. Her odd high pitched squeal fell an octave when her daughter whispered “Mom, stop.” Their obvious love for each other made his already big smile grow larger.
“Stop what? Stop being excited to see my baby girl after she hasn’t been home in years? I don’t think so!” She squeezed her daughter tighter.
“Mom, we saw each other two months ago, remember?” Her voice slightly strangled from the tightness of their embrace.
“Still, it’s been too long! And who might this be?” Felicity was released and her mom approached Oliver confidently. “Hello, I’m Donna, Donna Smoak. Nice to meet you…?”
“Oliver. Queen. And it’s a pleasure to finally meet you Mrs. Smoak.” He shook her hand, not bothering to dampen down his smile when he looked to Felicity.
“Donna. Please.”
“Donna. Your daughter is absolutely amazing. Much to your credit, I’ve been told.” Felicity was standing to the side, watching the exchange with a mixture of embarrassment and hope.
“She really is. I don’t think I could’ve asked for a better daughter.” She leaned in and kissed her daughter’s cheek with a loud smack, leaving a cherry red lipstick smudge on Felicity’s cheek, then attempted to remove the smudge with her thumb. “Let’s go inside, you can rummage around in that dusty ol’ attic, and then I’ll make you lunch! I threw a bug bomb up there for you last week, so you shouldn’t have to worry too much about the spiders.” Donna linked arms with both her visitors and started to herd them toward the door. “The Santa Ana’s have been bad this year. You’re lucky you flew in on a calm day.”
As if her words reminded the desert of its own weather, a strong gust of wind raced past the trio and pushed open the unlatched front door. In the next second they were all on their backs next to the rental car. Their hair was singed and bits of flaming rubble rained down around them. Oliver shoved both women under the car and crawled after them to wait out the raining debris.
Someone was trying to kill a Smoak. Whether it was Donna or Felicity or both, he didn’t know, but he sure as hell was going to find out.
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imthedoctordonna · 9 years
A Woman in Wolf’s Clothing Chapter 13
Enjoy! Once I got past a small block, this one just flew out of my fingers!
And remember, Comments, Likes, reblogs, and Recs make me giddier than the Duck Hunt dog at a Storm Trooper firing range!’
Oliver didn't want to let her go, not even to walk to the helicopter. He leaned close to her ear and whispered “We could forego the helicopter ride and hike to my cabin instead.”
She breathed deep, unable to stop the tremor that idea sent through her. “While that sounds really, really, good; I think I need to sleep for a few hours before I even consider a hike... or other activities.”
“Sleep it is then.” Oliver murmured just before scooping Felicity up and carrying her toward their waiting ride.
“Dammit Oliver! I can walk.”
“You said sleep before any activities. I am just helping.”
They drew even with Nyssa and Sara as Felicity muttered “We're gonna have a long talk about you and your caveman tendencies.” Sara overheard her and smiled.
“Thank you both for coming. Things could have been a lot worse if you weren't here.” Oliver said to the couple.
“Any time. We were going a bit stir crazy without the adrenaline of battle, so really, we should be thanking you.” Sara gave Oliver a big smile and looked to Felicity, who was a bit embarrassed being hauled around like an invalid, “Call me or Nyssa when you get the chance, we'll have a girls night out... or in. Whichever.”
“Sounds like a plan. And I second Oliver's thank you. I've never really had close friends because – well, you know why- so I am not used to people helping me without asking or without there being something in it for them. You two didn't hesitate, I'll never forget that. If you ever need any IT support, or you know, a supreme hacker, I'm your girl.” Felicity was fidgeting with the strip of cotton that was still wrapped around her thumb, uncomfortable with expressing emotion outwardly.
Nyssa nodded with a small smirk playing across her lips and her wife said, “Duly noted.” They turned and walked back into the forest hand in hand, stepping over and around the remnants of carnage still littering the ground, and looking blissful.
“They're an odd couple.” Felicity mused, “But there's no denying they're in love. It's adorable. Even if they are the scariest two women I've ever met.”
Oliver chuckled and continued to their destination.
“You know, you can put me down, I'm sure I am getting heavy and I don't want to hurt you. You're still recovering from that gunshot wound and the last thing you need to do is reopen it and have it get infected and why are you looking at me like that?”
“Just wondering when you were going to breathe.” He outright laughed when she slapped his chest in reprimand, “I am not putting you down until we get to the Huey.” He lied.
They got to the helicopter, the rest of the team was reclined in varying degrees, coming down off the battle high. Oliver stepped into the aircraft without putting her down, sat down, placing her squarely on his lap and cuddling her tight. She found she didn't really mind. There was a sense of safety and home being held in his arms. She snuggled in to his chest, savoring his scent and the sound of his steady heartbeat. Before she felt the helicopter take off, she was asleep.
Oliver woke as Lyla started setting the chopper down, Felicity still in his arms. It wasn't the most comfortable position to sleep in, but with her ear over his heart it was the only place he wanted to be. “Felicity!” He shouted over the engine, his voice rumbling in his chest. “We're landing. Felicity, time to get up.” He shifted her a bit, trying to wake her gently. She stirred and brought one hand up to his chest, directly in front of her face. Her fingers curled in, her nails scraping his chest making him inhale sharply. The sudden jolt and tension in Oliver's body fully roused her.
Her eyes, still glazed with sleep, went wide at the sight of her hand clutching his shirt and fondling his chest. She looked up at him, noting his dilated pupils and tight smile, and slowly released her grip, one finger at a time. “Sorry.” she croaked, her throat raw from sleep. She crawled off Oliver and sat next to him, instantly missing the heat and comfort of his body. “Where are we?” Her voice was clearing, but she had to put her mouth almost to Oliver's ear so he could hear her.
He brought a hand up to cup the back of her neck before pulling her close and said into her ear “The same place Waller and Diggle are taking your father. It's an off the books interrogation site, don't worry.” He released her, taking note her fast beating pulse, and grabbed her hand. Touching her had become like a drug. He found that if he didn't have physical contact with her, he started getting irritable and distracted. Or maybe that was his baseline. How he was before this enigma of a woman ran past him in a forest that morning which felt so long ago. He'd have to ask John or Barry. Better yet, let's not. They'd never let me hear the end of it. Oliver Queen going soft over a woman? But what a woman! He felt the runners touchdown and opened the door when Lyla gave him the go ahead.
Felicity followed him out the door and was followed by the team. In the movies she always found it funny how everyone would duck out of a helicopter even though the rotors were well above their heads. Now though? She completely understood now. It was terrifying to have multiple blades of death whirring at hundreds of RPMs mere inches from ones head. She did not want a hair cut... or a height change, so duck and run she did. Lyla took off again once the team was cleared. I really have to thank that woman one of these days.
They approached a nondescript building in the middle of a desert. It was one story, made of cinder block and painted a drab tan, making it blend in with it's surroundings. Oliver tapped in the numbered pass code on the keypad and the heavy metal door snicked open. They stepped inside, hit by the cool, humid air the swap cooler was so graciously putting out. The team made a beeline for the kitchen in search of sustenence.
“It'll be another hour or so before they get here. Lets get something to eat.” Oliver held her hand and followed the others.
“Yeah Felicity, let's get some grub!” Barry said after he swallowed a mouthful of sandwich. “The fridge is freshly stocked, so no science experiments this time. Which'll be a shame if someone get's an infection. No penicillin.” He gave a mock frown and took another bite of his food.
“Gross, Barry.” Laurel said, her soda half way to her mouth.
“Nope.” Ray said proudly, “that's science.” He gave Barry a high five as he walked by. Laurel rolled her eyes.
Felicity let go of Oliver's hand and grabbed an apple. She perched herself on top of a bar height chair and began eating.
Roy looked at her in question, “Are you gonna eat any real food? Or just rabbit food?” He pulled his hot pocket out of the microwave. Tossing it between his hands, “Oo. Ah. Hot. I can make you one of these if you want. They're my specialty.”
Oliver popped him upside the back of his head, “That's sad, and still not real food. Chicken Marsala, now that's real food.” He rummaged in the freezer and pulled out a Hot Pocket for himself.
“I love Italian food!” Felicity gushed and looked at her apple disappointingly. “Now my apple makes me sad.”
The group sat around the bunker's kitchen, joking between yawns, everyone was about ready to find a soft, flat surface and crash. Felicity heard a low rumbling engine approaching and wearily looked to Oliver, “I think they're here.”
“Time for the welcome party.” Oliver said. The group fell silent and filed out of the room, almost dragging their feet. They stood at the front door, three on each side. The beep and snick of the door opening had them returning to hyper alert mode. Director Waller entered first, followed by Diggle ushering their now hooded prisoner in by the shoulder, with Waller's driver bringing up the rear. Oliver nodded to Diggle and they switched positions. Felicity watched the four figures walk down the hall, past the galley. Waller, Oliver and her father entered a room while the driver posted guard outside.
“Let's get you something to eat Agent Diggle. You can tell me what your wife's favorite sweets are. She needs all the cookies and candy and ice cream for all she's done for us... me...” Felicity linked her arm with his and returned his smile.
“Chocolate. Chocolate anything. That woman must have a handful of M&Ms every day, otherwise there'll be hell to pay.” He patted one of his cargo pockets, a crinkly-rattle sound made her smile, “I keep a stash on me at all times. Just in case.”
“You are one smart man, sir. A smart man indeed.” She paused just before entering the kitchen with her friend, and glanced at the door Oliver and her father had disappeared into. Her curiosity plain on her face.
“There is an observation room, you know. We could go watch after I grab a bite. I have to warn you though, you may not want to hear what he has to say.”
Felicity nodded in silent agreement. Nothing her father had to say was what she wanted to hear. The man was a monster, experimenting on kids, kidnapping and killing meta humans and humans with abilities. He was just a bad human being all around. But there were things she needed to hear. Like where did he get the children from? Where were they buried? Did their families even know they were missing? She swallowed the bile that had been climbing in her throat since she learned of her father's cruelty.
“Tell us what we need to know about your organization, Mr Dahrk. You don't want it to fall into the hands of, say... Ra's Al Ghul, would you?” Oliver was sitting across a steel table, reclined in his chair, looking deceptively at ease. This man was easily one of the most demented individuals he ever had the displeasure of running into, and in his line of work that was saying a lot. He tapped a pen in the table, letting the rhythmic noise grate on the other man's nerves.
Damian Dahrk's hood had been removed his eyes were steely and claculating as they gazed at Oliver. “Shouldn't you be asking permission to breed with my daughter, Mr Queen?” He raised his hands in a defensive position as far as the chains connecting them to the floor would allow. “Don't get all bent out of shape now. I am all for the match. You are obviously a specimen of peak health, and your ability to survive in even the most inhospitable environments...” he took in a reverent breath, “your offspring would be magnificent.”
Oliver fought to keep his breathing even and the pen tapping at the same beat. He kept his calm by imagining yanking the chains toward him, making Dahrk's head repeatedly slam into the unforgiving table between them. “Where is your main base of operations?”
“Really, I couldn't have picked a better mate for her myself. Now, I can't guarantee her purity. She was with a man, a boy really, for a while a few years ago. I made sure that didn't last long, and it was far enough back it shouldn't have any affect on any potential litters.”
Oliver snapped. Well, it was more of a controlled snap really. He hooked the man's chain with his foot and pulled it toward him so quickly Damian's head left a dent in the table which was quickly filling with his blood. Oliver let him sit back up, and when his head lifted and he saw the knowing smile on the evil man's face, Oliver pulled his chain again, this time with enough force to knock the prisoner out.
Waller emerged from the dark corner of the room where she had been observing, “That's enough for now, Agent Queen. You may go.” Oliver stood and walked toward the door, “She's in the observation room.”
“Thank you,” he said quietly and stepped out.
The guard that was posted outside the interrogation room was nowhere to be seen and Felicity was no longer in the observation room. Instead, she was standing in the hallway. Her tear streaked face was turned upward, staring blindly into the florescent lights. He strode toward her, wanting to catch the drops that were steadily racing down her cheeks. He cupped her face, his thumbs wiping the wetness away. Looking into her eyes he could see a part of her had fractured while listening to that farce of an interrogation. “I'm sorry. I am so sorry.” He didn't know what else to do so he pulled her into his chest and kept her there, his arms wrapped tight. Her once silent tears had turned into wracking sobs and he felt lost. Lost and angry and helpless. It was then he noticed the observation room door was open and Diggle was leaning against a work bench watching Oliver and Felicity with sadness in his eyes. What do I do? Oliver mouthed. Dig just shrugged his shoulders and mouthed No idea.
They stood like that for what seemed like forever, but was probably only ten minutes. Felicity had cried her eyes dry, they were red and swollen, her nose was leaking and she had a migraine starting. She stood up straight, took a deep breath, and slapped Oliver in the shoulder. “Don't you ever let me cry like that again. Now look at me. I'm a mess. Where's the bathroom?” Oliver pointed to a door next to the kitchen, speechless. “Thank you.” She walked down the hall, as tall as he'd ever seen her.
“That's one tough cookie you've got there.” Diggle appeared at his friend's side. “You really hit the jackpot with that one. I call shotgun on being best man.”
Oliver just grinned at his partner, the heaviness of the situation lifting slightly. “It's a bit too soon to think about marriage, isn't it? I haven't even known her a week.”
“Man, marriage or no -and I fully believe marriage is a yes between you two- if you don't snap that woman up fast, someone else will try. Maybe she'll even think that someone else is good enough for her.”
Oliver fought down jealousy toward Dig's hypothetical 'someone else' and smiled, though it looked more like a grimace. “Understood.” They were still watching the bathroom door where Felicity had disappeared when Waller stepped out.
“I think we are going to have to try a different approach. Where's Ms Smoak?”
“Sorry ma'am.” Felicity called from down the hall. “I had to take a potty break. What do you need?” Her eyes were still red, but the swelling had reduced dramatically, her nose was back to it's original shade and dryness, and her face had been freshly washed. Her gait was almost military-esque. With a tight posture and even steps, she approached the small group.
“I'd like you to interrogate him.”
“No. Absolutely not.” Oliver objected.
“Director, do you really think that's the best idea?” Diggle inquired.
She gave a look that silenced them both, “Ms Smoak has proved to be more than capable in the field and she is Mr Dahrk's primary focus. It may be that she is the only one who can crack him.”
“I'll do it. I just need a tablet that is connected to wifi.”
“Why?” Waller asked
“He has a pacemaker that sends automatic updates to his cardiologist. If the cardiologist needs to tweak, say, the amperage that the device needs to put out, he can do that remotely. I can hack into said device and... alter the settings.”
The men looked at her in question.
“I hear heart attacks hurt like a son of a bitch.” Felicity said matter of factly.
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imthedoctordonna · 9 years
A Woman in Wolf’s Clothing
Yay! Chapter 12 is here. Real life was less cooperative this chapter, as was my fickle muse. But here it is! 
Thank you to the lovely thebelovedsaralance for her assistance with Hebrew. I am happy to admit that I still have much more to learn about everything. (How boring would life be if you knew everything? RIght?)
You can read it on AO3 too.
She turned toward the mill as Oliver picked her unconscious father up in a fireman's carry, faded sounds of battle were still piercing through the forest. Felicity wanted it to end, all the hurt and pain and fighting, so she loped into the clearing. There were only about a dozen H.I.V.E. operatives left, she sprung for the one closest to her as he was training a gun on Ray. She swung her muzzle under him, tossing him into the air with a turn of her neck. The armed man landed several feet away head first, knocking him out. She was looking for her next target when she realized everyone had stopped fighting and were staring just beyond her.
“We have your leader. Surrender, and you'll be allowed to leave here alive.” Barry stood ready to resume battle if they refused.
Weapons clattered to the ground and those that wielded them went to their knees. “Secure them all.” Oliver ordered. “And someone get me on a direct line with Waller. We need a clean up team.” He looked to Felicity, “Let's go secure this.” shifting his comatose passenger, “Then we need to talk.”
Yeah we do she thought, leading the way into the mill as the rest of the team secured those that were still alive. Oliver found a solid metal chair and set Dahrk down, zip tying his wrists to the arm rests and ankles to it's legs. Felicity sat facing the men, exhausted and panting, adrenaline still making her canine heart race.
“You may as well go change.” Oliver said, refusing to look at her.
Well, fine. Jerk. She thought as she stalked toward the stairs. Telling me what to do like I'm some dog. Ok, so I am a wolf, but I'm a woman first.She was quietly growling to herself and mentally berating Oliver as she ascended the stairs. A yelp escaped her when she cut her paw on the threshold. She quickly shifted back into human form, knowing that doing so could make the injury worse. “Son of bitch!” She muttered and stuck the bleeding thumb in her mouth. She was searching the desk drawers, hoping for an old first aid kit or some band aids. “Hell, tissues and tape would do, just give me something.” She said around her thumb.
“Are you alright? I heard you yelp.” Oliver took in the sight before him. A naked Felicity, thumb in her mouth, bent at the waist looking through the desk with her free hand. “You scared the shit out of me.” He gulped, trying to swallow the gravel that had gotten in his voice. Focus on her face. Focus on her face. Try as he might, he couldn't stop his eyes from tracing over her body.
Felicity had frozen in place, her mental tirade was so loud that she didn't hear Oliver make his way to the office. She pulled her thumb out of her mouth and it instantly started bleeding again. “I'm fine, I just cut myself on one of those damn screws in the threshold thingy. And breathe, you're turning red.” She stood up straight, shaking off her growing arousal at his perusal, she felt at a distinct disadvantage being the only one naked, “What? I know you've seen naked women before. Hell, you've seen me naked before. Get over it.” She popped her thumb back in her mouth and continued her search. When he didn't move she looked up at him, “If you're not going to help me find a bandage, you should probably keep an eye on the maniac you have secured to a chair downstairs.”
Oliver snapped out of his aroused daze and focused on the blood seeping out of her thumb. Why must this woman always be injured? He pulled off his outer shirt, made of an amazingly light bulletproof fabric/ polymer blend developed by Cisco, and his white undershirt. Grabbing it with both hands he ripped it until he had a strip of fabric that was sufficient.
Felicity looked up at the sound of fabric tearing to find Oliver without a shirt, muscles flexing, the star tattoo on his chest dancing. She had to keep her jaw from hitting the floor. Elohim Yishmor! He. Is. Perfect . When he began to walk towards her purposefully, she stuttered “W-what are you doing? Why are you shirtless? I-I mean I am not complaining... Wait, yes. I am complaining. It's hard enough for me to tamp down the sexual tension in here when I am naked in front of you, you removing any bit of clothing does-” She paused. Oliver was breathing heavily when he grasped her hand. Her thumb had already started healing and the bleeding had slowed to an ooze, if she were anyone else (except Barry) stitches would have been necessary. Oliver wrapped his torn shirt around her thumb, tied it off and walked out of the room quickly. “-n't help any.”
Diggle was keeping an eye trained on Dahrk, waiting for the slightest movement so he could knock him back out. He did a double take when he saw Oliver walking out of the office shirtless and tense. “Is everything ok?” He asked when Oliver stood next to him.
“It will be when this is all over. Did we get a hold of Waller's direct line?”
“Palmer made contact with an encrypted line and she is sending a small, trusted clean up crew. She has also enlisted Caitlin and Cisco in finding their mole.”
“Good. What are we going to do with this one?” Nodding his head toward their prisoner.
Dig breathed deep, “I am waiting for him to try and run so I can shoot him in the kneecaps. Legally.” This was the man who had ordered the hit on his brother, leaving his sister in law a widow, his nephew without a father, and his parents without their youngest child. He deserved to die, or at least live in soul crushing pain for the rest of his life. But so far as Diggle could tell, this man didn't have a soul left to crush.
“He'll answer for Andy, John. I promise.” Oliver place a comforting hand on John's shoulder.
They kept a watchful eye on their prisoner and checked on the rest of the team and their captives in turns.
“You forgot this.” A now fully clothed Felicity shoved Oliver's bulletproof shirt into his stomach. Her eyes were focused on the floor and a blush was creeping up her neck.
Oliver smiled a bit at her shyness. It certainly wasn't evident when she was walking around the office, sans clothes and bending over where she liked... his member was straining against his jeans just remembering. “Thank you.” He slipped the shirt back on, more for her than himself.
Barry walked into the mill, “You do know that is going to chafe your nipples if you don't wear something under it, right?”
Felicity's eyes shot to Barry in a surprised look, “What?”
“The shirt. It's a specialized bulletproof polymer of Cisco's own design. It can deflect bullets, arrows, most knives, even electrical currents to a point. It also is microscopically rough. Like to the point you sand off live epithelial cells and you bleed. Nipples included.” At Felicity's horrified look, he continued, “Have you ever seen pictures of a marathoner crossing the finish line? Sometimes they have been so chafed by their shirt that blood is just... blech.” Barry cringed, “It's kinda like that only it happens within minutes, not hours.”
“Oh.” Felicity pursed her lips in thought and looked at Oliver's stoic expression. “Fine. Here, wear this.” She removed the old college shirt Oliver had given her, exposing the fitted tank top she was wearing underneath. Oliver took it from her relishing its warmth and her scent. “Wouldn't want to file those nipples off.” She froze, her now empty hand abeyant. “And now that I've said that sentence, I am going to go over there and bury my head in the saw dust.” She walked to the wooden bench she and Roy had sat on earlier and let her head fall back onto the derelict machinery with a loud thud. She tried to push everything out of her mind, her father's evil presence that was still making her hackles rise, the battle that just happened outside, the battle from Oliver's cabin, her extreme attraction to Oliver. The entire week needed a redo and she just wanted everything but her new friends to disappear. I need sleep. She lifted her head and let it drop back a few times, letting the metallic clang echo throughout the building.
“You're going to get a headache doing that.” Diggle sat down next to her.
“Damn, I was trying to knock myself unconscious. A hard reboot if you will.”
He chuckled and turned to her, “You'll get through this. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for. There aren't many people who would defy a direct order from Agent Queen, and even fewer stand up to him afterward.” He place a reassuring hand on her shoulder, “People like that, like you Ms Smoak, are resilient.”
She patted his hand, “I haven't told him off yet, but you can bet that we'll have a few words when we get the chance.” Putting her forehead to his shoulder, she exhaled deeply. “When will the clean up crew get here?”
Diggle wrapped her in a hug, “Soon. I promise. Then, we'll get you a safe place where you can relax.”
She hummed her approval. “And what's going to happen to him?” She pointed to the figure secured to the chair, “Not that I would care if you sent him to Guantanamo Bay. Or wherever evil criminal masterminds are sent. Is there such thing as a good criminal mastermind? I guess Robin Hood? But he wasn't exactly good for everyone, was he?” She yawned, “I'm sorry. When I am tired my mouth has a habit of running away from me.” Her head was still resting on Diggle's shoulder and he still had an arm wrapped around her. She drifted in and out of awareness, her brain shutting out everything but noise and even that faded in and out. The sound of chopper blades brought her to full awareness. She stiffened when she realized she was no longer laying against Diggle. It seemed Oliver and he had traded places at some point and she was sleeping with her head on his lap.
“I know you're awake.” Oliver ran a hand through her hair, “The cleaners are here.”
“Where'd John go?” her voice was thick with sleep.
“Your father started waking up, so we switched. He has a bit of a score to settle with Dahrk.”
“Don't we all?” she muttered. Already she was making lists of things she had to do when this was over, a priority being finding those kids her father had abducted and murdered under the guise of scientific advancement. Not only did she have to find the names, but she had to find any remains, she had to send them home. If they didn't have a home, she had to give them a proper burial. “I need access to all his records.” Oliver started to object, and she sat up, “This is nonnegotiable, Agent Queen. I need his records, but only up to when he abandoned my mother and me.”
“Felicity, this isn't your battle.” They had stood and Oliver's hand ghosted over the scar he left on her shoulder.
“You're wrong Oliver. Kids. He abducted kids and subjected them to experiments, tried to make them what I am, but they all died instead. I wasn't born like this, a monster from a fairy tale, he made me this way.” She was choking back the dam of tears that threatened to drown any semblance of sanity she had left. “He took them, killed them, and has no remorse. None. They need to be brought home, Oliver.”
His hands moved to cradle her face, he looked into her eyes, his thumbs wiping the tears that escaped, “We'll make it happen.” He hugged her close and rocked a bit, trying to soothe her.
The ARGUS agents had landed and were ushering the prisoners that were outside onto the CH-47F Chinook, securing them to the unforgiving bench that lined the aircraft's walls. After the prisoners were all loaded and the dead lined up for the second trip, the pilot approached Oliver. He didn't let go of Felicity, but when she pushed away from his chest to dry her eyes, he looped an arm around her waist and pulled her to his side, not wanting to let her go.
“Sir. Ma'am.”He nodded to them, “The prisoners are all loaded and secured. We are taking them to an undisclosed detention facility. Director Waller will personally collect Mr Dahrk within the hour.”
“Thank you, Agent Vargas.” At Oliver's acknowledgment the pilot turned on his heel. They stood together silently and waited for Waller to arrive. Her personal M-WRAP made it up the mountain 30 minutes after the Chinook had left.
“Mr. Dahrk. Nice to finally meet you. Your daughter is a major asset to our organization. As a matter of fact, she had a major hand in the majority of our ops against H.I.V.E. She's one smart woman.”
“Thank you, I made her myself.” Damian said cockily.
“No. I don't believe you did. You may have provided half the genetic material, and the serum that robs her of ever having a normal life, but shemade herself. I am sure if you ask her, she'll tell you the only effect you had on her adult life was her inability to fully trust anyone. Which has now been absolved. So, in the end, past conception, your existence in her life has meant jack squat.”
Felicity sent her boss a watery smile. “She's right, you know. Except for every 28 days, when I will curse your existence for the rest of my life, you wont cross my mind.” Felicity lied, knowing his disregard for the children he tested on may occupy her for years, “I have found people I can share my secret with, friends. And those friends just so happen to be in a position to lock you away for the rest of your days. Which may not be very long, judging by how hard that pacemaker is working.”
Oliver walked in front of the once proud scientist and gave him a dark smile. “I have the perfect place in mind. A tropical island I spent some time on a few years back. You'll love it.”
Diggle, who was watching from the sidelines with a pleased smirk, came forward and cut the zip ties while Oliver kept an arrow trained on Dahrk's eye. Once the prisoner was secured, hands cuffed behind his back, shoelaces tied together. (Felicity's doing. So she had a childish desire to see him fall on his face... was that so wrong?) Dig walked the man to the waiting heavily armored vehicle, accompanying the Director and her driver back to the designated interrogation site.
Oliver wrapped his arms back around Felicity when they were alone again. The others were policing the perimeter, triple checking that there were no stragglers. Their transport, Lyla with a Huey, was en route. “We need to talk about what happened tonight.”
“Only if you want to talk from your back.” She quipped. When he raised his eyebrows she shook her head, “What I meant is that if you want to berate me for doing what needed to be done, what instinct told me to do, I will drop your ass to the floor.” She stepped out of his hold, “I am not a dog, no one tells me to sit or stay. I was in that office and I could feel him nearby, even in my human form the hairs on my neck rose. My wolf remembered him, his scent, even if my mind couldn't. My animal side knew that he was demented, cruel and unnatural, even when my human side though he was merely a deadbeat dad and a criminal.”
“Felicity, I didn't treat you like a dog. That was not my intention at all. I treated you like someone with very little battle experience. You may have been the bait in this trap, but you were also here to be protected.”
“I know I needed protection. That's not the issue. The issue is that you-” she poked him in the chest “- thought I was some meek female who would just go with whatever you say. Newsflash, Oliver: I am never going to blindly follow you.”
“You could have been hurt again!” he shouted, his worry leeching through as anger, “You just ran out in the middle of a fucking firefight, one whereyou were the intended target. They could have grabbed you. They saw you run past them and started to converge behind you, like they were herding cattle, leaving you no escape. So, hell yes I told you stay put! To stay safe! And I'd do it again!” He ran a hand through his hair then said quietly, “I need you to be safe.”
She bit her lower lip reached out a hand to raise his chin and met his gaze. “The mission was noble, but the execution was flawed. I know we hardly know each other, and whatever this is between us is unique and intense and scary on a whole lotta levels, but all you need to do is explain why you want me to do something. I may not always listen to you or follow your suggestions, but I would consider including you in any rash decisions I made.” She grinned, “Life with me will be a lot smoother if you just ask not order. I mean, not that you want to spend your life with me, we are just starting out. Wait, are we starting out? Never mind, I need sl-” Her run away mouth was stopped by Oliver pressing his lips to hers.
“Something has definitely started.” He chuckled lightly, recapturing her lips for a heated kiss. All their pent up desire making itself known with a clashing of tongues and tangling of moans. Oliver's hand slid down her back and grabbed her tank top in a tight fist, pulling her flush with his body. Her hand snaked into his hair and tugged a bit, illiciting a growl from Oliver. The approaching whoop whoop of Lyla's helicopter had Felicity breaking their kiss, leaving them both gasping for breath. Oliver touched his forehead to hers, trying to regain strength in his legs.
Felicity cleared her throat, “Our ride is here.”
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imthedoctordonna · 9 years
A Woman in Wolf’s Clothing- Chapter 11
My children were blessedly cooperative this week as was my muse. I was so psyched to write this stage of the story, it came right out. I hope you enjoy! Please like and share if you like it, it always gives me smiles. :-D
You can also read this on AO3
They took shifts sleeping. During her turn, Felicity just reclined on the sofa and stared at the ceiling. Logically, she knew she needed rest, and she considered asking Oliver or Sara to knock her out again, but she didn't want to risk hurting anyone during a nightmare. Waking up after pinning Oliver to the floor was unsettling. She felt herself almost changing, Oliver's hands on her face were the only thing that grounded her. So, instead of risking the others, she stayed awake. She could hear the others discussing options to lure H.I.V.E. out.
Thirteen hours. Thirteen hours at the mill and still no company. They finally decided to report their location to HQ in hopes that if there were a mole, their location would be leaked. That's a hell of a thing to wish for, Felicity thought. This whole situation was all sorts of messed up. Still, she had a passing desire to write the whole thing down in hopes for a movie deal. Smiling to  herself she was debating on casting choices for the team... if only she could remember the names of actors.
Roy plopped down on the wooden bench next to her, “Whatcha grinnin' about?”
“Wouldn't this be an awesome movie? I mean, not this this,” She made a sweeping gesture toward the mostly deserted mill, “but the whole last week? I would pay to watch that movie, and I would pay even more to make it all only a work of fiction.” She smiled cheekily at him. It had been such a comfort to find she genuinely liked every member of this team, it almost felt like it was a home she never knew she was looking for. She leaned and shoulder bumped Roy and they both chuckled when Roy bumped her back.
“Here,” Roy handed her a nutrition bar, “Diggle wants to know if feeding you again will help him move up the ranks. Though I am not sure how much higher he could go. He's been ribbing Oliver this whole time, saying now he is a god among us mere men, 'as decreed by The Fel Moon'.”
With her enhanced hearing Felicity had heard that exchange and she silently laughed as she heard Dig dodging Oliver's playful attempt to swat him. She also heard Nyssa challenge him for his throne, and Dig concede to share his omnipotence. They would each have three days a week of being all powerful, with alternating every other Saturday.
Even with all the easy smiles and shared laughs, the nervous undercurrent remained. There was always a team member watching the radar, another watching the monitors, one on the roof overlooking the exterior of the building, while one slept. During their downtime they ate, joked and laughed out their rising tension, and mentally prepared themselves for battle.
It was two hours later when Felicity's smile vanished. She stood, dropping her canteen to the floor with a clatter, and raced to a window. She turned her head slightly and listened intently. At her sudden movement, everyone else had gone on full alert and moved to their positions, except Oliver. He had followed Felicity.
It took a minute before she could decipher the unfamiliar noise as the buffeting of a helicopter and the drone of a bigger engine much further away. Registering and cataloging those noises she filtered them out and kept listening. She heard the high pitch whir of several someones sliding down a rope, multiple thuds hitting the ground. Further still, she could hear the whipping and snapping of fabric in the wind. “Helicopter, just outside the radar range. Several men rappelled out. Unknown numbers. Also, there is something else. A flutter and snapping sound, like a flag, only not. It's getting closer. Fast.” Felicity made sure her comm was on and in so the entire team could hear her. She looked over to Oliver, his face was stern and pensive. She heard a resounding thud from outside and a whispered holy shit from Sara.
“Oliver. Digg. Come check this out.”They rushed over as Sara explained what she saw. “This guy just fell from the sky. There's not much left.”
“Looks like his 'chute failed. Poor bastard.” Diggle said. “Ray, did you pick any aircraft up on the radar?”
“No, none at all. Not even that helicopter Felicity heard. I ran diagnostics and the radar is working like it is supposed to be, they are just staying out of range.” The juxtaposition of him sitting at a table, typing furiously on a laptop while dressed in his Atom suit was almost comical, but the frustration over the lack of information wasn't.
“I guess we figured out what that flapping noise was.” Oliver said, “Look, here.” He pointed to the still figure on the monitor. “Oxygen tank. It was a HALO jump. Too high to be picked up on our damn radar.”
Felicity had to swallow bile as she realized she had just heard a man falling to his death. “That would be the bigger engine I heard, then.”
“OK, Felicity. Get to the office.” Oliver issued the order. Felicity fought her contrary nature and went. Not without muttering under her breath, of course, but one could only ask for so much.
Everyone that had converged on the video monitors went back to their positions.  Nyssa was on the roof, accessed via a crudely cut hatch above Roy's designated perch. Sara and Ray were still studying their respective screens, with Barry looking over their shoulders, and would stay until they were needed elsewhere. Diggle and Laurel were stationed on either side of the largest breech point, a huge roll up door flanked by a walk through door. Oliver and Roy followed Felicity up the office stairs to get in their positions up high.
“We've got movement.” Sara said through the comms five minutes later. “They've stopped along the treeline. They've completely surrounded us, but they aren't moving in.”
The screech of a bullhorn cut into the silent tension. “Felicity.” The man dragged out her name expectantly, “Come on out. Don't you want to see your dear old Dad again?”
Felicity moved toward the door, “Oh, I want to see him alright.” Oliver stepped in her path. “What? I wasn't going to go with them. If that's what I wanted to do, I would be long gone by now. I was just going to give him a one finger salute. Forcefully.”
“How about we let Nyssa deliver your message instead.” He reasoned.
Felicity gulped, still not entirely comfortable with the whole violence thing, but she nodded. She leaned into his hand when he cupped her cheek and looked into her eyes. “Take the speaker out, Nyssa” Oliver directed. “Everyone else, be ready. They'll be approaching from all sides.” He took a deep breath and his eyes dropped to her lips. In a desperate, 'this may be the last time' move, he snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her tight against him. Their lips met in a frantic clashing that was over all too soon. He released her and stepped back. “Stay safe.” Then he was in battle mode, racing along the trusses, joining Nyssa and Roy on the roof to thin out the attacking masses.
“You too” Felicity said to the empty office.
Nyssa released her arrow and the man with the bullhorn fell, dead before he hit the ground. There wasn't a war cry from the mob. They didn't scream and charge like they did in the movies. Rather, the silent kill was like a starting pistol. The flock of black clothed warriors charged the mill at full speed, the only sound was their feet racing across the ground.
“They're on the move! Fast!” Sara shouted, abandoning the monitors, running to a lesser breech point, a side access door, joining Ray. Barry raced out of their door to start injecting those he could with the custom knock out serum, focusing on those that seemed to be issuing silent orders.
Felicity watched and listened to the team, and even with two unexpected elements, Sara and Nyssa, they worked like a well oiled machine. Everyone knowing their part and what they needed to do. Everyone except her. She stood there in the office, locked away like some damsel in distress, which was technically correct, but metaphorically it was so wrong. She was no wilting lily to be protected. Stay safe she scoffed internally, fat chance! She had just opened the door when she smelled it, amid the spilling blood and fear and adrenaline, it was there. So familiar, and yet unknown. She could feel her inner wolf's hackles rise and she knew it was a danger, one only she should face. She looked down at her clothes, still in the pajama bottoms and Oliver's shirt. Not wanting to ruin them she removed her earwig and stripped down, folding her clothes and placing them on the couch. As she shifted her into her wolf form, she hoped Roy was focused on anything but her. The last thing she needed was the team wasting their energy and time trying to stop her.
She raced down the steps, the man-made staircase uncomfortable under her paws, approached Sara and Ray, hoping they would put up the least amount of fuss and open the door for her. When Ray saw her he let out a startled gasp and stepped back, Felicity turned her now yellow eyes to Sara, who seemed unfazed by her canine self, and jerked her head toward the door.
“Oliver is gonna be pissed.” Sara said as she turned the handle, “Who cares? Get it done. We've got your back.” She opened the door just enough for Felicity's large wolf form to pass through.
Stepping on the pea gravel was a definite improvement over the concrete floors inside. She could see the charging mass was now only a football field away, running for all they were worth. A blurred streak weaving throughout, dropping the higher ranking warriors as it passed. She was still hidden in the shadow of the mill, trying to pinpoint her target via smell. There. To the south, past the bodies, still waiting in the trees. She focused her hearing on that one point, trying to discover anything she could, and she located a heartbeat. It was strained, unnatural, stuttering then resuming a regular pace. Pacemaker she thought. I can hack that.
“Dammit Felicity! I told you to stay safe!” She heard Oliver's almost panicked whisper. “Running unarmed into a field of people who are trying to kidnap you while the people trying to keep you safe are shooting at them is not safe. In fact, I think it's the exact opposite of safe.”
She wanted to talk with him, to reassure him that she's be fine, that she could handle herself, to explain why she had to do this, but there wasn't any way she could do that now. Maybe when this is over. She sprinted for a large gap left by her friends. Dead, unconscious, and wounded bodies littered the ground, forcing her to leap over them. In little time she had made it to the treeline, the battle started to converge behind her. She ignored the rushing H.I.V.E. operatives and stalked her target by smell. Her hackles rising, a menacing growl escaped her throat. When she wove around the final tree, she saw her target, the man whose scent made her senses revolt, her very own father.
“Hello Felicity. My, aren't you beautiful.” Damian's voice was laced with an indistinguishable accent, so different from the Americanized father she remembered.
A snarl was ripped from her throat at the memory of all the pain this man had caused.
“Now, now baby girl. Is that anyway to treat the man who so gracefully gave you this gift?” He gestured to her form, “I worked so hard to develop a serum that wouldn't kill it's host. So many children sacrificed their lives for you to have such an amazing one. You really should be thanking me. Without me you wouldn't be nearly as magnificent.” She noticed that his breathing stayed steady and his pacemaker had to zap his heart about once a minute, but even that was beating at a regular pace. He didn't fear her. He didn't have any remorse for the awful things he had done, even experimenting on his own daughter. “Your mother, God bless her, started growing suspicious when you mentioned my lab and that all the shots were worth it since you got to play with the cool equipment. I was going to kill her, you know. It would have been so easy, but she took you and ran to her brother's. Well, I couldn't kill an FBI agent, his family, and his sister and not attract too much attention. So I took my formula and disappeared. I was proud to see you graduate top of your class at MIT, though.” He started walking towards Felicity, so she began circling him. A constant growl rumbling out of her throat.
The sounds of fighting had grown closer, she could hear the sickening blows of hand to hand combat, but she was determined to not be distracted. She heard Barry run behind a tree,  out of her father's sight line, it was comforting having him at her back. With the knowledge she had a friend with her, she shifted to her human form.
“You are a despicable human and I am ashamed to share a bloodline with you. Why? Why would you take children to experiment on? And your own daughter? No wonder your heart keeps trying to stop beating, it must have died long ago.” She stepped forward, her bare feet crunching leaves and snapping twigs, her body fully exposed to the elements, to this vile stranger in front of her. “Is there anyway to reverse what you've done to me? Biologically, I mean. I doubt I'll ever get over the psychological damage.”
He let out a humorless laugh, “Children are resilient, and no one ever missed those runaways kids. Don't worry. There is no way to go back. Your gift is permanent. I fused your DNA and RNA with that of a rare breed of lupine found in the Siberian tundra, along with several other nifty things that I would love to teach you about. That's why I decided to find you, to bring you into the fold.”
Felicity's brows furrowed, “No. That's not it. You need me for something.” She was still walking  in a circular pattern, prepared to transform again if need be. “No, if you wanted me to join the family business, you would have approached me straight out of college. What is it?” Her mind was working quickly, fitting the pieces into place like a puzzle. “Oh, my... you've lost the formula! You can't figure out how to replicate the experiment that made me... this” She gestured to her body, mocking her father with a laugh. “You want me only to dissect me and make another. The same thing you've been doing to other special people throughout the world. Well, Sorry to disappoint you, daddy-o-mine, but that ain't gonna happen.”
She heard Oliver whisper from twenty feet to her left, “We've got you. Go into your wolf form, we'll take him down.”
Her taunting words enraged her father, his heartbeat sped and the pacemaker struggled to keep up. At his screaming charge, she morphed back into a wolf and leaped toward him, pinning him to the ground with her massive paws. One paw on each shoulder, her bared fangs heaving hot breaths on his fragile neck, her yellow eyes boring into his hollow, grey-blue ones. Both were animals filled with rage, but the only monster was pinned to the ground by his own creation.
Oliver and Barry approached slowly, “Dammit, Felicity. I told you we had him.” Oliver said, Felicity growled in response, she had a few select words for him when she could speak. He kept an arrow trained on Damian.
Barry leaned down and, with more force that was necessary, jabbed the leader of H.I.V.E. with the knockout concoction. When he lost consciousness, Felicity backed off.
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imthedoctordonna · 9 years
A Woman in Wolf’s Clothing
Chapter 10 is here!! I love how it turned out!
Also read it on A03
The abandoned mill was big enough to fit a football field inside, there were no walls on the main floor and all the equipment was still in place. There was a staircase in one corner that led to a second floor office with large windows overlooking the floor, Oliver and Felicity walked toward the office while the rest of the team fanned out to scout the area.
“You know, when I thought 'abandoned sawmill' I didn't think that the saw blades would still be here. It makes it kinda extra creepy.” Felicity said as she touched one of the large circular blades. “I just figured they would gut the place when they left. Scrap metal and such. Good thing I am up to date on my tetanus shot, just looking at some of this stuff is giving me lock jaw.”
“Maybe you shouldn't touch the saw blades then.” Oliver suggested.
Felicity fought the urge to act like a twelve year old and mock him, “You're right, I think I've filled my quota of being injured by pointy things. Don't you?” She smiled up at him.
“Felicity.” Exasperated, Oliver grabbed her hand and pulled her along until they were beside a behemoth machine that sheltered them from view. He backed her against the machine and leaned in to kiss her, stopping just before he captured her lips to give her the chance to turn away. He was relieved when she didn't even hesitate to close the distance, meeting his lips for a fast scorching kiss.
She pulled away smiling. “Let's go up those stairs. I love danger, look at me! Risking tetanus, splinters, crumbling stairs, a broken heart... I am a regular Laura Croft, only without the shorts. Or gun. Or boobs.” She ducked under his arm and moved ahead toward the office. She was exhausted, that was the only explanation for her rash behavior. She hadn't slept for more than a three hour stretch since the battle at Sara and Nyssa's, now she was just kissing the very attractive ARGUS agent whenever she pleased. Ok, not whenever she pleased, because then their lips would never separate, but it happened twice now and she couldn't even muster up an ounce of regret or trepidation.
“How much sleep have you gotten since Sara's?” Oliver was concerned. Her walk was unsteady and she was a bit shaky, and while he would love to take credit for having that affect on her, he knew that it was due to more than their latest kiss.
“This is nothing! You should have seen me during finals week at MIT, I went a full week with about 6 hours of sleep, twelve pots of coffee, and who knows how many red bulls. I was so wired with caffeine that I swear I could smell colors.”
“You didn't answer my question.”
“About eight hours... total. Which is awesome, considering I was able to ace my courses on only six for a full week.”
“No one is able to fully function on that little of sleep.”
Felicity started up the rickety staircase, “Who knows maybe there's a coffee maker in the office. Though, I'm not sure it'd be a good idea to drink from a stranger's coffee pot that has been sitting for five years. And I didn't bring any grounds with me, I know I definitely wouldn't drink anything brewed from years old grounds.” She opened the door and waited for Oliver to catch up. “Unless it was still sealed, then I might just try it.”
Oliver walked into the office behind her, and when he saw the couch was still there he promptly pushed the same pressure points Sara had and put her to sleep. Catching her on her way down he scooped her up and laid her on the couch.  “Sorry, Felicity. But no, you won't.” Yeah, he just put one of their early warning systems out of commission temporarily, but she needed the sleep. While she dozed he walked around the office, scoping out firing positions and vantage points. He noted the rafters, each I-beam about a foot wide, which was plenty of space to run the width of the building, and each truss was spaced ten feet. He knew he could clear the distance with specialized arrows and cover the length of the building. If need be, he would never have to touch the first floor until he left. He put in his earwig to communicate with his team. “Harper, come up to the office.”
“Ooo, some one's in trouble.” He heard Barry over the comms.
“Keep it up Barry, and you're next.” Laurel piped in.
“Now kids, no fighting.” Diggle chirped.
Roy went up to the office, eyes growing wide when he saw Felicity on the couch snoring ungracefully. “What happened? She was all but bouncing of the walls in the helicopter...”
Oliver fought down his blush, “I... helped her.”
“Oh, no. you used Sara's pressure point trick, didn't you?”
“You are in so much trouble, Oliver. She is going to kill you!” Barry laughed at him through the earwig.
“I didn't call you up here for you to question my actions. I called you up here to show you that.” Oliver pointed to a triangular shelf hidden in the corner about four feet from the roof. It was almost shrouded in the shadows and would be a perfect sniper's (or archer's, in this case) nest. “I want you there when this goes down. I will be moving via the rafters and you will be my covering fire. If anyone aims for me, you get them first.”
“What if it's Felicity?” Roy tried to hide his smirk.
Oliver just pointed to the door, telling his teammate to kick rocks using only that gesture.
Palmer came over the radio, “We have incoming. Two bodies. On foot from the south. Permission to engage?” He asked.
“Negative, let's see who our guests are before we kill them.” Diggle said, already moving to the south side of the mill to greet the visitors.
Through the trees two slight figures emerged. One was short and lithe while the other was only slightly taller and had a graceful, predator's walk. When they were 200yards out Diggle finally recognized them. “Stand down. It's Sara and Nyssa.”
“We heard about the developments and wanted to help.” Sara told the team once they gathered on the main floor.
“We appreciate the help, lord knows we need it, but Laurel really shouldn't have told you.” Oliver insisted. Laurel was a fantastic lawyer, and she had the potential to be a great ARGUS agent, but she was in serious trouble if she talked to her sister about classified missions.
“Excuse you!” Laurel scolded.
“Felicity called me.” Nyssa said quickly. “She knew I was at odds with my father, and she wanted to talk to someone who had been through something similar.”
Laurel crossed her arms and glared at Oliver.
“Where is Felicity?” Sara looked around for her newest friend.
“She is sleeping, we are going to need her at top form. For that to happen, she needed uninterrupted rest.”
“Oliver used your pressure point trick on her.” Barry tattled.
“Actually, Barry. It's his pressure point trick. One of many he has. He even has one that can stop a man's heart.” Sara smiled at him.
Barry looked to Oliver, a new mixture of awe and fear shone through his eyes.
Diggle said, “I'm still waiting for him to show me that one. He was able to restart the heart with just one touch. That would come in handy.”
“It's only handy if you need to convince someone that a person you don't particularly want to kill is dead. So it's not too handy.” Oliver explained. He looked around at his team and his friends. He knew he was lucky to have found new friends and to have kept the old ones, but he couldn't help but feel the picture of this crazy group wasn't complete without a certain blonde, currently passed out, werewolf genius. She really did fit into this ragtag family like a keystone.
The smoke was still billowing from Laurel's ears when Oliver pulled her to the side and apologized. “I am sorry, Laurel. I never even considered Felicity would call one of them. I was wrong and I am sorry.”
“You will never question my integrity again. You may not like that I carry a weapon now; that I take my battles to the field and not the court room, but you will respect it. I am working my ass off for this team and I think I've earned some respect, don't you?”
“You're right. I should have asked before jumping to conclusions. Sorry.” She searched his face and found his sincerity. He always admitted when he was wrong, even when he didn't like it at all. With a wave of his hand he ushered her back to the group. “Nyssa, not that I am complaining, but why did you come to help Felicity?”
She looked at him deadpan, “They tried to blow up my house. I had just planted that garden.”
Sara wrapped her arms around her wife and laid her head on Nyssa's shoulder. “And she has major daddy issues.” Her face brightened with a smile when she heard Nyssa's offended scoff. Nyssa couldn't fight off  her grin in return, even as she poked her wife in the ribs.
Oliver looked at his watch a while later and was surprised to find a few hours had passed since they arrived. The team (including the two temporary members) knew their positions and defense strategies and were prepping their weapons and minds for battle. The electronic early warning system was set up, they were able to place wireless, IR, battery operated cameras around the exterior of the building, a rudimentary radar was placed on the roof with the monitor set up in the middle of the warehouse and was manned by Ray.  The supernatural early warning system was still asleep on the couch upstairs. Oliver decided he would let her sleep only five hours for now, then, when all this was over, he would ensure she slept almost all night. Almost.
After triple checking the team was ready, he trotted upstairs to the office. He heard distressed noises coming from inside and went on alert. Drawing his pistol from his side holster, Oliver pushed the door open. The hinges creaked and Felicity's eyes snapped open. Before he could register his surprise, she was on top of him and growling and his pistol had slid across the office floor, stopping under a large metal desk. It was clear to him that even though her eyes were open, her mind was not on the same page. She was in the midst of a nightmare and Oliver wasn't sure how to pull her out of it.
Her pupils were refracting light, giving off an eerie white glow, and the yellow was overtaking the blue in her irises. He could see she was on the verge of changing so he slowly lifted his hands to her face. “Felicity. It's ok. You're safe. It's just me, Oliver. You're ok. I've got you.” He was whispering softly, caressing her cheekbones with his thumbs. It took about half a minute before the blue filled her eyes again and her breathing slowed. When her mind reached full awareness, she looked at him, frightened. His hands still cupped her face, his eyes trying to project comfort.
“Did I just almost kill you?”
“You think I'm that easy to kill? Felicity, I survived years on an island called Purgatory, a few months as a prisoner in Hong Kong, a stint with the Russian mafia, and countless other life threatening ordeals. None of which I enjoyed as much as you tackling me.” He brushed back a few strands of hair that had fallen into her eyes.
Her head tilted and she raised and eyebrow in thought. Quickly, her eyes narrowed and she punched Oliver in the shoulder, “You asshole! You used the pressure thingy on me, didn't you?”
“You needed the sleep! You were considering drinking antique coffee, brewed in an even older, abandoned coffee pot! You'd have gotten tetanus! Or rabies... or something. Point is you would have made yourself sick, then you would have really been out of it! What use would you be to anyone then?”  He wanted to rub his shoulder, she probably left a bruise.
She sat up and crossed her arms, “Agent Queen. When this is all over, I am going to kick your-”
“Everything alright up here?” They heard Ray from the door way. “We heard a bit of a commotion and I drew the short straw and...” he finally took in the sight before him and stuttered out, “A-am I i-interrupting something?” He looked between them then said to himself, “So this is why we drew straws...”
“Out!” Felicity pointed toward the staircase.
Ray made a quick exit calling out to the rest of the team, “She's awake and he's still alive! They're good.”
Oliver chuckled and shook his head. He hadn't realized his hands had gone to her hips automatically until his thumbs started ghosting over her hipbones. He was fighting the urge to shift, knowing he had grown half hard with her straddling his hips and he didn't want to frighten her off.
She was still seething, her anger shoving down the fear and guilt she felt. Even with the few extra hours of sleep that were forced upon her, she needed caffeine. If there was coffee in this joint she would have it, tetanus be dammed. Suddenly she was hyper aware of Oliver's hands, his thumbs in particular, and where she was sitting. A shudder ran through her before she could stop it.  She was astride this very sexy, infuriating man, wearing his old college shirt and assorted clothes he had bought for her, even underwear. It was ridiculously intimate and extremely sexy. A part of her wanted to collapse back down and capture his mouth, feel his fingertips dig into her hips and hear his heart rate increase like she knew it would. It would be so easy, but now was not the time or place. Instead, she grabbed his wrists gently and removed his hands, choosing to stand up and walk away.
“I guess you think I should thank you for knocking me out? Even if I do feel a bit more human, I don't feel like thanking you.” Felicity turned her back to stretch out the remaining haziness left over from sleep.
Oliver stood and adjusted himself while she had her back turned. “I only did what I felt was necessary. You were literally unsteady on your feet, swerving everywhere like a drunk. You needed sleep.” He took a deep breath, “I didn't know about your nightmares.” He said it like an apology. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“No.” Oliver nodded in acceptance but at the look of disappointment in his eyes she added, “I just need some time. It's over for right now. But I need caffeine. I am getting withdrawal headaches.”
Oliver wanted to tell her the headache was likely from lack of sleep, instead he said, “Lets go see if we can't convince Barry to make a quick coffee run.” He let her lead the way downstairs, “Oh, Sara and Nyssa showed up. Next time, tell me before you start letting others in on the top secret mission.”
Felicity stopped suddenly, she turned and looked up at Oliver. “I didn't exactly call her to tell her what we were going to do and when. I merely called her to commiserate over our father's being both assholes and criminal masterminds. I am sorry if I tried to seek solace with someone who survived a similar situation to mine. Next time I get my period and need to bitch about it, I'll run it by you before I call Caitlin. Will that be good enough?” She turned back around and stormed off to find Barry.
Oliver stood stupefied for a few seconds. How did she turn the situation around like that? Make him feel guilty over her telling someone else their mission? He shook the mention of her period out of his mind, because what man wants to even go near that subject, and followed her down the stairs.
Felicity had marched down the rickety stairs in search of Barry. She found him standing next to Diggle, likely talking about food or strategy. “Barry, I have a ginormous favor to ask of you.”
“Sorry, Fel. I can't kill my supervisory agent, it's against the rules.” He looked over her shoulder at Oliver and smirked.
“Thanks for the offer, but I could handle that myself. What I really need is coffee. Could you run to the nearest town and pick me up a cup... or pot?” She asked, fluttering her eyelids in mock flirtation.
“I got this.” Diggle said as he walked over to his pack. By the time he had finished rifling around, he had pulled out an old fashioned Moka coffee pot, his canteen, an MRE and a sealed tupperware full of coffee grounds. “I never leave home without real coffee. You never know when a two hour mission will turn into multiple days.” He poured water into the MRE heater and started setting up the coffee pot. “Overseas, we were only given instant coffee in these things.” He gestured to the open MRE package. “It was not a good substitute. So after the first few deployments, I started packing my own and my brother started sending me real grounds in his care packages.” He placed the Moka pot on the heater and tossed the food to Barry, who dug in greedily. Diggle remembered the taste of the food and shuddered, “You know that contains enough calories for the average grown man, right?”
“I'm not an average  grown man.” Barry said around a mouthful of food.
Dig chuckled. He handed Felicity his canteen cup, making sure she held it by the wire handles, and poured the dark, aromatic blend into the bean shaped vessel.
She inhaled deeply, “Have I ever told you that you are a God among men? Because you are. I am sending Lyla an 'I'm jealous' card.” She took a tentative sip and her eyes rolled back in her head.
“I've been promoted from an angel to a God. I like it.” He smiled.
“Giving me caffeine will do that for ya.” She sent him a wink and he laughed out loud. She leaned against a table and enjoyed her coffee, knowing that soon, there would be very little to laugh or joke about.
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imthedoctordonna · 9 years
A Woman in Wolf's Clothing
I've reached chapter 7!!! A little more Olicity in this one. Enjoy!
The medics came into the library and assessed Oliver's injury, a through and through gunshot wound that nicked the brachial artery. Felicity had saved his life by using the quick-clot, now they just had to avoid infection and he could be cleared for full duty in a week or two. 
After the medics patched up everyone else (a few cuts from flying glass and some splinters, all superficial) the ARGUS Director, Amanda Waller, demanded that she talk with Felicity alone first. At Oliver's out of character insistence she agreed to talk to them together. Oliver told their mostly-believable story in a short and succinct manner, and neither he nor Felicity could tell if she believed it.
“And you have no idea what they need your... expertise for?” Waller was an intimidating woman. It didn't matter that she was probably 135lbs soaking wet in combat gear, the glint in her eye marked her as someone not to be trifled with.
“No ma'am.” Felicity resisted the urge to gulp down her nerves. She didn't like lying, was never very good at it really, but Oliver had somehow convinced her this was the best course of action. “All I know is that I went to the cabin to spend some time with” she took a deep breath to calm her heart rate and smooth her trembling voice, “with Oliver and his friends and they attacked. Not Oliver and his friends attacked, H.I.V.E. attacked. Then when Barry rushed me home after the attack, they had ransacked my apartment. I didn't tell anyone where I was going, so it makes sense they'd look for me there first. I mean, where would you typically be at sunrise on a weekend. Not that I am asking you personally.” Waller's gaze went flat and Felicity flinched inwardly, “It was just a hypothe...” She was having a hard time stopping the words from falling out of her mouth.
“Felicity.” Oliver grabbed her hand, effectively silencing her babble, “It's ok. I'm sure she understands.” To keep up their pretense of a relationship, Felicity was sitting on the same couch that Oliver was reclining lengthwise on. He had shifted, carefully so as not to jostle his shoulder, just enough so she could perch on the middle cushion, her bottom pressed against his hip. “When Barry called me to report the break in, I had them gather what Felicity needed and meet me here. I knew this place was well defended, heavily fortified, and off the grid. I thought she would be safe. I wasn't counting on H.I.V.E. putting trackers in her clothes.”
“All of which I plan to burn, by the way. Which really sucks, I love these pajamas.” Felicity looked forlornly at the hearts dappling her thigh.
“I'll buy you more.” Oliver said quietly, still holding her hand.
This act felt too natural for them, she wasn't sure if he was saying that as Oliver Queen (her pretend boyfriend), or Agent Queen (the man who inexplicably felt responsible for her). She tamped down the tears that wanted to spring forth in thanks. Instead, she just nodded.
Director Waller cleared her throat. “How did you find out there were trackers in her clothes?”
“Agent Diggle was able to acquire that information from one of the men who stormed my cabin. He put it all in the after action report.” Oliver explained, making sure she knew they followed protocol. Last thing they needed was a suspension and an internal affairs investigation. Waller looked mollified, but Felicity was still on edge. He stroked his thumb along the back of her hand to try and ease her tension, but it didn't seem to help.
“Ms. Smoak, are you sure this had nothing to do with your father?”
“M-my father? I haven't seen or heard from that man in over twenty years. I don't know what he does for a living or if he is even still alive. Frankly, I couldn't give a damn either way. If he is responsible for this fiasco, I can assure you I will string him up myself. After I find him, of course.” She was sick of her emotions flying all over the place. She needed space. And sleep. And a shower. And ice cream. And netflix. “Can I go now? I need to shower and sleep and eat. If I am deprived of any of those for much longer, things will get ugly. And fast.” When she made a move to stand and storm off, Oliver released her hand only to sit up and loop his uninjured arm around her waist.
“Stay put for a just a little bit longer.” he whispered into her ear.
She felt that whisper to her core and closed her eyes to savor it. She took a shaky breath and looked to Waller. “Was there anything else you needed from us Director Waller?”
“Just one more question,” Oliver saw a sparkle in the Director's eyes that made the arm enclosing Felicity grow tense, “Could this attack have anything to do with the fact that you're a werewolf?” At their very loud silence she elaborated, “It's almost insulting how you two think I could be so easily fooled. Do you truly think I would let anybody work for ARGUS without knowing everything about their lives?” She pointed to Felicity, “I know you're a werewolf,” and then to Oliver, “and I know you two aren't dating. At least you weren't as of this past Friday.” She looked between the two, analyzing their body language and chemistry. “Looks like you may be now though. Don't worry, I don't have issue with interoffice relationships, just keep it out of the office and don't let it affect your work.” She leaned back in the arm chair and crossed her pant-clad legs. “Well?”
Felicity exhaled loudly, “I told you this wouldn't work, Oliver!” She said in a scolding whisper, but when she made another move to stand he held her by his side. “Yes, Madam Director. It is likely because I can change into a wolf. That's the only reason I can think of. The best I can gather is that they were lying in wait at my apartment, but when I didn't return at my usual time, they ransacked it. I figure they tracked my movements through the woods and followed a trail to Oliver's cabin. I aided in a mission a few weeks ago where the same sniper was spotted that they used this morning. Yesterday morning? This morning. What time is it?” At Waller's silence she continued. “So when I saw him at the cabin, I had an idea they were there for me. When Barry took me home and I saw the damage, that pretty much sealed it for me. The rest of what we've told you is the truth.”
“I see. And why didn't you make it back at your usual time?”
Felicity pulled her lips inward and gave Oliver the side eye.
“That would be my fault, Director. I shot her. In the shoulder. With an arrow. But in my defense, she was in wolf form and I didn't know she was a part of ARGUS.” He pleaded, trying to explain himself. Surprise cracked Waller's poker face.
“I was running! Home! I wasn't a threat to anyone!”
“You were running into a trap! And I told you I was sorry!”
“You didn't know that! And sorry didn't exactly stop the arrow mid flight did it? No. I did.”
Felicity's eyes were narrowed, shooting imaginary daggers into Oliver's while his seemed to be knocking the daggers down as they came. The tension between them was palpable. As they continued their staring contest, they seemed to drift closer.
“Stop.” the director said quietly. They both blinked and looked at her. She knew if she didn't stop their fight now, it would either end in bloodshed or sex. She didn't want to witness either. “Now that I know the truth, we can handle this accordingly.” Waller stood and walked to the library door, “I expect to see both of you in the office no earlier than Friday.”
“Yes ma'am.” Felicity muttered at the same time that Oliver said “Understood.”
“I really am sorry, you know.” Oliver whispered after the door shut. He had loosened his hold on her waist and was absently tracing her hipbone with his tumb.
“Oliver.” She sighed deeply, and rubbed her eyes with her thumb and forefinger “I know. I know you're sorry. Listen, I am tired, greasy, traumatized and hungry. Nothing I do or say right now should be taken to heart.” For the second time since Waller arrived she attempted to stand, and for the second time he stopped her.
“Before you go, let me check your shoulder. You've been taking such good care of me, I'd like to return the favor.” He tried not to let his desperation to keep her close leach through his voice. When she conceded he held in his sigh of relief and waited for her to pull up her shirt.
She grabbed the bottom of her over-sized sleep shirt and turned her back to Oliver. In one swift movement she pulled it over her head. It didn't matter that she had the shirt clutched to her breasts, she was still sitting topless in front of one of the sexiest men she had ever met. Tamping down her increasing sexual desire, she peeked over her shoulder in time to see Oliver's pupils dilate with desire before he masterfully closed off his expression. She could hear his heart rate increase, but said nothing about it. After all, she was not thinking straight and he was injured, giving in to any of this tension would be a bad idea. Epically bad. Or epically good. She wasn't ready to find out yet.
Oliver thought she would just raise her shirt so he could see her shoulder. He didn't expect her to take off her entire shirt. He was starting to imagine taking her from behind when she looked over her shoulder at him. He had to take a cleansing breath and remember that he was supposed to be inspecting her wound, not having a million different fantasies about a woman he impaled with his arrow. Even his self chastising was becoming sexual. He gave himself a mental head shake and reached for the bandage on her shoulder. As he peeled it away, he noticed that it was almost 100% healed. The only evidence that remained was a pink scar about three inches long and a small scab in the center. Clearing his throat his said “I think you can just manage with a band aid now. I can't believe how fast you heal. You're amazing.” His hand caressed the scar, stroking from one end to the other and back. Before he could stop himself, he leaned forward and kissed her shoulder just above the wound.
Her breath hitched. “Genetics. I have nothing to do with how fast I heal.”
“That's not the only amazing part about you, Felicity.” his hand started to caress her side.
“And on that note; I need to go.” She quickly put her shirt back on and stood. This time, Oliver let her leave.
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imthedoctordonna · 9 years
A Woman in Wolf's Clothing- Chapter 6
Another chapter down. Enjoy!
The battle had lasted all of 15 minutes, but it felt like hours. Felicity didn't know how many people she shot and she wasn't sure she wanted to. Barry had made it back into the house right as her first clip ran out and he helped her reload. Between the four of them that were still able to fight, they were able to eliminate about half of the approaching force, capture two currently unconscious H.I.V.E. agents, and force the rest to retreat. They were able to get Oliver, who was much heavier than he looked, back into the library and started an IV. Felicity stayed with him, it distracted her from the reality that she likely took someone's life that day. Logic didn't help, the thought of 'kill or be killed' just didn't feel like a good enough reason at that moment. Who was she to say that her life was more valuable than theirs? So she kept busy listening to Oliver's heartbeat, checking his blood pressure, cleaning the blood from his skin, dressing and redressing his wound, she even had to remove his blood stained shirt. Anything to keep her mind off the report of the gun or watching a man crumple to the ground, dead before he hit it. She may live her life as a fantastical creature used to amplify man's fear of the night, but she wasn't a monster.
Oliver came to gradually, seeing Felicity sitting next to the couch looking haunted. He noticed that she had changed into a soft, gray, over-sized t shirt and a pair of pink pajama pants that were covered in multicolored hearts. “What happened?” he rasped.
She started. “Good. You're awake. What the hell were you thinking, passing out on me? Making me shoot that damn gun? Are you crazy?” she hit him on the hip.
He rolled with it and gave her a small smile. “I didn't have much of a choice, Felicity. Between the pain and the blood loss, my body just gave out on me. I promise it won't happen again.” He saw her face fall and the worry settle back onto her face. He cleared his throat, “What happened, Felicity? Is everyone else alright? Sara? Nyssa? Barry?”
“They are all fine.” She waved a dismissing hand.
“Then what is wrong? You look like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders.” He reached out and grabbed her hand, “Felicity?”
“You fainted Oliver! You passed out and left me with a gun. A gun I fired several times! Into a crowd of people. I even had to reload twice. I cry over roadkill, Oliver. If I run over a snake or see a dead raccoon on the side of the road, I am devastated. Despite what I said about deer this morning, not even my wolf form hunts or kills. Tonight I may have killed someone or several someones. They were a son or daughter, husband or wife, mother or father. Oliver, I may have made a kid an orphan! And don't tell me that it was kill or be killed, me or them, because I have been telling myself that since the battle ended and it's not working!” She dropped her face into her hands and cried quietly.
“Shh.” Oliver reached for her. “I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't want you to have to do that.” He stroked her hair to soothe her. “Come here.” He said, indicating his uninjured side, “Sit with me.”
“No. I am going to tell the others you're awake.” With that she was gone. She moved so fast, he'd swear the devil was after her, and maybe he was.
Barry was the first to come in, “Tough luck, man. A three inch gap and they nailed you in the shoulder.” Oliver grunted in response and Barry looked toward the door, “You should have seen her. Calm, collected. Breathe in, breath out, squeeze. Repeat. You'd think she was trained for it.” He shook his head. “The aftermath is hitting her hard though. I've called this in to HQ, they should be here soon. How are you feeling?”
“Like I've been shot, stabbed with a hot poker, then hit by a truck. She ran out of here pretty fast.” He looked toward the door, wishing she would walk back in. He remembered his first kill, and every one since, no matter the circumstances or justification it always stole away a piece of his soul. He didn't want to see her tainted like he had been, but he'd rather that than see her dead. “Have Sara talk with her. She's been there.” He would rather be the one to be there for her, but he knew he had a lot to answer for before he was worthy of her trust. They met when he injured her body, and now he did the same to her soul. How does one make up for that? Sorry, I didn't mean to shoot you and then make you kill because I got myself shot while trying to make up for the fact that I shot you? Somehow he didn't think that was going to cut it. “How long have I been out?” He sat up with difficulty, swinging his feet to the floor and grunting in pain.
“Three hours. It's just past midnight and back up should be here soon. There's a lot of clean up to do.”
“What are we going to tell them?”
“The truth.” Felicity said from the doorway. She was leaning against the door jam, arms akimbo, wearing her I-will-have-no-arguments face. “I am done hiding, and now that at least five other people know my secret... at least I know someone will notice if I go missing.” She strode into the room and looked to Barry, “I am counting on you to come and get me if ARGUS locks me up. Got it? And you,” she pointed to Oliver, “You? You need a shirt before I can talk to you.” She went to his duffel bag and tossed him a clean button up shirt which he caught with his good hand. “After you get that on you need to lie back down and rest until the doc gets here. I won't have all of my hard work ruined by your inability to rest. So get that shirt on and lay down. Now.” She disconnected the IV from his arm so he could maneuver the shirt on, and reattached it when he finished.
Oliver was hesitant, he wanted to move and stretch, but seeing Felicity on the verge of breaking made him think twice. He had no doubt that, in his current state, she could overpower him if she so chose. He decided on a compromise. “I'll lay down and rest if you sit and talk with me.” He watched her eyes play out the debate warring in her mind. “We need to figure out what we are going to tell ARGUS when they get here. How are we going to explain this SNAFU?”
Reluctantly, she plopped down in the arm chair next to him and sighed deeply. “I will tell them everything. From the full moon, to the arrow in my shoulder, to the bullet in yours. All of it.”
“You said yourself you don't want anyone else to know your secret, I think we can swing this. I think we can tell them just enough so they never know you are a werewolf. That is, if you are as good with computers as you say you are.” He raised an eyebrow at her, hoping she'd take the bait.
She scoffed, clearly offended. “I am better than that. I am just modest, so I don't tell everybody how good I am.” She dusted an invisible bit of dirt off her pants. “How are we going to explain this mess without telling the whole story? And what do my technical skills have to do with it?”
He smiled, happy to see that fire back in her eyes. “They were after you, but for your expertise in computers, not for your physical abilities. As long as your shoulder doesn't get infected, that's the only fib we need to tell.”
“What about how you, Diggle, and Barry got involved? I was just waltzing through the forest, miles from home and stumbled upon your cabin? Which, might I add, is miles from the nearest road or publicly marked hiking trail. That somehow I knew they were after me, and instead of calling Lyla or Waller, I took a long walk to a remote cabin on the off chance you might help me?” She knew that this was going to be more difficult than he thought. She didn't lie well, especially to authority figures. And yeah, telling them her secret was going to suck and it was dangerous, but it may be the only way to get the agency behind her 100% until H.I.V.E. was permanently out of commission.
Oliver thought on that. “We'll say you're my girlfriend. That we went to the lake for a weekend with friends and when Barry went to drop you off at home, you discovered your house had been broken into.” His mood picked up at the idea. He suddenly imagined he and Felicity as a couple, and the more he thought about it, the better the idea seemed.
“Let's assume for a minute that anyone would believe that we are dating... Why would Barry be the one to drop me off? You don't strike as the kind of guy who shares.”
Hell, no he didn't share. The wave of jealousy toward Barry was unwarranted, he knew that, but he wanted Felicity to himself. Even if their relationship was just a story. “Why wouldn't anyone believe we were dating?”
“Really? All these continuity issues, and that's the question you ask?” She sighed and shook her head. She didn't think she would have to point out their differences, the reasons they'd never work. “The quarterback falling for the computer geek only happens in made-for-TV Disney movies. It's not realistic.” But when her eyes met his she knew she wanted it to happen, in real life, right now. Shaking her head and forcing herself back to the initial point, “That's why I need to tell the truth. The only lie that could cover all this up would be too big and too complicated to be believable.”
He reached out and grabbed her hand. “We'll make it believable. You're my girlfriend. H.I.V.E. attacked the cabin. In fear for your safety, I had Barry run you home where you both found it in shambles. From there on, the truth.” He searched her face for a reaction and was convinced she'd be a hell of a poker player. “Will that work for you?”
She bit her lower lip in consideration. “Alright. I guess it'll work. For now.” She released his hand (because she was holding his as much as he was holding hers) and stood, “I'll get Barry so he can help us corroborate the story.”
Barry caught on quick with a few raised eyebrows and some good questions, and they were ready when Amanda Waller arrived.
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imthedoctordonna · 9 years
A Woman in Wolf's Clothing Chapter 5
Yay! Chapter 5 is up! I hope you all enjoy!
Sara ducked back out of the room and Oliver shot straight up while Felicity, still groggy, propped herself up on one arm. “What. The hell. Was that?” She glared at Oliver. “Did you knock me out? Oliver Queen, I swear to God if you knocked me out I will make you limp for days.” She had stood hand was poking him in his chest.
He grabbed both her elbows and looked her in the eyes. “I didn't knock you out, Sara did. And you don't have time to worry about that. H.I.V.E. is here, and they aren't going to be playing nice. Do you know how to use a weapon? Any weapon?” It was hard for him to concentrate while holding her so close. Her eyes were so much more than blue, they were threaded with green and gold. It was like a fall day at his lake cabin; when the aspens that stood alongside the evergreens were changing colors and there wasn't a cloud to be seen. Her eyes looked like home.
“I can wield a mean flip flop, other than that, no. MIT didn't exactly have an armory or shooting range. It may have had an archery club, but who would want to be proficient in such an archaic weapon? It's not like anyone actually uses them these days.” She look at him, eyes wide. “Except you, that is. And Nyssa. And likely numerous unknown assassins because over the centuries it has proven to be silent, accurate, and deadly... in most cases.” She rolled her injured shoulder. The pain was nearly gone which likely meant the wound was almost healed.
Oliver winced in sympathy, remembering his own arrow wounds. “I need you to arm yourself. If worse comes to absolute worst and they take the house, I need to know you can defend yourself.” His hands were moving up and down her arms, seemingly of their own volition.
She closed her eyes, savoring the warmth of his hands gliding over her arms. “I can defend myself. My kind has really strong survival instincts.” She took a step closer, put her hands on his hips and wet her lips, “You don't need to worry about me.” They stared at each other for what felt like minutes, each feeling the pull of the other until Barry dashed in a broke the spell.
“Sorry to interrupt guys, but Oliver, we need you. Now.”
Oliver released Felicity and they followed Barry to one of the windows. All interior lights had been shut off, but the exterior was lit like mid day. There was smoke on the horizon (likely from the perimeter mines) and angry looking men and women dressed in all black surrounding the house. Felicity turned her head when she heard an odd set of sounds. It was almost a constant rumble with an over lying squeak, she looked up in terror. “You've gotta be kidding me.” Everyone looked at her.
“What?” Oliver asked.
She leaned to the right and pointed at the tree line. “They brought a tank. A whole fracking tank!” The tank passed through the trees at that moment, crushing the once promising saplings in its path. “What is this? A game of 'if we can't have you, no one can?' An ex-boyfriend tried that once. It didn't end well for him either!” Felicity's emotions seemed to be flashing between anger and fear for the past day, with only minor breaks for sexual tension and a nap. After this ordeal she knew she was going to kill a pint or two of ice cream and sleep a full twelve hours. “Mess this noise.” She moved to storm out of the house, but was stopped by Sara.
“You need to calm down. We need to think through this logically and form a plan. After a submarine and oil tanker, a tank is nothing. Trust me, we can do this.”
“What's the plan?” Felicity demanded, “I am finding it damned hard to think logically right now, which has me so far out of my comfort zone...”
“Oliver has incendiary arrows, one or two placed in the right spot can immobilize the tank. I can take care of the munitions bit if we can clear the field of bad guys by at least half.” Barry suggested.
“That shouldn't be an issue.” Nyssa said confidently. “Sara, Oliver, and I can manage that.”
“What about me?” Felicity was anxious, “I need to do something.”
“We need you to stay here and stay safe. If they get a hold of you I don't know if we could get you back. Not in time.” Oliver was trying to keep the desperation out of his voice. “Sara, get her a gun and give her a crash course on how to use it please. Barry, show me where I need to land those arrows.” Oliver followed Barry back into the safe room where they reviewed a diagram of their opponents tank and Barry pointed out Oliver's targets, the tracks.
“Hey, man. Are you sure you're up to this? I mean, you seem a bit distracted.” Barry asked, concerned.
“I've got this. I am not distracted.” He thought back to Felicity's eyes and admitted to himself that, yeah, he was distracted. “You just worry about that tank's munitions. I can't have you getting dead. Iris, Cisco, and Caitlin would never forgive me.”
He chuckled, “Cisco would.” They both smiled at that. The man who had built and modified so much of their gear had a man-crush on anyone who had come back from the dead or had superpowers and used them for good.
Sara had finished showing Felicity the bare essentials of handling a firearm. “Ok, so this is the safety? And the little red dot means I can shoot, right?”
“Right. Remember: Red means dead.”
Felicity swallowed heavily. The heavy hunk of metal felt foreign in her hands, she didn't want to have to use it. The thought of killing someone had her swallowing bile. She fought the urge to hand it back to Sara with two fingers like it was a dirty pair of underwear, knowing that if she didn't have a physical representation of the means to protect herself, others would be distracted with worry. Namely Oliver. She needed him to survive, but she wasn't exactly sure why that need felt so visceral. It made no sense to her that the man who had shot and felled her had come to mean something significant to her in so short a time. Not like she ever wanted to see anyone die. She would be especially devastated if one of the people who were so graciously protecting her, died; but she had the sneaky suspicion if it were Oliver, she'd never recover. “And what do I do if it jams?”
“Clear the chamber and try again. Remember: squeeze the trigger, don't jerk it.” Sara looked confident in Felicity's ability to handle the gun, which put her more at ease with it.
“Red is dead. Squeeze, don't jerk. Clear the chamber. Point hole at bad guy or girl. Got it. And Sara, thank you and stay safe. Please.”
“You're cute.” Sara smiled, dismissing her concern. “You just worry about you, we've been in worse situations than this.”
Though Felicity couldn't imagine a worse situation than what she was facing now, she had a feeling Sara was telling the truth. She could hear the tank getting closer and her heart rate amped up. Danger was essentially on the doorstep and it was her fault. Well, not her fault. She didn't choose to be a werewolf, or ask for a psychotic group of people (with way too much money and time and nowhere near enough meds) to hunt her down. Oliver and Barry walked back into the living room and she blurted “The tank is moving closer. You guys need to hurry.”
Oliver nodded once and grabbed his bow and quiver. He went to the window with the best vantage point and released two incendiary arrows. They both hit their mark and exploded, causing the tracks to fall off the tank, rendering it immobile. As Barry left to handle the tank munitions a large crack sounded and Oliver half spun from the window. Immediately, Felicity could smell his blood.
“Oliver!” She rushed to his side while the other ladies returned fire. It was now an all out melee, muzzle flashes made it seem like some sick dance party where the music was the sound of breaking glass, bullets penetrating wood and the faded screams of the wounded. She pressed a hand to his shoulder.
“Lucky shot.” He breathed, “didn't count.”
“It counted enough to make you bleed, idiot! Help me get you to the library.” She was scared but it came out as anger.
“No. Felicity, I need to stay here and keep fighting, but I need a gun. I won't be able to draw a bow right now.”
“Oliver, you aren't going to be able to stay awake if I don't get that bleeding to stop. And your heart rate is slowing. We need to get you help now.”
“I am not going to need any help if they take the house or you. So prop me up by that damn window and give. Me. A gun!”
“You know what? Fine! But don't expect me to coddle you when you pass out from blood loss.” Angry, Felicity jammed her gun into Oliver's still functioning hand and drug him to the window. She ran to Nyssa's position, “Oliver's been shot and I need to stop the bleeding, where's the first aid kit?”
“In the library, top drawer in the dresser. Use the quick-clot. It'll react when you pour it on the wound and slow or stop the bleeding.”
“Thanks.” Keeping her head down, Felicity went to fetch the first aid kit. She grabbed the packet of quick-clot, gauze and a roll of tape. Soon she was back at Oliver's side. He was breathing heavy and fighting to keep his eyes open. She pulled him down to the floor but he kept trying to get up. “Dammit, Oliver. Don't make me pin you because I will. Now hold still so I can help you.” He grunted when she ripped open his shirt over the wound to make sure his clothes didn't stick in the blood. A gasp escaped her lips when she saw the star-like tattoo that was narrowly missed by the bullet, her fingers itched to trace the ink and discover the other artwork that had the privilege of being displayed on his masterpiece body. She recovered quickly, ripped the packet open with her teeth and dumped it into the bleeding wound. She could hear the sizzling of the chemical reaction under his muffled scream of pain and she was horrified. “What did I just do?” She looked at the wound and the frothy pink solution was dissipating, revealing blackened flesh.
“Felicity. FELICITY!” Oliver grabbed her hip to pull her out of her trance. “You did what you had to do. It cauterized the wound. I'll be alright, but I am going to pass out soon. You need to... you need to fight.” He placed the handgun back into her hands and went limp.
“Oh, no. No, no, no, no.” She reached over and felt for a pulse. It was weak, but steady. She took a breath and turned to the window Oliver was shooting out of. Looking at the safety switch first, red means dead, she came up on one knee and with a two handed pistol grip she pointed the gun at the closest H.I.V.E. agent and squeezed the trigger.
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