#elbow pain
hypn0tw1st · 1 year
My elbow is the equivilent of a bad door hinge boiled in sauted onions on a thursday afternoon in the middle of july. it hurts.
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dirak-sea · 1 year
do you ever just feel your elbow start fucking up for no reason im not the on,ly person who goes throught this RIGHT??????
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drparthivpandiy · 1 year
This is an video about simple exercises to relieve from knee pain and preventing from further degeneration and promoting good life. #kneepain
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doctorenzoyeh · 3 months
How to Stop Tennis Elbow Pain Instantly
Today I will show you two ways to instantly decrease tennis elbow pain without using any medication.
Amazon affiliate link: tennis elbow brace
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rahaayurveda · 5 months
Overcoming Tennis Elbow: Exercises and Therapies
Tennis elbow, medically known as lateral epicondylitis, is a common yet debilitating condition that affects not only tennis players but also individuals engaged in repetitive arm movements. Characterized by pain and tenderness on the outer side of the elbow, it can significantly impact daily activities and athletic performance. However, with the right combination of exercises and therapies, one can effectively manage and overcome this condition. In this blog post, we will delve into various exercises and therapies tailored to alleviate tennis elbow symptoms and expedite recovery.
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Understanding Tennis Elbow
Before delving into exercises and therapies, it's crucial to understand the underlying causes and mechanisms of tennis elbow. Despite its name, tennis elbow can occur due to a variety of repetitive arm motions, such as gripping, lifting, or even typing. The condition typically arises from overuse and strain on the tendons that connect the forearm muscles to the elbow. Over time, this repetitive stress leads to microtears and inflammation in the tendons, resulting in pain and discomfort.
Exercises for Tennis Elbow
Wrist Extension Stretch: Start by extending your affected arm in front of you with the palm facing down. Use your other hand to gently bend the wrist downward until you feel a stretch on the outer side of the forearm. Repeat this position several times for 15-30 seconds.
Wrist Flexor Stretch: Hold your affected arm with your palm facing up in front of you. Use your other hand to pull the fingers of the affected hand towards you, gently bending the wrist backward until you feel a stretch on the inner side of the forearm. Hold for 15-30 seconds and then repeat this.
Strengthening Exercises: Incorporate exercises that target the muscles of the forearm to improve strength and stability. Examples include wrist curls, reverse wrist curls, and forearm pronation/supination exercises using light dumbbells or resistance bands.
Eccentric Exercises: Eccentric exercises focus on lengthening the muscle while it's contracting, which can help improve tendon resilience and promote healing. An example of an eccentric exercise for tennis elbow is the reverse Tyler twist, where you use the unaffected hand to apply resistance as you slowly lower the wrist with the affected arm.
Therapies for Tennis Elbow
Ice Therapy: By applying ice to the affected area, inflammation can be reduced and pain can be relieved. Use an ice pack or a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a cloth and apply it to the elbow for 15-20 minutes several times a day.
Bracing or Splinting: Wearing a brace or splint can provide support to the affected tendons and reduce strain during activities that aggravate the symptoms.
Physical Therapy: A physical therapist can design a customized rehabilitation program tailored to your specific needs, incorporating exercises, manual therapy techniques, and modalities such as ultrasound or electrical stimulation to promote healing and restore function.
Massage Therapy: Massage can help alleviate muscle tension, improve circulation, and promote relaxation in the affected area. A skilled massage therapist can target the forearm muscles and tendons to reduce pain and stiffness associated with tennis elbow.
Shockwave Therapy: Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) involves the application of high-energy shockwaves to the affected area, stimulating the healing process and reducing pain. This non-invasive treatment option has shown promising results in managing tennis elbow, particularly for chronic cases resistant to other forms of treatment.
Tennis elbow can be a challenging condition to overcome, but with dedication and the right approach, you can effectively manage your symptoms and return to your daily activities and sports. By incorporating targeted exercises and therapies into your treatment regimen, you can expedite the healing process, strengthen the affected muscles and tendons, and prevent future recurrences. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise or therapy program, especially if you have underlying medical conditions or concerns. With patience and persistence, you can overcome tennis elbow and reclaim your active lifestyle. To know more visit : Common Symptoms of Tennis Elbow
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tomhasatransblog · 6 months
I had my four days off last week, and did upper again yesterday.
Shoulder pain seems to be gone, so that's good. Elbow pain is worse if anything though. I did 4 reps of incline bench hammer curls with 18kg and had to stop for the pain.
Idk if it's worth going to my GP. I suspect they'll just tell me to not bend my arm and take ibuprofen. There's probably not much else to be done tbh. But I guess I might as well.
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craigoryohno · 6 months
"People complain of pain under the shoulder blade that they can’t reach. It aches fairly constantly. It is a bothersome ache that they can’t shake. They may get temporary relief from a hot shower or exercise. Sometimes, it becomes so vague, unreachable, and constant that they just ignore it. When that happens, and this trigger point continues to worsen, people begin to complain about elbow and wrist pain."
"This pattern becomes more active when the person reaches forward, and the shoulder-blade presses into the muscle as when reaching out while using the computer mouse or reaching out for the top of the steering wheel while driving.
"This muscle, like scalene muscles, is overused in our culture of leaning forward for long periods while using our neck and shoulder to breathe. Sitting like this retrains the breathing process, binds joints in the upper spine, and creates chronic patterns. In addition, the change in breathing makes other activities, like exercising or sitting at dinner, achy and painful because of the shift in posture-related breathing patterns."
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infinite-planes · 7 months
ow ow my joints!
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regenorthosportusa · 8 months
Exploring Advanced Non-Surgical Treatments for Elbow Pain
Elbow pain can significantly impact one's daily activities and quality of life. While arthritis and joint pain are common causes of elbow discomfort, there are advanced non-surgical treatment options available that can effectively alleviate symptoms and promote healing. In this article, we will delve into the benefits of regenerative therapies, including stem cell therapy and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, in the treatment of elbow pain.
Understanding Elbow Pain and Arthritis:
Elbow pain can arise from various factors, including arthritis, tendonitis, bursitis, or overuse injuries. Arthritis, specifically osteoarthritis, is the degeneration of the joint's cartilage, leading to inflammation, pain, and limited mobility.
Regenerative Treatments for Elbow Pain:
Stem Cell Therapy:
Stem cell therapy utilizes the body's own stem cells or donated stem cells to promote tissue repair and regeneration. In the context of elbow pain, stem cell therapy aims to reduce inflammation, stimulate tissue healing, and enhance the joint's overall function. The unique regenerative properties of stem cells have the potential to address the underlying causes of elbow pain and improve joint health.
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy:
PRP therapy involves using a concentrated solution derived from the patient's own blood, rich in platelets and growth factors. When injected into the affected area of the elbow, PRP promotes tissue healing, reduces inflammation, and alleviates pain. The growth factors present in PRP can stimulate the body's natural healing processes, enhancing tissue regeneration and improving joint function.
Benefits of Advanced Non-Surgical Treatments:
Non-Invasive: Stem cell therapy and PRP therapy offer non-surgical alternatives to traditional treatment methods like surgery. These procedures are performed through injections, eliminating the need for extensive incisions or lengthy recovery periods.
Natural Healing: Regenerative treatments harness the body's natural healing mechanisms to promote tissue regeneration and repair, allowing for more efficient and long-lasting results.
Pain Relief: By targeting inflammation and promoting tissue healing, advanced non-surgical treatments can effectively alleviate elbow pain and improve overall joint function.
Potential for Improved Mobility: By addressing the underlying causes of elbow pain and promoting tissue regeneration, regenerative therapies have the potential to enhance joint mobility and restore range of motion.
Elbow pain, often associated with conditions like arthritis and joint inflammation, can be effectively managed through advanced non-surgical treatments. Stem cell therapy and PRP therapy offer promising possibilities for individuals seeking alternatives to invasive procedures. If you are experiencing elbow pain, consult with a healthcare professional specializing in regenerative medicine to determine the most suitable treatment approach based on your specific condition. Embrace the benefits of these advanced therapies and take a step towards a pain-free and active life.
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totalperformancepa · 8 months
Website: https://totalperformancept.com/
Address: 1501 Lower State Rd #308, North Wales, PA 19454
Phone: +1 215-866-2585
Total Performance Physical Therapy provides rehabilitation services for athletic injuries, post-surgery, workers’ comp injuries, rehabilitation after a car accident, back pain, wrist pain, neck pain, headaches, hip pain, elbow pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, and ankle pain. If it hurts, we can fix it!
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oraahwellness · 11 months
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Don't let pain hold you back. Try Oraah's instant relief roll-on now! ✨
Oraah's roll-on is the ultimate solution for all your pain woes. Its fast and effective formula will soothe headaches, back pain, leg pain, cramps, elbow pain, and neck pain. Embrace a pain-free life today!
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tanyx-india · 1 year
What is epicondylitis?
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The epicondyles are projections of some bones, close to joints, it is the point where the tendons of various muscles come together. An epicondylitis is the inflammation of the tendons that are inserted at that level. It is a very common and painful injury. Here we tell you what it is about. What causes epicondylitis? The causes of epicondylitis are the same as those of tendonitis and generally occur in people over 35 or 40 years of age due to: The overuse of a certain muscle or group of muscles that are inserted (which are attached to the bone) with its tendons in said epicondyle. The use of an inappropriate posture or technique when performing a certain activity, which overloads a certain muscle group. The use of inappropriate equipment to carry out an activity. The best known epicondylitis is called tennis elbow. Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow). It is a pain on the outside of the elbow that can spread through the forearm to the wrist. Pain can be increased many times by movements as simple as opening a door, shaking hands, or hitting the outside of the elbow. In advanced stages, pain can appear with minimal activities (opening a locked door, picking up a cup of tea, etc.) and even at rest, which may compromise a restful sleep. It is produced by repeated flexion and extension movements of the wrist (not the elbow) in the face of resistance, such as those that occur when playing tennis or other racquet sports, painting, carrying suitcases or using a screwdriver.
Visit: - https://bit.ly/3VXW9Fs
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Ketoprofen Transdermal Patch 30 mg is a Pain-Relieving Patch. Several conditions can be treated with it, including Sprains and strains, Muscle spasms, Chronic low back pain, and Elbow pain. It can help relieve pain in conditions like Rheumatoid arthritis and Osteoarthritis.
To know more please click the link
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bfstkb · 1 year
Cold therapy is one of the most important parts of the healing process, and it's also one of the most overlooked. When it comes to soft tissue injuries, it is vital to use cold therapy, not just at the beginning stages of your injury, but all throughout your recovery.
When you first sustain a soft tissue injury, you will likely be dealing with a significant amount of inflammation, including internal inflammation you may not be able to see outward signs of. Inflammation can present many ways - it can look like an increase in pain or swelling, redness, or stiffness/difficulty moving. Inflammation means that the soft tissue below the skin is injured and bleeding - this may cause pain and swelling.
It is essential to decrease inflammation in order for the healing process to take effect. The best thing to relieve pain and swelling caused by inflammation is the ColdCure. The ColdCure is a medical device designed to provide the most thorough and easy method of treatment for cold compression.
The ColdCure comes with an adjustable neoprene wrap, and three reusable gel packs, which can be kept in the fridge or freezer. It uses Rigigel technology to provide safe and effective cold therapy, by staying at a temperature of zero degrees Celsius. The gel doesn't move around inside the pack, and conforms to the area you're trying to treat.
Cold therapy is the best way to get some relief from pain and swelling initially, and using it throughout the healing process will only help your recovery. Nobody should have to live in pain, and using cold to help your soft tissue injury is the first step forward.
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smolfloof · 1 year
Gotta love when you bonk the place right between your funny bone and your un-funny bone and your body gives you both sensations at once. It's like this horrible liquid-static hot and cold Feeling and I can't decide if it's abhorrent or not.
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treemice · 1 year
Why do I not experience chronic pain like everyone else 😞 (I'm about to invalidate ALL of my suffering)
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