prophet-cunningham · 6 years
“White people-” sniff “-have different germs-” sniffle “-than Ugandans.” Another pathetic sniffle, and Arnold blows his nose into a paltry, flimsy Kleenex. “I think I like the Ugandan ones better.” 
They’ve been back in Utah for all of twelve hours, and Arnold is sicker than he’d ever been in Kitgali. Kevin says it’s just a cold, and Arnold has had dysentery before (C’mon, pal, are you serious? You almost died! Now you’re going to whine about this?) but this--this miserable sniffling, and coughing, and stuffy nose, and overall feeling of poop--is way worse.
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notorgazmo-blog · 6 years
As he steps into the restaurant, Joe wonders if it’s even worth trying to brush his fingers through his hair again. It never looks any different when he does, but this is his first match, his first date, and even though there’s all this science and technology that goes into pairing him with someone he’ll supposedly get along with, he can’t help feeling nervous.
What if he chose a stupid outfit? He thinks a sweater with a suit jacket over it looks nice, but what if she doesn’t? What if sticks his foot in his mouth? What if his breath is bad? What if hers is?
He blinks a few times, trying to push away those anxious thoughts as he gets to the designated booth, only to find he’s the first one there. 
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Pulling out his small, handheld device, he asks, “Coach, am I at the right table?”
Yes, it replies, and he glances around once, before he takes a careful seat, clasping his hands in his lap. His leg bounces, but he tries to pretend he’s calm on the surface. 
She’ll be here soon, he tells himself. Make a good first impression.
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andryuska · 7 years
@elderxprice // starter call.
    “ you cannot say things like that ---- do you understand? ” andrei’s voice was stern and his expression more so as he stared down the ignorant missionary before him. there were things not to be uttered in moscow still, and much less near a group of soldiers ---- like andrei himself ---- most of whom would be less inclined to offer a warning before taking action. those who reveled in violence oft did not hesitate to correct the unsuspecting few who came to their country for whatever reasons they had. the lessons they taught were not ones their victims would easily forget.
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guiltinvested · 7 years
13, 30, 37, 42
13. Did they like school? Teachers? Schoolmates?
While he liked school itself and the aspects of learning, he wasn’t really a fan of the environment of school or his schoolmates, mostly because he didn’t really know how to talk to them. He was, however, very close with most of his teachers and looked up to them a lot.
30. Are they holding on to something in the past? Can he or she forgive?
He really wishes he hadn’t burned himself out on AP and Honors classes in high school and that he’d taken more time to just be a teen instead of being a good student, but he’s mostly forgiven himself for that decision and he’s at least at peace with the fact that if he had taken it easier, he probably wouldn’t be where he is now.
37. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories?
Mendel is a ball of anxiety, his mind is constantly bouncing from one thing to the other, and if it’s not, it’s definitely not because it’s focused on one thing. 
42. What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain?
The only thing Mendel really wants like that is for people to like him. He’s willing to make himself look like an idiot or do things that are normally against his code if it means somebody’ll like him that previously didn’t. He still has a line that he distinctly won’t cross, but there’s a lot that he will do to get people to like him. 
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speremint · 7 years
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Finished commission for @elderxprice!! Thanks so much for commissioning me, and I hope you like it <3 :D 
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frxncaise · 7 years
sleep headcanon meme ✩ @elderxprice​
回 = The weirdest dream the character has experienced
In her canon timeline which happens in 1899, one of her weirdest dreams is that she was pushed off the Eiffel Tower though instead of falling to her fake demise, she started to fly and flew herself back to the ground without an injury. She only told her father and her governess about it as a child. If you inquire her about it, she will deny all claims but her reddened cheeks will tell you the truth.
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fortisetaudax-blog · 7 years
☯ zzz ☁ ☆
☯ = Any odd sleeping habits?
it’s not odd, per say, but hunter likes sleeping with her wings curled around her. she also gets super weirded out by “ comfortable “ rooms and beds, since she’s so used to cheap motel rooms.
zzz = Does the character snore? What does it sound like?
dakota is a disgusting snorer. it’s loud and obnoxious and bothers pretty much everyone in the general vicinity. he knows he snores, but never makes a move to correct the problem.
☁ = How often does the character dream?
cayden dreams at least twice a week ? it depends on how well he’s sleeping
☆ = Character’s best dream?
kit has one in particular that he uses as art inspiration when he’s in a rut. he doesn’t really remember what it’s about, but he remembers bright, vibrant colors and shapes
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notorgazmo-blog · 6 years
[[ elderxprice for the URL ask meme whatchamacallit :3c ]]
send me a url for some positivity! | open
UHHH WOW where do I begin?? 
@elderxprice is honestly one of my best friends. She’s my writing partner, shyeah, but also has been there for me when it’s really counted and has seen me thru a very……trying year, and I hope I’ve been there for her too!! Because it’s been a rough go for her too and she’s been very resilient in dealing with some real shit.
Her writing is so, so magnificent and not only that but also entertaining! Like I hear Kevin’s voice and she always creates such an image and makes it so easy for me to feel like I’m just watching a movie in my head. She has put so much thought and effort into Kevin, as well as heart and soul, and it’s all very evident on her page and in her writing. She loves Kevin, and that’s obvious. She makes him a three dimensional human being, not a trope or a gag or a joke. And now I love him, too.
I love everything we’ve written together, and everything we’ve planned for our boyz. Honestly I probably wouldn’t have this blog and it wouldn’t be what it is without her. Well like, it definitely wouldn’t. I had Joe on some multimuse blog and I did it as a joke mostly, and then I started writing with her and we were like “lol Kevin and Joe would NOT get along” and then they eventually did and I was like, well I guess Joe is gay now? and like seven months later we have written soooo much heartbreak and sappy shit with them, and we talk so much, I don’t know what I would do without her. I don’t know what i was doing before! I love her to death. (Literally she’s stuck with me till I die lollolololofdgdgffgdg)
It’s thanks to her that I even fell in love with Book of Mormon (honestly when we started writing, I had only heard a few songs lol sorry) so thx Amy for that unshakable obsession! It’s thanks to her for like, a lot of things.
So, if anyone enjoys my blog at all, you can go thank Amy.
I love you @elderxprice!!!
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15, 16, 17?
oddly specifc headcanons!! // accepting!!
15. who do they tend to bicker with the most?
her parents, probably, but connor is a close second. but she is incredibly stubborn, so she can get into little arguments very quickly.
16. Has your muse ever been hospitalized or institutionalized?
nope! her parents never really noticed her mental illness, so just like with connor, they tried to ignore it. even if they had noticed, putting her in a mental hospital would not be their first move. she’s gone to the hospital for injuries before, but never stayed longer than overnight.
17. Does your muse pray, whether it be to a god or some other force?
not really. she wasn’t raised religiously, and because of that has little faith of belief in a god or higher power. maybe in more desperate times, she’d give it a try, but it’s not something she usually thinks about.
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☢ ❥
the salty af munday meme ||X||    @elderxprice
☢ What fads/trends are you so over?
    I can’t say really because I’m bad and follow the trends.  Granted I prefer smaller fonts and I know people don’t like that.  I’m happy people use more visible blog themes now.  
❥ Has someone ever ruined an FC or character for you? 
    YES god. I’ve had two cases like this.  My second rp blog ever was a Raliegh Becket and I played him pretty differently from other people who rped him.  My headcanons were just very different for him.  Other people seemed to like it but then I started getting so much hate and then other members of the fandom blamed it on me.  I didn’t touch writing a canon character for a long time.  
  Then there was my own OC, Sebastian Knight.  I had someone who started off as a really nice person who was super motivational for to me.  But then it started to get weird.  She would send me messages with every little mistake I made, from spelling or grammer.  And while I didn’t handle the situation well, she started to drag other people into the matter.  I left, and when I did try to come back she claimed every time she saw me on her dash it gave her anxiety but she still followed me?  And I would love to go back to him, he was very dear to me, she’s kind of ruined it for me.
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happy birthday 💜💫🎂
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a-mission-in-uganda · 7 years
HC + vacation (for any Elder, or all of you like) 👋🏼
Elroy Church: The farther away from home he can get the better. He likes the more calm  and quiet places like museums and such as opposed to roller coasters and amusement parks. Not that he won’t go to them but the poor guy can only handle so much adrenaline. I also feel like he has an interest in History not that he can do much with it. 
Mathias Thomas: He doesn’t like long distance traveling or having to sit/be still for hours. For one his butt will get numb and for another, he starts feeling like the vehicle/plane etc feels stuffy after a while.
Connor McKinley: He likes the city. (I’m so original)  He likes the view,  with the lights and how they look at night against the night sky. There’s a buzz of energy that he’s drawn to, that the suburbs and country side don’t have.
Leopold Davis: His parents are very nature oriented, he loves hiking and natural parks. When he and his dad can afford to, they visit his mom up in Yellowstone where she works. 
Nick Shraeder: The poor guy feels like a stranger in his own family. He prefers to vacation with friends, or hang out at the roller derby. (For some reason I imagine he’s strangely okay with hanging out with some old ladies playing roller derby...or...whatever it is old ladies do. The appreciate him.) If he has to be with his family he prefers to hang out with his extended family. Namely his younger cousins.
Quentin Neeley: He enjoys reading his detective, mystery and sometimes conspiracy books and novels. He’s happiest at home where he can read, sometimes try and solve the crime or what have you before the detective can. His parents try to get him out of the house more often.
George Michaels:...The Mormon, not the Musician. He likes spending his vacations helping out the boy scouts in his area. He spent a lot of his youth as one and it has a lot of special memories for him. 
Alan Zelder: He probably goes overseas to visit his relatives. He likes traveling and taking pictures. Enjoying the cuisine is a big plus because there’s some food you can’t get back in Utah. He’s the only mixed child in both sides of his famiy so he sticks out a bit. He misses his mom’s side of the family cause there’s a lot of things and quirks, culture he’s picked up from his mom’s side that his dad/American side doesn’t get quite so easily.
Arnold: His dad is always busy, so it’s mostly him and his mom. They tend to stay in the area. They go the movies at least once a summer. During the Summer, he may or may not have homework/assignments to do for next semester for his advanced classes. (Back in high school I imagine he took several AP classes. He’s book smart, not very street or people smart)
Kevin: His family can afford to travel around the country every few years. Every year they go to a different state. He’s been to a lot of the land marks and nature reserves. He’s seen the Grand Canyon, Mount Rushmore, ...whatever it is that we have in Chicago... He probably has a story about it. Of course these got less frequent as Kevin grew older, but he has fond memories.
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prophet-cunningham · 7 years
There’s this thing about soulmates - everybody believes it, even if they shouldn’t and there’s absolutely no science to prove it (Arnold looked): your soulmate will find you when you need them the most. It’s a promise a lot of people cling to. A surprising amount of depressed people, suicidal people, dead people, are ones who have already met their soulmates. It’s like they don’t have that hope left anymore.
Arnold Cunningham doesn’t think his interest in that is morbid. It’s just something he likes to think about, sometimes. Something he knows a lot about. Something he really wishes his high school self hadn’t put as much stock in.
High school was rough for Arnold; really rough. The loser kid in all bad teen movies? That was him, except he never got hot and he never got popular. Or smart. Or a girlfriend. Or a trophy for winning a football championship, or prom king, or… whatever else he even wanted, back then. Honestly, most of high school is a blur; Arnold blocked it right out. Because there’s a whole bunch of pain there he dealt with for a long, long time.
College happened, though, and there things started looking up. Arnold met Nabulungi; he moved out of his parents’ place. He graduated with a degree in Sociology, International Studies minor, and could look his parents in the eye even when they said he’d never make it ‘out there.’ Well, 'out there’ like energetic people, and if there’s one thing Arnold’s got - it’s energy.
Growing up helped him realize that; he started finding his strengths and weaknesses. He found his first friend, his first girlfriend, first heartbreak, and first post-grad roommate were all the same person, and he loved her through all of it. Arnold found himself a job, with room for advancement, and for once in his life Arnold finds himself stable, confident - almost happy.
There is the thought, always lurking, that maybe the worst time of his life isn’t in the past; going to nose dive and find himself scrambling, and that’s when his soulmate will turn up, but Arnold’s decided to stay optimistic.
“Chin up!” Naba always calls, on his way out the door.
“Ma ha nei bu!” He calls back.
It’s their thing, from college. Back when Arnold was a fumbling freshmen, and Naba the novel student from Uganda, they’d been assigned a group project in one of their pre-req classes. Something boring, useless, and way too time consuming. Of course, neither of them knew that until about two nights before, facing down a presentation and two exams by Friday.
“We’re, uh… we’re gonna make it?” Arnold offered. “We’re gonna be okay. I think.”
“Hasa diga,” Nabulungi muttered. “We need to get to work.”
So they worked. They worked and they worked and they worked, and at three in the morning when they realized they definitely weren’t getting any sleep Arnold went and bought coffees for them both from the campus Starbucks.
That’s the first time Nabulungi actually looked at him, he thinks, and not just through him.
“Ma ha nei bu,” she said, softly. “That is… 'thank you.’”
Naba hadn’t met her soulmate then; neither had Arnold.
“There are no guarantees,” she ventured, one night. “We could always… try?”
“Yeah! I mean, yes, we, uh, we sure can; and it’ll be great. Do you want to?”
They weren’t soulmates, and it was obvious from the start. Arnold wanted his to save him from himself; Naba wanted hers so she could finally be happy. Neither of them got what they wanted.
The break up was… bad. Arnold doesn’t know if it was as bad as high school, but it was pretty damn bad. Just in a different way.
But they worked well together. They still do, and that’s why they’re living together, and friends again. Nabulungi Hatimbi is always there for Arnold, and he’s never been more grateful for someone in his life.
It makes him wonder about his soulmate, though. What they’ll be like. Who they are. Since they’re not Nabulungi, who the hell are they going to be? What kind of person even says what Arnold’s got on his skin, anyway? What-
Arnold’s going to drive himself crazy with all the questions. He rolls his eyes, and flicks on the radio.
“-partly cloudy with a chance of rainy skies tomorrow night, but otherwise, a nice, bright, sunny couple of days!”
“Cool cool,” Arnold murmurs to himself, checking his mirrors. “Sunshine for the weekend, heck yeah.”
It’s a Friday night in February. The sun is setting later and later every day on Arnold’s drive back from work. Soon there won’t be any trace of it going down at five; it’ll stay high in the sky until almost nine o'clock. He’s hitting the favorite part of his drive, too, the one he can only enjoy with the sun out, beaming over everything: the bridge. It’s a tall bridge, stretched across a pretty shallow river, but that’s what happens when you live in a drought state. The construction is beautiful, though. Arnold feels suspended, driving across it, like he’s flying and his little Jetta will shoot right out into the sky, instead of across more asphalt. Thin cables stretch high above drivers’ heads; the bridge is elegant, almost beautiful. To Arnold, it’s a work of art.
But there’s something weird today. The light is strange, with the way the sun looks behind a cloud. It’s… red. Eerie. Arnold tries to shrug it off, but now the slender cables don’t seem as effortless as they do just scary. He glances around for something else to look at.
There, off to his right; there’s something… somebody. That’s somebody standing on the edge of the bridge. Is there a sidewalk over there? That’d be kind of nice. Maybe Arnold can take a walk out here, sometime, and-
The person isn’t standing on a sidewalk. They’re standing on the edge, holding onto a cable and leaning out. Arnold drives past them, staring.
Then slams on his breaks.
There’s a chorus of horns around him, punctuated with profanity and the sound of squealing tires as the cars behind him swerve into the left lane, but Arnold doesn’t listen. He throws his car into park; he jumps out the door.
“Hey!” he yells, running back along the side of the highway. “Hey, wait!”
The person doesn’t move.
It’s a guy, he sees, once he’s close enough. Arnold’s glasses are slipping and it’s hard to get a clear view, but like hell is he going to stop now. The man’s hand grips the cable like it’s the only thing holding him back, and… Arnold’s scared.
“Hey,” he repeats. He’s only a few feet away from where the guy stands, now. “Hey, hey, buddy, I think you should- you should get down from there. Y'know? Just- stop, breathe, think, for a second. This… this isn’t what you wanna do.”
- @elderxprice
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notorgazmo-blog · 6 years
cont from here | @elderxprice
The look on Kevin’s face makes Joe sick with guilt. 
Gee, he feels like a real butthead for it, but during those years they spent apart, especially the times they weren’t even talking, he needed to feel some kind of connection. To Kevin, to himself, to how things used to be, how they could be... It was a reminder of who he’s supposed to be, who he really is. Sometimes it made things hurt more, but maybe he liked torturing himself like that. Maybe he thought he deserved it.
“I know it was selfish, but...” He takes a small breath, and brings his arms up to nervously grip at his elbows. “The parts about us. Some parts would make me laugh, like how annoying you thought I was at first...”
It occurs to him that that’s not all that’s in that journal. He has to add: “---and that’s where I always started. I didn’t read anything before that, I-I-I---” he swallows the lump in his throat, “---I only read it to feel closer to that time, to when we were together.”
He steps a little closer.
“When you kissed me, when I was supposed to be teaching you self defense. And, how we used to cuddle, because we pushed our beds together. Celebrating our birthdays. Your cooking disasters. Staying up late. All our investifakers... sneaking into the neighbor’s pool to go skinny dipping. Just---every beautiful, life changing moment we spent together on our mission. Those were the best parts.”
There were horrible parts, too, but he doesn’t mention those. He just lets go of his elbows and reaches to nuzzle Kevin’s shoulder.
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“And this is really cheesy, but... the best part is that, well, that there are even better moments to come. That I don’t have to be a total creep and hide in a bathroom and read your old journal to feel close to you, because I am, now. Because I’m not afraid, anymore.”
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† and ✄
headcanon meme!! // accepting!!
send † for a RELIGION headcanon.
zoe is not religious. she wasn’t raised to be religious. sure, maybe her parents went to church on christmas or easter, but that was mostly when her grandparents were alive. she always hated it. her mother obviously jumped between religions like a hobby, so it wasn’t like she had a strong influence to have any specific beliefs.
send ✄ for a PET PEEVE headcanon.
people who say music or any other sort of artistic career isn’t a “ real career “. that is surefire way to make her mad and she’ll probably go off on a rant.
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kaxen · 7 years
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elderxprice replied to your photo “Dom Simpson had his 50th show and Jack Ball is his 6th Cunningham. It...”
ahaha look at him creepin back there
What things has Mini!Kev seen??? lol
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