#ele trebs
movie--posters · 1 year
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enterfilm · 1 year
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ROTER HIMMEL (Christian Petzold, 2023)
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canalsart · 1 month
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Som un petit espai d'art català que defensem des de fa cinquanta-un anys l'art del nostre país. Ara exposem de setembre a novembre del 2024 una part poc coneguda de la trajectòria del català universal Antoni Tàpies. Fem ciutat i fem país, amb la força del nostre art. Mireu el catàleg:
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khorren · 3 years
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Not something Ruby would usually wear. But this coming Tuesday sees a change to Celestial gear, and I want to run a garbage celestial scourge in WvW. So dusted off my ele's old Cele gear from back when she was a swirling winds casting, garrison treb blocking semi permanent fixture of WvW back in 2013. Hurrah. Knew it would come in handy.
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beautifulfaaces · 4 years
Female Germans Masterlist
Aniya Wendel
Emma Tiger Schweiger
Ella Lee
Frida Stittrich
Harriet Herbig-Matten
Juliane Schütz
Lea Drinda
Lena Urzendowsky
Lilly Dreesen
Madeleine Wagenitz
Malina Weissman
Mina-Giselle Rüffer
Neele Marie Nickel
Nhung Hong
Ada Philline Stapenbeck
Alicia von Rittberg
Amber Bongard
Anna Ewers
Anna Fischer
Anna Lena Klenke
Anna Schimrigk
Caro Kult
Chiara von Galli
Emilia Schüle
Gizem Emre
Helena Siegmund-Schultze
Jeanne Goursaud
Jella Haase
Jobel Mokonzi
Johanna Polley
Kim Gloss
Kristin Alia Hunold
Laura Berlin
Lea Zoe Voss
Leonie Benesch
Leonie Wesselow
Lilli Camille Schweiger
Lisa Vicari
Livia Matthes
Luise Befort
Luise Emilie Tschersich
Luna Marie Schweiger
Maria Ehrich
Melina Martin
Mercedes Müller
Mia Milnes
Nele Trebs
Paula Beer
Paula Riemann
Rana Farahani
Ruby O. Fee
Sinje Irslinger
Sofie Eifertinger
Svea Bein
Swantje Wördemann
Touka El-Fawwal
Vita Tepel
Xenia Georgia Assenza
Zazie Beetz
Zeynep Bozbay
Zoe Moore
Alice Dwyer
Alissa Jung
Alwara Höfels
Angelina Häntsch
Annette Lober
Antje Traue
Aylin Tezel
Barbara Meier
Bella Dayne
Collien Ulmen-Fernandes
Cosma Shiva Hagen
Cristina do Rego
Felicitas Woll
Johanna Klum
Josefine Preuß
Julia Hartmann
Karin Hanczewski
Katharina Behrens
Kyra Sophia Kahre
Mai Duong Kieu
Maria Burghardt
Meryem Sahra Uzerli
Mirka Pigulla
Monika Reithofer
Palina Rojinski
Paula Kalenberg
Paula Schramm
Sonja Gerhardt
Sophie Charlotte
Vijessna Ferkic
Violetta Schurawlow
Wolke Hegenbarth
Alexandra Maria Lara
Alexandra Neldel
Anna Blomeier
Anne Ratte-Polle
Antonia Holfelder
Bettina Zimmermann
Chiara Schoras
Christiane Paul
Elena Uhlig
Isabell Gerschke
Jasmin Gerat
Monika Gruber
Nadja Becker
Valerie Koch
Andrea Kathrin Loewig
Andrea Sawatzki
Anke Engelke
Katja Riemann
Susanna Simon
Ursula Buschhorn
Corinna Harfouch
Iris Berben
Gisela Schneeberger
Romy Schneider
Unknown Birthday
Aicha Lopes
Elena Ployphalin Siepe
Krista Tcherneva
Sira-Anna Faal
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bartholomaus · 5 years
Sa furi intr-o tara saraca e asa de stupid. Adica tu ai casa mare si masini de lux, da pontu? tu doar nu duci o viata de calitate, ai vecini debili/neadecvati/lipsiti de educatie, drumurile sunt rele, nu poti fugi de partile urate si negative, ca traiesit alaturi. Asta ca si cum ai merge ca o bucata de aur prin ccat.... -_- in loc sa-i investesti si sa lasi tara sa se dezvolte ca sa fie toti in conditii mai bune si sa nu fii tu unu bogat inconjurat de 1000 de saraci. Znacit s-o facut bogat da tot prost a ramas, deci rebeata solutia e in educatie nu in bani. Cei care cred ca solutia e unirea sau integrarea UE, nu schimba asta situatia la noi asa usor, noi singuri trebuie sa ne schimbam si sa ne educam, sa fim mai buni si mai iubitori cu oamenii nostri, pentru ca avem potential, avem valori bune (ma refer la acelea bune, in unele tari ele in genere lipsesc). Am o speranta ca cei care totusi pleaca, vor veni inapoi candva si vor implementa aici lucrurile bune care le-au vazut in alte tari. Sau poate banii conteaza mai mult, treb de invartit, de furat, si eu prosta aiuresc) decideti voi.
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elsoldesantiago · 3 years
Tribunal declara inadmisible recurso de oposición de Danny Daniel
Tribunal declara inadmisible recurso de oposición de Danny Daniel
Santo Domingo,- La cuarta sala de la cámara penal del juzgado de primera instancia declaró este viernes como Inadmisible el “Recurso de oposición fuera de Audiencia” presentado por Danny Daniel vía sus abogados la semana pasada, en respuesta a la sentencia No. 042-2021-Treb-00036. Con esto se mantiene el fallo anterior que le declara en Rebeldía, con todos sus efectos legales, jurídicos y de…
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poezie123 · 5 years
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Ministru-a nostru-al cărnii
Jiţîcî Doghitoc
Şîde pe gînduri greli
Cî n’are carni ioc
Ş’aşă învîrti buza
Ş’pi dincolo o’ntoarşi
Da carni nu-i totuna
Şî n’ari şi mai faşi
 Şiuşi din dijiţăli
Formă un telefon
Rugă consilieru-i
Să-i vină la balcon
Veni Jiţîcî Hîtru
Ascultî prostu-i boss
Îşi scărchină buricu
Şî-i spuni pe-un ton gros :
- Avem puţînî carni
C’avem puţîni jiti
Dar mulţ şi’s spun lor oameni
Dihanii sînt leiti
Şi mulţ din şii şi umblî
Pe două-a lor chişioari
’S-o glumî a Naturii
Sau grava Ei eroare
 - Tu grasa me făpturî
N’o îndigna cu-acrimi
Eu am crescut cu porşi
Ş’a lor am ajerime
 - Domn Doghitoc, şi spun eu
E lesne de’nţăles
Nu treb s’avem noi grijî
Di tăt şi nişcî’n şer
Aşii şi cred cî’s oameni
Găsî-vor sînguri carni
Dar dac’cu om doar samăn
Sî pascî sau sî moarî
 - Şî dacî după asta
Tot carni n’o s’ajiungî
Şi faşim cu-al tău Darwin
Şî Lenin pi alocuri ?
  De-a şi aşă di aspru
Şî carni n-o mai şi
Făşem cum zîşi-aista
Şi-ş spuni FîMîI
Scornim politici gîrlă
Punem aşă obor  
Ş’mărim dobitoşirea
A „dragului” popor
Şî greu o sî li şii
Oricui s’rămînî om
Ş-or credi cî îi ghini
Nu om sî şii, da bou
 - Oho, Jiţîcî Hîtru,
Şi bun ne-ai dat tu sfat!
Ian, n’aşteptăm noi greu
Înşepi chiar îndat
Apucî şî scorneşti
Dobitoşirea lumii
Închidi şcoli şî creşî
Şî’n bot dă la deştepţîi
Da ca sî nu mai nascî
Poporu pre mulţ oameni
Mai bagî-i pidaraştii
Şî băuturi mai bagî-i…
 Veni-va altă vreme
Veni-va el – Turbincă
Băga-vă-va şî’ţ geme
Să nu scorniţi nimica.
Voi, proşti şi voi ne-oameni,
Veţi arde’n fluxul vremii
Veţi rămînea ce sînteţi
Cu coarne şi cu frică.
 Ne-om scutura de-a voastră
Murdară moştenire.
Morala va renaşte
Şi claritatea minţii
În spirit – libertatea
În legi – egalitatea
În spor – fraternitatea
Ş’om fi cu toţii oameni.
 Andrei Onea,
31 August 2012
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askmicrowaveayem · 7 years
Boink! The Gaster Brothers Pt. 7
[Archive] [Cast]
He didn’t see it. Didn’t see how similar it was to his own expression.
Just saw the panicked way the intruder was trying to fight her off, and the way he failed, and the dust left behind.
Vrinda and Treb both safe, and Dings in the other room.
This is what the intruders had brought. Dust and inconvenience.
He looked up at Treb and Vrinda, still breathing heavily, skull in his arms, and shaking in his sleepwear.
Treb stood breathing heavy too, but Vrinda looked calm and collected once the job was done. She stood and was about to speak when a scratchy little voice came from the hall.
“Mom? Dad? Rage? Okay?”
The father’s eyes widened and he rushed passed Rage to head into the hall, scoop up Dings, and quickly take him back to his room.
Rage watched him go, and his legs finally gave out.
He slid down the wall, curling up on himself and still clutching his blaster, even though it was the source of his fatigue.
He stared at the piles of dust, to the doorway where Treb had left, and then up at Vrinda, his throat cloying.
He’d never seen monsters die before.
A faint, crooked smile wobbled over his features as he looked up at her.
Vrinda approached him, knelt down beside him, and looked apologetic. “Are you alright?”
He nodded, still not releasing the blaster, just holding it close. “Tired…”
He still wasn’t very good at using a lot of magic. A month of training had helped, but it didn’t make up for a lifetime of suppressing it.
He glanced around the room once more, hardly able to keep entirely still, he was so alight with nerves.
“Haha… guess they clean up easier than humans..”
Vrinda looked back at the three piles of robes and dust. “... Dust likes to stick to things.”
A hand went to his arm. “Can you stand?”
He nodded and, with her hand on his arm, shakily got to his feet.
Instead of leading him back to his room, she lead him into the kitchen and sat him down to make some tea, something to hopefully sooth his nerves.
Usually you couldn’t really sleep much after something like that, even if you were tired.
He was still grinning a little to himself when he sat down, patiently waiting for the tea and taking it with a quiet ‘thank you’ as if it were just another morning and he was being given his usual drink.
Vrinda would set the full teapot in front of him, sit and drink a little herself in silence, and then head up to check on Dings and make sure he was back asleep when Treb came down.
His father gave his shoulder a squeeze and signed asking if he was alright.
Rage drank his tea, looking up at Treb and smiling a little, signing back, ‘I’m fine. You?’
Trebuchet nodded and made himself some tea as well before settling into his usual spot.
‘You did a good job back there.’
He grinned a little wider, hid a little more behind his tea.
‘Thanks. Glad.’
Treb would fall silent and contently sit and drink his tea while Vrinda worked upstairs. She didn’t ask Treb to help, knowing he would want to rest and take it easy. She knew he didn’t like to fight anymore.
She walked down with the dusty robes, carrying them outside and hiding them in the barn to be burnt once daylight arrived, then carried back in a bucket full of water and a rage to begin cleaning up the dust.
Rage watched her return with the bucket of water and rag, and finished his tea, trotting up the stairs behind her.
Vrinda was rolling up her sleeves when Rage got to the doorway of their bedroom. She looked surprised, having not expected him to follow.
“Feeling better?”
He nodded, his blaster no longer present in his arms.
“I can scrub,” he said.
There was magic and affection stopping the aches in his bones. His strange, ugly weapon had worked. He’d been praised. He’d stopped someone from trying to hurt him without even having to get close, even when he was attacked and his soul taken control of.
He was feeling great.
His mother smiled and nodded, holding out a brush. “If you wish.”
She would set about cleaning then, dipping the rag into the water, ringing it out, and wiping down the wall the monster had been decapitated against. She paused only to slide Treb’s heavy axe back under the bed.
Most of the piles of dust were swept away and Rage rolled his pants up to his femurs, getting down on his knees and pouring a bit of water on the floor, beginning to scrub the rest away.
Vrinda was right. Dust did stick.
He kept scrubbing all the same, focused on his task and not minding when the loosened dust coated him somewhat instead.
He’d worn his boss’s blood for over a week, bringing Dings home.
This was nothing.
Vrinda would work silently with Rage cleaning the room, stopping only once the sun began to rise.
“You can keep going if you want, or stop. I’m going to start breakfast. Alright?”
He nodded, not looking up.
“It’ll be done by breakfast,” he said.
Vrinda nodded and headed down into the kitchen to start breakfast, leaving Rage to clean up. The door was firmly closed behind him, not wanting Dings to come out and see the scene inside their room.
A bit later she would come back up and knock. “Breakfast is ready.”
Rage did what he could on the floor, scrubbing the dust loose and trying to mop it up and keep it in the water bucket.
It looked much better than it had the night before, the areas of the floor he’d scrubbed looking cleaner. One would have to look to find a trace of the dust--aside from the bits that now clung to him.
He nodded and got up at her knock, doing his best to wash the dust off him, though there was little he could do without cleaner water and a change of clothes.
“What are we telling Dings?”
“Robbers. We fought them off.” Vrinda said, the door opening to hand him a change of clothes. She refilled their rooms wash basin too, and had changed her own clothes.
He nodded and took the clothes, stripping down and scrubbing himself clean in the new washbin before pulling the other clothes on.
He trotted downstairs quickly after that, having made his new family wait for long enough.
Dings had taken over the task setting the table and beamed once Rage came down.
“Rage! Mom sss hhheee rrrrsss!” He slurred, signing ‘Mom said you helped scare off the robbers!’ along with it.
At least some of the noises were right.
Rage grinned and looked down, making it to the bottom of the stairs before he made himself look up again to respond. “I just startled them enough your mom could take them by surprise. That’s all.”
“Ool!” Dings said, signing ‘cool’ along with it, then quickly started off again to finish setting the table.
Vrinda’s voice came from the kitchen. “Rage? Can you go fetch your father and tell him breakfast is ready? He’s outback.”
Treb was burning the robes.
He nodded and headed out, following the smoke to find Treb.
He approached quietly, watching the robes burn, and stood beside him.
“Ms. Vrinda says breakfast is ready.”
Treb nodded and stood with him for a bit longer before tossing the charred fabric over a few times with a pitchfork, then patting Rage on the back and leading him inside.
It was another morning to celebrate. Celebrate a victory.
Breakfast smelled wonderful. Eggs, sausage, potatoes, and a special dessert of mince pie afterwards with plenty of tea to wash it down.
Dings asked plenty of questions.
‘How did they get in?’
‘What were they going to take?’
‘How many were there?’
Rage followed him back inside, sitting down at his usual place and relishing breakfast--with little sleep and using so much magic in the night, he only realized he was ravenous after the first bite of eggs.
He rolled his eyes at Dings’ questions. “It’s not that exciting to be robbed. We used to get robbed all the time. They just kind of dunder around and make life difficult.”
Dings sort of pouted at that, having made up his own amazing story in his head about what had happened.
Vrinda and Treb nodded along in agreement, making the night out to be mostly uneventful and a minor inconvenience. “They might have gotten wind of all of our books.” She explained, “But we all came together and scared them off, so don’t worry about it.”
Rage saw his brother’s face fall and snorted. “You wanna know some really exciting happening in real life, I’ll tell ya about knights.”
He’d met a few at markets, watched them from a distance, been on the unfortunate end of mockery from one human one--but they all had stories that they told loudly and eagerly. And he’d liked to listen.
And they all were stories that happened far, far away from here.
“El el!” Dings said, signing ‘tell me! tell me!’ along with it.
Their parents didn’t seem to mind the conversation at the table for now. It had been a long night and they were all tired.
… Except for Dings. But they would look lively for him.
Rage nodded and ate some more pie, thinking about what story to tell. “Okay. Well. I met this guy in the market place, he he told me the story of Ferulean, a knight who had a stone that turned him invisible. He..”
Dings would listen eagerly as he ate his pie and Vrinda wouldn’t interrupt even as they finished. Treb would listen too, his wife moving about to clean up on her own and allow them all some time to rest and just enjoy the morning without having to rush about to get their chores finished.
Rage kept talking, embellishing the story here and there when he forgot parts or remembered the original story to be boring, telling them of the way Ferulean had used his magic stone to outwit and sneak about, saving people and discovering lost secrets.
And if the only characters in the original story were human?
Rage never made it explicit.
When he was done, he realized he’d completely failed to help clean.
No one seemed to mind. Vrinda was the only one who didn’t seem capable of sitting still or resting, even when she was running off very little sleep. She had cleaned up, gone to see if Rage had finished cleaning the room, and then headed out to do her chores for the day.
Treb waited until the story was finished, gave Rage a smile, and then stood up to do the same.
Dings made noises and would ask for more stories as they did too.
Rage nodded, jogging out with Dings to do their chores, and thinking of another story to tell.
He remembered the axe upstairs, hidden under Treb’s beside, and told Dings the story about the thief whose axe could cut off heads so cleanly, “the heads would still be alive as he ran away.”
“The thief would take the bodies, leave the heads, and steal their valuables right in front of them,” he said, feeding chickens. “So Sir Rattigan confronted him one day and tried to stop him--but his head was cut off!”
Dings made squeaking ‘oos’, ‘aahs’, and ‘eees’ as the story was told, having a mix of thinking the story was cool and gross at the same time. But that’s what made it so good.
He pulled his head from the chicken coop in order to sign, ‘Why did their heads stay alive? Was the axe magic?’
“Some say that,” Rage said, nodding, grinning, “Others said it was sharpened so finely, the bodies never even realized their heads had left.”
“Ool!” Dings said again, voice echoing from the chicken coop as he pulled out a few more eggs and put them in his arms.
He would run inside to put the eggs where they belonged as usual before running back and heading to feed the mules with his brother, nagging him to tell stories all throughout.
When Rage finished the story about Rattigan--whose severed head was found along the side of the road by a poor boss monster girl who agreed to help him recover his stolen body--he told Dings about the knight who’d been so lost in a forest he simply sat down and lived in it for a whole fifty years, until he was covered completely with moss and leaves and had turned to stone. Another, about one who learned to slip between mirrors and traveled like that until his beloved threw a mirror he was meant to pop out of into the ocean. Another, who was facinated by windmills and learned to make one fly.
All stories were true, he promised. Swear-on-my-life and the fickle faces of the moon.
Dings was amazed by each and every one. When told they were true, however, he playfully shoved his brother and let out a squeaky ‘nuh-uh!’
“Yeah, they are!” he said, making a face. “I even met some of these people!”
He had--he had, but he wouldn’t go looking for them at all, or mention them outside of this family.
He didn’t want to find out he’d been lied to more than he already was.
“Nuh-uh!” Dings squeaked again, shoving Rage a little more, but was still grinning.
“It’s true!” Rage said, taking the shove and huffing at him. “I wouldn’t lie to you, would I?”
The little skeleton narrowed his eyes at him. “Nnnooo.” He said, although signed ‘I guess not.’
Then he thought of something else.
‘Are you good at magic yet? Can I see?’
He paused, surprised at the sudden change in question, and.. Wasn’t sure if he was lying or not when he said, “I’m still pretty bad at it. And my magic’s all weird. Probably because I wasn’t using it for so long.”
He shrugged.
“Awww.” Dings pouted, then switched to signing when he didn’t know the words for what he wanted to say. ‘That’s okay! The more practice the better you’ll be. You already know a lot of wingdings!’
If he was getting so good with understanding his signs then that surely meant his magic would follow.
He smiled down at the other and tried not to be embarrassed again. “Thanks. Yeah, I’ll keep trying. How’s your magic going?”
He didn’t get to see Dings practice anymore, now that he was doing it mostly on his own.
“Ood!” Dings grinned, summoning a regular attack, then doing away with it and summoning a blue one in quick succession. ‘I can do blue really fast now!’
He grinned, giving Dings a thumbs up. “That’s great!”
“Tanks!” He said, that being the longest word he could manage right now. ‘I want to be strong like you and mom.’
Apparently dad wasn’t strong.
“I’m not strong,” he said, quickly waving the thought off. He hadn’t even been able to kill the robbers last night--just stun them. It had been enough, but he could’ve done more. “Is Mr. Trebuchet not strong?”
He’d decapitated two monsters in one stroke.
‘Dad is a baby.’ Dings signed, then laughed. From what he saw Vrinda bossed him around like nothing and his dad loved to nap and sit around. He might have been physically strong but he wasn’t mentally strong like the little one thought, like he wanted to be.
His mother commanded the entire household. She was the voice and kept things in order. Rage had taken initiative and helped him escape their captor, even if he didn’t know exactly how.
Dings tapped the good side of his skull, ‘Strong!’
Rage snorted. “You’re already pretty strong, munchkin.”
He looked a little flustered, his signs getting a little meek. ‘No I’m not.’
He raised his brow. “Why d’you say that?”
Dings shrugged. He wasn’t sure, but… he didn’t feel strong, physically or mentally.
Rage huffed a little, looking down at him, frowning again. “...you remember when you first met me?”
“Yah.” Dings nodded.
“You kept struggling,” Rage said, looking away but watching for movement out of the corner of his eye, in case Dings started signing. “...even after he put the ring on you and hit you and you were tied up. You didn’t give up.”
Dings looked a little flustered again, eyes going down. He made a tiny ‘oh’ noise.
Rage nodded, looking away more. “...you didn’t know this, but… he was struggling a lot with you around… he wasn’t normally like that…”
He hung his head a little, watching the ground. Watching his feet.
“I gave up way faster, when he first got me..”
Dings looked up at his brother, his embarrassment fading to a look that his mother sometimes had; resolved in a decision he had yet to express.
The little skeleton took his hand and signed with the other.
‘You protect me and I’ll make sure you never give up again. We’ll have each other.’
Rage looked up, surprised, and grinned, holding out his hand. “Deal.”
Dings grinned, squeezing his brother’s hand and then giving him a quick hug before going back to their chores.
That evening, before the reading lesson, Rage met Vrinda in the kitchen, and shut the door.
“I need to know more magic.”
Vrinda smiled even though she had yet to turn around. She continued to clean up, back still turned as she spoke.
“Our lessons will continue tomorrow at the usual time.”
He nodded and took his place by sink, washing and drying the dishes, and helping put them away.
The night would carry on like normal, but the next day Rage would follow Vrinda and Dings to their practicing spot. Dings would finish and then head home before her attention would turn on her other son.
“More magic.”  She said simply, approaching him. “Show me what you used last night.”
With a nod, he summoned the skull again.
It was thinner and longer than his own skull, almost oval, with a smooth forehead and jaw and little nubs of teeth.
It sat in his arms, heavy and motionless.
She smiled, “It’s wonderful.”
Vrinda straightened and summoned an attack, throwing it into one of the nearby trees, giving him a target.
“Show me how you fired it last night.”
He shifted it in his arms, using one to steady it and the other to aim.
Hand on the brow of the skull, its eyes lit up with lightning a moment before the blast shot from between its teeth and scraped the side of the bone, missing narrowly.
He frowned.
Vrinda nodded, watching before making a suggestion.
“Use your magic to hold it, not your arms.”
He frowned a little more. “How?”
“The same way you grabbed those leaves before.” Vrinda explained, removing the bone she had flung into the tree with a yellow glow of her eyes, hovering it over her palm.
“Set it down and try to lift it. Don’t be discouraged if you can’t. It’s a heavy thing to lift, it looks like.”
He nodded again and slowly set the blaster down on the ground, watching it list to one side. He took another breath and tried to pick it up with magic the same way he’d done with the leaves, and the same way he caught his brother when he fell or jumped in bad places.
It was lighter than Dings was, at least, and seemed a little more cooperative with his magic.
It was something he had to think about--he noticed lifting it in a very real way, like a pressure on the side of his head, but the skull did rise from the ground and come to bob along by his shoulder, a little uneven and nose dipping downward.
Vrinda smiled, “Good. Freeing your hands will give you not only range-” She gestured to the skull, “-but also-” She summoned a bone in her hand and pressed it close to her chest. “-allow you to still defend yourself should you need to.”
“If you can learn to control this with your magic, learn to aim it and keep it steady without using your hands, then also summon attacks in front of you and in your hands, that leaves you with every area covered. Can you swivel this to look behind you?” She pointed to the skull.
The skull. In front of him. In his hands.
That. Was a lot of places for attacks.
Didn’t most people only use one at a time? Two at the most?
He wasn’t good at controlling and rationing his magic, how was he going to do three?
Still, he grit his teeth and nodded, swiveling the skull so it was at his back, staring back towards the house.
“Good. Spin it back around. Hold it. Try to summon an attack in your hands at the same time.” Vrinda said, summoning a row of bones in front of her, levitating one, and then another in her palm.
“It’s a juggling act. It’s very difficult to do, but you have already created something that I never knew possible.” She smiled, “So you should be able to do this as well, with enough practice.”
He nodded, keeping his mouth shut and trying to get the skull to spin in a pattern, first. Trying to get used to keeping it a certain distance around him, above his eyeline, so he could see things coming without a blind spot. Trying to keep the speed consistent.
Kept his mouth shut, because if he opened it, he’d be panting from exertion already.
When he finally thought he had the skull movement down, he held out his hands and summoned a bone-- stopped, abruptly, when the skull stopped as his concentration shifted. Got the skull moving again. Felt it stutter to a halt once more.
Squeezed his eyes shut and grit his teeth, thinking of the cane in his hand, and lightning in his mouth, and furiously gave the skull a shove, gripping the long bone like a club in his hand, glaring at the skull until it moved properly again.
The world swayed when he opened his eyes.
Vrinda approached, standing behind him and keeping her arms out, just in case he stumbled. She didn’t want him to fall if he pushed himself too hard, but this was what training was; pushing yourself to your limits and beyond. Going further and further when you didn’t think you could.
Proving everyone wrong.
“Good. Stay steady. Hold that. Keep both up. Aim your skull. Don’t fire it. Just aim. Keep your attack in your hand, don’t let it fade.”
He gave up on keeping his mouth shut, gasping air in and glaring at the ground.
He kept the bone gripped tightly between his hands. Kept the skull rotating steadily above his head.
“Aim where..”
“Everywhere. Keep it rotating. Aim at imaginary targets. Turn then hold steady as though something is there. As though you’re about to fire.”
Vrinda’s hands hovered just short of his arms, not touching him but ready to keep him on his feet. “You’re doing well.”
She said ‘you’re doing well’ and he wanted to spit ‘I’m barely doing’, but didn’t.
The skull above his head began to pause every few moments. Its movements becoming erratic. Pointing in one direction, then swiveling to another without keeping to the pattern around his head.
He breathed slower, still strained and feeling like his core was overheating, but managing to keep it moving and in the air and moving quickly while his hands gripped the bone as tight as they could, trying to keep it solid between his fingers.
Vrinda said nothing, watching him and there to keep him steady. Even if he pushed too hard and he fainted it would be alright. Fainting from strain wasn’t necessarily good, but it would give them both an idea of what was too far and what wasn’t.
He was learning. He was learning how to control something she had never seen before.
It swelled her with pride.
He would faint before he dissolved the bones.
He would fire off a shot before he fainted.
If he was going to fuck up, he was going to earn it.
It was with that in mind, with ragged breathing and gnashed teeth, that he twisted the skull around to point at the base of a large tree, and fired.
Vrinda was there to catch him, arms looping under his and keeping him from hitting the ground. She would guide him to the ground gently and rest his head in her lap.
She would stay with him until he woke.
He woke up slowly, and shivering with a chill over his bones.
He didn’t open his eyes right away. Just grimacing. Trying to pull his clothes tighter around his bones.
“Shhh..” Came Vrinda’s voice, a skeletal hand resting gently on his head. “You did well.”
He flinched at the touch before recognizing it.
Accepting it.
Remembering what happened.
He took a deep breath and kept his eyes shut.
He’d fainted.
She wouldn’t appreciate a ‘sorry,’ and he didn’t really want to give one.
So he stayed silent.
Vrinda would sit there with him in silence. She wouldn’t speak or push him to get up or say anything.
She had said what she wanted; that she was proud.
That was all that needed to be said.
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tuyetthienduong · 6 years
Khang tao ko khoc noi nuq p22 cung p23 la la la la la ls lo jy raybh xiu
Lqy 7 team
A team roi
B t dung 1
C db lo
D c
E assb
F huyg thd xr
G thd 1
Mew two cut
H mew two 1
Dvb xiu ah same best
Hi ua taht qua
Bo du bui qua
Db xiu wwua
Nga chet wua
Lar same wua
Gg keo het qua dv cut lo dom qua
Lo ngon qua that q di qua
Bun3 xiu lo ganh tor keo nga banh lar xe ab sp qua scoo be doo be doi doo be doo doo be doo qua sp by it lo som quq ic qua s goc wua mahah maha qua xiu taiki xiu qua elon help qua
Do em wua van keo ing skate no do khoc atds bg lo qua da di qua q tho kbn lo qua tnts khoi noi qua ziu skate de wn qua dv lo nhu q qua tnts khoi wua tnt wua s goc xiu sp wua gou siu qll qua that q di
Sm town qua hau keo hau bao eun keo w di qua q di
Dj that di xiu qua yoyo wua
Qua truot tren bang bhjn no do qua mahahahahahagahahagagagahahahahahahahqhqg dv lay viet ko duoc du live mahaha same tontu giet em de em song tuep qua
That qua xiu elon help W map siu dv ranh nl qua yhanh cho ri keo tor siu nga same gg keo hoc tro cu keo lqy tho lo by lar tjos tca lay eon dom han di
Qua d qua xiu lay thanh wua thanh wua bp no do wua
That xiu elon help die pay qua lar xiu t keo hoc tro cu keo detriot keo atlantis taht tanks sp la pika 2 xiu xai chuq lo tho lo time said qua lam ziu cho br time qua pika 2 di q lo wua w di q si q di qua lam dang rang L biet cong qua akl ranh qua aks di keo tranh qua
Quafc qua day wua
Ziu elon help 4 qua
Kien de 4 tien ziu wua
Ktvl di q lo lam co ing L bao akl hau bao lo aks hon nua elon trum trum lo som dom tuois dom nhat wua qua team qua lqy qua admins wua t chooooooooo thanh hung nuoc nuoc thanh wua that wua
Wua lie dom wua mxiu jn thay chuq cho wua bun xiu wua
Yoyo bay qua truot bang scoo be doo be doo scoo bee doo be doo mahahagaha lo dom wua team qua thanh qua mew qua mew rwo wua ho oh wua kugia qua lay wua siu qua pika mv ne qua s22 xiu tm mv dom lo wua kem day wua wua wuaqua
Qua em xiu ntd wua roi quq
Assb no do xiu qua vlc qua ziu c do ua qua huyg xiu s god kick wua jerk xiu wua
Qua truot jump qua nh do gia doi qua ppn wua tu du giet su trum don hh qua lac con qua pika di ele3 lo qua lay qua bai 7 xiu vo do het gg no wo wua han that qua ziu qua was ua wua uqqua qua xiu math help wua time ut no do ca cho tts that co tinh ut dv em ay chiu mv 90 ty 3000 nam lo nam vo hinh pika 2 proof qua cho by da vua qua la 2 hieu xiu ko the chiu noi qua la xiu
Elekit do het ne hinh nua thai
Jerk sr va style t tai tro wu ko chom eun xiu se ranh keo
Van lo xiu het me no eoi team skate de gi qua
Scoo be doo be doo qua
Chua qua pika hinh lay ko du alien roi hay qua
Xiu hen gi no kick pika ko can biet so live qua duc cha ne wua phat ma a tr nl qua bh xiu hoj qua
Xiu nha ca hiem tts lo sach ma vung nhu ppn qua
Ppn wua nh keo lo wua qua
Q di kbn lo qua tnts lo bg buqua do lay wua em kien de thai no do lay hiem cho vu tru level me kia lo do khuc dau ma ko noi ma em chi tay ppn ted hh niet ro luon pika W lo vo bat thanh rai kou lo qua xiu qua tieng phap quq sp qua bla wua bang nguoi qua bma lo hau bao trai wuaqua qua tranh xiu als keo di that qua
Wua bn wua bn qua
Q di
Qm wua ppn wua qua
Tu du ziu wu qua em qua truot patin van ing tui skaters ld luon lqy u2 help no ngoi suoc j level ele chuq cong wua mag oi qua fv hoi biet se dom qua
Xiu wua elon help 5 lar tan nga banh xe di chay qua
Xiu nha gg keo hoc tro cu keo atlantis keo hoc tro ko cuq atlantis keo lay fan ki lar qua that qua
Xiu nha dllm ngay 1 ko biet may phut said time qua db cho nen bomb hoi wua lac con lo hiroshi qua han lo tho qua minh tr si qua di wua minh tr di qua
Em all qua xiu qua ah sr bat tai bp qua lay lt an xiu no do lt an wua lay 11 nha wua lam all nen he dv lc lt qua lay qua nh xiu se wua hh qua k giet rm wu xiu kkkkkkkkkkkkkk qua mhahahaagag cut thoi qua wu xiu cant live qua eun ko nhu wu wua day ne qua xiu nha assfc keo ntttfc lo hi qua t3 lo sp assfc qua xiu em d m lay qua xiu q di wua dv hh qua nguu
Xiu ghe qua th dell no do db sp xiu nha yh keo detritus mafuys lo qua at xiu lo t lo minh 1 lay qua q di sm town lo qua hi wua em qua de an giay payin said s15 cuoi em di u2 17 same qua
Dv hh that hv hinh em tr qua nguu qua
Kien de ko king team dom mac dom kai togami qua em qua bai 7 xiu wua vo no cho wua qua giet em qua bang vl wua qua q di sm town jn lay sig quy qua q tu dau nhin tnts vl qua tao tha mat mang qua ntd ranh di q lo cung qua tren help nl chung hn keo qua em bao ke thach phat ne qua lay phat don cc all qua
Phat pika 2 hiem so nam wua qua tranh chet aks chet dn keo that qua fan qua lay giua hon tg qua hh qua aw cu help tts ne qua ni qua that by lt an qua thai an em bao ke qua q xiu hen gi em vl map a qua dv giet map qua em bao ke at keo soi ig keo hinh lay bai giua nghe nhu td qua q di M lam hh by M qua tds lo hen gi qua ppn hung qua nguu qua lay ko bang do no nua thing a time biet hau bao lo ne qua dvb hen kick mew mew two se roi qua xiu qua se pat qua that qua kbn vl wua qua tts cong that se qua sm town di pika di dau lay da giua con yooin hoan giet qua dn keo tor keo nga xiu lar hoi xiu qua gg keo ar km stu keo anh 10 lo la 1 lo fc dom la that qua ele that ne keo lay 1 dua gic add h bi chom 1 nua kick by tts cu ranh qua 3 cu hen kill lo ne qua ut no do qua pika ut tao giet qua puka em bao ke phat lay minh no qua chu that song lit quoc qua
Minh giet lo ma bo tay scy lo bd qua team cho qua
Quy truoc phat that qua db crown kia keo qua huyd tao thay phat hinh truoc luc no di 90 ty no luon tama a bh all nen ganh 90 ty duc tin q hen gi wua qua tnts xiu hoi a qua dv xiu nguu ranh ppn wuq qua
Phat ne huyd cau hon qua ntd xiu lac con cho ne qua lay don no luon scwp chu gi cha sung qua xiu se cong scwp cha qua y la gai tu bang nt tnts qua lay s kcg xiu hh scy day ne qua free qua
Style lo hi scwp cha dc em di guip wua huyd ziu ntd do het ne lam no do nha vl qua
Tren dung unlucky luon qua de tranh cong wua qua dn ranh aks keo qua 99 em 99 98 lay giua hh xiu scy chi qua
AU lo tho 4th rai qua q di qua sm town phats 20 toi 50 dv hh xiu scy chi ziu wua
Phat ngai bun 3 lqy ngai hon tuoi 99 a tts said qua phat ngai bun 2
Qua phat ngai bun anh 10 cong het de fuys no do tranh tho lo qua
Aks di wua
Phats di qua q di tm
Hsd2 qua jn chi qua bp hh xiu chi qua nguu 25 k1 1 k2 M tu nguyeb lo qua huyd ziu qua bach tuc oi yay qua mvvv help bc raiki dua qua pika ut ranhbqus qua that pika qua bp xiu qua of xiu wuaqua qua q di sm town di qua tuois help p23 sr ngai anh em sb xho ne qua
Sb xiu elon tu help ranh gg keo hinh
Toi xin dang tat ca danh du cho nguoi
Giwt dn ft ko lam gi bg a
Q di sm town di hau help mv ne
Jn no do qua 99 kbn lo qua phat huyg chet roi qua phat ko danhvqua ngai nhu hxt hh qua lay o nha viet nhac tu 1t dang cap 99 hui cut hh lai qua lay ciet truyen mo ta tts song theo nho bc cua maha ft ton tu cho khoc do gia lo qua sm town di eun nga roi mainbqua wu dc gg qua at all qua nh qua nguu ppn em phat danh 9 s21c cho de doi khoc huyg tai em qua phat piggie que do gia doi em 23 lo bun3 vua bat buoc nttq bc ne qua bma giet em qua tim xiu qua phat sm town di hau lan s goc that gou huyen thoai raybh kbn ne tg hau bao lo nhu cho phat qua nh chet roi ppn dang cong tt nguu chu jna em phat qua phat patin gia doi lo em 23 17 co em con di lac qua
Phat truot ne lam di khoc cho qua br dien ne L bao help hinh du leb lam s goc xiu seo do gia doi qua cl thanh nlbqua thai qua huy qua 99 pjat that by bun3 qua so toan gia qua lan ne patin qua em qua phat truot patin qua jump bnlang scoo that qua jump voi patin qua nhay bang van lam bboy goc dom tinh nguyen qua j22 keo nt di sm town di q di em di hqu lan phat gg ziu nga kro qua phat ngai bun jn pika ut sw
S goc ko the mau thuqn thanf s15 tgar live proof ne qua
17 nl qua
AU do gia cc xiu ele biet hiet phat qua phat tren dot ban tho qua hct xiu em no same qua quq qua wuq q di town sm l qua
Yoyo khox anh giya n anh 23 xiu cong anh 23 nh ranh do ne nguu phat lc soc thanh dies cha thanh cha 2 thanh thanh bp ah meq two q di sm town hau ziu ntd ranh des keo tranh qua aks ranhbwuaqua qua bai 7 xiu vo no xiu rai kou lo xiu rai co help elon do xx cc xiu ggbkeo qua se xiu wu keo ranh eun zlx phat piggie xiu so do invin dom qua jump voi mahahahaha xiubwua qua khang ne lt nus help me marey huyd qua dv chetvqua qua phat dvb qua bp xiu phat dom ghen ah som domqtx qua tgatvqua qt qua ma 17 that qua anh 10 no do sw cong all qua
Em phat dv xiu co bmi qua
Pikabcho qua ziu qua huys qua
Do dom nhu scy qua
Qua fc luve libh no fanh o danhkhi ko co danh qua phat bun3 tru cc roi qua pika 2 aong nhu dv ta qua phat xuat hien lc ntd anh 10 etc qua
Sm towb soc ziu nha qua eoi a qua
Fc xiu moi tqp 2 dv tr qua bh di bui wua
Y la ek tt 90 ty bwm tu tap 2 shin di qua dv hh gay dom qua
Lqy 11 tap tu ganh anh 10 quy lai lo ntd do gia doi shin same qua patinbxiu qua
Nh cha qua anh 23 chwr ppn qua nguu xhu chu minh tr han qua phat qua
AU qua
Ele ziu do gia phatvqua qua
Chua 1 xiu pis qua q di qua tgat dv tap 2 thoi eo xiu qua sm town di hau lab nga hh keo toe qua lay do dom 2 AU lo cungvqua qua em ni do dn3 nl biet nh hh xiu bat ngo kdm xiu di nha fks help o nha du chi ne chu ld lay hinh xqu duong nuabxaibdo q di sm town hau bao qua
Soc qua lac con qua phats qua qua t xiy qua dv chua hwt 1 p xiu qua br nh xiu patin ranh gg cung lo nga ko nga moi la do xd qua nh hh qua pgat phat lay phat gia hon nhiwy mac dom cho qua nha phat tao 3 nho bo jemp nts said qua phat tnrs xu do dv tap 4 toi 9 a lay xungv treb dap ban tho tranh max qua tbts lay no dien toi ova voi dv s goc hh qua roi do haiz
Mau bl hn keo qua sm town di q di hau lan qua lay con tap 9 tbts bat tai lo all ids cua q deu yeu phat tbts a lay q my soc tr hn vl di gabh ne tnrs tnt do gia doi y la q hox chung voi blatoise chom said 3 em pht em la scy anh q AU do dom lo moewth lo chom dom teambqua lan lay dien toi ovavteam bs quab
Ova 3 on going wua ova 4 567889 p a sm l sn sm town qua tap 10 da qut lay qua tnt nham ngi khox tbts keo sb xiy em nya phat ziu mb thar ntd nl hiey chut qua nh patin no do cho vd cho chua vo cho hh quq lqy free xiy pgat u do gia doi u ngoi kbn tnt cubg lo tren dap tranh wwww y phat la dien lai du dien het noi voi em trang nguyen 1 ban voi sw no do k lo hi nh hi xiu y la nh la sword shitvword eyes ppn bd ma bang ppn w nguu do do kbn nguu
Phan sc cua nl a than ganh tts di y la cm hoa team nho be qm lqy no trum o do ma 1t pika di lay wua puja xuu qua hct lqy nhu ngay do a em nh biet ppn ca ted nl tgat thai dung huy all wua qua lqy vay cungvziu qua tranhbwua qua
Patin lo tranh qua nh xiu ls do qua sw bla xiu nhuc qua qr do trang cho giabqua phat wua phat quq qua bun3 tqo mat nc roi qua bun2 xiu qua anh kdm fks ld qua 17 nl wua ngai phat wu eun hyuk kris linh lam chu jerk j212 j21 j22 ppn nguu nh lay incest gia do cut team qua q di sm town di tbts no do keo des ranh aks no trabh aks xiu tho lo qua phat tryot qua yoyo du qua phat truot ninja web park hourly qua jay qua park wua ele wua phat truot db cuoi em di jay park qua wu help gay thatveun keo qua ohat qua xiu gia do qua tren dap phat qua tranh xiu tui patins ziy se roi jy qya jp cho jyj qua db ld phat ngai da treh dung ke tao mat nc roi wua em yu nh bla vo team q di sm town hau bao kris level jy jp no do nga bao mang jp qua lar xiu dhs em team phat cuu the k do gia doi min roi em qua phat db da chuyen ngoi tren quq phat nh kbn jy qua jp xiu nga keo qua tu than ld ly keo qua lay em phat qua xiu nha bun2 do hwt bun no ro nl wua qua db phat ngai chubg team qua L akl heb toi hqi dya roi j22 sm town do gia dom hsd1 level xiu qua giascq trabh thien tau k em trej keo qua phat thai huy 99 nlt q qua no do 5 t toi 90 ty 3000- ing qua hctw qua q di am kd day lam chobwua quq phat truot qua sm town chwt roi qua town alone th dg se dn3 nl buet qya lqt nhac nhu cho do luon qua tqp thy them a paradox qua lay teqm nho dv cut voi nguu thoi qua ppn xiu se quq se cong pikas pichus don ntqt dom ne qua anh 10 kinh khubg qua tg ga ep a qua j21 tgat em xiu lay cung tren hh qua fks se jy se xiu lay aU day gia soi duoc jyvqua jp help lo keo qua dg tho lo biet keo qua xiu invin cho chu hqn minh qt minhbtr em bla nh ppn quq nguu all words now qua jna xiu zeno goc xuqt gieb thai xiu do gia doi qua zebo nua ne bp xiu gia doi qua zebo ah xiu keo dvb s qua phat qua mew nguu 2 paradoz chwo done qua
Jp chui dg
Se dc ne
Sm town di q di tnt di tnts hau bqo wu eun qua
Y lq em o do tren thirn tai xhim nhu pc ted ma no nl hh qua lay bqng la wua la 2 lac loi qua lay nhi 1 oo qua da xiy nh se uq nh
Y la mem cua dv bguoc 100 vya du voi su that dvb cubg lo hh quq
Cho do do shick no do em hct ne qua
Assfc xiu do gia cc qua fc nttt hhh ems qua bh di s15 bqi nay thang wueo luon tren tr đ 17 nl đ cl xiu tqo tha team bun hh keo bun3 xiu kbbse jy se dang cap wua
No 4 vua co ne vua help tao sabg qua psy tum
Ele xiu do dom 4 thatvqua
Cho invin chqs thanh qua
Bp qua
S gox quy lqi wua
Bboy nu ne by rings lqm xiu hh kbn se roi br do gia soi qua br la mark a wua qya qua mahahahahaha hahahah by mahahahah qua pika de qua o day wua
Aks mem tha bom qua j22 xiu dom nhu son tungvwua qua thanh di keo no a my lifr no do xiy hekp me team qua thuong het quq pika giau wua o day bh tgay lay nh vl wua
Help me elon aks xiy gg keo lo yh kick keo ay kick gee ni lo hi hi hh qua wu xiu hh qua eun xiu hh se qua a qua lay do dom dc lo qua y la doi em phai wua 3 lo doc thang hang vua level s goc y la song trong hang an du a o tt voi ids cuq 4 dua bp hh en khubg qua ah ziu se qua khang do dang le lam em tu minhvqua qua ma 17 ae qua q lo qua q di sm tiwn hau lambwua qua that qua q di sm town di hau bao lan ing linh sa di qua tren nl qua linhbl wua jp do cc g keo y la linhbsong nhu dv lt xiu hh hv hh qua s15 xiu di qua 17 nga 17 17 phat qua q di sm towb duoc cong tbts tbt tnt di qua hau xiu lo camping qua kts lqy co cqy cob 1 khyc nho hon chuq pika tr bh giet cho snh roi do a gic s gic hhhh no no no no no nl nl nl no no no n p ln lnl nl no no no n o l no no nl n ln l n ln lnl n l nl n ln ln o p no nl n ln lnk no n ln lnl nl nl nl qua cl lay em dich qua nguu xiu kbn lay ưua qua ppn xiu tha lam nl qua team that qua dv bang ban qua lo xiu anh 10 tho lo qua nb nl lay cmncl qua phat xiu quq vo tam vi all qua giwt giua cua a goc nl nl qua
A all b hh mat all qua ntd do xiu da cong qua s15 17 hv st q xiu do xx qua tnt xxx heart rate qt soc wua em tr qua phat truot mahagahahah qua lay em wua phat di du hi wua
Nh y la tt q lat lay lo do fc ass fc lo em lay dome dom anh 21 tap do anh khoc nl 1 qua y la tan roi xa tanf a lunh nl qua hg wua kwu help hg dom that jy hg eun hg jy jp giet dg hh qua hg lay do dom wuq q di sm town duoc kieu tnt di qua lqy sb dom di qua kdm xiu cho wua fks cho ang qua phat L lo ak L lo lau bc trung a said mahahahahahahahahaha qua hsd2 hh q di sm town di tnt di tnts lot do hau lan xe roi se lo giwt chua all qua phat truot van het thuong nh hen patin ko la nh lam thua qua nh xiu hon xa jy anh giua walle keo tor no do nga ranf lar chui
Xiu td cu thai said qua goy bao nhib main em dau qua linh cong patin xiu seo tg bach huys qua phat dm tnts su that moi chuq duoc elekit said tui nay biet qua in tgii shit word nh dung wua sheep di tt xong linh xiy hy qua
Tien lay giet roi ktvo l em a keo lt an tin anh di tgai an tin anh hon thwi an nua tr nam hh tai tro chuong tribh nay qua
Wu nhu dc eun di co roi qua
Sm town gabh wu xiu se keo nga xiu no do walle keo qua w si qua tnt phat quay lai
Paradoz duc tij a jp help why em tr 200 this name exactly qua
Mahahaha khoc qua phat L db ak AKL AU scys wles ton tu dd trum karma don vi moi viet duoc xiu co tuou nam daichou bu ne tbts tho ko qua phat L ak AKL gia cc scy s xiu nguyn hang qa qua phat q di sm town di haus lelers qua tranh thien cc gia haus qua aks i qua ikant qua add linh wua phat L ak AKL AU scys eles ton tu dd trum xiu sr keo tor no do bi nga ran lar keo gg keo qua
Chu leb la hen roi qua minh s a sm l M de thi lam di qua phat L cu do hirm lay cho gi help jun a jp vo cuoi lien hh qua aks trabg keo qua cho helo ak dg chet tu bc qua dn3 li hi che dn biet dien gioi se lay sp qua 99 hinh tim bh hinh q di sm town duoc nh cong mew do gia cc free qua tts chwt no do qua seo lap quaj doi s goc hau qua em trangs bma chua qua phta L akld chua 2 hh qua phat L ak L j22 hcts gous hinh raybh lo xacg sigyn s goc khoc qua cho ele gier su mb qya phat bao ke L akLs jp dg cong hn di bui wua phat L aj help cps chua 1 lo dau dang do voi L akL dn chwt ele2 doi co nhieu giet do qua L tin anh di KL NHIN ANH KO NOI NUA drll lo tho kick by akd hinhbwua lo nguu kbn chep nhu lac con nh no do fb la tiok pc a ted help bit ma giet ppn kro muot nhu kugia wua wua qua phat L ak xiy tranh xach di xong roi may dua que bp
Tts xiy
Yoyo wua that wua
Dns do xiu dg keo
Hn xiu st se roi keo
Em tr o doi kbn la lam for me tu 3000 since bn su again
Walle dangvjeo no do hsd2 nl do gia doi xiu y la co vua troi cy do noi a one q trum su day hinh hh salo cho y la dc cua la a team
Tren lay dinh cao nghe thuat bp tho lo of hinh tho lien s goc hh anh 10 quy lay fc luon em nua y la biet ma vf nhu dvb hinh lo tu bc tu day nguu better than life lo hien y lq no bao college xiu by lt nus em ranh neu o trong truong hoc j22 xiu ko du team han tho lo di salo sa di tgar a linh lay lo team nh y la loop loi glitg loi qt ngu tin xiu chuw y la ig pc vee ma giet biet doi ele2 tho lo pika de day nguu de day nt biet nhu kia team
Lay nh ppn keo qua q di sm town hau cong qua
Em ma 17 hinh patin hen la no hay ko la nl team qua ma moi tele qua chqn vl lay thiej tai nh hinh qua q di dm frre lay ngoaid len luon toi gio anh 23 anh 23 thar hon nuq nhwn chas qua thai map phat L ntd lo kia hi keo qua s21 nl nhu twp ova 5 qua pika 2 lay tu s qua loip 6 loi qt idol lo qua q di mtq di tnt di wus qua nus bi giet wua qua nus moi nl qua mtd cw pika chu qua tu choi ne qua hay cong sm town quq ppn lt an con ppn day nh lai L khoc akL khoc nhu atds qua phat aks sm town bo hau di bui qua kts lay rep anh 10 giua biwt ma ko lam gi duoc luon hg ko q qt keo qua sm town bia 99 em no do giq doi giet qua em k tu L xuu akal trum tranh budais suede la tam biet han hanh tren su qua phat map mew xiu hqi dua phai mot w free help lo con gia nhan qua phat ngai bun3 hinh vuad lanh toi do dn3 phut cuoi
Haiz dien hoai met day bon fua lqi nguu
Dot duc sa di ing chu xiy se nguu biet on rm bit see 300 ngan luot xem moi ngay chu xiu dot cua minh ing camps s goc hen la 3 lo va em xiu nh bao nhuc lo soc goc patin di lac lo do qua team that qua lay 19 team tho 99 em 99 di nh di ppn xiu zo zizi lo qua phat co tuois linh chet qua vuas blatoise fj cuoi cung la chua xung dang ring 11! Chu gi nguu tr nl oi xiy hh qua phat a that a a a a a a a a a a a a a kiem 17 qua mew qua kiem 16 dam a 88 hut 99 no fi kro qua a 100 be kiem 100 ko duoc cha chet wua wua wua qua q di sm town hau bao lot duong se cam xixi qua em phat k nh patin anh 23 hinh giet elon lsnh cu xqm tron doi gg tho lo ht cu help kbn nhu akd boi se y la vua tren vua troi hay tren tts co kbn lo va team sua diem vua lo nen lo tho hts scwp gia cha scwp tho lo bang tho ba lo karma day 300k dua mew add nl wua ntd team xiu nhw s15 hen lq no o day bua team cong hinh thd cubg thay hts dom de xon mang akL elon xiu hoi a xai hoai nga bo tay keo y la tho fia moi sach ka vung lo ban cho ganh het noi keo y la em biet nho lam chu chieu 19 noi vay la ra han style giet sa di linh
Phat truot ganh ko tumr jy qua
Phat tryot voi nguu xiu biet kq team xhu xiu nl hh oi no so kro nguubqua
Mew di nl qua
Mew two kwo qua
Em tr a xiu nl a a a qua
Tao xiu dn lo cho ke ben nhu anh no de anh no qua
Em xiu patin help nh kro qua
Lay em ko la hi hts luve ntds dom tu nguyrn aks dao de song tuep th qua
Phat fj form lc gqy lqu roi quq team same lay nha leh guip mac nhu hai mr kia sp lo tho lo qua huyd qua bun keo qua huyg jeo qua lay dam s cobs xu qua
Phat fan it alo y la no form fj nhu ng thuoi w thar soy 2 bien xuy by lar hinh hsd2 lo theo qua s21 qua xiu nha do hien qua y la fj ne nu no biet said fj cuoi bach lo hi sr qua y la ko ganh all toi ngay no nghi huu huong phqt qua pika 2 sais dam ing qya qua that phat qua than phat hts ko the dau tiej sau no qua lay teak 19 free sieu dom chau dich cc nha team anh 10 hinh y la phat qua moi jerk di q lo lit dep hong dv sao may song voi q duoc thai shit word shit word lo pika idol vo qua pika gox pichu rai xiu di tg help hh aw cu keo y la phat fj vo thuy goc than 1 trung hop thqy nhin giong tg con no ntds xiu ac vl dv xiu tr sr linh main nha qua phat xiu su moi di nga xiu ds qua keo qua heat lay lo 301k hinh w coi tnts hieu nha team y la dc cua no jy a team qua smbtown di hinh
Cung j22 da team qua lay em nh said y la hai toi vl ao xung by em ma em van vicac duox keo by kai qua nh khoi loncut qua cut thuan bp keo wua phat phats lay do minh ko xong tru ma pi cc di roi that non em ut ganh het o daanh de pay elon lo help bun3 lo gi kick utt keo qua
Phat help elon oi phats sm town di t y la xiu dv r11 hh live nguu lay bd vl team
Cung haru sach vl hinh dopssi ppn marry me vo be qua
Tren that tranh proof that dg help tao fc kbn assfc giet gd cu d goc roi qua
Phat jp tho kbn ne y la co jp level hieu a scy keo con nuoi aU me de kwu lay qua
AU lay em hi doi team campers bdd lo chu an roi em minh lau kp xiu s goc same gd lay 501k vinh cuu hh nl jn hen gi trau free all gd keo y la loop nhu period a sslt lo bao han a em trung thoi s lay team d dom mac xiu y la lo dom ma bo tay qua sm town di nha keo y la tra gia a hack karma nho ko co dignity gd all keo jp same keo q all keo dv all keo that phat xong may bac meo lo bp keo y la hack gee gee voi 19 th qua tims day mts hts xiu doi tui em keo trum all keo thos keo qua lay no bao sm town that said dg keo hn xiu keo qua sm toen di q di M qua phat di q di han xiu phat ma doi do sr qua q di phat di sm town kbn team di tnts hh hinh la ld bom qua eles hinh time lay nhiem ki 10 ty nam a j22 di do dom tho tho dom lo co no do st keo hup till qua tnts ld la hinh boom qua bboom bboom gfs gd dies qya jp nl qua em tr a bh tr nl qua a 99 lay dom 99 tho lo dg xiu hn bao kbn hoi qua gd se khoi 99 de day qua cha a tum keo no6 no do keo qua phat truot voi mahahaha qua sr duong hoi chat cung xiu ak help elon ton cc giet aks dom qua xiu nha cung rachou keo ca bay tor no do keo
Piggie lo dang hoc tim cuu tao tims ok qua y lq roi thang so le ko the toan li hoa tu nhein đ vqn mii co thr s goc no do keo qua live 1 bil chu hinh qua phat di q di sm town di hau bao ld ld lf ld fc ass fc vivias tranh tho tren da help elon xiu akd cl nl hh xiu jp j nt minh qt ma 17 qua sm town di q di phat di tnts di la nh nh phat cav karma dg hoan chet hn keo qua
Ziu nhq han tho lo cung by thd lay co chieu choi hoai ai noi dung len hinh that anon tap 6 forever toi 10 ty nhiem ki co nhim day gee gee qua maha nl hh qua truot ing voi gee gee nguu help elon xiu aks di bui qua xiu nha no so toi cop nl team of tho hinh lo no do bao hwt chi tiet co hinh qua phat truot voi gee gee gd bao so elon help nga no do lar cho giet trum hh su tr em vang di ktnn di qua phat mat no roi maha dang om idol xiu of lay hinh goc qua qua q di sm town di no do q ra ko phat di hau xiu elon giup em bun3 bang jy kick qua xiu maha om gee gee roi ne linh help biet qua phát
Hi di nha chu keo han keo lunh keo ppn keo ted elon tho lo ne aks ban qua
Lay cung by elon
Con nhan me that dv thqt s goc that dn that dg di qua keo qua
Glox phat ne fj a kl keo cho keo chua chwt dn lay tho lo ele giet nt qua
Gp ne qua xiu nhq dv hay gg keo keo da vua nua qua lam lay van part a qua jp keo dg keo qua g help lo em ket nghia team qua
Fj cuoi dom ne ft gias a chas fj gp ne
Thoai mai xr dv soc ko the dac b db hh chet qua that tren biet chut tranh hinh qua di qua
Hau help cmm gay dom qua jp di qua
Q tum
E thai anh hung team bao su that qua
Phat fj sao thay ham rang idol ko vay di qua
Y lq hai ham bai do xiu gou mat het qua
Ray 3 xuy keo qua
Ymfk fks hinh tho lo qua phat fjs that x a x3hr qua keo qua elin help keo qua phat ngai giet elon qua live qua that tren lanh hinh oi cung gium Ymfk ten tt cua em tg xiu lay q di sm town di hau mat nc ke di hau bao lot duong fc dom roi mac xiy qua tgat ly linh j22 j212 qua
Phat fj tao khox vu tg team em tr keo ntd no do live xiu keo y laq xong yay a lay bbt dom jy jp tho ngai dom ngai lay cung ne qua phat fj lay ld kho vl db ngon thi cc s15 bao hinh nhu linh qua da hwlp elon chet gg no do keo qua sm town keo qua sm town kwo qua sm town keo qua q di sm town em k fj bla qua phat fj lan phat lay fc lo ne qua phat ngai geenie bp nl ha cac hv no do keo mv lqy cung tg help elin aks bun ne hh xiu se de day qua bun2 ne hh xiu nhu cu qua bun3 hen tg bat no hien hai bun lar bat no oi hinh
Qua q di hau cong sm town that phat fj bay vo canh meo soc hoc chung no ma ko biet meo 2 keo ab keo ab lay lo scoo be doo qua phat d dj u2 ngoi ngai lay dom dac wua qua it help yeu elo mart me walle bi giet qua phat fj that ten giong chac con lq khang do giet chas town xiu dj help elon xiu aks di qua em tr nam xiu ko tin noi qua phat ngai db lay giua nhu all cong that team qua phat do meo xiu aa nhu truyrn tg that xiu thang chq ko a em xiu elon help bun3 ne
Fjw sao no bi giet aw cu em lam cant. Ma heb glox team mabg no do gon di qua hxh qua ket nhu phat qua phat di q di sa di di linh di quq wu lo kia con thang dim keo qua phat sj eun hon cc keo xiu nha ko tin team dv xiu same qua linh djs dom welcome to the dance floor nhu cu lay by hinh team qua of tu than team dom lo xiu s goc tho that ve cc all qua nguu lay ko vo suoc xiu nha that a s15 hinh proof ld y la ko tin no bi giet ma ko co hi sinh truong hoc fj dau tien con tg aw cu bn in lo qua phat dj sj quq phat di q di sa di lot suong vua cu anh ket ngjia linh hinh of chet help lo cho giet minh en chy tho lo chiru 13 a mat tai sinh o mew lo ai cung thay vo no keo y la ko co kwu keo thi keo mot nguoi co bach lq no vay luon a liet gium a nho loop du 1 hen said P team dom qua phat fj sj xiu nha so roi mat phang ngang phat ngang day meo idol goc lam duoc no voi me cho a qua meo no moi biet di la con kiq nhu dc qua meo 2 keo qua ab dom wua keo qua qua phat ngang ganh nho lo loop cuoi bi tho lo boi s goc hinh phim a nguoc qua phat ngai cl nl of nt 17 hv hc hts cts ctgs dom chas that no do xiu by x khoc assfc hh xiu wua piggie doi tra ntd lay ngoi dong bao nua help qua lay y lw co that ghen gd xiy nen hsd2 giet giym cho plans wua q di qua em di qua phat ko di mew de an dvb hinh di mafis di mafias di j22 di qua q di sm town di hau chet roi con invin xac thanh di wua phat invin sj hinh phats dn ma truong hoc thr xac that di ntd hh dom mac fc nl hinh cung di j21 da jp hinh hoi keo jerk y la no co don ma hinh ro hon j21 cong lai va them nua map dung thai zrno phat nh y la bi chuong vho hiem a gium cho keo zrbo 4 of wc jp nhuc qua keo q xiu lo kbn ma ko lai ri set cua thing of her team t xiu lay dao hiem vo bien team fc lo now
Haiz no do choi map
Thai hh ziu scy anh aU that u2 xiu nganf dom hinh wua
Elek xiu day k lai nh ppn linh lam phats se sa di ne tg xiu biet y la mt la o trong bi cam 24h boi o ngoqi nhu phi m a lo hi keo y la no cam nen biet het elekit tr ma lam ko lai nho nwy luc no biet vu disco nhac nho s gof bi chat boi no 2 no vo thsng char lai roi ve disc gay
Map choi
Thai xiu hh rand dung
Meo xiu chac chau tao team qua
Fjs dom etv guip qua kirm 1
Map choi
Xiu roi wua
Kiem 2
Mew xiu tuong het benh roi said ah dd qya
Kiem 9
Lay gang ma hihi tap do a mays now kick qua
Truot qua phat fjs sj dom dom dom dom qua fjs phat db hinh y la sao tui anh song o ngoai do duox ma ko co tri tue nhu em chua hhhh kts roi kta xiu thai de chi map
Thai do em voi ic seo hinh dac dao vo than meo ko the ele hau no y la dao la ntd co nhu zeno thai phat wwww map live playing ...
Anh 23 do nr ranh 17 nua seo hinh
Hi dao ntds y lq lac vo dong chim a chim no vay a insect lt tuong ngon nho loop cung hay vl nhu tro choi voi tnt chu dung noi la q qua q di sm town di phat bay bach chet qua tg di dao nh sao nh bang phat qua ppn chet loop hong wua nguu biet best dddddddddds qua lam hinh kien de phai
Tqo xiu nha ic chup em voi geegee maha xiu roi ve voi maha di geenie ne han chet hav bi day y la vay moi giai lo cho hqi no qua q di sm town duoc hau bao bach di huyd di jn di hsd1 di qua jsd2 toi etc keo db that 1 team day maha nhin keo no do thai mem lac giet khs hi n4 gay day bach why not imm hieu di huyd cuoi em di bach guip keo muk keo muk con team keo jn xiu keo hsd2 teqm kro chas no do keo nach hi huyd hi qua em xiu minj tr cong ing ly thay phat cong het tor no do kro y lw than thong cong mv a lam xiu kb ma xwi nhu than qua q di towm tnts rac muoi kts xiu tren tank of qt q lat chieu 19 chuq mat tbts keo qua q di am lac sr im in love keo y lq nhu bai lu a keo qua
Q di sm town bo hau di asafc sm town moi qua q di phat bay meo xiu chater lo a meo giet qua meo 2 chet a ke qua xiu nha elon help xiu aks chet invin ma thanh cong chas moi tranh chet
Haiz lo linh quen no1 that a tr bh no do hi em tr rong rai that kick a do dom keo
Van ring live loop qt can die keo by ma 17 keo qua
Ma di tren xiu hi hi vong song tirp duoc team tru ntd phat bach dn duc tin thai an tr nam lt an linh sa dis tranh tren db wu eun t nuoc thanh thanh ah bp new new two dvb dang xiu hh sro geo qcs meo ft pokes des mas mas des bangs em lay cho yho ly tr lo qua
Ma di hen team j22 no do chi xiu nhuc j212 do meo sp
Tao cqu vu tao ctn cua qll ma cho dam photo huyd tr di bach no do help love keo qua
Db di qua cw wu kidd lo dom a do that no do that q xiu tbts no do keo qua lay em quqvphat qt nhin loop do roi ma 17 biwt tai sao nua dd qua ma oi tim tao xiu het tu lau qt lo tho ma 17 hunh qua linh de day ma 17 mas nua qua
Q di sm town di hau bao lot duong phat bay meo xiu lau team lo qt team Q nhieu khuc no do live loop in there j22 tru
Da hinh hubg nha qt ban stay there knowkeo
Lqy bt anh 23 tewm hen an ke phat bay phats di meo trum keo lqy ghen chu level phat bay xuong len giua bang
Meo qo keo
Phat bay hi a U hrlp do mum lay ground hr da bao phim hqn lo keo phat fj bay chu xiu nha phat fj
Lqy ls cung nhu thd tren dap tranh hung qua
Q di sm town hau bao phat bay ma di nl xiu qua
Q di sm town di hau hh ma phat bay ma di db cang che cang nhuc nl hibh qua
Milotic tg ne ziu oi elon help no oi aks giet elon qua
Y lq tg q day L lai tq qua
Sj ziu nha so quabkeo qua
Phat vua lay bd gia hi ma di
Gd L xung giym lay 6 triru hinh qua
Of lay than
Lac con co chieu xqi hoai keo
Y lw em ko doi no do pmax phan ung thing w 19 2nd thing wc 3rd xiu town no du minh team ngai lo keo pmax pmax pmax qua L gd xiu roi bb dg hoan ngo hn kbn cung tren ki gium hinh help idol lo L thua roi gd max akL anh q keo db help cuoi em khj j212 thua xa dc jerk shit lo anh ket nghia kbn by rm k no do nh nl ai nl nl cl nhuc gium phaer xiu nha doi phu gd do ne hoai L hinh
Tqo lqy co nh nghe con vf lo nhu ppn hi jn lqy bang my life keo kbn lo q no eo bat tqi temp la lo 4 lam liem vo o br anh 23 y la don vi no do hi meo ngon qua keo qua thi quq nha qua nhao qua vo qua by mum too keo qua
Jn bd roi nh keo dung ma chua quan team mwo lo map oi elon hh ai vay meo giet hau qua
Lay atsm cung team n team qua
Lo hi nghebnua di muk khoqi me cbm lo anh ss ic lo kbn hi teambqua ic cong em ne keo muk teen db lay keo co chieu choi hoai keo ic di keo linh xiu do qua
Lay idol qua xiu qua elon killef qua aks keo qua
Ma di qua ma di qua ma di qua db ki wua ma di qua a xiu giua keo qua that dvb vo hoai meo tho song me gai keo la hieu keo dvb se qua ah xqu cc xiu qua bp help elon xiu aks qua that qua ma di
Lqy met k ntd nhuc qua soc lc ic ic qua igs 3 qua giet roo said qt qua sm town qua hau gai qua hau xiu gd hinh bb cung qua tren lai tranh nuabqua qua q di sm town di hau bao phat bay haiz qua q di sm town di ma da phat bay
Gfs hien keo pika hieb keo ele3 hien keo
Que hien ttsvkeo keo
Xiu nha lac cmnr gia pokr xiu ngu team quen a time lay than keo no fo hi nl ai nl cl nhuc qua gium bao keo can ma cl ne qua ic ac em nua qua ppn keo meo nl maha nl kbn se level jy lo admin level do do lay teen lo qua cung chu kick qua
Ai hi hay chas hien sau xung nh lay nh dung keo qua
Ziu team no do hen team qua the river pmax now jy y la kp a hts di kdm theo hinh phat jn lay lam chichi qua that hcts max j22 lay lam tuong qua no do ngon xiu mew that qua mahah qua
New maha kivk dv maha hh main qtc lay ko so 4 tr qua no do pmax that 5 minr xiu thi dap tuong nhu da chi vang ft luon kiem ld them team qua phatj ab di hts theo kinh em that ni do keo qua y lw mem qua sach qua keo qua bua qua bao qua keo wua bua qua bao qua la biet keo gou keo tano qua
0 notes
sowhatisthisfor · 8 years
Movies 2017
List of films I watched in 2017 from best to worst.
Updated soon after I’ve seen them.
Lady Bird [Greta Gerwig, 2017, United States] Small scale with great impact. It's the type that doesn't want to make you cry but makes you cry anyway. I love it with all my heart. 10/10
Call Me By Your Name [Luca Guadagnino, 2017, Italy, Brazil, France, United States] Its authenticity is incredibly palpable, I can taste it in my mouth. Something made with much love, my heart aches. Timothée Chalamet is remarkable. That last frame is unforgettable. 10/10 
Bliss [Jerrold Tarog, 2017, Philippines] Touches the fine line between dreamland and reality, and examines dreams or aspirations as mere illusions. It is wicked. It’s well-crafted. It’s a mindfuck. It’s deeply, as in deeply affecting 10/10
Your Name [Makoto Shinkai, 2016, Japan] Star-crossed love at its smartest, warmest, and vividly-made anime. Something highly satisfying, I have no words. 10/10
Arrival [Denis Villanueve, 2016, United States] An admirable sci-fi thriller where aliens teach humans about humanity. 10/10 
Salvage [Sherad Sanchez, 2017, Philippines] A film that’s meant to look like a found footage, with one single camera perspective. It used unconventional, long continuous odd angles and silence that made it feel so raw and real, it’s haunting. 10/10
Moonlight [Barry Jenkins, 2017, United States] A rare impressionistic film on a man’s struggle to finding himself, something so rich in poetry and visual excellence, it’s spell-binding. 10/10
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri [Martin McDonagh, 2017, United States] Too much hate and too much heart both at the same time. It is as shocking as it is enchanting. 10/10
About Elly [Asghar Farhadi, 2009, Iran] Its narration of a mystery is already engaging but its inner observation of truth and convictions is even more captivating. 10/10
Respeto [Treb Montreras II, 2017, Philippines] Uses the power of words to compare past and present. Shows the cycle of oppression in a well-crafted film of bewitching artistry. 10/10
Beats Per Minute (BPM) [Robin Campillo, 2017, France] Goosebumps. This is a film clear of its objective, it is exhilarating and exhausting in the good kind of way. 10/10 
Thelma [Joaquim Trier, 2017, Norway] Meticulously-crafted film that questions fundamentalism as a basis for joy and purity. I yearn for films as poetic as this. 9.5/10
On Body and Soul [Ildikó Enyedi, 2017, Hungary] Too cold yet too heartfelt in all its complexity. 9.5/10
Manchester by the Sea [Kenneth Lonergan, 2016, United States] a quiet yet profound drama narrated too effectively resulting to a mournful yet beautiful symphony. A film that brings the kind of sadness that is both painful and alluring. 9.5/10
La La Land [Damien Chazelle, 2016, United States] Is really technically excellent, but is also really disconnected. Kind of something you adore rather than love. 9.5/10
Bad Genius [Nattawut Poonpiriya, 2017, Thailand] Brimming with excellent editing and direction, it is a thriller and an ingenius commentary on how social class inequalities lead to inevitable corruption. Brilliant. 9.5/10
Les Innocentes [Anne Fontaine, 2016, France] a battle between religious order and moral conscience, one whose importance cannot be omitted. 9.5/10
L’enfant [Luc Dardenne, Pierre Dardenne, 2005, France] It offers the kind of suspense that attacks your soul rather than just your senses. 9.5/10
First Girl I Loved [Kerem Sanga, 2016, United States] a tender coming-of-age drama that tackles discovering self-identity and the fear that comes with that realization. So raw, it’s thrilling. 9.5/10
Birdshot [Mikhail Red, 2017, Philippines] Beautifully shot, it swims along two storylines at par -- both in search for impunity in a corrupted society. Too relevant. 9.5/10
Grave of the Fireflies [Isao Takahata, 1988, Japan] Save your fragile heart, this isn’t for the emotionally weak. 9.5/10
One Week Friends [Masanori Murakami, 2017, Japan] There’s a good reason for my sunken eyes right now, right? 9/10
Vertigo [Alfred Hitchcock, 1958, 2012 restoration, United States] Where obsession leads to objectification of love and desire. 9/10
El Acompanante [Pavel Giroud, 2016, Cuba] Distinct character pairing in an equally distinctive tales of adversity. 8/10
Battle of the Sexes [Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris, 2017, United States] Makes me feel bad for not being alive yet when it happened. Ace. 8/10
Love You to the Stars and Back [Antoinette Jadaone, 2017, Philippines] Kind of wants to make you believe in destiny, kind of succeeds in that sense. A tender take on teenage love and loss, so pure, it’s precious. 8/10
The Killing of a Sacred Deer [Yorgos Lanthimos, 2017 Greece, UK , US] Yet another solid psychological thriller by the master of contemporary enigma. 8/10
If Cats Disappeared From the World [Akira Nagai, 2016, Japan] a tearjerker drama that examines the essence of living as opposed to just merely existing. 8/10
Coco [Lee Unkrich, 2017, United States] Understands what La La Land doesn’t -- relationships shouldn’t suffer when achieving our dreams. 8/10
Changing Partners [Dan Villegas, 2017, Philippines] uses strong dialogues and character play that makes it rare and magical. 8/10
Paterson [Jim Jarmusch, 2016, United States] Poetic is an understatement. 8/10
Chemi Bednieri Ojakhi (My Happy Family) [Nana Ekvtimishvili, Georgia, 2017] Paints quite vividly a life of a woman in a patriarchal society. Remarkable. 8/10
Beach Rats [Eliza Hittman, 2017, United States] Overall, a substantial commentary on the stigma of homosexuality and its effect on why people choose to hide. 8/10 
Krigen [Tobias Lindholm, 2016, Denmark] Feels a little rushed in the end, but affecting overall. 8/10
Little White Lies [Guillaume Canet, 2010, France] I love these characters too much to the point of wanting them to be real. 8/10
Paki [Giancarlo Abrahan, 2017, Philippines] an illustration of how even the most prosaic narrative could be weighty through the power of storytelling and good direction. 8/10
A Gift [Jira Maligool, 2017, Thailand] One of those films that could effortlessly make you laugh and cry. Charming. Very very charming -- definitely a favourite. 8/10
Personal Shopper [Olivier Assayas, 2017, France] A subtle but dreary take on grief. Slow but rewarding in the end. 8/10
Moglie e Morito [Simone Godano, 2017, Italy] Could be the funniest film I have watched this year. 8/10
Hacksaw Ridge [Mel Gibson, 2016, United States] Is one of those war films that stand out. 8/10
Hidden Figures [Ted Melfi, 2017, United States] For those questioning the existence of women figures in history, here’s a good start for you. 8/10
D'Ardennen [Robin Pront, 2016, Belgium] Just about the right amount of violence and grim unpredictability paced quite effectively. 8/10
Mother! [Darren Aronofsky, 2017, United States] It wore me thin down to the core then ended quite brilliantly. My social anxiety is triggered, I am petrified and annoyed both at the same time. 8/10
Blade Runner 2049 [Dennis Villanueve, 2017, United States] Despite its cringe-worthy attack on my feminist self, it actually has a rich cinematic vision of a bewildered 2049. 8/10
Ang Larawan [Loy Arcenas, 2017, Philippines] Has such polished musicality that it overwhelms you to the point of it defying the flaws. 8/10
Lipstick Under my Burkha [Alankrita Shrivastava, 2016, India] Comes with great intentions but lacks the powerful female characters the film supposed to have. 8/10
L’Avenir [Mia Hansen-Love, 2016, France] At this point, everyone should know that there is nothing Isabelle Huppert cannot do. 8/10
Nocturnal Animals [Tom Ford, 2016, United States] This is how a writer dies, and this is how a writer comes back with a kill. 8/10
La Tortue Rogue [Michael Dudok De Wit, 2017, France, Japan] A dialogue-less animation that proves that silence speaks a thousand words and could even provoke deep thinking. 8/10 
Everybody Loves Somebody [Catalina Aguilar Mastretta, 2017, Mexico] Nothing much is special and new about it which is why I don’t understand why I love it to a great extent. 8/10 
Baby Driver [Edgar Wright, 2017, United States] The ending blew it, but I had so much fun anyhow. 7.5/10
Loving Vincent [Dorota Kobiela, Hugh Welchman, 2017, Poland-UK] Focused too much on visual mastery, wasn't impactful, narrative-wise. 7.5/10 
I, Tonya [Craig Gillespie, 2017, United States] Despite Robbie's knockout portrayal, I still need to connect more with Tonya Harding. 7.5/10
Dunkirk [Christopher Nolan, 2017, United States] Boasts Nolan's technical superiority. 7.5/10
Tu Pug Imatuy [Arbi Barbarona, 2017, Philippines] Great. Everything here feels authentic, it’s powerful. 7.5/10 
Wonder Woman [Patty Jenkins, 2017, United States] More than it being a feminist is it being human and that I think is more important. 7.5/10 
That’s Not Us [William Sullivan, 2015, United States] Very real and natural, I’m nostalgic for reasons I cannot explain. 7.5/10
Other People [Chris Kelly, 2016, United States] So subtly-made, yet is filled with so much emotions. I have much respect for this. 7.5/10
Logan [James Mangold, 2017, United States] Could be the marvel movie that made me feel the saddest. 7.5/10
Kita Kita [Sigrid Andrea Bernardo, 2017, Philippines] I have a problem with what it's trying to romanticize, but I still find it romantic, I'm conflicted. I don't know but i tend to like films/books that border on finding comfort in loneliness. Kita Kita understands that concept pretty well.  7.5/10
You’re Ugly Too [Mark Noonan, 2015, Ireland] An engaging journey of two unusual characters thrown together infused with a great sense of authenticity. 7.5/10 
The Beguiled [Sofia Coppola, 2017, United States] Powerhouse cast in one of their most memorable performances. 7.5/10
Star Wars: The Last Jedi [Rian Johnson, 2017, United States] I like how it understands the inevitability of war, and how good and evil coexists. 7.5/10
Singing in Graveyards [Bradley Liew, 2017 Philippines, Malaysia] It’s the things that it did not say that made this movie stirring. 7.5/10
Kiko Boksingero [Thop Nazareno, 2017, Philippines] A small movie with lots of charm. A film about longing and finding satisfaction from things that are there all along. 7.5/10
Haunted: A Last Visit to the Red House [Phyllis Grande, 2017, Philippines] a quiet little gem. I would have want to cut it shorter though. 7.5/10
I Saw the Devil [Kim Jee-Woon, 2011, South Korea] A traumatic examination of how a monster is made. Creepy yet insightful. 7.5/10
Bagahe [Zig Dulay, 2017, Philippines] Proves that mental disturbance hits my emotions more than seeing physical violence. Affecting once digested. 7.5/10
Baconaua [Joseph Israel Laban, 2017, Philippines] Hypnotizing. A small-town tale with profound ideologies buried under its simplicity. 7.5/10
Alipato: The Very Brief Life of an Ember [Khavn, 2016, Philippines] An enjoyable mix of weird artistry, whimsical storytelling, significant animation. Ridiculous but ridiculously exceptional. 7.5/10 
Jackie [Pablo Larrain, United States, 2016] Portman delivered a warm performance in what could be a cold memoir. 7.5/10
Italian for Beginners [Lone Scherfig, 2001, Denmark] an enjoyable character-driven story of adults finding love in the most unexpected moments. 7.5/10
Backstory [Joschka Laukeninks, 2017, Germany] Insightful in all its vehemence. 7/10
Heartland [Maura Anderson, 2017, United States] A lot of technical expertise is lacking but it's heartbreaking just the same. 7/10
The Hitman’s Bodyguard [Patrick Hughes, 2017, United States] To hell with that, I enjoyed it. A lot. 7/10
The Journey [Chiu Keng Guan, 2014, Malaysia] Gives you a glimpse of Chinese culture against the backdrop of the beautiful Malaysian landscapes. I really had fun. 7/10
I’m Drunk, I Love You [JP Habac, 2017, Philippines] Makes you feel so much. Something too relatable, it’s terrific. If only for its music scoring, it’s already worth the watch. 7/10 
Vince & Kath & James [Theodore Boborol, 2016, Philippines] wait taym pers, bakit ampogi nung bagets? 7/10
The Girl King [Mika Kaurismaki, 2015, Sweden, Finland] has a strong female character who does not dare conform to society’s truths. 7/10
Captain Fantastic [Matt Ross, 2016, United States] a thoroughly-observed film that asks too many radical questions that can only be answered by contradicting its own philosophy. Quite a realization that balance is the key to life. 7/10 
La Pazza Gioia [Paolo Virzi, 2016, Italy] The chemistry and the friendship formed between Beatrice and Donatella is a delightful box full of surprises. 7/10
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time [Mamoru Hosoda, 2006, Japan] an entertaining anime on time travel done with slick sensitivity. 7/10
The Write Moment [Dominic Lim, 2017, Philippines] Incredibly funny. Unfamiliar yet relatable. 7/10
Baka Bukas [Samantha Lee, 2017] A realistic take on coming out and drifting apart. 7/10
The Battleship Island [Seung-wan Ryoo, 2017, South Korea] Kind of an upset for a big-budget film. It was entertaining anyhow. 7/10
One Day [Banjong Pisanthanakun, 2016, Thailand] I could buy the romance here but I wouldn’t. Still quite good though. 7/10
Hunt for the Wilderpeople [Taika Waititi, 2016, New Zealand] Boasts really funny puns, and spectacular landscapes. All fun. 7/10
Nabubulok [Sonny Calvento, 2017, Philippines] With how much I read and watch crime and legal thrillers, I find this film very problematic in more ways than one. Still worth a watch though. 7/10
Cafe. Waiting. Love [Jiang Jin Lin, 2014, Taiwan] Better if cut into two different films. Says something important somewhere. 7/10
Instalado [Jason Paul Laxamana, 2017, Philippines] Has a creative approach in showing education as a privilege in a world of Insta-everything. Clever, it resembles the paranoia Margaret Atwood gives, and the subtle societal dysfunctions Yorgos Lanthimos offers. 7/10
High Tide [Tara Illenberger, Philippines, 2017] There’s something beautiful behind this film’s innocence. Too slow for my taste though. 7/10
Sa Gabing Nananahimik ang mga Kuliglig [Iar Lionel Arondaing, 2017, Philippines] Experimental with its cinematography and is probably its greatest strength. It’s 4:3 frame explains the film pretty well. 7/10
The Edge of Seventeen [Kelly Fremon Craig, 2016, United States] Full of hypothetical teenage angst, and coming of age romance. Was okay. 7/10
Certain Women [Kelly Reichardt, 2016, United States] It takes patience to watch this, but in the end, the winning silences and subtleties are worth it. 7/10
Atomic Blonde [David Leitch, 2017, United States] I love it. I hate that they killed the part of her that makes her human, but I love it. 6.5/10
Siargao [Paul Soriano, 2017, Philippines] Succeeds as a promotional movie for the island’s tourism but falls short on its storytelling of a narrative that should have been affecting. 6/10
Tisay [Borgy Torre, 2017, Philippines] Has an interesting turn of events and neat filmmaking to back it up, but it isn’t as effective as I hope it to be. 6/10
All Of You [Dan Villegas, 2017, Philippines] Why is it so hard to give Jennylyn Mercado a character that's likable? 6/10
Medusae [Pam Miras, 2017, Philippines] A lot of potential but felt a bit crammed. 6/10
The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister [James Kent, 2010, United Kingdom] Anne Lister in eighteen hundreds is interestingly and impressively way ahead of her time. 6/10
Death Note [Adam Wingard, 2017, United States] First 40 minutes was awesome. Last hour is spent deciding whether to finish it or not. 6/10
The Other Half [Joey Klein, 2017, Canada] Finds perfect balance in its two leads whose portrayals of self-destructive individuals are astounding and believable. Maslany is a gem. 6/10
La Lengua de las Mariposas [José Luis Cuerda, 2000, Spain] A bittersweet take on patriotism and cowardice powered by its distinct simplicity. 6/10
The Neon Demon [Nicolas Winding Refn, 2016, United States] It was doing pretty well before it tried too hard to be grotesque. 6/10
Water Lilies [Céline Sciamma, 2007, France] A little bit pretentious and typical. An exploration of sexuality with nothing much else to offer. 6/10
Split [M. Night Shyamalan, 2017, United States] James McAvoy is good. Aside from that, this film is trash and extremely flawed. [6/10]
Past Life [Avi Nesher, 2017, Israel] Clattered and unfocused with a number of things happening all at once. 6/10
Lady Macbeth [William Oldroyd, 2017, United States] As empowering as that should be, I had a hard time liking her character as a feminist. 6/10
100 Tula Para Kay Stella [Jason Paul Laxamana, 2017, Philippines] I’d like it to be more poetic, I’d like it to be more heartfelt. It’s inconsistent production design and sloppy editing is also kind of distracting. 6/10
Bar Boys [Kip Oebanda, 2017, Philippines] Nothing more than just watching a movie about men in law school. 6/10
KFC [Le Binh Giang, 2017, Viet Nam] Wicked. A reverse perspective of how life would be if we are animals. Interesting to be honest. 6/10
My Cousin Rachel [Roger Michell, 2017, United States] Perhaps its strength is how well it makes us delve into its characters without knowing who’s side to favour. 6/10
The Girl With All the Gifts [Colm McCarthy, 2016, United Kingdom] Whatever I say about this film is a biased opinion for being madly in love with the book. That said, I have higher expectations than what was delivered. 6/10
Les Chansons d’amour [Christophe Honoré, 2008, France] Has an interesting take on love, intimacy, and sexual desires, but has an ensemble of half-baked characters to make it work. 6/10
Passengers [Morten Tyldum, 2016, United States] I kind of find problematic as a sci-fi, kind of find it okay as a romance. 6/10
Almost Adults [Sarah Rotella, 2016, United States] Even with its uneven acting, I really find it entertaining. 6/10
Lila Says [Ziad Doueiri, 2005, France] Anything involving cross-culture captures my attention intently. 6/10
Our Love Story [Lee Hyun-ju, 2017, South Korea] I would love to have liked it but the chemistry doesn’t work for me. 6/10
El Jugador de Ajedrez [Luis Oliveros, 2017, Spain] With its precise and slick storytelling, it’s hard to pinpoint what went wrong. 6/10
It [Andy Muschietti, 2017, United States] A good take on trauma, a boring horror. 6/10
Confessions [Tetsuya Nakashima, 2010, Japan] Just another revenge thriller in a not just another cinematic style. 6/10
Jamais Contente [Emilie Deleuze, 2017, France] It was charming but wasn’t anything more than that. 6/10
Eight [Peter Blackburn, 2017, Australia] That has got to be the most exhausting film I have watched. 6/10
Little Sister [Zach Clark, 2016, United States] A quiet and sentimental journey to realizing one’s growth. 6/10 
Beauty and the Beast [Bill Condon, 2017, United States] I am just not made for this. 6/10
Creepy [Kiyoshi Kurosawa, 2016, Japan] Cliche, and because you expect it not to be cliche, it’s not cliche being cliche. 6/10
La Vie en Rose (La Mome) [Olivier Dahan, 2007, France] Despite Marion Cotillard’s amazing portrayal of Edith Piaf, the narration is kinda dragging that you find yourself exhausted halfway to the end. 6/10
High Art [Lisa Cholodenko, 1998, United States] Solid, sexy, crafted characters. a psychological rollercoaster. 6/10
My Egg Boy [Tien Yu Fu, 2017, Taiwan] Problematic for my feminist standards, a little bit entertaining still. 5/10
Einmal Bitte Alles [Helena Hufnagel, 2017, Germany] One of those films that refuse to grow up. 5/10
The View From Here [Kellen Garner, 2017, United States] The lack of chemistry is distracting. I like Garner's performance tho. 5/10
Can’t Help Falling in Love [Mae Czarina Cruz, 2017, Philippines] There’s cuteness there somewhere, it’s just lacking a believable story. 5/10
Breathe [Andy Serkis, 2017, United States] It bores me, then it gets me. Then it bores me again. 5/10
Before I Fall [Ry Russo-Young, 2017, United States] Well that's a major disappointment. 5/10
Maestra [Lemuel Lorca, 2017, Philippines] Has something good to tell but wasn’t executed good enough to make it great. If not for Angeli Bayani and her effective portrayal of an Aeta teacher who walks 5 hours to reach school, I would have given this a failing grade. 5/10
Bhoy Intsik [Joel Lamangan, 2017, Philippines] Good intent but done in mediocre filmmaking. 5/10
Above it All [Anysay Keola, 2015, Laos] a glimpse of Laotian culture and familial traditions that surprisingly still exist. It was okay. 5/10
Below Her Mouth [April Mullen, 2017, United States] Besides the sexual chemistry between its two characters, nothing much is in there. Just another erotic lesbian film that's already bordering on soft porn. Not buying the "love" there. 5/10
The Autopsy of Jane Doe [André Ovredal, 2016, United States] I most love it for its suspense, I most hate it for its horror. 5/10
Slumber [Jonathan Hopkins, 2017, United States] A sleep doctor who uses wikipedia for research ruined it. bahaha 5/10
Heart Attack [Puri Jagannadh, 2014, India] Kind of too long for something that’s going nowhere. 5/10
Collateral Beauty [David Frankel, 2017, United States] Wow, what a waste of powerhouse talents. 4/10
Requited [Nerissa Picadizo, 2017, Philippines] Should have been boring but its bad sound design made me more frantic than bored. 4/10
Tell Me How I Die [DJ Viola, 2016, United States] Something that could be interesting, only it fails miserably. 4/10 
Ang Pamilyang Hindi Lumuluha [Mes De Guzman, 2017, Philippines] Somewhat funny, somewhat just another film you enjoy while it lasts. 3/10
Olaf's Frozen Adventure [Deters, 2017, United States] Kind of wasted my time, really. 3/10
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer [Tom Tykwer, 2006, United States] Dragging and fabricated. Materializes women, mis-manufactures beauty, and misunderstands love. I hate it with passion. 3/10 
Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse [Christopher Landon, 2015, United States] It’s full of laughs and nothing else. 3/10
Mr Church [Bruce Beresford, 2016, United States] Shouldn’t be as boring and disconnected as it is if it was written better. 3/10
Better Off Single [Benjamin Cox, 2016, United States] Let’s just say if this film is the only man left on earth, I’m still gonna be better off single. 3/10
Where’s Sydney [Marsh Allen, 2017, United States] Where is it going? Nowhere really. 3/10
The Painter’s View [Kim Hee Chul, South Korea, 2017] Too short at 66 minutes but too long to keep me interested. 3/10
Mujeres con Pelotas [Ginger Gentile, Gabriel Balanovsky, 2014, Argentina] Doesn’t quite hit the senses, couldn’t engage enough. 3/10
Liebmann [Jules Herrmann, 2016. France, Germany] Has a nice backstory to offer but is somewhat trapped in the present. 3/10
Everything, Everything [Stella Meghie, 2017, United States] a lousy stupid story of a girl who needs saving by a boy. Yuck. 2/10
Voice from the Stone [Eric Howell, 2017, United States] a slow nonsensical thriller that goes nowhere. 2/10
Poolside Man [Hirobumi Watanabe, 2017, Japan] I would blame this for losing my sleep at night cos I napped during this afternoon screening. 2/10
Marry Me at Christmas [Terry Ingram, 2017, United States] Rachel Skarsten is the only reason how I got through it. 1/10
Ang Guro Kong ‘Di Marunong Magbasa [Perry Escano, 2017, Philippines] If there is one film to avoid this year, make it this one. The kids were good but they’re in unbelievably wrong hands. 0.5/10
Kamandag ng Droga [Carlo J Caparas, 2017, Philippines] I absolutely don’t know why I watched this. Help me unsee. 0/10 
1 note · View note
dfosanctum · 6 years
[1/21/2017 5:55:28 PM] Racky: 1 day after fpriest [1/21/2017 5:55:36 PM] Racky: full epic fpriests [1/21/2017 5:55:38 PM] Issac Felix: lol [1/21/2017 5:55:52 PM] Naiji (J Robinson): ............................. [1/21/2017 5:55:53 PM] Treb: damn man [1/21/2017 5:56:15 PM] Ariano: meanwhile it took ur entire hell career to get labarum [1/21/2017 5:56:39 PM] Treb: and that was an accident [1/21/2017 6:00:30 PM] Racky: gurl i didn't even run hell for like 6 months on my sader [1/21/2017 6:00:40 PM] Racky: and 3rd or so RANDOM hell [1/21/2017 6:00:44 PM] Racky: "hey rack here ya go" [1/21/2017 6:01:02 PM] Ariano: the jew luck [1/21/2017 6:01:04 PM] Shig: probably transfer [1/21/2017 6:01:07 PM] Ariano: it afflicted you [1/21/2017 6:01:13 PM] Shig: all those epic souls [1/21/2017 6:01:33 PM] Ariano: did you spend the epic frag boxes on labarum? [1/21/2017 6:01:38 PM] Racky: nope [1/21/2017 6:01:41 PM] Racky: actually when it dropped [1/21/2017 6:01:42 PM] Issac Felix: You run with Hobs the Jew luck is bond to run off [1/21/2017 6:01:49 PM] Issac Felix: Rub* [1/21/2017 6:01:49 PM] Racky: i didn't know what weapon type it even was [1/21/2017 6:02:07 PM] Naiji (J Robinson): 3 freaking years and best I can do is best weapon slot.........................on my chaos. [1/21/2017 6:02:09 PM] Ariano: you didn't know it was your bis pre90 cap [1/21/2017 6:02:11 PM] Treb: that's like when I got my weap [1/21/2017 6:02:15 PM] Racky: so i was plesantly surprised to know it was a cross [1/21/2017 6:02:22 PM] Treb: I was like what even is that [1/21/2017 6:02:30 PM] Treb: see, you have to not want something to get it [1/21/2017 6:02:32 PM] Naiji (J Robinson): and now it ain't best in slot anymore [1/21/2017 6:02:43 PM] Racky: it's argued becuase like [1/21/2017 6:02:49 PM] Racky: each skill has like a different BiS [1/21/2017 6:02:52 PM] Shig: MEANWHILE [1/21/2017 6:02:52 PM] Shig: SHIG [1/21/2017 6:02:56 PM] Shig: TRYHARD HELL MODE [1/21/2017 6:03:01 PM] Racky: for most sader skills it's DRC [1/21/2017 6:03:08 PM] Shig: ONLY THING TO SHOW FOR IT IS A WEAPON THAT ISNT EVEN GOOD [1/21/2017 6:03:11 PM] Racky: DI it's Labarum with the +313 SPR effect [1/21/2017 6:03:15 PM] Treb: well, the 90 weapons automatically become BiS [1/21/2017 6:03:23 PM] Treb: but 2nd best isn't bad at all [1/21/2017 6:03:23 PM] Racky: wisdom dawn are jupiter [1/21/2017 6:03:28 PM] Ariano: not entirely treb [1/21/2017 6:03:44 PM] Treb: well, generally at least [1/21/2017 6:03:45 PM] Ariano: altho some are just ridiculous [1/21/2017 6:03:49 PM] Ariano: like the staff [1/21/2017 6:03:51 PM] Shig: well [1/21/2017 6:03:54 PM] Ariano: what the fuck even [1/21/2017 6:04:00 PM] Shig: Byol, Any of the LoR effect weapons [1/21/2017 6:04:05 PM] Shig: berserk [1/21/2017 6:04:18 PM] Shig: they compete on the power level [1/21/2017 6:04:23 PM] Ariano: Nen Cluster is ok [1/21/2017 6:04:34 PM] Ariano: if you don't have berserk [1/21/2017 6:04:48 PM] Naiji (J Robinson): we have come to the conclusion that lvl 90 epics have really direct gameplay effects. [1/21/2017 6:04:48 PM] Ariano: look at Werry: Limit Breaker [1/21/2017 6:05:20 PM] Naiji (J Robinson): + x pct of atk [1/21/2017 6:05:43 PM] Ariano: up to +64% Mag/inde atk, -24% MP cost, and lv85 awake skills +2 at max stacks [1/21/2017 6:05:43 PM] Ariano: wdf is that [1/21/2017 6:05:54 PM] Racky: BALANCED [1/21/2017 6:05:55 PM] Treb: insanity that's what [1/21/2017 6:06:05 PM] Ariano: its not even 4% proc [1/21/2017 6:06:07 PM] Ariano: its 40% [1/21/2017 6:06:34 PM] Shig: well it fits its name perfectly [1/21/2017 6:06:37 PM] Shig: LIMIT BREAK [1/21/2017 6:06:38 PM] Naiji (J Robinson): basically just keep killing shit and it will die faster [1/21/2017 6:06:40 PM] Shig: MAGE OMNISLASH [1/21/2017 6:06:46 PM] Ariano: meanwhile the guantlets [1/21/2017 6:06:52 PM] Shig: meanwhile the battleaxe [1/21/2017 6:06:56 PM] Ariano: 45% bonus damage [1/21/2017 6:06:57 PM] Shig: +1 nskils and something [1/21/2017 6:06:58 PM] Shig: idk [1/21/2017 6:07:00 PM] Ariano: wat is bonus damage [1/21/2017 6:07:12 PM] Racky: i love gold lux [1/21/2017 6:07:17 PM] Racky: it's not even joking when it' [1/21/2017 6:07:23 PM] Racky: it's like [1/21/2017 6:07:29 PM] Racky: DAMAGE INCREASED BY WHALE STATUS [1/21/2017 6:07:43 PM] Shig: ikr [1/21/2017 6:07:45 PM] Shig: also [1/21/2017 6:07:50 PM] Shig: DBR AND SILVER BULLETS BECOME WHALE COLORED [1/21/2017 6:08:16 PM] Racky: MAN [1/21/2017 6:08:19 PM] Naiji (J Robinson): what is classified as bonus damage? [1/21/2017 6:08:19 PM] Racky: THE CANNON [1/21/2017 6:08:27 PM] Shig: YEAH. [1/21/2017 6:08:30 PM] Shig: BIG [1/21/2017 6:08:30 PM] Racky: WEIGHS 13K [1/21/2017 6:08:33 PM] Shig: CANNON [1/21/2017 6:08:43 PM] Racky: IS IT'S ZARYA'S OR SOMETHING [1/21/2017 6:09:01 PM] Ariano: its a Giant Cannon [1/21/2017 6:09:03 PM] Shig: GRAVITY CANNON AT FULL CHARGE [1/21/2017 6:09:09 PM] Shig: BZWHEEEEE [1/21/2017 6:09:15 PM] Ariano: At critical degeneracy [1/21/2017 6:09:22 PM] Racky: oh btw [1/21/2017 6:09:24 PM] Racky: the staff [1/21/2017 6:09:31 PM] Racky: eles can cast a LOT of spells [1/21/2017 6:09:45 PM] Racky: like she can just rotate through T1s until that thing is fully stacked [1/21/2017 6:09:57 PM] Ariano: new meta [1/21/2017 6:10:20 PM] Ariano: sesto annihilation [1/21/2017 6:12:20 PM] Racky: sounds about right [1/21/2017 6:15:20 PM] Ariano: with some epic armor [1/21/2017 6:15:32 PM] Ariano: Luke Raid with ele? Say no more fam [1/21/2017 6:15:34 PM] Ariano: i got u [1/21/2017 6:15:36 PM] Ariano: 1min run [1/21/2017 6:15:51 PM] Racky: luke raid is hella hard [1/21/2017 6:16:43 PM] Naiji (J Robinson): falls right in line with general raids are like in MMOs [1/21/2017 6:16:59 PM] Ariano: yee [1/21/2017 6:17:58 PM] Ariano: I like how when we got our epic weps, we didn't know what use they had [1/21/2017 6:18:21 PM] Racky: yeah LOL [1/21/2017 6:19:06 PM] Racky: come to think of it my Cross is BiS for DI [1/21/2017 6:19:09 PM] Racky: LOL [1/21/2017 6:19:33 PM] Racky: HOW TO GET BIS IN SANCTUM 1. BE COMPLETELY IGNORANT OF WHAT YOUR BIS IS 2. RUN HELL [1/21/2017 6:19:42 PM] Treb: bingo haha [1/21/2017 6:19:56 PM] Shig: HOW TO NOT GET BIS IN SANCTUM [1/21/2017 6:20:16 PM] Shig: 1. BE SHIG 2. RUN HELLS 3. GET TILTED WHEN YOU DONT GET IT
[1/21/2017 6:19:53 PM] Ariano: you just said that like twenty mins ago [1/21/2017 6:20:12 PM] Ariano: the bis DI part [1/21/2017 6:20:16 PM] Ariano: smh [1/21/2017 6:21:02 PM] Racky: well like [1/21/2017 6:21:18 PM] Racky: im still thinking about base stats vs effects vs amp scaling [1/21/2017 6:21:30 PM] Racky: jupiter is much easier [1/21/2017 6:21:47 PM] Ariano: Well worry about that when you have Jupiter in your hands betch [1/21/2017 6:21:48 PM] Racky: labarum u need to do stuff to get mp below 50pct [1/21/2017 6:22:02 PM] Racky: so basically dont pull a shig kappa [1/21/2017 6:22:22 PM] Ariano: wait til 100 cap [1/21/2017 6:22:37 PM] Ariano: when bis shifts to that epic [1/21/2017 6:23:05 PM] Ariano: Also Treb are you doing scenarios ? [1/21/2017 6:23:28 PM] Ariano: this 90 cap has turned scenarios into that scene from finding nemo with the seagulls
0 notes
trebujena-noticias · 7 years
Fuente Ayto de Trebujena
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trebujenanoticias · 7 years
Fuente Ayto de Trebujena
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elsoldesantiago · 3 years
Tribunal declara inadmisible recurso de oposición de Danny Daniel
Tribunal declara inadmisible recurso de oposición de Danny Daniel
Santo Domingo,- La cuarta sala de la cámara penal del juzgado de primera instancia declaró este viernes como Inadmisible el “Recurso de oposición fuera de Audiencia” presentado por Danny Daniel vía sus abogados la semana pasada, en respuesta a la sentencia No. 042-2021-Treb-00036. Con esto se mantiene el fallo anterior que le declara en Rebeldía, con todos sus efectos legales, jurídicos y de…
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germandejuana · 7 years
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ramirp : Pagar les pensions amb préstecs vol dir q ja no només les paguen els treballadors actuals, també els treb… https://t.co/YP5cGwM3Gu) http://pic.twitter.com/mhJl1i1Jyy
— German d Juana DUI (@GermanDeJuana) June 30, 2017
via Twitter https://twitter.com/GermanDeJuana June 30, 2017 at 08:11AM
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