#kai malina
movie--posters · 1 year
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beasanfi1997 · 11 months
Ezra Bridger series
Mena Massoud: Ezra Bridger
Jodie Comer: Omega
Emilia Clarke: Qi'ra
Donald Glover: Lando Carlissian
Ryan Gosling: Kanan Jarrus
Lupita Nyong'o: Maz Kanata
Humberly Gonzalez: Kay Vess
Kit Connor: Rowan Freemaker
Malina Weissman: Kordi Freemaker
Louis Hynes: Zander Freemaker
Rahul Kohli: DJ
Timeline: 9 ABY New Galatic Republic
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theolympiian-archive · 2 months
« É o seguinte. » enquanto explicava seu plano, saía batendo firme os pés no chão, muito puto. « Eu não vou aturar você ficar com essa palhaçada na cabeça de pensar que eu sou fraco. » como ela ousava?! Nem de brincadeira Malina deveria pensar que Kai não era tão forte quanto ele dizia ser. Esperava isso de quaquer pessoa, menos dela. Talvez só não tivesse demonstrado aquilo por algum tempo? A Gay era bem esquecida mesmo. « Sobre nos meus ombros. Vou te carregar pra dar uma voltinha pela UCLA e vai ver que eu nem vou ficar cansado. Ou sei lá. Me pede pra fazer alguma coisa. Vai lá, eu sei que tem alguma parada maneira. Eu posso até usar aquele cosplay todo que você pensou pro vídeo, você pode filmar e dizer que eu sou o viadinho do anime na vida real, sei lá. Ele tem algum super poder maneiro que eu possa tentar reproduzir? » segurou o ombro dela com uma das mãos por um segundo. ─ Eu preciso disso, Lina. ─
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tbthqs · 3 months
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Entre as batidas das músicas, os monstros de filmes de terror assustando os convida, e uns goles de Chorume de Cadáver by Jocelyn Jenkins, você se encontra prestando atenção no pequeno teatro que Gandalf faz no bar de poções. Aqueles frascos coloridos e o jogo de cena que ele faz quando as serve nos copos faz com que a ideia de tomar alguma coisa dali possa ser interessante.
Com uma coragem que você não sabe de onde veio, você se dirige ao bar e pede uma bebida. "Escolha sabiamente ou escolho por você" ele te fala com uma voz soturna que até faz todo mundo em volta franzir o cenho, apresentando dois frascos: um pequeno com um líquido laranja brilhante e um pequeno pingente de dragão pendurado e outro, um vidro que parecia uma pequena bolinha, com um líquido azul claro cintilante, e uma lua no topo da rolha. Seu dedo escolhe um dos dois, com Gandalf abrindo um sorriso, colocando em um copo, soltando uma fumacinha, depois de colocar fogo na volta.
Aquilo tudo é uma grande palhaçada. Você bebe tudo de uma vez e resolve voltar para festa dando de ombros. De repente, tudo começa a rodar, suas pernas parecem feitas de pudim, você não consegue firmar um passo, sem sentir que está pisando numa pilha de gosma, na sua vista, são apenas cores e fogos de artifício, além de algumas risadas distantes, suas orelhas não conseguem ouvir direito, e com muito sacrifício, você consegue chegar do lado de fora, mas vomitando um pouco antes de desmaiar na frente do milharal falso.
Quando seus olhos abrem novamente, você se sente estranho. Parece que te arrumaram uma roupa dois números maior ou dois números menor e sua mão é estranhamente diferente quando você a olha.
Ao se levantar e olhar o reflexo no vidro espelhado, parece um sonho, mas não é bem um sonho. Você está no corpo que não é seu, mas sim, de um dos seus colegas. O seu celular vibra e você o pega de onde quer que esteja e fica extremamente pistola quando lê a mensagem:
"O que é um Halloween sem um pouquinho de traquinagem, não é mesmo? Com os cumprimentos de JLD XOXO"
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Um único pensamento te vem a cabeça: Marcelo matou foi pouco esse filho da p.... MALDITO SEJA JEAN LUC DRAGNA
É isso ai, você trocou de corpo com seu abiguinhe. A partir de agora, você deverá usar o fc do personagem do seu abiguinhe e u abiguinhe deve usar o fc do seu personagem, porque eles trocaram de corpo
Logo após a mensagem do Jean Luc, há a mensagem com a foto de um rótulo escrito: "Eukodalifenol - composição: [REDACTED]. Efeito: Alucinógeno de curta duração ainda em fase experimental. Duração: 2 horas. Utilização: Misturar as duas fases com qualquer tipo de álcool e ingerir em pequenas quantidades. Efeitos colaterais: Dor de cabeça, diarreia, alucinações, falta de controle corporal, vômitos, enjoos. Não ingerir com alimentos ricos em açúcar."
Em IC, o Eukodalifenol terá efeito de 2 horas, em OOC, irá durar entre hoje, 2/7, a 23h, até dia 5/7 às 22h59
A escolha foi baseada no seguinte critério quem colocou 1 no último aviso da central virou quem colocou o 2 e vice versa. As duplas foram escolhidas pelo Random.org.
Abaixo a tabela de quem virou quem - Arabella Dankworth e Coraline Parton - Benjamin O'Leary e Malina Gay Calloway - Donna Zhalan e Lucien Dragna - Harper Wang e Nora Grey - Harvey Wang e Kai Pomaka'i - Jacob Harris e Celeste Lockhart - Jocelyn Jenkins e Jawie Peralta - Olivia Priestly e Ringo Miller - Marcelo Dragna e Riley Kalman - Nash Torres e Maxwell Jenkins - Victoria Griffin e Guinevere Vickers
As interações antes dessa postagem podem ocorrer normalmente. As interações durante a troca de corpos devem estar marcadas "Halloween After Dark: Bodyswap"
No mais, se divirtam!
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gldnhrt · 6 months
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kj apa, homosexual, trans-male + he/him → isn’t that malakai 'kai' latu? i’ve seen them hanging out with the vampires. i hear they're twenty-eight, but they’ve only been in alexandria for seven years. they seem to be flirtatious & outgoing, but also stubborn & opinionated.
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𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄  malikai everett latu 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄  kai ( his preference ) , mal ( accepts it but doesn't like it ) 𝐃𝐎𝐁  february 25, 1996 𝐀𝐆𝐄  twenty - eight 𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂  pisces 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑  trans - male 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒  he/him 𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  demiromantic, homosexual 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍  barrington, illinois 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐒  english, french. 𝐎𝐂𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  firefighter
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𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌  kj apa 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑  red hair 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒  honey brown eyes 𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓  5′8″ 𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒  none 𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐒  none 𝐒𝐓𝐘𝐋𝐄  white tshirts, jeans, super casual vibes, jean jackets, hoodies, etc.
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𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘  executive ( estj ) 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄  athletic, determined, outgoing, flirtatious, imaginative 𝐍𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄  impulsive, stubborn, opinionated 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓  reading books, writing, bike rides, walks, music, painting, acting, modeling. 𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 verse-bottom 𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒  puff cheetos
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𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑  unknown name and age 𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑  jasmine latu ( deceased ) 𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒  none for all he knows ( but maybe a half sibling).
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐋𝐒        ruby sinclair ( sex education ) , lucas sinclair ( stranger things ) , helen parr/elasticgirl ( the incredibles ) , audrey hope ( gossip girl ) , anthony bridgerton ( bridgerton ) , guzmán nunier osuna ( elite )
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malina latu was born on febuary 25, 1996.   nothing really special that day, but for her mom it meant finally starting a family of her own.   even if the father was never in the picture.  malina was a miracle child. her mother had lost two babies in the womb before she was born.
mal was born a witch.
mal knew she was different. on the inside was not matching with her outside. so when she was very young, she told people that she preferred being called mal or malikai, or just kai.
kai started dressing up very tomboyish and he felt more like himself. most of his friends when he was younger became guys, and he himself became one of the guys.
kai was brought up to always respect his elders, those that were wise, and had plenty knowledge to give out.  but he was also taught to fight for his battles, and stick up for himself and stick up to those that weren’t able to do for themselves.
growing up without a father was always hard for kai, wishing that he had a man to look up to.  he was soft in his beginning years, but eventually things happened to him where he became hardened, making him have thicker skin.
kai always knew for a long time that he was different. he knew he was a male. so when he was fifteen he came out as trans. and after coming out to his mother, and telling her that he wanted to start his transition to a man, thanks to her, he was able to.
kai's legal name changed to malikai everett latu, and he had finished his full transition as a male when he was eighteen. he even felt stronger as a witch, and he never felt more himself in this stage.
he lost his mother when he was nineteen, and kai felt like his world had ended.  he had started to break more and more, using sex as a tool to numb the pain.
he started working out more, not wanting the depression, due to his loss of his mother and the insecurities of not being man enough. he eventually started to become a little toxic. becoming very masculine, cocky, etc.  
when kai was 21, he was tired of feeling alone in this world, and wondered about his father. was he alive? and if so why did he leave? and if he was, where had he been living this whole time?
when kai met a man stating that he knew the information of where his father was, it was like his old self was creeping back again.  he was given the name of the city he was at and that was it.
a few months later, kai moved to alexandria, and has been living there for seven years now.
after months with no information, kai felt like he had lost all hope. at this point, his father was probably dead, and he started to get more and more angry with the world.
on may 27, 2018, kai was declared dead.
the thing about death was, there could be ways of bringing them back to life, and having the blood of a vampire in your system meant you had a second chance.
kai had turned into a vampire.
his life was changed, but that meant it had to be a burden. he became a firefighter, always finding some way to prove to himself that he was still a person and not a monster he had become.
he is still seeking for the man that turned him, and hopes that one day he could find his father.
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FATHER:  kai had always craved a father, and when he found out who he was, and where he lived, he found his way to the city in hopes that the man would let him in, with open arms.  he doesn't have any information about him, only that he lived here. he wonders if he even exists at this point ( OPEN )
VAMPIRE SIRE:  the man that had turned poor kai, with his blood in his system.  for months, kai and the vampire had done plenty of things, even sleep with one another.  kai had daddy issues, and the vampire was there.  the vampire probably pitied his existents so he ended up killing kai while he slept, and kai died with his blood in his system.  ( OPEN )
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booklovingturtle · 2 years
Shadow and Bone Season 2 Rambles (SPOILERS)
S&B S2E1
I want every single on elf their outfits
How did I forget Alina was an artist?
Why would you have this very secretive conversation about your amplifier plan in a very public place????
kai backstory jumpscare
pirate!!! Sturmhond!!!! MY BABY
one bed....two best friends...MIGHT MAKE OUT
Its the way I never shipped Malina but am literally SQUEALING now bc of the one bed trope
I'm sorry she's on the bed with shoes on????
Jesus what a way to drop the Jesper reveal what the heck I kind of hate that (4hrs later update: NO I DO I HATE IT WTF)
Love complex cultural differences PLEASE GIVE ME MORE OF THAT
These kids are terrible at blending in
GREAT set peice this scene is an awesome way to show off
This slow mo is killing me lmao pls stop that
The twins whose names I can't remember but I know I loved in 7th grade when I first read the books!!!!
I like that Pekka looks like he walked off the set of Peaky Blinders
gods Matthias looks so good sorry I know he's in prison but like UGH THAT BODY
political blah blah I mean yes good world building but still bllaaaahhhh
*stumbles into the room tripping over myself* I HAVE SOMETHING YOU CAN EAT, DARKLING!!!!!!!!
DAMN how long did they follow him in silence????
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roseybunlucy · 2 years
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I have so much to say about every single one of these guys! Below i'll comment on my s/o, the runner up, who I thought I would originally marry and our kid names!
This template was made by pinkcatflower and if you'd like to give it a try too, here's the link!
Harvest Moon DS Cute
Commentary- I never actually played this game. I asked for it but my brother got me "Harvest Moon DS" instead, but SKYE is the reason I started playing harvest moon! When I was little I was trying to find games where I could marry and start a family. I found skye and I was swooning instantly! Now that I'm older, im too scared to buy and play the game because what if my fantasy of the guy who started my love of the series doesnt come close to who he actually is?
Harvest Moon : Sunshine Islands
Commentary- THIS was my first harvest moon game! As for Will, I cant remember exactly why I chose him since it was so long ago. Maybe I thought he was cute, I didnt like the other candidates or that I thought marrying him would help my income on the farm (Which it didnt!) But it doesnt change the fact that he'll always have a special place in my heart for being my first Harvest moon husband! I still do think he's a cutie to this day.
Who I thought i would marry - Pierre! I was on the road to him until Will came at the last minute! Lol
Child name- Maulina. I remember before the kid was born, i named my cow malina and i liked the name but i didnt want to name my child after a cow so i spelled it differently. I also remember seeing a "leak" of the child portraits, with will's kid having blonde hair and blue eyes and I thought the name was fitting for that design. I later found out that was not infact an official leak 😅
Harvest Moon : A New Beginning
Commentary - I had no patience to wait for all the bachelors to show up in this game so I regretfully rushed and married the first person that came, Neil. I was never a fan of his tsundere personality but his nervous face did make me smile after the marriage every now and then.
Who I thought I would marry/ Runner up - I remember dating allen in this game but I thought his personality was so horrible after a while I deleted the save file. I do wish I had took the time to get to know Sanjay. Thinking back on it, I couldve possibly liked him if I had talked to hime more.
Child name- I think it was Sage but im not 100% sure...
Story of Seasons
Commentary- My FAVORITE game of the series with my most FAVORITE bachelor! Mistel! His personality got me immediately! I was always caught off guard by him and blushing. Needless to say he's my number 1. With Nadi an extremely close runner up! I actually chose the picture of him that made me like him. The first time I ever saw that smirk, I had an instant crush.
Child name- Surprisingly I never married! It came out when I was in high school and I got too busy but I do sorta remember the names I was going to use! There was 4 names in total since this game gives you twins but I only remember "Drossel and Verona". I guess the art design made me feel like these names were fitting for this game. I also remember wanting to give Nadi's kids a plant based name.
Story of Seasons : Trio of Towns
Commentary- I liked Inari's ears and im a sucker for white hair. Other than that, I just wasnt a fan of any of the other bachelors
Runner up- If Inari didnt exist then I would had chosen Hinata, I like positive energetic characters.
Child name- Kana, After my child in Fire emblem Fates
Story of Seasons : Friends of Mineral Town
Commentary - Kai! I LOVE Kai! I hate putting my favorites in competitions with eachother but Kai is DEFINITELY in my top 3. He's so charming, smooth, funny and charismatic! How could I NOT like him? He's made me blush a few times too. Not to mention we both have the same favorite food!
Runner up- If Kai never showed up, I probably would have gone after Cliff, It made me sad that he came with no family, I wanted to help him go from nothing to a new found expanding family!
Child name- No child name! I got too busy with school again to marry him sadly! Plus I never thought of a name for our future kids.
Story of Seasons : Pioneers of Olive Town
Commentary- Not too much to say here. I liked Jack's normal personality, his events were cute AND he's not too bad looking himself. I never finished the game far enough to marry him.
Runner up- Ralph. I had a hard time deciding between the two. Ralph's events were pretty cute plus I liked his personality.
Rune Factory 4
Commentary- Doug! I didnt expect to like him but I was so caught off guard the first time I saw his introduction! I was like "Woah! Whos that!" He had instantly piqued my interest after that!
Runner up- I remember I had accidentally asked Dylas out in one of my other files. I had no interest in him but seeing that he liked me made me see him differently. I also had another file where I had planned dating Leon but I lost interest in that
Who I thought I would end up with- Before the game came out I looked at everyones Bio and thought I would fall for Vishnal! His design was cute and his personality seemed nice on paper but once I started playing I lost interest fast lol.
"Harvest Moon" : One World
Commentary - Jamil had the best 1st love event to pull me in. It showed how compassionate and caring he is and has to be one of my favorite events I've seen. It had me thinking about him hard enough to leave an impression on me!
Runner up- Sami. I did marry him but Jamil stole my heart.
Who I thought I would marry- Everyone except Braden
Harvest Moon DS
Commentary- Muffy is DROP DEAD GORGEOUS! And has such a cute personality! I could never understand how she had romance troubles. If she were real I'd snatch her up in a heartbeat! As for Leia, Her sweet pwrsonality and cute looks got me too. Sadly, all my hard work went in vain as my save file corrupted and I was never able to marry in the game.
Harvest Moon : Sunshine Islands
Commentary- I never really had a thing for Lily, she was more of an "If I had to choose" option because I find her pretty.
Harvest Moon : A New Beginning
Commentary- I feel like If I could, I could write a whole essay about Tina. Im surprised that she's so underrated when she literally started my awakening! Everything about her is so perfect! She made me realize Im a sucker for short hair and her peppy outlook on life and energy made me feel so refreshed. Infact the first thing she ever told me that made my heart flutter was "Let's seize the day!" and she had the cutest little smile. For some reason that moment was a core memory. I just think she's best girl. I started a new save file just for her and Ive never done that before!
Child name- We never married but I had planned on naming our daughter "Tharja" for some reason.
Rune Factory 4
Commentary- Xiao Pai is just cute! I think I liked her mom more though lol.
"Harvest Moon" : One World
Commentary- Malika is just pretty and I think her personality is neat. I feel like she teases alot.
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jenniquokka · 2 years
Mie halušin poštata tämän konša täššä kirjašša on mitä siinä šanuotah. Harjoituksie ta lukemišta. Kirjan lopušša on šanakirja jotta sie voit käyttäy šitä ta opaštuo uušie vienan karjalan šanoja ta laušeita.
Oštin sen Karjalan Sivistysseurašta, ta niise šanakirjan joka on hyvä lapšilla ta niise aikuišilla. En ottanut kuvua šiitä...ai nin sen nimi on Šanalipaš.
A mie šitten kaččuon šitä kirjua ta mie tuumaiččin jotta mi on vaikka stuula tai stola. Šiellä on nin ylen äijän šanoja mitä opaštuo, nohh mitä mie muistan nin on:
varen'n'a(tai malina konša pohjoisešša käytetäh monta eri šanua riippuh alueešta.)
mussikka...nam nam xD
Tiä oli hauška. Äijäpäivä joka tarkoittua pääsiäištä. Se on kai ylen uuši juhla?? Konša pääsiäištä ei äijän vietettyh karjalašsa, voi jotta olen vääräššä. On nin monta šanoja joita haluun jakua tänne rahvaš. (rahvaš = rakkaat ihmiset tahi kansa.)
Ööm vuuvvenaika esim. enšiarki oli kai maanantai ta toiniarki(tai toisarki) on tiistai.
Hassu juttu tošša on jotta šiinä käytetäh arki šanua. Konša vain 5 päivyä on arki aikoja. Lauantai on vienakši suovatta ta sunnuntai on pyhäpäivä...hoš joku teištä ošua vienan karjalua nin voit auttau hoš sanon väärie šanoja tai muiten mäneh kieli hassušti.
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gmanwhore · 11 months
Malina: I will have my girlfriend come over so be nice kay?
Zdrada: Who's your girlfriend? Is she a dweeb like you or something?
The literal Cupid: Hi :3
Malina: Hi bae
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losterthanlost · 1 year
August 2, 2023
Gusto nako magrant about sa fact na ka-chill lang ng southern water tribe sa dating chuchu compared sa upbringing ko.
Okay for reference, ito yun. Yung ito na chapter. Kasi before ito nag-uusap si katara and papa niya si hakoda about sa kay malina, new gf ni hakoda. Kay diba nagaluksa pa rin si katara sa mama niya. Si sokka before pa non nagsabi na rin kay katara na normal lang daw para sa kanilang dalawa na mga anak na initially mafeel na si mama lang jud nila ang bagay sa papa nila and dagdag pa niya na adult na man daw papa nila so alam niya na daw kung sino ang bagay sa kaniya na babae. Then, balik sa convo ni hakoda and katara, nagsabi si hakoda, after i-bring up ni katara si malina, na old enough na daw si katara to have conversations like this daw. Shems. Tapos ayown tama naman. Naga-uyab uyab na rin naman si katara. Tapos sinabi ng papa niya na ang real love daw, the one that sacrifices, and the one that doesn't blind you but helps you see clearly. Sinabi niya ito kay katara kay nagaduda si katara sa judgement ng papa niya sa mga plans ni malina para sa southern water tribe. Well it turned out na good talaga intentions ni Malina nung nagdate na sila. Pero originally yun talaga ang plan. So okay balik sa point ko. Si hakoda rin pala is chill lang about kay Katara na uyab sila ni Aang.
So ayown nga like I said sa first sentence, kachill lang nila about dating. Well, may nabasa naman ako about sa kung gaano ka-important sa kanila ang community. Naalala ko rin yung pinag-aralan namin sa minstud. Mga binasa namin na pdfs about sa badjau community. As in hindi taboo topic sa kanila ang dating, marriage, and sex. Of course may mga personal info rin na weird sa kanila pag-usapan sa ibang tao pero di siya taboo talaga na like ka dirty mo pag magusap ka about diyan. Walang nagagamit sa kanila ng love potion kasi di naman mahirap na access sa kanila ang pwedeng ma gf or bf. Bale, compared sa views ng kinalakhan ko, ang views and attitude nila sa topics about sex and dating is healthy. As in. Like, mas mabuti yon. Hahays.
Ewan kung chill ba talaga parents ko about dating. Feeling ko magkaka boyfriend ako kung nagstay ako sa davao. Pero baka di rin ako ma-protect masyado kasi mama ko walang pake sa akin. Kahit noon pang elementary wala na siya pake sa akin.
--- aug 13, 2023 ---
Oo alam ko 10 days passed na ito pero eto kasi tiktok napanood ko and ayown pumunta ako sa sound and while vibing naalala k9 si jin sa ba sing se. Like, nagwawonder din kaya siya kung saan na si lee from the teashop? Then for a moment na sad ako slight for her :< pero then naisip ko rin na 'ah pretty ka naman, Jin. you'll find someone better. Just hope you don't end up with an asshole...'
So ayown naisip ko nga yon. And balik ako ulit sa topic na ito.
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karizzma2023 · 2 years
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Resident : EVIL ///
HER ///
Head /// Head: LeLUTKA BRIANNON Head 3.1 Skin: [avarosa] Coco LeL EVO X - Rosekiss Hair: DOUX - Cyanna hairstyle [BASIC PACK] Body: eBODY - REBORN
Makeup ///
Eyeliner: Malina - Asya eyeliner / Lelutka EVO X Blush: DAZED. Sunny Blushes - lel EVOX Lipstick: TOP1SALON - HD SPHYNX LIPSTICK (Lelutka Evolution) P2
Clothes ///
Bodysuit: AVEC TOI - Ashima Catsuit TEMPEST PACK Harness+Garters: AVEC TOI - Ashima Harness & Garters LEATHER PACK Boots: AVEC TOI - Sinestra Boots TEMPEST PACK
Accessoiries ///
HEAD ///
Guns: BREACH Raven
HIM ///
HEAD ///
Head: LeLUTKA QUINN Head 3.1 Hair: [HAIR]Dura-B124-FA Skin: STRAY DOG - HEITOR - LELUTKA EVOX- TONE 04 Body: [BODY] Legacy (m) Athletic (1.5.1)
Clothes ///
Accessoiries ///
HEAD ///
Band aid: fuoey. Niklaus Face Band Aid
BODY ///
Arms: Clemmm - Undervorld Unkin Markings Holster: AVEC TOI - Kai Shoulder Holster
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Curious anon here! What are your second favorite ships for the characters you write?
Thanks for the ask!
My second favorite ship for Kuvira is Korvira (with Opalvira as a close third).
My second favorite ship for Lin is Linzin (although Linumi is quickly catching up).
My second favorite ship for Baatar is Baatar x Malina (my OC, a waterbender from Agna Qel'a who Baatar met at Ba Sing Se University).
My second favorite ship for Zolt is Zolt x Aiko (my OC, a high-ranking member of the Agni Kai triad).
I've truthfully never thought about a Suyin ship other than Sutar, but I think the idea of her and Varrick could be interesting.
This ask made me realize there are so many characters in LOK that I haven't written yet. I really need to branch out.
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akwardlyuncool · 4 years
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Lore (2012) - Review
Lore is a 14 year old girl who is left to take care of her younger sister and 3 younger brothers, one of which is still a breast feeding baby, after their parents had to leave them behind for reasons connected to the end of the WW2 and their father’s involvement, as he was a N*zi soldier. They are set to travel to meet Omi, whom I assume is their grandmother, but the trip isn’t as easy her mother described before she left, especially once they come in contact with a Jewish Refugee named Thomas who becomes their new traveling companion, to put it simply.
There’s a lot of calling people by their first names so I was often confused as to who was actually who in relation to one another throughout the entire film.
I should know by now that movies set around WW2 give me hella anxiety, but for whatever reason I still somehow manage to find one that piques my interest, even if it’s only slightly. I picked this one up from the library I want to say last month, but let it sit forever cause I always pick these types of movies on a whim and then have to wait to watch them until I’m emotionally ready or at least in a neutral enough mood to be able to handle them. Long story short it did in fact give me anxiety and I’m glad my computer needed to be charged so I could force myself to take a break before finishing it.
Has this story been told before? Many times. But I think this is the first one of it’s kind that takes place in the wake of it all, that I’ve personally seen. Most often they’re being told at the height of the war or sometime before it’s over and I thought that specific “twist” was a decent way to set this film apart. Now I don’t know all of the historical context, however some of the things that took place felt like they existed for shock value, unless American soldiers did in fact make people look at dead bodies for food, in which case I am actually speechless. There was a lot of things that took place like that, where I wondered if there was liberties taken in those areas or if that was actually how things went. Although it was intense, a little bloody, a bit uncomfortable and had moments where I had to turn my head, it wasn’t as visually traumatizing as I thought it might be. Overall it has a dark simplicity that didn’t make the movie feel slow at all, like others in the category, but rather nicely paced. I was frustrated with the ending, but also kinda got it, but also needed more. I’m just so back and forth on my feelings with this one.
Side Note: I wouldn’t be surprised if many of those scenarios were based in reality. (You can tell I’m not well versed in the historical part of historical fiction.)
Honestly I don’t have an overall rating for this movie and I think that comes down to me not quite knowing if I support the characters in their story/journey or if I just thought it was a well put together movie?
If you’ve seen the movie and want to discuss Thomas, my DM’s are open cause I got thoughts!
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fr44dom · 6 years
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nicolekaptan · 5 years
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Lore (2012) dir. Cate Shortland
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what-is-infinite · 5 years
Kayla you gotta drop that Malina and Hozier post 🅱️lease
Lolololol I definitely am ! I already have part of the first track in my drafts I’m just figuring out how I wanna do it and stuff . Also I’m distracted by how little Leoni content is in the tags and I love her so ima make a moodboard or something (it’s gonna be kinda shitty like all my stuff but whatcha gonna do ) to make myself feel better.
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