#elementary rel
burquillos · 1 year
Permanently in love with the fact that Venti is thousands of years older than Diluc. He sometimes acts/talks like an old man and it confuses the hell out of everyone around them. Venti pinching Diluc's cheek and talking about how cute he and Kaeya were when they were little.
I remember when I posted this pic on twt
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and someone replied with "venti is a cutesy, femboy dilf" which is... certainly a set of words but I can't find myself disagreeing 😭😭
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Just saw an ask about Nancy’s lack of social behaviors that inspired some thoughts. I didn't want to intrude on them with my disagreements. They make a couple of reasonable points, but I believe they're missing some aspects of Nancy’s personality to interpret them. Obviously, some of this comes down to personal interpretation, but this is my understanding of Nancy Wheeler.
Addressing their points: Canonically, Nancy isn't a social person. She didn't reach out to Robin at all in the year after Starcourt Mall. The only people we see her regularly hanging out with, after Barb's death, is whoever her current boyfriend is. These are all facts. I personally feel her questioning Robin's presence in season 3 was less a 'I have absolutely zero idea who you are' reaction, and more of a 'why the heck is this new person helping us fight a monster and making comments, since when?' type reaction. This is up for interpretation though, so I won't argue that point.
However, Nancy’s lack of social life is not an indicator of a lack of desire for friendship. Nancy struggles with opening up to people. She finds emotional vulnerability and genuine connection both difficult and terrifying. We see this aversion present itself in her relationship with Mike, as well as signs of it presenting in her dysfunctional family. 
Barb was her only real friend in the beginning of the show. We see her change herself, to try to conform to Steve's group, but even then she is very distant from everyone but Steve and Barb. She relied on previous bonds in a social situation, and made no attempts to create new ones. Granted, Tommy and Carol weren’t people she cared to be friends with. However, this seems to be a pattern of behavior, as indicated by her social situations throughout the show. Another example is the party in season two, when she got drunk and only actually talked to Steve.
Nancy stays inside a social comfort zone. She is not outgoing without a purpose. She’s good at listening, but she doesn’t talk to people without an external reason, such as a story. What some people may forget, is that once Nancy is comfortable with someone, many of those barriers go away. She actually stays quite close to people she likes and feels comfortable with, especially in a distressing situation. She made Barb come to the party for this exact reason. 
The Upside Down dangers created the perfect situations to create deep bonds with Steve and Jonathan. They were forced into situations that lowered guards and allowed them to be genuine with each other. There’s a reason she ended up dating both of them, and essentially relying on them for connection over the years. It wasn’t just trauma bonding, but also that barrier free connection. 
Jonathan was the one to distance himself from Nancy in between season one and two. We see Nancy still reaching out at the beginning of season two. He had been placed in the comfortable zone, and as such, she was quite social with him, despite not dating yet. She ends up distanced from Steve because ex status took him out of that zone, alongside lack of communication in their relationship and the inability to be emotionally vulnerable with him. 
Then we go into post-season three territory. Nancy and Robin don’t talk after Starcourt. Why would they? The two saw each other in a dangerous situation, but they never actually connected. There was no bond, and I highly doubt that Robin took the initiative to attempt to develop one afterwards. Steve started dating Nancy because he put persistent effort into showing his interest. She’s not exactly the type to reach out first. Once within the trust and comfort zone, then yeah, she will initiate contact with a person, but she struggles before then. 
As for people outside of the Hawkins Gang, alongside her natural social aversion, there’s also the barrier of being unable to be completely honest with them. This is a major thing for Nancy, who likely values genuine friendships, and has little respect for superficial ones. This, alongside the trauma surrounding Barb, hinders her quite a lot.
After Jonathan moves away, Nancy is left relatively alone. She has working relationships with people in the newspaper, but not much beyond that. Perhaps there was the possibility of a friendship developing over time with Fred, but that was cut short. Even then, once again, the person she’s closest to got there because they were placed in a situation where she had an external reason to initiate contact.
Does that mean she doesn’t really care to make any more friends aside from Jonathan? Turn now to the famous line: "Does that make us friends? As in, officially?"  
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Look at that smile, and try to tell me that she isn't ecstatic to have Robin confirm their new relationship.
This girl desperately wants a friend. She just doesn’t know how to make one. Looking just at that scene, Nancy is visibly nervous. She doesn’t say anything until Robin drops the friend-word, and then she feels the need to confirm it with her. She wanted it so badly, and was so relieved when Robin revealed that she felt the same way. This wasn’t a little thing to her.
How do they even get to that point in season four? First, Robin puts herself in Nancy’s orbit, despite Nancy’s discomfort. People have a tendency to discount her ideas and not listen to her. She was an unknown variable in a stressful situation. However, the situation allowed them to really talk and the start of a connection was created. Robin had listened to her, and had validated her theory. 
Nancy was starting to like her.
What did she do next? Take advantage of the situation they were in, to sneakily attempt to grow closer. It wasn’t just the fact that Robin was competent and Nancy respected her after the library, but because she wanted to spend time with her. There were plenty of options within the group of competent people, yet Nancy repeatedly singled Robin out. Nancy was trying to become friends.
I say take advantage of it though, because it is a lot less stressful to initiate conversations with someone if you have an excuse. ('They were in a dangerous situation, it wasn't about wanting to be her friend, whaaatt.' Lies.) Suddenly a lot of the normal social pressure and anxiety around initiating contact is decreased. And look at what Nancy does in that scenario, she immediately reaches out. 
Give her a reason, or a purpose, and she can go up and talk to anyone about anything. Take that away, and she gets too stressed or anxious to be the first. 
Anyway, to sum up, Nancy sticks to people she’s comfortable with. Robin, and maybe Steve depending on how the romance is handled, have managed to maneuver themselves into her comfort zone by the end of season four. She has confirmed friendship with Robin, and as previously established, once Nancy likes you, she is social. She will reach out to you, and spend time with you. 
Outside of danger, she likely takes a while to trust people, so anyone who wants to join in the hangouts would need to be willing to put in some effort and be patient with her, but it isn't impossible. She wouldn’t avoid them, just stick close to comfort people.
She's not completely anti-social. Nancy is an introvert who struggles to trust, but once you have that trust, she is a reliable friend.
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quasi-normalcy · 11 months
#so first of all i'm not jewish.#but i feel like i occupy a relatively weird position with respect to judaism.#because the neighbourhood in which i grew up was like...30-50% jewish?#it was jewish enough that the local families requested and got a hebrew immersion programme at the local elementary school#that operated in parallel to the english programme that i attended#and about half of my friends growing up were jewish.#and so i absorbed a lot of the surface-level details of the religion by a sort of osmosis#like...i knew the dates and significance of the various jewish holy days#and i knew a smattering of phrases in hebrew (phonetically); most of them apparently quite rude#and we occasionally did jewish religious songs in choir (some of them admittedly lifted from the 'Prince of Egypt' soundtrack)#and once when i was in high school i was on a trivia team; and we asked a run of questions about judaism;#and i was the only one who knew them even though (i swear to god) i was the non-Jewish player on either team#(and then when i was much older i almost married a jewish enby and i would even have tried to convert for them#but our relationship fell apart for unrelated reasons)#but one of the things that was drilled into me when i was growing up (by my dad who grew up under similar circumstances)#was that you don't criticise Israel; it's antisemitic to criticise Israel#(which made for a lot of fraught moments as a teenager given that i was watching the second Intifada on the news)#and the thing is even now in the face of what seems pretty unambiguously to be a genocide against the Palestinians#i find that i'm more circumspect about criticizing israel than i would be just about any other country under the same circumstances#like i was writing things like 'fuck saudi arabia' when they were murdering houthis in yemen#but 'fuck israel'?#even though a little harsh language is least of what that regime deserves#ugh#i feel like i'm privy to the death of a dream that was never even mine.#personal#religion
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claraswald · 1 year
You know what I would like to see in Abbott Elementary season 3? A Jacob focused episode where we get to learn more about his family. if you think about it we got the chance to meet relatives of all the other main characters: Janine's mother and sister, Gregory's father, Barbara's husband and daughter, Melissa's sister and Ava's grandmother. But we have never met anyone from/heard anything about Jacob's family. We only got an hint that his family situation is somewhat dysfunctional from a single line during 2x10. So i am really curious to learn more about his background and i think it could be a way to develop his character more.
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spotlightstudios · 20 days
Shout-out to my other English professor who somehow has not interacted with the Percy Jackson series. At all. Completely unaware. Blissfully ignorant.
(And to me who is apparently more mentally ill about the collection than others because I have read every single series by uncle Rick and that is apparently *not* a common theme among the English Majors)
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amtrak12 · 6 months
But for real I can't stomach watching SVU like I thought I would be able to because there's too many hospitals and too many people getting beat up, so I have been surviving off of Schitt's Creek and lilsimsie twitch vods and am swiftly running out of both. Please send comedy suggestions 😩
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roboraindrop · 1 month
Guys,,,,, I might have an f/o from a book series that I'm rereading with my husband,,,, He's so sweet and I mean,,, I'm just saying,,, what if a vampire prince who was more interested in brains than brawn and really wanted to prevent a war fell hopelessly in love w me--
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4giorno · 5 months
how is being out of town for a little bit weird for a kid?
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405blazeitt · 5 months
starting around 2nd grade or so, i came up with this fantasy world with fantasy animals that can all communicate with each other, and it gradually evolved folklore and a collection of gods that i never quite decided were real or not in-universe
a key figure in said folklore was the god of darkness and ice (and cold and death etc etc) who was stripped of her powers and sealed away by the other gods for being too destructive for a few centuries, gets released by her followers, and regains her powers by gaining the following of the daughter of the 2 most powerful gods, light and life (ie the manifestation of spring), who'd hidden her in a regular village because her physical form was the same species as that of the god of darkness n ice n stuff
i haven't actively worked on anything from this world in a good while, but it came back to me a few days ago and i had the thought that eventually the dark god has a conversation with the god of plague (who's actually the manifestation of entropy and much older than any of them thought) and realizes that she's not cold or darkness or whatever, she's not a destructive force or an absence, but a manifestation of the universe itself trying to reach equilibrium
so she starts to make peace with the other gods because she no longer sees them as competitors but as a part of herself, and she now knows that even without her intervention she'll outlast them and probably see other planets arise with their own gods and she'll outlast those too, until it's just her and entropy
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little-soldiers · 10 months
Listening bad explain black friday with wide eyes and wonder like im not american
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atypi-cals · 10 months
you know we hear a lot from the "high school was the worst time of my life. Im so glad im free and never have to go there again" crowd but where's the "fucckkkkk I miss going to high-school" crowd
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white-boy-bracket · 1 year
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SO HERE’S MY PROOF THAT I VOTED FOR BUTLER!! Idc what writing fragment I get lol, just that it’s a writing fragment (choosing this over lore, love the lore but I just read through like three days’ worth I’m temporarily sick of it lol)
aaaaand will now be going to sleep I think it’s 1am now and I’m struggling to type properly lmao oops
you get a few!
criminal minds crossover:
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from a vampire au (artemis isn't a vampire)
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From an original story
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abluehappyface · 2 years
Nine year old cousin: Hey, you know that it's national transgender awareness week?
Me: Yeah?
Other Kid on the sidewalk: WAIT REALLY!?
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voidartisan · 2 years
Spent the entire afternoon in the kitchen with my roommates making food for friendsgiving yesterday and i think it officially qualifies as a religious experience
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monsterhugger · 1 year
ppl talk about oldest sibling struggles what about oldest COUSIN. I’m out here oldest of 10 watching everyone I’m related to having fun together playing candyland or some shit and I have a full time job and am looking for an apartment
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gaybaiter · 2 years
What happened with jenna ortega did i miss something?
oh in her autocomplete interview she was talking about always being drawn to darker and weirder things and said like “oh when i was a kid i used to do autopsies on small animals” and people lost their shit over it
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