#was this what watching the fall of rome felt like
voidartisan · 2 years
Spent the entire afternoon in the kitchen with my roommates making food for friendsgiving yesterday and i think it officially qualifies as a religious experience
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hotchfiles · 5 months
↪ QUIS UT DEUS? ─ chapter one.
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pairing: hotch x fem!consultant!reader. summary: murders committed using catholic symbology gets emily to convince hotch it's time to ask for an expert. luckily for you, you're the expert. content warnings: canon typical violence. religious themes. spoilers to season 4. mature themes. word count: 1.5K
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    In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti…
    “Amen.” If you weren’t paying attention and side eyeing him at that exact moment, you might’ve lost the way his lips moved following the ritual, no word actually leaving his mouth. 
    The black haired man didn’t look too comfortable, but didn’t look out of place either, he knew the cues, he spoke the words on automatic it seemed. It amused you to observe people’s behavior on holy grounds, that was part of the reason you asked to meet in silver spring.
    “Catholic, Mr. Hotchner?” Your question is met with a low scoff, the type only those with a bad bad history with the church gave you. “That much, huh?”
    “My parents were.” The answer is simple and you think it might stop at that, but he shakes his head and scoffs again. “I was an altar boy for years before I left for boarding school.” You nod. 
    “Ah. I've met some of you in my research.” Some of you. Church babies, altar boys. Spoon fed the bible from birth while watching everyone around sin. Sin becoming a term to reflect on what they hated. 
    “And you? Catholic?” 
    “Oh no. Never been.” You don’t explain much, aware Emily probably told him of your time in Rome, where the two of you met. “Your UnSub is though. Either devoted to Saint Michael or knows enough about his roles to look like one.” You note, being reminded of the pictures Emily sent you, big stab wounds, a small scale tipped to one side, the words Hebrews 9:22 written in blood. 
    Hotchner doesn’t reply, making a mental reminder of the new information, he looks around the place as you both leave the church and it hits him, Silver Spring’s St. Michael the Archangel parish, the church you chose as a meeting place. 
    He wouldn’t usually accept consultation for cases, especially from outsiders. And to be fair, the BAU doesn’t usually need any, Reid alone has more knowledge than anyone Hotch has ever met, and despite the humbleness he tends to show, Hotch himself can take care of the general book knowledge if Reid doesn’t step up to it. But he trusted Emily, and Emily spoke more highly of you than of anyone. Honestly, he was also trying to make amends after not having her back during the Matthew case they had not long before. 
    “She's in town giving lectures, it’s an asset we have easy access to, so why not use it?” Were her final and most convincing words before Hotch nodded in agreement, watching Emily make the call that led to the meeting. 
    He thinks now, as he’s driving both of you to Quantico, that maybe Emily should’ve been the one here, his attempts to strike conversation falling flat as you don’t even remember the last time you had to make small talk with someone, it felt awkward all of a sudden, as if you were on a date. 
    “I'm so sorry, I'm not too good with… People.” You blurt out after a long minute of silence, your neck suddenly warm from embarrassment. 
    Hotch side eyes you, brows lifted in confusion. You seemed much less confident in the car now than what you showed him of you minutes before back at the church. He figures you felt confident talking about your area of expertise and that he could relate to easily. “Did you notice anything else by the pictures Emily sent you?” 
    The switch of topic makes you sigh loudly in relief and you mentally thank him for brushing your silliness off. “He’s using different pieces of catholic dogma and putting it together, but most of the symbology eludes to Michael, the stabbing looks like a sword, the tipped scale indicates judgment, the verse he chose doesn’t cite Michael but talks about sins being forgiven by the shedding of blood… He’s the judge and executioner of his victims.” You try not to sound excited as you ramble on, it’s a terrible thing to witness, the pictures were grotesque and would’ve made you sick on a normal day, but the cherry picking of symbols the murderer seemed to make fascinated you. 
    “So you believe it’s a man?” 
    “Oh! I–I don’t know? I just assumed… Is that misogynistic?” You mumble the last part more to yourself, but it’s loud enough to make him chuckle and you look at him quickly to make sure it’s not mean spirited. 
    It’s definitely not. But it is amusing from a profiler perspective, he’s so used to defining serials’ genders by their crimes he hasn’t thought about misogyny being a factor to those assumptions in a long time. 
    “Brutality suggests male. But posing looks remorseful, theatrical…” His grip on the wheel tightens, two victims by now, feet crossed, arms wide open. 
    “If there were more allusions to the crucifixion, yeah, but I–” You take your phone out to look at the pictures once more, an attempt to seem less abstract in what you’re about to say. “No crown, no nails, this isn’t about Christ, it’s about punishment–I mean, I think.” You’re not usually self conscious about your knowledge but inferring characteristics and desires to someone by looking at a crime scene was not your specialty. 
    “To further point they were judged and executed…” Hotch nods, understanding where your line of thought is going and completing it immediately, not leaving you much time to doubt yourself. 
    “A very shameful execution.” 
    You both spend the short ride from Silver Springs to Quantico going over the symbology present, you tried to help here and there with the associations of what you saw to who could’ve done it, even though that was not what you were called in for. Strangely enough—for him at least, Hotch didn’t seem to mind your guesses, they were educated ones.
    And it was interesting to hear someone speak with such passion about religious aspects without any of the fundamentalism. It was definitely something he wasn’t used to.
    “Mi amore!” Are the first words you hear as you enter the famous bullpen from Emily’s texts, her arms surrounding you in a tight warm hug you haven’t felt in years—it hits you then how long has it been. You weren’t able to come and mourn Matthew with her, his parents weren’t fond of you either (Lord almighty, you didn’t even go to church with them!) and you were busy with your lectures.
    “Hey troublemaker, how’s it going?” Your question is muffled in the hug, your hands clasping together behind her back.
    The reunion doesn’t last long, curious eyes set on you two and a rather impatient Hotch leading the way to what you learned was the conference room.
    The briefing room. The round table. Emily told you about it when she first got into the BAU.
    You end up sitting between Emily and who you would bet was Spencer—there’s this sweet kid working with us, he’s super smart, annoyingly smart, but so sweet, he reminds of Matty when we were teens—the lanky boy was the only one with what seemed like naivety enough in his eyes to be the one Emily mentioned back then. 
    Aaron sat in front of you almost, serious, stern, very different from the few chuckles you got from him in the car. This was unit chief Hotchner, the subtle difference was fascinating.
    “Alright, as we know, DC is in trouble, second murder in three weeks.” blonde and gorgeous, you believed that was JJ, there had been no time for introductions, all you could do was try to remember the e-mails and few phone calls you shared with Emily the past years. “Richard Beckett, married, no kids, 27. He works for his father's car dealership.” 
    Pictures show up on the screen, showing the man when he was alive. It’s a punch to your gut, just minutes before you were fascinated by the way this real person was murdered. You’re glad you had a light breakfast by the way your stomach turns.
    “Monica Dawson, divorced, no kids, 53. She’s a counselor at a local school.” The woman continues speaking, with more pictures on the screen. And then pictures of their deaths, side by side. The fascination is completely extinguished then. “Both were stabbed countless times with a large blade. Left in abandoned warehouses posed in a cross position, a tipped scale on their side. Both naked. Both were heavily drugged.”
    “They didn’t have kids, is that a coincidence?” You hear Emily speak up and suddenly you can see all their brains working.
    “Could that be the linking between them? The victimology is all over the place.” Derek. Oh. You’ve heard of Derek. You’ve seen pictures of Derek. He needs no introduction. 
    “Reid, Morgan, go talk to the first victim’s widow. Rossi, JJ, Ms. Dawson’s ex-husband can give us insight on her life. Emily and us—” He gives you a look and you understand he means you, nodding in reply. “Will head to the DC police precinct.” The way Hotch gives orders is effortless, not only his job but his vocation. 
    Everyone listens and agrees quickly, moving and leaving the table, even Emily is fast on her feet, even though she won’t leave without you and him. You stay still, stiff, eyes glued to the screen.
    “Are you alright?” His voice is soft, laced with worry, genuine worry. You didn’t even notice he had stayed behind, but you nod again at Hotch, a question burning at the tip of your tongue.
    “Do you still believe in God, Mr. Hotchner?”
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arronapologist · 2 months
Who's Taking That?
MDNI 18+
Big Red x Reader
a/n: If you have seen THAT PHOTO on Kureha's patreon then you've seen the "Idk who's taking that ngl." comment! the answer is YOU. :)
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The crush you had developed on Rome had started out accidentally and innocently. You were both new to the school and in need of a friend. Your soft spot for him began when he finally opened up to you while walking you home after school. He didn’t like feeling pitied but the way you comforted him that night didn’t feel like pity, it felt raw and sincere. Since then you felt protective of the gentle giant and began falling in love.
Rome quickly felt comfortable with you, from the moment you approached him in the hallway with that bright smile, hand out ready to shake his. You made him smile for the first time that day. You didn’t know at the time what he had been going through and you still approached him like you wanted to take all his problems away. He could tell you were genuine.
After months of doing almost everything together, you grew frustrated with him. You were unsure where you stood in his life, you were his best friend but so was Kino. The two of you were going out today and you decided enough was enough. 
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You heard the rumble of his car pulling in front of your house on the street. Your window overlooked the front yard and you could see Rome getting out and walking over to the passenger side door leaning up against it before gazing into your window. Looking down on him was something you rarely ever did, but damn was he pretty like this. You applied the finishing touches to your makeup and outfit before meeting him at his car. 
“Hey, mamita.” His voice was low and sultry, he watched you walk from the front door to the sidewalk in front of him. You’re beautiful even with that fake stank face and attitude you’re giving him. It made him smile to see that you had to work this hard to be mad at him. When you were standing before him, he placed a finger under your chin to lift it so you’d look at him. 
You looked up at him trying your best to give him attitude still but it was faltering.  It was when you rolled your eyes at him that he finally spoke again.  “Come on little mami, don’t treat me like that.” He spoke softly before standing to his full height turning to open the door for you. 
You got into the car, avoiding eye contact trying to maintain the facade. But what you didn’t take into account is that he would come around leaning into the car to buckle you in. The smell of his cologne felt like it was coursing through your veins and at any moment it would set your soul on fire. However, just as fast as it invaded your senses it was gone just as quickly. Coming back to your sane mind Rome had been getting in the car and you got a waft of it again. It smelt so comforting, making you want to jump his bones. 
“Thank you.” Even when pretending to be mad at him you still show him appreciation and respect. It is one of the reasons he began to fall for you. You never talked down on him and you were always kind, being sure to never raise your voice or belittle him no matter the disagreement. 
“Couldn’t have you getting hurt now,” he reaches out turning your head to face him “Could we muneca?” 
That was your last straw, your eyes glazed over and you swallowed hard. You needed him so bad and this act you're putting on is just egging him on. You exchanged glances for a few seconds before Rome's hand slipped from the side of your face to behind your head. You thought he was going to kiss you but instead, he told you that you are beautiful before letting go and starting the car.  ~ The dinner went well, it was beautiful. You had never been there before. You had originally gone to be a buffer for Rome and his father but everything seemed well tonight. They were celebrating his mother's birthday he was unsure as to how it would go. There was no drama, this wasn’t the first time you met his family. However, this is the first time either of them called you his girlfriend. It left you wondering what they knew that you didn’t. 
Rome drove you home taking the scenic route not wanting to drop you off just yet. The two of you spoke openly about your feelings and relief washed over you. Your feelings were reciprocated, he was yours; almost. When the two of you arrived at your house he pulled up next to the curb and parked the car. You could tell he wanted to say something to you but couldn’t get it out. 
“Thank you for being there for me tonight. I know it is late but I don’t want this to end just yet, do you want to go to our spot and watch the stars?”  Rome spoke softly as he led your hand. 
You smiled while looking down into your lap “Yeah, I would like that.” 
The ride over was quiet, your favorite songs played in the background, while the warm summer wind blew through your hair. It was a beautiful night. The sun had set hours ago and the moon lit the sky illuminating the spot in the meadow you too would always meet at when things were rough at home. Rome got out the blankets and pillows from his trunk.
The two of you laid close together on your backs talking about random things and the dinner before Rome got quiet. The silence between the two of you was always comfortable but this felt a little different. But before you could say anything was pulling you to face him. 
“You gonna keep staring at me with those puppy eyes Big Red? Or are you gonna kiss me?” It came out a little bratty but Rome understood the assignment. He leaned in kissing you soft and slowly at first but when you moaned into him he lost all control after that.
He pulled you closer and kissed you deeper it was like falling in love with him all over again.
It's been a month since your outing and you two were officially dating. You hadn’t been more intimate than kissing and cuddling but you were ovulating and you started to hear the voices. Sending a couple of lingerie pictures couldn’t hurt right?
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Rome appears at your front door in record time, sweatpants hanging low on his hips and wearing a black tank top. You took notice that he didn’t have his arm sleeve on. He looked amazing. His hair was messy and still slightly wet, you had assumed he had showered before coming over. You stood there in the doorway in a short silk robe trying so hard not to stare at his semi-hard on.
“I should probably let you in huh?” You stutter over your words. 
“Probably.” Rome moved forward closing the space between you two, causing you to take steps backward. “No one home?” He follows up. 
Never have you found Rome intimidating but in this moment he seemed bigger and stronger. The words caught in your head you shook your head no before speaking a delayed “No, would you like to come upstairs?” 
He smiles softly down at you relaxing you before simply responding “Lead the way.” 
Rome followed you up to your bedroom; making sure to catch all the little details of your house and bedroom. Your room was cute, he had noticed your bed had been sitting on a platform and not a traditional bed frame. He made a mental note of the support it’ll provide. Growing a little impatient he turned to you but you were already ahead of him. 
You stood in front of him in a babydoll dress, the robe disregarded on the floor. You needed him right now. Gaining your confidence back you closed the space between the two of you. After all, it was just big red your favorite gentle giant. You looked up at him with those "fuck me" eyes and he didn’t make you wait any longer. 
He pulled you into a hot and messy kiss. His large hands roam all over your body squeezing and massaging your ass before he starts to walk you back towards the bed.  Lying you back he just wanted to make you feel good. Give you everything you wanted. He kissed down your neck stopping above your breast asking for permission. 
“Please Rome, take it off of me.” You moaned out to him, “I need you so bad.” 
One thing about Rome is he listens very well. You won’t have to tell him more than once, he will get it the first time. He kissed down your chest once more before pushing himself off of you to strip the both of you. You finally got to see him in person. It was long and thick and it only seemed to grow bigger as he stoked himself. 
He could sense your worry, he eased himself back over top of you kissing you slowly. “Don’t worry muñeca, I’m going to make you cum at least twice before we even consider putting it in.”
He knew he was big and he was determined you properly prep you for him. Rome kissed down the valley of your breast not forgetting to take each nipple in his mouth on his way down. He left no piece of your skin unkissed. Before taking a finger and rubbing it through your folds. You were already so wet it took great self-control to not just slide himself in. 
Rome started his a single finger pulling low moans from you as he worked you open. He was studying you and your reactions. Once he found your spot he added a second, determined to pull this first orgasm out of you as quickly as possible. When he hit your spot you gasped loud feeling like your breath was knocked out of you. 
“Rome- fuck please.” You were panting as he drilled his fingers into you. You’re mind began to fog and all you could do was moan his name and watch him as he finger fucked you. 
“Come on mamita, give it to me. I know you’re close. You can do it.” The praise left his mouth and went straight to your pussy. 
The first orgasm came roaring out of you, the mix between his heavy fingers and praises you couldn’t imagine what he was going to feel like splitting you in half. To told you how good you were for him and asked if you were okay to keep going. After a few sips of water and catching your breath, Rome was right back onto you.
He rolled the two of you over so you were on top, feeling more comfortable you grinned yourself along Rome's cock and it was one of the prettiest things he’s ever seen. He loved watching you take action and telling him what you wanted. But sometimes he didn’t wait to be told what to do. 
“Sit on my face.” He blurts out. 
“What?” You were taken back a bit. 
“Y/n sit on on my face.” He wasn’t going to repeat himself again, so when you hesitated a bit he hooked his arms under your legs dragging your pussy up to his mouth. “Sit.” 
And you did. He began to suck on your clit and you threw your head back grinding your hips down on his face. He was eating you out so good you were a moaning mess. Above him. You got closer to your finish so you reached back to and took him into your hand you could barely wrap your hand around him with how thick he was. 
Every time he’d jerk his hip up into your hand it caused you to rock forward into his mouth more. You jerked him off faster as you approached your orgasm. Rome moaned into your cunt sending you into the clouds. 
“Fuck Red, yes, please. I'm ready now. Please fuck me.” You yapped on with your eyes closed. 
Being the good listener he is he flipped the both of you over and got eye level with you. “We're going to go slow okay, let me know if it is too much.” 
You nodded your head preparing yourself for what was to come. “I can’t believe you’re just carrying all that around.” 
He let out a low chuckle while he swiped his tip up and down your folds. He was taking way too long and you began to mouth off a bit. After the first few soft insults, Rome was ready to shut you up. 
“Come on, you scared or-“ Just before you could finish your sentence he began to push himself into you. You were tight and could barely get the head in without feeling full.
“Mamita, we’re barely even halfway there, you sure you can take the whole thing.” He taunted you, before pushing more of himself in. 
You have never felt this full before, and when he got his full length in you you could have sworn you felt him in your throat. 
“Good job little mami, you took all of me. You’re doing so good for me.” The soft praise kept you grounded and present. He began to pick up the pace raising your legs to wrap around his waist. 
The faster the pace the louder you got and Rome grew competitive with himself to make you scream for him louder. Once you were acclimated you begged him to fuck you faster, which he gladly did. Rome rolled you over onto your side pushing your knee to your chest and tore into you at a torturous pace. 
“I need you to cum for me again muñeca. Can you do that for me?” He cooed. 
You could feel yourself teetering on the edge, the wet sounds mixed with the praise you received all took part in pushing you over the edge. You’re eyes glossed over and rolled to the back of your head. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum. Please don’t stop.” You managed to squeal out. 
Rome felt you squeezing him. He leaned forward fucking deeper into you coaxing another orgasm out of you. Talking you through it you try and push him away but he doesn’t budge. He continues at his pace fucking you through your orgasm as you squirt all over his thighs. 
“Look at you mamita, you made one hell of a mess for me. How do you feel?” His pace slowed until he was completely still in you. He had finished a bit after you while waiting for a response. 
“Mm, so good red.” You were fucked out. Barely even audible. 
Rome crawled into bed next to you pulling you into him. “See I knew you could take it.” 
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theprenderelliepalace · 4 months
Damon Salvatore x fem!reader
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Summary: Y/N drops some books off at the Salvatore residence, she expects to find trouble, being the odd one out and everything, she doesn't expect his name to be Damon Salvatore.
Warnings: For mature Audiences, themes of assault, drunk Damon (well isn't that new? Said no one ever.), uh, does a 'takes no shit' !reader count as a trigger?, Elena being a mysterious plot point
Words: 1.7k
I watched Elena Gilbert make this weird expression at me... Caroline was saying something stupid, Bonnie was arguing with that judgemental gleam in her hazel eyes, but what caught my attention, was that foreboding purse of Elena's lips. The furrow of her flawless brow, the way her eyes sparked with something that scared me. It was almost hidden, she smiled wryly in my direction. Her eyes like daggers that penetrated my skull, it made me shiver; as I felt like I had been stripped bare of anything that belonged to me in that moment. Any ground or loyalty I had in our friend-group, I knew was gone, with the flick of Elena's hair behind her shoulder- my other friends hadn't even realised yet, but they would. Come morning I would be a stranger, even to my closest friends since kindergarten. I would be on the fringe of everything I used to know.
I was 12 when I stopped hanging out with the most popular girls in Mystic Falls. Strangley, I never regretted that day. What I had seen in my closest friend, that unexplainable glint about her that still gave me nightmares, had opened my eyes to something dark in the shitty little town I'd spent my entire life in. I said I'd never regretted that day, that was until the vampires came...
"Yes Care, i will be there before dark." I pinched the bridge of my nose, willing the annoying voice on the other end of the line to go bother someone else. "No, I did not tell Stefan." I responded dryly. Elena was in danger, yet again. Klaus was on the prowl, for the daggers, for Elena's blood, for all of us... And Caroline was bugging me about my communication skills. "Well seeing as I'm dropping these old spellbooks for Bonnie at the boarding house, I figure, 'Hey, why not kill two vampires with one study session from hell." I groaned internally as Caroline got heated over the phone. I slammed the back door to my dad's old Toyota corolla, opening the drivers side and collapsing into the leather seat. "Then take it up with someone who cares Caroline. Sorry, I'm driving through a tunnel, on an airplane, while hanging up the phone."
I can't even remember what I did with my phone, all I know is that I started my engine and reversed out of my driveway, heading for the outskirts of the town and towards the infamous Salvatore residence.
It had been 4 goddamm years since I called those girls my friends. I had seen an entire 'nother leap year, in the time it took for these bitches to deem me useful. I travled with my mom, Rome, Paris, India, Africa. I would've gotten my high-school diploma six months ago, if I hadn't had to move back to this ancient cesspool of a town.
And don't misunderstand me, that is the time it took for my life to go to crap. Vampires, the Salvatore Brothers, Elena... I shuddered in my seat, clenching my hands around the wheel as I thought about her.
I was so lost in my thoughts, that I jumped when I reached the boarding house. It was tall and looming, with an ominous darkness catching the corner of my eye. I sighed as I parked, readying myself for the chaos of the two people I despised more than Mystic High's Queen Bee. You see, in the last 6 months I had discovered something about myself, I was perceptive. Yes, I have always been a little more aware than perhaps usual, but it was more than that. I was something supernatural, I didn't know what but I did know that I could see magic, hear a vampires nearly imperceptible heartbeat and feel the forces of nature that others couldn't even dream about.
It was strange, knowing you could see other people when they never expected to be seen at all. I could read their faces, know their tells, pick apart their lies. It was why I was suddenly on the Mystic Falls supernatural hit-teams most wanted list. I could see. I scoffed as I pulled the back door of my car open. Heaving the heavy books into my arms, shifing my weight into my lower back as I ambled up the porch steps to the front door. If all these people needed me for was my sight, then these assholes should really get their eyes checked.
The door was already open, I ducked in sideways, trying to keep my balance while toppling books inched out of my grip. "Let me take those off your hands." I audibly groaned, the voice that assaulted my ears was silky smooth, like fine wine pouring into my ears.
"Damon, look what the bat dragged in." I couldn't see him over the pile of scripts and dusty memoirs of old witches, but I could hear his stupid smirk as he took the pile away from me.
"Still as snarky as ever Y/N. Didn't your mummy ever teach you to be nice to charming men who carry your books?" Anyone else wouldn't have noticed the foe-disdain in his voice, or the slight quicking pace in his pulse, of course, I'm not anyone else.
"Oh! That's what the karate classes were for." I looked at him now, this tall,brooding, Greek God of a man was attracted to me. Stupid I know. That's what I thought too, but I've never been wrong. Especially not since I came into my powers. Normally I would take the shot, go for it, but I had no chance. He was in love with his brothers girlfriend, a stupider decision if you ask me.
"Glad I've only ever seen you in action once or twice then." He smirked. I walked past him and into the living room. The fire was roaring, as I often found it was when Damon was alone on a Thrusday through Sunday afternoon. Where he was the rest of the time, I hadn't had the stomach to ask. I laughed unconvincingly.
"Didn't I almost shoot you in the face when you first tried to use me as a human pincushion?" He set the books down with a thud on the ornate coffee table. I set mine down with a far greater deal of grace. He frowned at me.
"Details, details. Besides," He took a step towards me, he smelled like alcohol and something else..."the way to a vampire, is always through his heart." He grabbed my hand, gently at first, clinging onto it as I tried to pull away. He made me touch his chest, it was firm and rising jaggedly with air he didn't need.
I glared at him. "You're drunk. Go leech on something else," i paused "leech." He laughed, it sent shivers down my spine, his eyes were deadly and cold. He pulled me flush against him. I wasn't unused to this radical "Damon Behavior", but there was something wild about his eyes. Something needy. To be honest, maybe I was needy too.
"Someone should teach you manners little lady." Or maybe not. I timed it perfectly, jutting my elbow out from between us into his diaphragm, he caught my arm, blocking it and shifting my upper body to the right. His lips found my ear, his breath tickled as he whispered into my hair. "One day that mouth of yours will bite off more than those pretty little lips can chew.
"Someone should teach you the modern cure for the insufferable womanizer." I spat. Then suddenly- I was on the couch, the fire crackled so loudly in my ears I thought my head would explode. Damon was leaning over me. His ebony hair feathered against his forehead, his lips were inches from mine, our breath mingled into each other. I felt his body become hotter above me, it was almost startling compared to his cool demeanor at the door. "Damon, please. Use at least one brain cell to think about this stupid decision you're making-"
He cut me off, "See that's the thing Y/N, you talk to me with that foul little mouth of yours and think it's okay. No one talks to me like that." For the first time in an agonizing ten minutes he looked away from me. "I never let anyone talk to me like that. But its like this-" if we had been having this conversation like normal people, I would've smiled at the hint of Italian in his accent. "I do let you. You drive me crazy. I hate you for that."
I tensed. "Well people who hate each other don't treat one another like this. So one of us is lying." I don't know if I knew who was lying to themselves between the both of us, but maybe that would give me enough of a chance to distract him and then-
And then he was kissing me. It was deep and firey. He moaned against my lips as he parted them with his tongue, his grip around my waist tightened as he explored my mouth. It all happened so quickly, I barely began to understand what was happening before "I don't like lying Y/N."
What the hell was that?
He bolted away from me and was on the other side of the room so fast he was only a blur. He started to say something, probably to shout at me in his drunken stupor, but I was quicker- "Did you say that out-loud?" I asked, I was breathless and disgusted and fascinated all in the span of 5 seconds.
He made a face at me. "The hell, "did I say that?" He mocked my question,he was agitated, borderline disbelieving. "I was in the middle of kissing you, moron. I did not say that. What the hell did you do?" He held his arms close to his chest, obviously he felt as violated as I did. I scowled at him.
"Then, moron, did you think it?" He looked at me with big, blue, question- filled eyes.
"Y/N?" Shit, Bonnie, i glanced to the door. I turned back to the fireplace and the leather-clad, bad boy vampire was gone. I pinched the bridge of my nose... worst timing ever Bonnie Bennet...
What the hell just happened?
Ta-da! Ooo la, la... I'm a sucker (haha, get it?) for mystery and suspense.
Did you like the little nudge towards something Elena related, without having to deal with like, Elena..?
But chill, there will be a little bit of everything for all you shippers.
I don't know where I'm going to take this story yet, so feel free to Ask, or request or whatever and maybe things will turn in your favour... :0
Read pt 2 here: Read part 3 here:
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bokunosoul · 2 years
𝙄 𝙝𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪, 𝙄 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪
Yuno (Black Clover) x Reader
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𝙉𝙎𝙁𝙒 requests are OPEN
MINOR DNI, for requests i don't accept reqs for ageless blogs, anonymous blogs or minors
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 : f-ngering, m-sterbation, d-rty talk, b-ow job, cursing, hate sex, v-yeurism, s-xual assault on reader by an opponent, reader and yuno has some experience, aged up, public intercourse, d-flowering, rushed work etc.
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Being part of the golden dawn and being part of nobility, you seemed like you have the best life ever.  That means you have to make the best reputation out of yourself.
But you can't.
You endes up being compared by your family to yuno, your colleague. You hate to admit it but he's really good at doing those missions all by himself, no wonder he became a vice captain in such a young age.
He's also kinda.... goodlooking.
Now here you are trying to be composed infront of you captain along side with yuno receiving orders.
"Y/N, Yuno, you will be going to explore an dungeon and report back immidiately once you've completed this mission. You will be leaving early tomorrow. Get along well and make sure to rest."
The captain said and you both saluted to him. Once you got out of the door you glared at him and turned your back.
"What a snob!!!" bell, his sylph said and stick out her tongue behind your back.
"Stop it bell." Yuno said
You looked at him one last time, hw just stared plainly with those attractive eyes. Blushing in fury you just marched away and layed frustrated in your room. Why the fuck does he stare at me with those eyes? You can't help but to blush replaying what happened earlier.
The very next day you both set off to your mission. You both just rided your own brooms and it was very pleasing to watch the sun rise whilst you ride in the air.
You both arrived at the dungeons amd split off. Came across a bunch of opponents. But as always they were no match for you. You sighed as you thought things were over and you were about to call it a day.
You were suddenly taken aback by a man and you can't escape from his arms. You started attacking him one by one with your magic but still he doesn't budge.
A fucking diamond mage. This is bad.
"Get of me you pervert!" you shouted at the guy and he just gave off an disgusting smirk.
"What's a pretty girl doing here alone in the dungeons? hmmm? "
"None. Of. Your. Fucking. Bussiness. "
i cursed and proceeded to struggle to get off him.
"You must want to know my name sweetie, the names Ragus. "
You started to tear up as he started to linger his hands to your thighs along to the part where your mother told you to save for your marriage.
"N-no, p-please. "
Everything came in so fast. The guys suddenly was thrown across the place, none other than yuno. He looked so enraged and shocked, even though your eyes were blurry from the tears you still saw it.
"I didn't asked for help. "
He came closer to you, taking off his robe and wrapping it around your waist. Your'e faced started turning red as he carried you in his arms bridal style.
" Put me down. "
" No. "
" I hate you. "
This man so frickin persistent, it was annoying. You just kinda stared at him for a while and gave in.
Now it's night fall at the moon shines brightly, and it was not safe to travel as some beasts and bandits rome this area. Yuno decided to cook a meal and you decides to go take a stroll to clear your mind.
Replaying on what happened earlier, you felt disgusted. That mans perverted touch, gaze still lingers on my skin.
Thankfully,  you can hear there's a waterfall up ahead so you can go take a bath.
You were mesmerized by the scenery infront of you. A thousand stars can be seen, and the moon is so full up above.
' No one can should be looking right? '
You carefully slipped out your clothes and hopped onto the water. Leaving you naked in all of your glory. You dove upon the cold water and like any normal person would do in the bath.
Sighing you sat in a nearby boulder and dried off your body. You were frustrated, you embarassed yourself earlier infront of him.
The way he looked earlier.....
You started to feel hot as you imagined his look earlier. You can't think straight anymore whilst your breathe hitches and body heats up.
I moaned as i inserted one of my fingers inside my needy cunt, while your other hand massages your breasts.
You imagine yourself getting fucked by him. His cock so deep in your needy hole as you moan in pleasure. You hate him, hate that he makes you feel this way.
All that pent up feeling all you do was just to do it solo by yourself. Your parents conservativeness, heavy burden, past relationships and stress makes you feel dry.
"Hah~ yuno~ oh fuck yes!"
"Yes! ~yes!~yes! "
Now here you are desperately pumping your fingers back in fourth in your slit making vulgar noises, thinking of the hot mage. Causing you to come all over the place.
'Fuck i made a mess.'
You suddenly heard a rustling noise in the bushed. You hurriedly covered yourself with your clothes.
I heaved an sigh of relief as the figure appears to be an deer. You decided to just get cleaned and dressed and head back to him.
"I'm back."
You said and sat in the ground infront of the bonfire. You can't see his face but it looks like that he is eating.
It's been 30 minutes and he still hasn't talked nor faced me. He just sat down facing the other way round.
Weird. He normally would discuss about what will we report about to captain....
You asked as you walked towards him. His face seemed red and he looks so flustered.
' does he have a fever? '
You nervously put your palms on his forehead to confirm. Your eyes widened as he suddenly pinned you to a wall.
'W-what the fuck?'
He stared at you like a hungry wolf who targeted it's prey. Meanwhile you just stood there shock.
"You have much courage doing that in public, Y/N."
Yuno whispered onto your ear, making you instantly blush in embarassment. He saw that. HE FUCKING DID!??!
You looked away and shut your eyes tight. His hot breathe just hitched right at your neck.
" such a slut, moaning my nme like that. "
" HAH, you must be imagining things you perverted freak! "
You lied, facing him red. He smirked.
"I saw that, clearly Y/N, clearly. " yuno said firmly wrapping his arms on my waist.
" S-so? it's not like i like you or something. D-dumbass. " i stuttered and pushed him away, lightly.
" spit it out. "
"What? "
"I know you like me. "
"Are you sure?"
"N-no? "
He frowned and stopped, he started to walk away. You can't help but to feel frustrated.
"That's why i hate you. "
He stopped walking and slammed you hard against the tree.
"Really? you hate me that much huh? I will prove it to you that i am better than that." he replied smugly
"Then you have my consent, bastard. "
You smirked as your faces become closer and our bodies pressed together heatedly against the wall, breathing heavily as our lips pressed together and our tongues battle in dominance.
It's the first time she ever felt like this.
He suddenly stopped.
"Before we do anything, do i have your consent? "
"Yes, just fucking take me. "
His hands pressed under her shirt, quick to shove aside my bra. My voluptous breasts spilled out and his impatient lips hungrily sucked it off.
"Oh~ah shit!" you can't help but to moan in his touch.
He paused and threw your robe and bra on the ground. He goes down and down and down towards you legs as he carefully caresses, his hot breath along my thighs.
You gulped as you watch him lift your skirt revealing your thong. You feel embarassed as he stared at it for a few moments and take off your skirt along with thongs. Leaving you naked only for his eyes.
" so beautiful. " he whispered.
That was the last straw.
You straddled him, caughting him off guard as you lean in for a kiss.
"Where's all that courage coming from? "
"Shut up. "
My hands fumbled upon his trousers and onto his underwear revealing his erection. You blushed, since it was your first time seeing a man's part like that. You only see it in books......
His breatgour hand slowly travels on his cock. Pumping it back and fourth. Yuno looked so pretty like that, needy and desperate.
"Hah, just like that. "
He purred.
Slowly you started making kitten licks on his cock. Swirling your tongue along his tip, it then became much more intense. Gathering up the courage you slowly started going down on him, sucking his cock. You were gagging- but you couldn't care less.
"Hah~Ah shit y/n...." He let out an pleased hum whilst making eye contact with you, running his slender fingers through your hair.
You let out an shriek as he suddenly
forces your head down, causing you to choke on his cock. Bucking his hips into your mouth you can only tear up in the sensation you are feeling whilst he talks dirty to you.
"You fucking slut, the way you stare at me makes me go crazy everytime, now look at you choking at my cock. "
He said in his cool usual tone and slammed my body to the ground. Sorry mother, but i can't resist this man.
"I-it hurts yuno, hah~. "
You whimpered as his length was buried deep inside you. It was painful at first but it suddenly was replaced with pleasure as he slowly thrusted inside of your tight hole.
"I-is this your first time?"
Yuno sounded concerned and you looked at him and nodded shyly.
"Shit, i should've been more careful, are you okay? "
What's with this man...
"Yeah, it looks like you have just taken my virginity, vice captain. "
You said locking your arms on his neck and staring deeply on his amber eyes.
"Then fuck me hard, yuno." you whispered and he did.
Well that rest was history that night you and him just enjoyed the starry night and eachothers warmth on the moonlit night.
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💌 : This is the celebration of my man turning 18. This was frickin rushed and amateurish since im new to this writing style👹
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lulublack90 · 5 months
Prompt 19 - Angel/Demon AU
@wolfstarmicrofic April 19, word count 682
After the fall of Eden and the opening of Pandora’s box, when the World began to crumble, an Angel was created for each Demon. It was their job to restore the balance of any ill-doing their Demon committed and try to quell any rebellion of the Demon realm. 
Sirius had travelled the world and back again, over the aeons, following his Demon and the destruction left behind in his wake. It irked him that his Demon, unlike most of the others, seemed to be particularly creative in his wrongdoings. He’d set off a volcano in Pompeii because a street vendor had gotten in his way. He wiped Atlantis off the map without a trace it had ever existed because the king had refused him hospitality. The fall of Rome. The Titanic, World War 1 and World War 2, for that matter. 
Modern government had been a rather nasty one, putting imbeciles in charge of entire nations of humans and watching the utter carnage that followed. 
After that pièce de résistance, the Demon had calmed down. The humans were destroying themselves faster than he could provoke them, so he’d basically retired from his demonic ways and spent his time revelling in the world going to pot. 
Sirius tracked him down to a little village up in Scotland and, for the next few decades, tried to convince the Demon to give being good a go. 
“Come on, Remus, why won’t you even try? You never know you might like it.” Sirius had said as they sipped tea in Remus’s library. “You can’t be all bad. There must be some good in you, at least. I mean, look at all these books,” He waved his hands at the floor-to-ceiling shelves that covered every wall. “You have hundreds of them. You must have absorbed some good from them.” Remus slurped his tea from his cup, making Sirius wince. He placed the teacup down on his saucer and leaned all the way back in his chair. Grasping the armrests with his hands, he smiled genteelly at the Angel. 
“Why don’t you open one and find out?” Remus challenged, his voice dripping with honey. Sirius gingerly reached out and selected a book at random. He let it fall open in his hands and read a few sentences before he snapped it shut, horror colouring his face. 
“It’s smut!” He grabbed another and another down off the shelves. Tossing each aside after he’d read a few words. “They’re all smut!” He exclaimed, still going. “More smut!” He stood back from the shelves and spun on the spot, looking with new eyes on the rows and rows of books. “It’s all smut!” He gasped. Remus snorted, and Sirius turned to face him. 
“Come on, Sirius, try it. I bet you’ll like it.” Remus purred. And for the first time in millennia, the Angel was tempted by the Demon. 
His feet moved him forward of their own accord. He watched as his hand raised and touched the spine of one of the books. His fingers wrapped around it, and he began to remove it from the shelf, but Remus jumped up and yanked him away. 
“No, no. Not that one. Your eyes will melt in their sockets if you read that one. Er, try this.” The Demon reached up, revealing a strip of tanned skin between his knitted jumper and black trousers. Sirius swallowed. What was happening to him? Remus placed a thin paperback book in Sirius’s hand, and they returned to their seats. 
Sirius flipped the book open and began to read. A strange, tingly feeling in his abdomen startled him when he read a description of a man walking across a beach. It almost felt as though butterflies were happily flapping inside his stomach. It wasn’t unpleasant. Sirius could feel that this was the start of something different. He didn’t know what yet, but he was sure it wouldn’t be long before he found out. 
The Demon watched him closely as Sirius devoured the pages, a half smile tugging at his lips as he poured another cup of tea.
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love4jennaortega · 1 year
I’m in love with you.
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Summary- You and Tara have always been close since childhood. Tara and her sister were the closest thing you had to family. Your mom passed away in a car accident and your father died from cancer. Somehow over the years your feelings for Tara grew bigger and bigger and she felt the same.
Pairings- Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Warnings- none!
A/N- This is my 1st time writing so bare with me. Also sorry for spelling and punctuation errors.
You walk to Tara’s house since she invited you over for a sleepover and movie night with Sam. You finally arrive there after what felt like hours of walking.
Tara opens the door and greets you with a hug. “Y/N! Hi!”. “Hi taraaaaa” you reply dragging out the a hugging her back tightly.
You guys walking into the living room seeing that Sam has already made herself comfortable on the couch while turning on Stab 1. You were terrified of horror movies but you didn’t put up a fuss since you were with Tara and Sam.
“Hi y/n” says Sam with a big smile on her face. “Hi Sam!” You walk over to her and lean down to hug her. You guys let go of the hug and you sit your stuff down by the staircase and plop next to Tara on the couch.
The movie was halfway done and you are sleeping. Tara puts her arm around you and a blanket and watches the rest of the horror film. Meanwhile Sam went upstairs because she got tired and went to bed.
It was 11 pm when you woke up and seen you were in Tara’s arms. You blushed a little at the sight and the feeling of warm and comfort. “Tara wake up so we can go upstairs” you say softly while tapping her. She takes a while to fully get up but when she does you guys head upstairs to get into her bed. As you walk in front of Tara she can’t keep her eyes off you. She wanted to make you hers tonight.
You get to Tara’s room and help her pull her sheets back. As you guys get into the bed Tara stops you and walks up to you.
“y/n I know it’s late and this is so random..but I have to get this off my chest” she says while playing with her fingers. “Uhh..okay what is it” you ask feeling nervous. Tara steps closer to you and puts your arms around her neck. “Y/n I have been in love with you ever since we was eleven years old. I know it seems crazy because you are my bestfriend but I’m really in love with you” she says while looking dead into your eyes.
Your heart starts pounding and you get hot. You swear she can hear you heart beating out of your chest. You smile and pull her into a kiss getting your hands tangled in her hair. You guys pull away for a second and you speak up. “Tara I’m in love with you too” Tara smiles big and she kisses you again letting her hands rome around your body.
You guys get into the bed and cuddle while falling asleep peacefully.
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sebastianswallows · 6 months
The English Client — Two
— PAIRING: Tom Riddle x F!Reader
— SYNOPSIS: The year is 1952. Tom is working for Borgin and Burkes. He is sent to Rome to acquire three ancient books of magic by any means necessary. One in particular proves challenging to reach, and the only path forward is through a pretty, young bookseller. A foreigner like him, she lives alone, obsessed with her work... until Tom comes into her life.
— WARNINGS: angst, alienation, and exhaustion
— A/N: Apology to any Italian readers, Tom gets rather grumpy with how cheerful everyone else is around him 😂 Also, we finally meet our reader in this chapter! 💚
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It was just as Tom predicted. As soon as Clement saw the state of his hotel, he wouldn't stay there for another minute. He tried to persuade Tom to come with him to some fancier place he had in mind, assuring him he'd pay for all expenses, but Tom wouldn't hear it. He'd spent enough time with people like him to know that nothing came for free.
In the end, Clement took the taxi onward to the Plaza Grand Hotel, but not before writing down Tom’s hotel and room number on the edge of a crumpled napkin.
“I will call you later, yes? Just in case you change your mind,” he winked.
The rest of his day was spent in a blissful void, interrupted by the occasional pang of hunger — which he quieted with water and crackers, before falling asleep again. He was woken in the evening by cheerful shouting from outside, distant music, and peels of laughter down the hallway. The sounds reverberated up the faded frescoes and chipped columns of the building, but he had to remind himself that he was among muggles now — no hexes. At least his pillow was soft... He buried his head beneath it and hoped to suffocate before morning.
When he woke up properly, feeling squeezed and still exhausted, the sun hadn’t yet risen. The streets were quiet save for the hooting of owls resting in the trees and little insects on their flowers. Little lights from faraway buildings lit up the horizon.
Tom had slept nude, too lazy to change into something after taking his clothes off. As soon as he sat up, he felt all weak and dizzy, hair ruffled sticking to his face, body cut through with creases from the sheets and muggy with his sweat. Worst of all, his blood had all seemed to pool into his legs. Standing up like a newborn fawn, he walked over to the windows, opened them wide, and breathed in the cold night air. It made his body shiver. It felt pleasant. It felt a little bit like home.
The early hours passed slowly. He managed to wash himself in the little closet of a bathroom, brushed his hair, and even put a few of his old things in order. After eating a ham sandwich he'd bought from the train's food car and brewing a cup of tea with magic, he felt like a new man. He sat by the window in a loose bathrobe and watched the rising sun, and as his strength returned to him he began mentally revising the events of his journey.
“To think I'll have to go through all of that again on my way back,” Tom groaned. “And I thought the Hogwarts Express was a bore…”
Travelling abroad had been on his agenda for quite a while, once he found all the artefacts he needed through Borgin and Burkes, but he hadn't quite anticipated how physically exhausting it would be to sit in a muggle contraption for hours on end. If he wanted to explore the world in search of rare magical items, he would have to devise a more suitable method. Perhaps Thestrals…
His thoughts turned to Clement again. His wide grin, his bright blue eyes, his utter carelessness of composure... What an annoying fellow. Well, if the need arose to make another Horcrux, at least he'd know where to look.
The afternoon found him roaming the streets of the city. He spent a little while acquainting himself with the landmarks closest to the hotel just enough to find his way if lost, but he'd also collected from the concierge a list of local rare book shops and antiquaries to start his investigation. It was with nothing more than this that Tom stepped onto the cobbled streets of Rome and started walking.
The hotel Burke had set him up in, the Gallienus, was among the cheapest. It was nestled in one of the poorer parts of town, where the roads were narrow and beggars slept on the stairs of buildings boarded up. There was at least one pile of dry and darkened animal droppings on every street corner. Trash overflowed from forgotten dumpsters, buzzing vibrantly in the sun.
It took him quite a while to find the first bookstore, and longer still to find a good one. Most of them sold less prestigious stuff than what they advertised. The muggles were cheerful and friendly, if false, and a few tried to barter with him all the way to the door. A couple with fancy window dressing had only the veneer of the authentic, selling new volumes beaten up or rebound with cardboard covers.
Still, he made a few acquaintances, if not outright friends, among the shopkeepers, and his list of options grew larger as he heard from them of more interesting stores, but by evening he had nothing to show for all his exploration.
Moreover, he was thoroughly lost. The cafes frothed with little umbrellas in the streets, the fountains billowed in the air and danced, and all of it started to look the same to him. The fancy suits of people coming back from work and their black voluptuous hairstyles all blended with each other. He'd ambled his way from the Via Domenichino to the Colosseum, then to the chip-toothed ruins of the Roman Forum, higher to the Pantheon, then down, down toward the Tiber.
The air was alight with ages past and everything was moving. The shadows of aged stone, touched by dereliction and decay and the stray shellings of the war that ended just seven years ago, danced at the corners of his eyes together with the throngs of white-dressed women and the scooters zipping by. And at any moment it felt as if some ancient in a toga would walk out from between those columns and shake a bony finger at the careless youth, lamenting, and asking just to die again.
Tom stopped somewhere along the Tiber and gazed out across its murky serpentine flow. If he squinted, he could just about see the Vatican. A flock of nuns passed him by, flowing in quiet black and white against a blue and just as quiet sky. The air was warm, but chilling. He was surrounded on every side by broad buildings in smooth geometric shapes, and yet he’d never felt quite so exposed before.
Now that he had a moment to stop and ponder the experience, he realised that being in Rome felt like being in the world and yet above it, as if the whole city was floating in the sky. A dish on a high pedestal, yawning to the heavens.
“Maddening,” he whispered to himself. “Imagine living here forever…”
Under the shadow of a sycamore, he leaned over the stone walls that enclosed the river. It was a long way down… Its waters seemed about as dark as Thames, but smoother. He wondered, without really caring, whether there were any corpses buried there, some skeletons stuck in the mud, forgotten and unwanted. The chime of churchbells reached him, cutting through the buzzing of the cars.
What would he do tomorrow? Much the same thing as today, he reasoned… Only he’d have far further to go to reach these newer places he just learned about. He reached into his pocket for a little map he’d folded up, and tried to smooth it out over the stone.
“Why does it have to be so complicated?” he mumbled to himself as he planned his pathway back to the hotel. “Even London isn’t this bad, right?” He’d forgotten that it was.
Turning, he looked once more at all the young people that now lined the street. For some reason, all of them were smiling, happy. A couple was shamelessly kissing as they hid behind a tree. When they started sliding down its trunk, tight in each other’s arms, Tom rolled his eyes and started walking back the way he’d come.
Sweat had dampened his shirt collar and went down the centre of his chest, but somehow it bothered him less than he expected it would. It was quite a different experience from the Knockturn Alley cellar where he worked, or that pittance of a room he rented above an apothecary shop.
Here all was warm stone, and coffee, and cats that slithered around the corners. Here he was nobody. Not Mr. Riddle, not Lord Voldemort, the terror and equal envy of his schoolmates, not Tom the orphan, Tom the gifted student, Tom the Head Boy. He wasn't even a half-blood or a wizard. Muggles had no idea about such things. Here he was nobody — except maybe ‘bel ragazzo’ when he passed by a hot-blooded madam sipping her red wine. To shed his myriad identities felt light and clean, like an old coat sliding off his shoulders.
So, what was he beneath all that?
Today, he was just a wanderer taking in the sights. Tomorrow, maybe something else.
The paved Roman street branched like a vein of undulating black blood into narrower and ever-winding paths, some leading back to the piazza, others through old buildings nestled so close together they blotted out the sun. He took one such path. It was cooler here than in the open, almost bearable, even with the piling trash and stench of cat piss everywhere.
Tom had never shied away from squalor. If anything, the old stones and the dampness and the hint of sewage reminded him a bit of his old Hogwarts dorm. He smiled at the memory as he walked back the way he came, a hand in his trouser pocket and his mind far away, at how impressive and select and magical — in the most pure, extraordinary way, a way those raised with magic would never understand — it seemed to him when he first arrived at Hogwarts. How plain and pure his happiness had been to be away from wicked muggles, to learn that he was special and that greatness, surely, called to him…
The narrow alleyway he slid through opened into the wide and brilliant Piazza di Trevi. The fountain cast its net of water flowing down like gossamer. Tom stopped to thread his fingertips through its shivering pool and sprinkled a little bit of water over the hot crown of his head before walking on.
He had a vague idea of where he was, and what street he should turn on to return to his hotel before sunset.
His steps stopped almost on their own when his eyes fell on his reflection in the darkened glass of a store window — body tall and lean, chest blushing red, hair falling in his eyes with sweat. Beyond it, a flock of books on stout old wooden shelves. How interesting… Tom shifted his jacket from his elbow to his shoulder as he leaned forward to read. They were quite old volumes, judging by the typefaces and the engravings on display, and some he recognised as classic esoterica.
He looked at the sign above the door: Casa Ur. A reference to ancient Sumer? He looked past the glass more carefully, his every instinct pulling him toward this strange collection. If he was right, and they were real, then they were very old indeed. What carelessness, to keep them in such a place, hot and humid and likely infested by an entomologist’s dream collection of mites and moths and other pests.
Then he looked past his own reflection, past all the books, and there, in the middle of it all like a pale shadow between the shelves, he saw a woman. She was braced against a wooden desk, standing as he often did at Burkes when he was tired. She wore some sort of lady’s suit he couldn’t quite make out, and a string of silver shone dully at her neck like a wet trail of kisses. Her fingers were poised atop the pages of a ledger.
She was staring at him.
Tom let his gaze glide off her figure and back toward the books, keeping his cold and haughty look a moment longer before stepping away again.
How interesting… Why had none of the other shopkeepers mentioned it before? This was perhaps the first store he gave any serious consideration, and to think he’d found it all by accident…
The place had promise, but the building was far too large and far too old for rent there to be cheap — which meant the books were bound to be expensive. If they weren’t facsimiles or forgeries, then they deserved their price, but places like that also tended to be quite selective of their clientele, and Tom knew nobody in Rome who’d vouch for him. And as for his fake muggle money, that would only go so far…
What was worse, he had no way of reaching back to Borgin and Burkes. Knowing no other wizards in Rome, he had nobody to borrow an owl from, if that was even what they used in these climes, and the closest wizarding community he knew was down in Sicily. Muggle modes of communication wouldn’t reach Knownturn Alley, and international phone calls were awfully expensive. Tom was on his own.
“Well, there’s more than one way to skin a Puffskein,” he said to himself.
Before he turned the corner, he looked up at the wall and took note of the street he was just on: Via dell'Umiltà.
She started closing up the shop earlier than usual that day. Maybe it was because they’d only had two customers. Maybe because it was inordinately hot… Or maybe because of that handsome stranger who gazed through her window two hours before.
She felt unprofessional for staring, for letting her eyes wander down his fit frame tall and slender like a serpent… With his crisp white shirt liberally peeled back at the neck, his dark curls falling into his eyes, jacket casually hanging from his elbow and a silver ring around his finger, those charcoal trousers sitting so tightly on his slender hips and —
That was as far as she could see before he walked away.
She gathered her things slowly, waiting for evening to come and the streets to cool a little. She locked everything up and called downstairs to announce that she was leaving.
Stepping forth from that dark hole of history and out into the world again, she was greeted by a Rome painted in royal red. The sun was setting. As she walked by the Trevi fountain she could feel the steam that rose from the sprinkling on the stones playing around her ankles. The pigeons flew up with a fright, rustling through the air. People gathered in the square and cast around her a sea of murmurs in Italian and other foreign tongues. It was all foreign to her, of course, or rather she was foreign to it.
She could never quite fit in with the locals, however comfortable she felt there. Her accent always gave her away, and whatever the Italian “look” was, she didn’t have it — or perhaps strangers stared at her for other reasons, glances lingering behind so heavy she could feel them every time she did her shopping in her little neighbourhood, or went to lunch with her librarian and antiquary friends around the area. No matter what she did, what she wore, or how she did her hair, she remained a ‘straniera’. But that was alright. She didn’t mind being a little strange.
The pretty and ancient parts of Rome disintegrated, façades falling apart, pediments crumbling, cobblestones popping out of the eternal roads. The streets looked very different a few tram hops later as she made her way toward her rented flat. People looked the same though. The young ones were in the street, the women laboured around the house, the nonnas at the market, and the men all off at work.
But no matter the day, whenever she left for the bookshop or returned from it, the cafés were always full. People gazed out from beneath their striped little umbrellas, drinking from a thick white cup of coffee or sipping on a glass of wine, reading the news, petting their dogs, chatting with each other… It made her feel like life was passing by.
Then again, she had no mood for going out for coffee, not when she came home with her feet aching and her back sore. Even though all she had to do that day was sort out the books and fill the ledgers and occasionally deal with clients, the workday left her feeling battered. Besides, she had no one to go out with anyway…
Her work was solitary, and the friends she’d made were few — fellow book dealers and curators, all of whom were as busy as she was. And whenever they did meet during the occasional break, the only thing they talked about was work. There was no room left in anybody’s life for something different.
The cellar bar across the street from where she lived was already rumbling with a hint of lonely jazz, and the solid voice of men. The sound echoed past the old restaurant and bookshop near it that had been closed for years, and the rows of cheap apartments filled with working families. Out from underneath a shrub, a cat cut through her path. She stopped and almost called to it, but it ran through a hole in the wall of the neighbouring building. Getting out of the heat, perhaps.
Her building was cool on the inside for the instant it took to climb the two sets of stairs to her door, but then she stepped into her flat and it was like walking into an oven. Sunlight streamed through her windows all day, and no amount of curtains stopped the heat that built up there.
She peeled her clothes off her body before she even reached the bedroom, limping slightly all the way from the pain at her Achilles heel, and fell upon her bed face first. The shower could wait. Oh, what she would give for a massage… She rubbed her feet together as they hung over the side, and smiled at the fantasy of a pair of cold hands rubbing down her back.
She wondered what that handsome stranger was doing now…
Was he Italian? Unlikely given his pallor, although he had the same dark hair and eyes as all the locals did, and none of the whimsical, lost look of tourists. And he was alone.
His gaze, as much as she could make of it, had been scathing and critical, and he hadn’t even said a word. She turned around on the bed, eyes still closed, as she imagined him there. She saw all manner of people in her work, and although most of them were old, there were a few still young, still handsome… Mostly students at the local universities. But nobody, nobody she’d met so far, had been quite as striking as that stranger.
Was it pointless to hope that he would come again?
It was easier to put herself together after resting for a while. Living alone provided her with no greater luxury than this: there was never any need to rush. Dinner consisted of a cup of tea and biscuits, which was more than what she usually had, paired with a few page flips from a novel she was reading that she could hardly pay attention to. But every paragraph and sentence, any image conjured up by fiction, was haunted by the contours of that young man’s face.
Her sleep that night was deep and intoxicating, like a faint, her body giving her up to vague nightmares she would not remember. But she had a fresh enthusiasm when she woke up the next day. She brewed a little coffee with a smile and let it cool while she took a shower, and even the rumbling of the pipes couldn’t scare her mood away.
It was a feeling that entered her like an old tenant returned to a forgotten home. She used to feel alive in a very similar way in the early days of her employment at Casa Ur, when she thought she was so lucky to be chosen to run it for Baron Agarda. And she was lucky, she knew that, but she no longer felt it. The only thing she felt these days was weary.
So why was she smiling today?
As she rode the tram, wind tousling her hair and chilling the heat off of her neck, and walked back to the shop to the happy murmurs of tourists and the flutter of pigeons, she found her thoughts returning to the same idea — would he come today too? She smiled like a besotted schoolgirl all the way to work.
That good mood mellowed as the day went on, and she fell back into the dour ritual of tending to the shop. The same books awaited her as yesterday, the same letters to prospective buyers, invitations, packages, deliveries… Only the visit of Sister Silvia could cheer her up, and they shared a cup of coffee over yesterday’s Corriere della Sera.
By lunchtime, she’d forgotten all about him. As if to distract her further, Federico called to invite her to their usual spot by the fountain for a lunch break, and there he talked about the delicious anxiety he had from his own work. He was nice, she could not deny him that, and harmless, so it was no great effort on her part to listen. She indulged him, grateful not to have to respond at all, and afterwards, Fred walked her back to work with a feeling of deep satisfaction.
Work filled her days. The sort of work that never ends, that you never see the back of. Questions and ingratitude, files and lists and mess that builds up as soon as you misplace the smallest item. There was no hope, there was no end in sight, and she was so deep in these waters that there was no point in looking forward to anything at all.
So she was all the more surprised when three o’clock rolled around and there he was, walking through her door.
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sycamorelibrary754 · 3 months
Guardian Angel
Chapter 11: Full House
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Summary: Following the harrowing near-death encounter in Rome, you and everyone else are navigating the aftermath. On top of that, the weight of the secret about your parents' intentions to drill in Sokovia continues to burden you. As you and Wanda take the next step in your relationship by moving in together, the looming truth about the secret remains unresolved.
Warnings: Reliving past trauma, angst, crying.
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: Time to tell Wanda the truth.
Guardian Angel Masterlist
It had been precisely fourteen days since the harrowing brush with death in Rome. Following extensive scrutiny, SHIELD pinpointed the irregularities in the catacombs to a deserted island situated along the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea. However, their lead soon dissipated, leaving the investigation at a standstill. With everyone grappling with the lingering trauma of being confined underground, the case was pushed aside to allow for emotional recovery. Fury insisted on mandatory sessions with Dr. Raynor at the compound, much to everyone's dismay, including you. 
Do you remember how you felt when you saw them fall?" Dr. Raynor inquired. 
"Scared," you replied, your voice flat.
"Anything else?" she asked, reaching for her pad and pen.
"I don't remember... I think I blocked it out."
Dr. Raynor took another tact to try and bring down your walls.
"You're not an Avenger, are you, Y/N?" Leaning back in her chair. 
"Definitely not."
"And you own a...," she paused to flip through her notes, "sweet shop?"
"Yes, The Candy Bar."
"Sounds delightful.”
“It's the most normal aspect of my life at the moment," you say, running your hand through your hair. "It's the one constant."
Ah, because you live here, correct?" 
"That’s right.”
"And you and Ms. Maximoff are a couple?" 
"Yep, we've been together for five months now."
"How's it going?"
"Unbelievable, she's incredible."
"How did you two meet?"
"Her kids ran into me one day," you said with a smile, remembering that fateful encounter at the coffee shop. "And then..."
Dr. Raynor noticed the sudden shift in your demeanor.
"Hmm?" you answered, momentarily lost in my thoughts.
"And then?"
"I was in a serious car accident, and Wanda saved my life,” you said softly. 
"So, it's safe to say you trust Ms. Maximoff with your life?"
"Absolutely, without a doubt.”
Alright, let's dive into this," Dr. Raynor started. "How did it feel to watch the person you're in a relationship with, the person you trust with your life, jet off to a catacomb in Rome, putting themselves in harm's way to save the team?"
You nervously twisted the fabric of your shirt, avoiding eye contact with Dr. Raynor. "I haven't been that scared in ages.”
“Have you talked to her about how you feel?” Dr. Raynor asked.
“Oh, God, no. I was just so relieved when she brought everyone back that I pushed all that aside,” you explained.
“Do you always push aside your feelings?” 
“Not always.” 
"But sometimes?" Dr. Raynor jotted down notes on her pad.
"I suppose," you said, wondering how the conversation had turned in this direction. Bucky was right; that notepad was passive-aggressive.
Dr. Raynor glanced at the clock and put down her notepad. "Our time is up, Y/N, but I want you to consider this: Being honest with those we care about is essential for building trust. How can your relationship with Wanda progress if you aren't open with her?"
It hit like a ton of bricks again: Tony, the newspaper, your parents, Sokovia, and the guilt that weighed a ton.
"Tony!" You burst into the lab, calling out his name. “Tony!”
The genius responded as he rounded the corner, manipulating virtual elements as he moved with Dum-E following closely behind. "To what do I owe the pleasure, Willy Wonka?"
"We need to tell Wanda about my parents' drilling in Sokovia," you said urgently. “I can't take the guilt anymore.”
Tony removed his glasses and sighed. "I know. I've been grappling with that since we've been home, too. Our little underground adventure kind of threw everything into chaos."
“Boss,” FRIDAY interrupted. “Ms. Maximoff has just arrived and is looking for Ms. Y/L/N.”
“Tell her I’ll be right up, FRIDAY,” you said.
“Okay,” Tony said, running his hand over his face. “Here's what we'll do. I'll do some research and call a team meeting. You take Wanda and keep her out, and about so I can determine our next steps.”
You nodded. “I was going to take her by my apartment to pick up some stuff.”
It suddenly dawned on Tony. “Oh, right, your apartment.”
“What about my apartment?” You asked nervously.
“Well, here’s the thing…” placing a hand on your shoulder. “Cap turned it into a safe house.”
“He did what?” stunned by his words.
“It’s the perfect downtown location in a nondescript building,” Tony defended.
“What did you plan on doing when I moved back to my apartment?” You shouted.
“We hadn't thought that far ahead,” he reasoned. “Frankly, once you started dating the little witch, we figured the problem had solved itself, and you would move in with her.”
“Well, we haven’t thought that far ahead," you exclaimed in frustration, resting your head on the cool steel of the billionaire’s workshop desk.
"Why not? Pepper told me Billy and Tommy love you. What’s the problem?" Tony inquired, raising an eyebrow.
"I don't know. I want to give Wanda space to find her footing again," you replied reluctantly.
"Y/N, I need you to understand something," Tony said firmly. "I was there the day Wanda came back after Westview. She was completely lost, struggling to make sense of everything. She only found her footing again when she found you.”
The genius could see the wheels turning in your head. "Just something to ponder," he said, giving you a friendly pat. "Oh, and you'll want this," he added, quickly jotting down a series of numbers on paper and passing it to you.
As the elevator ascended, you consciously tried to steady your racing thoughts by taking deep breaths. The burden of concealing this truth from Wanda had begun to take a toll on you.
Wanda greeted you with a warm smile as you walked into the kitchen. "Hey there, sweetheart," she said, a look of concern crossing her face. "You seem a bit flushed. Are you feeling alright?" She reached out as if to check your forehead.
"I'm fine," you replied, skillfully evading her touch. "I was thinking we could stop by my apartment today. Since it’s now a safe house, I should grab some things." With that, you grabbed your keys.
"It’s a what?" A mixture of confusion and anger was evident on her face. "When did that happen?"
"I'm not exactly sure," you answered, taking her hand in yours. "But I have a feeling I won't see my security deposit again."
A sense of unease gnawed at you as you approached your apartment. You couldn't shake the feeling that your landlord and neighbors would go ballistic if they found out the Avengers sought refuge in your place. The faded number 19 still clung to the door, a poignant reminder of all that had changed since you last stood before it with Wanda.
The key slipped into the lock, and with a twist, the door swung open to reveal a scene straight out of a spy movie.
"Holy moly," you gasped, taking in the high-tech security measures that now guarded your home.
"I swear, I'm going to wring Steve's neck for this," Wanda fumed.
Reinforced walls and a cutting-edge surveillance system watched over the space like a hawk, ready to pounce on unwanted visitors. Closed-circuit cameras and motion detectors stood vigil, creating an impenetrable fortress around you.
You took out the piece of paper Tony had given you and punched in the sequence of numbers on the keypad. The panel beeped and flashed "Defense system in sleep mode.”
"So, what are we searching for, babe?" Wanda inquired. 
"Just some more clothes and a few books I've wanted to read. I've devoured almost everything in the compound library, and my wardrobe ran dry ages ago," you answered, surveying the room cluttered with empty pizza boxes and a cheeky IOU note from Yelena for $22.50.
As you moved around your apartment, Wanda stayed close behind, offering to help clean up and carry the stack of books you had taken from the shelf. She blushed as you showed her the outfits you selected from your closet.
After one last glance around your home, you stated, "Okay, I think that's everything."
"Wait, Sweetheart," Wanda said with a concerned look. "I want to talk to you about something,” placing the books on the coffee table. 
Your heart sank as if it had dropped into the pit of your stomach. Did she somehow know? Had she heard your thoughts in the kitchen? She had assured you that she would only do that in case of an emergency, but now you couldn't shake the feeling that she might be onto you. You knew you had to come clean and tell her everything. It wasn't fair to keep her in the dark.
"Wanda, I..." you began, trying to find the right words.
“Move in with me,” Wanda cut in, her tone filled with determination.
“What?” you exclaimed, your eyes widening in surprise at her sudden suggestion.
“Move in with me,” she repeated, her voice soft but persistent. “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to blurt it out like that, but I’ve been thinking about it for a while. I want to wake up to you every morning and be there when you come from the Candy Bar smelling like chocolate.”
“I- are you sure? What about the boys?” you stammered, taken aback by the unexpected proposal.
“I spoke to Billy and Tommy this weekend, and they couldn’t be more excited,” Wanda explained, her eyes filled with sincerity.
Overwhelmed, you embraced Wanda tightly, pouring all your feelings into the gesture, then tenderly kissed her, conveying everything you felt at her offer. Then you looked into her eyes. You couldn't do it. So, instead of telling her the truth, you pushed your feelings aside, just like Dr. Raynor said. 
“Let’s do it. Let’s live together,” you finally whispered, the decision settling in your heart.
The team huddled around the conference table, absorbing the feature of your parents displayed on the massive screen at the head of the room.
“Onyx Petroleum is seeking permission to conduct an untested deep-sea operation to drill for Vibranium on remnants of Sokovian soil. They already have approval from Slovakia and the Czech Republic,” Tony explained as he walked around the table.
"Y/N's parents?" Yelena inquired, arching her eyebrow curiously.
"Why didn't she ever tell us?" Kate wondered aloud, sounding a mix of surprised and concerned.
“Not everyone has parents they're proud of,” Natasha said solemnly.
“The European Union is standing firm, but our intelligence indicates that Onyx Petroleum currently has 200 lobbyists in Brussels,” Maria continued. "They've held 327 high-level meetings with top European Commission officials since European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker took office after the Blip. They've successfully delayed, weakened, and sabotaged EU action on the climate emergency – watering down renewable energy, energy efficiency, and greenhouse gas targets while securing profitable fossil fuel subsidies."
Thor's voice dripped with sarcasm as he declared, "I'll give them a taste of what a real climate emergency looks like.”
Steve leaned in, his eyes narrowing. "How long has Y/N known?" 
"Since before Rome," Tony replied, tapping his fingers on the table. 
Bucky chimed in, "Does Wanda know?" 
Tony shook his head. "No, but she will soon. It's killing Y/N, keeping this from her." 
Sam leaned forward. "What's our next move?”
"Reconnaissance?" Clint suggested.
"Infiltration," Bruce replied firmly.
"Can't Y/N assist us with that?" Nat asked.
"No, I already tried. Her parents cut off her access to all of their financial accounts and company databases when they disowned her," Tony explained.
"They disowned her?" Yelena's expression contorted in anger.
"Yes, when she turned 18 and refused to take control of the family business," Maria interjected.
All eyes turned to the Deputy Director.
"The Overwatch allows for plenty of conversation time," the brunette remarked.
“Where's their main office located?" Peter inquired.
"San Francisco, California," Maria replied.
"Scott," Steve said to himself.
"I'm going to reach out to the incredible Shrinking Felon," Tony announced. "Let's all be there for Wanda and Y/N because this will go over like a lead balloon.”
As you and Wanda stepped off the elevator, she said, "Friday, tell everyone to meet us in the common area, please."
The team slowly wandered in, their eyes on both of you standing before them.
Wanda began, "Everyone, we have some news."
"We know, and we just want you to know that we're here for you," Kate interrupted, smiling sympathetically.
In response, your eyes widened, and you vigorously shook your head behind Wanda to get her attention.
"Thank you?" Wanda replied, a hint of confusion in her voice as she tried to make sense of the young archer's words. She had grown accustomed to Kate's habit of saying quirky things, so she didn't dwell on it for too long.
"What is it?" Yelena said, moving closer and draping her arm around Kate's shoulder, signaling her to keep quiet.
"Y/N and I are moving in together!" She announced, pulling you into a tight hug and kissing your cheek.
The room fell into a hush for an eternity until Steve's voice shattered the silence.
"Wow, that's fantastic news, you two," Steve exclaimed.
“Yes, congratulations,” Nat said, offering a warm hug.
As you embraced the Black Widow, she leaned in and whispered urgently, "We know, and you need to tell her as soon as possible.”
Locked in her intense gaze, you found yourself speechless before your attention was gently diverted elsewhere.
"When are you moving?" Sam asked.
"Right away, most of my stuff is already here, so it shouldn't be too complicated," you replied.
"We could use a strong, super soldier to help us with the move, especially since he's the one who displaced Y/N in the first place," Wanda said, giving Steve a sly look.
"Of course, first thing in the morning," Steve promised.
"I'm in, too," Bucky chimed in.
Wanda checked her watch as it beeped with a reminder.
"I need to go pick up Billy and Tommy from soccer practice. I'll see you tomorrow, sweetheart." She kissed your lips and rested her hands on your shoulders. "I'm so excited."
You couldn't tear your eyes away as she stepped into the elevator, and the doors closed. 
“I’m so screwed,” you muttered. 
"What the hell was that?" Tony exclaimed, "I thought you were going to tell her."
"I know, but then she asked me to move in, and I just couldn't go through with it," you said, burying your face in your hands.
"Y/N, do you want Nat and I to be there when you tell her? It might make it easier for both of you," Maria offered.
"No, thank you. I need to handle this alone," you said with a deep breath.
The next day, Steve and Bucky came over to lend a hand as you and Wanda packed up your belongings. You all loaded everything into two of Tony's cars - you rode with Bucky while Wanda hopped in with Steve.
As the car sped along the open road, you found your gaze fixed on the passing scenery, lost in your thoughts.
Bucky glanced over and attempted to lighten the heavy atmosphere. "That's a good impression of me," he joked.
Feeling the weight of the unspoken truth, you sighed heavily. "Instead of jokes, how about some advice on what to say to my girlfriend," you said
"You tell her the truth, Y/N," Bucky replied reassuringly. "Wanda knows what you've been through with your parents and that you would never do anything to hurt her."
As Bucky approached a red light, you caught a glimpse of the redhead extending her hand out of the car window, offering a slight wave in your direction. You reciprocated the gesture with a wave of your own.
“The longer you wait, the worse it's going to be when she finds out,” Bucky counseled.
As the cars rolled into the driveway, Billy and Tommy emerged from the house, welcoming you with warm, tight hugs.
Hey, Billy, Tommy! How are you?" you greeted the two boys with a warm smile.
"We're good, but today is about you," Billy replied, beaming.
"Come on, we have a surprise for you!" Tommy chimed in, grabbing your hand and leading you towards the house, the excitement evident in his eyes.
As you glanced back at Wanda, she just shook her head, indicating that she had no idea what was happening.
"Go ahead, Y/N," Steve said, giving you an encouraging nod. "We'll get started here."
You followed Billy and Tommy into the house, curious about the surprise they had in store for you. They led you to the kitchen, and your eyes widened with astonishment as you saw a homemade banner hung across the kitchen cabinets that read, "Welcome home, Y/N!"
"Aww, boys! This is so sweet!" you exclaimed, overwhelmed by their thoughtful gesture.
But the surprises didn't end there. With a mischievous grin, Tommy super-sped away and returned with a plate of fresh chocolate chip cookies in a millisecond.
"Wait, you made these yourselves?" you asked incredulously, eyebrows raised in surprise.
Billy enthusiastically nodded and exclaimed, "We've been honing our baking skills since we made those brownies together when Mom was away.”
"And she lets you use the stove alone?" you asked, a hint of skepticism in your voice.
"She never said we couldn't," Tommy replied cheekily, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
You couldn't help but chuckle. "Very sneaky, Tommy."
Taking a bite of the cookie, you savored the warm and gooey chocolate chips, the perfect combination of chewy and crispy. "Oh my gosh, you guys! These are delicious!"
"Seriously?" they exclaimed in perfect unison.
"Yes, well done, you two," you assured them, genuinely impressed by their baking skills.
Their faces lit up with joy as they exchanged a quick high-five, proud of their accomplishment.
Before leaving, you grabbed some cookies for Wanda and the guys. "Thank you so much, boys. You certainly made me feel welcome.”
The day was long and exhausting, but all the boxes were finally unpacked, and you were officially moved into your new home. Steve and Bucky graciously offered to take the boys to dinner, giving you and Wanda some much-needed alone time. You ordered a delicious pizza from your favorite spot, allowing Wanda time to relax instead of cooking. After a leisurely dinner, you snuggled on the couch under a cozy blanket while soft, soothing music played from Wanda’s cherished playlist, creating the perfect ambiance for a peaceful, intimate evening.
"I’m so happy you're here," Wanda said, gently caressing your cheek.
"Same here," you replied, leaning into her touch. "Thank you for inviting me to move in. I know it takes a lot to open your life to someone."
"There was a point when I thought I'd never let anyone back into my life, especially after everything the boys and I have been through," she sighed. "But you... helped me tear down those walls and regain my trust."
"Oh God.” You knew it wasn't the right time, but it pained you to wait any longer, knowing it was undermining the trust you'd built. “There's something I need to tell you," your voice wavering slightly.
What's wrong?" Wanda said, noticing the change in your mood.
"Do you remember when I told you about my strained relationship with my parents and Onyx Petroleum?" 
“Of course, I know how much that hurt you, love.”
"Well, I found out that Onyx Petroleum is seeking approval to drill for Vibranium," you hesitated, your voice catching in your throat. "On what's left of Sokovian land.”
"I don’t understand," she said, her thoughts racing. "What do you mean by what’s left of Sokovian land? There's nothing left."
"That's what I thought, too, but Tony said—" you started.
"Woah, hang on," Wanda interrupted. "Stark knows? How long have you known about this?"
"Since right before Rome," you confessed.
Instantly, you could see the pain in her eyes. "You've known all this time, and you didn't say anything?" she said, getting up from the sofa.
"I wanted to, sweetheart. I did, but I didn't know how to tell you," you rambled. "The truth is, they are trying to gain permission from surrounding nations to perform an underwater drilling operation, but the team is working on it and will stop it. I promise."
Wanda’s lip trembled at your words. "You promise? How can you promise anything? You lied to me.”
"No, I didn't! I would never lie to you,” You insisted.
"Every moment you spent with me for the last two weeks that you didn't tell me was a lie," she argued, tears welled up in her eyes.
You took a deep breath, trying to stop your tears from falling. “Honey,” you began, reaching for Wanda, only for her to pull away, leaving your heart shattered.
“Don't, please,” she said, wiping tears from her cheeks. “I need to be alone for a while.” 
You nodded in understanding and took a step back, giving her some space. Wanda slowly turned around and walked back to her bedroom, the room now yours as well. Overwhelmed with emotions, you sank back onto the sofa and let the tears flow. It was far from the ideal start to your new life living together.
Taglist: @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @bibliophilicbi @darkstar225
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whotf-atemywaffles · 1 year
Through Thick and Thin
Pairing: Stephenxreader
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Summary: Stephen is hopelessly in love with Y/N, but she only sees him as a friend… or so he thinks. One day, Y/N surprises him with a kiss and they spend the summer together. They start dating officially the following year and fall even more in love. They face challenges, including a long-distance relationship when Y/N moves to New York for a job, but they never lose sight of their love for each other. After three years, Y/N moves back to Pennsylvania and they walk towards the future, hand in hand, ready to face anything together.
Stephen looked out at the beach in front of him, the waves crashing onto the shore in a steady rhythm. He sighed deeply, his heart heavy with the burden of his unexpressed feelings. He was hopelessly in love with Y/N, the girl he had grown up with, the girl who had always been a part of his life, but who had never seen him as anything more than a friend.
As he watched her in the water with Conrad, he felt a pang of jealousy and sadness wash over him. He knew that he could never compete with Conrad's good looks and easy charm. But he couldn't help wishing that Y/N would see him in a different light.
Lost in his thoughts, Stephen didn't notice when Y/N came up behind him. "Hey," she said softly, her voice carrying on the breeze.
Startled, Stephen turned to face her, his eyes locking onto hers. In that moment, he saw something in her eyes that he had never seen before. Was it... could it be... could she feel the same way he did?
Before he could say anything, Y/N leaned in and pressed her lips to his. The kiss was soft and tentative at first, but soon it grew more passionate and urgent. Stephen felt like he was flying as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close.
As they broke apart, Y/N looked up at him with a shy smile. "I've been waiting for you to make a move," she said, her eyes sparkling.
Stephen couldn't believe it. All this time, she had felt the same way he did. They spent the rest of the summer lost in each other's arms, walking along the beach, watching the stars, and dreaming of a future together.
When the summer finally came to an end, Stephen knew that he would never forget the magical moments he had shared with Y/N. As they said their goodbyes, he promised her that they would be together again one day.
And he meant it.
The following year, Stephen and Y/N started dating officially. They were inseparable, also according to belly insufferable because spent every moment they could together. Stephen couldn't believe how lucky he was to have found someone like Y/N. She was smart, funny, beautiful, and kind. He felt like he could tell her anything and she would understand.
One day, while they were walking on the beach, Stephen took Y/N's hand and stopped her. "I have something to tell you," he said, his heart beating fast.
Y/N looked at him with a curious expression. "What is it?"
Stephen took a deep breath. "I love you," he said, looking into her eyes.
Y/N's face lit up with a smile. "I love you too," she said, throwing her arms around him.
From that moment on, Stephen and Y/N were even more in love than before. They talked about their future together and made plans to travel the world, explore new places, and try new things. Stephen felt like he had found his soulmate, his other half.
But as much as they loved each other, life wasn't always easy. They had their fair share of ups and downs, arguments and misunderstandings. But they always found a way to work through their problems and come out stronger on the other side.
One summer, Stephen and Y/N took a trip to Europe together. They visited Paris, Rome, and Barcelona, soaking up the culture and enjoying each other's company. But on the last night of their trip, something unexpected happened.
As they sat on a bench in a park in Barcelona, watching the sunset, Y/N turned to Stephen with a serious expression. "There's something I need to tell you," she said.
Stephen looked at her, concerned. "What is it?"
Y/N took a deep breath. "I got a job offer in New York," she said. "It's a really great opportunity, but it means I'll have to move there."
Stephen felt his heart sink. He couldn't imagine being without Y/N, even for a short time. "What does this mean for us?" he asked, his voice trembling.
Y/N took his hand in hers. "I don't know," she said. "But I want to try and make it work. I love you, Stephen, and I don't want to lose you."
Stephen knew that he felt the same way. He didn't want to lose Y/N either. They spent the rest of the night talking about their options and how they could make a long-distance relationship work.
In the end, Y/N took the job in New York and moved there. Stephen stayed behind in Pennsylvania eventually moved to New Jersey to attend Princeton although she was in New York they never really had time to see each other in person but they tried, and they talked on the phone every day and visited each other as often as they could. It wasn't easy, but they were determined to make it work.
Months turned into years, but they never lost sight of what was most important to them: each other.
Finally, after three long years of living on long-distance, Y/N decided to move back to Pennsylvania. Stephen was overjoyed and couldn't wait to be with her again.
As Y/N stepped out of her car after the 5 hour long drive she found herself In Stephen's waiting arms, he knew that he had made the right choice. He had followed his heart, and it had led him to the love of his life.
Together, Stephen and Y/N walked towards the future, hand in hand, ready to face whatever challenges and adventures lay ahead.
And they knew that as long as they had each other, they could conquer anything.
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thestalwartheart · 6 months
May I ask for 00q and a 💛 please
Hello my friend! Thank you for the prompt. This was such a lovely one to fill.
You can read the fill below or on AO3. 💛
After a weapons test goes wrong in Q Branch, Bond spends a moment dancing with regret.
One minute and seventeen seconds.
James Bond has lived through a lot. He’s lived through seconds that felt like years and years that felt like fleeting moments. He’s seen people suffer. He’s seen plenty of people die; killed some of them for duty, and loved others to their death.
So, a minute should be nothing. He’s held his breath for longer.
“Q.” With the hand that isn’t holding his jacket to the wound at Q’s head, he cradles Q’s chin. Blood slicks the path of his fingers, then sticks.
“Medical team are two minutes away,” says someone. Not Tanner. Not anyone useful.
“Tell them to hurry up. They can take the bloody stairs if they have to.”
Two minutes. Christ, Bond's only been here on the floor for one.
He strokes his thumb over Q’s mouth. His lips are blood red now, stained from Bond’s messy hands. They’re a grotesque mockery of their usual cherry red, that colour for which Bond has never found an equal.
“Come on, Q. Wake up.”
There’s a pulse at Q's neck. That’s positive. Breath, too. Even better. All good signs. None of them do much to quell the frightful adrenaline in Bond’s bones. It’s been there since he saw Q land badly after his fall. No, not a fall. The body-flattening shock from the blast which—
“What the hell happened to proper safety regulations?” Bond barks. The techs around him flinch, but he doesn’t spare them another thought.
Under his thumb, Q’s lips are moving.
“Since when were you an expert on health and safety, 007?” A warm puff of laughter comes from his lips, and Bond doesn’t waste another second.
The kiss tastes like blood and cordite, and Bond’s own blood rushes to his ears. His pulse is on his tongue.
This wasn’t how it was meant to go, not with Q. He was meant to take Q out to dinner, wine and dine him, and see him in a proper suit. There didn’t seem a man in the world more in need of sweeping off his feet than Q, and Bond had intended to rise to the occasion. But as always, as always, the universe sought to remind him there just wasn’t enough bloody time for all the things in the world he wanted. There was only time for this. This kiss. This moment, holding Q's bloodied face in his hands on the debris-littered, dusty floor of Q Branch.
Q hums into his mouth, then winces.
Bond pulls back. “All right?”
“Mm. If I’d have known on our last field mission together that this was all it would take…”
Bond remembers his and Q’s last mission well. It was three weeks ago now, though it may as well be a lifetime. They’d spent days under the bright, arid haze of Rome’s summer sun, where Bond had, for once in his life, turned down a blatant invitation to sleep with someone with no strings attached. Because Q wasn’t just anyone. And Bond was, frankly, finished with starting things under a hail of bullets that were only doomed to fail.
Regret settles under his skin now. He wishes he’d given into the delicate warmth of Q’s hand on his knee. They could have kissed at sunset with the Colosseum to their backs. He could have watched Q drink his fill of Chianti under the stars. Everyone believes Paris is the city of love, but Bond has always preferred Rome. Vesper once joked it was the memory of all those strapping Roman soldiers.
Gently, Bond strokes his fingers through the dusty, greasy, sweaty mess of Q’s hair. Unbelievably, it still looks intentionally styled. “Don’t. I didn’t want—you deserved more.”
“Oh,” croaks Q. “To hell with what we deserve.”
With a weak fist, Q grabs Bond’s blazer and brings him down for another kiss. And this time, Bond doesn’t wonder about the paths not taken. He sighs and kisses Q back. Q will live a long life if Bond has anything to say about it, but if they only have a minute left together, then Bond knows how he wants to spend it:
With love rather than regret.
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mischivana · 9 months
Hi, I know that you are new but can you do prompt #2 when Jason Grace say this to the reader to confessed his love. SORRY ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE
I Think I Might Be Falling in Love With You
Jason Grace x Fem!Reader
Authors Note: hiiiii sorry this took so long!!! holidays have been hectic and I haven't had anytime at all to do anything. Semester finals are also next week so any other request will also be delayed until then so please be patient, I'll try to get things written asap!!
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Jason Grace was a confusing person. Despite the fact that I'd known him for years in the legion, sometimes it felt like he was a total stranger. When he came back after his disappearance it was like I was looking at a new person even though he was the exact same before he left.
Currently, I was hunched over a table in the New Rome University library with him sat across from me. We were studying for midterms and he was helping me understand one of my worst subjects: Ancient Greek History.
Yes, we had won a war with them and yes some of our best friends were Greek but that didn't mean I knew their history as well as they did.
"Don't- don't laugh at me!" I said playfully as I watched him chuckle at me. I'd gotten an answer wrong and he laughed at me playfully. "It's not funny Jace! I'm gonna fail my midterm!" I said with another laugh.
"I'm not laughing- I'm not!" He said defensively, throwing up his hands playfully. "It's just-" He started again, tilting his head and looking at me "we've gone over Epictetus so many times now" he said, exaggerating his tiredness.
"can we stop....please?" I said with playfully pleading eyes. we've already been here for three hours and I was exhausted. We had a mini-starring contest before he let out a sigh. "Fine...it's getting pretty late anyway so-" he said, I looked out the windows and it was already dark.
"wanna stop to get food before heading back?" he said as he watched me put my stuff away. He threw his own bag over his right shoulder and got up. "Sure...there's that new Chinese place down the street from yours and Percy's apartment?" I suggested zipping up my own bag.
"Nah, I'm not in the mood for Chinese . Plus, it's Percy and Annabeth's weekly movie night so I can't go back for another 2 hours at least" He said as he checked the time on his phone. I was about to put my bag on my shoulder when he reached to grab it instead.
"Here, let me" he said grabbing my bag by its top handle in his left hand. "No- Jason you don't have to I can carry my own bag" I said as we started to walk slowly. "No, I don't mind. It's not like I can't handle it" he said as we continued to walk towards the front of the library.
He wasn't wrong about what he said. He was New Romes most trained soldier and was built like Michelangelo sculpted him out of marble. We started to walk on the side-walk towards me and Annabeth's apartment.
"what about that pizza shop next to your apartment building?" He said as we walked down the stairs. "We go there all the time Jason" I said playfully. "Yeah that's because they make really freaking good pizza" he replied without missing a beat.
"fine." I said dramatically with a laugh. We continued to walk to the pizza place on the corner next to the apartment building, talking miscellaneously until we reached the place. We ordered and sat down at a small two seater next to the widow and waited.
"I still don't understand, why was Nico upset when Will forced him into the infirmary?" he asked me confused. "Because Nico still doesn't understand that sleep is a basic human need" I said with a giggle. "right..." he said, confusion still in his voice. I just laughed again.
He looked at me with a certain look. One that I don't think he knew he was making. I couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was. Jason's emotions were hard to decode. He was a very hard person to read. He also had a hard time expressing his emotions. Like I said, he's a confusing person.
"I think I might falling in love with you"
I froze when he said that. it was so sudden. I wasn't expecting it. It threw me for a loop. I looked at him keeping my smile but with a slightly more confused look. "...what...?" I said gently.
He looked at me with a simple but puzzled look, almost of longing. "I...I'm not very...good at...this" he said quietly looking at me with the same expression. "I...I don't know if Im doing this right or if this is even what I'm feeling but...yeah... I think I might be falling in love with you" he said with an expression of longing.
"it's just that, whenever I'm with you...I feel complete" he started speaking again. "your smile always makes me happy and your laugh somehow makes me the happiest I've ever been" he continued. I smiled at him wider.
I looked in his eyes with the same expression. "I think...I think I might feel the same way" I said gently as I laid my hand over his on the table. He smiled at me and I smiled at him. We sat in a comfortable silence, just enjoying each others presence until the pizza came. We started to eat and continued to talk miscellaneously, smiling abut what juts happened.
By the time we got back to the apartment Percy had texted Jason letting him know that Annabeth had fallen asleep and would be staying over. We stopped in front of the apartment door and smiled at each other.
"well uhm...I'll meet you at the library to study tomorrow? Same time?" I said cheerfully, looking up at him. "uh..yeah!... yeah that sounds- that sounds good" He said with the same tone, his cheeky smile warming my heart as always.
We stood in silence for a moment longer before I carefully approached him. I stood on my tiptoes and gently kissed his cheek. I pulled away and smiled while grabbing my bag from him and unlocking my door "goodnight, Jason..." I paused as I opened the door.
I looked at him again, he had blush across his face and a small grin. "Y'know...we could have our own movie night? Cause Annie is sleeping over at your place with Percy..." I said quietly, looking at him with a small smile, a gentle blush across my face.
He looked at me with the same loving expression. "yeah...yeah I'd like that" he said gently. He walked up to me in the doorway and we looked at each other lovingly. we both knew what we were thinking but we didn't have to say it.
he gently leaned down and kissed me, I kissed back and held his hands at his sides. Yeah...I think we might have fallen in love with each other.
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Hiiiiii, again Im so sorry this took SO long to get out. I hope you like it!
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itsthestutterforme · 7 months
Missed You Too, Princess (Aimes Drabble)
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Summary: You and the rest of the team were captured and detained by the Agency to lure Dominic Toretto out.
Notes: GIF is not mine, all mistakes are my own, suggestive themes
You winced when your tongue unconsciously prods the cut on your inner cheek from getting decked in your face a few moments ago.
“Where the hell are we?” Roman asks, looking around at the fairly large detaining room with a couch and two vending machines in the corner.
“No idea,” Letty says with a sigh, spinning a chair around so she could sit. “Anybody got a quarter for the vending machine?” Han asks.
“Really, man? That’s what’s on your mind right now?” Roman questions, earning a glare from Han. “What, I eat when I get nervous,” Han explains.
Sounds like someone you know.
The detaining room looked familiar the more you looked around. They brought you in with a sack over your head so you couldn’t read any signage indicating where you were.
But things felt familiar, you couldn’t quite put your finger on it.
“Everything alright, Y/N?” Natasha asks, causing the group to look at you. “Yeah,” you answered after a pause.
“I’m fine,” you felt a compulsion to stare at the double sided glass. You could feel someone stare at you and it was unsettling.
It put you on the defensive. “You don’t seem fine.” Letty observes your clenched fists.
You relaxed your hands, not even realizing they were clenched. “What’s wrong?” Natasha questions.
“Nothing. Just want to know why we’re here.” You spared a glance at the window before taking a seat next to Letty.
Just as your ass touched the seat, the door squeaks open. A mass of a man emerges through the door along with three armed guards.
You recognized the man in a matter of seconds, a wide smile etched on his features when his gaze fell to you.
“Fuck me,” you dropped your head in disappointment. “I missed you too, princess.”
“I missed you too, princess.” “Princess? He know you or something?” Roman asks, standing in front of you protectively.
“Or something,” you answered. Aimes didn’t like that one bit.
But something he didn’t like even more was the blood spilling from your lip.
“I’ll be okay, Rome.” You tapped his shoulder as you stood from the chair. “Why are we here, Aimes?” You asked, crossing the room until you were standing in front of him.
His gaze softened when they meet your eyes but soon hardened when he looked at your lip again.
“Leverage against Dom. A trade. Him for you all. I’m sure he will won’t hesitate, but we took extra precautions and arranged for his son to be-“
“You son of a bitch,” Letty jumps from her chair and takes a step towards Aimes until the guards aimed their guns at her.
“Relax, as I said, it’s just a precaution. He’s watching SpongeBob and eating Fruit Loops as we speak. We just want Dominic to cooperate,” Aimes explains.
“Then why take all of us?” Han asks. “Because he would have contacted you to do something irrational like storm the Agency to get his son back. It’s clear that the team is a force to be reckoned with when you’re all together, especially you.” He state, his gaze falling back on you.
He devoured your frame with his eyes and you felt a warm pulse rush through you. He looks.. really good.
Navy blue button up, black slacks and a tactical harness hugging the swells of his biceps. You always said that navy blue was his color.
Jesus, Y/N. It’s been a year. Relax.
“Hey,” Rome warns when Aimes lifts his hand to touch you. Aimes ignores him and separates your lips with his thumb. You groaned at the sensitivity of your skin from his calloused hand.
“Who’s responsible for this?” He asks, turning around to face the guards.
“I thought I was clear that she was to be unharmed.” He adds when he’s met with silence.
He must have gotten a touch up recently because goddamn he looks good.
One of the guards finally spoke up, “We understand, sir. However it was difficult for us to follow through with her hitting the hell out of us.”
“So you’re weak? That’s what I’m hearing? What kind of man beats on a woman half their size?”
Aimes nears the guard, his arms relaxed by his side and his jaw flexing in annoyance.
“With all due respect, sir. She’s-“ Aimes hits the man in the face with his own gun before ripping it out of his hands.
He drop kicks him into the table and the man lands on the floor with a loud groan.
“Take his ass outside,” Aimes commands and the remaining two guards do as instructed, murmuring yes sir.
“I didn’t ask you to do that,” “You didn’t need to,” your eyes snapped to his and he takes a step closer to you.
Truth was, you loved when he was protective of you. It was your guilty pleasure to say the least. To have a beast of a man willing to do anything for you.
His ringed hand came up to bring your necklace out from under your shirt.
He let out a breath when he took the ring attached to your necklace into his hand, smoothing his finger over the gold material.
“Dom will be here soon. Then you’ll be free to go.” Aimee explains to the group before turning to leave.
“Bullshit,” you called, crossing your arms. You were all accomplices to an assortment of crimes. There was no way he was going to let any of you go when he has you in custody.
Aimes stops his stride and turns back around to face you. “Always one step ahead. That’s my girl.” With that, he leaves the room and whispers something to the guards outside of the door.
“Anybody care to tell me what the fuck just happened?” Rome asks. “Yeah, who was that guy? Your ex boyfriend?” Natasha asks.
“He better not be. That man is insane!” Rome explains. “Well I hate to tell you this, but,” you start, taking the ring into your hand.
“He’s my husband,”
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As a percabeth fan, what are your thoughts on this Tumblr post? Is your Annabeth largely canonical or or some of her more toxic behaviors addressed. Saying this as someone who used to love Annabeth, and then watched her fall in HOO.
Hi! Thanks for the ask.
I tend to keep Annabeth canon in my fics. In most of them, Percabeth is older, and they're dealing with adult issues.
Now as far as 'toxic' behaviors, I personally don't see the Judo flip as 'abuse.' Everyone has their own view of the scene. These two have been sparring and sword fighting since they were twelve. It's expected that they would behave in a more physical manner.
Annabeth was an emotional wreck in New Rome, and given the spectrum of emotions that Percy had felt over the years, I genuinely wouldn't be surprised by a similar flip. Given the damage I think she'd had from holding up the world, though, I believe he'd do something else. I'm not certain what it would be tbh.
I witnessed abuse in my childhood and teen years, some of it physical. All of it came from a place of hatred towards me and mental illness. These people had toxic behavior.
Percabeth's behavior, on the other hand, is NOTHING like what I experienced. There's a deep, unbreakable bond of love, companionship, and friendship between them.
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tillthelandslide · 1 year
Insufferable Arsehole Part 12: (When In Rome) : I'm Just Fine 'Cause I Know That You Are Mine
Series Masterlist
(11) I'd Rather Jump In Your Bones
Taglist: @scooby-doodoo @thereisaplaceintheheart @theoriginalwhatsername @eaglestar31 @thefrontofmymind @fallingforel @partoftheairforce @procrastinatinglikeapro @poisonmedaddy13 @xthe1975 @all-things-fic @jstbeeingme @rossgirly @juliardk @you-muppet @moodyyyychickx (add yourself using the link in my bio 😊)
a/n: hiiii, so i wrote the beginning of this chapter whilst listening to “Vacation Eyes” and “Summer In The Hamptons” by Jonas Brothers, it's cute, you should listen them it whilst reading :).... Also just a quick disclaimer: i do not know anything about George’s family including his dad, this was just all my imagination…. Okay now that's done, i hope you enjoy reading this, im so happy i managed to write a new chapter for this series i love so much, i love you - Lou
She dances around the living room of the villa, some old rock music plays from Matty's phone, they missed hearing it from a proper speaker but he didn't care. Not when she was clad in a pair of red lace panties and his shirt, all of the buttons undone. She'd spin and he'd get an eye full of skin, he could see the most intimate parts to her, covered by a single piece of fabric, one in which moved with her and allowed him moments of her.
He wondered when they had got here, completely unwavering in their love for each other, not scared or worried of being intimate with each other. It came so naturally now and he knew he would truly struggle without it, without her. He knew it would destroy him and he was extremely doubtful that he'd ever recover if he was to lose her. That thought sometimes creeps in, of what it would be like to lose her, although it happens less regularly now.
"You're beautiful love" he sits with a joint in-between his lips, hanging loosely as he talks. She spins as the last of the Italian sun which was setting, covers her form. It leaves him breathless, like someone had punched him in the chest, he had a sudden onslaught of emotions, flooding him. God he loved her, he knows now, more than anything, that he loves her, more than anything he's ever loved before, more than anyone. She was his everything. He would have never given up his dream that he was living, for anyone, but he would, for her, and them and their life together, their future. He wouldn't even see it as a sacrifice, more like an end of an era, one which allowed them to start their life together. He wonders if Adam wanted that for Carly and their baby, if he did, Matty understood why now.
He always felt like he was in this world alone, every force working against him instead of with him, always fighting his battles and those of the world, alone. But then there was her, taking his hand and helping him through all of it.
She steps towards him with a huge smile on her face and it's not long before she's draping herself over his thighs, legs resting horizontally against him, one hand hangs behind him, grasping the nape of his neck when she settles.
She easily takes the joint from his lips, weaving it into hers and he watches intently as she inhales. The joint is moved from her mouth and then she's exhaling the smoke into his which falls open easily, he inhales the smoke she lets out and they smile, in unison, before she weaves the end of the joint back into his lips. His mouth closes around it and she holds it as he inhales.
"You're beautiful love" she repeats his words back to him, removing the joint so she could press her mouth to his, she breathes in the smoke as they kiss, feeling high on the weed but also him. The Italian sun and air had done wonders for his curls, sitting in perfect corkscrews that would bounce slightly when she'd run her fingers through his hair. His eyes glistened with happiness and his skin glowed. Yeah. He was beautiful.
"Only you could find someone to sell you weed in Italy" she says as she pulls back. He takes the spliff from her, placing it on an ashtray and letting it burn. He pulls her tighter, pressing his mouth to her hair.
"I've got connections all over the world love" it makes her laugh, a loud, snorting kind of laugh, and it makes him laugh too.
"We've only got tomorrow left love, what do you want to do?" he asks and she shrugs, nuzzling into his chest and allowing him to hook his unused arm around her frame.
"I don't care Matty, as long as I'm with you" she confirms with a peck to his mouth, he doesn't let her move, keeping her there for a longer one.
"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, you know that right?" she nods after he speaks and then he's smiling muttering "good" before kissing her again. She nuzzles back into his chest, eventually falling asleep there, with him humming a tune and the scent of weed drifting around the room.
The next day they go to the beach, her clad in a little bikini that Matty can't take his eyes off, him in a pair of black swimming trunks that barely hide him. They kiss in the water and they laugh, Matty grabs handfuls of her arse and she scolds him, reminding him that a very cute old picture (who have been taking photos of them unbeknownst to them) are watching them.
They remove themselves from the water when their skin starts to wrinkle. The old couple find them, and explain to the best of their ability that they thought their love was beautiful and that they took some pictures of them, that they wanted to send them to Matty and Lou. They agree. The pictures show up later that day, the couple look through them and smile, muttering I love you's to one another.
They leave the pictures on a coffee table and make love on the sofa. They're Interrupted by a loud knocking at their door. Matty’s been buried in-between her legs for what feels like a lifetime now, mouth glistening in her, pulling three orgasms from her from his mouth and tongue alone. He eventually leaves her, swearing as he walks to the door, she giggles when he doesn't even bother wiping her juices from his mouth.
He returns a few minutes later, burying himself back in-between her legs, making her moan loudly as his tongue flicks her clit.
"What did they want?" She asks through a moan.
"Just a noise complaint" his words are accompanied by the curling of his fingers, hitting her g-spot perfectly making her gasp at the feeling and his words. It's funny how he doesn't stop, delving in deeper, determined to make her cum again.
"Matty we should stop then..." she says through a particularly loud moan.
He pulls away then, looking at her with blown out eyes, his hair a mess on his head due to her hands attack, and his mouth, the one that's glistening in her, falls open.
"Love they should feel lucky to hear you like this... fucking gorgeous. I saw we should be louder" he gets a mean, mischievous look on his face and an even meaner smirk and then he's diving back in, pulling more noises from her, loud ones that she couldn't even silence if she tries.
"We're leaving tomorrow anyway" he says when he makes her cum with a scream. She pulls him up, wrapping her hand around his aching member. They make love and fuck for hours, by the end of the night, she's sore and aching but blissfully so, they've had sex everywhere they possibly could around the villa. Lou laughs into Mattys chest when she thinks about the people who have to clean the next day, blissfully unaware of what they'd gotten up to in their short stay
They return home the next day. Pictures tucked away in one of Matty's books. They walk through the airport hand in hand, truly in love.
Their tanned skin is covered in goosebumps as they arrive back in their hometown, the weather isn't too cold but is reasonably cooler than Rome. They leave the airport hand in hand and Matty shields her body with his larger frame, hiding her from the flashing cameras as they get into the car.
They had agreed that they'd go their separate ways today, Lou needing to see her dad and Matty wanted to see his mum and Louis. But tomorrow, Lou's dad was throwing a welcome home party and had invited all the guys and their parents. George's dad had also worked with Lou's to organise it, buying a large amount of alcohol (too much as always), ready to celebrate the fact they had returned home. So the car pulls up at her dad's new house, having moved back to Manchester a few years ago when Mia moved out of their home in London, and he quickly presses a kiss to her mouth before walking round to her side of the car, opening it for her, making her smile widely.
"Will you let me walk you to the door?" Matty asks and she giggles before nodding.
"you know my dad is going to see you right?" She asks and Matty nods, pulling her to his side.
"Figured briefly seeing him now would make tomorrow less awkward" Matty says with a kiss to her cheek and she finds herself agreeing.
They step into the threshold of her childhood home, hearing her dad rush to the door and swoop her into his arms making her giggle before he's putting her back down, eyes finding Matty’s. Her dad was the definition of a teddy bear, a big softie at heart despite his hard demeanour.
"Denise's son right?" He asks, extending his hand out to Matty.
"Yes sir" Matty says making her dad chuckle as they shake hands.
"None of that sir nonsense. Phil is just fine" he says and Matty nods.
"How are your parents? Always got along well with them" he says, ignoring the fact that he knew Matty made his daughter's childhood less than bearable.
"Good... I think. About to go home and see them now actually" Matty says, smiling as her dad nods, before his eyes flick back to his daughter.
"How was Rome pickle? Have a good time" her dad asks Lou, matty smiles at the nickname.
"Was beautiful, Dad" she says. "Well Matty... We'll see you tomorrow I hope" he says and Matty nods again.
"You will, I'm looking forward to it, as are my parents and Louis" he says before saying goodbye and pulling Lou into a tight hug. She pulls back and places a quick peck to his lips making him blush in front of her dad.
"I love you" she says, making his face soften (and her father's)
"I love you too" Matty says before he leaves their house.
"He truly makes you happy huh?" Her dad says as he hugs her tightly again.
"He does"
"Okay, say no more. We will ignore the fact he was horrible to you when you were younger. I will resist from beating him up" he jokes.
"As if you'd lay a hand on him" Lou heard a voice from behind them, one she recognised all too well, it was Mia.
"What the hell?" She says as Mia walks towards her, the two girls hugging each other tightly.
"Thought you were going to be in London" Lou says, her little sister shaking her head.
"Got to welcome you and the guys home don't I?" Mia says and Lou raises her eyebrows.
"Oh yeah... I'm sure it's not because you want to see a certain bassist" she says and Mia is quickly shushing her. Lou then proceeds to spend the rest of the morning with her dad and sister, leaving around noon to see her mum. The two women go shopping and catch up on everything they've missed, her mother wanting to hear everything there is to know about Matty. After the much needed catch up, Lou heads back to her dad's house, eating dinner before heading to bed, not before receiving a phone call from Matty. The two speak about their days despite knowing they'd see each other tomorrow. She falls asleep in the comfy bed, finally feeling back at home.
The next day the house is slowly being swarmed by people, most of whom wanted to see Lou, pulling her into a tight hug before she's being tugged in another direction.Soon she's being thrown over someone's shoulder, recognising their voice immediately and the way they laugh as she giggles.
"Put me down you man baby" Lou says to the man who's holding her: George's dad. A nickname she had always called him because he was absolutely childish, one of the reasons she loved him.
"Seriously dad put Lou down" he hears George say, her head snapping upwards in the direction of the voice, eyes finding her best friend. They two of them smile at one another and soon she's put down onto the ground, George's dad hugging her tightly before she's pulled into the embrace of his mother, all before letting George pull her into his own arms.
"Missed you pumpkin" George says, despite it not being that long since they last saw one another
."It really hasn't been that long" she then hears from behind them, eyes finding Ross', who has her little sister tucked under his arm, holding her in a gentle but casual manner.
"As if you didn't miss me Macdonald" she says, his grip loosening on Mia, meeting her half way to hug her tightly.
"You're looking awfully cosy" she whispers into him, making him chuckle.
"It's good with you right?" Ross asks, the two not having spoken about the whole mia situation yet
"As long as you're happy" she says, she knew with Ross she didn't have to have the "don't hurt her or I'll kill you" speech, she just had to be supportive of the pair.
He pulls back to look at her, smiling widely at her before resuming his spot next to Mia, who smiles adoringly up at him as he holds her again.She's then pulled into a hug from Charli who she hadn't even realised was here, the pair jumping up and down at how excited they were to be with each other again.
"Pregnant woman coming through, need to see the little man's godmother please" she hears Carly say, people parting for her. Lou is quickly turning and running towards her, her arms wrapping round both Carly and Hann.
"The gangs back together then aye?" It's Matty who's speaking now, she didn't even know when he'd arrived but she'd recognise his voice (and scent) anywhere. He wears a plain white shirt which he’s rolled up, revealing his tanned arms, he adorns a black tie which she knows he will eventually loosen when it starts irritating him. He looks as good as ever.
"Guys it's really not been that long'' Ross says making everyone laugh "and since when have you decided who's going to be godparents?" Everyone is laughing again at Ross' words.
"You didn't know?" Matty jokes, eyes finding Lou's again and the both smile at each other. The group talk before they disperse, talking amongst themselves or moving to speak to others.Matty loses track of Lou as he's speaking with her dad. He eventually finds her in the garden, his own mother's arm wrapped around her small frame, the two women laughing about something.
"Well look at you two" Matty says, Denise pulling him into a hug before letting him go, of course he doesn't move away too far, scooping Lou into his side, his mother smiling at the sight.
"I'll leave you to it. Lou, I'll text you about that lunch, yes?" She asks and Lou nods. Denise leaves with a kiss to Lou’s cheek and then Matty’s, the later squirming and lightly pushing her away, making the older woman chuckle and roll her eyes at his girlfriend. 
"planning lunch with my mother? Wow you must really like me" Matty says, pulling her into his arms so they're facing each other.
"I must really love you" she emphasised the love part, making him blush. Her smile is one of the most genuine ones he's seen, perhaps it's because she's surrounded by everyone she loves, everyone wanting a piece of her (if not just a quick hug), or perhaps it's because of him.
"Hmm... You must really love me" he says and she nods as she leans up to press her mouth to his for a quick peck.
"Missed you" he says, despite the fact they had only been apart for a day. She felt it too though, she spent the whole day yesterday turning her head expecting to see Matty, to tell him something she thought of, but of course he wasn't there.
"Missed you too" she admits, closing the gap between them and kissing him again.
"Oi Healy stop necking someone who's far too good for you" they hear behind them making them both turn. They see Matty's younger brother Louis walking towards them and Lou almost gasps as he pulls her into a hug.
"What the fuck louis! You're like an adult now" Lou exclaims, making all three laugh."It's good to see you, looking amazing as ever" Louis says, he was always a little flirt, even when they were younger. She doesn't miss the look Matty gives him before he's shoving him lightly.
"Watch it" Matty warns before the two of them are jokingly fighting each other. She feels someone wrap an arm around her shoulder, looking at the person, revealing her mum.
"That's your boyfriend huh?" She says, the two women laughing before Lou smiles at the curly haired man.
"Yeah... What am I thinking aye?" She laughs. Lou and her mum spoke quite a lot during the tour and she told her mum everything Matty did to show her his true intentions and feelings. It was safe to say her mother liked him and he had redeemed himself. 
Lou coughs drawing Matty's attention towards them, he instantly snaps away from his brother.
"I am so sorry" he says but Lou's mum just laughs before pulling him into a hug.
"Nice to see you again Matthew. You've grown up a lot since you used to torture my daughter" she jokes but Matty frowns at her words.
"She's joking babe" Lou says, making the worry wipe from his face.
"Lou's told me all about the wonderful things you've done for her... So I say the past is the past and... Thank you for making my daughter happy" she says, pulling him into another hug. The four of them talk, the Healy boys talking about their respective lives, Lou watching and listening proudly.
Eventually all the parents find their way inside, leaving their 'children' outside with one another reminiscent of the old days.
Lou is sat next to Matty, clung to his side with her legs hooked over his lap, hand clasped on her inner thigh, the man thankful that the dress had a high slit.
Ross was sitting with Mia, his arm hooked around the back of her chair as her hand was placed in his lap, gently holding each other, their situation very new.
Carly was hooked under Adams arm, hands holding each other over her bump.Charli was sat in a similar way to Lou: legs hooked over George, head resting against his shoulder as his hand held hers in her lap.Louis was the only one on his own, not that he minded, he was sat near Hann and Carly talking to the couple about all things baby.
"Didn't tell you how beautiful you look tonight love" Matty says, his voice hushed keeping the conversation private. She's dressed in a brown midi summer dress, dipping at her waist before hugging the curves of her hips, the slit high on one side of her leg, revealing a large portion of her thigh.
"Thank you" she says simply with a chaste kiss pressed against his mouth. “You look good” she says, making him smirk.
"Can't believe you're my girl" he says, shaking his head at his words "so lucky"
"So am I Healy" she says, and she can't help but kiss him again, not breaking away from each other until they hear George shout an "oi oi" like they were kids again.
"Oh my god, let's play truth or dare!" George then says and everyone either laughs or groans."Mate we're not 15 anymore!" Hann says and they all laugh again
."Oh come on, don't be boring! We're back in our hometown... Let's act like kids again" George says and his words somehow persuade the group to agree.
"In that case..." Lou says, grabbing her bag from the floor and collecting something from it, Matty chuckling as he sees what she's holding: two blunts.
"This might help things" she says, making everyone cheer, even Carly, who although she can't smoke the substance is fully supporting everyone else.
"Oh god... I remember the first time you guys made me smoke weed and I was sick all over George’s garden" Hann says, making everyone laugh.
"Wasn't that the night you got with Freddie West?" George says, pointing at Lou. Freddie was a guy two years above everyone else, someone who all the girls fancied and someone who Matty despised, it was truly the only reason she got with him. She hears Matty groan behind her as she lights the blunt, passing the other to George for him to light it, sharing his with Mia, Ross and Charli.
"Yeah..." Lou says, chuckling to herself at the memory.
"Fucking hated that guy" Matty says next to her and she looks at him as she inhales, before threading the end through his own lips.
"I only got with him to piss you off" she says, loud enough for everyone to hear. Matty coughs at the confession making everyone laugh loudly. Matty's eyes find Mia knowing she'd know the truth.
"Yeah she told me that... Said he was an awful kisser with a tiny dick" Mia said and she hears George laugh loudly before Ross is laughing along. Matty smirks next to her.
"Oh really?" Matty says and Lou rolls her eyes.
"Alright... You got with Melanie that night so you can't say shit" she says making everyone groan at the memory
."Didn't she try to suck you off in front of like basically everyone" Ross says and his eyes find George, the pair laughing loudly as they remember what happened next, Matty groans and his hand comes to cover his face.
"And then she gagged and was sick on my dick yes everyone fucking knows" Matty says making everyone laugh loudly.
"Never thought I'd hear my brother say that" Louis says, everyone's laughter increasing tenfold.
"We're not even playing Truth or dare yet and you guys are telling all the goss" Charli said, the group continued to smoke the weed, each of them feeling it more than usual due to how much they were laughing.
"Alright alright..." George says, everyone finally managing to stop laughing "Lou, truth or dare" he says and she smirks at the man
."Truth" "boring," Ross says, making everyone laugh again.
"What's the most amount of orgasms you've had in one night?" Charli says, making Lou laugh as George groans next to her.
"Stop being a baby, we're literally playing this with Lou and Mattys siblings you can deal with hearing about this" Charli slapping her boyfriends chest lightly.
"6" Lou confirms, everyone gasping at that, making her shrug, Matty smirking next to her as everyone cheered.
"Think it was more than that don't you love' Matty mumbles into her ear making her blush.
"Fucking hell you guys are feral" George says.
"Alright George, truth or dare" Matty says, eyes never leaving his best mates.
"Dare" he confirms.
"Swap clothes with Charli" he says and the whole group laughs as they do. "Truth or dare Ross" Louis says and the bearded man thinks for a moment.
"fuck it. Dare" he says and Louis smirks, his eyes find Lou's who nods.
"Dare you to kiss mia" and Louis, Matty and Lou all smirk as the pair look at one another, Ross swallowing, seemingly nervous.
"You two planned this somehow" Ross says before he focuses on mia.
His hand finds her jaw, holding her gently, he smiles down at her as she nods, letting him know it was okay, he gently presses his mouth to hers, making everyone cheer for the pair of them.
"I'm going to kill you" mia says to Lou making her laugh and mouth a
"thank me later"
They continue the game until it's Matty's turn to be asked. He opts for truth and Hann speaks up, surprising everyone with his words
"Did you ever think about Lou when having sex with someone else?"
Everyone oooos at that and Matty stares at her, squeezing the hand that was on her thigh.
"Oh all the time" he confesses, brutally honest, which makes everyone laugh but Lou can't help but press her mouth to his, making out for a minute or two everyone cheering, even George who was too high to care now.
"I love you so much" she laughs against his mouth, mainly because George had started to make fake retching noises, Matty throws a middle finger up at his mate and they all begin laughing as Matty kisses her again.
"I love you too darling" he says, pecking her lips once more before pulling away.
The game of truth or dare is forgotten and the group all begin talking about different things, like how the tour is starting soon and how they were all excited to be on the road together again.
Matty sits, watching his friends and his girlfriend. He knows, in that moment, that this is the happiest he's ever been, with her and his friends, the people who were his family now.
He couldn't wait for the day he could introduce her as his wife and maybe this family would have a few kids running around, their kids. Yeah... he knows he wants that. More than anything.
He loves her. Truly loves her. She was his everything. 
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offorestsongs · 9 days
romantic secrets
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ah. so. this is a little ficlet for Sheep's (@natsukishinomiyaswife) fic series Into the Yumeverse! i know i already drew art for it but the idea couldn't leave my head and i didn't think i could execute it as well with art. hope this is okay dhgfjgjjfjg
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Lysander would love it if the universe would stop putting him in situations. He has had enough situations for all his days. There must be people out there who felt that their lives were boring and nothing interesting ever happened to them — Lysander would gladly donate some of his situations to their cause! 
His current situation was this: he was sitting on the grass in the courtyard with Rook, which wouldn't be out of the ordinary if not for the fact that the universe Lysander currently resided in was some weird version of Twisted Wonderland moved slightly to the left (Twister Wonderland? No. That was awful). 
A version with a completely different magicless human girl thrown into the chaos (Lydia, who by all accounts seemed like a sweetheart), without Lysander’s beloved Ramshackle or even more beloved awful cat-beast-son.
Now the first chaos seemed to settle down a bit and so, with a lot of blushing and stumbling around, Lysander had explained to Rook the gist of the relationship the two of them had back in Lysander’s universe.
Rook seemed to react to the information the same way he reacted to every other curiosity that caught his attention; he asked questions and listened intently, and waxed poetically about whatever Lysander had said.
“Ah, what a beautiful tale. I hardly ever imagined somebody would be able to capture my heart,” Rook said. He was looking at Lysander with the same burning curiosity as back when they had first started talking — he was assessing Lysander, almost trying to see through him.
Maybe Rook really couldn’t imagine how he could ever end up with somebody like Lysander. Maybe—
Lysander stopped the thought before he could ever properly formulate it. It was too silly to even entertain, an echo of insecurities that Lysander should’ve been long past. If there was one thing that he had learned from their relationship, it was that Rook never did anything if he didn’t want to. If they were together, that was only because for Rook, it was the most right thing to do.
“I know,” Lysander replied, smiling. Suddenly, he became pointedly aware of the strangeness of their situation. Just this once, it was Lysander who knew so much about Rook, while Rook was still trying to make a judgment call on Lysander.
Lysander’s smile grew bigger. Oh, it seemed like such a silly thing to do — he really shouldn’t be playing tricks on people or mess with their reactions. But… Rook was always teasing him, maybe it was time to finally take revenge.
Maybe the saying was true — when in Rome, you had no other choice but to do as Romans did.
Heart pounding in his ribcage, Lysander raised his head. “You know what else I know?” he asked, and before Rook could reply, he went on: “You named your first arrow Salamander because it was the first animal you’ve caught.”
As stupid as Lysander felt at that moment, he couldn’t deny the sense of satisfaction that curled up in his chest seeing Rook’s eyes widen in surprise
“And,” Lysander continued. “You used to eat poisonous plants as a kid so you would get immune to them. Your biggest scar is on your left hip; you tried to sew the wound by yourself, but it went badly. You used to not be able to fall asleep without a plush lion.”
He watched Rook’s expression slowly turn from surprise to curiosity to delight.
“My! What a curious little flower you are! Maybe I can see how you have managed to ensnare my affections. But, Monsieur Fleur, you should know that it is dangerous to show all your knowledge so freely. You never know how somebody could take it.”
Lysander’s cheeks turned pink. “Who said that’s all my knowledge?” he replied, with more bravado than he expected of himself. “And I trust you, even in a different universe.”
No— Wait— Why did he even say that?! That was… bad. Way too forward. Way too… everything. Regret washed over Lysander immediately.
Overcome with a profound feeling of shame and embarrassment, Lysander hid his face in his hands — he could feel just how hot his cheeks were.
“Non, Monsieur Fleur, don’t curl up your petals now! As foolish as it might be, I am honoured to have your trust.”
Lysander hid his face even more, his hair falling to the sides like curtains. “No! I am not talking about this anymore! One more word and I’m running away!”
He could hear Rook’s laughter. “Ah, then I will just have to chase after you. Shouldn’t you know I don’t give up so easily?”
Ah. Well. Lysander just couldn’t win, could he?
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