#elena shippers club
dropping in to say hi to all the delena shippers because I can't stand the people on fb and reddit saying delena is toxic but refusing to admit stelena was toxic too, even more so because they refused to admit the bad stuff in their relationship. lmfao. if you think any of the relationships on this show was healthy... lol
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queenofstelena · 11 months
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𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜
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colins-bridgerton · 8 months
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the vampire diaries extended universe meme:
1/10 scenes 1x10 career night "i know that its hard to understand, but i'm doing this for you"
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realtvdtexts · 1 year
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the vampire diaries + incorrect quotes
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userlaylivia · 4 days
@cuddlyreader, @gothicbarbie, @sansalicents, @crowley-anthony, @thepromisethatlovecouldbeeternal
obviously I didn't include 7/8 lol
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careforbesdaily · 2 years
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STACKEDIARIES | march 12th | “the downward spiral”
[Caption: gifs from The Vampire Diaries. Elena, with tears in her eyes after she’s managed to stop a compelled Liam from performing surgery on Sarah Salvatore, calls Stefan on the phone. She says “Please don’t tell me you shut [your humanity] off.” The camera turns to Stefan, in the Scull bar, who says nothing as he puts down his martini. Elena, frantic, repeats “Stefan, don’t you dare tell me that you shut it off!”. Stefan calmly replies “Okay. I won’t.” and passes his phone to Caroline. She’s on top of the bar, lying down face up, with her legs crossed in the air. She says “He shut it off” and hangs up; the camera pulls back, showing both her, smiling pleased with herself, and Stefan drinking next to her.]
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laufire · 2 years
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STACKEDIARIES | january 28th | “unpleasantville”
[Caption: gifs from The Vampire Diaries. Stefan and Elena slow-dance on a fifties-themed school event when the song changes to a quicker one. Elena grins and asks Stefan to show her how it was done then, grabbing his hands and moving around. He smiles, saying no, and shaking her head when she asks for one move, refusing again when Elena nods yes. She rolls her eyes and starts walking away when he grabs her arm and brings her to him, twirling her, pulling her up and swinging her in the air to one side and the other. Stefan dips her, making Elena smile up at him marvelled, and pulls her up again for a kiss. Playful, Stefan tells her “No, you remember that, because it’s never gonna happen again. Elena giggles, breathless, and they pull each other in for another kiss, with both similing, Stefan’s hands craddling her face and Elena’s pulling on the lappels of his jacket.]
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yelyahrodrigo · 7 months
why can't I find any active Stelena blogs 😭😭 please the fandom can't be dead!!! I need regular Stelena posts on my dash please!!! If you exist, I will follow <3
(would also appreciate some Forwood love)
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nikkiruncks · 10 months
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Stelena & Jeia parallels
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misschanadlerbong · 11 months
When Stef Met 'Lena
PART 1 | <next>
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Elena was laid off from her last job due to her boss unable to pay her any longer. Elena had been searching for a job ever since, and then she discovered The Salvatore Industries. They were hiring or looking for a receptionist. Just the job for her. They had been her savior, she desperately needed this job. Rent money doesn’t come from out of thin air.
Elena Gilbert is described by many as stubborn, hard working, kind, and gentle. From a young age she strived to at least try when attempting at something which she carried with her into adulthood. And according to Caroline Forbes that was exactly what Salvatore Industries needed. Heart, kindness, and the strive to work hard. And that was exactly the receptionist they needed. Not what most people expect right? A receptionist needed those qualities? Yes, at The Salvatore industries they wanted and needed good people, people who carried about what they were doing. And Elena Gilbert was the perfect candidate.
There was this musical ringing, the phone rang several times before Elena reached it. She picked the phone up and answered with “Hello?” 
“Elena hi! I have wonderful news you got the job! Your first day is tomorrow please meet me at The Salvatore Industries near the front lobby. The address once again is 523 Mystic City Avenue. Can’t wait to see you then!” Caroline beamed and hung up the phone. 
Elena felt relief wash over her and then dread. Elena rubbed her temples in exasperation “She didn’t tell me who my boss is? Oh well this is gonna be fun,” Elena tried calling Caroline back again to get some answers to her questions but to no avail she did not answer. She tried again and all she heard was that loud and weird beeping sound when you call someone and they’re on the phone with someone else. Elena was irritated but instead of focusing on the negative she goes and calls Bonnie. 
Elena dialed Bonnie’s phone number 876-435-778. All you could hear was the ringing and how it paused and started to ring and pause once again until Bonnie picked up. 
“Bonnie guess what!” Elena exclaims enthusiastically. 
“You got the job!” 
“Yes I did! I got the job!” 
“That’s amazing Elena! I’m so proud of you!”
“Aw, thank you Bonbon.”
“You're welcome! Tell you what, how about I drop you off and it’ll save you the trouble of using more gas.” 
“That sounds like a plan Bon, also apparently I start tomorrow.” 
“That’s quick, but I can still drop you off, don't worry.” 
“I should have known it wouldn’t be able to get rid of you that easily.” Elena teased. 
“Kidding.” Elena giggled and Bonnie laughed alongside her.
Bonnie and Elena finally arrived at The Salvatore Industries. Bonnie parked in the parking lot, “Here we are.” Elena looked at the building nervously. “Don’t worry, You’ll do fine!” Bonnie gushed. Elena grinned at Bonnie feeling confidence wash over her. 
“Take a deep breath and keep your chin up.” Elena smiles softly and replies with “I will, don’t worry.” Bonnie smiles and says her goodbyes as she rides off leaving Elena by herself. Elena takes a few deep breaths, even though she already had been in the building it didn’t ease her nerves. But she tried to do what Bonnie wanted her to do. Keep her chin held high. She walked towards the building. Was it larger than the first time she saw it? No, but it felt larger. 
‘It’s just my first day, what could possibly go wrong?’ “Ugh who am I kidding?” Elena lets out a sigh and walks in the building. The moment she steps in the building a man greets her. He’s tall, he has black hair, pale blue eyes alongside a pale complexion as well. He gives her a cold and hard look. She wonders ‘Is this my boss?’ ‘If he is, this is gonna be interesting to say the least…’ 
“l know what you're thinking, I’m not your boss.” Elena nods slowly but then looks even more confused,“Then who are? If you don’t mind me asking of course.” “I do mind actually!” Elena looks down in embarrassment. “I’m sorry sir, the women who interviewed me didn’t tell me who he was or anything like that. She said she would meet me here.” “Leave the poor girl alone, she didn’t know there’s no shame in that.” The woman she interviewed me a few days ago says, I believe her name was Caroline if I’m remembering correctly. She leans her head to look at Elena and replies with “Come with me, it’s time to meet Mr.Salvatore. And don’t worry it’s not your fault for not knowing it’s mine entirely for not telling you.” 
Once they had moved to the elevator away from the man. Elena whispers “Thank You.” “For what?” Caroline asks, confused. “For saving me from him, he does not like me very much.” Caroline leans closer and says “He doesn’t like anyone.” Elena giggles and replies with “That makes sense.” Caroline smiles back at her. Just as Caroline pressed the button for floor 102 a man stopped the elevator before it closed. The man walked in and walked towards Caroline smiling gently at her. ‘He seems sweet and cute. Wait what if this is my boss? I can't think like that!’ Elena mentally scolded herself for thinking in that way’ ‘He had dark blonde hair, forest green eyes that had a romantic glint that shined brightly, and he had a soft smile that lit up the room. Oh my god, Elena! Stop thinking that he could be your boss once again!’ Elena thought to herself.  He stood by Caroline and conversed in small talk with her “Good morning Caroline! I never did get the chance to ask you but how has the interviewing been going?” 
“Well, Mr.Salvatore it's especially great since she’s standing right behind you.” Stefan whipped his head around to get a better look at Elena. His gaze softened when his eyes met her. He smiled at her, charmly. He reached his hand out, motioning for her to shake his hand. She gladly took his hand and shook it with just the right amount of firmness. When Stefan touched Elena’s hand he must have felt how gentle it was while when Elena touched him she must have felt how soft it was. They’re eyes never left one another, they were like in this haze of admiration. They both thought to themselves ‘You can’t think like that she’s/he your co-worker!’ 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss…?”
“Miss. Gilbert, Elena Gilbert. And it’s a pleasure to meet you too Mr.Salvatore.” She smiled kindly at him and he smiled back with just as much warmth. 
Caroline intervened and asked “So are you ready for the tour, Elena?”
Before Elena could respond Stefan answered “Why don’t I show her around, you already have done so much,” He grinned at her, “Well, Thank You Mr.Salvatore you're very considerate.” She smiled back at him. 
The elevator dinged and Elena and Stefan moved out of the elevator. “Elena?” Caroline called, “Yes?” 
“If you need anything, don't be afraid to let me know.” Caroline gushed sincerely, grinning brightly at Elena. 
“I will Caroline Thank You,” She smiled back at Caroline with just as much sincerity. You could see it now, the start of a new and wonderfully blossomed friendship. 
“Anytime.” Caroline pressed the first floor button and the elevator, leaving the pair alone. 
Elena turned to Stefan “Where do we start?”
Stefan turned to look at her as he said “My office, your area, and a few other places as well.”
“Where’s my area?” Elena asked. 
“In the lobby area, where you came in there’s the front desk and that’s where you’ll be working.” Elena nodded in understanding.  
Stefan led her to his office area, “This is my area or my office area.” In the background of his office you could see his book shelves full of so many different types of books.  And his desk was in the middle, it had this glossy look and it was a shade of dark brown. “Wow, it's beautiful.”
“Why Thank You. That’s very kind of you.” Elena smiled at the complement.
“Now, let me show you to the lobby area,” He smiled softly at her as he led her back to the elevator. They both stepped in and he pressed floor one. 
“You know Elena-” Stefan started, turning to look over at Elena. “You don’t strike me as someone who would be a receptionist.” 
Elena smiled softly to herself, she must have felt her cheeks blushing as she looked down, “Life got in the way and it was expensive, and I felt like I could do good becoming a receptionist even if it’s in a different way than I wanted to originally,” 
“What did you want to be when you grew up, Mr.Salvatore?” 
“Ironically enough at first I wanted to be a Doctor as well.” 
Elena lifted her eyes from the elevator door back to his eyes,“Why didn’t you?” She inquired.  
“This company needed me especially after my father died and I couldn’t look away. I had to help.” Elena smiled with genuine compassion as she praised “Mr. Salvatore you are truly a kind man and a compassionate one too. That was quite noble of you most wouldn’t do that.” Elena voiced gently, Stefan looked at her with his vibrant smile and gleaming green eyes and thoughtfully replied with “Thank You, Ms.Gilbert you truly have a kind soul and I am lucky to have someone like you here.” 
“No, it's quite the opposite. I'm honored to be working here because I was laid off from my last job and I was worried I wouldn’t find one this time for rent, but luckily I did. In the way you all were my savior I couldn’t Thank You all enough.” 
“I’m glad you will be working here especially since we need someone like you, someone who cares.” Stefan praised, passionately. 
Elena smiles at the compliment,“Well, Thank You Mr.Salvatore you’ve been so welcoming and caring I can’t help but feel excited to start.” 
“I’m pleased to hear that.” He said with humility. Stefan was quite grateful she was going to be working here, ‘I wish we could find more people like her kind and caring, I’m just thankful she is here,’ ‘I’m very grateful I got this job, I have a good feeling about this job,’ They both simultaneously smile to themselves wrapped up in their own thoughts that was until the elevator dinged and they were back at the first floor. Elena jerked a little, Stefan looked over at her worry spread across his face. “Are you alright?" He asked, with panic in his voice. He placed his hand on her shoulder.
 “Sorry, I was too wrapped up in my thoughts.” Elena placed her hand on her chest, trying to regain her composure. He smiled at her researingly and she smiled back feeling a sense of warmth fill her chest.  
He turned to look back at her as he led her to her desk. “Here we are Ms.Gilbert.” 
“Thank You Mr.Salvatore for your help,” She replied politely. 
“Anytime Ms.Gilbert let me know if you need anything at all.”
“I will, Thank You Mr.Salvatore.” Elena said, and Stefan walked away heading toward the elevator, planning to go back to his office. Elena watched as Stefan a sigh escaped her lips, she must have felt a tinge of blush come across her face as she turned away and started to focus on settling in her new desk area. 
Just as she sat down someone came up to her, It was a woman. Elena asked, “How can I help you?” 
The woman was timid but still spoke up “I-I was wondering if I could schedule a meeting with M-mr.Salvatore I’m one of his clients.” She said, shakily. 
“Of course,” Elena looked at the calendar behind her and noticed July 7th was open for meetings. She grabbed a pen and wrote ‘Meeting with-’
“What’s your name ma’am?”
“My n-name is Alexia Branson.” Elena wrote her name on the calendar, “You're all set Ms.Branson, give us a call if you need anything.” She smiled warmly at the women and she thought to herself ‘I have a great feeling about this.’ She smiled to herself as she watched the lady leave and she went back to work. 
@queenofstelena / @wiidestdrearms
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queercherrypie · 1 year
I feel like I'm going crazy, because if I put the pieces of the puzzle together I can say that Damon and Bonnie are canonically in love. And I could write an entire essay about it pointing out scenes and parallels and lines and what they mean starting with Damon's letter to Bonnie. I kept thinking about this because I was rewatching this scene here.
He says that supposedly he has everything, but he has nothing. Bonnie is dying and he is desperately trying to save her life even if it means she wakes up and kills him. He's going to extremes because Bonnie just wanted to die. He manages to wake her up by talking about his relationship with Elena; teases her to the level that she rips his heart out. He literally gave his heart to Bonnie in the same place he gave his heart to Elena.
DUDE!!! WHAT?! I'm hallucinating all this and my brain has been corroded with fanfiction? Or am I really seeing this? Was Damon willing to die to save her life and basically saying he's in love with her? I'm going crazy, please someone from the TVD fandom tell me I'm not going crazy. 
He's in love with both of them and the last conversation Elena had with him was about how he can have both and I'm going to die on this hill!!!
The season 7 is basically Bonnie being teased by Enzo every 5 minutes about the fact that she's in love with Damon before he left her behind. He seems to be absolutely sure of that, you know why? He was spending time with Lilly who helped Kai with the plan. She had very open ears in that house and what I'm saying makes perfect sense when I think about it. Kai made Damon make a choice. What the hell happened in that Prison World?! Damon has thought a lot about this piece of advice he's been giving Stefan I wonder why...
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roxzation · 1 year
Made some revisions and re-uploaded on another platform. Please check it out. I appreciate every like/ follow/ comment.
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queenofstelena · 9 months
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𝙄𝙨 𝙞𝙩 𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙖
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colins-bridgerton · 1 year
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kate’s thirty, flirty and thriving results
top 30 television otps
2.) stefan salvatore & elena gilbert (the vampire diaries) 
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zalrb · 1 year
Hey zal hope you’re feeling good! I was wondering if theres ever been a couple on a show/movie that were meant to have a dynamic of “they have a history and this tie to each other and know each other well and look good together but at the same time not meant to end up together” where you actually thought they should end up together? Like there’s no reason why they shouldn’t work? Like a couple that were meant to be in each others lives to teach each other things and they affected each other in certain profound ways but they’re not meant to end up together. It kind of reminds me of stelena and how they were meant to have that fated connection but the show didn’t want them together at the end. I was wondering if there were others like that. And do you have any where you understood why they shouldn’t be together? Like you thought the show did a good job of showing why they’re not meant to be. Sorry if you’ve answered this before. I just usually really enjoy watching couples like that where there’s this mystical tie holding them together but also the angst of not being able to be that person for each other, even if they want to be. Thank you!!
It kind of reminds me of stelena and how they were meant to have that fated connection but the show didn’t want them together at the end.
lol https://zalrb.tumblr.com/post/635443307953160192/stefan-elena-endgame-or-bust-kevin-walked
I will always be angry about Villadero (more posts in masterlist)
Um, this isn't quite the same because they were never a ship and this really pissed people off at the time but as an extremely casual, drunk review viewer of Shadowhunters, I'd put down Show!Jalec (there are more posts in the masterlist about this)
Like it’s emotional and intimate and they exude so much when they’re playing across from each other
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Like Jace actually looks like he’s being torn apart, it’s one of the only times he’s convincing (the other times, he’s also with Alec) and Alec looks like killing Jace is literally the most absurd thing in the world and his expression is as fierce as I’ve ever seen it on the show and it doesn’t look platonic and it doesn’t look brotherly, this basically looks like a Stelena scene
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Like seriously, guys, look at this
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Jace is never this convincing with Clary and Alec is certainly never this convincing with Magnus.
And sure, the dialogue about their bond is supposed to be about their platonic love but with scenes like that, with chemistry like that, their narrative and their dialogue just feeds into the romance of their energy
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and then you have THIS scene
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I’m sorry if I had all of this, as a creator, things would just have to change because how am I supposed to take Malec seriously
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or Clace
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In terms of ships I understood, kind of Jax and Tara? Like they end up together but they don't because she's murdered.
Jax and Tara are another couple like this where they represent happiness for each other and hope for each other in a cruel, hard, violent environment
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but they could never have their happy ending because if they had their happy ending the show would be done, Jax would be done, the club would fall apart, the fibre of the world Kurt Sutter created would diminish,
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Jax can’t leave Charming, he can’t leave Sons of Anarchy, he can’t leave his mother
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so the only way for Jax to not leave is for tragedy to ensue.
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I'm still trying to decide if my fury around Alisha and Simon is legitimate anger about the writing or if it's because the writing destroyed me when I thought of the implications of them being in this constant loop of trying to save each other and failing over and over.
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freakylikethat · 7 years
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➤ i’m a witch.
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