#elevated dog feeder
easyeat · 1 year
Enjoy EasyEat's Best Bowls for Dogs. To provide your pet with the best meal experience possible, we painstakingly balanced aesthetics and utility in the design of this dish. The sturdy design and ergonomic form assure long-lasting usage, while the elevated design facilitates simple access to food and water. With EasyEat's outstanding dog dish, pamper your pet with the finest.
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artisansvillage08 · 2 years
Dog bowls with stands are comfortable and best for pets.
Dog feeder stands ,this smart pet feeder has an elevated dog stand that helps maintain their digestion easily . Dog bowl with a stand set contains an iron stand and 2 stainless steel bowls, one of water and the second of food, making eating more comfortable. The elegant design of the stainless steel bowl and iron stand is easily used and adapts to any home decor. These bowls are removable, making them easy to clean, wash and wipe.
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laf-outloud · 5 months
towwn who’s your best-est buddy? 💗🐶🐐🐇🐮
a celebration of #earthmonth wouldn’t be complete without mentioning our planetary cohabitants. according to a recent survey by the american psychiatric association, 86% of pet owners believe their “fur babies” boost their mental health – and 90% consider their animal adoptees & friends as part of the family. more pet-related benefits:
▶️improved cardiovascular health
▶️elevated mood
▶️boost physical activity levels
▶️reduce anxiety
▶️help alleviate + combat symptoms of adhd, ptsd, loneliness & isolation
▶️comfort & companionship (think: the elderly & people with medical conditions)
▶️aid in children’s learning development
animals may also help kids and adults with socializing. 🐕‍🦺so, take a walk to the dog park, visit a farm or rescue sanctuary, build a bird feeder – engage with any animals that inspire you – and enjoy a moment of zen with another gentle & curious being.
tell us your best buddy’s breed or species + tag their profile (if they have one!) in the comments.
Awe! I love learning more about the Padafarm and it's animals! And yes, it's true about animals helping with socialization. My puppy has more friends than I do, lol!
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positivexcellence · 5 months
towwn: who’s your best-est buddy? 💗🐶🐐🐇🐮
a celebration of #earthmonth wouldn’t be complete without mentioning our planetary cohabitants. according to a recent survey by the american psychiatric association, 86% of pet owners believe their “fur babies” boost their mental health – and 90% consider their animal adoptees & friends as part of the family. more pet-related benefits:
▶️improved cardiovascular health ▶️elevated mood ▶️boost physical activity levels ▶️reduce anxiety ▶️help alleviate + combat symptoms of adhd, ptsd, loneliness & isolation ▶️comfort & companionship (think: the elderly & people with medical conditions) ▶️aid in children’s learning development
animals may also help kids and adults with socializing. 🐕‍🦺so, take a walk to the dog park, visit a farm or rescue sanctuary, build a bird feeder – engage with any animals that inspire you – and enjoy a moment of zen with another gentle & curious being.
tell us your best buddy’s breed or species + tag their profile (if they have one!) in the comments.
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zooophagous · 2 years
Today's entry of Wayward Souls deals with the aftermath of Mr. Strauss' big night on the town and is an aside exploring the point of view of a side character.
I went back and forth over when the best time was to share this. It's sort of been bothering me ever since it happened, and my therapist told me it's healthy to share and write it down. For a couple of reasons, I hesitated. First, because it sounds stupid. At best, people would think I was exaggerating for attention. Second, because some really sketchy people really, really didn't want me to say anything.
Well, sue me.
For the purposes of our story, you can call me "Tina."  Fake name, just in case someone figures out I blabbed, but it's not like they'll have a hard time figuring it out from the details anyway.
I used to work at a pet store as a sales associate. I say 'used to' because after what  I saw, I'm not going back in there. I didn't even go back to get my last check. I made them mail it. This wasn't a nice pet store, it was a chain store. A Pets-R-Inn in a shitty strip mall. The sort of pet store that sells puppies and always sort of smells like shit.
You know the type. Yeah, I know it's bad. I knew it was bad while I worked there. I figured maybe I could work part time with animals and elevate the care a little bit, you know? I can't make a store stop selling puppies but I can make sure the puppies are clean. I can scoop a dead fish out of a tank. I can quarantine a sick rat before it infects the others. Maybe trying to make a difference in a place like that was my first mistake.
I've seen so much shit and vomit and pee and parasites it would make your head spin. I'm not saying this to bring down the 'good name' of the chain pet store that sells sickly puppy mill dogs for three grand a piece and pays just above the federal minimum wage in the year of our Lord 2023 however. No, that's a rant for another time.
 I'm telling you this so you understand that I have a strong stomach. You HAVE to have a strong stomach when you work with animals. Any time you work with living things, inevitably you're going to work with dying things. Especially when most of the animals you work with are rodents with a natural lifespan not even a tenth of your own, who all live in close quarters and share their food and water and diseases alike.
I'm not being dramatic. I'm not getting worked up over nothing and I am NOT making this up. I was a good worker and I was good at my job. I didn't let one weird guy ruin it for me. It was ruined for me by a monster. And now I'm terrified I'm being followed by the FBI or the CIA or some government something. I don't know who they are. I don't care anymore. If I go missing maybe whoever reading this can figure out who to blame.
I'm getting off track here. So, this one day, I'm working the shop by myself. It was sort of a cold rainy day, real grey and dark. My stupid shit head manager Derek takes off for a "meeting" that was a 2 hour lunch he didn't clock out for, and left me to run the shop alone.
Not a huge deal, when I'm alone I can slack off and do whatever, and the major chores for the day were done because it was dead slow so I was just at the counter on my phone. As I'm standing there the door jingles open and this guy walks in.
I look up a little and say hi. I'm not really paying as much attention to him as I should, because he sort of looks like he knows what he wants already and heads right in. He looked sort of  bedraggled, scruffy, but a lot of our customers are "animal people" who have dirty stuff to do so I don't think much of it. It was half storming outside anyway.
He goes back to where we keep the feeder mice. Now, I'm sure you're probably aware that snakes eat whole prey. Well, we try really hard to get our customers to switch to frozen whole prey instead of live because live isn't as humane, and being the kindly little Snow White I am, I start preparing my spiel.
I see he's already trying to open the cages. That's no good. Liability. God forbid someone get bit by a rat or drop the whole fucking fish tank full of them and sue us. Or worse, some bleeding heart trying to "save" them again by stealing them or turning them loose.
So I'm helpful and I go back with my keys and I say to him "Hey, I need to be the one to open that for you." Now I actually do get a look at the guy. He's muddy. Like covered in mud. Soaked. He looks homeless and he might be having an episode of some sort and Derek is still gone. Great.
By this time he's got the cage open. Which, by the way, is locked. He broke the lock. The padlock. With his hands. His hands that are now rooting around in a tank full of white mice. I don't really want to stop him. I don't think I CAN stop him. He turns around and he looks at me.
He's got a little pink tail coming out of his mouth. He has a mouse in his fucking mouth. He ate a fucking mouse.
My chest gets tight and I don't really know if I should scream or if that will make it worse but I'm screaming anyway and he spits the mouse out and shoves another one into his mouth and I hear it CRUNCH and he stares me dead in the eyes while he does it.
Speaking of eyes, his were glowing. The way a cats eyes sort of shine in different colors. He's taking a step towards me and I see he's got more mice in his hand and he has claws on his hand instead of nails.
This is when I started yelling. Not screaming, really, more of a holler. An angry yell. A garbled sort of half terror and half "what the fuck do you think you're doing" that came out in a single loud note that cut my throat raw as I let it out.
I hear the door jingle again. I'm hoping it's Derek. No, just more customers, or so I thought. They're yelling at him. He backs off, he's like... hiding from them? I think for a moment I'm saved, that maybe this is just some sort of patient that wandered away from his handlers or something. But then more people pile in.
And now one of them has a gun.
Somehow or other it has now managed to ESCALATE. This guy fucking panics, throws down a whole shelf of cages and they all shatter. There are mice EVERYWHERE. They don't just scatter though, they're running together in a swarm towards the lady with a gun. Did I mention it was a lady? I thought it was weird it was a lady. Usually ladies don't shoot up stores.
But anyway these mice are running to her and running up her legs and she's screaming and while she's freaking out the guy rushes them and knocks everyone over and he's just out of there like a bat out of Hell. The crowd runs off with him, and suddenly I'm alone again.
Just surrounded by broken glass, loose mice, and no explanation at all of what the fuck just happened. It was about this time Derek FINALLY decided to grace me with his presence and yell at me for all the shit that went wrong. As if I could have stopped it.
And of course he didn't believe me until AFTER he saw the security footage. I mean granted I sounded like a mess but what the Hell kind of lie would it be that a crazy person came in and started eating mice?
The aftermath was Hell. I had to stay late that night catching mice and cleaning up broken glass and spilled bedding. He broke the door too on his way out, which Derek had to leave yet again to go get a chain and padlock to keep it shut while I stayed behind and had another panic attack.
While I was cleaning up I found a couple of dead ones. Mice, I mean. They're not built to be thrown around like that. One I found though was very interesting. It was dead, yes, but it looked like it had been dead a while.
It was hard to the touch, and brittle. Mummified like a cat in the wall of an old building. I thought maybe it had escaped a long time ago and the activity only just now knocked the carcass loose from wherever it was stuck. But its fur was damp, and it had a large, suspiciously tooth shaped gash in its abdomen.
It was the mouse that guy ate. Except he didn't eat it. He just... sucked every drop of fluid out of it and spit it back out. Then he went back for more. He wasn't eating them, just... juicing them.
After finding that I finally gave up and called it quits. I didn't have it in me to keep cleaning and I wasn't sure I could come back to the store either, so despite Derek's vociferous petulant protests I went home.
Aside from suddenly being jobless, life was quiet and normal after that. I avoided the store but I'm told the creepy guy never came back. I thought maybe that lady actually shot him, not sure if it would really make me feel bad or not.
But the story doesn't just end there. Oh no! I should be so lucky! No, seeing someone having an episode or a meth bender or what have you is definitely distressing, but it doesn't really typically tip the scales from a moment of terror and confusion to a chronic anxiety that you're being followed and watched.
A few days after that little incident, I get a knock at my door. I open it, and I find an official looking little envelope. Maybe it's a subpoena to be a witness to the crime or whatever. I open it up.
No, it's a letter. Addressed to me, personally. "Dear Redacted, my name is Ursula Harker, I am writing on behalf of the Van Helsing Institute relating to a recent incident at 'Pets R Inn' retail store, in which you were the victim of an assault and may be entitled to financial compensation. Please contact me at your earliest convenience. This is an attempt to settle the matter out of court without the input of the police. By accepting our cash offer you are relinquishing your right to file civilly against the Institute, and agreeing to a non-disclosure cause. The Institute can be reached at..."
You get the idea. So I call this woman, Miss Ursula Harker. Even her name sounds creepy. She picks up, I tell her who I am.  She immediately starts apologizing to me, promising to pay for any store damages or medical bills and then some. Asking to buy my silence. So I tell her I've only got one question for her.
She says go ahead.
I ask her "What was that guy?"
She starts telling me that his name is Luther and he's a patient at such and such and I cut her off and I say again No.
What was that guy?
She's quiet for a bit and she asks what I mean. Now, I'm not a doctor. But I know a decent amount about animals. And I know this. People don't have eyes that glow in the dark. People also can't desiccate a mouse by sucking it dry in five seconds flat. She hesitates but then starts making excuses about HIPAA laws and how she can't discuss their patients and she asks me how much it would take for me to stay quiet.
I hang up on her.
Maybe that was really stupid. Could have got some cash out of the deal. The store got a new door and a nice fat payday they spent on a facelift for the place, and it only cost them their security footage.
More than that, it was really stupid because they kept calling me. She left me at least three messages before giving up. I was afraid to leave my apartment. They already knew my name and obviously knew where I lived. And they were protecting that guy... that THING somehow. Maybe they were the ones who made him? Like he was an experiment that got out and they were doing damage control?
I did a little asking around about "The Van Helsing Institute" and all I could find was that it's a private Catholic hospital. A "research hospital," whatever the fuck research that entails, I don't want to know about it.
The craziest shit though, is that this has apparently happened before. While I was digging around I found the contact info for a guy called "John." He's apparently an ex employee and now very outspoken critic of that hospital, trying to gather as much dirt on them as he can. I gave him my story, and all the descriptions I could. Basically if I see anything even remotely weird I report to him now.
It feels good, I guess, not being alone. I don't know that he could actually protect me if they got mad and came after me but I like that someone is watching them. Someone is keeping score. Mostly it feels good to know that I actually saw what I saw. It was a monster, I'm not crazy, and I think I did the right thing not selling my silence even though the lack of a paycheck hurts.
I keep getting more and more paranoid though. I've been seeing this weird woman follow me around town. Not the gun one- a different one this time. She's got sort of a medium tan skin tone, she's very petit, and she has this incredibly long dark hair and dark eyes. It makes her stand out in a crowd. I see her more and more whenever I'm out and I don't know if she's with John or with... the other guys.
I don't go out much after dark any more. I don't know how much this involves me now but I'm trying to move back in with my mom in Wisconsin. If I make it, you won't hear from me again. If I don't, just keep an eye on the obituaries. If I die, let it be known I don't want any part of my body used for research. It should be burned.
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door · 2 years
some things i have bought since my dog turned 12
an elevated feeder (actually one of those shelves that you put inside cabinets to increase space) so she doesn’t have to lean down as far to eat
approximately 25 sweatshirts/sweaters
2 ramps (one for outside, one for inside)
the strongest joint supplements on the market
a prescription for dog advil
and most recently: dr. buzby’s toegrips to keep her from slipping on the hardwood floors
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anything 4 my stinky princess
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bionicdogs · 1 year
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time for a brief moment of late night vulnerability:
i find it pretty cruel that angel came into our family as a birthday present for me and she died the day after my birthday. now granted, we didn’t actually get her on my birthday. she was born in january and came home in march, the product of an oops litter where my mom’s coworker didn’t realize her male was old enough to breed (yeah…). i was too young for her to really be my dog anyway.
it stings. it feels like my birthday is always going to be overshadowed now by her loss. august 21st is still weird for me, and this year will be three years since biscuit died.
i miss her. so, so much. i haven’t been able to vacuum her hair out of my truck from her vet visit where we learned she was bleeding internally and made the decision to let her go that same day. her nose prints are still on my windows. her soft toys and tennis balls are still safely tucked away where the boys can’t get them (we took them out for her every day when the boys got put up). her hair is still in the vacuum. the day after she died i went and got step stones to put over her grave, and got enough to redo biscuit’s at the same time to match. the stones haven’t started to sink yet, though i know they will and mounded the dirt the stones to account for that. i ordered her actual gravestone today. black granite, it will have her photo engraved in it.
we leave for a beach camping trip at the end of the month, our third time going. they have an excellent dog beach there. angel was supposed to go. she had a brand new harness and collar just to play in the water. she wore the harness once, and only wore the collar the day she died.
booker’s separation anxiety has skyrocketed. he’s destroyed a few household things which is something he’s never done before, even as a puppy. i don’t think he understands why angel isn’t home.
i haven’t been able to sleep. i fall asleep around 2 am because i’m not tired and i wake up again at 6:30, a full 30 minutes before my alarm. i’m not tired throughout the day; i don’t nap. there was a storm a couple days after she died, and i couldn’t sleep then because she hated storms and she was out there all alone.
i’m so glad i made that instagram account for booker. it pushed me take pictures and videos of everything. i have 222 pictures of biscuit on my phone, starting in 2017 to when he died in 2020. from 2017 to 2023 of angel, i have 1,419 pictures and videos. I got into proper photography because i had so few pictures of biscuit, and i wanted more than that for angel. i’m so glad i did. i’ve never been much of a picture taking person. it always felt awkward at best and rude at worst. i don’t care anymore. moments are fleeting but these pictures will last very long time and i intend to treasure them for years to come.
god i miss her. i miss her smell and her oh so soft fur. i wonder if the birds and the squirrels will notice they will no longer have her loose fur from being brushed to build their nests with. no one ever talks about the little things. booker is eating her food because it was dumped into a secondary container and couldn’t be donated. he’s eating out of her elevated feeder because it’s part of our dog feeding and watering setup and can’t just go away. he’s still confused about it. for almost three years he wasn’t allowed to eat out of that bowl, and he doesn’t understand why he can now.
i trim the boys’ nails and i think about how angel would be so happy i’m not doing her next. there’s nearly a full bottle of her ear cleaner in the bathroom. i bought a force dryer to make it easier to dry her after baths and swimming and only got to use it on her once. i have a slicker brush and comb that i used on her that i can’t use on the boys, their fur is too short. what of her boots, her lick sleeve, her leash. what do i do with her xanax. booker can take her other meds, he takes them anyway, but the xanax? do i just let it rot in the dog medicine organizer? take it to a pharmacist? eventually her food container will be empty, what do i do with it then? it has her name written on it.
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Citizens of Ice Cream Land
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Now, we’re venturing out into all my fanmade lands! Here are the citizens of Ice Cream Land.
Ice Cream Land is ruled by King Dairycone and Queen Snowcorn, who are hybrids of German shepherds and ice unicorns like their kids. Dairycone is benevolent and caring, and he almost never gets angry. However, he’s known for having an easily breakable heart. Queen Snowcorn doesn’t talk often, and she’s very timid like Crystalline and Germafrost. They’re both as quiet and relaxed as life in their kingdom typically is. They’re sensitive to loud noises, and they can get overstimulated pretty quickly. Things have lately been hard for them due to Crystalline’s sudden passing. They’re especially worried for Germafrost, since he seemed to take it the hardest and suddenly disappeared.
Prince Neapolitan is Germafrost’s younger brother. He’s a huge night owl, so he often has trouble waking up in the morning. It sorta bugs out his parents, since they’re also rather punctual and try to get him to bed on time. He can be quite dramatic, and he speaks with much emphasis. He’s also pretty assertive. He likes to go outside the castle and hang out with people, such as Floela, whom is a close friend of his. He is an enthusiast for mythical beings and creatures, and he attends an annual mythical creature convention. He emphasizes with Germafrost’s feelings over losing Crystalline, so he wants to be a shoulder his brother can lean on. Neapolitan has his own vehicle, which is a snowmobile. He sounds like Zim, or Kaos from the Skylanders series. 
Princess Crystalline was Germafrost’s older sister. She was very sweet, as well as shy like him. As timid and soft-spoken as she was, she was also super encouraging, and she was better at talking to others than Germafrost. The two of them were very close. She joined Germafrost in his games of soccer, or as Gelatarians call it, chip-ball. She encouraged him to follow his love for it, which is why he loves it so much. Once, a team of ice harvesters came to visit Ice Cream Land, and Crystalline befriended one of them. While she and Germafrost were out together one day, a falling pillar from an unsteady building crushed her. She succumbed to her injuries soon after.
Dawn and Jamison are Piano's parents. In Ice Cream Land, the living desserts' names usually come from what flavor they are, or what dessert they are. Dawn, a wedding cake-flavored ice cream creature, is one of the rare instances where that isn't the case. She's brainy, theoretical and passionate, but she gets upset when things don't work out the way she wants. She's super into physics, calculus, math, dessert chemistry, and computers. She desperately hoped that Piano would be her lab partner, but she learned to respect what her daughter wanted to do. Jamison is a longtime concert pianist, which inspired Piano's name. He has played in piano bars, nightclubs, restaurants and big hotels. He is kind and fatherly towards others.
Floela is a hybrid of a sled dog and a snowy owl. She has an open mind and is very free-spirited. She is a huge sweetheart who's super forgiving. She looks past everyone's negative qualities. She has a bad sense of direction, and she's also kind of insecure. She's allergic to pollen. Floela and Neapolitan are very good friends, and they attend the mythical creatures convention together. Floela is also a huge lover of butterflies, and she's got some feeders for them built on her home. She lives on an ice floe in Milkshake Lake.
Coco is a chocolate ice cream who’s known for being very chipper. She is serene, soft, and often filled with bliss. She is sensitive to bright and flashing lights. She’s quite fond of jazzy elevator music. She runs a cozy restaurant in Gelato Village called Bliss, where she sells hot chocolate and cheese bites. 
Bananilla is a mix of banana and vanilla ice cream. She's a tranquil, laid-back person who's easy to talk to. She enjoys snowboarding along the ice cream scoop hills. She's quite observational as well. She's another friend of Neapolitan's who likes to play outside in the snow with him.
Randall, or Randy, is another rare case of not being named after your flavor/dessert. His flavor of ice cream is bubblegum. He also doesn’t have a lot to say because he’s usually got a wad of gum in his mouth. Because of this, he’s got a really strong set of jaws. He’s a bubbly fellow who’s bubbly in a peaceful, breezy sort of way.
Marshscotch is a combination of a marshmallow and a butterscotch square. He's squishy, bouncy and loves to climb things. It doesn't matter how high he goes so long as there's ground below his feet. He doesn't like being picked up. He and Neapolitan are also friends, and they've gone bobsledding together.
Mintfoot is a mint chocolate chip ice cream. His state of mind is as cool as the breeze. He doesn't let anything in life bring him down, and he lives his life in the best way he can. He's a friend of Germafrost's and likes to play chip-ball with him.
Toffee Chip is a vanilla ice cream with a bunch of toffee chips on his head. He's clever and good at coming up with plans. Other people see him as one of the smartest people they know. He's pretty slow, though. Even though he wasn't named Toffee Chip when he was born, it's his name, and he loves it.
Cottonette is a cotton candy ice cream. She's airy, charming and whimsical. Like many Gelatarians, she loves puppets and ventriloquism. She was part of the Young Puppeteers' Society in school. Despite how she might appear, when we first see her, she mentions that she's 31.
Sprinklehead is the closest thing Ice Cream Land has to someone who'd be comfortable living in the Unikingdom. He's a strawberry ice cream who's decorated with a bunch of sprinkles. He's energetic, colorful and adaptable, but he's got a breaking point, too (or a melting point, as he'd say).
Dough is an ice cream sandwich. He can get irritated and scornful when he's overwhelmed, or when someone disturbs the peace. He can be joking, but he's not always aware of when the joke is taken too far. He shovels snow for folks in his area.
Caramella is a caramel square. She's a serious confection; she tends to take things rather literally. Often times, she feels the need to correct people. She likes to keep things practical and factual, but she knows how to loosen up and have fun.
Wafflecone is, as his name would imply, a waffle cone. He doesn't like it when there are too many things happening and prefers to live an easy life. He's got an imaginative mind. He loves to make toys for people of all ages, and he works in his cousin's toy store.
Judge Fudge is a fudge square and a judge. It has walnuts baked into it. It hears proceedings in Ice Cream Land's courthouse. It's known for its problem-solving skills, its readiness, and its aversion to frivolity. It carries out the laws that the king and queen create and tries its best to keep things comfortable and cozy. And yes, its gavel is a popsicle.
Browncake is a mix of cake batter and brownie batter ice cream. It's courteous and enthusiastic about having a good time, but like most people in the kingdom, it doesn't like to be loud or get too crazy. It's a playful sweet who likes to bounce about in Sorbet Fields. It also keeps its fellow Gelatarians safe from sickness, since it gives them medicines for spoiling, discoloring, graininess, freeze burn and more. Browncake will often tell people what it prefers to be called, as that fluctuates for it day to day.
Olivia is another ice cream who isn't named after their flavor. Her flavor is peanut butter. She is also friends with Neapolitan. Olivia isn't that emotional or expressive, but that doesn't mean she's not happy. She's just in a perpetual state of calm. She's quite tough like a nut, and she shows a sense of determination. She enjoys playing ice hockey.
Sunday is an ice cream sundae who works in the palace. She looked after Germafrost and his siblings whenever their parents were busy. She washes towels, blankets and the laundry. She is intelligent, speaks her mind and has a good heart. She sometimes can be feisty. She can also repair furniture and fix holes in the walls.
Iceberry is a snow cone who is part of the Ice Cream Bowl Palace Guard, who keep Ice Cream Land and its inhabitants out of danger. His weapon of choice is a spear, the head of which is an ice cream cone. He spent much of his time outside as a kid, so he likes to be outdoors. He's spirited and colorful. Sometimes, though, he mistakes certain harmless things for danger, such as raves (which aren't commonplace in Ice Cream Land).
The Milkman is a cow with lots of thick fur. He's generous and calm to other people, and he radiates a huge sense of sweetness. Milk flows through streams and brooks throughout Ice Cream Land, and The Milkman harvests it from them. Then, he filters all the bad stuff from it and delivers it to people across the kingdom in large buckets.
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tifftravels · 6 days
Elevated Dog Feeder (DIY)
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catdograbbit · 30 days
Elevated dog bowls, also known as raised dog bowls or raised feeders, are a type of feeding system that elevates the food and water bowls off the ground. They are designed to provide a more comfortable and ergonomic feeding position for dogs. Elevated dog bowls typically consist of a stand or platform with attached bowls that are raised to a height that is suitable for the dog's size. The concept of elevated dog bowls has been around for centuries. In ancient times, dogs were often fed from elevated surfaces to prevent other animals from stealing their food. In more recent years, elevated dog bowls have gained popularity due to their numerous health benefits for dogs. Key TakeawaysElevated dog bowls can improve your pet's health and digestion.Large breeds and senior dogs can benefit from using elevated dog bowls.Materials used in elevated dog bowls include stainless steel, ceramic, and bamboo.There are different types of elevated dog bowls, including adjustable and collapsible options.Choosing the right height for your dog's elevated bowl is important for their comfort and health. Benefits of Elevated Dog Bowls for Your Pet's Health a) Improved posture and reduced strain on joints: One of the main benefits of elevated dog bowls is that they promote better posture and reduce strain on the joints. When dogs eat from a bowl that is placed on the ground, they have to bend down and extend their necks to reach their food. This can put strain on their neck, shoulders, and back. By raising the food and water bowls to a more comfortable height, elevated dog bowls help dogs maintain a more natural and relaxed posture while eating. b) Reduced risk of bloating and other digestive issues: Another important benefit of elevated dog bowls is that they can help reduce the risk of bloating and other digestive issues. When dogs eat from a bowl that is placed on the ground, they tend to swallow air along with their food. This can lead to bloating, which is a potentially life-threatening condition in dogs. By elevating the food and water bowls, dogs are able to eat at a more relaxed pace and swallow less air, reducing the risk of bloating. c) Better hygiene and reduced risk of contamination: Elevated dog bowls also offer better hygiene compared to traditional floor-level bowls. When bowls are placed on the ground, they can easily come into contact with dirt, dust, and other contaminants. This can lead to bacterial growth and increase the risk of food contamination. By elevating the bowls, dogs are less likely to come into contact with these contaminants, resulting in cleaner and safer feeding conditions. How Elevated Dog Bowls Improve Digestion Elevated dog bowls promote better digestion by allowing dogs to eat in a more natural and comfortable position. When dogs eat from a bowl that is placed on the ground, they have to lower their heads and necks to reach their food. This can cause the esophagus to be compressed, making it more difficult for food to pass through to the stomach. This can lead to regurgitation, indigestion, and other digestive issues. By raising the food and water bowls to a more suitable height, elevated dog bowls help dogs maintain a more neutral posture while eating. This allows for better alignment of the digestive tract, making it easier for food to pass through from the mouth to the stomach. As a result, dogs are able to digest their food more efficiently and experience fewer digestive issues. The science behind elevated dog bowls improving digestion lies in the angle at which dogs eat. When dogs eat from a bowl that is placed on the ground, they have to lower their heads below their hearts. This can cause blood to pool in the stomach, making it harder for the body to digest food properly. By elevating the bowls, dogs are able to eat at a more level height, allowing for better blood flow and digestion. Elevated Dog Bowls for Large Breeds and Senior Dogs Product Name Material Size Height
Price Elevated Dog Bowl Stand Bamboo Large 16 inches 39.99 Adjustable Elevated Dog Bowl Stainless Steel Medium to Large 7 to 16 inches 49.99 Wooden Elevated Dog Bowl Pine Wood Large 12 inches 29.99 Double Elevated Dog Bowl Plastic Small to Medium 5 inches 19.99 Large breeds and senior dogs can benefit greatly from elevated dog bowls due to their specific health issues and needs. Large breeds often have a higher risk of developing musculoskeletal problems such as arthritis and hip dysplasia. These conditions can make it difficult for them to bend down and eat from bowls that are placed on the ground. By using elevated dog bowls, large breeds can eat at a more comfortable height, reducing strain on their joints and making mealtime more enjoyable. Senior dogs, on the other hand, may have mobility issues and reduced flexibility. They may find it challenging to bend down and reach their food from floor-level bowls. Elevated dog bowls can provide them with a more accessible feeding option, allowing them to eat without discomfort or difficulty. Additionally, both large breeds and senior dogs may be more prone to digestive issues such as bloating and regurgitation. Elevated dog bowls can help reduce the risk of these issues by promoting better digestion, as discussed earlier. Materials Used in Elevated Dog Bowls Elevated dog bowls are available in a variety of materials, each with its own pros and cons. a) Stainless steel: Stainless steel is a popular choice for elevated dog bowls due to its durability and resistance to rust and corrosion. It is also easy to clean and maintain. However, stainless steel bowls can be noisy when dogs eat from them, and they may not be as aesthetically pleasing as other materials. b) Ceramic: Ceramic elevated dog bowls are known for their stylish designs and aesthetic appeal. They are also heavy and stable, making them less likely to tip over during mealtime. However, ceramic bowls can be fragile and may break if dropped or mishandled. They also require careful cleaning to prevent bacterial growth. c) Plastic: Plastic elevated dog bowls are lightweight and affordable. They come in a wide range of colors and designs. However, plastic bowls may not be as durable as other materials and can scratch easily, providing a breeding ground for bacteria. They may also contain harmful chemicals such as BPA, which can leach into the food or water. Different Types of Elevated Dog Bowls There are several different types of elevated dog bowls available on the market, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. a) Single-bowl elevated dog bowls: These types of elevated dog bowls consist of a single bowl attached to a stand or platform. They are suitable for dogs that only need one bowl for either food or water. Single-bowl elevated dog bowls are compact and take up less space compared to other types. b) Double-bowl elevated dog bowls: Double-bowl elevated dog bowls feature two bowls attached to a stand or platform. They are ideal for dogs that require separate bowls for food and water. Double-bowl elevated dog bowls are convenient and allow for easy access to both food and water in one place. c) Adjustable-height elevated dog bowls: Adjustable-height elevated dog bowls allow you to customize the height of the bowls to suit your dog's needs. They typically feature legs or stands that can be adjusted to different heights. Adjustable-height elevated dog bowls are versatile and can accommodate dogs of various sizes and breeds. How to Choose the Right Height for Your Dog's Elevated Bowl Choosing the right height for your dog's elevated bowl is crucial to ensure their comfort and well-being during mealtime. Here are some factors to consider when determining the right height: a) Dog's size: The height of the elevated bowl should be appropriate for your dog's size.
Ideally, the top of the bowl should be level with your dog's lower chest or elbow when they are standing in a natural position. This allows them to eat without having to strain their necks or bend down too much. b) Dog's breed: Different breeds have different body proportions, so it's important to take this into account when choosing the height of the elevated bowl. For example, deep-chested breeds like Great Danes may require a taller bowl compared to breeds with shorter legs like Dachshunds. c) Dog's age and health condition: Senior dogs or dogs with mobility issues may require a lower bowl height to make it easier for them to reach their food. On the other hand, puppies or dogs with long necks may benefit from a slightly higher bowl height to prevent strain on their necks. It's always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian for guidance on choosing the right height for your dog's elevated bowl. Cleaning and Maintaining Elevated Dog Bowls Proper cleaning and maintenance of elevated dog bowls are essential to ensure the health and safety of your furry friend. Here are some tips to keep in mind: a) Regular cleaning: Elevated dog bowls should be cleaned regularly to prevent bacterial growth and contamination. Wash the bowls with warm soapy water after each use, and rinse them thoroughly to remove any soap residue. It's also a good idea to sanitize the bowls periodically by soaking them in a mixture of water and vinegar or using pet-safe disinfectants. b) Avoid using harsh chemicals: When cleaning elevated dog bowls, avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that can damage the surface of the bowls. Stick to mild dish soap or pet-safe cleaning products. c) Check for wear and tear: Inspect the elevated dog bowls regularly for any signs of wear and tear. Look for cracks, chips, or scratches that can harbor bacteria or compromise the integrity of the bowls. If you notice any damage, replace the bowls immediately. d) Clean the stand or platform: Don't forget to clean the stand or platform that holds the bowls. Wipe it down with a damp cloth or sponge to remove any food particles or spills. If the stand is made of wood, make sure it is properly sealed to prevent water damage. Proper cleaning and maintenance will help ensure that your dog's elevated bowls remain clean, safe, and hygienic for every meal. Stylish Elevated Dog Bowls to Complement Your Home Decor Elevated dog bowls don't have to be an eyesore in your home. There are plenty of stylish options available on the market that can complement your home decor. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a bowl that matches your style: a) Material and finish: Consider the material and finish of the elevated dog bowl. Stainless steel bowls with a brushed or matte finish can give a sleek and modern look. Ceramic bowls with colorful patterns or designs can add a pop of color to your space. Choose a material and finish that aligns with your personal style and home decor. b) Design and shape: Look for elevated dog bowls with unique designs or shapes that stand out. There are bowls available in various shapes such as round, square, or oval. Some bowls even come in fun shapes like bones or paw prints. Choose a design and shape that reflects your personal taste and adds visual interest to your space. c) Stand or platform: Consider the design of the stand or platform that holds the bowls. Some stands feature intricate details or decorative elements that can enhance the overall aesthetic of the elevated dog bowl. Look for stands with a finish or color that complements your home decor. Remember, it's important to prioritize functionality and your dog's comfort when choosing an elevated dog bowl. Style should be secondary to ensure that your furry friend has a positive feeding experience. The Importance of Investing in Elevated Dog Bowls for Your Furry Friend's Well-being In conclusion, elevated dog bowls offer numerous benefits for your pet's health and well-being.
They promote better posture, reduce strain on joints, and improve digestion. Elevated dog bowls are particularly beneficial for large breeds and senior dogs who may have specific health issues and needs. When choosing an elevated dog bowl, consider factors such as the material used, type of bowl, and height. Proper cleaning and maintenance are essential to ensure the hygiene and safety of the bowls. Additionally, there are stylish elevated dog bowls available on the market that can complement your home decor. Investing in an elevated dog bowl is worth it for your pet's health and well-being. It can improve their overall eating experience, reduce the risk of digestive issues, and provide them with a comfortable and ergonomic feeding position. So why not give your furry friend the gift of a better mealtime experience with an elevated dog bowl? FAQs What are elevated dog bowls? Elevated dog bowls are feeding dishes that are raised off the ground, typically by a stand or platform. They are designed to make it easier for dogs to eat and drink, and can provide a number of benefits for both dogs and their owners. What are the benefits of using elevated dog bowls? Elevated dog bowls can help to improve digestion, reduce strain on a dog's neck and back, and promote better posture while eating. They can also help to keep feeding areas cleaner and more hygienic, and can be more comfortable for older dogs or those with joint problems. What types of elevated dog bowls are available? There are a variety of different types of elevated dog bowls available, including single and double bowl designs, adjustable height stands, and models with built-in storage compartments. They can be made from a range of materials, including plastic, metal, and wood. How do I choose the right size elevated dog bowl for my pet? When choosing an elevated dog bowl, it's important to consider your pet's size and breed. The bowl should be at a comfortable height for your dog to eat and drink from without having to strain their neck or back. A good rule of thumb is to choose a bowl that is roughly the same height as your dog's shoulder. Are elevated dog bowls suitable for all dogs? While elevated dog bowls can provide benefits for many dogs, they may not be suitable for all pets. Dogs with certain medical conditions, such as megaesophagus, may require a different feeding setup. It's always best to consult with your veterinarian before making any changes to your dog's feeding routine.
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easyeat · 1 year
For the general health of our pets, a proper diet and sound digestion are essential. By utilizing an elevated dog feeder, you may help your dog's digestive system in an efficient way. We'll talk about the advantages of raised dog feeders and how they may help your dog's health in this post. A raised dog feeder has several benefits, including better posture and a lower chance of stomach problems. Let's explore the subject and learn why buying an elevated dog feeder may significantly improve the digestive health of your pet.
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artisansvillage08 · 2 years
Elegant design of stainless steel bowls cat and dog feeder stand.
Cat and Dog feeder stands  for pets' health and their hygiene. It provided a dog feeder bowl,sanitary while eating and helped less food on the ground.It can be easily washed, wiped, and cleaned. Elevated dog bowls with storage have two bowls, one for food and other for water making it convenient for your pet to eat and drink.
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goldencatuae · 2 months
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When choosing kitten food in bulk, it's essential to select a product that meets the nutritional requirements of your growing cat. Look for formulas specifically formulated for kittens, as these are designed to provide the necessary balance of nutrients for healthy development. Consider factors such as protein content, essential fatty acids, and the absence of artificial preservatives or flavors.
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Cat Self-Feeder Dubai: Convenience and Peace of Mind
Maintaining a consistent feeding schedule for your cat is essential for their health and well-being. However, busy lifestyles and unpredictable schedules can make it challenging to ensure that your feline friend receives their meals on time. This is where a cat self-feeder can be a valuable investment, providing convenience and peace of mind for both pet owners and their furry companions.
What is a Cat Self-Feeder?
A cat self-feeder, also known as an automatic feeder or timed feeder, is a device designed to dispense pre-measured portions of food at scheduled intervals. These feeders can be programmed to distribute food multiple times a day, ensuring that your cat receives regular meals even when you're away from home. Some models also feature built-in timers, portion control settings, and even voice recording functions to provide added customization and convenience.
Benefits of Using a Cat Self-Feeder
1.      Consistent Feeding Schedule: Cats thrive on routine, and a self-feeder helps maintain a consistent feeding schedule, regardless of your availability. This is particularly beneficial for cats with dietary restrictions or those prone to overeating, as portion-controlled meals can help regulate their food intake.
2.      Reduced Stress: Cats can experience stress and anxiety when their feeding schedule is disrupted or when their food source is inconsistent. A self-feeder eliminates these concerns by ensuring that food is always available at the designated times, promoting a sense of security and well-being for your pet.
3.      Convenience for Pet Owners: Whether you're at work, running errands, or traveling, a cat self-feeder gives you the freedom to maintain your daily routine without worrying about feeding your cat on time. This convenience is especially beneficial for pet owners with busy schedules or multiple pets to care for.
4.      Portion Control: Overfeeding can lead to obesity and other health issues in cats. Many self-feeders allow you to customize portion sizes based on your cat's dietary needs, ensuring that they receive the right amount of food without overindulging.
5.      Prevents Food Spoilage: Leaving food out for extended periods can lead to spoilage and contamination. A self-feeder dispenses fresh portions of food at scheduled intervals, reducing the risk of food waste and ensuring that your cat always has access to high-quality nutrition.
Choosing the Right Cat Self-Feeder
When selecting a cat self-feeder, consider factors such as capacity, programmable settings, ease of cleaning, and durability. Look for models with secure lids or locking mechanisms to prevent tampering or unauthorized access. Additionally, opt for feeders that are made from durable materials and are easy to disassemble for thorough cleaning and maintenance.
In conclusion, investing in kitten food in bulk and incorporating a cat self-feeder into your pet care routine can offer numerous benefits for both you and your feline companion. By providing nutritious meals and maintaining a consistent feeding schedule, you can ensure the health, happiness, and well-being of your beloved pet for years to come.
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kanineindia · 3 months
Explore a World of Dog Accessories Online in India
At Kanine India, we understand that dogs are more than just pets—they are cherished members of our families. That's why we are dedicated to providing a comprehensive range of high-quality dog accessories that cater to every aspect of your canine companion's life. From practical essentials to stylish accents, our collection is designed to enhance comfort, safety, and enjoyment for dogs of all breeds and sizes across India.
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1. Dog Apparel
Keep your furry friend cozy and stylish with our selection of dog apparel. Whether you're looking for winter jackets, raincoats, or everyday T-shirts, our apparel ensures your dog stays comfortable and fashionable in any weather.
2. Dog Collars and Leashes
Ensure safety and control during walks with our durable dog collars and leashes. Choose from a variety of designs, including adjustable collars, reflective leashes for nighttime visibility, and trendy patterns that match your dog's personality.
3. Dog Beds and Mats
Provide your dog with a comfortable retreat with our range of dog beds and mats. From plush beds for indoor relaxation to portable mats for travel, our products offer support and warmth for restful sleep.
4. Dog Bowls and Feeders
Make mealtime enjoyable and hygienic with our dog bowls and feeders. We offer options like elevated feeders for ergonomic eating, spill-resistant bowls for messy eaters, and automatic feeders for convenience.
5. Dog Toys
Keep boredom at bay and encourage physical activity with our assortment of dog toys. Whether your dog prefers chew toys, interactive puzzles, or plush squeaky toys, we have something to entertain every playful pup.
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6. Dog Grooming Supplies
Maintain your dog's hygiene with our grooming essentials. Choose from brushes, combs, shampoos, and nail clippers designed for gentle care and easy grooming sessions at home.
7. Dog Training Aids
Support your dog training journey with our training aids. Explore options like clickers, training treats, and agility equipment that promote positive reinforcement and effective learning.
8. Dog Health and Wellness
Ensure your dog's health with our selection of health and wellness products. From flea and tick treatments to supplements and dental care items, we prioritize your dog's well-being.
9. Travel and Outdoor Gear
Prepare for adventures with our dog travel and outdoor gear. Discover dog carriers, travel bowls, harnesses, and safety accessories that make outings safe, comfortable, and enjoyable for both you and your dog.
10. Seasonal and Specialty Items
Celebrate special occasions or prepare for seasonal changes with our range of seasonal and specialty items. From festive costumes to cooling vests for summer, we have products to suit every occasion and climate.
Why Choose Kanine India for Dog Accessories?
Quality Assurance: We source our products from trusted brands known for their commitment to pet safety and comfort.
Variety and Choice: Our extensive range ensures that you can find the perfect accessories to match your dog's unique needs and preferences.
Convenience: Enjoy the convenience of shopping online with easy navigation, secure payment options, and prompt delivery across India.
Expert Support: Need assistance? Our knowledgeable team is ready to provide personalized recommendations and support to ensure your satisfaction.
At Kanine India, we believe that every dog deserves the best. Explore our comprehensive selection of dog accessories online and discover how our products can enhance your dog's life. Whether you're shopping for essentials, indulging in a special treat, or preparing for outdoor adventures, we're here to help you make every moment with your dog memorable and enjoyable. Join our community of pet lovers and experience the difference with Kanine India—where quality, variety, and care come together to enrich the lives of dogs and their owners across India.
Visit Kanine India today and start shopping for your dog's favorite accessories. For more information or assistance, contact our friendly team—we're dedicated to helping you find the perfect products for your beloved canine companion.
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nirv678dog · 4 months
#dogoftheweek #chihuahua #doglover Great Dog Products You'll Love! Feature:❤【Ideal For All Growth Stages】Adjustable Elevated Dog Bowls grow with your dog from puppy to senior. The dog bowl stand can be adjusted to 11.8-inch for large dogs, 10.2-inch for medium/large dogs, 8.6-inch for medium dogs and 3.1-inch for small dogs.❤【Reduces Strain On Joint】This raised dog feeder is great for dogs with arthritis or mobility issues. And it also helps to promote healthy digestion by providing comfortable height to access to food and water.Protect the dog's spine.❤【All-In-One More Easy To Use】Customized four heights can be achieved by only adjust the lift button. The legs can be fold placed under the feeding platform for a clutter-free space storage.❤【Anti-Slip Designe】Rubber anti-skid pads at the ends of the legs prevent the elevated dog bowls stand from moving around while eating, or spilling water while drinking.❤【High Quality And Durable】The dog feeding station adopts high-quality ABS plastic, not easy to damage, more suitable for pets; 2 bowls are made of premium stainless steel, which are super thick and it is detachable for dishwasher-safe.Why choose our Elevated adjustable stainless steel Dog feeder?Adjustable elevated dog bowls can sure grow with your dog from puppy to senior years. This food and water bowls can save you from buying multiple dog food holder. The elevation helps to keep your pet's food and water from falling on the floor because it is closer to your pet's mouth. This pet feeder station will also encourage dogs to drink more water. window.adminAccountId=2671848477; #PetBoutique #malamute #doglifeisthebestlifeever #Elevated #Dog #Feeder #Dogs #Bowls #Adjustable #Raised #Stand #Double #Stainless #Steel #Food #Water #Bowls #Small #Medium #Large #Dogs
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5dog0dog · 4 months
#doglifeisthebestlifeever #dogleashes #cockerspaniel Great Dog Products You'll Love! Feature:❤【Ideal For All Growth Stages】Adjustable Elevated Dog Bowls grow with your dog from puppy to senior. The dog bowl stand can be adjusted to 11.8-inch for large dogs, 10.2-inch for medium/large dogs, 8.6-inch for medium dogs and 3.1-inch for small dogs.❤【Reduces Strain On Joint】This raised dog feeder is great for dogs with arthritis or mobility issues. And it also helps to promote healthy digestion by providing comfortable height to access to food and water.Protect the dog's spine.❤【All-In-One More Easy To Use】Customized four heights can be achieved by only adjust the lift button. The legs can be fold placed under the feeding platform for a clutter-free space storage.❤【Anti-Slip Designe】Rubber anti-skid pads at the ends of the legs prevent the elevated dog bowls stand from moving around while eating, or spilling water while drinking.❤【High Quality And Durable】The dog feeding station adopts high-quality ABS plastic, not easy to damage, more suitable for pets; 2 bowls are made of premium stainless steel, which are super thick and it is detachable for dishwasher-safe.Why choose our Elevated adjustable stainless steel Dog feeder?Adjustable elevated dog bowls can sure grow with your dog from puppy to senior years. This food and water bowls can save you from buying multiple dog food holder. The elevation helps to keep your pet's food and water from falling on the floor because it is closer to your pet's mouth. This pet feeder station will also encourage dogs to drink more water. window.adminAccountId=2671848477; #PetBoutique #malamute #doglifeisthebestlifeever #Elevated #Dog #Feeder #Dogs #Bowls #Adjustable #Raised #Stand #Double #Stainless #Steel #Food #Water #Bowls #Small #Medium #Large #Dogs
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