#raised dog food bowl
easyeat · 1 year
Enjoy EasyEat's Best Bowls for Dogs. To provide your pet with the best meal experience possible, we painstakingly balanced aesthetics and utility in the design of this dish. The sturdy design and ergonomic form assure long-lasting usage, while the elevated design facilitates simple access to food and water. With EasyEat's outstanding dog dish, pamper your pet with the finest.
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vivwritesfics · 5 months
Jimmy is a frisky little fuck, gets the neighbour cat pregnant. But hey, that's an excuse for the neighbour cats owner to introduce her to the pretty man with the mesmerising blue eyes who also can't wait to become a cat grand parent
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Beaver had been acting incredibly strange. When her owner acquired her (literally rescued the little cat from a bin - she had been sitting in the apartment dumpster literally chewing a bit of wood, how she got her name), she had never been one to beg for food. 
In the three years she'd owned Beaver, she'd always filled up her bowl in the morning, and then Beaver would sporadically eat from it. She'd never finish the bowl before noon and then yowl for more. 
And Beaver was definitely getting fat. 
Her owner was incredibly worried.
She scheduled an appointment with the vets and then spent maybe two hours trying to coax Beaver into her cat carrier. But the cat was a wild child. If she didn't want to do something, she wasn't going to do it. 
The cat carrier idea was abandoned. "I kinda hate you," her owner muttered with little conviction as she scooped Beaver up into a blanket and left the apartment. 
It was a little awkward, carrying a cat through Monaco like it was a baby. But Beaver was pretty happy to lay in her arms, happier than she would have been in the cat carrier. 
When, at last, they got to the vets, they were the only beings in the waiting room. Thank God, the last thing she needed was a dog freaking Beaver out, or Beaver chasing somebody's pet rodent across the room. 
She couldn't stop her knee from bouncing as they waited to be called. Her eyes couldnt stop drifting across the room, to that ugly, magnified picture of a tick. When they were called (which didn't take too long, maybe everybody else's pets were thriving that day), she carried adjusted her grip on Beaver and carried her into the waiting room. 
Pregnant. Her mangy little street cat who she loved more than anything was pregnant. "Beaver, you hoe," she mumbled as they walked out of the vets office. But then she looked at Beavers swollen belly. She had kittens in there.
Who the hell was the father? Beaver hadn't left her apartment (by choice), so who had gotten her pregnant?
She didn't mean to gasp as loudly as she did. In the hall of the apartment complex, she stopped walking to look at Beaver, her eyes wide. "It's the neighbours cat, isn't it?" She asked, but Beaver didn't confirm or deny. 
But it madde sense, didn't it? The neighbours cat had a habit of breaking into her balcony to check Beaver out. It wouldn't be a surprise if he and Beaver got busy while she was at work. 
"Well," she said to Beaver as she unlocked the apartment door, "at least you've got taste." 
Yeah, the neighbours cat was pretty beautiful. A Bengal, if she knew her cat breeds (which, she barely did). And his owner wasn't bad to look at either. 
The owner that she should probably inform of what was going on. 
She placed Beaver down on the sofa, and she climbed out of the blanket. "Okay, Bea," she said, holding out her hand (so that Beaver could push her head against it). "I'm gonna go and tell your baby daddy's dad what's going on. You stay here and... try not to let any more boy cats in." 
Beaver ignored her and made her way to the bedroom. 
Standing up straight, she brushed the loose cat hairs from her jacket. She grabbed her keys from the side and made her way out of the apartment, to the one just above her own. 
As she waited outside of her cats baby daddy's owners apartment, she could hear an incredible amount of commotion from inside. Well, I say commotion, but it was one single voice, sometimes shouting. She raised her knuckles to the door and knocked. 
The shouting stopped. Their was a pause, so long that she thought he wouldn't answer, before he pulled open the door. 
Eyes so pretty she got lost in them, and quite literally forgot what she was going to say. She'd never properly met her neighbour before, just seen him when walking through the building. Her mind blanked as she continued to stare into those pretty blue eyes.
"Can I help you?" Her neighbour prompted, and she shook herself out of whatever trance he had her under. Witchcraft, I tell you. 
"Uh, yeah. Sorry to bother you but I live in the apartment beneath you with my cat, Beaver, and I think your cat might have gotten mine pregnant."
His face dropped, and then a smile split across it. "Really?" He asked, and she nodded. "Jimmy is going to be a dad?”
"If Jimmy is the pretty little Bengal that Beaver is obsessed with, then yeah, Jimmy is gonna be a dad," she answered, shifting her weight from foot to foot.
Suddenly he was reaching into his apartment and grabbing a set of keys. "Can I come meet the momma?" He asked, his voice so excited. How could she say no to that?
On the short journey form his apartment to her own, they introduced themselves. Max was Jimmy's dad, and he was a car mechanic (okay this girl clearly didn't know who Max was, and he didn't want to come out with the whole F1 driver thing. So he took a leaf out of Daniels book and called himself a car mechanic).
(She thought it was a little weird, how did a car mechanic afford a luxury apartment in Monaco? Maybe he was a car mechanic to the stars or something).
"Why is she called Beaver?" Asked Max as she pushed her key into the lock on her apartment door.
She didn't judge him for asking, it was an incredibly strange name for a cat. "Well, when I found her she was chewing this bit of wood and she looked sort of like a mangy little beaver. Turns out she was just a mangy little cat," she said and let Max in.
They might have been in the same building, but her apartment was much smaller than his own. A lot more full, too. Where Max had little else beside his set up in his living room, she had so much stuff. A fluffy colourful rug, a sofa big enough for a whole group of people, a cabinet full of DVDs.
"The little miss is probably in my bedroom," she muttered as she kicked off her shoes. "I'll go and get her."
Max kicked off his own shoes. He took a moment to look around properly, careful not to invade her privacy.
She emerged just a few moments later from a little way down the hall, a little black and white cat in her arms. "This is Beaver," she said, holding the purring kitten towards him.
"Hi Beaver," said Max as he took her from her hands. "I'm Max, Jimmy's dad. You're gonna make me the happiest cat grandpa out there."
Beaver pushed her head against Max's, still purring. "She likes you," said her owner as she sat on the couch.
"They're gonna have the prettiest babies," Max said as he sat beside her, Beaver happily sitting in his lap. As carefully as he could, Max fished his phone out of his pocket and passed it to her. "Give me your number, just in case you guys need anything."
But it wasn't just in case they needed anything. After Max went back to his apartment, they texted almost constantly. It started off being about the cats, but then it went further (I say further, but it was just them sending each other memes, giggling from behind their phone screens as they laid in their respective beds).
Max invited her out for dinner maybe a week before the kittens were born. It wasn't anything fancy; he was just craving something unhealthy and he wanted some company.
And then the kittens were born. As Beaver hid herself away in her closet, she pressed her phone to her ear. "C'mon Max, pick the fuck up" she whispered as she sat on her bed.
She was panicking, admittedly. But who could blame her? Her cat was about to give birth!
Max finally picked up his phone. "Hey, I'm at the pet store. What sort of bed should we get for momma and babies?" He asked, sounding all too relaxed.
"Shut the fuck up and get your ass over here!" She cried. "The babies are coming!"
Max ran out of the pet store. He'd never moved so quick in his life (not with his own two legs, at least). In ten minutes flat he was outside of her apartment door, knocking insistently.
Max was just as stressed as she was. But, upon seeing the look on her face, Max let the stress drop. "She'll be okay," he said, pulling her close for just a moment. For a moment was all they had; they had to get to Beaver.
He took charge, sitting her on the bed with a glass of water. The two of them waited while Beaver gave birth. There wasn't much more they could do. Once the kittens were born, Max brought in towels and blankets. He kept a nice distance to her while he set up a lovely warm bed for her and the kittens.
"They're beautiful," he said, not daring to pick them up. "Should we bring Jimmy down here to meet them?"
She shook her head. "Not yet. Let momma and babies rest," she said, laying her head on Max's shoulder.
He squeezed her. "We're gonna be the best cat grandparents," he said. When she held up her hand, Max gave her a high five.
"Can the grandpa take the grandma out for dinner? Is that something a new cat grandparent would enjoy?" He asked, looking down at her with her head still on his shoulder.
She hadn't yet taken her eyes away from the kitten. "Real dinner? Or you just want company?"
"Real dinner, date dinner."
"Love it."
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live-love-be-unique · 5 months
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A little Gaz x reader blurb I thought of based on this pic
Rocky, Ro-Ro, Peanut, Sweet Boy, Baby.
You called that bloody dog every single name except for it’s actual name.
Gaz had brought Roscoe home for you as a gift. A beautiful Doberman puppy that he could train to watch over you while he was on missions. That hadn’t worked out though, the only commands that dog ended up learning were “walkies” and “treat” and the only thing that Roscoe was protecting was his food bowl.
But, you loved him. The way your eyes had lit up when he had brought home the small puppy and instantly bounding across the room to coo at the puppy and place kisses over Gaz’s face almost made up for the way Gaz swore you loved that dog more than him. Almost.
Gaz’s phone rang out during a briefing. Quickly silencing it, he glanced sheepishly over at Price. The ding of a message sounded soon after and Gaz’s heart dropped.
“There’s someone in the house”
He raced home, vaguely remembering offering Price and the team a hasty explanation for his departure as his car skidded along your street.
The door had been kicked off the hinges and the place had been ransacked. Gaz drew his gun, years of military training activated instantly, this was a mission. The most important of his life.
He found you, huddled in the small ensuite, Roscoe standing guard, hackles raised, teeth bared and snarling at the door. Your sweet baby Rocky was ready to lunge at the intruder, to tear them apart.
Rosco recognised Gaz and happily trotted over to him, his way of saying “I protected my mama” that dog definitely deserved a bloody steak for his dinner tonight. But Gaz still drew the line at calling him any of the baby names you called him.
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artisansvillage08 · 2 years
Are you looking to choose your pet dog food stand with storage?
What the individual needs of your pet dog depend on the best type of dog bowl with storage. If your Dog needs extra height to eat, an elevated dog feeder may be the best option. A raised dog bowls with storage may be the best option if your Dog eats or drinks a lot. Ultimately, the best way to choose suitably elevated dog bowls with storage for your pet is to consult a veterinarian or pet care professional to find the best option to meet your pet’s needs.
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babyleostuff · 3 months
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✩ THEME: fluff, attempt at humour + a bit of angst mainly due to jungkook being away in the military ✩ PAIRING: idol!jungkook x fem!reader ✩ WORD COUNT: 871
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“bam!” you yelled out, “stop scratching the door and come for dinner, baby!” 
it was weird to say the least. usually, all you had to do was to pass by the food bowls for bam to be on high alert and ready to be served lunch, tail wagging and ears pointy, but now… he was nowhere near as interested in the 99% meat protein boosters mixed with the whole grain chicken clusters (jungkook loved buying bam all of the funky and fancy food) as he was in the entrance door. 
you sighed, as you heard another scratch. “bam,” you said for the twentieth time in the last five minutes, “dinner is ready,” you crouched down, and placed his bowls on the feeder stand. “if you don’t eat it, i will,” you muttered under your nose, and lowered your head to rest it on your lap. 
these were the moments when you missed jungkook the most. 
as if bam could sense the sudden shift in your mood, he slowly padded over to where you were crouching, his nails tapping against the wooden floors, and nudged you with his snout. “finally changed your mind, hm?” you giggled, scratching your big baby behind his ears. almost as if he could understand your words, he nodded his head excitedly, nearly knocking one of the bowls over. 
“okay big boy, let’s calm down and eat.” 
but before bam could even get a sniff of his food, a quiet, yet very familiar sound drew your attention back to the entrance door. the doberman didn’t waste a second and started barking like crazy, which did not help your paranoia that something was off. jungkook made sure that bam underwent all the necessary training to avoid situations like this one, and never since you’ve met bam had he acted so chaotic and unlike himself. besides, you couldn’t open the door to your apartment with the code anymore since the touchpad was broken, and the only people with keys were you and your boyfriend. 
and jungkook was far away from here, so… 
technically bam could protect you and jungkook in case of a break-in, but you didn’t want to be left without a weapon, so you grabbed the nearest candlestick so you could stab the intruder with a half burned candle. 
“bam, come here,” you whispered, your heart pounding in your chest. 
you managed to grab him by his collar just as the intruder slowly opened the door, so much so that you could take a peek at one of the black military boots that was… oddly familiar. then the person threw a large backpack inside. that’s probably where he’d pack all the things he planned on stealing from your home. mhm, over my dead body. the only thing you were ready to give away were jungkook’s underwear - they took way too much space in the closet. 
you held onto bam a bit tighter as the intruder grunted, and threw inside another duffel bag. wow, so this was a big heist. 
“don’t move!” you shouted out, and raised your hand with the candlestick. “i’m armed and i have a doberman, so if i were you i’d find another place to rob.” 
but before you could unleash the beast in the form of a scaredy-cat doberman though, you heard a giggle. and not any giggle. 
it was the giggle you fell in love with after hearing it for the first time. it belonged to you best friend, to your one and only love, to your comfort person that you’d look out for in any crowd. 
but it was impossible because he wasn't supposed to be home for the next month.
the intruder pushed the door so you could finally take a proper look at the person who was about to rob you. expect for- “hi, baby,” jungkook smiled, and crooked his head in amusement taking in your form. 
with a candlestick in your hand, and crouched over the dog holding onto him for dear life, jungkook couldn’t think of a better welcome back home. “it’s good to know the apartment is safe in your arms,” he laughed, as the realisation hit you. 
he was there. jungkook was standing right in front of you. 
you dropped your makeshift weapon and squealed, quickly making your way over to your boyfriend. “what? why?” you breathed, and threw your hands around his shoulders, that seemed even wider now. as much as you hated being away from him, god - he looked hot as fuck in the uniform. “what are you doing here?” you finally managed to ask. 
jungkook circled one of his strong arms around your waist, keeping your feet off the ground, and cupped your cheek with his other hand, stroking it gently. “you’re really here, aren’t you?” you slowly pulled the cap off his head to get a better look at him, and ran your hair through the short, black strands that were sticking in all different directions. the scar on his cheek, the mole under his lips, the doe eyes.
“i am,” he smiled. jungkook didn’t have to say how much he had missed you - you could see it all in his eyes, and that meant more than a thousand words.
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ch6sos · 4 months
✧.* nanami headcanons <3
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He hums/sings while showering and feels embarrassed when confronted about it.
When someone he enjoys talking to speaks to him, he usually appears serious, but his expression is always unreadable. The expression conveys pure fondness for the person!! He enjoys hearing them ramble about their day, their lives, etc. He gives them a warm look.
Definitely a listener more than a rambler. He listens to people all the time, and remembers the small details about them. He tends to bring them up sometimes, which surprises the other person. But, he is extremely attentive to detail and loves getting to know people.
You know how in Korean dramas, the male lead is always a jack of all trades or something? Nanami is exactly that guy. Need assistance with your plumbing? He is there. Do you need to fix a lightbulb? He is there. Need help building a house? He is there.
He plays an instrument. He would play either the piano, violin, or flute.
He definitely enjoys watching movies in his spare time. When he is not doing anything, he enjoys watching movies. If he existed in the modern world, he would for sure have a Letterboxd account.
In a Modern AU, Nanami would undoubtedly be an English/History major. I do not care what anyone says. Maybe philosophy or business. But he would be one of those fine humanities majors you notice and immediately fall for.
Books are his specialty. He probably has several places where he goes to relax and read a book he recently purchased.
Speaking of books, if he gets a partner, he will read to them. He would cuddle them in bed, holding them in his arms while he read silently to them, pressing his lips against their ear, the soft, deep tone of his voice sounding like a musical masterpiece in their ear.
Pottery!! He enjoys pottery so much. He probably went to a pottery event/class when he was bored (he failed, the bowl looked like a deformed apple) but he really enjoyed the process. He definitely began to watch more videos on pottery and probably got himself a pottery wheel.
He is definitely an animal lover. he doesn't look like it, but he loves, LOVES, LOVES animals. If he sees a dog, his heart flutters but he doesn't touch it just in case. But, he's an animal attractor of course. The dogs are all over him at the dog park, and he smiles a little while petting them.
Speaking of animals, he probably has a cat. The cat is named after a food for sure. It is most definitely a type of bread or sandwich or a nut. For example, Pistachio or Baguette.
Super gentle with children. He genuinely enjoys being around them. Ask him about having children He will Be On Board.
HE WOULD NOT BE MEAN. The amount of people I have seen mischaracterize him by making him mean just because he's serious. No. He is just introverted and serious and needs to be comfortable around a person.
During relationships, he genuinely enjoys checking in on the person he is dating. He is always there for them, comforting, cherishing, and listening. He tries to get off work as soon as possible so that he can spend time with his significant other.
If he is shown too much affection, he does not snap or become angry with the person. He just blushes. He just lets out a soft "hm" and pretends to be serious, but his heart is racing, and his cheeks, ears, and neck indicate otherwise. He also gives them a slightly surprised look that quickly turns to his stoic look.
He definitely bought baby shoes at a store just because he thought they were so cute. Mans just wants a baby.
He would be both a girl and a boy dad. I do not care what anyone says; he loves both. If he has a son, he will do everything in his power to raise him as a gentleman while also showing him a lot of love and affection. If he has a daughter, he will be so gentle with her while also raising her to be a sophisticated, strong young woman.
Genuinely would be the grandpa of the friend group. Come on. Just look at him.
As a teenager, he probably would do the emo hair flip thing because his fringe kept getting onto his eye. Gojo probably laughed his ass off.
Secretly really touch-starved. People think he is not affectionate, but he is, just not in public. He would most likely grab his significant other while they were doing something and attack them with kisses. He probably likes being a little spoon sometimes even though he looks like an old man. He is clingy, okay? But not overly clingy. Sometimes he needs his own space.
Loves kissing their partner's beauty moles. The ones under their nose, the ones on their ear, the ones on scattered around their face, the ones in other areas... Wherever they are located, he will kiss them.
Sometimes he needs to be reassured. He needs to know if he is doing okay, if he is treating a person well. It looks like he does not need it, but he genuinely sometimes gets insecure about how others perceive him or how well he treats them. He worries about hurting someone's feelings.
Loves to try and hype up his partner with extreme amount of compliments. He is truly the number one simp and hype man.
I am a strong advocate for the fact that Nanami loves people of color. Like he will date a person of color. I don't CARE. I am Afro-Latina let me have my headcanon in peace : (
Once again. He is NOT mean. He will not yell. If he is angry, he is calm. He does not yell and if he does it is extremely rare. But he would never in his life yell at his partner or children if he has any. The only way he shows disappointment is by staying calm.
Speaking of being angry, he is not the type to show silent treatment. He would much rather talk rather than give a cold shoulder. He is a grown man. He knows how to communicate, people.
Old-fashioned nicknames. That is all. My love. Darling. Sweetheart.
He is probably fluent in several languages. I understand he is overly perfect, but he is perfect in my eyes. He probably takes the time to learn languages so that people feel included. Plus, he genuinely enjoys learning about different cultures.
Owned a bakery or worked as a chef at some point in his life. Maybe even a barista.
Helps old ladies cross the street, assists people with heavy bags, is courteous to his neighbors, and is the grandson of every old neighbor ever.
Probably is the type of guy to sit down on the couch and not try at Just Dance, and ends up winning.
Despite being serious, he would genuinely be bad at the game Among Us. This is so random but hear me out.
Favorite ice cream flavor is probably coffee or pistachio. Maybe even basic vanilla. He is not a big fan anyway.
Jazz music, classical music, old music is his speciality. In high school during his emo hair era he more so listened to 90s rock/punk rock.
His most used app(s) on his Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra is WhatsApp and Candy Crush.
Definitely has a whole closet of clothing and browses through them every night to see what suit he wants to wear for the next day.
When he shops or gets food, he goes to local family owned shops. He does not go to Starbucks for his coffee. He goes to the local family owned coffee shop.
Dry texter but if he gets a partner who is not a dry texter, he genuinely begins to pick up their habits. If they type with emojis he begins using emojis. I apologize but he'd unironically use the laughing crying emoji. "Haha! 😂". Okay but genuinely, he would actually keyboard slam at some point. He sends them a photo, they go like "jshekehdkehdjdlsjdl" and one time they did the same thing and he was like:
"....Kshskshdjxbsnab." You know?
He is low key sassy. He was affected by sassy man apocalypse. He hides it in that serious exterior of his but he gives the biggest side eyes sometimes, crosses his legs too.
Snores like a dad. Bro was probably recorded by Haibara while he was in the dorms and bro was snoring like a regular ol dad. Drooling too. What a silly guy.
Overall, the best man ever. He is the man ever and that is why he is not real. Unfortunately.
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forever angel <33
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gh0stlyfixation · 2 years
Five reasons you’ve cried while pregnant
Simon Riley addition
John Price addition
Johnny “Soap” Mctavish
1. It was just the beginning, three months of being pregnant, and Simon wasn’t prepared for the roller coaster of emotions.
“Honey! What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Simon asked, in a panic.
This was the first time you’d been so emotional and you were too embarrassed to tell him what was wrong. “Nothing, it’s stupid.” You say staring at your sweet dog. Simon looks over at Biscuit who is happily wagging his tail, he’s confused, “Biscuit is just having such a great day! Look at him wag his tail!” You cry even harder while you pet him. Simon knew it would be a long few months after that.
2. Month five is when your cravings started, and you ate everything in sight that looked appealing. Simon had just made a casserole and you were already two bowls deep. He sees you frown as you finish the second bowl, “what, love?” He asks you, tears now rolling down your cheeks.
“I just ate two bowls, and I’m still hungry. I’m going to be so fat.” You sobbed. Simon gets up to grab you another bowl as you sob. He sighs and hands it to you as you still cry, “thank you,” you sniffled.
3. Simon and you were on your way to your 6-month check. The radio played quietly as you talked to him about your plans for the day. All of a sudden you stop talking as the tears start up, Simon sighs, “what’s wrong love?”
“I love this song,” you say quietly as tears fall.
4. Simon lays in bed next to you just returning from a short but tiring mission. All he wanted was some sleep. You follow him to bed, also wanting a nap but he fell asleep quickly leaving you to your thoughts alone. Felt lonely again.
Simon never sleeps deeply so he wakes to your quiet sniffling next to him and opens his eyes to see you staring at him. He raises an eyebrow waiting for an explanation, “you fell asleep before me so I got lonely.” You tell him cuddling closer to him
5. You stood at the pet store looking for Biscuits dog food when you suddenly got distracted by the adoption center, they had so many cats ready to be adopted but you saw one, she was blind in one eye and she was young.
You could feel your tears start to slip when you pulled out your phone, Simon answers immediately while still in his meeting, “what’s wrong sweetheart?” He asks, in a panic while he leaves the meeting room.
“I’m sorry to interrupt your meeting.” You cry, Simon knows it’s your hormonal breakdown by the way you whimpered.
“It’s okay love,” he says as he looks into the room full of his teams who all stare at him waiting to see if things are okay.
“I was at the pet store and I saw this kitty. She’s blind in one eye and she’s so little and sad and I want her.” You cry quietly.
Simon sighs into the phone, “One. Get one cat. We don’t run a zoo.” He says making his teammates chuckle. They quickly silence themselves when Simon shoots them a glare.
He hears you squeal in excitement making him smile under his mask, “thank you!” You say hanging up.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 4 months
fully convinced that this is what jj acts like when he’s older and has his own dog.
In case you can’t tell I love jj with a dog.
ʚ‎‏ ͜ ̩͙ ︵ ̩͙ ୨ ♡ ୧ ̩͙ ‏︵ ̩͙ ͜ ɞ
“Jj,” You called out his name, he came back inside with furrowed brows. He was mowing the lawn, and you were cleaning up the inside.
“Yeah?” He asked you, wiping the sweat from his forehead with the heel of his hand, you admired him for a moment before speaking again.
“Did you feed Mags?”
“Not yet, nah.” He shook his head, his blonde waves bouncing as he did so.
“Can you?” You raised an eyebrow. He didn’t protest, just nodded, already going into the kitchen and getting some food for her as you continued to scrub the table.
It was all so domestic- he loved it.
He grabbed the bowl, going outside and seeing his dog. She barked, wagging her tail happily.
“Hi, baby!” He said, matching her happiness. He rubbed the back of her ears with his free hand, smile spreading across his face. “Alright, daddy’s gonna feed you.” He spoke when she put his paws on his legs, panting at him, putting the bowl down.
“Oh, you are just the cutest little girl ever. Yes you are, yea you are.” He baby-talked her, you standing at the doorway with a smile, watching the scene. He began scratching behind her ear one more time before turning around.
“What? A man can’t love his dog?” He asked when he saw you, holding his hands up in mock defense.
“No. You’re so cute.”
“Nah. I’m not cute.”
“Mhm. Keep telling yourself that.”
“Whatever.” He rolled his eyes, smile still on his face.
“Love you too.” You told him, going back inside and blowing him a kiss.
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easyeat · 1 year
For the general health of our pets, a proper diet and sound digestion are essential. By utilizing an elevated dog feeder, you may help your dog's digestive system in an efficient way. We'll talk about the advantages of raised dog feeders and how they may help your dog's health in this post. A raised dog feeder has several benefits, including better posture and a lower chance of stomach problems. Let's explore the subject and learn why buying an elevated dog feeder may significantly improve the digestive health of your pet.
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Yandere Alphabet: Ren Hana
I just love that dude, mkay! He has me heart and soul! This is specifically BtD2 Ren, so yeah. Favourite route of that game! This got quite long, it´s around 6k because I thought I would try something else for this, and I´m actually quite happy how it turned out! Hilariously enough I started to write this, around January 2023 and just finished it (April 2024).
I´ll hope you will like it too, because it was already one of my favourite things to reread every once in a while! Have fun!
Ren Hana
He is insane. He hates you. He loves you. He lives only for you. He would kill you in a heartbeat. Full of contradictions he tends to be a rather mercurial character. You are the first one to know that. Did you maybe, just like me, hunt down every last line of dialogue, every last image in his route. He hides away from sight, and only catches you when he is sure, that he will be able to.
„Let´s be perfectly clear, shall we. The fox is not a little orange puppy dog with doe eyes and a waggly tail. It´s a disease-ridden wolf with the morals of a psychopath and the teeth of a great white shark.“ ~ Jeremy Clarkson
For he was truly raised, tortured and formed by a psychopath. By a sadist without any morals. And on you, this little fox will discover his sharp claws and great teeth once more.
„Beware the fox that makes the ravens fly“
Run little one, run. For you will be his prey.
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
When Ren gets it into his head to shower you with affection, it can get quite uncomfortable rather quickly, as he tends to ignore any personal boundaries you ever tried to communicate. He is intense in the way his eyes track you, and in those moments you wonder how you could ever miss the way. that he is a clear predator. And in the next moment he pounces on you with a sweet giggle to simply share his warmth with you. Sometimes when you´re eating, his body is pressed close to yours, with no way left for you, so that you could escape from him. He will hold food up to your mouth, expecting you to take it. His eyes just daring you to refuse him, and with the way his other hand plays with something in his pocket, the threat is clear. Other days he will hand you something, and only give you a small moment to appreciate his gift, before he will pounce on you, nearly bowling you ever, and only his hands behind your head saving you from a concussion, as he demands his reward. Cuddling you on the floor, as he lowly purrs into your ear, his tail wrapping around your waist.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
On some days you will come to the painful realization, that Ren is more animal, than human. Those are definitely the days, he comes back home with blood still splattered all over his face, and the sound of something being dragged in behind him. It´s those days, when he calls for you to come with a playful uncanny trill in his voice, that makes listening to it so unpleasant. It´s those days, when he rips the still bleeding, still warm corpse apart in front of you. Sometimes off-handedly offering you a piece of flesh he just tore out of what had been a living breathing person moments before. On other days you will realize, that while he is clearly brutal, he holds you dear. At least, it´s what you need to believe, when he violently goes for the throat of that guy who tried to touch you when you refused, and then thought you would be more agreeable when he shakes you around. It´s what you whisper in the sudden quiet in your mind, when Ren comes to you. Blood dripping of his fangs and claws, and tenderly holds onto your bruised wrist. He is cooing at you, and the rapidly cooling body behind him, stares at you with unseeing eyes. You try to desperately believe what you tell yourself, as Ren carefully leads you away, humming slightly to calm you back down. It´s what you need to do, because you thought you saw accusations swimming in those dead eyes.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Ren does crave your love and your companionship more than anything else. So, in order to achieve that, he will try to be kind to you, after all that could help him earn what he wants. Right? He will be kind and accommodating, and his reward will be you. Though, when he realizes, that you still reject him, he won´t hesitate to be cruel to you in return. If you´re throwing everything, that he gave you simply away, well then he doesn´t need to give it to you in the first place. In the end your companionship can simply be achieved through obedience as well, no? When it comes down to it, he will mirror you. Throw back at you what you show him first. If you are kind, he will be as well. If you are cruel, he will be cruel. An almost perfect mirror, that will throw your own attitude back at you, but so much more dangerous than you could ever be.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Ren will force his need of skinship onto you, if you want to or not. The one time, that you struggled as if trying to free yourself, you stopped out of self-preservation when his grip grew tighter and tighter, making it hard to breathe for you. Sometimes he will come to you, to simply hold your face, gently tracing it´s shape, his claws nothing but a whisper on your skin. These are the things you could tolerate. The ones you can´t are when he shushes you, more growl than calming purr, when he pulls you down the stairs towards the basement. The smell of blood, already coming over you, and you already know what will await you. You don´t kick or scream, only sob quietly, hoping that you will not make him angry. His next shush comes with him, wiping away your tears. But you shiver in fright and disgust, when you see how he licks his hand clean afterwards. Chasing the taste of your tears on his fingers. Though, this is still the lesser evil, than the dead man walking, that will await you down there.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
It would annoy you how much he talks with you, if he wasn´t the only one breaking the silence. And as long as he is chatty, he isn´t brooding either. He will talk about the most inconsequential things, throwing in stuff every once in a while that is so heartfelt, that it becomes jarring to you. You would hate how open he is with you, as if you aren´t a prisoner of his. You would maybe even react, if you didn´t knew, that he is still trying to gauge how much he can trust you with. And every time, he decides to trust you, you have to believe that this is a good thing. For your own sanity. Though you hate one specific time with a burning passion. It´s when he pulls you towards the couch, and pushes you into the pillows he already laid out. When he then stands up, to push a self-titeled disk, the ink already worn away in places, into the player. When he comes back to cuddle you, as you watch with horror living in your ribcage, how a man you never saw, but instinctively put at fault for your situation, ripping into another being with glee. When he whispers softly, about those day, when the body in the cooler, was still a man, and of all the things he did, as Ren watches you. When you wish he would just shut it all of, and he would be the only thing again, that is breaking the silence.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
The moment you try to use force against him, is also the moment you already lost. There is nothing left of the boy you knew, as the gentle cooing that haunts you in your nightmares, turns into a vicious growl, that is more fitting to belong there. You hit the ground hard, and your vision swims for a moment, till the growling suddenly become muffled. It takes a moment to pull yourself back to consciousness, and for you notice the claws sinking deeper into your shoulders, and the sharp pain, that comes from your neck, which gets so much worse, when Ren pulls back again. Blood dripping from his mouth onto your face, he gnashes his teeth at you. You don´t even scream, still numb from it all, when he pulls you down those dreaded stairs, to a place you never wish to set foot in, and yet visit time and time again. You know he will show how „kind“ he has been the whole time. He will hurt you like in those movies. But the only thing going through your mind, is the image of the pleasure he seemed to feel, when he licked your blood from his lips. Then you remember the heartless corpse downstairs. You scream.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Ren bristles when you ask him that. He can feel how his tail bushes up, and curls around you without him consciously willing it to happen. His teeth gnash together, as he squints at you. He only stops the growl that already started up somewhere deep in his chest, when he sees you flinch away from him. He huffs instead at you, and lets himself fall relaxed back onto you. He waits patiently for you to go back to carding your fingers through his hair as you had done, before asking this, quite frankly, offensive and stupid question, before he starts purring again. He doesn´t know who he is trying to calm down at this point. He wonders, if he has forgotten to show you how much he loves and adores you. His sweet, precious thing, that stays with him, that listens to him. You, who keeps that damn ghost, that still haunts him every day away. He wonders if he should tell you, that he wants you to stay with him for forever and ever and ever. Though, that might frighten you. So he simply nuzzles you, as he purrs softly, ignoring how you flinch away from him with practice.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
You were careful. And o how careful you had to be, to not accidentally set him off. But you wanted him so badly to realize, that this was not how a relationship worked. He had mentioned time and time again, and yet you couldn´t quite believe it. And when you asked – gentle, careful, don´t anger him – he had looked at you funny, before grinning. A sly smirk, that reminded you rather suddenly, that you weren´t talking to a human. As if the ears and tails hadn´t clued you in. Though, this didn´t feel like the grin of a fox, more like a hungry wolf, as he contemplated out loud, that he was behaving rather strangely, at least to his kinds standards. After all, he was being patient and accommodating to your own behaviour till now, though, he could change if you wanted to. You shook your head, and instead thanked him. You knew he hadn´t lied.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He whispers his vision to you in the death of the night. His quiet voice, soothing were it only makes you so afraid. He paints a picture, that makes him sink deeper into the cushions, makes him feel safe and content, while you can do nothing but watch in horror. If you were just a bit more like him, you would be sure, that your hair would be standing upright with the terror chasing down your spine. Though, what he describes isn´t so far off, what he already has with you. Have you grown this complacent, to simply give in to his every wish? He wants to lay down with you, in the sun spots inside the house, side by side, curled around each other. And your hand just burrows deeper in his hair, careful to only scratch and not pull. His vision, is already your reality.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He knows that there is nothing for him to get jealous over. Where would you go? Who would you be able to turn to? If you ran, would you ever be able to run far enough? Or would he catch up to you before you knew it? He knows the answer to these questions. And they will never worry him, as much as you seem to worry about them. He knew he won. It´s once more proven to him, when he finds you kneeling by the door. Tears running down your face, spit slowly dabbling from your chin. Now and then a small jerk going through your body. Your eyes look vacant, as he walks past and opens the door for you. His victory only becomes more certain, when you turn away from the light, the breeze, with an anguished cry. What does he need to be jealous of?
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
His behaviour tends to closely mirror your own. He doesn´t seem to be aware of it most of time. At other points, it seems more than intentional. He repeats phrases, that you have said. His speech patterns begin to more closely resemble your own, the more time you spent with each other. Or do yours resemble his? It seems, that the two of you bleed more and more into the other, as time passed. Over time though, while you grew more and more subdued. He became louder. Where you grew into something, that cowers away. He became something, that would be impossible to miss. He mirrors you, but he plays into every extreme there is. Your melancholy becomes something loud and heart wrenching. Your happiness wraps into demented glee and shrieks of joy. Your gentle affection on his face turns into a punishing grip. Ren clings to you. He knows, that he is adapting to your personality, though where this might frighten you, it only brings him joy. He always knew, that you were the perfect fit for him. His perfect other half, and now he only got to prove it. He won´t let you go. Oh no. He never will. And why should he? With all the work he put in, to be your counterpart? He will cling to you till the end of time.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
You were bored, when he approached you. His soft voice nearly scared you half to death, when he started to talk to you. You hadn´t even heard him coming close. There was a sharp wit lacing his every word, as he waved your anxiousness away with a quiet humour twisting around his mouth. You and him talked nearly for the whole night. You were no longer bored. Drink after drink gets shared between the two of you, as dawn slowly comes around. You don´t even notice, when they start to taste funny. Maybe you simply drank too much? Your sudden tiredness is blamed on the late hour, and even when it feels like you can´t keep your eyes open any more and his smile is so full of sharp teeth. Maybe your fear was reasonable. Maybe you should have listened to that first instinctual response of absolute terror, when you noticed at first. These thoughts run slowly and languid through your mind, as he hoists you up over his shoulder, and simply walks out. No one stops him.
Mask: Are their true colours drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
There is a quiet confidence, you observe, that seems to find him in the strangest moments. His mood is quick to change. Laughter can turn into angry screams, faster than you can keep up with it most of the time. It´s no secret to you, that Ren is unstable. It´s also pretty obvious to you, that he is aware of that fact as well. Whenever he actually decides to take you outside, Good behaviour need to be rewarded dear, he has to concentrate. He can´t be too domineering over you, and so he falls back into patterns, that make him seem shy and unassuming. He knows, where those habits formed, and while he wouldn´t thank Strade for them, he still finds them useful for this. He knew what a charmer Strade was, just as he is now as well. A good trait to have, if one is like him. So he puts on the mask, that helps him to navigate the outside easily. Voice timid and shy. Never taking up more space, than he needs to. He basically vanishes into the background. It´s easy for him to watch every little move that you make. After all, you also tend to forget that he is here, whenever he gets like this.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
You don´t even know why he suddenly slams into you. Tearing you down to the ground with him. He is hovering above you, lips pulled back into a cruel snarl. Teeth gnashing and spit slowly dripping from the corners of his mouth. Right now he resembles more than ever, the violent and feral animal, that he always pretends not to be. There is the clinking of chains, as your breath only comes shortly. His teeth violently snap shut just inches from your face. When he speaks, a melodious hum, you can barely understand him, but the little you do frightens you. It freezes the blood in your veins, as you try to shake your head at him. Tears are already rolling down your face. He pats your face, then your head. His grip on the chain wrapped like a collar around your throat not loosening. He chuckles out But what a pretty star you would make. It would surely be my new favourite film. You can only cry harder, as you think of the man in cellar. You try to plead and beg with him, as he yanks you down the stairs. Your limbs kicking out in every direction, as you pull at the chain and try to stop him. The wooden steps bruise your back, and his laugh rings in your ears. When you swipe at him accidentally instead of the chain, his laughter stops. He doesn´t pay your terrified shrieking any mind, as he fished a little button from his pants pocket and presses down. You don´t really move, when he pulls at the leash again. Drool and spit slowly dribbling from your mouth, as fine tremors run through your body. You don´t even know what brought this on.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
You wake up with a groan. You definitely drank too much last night. Your head pounds, and every little movement you make makes you wince. When you finally open your eyes, you don´t recognize the room. Carefully lifting the blanket you realize that you are only half-dressed. You can´t even remember how you got here. It takes you stumbling around the room, ripping open the curtains and seeing your reflection in the barred up windows to realize that there is something on your neck. It´s bulky and heavy, and no matter how much you fiddle with it, you can´t get it off. When the door suddenly opens, you nearly scream. The boy, red hair and kind of small, seems vaguely familiar to you, lets out a surprised yelp. His smile seems kind, but when he notices you still fiddling with the collar, his expression grows dark. It´s a low Stop that! that gives you a momentarily pause, before you ignore it. The next thing you know is pain. The boy holding a remote, as he comes to a stop standing over you. He crouches down next to you, a small smile playing around his lips, as he watches you drool and shake. There is a worried crease between his eyebrow, that you can´t help but feel like it´s fake. He pats your head, with a smile, as he licks his too sharp teeth. O this is gonna be fun. I love you so much my dear!
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
You looked at his hand, as if he would bite it off, when you took it. Come here, he crooned, curling his fingers in slowly. His patience was slowly running thin. You couldn´t see it from your position, but he had started to fiddle with the remote of your shock collar. He was contemplating to just shock you into complying with his simple request, but something about the way you looked at him – shaking, scared – stopped him. His patience was rewarded when you finally reached out for him, curling your fingers around his as he helped you up from the floor. He nuzzled close into your neck, and patted your hair. Good job, darling! So good for me~, he couldn´t help a little moan slipping out with the words. He led the way to the basement door, and opened it. Walking down the steps first, he sighed as he heard how your footsteps had stopped. With just one glance over his shoulder, he knew that this time you wouldn´t come that easy. It wasn´t fear and hesitance – both very under stable to him – that stopped you this time, but stubbornness. Without even hesitating, he pressed the button on his remote. Keeping it pushed down, only giving you short breaks to let you catch your breath, he grapped you by your shirt to drag your convulsing body down the stairs with him. Dropping you down at the pole, he leaned in close If I want something, you do it!, with that he tapped you on the nose, before standing up again.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
You better hope and pray, that something else will kill you before he gets his hands on you. He stares down at the broken collar, then at his open front door. The laughter, that escapes him at this moment is strained. With a deep breath, he already knows where you went, and moves to follow you. The hunt is on. It was hard to get him to this point in your conversation, but maybe you actually got through to him. He looks at you with wet and wide eyes, before he suddenly sobs. Collapsing into your open arms, he burrows close to you. You try not to flinch, as his hands suddenly snake around your throat, but the click you hear, stuns you. We will meet each other again, right? Do this the right way again?, he asks as he gently puts the collar to the side. You can´t help yourself but to whisper a Of course! against his twitching ears. Blood covers his hands, his chest. He can feel how it already started to dry on his face, flaking off. This wasn´t supposed to happen. He didn´t intend to do this! Carefully, he pushed his hands beneath your body, to lift you up. He stumbles down the steps to the basement. It´s a bit of a fumble to get the lid open, but he finally manages it, as he lays you next to Strade. Huh. That looks almost cute. Flexing his claws, he tears open your chest cavity, and rips out your heart. As he bites into it, he gently closes your eyes, only to slide down to the floor and lean his back against the freezer. He starts to talk to you both. When he is finished, he will close the lid, and maybe watch a movie. Doesn´t he have something with you in it?
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
It´s with a spring in his step, that he carries you out of the bar. He waves off the concerns of the other patrons, whispering instead in approachable manner Drank a bit too much, you know how it can be. The rancorous laughter than follows tells him, he hit the right tone. He has to adjust you once or twice, hefting you higher up on his shoulder. The same lie becomes easier for him to tell over time. Such a good boy, one older lady comments, and he can´t help but giggle to himself. His hands only start to shake with adrenaline, after he deposited you on the bed, he had prepared for a guest. He fumbles with the collar, that he became very familiar with under Strade, before he gently clicks it around your neck. Carefully he adjusts, so that it won´t be uncomfortable for you to wear. It is with a smile, that he removes your shoes and jacket. He wonders if he should remove your jeans as well, before deciding that they must be terrible to sleep in. He hums lightly as he unbuttons them. His hands hovering over your body. Still asleep, the drugs he had put in your drink, still doing their job. He smiles, as he pulls the blanket over you. Shuts the curtain of the barred up window, and with a smile as he looks back at you, closes the door. It would have been nice, if you would have come to him, but this is perfect as well. He is giddy, as he runs down to the basement, to tell Strade about what happened today.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
He suppressed the instinctual snarl, the gnashing of his teeth, as another stranger bumped into him. Instead, he forced his lips into a kind smile. Holding tightly onto the mask, that let him seem like any other person in this bar. His skin was itching for blood and it had become such an overwhelming need to him, that he couldn´t tell any more if it was his instinct or his experience urging him to get blood to flow. He let his eyes sweep over the bar, when something suddenly drew all his attention. Your were just sitting there, looking at your drink as if it held all the answers to this world. Flinching away from every stranger, that would press themselves to close past you. A look of disgust openly on your face, when some would come to touch you in the process. It was almost cute to watch. Ren could feel his tail slowly swaying behind him, this could be a chance for him to pretend to be normal. After all, it looked like you wouldn´t even be able to tell the difference anyway. Something in him was still screaming for blood. It felt like a physical ache in his fangs and claws, and his ears twitched to take in every little sound you made, as he slowly stalked towards you. But there was something else as well. A ghost of someone – long dead, his heart gone – urging him forward with a gentle smile to reel you in. It wanted to see you cry. He shivered in delight as he imagined for a moment, what you would look like on your knees, face bloody and bruised, tears still streaking down your face, and mixing with your spit, as it dribbled down you chin and onto his old collar and your eyes wide as you looked only at him. He knew this would be fun, when he saw you flinch, when he greeted you.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
His ears perked further up, when he heard a faint sobbing coming from your room. For a moment he wondered, if he should lock the knife away, before shutting the stove off, and simply leaving it on the cutting board. Wiping his hands on a towel, he made his way to you. Gently knocking on the door frame, he announced his presence to you, as he had already made his way halfway into the room. He ignored your muffled Go away!, and sat down next to you on the bed. There, there he hushed you, as his claws gently carded through your hair. He busied himself with pulling some of the knots out, and pulling the matted parts gently apart, completely ignoring your wince or how you tried to pull away from him. When he deemed you decently groomed – as he would sometimes term it with a laugh on his face – he dropped down onto your bed next to you. Pulling you to lay on his chest, he hugged you close. He was still petting you, as he slowly dozed off. Dinner could wait for a bit longer.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
There is doubt in his heart, whenever he sees you cry. He is sure that you are his, in every shape and form that matters, but to see you cry breaks his heart every time. Maybe it would be better, when the two of you would part ways. Maybe it would be better of he could simply watch you from far away, instead if staying constantly by your side. Or maybe he should just make sure, that you stay forever with him. Heart by heart. No matter how bloody it would be. You recognize easily, that while Ren tends to be a bit overbearing, he never seems to touch you longer than he needs to. You caught him countless times staring at your mouth, only to laugh and blush when he realizes that you noticed it. His hands only ever seem to land on skin that is covered by clothing, or at least his touch never seems to demand more. It´s strange you think, idly watching how he is staring at you again slowly licking his lips, how he never acts on his desires. Almost as if he doubts himself.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
It´s when he gently kisses your forehead, as he tucks you in for the night, that you finally realize something. For all his bluster, for all the pain he causes you, he also always turns rather quickly back into a facsimile of kindness. He amps it up for you, when ever it seems that you´re playing into his delusions. You might loose yourself in them, but you have nothing else to loose any more. So you try it. And suddenly it seems that this vicious fox is at your every beg and call. You don´t ask about the basement or the screams and he never threatens to take you down there any more. You compliment his cooking and suddenly food seems something you never seem to lack. You never step into hall for the door outside, and he wants to take you on a thousand walks. You even stop fiddling with your collar and with time forget that it´s still active. He will give you everything that he can. You shall lack nothing, not even your freedom. He is of service to you. Especially now, that he can have this soft life with you, that he had always dreamt of.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Sometimes Ren watches you with such a cold calculating look in his eyes, that you can´t help but shiver. You know, that in those moments he is debating with himself. His grin sharpening, while he flexes his claws. As if he can´t quite decide if he should rip your throat out with his fangs or his claws. As if it would matter in the end. Your blood would be on his hands either way. In the end, he will relax again. He knows, just as well as you do, that there will come another opportunity for him to let go of his pent up aggression. Another misstep of you, which allows him to have a go at you, without feeling all guilty about it afterwards. You overstepping the bounds, he always lays so carefully out for you. And if you fight back, he might even get a taste of that precious blood of yours.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He loves, loves, loves you! From the moment, he first saw you, when you so trustingly, so full of blind faith, drunk the glass he gave to you, he knew it. He knew you would be perfect for him. He wants you to be there, by his side, for the rest of your lives, and he swears to himself, that he will do whatever it takes to make sure, that he can ensure, that your paths will not lead apart. He wants you to be there so badly, that he reassures himself, that the end will surely justify the means. Though, he will still very much react to the way you treat him. He will pull get you the moon if you so much as wish for it, but he also wants to make you aware, that all of this doesn´t come for free. He wants his love to be reciprocated by you, and he makes it abundantly clear to you as well. Otherwise, he won´t mind training you like a wild animal to simply love him. Hey, if it works, it works, right?
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
He had already talked with you for so long, and know he was nearly shaking with excitement. The bar was quiet, nearly deserted as was the usual for The Jackalope, and he knew nobody would watch him too closely here. He waited with bathed breath for you to finally arrive, as he had finally managed to weasel the promise of a real meeting from you. The bottle of Rohypnol in his back pocket, that he tucked away, when leaving already told him how this night would go. Tonight, he would make sure, that he wouldn´t be alone any more, that the ghost would hopefully stop hounding his every step, as another person would fill this empty house once more. He just has to be patient, just has to be careful. Buy a drink, crush one or two, and then bring it back, with an innocent smile. He could do this. His eyes snapped upwards, as an angel walked in, and a sly smirk, quickly a gentle smile curved his lips, as he stood up and waved towards you. He would do this.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Ren will, if all else fails, scare you into compliance. He will hold out for as long as he can for a relationship for the two of you, like the ones in his stories. But if it all falls through, he will be satisfied with Stockholm syndrome setting in one day. And while he stills hope for that, showing kindness to you whenever he can without undermining himself, he shudders at the other options. Sometimes, not that he would ever tell you of it, he thinks about how he could break you apart. Though, he will think of what might follow in the end. He realizes rather quickly, that he would never want to see you break. He saw it too often. How only a shell it left, a hollow puppet that doesn´t respond any more. When he looks at you, he can never imagine being satisfied like that, and so he nourishes his hope, and makes kindness is weapon. He will get what he want, without breaking you. He just has to be a bit more patient.
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cottonlemonade · 5 months
Plan B [part 2]
word count: 1490 || avg. reading time: 6 mins.
pairing: post-time skip Kuroo x chubby!Reader
genre: fluff
warnings: none
part 1 for context
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Of course your staff had immediately informed you about the display from the day before when you came in the following morning. The barista even showed you a few snapshots he had taken with his phone and as much as you hated to admit it, you would have loved to have been there to see it in person. Pictures didn’t really do him justice, you thought. “Should I send those to you, manager?”, the barista asked with a knowing smirk. When you didn’t say anything but just stoically walked past him into the kitchen, you were glad when your phone buzzed a few seconds later and a small flood of pictures appeared in your chat. You cleared your throat and got to work.
Despite his regular appearances the last couple of weeks, the guy didn’t show up again the next day. Or even the day after that.
“Maybe he actually finally gave up?”, the waitress suggested with a shrug. She was counting the receipts while the barista helped you clean the espresso maker.
“I hope not. What else are we gonna do for entertainment around here?”
“How about your job.”, you suggested.
The barista let out a theatrical groan, which earned him a dish towel to the face.
At this point, a week had passed since the last time you saw the guy and although you found your thoughts wandering to his handsome smile every so often, you decided it was most likely for the better.
It was late in the evening and the café was closed for the day. The sky was gray and obviously brewing up something unpleasant so you wanted to make sure to send your team home as quickly as possible.
Soon enough, after hugs and waves goodbye, you locked the glass door from the inside and went to the kitchen to prep food for the next day.
You had just started to mash up a bowl of overripe bananas when a soft knocking made you look up and glance through the serving hatch.
The wind outside brushed past the shops with a low whistle and you could make out a very familiar shape in the dim light of the streetlamps.
More excited than you’d like to admit you made your way to the door.
“Sorry, I’m late.”, the guy’s voice was muffled through the glass.
You pointed to the Closed sign with a raised eyebrow. He put his hands together in a silent plea.
With a very big eye roll you grabbed the keys from your apron pocket and opened the door a handwidth.
“Hey there.”
“I need a cake.”
“Goodbye.”, you closed the door again.
“Please!”, he called.
You shook your head and gestured to your ear to signal you couldn’t hear him.
He thought for a moment, then took out his phone and began to type something. A few seconds later he held the screen up against the glass.
Forgot to get cake for friend’s birthday.
You pulled a notepad from your belt and wrote “unfortunate” in response.
Low rumbling of thunder made you both look to the horizon. A few moments passed in which he threw you puppy dog eyes. You sighed loudly and unlocked the door again.
Not a minute too soon. With the click of the lock the first heavy raindrop hit the windowfront.
“Thank you.”, he said with a grateful smile.
“Don’t mention it. But you will have to live with what’s left of the day. The ones for tomorrow still need to be decorated.”
He followed you to the counter, having the decency to look apologetic as you waved him to come along further to check out the cakes in the fridge.
He chose a white chocolate cake with strawberries and you carried it back to the front to pack it up.
“How has your last week been?”, he asked as you worked.
“Uhm, I made my best cinnamon rolls yet and finally found my TV remote. So pretty good, I’d say. How about you?”
“Not as good as yours apparently. Pretty busy. I had to do some traveling and give a bunch of presentations. Sorry I couldn’t come by to bring up that counter you keep on the blackboard.”
You closed your eyes and made an indefinable noise. You'd have to talk to your staff about the concept of discretion.
“Technically, that means I owe you at least one.”
“Oh, please don’t.”
He swaggered closer and, leaning on the counter, considered you for a moment.
You held his gaze, expecting the worst.
“Wait, I… actually forgot what I wanted to say."
You tried not to smile but were betrayed by your pursed lips.
"Gotta be honest, of all your flirting so far that has been the best one."
He gave you a half smile.
"How about you don't see it as flirting. See it as me just being extra friendly to someone extra beautiful."
You scoffed but couldn’t stop a short sort of giggle escaping your lips.
After a moment’s pause he added, now with genuine sweetness, "Go out with me. Just once. I promise it'll be fun. And really, what's the worst that can happen?"
"Where do I even start?"
"Okay. But besides that, the worst that can happen is that we realize we don't have anything in common."
You looked at him, your head slightly tilted in thought.
"Like, what are you doing tonight after work?", he suggested.
"Well, I’m meeting some friends."
"What will you be doing?”
“A museum has a science night we wanna check out.”
“Oh! Really?”, he asked excitedly, dropping his flirtatious manner completely. And sure enough this little piece of information carried you through the subject of scientific fun facts to books to hobbies and so on. The rain had lessened significantly but an hour later he was still there, sitting on a chair at the kitchen island, talking while you worked, peppering in little compliments here and there but keeping it mostly pleasantly fluffy.
When you eventually parted in front of the café, Kuroo hesitated, obviously thinking about how to say Goodbye. In the end you both settled for slightly awkward smiles and went your separate ways.
He had an extra spring in his step as he arrived at the restaurant, incredibly late but incredibly happy. His friend accepted the cake with a tipsy, somewhat off-key belt of “Happy birthday to me!” and pointed to a free seat next to Kenma.
"Someone's looking chipper.", his former setter commented and accepted a slice of birthday cake, “Why did you leave me here alone?”
“You’re hardly alone, Kenma-kun.”, the older one said vaguely, "I had to pick up the cake first. I only remembered when I was already at work."
"So… is it from that little café?"
Kuroo shrugged, but was unable to hide a grin.
His friend lifted a brow. Originally, Kuroo hadn’t meant to talk about it. About how he didn't expect you two to actually have so much in common, about how funny you were, how smart and how gorgeous you looked even after a long day at work. How you practically made him beg to get into the café at all and how easy it was to talk to you once the ice was broken. It took him a few minutes to finally stop gushing.
"Sounds like a very promising night.", Kenma said approvingly, hoping he’d finally be free of his friend’s whining about why you wouldn’t go out with him, "So you got her number, then."
Kuroo's dreamy expression fell at once. "Oh.”
The sun glistened on the streets still soaked from last night’s rain but the air smelled fresh and you hummed to yourself when you thought about the previous evening. As you unlocked the cafe’s front door you heard someone calling your name and turned around.
Your stomach dropped when you spotted Kuroo on the other side of the road, waiting to cross safely.
“Good morning.”, he said, a little out of breath but with a winning smile.
“Good morning. What brings you by so early?”
“I have a full day today so I wouldn’t be able to come by otherwise.”
You tried hard not to look too pleased.
“I was wondering, if - I mean, I forgot to - Could I have your number?”
Pretending to think about it, you opened the door.
“Do you want that on a to-go cup?”
“That would be easier to brag with.”, he said, nodding thoughtfully and stepping in behind you.
While you prepared his usual, Kuroo watched you closely and you weren’t sure if the pink in his cheeks was from his jog here or something else.
When you handed him his tea a few minutes later he stood there, looking you up and down with his cheeky grin.
You squinted in suspicion.
“You look even cuter than usual today.”
“Get out before I charge you double.”
He lifted the cup and winked. “Talk to you later.”
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artisansvillage08 · 2 years
Receive your Dog's dish game to a height- with Raised Dog bowls.
You know that one of the most important things you can do for your furry friend is making sure they have an excellent place to eat. Traditional dog bowls can be intricate for dogs to use, especially if they are older or have joint problems. That's why raised dog bowls are such a great option.
Types of dog bowls with storage
There are some types of dog bowls with storage available on the market. Some of the most popular include elevated dog bowls with storage and raised dog bowls with storage.
Elevated dog bowls with storage are an excellent option for dogs who need extra height to eat, as they can help reduce neck and back strain.
Raised dog bowls with storage are also a good option for dogs who need a little extra height, as they offer more storage space for food and water.
Elevated dog bowls with storage have a few key benefits
First, they can help reduce neck and back strain in dogs who need extra height to eat.
Additionally, they offer more storage space for food and water, which can be helpful for dogs who tend to eat or drink a lot. However, elevated dog bowls with storage can be more expensive than other options and may require some assembly.
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Some key benefits of a raised dog bowl with storage
First, they offer more storage space for food and water, which can be helpful for dogs who eat or drink a lot.
Additionally, raised dog bowls with storage can help to keep dogs from spilling their food or water, as they are more elevated than other options.
However, raised dog bowls with storage can be more expensive than other options and may require some assembly.
Choose the right type for your pet dog
The best type of dog bowl with storage for your pet will depend on their individual needs. If your Dog needs extra height to eat, elevated dog bowls with storage may be the best option. A raised dog bowl with storage may be the best option if your Dog eats or drinks a lot.
Ultimately, the best way to choose a suitable dog bowl with storage for your pet is to consult a veterinarian or pet care professional to find the best option to meet your pet's needs.
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How to use the bowl's storage feature effectively
To get the most out of your dog bowls with storage, choosing the right size for your pet is essential. If you have a little dog, you may not need as much storage space as you would for a giant dog.
Additionally, it is essential to consider how often you will need to access the storage space. Smaller storage space may be sufficient if you only occasionally store food or water for your Dog. However, larger storage space may be necessary if you access the storage space more frequently.
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makeitmingi · 6 months
The Cat and Dog Game [Chapter 29]
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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: Yunho x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Chef!Reader, RestaurantOwner!Yunho, MaitreD!Hongjoong, Waiter!Yeosang, Waiter!San, Waiter!Mingi, SousChef!Seonghwa, SousChef!Wooyoung, PrepChef!Jongho
Summary: Yunho's dream was to open and run his own restaurant. But he doesn't know anything when it comes to cooking. Until you came along and accepted the job, bringing with you a small crew. How will the black cat tame the energetic golden retriever?
Word count: 3.2K
Yunho was outside your door, waiting for you. When you stepped out of the lift, you let out a sigh of relief, seeing him there. He was leaning against the wall and checking his phone as he waited for you. Upon hearing your heels, he looked up.
"(y/n)." He breathed out.
"Yunho. You're here." You let out a shaky breath. You couldn't even give him a fake smile anymore, you were too tired from doing that the whole evening.
"Thanks for coming." You said, opening your front door so the both of you could enter.
"No need to thank. I'll be here for you whenever you need me. You look amazing, by the way." He smiled.
"Thanks." You let yourself and him into the house. The first thing you did was toss your heels aside. Yunho removed his shoes and coat, putting it over the arm rest of the couch.
"Are you ok-"
You cut him off by hugging him. Yunho looked down at the top of your head and slowly wrapped his arms around you. He held you tight, against his body, giving you all the warmth and protection he could give. You didn't want to cry so you just took deep breaths, squeezing your eyes shut.
"It's okay." He stroked the back of your head. You were obviously not okay and he didn't want to talk too much, maybe you just wanted your silence, like always.
"I've got you." He promised, pressing his cheek against the top of your head.
"Sorry." You pulled away from him.
"Nothing for you to be sorry about." He cupped your cheek, staring into your eyes. Yunho could see all the emotions in your eyes. You chewed on your bottom lip, gulping.
"It's late and we have to go in tomorrow. I shouldn't have..." You shook your head, wanting to pull back even more.
"No, don't say that. Why don't you get out of this stuffy dress and get ready for bed? I'll be here." He smiled softly. You looked up at him, was he indirectly offering to stay the night? Or should you ask him to stay with you?
"Okay." You whispered. Yunho hummed and kissed your forehead before letting you go. After sending Seonghwa a text that you were home, you went to take a quick shower.
When you came out, drying your hair with a towel, you saw Yunho had a plastic bag in his hand.
"I ordered some food. Just something small." He smiled. You hummed and stepped closer to the counter to see what he ordered.
"It's Chinese food. Not too heavy like rose tteokbokki or oily like fried chicken." He explained. You went to get some small plates and pour some water for the both of you.
"How did you know I haven't eaten?" You raised an eyebrow.
"I... asked Seonghwa hyung... Don't be mad at him! I just wanted to make sure you ate before going to sleep." He said.
"I knew he would rat me out. But thank you for ordering food for me, I guess I am a little hungry now." You chuckled as you admitted, making the boy grin. While in the shower, you let all your frustrations wash down the drain. Now that Yunho was here, you weren't going to be all depressed and moody.
"This is yours." He took out the jjajangmyeon and unwrapped it, handing it to you. Before taking his own food out, he even broke chopsticks for you.
"Thank you. What are you having?" You asked, mixing the sauce into the noodles.
"Jjampong." He smiled and unwrapped his own bowl, pouring the soup into the noodles to eat.
"I'll tell you the gist of what happened. Ever since my mother died and my step family entered the picture, my relationship with my father is... awful, to say the least." You started to tell him.
"Do you not talk to him?" He asked.
"I do. I just... every time we talk, it ends up in an argument of some sort. A part of me still holds on to the old him, the person he was when my mother was around. That's why I bother to attend these events." You shrugged.
"But like tonight, he always proves to me that he'll never go back to the father that I knew. From a young age, I stopped becoming his poster child." You said.
"Was he abusive...?" Yunho was afraid to ask. Once again, he had to think about the 'right' questions to ask.
"The opposite, he didn't care at all. I was invisible. He only 'cared' after I left home." You rolled your eyes, shaking your head.
"For a long time, he tried to showcase my stepbrother. But I grew up in that sort of world, they all knew he had a daughter, they remember me and my mother, no matter how much he tries to deny it."
"He's your father, why would he deny it? That's just wrong." Yunho shook his head, dismayed.
"Sometimes when you move on, you try to erase your past." You said.
"That's awful. I'm sorry, I wouldn't want a relationship with a parent like that too." Yunho said, reaching over to hold your hand to offer some comfort.
"So to avoid there being rumours about him being a bad father to me, he tries to paint this picture of a happy step family. He acts like I'm included, that he wants me to take over the family business, parade me around to all his connections. But it's all just for show." You chuckled bitterly.
"Do you want to though? Take over his business." Yunho didn't even know what business your father was in but he knew, for sure, it didn't have you in the kitchen like now.
"No way. But my stepbrother's out there becoming a surgeon while I cook, so you can guess who is the one my father says will take over."
"Is he not supportive?" Yunho frowned.
"Not in the slightest. I'm the black sheep of the family now. The one who is rebelling by working in a kitchen instead of working a high paying job." You snorted.
"I'm sorry, (y/n). You don't deserve that. Especially after all the hardwork you put in to get to where you are." He said.
"Don't be sorry, Yunho. It's just the reality of how things are." You smiled sadly.
"Still, it isn't fair. You don't treat family like that." He scoffed. You hummed, rubbing his hand with your thumb. After finishing all the food, you both cleared up the place. You made yourself and Yunho a cup of tea.
"You might be able to fit into Seonghwa's shorts..." You said, digging into the cupboards. Luckily Yunho had an undershirt he could wear to sleep.
"What are you doing standing there? It's okay to come in." You chuckled, noticing how he was just standing at the door way.
"Thank you." He came in. Your room was very monochromatic, with light grey walls.
"Here. You can get changed in there." You handed Yunho a pair of Seonghwa's looser shorts that you knew he couldn't wear anymore. Yunho entered your bathroom to change.
"They're a little short but I'll manage for one night." Yunho laughed as he came out of the bathroom.
"Sorry." You giggled. He shook his head, assuring you that he was fine. Entering your bathroom, you got him a spare toothbrush from the cupboard. The both of you brushed your teeth together. While you didn't feel uncomfortable, there was a lingering awkwardness. This was oddly intimate.
You've acted so comfortably around Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Jongho. But you suddenly felt so shy around Yunho, you felt vulnerable showing this side of yourself to him.
"(y/n), are you alright? If this is too much or awkward, I can sleep on the couch or in the guestroom." Yunho broke your train of thought.
"I'm fine, Yunho. There's no need for you to sleep somewhere else. I just..." You couldn't find your words.
"I understand. I can stay with you until you sleep." He smiled softly, knowing where you came from. To be honest, his heart was racing too at the thought of sleeping next to you.
"No, I- I would prefer if you stayed. I don't want to be alone..." You confessed in a whisper.
"Okay." He tucked your hair behind your ear. As you both sipped your tea, your phone rang, it was Seonghwa calling you.
"Hey, Hwa... Yeah, I'm okay... You're headed back now? Tell your parents I'm sorry for leaving without saying goodbye to them... I know that but still... Mhmm, how mad is he?... Alright, I'll see you tomorrow? We'll talk then... Yeah, bye." You said and hung up.
"Who is mad?" Yunho asked when you placed your phone on your nightstand to charge.
"My dad... I did leave mid argument with him and before the event officially ended. That's always a big no-no since it can potentially embarrass him." You shrugged.
"Is it bad? That he is angry." Yunho winced as he asked. He didn't want to imagine what would happen.
"It used to be. But I hardly see him now so it doesn't matter." You chuckled.
After the tea was done, you went out to put the empty cups in the sink outside. Yunho looked over at Yuyu and Yunnie, who were perched on your pillow. He chuckled, placing them on his lap.
"Are you stealing my animals?" You asked when you came in, seeing Yunnie on his right thigh and Yuyu on his left.
"Considering they're named after me, I'm pretty sure I have some ownership rights, don't I?" Yunho tilted his head. You laughed and grabbed your phone, wanting to take a picture of him. Yunho was more than happy to indulge you, even smiling brightly as you took the picture of him.
"Give them back now." You took the two, hugging them as you got under the covers. Yunho laughed at how cute you were and slid under the blanket.
"(y/n), can I hold you?" He asked nervously. You were silent for a while before you let out a hum of approval.
"Okay." You replied. Yunho carefully wrapped an arm around you to pull you closer until you were almost pressed against his chest.
"Yunho, I'm sorry, I know we were supposed to talk tonight... I didn't mean for it to end on such a note. I keep ruining everything." You sighed, staring at his chest.
"Don't say that, you're not ruining anything. We don't have to talk now." He whispered.
"I don't know how to really express my feelings or put the right words out. But... I like you, Yunho. I'm not the best with relationships of any kind but I know that I like you." You confessed. Now, Yunho hoped you couldn't hear how his heart was pounding.
"It's okay, (y/n)... That's all I needed to hear. Thank you." You felt him kiss the crown of your head. Your cheeks were so warm, you couldn't even look up at him.
"We're in this together, okay? You don't have to handle all this on your own." He promised.
"I'm glad I have you, Yunho." You murmured, slowly falling asleep with the warmth and security that Yunho was giving you.
"Goodnight, love." He wished. With you safe and sound in his arms, Yunho fell asleep easily too. And despite not being in his own bed, he swore he had never slept so soundly in a long time.
Even if you were fine with leaving Yunho in your home alone while you went to work earlier, he insisted on going in with you. You knew he didn't need to go as early as you did and you wanted him to get more sleep. But he claimed he had infinite golden retriever energy, whatever that means.
"Here." You handed Yunho a cup of coffee when he came out after getting dressed.
"Thank you." He smiled and took a sip. You went to take your knives, packing them into your knife wrap.
"Do you want some breakfast before we go?" You asked.
"No, I'm good. We can just eat there." Yunho yawned. Honestly, he didn't want you to have to cook for him right before you were going to leave.
"Let's go." You said, checking your watch. After wearing your shoes, you and Yunho headed to his car with hands interlocked.
When you arrived, you entered the place. Wooyoung, Jongho and Seonghwa were waiting in their cars. You missed the raised eyebrow look Wooyoung shot Seonghwa, seeing you and Yunho openly holding hands. Seonghwa just shrugged.
"Morning." You greeted. Yunho let go of your hand seeing Wooyoung come up to hug you tightly. He opened the door to let all of you into the kitchen.
"Hwa?" You nodded over to the walk in. Seonghwa, who was tying his apron strings, looked up at you and followed you.
"What happened last night?" Seonghwa frowned worriedly. You began to briefly tell him the conversation between you and your father about your uncle Junghyun.
"I was just sick of it so I left. I'm sorry for leaving and worrying you." You sighed, rubbing your temples.
"Don't be sorry." Seonghwa patted your head. You let out a hum. Seonghwa smiled and gave you a hug, patting you on the back.
"So, you and Yunho?" He raised an eyebrow. You nodded again, a lot slower this time. You felt your cheeks heat up, like a teenager that was caught fooling around by her parent.
"Last night, it happened last night. I've been wanting to tell him but I really didn't want to tell him, considering what happened and all the emotions running high. It all just came out when he was comforting me. It was... I didn't want him to think that I only said it because he was the one comforting me." You rambled.
"Okay, okay. Calm down, sweetheart. I'm sure he does not think that judging by the big grin on his face when you walked in holding hands." Seonghwa calmed you.
"We'll talk properly after this, alright?" He looked at you with a soft smile. You nodded and walked out with him.
"Are you okay?" Yunho asked in a whisper when you emerged from the walk in.
"Yeah, don't worry." You said, giving him a small smile before beginning the prep the things for the morning. You completely focused on baking, throwing every other thought to the side.
"Jam for the danishes are done." Jongho announced.
"Thank you." You took the saucepan and left it by your station to cool while you prepared the cake batter.
"Woo, help me throw these in the oven. I need to check on my confit plums." You instructed. The male saluted and came over to help you while you checked on your cake filling. You were making a Victoria sponge but instead of jam, it was soft confit plums with cream.
"Tiramisu is done, going into the fridge to set and chill." Seonghwa informed and brought the trays in. After your plums were done, you filled the jam pastries so they could back.
"Good morning." The other boys came in.
"(y/n)! Seonghwa hyung! You're back." San smiled as he came over to you. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders to hug you.
"Thank you for the warm welcome, Sannie." You chuckled while he grinned proudly. You would have reciprocated if your hands were not touching food at the moment.
"I could use your help." You told him. He saluted and went to put his bag down then wash his hands.
"How many people do you need?" Yeosang asked.
"Just one. Thank you." You smiled. Hongjoong and Mingi shot you waves before going to the front to help Yunho set up for the day. San came back with the spare apron Yunho always wears and began to help you with the jam pastries. You put the filling and he helped fold them then crimp the edges.
"Where's San?" Yunho asked when he only saw 3 friends emerge from the kitchen.
"Helping (y/n). She needs an extra pair of hands." Mingi informed. Yunho tried his best not the frown, he was always your assistant in the kitchen. Why didn't you call him?
"Relax, San was there welcoming her back so she asked him to help." Hongjoong said with amusement.
"Let's just get ready for opening..." Yunho mumbled. Today was the weekend so they were expecting a lot more families to come in.
When the shop opened, as expected, there were a lot of customers. Yunho was happy, seeing the line and filled tables. It meant that the restaurant was doing well.
"Excuse me?" A smartly dressed male came up to the counter. Yunho shook his head to re-focus himself.
"Sorry, sir. How may I help you?" Yunho smiled.
"No worries. One large americano, please. Hot. And... a jam pastry." The male ordered, leaning towards the display to see what was left. Yunho nodded and rang him up. He tried not to stare at the black card that was handed to him.
"Also, is (y/n) around?" The male asked. Now, that got Yunho's attention.
"You are...?" Yunho asked back, a little defensively. In case this guy was dangerous, Yunho wasn't going to give away that you were in the back working.
"Family member." The male replied. Yunho's eyes widened slightly, was this your father? The man Yunho never met but hated.
"Don't need to call her, I know she's busy. I'll wait over there." The male said, not wanting to hold up the line anymore. Yunho handed the card back to the male, as well as the placeholder.
"Here you go." Yeosang served his drink and pastry. The male smiled and thanked Yeosang.
As Yunho continued to clear the line of waiting customers, he would occasionally glance over at the male. True to what he said, he just sat there, waiting. Well, he did order another cup of coffee so he wouldn't be hogging the table unfairly. Mingi, who was working next to his best friend, noticed this.
"Who is that? Do you know him? You've been looking over at him." Mingi asked.
"I don't know who he is but he's looking for (y/n). Or rather, waiting for her. He says that he's her family member but I don't know..." Yunho replied in a low voice.
"Should I tell her?" Mingi offered.
"No, I'll tell her. See if she's free." Yunho said. He called Hongjoong to help him take over the cash register momentarily.
"Hey, are you free?" Yunho asked you as he walked in. Thankfully, you were cleaning up with Jongho while Wooyoung ang Seonghwa prepared lunch.
"Uh, depends on what you need me for." You replied.
"There's some guy outside. An older gentleman. He said he's your family member and has been waiting for you." Yunho informed. You paused for a while and Seonghwa turned around when he heard Yunho's words.
"Hang on." You said to Jongho, who nodded his head, understanding. Your heart sank to your stomach, thinking that it could be your father that came to visit you.
"(y/n)..." Seonghwa started.
"I'll go see. It's fine." You assured Seonghwa and walked out of the kitchen with an extremely worried Yunho in tow.
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venomous-ragno · 2 years
Ghost and König with a reader who has a big dog
Tags: Ghost x reader, König x reader, gn!reader, domestic, fluff
Warnings: None
• Puppy. Big puppy.
• Immediately drops into a baby talking your dog, petting him and asking all kinds of questions.
• Will buy a pack of dog treats and keep in on him at all times; you gotta remind him not to feed it too many treats.
• Your dog will love this man. König has the stamina to spend hours playing and walking the dog.
• Easily picks your dog up and cuddles him like it's nothing. Motivates himself during workouts that he's got to be strong to pick up that cute pupper of yours.
• Genuinely doesn't get how other people can be scared of dogs.
• Will invite the dog to sleep on your shared bed. Pouts when you say no.
• Good luck fighting for space with those two. They're big and will take up enough space to squeeze you to death; on the other hand though it's wonderfully warm in winter, but actual hell in summer.
• Beach trips anyone? König will take you and the dog up to the Nordsee, where he spent many vacations with his family as a kid. There's dog friendly beaches and good ice cream, what's not to love?
• König tries to call and text as much as he can when on deployment. He asks how you're holding up and in the bext breath demands a photo of you and your dog. He'll set is as his phone background.
• More cynical than König.
• He's fought his fair share of trained dogs and knows how deadly they can be at the snap of a finger.
• He won't be mean to your dog or anything, but he'll keep a respectable distance until he grows fond of it.
• Dad and the pet he didn't want vibes.
• Very strict in terms of training, playtime or even simple commands.
• Despite that, the water bowl will always have clean, fresh water in it and food will be given right on time.
• The dog has its own resting place. Not on the bed though, never on the bed.
• Okay, maybe he's caved in and let the dog sleep on the bed with him once when you were gone-
• You can babytalk the dog as much as you like, Simon may raise a brow but will remain indifferent to it. But don't you start calling it the nicknames that are reserved for him and him only, you hear?
• Strong advocate of taking the dog with you on vacation. Goes out of his way to make arrangements so it can travel as comfortably as possible, but will grumble when you tease him about it.
• Soon he'll be called into action again. Simon leaves yet again in the name of duty, and it's tough to say goodbye - but he can rest easy now, knowing that you're well protected even when he's gone.
Tag list:
@greenkiki @simli.gul
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dixons-sunshine · 5 months
I love your Daryl x reader stories
I wanted to ask if you could write sth about Daryl x fempolish reader. Like maybe they meet in Alexandria and she made him some polish food he loved or just some love short story. I don't know it's up to you.
Have a great day
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Just Try It | Daryl Dixon x Polish!Fem!Reader
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*GIF and moodboard aren't mine.*
Summary: After finding all the ingredients needed to make one of your cultural dishes, you decide to make it when Carol invited you and Daryl over. However, you never suspected a man that ate snakes on the regular would be so skeptical when it came to food.
Genre: Fluff.
Era: The Commonwealth.
Warnings: Swearing.
Word count: 932.
A/n: Thank you so much for helping me with the translations @mawidixon! I hope you like this! (Translations will be at the bottom.)
“Nah, it looks weird as shit. Ain't gon' eat it.”
You rolled your eyes at him, huffing in frustration. “Kochanie, I've seen you eat a snake before. We've had to eat literal dog meat before. How the hell are you picky about this? It's just Pierogi. I've eaten this many times before the world ended. It won't kill you.”
Daryl peered over your shoulder, looking at the Pierogi that you were busy frying in a pan. His eyes were carefully following your movements, skeptical about the dish you were preparing. Carol had invited you and the kids over for dinner and had asked you to prepare Pierogi, and you had agreed rather ecstatically. It was rare for you to be able to make one of your traditional dishes, so you had jumped at the opportunity to do so.
“Why would ya boil it and then fry it? Seems fuckin' unnecessary if ya ask me,” Daryl replied skeptically, slightly scrunching his nose. “And the mashed potatoes? Why would ya wrap dough 'round it? Ya could jus' eat it as is. No need to go makin' dough outta flour and ruinin' mashed potatoes by wrappin' it 'round it. S'a waste of cheese, too, addin' it in.”
You clicked your tongue and carefully took the pan from the hot fire, and placed it onto a rag on the counter as to not burn the pristine laminate countertop. You turned to Daryl, your eyebrows raised questioningly. “Be honest with me right now, Dixon. Have you ever actually had Pierogi before?”
Daryl immediately shook his head. “Nah,” he told you, crossing his arms over his chest.
You hummed and nodded, turning to the bowl that had the Pierogi that you had made earlier. You grabbed the lukewarm Pierogi and extended it towards your partner, laughing at the face he made at it.
“Twój wyraz twarzy jest przeuroczy,” you mused, laughing harder at the confused face he made. “Before you ask what I said, it's not important. What is important, however, is you trying this. It's delicious and I can't have you thinking that eating squirrel meat is better than this.”
Daryl reluctantly took the dumpling, holding it gingerly between his fingers. “'Least m'familiar with squirrel meat. Know it ain't gon' taste any different each time.”
“Nie możesz zawsze jeść tylko wiewiórek,” you muttered under your breath, before shaking your head and sending Daryl an amused smile. “Daryl, stop being so stubborn. Po prostu spróbuj.”
Daryl grumbled something under his breath before looking at you again. “Nie chcę.”
“As impressed as I am that you understood me and that you managed to reply, saying something in my language won't sway me.”
Daryl shot you a small smirk. “Worth a shot,” he replied, before hesitantly taking a bite of the Pierogi.
You watched in amusement as a whirlwind of emotions played on his face. First skepticism, then surprise, and then he looked impressed. He practically devoured the rest of the dumpling in hungry bites, reaching for another one in the bowl, but you stopped him.
“Nope. I can't allow you to do that, misiu. The rest is for tonight,” you told him with a smile. “I can't disappoint Carol now, can I? She was eager about this the whole day. You only just came around about this. I'd rather give these to someone who's had faith in me from the start.”
“C'mon, tha' ain't fair,” Daryl groaned. “Merle once said tha' these things tasted like crap. Went into vivid detail 'bout how it tasted, too. Can't blame me fer not trustin' it.”
You giggled and shook your head. “You should've had more trust in me. I've been making these things since I was a kid. I'd never intentionally make you eat something bad,” you told him, before placing the lid onto the bowl and handing it to the archer. “Here, why don't you go ahead and take this to Carol? She's expecting us.”
Daryl took the bowl from you. “What about ya, robaczku? RJ and Judith are waitin' fer their auntie.”
You smiled at the nickname he had picked up from you, and motioned towards the dumplings still in the hot pan. “I'm just gonna wrap these up and put them away. I'll be right behind you.”
Daryl nodded and leaned forward to place a quick kiss to your lips. He soon pulled away and started walking away, calling to you over his shoulder. “Jus' so ya know, those are mine. Judith and RJ dun' need to know 'bout those.”
You laughed and called out to him. “So, are Pierogi's better than squirrel meat?”
Daryl paused at the doorway and contemplated on how to respond. He smirked to himself as he looked down at the bowl in his hand. “I'll let the kids decide tha', sunshine. I love ya.”
“I want an answer from you!”
The door shutting was the only response you got in return. You looked down at the pan and shook your head. There was never a dull moment with your beloved huntsman.
“Ja też cię kocham, you asshole,” you mused with a laugh.
Kochanie: Honey.
Twój wyraz twarzy jest przeuroczy: Your facial expression is adorable.
Nie możesz zawsze jeść tylko wiewiórek: You can't always only eat squirrels.
Po prostu spróbuj: Just try it.
Nie chcę: I don't want to.
misiu: teddy bear.
robaczku: love bug.
Ja też cię kocham: I love you too.
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vindicated-truth · 2 months
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In another universe, this is exactly how Joowon and Dongsik down the line would be when they finally reunite and finally have the choice to be together.
It's so easy to picture it:
They're having a meal at Jaeyi's, and Jihoon whips out his new polaroid camera; he keeps taking candid photos of everyone gathered around the table, Jihwa's amused exasperation and Jaeyi's laughter resounding in the background.
Jihoon turns to the two of them—and it hits him for the first time that this Dongsik and this Joowon, still sitting together even after all this time, but this time glued from shoulder to hip, not a smidgen of space between them at all, legs touching from hip to ankle beneath the table as they are lost in their own world, just the two of them, conversing in hushed tones as they fill each other's bowls with each other's preferred food, sharing smiles that now seem to come as easy as breathing, the crow's feet in Dongsik's eyes crinkling as Joowon's weighted gaze softens into something so tender and intimate—
And Jihoon realizes, for the first time, that this is how Dongsik and Joowon look like with their burdens finally lightened and the shadows that dogged their every step finally vanquished.
And as Jihoon raises his camera to capture the moment, Dongsik catches the movement out of the corner of his gaze—the reflexes of a detective still very much instilled in him, even after being out of the force for quite sometime now—
And with a full-on grin, Dongsik grabs Joowon to pose for Jihoon's camera, where Joowon is startled into laughter—genuine and bright.
And it makes Jihoon's chest constrict tightly, seeing this kind of happiness that only the two of them can bring out in each other, because Jihoon has never thought he will see it in them—like this.
Later, Dongsik finds Joowon standing quietly in the middle of their kitchen, thoughtfully caressing the photo; Dongsik pads up to him softly, letting his footsteps patter on the linoleum floor to gently alert Joowon of his presence, yet Joowon only sighs against Dongsik's chest when Dongsik sidles against Joowon's back to wrap his arms around Joowon's waist.
Wordlessly, Dongsik watches as Joowon pins the polaroid on their refrigerator with the xiezhi magnet he got Joowon as a gift. Together, they quietly gaze at the growing array of photos pinned around the fridge: little Huimang growing up quickly before their eyes in their photos with Dosoo and Seonnyeo; Joowon's strange expression of both annoyance and fondness as Hyeok joins their gatherings at the butcher shop; the wacky group photos at Gwangyoung's wedding where the rest of the guests were looking at them like they were insane; the photos during Ohsub's promotion as the Chief of Munju station; Joowon’s gobsmacked expeession when Jaeyi laughingly threw eggs at him as Jihwa brandished her barbecue tongs while chasing Jihoon around the lake house where they all had their summer outing in memory of Nam Sangbae.
"What a family we have, Joowon-ah," Dongsik murmurs by Joowon's ear, rustling the hairs by his nape; Joowon laces his fingers through Dongsik's hands and simply holds on.
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