cockslutpadalecki · 5 years
How do you write so damn much??!! Seriously I'm so impressed God! Love you!!! (Also I'm drunk)
honestly it’s very rare for me to write so much in such a short space of time 😅
but when your five month old decides your lap is where he wants to sleep then there’s not much to do except bash out a few fics lmao
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seenashwrite · 6 years
@elfinmox reblogged your quote and added:
Um fuck yes
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rizlowwritessortof · 6 years
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@elfinmox reblogged your post and added:
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Thank you, bb!
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magickjustice · 7 years
Hello, I'm just wondering what energy you have felt around the eclipse and what you think it means or what you do with it? Thank you!
no, thank you! and hello to you as well!
this eclipse felt very complex for me. while i was massively and immensely thrilled to be able to experience it, it was also an eclipse in leo which is one of the most difficult signs for me to understand. my energy has been intense but uncertain of exactly where to apply it.
i did read something* recently as the eclipse approached and it has helped me understand leo much more, and i plan on using the eclipse water i created in some work with understanding and self-love. 
* “love is in the person that loves, not in the one being loved. ... leos give generously, not relying on anything in return. ...  like the sun which simply shines on and gives warmth to everyone. leo is egoistic because they know that loving is not about the other person - they love others because they love, love.” -@astrologymarina 
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SamxReader for the Disney series please!
Yes! Another Sam for the win!
Want a SamxReader series or a DeanxReader?
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percywinchester27 · 7 years
OhmyChuck I loved the email!! Amazing!
Really? OMC!! Thank you so much!!! You made my day both yesterday and today! Thank you SO MUCH, for being so very sweet!! I love it when that series gets love
The Email
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super-not-naturall · 7 years
Hi can I be on your forever tag list? Thank you!!
OF COURSE!!! You’ve been added, love ❤️
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alleiradayne · 4 years
Cowboys and Angels
Filming for the last season of Supernatural is underway and Y/N, long-time set photographer, finds herself the center of attention for two of her co-workers, Misha Collins and Jensen Ackles. A roller-coaster of emotions ensues over the year as the three of them attempt to balance work, the end of an era, and experimental love.
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Summary: Three months later. (A surprise epilogue!) Warnings/Tags: Tooth aching fluff. Characters/Pairings: Jensen Ackles/Misha Collins/Reader Word Count: 991 A/N: Once again, please assume everyone involved is consenting and polyamorous. No spouse hate. No wife hate. No Cockles hate. No Misha hate. No hate whatsoever. If you don’t like RPF, don’t read it, and don’t complain to me about it. Update: The oh-so-lovely @atc74 made this stellar aesthetic for me in hopes that it wouldn’t get the Tumblr Ban Hammer™. Let’s test it.
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"Y/N! It's here!"
She sat up as Jensen rounded into the living room. He brandished a large packet envelope as though he held up a triumphant trophy. From his kitchen, Misha joined them, a questionable look clouding his otherwise pretty face.
"Is that—"
Y/N launched from the couch as she reached for the envelope. "The EW shoot!"
"Hey, now," Jensen said as he held it out of her reach. "No need to get grabby."
"Just open it!" she exclaimed. "I'm dying to see how it came out! I've been stressing about it since last summer."
Last summer. The memory flooded her mind as though it were only yesterday.
Malibu. Sun and sky. Three of the hottest men she had ever had the privilege to photograph. And one damn fine car.
The rip of the envelope returned her thoughts to the present. Jensen removed two magazines, held them out at arm’s length, and grimaced. "I dunno, Y/N. I look kinda old."
"You are kinda old," Misha teased. "Show her before she passes out."
He grinned as he turned the magazines over and showed her. One bore all three men, Misha and Jared side by side as they crowded over Jensen, all three smiling their beautifully soft smiles. The other bore Jensen and Jared, brothers beyond blood.
"Oh," she sighed, "they're perfect. Oh my god, they're wonderful." Unbidden tears filled her eyes as she grasped one and opened it. In a few pages, she found the article accompanied by her photographs, and then the tears flowed freely.
Jensen had found it, too, eyes redder than he would ever admit. "They used it."
"They did," she said as she covered her mouth.
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Misha shuffled near and hovered over her shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "It says more than any words ever could."
"It does. And I'm glad I caught the moment," Y/N said. "I almost didn't. Everything was happening so fast, with the champagne and…"
A sniffle drew her up short. She looked to Jensen and found him staring at the same picture, tears streaming down his cheeks. When he saw that he'd been caught, he wiped at his face and snapped the magazine closed. "Shut up."
"I didn't say anything!" she declared through a laugh.
He half turned from them, the heel of his hand fervently rubbing at his eyes and a disgruntled sigh heaving his shoulders. “Dammit, I…” he started, but fell quiet. Hand withdrawn, a thousand-mile stare settled on his face, drawn to the large bay window full of sunlight. What, she wondered, did he see there if anything? The tiny knot between his brow and the distant gaze said more than any words could.
Like a moth to the flame, it wasn’t until the heat of him swallowed her whole that she realized she had crossed their living room and slipped under his arm. With hers wrapped around his waist, Jensen held her close about the shoulders. And then Misha’s warmth joined, flush to her back and a hand at her hip.
“To be honest, I never thought this would work,” Jensen stated. “And that scares me. I love you both so much, it’s terrifying.”
Y/N let that sink in a moment. “I didn’t think it would work either. And I love you both, too. And I am so glad we’re together, I can’t imagine not having either of you in my life with the show finished.”
A long silence filled the space between thoughts until Misha spoke. “I knew it would work out. I love you both too much for it to have not worked out.”
She glared at him over her shoulder. “Don’t be a dick.”
He quirked an eyebrow as he said, “I’m not. I’m serious. The minute we got to my apartment that first date, I knew you were the woman we had been searching for.”
Still skeptical, Y/N asked, “How so?”
He cupped her cheek and pressed his lips to hers without a single sign of hesitation. And though her eyes had closed, she felt Jensen’s on them. Despite that, despite the absurdly deviant nature of it all, it felt distinctly normal.
No. Not just normal.
It felt right.
Cool air met her lips as Misha parted from her and he said, “Because of that.”
“… of what?” she repeated.
“You felt it?” he asked. When her eyes narrowed, he said, “Tell me how that felt.”
A cautious look to Jensen found an equally confused quirk to his brow. “It felt… good. Like it always has. I don’t get it.”
Clarity blossomed on Jensen’s softened gaze. “It felt right.”
“Exactly,” Misha agreed. “That first night, it felt right. Nothing about it felt bad or wrong or taboo, whatever bullshit you want to call it. I’ve never experienced one iota of guilt or shame this entire relationship.” He paused before adding, “Except Christmas, but that was distinctly because we were not with you. That felt wrong.”
“It was awful,” Jensen added. “It felt like a part of us was missing the entire time. I hated it.”
Y/N scoffed as she said, “Trust me, you both more than made up for that.” An unbidden shiver coursed down her spine at the memory. “And I get what you’re both saying. As new as this sort of relationship is for all of us, it’s… easy? I’m not sure how to put it.”
Jensen nodded. “It just feels like everything is in the right place.”
“Like everything’s… organized,” Misha stated as he wrapped his arms around them both once more. “I don’t know, that’s not very romantic. Sorry.”
She settled into their warmth again and drifted off on that familiar current. Then it dawned on her, the perfect thought to punctuate the entire relationship.
“It feels like…”
Her silence lingered long enough that Jensen said, “Go on.”
She held them both closer as she spoke.
“Like the way it ought to be.”
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If you want to be tagged for this series specifically, send me an ask or a DM! If you want in on any of my tags, you can ask for that, too!
The Whole Thang:
@atc74  @hannahindie @bevans87  @meganwinchester1999  @oneshoeshort @jonogueira @andkatiethings @elfinmox @princessofthefandomrealm  @jmekitchens @81mysteriouslyme @dolphincliffs  @canadianspnhunter  @meowmeow-motherfucker  @staycejo1 @hobby27  @pretty-fortune @mypopculturediva @fanfictionjunkie1112 @sandlee44 @4llmywr1tings @claitynroberts @maddiepants @donnaintx @blackeyedangel9805 @rainflowermoon​ @winchesterprincessbride  @lazinessisalliknow @the-is13 @waywardafgrandma​ @keymology​ @sister-winchesters99​ @amanda-teaches​ @amandamdiehl​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @spnbaby-67​
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cockslutpadalecki · 5 years
Hi. Can I do the “I don’t care about tradition, you try and get me to kiss you under the mistletoe and I will punch you.” prompt for Sam Winchester please? Thank you!
i tried to tag you in the the prompt list but it wouldn’t let me but yes ofc you can ❤️
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evansrogerskitten · 6 years
Thank you!
Thanks to you babes that gave feedback on Out Here in the Open. It’s great when you write a fic and end up really happy with it. But it’s even better when you get such fantastic feedback. So thanks to the following exhibitionist!Dean fans :) 
@ravenangel33 @dean-winchesters-bacon @sandlee44 @rizlow1 @deangirl7695 @speakinvain @atc74 @whimsicalrobots @mrs-meghan-winchester  @tumbler-tidbits @supernatural-teamfreewillpage  @theblackthrone @maddiepants @mannls @wotinspntarnation @deanscarlett @devikafernando @divadinag @mrswhozeewhatsis @elfinmox @akshi8278 @pisces-cutie @squirrelnotsam @wegoddessofhell @letsby and all of you that liked it! 
I love you all. Looking forward to celebrating my readers during my upcoming 4500 celebration!! 
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( @deanscarlett this gif is your fault LOL) 
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hani-baby-blog · 7 years
Pass the happy along!
When you get this, reblog with five things that make you happy and then pass it along to the first 10 people in your activity.
(this was surprisingly difficult to do lol) 
(I was tagged by the lovely @chaotic-neutral-trash ) 
1. Stromy weather
2. My cat
3. My music playlist. 
4. @immapiggeh who is like my only legit friend on here. 
5. Vyvanse
@littlewitchystar @that-one-gay-kid-luna @elfinmox @musicplayer1996 @lutella @witchling-guidence @immapiggeh @doorinatoilet @malloryray @doeyedtwitch
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percywinchester27 · 7 years
Omg I love love love tic tac toe!! Is there going to be more??
THERE IS!! I just have to drag my sic ass and start writing it again. The plot for the sequel hasn’t really set in yet, so I can afford being a little lazy about it while I concentrate on my other series, but really it is going to happen :)
I really hope you keep liking it! Thank you so much for kind words Darling!
Tic Tac Toe
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alleiradayne · 4 years
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Summary: Briana and Jensen sing Jackson at JIB Written for: @atc74‘s Duet Challenge Reboot Warnings/Tags: Fluff, music, singing, suggestive not-so-platonic friendship but it really is platonic. Characters/Pairings: Briana Buckmaster and Jensen Ackles Word Count: 1300 Song: Jackson by June Carter and Johnny Cash
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Look, I know we work well together. I get it. I’m all too aware. Maybe even a little too aware. Screen or stage, it doesn’t matter where we are. When the two of us are together, filming, singing, or just kickin’ back and havin’ a few drinks, everyone in the room feels it. Call it what you want, but whatever it is, it’s palpable.
I’m not quite sure where it started either. Maybe it was that gag reel. Those fuckin’ donuts, man. Jensen’s a pro when it comes to comedy. He’s taught me a thing or two. I never realized it until he pointed it out on set a few months ago. A reel of our outtakes would last hours. I wish I had one. You know, for the rougher days. Especially now.
I know our personas on the show have a platonic BFF thing going on. But off screen, things definitely took a turn at JIB that year we sang Shallow. I’ll never forget it. It was Jensen's idea. In fact, he was the one that insisted I lay down an album. Never in a million years did I think I’d get back to my original dream.
But you know how Jensen can be. Persuasive and supportive and charming. I’m no dummy, I know what I look like when I look at him. And I know that gleam in his eyes, the hint of that confident smirk. And dammit, do I definitely know what I look like when he looks at me like that. It’s gotta be subconscious. We don't mean anything by it. We’re like family. He’s another big brother to me, and I’m a second little sister to him.
Not sure why my mind wandered there of all places. Nerves. Rome's not a huge gig, but it's a special one. After last year, we wanted to keep up the duet. And yet, as I stared at the sliver of blinding light between the curtains at the top of the stairs, I couldn’t help but think about—
"Ready, Buckmaster?"
Like struck glass, my rambling thoughts shattered into a million tiny glittering pieces, shimmering as they faded to nothing. Though darkness encompassed us both, I knew Jensen stood beside me. A deep breath steadied my heart. “Yeah.” A hard swallow caught my voice. "Yeah, I'm good."
“You’re in your head is what you are,” Jensen retorted. “What’s got your tongue?”
Despite my best efforts, I sounded far more unsure than I felt. “Nothing… just… last minute practice. You know. In here. Not that that makes any sense.”
Jensen scoffed as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. “Of course it does." He paused. "Nervous?"
Stalled. I never stalled. "I… don't know," I stuttered. "Maybe? Couldn't really tell ya. Been a hot minute since I last felt any sort of nerves."
"I hear you," he said with a squeeze of his arm. The din of the tiny convention room filled the silent void between us until he shifted. From my shoulders to my hand, the warmth of his grasp slid into my palm. "You know what to do. Eyes on me. Nobody else is there." He paused once more as a cast member introduced us. “It's just you, me, and the music.”
With a reassuring squeeze of his hand, I said, "Right. Music. Us. That's it." Careful steps carried me up the stairs to the stage. Jensen trailed behind, his hand still clasped in mine as I turned over my shoulder and said, "Let's do this."
The sliver of light widened and revealed Jensen's brilliant smile as I pulled the curtain aside. "Go git it, sister."
Like a dial on a speaker, the dull roar of the crowd cranked to eleven and slammed into my chest with all the force of a speeding truck. And in that moment, with Jensen trailing behind me, tension seeped from my shoulders. The twitch in my fingers settled as I wrapped them around my mic. The uneasy flutter in my stomach quieted as I grasp the stand. And the lights. Thank god for those lights, brighter than the noon-day sun. A sea of black and white spread out before me, silhouettes in an endless ocean. Calm. Sweet, sensational calm.
The rhythm section drowned out the crowd, started without warning. That churning beat and strumming guitar drove the opening bars right on into the chorus, and so, we sang.
We got married in a fever Hotter than a peppered sprout We’ve been talkin’ ‘bout Jackson Ever since the fire went out
Yeah I’m goin’ to Jackson I'm gonna mess around Yeah I'm goin' to Jackson Look out Jackson town
The gig always felt different than rehearsals. No matter all my prep, it still felt entirely different. Granted we only ever sang to tracks in our practice, but that was enough for Jensen. He was a natural talent. He didn't even need to try. And maybe the first couple of runs I tried to live up to some crazy uncommunicated expectation I thought he had of me. But another one of Jensen's many talents is reading people like open books.
Memories of those rehearsals flooded my mind as I turned to him and sang my verse.
Well go on down to Jackson Go ahead and wreck your health Go play your hand you big-talkin' man Make a big fool of yourself Yeah, go to Jackson Go comb your hair
He always let me ruffle his hair.
Honey, I'm gonna snowball Jackson.
He always winked.
See if I care.
Something about the live shows hooks me so hard into the moment that I forgot to experience them. Forgot to be in the moment. I get caught up in the performance, get the lyrics right, don't get too creative, no obnoxious arpeggios or ridiculous embellishments. Keep the audience engaged, breathe, breathe again, long line, don't forget to breathe. Breathe, Briana. God dammit, breathe.
When I breeze into that city People gonna stoop and bow
His dark glare snapped to me, accompanied by a mischievous grin. By the middle of his verse, he towered over me, that glare far more devious than it had started.
All them women gonna make me Teach 'em what they don’t know how Yeah, I'm goin' to Jackson You turn-a loose-a my coat 'Cause I'm goin' to Jackson
No acting class can teach you how to push away from an attractive man as you sing to his face.
‘Goodbye,” that's all she wrote!
My turn.
But they'll laugh at you in Jackson And I’ll be dancing’ on a Pony Keg They’ll lead you ‘round town like a scolded hound With your tail tucked between your legs, Yeah, go to Jackson, you big-talkin’ man. And I’ll be waitin’ in Jackson Behind my Japan Fan
Another run at the chorus reunited our voices. Enough voices to be heard in the audience joined us, too. Jackson wasn’t just a song to me; it was a story. On the surface, it sounds like a quarreling couple who married too fast and in the midst of lust rather than love. But then we sang together.
Yeah, we’re goin’ to Jackson Ain’t never comin’ back
Jackson reignited their love. In the end, they found each other in Jackson. And that’s the story I love to tell.
Jensen finished the song in casual Johnny Cash fashion and the accompanying rhythm section faded away, overwhelmed by the crowd cheering and clapping.
And just like that it was over. Another gig in the books. Jensen smiled, waved, kissed the top of my head. And I hugged him the only way I could, around his waist like a kid sister.
Because, despite the way it always looked, that was all we’ve ever been.  Big brother. Kid sister.
Kindred spirits telling stories with song.
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Feedback is appreciated! Feel free to reblog, too!
If you want in on any of my tags (Sam/Jared, Dean/Jensen), send me a DM or an ask!
@atc74  @hannahindie @bevans87  @meganwinchester1999  @oneshoeshort @jonogueira @andkatiethings @elfinmox @princessofthefandomrealm  @just-another-busy-fangirl @jmekitchens @81mysteriouslyme @dolphincliffs  @seenashwrite  @canadianspnhunter  @meowmeow-motherfucker  @staycejo1 @hobby27  @pretty-fortune @mypopculturediva @fanfictionjunkie1112 @sandlee44 @4llmywr1tings @claitynroberts @maddiepants @donnaintx @blackeyedangel9805​ @rainflowermoon​ @winchesterprincessbride​  @lazinessisalliknow​ @the-is13​ @waywardafgrandma​ @keymology​ @sister-winchesters99​ @amanda-teaches​ @amandamdiehl​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @spnbaby-67​
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cockslutpadalecki · 5 years
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I promised I’d host another challenge when I hit 5.5K and seeing as it’s the holiday season soon, what better time to have one! (Plus my last challenge was literally a year ago so this is long overdue!) I cannot thank you all enough for following my lame ass, it means the world - especially when I go AWOL for nine months - the fact a bunch of you are still here is everything ❤️
Characters to choose from: Negan, Supernatural (Sam/Dean/John), Marvel (Steve/Thor), Mayans MC (Angel Reyes).
Any trope is fine. Whether you want ABO, sister!wincest, whatever.
You can pick multiple prompts and many people can choose the same prompt but it’d be cool to have a variance.
Can be canon or AU.
Dark themes are obviously welcome.
Any and ALL trigger warnings must be highlighted. Not much is off limits - except paedophilia/necrophilia and scat play (please for the love of god, don’t look it up).
Can be reader insert, 1st/3rd person, an OC or even from the character you choose POV.
Anything over 500 words needs to be under a cut please. Can be a drabble, one shot or even 100 words - if you can make it work, I’ll read it.
Paragraphs are your friend. I won’t read anything that is just one massive piece of text, it hurts my brain.
Can smut, fluff or angst (but you know I’m a slut for smutty goodness).
Would be nice if you’re following me, this is a follower celebration after all.
Send me an ask to let me know which prompt you’d like so I can mark them off as we go. Replies won’t be managed.
Use the tags #lisasxmaschallenge2019 #lisas5.5kfollowercelebration and don’t forget to tag me in your work!
Reblog to spread the word and most importantly, HAVE FUN. Don’t stress yourself out or commit to anything you feel like you won’t be able to complete.
End date is 1st January. Let’s see in 2020 the way we’ve been spending 2019... writing!
“I don’t care about tradition, you try and get me to kiss you under the mistletoe and I will punch you.” @elfinmox + Sam
“Remind me why I can’t kill the carollers?”
“My house, my rules. The Christmas music stays on.”
“If you throw that snowball you’re declaring war.” @shotsbyshae​ + Steve
“You’re kidding, right? I’m not going out in that snow storm!”
“You didn’t really think I’d let you spend Christmas alone, did you?” @jewelswrites-ish​ + Sam
“Aren’t you just Santa’s Little Helper?” @multi-fandom-fanfiction​ + John
“What are you doing to that poor wrapping paper?”
“Exactly how much more hinting do I have to do?”
“Please tell me you aren’t searching my room for where I’ve hidden the presents.” @katymacsupernatural​ + Dean
“I thought we weren’t doing gifts!”
“How many Christmas sweaters do you own?”
“You’re wearing the Santa hat, whether you like it or not.”
“Just how much eggnog have you had?” @katymacsupernatural​ + Dean
“No offence meant, but I do not trust you to carve the turkey.”
“I don’t care about anything else, the pudding is all that matters.”
“Suck on my candy cane.” @crashdevlin​ + Dean
“I found a ‘Slutty Santa’ costume leftover from Halloween.”
“You’re on the naughty list…” @letsby​ + Negan
“Come sit on Santa’s lap.” @negansdirtygirl22​ + Angel
“Did you wrap this yourself?” @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes​ + Thor
“You’re drunk. I’m driving you home.” @footballffbarbiex​ + Dean / @crashdevlin​ + Dean
“I don’t do New Year’s resolutions.”
“You know, you’re supposed to kiss someone at midnight.” @evansrogerskitten​ + Dean
“Who knew candy canes could be so erotic?” @irrelevantwriter​ + Angel
Tagging for signal boots and potential sign ups: @negans-lucille-tblr​ @pink1031​ @princessmisery666​ @jewelswrites-ish​ @letsby​ @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid​ @kittenofdoomage​ @crashdevlin​ @genevievedarcygranger​ @footballffbarbiex​ @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes​ @warriorqueen1991​ @smol-and-grumpy​ @irrelevantwriter​ @negansdirtygirl22​ @daisysouthmoore​ @maddiepants​ @catharticallysarcastic​ @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash @itsjustafeelingthatihave​
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evansrogerskitten · 6 years
Thanks for the love
I received some of the funniest and best feedback for my recent crack fic, The Hottest Garbage Man Alive. It was different than anything I’ve ever written but I’m so grateful to those of you that took a chance on it. Thanks for sticking with me with the concept and the pairings. 
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Returning some love below the cut! 
Comments and feedback from the following gems made my week: 
@dean-winchesters-bacon (amazing gif choice) 
@manawhaat (your comment made me laugh so much) 
@docharleythegeekqueen (yes, totally agree. “The moment you know it’s so bad but you are going to do it anyway.” The whole thing is a train wreck and I love that you gave it a chance!) 
@sandlee44 (Yay! Glad you loved!)
@wayward-and-worn (Thanks babe!)
@jinxremoving2 (Yes for twists! Thanks!)
@devikafernando (your caption made me spit out my soda LOL Hope the hotel had someone hot pick up your garbage. Maybe a tall Brit for you? ;) 
@bloodyheat (So painful to admire from afar, even though she gets to look and imagine THAT ;) 
@elfinmox (I cannot tag you but hi! Thanks for the reblog and enjoying it)
@letsby (you give me joy. Thank you for everything!) 
@bobasheebaby (Yes for hotness! )
@spn-dean-and-sam-winchester (So glad you enjoyed the twist and thank you for the support!)
@plaided-ani (love that you loved the ending) 
@ladywinchester1967 (who I can never tag but always gives awesome feedback!)
@nanie5 (hello! I will write more too!) 
@pecanpiefedoras (Glad you liked it. Also I love your username and want pecan pie now.)
@mrswhozeewhatsis (Yes, always keep an eye on the garbage man! Who knows who might show up!) 
@mamaredd123 (So glad you loved it, honored to have you read it!) 
@squirrel-moose-winchester (Thank you again for being so open minded!!) 
@sorenmarie87 (So glad you liked the dream smut and the twist!)
@rckyfrk (I always love your feedback. My real life garbage man let me down today LOL)
And thanks to all who reblogged and left kudos! I cannot tell you how much it means to me!!! xoxo, Ash
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rizlowwritessortof · 5 years
THANK YOU to EVERYONE who has reblogged/liked/commented              on I’m Good ❤️ Bobby always has a special place in my heart, and so this little  story does, too. Y’all rock.
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@ellen-reincarnated1967   Bobby’s my favorite. I could hear him perfectly! 
@gabavaldman   this was great!
@dolphincliffs   Aww, I love glimpses into other characters lives! Bobby’s memories are awesome & sweet!!
@mrswhozeewhatsis   Aww, Bobby. *sigh* ♥♥♥♥♥
@elfinmox  (won’t let me tag you :( )  ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@jarpadandjensens   Lovely 😘♥️
@cosicas-cuquis   Love it💗
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