ultrasopp · 2 years
3, 44, & 98 for spotify wrapped?
3: bigmouth strikes again - the smiths! fav lyrics are: "now I know how Joan of Arc felt / as the flames rose to her roman nose / and her hearing aid started to melt"
44: perfekt i en drøm - kaizers orchestra! fav kaizers song lyrically speaking so i need to be annoying about it.... "er verden blitt gal eller er det bare meg? / den er vakrere nå enn han noken gong var før eg traff deg || has the world gone mad or is it just me? / it is more beautiful now than it ever was before i met you" AND "du plukker sola ned, som en konfekt med appelsin smaker skjønt / du lukker dine øyelokk, for alt er perfekt i en drøm || you pick the sun down, like an orange confectionary tastes good / and you close your eyelids, because everything is perfect in a dream"
98: x - hatari! i really like "það kostar milljarð að fá krabbamein og líftóruna að losna við það || it costs a billion to develop cancer and the breath of life to be rid of it"
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toskarin · 1 year
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why did they draw bespoke dragonborn and elftwink wojaks for this
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striehart · 6 months
i have a disease that makes me only want to draw agape (lobotomized elftwink version) (hes NOT actually lobotomized hes just been sundered and this is the hollow shell) (this is also a bit of the context of prev posts tags or however it was)
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greerbaiting · 9 months
WIPs Tag Game
@lightqueer wants me to die I GUESS???
Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
post mk 22 fic
hell with a smile
midnight snack
model au
moonant identity porn
royalty au
everyone should cuck a cop
pool sex
Vegas wedding babbyy
moon knight symbiote host fic
"i lost have a lot of love for sam wilson and express it through bucky barnes"
bit by bit we begin to restart chap. 2
wash away all the shame
bitch this needs a name
DID Bruce
Sirens and Eddie fic
kitchen scene
idk what this is anymore
gym scene
telltale :3
skeletons 10
ocd ventfic shit
These are just the ones I plan on completing :^D I'm doing fine, how are you
tagging because if i must suffer you must too @avengerphobic @brw @faacethefacts @wavy-arms @quinnsteria @kitausuret @sovaharbor @makeminemarvel @ohnostalgia @astromechs @marvel-and-moor @unrequitedbrainsidianangst @thrakaboom @mercutiglo @violent-backed-starling @chemicallywrit @elftwink @whoopsiedaisiedoo @bisexual-yuri and 4 others pls
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elftwink · 1 month
your proposed changes would make minecraft into more of an rpg. it's a sandbox. the villagers don't need to be your friends.
well that would be why i included that whole paragraph about how i'm not mojang and those "proposed changes" (lol) are more reflective of a mod i would make than where i think minecraft should actually go in game development. idk maybe you missed it here i'll cite it for you:
however if i were mojang i would also make the game punish you more for villager mistreatment. i think there was recently an adjustment to how much zombified discounts will stack which is definitely a good call, but here are some other things i would do to discourage the 1x1 box strategy (and also that i think would be fun. this is less what i think mojang should do and more what kind of mod i would make if i could code. but i cant code so i have to make tumblr posts instead) (elftwink, 2024, para. 6)
note also the use of "if i were" and other conditionals (implying of course that i am not), and also the part where i said "this is less what i think mojang should do and more what kind of mod i would make".
elftwink, k. (2024, August 24) sometimes i think when minecraft youtubers are making scripts for videos about balancing minecraft or overpowered mechanics [blog post]. Retrieved from https://elftwink.tumblr.com/post/759750606937260032/if-anyones-wondering-i-know-you-all-are-dying-to
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If our favorite elftwink is allowed, then may I ask your opinion on the ship SidLink? Sidon isn't a monster, he's too much of a big sweetheart, but he is also a sexy shark prince. 👀
If you’re asking if Sidon or SidLink content is allowed here, the answer is yes.
If you’re asking my personal opinion on SidLink, this isn’t the place for that. This is a confessions blog. It is a place for people to anonymously submit any thoughts they have regarding monsters or monsterfucking.
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quarxnox · 1 year
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[image description: a tumblr post by user elftwink that reads, “nothing makes me more irritated than a tumblr post that is just a screenshot of a different tumblr post. no commentary, the reposter isn't screenshotting to vague or argue, it's literally just another post already on this website but worse. was the reblog button broken? was it too easy to read as plain text so you thought you'd make a version with jpg artifacts? hoping you could steal it and claim it as your own but also think that everyone else is too stupid to notice the other person's url or that it's an image somehow?? i think you should be drawn and quartered for this if im honest” /end id]
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gnomebud · 2 years
went 2 ur blog to tell you i like the new url (i like the new url btw!!) & now im here i also wanna say i love the new theme esp the tag filtering options like i'm bookmarking the theme's github page just in case i want it next time i change my theme lmao
elftwink said:
omg i cannot read this is the same desktop theme as before i just have swiss cheese memory. well. embarrassing for me BUT my liking of the new url still stands
HEHEHE tyyy kas!!! the theme is made by my friend lune @stillnotstars they are so freakin cool!! it is the same theme but you are so valid. lune also teased me bc i originally forgot to specify that i meant the mobile appearance and they were like “eulie i updated the code with three whole pixels changed”
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drunkardsprayer · 3 years
wait are we talking about bad edibles experiences cos the first time i had an edible is was a cake my friends made and it was WAY too strong for any of us like it felt like my bones were trying to escape my body. and then we were like 'we gotta get home' & had to WALK to the train station which took approximately 17 hours [like 10 mins] i s2g every step only moved us forward like an inch. then i had to call my mom to pick me up and threw up while i was on the phone with her lol
OH MY GOGFDD having to walk somewhere on edibles is always a memorable experience. It feels like the world’s most perilous journey and also you are wading through jelly of some kind lmgjdlgjd but LITERALLY strong edibles give you boneitis!!!!
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asimovsideburns · 3 years
2, 15, 19, 30 for the dnd character ask meme? (for both vendetta & iraelin, or whichever ones are applicable for either character)
ahhh, thank you!
2. would your character carry around a tiny bath and body works hand sanitizer? if yes, would it have a specific scent?
Iraelin definitely would, I think, or maybe like some wet napkins; she’s gotta clean the blood off her hands (both from doctor work and from murder work) somehow! I think probably just the standard alcohol sent, she’s kind of utilitarian about stuff and also doesn’t really buy herself nice things
Vendetta... hmm! I’m not sure? I think it definitely depends on what he’s planning on doing for the day, but he does love to be prepared for things, so probably yes. I think... wild orange scented.
15. have you ever said something as your character that stuck with you for a while after? what was it?
Iraelin had a few, but the in-character ones were things I came up with beforehand as things I might say—I think the thing I like best is something I said *about* her instead: at the end of the campaign, she realized that change isn’t something you do once; it’s a choice you make every day. That said, if it’s in-character, I really like the concept of giving someone a dagger and saying, “It is trust. I give you the knife and trust that you will not stab me, though I let you close enough to do so.” It’s very drow.
Vendetta’s only been around for two sessions, but I keep coming back to him being like, “Sorry, kid,” when he drops the bomb and just fucking dips so Smidge can blow it up even though Roux was still in the blast radius. I think it really crystallized for me (and I’m sure for the other party members) that while Iraelin was very party-focused despite being a Recovering Bad Person, Vendetta is... not. He’s very much out for himself and looks after his own, and that doesn’t include strangers, except inasmuch as they might currently be able to help him.
19. does your character walk or run down stairs?
Iraelin and Vendetta both walk, unless the situation calls for speed—Iraelin is too serious, and Vendetta has his aloof image to maintain.
30. how has your character's first impressions of their party members changed since they met them? have they stayed the same?
Hmm! This is an interesting question, because Vendetta just met his party members like. Less than 3 in-game hours ago. Except for Smidge, but that’s backstory that’s mostly being built as we play. I do think that the relationship with Smidge went from like “eh, just some rando bounty hunter” to “oh, a rival? a teammate? perhaps... a friend? wait no I can’t have friends. but maybe......”
For Iraelin, I’m going to list them all out
Atlas: at first, it was very “this person is competent but also has the cockiness of youth and I’m not sure that they’re as good as they think they are,” but by the end I think she really respects both Atlas’s skills and how much she cares about things. At the end, Atlas saw a way to become involved and make the city a better place, and they took it, and I think that’s part of what they connect over post-campaign.
Bermuda: first impression was “this guy has no idea what the fuck he’s doing.” Final impression was “oh, he’s.... actually good at this!” while also understanding his desire to stay out of the public eye. Absolutely does not let him get away with dipping out of the party’s lives, though.
Chloe: first impression, I don’t think she really paid much attention to Chloe other than to notice that she had a knack for fading into the background. End of campaign, she feels kind of like... “this kid is trying way too hard, we gotta get her to loosen up and be herself, also she’s just got too many morals for the professional murder business so I’m glad she decided to try a normal person job for a bit but why *retail*.”
Ferris: at first, “huh. weird metal person who doesn’t seem to really understand the concept of ‘degrees of seriousness of crime’” immediately into “oh fuck I think they just killed the princess we were hired to protect” into “oh thank god they didn’t actually kill her” into “this person CANNOT keep a secret what the fuck are we going to do” and eventually into, like. A lot of fondness, but also we GOTTA work on the lying. Or at least not talking. We’re gonna do lessons. (Also she definitely still thinks that high-fiving the robot hands at his shop deactivates a security system even though it does not)
Rocky: they ran into each other a bit in backstory, I think her first impression is that he’s a very kind person who just wants to help... and she was correct! First impression stayed the same.
ask me questions about my characters!
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yorknewclty · 6 years
elftwinks replied to your photo: Uhh…so I drew….this…. uuhhmmmmm…. It’s an attempt...
mackenzie i went on ur blog and this was a suggested post i’m crying this is so pure
dear god this is literally 7 fucking years old i’m even using proper grammar 
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orcgf · 3 years
4 & 20 for spotify wrapped lmao. also 92 as a bonus
4: stuck on the puzzle by lily & madeline
20: someone tell the boys by samia
92: right ahead, you sailor! by right away, great captain!
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elftwink · 3 years
like clockwork ive been out of school for a little bit too long and now im considering make a youtube channel
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drunkardsprayer · 3 years
re: the post about which fictional character you're an expert on i consider u the abed community mutual. i have never seen that show but my friend was talking about it once and i was literally like "i dont have anything to contribute to this conversation so instead here's the info i know from my tumblr mutual and the opinions ive formulated from his posts. i'm a fan of abed by proxy"
This is such high praise thank u so much. that’s how i want to be known
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elftwink · 6 years
update on the pine guard truck i saw while in seattle for a liveshow: apparently, it’s a fucking ambulance
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elftwink · 2 years
nobody asked but this is my personal blog and i get to decide when you have to read long posts about my academic experiences
anyway i have to decide VERY soon and im stressed but im going back and forth on applying to grad school, mostly for feasibility reasons. i think i would really love doing a masters degree, i have some thoughts about a thesis etc. it's really more about like. would love to move out. even temporarily tbh i just wanna see what it would be like. atm i kinda wanna get a job and maybe go back for my masters in the future but 1) lol 'get a job' lol lmao haha rofl. good luck 2) if i do end up with a job i'm liable to just like... stay there.... and i'm worried about being sad i never did my masters. but i kinda think 2 is a nonissue like either i'll continue to feel strongly about it and thus return to school when the opportunity arises or i will no longer care as much as i do currently and thus will not lose sleep over it.
i just feel like i was told many times by people that if you leave school, you never go back, and like maybe statistically that tracks but me personally... if i had the funds i would probably go back several times like i just really enjoy university. i expect i'd enjoy grad school equally as much. also now that ive been told so much i wouldn't go back to school after leaving i honestly would just out of spite.
i also kind of want a phd. but not for any well thought out reason like getting my masters literally and only because i want the title. i would be so obnoxious if i were a dr i want it so bad. 'actually its doctor elftwink' imagine. imagine. i realize the gravitas is somewhat taken away by my url but it sounds better with my actual last name i prommy.
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