tvdversefanfiction · 2 years
It's been a while I know but how could I not return to the world of Tumblr for a post mourning the impending end of the TVDverse 💔 an end I hope will be more of a break than a true ending 🤞
I'm still in shock over Legacies cancellation but there is a part of me that is proud the 2nd spinoff in the TVDU is going out with its strongest season to date, some moral victory about the show going out on a high.
13 years ago we were all introduced to Mystic Falls and as 14 year old gay boy I was instantly obsessed with the show, having always been obsessed with the supernatural genre, and quickly found myself becoming totally obsessed with the likes of Caroline Forbes and Katherine Pierce. Over those years "TVD" continued to introduce more characters for me to love and hate, storylines to keep me hooked and "The Originals" spin off with the Mikaelson family, later "Legacies" was born. I grew up with this universe, as I'm sure most of you did, and I want to honour that 💖
Please drop comments about your favourite storylines, couples, pairings, seasons, episodes, characters, etc, over the years, lets share some TVDverse memories together as we prepare to say goodbye for now with Legacies finale three episodes soon coming our way 💖
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nicolemaiines · 4 years
hi victoria! could you suggest some urls for elijah mikaelson?
here are some available urls for you!
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courtneydilaurentis · 12 years
you know who hates me? kersten does :)
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tvdversefanfiction · 3 years
Forget me Not
Chapter 2 - Remember My Name
Warnings: I do not own nor do I claim to own any of the material, characters, or storylines from within the TVDverse. I am not making any profit from this, this is purely a passion project, from one to other fans who are willing to read.
15+: May contain moderate to strong language, sexual innuendos, and sexually charged scenes. Moderate to strong descriptions of violence, gore, torture, and practices of witchcraft.
Chapter 1 Already Gone
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So, the plan, if you were wondering, to beat the hollow and reunite the Mikaelson siblings turned out to be painfully simple so painfully simple it should have been our first option but in fairness, one should never cast a spell until they have learned everything about the spell their casting, a lesson I learned many years ago.
Elijah, Klaus, Kol, and Rebekah, reunited with their eldest sibling Freya within the family compound in New Orleans, Elijah's memories now restored making all four of them ready to get rid of the hollow for good and after giving the siblings a few minutes to catch up with each other and share their stories from the past nine years in which they were all apart, the plan was ready to be put into motion.
At first, I was stricken by shock and disbelief as like their brother Elijah, neither Klaus, nor Kol, or Rebekah, seemed to remember anything about me looking at me like a stranger and not somebody who had shared his life with them, it was as if all memory of me had been taken from them or perhaps they had just lived such a long and intriguing life since we had last met that I had been entirely forgotten.
I was all but numb by their forgetfulness even though it did make me more curious that not a single memory of my existence was remembered by any of them, no one's lack of memory hurt me more than Elijah's, I could understand Rebekah and Kol not remembering me, God even Klaus, but not Elijah, not after everything he had done for me.
But I was not there to be reunited with old friends nor was I there to look back on the past, no, I was there to get rid of the hollow and then and only then could I investigate their confusing case of amnesia that seemed to only be related to me.
I had each Mikaelson bring a newbie vampire of their own making, four strangers I did not give much thought, nor did I give a damn about their fates, and I ushered the four Mikaelson's to stand in front of their creations, one by one until there was a line of Elijah, Klaus, Kol, and Rebekah, and a line consisting of the four new-born vampires, and then Freya and myself began the spell to extract the hollow from her siblings, putting into the newbie immortal beings, and then proceeded to kill the four vampires, sacrificing them to eliminate the hollow and reunite the original family.
Yes, those four strangers who I and Freya killed could have been complete innocents or they could have been worse monsters than those I was helping but I did not care, I had lived too long a life to be affected by a stranger's death or to cry about spilled blood. I am far from innocent, and I care for only a few so when that few need me, I would wipe out an entire city to help them out.
After all, humans are born to die whereas creatures like myself were born to live forever.
After the deed was done and the hollow was gone, I took myself to the nearest bar I could find so I could drown my sorrows over being forgotten by the only people in the world I thought truly knew me, the closest bar being Rousseau's.
"What can I get you?" Asked the largely too chipper bartender.
"Vodka," I answered him as I sat down at the bar. "Just leave the bottle."
"I guess it's been one of those days!" He responded as he handed me a bottle of their finest vodka. "It's been one of those days for a lot in this city my friends included but hey we almost got a decade of peace, so I guess chaos was long overdue."
"I did not come here to get to know the bartender." I snapped, making it clear he was not about to make a new friend in me.
"No, you came to help aid the Mikaelson family reunion which will more than likely kickstart another war sooner rather than later." He revealed as I realized this man clearly had an ear to the ground when it came to things that went on in his city. "What I want to know is which Mikaelson made a friend out of you my money is not on Klaus maybe Rebekah definitely not Kol."
"Who remembers?" I mumbled with a sense of bitterness as I took a drink from the bottle of vodka. "You must be one of Marcellus' minions' rumor has it he's not too happy about his beloved Rebekah running back to the family that wronged him so many times."
"You know the Mikaelsons and Marcel? I'm nobody's minion unless they get all murderous then I'm anybody's just to stay alive but I'm sure not playing in their games even if my best friend is now married to Kol." He went on to tell me. "My name is Josh and I know you're like the original heretic or whatever but what is your actual name?"
"So, your best friend must be the harvest girl turned super witch Davina Claire, I have heard of her, just like I have heard of Marcel, but I have never met either. As for the Mikaelsons, it seems they have completely forgotten me." I decided to answer him, not knowing why I was divulging any information for some undead bartender. "My name is Salem Helsing, everybody always knows about the legend of me, but they never get my name right."
"Do not tell me you are related to Van Helsing, the prince of darkness' ultimate nemesis? The guy Wolverine from X-Men played in that movie that was criminally underrated?" He questioned me with a sense of excitement, a sense that I knew all too well whenever anybody heard my last name for the first time.
"Dracula's nothing but a myth, a legend, a story, but Van Helsing, he was my father, is my father," I replied, admitting for the first time in a long time who my father was, as I took a bigger drink from my bottle of vodka.
"The Mikaelsons knew the son of Van Helsing himself and yet they do not remember you? Something tells me your memory was either replaced with something almost as awesome as the heretic son of one of the most famous hunters or some witch probably spelled the memories away." Josh said, his words making more sense than any other words I had heard in days. "Wait, so you are telling me Dracula is not real?"
"The only thing I know that my father hunts is me," I admitted to him. "In my entire existence, I have never once been forgotten, feared, loathed, and despised sure, but never forgotten…"
"And that annoys you more than anything doesn't it? Which one of the Mikaelson's were you in love with? Clearly, you're nursing a broken heart here and you would not be the first in this bar to find themselves in need of a drink after a rendezvous with that family." Josh responded all too correctly for my liking.
"You are smarter than you look, Josh," I replied while attempting to change the subject as I stood up from my chair. "Too friendly for my liking and that quality is definitely going to get you killed but I cannot deny my hope you last at least a century or two."
"So, which one?" He asked again, eager for my answer, one I was not willing to give and so instead I just walked out ready to leave this city for good and never look back but fate itself had other plans for me.
I never got far from that bar before Klaus Mikaelson vamp sped his way in front of me within the streets of New Orleans and I recall briefly hoping that at that moment he had remembered me, that they had all remembered me but of course, it was not his memory that made him seek me out but instead of his curiosity or better put paranoia.
"So, what the hell is this newfound freedom going to cost me?" Klaus asked me abruptly. "And do not say it's free because I have heard of your help, and it always comes at great cost.
"You seriously do not remember me?" I replied in complete disbelief, stunned to think he somehow knew of me yet did not remember me. "Am I the biggest fool to think that maybe just maybe our history together would be remembered even if a few centuries passed? God, I dreaded so much about seeing you again, I thought you would hate me, or I'd hate you, or that the past would just remain in the past, but I never thought for a single moment that you would not even remember me!"
"I think all those years not quite being a witch or a vampire has truly warped your mind because neither myself nor my siblings have any recollection of you, and I'd think I would remember someone like you if we had met," Klaus responded making it clear to me once and for all I had been completely forgotten. "However, crazy, or not you helped reunite me with my family and for that, I am in your debt, so name your price, I could pay for your therapy perhaps?"
"I was simply returning a favor for someone I once thought I knew and either way that favor has been returned so we are done here," I told him as I attempted to hide the hurt within my eyes, the pain on my face, and the fact that his words had just broken my non-beating heart.
"Why does this not feel like it's over?" Klaus asked me, as untrusting as he always was as if I could even answer his question when I was beginning to question everything myself.
Before I could conjure up any words for a response to the original hybrid himself, Elijah sped his way onto the street's vampire style and was now standing side by side with his brother.
"Salem Helsing!" Elijah said, surprising me with his greeting, only to surprise me further when he rushed over to hug me tightly. "I remember you now and I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me and my family."
As if this visit to New Orleans had not surprised me enough just when I was beginning to accept the fact I was nothing to a family I once loved like my own, just when I was giving up all hope, Elijah had miraculously remembered me, and as he continued to hold me tightly in his arms, I realized I was a fool to ever think I meant nothing, at least to Elijah anyway and his arms I began to break down. I cried with such great relief that Elijah had found me again that I had found him, that we had found each other and after all these years he was back in my life, and now he had returned to me, there was no way in hell I was ever going to lose him again!
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tvdversefanfiction · 3 years
Forget me Not
Chapter 3: Father Returns
Warnings: I do not own nor do I claim to own any of the material, characters, or storylines from within the TVDverse. I am not making any profit from this, this is purely a passion project, from one to other fans who are willing to read.
15+: May contain moderate to strong language, sexual innuendos, and sexually charged scenes. Moderate to strong descriptions of violence, gore, torture, and practices of witchcraft.
Chapter 2 - Remember My Name
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Many centuries ago…I was neither witch nor vampire, I was as human as one human could be, I was young, so young, foolish, and naïve, desperate to be loved in a world that had rarely shown me any form of kindness. I was raised by a man who criticized my every weakness, loved only the hunt, and wanted nothing more for me to follow in his infamous footsteps. It is madness to realize the very reason he began to despise me was that I became every bit as heartless as he always wanted me to be. My father, Van Helsing, and I had moved around a lot due to his obsession with killing werewolves, witches, and vampires, anything that he believed to taint the world we lived in he would hunt mercilessly often leaving me alone or ditching me off on whoever would take me until I was old enough to turn my back on him for a change and that’s when his true evil was shown to me. Unbeknownst to me at the time, Van was a witch himself, a siphoning witch like myself, thrown out of his own coven, by his own family, and it was then he began to loathe not only himself but the supernatural world that had denied him. I do not know how my mother could ever love a man like that maybe she made him better, maybe she just had a terrible taste which was clearly passed down to me but either way, Van loved my mother deeply and he only ever seemed human to me, when he would speak of her, the love of his life. My mother was killed by something supernatural, as to what I never found out because when I asked him, he would describe them all as monsters, monsters took my mother is what he said but the only monster I ever knew back then was him.
After fleeing from Van Helsing, vowing to never be like him, I had found myself in a small village located west of Transylvania, and for a while, I lived a normal human life there until I met them, the Mikaelson family, and that is when everything changed for what I believed to have been for the better at the time. I first befriended Rebekah, then Kol, and eventually Klaus, it was not until I was dead that my bond with Elijah was truly formed. As the time quickly passed, I found myself choosing to ignore all their wrongs because I felt part of something for the first-ever and because I had found myself falling completely and utterly in love with Klaus Mikaelson. Klaus was the first man I had ever loved and for a time I truly believed he loved me too but of course, my happiness was short-lived as my life came to an end by my own choice as I became a vampire, so I could be with Klaus forever and it was then and only then when I became part of the undead that I realized I was also a witch, the first heretic. I took to being a heretic far too well, the blood lust was easy to control but the chaos was something I had become obsessed with and it was not long before Klaus noticed this and began to pull himself away from me, the chaos I created with the help of an eager Kol and Rebekah was the very chaos that brought my father back to me as he decided I was his next target. The Mikaelsons were gone by the time my father had found me, leaving for somewhere else as they continued to run from their own father, Klaus has given me an excuse that he did not want to endanger me, but I knew he did not want me along because he had grown sick of me, but luckily one of them cared about me enough to stick around, that one being Elijah. Elijah saved me from a father all too willing to kill his own son and it was then and only then I began to truly value the man that was Elijah Mikaelson. He saved me from my father then he stayed with me till I found somewhere near to live, staying by my side until I found a new home, caring for me like I was his own, and for the years following in which he visited me I had finally found within the noble original, a father I had wished for all my life…until his visits stopped and before I knew it I was once again alone.
“You have to forgive my brother Niklaus believe it or not his manners have improved over the centuries he just does not remember you like I did not until very recently,” Elijah informed me as we had arranged to meet at a table in a fancy restaurant the morning after he announced his memories of me had returned, as we proceeded to drink tea. “When you restored my memories, I guess that spell hacked away at the magic which had blocked you from my mind all those years ago.” “I cannot believe for all these years I had thought you just lost interest in helping the little orphan Helsing, I mean I could have reached out and found out the truth so much sooner, but I was just so damn stubborn,” I confessed to him, as I regretted the lost time. “Your father spelled me and my siblings to forget you, I guess he had hoped that loneliness would draw you out which if it had he would have probably killed you so for once your stubbornness was a good thing,” Elijah replied as he drank his tea. “I just wish it did not take us so long to be reunited again.” “Elijah you were the only true father figure in my life all I ever wanted was to make you proud, but I failed along the way, I have done things, terrible things, and not just for survival, for pleasure, I’m very much the monster Van said I was,” I replied, hoping for the only man whose opinion I care about would not lessen towards me. “We have all done incredibly hideous things over the centuries Salem, I above all cannot just you for any spilled blood,” Elijah reassured me as he finished his cup of tea before placing the empty mug down on the table. “I cannot imagine the life you must have lived all this time or how it has affected you, but I did consider you as a son to me then as I do now which is why I need to ask…do you want my siblings to remember you?” “I am glad your memories of me are back and I hope the good ones outweigh the back, but I’d rather not give Klaus the blessing of knowing he broke my heart and as for Kol and Rebekah I’m sure they have lived a pretty decent life without me,” I answered him honestly. “I will accept whatever you choose is best for you, I know you did not want their involvement all those years ago but maybe now…” Elijah began to say to me before I cut him off, knowing exactly where this was leading to. “He is not hunting me or anyone else anymore, I’m not the scared newbie vamp I once was Elijah, nor do I need saving from anyone, but I do appreciate the fact you still care after all these years,” I told him, attempting to make it clear I was not here to be rescued. “It’s a father’s job to always worry about their children,” Elijah said with a gentle smile on his face, his words touching me more than he would ever know, being the only person in my life who I believed to love me unconditionally. Elijah Mikaelson was not my father in the biological sense nor was there ever a chance of him being a biological father but ever since he saved me that day, he became a father to me. he found me somewhere to stay when I needed it most, taught me how to live as a vampire, and even tutored me in magic for a short time until I overpassed his knowledge in that department. Elijah knew the worst of me, was always there for me, and always made feel loved and safe, two feelings that were rare to me and I was glad after so much time had passed that all my worries were gone within a moment of being reunited with the man I loved like a father, a man who was my father in more ways than Van ever was.
After spending the entire day catching up with Elijah, hearing stories about the Mikaelson family over the last few centuries like Freya’s miraculous return, and Elijah’s love for Klaus’ baby mother Hayley, I was left feeling a great sense of warmth and happiness, feeling almost human for the first time since I had died and I began to consider whether or not restoring the other’s memories would hinder or help me reclaim that family connection I had always wanted. Klaus had loved before me, and he loved after me so I doubted any memories would grant a reunion especially when he was over me long before he had forgotten me, but I did miss Rebekah and Kol who was like cool older siblings to me once upon a time before everything went to shit and to have them back would grant me even more happiness. However, happiness had always been a dangerous thing for me, every time I was content in my life it was tragically cut short by death, despair, or completely misery, and sometimes all the above. I had lived an exceptionally long life but felt very little happiness and so if I was to restore everyone’s memories, I would be chancing my heart, a part of my body that had been useless for centuries could potentially now kill me if I let it but was it worth the risk?
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courtneydilaurentis · 12 years
hey whore
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courtneydilaurentis · 12 years
go to bed
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