tvdversefanfiction · 3 years
Forget me Not
Chapter 2 - Remember My Name
Warnings: I do not own nor do I claim to own any of the material, characters, or storylines from within the TVDverse. I am not making any profit from this, this is purely a passion project, from one to other fans who are willing to read.
15+: May contain moderate to strong language, sexual innuendos, and sexually charged scenes. Moderate to strong descriptions of violence, gore, torture, and practices of witchcraft.
Chapter 1 Already Gone
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So, the plan, if you were wondering, to beat the hollow and reunite the Mikaelson siblings turned out to be painfully simple so painfully simple it should have been our first option but in fairness, one should never cast a spell until they have learned everything about the spell their casting, a lesson I learned many years ago.
Elijah, Klaus, Kol, and Rebekah, reunited with their eldest sibling Freya within the family compound in New Orleans, Elijah's memories now restored making all four of them ready to get rid of the hollow for good and after giving the siblings a few minutes to catch up with each other and share their stories from the past nine years in which they were all apart, the plan was ready to be put into motion.
At first, I was stricken by shock and disbelief as like their brother Elijah, neither Klaus, nor Kol, or Rebekah, seemed to remember anything about me looking at me like a stranger and not somebody who had shared his life with them, it was as if all memory of me had been taken from them or perhaps they had just lived such a long and intriguing life since we had last met that I had been entirely forgotten.
I was all but numb by their forgetfulness even though it did make me more curious that not a single memory of my existence was remembered by any of them, no one's lack of memory hurt me more than Elijah's, I could understand Rebekah and Kol not remembering me, God even Klaus, but not Elijah, not after everything he had done for me.
But I was not there to be reunited with old friends nor was I there to look back on the past, no, I was there to get rid of the hollow and then and only then could I investigate their confusing case of amnesia that seemed to only be related to me.
I had each Mikaelson bring a newbie vampire of their own making, four strangers I did not give much thought, nor did I give a damn about their fates, and I ushered the four Mikaelson's to stand in front of their creations, one by one until there was a line of Elijah, Klaus, Kol, and Rebekah, and a line consisting of the four new-born vampires, and then Freya and myself began the spell to extract the hollow from her siblings, putting into the newbie immortal beings, and then proceeded to kill the four vampires, sacrificing them to eliminate the hollow and reunite the original family.
Yes, those four strangers who I and Freya killed could have been complete innocents or they could have been worse monsters than those I was helping but I did not care, I had lived too long a life to be affected by a stranger's death or to cry about spilled blood. I am far from innocent, and I care for only a few so when that few need me, I would wipe out an entire city to help them out.
After all, humans are born to die whereas creatures like myself were born to live forever.
After the deed was done and the hollow was gone, I took myself to the nearest bar I could find so I could drown my sorrows over being forgotten by the only people in the world I thought truly knew me, the closest bar being Rousseau's.
"What can I get you?" Asked the largely too chipper bartender.
"Vodka," I answered him as I sat down at the bar. "Just leave the bottle."
"I guess it's been one of those days!" He responded as he handed me a bottle of their finest vodka. "It's been one of those days for a lot in this city my friends included but hey we almost got a decade of peace, so I guess chaos was long overdue."
"I did not come here to get to know the bartender." I snapped, making it clear he was not about to make a new friend in me.
"No, you came to help aid the Mikaelson family reunion which will more than likely kickstart another war sooner rather than later." He revealed as I realized this man clearly had an ear to the ground when it came to things that went on in his city. "What I want to know is which Mikaelson made a friend out of you my money is not on Klaus maybe Rebekah definitely not Kol."
"Who remembers?" I mumbled with a sense of bitterness as I took a drink from the bottle of vodka. "You must be one of Marcellus' minions' rumor has it he's not too happy about his beloved Rebekah running back to the family that wronged him so many times."
"You know the Mikaelsons and Marcel? I'm nobody's minion unless they get all murderous then I'm anybody's just to stay alive but I'm sure not playing in their games even if my best friend is now married to Kol." He went on to tell me. "My name is Josh and I know you're like the original heretic or whatever but what is your actual name?"
"So, your best friend must be the harvest girl turned super witch Davina Claire, I have heard of her, just like I have heard of Marcel, but I have never met either. As for the Mikaelsons, it seems they have completely forgotten me." I decided to answer him, not knowing why I was divulging any information for some undead bartender. "My name is Salem Helsing, everybody always knows about the legend of me, but they never get my name right."
"Do not tell me you are related to Van Helsing, the prince of darkness' ultimate nemesis? The guy Wolverine from X-Men played in that movie that was criminally underrated?" He questioned me with a sense of excitement, a sense that I knew all too well whenever anybody heard my last name for the first time.
"Dracula's nothing but a myth, a legend, a story, but Van Helsing, he was my father, is my father," I replied, admitting for the first time in a long time who my father was, as I took a bigger drink from my bottle of vodka.
"The Mikaelsons knew the son of Van Helsing himself and yet they do not remember you? Something tells me your memory was either replaced with something almost as awesome as the heretic son of one of the most famous hunters or some witch probably spelled the memories away." Josh said, his words making more sense than any other words I had heard in days. "Wait, so you are telling me Dracula is not real?"
"The only thing I know that my father hunts is me," I admitted to him. "In my entire existence, I have never once been forgotten, feared, loathed, and despised sure, but never forgotten…"
"And that annoys you more than anything doesn't it? Which one of the Mikaelson's were you in love with? Clearly, you're nursing a broken heart here and you would not be the first in this bar to find themselves in need of a drink after a rendezvous with that family." Josh responded all too correctly for my liking.
"You are smarter than you look, Josh," I replied while attempting to change the subject as I stood up from my chair. "Too friendly for my liking and that quality is definitely going to get you killed but I cannot deny my hope you last at least a century or two."
"So, which one?" He asked again, eager for my answer, one I was not willing to give and so instead I just walked out ready to leave this city for good and never look back but fate itself had other plans for me.
I never got far from that bar before Klaus Mikaelson vamp sped his way in front of me within the streets of New Orleans and I recall briefly hoping that at that moment he had remembered me, that they had all remembered me but of course, it was not his memory that made him seek me out but instead of his curiosity or better put paranoia.
"So, what the hell is this newfound freedom going to cost me?" Klaus asked me abruptly. "And do not say it's free because I have heard of your help, and it always comes at great cost.
"You seriously do not remember me?" I replied in complete disbelief, stunned to think he somehow knew of me yet did not remember me. "Am I the biggest fool to think that maybe just maybe our history together would be remembered even if a few centuries passed? God, I dreaded so much about seeing you again, I thought you would hate me, or I'd hate you, or that the past would just remain in the past, but I never thought for a single moment that you would not even remember me!"
"I think all those years not quite being a witch or a vampire has truly warped your mind because neither myself nor my siblings have any recollection of you, and I'd think I would remember someone like you if we had met," Klaus responded making it clear to me once and for all I had been completely forgotten. "However, crazy, or not you helped reunite me with my family and for that, I am in your debt, so name your price, I could pay for your therapy perhaps?"
"I was simply returning a favor for someone I once thought I knew and either way that favor has been returned so we are done here," I told him as I attempted to hide the hurt within my eyes, the pain on my face, and the fact that his words had just broken my non-beating heart.
"Why does this not feel like it's over?" Klaus asked me, as untrusting as he always was as if I could even answer his question when I was beginning to question everything myself.
Before I could conjure up any words for a response to the original hybrid himself, Elijah sped his way onto the street's vampire style and was now standing side by side with his brother.
"Salem Helsing!" Elijah said, surprising me with his greeting, only to surprise me further when he rushed over to hug me tightly. "I remember you now and I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me and my family."
As if this visit to New Orleans had not surprised me enough just when I was beginning to accept the fact I was nothing to a family I once loved like my own, just when I was giving up all hope, Elijah had miraculously remembered me, and as he continued to hold me tightly in his arms, I realized I was a fool to ever think I meant nothing, at least to Elijah anyway and his arms I began to break down. I cried with such great relief that Elijah had found me again that I had found him, that we had found each other and after all these years he was back in my life, and now he had returned to me, there was no way in hell I was ever going to lose him again!
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fictionalnation · 4 years
It keeps getting harder to like Klaus every time I rewatch TO. I love him, I do. But the man was so cruel. I mean what he did to Timothee and Davina and Rebekah. Like, he had no chill, I guess it's understandable that he didn't mind hurting teens, he was hurt as a child so he continued the cycle. He had such an incredible character journey and development but like I just can't wrap my head around the fact that he was well, horrible. And I want to forgive his character, but he makes it so hard.
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beluhappiness · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_IOZviS97w)
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tvdversefanfiction · 4 years
Origins of Magic
Warnings: I do not own the rights to the television series “The Originals”, “Vampire Diaries”, or “Legacies” and do not own any of the characters within the TVD universe, I am making no profit from this and have no intention for this fanfiction series except for readers to enjoy. 15+ Mild to Strong Violence, Strong Language, Witchcraft, sexual scenes, and sexual references. F/F, F/M, M/M, Other.
Chapter 14 - Christmas Eve (Christmas Special)
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Caroline Forbes-Salvatore and Lizzie Saltzman
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“Let me just tell you that if one brides’ bouquet is not white roses with the slightest drizzle of pink and the others pink with the slightest drizzle of black then I will personally cast each and every one of you into a prison world personally designed to fit and every one of your ideas of hell…do not try me!” Lizzie shouted at her wedding staff, standing in front of them all within the Salvatore Boarding School. “Careful now sweetie you’re starting to sound more and more diabolical by the second.” Caroline joked with her daughter as she walked into the room, before turning her attention to the wedding staff. “You guys better run and get to work now while I distract her.” The wedding staff who looked more than a little terrified of Lizzie jumped at the opportunity to leave her office, scurrying out within seconds of Caroline finishing her sentence. “The kids have only just left for the holidays and I’m already bombarded with Mikaelson’s showing up constantly looking for their room to crash, drink and murder god knows who in.” Lizzie complained as she walked over to her mother. “Planning a wedding for Josie, simple…planning a Mikaelson attending event that does not end in murder on the other hand…” “Sweetie, please…they are not that bad…anymore! Besides, I am sure Klaus will personally dagger any of his siblings who dare steal the attention on his daughter’s wedding day and if he does not then I sure as hell will.” Caroline promised her, attempting to calm down her clearly stressing daughter. “As long as you do not decide to catch up on lost time with Klaus at the reception, I’m sure I can handle a few Mikaelson murders.” Lizzie teased her mother. “Although, I know that is quite the ask mother.” “I could kill Alaric for telling you about that.” Caroline admitted to her daughter. “I just find it funny than you narrowly avoiding being a bride to a Mikaelson and then your daughter winds up getting hitched to the daughter of the man you one day could have and perhaps still could wind up with.” Lizzie laughed, more than amused by the awkwardness of her mother and Hope’s father’s special connection. “I am going to help your sister with getting ready and then check your father has not been too heavy on the bourbon before we walk her down the aisle…please feel free to going back to full planner zilla mode as long as it keeps you off gossiping about my past.” Caroline replied, eager to get out of this situation, knowing that’s exactly what Lizzie wanted her to do.
Elijah Mikaelson and Bonnie Bennett
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“Well, if it is not Bonnie Bennett, can you believe we are meeting on a day where neither of us are plotting a move against the other?” Elijah greeted Bonnie after he vamp sped into a beautiful garden area, located near the back of the Salvatore Boarding School, where chairs were placed correctly to each side an arch of beautiful flowers stood freely at the end of the aisle between the two different areas of chairs, all ready for a wedding. “To be honest no but neither can I believe Josie is the niece marrying a Mikaelson but hey the biggest miracle is that somehow despite having your brother’s DNA, Hope has become a truly remarkable woman and will no doubt be a beautiful and deserving bride today.” Bonnie replied to Elijah, being kind despite their troubled past, knowing that despite her issues with the Mikaelson siblings, that Hope, and Josie were perfect for each other. “I am glad you think so, Hope really is what all of my family can only ever hope to be…and I know Hayley will be watching over the proceedings today somehow as happy as we both are for both Hope and Josie.” Elijah responded, wishing nothing more for Hayley to have been able to join Klaus walking their daughter down the aisle. “I’ve been looking for months in preparation of this wedding to find some spell for Hayley to be here, when the Black witches broke the afterlife, I had begun believing there might have been a way…but they fixed all that before I made any real progress.” Bonnie admitted to the noble Mikaelson original. “But I am going to surprise them with a little magical wedding gift to really make this wedding festive.” “It honestly means the world to me Bonnie that despite everything you would try and do something so unbelievably kind for my niece.” Elijah confessed to her. “As for making it snow today if you need any assistance or magical anchor, I am more than willing to volunteer myself.” “It’s a simple spell…not so simple for high school me but I’ve really learned my craft since then.” Bonnie politely refused. “Not boasting or anything but Caroline has given me full permission to take down anyone and I mean anyone who even so much as coughs during the wedding and I am pretty sure she was not joking.” “I doubt she was.” Elijah laughed, genuinely touched by the moment shared between a former enemy.
Kol Mikaelson and Davina Claire-Mikaelson
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“I’m not coming for your best friend or anything, but I just think we should’ve maybe got someone else to watch the kids or better yet taken us with them.” Davina said to Kol, as she sat on the passenger seat of her and Kol’s car as Kol drove them on an empty road towards Mystic Falls. “I know you have known her for a long time, but I’ve only had a Greek glimpse into that family, and he is meant to be the best one.” “Davina darling, Rose was a little lost after another failed attempt to find whatever the bloody hell she is looking for and I am sure the kids will love the insanity that she brings.” Kol tried to reassure his wife. “We will not be here long and before you know it, we will be home on time to prepare the presents for Christmas Day.” “I would not miss Hope’s day for the world either Kol I just wish we took the kids this whole Christmas Eve wedding then rushing all the way back home is insane even for us!” Davina continued to complain. “Next time somebody in your family gets married we are taking the kids and nobody else gets to claim Christmas.” “I highly doubt any of my siblings will get married Davina so gladly there will only be one hectic Christmas rush.” Kol laughed, finding the idea of Klaus, Rebekah or Elijah settling down amusing. “If we ever go to another wedding, we will make sure to bring the kids.” “I’m not too sure about that one Kayne does not strike me as a kid person and I’d rather not have whatever the hell he is complaining about my kids on his big day.” Davina laughed. “You really think my brother Klaus is going to wind up marrying anyone?” Kol scoffed. “I know he’s changed a lot lately, but he is never going to find someone even remotely insane enough to tie him down…although Kayne is that level of crazy for sure.” “Elijah’s always dressed for a wedding maybe it will be him, Rebekah was married to Marcel albeit briefly maybe, they two will give things another shot, or she’ll fine somebody to walk her down the aisle.” Davina contemplated, wondering whose wedding she would be attending next, hoping whoever it was, hoping that it was not on Christmas.
Rebekah Mikaelson and Mayor Matt Donovan
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“I had hoped you would one day get yourself out of this town, instead you’re the bloody Mayor although I admit of all the Mayors, I have slept with in my time you were definitely the most memorable.” Rebekah declared, after vamp speeding her way into the Mystic Grill in an attention-grabbing red dress, finding Matt Donovan stood there in the empty bar, wearing a smart suit, ready for a wedding. “It’s been a long time Rebekah, I heard you had a wedding yourself, but I guess having the sort of ex-boyfriend there would have not been good especially considering your husband is an upgraded original…whatever the hell that is.” Matt replied to her, with a smile on his face, happy to see an old friend. “Marcellus and I parted ways not long after marriage…if I am to one day get that cure once Damon has lived a long human life than I am going to need a human partner to grow old with and bitch about our grandchildren together.” Rebekah admitted with a sense of sadness, the wounds from her breakup with Marcel still fresh. “What about you Mr. Mayor? Were there any weddings I was not invited to on your behalf?” “There was someone once…” Matt confessed, struggling to think about the loss of his fiancé Penny Ares. “But she died before we got a chance to make it down the aisle.” “I am genuinely sorry to hear that Matt, if anyone deserves all the happiness in the world it is you.” Rebekah told him truthfully, before quickly changing the conversation. “So, why is the dear Elena Gilbert and the severely whipped Damon Salvatore missing the wedding of the century?” “Elena Salvatore is away doing doctors without borders and Damon’s in New York spending Christmas with their daughter Stefani who’s in University there, he was trying to make it here but did not want to risk missing Christmas with his daughter considering it’s his first without Elena since they both turned human.” Matt informed the female original. “Which is probably a good thing considering he’d wind up saying something stupid and get himself killed by Caroline.” “Stefani Salvatore is in University now?” Rebekah asked in shock, before going on to joke. “I would say something human like I am getting old but since I am over a thousand years old the ship has most definitely sailed.”
Klaus Mikaelson and Alaric Saltzman
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Klaus Mikaelson and Alaric Saltzman’s history were a large and tangled one at that, considering Klaus once inhabited Alaric’s body and Alaric on multiple occasions tried and failed to take down Klaus, although many people had tried to kill Klaus to be fair. However, during the time in which Klaus had died, Alaric had become an important mentor to Klaus’ daughter and a father figure that Klaus could not be at the time, it was through Alaric’s acceptance of Hope that led to Hope becoming so close to her eventful bride Josie and her twin sister Lizzie and Klaus knew this was one of many reasons to be grateful to the retired vampire hunter, despite how reluctant he was to admit it. So, when it came to the two fathers of the brides meeting within the Salvatore Boarding School’s gymnasium, Klaus and Alaric found themselves for the first time ever, bonding over the most important day of their daughters’ lives. “Rumour has it, Caroline is trying to hunt you down.” Klaus stated, as he sped into the gymnasium, finding Alaric drinking a bottle of whisky while sat on the bleachers. “I however was hunting down a good drink.” “Who would have thought all those years ago when you were trying to murder Elena at any given moment, and we were all trying to get rid of you that one day my daughter would wind up marrying your daughter.” Alaric replied to Klaus, as Klaus sat down next to him on the bleachers. “Back then I’d have bet good money that either you’d be the death of us, or we’d be the death of you.” “I have to thank you for the part you played in Hope becoming such a wonderful woman that I could not be prouder to call my daughter.” Klaus admitted as he snatched the bottle off Alaric and took a swig. “To put your hatred towards me aside to raise her when I could not and then to not interfere with her and Josie…well it takes a great man to be that accepting.” “Hope was always one of my favorite students largely due to the fact she took more after her mother than her father.” Alaric joked as he snatched the bottle back off Klaus. “Although she has a lot of Mikaelson traits, the best ones…as for her and Josie I always knew they would wind up together and Caroline’s just happy Josie never wound up with Penelope.” “I have yet to see Caroline,” Klaus said with an excited smile, as Alaric took another swig from the bottle of whisky. “I bet she is as breathtakingly beautiful as the last day I saw her.” “Yeah, the last thing Hope, or Josie need to see at their reception is you once again trying to get with Caroline, although I suppose with all the changes it’s kind of creepily comforting to know some things have stayed the same.” Alaric told Klaus, wary of Klaus and Caroline’s inevitable reunion.
Freya Mikaelson and Keelin Malraux-Mikaelson
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“Okay so Nik’s off spending the weekend in New Orleans with Vincent and I’ve checked in with work still not getting Christmas Day off but at least I do not have to miss today.” Keelin informed Freya as she walked into the living room of their family home in Mystic Falls. “Well, I did offer to cast a little spell on your boss but you’re the one who said no.” Freya laughed as she gave her wife a kiss on the lips. “With the number of suspicious humans in this town the last thing we need to be doing is casting spells on them.” Keelin replied, before going on to say. “You know it feels like just yesterday we were walking down the aisle and Hope was your teenage niece attending our wedding.” “It’s crazy to think they will soon be starting a family of their own and that my little brother Klaus could one day be a grandfather.” Freya stated, with a sense of excitement for her family’s future. “We just got to hope your family Klaus especially find a way to behave themselves long enough for Hope and Josie to actually get married.” Keelin joked with her wife. “Trust me if anyone can keep my brother in tow it’s his daughter.” Freya promised her.
Bride to be Josie Saltzman
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Josie Saltzman had come along way from her goody two shoes student days at Salvatore Boarding School and being daddy’s perfect little girl, after a brief time allowing the darkness within her to take over Josie found herself, her real, unapologetic self. After graduating from Salvatore Boarding School Josie went on to study psychology only to later return to the school as the new guidance counsellor, sharing her expertise alongside her twin sister Lizzie who at that time took on the role of vice-headmistress, the magics teacher Freya Mikaelson and her soon to be bride Hope Mikaelson who had taken on an official protector role within the school, as well as recruiter for students and trainer. It was at Salvatore Boarding School Josie’s love story began, continued, and would now get its happy ending and as Josie stood within the room that was once hers and Lizzie’s staring into a mirror taking in the beauty of her wedding dress, she could not help but be filled with happiness as the excitement over marrying Hope Mikaelson continued to grow. “I must admit despite all the insane intensity she brings to the job your sister Lizzie makes one hell of a wedding planner maybe she missed a calling by taking over the running of this place.” Alaric stated as he walked into the room, continuing to walk over to Josie before giving his daughter a hug. “You look positively stunning although as your father I am clearly biased.” “Well as your mother who is not remotely biased, I can honestly say you are the most beautiful bride in all of existence.” Caroline complimented her daughter, after speeding into the room in a very vampire style.
Bride to be Hope Mikaelson
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Hope Mikaelson had found herself sitting on the edge of the bed in the room that was once her bedroom within the Salvatore Boarding School, instead of being unbelievably happy she had found herself in a sad moment as she remembered the dress she was now wearing once belonged to her mother which led her to wishing now more than ever before that her mother was not dead, a wish that was somehow granted. “Considering it’s your big day I kind of expected you to be a little happier.” Hayley said as she walked in, shocking her daughter by her impossible presence. “Well, are you going to hug your mum while you can still see me?” “Mum,” Hope cried, as she stood up from her bed and rushed over to her mother, hugging her tightly. “How are you here right now?” “Some jolly old guy who kept calling himself Santa did some Christmas magic, said he owed you one for helping him out with Krampus at first I assumed he was just some crazy ass witch until suddenly bam here I am.” Hayley explained as she hugged her daughter tighter and tighter. “He said he owed you a favour, guess when I’m watching over you, I miss a thing or two like Santa freaking Claus.” “I’m so happy you’re here, I miss you so much!” Hope continued to cry, beyond happy to be reunited with her mother. “Unfortunately, I have a very small window before I’m back to the afterlife…I would’ve asked to stay for longer but the afterlife’s just getting back to normal.” Hayley explained to her daughter. “Wait, you’re not going to be here for my actual wedding?” Hope asked, as she broke off the hug, her happiness limited after realizing this reunion would soon end. “Oh honey,” Hayley said as she lifted her hand on to Hope’s face, before gently stroking it. “I am always here, always right beside you, watching over you. I was there when you fell in love for the first time with that Phoenix boy, I was there with every monster you killed as you protected your friends, I was there for your Graduation and I’ll be here for everything that comes after your wedding, its just you get to see me today, but I get to see you every day.” “I do not want you to go.” Hope pleaded with tears in her eyes. “I love you!” “I love you too sweetie, but you got a wedding to attend and although you won’t see me, I’ll be watching with nothing but happiness in my heart.” Hayley told her as she gave her daughter another hug. “I had an epic life and now I get to watch you have yours, do not waste anytime not being happy because you deserve the world Hope, and I cannot wait for the two of you to make me a grandmother.” Hope laughed at Hayley’s casual mention of children for a moment before Hayley completely disappeared out of Hope’s sight, out of her arms but instead of feeling the loss of her mother she now realized just how much her mum was never really gone and that realization made her full of happiness and more than ready to get married, knowing her mother would be watching…
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tvdversefanfiction · 4 years
Origins of Magic
Warnings: I do not own the rights to the television series “The Originals”, “Vampire Diaries”, or “Legacies” and do not own any of the characters within the TVD universe, I am making no profit from this and have no intention for this fanfiction series except for readers to enjoy. 15+ Mild to Strong Violence, Strong Language, Witchcraft, sexual scenes, and sexual references. F/F, F/M, M/M, Other.
Chapter 15 - Black Christmas
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The Day Before Christmas
Kayne Black and his older brother Magnus had spent a long time travelling the world together in the hopes of finding a lead of where Magnus’ missing part was as Kayne hoped to restore his brother to his former glory, despite Magnus’ distrust of his younger brother. Both brothers grew more and more frustrated with the lack of results which continued to strain their already fragile relationship leading to many fallouts between them as they continued their search. “So, in other words you are of no use to me!” Kayne complained as he lifted his right hand and magically snapped the neck of a male witch, the witch falling to the dirt within the woods completely lifeless, as Magnus stood behind his brother, far from amused by his antics. “Did you really have to kill him?” Magnus asked his younger brother. “Look at you, building up a conscious, tell me brother where was these morals when you burned me alive?” Kayne asked rhetorically, before going on to say. “He knew nothing which meant he was completely useless to me and if he lived, he’d let word slip about our family’s plan to restore ourselves at the top of the food chain…I mean it is bad enough the originals know our secrets let alone the witches we created.” “I just think if we ever want to be considered royalty among the witches again then we probably should not go around killing them all.” Magnus argued. “It also does not help you’ve spent centuries massacring them to prolong your life all these years.” “Oh Magnus, I am fond of the witches and their creations but do not get me wrong for one moment I’d rather die than play kings and queens with you and our sisters again…yes I want you all restored like me, but I’m done playing witch games.” Kayne explained to his older brother. “Once we are all restored, we can finally be us…that is the only gift we need, not illusions of some kingdom.” “So, your big master plan is to give the four most power hungry beings in the world even more power and then expect none of us all to do something with this power?” Magnus asked him, unable to find any logic in his brother’s plans. “I honestly never thought about it like that…” Kayne admitted, beginning to rethink his plans for a moment. “No, once all your memories are returned you will see the truth.” “Maybe but tell me how much the truth has changed who you are?” Magnus questioned his brother, believing his brother was no different than before having his full memories restored.
Annabella Black had once again found herself alone, having been months since she had seen her siblings or anyone else, she knew, as she had now found herself spending all her time desperately searching for a lead towards finding a key to restoring herself despite constant dead ends and little to nothing to go on and she was beginning to think it was time to quit her search like her younger sister Primrose had done already. “You’re spending Christmas with Kol and his human family?” Bella said in shock, while sitting on a bench within a busy street in the French Quarter of New Orleans and on the phone to her sister Rose. “Wait…their leaving you alone with children…if you need me to cast a spell, I could be there…you sure you have it…yeah okay…” Before Bella could begin to utter any more words on the phone call, her sister had hung up, making it clear to Bella that she was far from forgiven for all her manipulations and lies over the centuries, to which she could not blame her sister for but still it sucked not being needed by her and since Kayne was currently more powerful than them all it is not like he needed her. Which is why Bella found herself back in New Orleans hoping to get a glance of Rebekah, the only person outside of her siblings that meant anything to her, hoping to see her or even to share a conversation with the original female vampire, anything to make her feel any less alone during Christmas time but sadly alone is what she would be, having not known no Mikaelson was currently in the city, as all were attending Hope’s wedding in Mystic Falls. “So, I’ve been trying to work out who you were since you first came to my city a few days ago and then the rumour mill quickly got spilling the secrets of your rather complicated family tree.” Marcel stated after speeding his way to now stand in front of the powerful witch. “Are you the one whose as crazy as Kol or the one who had something with Rebekah? I know you’re not the one who had something going on with Klaus…” “I’m Annabella Black and judging by the amount of power I can feel coming from you and how it is somehow stronger than that of an original tells me you are Marcel Gerard.” Bella replied as she stood up to face the upgraded original. “I was believed to think you had abandoned New Orleans after your brief marriage to Rebekah Mikaelson.” “I took a break from the family yeah, but I never took a break from this city.” Marcel admitted to her. “Although even I know there’s no Mikaelsons in town as my sort of sister Hope is getting married right about now.” “I got that message, a little late but still the message has been received.” Bella told him, trying to hide her sadness over missing Rebekah. “This is going to sound out of the blue but…how would you like to spend Christmas with me?” Marcel asked the bewitching beauty, shocking her by the invitation. “I can tell a lonely face and it just so happens I am also lonely this Christmas…nothing sinister I promise, just consider it a thank you from me for bringing black Klaus heck I’m even a little grateful you brought back Elijah.” “Connections with the Mikaelsons are never straight forward.” Bella laughed, before going on to say with great sarcasm. “Two exes of the same woman spending Christmas together…what could possibly go wrong?”
The Night Before Christmas
Kayne walked into the twin hotel room of which he was sharing with his brother Magnus in Jefferson City, shocked to see no sign of Magnus whatsoever, catching on quickly as he noticed a note left on one of the beds, as he walked over picked it up and began reading what his older brother had to say to himself, which simply read one word, that word saying bye, much to Kayne’s dismay and frustration. “Sometimes when someone burns you alive you should just call it quits trying to make that family bond work.” Klaus announced after vamp speeding into the room. “I am truly sorry you have a brother foolish enough to ever want to leave your side.” “It’s what people do…centuries go by, sights change, empires change, people change, but one thing that never changes is they always leave.” Kayne admitted, as he threw the note back on to the bed. “Is your daughter not getting married today? For some mad reason Rose is on babysitting duties…I know this because the crazy bitch tried to get me to help her like I would be any better with children.” “The wedding has come and gone, and I should be in Mystic Falls still but after the reception I decided to get my eldest sister Freya to do a location spell on you, I’ve tried for her to find you a million times but only now it seemed to work.” Klaus revealed to him. “And with you being so close to Mystic Falls I could not help but pay you a visit.” “Well as out of the blue this is, my family is no longer paired with yours since I took down the supreme bitch, so, I am just going to and if I were you, I would not try stopping me.” Kayne warned him as he began to walk past him only for Klaus to grab him by the arm. “After everything we have been through you did not care to tell me goodbye when you left New Orleans and still you cannot say goodbye to me now.” Klaus said, as he pulled Kayne’s body closer into his. “All I came here for was a simple…goodbye.” “Goodbye.” Kayne breathed, as he struggled to restrain himself from kissing Klaus then and there, as the feeling of the original hybrid’s body pressed up against his felt as good as it did centuries ago, struggling to contain his longing for him as Klaus began looking deep into his eyes, realizing Klaus wanted the same as his. “I have changed my mind,” Klaus replied with a sly smirk before gently kissing Kayne on the lips. “I do not want to ever say goodbye to you again!” Suddenly the power witch and the original hybrid’s bodies began crashing against each other’s, the two kissing passionately while tearing at each other’s clothes, and beginning to make their way over to the nearest twin bed, longing to make love to each other, longing to rekindle a love they had started many, many, years ago.
Christmas Day
Bella never knew exactly why she accept Marcel’s invite to join him for Christmas, maybe the idea of being a lone for yet another year was too much for her to take, maybe she wanted Rebekah to learn she was spending Christmas with her ex-husband or maybe she was simply happy to put a face to the name of the self-made upgraded original vampire whose charm was only matched by his deadliness. “If you have brought me here to try and take me out than you’re a very brave but very stupid man!” Bella warned Marcel as she walked into the living room of her New Orleans apartment wearing a tight fitted black dress, only to find Marcel stood there holding two glasses of champagne. “I meant what I said when I invited you here…there is no need for us to both be lonely.” Marcel replied as he handed one of the glasses of champagne to Bella. “Yes, I heard that line just yesterday but considering your ties are still pretty tight with the Mikaelsons I fail to see why you did not go to Mystic Falls with the rest of them.” Bella questioned him as she took a drink from her glass. “No poisons other than alcohol…I am surprised.” “I’m not in Mystic Falls for the very same reason that you are in New Orleans Annabella Black.” Marcel admitted to her. “When you love a woman like Rebekah Mikaelson you cannot stop…even when you realize you can never be with her…I choose to handle that knowledge by avoiding her, you did too for a long time, but I guess curiosity brought you back once again, to which I too have found myself falling to.” “The girl whose heart always gets broken does not realize how many hearts of her own she has broken.” Bella responded with a sly smirk as she finished her glass. “I did not agree to this invitation to speak of Rebekah or even to celebrate Christmas…” “Then why did you come here? As if we both do not already know.” Marcel questioned her, while knowing damn fine what the witch was doing in his apartment. Bella Black was done feeling lonely at the loneliest time of the year and Marcel looked like a real hunk of the man, she could see what Rebekah had seen in this fine specimen and in that moment, she decided to explore more of him but before she could make the first move, Marcel had stolen a kiss from her lips. The two shared a knowing smile before continuing to kiss each other passionately, crashing their way to the couch before Bella threw him down on it and climbed onto the upgraded original, ready to unwrap her unexpected Christmas gift.
Rose Black was known for many things, none of them particularly pleasant and instead of showing any signs of shame the witch was delighted and proud of the name she had made for herself and the fear she struck in others, a fear that she believed she had worked hard to earn. So, when her only friend in the entire world Kol Mikaelson requested her presence she was quick to accept, having given up on her plans for restoration, the woman was ready to do some wicked deeds with the original vampire but upon her arrival to San Francisco she quickly learned her duties were needed for babysitting. “I cannot thank you enough for keeping my three unruly girls alive during our little trip to Mystic Falls on Christmas Eve.” Kol thanked Rose as he walked into the kitchen of his and Davina’s San Francisco home, as Rose stood in the kitchen drinking a glass of rose wine. “To be honest I have never been more terrified in my life and I was literally just almost burned at the stake…but they were actually rather amusing minus the dreaded Disney reruns I actually found myself enjoying their company.” Rose reluctantly admitted before taking a drink from her glass. “I think I actually want to be a mother!” “Well, I will give you something Primrose,” Kol said, while in a state of shock by Rose’s revelation. “You never know what to expect from you.” “I just need to find a single human whose seed I can tolerate enough to impregnate me…problem is I’ve not liked a single human in centuries!” Rose said before downing her glass of wine. “I mean if you can parent a child, I am sure I will raise the perfect little psychopath that will make mama real proud.” Rose Black never expected to become a babysitter but then she did and after spending Christmas with Kol, Davina and their three children she found herself lifted by the spirit of Christmas, suddenly ready to begin a path towards motherhood.
As Klaus woke up from his slumber, naked but for a sheet, he was shocked to see no sign of Kayne but after a few moments he heard the shower running which prompted the original hybrid to stand up from the twin bed, wrapping the sheet around himself before walking into the hotel bathroom ready for another round with his long-lost lover, only to be left shocked to find no-one there much to his disappointment. Within mere moments Klaus heard the vibrating from his mobile phone ringing and vamp sped his way back into the hotel room, picking up the phone and instantly answering it. “I truly am sorry for leaving in such haste Niklaus, but you see I fell for you once before and I cannot make another mistake like that again.” Kayne said across the phone to a stunned and hurt Klaus. “I know your not the same man you were back then, but neither am I and I’m afraid sooner or later your going to realize the person I am to you now is not some lost love but a foe and when that day comes, when we are reunited remember the hurt you feel now, the hurt you made me once feel…then prepare for war!”
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fictionalnation · 4 years
Also, how annoying was Monique??? The bitch pisses me off so much. I don't understand the need for such an irritating character. I had so much hope that Genevieve would come through her character was so complex I wish we saw more of her and I wish they didn't make her go through with it. Also, Father Kieran deserved better. He was a good man. I wish they hadn't hexed him. Also, if he was a vampire even tho he never practically transitioned, did he meet Cami on the other side? They did the o'Connells dirty.
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fictionalnation · 5 years
I am going to say what literally everyone thinks, the TVD fandom is rude, toxic, annoying, and hypocrite. They are so full of themselves and completely forget they are talking about fictional characters and they think that their opinion is the only opinion. In the entire TVDverse the The Originals fandom is the only one that is actually supportive of each other and extremely sweet. Legacies and TVD fans are extra and honestly so bored that they will be shitty to anyone.
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I miss The Originals btw, y'all are precious my THE Originals Fandom❤
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fictionalnation · 5 years
Klamille is the best couple
I recently finished The Originals and Camille was not only one of my favorite characters but Klamille was my favorite ship. However, I am astounded at how many people dislike her and the ship and say there's no chemistry. Like what??? There's chemistry since day 1. I haven't watched TVD so I dont know much of Klaroline but I do think that Klamille was so pure and beautiful and Camille brought out the best in him. Even till the end he saw her supporting him and his peace was probably finally getting to spend eternity with her. Please explain to me the hate because I don't get it. I also don't understand Klayley. They had a one night stand and their friendship was everything but I never saw romantic love or sexual tension. It was sooo clear that Klaus loved Camille and Hayley loved Elijah. Klamille is also one of the only non toxic relationships on the entire show. She loved Hope so much, I mean in the episode where she is taking care of Hope you can see Klaus look at her like "this is our future." The fact that Klamille was robbed of happiness has me bitter but the way people hate on Camille and klamille is just not understandable to me.
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fictionalnation · 5 years
Camille: Klaus, please don't let go. I want to live. Klaus please. I just.... I finally got to be with you.
Klaus: Camille...
He looks away trying to hide the pain and fright, trying to hide the fact that the love of his life is vanishing in front of his eyes. When, abruptly, Freya interferes.
Klaus: Freya no. What have you done? We had not the chance to say our goodbyes.
Freya: Klaus. There is a way. She might not like it. But there is a way. You can link her to you. She won't live, but will be in a sleeping spell until something more thorough is figured out.
Klaus: Do it now, I was losing her.
He puts his hand on his face, afraid of what would happen. He thought he could handle heartbreak, hell, he was 1000 years old, he had suffered immensely throughout. Yet no pain could equal to that which he now suffered.
Freya: There.
She approached Niklaus who stood outside the door, as he hurried to give his sister a hug.
In an instant between, however, a loud noise from the compound takes his attention.
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tvdversefanfiction · 3 years
Origins of Magic: Finale
Warnings: I do not own the rights to the television series “The Originals”, “Vampire Diaries”, or “Legacies” and do not own any of the characters within the TVD universe, I am making no profit from this and have no intention for this fanfiction series except for readers to enjoy. 15+ Mild to Strong Violence, Strong Language, Witchcraft, sexual scenes, and sexual references. F/F, F/M, M/M, Other.
Chapter 24: The Bloody Pipes of Peace
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Elijah Mikaelson had found himself stood in the bathroom of a bar he had not seen since the year 1969, a bar in which he met up with centuries-old witch Kayne Black, not knowing how he got there but knowing this was not quite the real world, nor was it the prison world he was in just moments ago, and so he decided to leave the bathroom to try and get some idea of where he had been placed now only to be left shocked to walk into the bar to find it completely empty except for Kayne who was stood behind the bar knocking back a bottle of whisky. “It’s not quite hitting like it should which means I’m neither in a prison world or in some astral plane,” Kayne complained to the original vampire, as Elijah walked over to him. “Which means I’m either inside your mind, you’re inside mine, or where in somebody’s mind who somehow has a recollection of the time, we spent together back in 69.” “Perhaps you were reminiscing of times gone by?” Elijah suggested with a hopeful tone in his voice as he sat down at the bar. “Unless it is a time loop, of course, it would be a time loop, that’s her bloody party trick. We are stuck within a certain day of a certain year that Annabella would know for a fact that neither Magnus nor Primrose could enter because they were otherwise sidelined during that time…normally a time loop is nature meets mystic event caused by something truly evil, tragic, or otherwise completely off the world’s plan, as history rewrites itself to correct it, the people within the time loop are forced to relive the same day repeatedly until they optionally choose to do something big enough of a difference to break it and therefore releasing from the time loop and seeing tomorrow or in our case back to the current year.” “If a time loop is a case of nature meets mystic energy, then how can Bella make one at will? And as I am saying this, I recall that the rules of magic on this earth were probably written by you and your siblings.” Elijah wondered clearly confused by Kayne’s admission. “A time loop is ultimately a curse, forcing those to relive within its spell to relive the same day in which the curse took place, and when it comes to curses Annabella has always been something of an expert,” Kayne revealed to the noble original. “In fact, I am pretty sure her obsession with Rebekah starting from her wanting to learn the details of a curse she had the misfortune of not casting.” “Okay…trying to understand the logic and if I have it right then my sister Rebekah cannot be in this time because she too, like your other siblings, was somewhat sidelined after the 20s when Klaus daggered her over some spat about a boy that I’m not sure which sibling fancied more,” Elijah stated with humor, realizing Rebekah must be elsewhere. “These magical daggers put originals to sleep until someone pulls it out of them am I right?” Kayne asked, waiting for Elijah’s nod to confirm his theory. “Magnus was dead in 1969, Primrose was imprisoned by a powerful coven so if Magnus was to jump into this time loop he’d wind up dead and Rose would end up stuck in that prison which is exactly why they would not come here…however, your sister Bex is basically just taking a nap so if we find Klaus he can take us to Rebekah to whom we just have to pull the dagger out of and then work out why we’re in the witch witness protection program.” “Clearly your sister Annabella is protecting you and us from well, the rest of your family. She must care for you just as much as I do…and Niklaus.” Elijah confessed to both his own feelings towards Kayne and his brother’s, knowing he could not act on those feelings again because of his loyalty towards his brother and knowing Kayne probably blamed him just as much as he blamed Klaus for his very recent yet brief death.
Klaus Mikaelson had figured that he had been transported from one prison world to the other and upon discovering a newspaper while walking through the empty streets of San Francisco he quickly discovered that he was in the year 1969 and although he did not quite understand the rules of the place he presumed to be a prison world he could not help but wonder if his siblings had followed them there, and if they did, if they wound up wherever they were during this year just like he did, and although he had no clue of where Elijah was, he just so happened to have Rebekah daggered in a coffin nearby his current location. “Firstly, who the bloody hell gave you another dagger?” Rebekah moaned as she awoke after Klaus pulled a dagger out of her chest before going on to help her get out of the coffin she was lying in, helping her get to her feet as she noticed she was in an abandoned warehouse. “Secondly, why the bloody hell did you dagger me again? I really thought we were over this Nik.” “I did not dagger you this time Rebekah, time did, believe it or not, but the latest prison world we’ve been dumped in is set in the swinging sixties,” Klaus informed his sister, quick to point out he was not to blame for her current situation. “Oh good! I never got to see the sixties, or the seventies, eighties, nineties…because of you then there’s the thirties, 40s, shall I go on?” Rebekah responded with a level of sarcasm, teasing her brother before noticing she was in the same dress she wore before Klaus daggered her in Chicago not long after their first meeting with a certain Stefan Salvatore. “Well, now we have to find Elijah and pending who cast this particular spell, Kayne too,” Klaus stated, unsure who was responsible for his and his sister’s latest visit to another prison world. “I did!” Bella Black revealed after appearing out of nowhere, in astral projection form, her real body still in the real world. “I had to hide you all quickly before Rose or Magnus destroyed the prison world you were in and therefore destroying you all.” “You always were the smartest sister in that family!” Rebekah replied with a sincere smile, relieved to know Bella was the witch behind this current spell. “I am so glad to see you and not your less sane siblings.” “So, if you have moved us here instead of just putting us back in our bodies then I am guessing neither you nor Kayne has any idea where our actual bodies are?” Klaus asked the eldest member of the Black family. “Correct, I had no idea that Kayne would wind up here too I’ll be fixing that shortly before Rose and Magnus find his location, then Kayne and I will handle our siblings without any Mikaelson interference, so we can find some bloody peace among us all whether things have to get bloody or not depends on them,” Bella admitted to the original vampires making it clear that they were staying put until she said otherwise. “Your bitch sister killed Freya!” Klaus shouted at her furiously, having no intentions of letting Rose away with his sister’s murders. “And you killed Kayne!” Bella snapped back. “I could have acted in revenge but instead I knew better now it is your turn to be smart and stay put until I handle my family!” “I’m all for not letting my idiot brother handle matters because of his tendency to only make things worse but Annabella when it comes to your siblings you also have a tendency to make things worse,” Rebekah told the woman she once loved, wondering if whatever she had planned would work. “Things are different now Rebekah,” Bella replied as she held her baby bump, as Rebekah realized Bella was due to give birth any day now. “I will do whatever is needed of me in the end, whatever is needed to protect my child.”
Rose Black had hated her eldest brother Magnus for as long as she could remember but as she awoke in that hotel room with her brother Kayne nowhere to be found she quickly learned that Magnus was the only one there for her right now which could not help but make her wonder the horrible notion that maybe just maybe she hated Magnus so much because he reminded her of herself. Rose was a narcissist, psychotic, and often irrational, but despite these qualities she always believed that she loved herself, that everybody else was wrong and she was right but as she now found herself on the outside along with Magnus, she could not help but think maybe her way of thinking is the same method Magnus used, was her least favorite sibling the one who was most like her? But she could not let her questions and uncertainness get the best of her, not with both her sister Bella and brother Kayne out to sabotage her plans of revenge, and although she still loved Kayne, she knew it was her and Magnus against her other siblings so she could rid the world of the Mikaelsons once and for all, hoping that Kayne would later forgive her like he had forgiven her so many times before. “I’m only going to ask you once Marcel, where is my sister?” Rose demanded as she burst into Marcel’s apartment to see him sitting down on his couch drinking a glass of whisky, unphased by her entrance, that was until Rose raised her right hand and the glass to which Marcel was holding exploded instantly, the shards of glass going everywhere as well as the remainder of his drink. “She is more than likely out there cleaning up your messes.” Marcel declared as he quickly rose to his feet, ready to fight the centuries-old witch if he needed to. “Have you ever stopped to think that you’re as bad as the family you are hunting? How many messes has Bella cleaned up for you without even the littlest gratitude? How many times has Kayne done the exact same thing? Sure, you claim all this anger is because Kayne was briefly dead, but he is back and the last thing he wants is for you to make yet another mess. So, please tell me what is your reasoning now? Why are you always so bloody pissed?” “I’m mad because the man who he loved killed him without a second thought! I am mad because Bella did not even attempt to protect him! I’m mad that he just keeps forgiving everybody all the bloody time!” Rose shouted at Marcel as she began charging towards him. “I’m mad that Bella’s happy and having a child, that Kayne will always be loved because of the light inside of him, and that I have never truly loved or been loved and never will.” “Well, I was not expecting that level of honesty…” Marcel replied. “Sounds like you’re mad at yourself for being such a witch all the time but just remember in spite of that Bella and Kayne still loved you…hell, Kol still loved you and he never cares about anyone except himself and Davina.” “I do not know why I said all that,” Rose said with a saddened sigh, knowing that even if she regrets using Marcel as the one to vent to, she needed to let those words out anyway. “I do because I’ve been where you’ve been, where you’re as mad as hell for everything in your life and it’s easier to be mad at the Mikaelsons than yourself but that anger only ever gets more and more people you care about killed and deep down that’s the last thing you want,” Marcel advised Rose, noticing a vulnerability in her that very few had seen before. “Do not let the rage be all that you have left.” “I’ve heard those words before mostly by Annabella and Kayne but somehow they sound different coming from an outsider…I mean you barely even know me and yet you summarized my entire life in just one conversation.” Rose reluctantly admitted to the upgraded original, knowing Marcel was right, that only she could break the vicious cycle that had become her life. Maybe it was madness within her mind or maybe it was the notion of being seen for the first time in forever but before she even knew it Rose leaned in towards Marcel and gently kissed his lips, shocking Marcel for a moment before he
returned her kiss and before long the pair were kissing passionately as Rose pushed Marcel down onto the couch and quickly threw herself on top of him as the pair began ripping each other’s clothes off.
Bella Black was determined to not only get her sister Rose back on her side but Magnus too, wanting to right all of her wrongs before her baby was born but to do that she had very little time to sway them both to her side and stop their mission to kill the original family of vampires, not only because Marcel was the father of her baby, but because despite the recent growth in her friendship with her baby father there was still only one person Bella truly loved, Rebekah, and although she knew they were little to no hope of the two ever working out that did not mean she wanted any harm to come to her. In fact, it was not just Rebekah that Bella had grown fond of over the centuries, she admired Elijah’s loyalty towards his family something she could relate to, she cherished Kol’s friendship with her sister Rose knowing the two were a perfect match for each other, and at times she even tolerated Klaus because he loved her brother Kayne and Kayne loved him. Somewhere along the line her family’s history had become interwoven with the Mikaelson’s and she did not want that to end with war. “Annabella, I am surprised you reached out to me. I do hope this is not some trap because hopefully, you would know better than to think I’d fall for another one of your little schemes.” Magnus greeted Bella as he walked up towards her, as she stood outside the gates of the Lafayette Cemetery. “I want a truce Magnus, I want us all to be a family again, and I want no harm to come to the Mikaelsons,” Bella replied clearly stating her wants before she suddenly felt a huge shooting pain coming directly from her stomach, knowing instantly it was the baby. “What is it, sister?” Magnus asked, looking somewhat worried for Bella but trying to mask it from her at the same time. “I’m not sure…” Bella answered him before letting out a piercing scream which was followed by her waters breaking. “Oh god, I think the baby’s coming.” Magnus quickly rushed to put his arms over his sister, shocked to learn she was going into labor, determined to get her to a hospital as soon as possible, at the moment relinquishing all his anger and hatred towards her, as he realized all he wanted was to make sure she gave birth to this child without any harm coming to either of them, as Bella would soon learn that day that not only would it end with her becoming a mother, but she’d have her brother Magnus back too…
Klaus Mikaelson and his siblings Rebekah and Elijah awoke within their rooms at the Mikaelson compound instantly at the same time as each other, before they used their vampire speed to climb out of bed, and rush to find each other, the three original vampires finding each other within Klaus’ home office, as they each gave each other a gleeful grin knowing that they were finally home. “I guess Bella really did it,” Rebekah said, with a smile on her face, as she realized that even after all this time she could still rely on Bella Black. “Well not quite!” Kayne declared as he walked into the room. “She had every intention of bailing you all out but then she went into labor and long story short there’s a new member of the Black family.” “That’s great news!” Elijah responded sincerely. “Is the new mother, okay?” “Of course, she is,” Kayne stated. “I’m merely here to pass on a message of peace…” “Rose imprisoned us after killing our sister Freya I do not care what she or that fool Magnus has promised you and Bella, but we are far from over avenging our sister’s death.” Klaus declared, making it clear he had no interest in peace. “Rose will wish she killed me too by the time I’m over with that wretched witch.” “How very typical of you Niklaus.” Kayne scoffed. “How quickly you forget how this all started by you betraying me yet again and leaving me for dead? I should have chosen your brother Elijah all those years ago, I cannot believe I wasted so much time on you!” Klaus turned to face his brother Elijah looking stunned, saddened, and furious, to learn of his older brother’s history with a man he once loved, and perhaps still did, leaving him broken by the betrayal, something which only served to delight a vengeful Kayne. “I for one want peace between our families but you’re bloody awful at playing peacemaker Kayne,” Rebekah stated, choosing to ignore the look of guilt on Elijah’s face as Klaus continued to stare at him with rage in his eyes. “Well, I could not have you trying to kill Primrose had she come here to make peace, nor could I have you killing Magnus, believe it or not, we’re taking a page out of your book and trying this whole family thing,” Kayne announced, confusing the Mikaelsons by this sudden turnaround. “For obvious reasons, Marcel will know where we are all going but make no mistake when I say you will never see any of us again minus the little one once Marcel and Bella work out that whole custody thing.” “So, after all this, you’re just uprooting from our lives? Leaving us all to play happy families with two siblings who will no doubt wind up killing you both.” Elijah replied to Kayne, making it clear he was far from ready to say goodbye. “We have to be better than what we were and when we are around you all we are at our worst!” Kayne confessed with a saddened sigh. “I’m actually going to miss New Orleans…” “Then go!” Klaus shouted, attempting to hide his pain with fury. “Disappear from all of our lives but mark my word you better hide those siblings very well because if I ever find them, they’ll die a death more permanent than your recent death.” Instead of replying to Klaus’ words of anger, or Elijah pleads to stay, Kayne Black disappeared within a blink of an eye, putting the Mikaelsons behind him for good, as he fully set out to never see any of them again…but things are never that simple!
Elsewhere, far outside of the city limits of New Orleans, Bella and Rose were on a quiet road in the middle of nowhere, Rose driving, while Bella remained in the passenger seat, with her new-born baby boy asleep in the back in his baby seat, cozied up with cute blue blankets, as Rose and Bella continued to bicker about returning to the castle in the woods, only for Rose to make the car come to a crashing stop when a tall, thin, raven-haired woman suddenly appeared on the road in front of them. “Vampire or witch?” Bella asked her sister, as she tried to work out who the stranger was. “I say we go find out,” Rose replied, before undoing her seatbelt, opening her car door, getting out of the car, and proceeding to walk towards this mysterious woman. “It took a while for me to get you girls alone and away from that family you two ladies seem far too obsessed with.” The woman told Rose, unnerved by the look of rage on Rose’s face as the centuries-old witch stopped right in front of the stranger. “I do not care who you are nor why you’re here but if you think for one second, you’re going to take me out then think again lady!” Rose warned the mysterious woman. “Now is that really a way to talk to your mother?” She asked Rose, surprising the witch with her words. “It’s long overdue my darling Primrose but it is time you, Annabella, Magnus, and Kayne finally got to meet your real mother....my name is Lilith.”
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tvdversefanfiction · 3 years
Origins of Magic: Part Two
Warnings: I do not own the rights to the television series “The Originals”, “Vampire Diaries”, or “Legacies” and do not own any of the characters within the TVD universe, I am making no profit from this and have no intention for this fanfiction series except for readers to enjoy. 15+ Mild to Strong Violence, Strong Language, Witchcraft, sexual scenes, and sexual references. F/F, F/M, M/M, Other.
Chapter 23 - The Best of The Worst
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“Primrose,” Kayne said with panted breath as he walked into a hotel room within New Orleans where he had arranged to meet Magnus and Rose. “Kayne,” Rose replied as she rushed over to hug her newly revived brother, holding him in her tight embrace as she hoped to never suffer losing him again. “I’m so glad our brother did something right for once!” “Okay now you two have caught up can we get to where the hell the Mikaelson family is so we can end their miserable existences before we end the rest of their family?” Magnus asked them both making it clear he did not have time to waste on family reunions. “I told you Hope’s off-limits,” Rose told her oldest brother Magnus as she broke off her hug with her younger brother Kayne. “I made a deal with her, and she’s done nothing to piss me off as of yet so until then she lives.” “As does our sister Bella.” Kayne chimed in. “If we are really doing this, killing the Mikaelson’s, then Bella, her baby, and Marcel are off-limits too.” “Fine.” Magnus agreed reluctantly. “Not a chance in hell!” Rose shouted at Kayne. “She was all ready to play happy families with the very same family who slaughtered her brother, she needs to pay for everything she has done to us all.” “Bella did what she had to do for her child her loyalties are within her future kid, and she has every right to protect our niece or nephew with everything she has got. Our sister wants nothing to do with this war on either side of it if we are truly her siblings then we should respect that and allow her to live whatever life she chooses.” Kayne argued with his sister, making it clear he did not blame Bella’s decisions, and neither should they. “Kayne is right,” Magnus stated, surprising both Rose and Kayne by agreeing with Kayne. “Annabella has betrayed more than anyone ever has but she is still our sister and that child she is carrying is our family too. We should protect the unborn baby and allow Bella a pass from this war it is what is right.” “Since when did you become all team family? It was not too long ago you were ready to kill us all.” Rose snapped at Magnus, suspicious of his sudden turnaround. “It’s the child, isn’t it?” Kayne asked his brother, realizing the truth behind Magnus’ sudden interest in reuniting their family. “It was pretty obvious you wanted the demons released just as much as you wanted us both free from that realm, but I could not work out why you suddenly wanted to be part of the Black family again. Bella’s child, the firstborn from any of us meaning that child’s power is yet unknown but with an upgraded original being its father that power is bound to beyond anything we could imagine…you do not care about this war nor do you care about your family you just want us all to kill each other so it's easier for you to get your hands on what you really want…Bella’s child.” “You’re wrong Kayne, yes I want that child to be a part of our family, and yes I am highly intrigued by the power it may wield but I do not want you or any of my siblings to die in order to get my hands on that child,” Magnus said, denying Kayne’s accusations. “The Mikaelsons must fall so we can truly rise but when I say we I mean us all.” “Well, I’m in whether we wind up kidnapping that baby or not I’m still in.” Rose declared making it clear to her brothers she was ready for all forms of revenge towards everyone who had ever wronged her. “I’m out! In fact, I was never truly in but now I am truly out.” Kayne confessed before raising his hand in the air, moving it in a circle swiftly, and using his magic to force his siblings into a deep sleep, their unconscious bodies quickly falling to the hotel room floor, as Kayne realized what he had to do next.
Kayne Black did believe that his family should come first but Bella was his family too and she was pregnant with the only member of their family who at that time was completely and utterly innocent which made him question his loyalty to Magnus and Rose, knowing Magnus was clearly interested in this miracle child made him worry for Bella’s unborn child and knowing of Rose’s hunger for vengeance towards their sister did not fare well for Bella and her baby either. So, he decided to turn to the other family that his eldest sister Annabella Black was torn between despite the guilt he felt for betraying Rose, he just could not trust her and especially not Magnus when it came to doing right by his potential niece or nephew and as the Mikaelsons considered Marcel as one of their own he knew they would accept his child too. “Long time no see lover boy.” Kayne greeted Klaus after astral projecting himself into the prison world that Rose had created, deep within the woods of Mystic Falls. “Home sweet hell I see…if it were up to me to create, I’d have gone less bloody obvious and a lot more brutal.” “I was wondering if there were others here or perhaps, you’re a figment of my imagination,” Klaus replied to him with a smile on his face, happy to see his former lover once again. “Maybe you’re my conscience making me feel guilty for choosing to betray you instead of trusting you.” “Well, I am most definitely not your conscience considering I am not sold on you having one neither am I actually here, my astral self is,” Kayne revealed to the original hybrid. “I was all for joining my siblings in exacting revenge on you and everybody else in your family, but they are proving to be as trustworthy as you right about now so I’m going to break you out of this shabby little world my sister has roughly drawn out for yourself, Elijah, and Rebekah.” “You’re alive…again.” Klaus realized as he found himself overcome with relief. “No thanks to you…thanks to Magnus actually and yet I’m betraying him and I’m betraying the one sister who would never betray me and not because of you definitely not because of you but because of the child Bella is carrying…a child who you could call your grandchild,” Kayne confessed making it clear his decision to help Klaus was not an easy decision to make but that he felt it was the right one. “So, we are a team again?” Klaus said, amused by the notion. “Just like old times.” “I’m prison breaking you and your siblings, but I have terms and conditions about this war against my family, and trust me with the state the world’s in right now you are going to want Bella and myself willing to help when the demons rise,” Kayne stated, struggling to see Klaus’ victorious smile, wanting to wipe it off his face but knowing he could not, at least not at that moment. “Whatever you demand I will submit to my love,” Klaus replied in a flirtatious manner as if he thought Kayne had forgiven him for his misdeeds. “I do not want nor need your word because I do not and will not ever again trust it. Take me to Elijah he is after all the noble one, take me to him, and once I get his promise, I will release you all, but I’d hurry if I were you because Magnus and Rose will not be sleeping long and once, they awake they’ll know exactly what I am up to.” Kayne responded coldly hoping his words of mistrust hurt Klaus for even a moment, hoping he had caused the hybrid a fraction of the pain that he had caused him.
Bella Black could not help but feel guilty for not siding with her siblings even if Kayne seemed to understand her motives behind not joining their war against the Mikaelsons she knew Rose never would. She knew she had failed her younger sister many times in the past whether it was being too strict with her, not being strict enough, or the time she was willing to let her die so Kayne could live, especially the letting her die part. Bella once trusted her brother Magnus with her life, the two were side by side for many years but his jealousy over their younger siblings Primrose and Kayne forced her hand into taking him out too, so trusting whatever he had planned was another risk she could not take, fearing he would double-cross them all at any given chance. No, the risk of siding with her siblings against the Mikaelsons were far too high not just because of their legacy as the original family of vampires but also that they were more of a family than her or her siblings would ever hope to be, and that loyalty would be what conquered all in the end. There was no chance her siblings nor her would make it out alive so why did she feel so bad for abandoning siblings who had each abandoned her many times before? Because deep down although their shared memories of being siblings may have been a result of the woman, they once thought to be their mother’s spells, despite all that being found out to be nothing more than magical lies, Bella could not imagine having loved any of them any less like the family had she knew the truth all that time, even Magnus. “I do not think I can do this, I want to do this, everything inside of me is telling me to do this, but they are my family, Marcel.” Bella declared to Marcel Gerard as she sat in the passenger seat of his car with her hands stroking her ever-growing baby bump, while Marcel sat in the driving seat clearly looking frustrated by Bella’s admission, driving along a quiet road in the middle of the night. “Klaus was and some ways still are like a father to me I love his kid like she is my sister, but I refuse to be in another one of their wars when it is over stupid hurt feelings,” Marcel replied to the centuries-old witch who was carrying his unborn child. “That is exactly why I cannot watch them all just slaughter each other I told myself I was running for my child that the means justify the ends, but it is exactly that kind of thinking that has caused nothing but centuries of betrayals, heartbreak, and death,” Bella explained herself to the upgraded original. “We need to stop them, force some kind of intervention, and make sure they cannot leave until we reach a satisfying conclusion whereas little people die as possible.” “Damn it! Annabella Black, I guess we are turning this car around.” Marcel said with panted breath as he admitted defeat in this argument, knowing that he did not want Rebekah nor Klaus to die over some century’s long vendetta with a family who they had wronged just as much as that family had wronged them.
Klaus Mikaelson knew that Kayne Black no longer trusted him for rightful reasons and he probably loathed him too, again for rightful reasons, but somehow despite all the reasons Klaus had given him to declare war on the Mikaelson family, Kayne had put the future of his sister’s unborn child above all vengeance and even other family ties proving that the man Klaus once loved, the man with a loyal and loving heart, was still there despite all the trauma that he had gone through. Kayne, or rather his astral projection self, reluctantly agreed to allow Klaus to give him a quick tour around the little prison world that Kayne’s vengeful sister Rose created, agreeing only because of the promise of finding both Elijah and Rebekah along the way so he could get all three Mikaelsons before leaving the prison world with them. “I hope you know killing you was my biggest regret it was never an easy decision for me to make but I would do anything for my family especially my daughter and I genuinely believed I was doing the right thing for my family.” Klaus apologized to the male witch, apologies being something the original hybrid rarely delivered. “I understand that way of thinking Niklaus I even forgive that way of thinking but what I’ll never forgive is you not trusting me enough…despite everything I never stopped loving you when you gave me a million reasons too, but I suppose I should thank you for killing me because when you did you killed whatever love I had left for you,” Kayne replied, somewhat accepting Klaus’ apology. “Which is good because now I can think freely, logically, without allowing the past to affect my decisions.” “Then I am glad I could get you to such a level-headed state of mind.” Klaus lied, knowing he had no right to hurt Kayne moving on from him if he really had. “I suppose this either means you have cheated death again or we’re as dead as you are,” Rebekah said after using her vampire speed to rush over and find herself stood in front of Kayne and Klaus. “If you are here to torture us all please remember Niklaus did the deed as Elijah watched whereas I had no bloody clue what was going on…granted I’d probably have done the same, but the point still stands that I never.” “The same as ever Rebekah,” Kayne responded with a laugh, amused by the original female vampire. “Believe it or not I’m breaking you and your brothers free from this place.” “I do not believe it!” Rebekah stated with a great sense of suspicion over Kayne’s alleged willingness to help them. “I believe it!” Elijah announced after he too used his vampire speed to appear as if from out of nowhere to now stand in front of Kayne and Klaus, standing next to Rebekah. “Your eldest sister is about to have a child and although you know we are dangerous you also know we would never hurt a child…something you cannot say about your siblings Magnus or Rose.” “Exactly use, are truly the best of the worst in this scenario,” Kayne said with a saddened sigh, taking absolutely no pleasure whatsoever in betraying his sister Rose or even his brother Magnus. Suddenly, much to the shock of both Kayne and Klaus, both Rebekah and Elijah suddenly vanished out of thin air, within a blink of the eye. “Well, that did not take you as long as I thought it would,” Klaus stated before noticing that Kayne was equally as shocked as himself meaning someone else had released Elijah and Rebekah from this prison world. “That was not me!” Kayne replied, before he and Klaus were next to vanish into thin air, neither knowing where they were about to go, or what hell awaited them…
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tvdversefanfiction · 3 years
Origins of Magic: Part Two
Chapter 22: And so it begins...
Warnings: I do not own the rights to the television series “The Originals”, “Vampire Diaries”, or “Legacies” and do not own any of the characters within the TVD universe, I am making no profit from this and have no intention for this fanfiction series except for readers to enjoy. 15+ Mild to Strong Violence, Strong Language, Witchcraft, sexual scenes, and sexual references. F/F, F/M, M/M, Other.
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Kayne Black’s recent return from the grave was as shocking as his previous comeback but the thing that baffled him this time around was his visit to the demonic realm and the questions that it had left him with about the place he and his siblings were supposed to have come from like did they have parents over there or creators or if these demons did not have bodies why did they and if he and his family were the strongest creatures among the living were those that reside within the demonic realm even more powerful than him? As he found his way out of the woods within Mystic Falls and found a nearby road, Kayne was surprised to see a sports car speeding down the road rather fast before coming to a sudden stop right in front of him as he realized whoever was in the car had just found exactly what they were looking for him. The driver’s door slowly opened, and afoot appeared out of the car wearing black stiletto six-inch heels before Katherine Pierce climbed out of the car with a wicked smile on her face before she walked over to greet the powerful witch. “Since your family messed up pretty big time bringing the Mikaelsons back from the dead crashing open all kinds of realms I thought it was only a matter of time before it came back to bite use…so to speak,” Katherine said to him as she now stood in front of the male witch. “I get wanting to help out Elijah, but you really should have kept Klaus in the ground.” “Are you just here to taunt me for my decisions or has your presence got some meaning behind it? In which I mean you better be here to help and not hinder me because I am okay with sending you back to the hell in which you slithered out from.” Kayne warned the ruthless vampire making it clear he had no time for any games she wanted to play. “Tough talk coming for Kayne Black I guess the little witch boy may finally be growing up!” Katherine scoffed showing no fear over his threats. “You guys did me a solid by making a loophole so I could reclaim my former life and I owe your sister Annabella a favor or two, so I figured I’d pick you up and drop you off at New Orleans or rather a safe distance outside of it because I do not want Klaus getting news of my whereabouts.” “And what makes you so damn sure I even want to be anywhere near New Orleans?” Kayne quizzed the vampire, suspicious of her motives. “Because one hell of a war is coming sexy, and your siblings are right in the middle of it with the Mikaelson’s, so it benefits me greatly if you guys don’t wind up dead!” Katherine revealed to him. “And with you and Magnus now alive again and Freya long-dead it's starting to look like you guys stand a chance.” “Freya’s dead?” Kayne asked in disbelief by the revelation that the eldest Mikaelson sibling was now among the dead.
Hope Mikaelson decided that although she loved her father very much she did not want to follow in his footsteps and therefore she concluded that she had no other choice but to keep the promise she made to Rose Black and help her bring her power back to life in order to free Klaus, Rebekah, and Elijah from a prison world of Rose’s making but little did the young Mikaelson Tribrid know that Kayne Black was already back among the living as hell itself was about to descend on the city of New Orleans… “If I let you free then I am going to need to know you are not just going to try killing me the first chance you get,” Hope told Rose as she stood outside of Rose’s prison cell located beneath the Mikaelson compound. “Unlike my bitch sister Bella and my bastard brother Magnus I tend to keep to my word so as long as you bring my brother back, I’ll give you your family,” Rose responded making it clear to Hope that she had no intention of killing her unless she gave her a reason that is but before Hope had a chance to reply she soundly fell to the ground unconscious as Magnus appeared from out of the shadows. “Well, is this not a case of dejavu little sister? It is good to see you are as spiteful as ever especially because we have a family to massacre. May as well start with this one.” Magnus greeted his sister before pulling out a blade from his jacket pocket and putting it to Hope’s neck fully ready to kill the youngest member of the Mikaelson family. “She gets to live she maybe half Mikaelson but clearly her mother’s half got the better of that one,” Rose told her brother who reluctantly pulled his knife away from Hope’s throat, hid it back in his jacket before waving his hand to counter the spell keeping the cage door shut, the door swinging open immediately afterward. “Not like you to tell someone not to kill,” Magnus replied to his sister. “But Kayne and I need the whole family back together so I will grant your wishes for now.” “Kayne’s alive?” Rose asked with a genuine smile, truly relieved to hear the brother she loved more than anything was now amongst the living. “Where is he?” “I wish I had an ounce of the loyalty you always gave him,” Magnus confessed to her before going on to say. “A mutual friend is bringing him to the city as we speak now where is the Mikaelson trio? I heard you put them away somewhere safe ready for the killing.” Magnus as always had murder on his mind, and he knew out of all his siblings only Rose could match that bloodlust, and even though he had salvaged her rage by bringing Kayne back to life he knew her vengeance was far from fed allowing him to use that vengeance to take out the only other family in the world who could be a threat to his own.
Despite their constant bickering and bashing of the eldest Black sibling, Bella was perhaps the one who had fought the hardest for their family for the longest time choosing to sacrifice whom they believed to be their mother for her siblings and then taking out her brother Magnus for what she believed to be the greater good for Rose and Kayne, only to later learn they’d grow to despise her for her actions and so eventually she decided to give up on that family. After a brief one night stand with Marcel Gerard, Bella was now expecting her first child with a man who had quickly become a close friend during hard times and although neither planned to rekindle their romance, Bella was glad to have a platonic partner to raise a child with him in New Orleans as she fought for peace with the Mikaelson family even if it pitted her against her old family, it was her new family, her unborn child that mattered most to her now. So, the cleverest of the Black family decided she had no choice but to plot against her own sister Rose, as she looked for a way to unearth the magic her youngest sister had used to capture Klaus, Rebekah, and Elijah, hoping to find the spells Rose used in her devious plans so she could find a way of undoing her magic, freeing the three Mikaelsons and finding some way to try and broker peace so her child was not born into a war. “I hate to say it sister, but you have really let yourself go as of late!” Kayne stated as he walked into Lafayette Cemetery to meet with his unsuspecting sister who was investigating the scene of the crime in which their sister Rose killed Freya. “Kayne?” Bella said in disbelief as she saw the brother, she thought dead now standing in front of her, appeased to know she had not lost him forever as she had once thought. “How are you here right now?” “Magnus believe it or not I am beginning to think that maybe just maybe he really does want the old family to reform. I mean he owed me nothing and I’m back demonic apocalypse pending of course but still, I’m alive so the hell cares.” Kayne replied with a sinister sense of humor. “As for how I got here Katherina Petrova provided me with transport…you never quite gave me the full details about your history with her by the way.” “I am so glad to see you!” Bella gushed as she rushed over and hug her little brother, tears forming in her eyes. “I really thought that this time you were gone forever!” “Magnus is planning some attack on the Mikaelsons, and he’s got Katherine convinced we may actually win plus with Rose being held captive by that family something tells me she’ll soon be on board too,” Kayne informed his sister. “I want to say I am telling you to help me stop them but I’m not sure we should stop this war, in fact, called me biased because of being recently killed by one of them but I think I’m ready to take back this world that was once ours.” “Kayne please not you too! What Klaus did was unforgivable but…” Bella began to plead with him only to be cut off quickly. “I understand why he killed me he wanted to ensure his family’s safety it was not personal it was all about survival and that’s why I want every last one of them dead too,” Kayne revealed to her, showing a coldness he rarely showed, especially towards people he once cared for deeply. “Besides the sooner we get rid of the vampires the sooner we can focus on those bloody demons I may have helped bring to this world.” “I am not wagering war against a family that my child will one day be part of I am sorry Kayne, but I will not join this war. If you need help with these so-called demons, then I will help you, but I’ve already sacrificed for you and Rose too many times its time I put my own child first now!” Bella told her brother making it clear to him she would not be an ally in a war against the original family of vampires. “I am sorry to hear that Annabella, but I am glad you are finally being more honest with me!” Kayne responded to his sister clearly disappointed by her stance but understanding why she did not want to go to war at the same time. “Take care, Annabella,
stay safe, and for the love of god make sure you do not wind up being someone’s pawn in this impending war…have your own back because I doubt anyone else will.” Before Bella could say anything more to her brother or ask any more questions about the revelations, he had just laid upon her, Kayne was gone within the blink of an eye leaving her alone with her guilt over not having her family’s back while also feeling guilty for the Mikaelson family as she realized Kayne was right, she had to make it so neither side could try and force her hand.
Klaus, Rebekah, and Elijah found themselves stood outside of their family home that had in the real world long since deteriorated over a thousand years but somehow in this prison world remained perfectly built, as if it was just built that day, and normally to anyone else their childhood home would be a blessing to see again after all this time but to them it just served to bring back memories they wished they’d forget, knowing that is exactly why Rose had trapped them there to torture them with their past. “Speaking of someone whose been in a prison world or two there’s always some way out of it and judging by Rose’s rather psychotic ways my guess would be there will be some answers as to get out of here within the family home,” Klaus told his siblings trying to think like the woman who had put them in this prison world. “Well, I doubt there is going to be any Bennet blood handy in a time when there were no hospitals so that squashes the Bennet connection as for getting out of here,” Rebekah responded, as she too tried to think of a way out of their current situation. “Then again Ayana is a Bennet witch, and she did use to keep vials of her blood within her home…and I’d much rather go snooping around in her past than our own.” “We do not know if this world is an exact replica of our home back when we were just mere mortals or if there are just parts of this world designed to look that way so I suggest Rebekah goes to where Ayana’s home should be and myself and Niklaus should visit the old family home,” Elijah advised his younger siblings. “However, we do not know if we are necessarily alone here so be careful, be smart, and for the love of god do not talk to strangers.” Klaus, Rebekah, and Elijah did not know much about this prison world, but they knew that they soon would learn everything they possibly could about it in order to find some kind of way out of believing due to Rose’s connection to the magic that the same rules may not apply in this prison world that had applied to previous ones created by the alliance of the Bennet and Parker families. All they did know was that the longer they were gone the more mess they would have to clean up once they got back to the land of the living…
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tvdversefanfiction · 3 years
Origins of Magic: Part Two
Warnings: I do not own the rights to the television series “The Originals”, “Vampire Diaries”, or “Legacies” and do not own any of the characters within the TVD universe, I am making no profit from this and have no intention for this fanfiction series except for readers to enjoy. 15+ Mild to Strong Violence, Strong Language, Witchcraft, sexual scenes, and sexual references. F/F, F/M, M/M, Other.
Chapter 21 - Better the Bitch you know
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“I would waste time pretending that I am shocked to see you on their side but honestly Annabella you were never one with loyalty oh sure you would preach it enough, but you were always a backstabbing bitch! I mean look at you, Rebekah is supposed to be your one epic love and you’re currently carrying an antichrist baby courtesy of bedding her ex-boyfriend.” Rose snapped at her elder sister Bella furiously as she found herself behind bars within the dungeon located underneath the Mikaelson family’s compound, her sister standing in front of the cage door heavily pregnant and far from happy to be there. “I may be a lot of things but I would never play nice with our brother’s murderers.” “Oh, please do you suddenly not recalling killing our brother Magnus?” Bella was quick to reply, refusing to allow Rose to claim she was loyal to anyone. “Only you ever classed that troll to be a brother, I never really liked him not. Kayne was more family to me than any of you and as far as I’m concerned from the moment you did not join me to avenge his death is the very moment you became nothing more than somebody else on my hitlist.” Rose warned her, making it clear she no longer saw her as a family only as another enemy. “Just tell me where they are or at least where Rebekah is?” Bella pleaded with the scheming witch, desperate to find Rebekah and make sure she was okay. “I’ll tell you where Freya is,” Rose responded with a cruel and taunting laugh. “Ashes to ashes and all that.” “If you do not tell me where they are Primrose then I will have no choice but to force the truth out of you.” Bella threatened her younger sister, making sure Rose knew she was willing to go to any length to ensure Rebekah’s safety. “I’d like to see you try!” Rose replied, not backing down from her sister's threats, knowing she could endure any form of torture Bella had planned for her, knowing they could not kill her without getting the answers that only she had. Rose had taken down Elijah, Klaus, and Rebekah, hiding their bodies shortly afterward and after literally burning the eldest Mikaelson sibling Freya to death, she set her sights on Klaus’ daughter Hope but much to the scorned woman’s dismay she found herself overpowered by Hope, her wife Josie, and Josie’s twin sister Lizzie, who together managed to hold Rose long enough to reach into Rose’s chest and pull back out the bone blade that was making her even more powerful than she normally was. And so there she was, imprisoned but not defeated, knowing that those responsible for her brother Kayne’s death were suffering greatly over the loss of Freya, and Rose was determined to make sure that they would never find Klaus, Elijah, or Rebekah no matter what they did to her because one day she would escape sooner or later she always escaped and this time she was driven by an extreme sense of vengeance.
Elsewhere, in a realm which was not quite within our world while at the same time not being outside of it, Kayne awakened on a cold harsh ground to find Magnus stood over him before Magnus reached out his hand and helped Kayne to his feet which is when Kayne took a good look around his new location only to find nothing but debris, a place completely devoid of any life other than him and his brother with a darkened sky that had no stars or moon to be seen. “Where the hell am I? and why the hell are you here too?” Kayne questioned his brother, wondering what trouble Magnus had now got him into. “The place of our birth otherwise known as the demonic realm,” Magnus revealed to him. “I figured I’d help you out before one of those things decided to rip you to shreds.” “One of what things?” Kayne wondered as he continued to look around at his surroundings, attempting to work out how he wound up in the demonic realm. “Demons, our brothers and sisters I guess, or maybe ancestors I am still sort of catching up on all that.” Magnus continued with the shocking revelations. “We’re the only ones around here to have actual bodies which makes them super jealous and extra violent considering apparently we were supposed to unleash them back among the living where they could all get hosts.” “Yeah, I sort of remember the story, there is a lot of memories in one mind and things are kind of blurry when you just wake up after being murdered by someone you once loved,” Kayne replied, attempting to keep up with Magnus’ information. “I know that better than anyone else but luckily for you, I want to get the hell out of there and I reckon I’ll need your help to do just that,” Magnus admitted to his brother, making it clear he was not intending to help Kayne out of the kindness of his heart. “We’re not gods or demons or whatever the hell we were before we wound up here, I mean I would even place a bet we’re not even witches in this sordid little prison world!” Kayne told his brother, reluctant to trust him considering their complicated history. “It is a demonic realm, and you know that! So, how about you stop whining over the fact the man you once loved killed you and help me get back to making our family royalty once more while putting those undead creatures back in the dirt where they belong.” Magnus stated, making his intentions clear. “Niklaus may have killed me, but I still trust him more than I trust your hell at this point I would likely trust Annabella more than you,” Kayne admitted to his brother, making it clear he was not foolish enough to trust him. “However, I sure do not want to hang around here for much longer, so I’ll play along for now and if you get out of line well it is not like we have not killed each other before.” “I will take that as a yes,” Magnus said with a sinister sense of enthusiasm.
Hope Mikaelson loved her family more than anything but that did not mean they came without their troubles especially in particular her father Klaus who for reasons which were not entirely his fault was in and out of her life but despite this Hope was very much a daddy’s girl even after settling down and marrying her wife Josie, she would stop at nothing to ensure her father remained in her life. So, when she learned her father was missing, alongside her aunt Rebekah and her uncle Elijah she set out to capture the person responsible with the help of her wife and her sister-in-law hoping she could bargain with the centuries-old witch to get her family back in return for Rose’s freedom but as Hope quickly learned making deals with this particular witch was far more difficult than she could ever have imagined. “Look girl fair dues for living up to all that Tribrid hype surrounding you and getting the better of me but you have to be a colossal idiot if you really think I am going to spill secrets because of a little cage.” Rose taunted the Mikaelson Tribrid as she remained in the dungeon underneath the Mikaelson, with Hope now standing where Bella stood earlier. “Right now, your family’s whereabouts is the only thing keeping alive and as for freedom we both know I’ll get out of here sooner or later, so you got to do better when making a deal with this she-devil.” “Fine,” Hope replied with a sigh, clearly frustrated by Rose’s resilience. “Just tell me what you want, and we can get this all over with!” “I want my brother Kayne back, but your brother killed him for no other reason than he feared his power which is so damn predictable of your father. You may think he loves you dearest Hope, but he loved him too and that didn’t stop him gutting my brother like a fish the minute he felt he was a threat to his kingdom.” Rose revealed to Hope. “My father would never hurt me…but for what it is worth I am sorry about your brother. I know what it is like to lose the only family you have ever known, and I would not wish that on anyone! So, please give me mine back.” Hope responded, attempting to appeal to Rose’s softer side, hoping she had one. “My sister is a backstabbing bitch who played us like fiddles our entire lives and my other brother Magnus loathed myself and Kayne our entire lives…Kayne’s the only one who was always there for me, and your father Klaus took him from me. Even if I were to feel anything about your struggles, I cannot allow him to be forgotten.” Rose reluctantly told Hope, being as honest with her as she could. “What if I help you get your brother back?” Hope asked her, shocking Rose by her willingness, and kindness, something often rare within the Mikaelson family.
Klaus awoke within the woods of Mystic Falls late at night knowing instantly that he was in prison world’s version of Mystic Falls before he rose to his feet to find both Rebekah and Elijah stood there having clearly waited for him to wake up, both looking far from amused to be where they were, as anyone would be. “You just had to go and piss off the most psychotic bitch in that family!” Rebekah complained to Klaus. “I mean if you are going to kill anybody it should have been her, it is like you want us to go to war with them what the bloody hell happened to the Klaus who almost married into that family?” “At least I dealt with my witch Rebekah let us not forget that your witch is currently expecting your ex’s child which tells me Marcellus’ loyalties will be towards her and not us, so you better hope she’s the first one to love and not betray you!” Klaus snapped back at his sister. “How about we do not try to pass on the blame here when we all know all of us are as bad as each other? We should never have killed Kayne, he was by far the least evil of that bunch, of course, his sisters are going to want revenge we literally cut out the heart of their family.” Elijah chimed in, reminding his siblings nobody was innocent here. “Oh, please they’re not even related…or are they? It is so bloody hard to keep up with whatever the hell is going on with them.” Rebekah replied before going on to say. “Bella and Kayne were never the problems like always if Kol makes a friend they tend to try to kill us, actually if any of us makes a friend that tends to happen.” “I was the one willing to do what was needed to protect us all as always, do you think it was easy for me to kill someone I once loved? Someone I still care for so deeply? No, but I did it for my family because when it comes down to it always and forever always comes first.” Klaus argued with his siblings. “Well now we are probably going to have to kill them all even Annabella of course not until after she has her child which is a shame because she would have been a great ally to the family and the last thing, I want to do is kill a child’s mother,” Elijah stated, making it clear that his method was the only way for his family’s survival. “That is not happening!” Rebekah shouted defiantly. “You two are only alive because of those witches and one of them is only dead because of our family. For once we need to do right by them, not every bloody relationship we ever have has to turn into hatred.” “Rebekah’s right…for once! Kayne’s death was an end to justify the means and I will forever loathe myself for it so if we can we need to do right by Bella and hell maybe even Rose.” Klaus surprisingly agreed with his sister. “Well, we cannot right our family’s wrongs if we remain trapped here!” Elijah told them both. “Which means we better start looking for a way out.”
Hope decided to take a stroll through Lafayette Cemetery with Josie hand in hand after learning that was the last place her aunt Freya was when the wicked Rose Black killed her and so the youngest member of the Mikaelson decided to pay her respects with her wife deciding to join to provide comfort to the Tribrid when needed as Josie’s twin sister Lizzie stayed at the compound plotting with the upgraded original Marcel Gerard and Rose’s sister Bella Black. “Not to tarnish this moment by mentioning your aunt’s killer but are you really going to let Rose go free after everything she has done?” Josie questioned the woman she loved as they continued to walk through Lafayette Cemetery, as she wondered what the Tribrid was up to. “Of course, not but that crazy bitch is not going to help us unless she thinks we are going to help her so I just need to keep that ruse up until I get what I want from her, and then she will soon be as dead as her brother,” Hope replied, revealing her devious plan. “So, your solution to deal with your dad’s never-ending drama is to continue it by doing exactly what he would do? You said Marcel was like a big brother to you he’s supposed to mean something to you is he not?” Josie continued to question her, hoping her wife would not end up following in Klaus’ footsteps. “Bella hates her sister almost as much as we do and with her expecting she is going to be far too busy bringing up the baby to keep a centuries-old feud alive.” Hope tried to reason with Josie, knowing that Josie was right. “Rose is an evil bitch who deserves to die for killing Freya but if we continued to screw her over it is only a matter of time before Bella becomes an enemy too which will inevitably pit you against Marcel,” Josie advised her wisely. “I know that Josie, but I also do not know what I am supposed to do here,” Hope confessed looking to Josie for a miraculous solution. “Stop thinking like your father and start thinking like you! You’ve always wanted better for your family than endless vendettas maybe it is finally time to find a way of getting what you always wanted.” Josie replied, not quite giving Hope the answer that she wanted but giving her the advice, she needed to find the answer for herself.
It did not take Kayne or Magnus long to escape the demonic realm at all in fact it was rather easy, or so Kayne was led to believe. All they had to do to return to where they the so-called real world was to die in the demonic realm before they were possessed by the bodiless demons and so Kayne obliged in killing Magnus and reluctantly allowed Magnus to kill him, not knowing by returning to the land of the living he would also wind up permanently opening a portal between both worlds allowing the demons to pass through freely unleashing untold hell into the world, something Magnus had purposely forgotten to mention to his brother. “It was really that easy!” Kayne said in disbelief as he awoke in his body which was still placed in the cave where he was murdered but once he got to his feet the entire cave began shaking ferociously, almost knocking the male witch back off his feet and as the very walls, dirt, and rock around him began falling into itself, he realized the cave was collapsing and he had to get out there quick to survive. As Kayne climbed out of the collapsing cave, narrowly escaping with his life he fell to the ground and witnessed black smoke being released from the collapsed cave knowing that within that black smoke was the very demons from the realm he had just escaped from, as he realized he had just released hell on earth and played right into his brother Magnus’ hands but before he had the chance to worry about a potential demonic apocalypse he knew it was time to reunite with his family fearing the mess they had got into without him as he wondered whether it would be even more chaotic than the demons he and Magnus had just released.
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tvdversefanfiction · 3 years
Forget me Not
Chapter 6: Once in a Lifetime (Finale)
Warnings: I do not own nor do I claim to own any of the material, characters, or storylines from within the TVDverse. I am not making any profit from this, this is purely a passion project, from one to other fans who are willing to read.
15+: May contain moderate to strong language, sexual innuendos, and sexually charged scenes. Moderate to strong descriptions of violence, gore, torture, and practices of witchcraft.
Chapter 5: Here I Go Again
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My hatred for Van Helsing had only ever grown over the years but instead of killing him like I know he would not hate to do to me, I imprisoned him when I had the chance, and then he broke free and captured myself and Rebekah, and once again I decided to imprison him although I had told myself I would kill him and I believed I was more than ready to end his existence but to my own shock someone had already beat me to it, leaving me now to wonder forever if I could have really killed the monster who I once called father. “I cannot help but think that Van dying at the very convenient time of you taking me away from him is exactly the kind of shit you would do,” I said accusing Klaus, as he, Rebekah, Elijah, and myself had gathered within the Victorian gothic library of the castle I had claimed as my own. “I was with you the entire time we were away from him besides who bloody cares who killed him the point is he’s dead now,” Klaus replied denying any trickery on his part, but I did not believe a word he said. “The point is I was supposed to get to kill him nobody else!” I shouted at the original hybrid, furious to have missed my opportunity. “Calm down Salem the point is your daddy drama is dead now…literally,” Rebekah told me before turning her attention to Elijah. “Well done brother!” “If I had got my hands on him, they would have heard his screams halfway across the world nor would his death have ended so quickly either,” Elijah responded to his sister’s accusation, denying that he too was the killer. “Well, somebody had to kill him, and we are the only ones here,” I argued with them all. “Unless it was a witch, your father was not exactly caring of which supernatural he killed as long as they were different, he hunted them surely you are not his only enemy on this earth,” Rebekah suggested, making far too much sense for my own liking. “Salem things may not have ended the way you like it but take a moment to appreciate that Van is gone and his reign of terror over you is finally over.” Elijah wisely advised me as he walked over and gave me a hug. “We will find out who killed him, and I will forever be in the debt. He’s gone now, he cannot hurt you anymore!” Elijah was right, Elijah was always right, whether it was the way I planned it or not my ordeal with Van Helsing was finally over, my centuries-long fight with my father was over and I should be pleased with that alone, and perhaps I was but I do not know if some of Klaus’ paranoia had rubbed off on me or if my gut was telling me the truth, the truth being that something was far from right.
Rebekah, Klaus, and Elijah left to return to New Orleans that night and although I wanted to go with them, I had to stay put at least until I could answer some of my many questions. How did Van break out of his prison in the first place? How did somebody kill my so-called father without anyone hearing so much as a pin drop? And other than myself the Mikaelson family and the newly deceased Van Helsing, who else knew where my home was? A secret I had hidden for over a century. I returned to the dungeons underneath my castle to examine the scene in which Van was murdered even though I had examined it already with no telltale signs to be found, I spent most of the night there examining every inch of that place for something, anything, even if it led to how Van escaped beginning with although his murderer was the reveal I wanted the most when suddenly I heard footsteps from above and as I focused on those steps I could tell somebody has just let themselves into my library, a place where I kept everything of value to me, the many grimoires I had collected over the centuries, and so I sped my way into my library with all the vampire strength I could someone within me only to find Klaus stood there clearly waiting for me and nowhere near New Orleans where I had believed he was on his way to. “I took time to think over your paranoia having something of an expert in that area and I could not help but wonder whether or not you may have a point. Whoever killed your father knew enough to know where this place was…information I believe only Elijah was privy to until now.” Klaus told me, surprising me by agreeing with my right to be suspicious. “If I was intent on killing Van, I would not stop at just him I would wipe out his entire bloodline which unfortunately for you no matter how much you try to deny it includes you.” “So, what you are here to protect me?” I asked him in complete disbelief. “Because I do not need protecting least of all from you.” “Oh, I know you do not need any protection in fact I knew that long before you even did. I m mostly here because my curiosity got the better of me but if you would rather, I go…” He replied but before he could finish his speech, I decided to cut him off. “Leave!” I demanded. “This is the closest thing I have to a home, and I’d rather not have you here.” “You really hate me?” He asked all too smugly with a devilish grin on his face. “If you hate me so damn much then there must be a part of you that cares about me enough to hate me.” “Why are you doing this to me?” I wondered, growing tired of the games I believed Klaus to be playing. “You really need to stop doing this to me Niklaus because it took me a lifetime to get over you and what you are doing now is far crueler than anything I have ever experienced.” “Do you still fall asleep watching the stars sometimes? I remember we spent countless nights under the stars, how I used to wrap you up in my arms wishing that I’d never had to let you go.” He said to me as he began walking towards me, trying to charm his way out of an argument. “When I kissed you, I would wish I’d never have to stop or when you looked at me with nothing but love in your eyes it made me happier than I have ever been. I should never have lied to you when I said you meant nothing to me.” “How am I supposed to know that you’re not telling me lies now? How am I supposed to believe that you have ever been truthful to me?” I questioned him, wanting to believe what he was telling me, that he really did love me, but fearing this was all a part of some twisted plan. “Because I love you, Salem Helsing! And now that my memories are fully restored it feels like only yesterday, I first laid my eyes on you.” Klaus declared. “I loved you then and I love you now whether you choose to believe that is up to you but let me just say one thing I should never have left you then so please do not make me leave you again!” I wanted to believe him more than anything, he had said everything I had been longing to hear from him for centuries, and it was only then when he began to walk away from
that I reached out for his arm, knowing at that moment that I had no choice but to believe him because I never wanted to leave him again. “Stay!” I told him, as he turned around to face me, before pulling me into his embrace and kissing me passionately, feeling as magical then as it did the very first time and it was his lips not his words that told me this was real, he really did love me. And that night, all suspicions were put on hold, as I only thought of him and he of me, as we took to the castle grounds and made love under the stars, falling asleep in each other’s arms like no time had passed between us at all.
After all the centuries of loneliness and despair, I had finally found happiness, I was loved by a man whom I loved too, I found a father in Elijah, a sister in Rebekah, and a brother in Kol made friends with Freya, Davina, Keelin, Hayley, Josh, and even Marcel. Finally, any fears of being forgotten, not meaning anything to anyone, all those worries were lifted in a single night, I finally got my happy ending… But what makes a happy ending is never the final moments of one person’s life, it does not matter if they lived happily ever after it mattered that they lived and were happy for even a moment of your life. You get a happy ending if you were loved if you loved, and it is the greatest of endings if you are remembered. I awoke early hours in the morning after my passionate tryst with the love of my lifetimes, but as I turned over to look at Klaus I was left horrified to see him grey and lifeless as I heard footsteps from afar, as I quickly sped through the castle grounds to find my clothing, clothe myself and shortly after just outside the front door to my castle, there he stood, a man I believed to be only a myth, the prince of darkness himself. “It is nice to finally meet the son of my greatest foe,” Dracula said, greeting me with the same accent I had grown up hearing. “I doubt your father ever spoke of me just like he never spoke of you, for we were both his greatest shames. Me, I was the one monster he could not kill, and you were the one monster he was responsible for creating.” “Well, I guess that answers who killed my father before I got a chance to,” I replied to him, still getting over the shock that Dracula really existed after all. “I’m guessing with the magic as well as being undead that I am not the original heretic after all.” “No, but you are a creature who has earned my respect not only capturing the man I never could but turning him into the very thing he hates most…us,” Dracula responded. “Together we could rule this wretched world, no longer lurk in the shadows and be the most powerful creatures on this earth. Klaus Mikaelson does not deserve your loyalty nor does any of his siblings.” “If you want me to be your bride then you are out of luck because I was never one for sequels, you just can never beat the originals,” I said rather smugly, a little too proud with my choice of words as I charged at the undead Impaler. Before I even had a chance to lay a hand on the notorious, he pulled out a wooden stake from his jacket pocket and launched it into my chest, the stake quickly piercing my heart as I began to feel death was approaching me quickly. I knew I had been defeated but I was never one to give up easily and so I pulled the stake out of my chest and launched it into Dracula’s chest, knowing that if I were going to die then he would be coming with me, saving Klaus from whatever cruel fate Dracula may have had planned for him. “We could have been the greatest partnership of all time,” Dracula said with his final words as we both fell to the ground, our bodies turning grey almost instantly. And that was it, after centuries of wanting happiness, I finally got what I had always wanted only for my story to come to an end shortly afterward but that does not mean that just because I met a grizzly end, that I did not have a happy ending and as for Dracula well his story never really has an ending just another new beginning. As a human child I grew up in several unhappy homes being tossed around like an unwanted pet, only seeing my father from time to time in which the only attention he showed me was training me to one day take over as the next great Helsing hunter and when I made clear that was my destiny I was quickly abandoned. As a heretic I found love with Klaus Mikaelson and family within his siblings, his brother Elijah becoming the only true father figure in my life and for the first time I had a taste of what true happiness could be only for it to cruelly be taken away from me. My whole life then became a search for happiness, to mean something to someone, and to be remembered in fondness, and
that’s exactly what I got in the end so do not feel sad for me because I spent centuries truly miserable and only in death did I find the happy ending I was looking for.
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tvdversefanfiction · 3 years
Forget Me Not
Chapter 4: Almost Paradise
Warnings: I do not own nor do I claim to own any of the material, characters, or storylines from within the TVDverse. I am not making any profit from this, this is purely a passion project, from one to other fans who are willing to read.
15+: May contain moderate to strong language, sexual innuendos, and sexually charged scenes. Moderate to strong descriptions of violence, gore, torture, and practices of witchcraft.
Chapter 3 - Father Returns
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The thing about memories is over time they can get distorted in so many ways, either you reminisce fondly airbrushing a lot of the bad or you allow pain to take out all the good. When you are the only one with these memories it makes you question its authenticity, how differently others may have seen it or felt in a different way and suddenly when you are beginning to question the percentage of truth behind your own memories you find yourself asking do you allow the truth in even if it distorts said precious memories or do you fight safety in a possible lie? The answer would be simple, truth above all else, but what if friends you loved like family, who you have a past with that you hold so dearly to your heart, what if their memories do not add up to your own? Or what if the only person you ever loved never gave a damn about you? These were the questions keeping me awake at night as I endlessly thought about whether to restore Klaus, Rebekah, and Kol’s memories of me, if they even mattered after all this time, or if it would just wind up causing more trouble than its worth and then I got a knock at my hotel door late one night which changed everything for me. “Rebekah…” I said after answering the door in shock, confused as to why she would be visiting me at all, never mind so late in the night. “My brother Niklaus is not the type to give gratitude to those who are entitled to it so I wanted to thank you in person because I doubt, he ever bloody will,” Rebekah replied to me, as I knew instantly she was lying. “That’s not why you are here,” I responded making her know I knew she was not being truthful to me. “Ok,” Rebekah admitted as she let herself into my hotel room, closing the door behind her afterward. “I know you spent the whole day with my brother Elijah and after several drinks and constant prying he admitted everything to me although Klaus’ paranoia probably played a big part in it you see when my brother starts getting worked up, he starts murdering and Elijah would not want you murdered now would he?” “I cannot tell if you know nothing, and you are here to threaten me or if you know everything is still here to threaten me,” I told her, before going on to say. “Either way you look all worked up and that never ends well for anybody.” “See that’s just bloody weird you clearly know me, in fact, according to Elijah you know all of us, and yet I do not have a single memory of you.” Rebekah snapped, confessing to me that Elijah had told her everything. “For you to be so close to us that Elijah would consider you a son, for you to have a history with us all and for you to be willing to do what you did for us, and yet I cannot remember a thing about your hell I hadn’t even heard of you like the rest of them have.” “I was not the one to take the memories from you Rebekah, but I think I can give you them back if you want them back that is, but I totally understand if you do not especially with the hollow and everything that has happened lately. If I, were you, I’d ignore all this recent information and get back to enjoying your own life maybe even with Marcel?” I suggested, laying the choice onto her hands instead of mine, fearing she would accept while also at the same time fearing she would decline. “I want these bloody memories back right now because there is nothing, I loathe more than being kept in the dark and if these memories do not add up as they do with Elijah, I can just kill you and get it all over with,” Rebekah replied in true Rebekah style, with a sense of strength, sarcasm, and just the right amount of diva. And so, I had no choice really but to restore her memories, and not long after I did, Kol too came to me asking the same before leaving New Orleans to return to his wife, and I obliged to him too. Both of their reactions serving as reminders to myself that the bond we had created was true, that it was not just one-sided, that they really were my friends all those years ago and maybe just maybe they would be again.
Klaus had spent a lot of his time since having the hollow magically removed from him, spending time in Mystic Falls, reuniting with his daughter Hope and getting to know the life she had made for herself in his absence, including her girlfriend Josie Saltzman, someone who somehow managed to be the only person in this world he’d allow his daughter to date, probably because he was once in love with Josie’s mother as I had learned from a drunken night catching up with Rebekah. As I started spending more time reconnecting with Elijah, Kol, and Rebekah, as well as getting to know Freya, Keelin, Hayley, Marcel, and Davina, I found myself loving my time in New Orleans, feeling human again, and having a life I had always dreamed of but always in the back of my mind was the fear that when the day came to restore Klaus’ memories of me, that everything I was building in this city, would burn to the ground by Klaus’ will alone to not have some ex he grew tired of many centuries ago. “Well.” Were the only words I could mumble after restoring Klaus’ memories, the two of us standing alone within the compound, as I feared what he might say next, knowing if he wanted me to leave, I was ready to fight to keep what I had just recently regained, a family. “Well, what?” He asked in reply to my mumbled words. “Do I remember you now? Yes, I do, does it miraculously change anything? No, you were just one of too many who got caught up in my family’s drama the only miraculous thing about it is the fact my siblings have decided to give you the light of day again.” “That is exactly the response I expected from you if any, but I just want to let you know Niklaus that I like it here in New Orleans and I am not going anywhere so you have to either learn to tolerate me or leave again,” I warned him making my stance noticeably clear. “I am not going anywhere!” “Like I said you are of absolutely no significance towards me and I am trying this new thing where I allow my family to be happy so I will not question your presence as long as you continue to play nice but if you are plotting something I will find out and I will kill you whether Elijah considers you a son or not, after all, he had no problem killing my son,” Klaus replied making it absolutely clear I meant nothing to him. But little did I know at the time there was more to that story than Klaus would lead me to believe…
Later that night, completely unbeknownst to me at that time, Klaus confronted Elijah over a matter of secrets he had kept from him, some that even I did not know yet and that is when things really started to get interesting. “I know we have not had a chance to talk since the whole hollow and amnesia thing, but I am glad we’re talking now, and even more glad Josh let us have the place for the night,” Hayley admitted to Elijah, as the two sat at a table within the empty bar of Rousseau’s. “I’ve lived almost a decade without you, and I do not just want to go back to the person I was around you. I’ve really found myself a new pack here, my daughter is happy at Salvatore Boarding School, and I am happy but that does not mean I do not still love you.” “Hayley, you know I’ve only ever wanted the best for you, and I would never want to take any happiness from you, in fact, that is all I ever wanted for you,” Elijah replied to the hybrid he loved with all his heart. “I cannot and will not go back to a place where you put family above all else and by that, I mean putting it above your own conscience. We have all done terrible things just to survive but the hollow is gone now, and this is our chance to start fresh.” Hayley told him, ready to give things a proper shot with the only man she had ever loved, but cautious to let him all the way in again. “I agree,” Elijah responded with a sincere smile, ecstatic to learn Hayley was willing to give them both a fresh slate, another chance to get their love right, and this time he believed with all his heart that they were ready to make things work between them. Before the two lovers had a chance to properly reconcile or talk out more of their previous problems, Klaus sped into the bar with full vampire speed, grabbed a hold of Elijah’s throat, lifted him from his chair, and charged his body into the wall as he tightened his grip on his brother’s throat. “Klaus, what the hell are you doing now?” Hayley screamed at him, as she rose from her chair, then continued to use her vampire speed to run over there and pull Klaus off his brother’s throat. “I am getting real sick of you always trying to kill your siblings when they are the only ones who have always been there for you.” “Have they?” Klaus screamed at Hayley, before turning his attention back to Elijah. “First you ruin any chance I had of being with Aurora before her brain completely went to mush and now, I find out you did it again with Salem. How many times did you plot against me to ensure I would be miserable for all of eternity? How many times did you play the noble brother only to stab me in the back repeatedly?” “Must I remind you Niklaus that the only sibling who stabbed the other was you not I?” Elijah replied while somehow keeping his composure, purposely not rising to Klaus’ anger towards him. “Aurora was vengeance in a split moment after learning you killed our mother…Salem was different, it was not about you, it was about him.” “Elijah…” Hayley said in shock, with a sense of disappointment in her voice. “You convinced me to leave him that I was only putting him in danger that if I truly loved him, I should let him go and you said you would stay behind to keep an eye on him, but you had no plans of ever leaving his life, did you?” Klaus shouted furiously at his older brother. “Why the hell do you get to be the man he admires, and I have to be the one who broke his heart when you knew how much it hurt me to leave him? You knew how I had not let myself love for the longest time after Aurora, you knew how special Salem was to me, and yet you did not care!” “I did care!” Elijah shouted back, finally standing up for himself. “I cared about the innocent young man who was so naïve and willing to love anything even a family of monsters and I continued to care as I watched you turn him into a vampire, how you continued to poison that innocence and you know you damn fine you were making him worse. He was becoming like you, and I could not stand the thought of my son becoming you…I am sorry Niklaus, but the truth is you were poisonous
to everything you touched back then, and I had to save him, he may not be my blood, but he is the closest thing I have ever had to a child. You above all other people must understand that need to protect your child even from your own blood.” “I do!” Klaus admitted in a defeated sigh, not knowing until then that Elijah loved me in a way only a father could, and despite his fury, he knew that he had done the same with Marcel and Rebekah, he had sinned as much as his siblings, and he could not stay angry with his brother for doing the same. “I totally understand trying to protect people from your brother, trust me I do.” Hayley began to say. “But he’s changed since then, he’s a far better man, and I know you love this Salem guy like a son but if Klaus and he had something once before maybe…” “I did not tell Salem anything other than lie I told him all those years ago because deep down I knew you were right, brother,” Klaus admitted to Elijah. “I do not wish to come between you and your son, I know what it's like to lose a son and then get him back and if it were not for you, I may never have had Hope in my life…you deserve that happiness too Elijah.” “Thank you, brother!” Elijah responded with a hug, genuinely touched by Klaus’ words. “If you still have feelings for him, I will not stand in the way because you have become the man, I always wanted you to be.”
Completely oblivious to the happenings of that night I had receded back to the balcony of my hotel room sharing champagne with Rebekah as we both sat on chairs and watched the busy and beautiful city of New Orleans, knowing that this night Rebekah was there for gossip, to which I could not blame her because I too wanted gossip from her about her soap styled dramatic romance with the vampire turned beast Marcel Gerard. “So, what is the deal with yourself and Marcel anyway? I mean you are clearly crazy about the man and from what I’ve heard he’s just as crazy about you and yet you keep pulling yourself away from the only guy your brother would not kill.” I questioned her before she got a chance to question. “I doubt he is the only man in this world Klaus would not kill, speaking of which how did my brother deal with his newly restored memories?” Rebekah responded smugly while drinking her glass of champagne, swerving my question with another question, but like her, I too was no amateur at this game. “Nothing I was not expecting which is more than I can say for you and Marcel. I never know what to expect with you two I mean you’re a woman born to be a bride hence all your trial runs and now you have the chance to have everything you want you just throw it away?” I continued, knowing my words would strike a chord with her. “He loves this city more than he will ever love me and New Orleans may be my home, but I was practically chained to Niklaus for a thousand years, and now that I am finally free to do as I please I do not want to just give it up!” Rebekah admitted as she finished off her champagne. “I am just waiting for you that you have wanted for yourself for as long as I can remember, happiness because nobody deserves happiness more than you!” I reassured her, wanting her to listen to my words, take them in, and finally allow herself to be genuinely happy. But happiness was far from on the agenda that night as Rebekah and I quickly learn when my biological father Van Helsing suddenly vamp sped his way onto the balcony having come from my hotel room. “I guess you are not happy with just being a monster you have to get yourself a whole family of them too.” He said furiously as Rebekah and I jumped up onto our feet, both of us stunned by his presence. “I thought I locked you away for good?” I managed to say out loud, while remaining in complete and utter shock that Van was standing right before me, having believed I had seen the back of him for good. “This my son is why you always go in for the kill!” He replied as he raised his right hand up in the air, in the shape of a fist, unleashing his magic onto both Rebekah and I as we fell to the ground in agonizing pain, the blood vessels in our brains bursting repeatedly by his will until we both passed out. And just like that my short lived happiness had once again be ruined and by the man who had brought more misery into my life than anybody else, as myself and Rebekah quickly found ourselves prisoner to a man who without a doubt plotted to end us both.
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tvdversefanfiction · 3 years
Forget Me Not
Chapter 1: Already Gone
Warnings: I do not own nor claim to own any of the copyright, characters, or storylines, within the TVDverse which includes "Vampire Diaries", "Legacies", and "Originals".
15+: Strong to moderate violence/gore/torture, medium to strong language including sexual innuendos and sexually charged scenes, and practices of witchcraft.
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I remember the night I first met Freya Mikaelson, the eldest sibling of the Mikaelson family, a sister to Finn, Elijah, Klaus, Kol, and Rebekah, a sister that until that night I had fully believed had died as a child taken by cruel winter. “For someone who seems to have quite a respectable reputation amongst witches, I would assume you would be harder to find,” Freya said as she sat down on the bench where I was placed within Central Park during a particularly sunny and warm summer’s morning, keeping herself at a cautious distance as she sat next to me. At this moment I had no clue who this woman was but just by sitting next to her I could feel the power within this witch, a power rather respectable and very unusual within the age she was portraying, but then again, I looked like I was barely in my twenties when I had not been in my twenty for many years, many centuries even. “I have no reason to have myself hidden after all your kind rarely tries to kill me these days and those who are foolish enough to try to serve as further warnings to the others not to go up against someone who could easily erase them from this earth,” I replied making sure this witch knew if she had come here to kill me, she would not be living for much longer. “So, are you here to die, or are you here to plead with me to help you with whatever spell you cannot fathom…although I highly doubt, you’re the kind of witch who needs help with a spell.” “Well until recently I did not think it was possible for me not to find some magical solution to save my siblings but this time, they have managed to get themselves into one hell of a mess, one I cannot help them get out of alone,” Freya revealed to me rather honestly and freely to which I respected. “You’re not quite a witch but not quite a vampire so the chances are you either hate both or you don’t hate the vampires half as much as most witches do.” “Your siblings are vampires?” I scoffed. “Witches often get themselves into trouble with vampires despite claiming them as their eternal enemies, I guess we’re just moths to the forbidden flame allowing ourselves to choose desire with deadly consequences, but never have I heard of a witch claiming vampires as their family before.” “Well, I am not just some other witch I am a Mikaelson witch, and my siblings are the original vampires, their very blood is running through your veins,” Freya replied with a sense of anger, as I struggled to take in her revelation. “I did suspect your power was far too grand for the age you appear to be, but the only Mikaelson witch I know of from that family is Esther and you are most certainly not wretched enough to be that woman,” I said, dismissing her claims, refusing to believe what she had told me. “Firstly, thank you for calling that heartless bitch wretched I did not realize you knew of her nor my family but please whatever vendetta you have against my siblings…” She began to say, confusing me with her words. “I have no vendetta against the Mikaelsons, well none of the living anyway.” I immediately responded, as I slowly began believing her story. “Who are you?” “Freya Mikaelson.” She answered. “That’s impossible,” I replied with a great sense of utter shock. “You died many lifetimes ago!” “How do you know so much about me and my family?” Freya proceeded to ask me, seeming equally as confused as me but could she really be the eldest daughter of Esther and Mikael, and if she was how the hell had she never heard of me. If this witch was telling the truth then it had meant that Klaus, Rebekah, Elijah…even Kol had forgotten me like I was just a momentary blip in their never-ending lives, that my love for them was nowhere near as equally shared as I once thought and although the idea of imploding my centuries longs believes terrified more than anything had ever done before I had no choice but to stick with this witch for a little longer for if she was right, her family, which felt like my own family, needed my help and even if I meant nothing to them they meant everything to me.
Freya went on to tell me how she was taken as a child by Esther’s sister Dahlia, a witch I had heard possessed great power but never knew it was from kidnapping firstborns, she then told me of her reunion with her siblings, how she fought to be a part of their lives, and how much she valued family above all else, she was definitely a Mikaelson alright, and after she had convinced me of such I decided to go with the eldest Mikaelson sibling to New Orleans to speak with her friend Vincent Griffiths to get the full details of The Hollow, so I could find a way to rid the family of her wretched, cursed, presence that had divided them for almost a decade. Now do not get me wrong I am not one to quickly jump to anyone’s rescue unless of course there is something in it for me and the longer I have lived the higher the price of my involvement has risen, however, I owe the Mikaelson’s my life and because of that debt, I did not think of my fees for a true rarity for me and instead choose to do this to return a favor to the only family I ever knew. “So, you are the mysterious and notorious original heretic, a man born as a witch with no power only to die and have it all. A creature that is neither a friend of the living or the dead but will help either if his needs are met.” Vincent Griffiths greeted me, as myself and Freya met him within the middle of New Orleans’ Lafayette Cemetery. “Tell me what great cost Freya is paying for you to help us with our hollow situation?” “Well, he hasn’t yet told me what he wants but I don’t care, as long as I get my family back nothing else matters!” Freya replied to the New Orleans regent before I had any chance to respond. “Like I said to Freya in New York my involvement in this situation is free of charge whether either you choose to believe me is beside the point I am merely here to get the facts about the hollow and how in the hell it wound up in not one but four members of the Mikaelson family,” I told them both, knowing that they were unlikely to believe me but not caring whether they did or not. I was not in this cemetery to build trust, nor seeking some form of friendship with either witch, witches were not the kind of people I tended to make friends with nor did I desire to, I was there to return a favor owed to the Mikaelson family and if I am I entirely honestly it would serve my reputation well if I was the one to rid the hollow once and for all, allowing me to step out of the shadows of an overrated source of power and be seen by all as the true power within this wretched world, so I guess if it serves my ego it is not entirely a selfless act but then again is there such a thing as a selfless act?
I spent hours which turned into days, endless days, in which I would soak up all the knowledge Freya and Vincent had to give, which quite frankly was rather limited in comparison to the witches, grimoires, spells, and potions I had learned over the centuries but in fairness these two impressive witches did manage to teach me many things I did not know specifically the birth of Inadu, how she became so powerful, and the curse she placed on those who betrayed her which I have to admit was one hell of a badass move that I had no choice but to reluctantly admire, who doesn’t love a good revenge story? However, this little witch took things too far by taking possession of the body of a little girl, Klaus’ little girl to be precise, and even briefly killed Elijah, and there are two things I do not accept no matter their reasoning, one being harming a child in any way whatsoever and the other was disrespecting Elijah, a man who I had looked up to for most of my life, a man I admired more than anyone, and a man who had shown me such kindness at a time when I needed it most. So, if I did not have enough reason to want to take the hollow out of all forms of existence I most definitely found some as I continued to study this once all-powerful witch who now lingered within the bodies of Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, and Kol as nothing more than a soulless stain on their auras threatening to kill not only them but Klaus’ daughter Hope if it ever found its way back to the youngest member of the Mikaelson family. As I spent more and more time with Freya studying absolutely everything they had on the hollow I found myself studying the Mikaelson as well, noticing how she was about family above all else just like her brother Elijah, how much she loved her werewolf lover Keelin with all her heart like her sister Rebekah loved without caution, and how protective she was over what little she had just like her half brother Klaus, and it was not long before I found myself fond of this woman, the first witch I found myself tolerating in over two centuries. Then finally, the time I had come, an idea was hatched, and I began to plot the demise of the hollow once and for all while keeping my cards close to my chest at the same time, knowing if I gave too much away they would just act out my plan without me and I’d miss the chance to be in a room with all Elijah, Klaus, Kol, and Rebekah for this first time in what felt like forever and in my mind, it truly had been.
The moment I walked into that piano bar with Freya I found myself hit with a wave of nostalgia, it had been a long time since I was in France, in fact, the last time I was in France was with Elijah, the very man we had gone there to get, and we did not have to look far as Elijah was placed exactly where I knew he would be, sat behind the piano playing a beautiful song the I had not heard of before. I could tell from a single side glance at Freya that seeing her brother again after such a long time was as difficult for her as it was for me, if not more and the urge to reach out and touch her hand, the urge to comfort her, was so strong but I knew we were nowhere near close enough for her to be comforted by me. After all, to her, I was nothing more than a stranger, a stranger she needed for now and would soon forget after that need was gone which had clearly been the case for the rest of her family. “Your music never fails to strike some sort of cord within my very soul,” Was the first thing I said to Elijah after Freya and I walked over to the piano, ready to get things into motion, ready to reunite the Mikaelson siblings. “I wish I took you up on those lessons many moons ago.” “I’m sorry but I do not think I know you, do I?” He replied, his words hurting me despite the knowledge that he was spelled to forget everything about his past, not just me, but the pain was still the same. “Is there somewhere where could speak alone?” Freya asked her brother, who had no knowledge that she was his sister. “I am rather busy right now but if you want to request a song…” Elijah began to say as he focused on playing the piano. Before he had the chance to finish his sentence before he had a chance to try and usher us away so he could focus on playing the piano in a mediumly crowded bar, I raised my right hand up in the air before clenching it in a fist as I shouted the word “Spavati” as loudly as I could and as I shouted those words everyone in the room except for myself, Freya, and Elijah, fell to the ground, lifeless, having been spelled into a deep sleep instantly. “Well, now you’re not busy!” Freya stated, stealing the words straight out of my mouth. “So, can we have that talk now?”. Elijah was of course resistant at first like anyone would be after witnessing what they had just witnessed especially with little to no knowledge of the supernatural world. So, we decided to do to him what I had done to the rest of the bar and cast a sleeping spell on the original vampire, a spell which would last just long enough for Freya and me to cast a rather complicated memory restoration spell that would require a lot of power but luckily I had a firstborn Mikaelson witch by my side and before too long all of Elijah Mikaelson’s memories were installed and I was more than ready for him to finally remember me…and yet somehow when he woke with seemingly all of his memories restored he still had absolutely no recollection of who I was or what I believed I had once meant to him.
Once his memories of his family and his a thousand-year life were restored, minus any recollection of myself, Elijah, Freya, and I soon left France to once again to New Orleans where we planned to meet Klaus, Kol, and Rebekah within the family’s compound as I prepared myself to take on the hollow but nothing could prepare for the fact that just like their elder brother Elijah, neither Klaus, Kol, nor Rebekah had any idea who I was, not a single memory of me was stored within any of their minds, it was as if I never existed to them, or maybe I just did not make the impression I believed I did all those years ago. After all, centuries had passed since I last saw any of them but still how could they not remember me? How could they mean so much to me and yet I was nothing but a stranger to them? One thing I knew for certain was by the time I was done in New Orleans; everybody would remember the name of the heretic known as Salem Helsing!
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