#elim rawne
a-wayfairing-stranger · 8 months
Listening to the playlist I made for Rawne and taking physic damage with each song.
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//I AM the Warhammer 40k
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lookashiny · 1 year
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(via https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/OtPpq9jnZfMLfKwn.jpg)
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Absolutely amazing how the one thing everyone fighting alongside the Tanith first and only agrees on is the fact that Major Rawne is very attractive but his vibes are also way off.
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c-130jsuperhercules · 11 months
omg... you hate your commanding officer? but you've saved his life several times? *twirls hair in finger* oh.... you said you wanted to finish him off honorably? because he stole your rightful death from you? but you still have an unswerving duty to your regiment and rank????? you are SO funny lol. do ur pants come off easy
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nightscalestudio · 2 months
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Colonel Elim Rawne from Gaunt’s Ghosts. I remind that a complete tutorial on Gaunt’s Ghosts can be found on our Patreon. painting tutorials: https://www.patreon.com/Nightscalestudio
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sonofdorn-vii · 1 year
Major Elim Rawne, Tanith First and Only
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relax-and-read-on · 2 years
I’m always ready to discuss 40k headcanons. Elim Rawne is the hottest man in the franchise. As you can see I ship Horus/Sanguinius and Fulgrim/Ferrus but also Emps/Malcador. I went to Université de Montreal in the 90s which has nothing to do with anything but just thought I’d throw that out there.
Heeeey nice!!! I live an hour away from mtl and used to go there a lot lol pop in message friend :D
(yes im trying to clean the ask box dvdjsndbd)
Imma use this to talk about my stupid fucking love for Gaunt's Ghost and one asshole in particular, Elim.
Ok so, first of all, imma be controversial: all the best warhammer books are not actual astartes or primarch, but usually xenos or guards. The Gaun't ghost series, ESPECIALLY the first one, is a wonderful war book and a perfect intro to warhammer. The characters are lovely and memorable, and their sorrowful destiny to be the last of Tanith just.... Wow. The structure of that book is also sooo good, and everything is written in such a neat, perfectly packaged way. Dan Abnett is a god damn treasure, and I cannot say how much I want the entire fandom to be as into guards stuff as they are into primarch.
Elim Rawne.
That man??? Can fuck.
And i mean that in the most loving way. He's a god damn sociopath and would sell his mother for one corn chips. But at the same time, he is a very rigid, very clear sense of honor that he respect. And he's so damn good at what he does, what the fuck. Him and Gaunt are fucking, it's just a damn fact. Enemy to lover to second in command, urg. So delicious.
This also let me rec to yall what HAS to be my fav fanfic in the fandom, An Affair to Remember. It's extra delightful, because the absolute madlad author copied the writing style of the Cain's book. I had to stop reading it multiple time because I was shaking too hard.
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rmdrunkenrat · 5 years
Number 147 on the list of Things That Matter Only To Me:
So. Rawne says he’s never murdered anyone
But he also has been convicted of something serious, and he was given the option of exchanging bars for stripes, which he took
He’s admitted he was a black marketeer. He learned to pickpocket and how to handle explosives in his youth. He’s been patted down enough to know how to weasel things past them, and he knows how to smuggle illicit goods and weapons. He’s familiar with playing the conman, and can even pull off Commissar levels of confidence. He also apparently knew how to fucking torture people even before he joined the Guard. He’s experienced enough to pretty much pull off scamming an illegal casino and how to handle and win a gang turf war in an unfamiliar city. Gaunt’s called him a gangster before, although I’ve no idea if Rawne’s ever referred to himself as such. It’s also implied Rawne was also very, very good with his warknife, more than your average Tanith, even before Gereon
And yet Rawne also implies in Salvation’s Reach that a lot of the awful things he did were for the greater good. He was a Lord’s son (side note, I don’t think Gaunt knows this, which is going to be an interesting conversation considering how often Bram’s called Eli a ‘low-born gangster’), and it’s straight up said he never needed the money from his illegal shenanigans, and that theme recurs on Balhaut. And rather having the moral strength of an eclair, he is utterly devout to his personal moral code, and believes in the IG’s principles
Which all begs the question, what the actual fuck did Elim Rawne do
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Last thing I expected reading Warhammer 40k novels was to find an OTP that makes me have all the feels and yet here I am, all aghast at the idea of something happening to one of my space husbands.
No one is allowed to die before they're old and gray on New Tanith and Gaunt and Rawne are sitting on their porch and Bram asks Eli if today is the day and Eli says I'll kill you tomorrow, dammit.
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youngwolf211 · 7 years
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"The last few unquiet souls of a dead world. And I suppose we'll keep on going until we're all done." - Dermott Caffran, Tanith First and Only My Gaunt's Ghosts models, painted to the best of my ability Rather pleased with these ones, always wanted to paint the ghosts, now I can happily say I have
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I am once again, rambling about the Gaunts Ghosts to anyone who will listen
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cromwell300 · 3 years
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Elim Rawne
Got Major Rawne done. Only Bragg is left.
Feel free to leave a like at my other pages as well.
Ziegler’s Art Page
Ziegler’s Art Page
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maple-clef · 3 years
what we leave behind
For @lookashiny, who requested Rawne, Feygor and a slice of life/downtime snippet. Hopefully it should be evident, but this is immediately pre-Gereon...
He surveyed the objects on his bunk dispassionately.
They weren’t much, as wordly possessions go. Just some things he’d carried with him. Certainly nothing of monetary worth. A piece of stone, taken from the walls of Tanith Attica. A battered data-slate loaded with mediocre pornography, won from Brostin in a game of cards. The tiny larisel, carved from nalwood, that his sister’s brat had given him before he’d left for the founding fields. A small bottle of sacra – not Bragg’s moonshine, but the proper stuff, from the old world.
Perhaps that was worth something. He’d found it stuffed at the bottom of his pack, quite recently; had almost drunk it straight away, except that it had seemed to demand a special occasion.
How sentimental. Feygor felt his lips curl into a sneer. It was entirely reflexive, and he knew the habit didn’t endear him to most of his regimental colleagues, but he found he couldn’t bring himself to care.
He didn’t hear someone enter the room so much as feel it. The air currents, perhaps, or a slight deadening in the sounds that came from further along the passageway, where the Verghastites were having some sort of loud gathering. There was a lot of laughter.
‘You packed?’ said the newcomer.
Rawne leaned in the hatchway, arms folded. To most observers, Feygor imagined, the major might seem his usual cool, inscrutable self, exuding the feth-you attitude he was known for. But Murt Feygor, who had known Elim Rawne for longer than most, didn’t miss the tension in his posture. And the simple fact of his being here was even more telling. This wasn’t a superior checking up on a soldier. Rawne knew full well that Feygor could pack up and be ready to ship out without anyone holding his fething hand. What this was, Feygor didn’t want to examine too closely, because it was probably along the same lines of what had him wringing his hands over a pile of rubbish.
Couldn’t afford the distraction of sentiment where they were going, that was for certain. He shook himself, trying to shuck off the feeling, like a wet dog ridding its coat of water.
‘As good as,’ he finally replied.
Rawne nodded and peeled himself away from the hatch to stalk around the small cabin that Feygor shared with Meryn, Brostin and Larks. The sniper’s kit bag was ready to go, sitting on Larkin’s bunk while he circulated the regiment, saying his goodbyes. Rawne reached Feygor’s bed, sat down, and eyed the items laid out on the blanket next to him.
‘What’re you doing with those?’
Feygor shrugged. ‘Don’t know. Can’t really take them where we’re going. Not worth much, either. Was going to sling them.’
Rawne picked up the tiny carved larisel, but didn’t reply, just turned it in his fingers, frowning. Lost in thought.
‘You know much about this place we’re off to, then?’ asked Feygor, suddenly unnerved by the silence.
‘Nothing beyond what Gaunt told us all in the briefing,’ said Rawne, finally meeting his eyes. ‘You know as much as I do, and that’s the truth of it.’
‘It’s going to be a shitshow of a mission, isn’t it?’
‘Is there any other kind?’ Rawne grinned. It wasn’t a smile that reached his eyes, and it didn’t last very long. He tossed the larisel at Feygor, who caught it by reflex. ‘This won’t take up much room.’
Feygor raised an eyebrow.
‘Call it a good luck charm.’ Rawne sighed. ‘I’ve got a feeling we’re gonna need all the luck we can fething well get.’
‘Now now,’ said Feygor, his mechanical voicebox rendering the words in a drone that rang as sardonically as intended. ‘The Emperor protects…’
‘Not on Gereon, He doesn’t.’
Feygor sat down on the bunk next to Rawne. ‘Well, in that case…’
He reached for the sacra.
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wh40kartwork · 5 years
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Elim Rawne 
by Stanton Feng
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His Last Command- Part 3
“plastek” Why not plastic?
““You, and each member of your team, will be examined by the Office of the Commissariat.” Too bad we only ever see Gaunt’s. I would have loved to have seen Rawne’s.
““You fething little—!” Gaunt snarled, and threw himself at the wire screen, his teeth bared. 
Ludd leapt up so fast his chair toppled over. Then he realised that Gaunt was sitting back, laughing.” Gaunt, you troll.
Ludd is one of the few people who has a stated name. He’s 23.
““So I stink?” 
“Like a bastard, sir. Like a daemon of the archenemy.”” And like a man who hasn’t had a proper bath in 15 months. 
“The sergeant was stripped to the waist, displaying his dirty, lean torso and his battered augmetic shoulder.” See, definitely his shoulder.
“In the next cell sat Hlaine Larkin, huddled in a corner, looking more like a tanned leather bag of bones and nerves than ever. He watched Gaunt pass with a sniper’s unblinking stare.” Poor Larkin. None of the events of the book so far would be easy for him.
““So what’s the story, Bram?” Rawne asked quietly from the other side of the wall. 
“We’re in it up to our necks, Eli,” Gaunt replied. “My bad call, I think. I pushed them way too far.”” I would give a lot to know what happened that led to them calling each other by nicknames.
“Cirk had been Elim Rawne’s lover for the past eight months. Rawne desired her, but he still didn’t like her much, or trust her even slightly.” Why??? This is the only time this is brought up and it makes no sense to me. Why would he start banging a woman he doesn’t trust, when he’s living in a life-or-death situation near constantly. He’s not that much of a womanizer or sex maniac. I honestly hate this bit.
““And this is how they thank us,” Rawne said bitterly. Gaunt heard him slide closer to the edge of the wall. Rawne’s dirty hand appeared through the bars. 
“I never wanted to go to Gereon,” Gaunt heard him say. “I thought it was madness, I thought it was suicide, and it so nearly was. But I did what you ordered and what the God-Emperor deserved. And by feth, I never expected it to turn out like this. We’re loyal soldiers of the Imperium, Bram. After all we did, and all we sacrificed, where the hell did justice go?” 
Gaunt reached his own hand out through the bars and clasped Rawne’s. “
It’s coming, Eli. On my life, it’s coming.”” On the other hand, I love this bit unreservedly. Emotional openness! Between these two! I just wish we got to see how this happened. 
Cirk is only too eager to cut a deal, I see.
“Gaunt was dressed in high black boots, black breeches and a simple black vest, all unadorned by rank pins or insignia. The cut sleeves of the tight vest showed the lean, corded power of his arms and upper body, and also the dozens of old scars, large and small, that decorated his flesh. He’d showered three times since his first meeting with Ludd, but still the dark grey stain of the Nihtganes’ camouflage paste lingered in his pale skin, like a faint, all-over bruise. He’d also shaved. The thick, stiff dreadlocks of his beard and long hair were gone, leaving a severe crewcut and a neatly trimmed goatee. The hair on his head and chin were a pale, dirty blond, like faded, slightly stale straw.” Long description to establish that he still looks damn good.
“As far as I’m aware, the nearest functioning Guard quartermaster was eight light years away.” LOL
I do like the argument that they resisted Chaos taint through sheer force of will and purity of mind. And because they have a connection to Saint Sabbat.
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