#elkin lair
mtg-cards-hourly · 10 months
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Elkin Lair
Artist: Jerry Tiritilli TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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randomgathering · 1 month
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I am chaos - Deck 🔴
Canadian Highlander or Commander - 100 cards
Way back when, I built a Singleton deck for use in group play. It was 60 cards and mostly just used cards that changed how the rules worked. The deck was named after the quote on Maraxus of Keld from Weatherlight.
"I have no master. I am chaos." -Maraxus of Keld
This deck plays in the same space but aligns to the current Singleton formats of Canadian Highlander and Commander.
current deck list after the cut, this will change constantly based on new finds
Mythic Rare Uncommon Common
Skoa, Embermage
Brothers of Fire
Chaos Dragon
Chaos Imps
Chaos Maw
Defender of Chaos
Kamahl, Pit Fighter
Leyline Tyrant
Maraxus of Keld
Mons's Goblin Raiders
Mountain Goat
Robber Fly
Shivan Devastator
Shivan Dragon
Squee, Goblin Nabob
Tahngarth, Talruum Hero
Tyrant's Familiar
Wurmcoil Engine
Ankh of Mishra
Bubble Matrix
Ensnaring Bridge
Feroz's Ban
Fire Diamond
Glittering Stockpile
Helm of the Host
Howling Mine
Lantern of Revealing
Lens of Clarity
Mind Stone
Network Terminal
Null Rod
Planar Portal
Pristine Talisman
Relic of Legends
Ring of Ma'rûf
Sol Ring
Storage Matrix
Well of Knowledge
Call In a Professional
Chaos Charm
Desperate Gambit
Invoke Calamity
Lightning Bolt
Red Elemental Blast
Run Amok
Wild Magic Surge
Wyll's Reversal
Chaotic Transformation
Cleansing Wildfire
Throes of Chaos
Blood Moon
Curse of Chaos
Goblin Bomb
Land's Edge
Mana Flare
Raging River
Forgotten Cave
Mercadian Bazaar
Mountain x25
Snow-Covered Mountain x3
The Autonomous Furnace
Artifact Blast
Chance Encounter
Chaos Lord
Chaos Moon
Chaos Wand
Chaos Warp
Collision of Realms
Confusion in the Ranks
Elkin Lair
False Orders
Game of Chaos
Glorious End
Grip of Chaos
Impending Disaster
Let the Galaxy Burn
Mana Clash
Molten Influence
Planar Chaos
Possibility Storm
The Deck of Many Things
Thunderous Wrath
Tibalt's Trickery
Wand of Wonder
Warp World
Wild Evocation
Wyll, Blade of Frontiers
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schattenblick · 2 years
Tagesaktuell vom 24.12.2022
HEGEMONIE/1842: Moral der neuen Kriege … (SB) http://www.schattenblick.de/infopool/politik/kommen/hege1842.html
HERRSCHAFT/1919: Der Griff der Herrschaft … (SB) http://www.schattenblick.de/infopool/politik/kommen/herr1919.html
HERRSCHAFT/1920: Zeit der Autokraten … (SB) http://www.schattenblick.de/infopool/politik/kommen/herr1920.html
KOMMENTAR/294: Wer andern eine Grube gräbt … (SB) http://www.schattenblick.de/infopool/sport/meinung/spmek294.html
LAIRE/334: Impfforschungsmotive … (SB) http://www.schattenblick.de/infopool/umwelt/meinung/umme-334.html
REZENSION/768: Caroline Elkins - Legacy of Violence (SB) http://www.schattenblick.de/infopool/buch/sachbuch/busar768.html
REZENSION/769: Kai Köhler - Klassik in den Kämpfen ihrer Zeit (Musikgeschichte) (SB) http://www.schattenblick.de/infopool/buch/sachbuch/busar769.html
ES GESCHAH…/030: Der Anekdotenkammer neunundzwanzigste Tür (SB) http://www.schattenblick.de/infopool/schach/schach/anek030.html
SCHACH-SPHINX/07351: Ein Schelm ohnegleichen (SB) http://www.schattenblick.de/infopool/schach/schach/sph07351.html
SCHACH-SPHINX/07352: Schlauer Kopf und falsche Logik (SB) http://www.schattenblick.de/infopool/schach/schach/sph07352.html
SCHACH-SPHINX/07353: Zwischenmenschliche Welten (SB) http://www.schattenblick.de/infopool/schach/schach/sph07353.html
TIERE/149: Fische - Fressgenuss … (SB) http://www.schattenblick.de/infopool/kind/natur/knti0149.html
WISSENSDURST/059: Schaden oder Schaden … (SB) http://www.schattenblick.de/infopool/kind/natur/knwd0059.html
WETTER/9043: Und morgen, den 25. Dezember 2022 (SB) http://www.schattenblick.de/infopool/dienste/wetter/wett9043.html
COMIC STRIP/0193: Hartzeburger … (SB) http://www.schattenblick.de/infopool/unterhlt/comic/uccm0193.html
COMIC STRIP/0194: Magus Rolf - Himmelan … (SB) http://www.schattenblick.de/infopool/unterhlt/comic/uccm0194.html
ERSTAUFLAGE/1065: Eckpunkte des Chaotarchen-Zyklus, Teil 1 (SB) http://www.schattenblick.de/infopool/unterhlt/perry/pr3071.html
0 notes
shirtlesssammy · 4 years
1x20: Dead Man's Blood
Guys! We really wanted to save this VERY SPECIAL episode until the end, but it’s just SO special we couldn’t wait. It’s the episode that all mythology of the show balances on --John being a deadbeat on his own hunts, JENNY!!, and vampires (aka, the one thing Dean can’t kill and also something this family has never run into before so, you know, John could HAVE never described masked ones in his journal)
Fun fact: Jenny isn’t actually named in this episode (because woman don’t matter enough to name, silly!) Giving this character a name is the slowest burn storyline this entire show had!
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John Winchester: Father of the Decade
Manning, Colorado
Mr. Elkins sits at a bar, pouring over his hunter journal. Some rowdy newcomers appear. 
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Mr. Elkins takes off for home --a run down cabin in the woods. One of the bar newcomers is waiting for him. Her eyes flash and he throws a knife into her torso. She pulls it out without issue and chases him. He runs to his safe and pulls out the Colt (do we know about the Colt yet? Whatever, spoiler!) but it’s too late, he’s attacked by a couple of other dudes that fly in from the ceiling. Dinner time for the monsters!
At a diner, Dean suggests they head east to find Sarah Blake again. 
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Sam dismisses such foolishness (because the idea of Sam ending up happy with a woman that we know and like is pure nonsense!!) and mentions the death of Daniel Elkins. Dean remembers that name from John’s journal. ‘
The brothers head to Colorado and check out Elkins’ home. Dean finds Elkins’ journal. 
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They also find the place torn apart --and weird scratches on the floor. Dean takes a rubbing and realizes that it’s a message for a post box. They head there next and find a note for ‘JW’ in the box. 
Before they can open the letter, good ol’ John Winchester appears. He tells them that he saw them at Daniel’s place. Sam asks why he didn’t come in. “You know why. Because I had to make sure you weren't followed.” LISTEN, asshole, these two brothers are doing JUST FINE without you. 
John tells the boys that he knew Daniel, but they had a falling out (Jesus, who didn’t you fight with back in the day, John?) John reads Daniel’s letter to him.
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John asks if they saw a gun at Elkins’ place. Nope. John rushes out insistent on catching the things that killed Elkins. Sam and Dean ask what they are. 
Sam and Dean are shocked that they’re real. John goes over the lore for this show. 
We watch the vamps hunt for dinner. A couple is stopped by a body in the road, and while the dude goes to check it out, the woman calls 911. The dude doesn’t last long (and the lady probably doesn’t either.) 
John hears the news on the police scanner. Without explanation, he tells his sons to follow him to find the vamps. John confirms that they’re on the right trail for the vampires but Sam wants proof. 
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He found a fang. They head out --but not before John gets a dig into Dean about how he takes care of his car. 
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While driving, Sam and Dean break down their mutual feelings about having John back. Dean’s the little soldier and Sam is not. (And Sam is driving, like Dean can’t even be in control and drive the car he loves so much because he can’t truly handle his father’s overbearing abuse?)
At an abandoned barn, the vamps party it up while the couple stay tied up and freaking out about their fate. Then the Keifer Sutherland of the group arrives, giving them permission to feed on the dude. 
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Kate tells Luther about Daniel Elkins, and he gets upset. More people will track them now. He then sees the Colt. “This is no ordinary gun.” 
On the road, Dean tells Sam to pull over because John said so. Sam gets pissy and has a little drag race with pops. And that’s the last time Sam ever drove the Impala. Sam gets in John’s grill about the gun and what they’re doing. 
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Dean tries to play peacemaker, but it is REALLY TOUGH with these two. John accuses Sam of leaving. Sam accuses John of shutting him out. Dean just wants a HAPPY FAMILY. 
Kate and Luther attack the lone surviving victim, Jenny, feeding her Kate’s blood. Somebody wrote on Tumblr recently about this scene and I had blocked it out. Pretty sure I’ve only seen this episode a few times and BELIEVE IT OR NOT Jenny’s fate just did not stick with me. I’d forgotten how highly sexualized they’d made this vampire scene, and then gone further and draped it in assault. Jenny “dies” terrified, victim of one of the few same-sex kisses (on screen) in this entire damn show. Excuse me while I stomp around for a while rending my hair and hurling curses!
Later outside the vampires’ lair, the Winchesters surveil the place. Vamps CAN walk in the sunshine and they do NOT sparkle. John reveals his intricate plan: just...walk into the barn while they’re asleep.
For Still Beautiful, Still Dean Winchester Science:
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John fills them in FINALLY on the Colt. Samuel Colt made a gun on the same night as the Battle of the Alamo. Sorry. Just. This is such a random story detail that has literally nothing to do with the Colt? Anyway, Colt made the gun for a hunter and gave him thirteen bullets. The hunter disappeared with only half the bullets used up because the FIRST RULE of the elder wand - I mean, the Colt - is never to brag about the Colt, probably. 
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The kicker is that the Colt can purportedly kill anything! Like bigfoot! Or God! Or the legendary, rumored-to-be-extinct vampire! (Or, sure, the demon that killed Mary Winchester.) John is hinging their demon-killing success on getting the Colt. The potential vampire killing is just blood-red icing on the cake. 
In the barn, John creeps up slowly on the sleeping Kate and Luther, eyes set on the Colt dangling on their bedpost. Meanwhile, Sam and Dean stop their search for the Colt when they realize that there are people trapped for food in the barn. (Good beans!) They work to set them free when Jenny wakes up. She immediately lets out an inhuman roar as soon as she sees Sam.
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Luther wakes up and chucks John across the room. He shouts for them to split, and the Winchesters flee. “Once a vampire gets your scent, it’s for life,” John explains. [insert Benny/Dean joke here] 
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While Dean’s raiding a funeral home, John “bonds” with Sam in the motel. He reveals that he put $100 in a college fund for Sam and Dean when they were born. He did that up until Mary died, and then he shifted his focus to raising his boys to be soldiers. (So literally just $100 for Sam’s account, then.) “Somewhere along the line I stopped being your father.” NO SHIT, JOHN. 
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Sam tells John that he used to think they were different, but after Jess died he’s wholly in the fight. They bond over their twin quests for revenge and when John reveals that he spent his boys’ college funds on ammunition, Sam laughs. What a Hallmark moment! Dean returns with dead man’s blood, and they get to work.
That night, Dean gets dangled out as bait: the dude-in-distress bending over a “broken-down” Impala. I just. Can’t even. With this show. 
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Kate finds him and they trade witty banter. She also kisses him which…. Excuse me, I’m going to stare into the middle distance for a while, grinding my teeth. 
Arrows thwack into the vampires’ chests just in time, I guess? The dead-man’s-blood soaked arrows start to leach into their system, slowing them down. The Winchesters capture Kate, and kill the second vampire. 
Sam confronts John about his plan to get the Colt and then scuttle away from his sons again. “You can’t treat us like this. Like children.” 
“That’s crap,” Dean calls out John. “You know what Sammy and I have been hunting. Hell, you sent us on a few hunting trips yourself. You can’t be that worried about keeping us safe.” John’s got to do the hunt ALONE! It’s the only way! 
Back with the vamp family, Luther learns about the hunters who’ve captured Kate (and severed their first head). 
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Luther zeroes in on John’s truck, tearing down the highway. He can tell that Kate’s inside it. And sure enough, Kate starts to wake up next to John. The vamp squad pursues the truck. 
At the barn, Sam and Dean break in to confront the lone, possibly drunk vampire. It’s time to go antiquing! ALSO Dean Winchester breaks out the blood prisoners. “I told you I’d come back!” Readers, I love him.
With the vamps, John demands a trade: the Colt for Kate. He almost gets the Colt, but Kate overpowers him, knocking him out. It looks like the end for John Winchester EXCEPT an arrow thwacks into a vampire out of nowhere. Cue triumphant music, for it’s Sam and Dean Winchester to the rescue! Sam gets captured in the fight, and John blows one of the Colt’s precious bullets right into Luther’s forehead. The vampire dies in slow motion dramatic glorious fashion.
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Jenny takes off to - APPARENTLY - live on in infamy on the back end of the show. John tells his kids that they are, in fact, stronger as a family. It’s time to hunt the demon together! Aw, bonding time! 
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Buffy the Vampquote Slayer:
Vampires? I thought there was no such thing
Revenge isn't worth much if you end up dead
We’re stronger as a family
Want to read more? Check out our Recap Archive! 
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mtgdays · 4 years
  画像で見る『ビジョンズ』の再録禁止カード 《アクーのジン/Aku Djinn(VIS)》 《ボガーダンの金床/Anvil of Bogardan(VIS)》 《ボガーダン・フェニックス/Bogardan Phoenix(VIS)》 《吐息の盗人の墓所/Breathstealer’s Crypt(VIS)》 《時エイトグ/Chronatog(VIS)》 《孤独の都/City of Solitude(VIS)》 《腐蝕/Corrosion(VIS)》 《ダイアモンドの万華鏡/Diamond Kaleidoscope(VIS)》 《エルキンの住処/Elkin Lair(VIS)》 《平衡/Equipoise(VIS)》   スポンサーリンク スポンサーリンク (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle ||…
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mtg-cards-hourly · 2 years
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Elkin Lair
Artist: Jerry Tiritilli TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
12 notes · View notes
mtgbracket · 7 years
Round of 16384 - Batch 171
Batch 171 voting is now open. The following polls are currently open:
Batch 171 Batch 170 Batch 169 Batch 168 Batch 167 Batch 166 Batch 165
Batch 164 results will be up soon.
The full list of matchups for today is:
Dragon Arch vs Screeching Sliver Aegis of the Gods vs Lost Legacy Keldon Vandals vs Cinder Wall Seraph of the Masses vs Carnifex Demon Gleam of Resistance vs Blossoming Defence Courier Griffin vs Lance Sunflare Shaman vs Aura Barbs Circle of Protection: Green vs Reanimate Krenko, Mob Boss vs Ampryn Tactician Leaf Gilder vs Sphere of Truth Magmatic Insight vs Yavimaya Granger Frozen Shade vs Exclude Rain of Daggers vs Dwarven Grunt Emperor Crocodile vs Scalebane's Elite Gerrard's Command vs Ice Cauldron Eternal Scourge vs Naya Battlemage Spitting Gourna vs Victual Sliver Centaur Battlemaster vs Elkin Lair Platinum Angel vs Deathless Angel Genju of the Spires vs Battlegate Mimic Persecute vs Exploding Borders Nissa's Pilgrimage vs Iceberg Seeds of Strength vs Aven Fogbringer Tsabo's Web vs Warren Weirding Melting vs Izzet Staticaster Darksteel Mutation vs Wicked Reward Phyrexian Infiltrator vs Dark Offering Spike Breeder vs Cabal Conditioning Dregscape Zombie vs Crystal Chimes Brontotherium vs Tombfire Hulking Devil vs Malakir Bloodwitch Lorthos, the Tidemaker vs Pitchburn Devils
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