copperbadge · 1 year
Sam! Have you heard the latest Big Wooden Boat News? Earlier this week the Götheborg rescued a modern sailboat, and the photos/testimonials about it are delightful. You can find them on the Götheborg's website (in English). It made me smile, not just for the nice story but for thinking about the extra layer of "wtf" that could have occurred if it was sailed by a bunch of teenagers.
I have to admit I couldn't find out anything about the rescue -- not that I don't believe you, but there's no news stories on it and I can't find it on the website FOUND thank you @elladoraevans! The page is here. And what an amazing story! Even better than I imagined.
The funniest part of the story I'm working on about the Dychev rescuing the ferry, which I haven't really lampshaded within the story yet, is that it's not just that the Dychev is manned entirely by teenagers. It's that as part of the learning experience of being crew on the Dychev, you're participating in historical recreation as well.
So the ferry is being rescued by a tall ship, crewed entirely by teenagers, dressed in period British maritime clothing, so they all look like this:
Tumblr media
[ID: A color plate illustration of two 18th century English sailors; one is standing, wearing loose trousers, a jacket and neckerchief, a straw hat, and with a queue of hair down his back. The other has a bicorn naval hat, a striped neckerchief, a loose light-blue shirt with baggy sleeves, and an apron over breeches and hose, with buckled shoes. A tall ship is visible in the background.]
Imagine you're just taking a ferry from mainland Italy to Corsica to visit your grandmother for the weekend or whatever, and your ship founders. You're in a lifeboat probably pretty freaked out (or worse, in a life jacket in the water) watching the ferry sink nearby, when a fucking three-masted sailing ship shows up out of nowhere and a bunch of engine-driven longboats manned by what appear to be highly-skilled teenage LARPers arrive to pull you to safety.
I haven't written Caleb into the story, but given he enjoyed going out on the ship with the students, there is a non-zero chance that when they pull you aboard the mysterious, potentially time-traveling tall ship, one of the people bringing you a blanket and some tea is a guy you last saw playing the ukulele in the 2022 Eurovision Grand Final.
God these books are fun to write.
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years
Group Ask 159
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Anon 1 said:
Hi, I'm looking for a fic where Bucky is a familiar and Steve is a witch. Bucky had been captured by a wizard that kept him as a source of magic. He escapes as a cat and runs into Steve, who takes him in under the impression that that he's a stray. Eventually he turns back into a human and, long story short, they fuck and live happily ever after. Thank you for your help!
Anon 2 said:
Hey! So, I've been looking for this fic for almost a year now, and I've had no luck in finding it. Here's what I remember: Natasha and Tony watch either live video or audio feed of Stucky having sex, and they both get turned on. Natasha leaves before Tony does, and at the end of the fic, Steve says something along the lines of "I know you're there, Tony". I wish I could I could remember more details, but it's been a while... I really, really hope you can find it. Thanks for the help!
shinsouaizawa said:
Hi, I’m looking for a fic where Steve takes Bucky to the MoMA after the events of tws and Bucky sees a Rothko painting and he gets real emotional about it? I can’t find it and would love some help. Thanks!
elladoraevans sent in Captain America and the Great Pygmalion Debacle by Chianine (complete | 31,739 | E)
definemathinnumbers said:
I was wondering if anyone knew the story where Bucky and Steve are con artists in modern day, and Bucky gets busted and taken in by SHIELD so Steve disguised himself as an agent to sneak in after him. He gets caught and recruited. Modern!skinny!steve, he was colour blind, had hearing aids and scoliosis? Shitty apartment, saving money for a better place and art school with scams. Bucky was pretending to be selling a cruise when he’s busted by Nat and Clint I believe
Anon 3 said:
i searched for this fic in your blog but i can’t find it but i remember clearly that i found it on your blog sorry :/// so steve is a retired cap?? n they are choosing the new cap between bucky sharon n peggy n one time steve kidnaps bucky bc bucky is fury’s best agent n he has smth w fury?? there’s some smut as well i think hopefully u can help me thanks so much!!! ur blog is super helpful xxxx (steve n peggy are divorced n age gap between steve n bucky if it helps!!) thanks again
dolphinqueen10 sent in  if you're looking for jesus (then get on your knees) by voxofthevoid (oneshot | 18,171 | E)
alrightyaphrdite said:
fic where steve like works as santa in a mall and i’m p sure it closes down or something n he needs a new job n starts working for bucky around his cabin in the woods??? i can’t find this anywhere
gildinwenthekittenblog said:
There's a post Endgame fix where our Steve- goes back to the 2012 timeline, to try to get that Timeline's Bucky out from under Hydra control much earlier. He makes out with himself early on in the fic, as ruse to explain why Cap is HYDRA ( going under the alias of Chris) and he finds closure with Natasha and Tony of that TL, and I can't find it which sucks cos I really loved it :(
getstucky sent in darling heart, i loved you from the start (but that’s no excuse for the state i’m in) by voxofthevoid (oneshot | 19,725 | T)
soulsofsunshines said:
Hi! I'm looking for a shrinkyclinks fic, with ws!bucky as part of the avengers team (none of the avengers actually know anything about him). They keep asking him to join them for movie nights, but he turns them down. Then one day something happens (I think he maybe has a bit of a panic attack???) and tiny Steve shows up and reminds Bucky that he doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to do - like sort of reminding him he's a person? I've been searching forever, any help is appreciated!
time-lord-no-more sent in A Matter of Pride(?) by Quarra (complete | 5,918 | M)
Anon 4 said:
hey im looking for this fic i lost.. it's a modern, no powers au and steve smokes weed for pain management (?), bucky has two big doggos (i think it was huskies) and they are neighbors who don't immediately hit it off?? thanks for the help! :)
Anon 5 said:
steve has blood on his hands but only he can see it, bucky doesnt talk to him anymore but hes in a group called “the trio” with nat and clint, steve has a panic attack on a mission when bucky dances with natasha, bucky tells him later that he couldnt be around him because he didnt want to risk hurting him and he knew nat would fight back if he went back into winter soldier mode thank you for your help!!
dolphinqueen10 sent in Blood on my Hands by Tator (oneshot | 7,820 | G)
tiredhomosapien said:
Hi I've tried looking through tags but I can't find the fic where: Bucky is currently in college and Natasha just broke up with him for being too boring. He's mopes a little but Steve ( pre-serum) pops up again after being gone for years. Steve is there to woo him and is actually a pretty successful artist, Bucky models nude for him at some point. Steve speaks multiple languages and at one pints tells Tony(?) to back off because he was there for Bucky. Thank you for all the work you do!
dolphinqueen10 and autonomygirl sent in Lessons In Chemistry by Brenda (complete | 42,392 | E)
Anon 6 said: (polyamory)
Hi there! I'm trying to refind poly au series in which steve and bucky ask out Nurse! Tony and the date was going great on the end of Steve/Tony but Bucky was glaring and aloof to Tony the entire date.
Anon 7 said: (mcd)
there was an abo fic and it was set in 40s, steve didn't receive the serum and bucky came home after war. they are bonded and married and bucky works in a garage that's ruled by the romanoffs. they have a lot of kids, like a lot. and at the end i think it was steve who died first then bucky followed him in couple days. it was a very cute one and i'd like to read it again, pls help me thanks!!
goldenmoleblr sent in Like Rahab by moonythejedi394 (complete | 131,789 | E) - check additional tags!
Anon 8 said:   (Not Stucky)
Hello, Does anyone know of a fic where Bucky (I think) has a pet rock that someone glued onto a block of wood and added googly eyes and a tiara? It either said "Pretty Princess Award" or "I'm a pretty princess." I haven't been able to find it searching in the AU tags. Thanks!
Anon 9 said:
hello!!! im looking for a fic and the only part i can remember is this girl who works in the tower has a crush on bucky and then learns hes dating steve and tries to kiss bucky and take a picture so she can send it to steve but steve sees it happen and he yells at her, i think theres more to the one shot than this but i couldnt find it in your 5+1 tag, thank you for your help!
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copperbadge · 3 years
Wait, do you have the “cellphone hidden on carpet” carpet? 
You know what’s super funny? I DO own that carpet but THAT photograph isn’t of it! The photograph you commented on is this carpet (shot from a different angle): 
Tumblr media
[ID: A photo of a large, busily patterned rug in shades of green and cream; there is a trash bin and the edge of a coffee table in one corner.]
Which is my living room carpet. But if you walk out of my living room and into my front hall....
Tumblr media
[ID: A photo of a narrow “runner” style rug in a cream-and-blue pattern, lying on a woodgrain-patterned vinyl floor in a hallway.]
That’s the same carpet, or rather the same pattern in a runner instead of an area rug, as the one in the photo you linked to. It’s available in several sizes, and I happen to have bought the runner for my hallway. 
I just really like very busy Turkish-style rugs! Both are from the same place, esalerugs.com, which has always done right by me, so whenever I need a rug they’re my go-to. These are just two of the five rugs I’ve bought from them. 
(Also I love that they’re like “How could someone with such a lovely rug put an Ikea end table on it” folks, that rug cost me like $30, esalerugs is not selling merch hand-woven from the hair of mermaids or something.)
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copperbadge · 4 years
Hi Sam. I don't know if you are watching WandaVision, but I was just reading an article comparing it to Agent Carter and it raised an Endgame question for me. I loved, Agent Carter. While I am a Stucky shipper, I also disliked the Steve's ending in Endgame because it negated Peggy's story. I have friends who liked the ending because it was a happily ever after. But they never watched Peggy's story. Do you think if you watched Agent Carter you were more likely to not like Steve going back?
I think it’s possibly more complicated than that; I think a lot of it depends on where your...emphasis, for lack of a better word, is in fandom. Like, if you are primarily in fandom for ‘ship related reasons, perhaps that’s a big influence. Possibly even if you’re a big Peggy Carter fan, because the show demonstrated to us that Peggy was a whole person who didn’t need Steve to find fulfillment. I multiship and for me the weight is more on the story/character side rather than the ship side, so for me I didn’t like it because I felt it was just poor storytelling, and particularly poor characterization of Steve. But that’s just where my interests in the fandom lie. 
People who really want a happily ever after, and aren’t interested in other aspects of the story, I can see why they’d like it. And that’s not a slam, it’s okay to want that (I love a happy ending myself), it’s just a different interest. And I can also see why they might not be interested in watching Agent Carter in the first place, because it begins with the premise that the happily ever after cannot happen. The prince is dead, and this is what happens to the princess after. 
So, I think it’s a large confluence of things, but I don’t know that watching Agent Carter is more likely to influence opinions on Endgame -- I think the level of interest in Agent Carter in the first place probably plays a big part. 
(FWIW I’m not watching Wandavision, but I’m not watching much new of anything these days and my mother is breathlessly keeping me up to date on it whether I want to hear or not :D )
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copperbadge · 4 years
lewstonewar on this post
Evaporated milk is probably the closest American product but it does not appear thick enough since only 40% the water is reduced out.
elladoraevans on this post 
It looks like sweetened condensed milk, which sounds horrifying with onion soup mix.
kruthie73 on this post
The can (and consistency of the contents) in the video looks like Media Crema. It’s a Nestle product and, in my area at least, can often be found in the Mexican section of regular grocery stores.
Kiwis on various discussion boards have confirmed evaporated milk is too thin and condensed milk is too sweet, and I think neither have the right fat content, but they’re closer than say, normal cream. Media Crema does look closer than either, though I’m given to understand it might also be rather thin for the purpose. Still, it’s on my list to try. 
bonnie131313 on this post
A friend who moved back after years in New Zealand tells me that Nestle Extra Thick Cream is a good substitute and available here in the USA. I don't often see it at the market but you can order it online.
Oh, that one I hadn’t heard of! I’ll look into it. 
femalesafetyhazard on this post
Layers, huh? Like... like an onion? :P
I was thinking like a Seven Layer Dip but yours is way funnier :D
arvethli on this post
You clearly just need to visit NZ @copperbadge so that you can go moose hunting while eating onion dip.
Honestly, I would LOVE to visit New Zealand, it seems like an amazing place. I may need to add it into my fantasy Pacific Trip; it used to be Malaysia to South Korea to Japan but including New Zealand and a stop in Australia would round it out nicely.  
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copperbadge · 5 years
elladoraevans replied to your photo “Monster is IMMEDIATELY IN THE HOLIDAY SPIRIT.  It occurs to me that...”
Cat Castles by Carin Oliver shows you how. We did this at my library as a program, great way to use up the cardboard boxes we get the books in, and the leftover yarn and fabric from other crafts.
Oh neat, I’ll check that out! What I desperately need is some kind of guide to how to cut cardboard cleanly -- no matter what blade I use or how hard I try it always looks raggedy and awful. I’ve tried everything from standard sharp scissors to a ruler and a scalpel, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. 
fanmouse replied to your photo “Monster is IMMEDIATELY IN THE HOLIDAY SPIRIT.  It occurs to me that...”
I did wonder at Hallowe'en, Sam, if you were going to put black, felt cutouts of eyes and a mouth on the orange sulk gourd. :D
OH MAN WHAT A GOOD IDEA. Next year! And I can put a ghost face on the blue one! 
jehnt replied to your photo “The cats can’t possibly know that I may have an ear infection and...”
my cats were super judgmental of me today because i didn't get out of bed until 3 pm. I woke up at 10, I just stayed in bed reading. They kept sitting in the doorway giving me twin looks of disapproval.
Oh see, mine love the bed. It’s their favorite place, especially when I turn on the pad to pre-heat the bed for sleeping. They want me to get up to fulfill the Ritual Of Getting Up In The Morning but if I get up and then go back to bed Polk gets SUPER EXCITED to come back to bed and sleep on my chest.
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copperbadge · 5 years
tienriu replied to your post “What did Pentatonix do now?”
Hey Sam - are you talking about "If you believe" from Prince of Egypt? Cause I searched and couldn't find a song called "There can be miracles" and am desperately curious.
Yeah, it’s tehcnically When You Believe, I went back and changed it -- I always mistake the title (both lyrics are in the chorus) because I haev a ukulele tab version that calls it There Can Be Miracles. 
vr-trakowski replied to your photoset “liho907lilo: momoiro-megane: ♡ Creative Garlic Shape Pet Bed ♡  ...”
Sulk clove!
For when you’re feeling extra smelly about sulking! :D 
kimmiesue13 replied to your video “doctorwhoarchiveofrandomness: My six-year-old (who has recently...”
Damn, Six year olds sure learn different stuff than I did when I was six. This is so cute!
When I was six I was obsessed with stop motion animation and other monster-movie special effects, but when I was six home movie cameras were still a bit of a luxury, so I just had books and Wil Vinton movies -- I’m so glad that kids now have access to so much I didn’t and can make little animations like this! 
airmidcelt replied to your post “Good [time of day] Mr. Badge! I have a lot of knitting and crocheting...”
May I ask why post-apocalypse are a hard no? There are definitely some genres that I look at once and back away from at high speed.
I did an essay about it here on tumblr a while ago that I can’t find now, when I was getting about one recommendation a month for Zombies Run, but the short answer is personal taste, really. Part of it is that very few apocalypse or post-apocalypse stories are built on hope; most seem to be a kind of voyeuristic exploration of people being awful to each other, which is not only something I’m not interested in but also sort of contradictory to how we know people react in disasters. Rebecca Solnit wrote a great nonfiction study of this called A Paradise Built In Hell, but the book also sort of proved to me that I didn’t want to read postapocalyptic literature regardless of its levels of hope, because I had a really hard time with the nonfiction book. So yeah, I could talk about the flaws in the genre, but I also make exceptions on occasion (Snowpiercer comes to mind) and it boils down to basically “It’s not my bag.” 
elladoraevans replied to your post “elladoraevans replied to your photo “Monster is IMMEDIATELY IN THE...”
This sounds counterintuitive, but try a fine sawtooth edge. It's what we use at the library and if you get a dedicated cardboard cutter, you can even cut circles out for the cryptids to jump in or peer out.
Yeah, someone in asks suggested to me a cardboard knife with a serrated safety edge, and apparently they run about $8 at hardware stores, so I’m going to pick one up and try one of those. 
mycatchphraseisgoddamnit replied to your photo “I have a brief statement to make and will not be taking questions”
Please inform your cat that they are baby
Oh, believe me, she knows.
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thestuckylibrary · 6 years
Group Ask 88
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Anon 1 said:
Hello. I'm looking for a story where a little girl has a bucky bear and told bucky that soldiers protect people. In the same fic, I believe, bucky goes home and thinks steve thinks that it's funny that the little girl doesn't think bucky is a monster. I've looked everywhere and I can't find it. I don't believe it was the main point of the story. The scenes were near the end.
mar-viel, insomnia1999 and iwyce sent in You Only Scare the Bad Guys by Taste_is_Sweet (oneshot | 1,856 | G)
elladoraevans sent in i was found and now i don't roam these streets by hipsterchrist (oneshot | 15,613 | M
scifi-platypus said:
I've looked everywhere for this fic in the mythical and magical realism tags and can't seem to find it. Steve wakes up from the ice, the world now has magic. he starts working for shield and accidentally pisses off the winter soldier, an ice demon at SHIELD, when his thank you gifts (wine bottle, gift basket, etc) end up being big faux pas. He gives bucky a stuffed bear at one point? Meanwhile, winter soldier is trying hardcore to flirt with oblivious steve and natasha's laughing her ass off
ealdor sent in How To Woo A Winter Demon by cleo4u2, xantissa (oneshot | 6,938 | T)
momrikamayhem said: (polyamory)
Do you know a fic that's Steve/Bucky/Darcy where at some point in the doc Steve and Darcy are having sex in the back of a limo that Bucky is driving?
Anon 2 said:
Hi! This is my first time submitting one of these, so i hope i do it right. i am looking for a fic, it was a no powers!AU, and bucky was a stripper on tumblr. I think ive already checked your stripper tag, sorry. I remember steve beginning to talk to Bucky, and bucky asking forfor preference on the latest photo he was gonna upload, also something about how bucky was purposefully positioning the camera so you couldn't see his tatoos/arm? Thanks so much!
Anon sent in A Tumblr Romance* by a_splash_of_stucky (oneshot | 18,366 | E) *mentions of past /others and polyamory
Anon 3 said:
hi do you of a fic where steve is an architect and he comes into tony's lab to yell at him for asking him to make something ridiculous and bucky is there getting his arm worked on? it's an established relationship so tony then finds out they're dating? thank you!
Anon 4 said:
ive tried to find this fic but i just can't. it is basically just the avengers thinking that bucky is the protective one in the relationship but then it turned out it was steve. it was established relationship and between 5 k words (i think) 
Anon sent in Hell-raiser by Nejinee (oneshot | 5,206 | M)
Anon 5 said:
uh hey !! I was looking through your stuff for quite a while I don't think I've found it - it's a fic where (pre-war) Steve is inexperienced so he listens and watches when Bucky is messing around with girls? and then Steve walks out of the shower once and catches them, but he's super coy and drops the towel and Bucky loses his mind ,, thank you for all your hard work !!
victory-candescence sent in Escalation by ameonna (zetsubonna), melospiza (orphan_account) (oneshot | 7,178 | E)
roaringtwentiess sent in S is for Steve Rogers is a Little Shit by OhCaptainMyCaptain (oneshot | 23,613 | E)
Anon 6 said:
uh hey !! I was looking through your stuff for quite a while I don't think I've found it - it's a fic where (pre-war) Steve is inexperienced so he listens and watches when Bucky is messing around with girls? and then Steve walks out of the shower once and catches them, but he's super coy and drops the towel and Bucky loses his mind ,, thank you for all your hard work !!
Anon 7 said:
Hey! I have been trying to find this fic it was post-infinity war and peter is trapped in the soul stone and then he somehow telepathically can talk to Tony and later finds Bucky who turns out is also able to telepathically talk to Steve? It was long and good and I want to read it again. Can you help me? Thanks!
Anon sent in the rattle of their hearts by iron_spider (complete | 58,924 | T)
Anon 8 said:
hello! i was wondering if you know of an nsfw fic where the avengers are getting wasted and they play truth or dare (or one of those party games) and throw out sexual things to make steve embarrassed but instead steve's all smug about it and admits to all of that, and bucky joins in and it becomes a game of what sexual thing has steve never done before? thanks!!
Anon sent in Raise Your Glass by minkeys (oneshot | 10,008 | E)
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