#ellie and poor flick don't make it.
elencr · 2 years
⸤ 🧁 ⸣  ⸻  based on your thread      ,      rebecca & bucky      |      @wnterslder​
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* .  ♡             she’s shaking her head quickly.  her lip was split and she was pretty sure that her ankle was sprained but becca KNEW she hadn’t been bit.  “ no  ,  no  ,  no  - ” she complains  ,  trying her best to slap his hand away from her face.  “ dad i’m fine.  ” it wasn’t zombies she had been fighting.  she knew that she shouldn’t have disappeared but she had been ... bored.  of course word of the winter soldier surviving d day had spread like wildfire  -  almost as much as him having a daughter (having two of his three girls killed).
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bcdaily · 2 years
bee!! in this day and age of the last of us HBO series, I remembered you posting a while back that you have Thoughts about TLOU2. I would really love to hear them, if you care to share. wishing you a lovely week!
I was CERTAIN I'd gone on a proper rant about this at the time...but now I can't find it?? My tumblr has literally no search capabilities. It's so poorly tagged. What bitch did that??
But anyway--I can likely go on for eight hours how much I despised TLOU2 and how awfully and terribly it was written while trying to gaslight you into thinking otherwise...but here's a condensed version.
First off, let's just start with my number one proclamation:
There is absolutely nothing intrinsically sophisticated about trauma. There is absolutely nothing intrinsically sophisticated about shock value.
TLOU2 is just poorly written. It completely ignores every tenant of writing and storytelling--character, conflict, pacing, stakes--and subs it out for pure trauma porn that it tries to convince you is something New and Different and Complex. It is none of those things in the first place. And the game never delves any deeper than that. The main plot of the story is literally exactly the same as the oldest, stalest, dude-bro 80s action flick: killing off one character as a plot device to send the other character spiraling on an unbearable revenge plot scheme. What, because the main character is queer woman and the killed off character is her dad figure instead of a never-seen wife, we're supposed to think this is somehow revolutionary?? LoooooooOOOlLL don't make me laugh.
Character: God, I loved Joel and Ellie. And what did TLOU2 do? They turned one into a plot device, and spun the other so far out of her character in a trauma spiral that she became UNBEARABLE...and refused to do anything else. It never justified it. It never did anything interesting with the characters or the plot. It just...left that there. Also, please see number one proclamation: Shock value does not equal good storytelling--ESPECIALLY THIS TYPE OF SHOCK VALUE!! Why is it shocking for us to watch them kill off one of the main characters in the prologue? Well, because that is the #1 thing a writer can do to betray the reader/player. It completely upends the expectations of the story and makes the reader/player go, "Well, how do they gain back my trust after that? How do you justify that as a story choice? How do you make me okay with you turning a character you made me love into a plot device and nothing else?" IF THE ANSWER TO THOSE THREE QUESTIONS IS, "UM, ACTUALLY, WE NEVER DO THAT. IT'S NEVER JUSTIFIED. IT'S JUST SHITTY AND THAT'S THE POINT." THEN GUESS WHAT? You don't get +100 points for shocking me, -50 points for poor follow-through. YOU GET MINUS 150 POINTS. THAT'S JUST BAD WRITING. IT'S PURE BAD WRRRIIIITTTINNNNG.
And don't even get me started on Abbie. This sort of "gotcha" that they think they pulled of, "Oooh, you're supporting Ellie but not Abbie...HA HA YOU CAN'T, BECAUSE ABBIE DID EXACTLY WHAT ELLIE IS DOING NOW!! YOU HAVE TO LIKE HER TOO OR YOU'RE A HYPOCRITE!!" was pure "LOL" because....um, no, I just hated both of them?? They were literally doing awful, terrible things and listening to no one? Cool choice, bro?? (Zero hate forever to Ashley Johnson and Laura Bailey, goddesses on earth, this was not on them. They played exactly what was given to them brilliantly.)
They also introduced about nineteen new characters and killed off eighteen of them. It was literally their only move. They knew how to do nothing else.
CONFLICT: Remember the BRILLIANT conflict set up after the first game??? That rising tension as you had on one hand, this global outbreak, this huge apocalypse virus, and Ellie's mysterious part in it vs. these two beautiful bastards who so desperately needed each other but were going to fight the whole way until they accepted it?? And how both of these were built up until CRASH, they collided and suddenly you had to choose--save the world or save Ellie?? Chef's kiss. Amazing. What was the fallout of that? How could they still save the world after? How would it affect them as a family?
I'm so glad the game abandoned every bit of that and subbed in instead the conflict of letting us watch various characters destroy themselves.
They literally NEVER mentioned trying to find a cure again. The reveal about the Joel/Ellie fallout was spooned out with excruciating slowness and that end scene of them hashing it out? I didn't even understand. Ellie seemed mad that...he took away her chance to be a hero? With zero compassion about the situation? Like, I didn't understand why it wasn't as simple as Joel saying, "I never should have lied to you. But you were a child--my child--and I'm sorry that I loved you too much to let them kill you. I just couldn't do that." Like, Ellie was desperate for family?? Why would something so obvious like that not have mattered? It was so infuriating.
Nevermind the fact that they introduced all these new conflicts, these new communities, these new religions, these new characters...and never resolved a single one. They just killed off everyone but a handful and pressed on to the next new thing.
(Okay, this is already so long--see? EIGHT HOURS--and now I'm tired. I'll run through the last bits quickly and maybe do it properly another time. My blood pressure is rising loooool)
PACING: The game was twice as long as it should've been overall. Making you play the whole way through Ellie, then go back and play the whole way through Abbie, was EXHAUSTING and dragged like hell. Also, the fact that the main storyline was so fucking bleak that they needed to intercut it with mindless flashbacks of Joel and Ellie to make it all even remotely bearable should have told them something. All that served was to remind me of the game I WANTED to be playing. Plus, it should've ended at the theater. That whole last section's only point was to RETELL the same shit and assure me that, hey, you think Ellie or Abbie gets out of their trauma spiral after this? Learns something? Nahhhhhh. They're miserable betches FOR YEARS. Cool coool coooooool.
STAKES: There were none. Because there was no conflict. Just, "God, I really wish these two would stop being terrible." And they never were.
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thetwstwildcard · 2 years
I’m a new follower but I’ve been following your work for a while and I really like it :D I think your artstyle is very nice and very pretty! I hope it’s not too much for you but what do your ramshackle students think of my prefect Ellis! Thank you so much again aaaaa💖💗💞💝
Aww thank you so much, I'm honored 🥺🧡
Decided to do all my Ramshackle babes (aka Yuu Squad plus Des, Amias and Ezra) [just no Yua because story/lore wise it wouldn't work]
Yuuto Sakuraba
"Ellis?" He yawned "She likes to talk a lot about her stories, though I think I made her mad once when I fell asleep while she was talking." He frowned "Her voice was calming, I couldn't help it."
"Ah Miss Ellis, finally another thespian!" Pyxis sighed dramatically, putting his hand to his forehead before wincing. With a flick of the wrist he took off his mask and revealed his other eye "Great. Another one." Nova hissed
Lacie Reyes
"Oh El? Oh she's tons of fun!" Lacie bounced on the balls of her feet "Ha, these platforms help to make me taller so I've been able to spin her around a few times since she can dance!"
Aspen Cyfrin
"Miss Clawthone is quite the studious girl. Ha, she goes through romance books like I go through grimoires" he chuckled to himself "I've happened to flip through some of her books, they're ... Interesting. I can see why she likes them."
Kagero Shimizu
"So loud. Though the times when she quites down and joins me for tea as I work on new talismans are... pleasant. Then again... I never invited her. I suppose the smell of strawberry sweets drew her in." he chuckled softly
Makaio Keahi
"Miss Elli has joined me in swimming a few times, I always win but I guess it's because the water is on my side?" He grinned brightly "She's cute when she's grumbly at a loss."
"Her? Oh that other girl. I have left my books around a few times and unfortunately picked up some of her romance books." They sighed "Her sewing in interesting."
Des Carriedo
"Miss Clawthrone is another interesting new student." he smiled "she's stolen a few strawberries out of my ingredients, so I've been adding a few more to the recipe to even it out."
Amias Caritas
"Ah yes, the little girly. Finally another romantic in this dorm, as long as we don't fall for the same person things should go along swell." A darkness crossed his face for a moment as a smile crosses his lips before changing back.
Ezra Crowley
"Another poor soul bearing the weight of my father's "kindness"" he sighed, shaking his head "For all she's been put through she's quite strong. Since she lacks magic I'll be happy to lend mine to her service."
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Hey! Can you do a thing in which all the voldy shit never happened and everyone lives happily (Peter drifts away from them because ugh I don't like reading about him). Basically Sirius' kids are with Harry and reader is Sirius' wife. Reader is pretty chill and all up for pranks. They have twins together of Harry's age. In second year when Harry, ron, and twins go to Hogwarts by car,James, Sirius, and reader send howlers telling them DAMN YOU DID A GOOD PRANK RIGHT THERE.
dude I don’t like writing about peter so it’s fine lmao (also with no voldemort the sorcerers stone wouldn’t really have been an issue so when I say their first year happened fine that’s what I mean lmao)(also I know that the concept of howlers is that the letter just yells what you write but I like the idea of James and Sirius just butting in and ruining it so there you go)
Being the wife of Sirius Black, the master of chaos, came with lots and lots of headaches. You’d known him since you were in school together, and he never disappointed when it came to pranks. Whether that meant (probable) arson, or just a simple dungbomb in someone’s water glass, something was always up with that man, and you’re not sure why you thought his children would be any different.
Sirius had definitely raised them on mischief, as did James with Harry, so you were quite nervous sending them off to school together. Your twins and Harry would definitely wreak havoc on the school, you just prayed you wouldn’t have to pay for property damage. 
Their first year went by relatively smoothly. Of course, there were the occasional detentions, letters written home about the strange spells that your children had used, probably taught to them by their fathers. As always. The worst thing that had happened that year was that your two little monsters, along with James’ troublemaker, had managed to jinx Hagrid’s (already massive) pumpkins to be ten times their size, which proved to be an issue, as the grounds had then been constantly covered in either giant pumpkins, or their remains, for a month. 
You’d sent them off to the Weasleys’ house, thanking Molly for taking care of your children until the school year began. Harry went along as well, leaving you, Sirius, James, Remus, and Lily alone in your homes, finally able to breathe for a moment. 
It was now almost eleven o’clock on the first of September, and you wondered how your kids were doing, probably already buying out the sweets from the trolley. You hoped that they’d help out some lost first-years, or prove helpful to their professors as they now knew how the school worked. 
The clock struck eleven and you sighed, peering over at Sirius who was lazily flicking his wand around the air where he sat, sending a flurry of snowflakes gliding down from the air and into his hair. You giggled, standing and walking over to his chair, feeling the cold flakes land on your head and tickle the back of your neck. Sirius grinned, watching as a snowflake landed on your nose and laughing when you scrunched your face up in discomfort. He flicked the snowflake off, leaning in to kiss you before a loud crack was heard and your heads both jerked to the side.
There stood Molly and Arthur Weasley, slightly disheveled, and frowning deeply. 
“Molly? Arthur? What’s wrong, what is it?” Your heart began beating in your chest, envisioning a freak accident involving your twins or Harry.
“Our car is gone, and none of your kids made it onto the platform.” Arthur mumbled, eyes wide with worry and alarm.
To say that you’d been worried would have been an understatement. Your children were missing, you had no idea what to do. You hadn’t slept at all that night, and you had written the school a very lengthy letter, begging them for updates if they had any. You know that Lily had done the same, having apparated to their home just after Molly and Arthur had left.
So, when you received an owl with a letter clutched in its beak, the Hogwart’s wax seal brightly stamped on the front, your heart leapt in your chest. There was hope.
You tore the letter open, nearly tearing the parchment inside in your haste. Sirius grabbed your hands, steadying them and taking the letter from you. He began reading out loud.
‘Sirius and Y/N,
Your children are safe. They arrived here last night, not on the train, but by flying car, and though they crashed several times, including into the whomping willow, they seem to have escaped unscathed. I will never understand how they do it. I have decided to reject the idea of expulsion, they did go above and beyond to make sure that they got to school, even if it was slightly destructive. We’ve sent word to the Potters, as well as the Weasleys. I hope you weren’t too worried, 
You felt yourself breathe a sigh of relief, though white hot anger flared in your system only moments after. 
“They stole the car!” You looked up at your husband, mouth falling open as you watched him laugh.
“Sirius! This is not funny, they could have been killed! And ‘Grand Theft Auto: Twelve-Year-Olds’?! Sirius, what are we going to do with them?!”
“It’s fine! They’re okay, the school is okay, they’re not being expelled, everything is fine. It was a pretty good prank, don’t you think?”
Now, each child involved knew that they’d be sent an angry letter from their parents. That was inevitable. But none of them had expected two bright red, smoking howlers to show up the next morning, like ticking time bombs sitting in front of their cereal.
“You go first, Ron.” Harry nudged Ron forward, wishing that he could avoid his own howler altogether.
Ron gulped, slitting the envelope open, though he threw it down on the table when the booming voice of Molly Weasley rang throughout the great hall.
‘Ronald Weasley! 
How dare you steal that car! Your father is facing an inquiry at work, and it’s entirely your fault! If you put another toe out of line, we’ll send you straight home! Oh, and Ginny dear, congratulations on making Gryffindor, your father and I are so proud.’ (I just had that mEmoRIZedGJNSKGN)
Ron was shaking as the envelope tore itself up, leaving only the one other remaining. Harry reached for it, peeling the envelope open and cringing when his mother’s voice began shouting.
‘You three are in big trouble! What in the world were you thinking? Poor Molly and Arthur were left without a car, and we were all worried sick!’
‘If you had done something like that from outside the safety of those walls, I guarantee that we would have-’ Remus’ voice was cut off midway through his sentence.
‘Son!’ Another voice made itself known over the letter, and the children recognized it as James’.
‘Son, I’m so proud of you. That was amazing! You’re on our level of genius now, I can’t believe you got there so young!’ 
‘And I can’t believe you all managed to escape unharmed! This is by far one of the best things I’ve ever seen, you have to fill us in on the details later-’ Sirius’ voice cut in, the sound full of happiness and pride for his children.
“Sirius no!’ Your voice was heard shrieking throughout the great hall before the letter self destructed, smoke and little bits of ashy paper flying everywhere. Harry snorted, shaking his head while envisioning the absolute chaos that must have been the creation of the Howler. 
From the staff table, Mcgonagall smirked, hiding her face behind a napkin as she shook her head, even after they’d graduated James Potter and Sirius Black were still creating mischief.
(This was kinda long and icky and I’m so sorry if it’s bad kjgdafnds I’m not doing great but I hope you still like it :’)   )
Taglist: @knowledgeisthebomb @moonyswolf @astertist @accio–zoe @wutheringweasley @crispyfrenchfriescrisis @set-phasers-to-cuddle @thecurlyhairedwinchester @snazzy-posts @huffle-homie24601 @celestialdiamandis @queen678900 @gryffindor-girl420 @ilostcount-helpme @Dedellis @ellie-emb @nervous-shawn @fcavalerro @dorcasmeadoweslupin @chloe-geoghegan1 @lostnliterature @remusfreakinglupin @marvelouspottering @fcavalerro @xmoonylupinx @swansong321 @xinyourdreamsx @spideymood @marauders-trash-forever @khaleesiclifford @thisismysecrethappyplace @gabiatthedisco @writing-red @stardust.and.glitter @sly-vixen-up2nogood @biatheintrovert @mamarhee @spiderman-n @wonder-worlds @honeymalfoy @dumbass-sandwich @emliy-antognoli @raavkans @maraudersandco @lilaccoveredteapot @potterhead-of-ilvermorny @spencer-is-too-perfect @blackpinkdolan @my-babies-are-ash @whysoseriouspadfoot @i-padfootblack-things @mysticalsandwichseeker @yallgotkik @lilmissmoony @keey-lime-pi @elenawhatonearthisthis @margotblackburn @chrisstabme @itsanarttodie @siriusly-sad @addibug1014-blog @galaxyoffangirls @just4muggles @everything-s-comin-up-aces @sedanleystanley @starryeyedsupernova @mcu-potter-pirate @mublood-blog @svtwit @parkersingfinitywar @onthebroadway @the17resa @thefullbullpen99 @snoploop @johnnycadeissocute @all-thegayships @briisasinamonroll @lady-of-lies @ardentmuse @blueivysuniverse @dark-night-sky99 @ilovetvshowsblog @s0cial-retard @savethehoneeybees @luna-xxxxx @bvmakk @deathofthethrones @humblemei @myfriendsaremypowers @broken-and-alone12 @fandomnerdsarecool @stardust.and.glitter @hopewithadashofglitter @lazydiabetic @killerbumblebee @angeld82300 @alisoncdariel @brungun @marvelismylifffe @iluvmesomemarvelndc @beutiflybybri @stephie-senpai @heartbeats-wildly @em-aesthe @godisreal @vibhati123 @miracleoflove @classypursefarmphysique @cncno @itsshelbygates @majesticavenger @jellyfishwriter @ikbrenda @righttide @marvelousmarauderstrash @hero-ically @itshelaodinsdottirbitch @behindthebook @sewarner @themarauders-headcanons @bloomingonmay @songforhema @rose-aesthete @blueberrytiger01 @i-want-my-name-back @lumonva @unfortunatekiwitrash @smilexcaptainx @oldschool-hoee @kiwi-nonspecificgender @shymagicsworld
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greyfacewhispers · 4 years
He climbed out of bed early that morning, careful not to wake the sleeping man next to him. Normally he would stay in, see to it that Jo had a nice wake up but right now she was on an entirely different coast, having driving off Friday afternoon after a call from Garth that he could use a hand on a siren hunt. Grey had been sorry to see her go, sorrier still that Will barely had any time to see her that day when he came home tired from his work. Grey knew it was a disappointment all around, the had only had a few weekends where all three of them were together since the big move in and though they hadn't been in this arrangement of love long, it already felt odd when one of the three was away.
Grey padded into the den to check on the dogs. His baby girl, Nana, immediately rose from her bed to come greet him, tail sweeping the air energetically as she bid her daddy a quiet good morning. The other dogs just eyed Grey nervously. They weren't used to him yet but at least all of them had gotten out of the habit of running and hiding or growling at him when he approached. Some of them, like Ellie might even give him a tail wag occasionally when he spoke softly to them or smiled at their antics. Will assured him all the dogs would eventually be adapted to him and that they would love him and accept him into their family as much as they had Jo. Grey looked them over, all piled up on their great big pallet, snuggling back down together to fill in the gap Nana had left when she moved, then shifted his gaze to Winston who lay apart from the others with his head up watching Grey intently. “Good morning Winston,” Grey said.
The dog flicked one ear back and then laid his head across his paws facing away from Grey. The monster suspected that that one was never going to adopt him. Winston was clearly a one man dog and he had chosen Will. Grey held no grudges. If Grey was a dog he definitely would pick Will too. None of the dogs paid any more attention to Grey as he made his way into the kitchen. They had acknowledged him and that was all they were going to do right now.
They also knew their dad wasn't up yet and that this strange smelling person could offer them no breakfast. Only Buster would touch food that smelled of Grey so the shadow would have to leave that chore to Will. “Poor girl,” Grey said, rubbing Nana's head. “I know you miss breakfast when you want it but it's not fair to other dogs if you get fed and they don't.” Nana chuffed and shuffled about to the water bowl, lapping at it. Grey waited for her to finish her drink then took the bowl and refilled it then washed his hands and prepared to make breakfast for the two two-leggers. First he'd fix the bacon, assuming the smell of it and the coffee he had just start it would rouse Will.
At the bacon coming out and going in the frying pan Nana began to whine. “That's not ladylike,” Grey admonished softly to the noisy Bernese mountain dog. In response Nana fell silent but laid down on the floor and rolled over onto her back, flashing her fluffy white belly up where it could not be ignored. Grey laughed. “Fine you win, but don't tell anyone else okay?” He tore off a little piece of one of the already done strips of bacon and gave it to Nana, rubbing her head then laughing when she started licking his hands. “This doesn't count as washing them,” He told her as she woofed and trotted back out into den probably to tease the other dogs with how her daddy spoiled her completely rotten like a little princess.
Grey washed his hands again then finished off the bacon, setting it aside covered so it wouldn't lose too much heat. As Will wasn't already up and Grey couldn't hear him saying good morning to the pups he guessed he'd have to go wake the other man. From the counter where it had been charging, Grey's phone rang. He wiped his hands off and picked it up, seeing it was Jo he answered immediately. “Everything all right?” The shadow asked.
“Everything's fine here hun,” Jo answered. “Just got into town and meet up with Garth and wanted to check in. How's things there?”
Grey smiled and held the phone to his ear with his shoulder as he went to get the eggs and cheese out of the fridge. “Everything here is okay, I think I'm the only one up,” He had already grated some cheddar last night for salads and there was enough left to add to the eggs this morning. He cracked a couple into the pan and added the cheese and began to scramble.
“Poor Will he's so tired I know, that case was rough on him,” As a general rule Grey did not talk about either Jo's or Will's jobs. But this one he knew the details of vaguely as it had been in the news. A serial killer targeting young girls ranging from their early twenties to their early teens. And they hadn't figured it out yet who he was, or where, Will thought the guy was probably driving in from Canada to do his killing since the girls were disappearing close to the border but something had gotten screwed up between the human authorities, whatever operation Jack Crawford was putting together had been stalled and the killer had struck again. Leaving a fresh scene for Will to go and see. Grey had not asked what was at the scene or what Will had learned. “Fuckin' Jack. And fuckin' Hannibal.”
Grey grit his teeth. The rugaru psychiatrist was not being helpful as per usual. He seemed to be childishly refusing to see Will during this case probably because he was pissed Will had allowed Jo and Grey to move in. Grey was assuming, though Will said nothing, there had been some kind of heated session in which Will refused to allow Hannibal to pick apart his new living arrangement and his love life. The shadow cracked another egg into the pan and added more cheese, wishing he could do everyone a favor and just eat Lecter. He'd taste worse than the eggs but it would be more satisfying.
“I wish you were here,” Grey said softly, switching the phone to the other ear as he continued to move the eggs around with the spatula. “I thought it was finally going to be the three of us here together again.”
“I know hun,” He heard Jo sigh from over the line. “And I know Will mus' be extra sad about it. He spent the whole week working wi' me and you home then when he finally gets to come back, /finally/ gets to take a break to relax, I gotta go out on this stupid siren hunt with Garth.”
“You'll be careful won't you?” Grey asked, reaching to switch the heat off and remove the pan. He held the phone to his ear with the shrug of a shoulder as he divvied the eggs out onto their separate plates. “With Garth I mean. Watch out for him?”
“Of course Grey, s'what I'm here for. I won't let anything happen to your gaming buddy,” Jo teased. “But you take care of Will for me? Treat him extra special okay hun? Give him all the love I would if I were there.”
“Already on it pretty one,” Grey said, putting the pan in the sink and turning the water on. “He'll have a hot homemade breakfast this morning. Bacon and eggs with cheese, fresh orange slices, and I'll toast him a couple pieces or an English muffin when he wakes up.”
He heard Jo groan. “Wish I had your cooking here,” She said, and Grey could hear the sounds of takeout containers shuffling. “I dunno how I lived on this shit most of my life. Nothing tastes as good as what you make.”
Grey hesitated over the breakfast. “You want me to run you a plate?” He asked, covering Will's plate and touching the outside of it to use some of his magic to keep it hot and steaming for the time being. “Because you know I can. Any time you're away as long as there isn't iron down in the hotel room I can pop up with goodies for you.”
Jo laughed brightly. “Benefits of a monster boyfriend! But no, I'm fine. Just take care of our man this mornin' okay? I miss my babe.” She sighed again wistfully and Grey heard a door open and an indistinct voice. “Hey Garth, I'm just talking to Grey it's fine. This time we weren't havin' phone sex, you've interrupted nothing that horny.”
“Tell Garth I said hi,” Grey said, covering his plate and using the same magic to keep it warm.
“Grey says hi,” There was a pause where Grey could vaguely hear Garth saying something. “Grey, Garth says hi back and that he wants to remind you to vote in the groupchat on Ed's new haircut. Okay, I'm gonna get off the phone so we can sleep. Bye hun, kiss Will for me.”
“Where at pretty one?” Grey asked cheekily.
“Wherever you want!” Jo chirped back unfazed. “Love you!”
“Love you too Jo,” Grey said and they ended the call. Grey turned to the dishes and washed them up so Will wouldn't come in to see dirty ones in the sink. Nana snuffled under his feet, inspecting for dropped crumbs but not finding any. After he finished Grey leaned on the counter and cocked his head to listen. As far as he could tell, none of the dogs in the den had moved which must mean they didn't hear their dad up yet.
He puttered around the kitchen and the den for a moment, cleaning absently or flipping through his sketchbook to see if he wanted to draw this morning or perhaps paint. Nothing struck him. Finally he headed to the bedroom. Maybe Will already was awake and just not feeling up to getting out of bed yet. If so Grey would take breakfast to him. Immediately at the door he could hear the light snore that told him his love still lie in slumber and breakfast in bed wasn't going to be an reality. At least not just yet. Grey padded gently into the room stepping softly, around the squeaky floorboards that told on everyone who put their feet on them.
Will lay on his stomach, the sheets down on his waist, bare back rising and falling with each breath. He was gorgeous like this. He was gorgeous always. His face was turned, half obscured by the pillow as he dreamed. On this rare occasion, it didn't look like it was a nightmare or one of the disturbing dreams Will said weren't nightmares but that nonetheless left him restless and haunted in his sleep. Sometimes Grey thought Will might be seeing ghosts in those dreams, people he had lost. Abigail, whose story broke Grey's hair with such pain at the unfairness of it all. Beverly, who Grey genuinely regretted not being able to meet. Georgia, who Will had only spoken of once but with such sadness. Maybe less gentle ghosts, that of Garrett Jacob Hobbs or the ghosts of killers not yet stopped. Will had such haunted dreams sometimes, and Grey couldn't do much but wake him gently from them.
Grey hesitated on waking the sleeping man now, seeing that his face had that rare expression of a dreamy smile on it. Grey himself smiled to see it, Will's lips curved just so very slightly at their ends up towards his eyes and the closed lids twitching occasionally in response to whatever was happening in the dream. How could he wake Will from such peace know that not all his dreams were pleasant like this one? Grey sighed softly, sinking onto the bed with as little disruption as he could manage. Breakfast would have to wait. He could keep it hot for longer yet. It wasn't that much energy and he could always dip out and grab something to eat later.
Will groaned softly and rubbed his face against the pillow then rolled over onto his back. Grey blinked a couple of times before putting a hand over his mouth to smother his laugh before it escaped. There was no mistaking what kind of dream Will was having now. Not with the covers rising around his waist in a unabashed tent. So it was /that/ kind of dream was it?
Grey flashed back to before they had moved in but one night when he and Jo had stayed over, when something had come up on a movie, some kind of scene where the main character had morning wood and Jo cracked a joke about it being a pity there was no one there who could take care of that for him. Grey honestly hadn't been paying attention to the movie, not with Jo stretched out across both him and Will inviting them to caress her with their hands to rejecting outright attempts to move the attention to less decent motions yet, though Grey noticed with Will's hand massaging up her thigh that likely would be subject to change soon.
/”What do you think boys?” She asked them, teasingly pulling Grey's hand away from where it had been fondling her breast through her shirt. “If one of ya has your cock up before you are would you want me to put it to good use?” She smirked up at Grey who was blushing with her eyebrows raised.
“I've never had that done before,” Will admitted, making Jo moan softly when his hand slid upwards between her legs and began to rub slowly over her. Grey caught Jo's hands as they twitched and chuckled when she parted her legs further. “But I'd definitely be interested in trying that. With you. Or Grey if he wants.”
“It does sound like a fun idea,” Grey said, holding Jo against him to hear her squeaking as he moved to hold both her hands in one of his own to trace his other down her body to pull her skirt up and watch what Will was doing. Jo had forgone panties, unfortunate for her after all her teasing because now she was being teased. When Will slipped his fingers down and into her Grey moved his free hand to rub her clit, smirking at the loud gasp from the blonde who would shortly be coming to pieces. If they let her so quickly. “Both giving and receiving for me.”
“Only giving for me! Not interested in receiving!” Jo whimpered, thighs trying to close and being prevented. “Ohm'god, guys... please... I'm-” She cut herself off with a whine. “Fuck!”
“So it's settled then,” Will growled, holding one of Jo's knees in his hand and thrusting his fingers faster to match Grey's movements on her clit. “We're both okay with you waking us up to your pleasure /ma deesse/, and I am fine with either you or Grey. Now, /ma douceur/, she is trembling and dripping already, you really must feel this it is amazing.”
Grey slid his fingers further then into Jo and the movie was swiftly forgotten./
Grey licked his lips nervously, eyes tracing back up from the covered erection, along the taunt stomach and the steadily rising and falling chest up onto Will's face. His mouth hung slightly open now, the lips parted narrowly and the expression had changed. It was still pleasant but there was a wanting to it now, unless Grey had lost all ability to read faces. As if to back up the assessment, Will once again made noise this time it was a sleepy and quiet groan. Well that settled it then, Grey was going to give Will an experience with being woken up with sex.
Slowly, so not to wake the man prematurely, Grey eased the covers down off of his waist. The boxers Will had worn were straining to contain Will's sizable member, a heroic effort but useless as Grey pulled the elastic waistband and revealed the stiff cock. It would probably disgusted others to learn his mouth watered at the sight of it standing erect and ready to fuck. Grey moved with the stealth of a cat to position himself on his knees between Will's legs, having to nudge only gently to get them to give him room then slithered down resting on his stomach and propped up by his elbows. He summoned the lube bottle from the nightstand and squirted some into his hand. For most of the lubrication he could use his own spit but a little extra on his hand right now would save him some saliva as he warmed it quickly then coated his hand, tossing the bottle away into a clothes hamper where he would get it later. With his slick hand he gave Will's excellent cock a couple gentle strokes, watching the other man carefully for signs of awakening. Then he moved his hand to hold the base while he licked his lips. He would begin slow, tenderly. It was going to be such a nice time for them both.
Grey put his lips to the tip and gave Will Jo's kiss softly. He smirked when he pulled back, wetting his lips with his tongue and then continuing to kiss gently downwards on the shaft to the base. He turned his face and nuzzled at Will's cock lightly before running his tongue out of his mouth for a wet lick. He pulled back and looked up. Will slept on, whatever dream he was having keeping him momentarily distracted from the shadows teasing lips and tongue, but that was okay.
He didn't want to wake Will. Not until he was in his mouth. Not until he was about to cum. Then Grey wanted his love to wake, to have his first conscious sensation be feeling Grey's lips stretched around him, his tongue running over the sensitive skin. The first thing Will did this morning that he'd be aware of would be to cum inside Grey's eager mouth and Grey bit down a moan feeling himself hardening rapidly at the thought.
Grey continued to lick and lap at the upright dick, getting it wet and ready for his mouth. When he teased along the glands with his tongue and felt a slight twitch he had to stop himself from moaning. Will might be asleep but part of him certainly knew Grey was here. Will's perfect cock was harder now, stiffer than just morning wood and blindly standing ready to be buried in a warm wet space. If Jo were here it might get its choice of paradise to fuck into, her dripping pussy that would hold it tightly in jealous lust that it should ever be anywhere but inside her or her glorious talented mouth that would lavish attention on the lucky cocks that were allowed inside. But Jo wasn't available at present and Grey's mouth was such a happy place too for cocks and he was going to treat this one very nicely.
Grey opened his lips in a round little O and fitted them over just the tip, slowly running his tongue around it. A soft noise from Will let him know though his attentions were light now, they were definitely being felt. He opened his mouth wider to take the head in, stopping when Will's member rested just inside and lapping at it with his tongue. He swirled his tongue and sucked in a gentle pulling rhythm, fighting another moan down. He closed his eyes halfway and just sucked for a moment, the act doing about as much to relax him as it was doing to turn him on. But it wasn't time to stop here. He wanted to get closer, have Will further inside himself. This would be a nice wake up but not as nice as what he could give.
He pressed further down, his whole mouth filled now with Will. This time he couldn't stop it but thankfully having a big cock in his mouth smothered his moan. His eyes flicked back up to Will's face. His sleeping beauty hadn't woken, though his slack mouth was opened further now as his breathing quickened, the body reacting to the wet heat around the sensitive organ. Grey pulled back gently to swirl his tongue around the head again and Will's dick responded with a gentle twitch drawing a whimper of pleasure from the monster as his own cock jerked under his pajama bottoms in answer.
Grey bobbed back downwards, watching Will. His lover's hands now were twitching in sleep, fingers slowly sinking and clenching into the sheets of the bed. A soft sigh of pleasure came from above as Grey continued to work up and down slowly, using his tongue to flick and caress the hard member inside his mouth. If he could have the shadow might have smiled but his lips were stretched too tightly. Relaxed enough now to do what he wanted and always liked to do, Grey pressed himself father down on the next downward bob. The tip of Will's dick touched gently against the back of Grey's throat and he allowed himself a moment to just hold it there before he moved further. He closed his eyes happily but moved his hand from its grip on the base of the cock to gently pin Will's hips to the bed. Normally Grey wouldn't be so restrictive with the dark-haired agent but if Will were to unconsciously thrust now he most certainly would end up gagging and choking and that wasn't the wake up Grey wanted Will to have. So continuing to pin gently, Grey breathed deeply through his nose. Then, prepared, he pushed farther down.
Having such a sizable cock in his throat should have perhaps been uncomfortable, but from his position with his nose against the hairy skin of Will's stomach all he could do was purr slightly. It was always pleasant to have Will inside him, to be filled and stretched around the other man knowing that for that moment, the moment when Will was as far inside Grey as he could be, Grey was Will's and Will was Grey's. Grey's wet and heated mouth, his tongue that struggled slightly to lick or roll against what rested against it, the inside of his cheeks, and Grey's eager throat that swallowed impatiently around the hard but welcome invader, all of those things belonged to Will at this moment. And the huge, hard shaft, the slick head at the end of it, the veins that throbbed gently against his tongue even the quickening jerks of the cock, all of that belonged to Grey while it was inside him. Grey smothered a groan and pressed his hips hard against the bed, his own member stiff and leaking just from this much alone.
Needing another breath, Grey pulled back and his blue eyes flashed up to Will's face. The other man still rested though the tautness that had crept into his sleeping expression, the exhaled moan, the way the tongue flashed out across his bottom lip wantonly, it all spoke to that he'd be awake soon. Grey started to work more quickly, not pressing down as deeply but still taking much into his mouth as he bobbed his head and lapped with his tongue, sucking not gently but not hard. He couldn't help how it turned him on though and he found himself rocking his hips against the bed in time with his own movements. He was sure what little blood wasn't being used to make him harder than a diamond right now was in his face from how hot his cheeks felt. Will was going to wake up to see him, flushed bright pink with his lips tight around the agent's dick, humping against the bed like a rutting animal. That thought made him shudder and moan louder than he had meant to around Will's cock. What a sight he must make, so horny and desperate just from having a dick in his mouth.
The noise must have reached through to dreamland because Will's beautiful eyelashes fluttered. Grey watched in awe as the other's expression changed from the shallows of sleep to the foggy dawn of waking. The eyes, green now in the indirect morning light, focused swiftly to Grey, widening. “/Ma douceur/,” Will groaned, head pulling off the pillow as he lifted himself onto his elbows. “Such a lovely wake up, ah!” He tossed his head back and Grey watched that lovely throat swallow, the Adam's apple bobbing.
Grey moved his arms off Will's hips, stretching one hand upwards to stroke across Will's abs as his breathing quickened. Grey knew his love was close now, he could see the orgasm building up in Will, feel the tightening of it and besides the member in Grey's mouth was throbbing now. He pulled back to where just the head rested inside him, sucking eagerly at it and ready for the flow of cum to fill his greedy mouth. He ran his tongue over the tip to swipe of the precum for a taste before the main event and whimpered in anticipation. Will put his head back up, eyes completely free of the Sandman's powder now and looking dark and wild. “Your fucking /mouth/,” The other growled, one hand moving to take Grey's hand off his stomach and hold it with the agent's fingers closing around the monster's tightly but not painfully and the other making its way further down and fisting into his dark hair. Grey moaned again as Will used his grip to control the movements of Grey's head, pulling him up and down a little bit faster and then pressing him down, further that he had been going. “Wicked, exquisite, but your throat /ma douceur/, just for a moment?”
Grey relaxed again as the hand in his hair pushed him downwards and Will's cock was thrust into his throat once more. He couldn't stop the whimpering he was doing, eager little smothered sounds of pleasure as he was fucked now, his eyes closed in anticipation of rapture. Could he swallow without choking if Will came like this? He wanted to, he didn't want a single drop wasted. He ground his hips into the bed shamelessly. Will continued to tug him along his member, a growl sounding through him as he rocked his hips up slightly to get deeper into Grey's throat. He pushed him all the way down as his hips rose, Grey making a muffled noise as he was filled and held there, swallowing instinctively and squirming between Will's legs when his body realized that wasn't going to clear his mouth and throat. His hand clenched inside Will's grip and his other hand scrabbled at the bed covers blindly.
“Grey, I'm almost there! I'll let you up but I'm going to cum so,” Will's groan seemed to reverberate through Grey's body as well they were so pressed together at this point. The hand holding his own was clutched tightly. “Be ready for me /ma douceur/.”
Grey was /so/ ready. For a moment, a timeless blink of eternity, Will held him down still. Pressed so far inside Grey's throat that the shadow was smothered against Will's skin, jaw aching to stay so stretched. Then the hand released his hair and Grey rose swiftly to a comfortable position, the cock now resting against his tongue and none to soon because in a warm and sudden flood Will came with a shout inside him. Grey sucked hard as the dick bucked and shot within his mouth and he swallowed quickly again and again as the salty rewards of his good work kept flowing then slowed and ceased. Grey continued to lavish attention on Will's member, wringing every drop from it that it had to give him then when it began softening lapped at it gently and released it from his mouth with a wet pop.
For a moment they just looked into each other's faces. Will's expression the post-orgasm elation of warmth with his lips parted as he panted and his eyes lidded still with now dissipating lust. Grey's mouth hung open, his breath coming in gasps as he could feel saliva roll from his tongue down his chin which he wiped away with the back of his hand. Grey recovered faster, pushing his jaw closed and rubbing it slightly before smiling now this his lips did not need to hold themselves in a ring of pleasure anymore. “Good morning dear one,” He said, eyes flicking across the other man, seeing the shivers of the aftershocks still running under his skin and eyes linger on the now resting and soft but wet dick. “I hope you enjoyed your wake up call.”
Will laughed with a slightly barky sounding tone. “I think you know I did /ma douceur/,” He said, sitting all the way up and stretching. “And are you giving me a pet name now as you do Jo?”
Grey's cheeks pinked again and he shrugged. “No? I don't know. You just looked so... I love you. I love you so much Will.”
“I know, I could /feel/ your love around me,” Will answered reaching over to caress Grey's jaw and smiling at the soft thrill that got him. “I do not remember the dream though I wonder if this is still it. I love you to Grey. Thank you for giving me such a good morning.”
Grey smiled, shifting to lay beside Will. He whimpered very quietly as his own dick throbbed to remind him that as good as it felt to have Will cum in his mouth and to swallow his release down, it did not bring Grey's own with it.
Grey saw Will's eyes flick downwards as he shifted his hips to be comfortable and felt himself flush again at Will raising his eyebrows on seeing the erection straining against his plaid bottoms and the damp spot that had formed on them from his leaking dick. “So turned on,” Will growled gently as his hand traveled down onto the covered hardness, making Grey hiss when he felt the pressure. “Was this from blowing me or did you have this and decide to have fun?”
Grey blushed brighter at the questions, whining as Will's hand moved only to pull down his pants then his boxers exposing him. He writhed as Will's fingers traced up his sensitive member and then wrapped around him and began to stroke teasingly. “Ah, from-from blowing you. I saw-hng!” Will had twisted his wrist on and upstroke and rubbed a thumb against his throbbing head. “I saw you had morning wood and a good dream and I thought... you might enjoy-uh!” Will's hand moved faster.
“I did, I did very much enjoy,” Will said, moving to hover slightly over Grey, putting one knee between Grey's own which had the effect of restricting Grey's movement slightly as the knee fixed his bottoms and underwear to the bed and they were still tangled around his knees. He kept one hand working Grey's cock while the other reached up to grab a shoulder, pinning Grey fully to the bed. Will laughed gently when Grey moaned loudly and bucked into his grip. “So did you, /so much/ it seems. So naughty, to get so aroused from having me in your mouth,” Grey gasped and writhed more, unable to speak at this point. “Such a shame Jo isn't here to see this. And a shame too to only be able to have you orgasm like this. I would have loved to work you up to the very edge then call her in here so you could cum in her mouth and not waste a drop just like you swallowed all of mine.”
Grey gave a little shriek of pleasure, the words and the faster motion of the other man's hand forcing him over the edge. He bucked under Will as he was cumming, lost to the ecstasy as Will continued to stroke through his orgasm with murmured encouragements until Grey had finished and lay spent and panting beneath him. While Grey lay dazed, Will reached for the wet wipes kept next to the bed and cleaned his coated hand off then softly, with sweet words about how stunning Grey looked after orgasming, cleaned up the monster too. Grey then wiggled back into his bottoms and boxers as Will hitched his own back up. Will sniffed the air. “Is that bacon I smell?”
“Yes,” Grey said shifting on his knees over to Will who was now sitting on the edge of the bed and draping himself over his back with a purr. “And eggs with cheese. And I can toast you some bread or an English muffin if you want and there's oranges too.”
“You say that like you haven't already eaten and my breakfast is not congealing in the microwave,” Will chuckled, pulling the monster around to have him in his lap. “Reheated eggs /ma douceur/ are not appetizing.”
“They're being kept hot,” Grey said, nuzzling under the other man's throat and feeling the scrape of his facial hair. “And I haven't eaten yet. I came up here to wake you and got /distracted/,” He whispered mischievously. There wouldn't be any more play today, perhaps tonight, but that didn't mean Grey couldn't revel in the memory.
Will looked at him sharply. “You didn't leave them on the stove did you? They'll burn-”
Grey cut him off with a kiss quickly. “I know how to cook Will. I have other ways to keep things how I want them. Special, supernatural ways. That I can use to make sure my boyfriend's breakfast doesn't get cold /or/ burn while I'm in here taking care of his other needs.” He didn't blame Will for not remembering, Jo occasionally forgot herself there were tricks he could use as a shadow to make things special.
Will blinked. “/Ma douceur/, you are a wonder. A hot mouth on my cock in the morning and a hot breakfast waiting for me when I get out of bed, you will spoil me.”
Grey flushed pink, sliding off the other's lap and smiling shyly. “Benefits of dating a monster.” He said before Will stood up and they walked holding hands to the waiting meal.
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astralnymphh · 1 year
⁶⁶⁶♡ perverted ♡⁶⁶⁶
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𖤐 ellie needs a little extra care.. 🦢
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⤹𓍢ִ໋listening to; elita harkov- perverted
cw/tags; nsfw, perverted!ellie, subtop!ellie, nipple play, grinding, vibrator(giving), overstimulation(giving), fingering (receiving), squirting, 'mama' petname
an; wanted ellie to call me mama ina dom way but also wanted to make her squirt, so, tada!!! way simpler writing this is just a drabble ellie's masterlist
it was ritualistic. the way her hands feel voidly empty when she's not cupping your hips or molding to the convex of your waist constantly. it was sick. lacking the aftertaste of your juices, dying breathless to lap your folds again. it was twisted. visions of you naked, moaning, on the edge, plaguing her mind.
so when her eyes settled on your silhouette, attired in nothing but a shapeless tee, underwear, and socks, plunging your hands in the sinks foamy water, she can graphically visualize those exact pieces of clothing on the floor.
ellie's body behind you, pushing your otherwise stagnant rump into her needy groin, grunting 'fucks' and 'shits' in the raised skin on your neck. her flys' already unbuttoned and poking the cloaked valley of your cheeks repititively. the drenched sensation of her slit is titillating enough, smudging her panties with each chafe that only suffices minimal friction. her poor clits' not getting enough. bending her knees purely to rut her throbbing crotch into your ass.
''need' mama in bed..'' she purrs, indulging a latch to your neck, pink tongue suckling a bruise.
you play her game, but with little reaction. sutured lips and no words in reply to her plea, hands remnant on the dirty dishes.
her voice grunts again, ''m' so fuckin' horny.." as her fingers trail from your hips and grasp your loose tits above the fabric, gently squeezing.
"hmm, baby?"
''i need you...'' she whines further and deviates from your neck, looming over to get a glimpse of your face, "been thinkin' bout you all day." you feel her hand slither down between your bodies, biting her lips and putting pressure on her angry pulsing clit.
you had an entirely different vision in your mind.
this lead you to where you lie now, nude beside her, prying her leg open, the kickback of a vibrator rattling your knuckles and rolling the tip around her sensitive little red bud as she twitches and writhes in pleasure.
her own toughened hands flick her hard nipples, eyes engaging to the back of her head as she revels in the stimulation that's just too fucking good. her puffy eyes fall to ogle your tits, mesmerized in a trance. creamy nectar streamlining into a puddle beneath her. she's your needy little mess.
''c'mon mama~ go faster, nghhhhh.. fuck..'' ellie bellows out, drooling from her agape lips.
you up the speed on the toy, rubbing slow linear motions over and under the hood of her clit, all the right spots that have her nearly squirting all over your hand. pearly white serum gathers at the base of the toy, dripping off the edge.
"ooohhhf.. ffuck, oh god-" a groan hitches in her larynx, casting those dozy eyes over to watch the toys bulbous end coated in sticky slick part her folds and judder the skin. specks of her juices splatter the inside of her thighs, beautifully casting a wet halo around her swollen cunt.
"feel good els?"
"yeah, u're so fuckin' good- mama makes me feel s'good.."
after slapping and digging the vibrator into her clit a bit more, she's clenching her muscles up and splashing squirt everywhere. she's got her lips hung open, curling her head back til' the pillow hits her nose, whole body trembling. yet, she doesn't want you to stop. striving for another orgasm.
''keep tha- shhhshh-shit on, don't fuckin' stop..'' her stern voice mixes with quaking chords, choked up in the joy ride.
you don't. you listen. those husky groans of desperation boil over you. she's always so forward even in this position. you fucking love it. it only catches you by surprise when her calloused fingers drift over your belly and dive into your pussy, taking no time to prod your g spot with such fluidity.
"what'cha doin'- mmh- there, ellie?" you coo between throaty whimpers, lighting brushing her chin with your vacant digits.
"don't wanna leave ya- gh! ..neglected." bobbing hiccups jolt her body slightly, loving the way your pussy swallows her in like it knows her.
it's scary how she even barely handles the overstimulation, purely just turned on by the fact you're both fucking eachother, so.. so well.
and it satisfies her, so.. so much, beady green eyes watching you closely, rasping, ''mhm.. that's more like it."
her perverted little mind always wins.
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