#ellie's accents
definitellie-fr · 2 years
stained sunrise
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got a new skincent up for preorder! slots are 700g, and 6/9 are filled for run #1!
shop thread is here!
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eggieeggman · 4 months
DannyMay part 3! I am nothing if not inconsistent. <3
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Day 11 was Mutation! (Forgot to write the prompt on it) I am literally obsessed with this one and I'm definitely writing a companion fic for it.
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Time travel is actually something I Do Not Like, but 80s/90s Danno was very fun to draw.
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D&D!!! Let's shine some light on someone other than Danny, huh? Sam is for sure a Druid. Tucker I'd say... Artificer? What do you think?
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Like holding a handful of grapes.
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Field Trip! Baby Ellie visits a dino museum! Better hope that baby leash has some sort of ghost-containment tech in it!
15! We're halfway there!
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catfern · 1 year
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cowboy!ellie, who gives you her hat on a warm, beating day.
the sun tearing through the open sky, and you, hastily and poorly packed. she’d rather her head burn than yours. and it wasn’t like it was anything special. badly stitched leather, worn within an inch of it’s life. once a warm, chocolate brown, beaten and driven down to the raw cowhide underneath, held together by late-night repairs, chipped away with age. it was nothing if not unworthy of you.
but, there was something else entirely. your smile hiding underneath the brim, hints of ellie shadowed you. the smell of her elderflower soap, weak but persistent, trailing your hairline and gracing you when you laughed. the musk of whiskey, and the rolled cigarette smoke that had settled deep, unmoving, in the stitching. it made her gaze wildfire, a stretching extension of ownership. however she was, you now were.
cowboy!ellie, who smells herself on your neck, and in your hair. cowboy!ellie, who wants to see herself everywhere, feel herself all over you.
cowboy!ellie, who wants to devour you.
her fingers are rough, unkind. stretching you out with the tips, indulging in you, feeling you breathe around the intrusion. how strange it was, to be at the heart of you, to feel your pulse underneath her, your slick walls clenching around her as if to name her the centre of your world. maybe she was.
‘i’m so kind to you, aren’t i? lettin’ you look pretty in my things.’
she whispers in a haze of fog, ghosting your neck, your collarbone, your chest. heavy with liquor and campfire smoke, her kiss brands you, leaves you drowning in her scent, unescaping. she takes her time with you, desperation damned, exploring every inch of you with the calloused points of her fingers. her prize, hers. she pulls from you, and you writhe, and you beg, impatient.
ellie feels along the curves of your hips with her hands, dragging your slick across your body. you shiver, pleading with her,
‘ellie, ellie, please, god.’
but she’s too lost, enamoured and bewitched, too focused on her own discovery of you. otherworldly, to hear her name fall from you in that way. more. she needed to hear it again. 
again, again, pounding a rhythm into you, her name among the blasphemy falling from your lips like a song. feeling you clench around her, feeling how much you needed her, it only drove her. she enveloped you, one hand grasping the softness of your thigh, her whole body rocking above you with each thrust, ‘c’mon, darlin’, that’s it.’
you couldn’t pinpoint the extent of the heat, sitting in your stomach. a twisted, burning knot, filling you, searing her. she’s unrelenting, still, chasing those sounds that she pulls from you, her name, depraved and compliant in your voice. even after you clench around her, flooding her with velvet slick, and fall into the bed, heavy and dumb on her fingers, she continues, desperate to hear you.
‘lookin’ so pretty, flower. y’should wear my hat more often, suits you.’
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whenthegoldrays · 20 days
Okay so Edward was the best part of the movie. Elinor was also good, Brandon was decent, Sir John and Mrs. Jennings and even John Dashwood were a delight. Everyone else felt a little… off? Like, the acting wasn’t very good. Maybe they weren’t really Brits? because the voices didn’t sound quite right. Also the costumes were… Wow. Something Else.
I’m not sure how I felt about this movie. I didn’t have the highest expectations, but quite a few people’s comments had me thinking it’d be uh. better.
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Just bingewatched Broadchurch s1. Alec Hardy is such a mess of a human being . I love him. He is so perfect cause he's so terrible.
Also the s1 end honestly shocked me, and it's honestly rare for detective shows to shock me anymore. Felt so incredibly sorry for Miller and her son. They are never going to mentally recover from that.
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sammyloomis · 1 year
i think they missed a trick not giving ellie a bostonian accent and letting her go full masshole
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kirsty--cotton · 1 year
I don't think I'm ever going to shut up about Alyssa Sutherland and Ellie after this weekend tbh.
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Been replaying THSC for inspiration for the potential ask blog I'd want to do, and while I can't root for it being conventionally good, I really like how Ellie's voice pans out.
Reese B's usually very softspoken in a way that you wouldn't expect from a hardened criminal, and it makes her seem like someone who's able to stay chillingly calm amongst the chaos of the series. And the moments where she isn't tends to be when she's genuinely panicked (yelling to get Henry onto the rocket) or when she's actually threatening ("Jump. Or I'll make you jump.")
It's definitely not intentional, but it's a little something that adds to the charm of the series being a homegrown project, y'know?
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angelwheat · 19 days
Do you ever just imagine ur f/o saying your name in their accent? Cuz yeah....
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mariatesstruther · 1 year
ellie shouldve had a boston accent
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kittyclowns · 2 months
walks into town and just starts lying like crazy for no reason
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sxilor-1010 · 3 months
everytime I hear Ellis' lines where he's crushing on Zoey my brain can't help but register me as the purdy girl— 💛
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whenthegoldrays · 3 months
cursed idea: “Fortnight” as a country song
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silentchamp · 4 months
[[fondly remember southern red
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weaselbeaselpants · 2 years
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The Eight Rings of Bad Internet Reviewer Hell
-Ring One: Listicle-Fever-
A source that’s better at cataloging content worth the viewer’s interest gets it into their head that they are a decent source of information and critical opinion. Bonus points: +the source is user generated and voted for without moderation, so it’s really no one’s actual opinion +article sites quote each other as a source
Examples: WatchMojo, Cracked.com, Listverse
Exceptions: PanPizza and CR
-Ring 2: Funnyman thinks he’s a Reviewer "oh god"-
While everyone's a critic, not everyone is a reviewer. This bad faith + bad take combo comes from a person who’s better at making observational jokes (riffs) at something, but then thinks said jokes are meaningful analysis simply because they occasionally point out actual problems in the material. Bonus points: +jokes are offensive and not funny +they’re actively ignoring the actual text to make jokes +deflects their own critics by calling everyone who doesn’t buy into their jokes “butthurt fans”
Examples: CinemaSins, Cracked.com, post Demo-Reel Doug Walker, ScreenJunkies
Exceptions: Rifftrax/MST3K, Retsupurae (rip), ABrandontoThePast, penguinz0 
-Ring 3: “Let’s go through the movie together :D”-
A standard retrospective-based review format; best used on contained 3-act structures. The reviewer obviously has the foresight of having watched something before they discuss it to the audience. At their best, these kinds of reviews are fun. At their worst, these videos are just validation farms designed to rip on something sillystupid. Bonus points: +performatively angry and over the top +reviewer takes the subject too seriously in a way that feels unpleasant or a chore to sit through as an audience +alternatively, they have the same trouble as the ‘Funnyman’ and holds no interest in what they’re talking about
Examples: Irate Gamer, MysteriousMr.Enter, ConfusedMathew, Doug Walker again
Exceptions: PeanutButterGamer, Jenny Nicholson, Phelous and Allison Pregler, Bad Princess Movie Podcast, Double Toasted, YourMovieSucks, ToddintheShadows
-Ring 4: Super-Fan-Fail-Theorist-
Bi-monthly theorizing about what a new plot development for a show is, or after-the-fact musing on a what ‘something’ nebulously ‘means’. Very often transforms into fan theorizing and analyzing media for conclusion’s sake. Prone to A LOT of bias of the fan reviewer’s absolutist-take. Obsessed with a product’s fringe and ultimately deeply invested in what is a shallow-insight. Bonus points: +reviewer won't parse the difference between their theory and the text +reviewer is defensive and won’t share the fandom with people who don’t share their take
Examples: Game Theory, Wisecrack
Exceptions: CinemaCartography, Jacob Geller, Sarah Zed and Lady Emily
-Ring 5: Wannabe Breadtube Retrospecterer-
Reviewer wants to be a researched, respected, ‘enlightened’ 2-hour vid maker but is really just an annoyed fan who’s lengthy reviews aren’t structured. Criticism might be valid, but is usually more about what the reviewer doesn't ‘like’ than what's actually wrong with something. Feels more like a lecture and a take-down than it is an enlightening hot take, at best. Also, it's your fault if you disagree with them and they live rent free in their critics heads- totally not the other way around! Bonus points: +incorrect, ludicrous, needless accusations tossed around at ppl they dislike +sounds like they're telling the audience how to feel, not why they feel think something is "awful and here’s why” +reviewer refuses to apologize or correct themselves if they get their facts wrong
Examples: Lily Orchard, Mysterious Mr. Enter again, half of the alt-light douchbags with hour long rants about Star Wars who ironically are all out to counter leftBreadtubers
Exceptions: Accented Cinema, Shaun, Folding Ideas, Xiran Jay Zhao, Princess Weekes, Lindsay Ellis, Lady Emily again, BenettetheSage's newest vids, Cheyenne Lin, and Sideways
-Ring 6: DNI-Danny -
Otherwise known as the “Anti". Jaded by years of abusive standom, they cling to good takes and criticism when it’s convenient for them but otherwise see fandom and critical analysis as a battlefield THEY MUST win. Very judgemental of people who don’t share their (sometimes exact) opinions; quick to gaslight/block/smear people just for association. Absolutist as a means of keeping oneself ‘safe’. Bonus points: +apologizing is NEVER AN OPTION +genuinely treats fandom takes as tho they’re comparable to politics and real morality +DNI list consists of MAPS, bigots, republicans and ppl who ship that toxic ship they don’t like +"no I didn't even watch the video, I don't have to!!" +"cancel culture doesn't exist"
Examples: Lily Orchard again and also prolly some tumblr user you know
-Ring 7: Choked on the Reddit-Pill-
Caught in a toxic dance of death with the DNI-Danny. May be the reason the former exists, but absolutely exists to counter the DNI-Danny at their bs by functioning more bs. So obsessed with being a counter argument and fighting for “actual social justice” (whatever that means) that they don’t recognize their own absolutism, centricism, or selfishness for what it is. Where the Anti counters with “think of the marginalized” the Reddit-Pill is obsessed with “well I’m not [worst case scenario] so why it is my problem that [worst case scenario] exists, HMMM???!” Bonus points if: +really love the term ‘moral guardians’ unironically +“fiction never reflects reality” +"cancel culture doesn't exist" +"some of us can tell the difference between fiction and reality"
Examples: Bad Webcomics Wiki, 4chan, half of the complacent "not me"-base that is KiwiFarms
-Ring 8: Actual Moral Guardians-
Not a jaded or concerned fan fighting for the rights of the marginalized, or for other people, at all. Not even a critic. Legit cult member working in ACTUAL bad faith. 100% unironically believes that liking (or even watching) something means you are being brainwashed/going to hell. Ostensibly has a skewed understanding of how media actually affects people (because they legit think it happens thru mind control and not emotional connections.
Never have good takes or good faith-basis of their own. They can only ever parrot criticisms from other people to fit their usually conservative-minded beliefs. Legit witchhunt. 
Examples: Jordan Peterson, The Satanic Panic, Ben Shapiro, QAnon, Breitbart
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inb4: "DID YOU KNOW that the reviewer you rec actually did-"/"they don't like that other reviewer you rec"/"they won't fuck you stop promoing them"
>I'm not here to tell you the ppl I recommended in the links are saints, good people, or even the best reviewers with the one take to rule them all. I don't know them. I'm recommending them on the basis of how to see this kind of reviewing done right.
>I'm not these reviewer's moms. I don't know them. I'm pretty sure some of these people dislike some of these other people- I don't even watch every person I recommended here- but why or how is none of my business. I'm recommending ppl as a viewer.
>I'm aroace and a lot of these people are married or taken. I HOPE they won't fuck me, tbh.
If your favoritist reviewer-person ever is on the example list, barring the final rings, it's none of my business Jan. I still like ScreenJunkies tbh.
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ahauntedcowboy · 2 years
okay okay but imagine with all that time ellie spends with joel, his accent starts rubbing off on her and she starts accidentally speaking with a twang to her voice omg
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