isa-ah · 2 years
Hi! I have such a huge crush on isiah holy fuck
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*adds you to his polycule*
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mymemevideos · 4 months
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wistfulwisp · 6 months
I'm not sure what my favorite animal is anymore? Anything that will love cuddling with me ig :3
My question for the 1 card reading:
I feel so, so lonely. So isolated amongst the people around me, irl. I feel unseen and unheard and like a phariah, sometimes. In my home, in communities I frequent.
I want friends again. I want people in my life whom I can trust and who want me there and care for me deeply. I want to feel seen and cared for and loved by people other than myself, who don't feel like they exist in my phone.
How do I find them? Or, how long will I need to wait before I find them? Or- what's a lesson I need to learn now before I can be ready for them?
Whichever question the deck wants to answer, I guess. I'm not quite sure what I want to ask first. I'm in a massive transitory period, it feels like. I feel desperate and antsy and deeply lonely. And I fell into the trap of putting all of my eggs in one basket again, and I just... I need to move forward, but I don't know what to do with all of this fear and pain. From feeling alone in the world.
So the first thing that I wanted to say is that I am just … very sorry that you feel so alone in the world right now. We’ve been mutuals and friends on Tumblr for a long time, or at least I consider you to be my friend, and I definitely empathize with your situation. I know exactly how it feels to Feel like, despite the world being such a largely populated place, that you are the only person in the entire world, and to feel as though if you were to stretch out your hands as far as they go in any direction, you would never hit anyone for a 5 mile radius. You know what I’m saying?
Anyways, I consider you to be my friend I care about you, and know that even though I am just a person talking to you through a screen that there’s someone out there that understands and that my DM‘s are always open and my ask box is always open and that you have a friend in me, and this is one of those moments where I don’t have much else to offer you, but I do hope that… that offers a little bit of comfort.
Secondly, I want to quickly mention that, despite me describing tarot to a lot of people as a “therapeutic tool“ that tarot is obviously not a replacement for therapy. I see this because tarot offers me a great opportunity to connect with you to connect with your feelings, and it offers you a great opportunity to see your emotions all laid out for you, but it cannot replace a professional opinion, or any sort of systematic and regulated help that you could get in situations like this. The reason I describe this a therapeutic tool is because I find the tarot has this stereotype of being a tool of clairvoyance, Which I do appreciate in media but I don’t often appreciate in reality because I don’t think that Tarot should be used to manipulate people into believing that you’re talking to the dead or that you can predict the future with 100% accuracy. What I love about tarot is the opportunities it creates to connect with people and connect with yourself, however let it be known that I’m not a therapist 😂 and I cannot provide any sort of regulated or professional comfort. However, I can pull a card for you and see what the cards have to say. 
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judgement: judgement first and foremost is a major arcana, meaning that it typically represents larger stages of life or problems that are at the forefront of your mind in the moment of getting this reading. Judgement can represent a few different things, the biggest thing being a calling to a higher purpose, or from a higher power. Whether that some sort of religious figure or whether that’s just your own intuition, judgement reminds you that we are constantly being called to serve a higher purpose. If you feel as though in your life right now, you are being called to do something drastic or being called to change paths and there is a belief within you that that change of course will make you happier, This is a sign to go for it. the other aspect of this card is your own judgement of the world, or the way in which you perceive the world around you or yourself. It’s a card of self-evaluation and of reflection. Judgement reminds us to have a clear yet critical vision of the way that the world is around us, and to acknowledge that the way in which we see the world is often not the way the world actually is, but that your perception of the world is the way the world is for you. It calls us to not be overly critical, but to also not be passive in allowing certain things to happen, and believing that we have no control over them. in terms of your questions specifically, I think this card calls you to take action, and to acknowledge that you do have control and power in this situation. it doesn’t really tell you how long you’ll have to wait to find a solution to your problems or how you will find a solution, but I think that it provides a good perspective to go into these problems with the lesson that the cards are trying to teach you: that the world is full of opportunities to be critical and opportunities to be analytical and opportunities to become closer to who you want to be, and that you have the power to get there. I hope that makes sense I know that that may be rather vague, but if you ever wanted another single card reading on this or a paid reading, I’d be happy to provide that for you. Or if you even just wanted someone to listen again, my DM’s are always open. 
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otterandterrier · 11 months
Hey!! I'll take some advice
If you hate having to think what to eat every single day for the rest of your life like me, but you also want to eat health-ish without spending too much money, and batch cooking sounds exhausting: set aside two hours on a weekend to prep even ONE thing you can freeze that can last you for days/weeks.
Things typically in my freezer:
veggie burgers
milanesas (meat)
chicken fillets and diced chicken
bread (like a sliced loaf, or other types of bread for sandwiches)
Here's my recipe for veggie burgers: mash up a can of chickpeas, lentils, or a mix of both, mix with a small carrot (grated), one egg, a cup of oatmeal, salt and condiments (I generally use curry and garlic powder). You can customize this with fresh garlic, onion, parsley, add seeds, add other veggies (sometimes I add a bit of red bell pepper). If you're gluten-intolerant, you can replace the oatmeal (I've done it with cornflour). If the mix is too wet (which will happen if it has lentils), add a bit more oats (or whatever else you're using). But not too much, or it will crumble when it's cooked! Just enough that you can mold it into a burger. To finish, I roll them into breadcrumbs. This yields 4-5 burgers. Freeze them on a baking sheet before piling them up in a container, or add separators. To eat, stick them frozen in the oven on a pre-heated pan with a bit of oil, turn over to cook both sides. Enjoy!
send me a 💌 and I’ll give you a random piece of advice that you might or might not need
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, from Sesame Street’s Elmo’s World!
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its-aclever-url · 2 years
Greetings I am sending u delightful vibes
ah thank you!! right back at ya. I've been sick this week so I definitely need them
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mywingman · 2 years
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A Times Square Elmo stole my wallet, and I didn’t call the cops. I wept. #elmo #sesamestreet #elmosworld #love #timessquare #newyork #nyc #newyorkcity #broadway #newyorknewyork #crime #cops #newyorklife #electionday #libtard #conservatives #snowflake #woke #maga #undergroundcomix #art #mywingman 11/8/22
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dirteater5000 · 3 years
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elmo is a leash kid you cannot argue otherwise
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sewerpuppy · 3 years
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littlewenwensblog5 · 3 years
Who remembers face from nickjr me loves face
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safertokiss · 4 years
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Happy Halloween from Elmo and me❤️🎃
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gimme-your-feet · 3 years
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littleprince1875 · 4 years
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elmoalmighty · 3 years
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hey lil momma.... daddy’s been waiting 😈
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msnaturaltee202 · 4 years
🙏🏽Thank You Sesame Street, To Help Teach The Children!~
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griffingoldinc · 4 years
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