clack-17 · 2 years
Im so confused
how tf is this supposed to work??!?
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mycophob1a · 7 months
There are Vulcan dignitaries are aboard the Enterprise. Doctor Elonat McCoy is not happy about this.
mcspirk month day two: touch starvation. welcome to the vulcan bones au please enjoy your stay :]
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wildewinged-fr · 6 years
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ayyyyy i love a meme. especially one i’m late to. thanks @serthis-archivist for the beautiful template
elonat: tired but doin what she can. - alieth: just. fuckin asleep all the damn time - vyorin: all the best experiments happen when you haven't slept for 3 days!
vaikarik: you should really know better but at least you’re consistent. - soren: he a plant. - ahnvahr: surely this black goo oozing from my body is no problem at all! :D
romar: just don’t be a bastard first and you’re fine. - shran: will unapologetically and indiscriminately be a bastard. - senkar: would ask you out and stab you in the same evening. watch out, vaikarik
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imagineelonat · 11 years
Imagine Elonat spending the day with her grandfathers. (George and Sarek)
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imaginemrspock · 11 years
Imagine Spock, after waking up for the seventh time in three hours, finally deciding to keep Elonat next to him in his bed, so he wouldn't have to get up every time she got fussy. Though he would never admit to it, it was also because he was tired of being by himself in an empty bed.
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wildewinged-fr · 7 years
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guess who’s gone and grown up!! 
guess who still can’t dress her at all!!
she is #34439058 if anyone would like to have a go
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wildewinged-fr · 4 years
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30 day dragon share challenge - day 5: plague
Dakuvaya: fey of blood, the pounding pulse of vitality within all beasts
Yonsavas: fey of early harvests, reaping the fruits that arrive before their time
Elonat: once a warrior before injuries took her legs; now her strength is turned to shaping clay
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wildewinged-fr · 6 years
For the lore questions: 2, 6, 17?
2. How do you identify dragons from your clan? Is there a mark or uniform?
The official clan colors are red and gold, so for formal occasions clan representatives wear sashes or robes displaying the colors. Guards wear gold armor. For the most part, however, clanmembers dress as they choose, usually reflecting their original homes - few residents were born in Shi’Kahr. 
6. What does your clan’s territory look like?
An arid desert surrounding a walled city next to an oasis. The clan doesn’t have strict borders - few would lay claim to the surrounding sands - but considers a radius of a few miles out from the oasis to be firmly theirs. There, sandstorms kept blowing by a clan mage’s wind magic serve as a deterrent and shield, keeping the clan out of reach of those who might do it harm. 
17. ART. LITERATURE. Are there artists or writers? What sort of things do they create? Realistic works, or more fantastical/abstract things?
Quite a few, and each with their own specialties! Azeraik creates glassblown trinkets and baubles (and the occasional boring and useful cup or bottle). Evershine imbues her tattoos with magic, both for utility and aesthetic. Sadzhik and his apprentice Sidzhan craft perfumes that charm and transport, mimicking the scents of distant places. Some of those scents make their way into Hanuvau’s candles. The most practical craftsperson is likely Elonat the potter, but even she embellishes her sturdy pots with bright splashes of glaze. In Shi’Kahr, even the most functional of works are often made beautiful. 
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wildewinged-fr · 7 years
all right my potter lady has a name now and that name is Elonat
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imagineelonat · 11 years
Imagine Elonat as a toddler running around the bridge and asking everyone what they do and why
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imagineelonat · 11 years
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Imagine Elonat wearing this
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imagineelonat · 11 years
Imagine Elonat watching Usine, Atticus, and Yira play while she tries to figure out what the logical thing to do is
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