micoo-and-gavvy · 6 years
For a room!!! Omfg!! I pay $120 rn and I’ll be moving further into the city when my classes start next year (Anthropology, Philosophy and Cultural Studies!) So that’ll be up about $200ish which isn’t too bad, but when a student loan is your only income it’s a bitch 😭 Oh I didn’t even think of different flavours!! What’s caramello? Or peppermint? Is a perky nana their kind of fruit? Would fruit and nut be a good cobblestone road?? WHATS A KINDER SURPRISE This is a lot to process
Yeah and I think the housing crisis has gotten even worse since I left, it’s insane. Dude right, when I was at Uni there I was studying full time and had 2 jobs and was still struggling, it’s partly why we moved here. At least now I can study (vet nursing) and work and actually be saving money. Student allowance and loan living are better than WINZ but not by much. I was thinking about whether they could be born allergic to like nuts for example, and what happens if they ARE fruit and nut, like do they insta-die? BUT then I realised, ARE they born?? Or are they created in a factory somewhere? Do they age or are they just made to be at a certain age forever? WHEN THEY DIE ARE THEY MELTED DOWN AND MADE INTO OTHER STUFF/PEOPLE??? 
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(Gonna start by saying that I used to be bitchinameatsuit so helloooo I have not disappeared haha) But I come bearing prompts! Something fluffy with Miles! I'm talking, sickly sweet, domestic type fluff- the situation can be whatever you wish- as long as it rots my teeth, I will be happy 😂👌
Hiya! I know you asked for teeth-rotting fluff, and I don’t know if I delivered quite that, but I tried my best and it’s definitely fluffy! I’m sorry this took a bit, I’m experiencing the “pre-going back to college” blues at the moment. I hope you like it!!!
Pairing: Miles/readerWarnings: Fluff, swearing, feeling kinda down (just a little bit, based off of my own life at the moment). 
You can send me prompts here, read prompting “rules” here, or read my other stuff here!
For whatever reason, you woke up sad that morning. It wasn’tanything you could pinpoint, just that tug at your gut that brought you down.You rolled over in your boyfriend’s arms and started poking his cheek gently.
“Miilllessss,” You drew his name out, like it was perhapsthe most difficult thing in the world, “wake up.”
“Hmm?” Miles finally stirred, groggily opening his eyes andbeaming once he saw your face.
“Morning, sunshine.” He said softly, and you felt that tugat your gut again.
You ducked your head and buried it in Miles’ chest.
“Do you just not want to get up or is something wrong,[Y/N]?” He asked, bringing one hand up to stroke your hair.
“Sad,” You mumbled, the hairs on his chest tickling yournose, “don’t know why.”
You felt Miles shift, “Well, let me fix that, then. You stayhere, princess, I’ll be right back.”
It took a few minutes because you were clinging onto himlike a koala, but eventually Miles managed to get up and tuck the covers aroundyou. You tried to listen intently to what he was doing (you’d get up but youknew Miles would look like a kicked puppy if you did), but after a few minutesyou dosed off.
You were pulled out of sleep by Miles softly saying yourname and the smell of delicious breakfast foods. Blinking your eyes open, yousaw Miles perched on the edge of your bed, a lapdesk and a glass of milk in onehand and a plate piled high with your favorite breakfast foods in the other.
“I couldn’t find a tray, even though I know you have some,so a lapdesk will have to do.” He said, smiling sheepishly.
“It’s perfect, thank you, love.” You assured him, pushingyourself up into a sitting position and letting him fuss with pillows andarrangements before handing you the plate. Once you were properly settled andstarted eating, Miles left the room and came back with two mugs of steaming hotcoffee. He set yours on the nightstand before circling around the other side ofthe bed and sliding into it, pressing his side up against yours and taking along sip.
“So, after breakfast, I need you to get ready, yeah? We’regoing to go shopping, and then take a walk in the park to see all the dogs outon this lovely Saturday, and get some tacos or something for lunch, and then we’llgo pet the dogs at the animal shelter. Then we can come home and cuddle andwatch shitty TV or whatever. Sound good?” He asked, turning to you.
You nodded, “Yeah, Miles. Sounds great.” That tug was backin your lungs, pushing into your stomach, but you tried to will it to go away.
“If it’s too much, let me know. I just want to do what makesyou happy, [Y/N].” Miles said earnestly, running his fingers through your hair.
“No, I think – I think it’ll be good. It’s hard to tellcause the sads are just kinda coating overtop.” You admitted.
Miles sighed and pressed a kiss to your temple, “I got you.Don’t you worry about a thing, okay? Dr. Miles is in and he’s got aprescription to cure your affliction.” He wiggled his eyebrows, which made youlaugh despite yourself.
“Alright, Doc, whatever you say.” You teased, taking a sipof your coffee.
It was perfect, just how you liked it, and for a moment youjust stared at Miles as he told you a story about work and wondered how youmanaged to be so lucky.
The two of you spent a while flitting in and out of stores,Miles insisting that the two of you try on the most ridiculous items you could findin each one, your boyfriend flooding snap chat with goofy pictures of the twoof you. You felt that tug, still, something in the back of your mind insistingthat you needed to be sad, right now,but Miles seemed to have a sixth sense for it – making you smile and laugh andsacrificing his dignity for your enjoyment every time you started to payattention to it.
After your (admittedly few) purchases were safely in Miles’car, you walked over to the park, Miles dragging you by the hand to each andevery dog you saw. You laughed at his enthusiasm and smiled fondly at the wayhis eyes lit up as he thought of new adjectives to describe each dog, cooing ashe pet them.
Once you got to the other end of the park, your stomachgrowled, and Miles dragged you out of the park and to the nearesthole-in-the-wall. Although you’d never been, the food was admittedly delicious,and Miles provided entertainment by giving each person who walked past the windowabsurd, over-the-top character traits. Every once and a while, he’d pausemid-sentence, look at you with excited, sparkling eyes, and exclaim “that’s a good one!” before scribblingit down on a napkin.
“Alright, what’s next on the list, babe?” You asked once thetwo of you were sufficiently fed and had exited the restaurant (even though youknew the answer).
“Well, next is the animal shelter, but we have to walk backthrough the park to get to my car, first.” Miles chirped brightly.
You threw your head back dramatically and whined, “But Miles, I’m tired, it’s so far.”
You were only joking, teasing Miles for the sake of teasing,but before you could register what was going on, he was bending down so thatyou could hop onto his back.
“I may not be physically fit enough to carry you all the waythere, but damnit I’m gonna try.” He announced, and you cautiously climbed ontohis back, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Away!” Miles shouted and started trotting down the street,making you dissolve into giggles and bury your face in his shoulder. To thesurprise of both of you, Miles was able to make it all the way back to theparking lot.
“I am not going to work out for a week, damn, I love you, Ipromise you’re not heavy, but JesusChrist, [Y/N], that was a lot further than I thought it would be.” Milespanted as the two of you slid into his car.
“At least it’s cool and there’s a nice breeze today.” Youcommented, ignoring the shame tugging at your gut for making Miles carry you.
“Before you get all in your head about it, you didn’t makeme do anything, I carried you through the park on my own volition.” Miles toldyou as he backed out of his parking space and pulled into traffic, headingtowards the animal shelter. Once he was safely on the road, he let his righthand fall onto your knee, squeezing gently.
“Okay.” You said, pressing a kiss to his cheek and smiling.
It was probably the cutest dog you had ever seen in yourentire life. She was small and brown and cuddly and he name was Pickles and fuck Miles because you were in love.With literal tons of heart emojis attached.
“You like her?” Miles asked, shuffling over on his knees towhere you were sitting, Pickles crawling into your lap with a chew toy in hermouth.
“She’s literally the most adorable dog I have ever laid eyeson in my entire life.” You told him, fixing him with a grave stare. Mileslaughed and kissed your forehead before scratching Pickles behind the ears. Shepaused her chewing to give his hand a couple of licks, which made Miles scrunchhis nose up, but he let the puppy do it, anyway.
“Great! Let’s get her.” He said, like it was the mostlogical thing in the world.
“What?” You whipped your head around to look at him.
This must be a joke,you thought to yourself, staring at your boyfriend in disbelief. He justsmirked at you a bit.
“Whaddaya mean, what? You love her, I love you, the apartmentis pet-friendly, dogs are great. It makes sense.”
You squealed,throwing your arms around Miles and pulling him into you in an awkward,off-balance hug. Miles just laughed and hugged you back, waving over anemployee with one hand. Miles made you stay there with Pickles while he did allthe paperwork, citing “mother-daughter bonding time,” and soon enough, the twoof you (plus your new furry child) were back in Miles’ car.
Miles insisted that you stopped at the pet store, and heheld Pickles in his arms, following you dutifully with a bright smile on hisface while you darted around the store, picking out toys and treats andaccessories.
Later that night, the remains of Chinese takeout scatteredon the coffee table and the two of you snuggled together on the couch, wrappedup in blankets and watching your favorite TV show while Pickles snored softlyin your lap, you realized that you couldn’t remember the last time you feltthat tug of sadness in your gut that day.
“Thank you, Miles.” You whispered, leaning up to press akiss to his jaw.
“Anything for you, [Y/N]. Did you have fun today?” He asked,squeezing the arm wrapped around you just a littletighter.
“Yes, yes I did.” You confirmed. You saw the edges of asmile pulling at Miles’ lips.
“Good. God, I love you.”
“I love you too.”
You knew that tomorrow morning, you might very well wake upwith that inexplicable tug again, but you also knew that Miles would be thereand he knew just how to chase it away.
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micoo-and-gavvy · 6 years
Oof I’m gonna have to get a job when I move (which obv is fine) but I’ve been out of school for so long that I’m ready to dedicate all my time to studying again and I’d rather not have to worry about being at work at certain times (ya feel?) but I don’t think that’ll happen😅 Do they just pop right out of a mould as a fully grown person?? What about animals? Could you melt down a human and a lizard and stick them together? Are humans and animals even different if they’re made of the same stuff?
I definitely feel that, I’ve only ever worked and studied but next year is the start of my 2 year gap where I’m just going to work (I’m probably going to be made assistant manager and it’s too good an opportunity to pass up) and then when I go back to study it’s 5 days a week 9am - 4pm plus extra vet clinic hours so I won’t be able to work anyway and honestly it’ll be nice to just focus on one thing. For the past four years I’m thinking about work when I’m studying, and stressing about assignments at work and it takes up so much extra mental power. oh god can you make hybrids like centaurs and shit? if they do get melted and reformed is it like dying or do they retain their sentience? in which case that implies that melting IS a thing, does the whole world just collapse on hot days???
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micoo-and-gavvy · 6 years
Ay yo Chch is so expensive, I’m only here for Uni but MY GOD I can hardly afford it 😭 and let’s be real, petrol prices are fucking everybody in the damn ass 🙂🙃 So if liquids are milk, is their pee milk? And they drink milk? ARE THEY DRINKING PEE? What about chocolate milk? That’s a whole new thing that I don’t think we’re ready for The combination of fluids and PEOPLE for the sake of CONSUMPTION what
dude I feel, Wellington is the same my partner and I were paying $375 a week for a room and it wasn’t even a nice place, whereas here we’re paying $230 for a house to ourselves in a nice suburb. The payoff is that there is nothing here, like at all, I’m bored out of my mind. ALTHOUGH Uni here is free so financially it’s still worth it. What are you studying? I HADN’T EVEN THOUGHT OF CHOCOLATE MILK HOLY SHIT, what does this mean for the different types of chocolate?? Is there discrimination between the chocolates, like is a higher cocoa percentage the ‘ideal’? Also cadbury makes like crunchy and stuff like are they included in this universe? or is it a purist choctopia with only solid chocolate 
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micoo-and-gavvy · 6 years
C’mon Cadbury, we need answers. You can’t make such a bold claim that chocolate (cannibal) people exist and then give us nothing else R U D E
(shit sorry I completely missed this in my inbox) RIGHT especially when it becomes like a national icon involving an incredibly popular (and catchy) song
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micoo-and-gavvy · 6 years
Oh man assistant manager would be such a great job- I have my fingers crossed for you!! If that’s the case, can they just make anything they want? Like just make a mould and boom, a brand new species? Also this is fuckin weird territory but what about making babies? Do they just push me out or do they gotta make em outta soft chocolate. Is sperm a thing in that case? Or just cocoa powder? Or nothing at all? Oh man this gives me a headache
Thanks! Oh good point, like are the ingredients for chocolate a thing or does it just exist as one of like 5 periodic elements, it frustrates me that we’ll never know the answers 
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micoo-and-gavvy · 6 years
Canterbury! (Just outta Christchurch!) Right?! Does the car have petrol in it? If it’s all chocolate, does that make the petrol melted chocolate? Is their blood also the same melted chocolate? Do they have petrol in their system? Do they even have blood? Bc that kid didn’t fuckin bleed when he lost a chunk of arm Also how bad is that for the economy?? If everything’s chocolate, then what’s the point buying anything? How do they pay rent?? I have many questions
Yooo I’m from Welly but I’m living in Invercargill atm (kill me oh god never come here the cheap rent isn’t worth it). The only materials in existence seem to be variations of chocolate and milk, the milk being in place of water in a waterfall (milkfall?). Maybe their blood is milk and all liquids are milk and all solids are chocolate? What happens to the milk since it’s in the sun, does it expire? Do people die if they aren’t refrigerated? CAN PEOPLE MELT?? 
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micoo-and-gavvy · 6 years
BRUH I’m from NZ too and ya that ad is all I think about when I hear that song! I hated it bc of that kid who literally takes a bite out of his OWN ARM like how fucked up are we as a country on a scale of “everything is chocolate” to “EAT YOUR OWN BODY”
(dude what part of NZ?) GOD RIGHT and when the dad breaks the gear stick and just laughs about it as if that’s not going to be a massive problem?? And the kid just goes to take a bit out of the car??? How many cars have they gone through? What are the criteria for a safe to drive car?? Can you just take a bite and it’s okay? What percentage of the car needs to be uneaten for it to be fit for the road??? This chocolate world just doesn’t add up and I’ve had a lot of questions for the past however many years it’s been 
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