#elsa's type
puryartist · 27 days
Why are there so many people afraid of helsa being canon lately? TBH as a hardcore helsa shipper, I don't think they could be a couple at all. What do y'all see in them 😭
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laststandx3 · 10 months
There are many bad things about wish, but one of the most annoying is how it fails to pay off its own set ups.
It's established Asha's father believes in the magic from the stars. He died of an illness (never specified), that Asha's grandfather (her father's father) never got his wish granted in YEARS, well now to me this feels targeted.
Follow my thoughts for a minute, how easy would have been with this already established set up to add the part where it's Magnifico who killed Asha's dad because he was promoting a different kind of magic that would undermine Magnifico's power? This would've established Magnifico as an actual villain from the start, manipulating people's perception of him with magic and the lengths he would go to keep his power and crown.
This would have impacted Asha's journey as well,instead of asking Magnifico to grant her grandfather's wish immediately (which imo is a good reason for him not to hire her, she literally asks for favoritism the moment she arrives), let her instead be perfect for the position, not clumsy and awkward but make her qualified and respectful of the king's secrecy about the wishes. And still she's still not hired. And then she starts questioning him, she's studied, she's ready and it's not enough and the king seemed to like her until she mentioned her father.
And then she talks with the people of rosa about the king, if that was unfair of him maybe , but the answer is that the king is good and kind and doesn't he grants everyone's wishes, isn't that so wonderful of him? (and maybe this can be a song) and at first it sounds like she just doesn't want to accept that she wasn't chosen but after the forth person answers the same exact thing, well then this starts to feel more like a script than an original thought. Just then she looks at all the wishes Magnifico's granted so far and they're all material, it's all about people owning bigger houses, better clothes, riches, nothing is about community, knowledge, about people becoming something(musicians, teachers, scientists, artists...) . The guy that got his wish granted last year also got it granted a few years ago too, Isn't that weird? Some people never get their wishes and this guy twice? And also his wish was so selfish? He wanted a swimming pool! How in the best kingdom, with the best king, nobody wishes nice things for others? And isn't that weird that she and her friends used to make graffitis and jokes on the guards but when Sleepy gave away his wish at 18 suddenly he doesn't make jokes about Magnifico's beard anymore? He's so respectful of the rules now.
And idk maybe Asha doesn't just wish upon a star and everything is given to her. Maybe Magnifico's source of magic is Star and she frees it and that's why Star tags along. The magic of the starts was real, her father was right! Star knew her dad, he tried to save the magical pet but he was killed instead! Now it's not just about freedom and justice she wants revenge. And this is maybe when she fucks up because she was too reckless, she got discovered. Her friends/family are watching how she's getting arrested/executed for treason and that's SO UNFAIR such a cognitive dissonance it breaks Magnifico's brainwash spell.
Now a song about revolution makes sense. But singing about revolution bc they want to be able to wish? Are you kidding me? Not only the movie established that you can have new wishes and that they make you whole again, but also girl, you all read the terms of services when giving Magnifico your wish. You give it to him and if he finds it worth it, it'll be granted. Making questions about the king choices is the opposite of living under a monarchy.
Ultimately I agree with everyone who says this movie feels empty, because it's true, it's a bunch of disney trope stitched together with easter eggs that don't makes us feel anything and that contradicts its own message. The fact that disney doesn't want to make grey characters anymore it's felt. And it mirrors the way people have started to see enjoying stories as media consumption, everything that alludes to people being flawed is an endorsement of abuse. So disney's characters have all turned is these empty shells of heroine tropes. They're always bubbly, their worst flaw is being clumsy, but the worst is that they're always right. Asha's quest to free the wishes is based only on her conviction that the king is wrong in not granting everyone's wish. It's never even hinted in the movie that the subjects of rosa lack something. It's a fairy-tale kingdom in every aspect (maybe the king is a bit egocentric but that hasn't hurt anyone so far), except that her grandpa's wish wasn't granted and so the king must be wrong. If it wasn't for Magnifico's long exposition of I don't accept criticism she wouldn't have questioned him. And even then, that's what living in a kingdom means, that you follow the king's rules. I'm sorry but singing about revolution and then ending the movie still under a monarchy is just contradictory with the whole premise.
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gqa-lite · 1 year
There are two types of Helsa Fans.
Type 1: OMG Elsa is so mean and vindictive!!! I want to punch her in the face!!! What she did was so awful to our poor, precious prince!
Type 2: They hate each other it’s so cute lol. Enemies to lovers trope!! Asshole vs. Boss Queen LETS GO!!!
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the-sky-is-awake · 4 months
So I rewatched F2 this week… then I listened to my favorite outtake song, I Seek the Truth, went looking for YouTube videos about it, and happened on this small masterpiece. Honestly I think the song is as good as any of the ones that made it into the movie, and only got cut because some of its supporting plot elements were taken out (the “secret room” scene), which made its mood jar with the lighter mood of the first part of F2.
Anyway, I love everything about this little video—the setting at the shipwreck, Anna and Elsa’s chase down to the Dark Sea, the lovely art style… every frame a work of art, as I like to say about F2!
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fleursfairies · 1 year
and when i tell you that my favorite disney princes are eric kristoff and li shang
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personality-corner · 6 months
Frozen Enneagram
Anna - 2w1
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Anna cares a lot for the people around her, going out of her way to make others happy. Because of her two core, she is always seen interacting with others, she is always seen saving the day in one form or another. We often see this in her interactions with Elsa and her interactions with her kingdom- she is consistently seen wanting to make sure others are safe, sometimes at her own detriment. Her one wing gives her the strong desire to do what’s right, protecting Elsa, getting Kristoff a new sled, after losing his old one. Doing the “Next Right Thing” and destroying the dam, after discovering its origins. Because of Anna’s kind and helpful nature, however, others (Hans) sometimes try to take advantage of this for their own personal gain.
Elsa - 9w1
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Elsa, more than anything, wants peace with everyone, including herself. She struggles with confrontation, and runs away at the first sign of conflict, and struggles with this throughout the first movie- which is very typical of type 9s. Even in the second movie, she continues to struggle with confrontation, pushing Anna off on a boat, when she tries to present arguments. She does, however, seem better at this, and seems to face problems head on, instead of running away from them. Like her sister, she has a one wing, she wants to do the right thing, but to her, the right thing is separating herself from her environment, to protect them from her.
Kristoff - 6w5
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Until he meets Anna, Kristoff doesn’t have a lot of faith in the outside world- which makes sense. In his song, “Reindeers are Better than People”, he describes how untrustworthy people are, and how he only really trusts himself. He is self-reliant, not really trusting of Anna’s judgment (rightfully so), and struggles to come out of his shell. In the second movie, he is much healthier, and instead, sometimes questions his relationship with Anna, but still remains very loyal to her.
Olaf - 7w6
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Olaf wants nothing more than happiness, whether it’s through experiencing summer, or exploring new knowledge, he does everything to do so. He is trustworthy and optimistic, encapsulating all of Anna and Elsa’s best traits, and doesn’t like missing out on important things (like summer). Because of this, he often comes off as naive, and unable to read the room, but more often than not, means well.
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Thanks for not "perving" me on the brat coloured post 🙏
trust me, I was typing very carefully to make sure it didn't happen 😌🙏
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crowwithacomputer · 5 days
I love seeing a blog I follow reblog another blog I follow like a crossover fanfic
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swagrum76 · 17 days
Let It Go, but it's nonsense
The snow slows right on the mountain tonight Not a footprint to be seen A kingdom of incantation And it looks like I'm the queen
The wind is howling like this screaming storm inside Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried Don't let them in, don't let them pee (lock them outside and then flee) Be the good queen you always have to be Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know Well, now they won't come over to visit me anymore
Let it go, let it go Can't hold the door back anymore Let it go, let it go Turn away after opening the door I don't care what they're going to say Let the storm rage on The isolation never bothered me anyway
It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small And the people that I once left outside can now get to me at all It's time to see what I can do To test the limits and break through No right, no wrong, no rules for me I'm free
Let it go, let it go I am one with Bill Nye the Science Guy Let it go, let it go They'll never say goodbye Here I stand and here I stay Let the storm rage on
My neighbors flurry through the door and then into my grounds My door isn't shattering in frozen fractals all around And one door lets the people in like an icy blast I'm never going back, the past is in the past
Let it go, let it go And they'll enter at the brink of dawn Let it go, let it go That rude girl is gone Here I stand in the light of day Let the storm rage on The isolation never bothered me anyway
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simplegenius042 · 1 year
Late WIP Poll Winner(s) Wednesday
With Round 2 results in, here are the FC5 WIPs of Silva's Hope and the still unnamed "Proposed Arranged Marriage" scenario. For a cleaner context, I added a few more sentences.
I will be combining the rest of the other non-winner poll WIPs into one post soon. And catching up on some tags.
Tagging everyone who tagged me or were in the notes of this poll: @voidika @chazz-anova @inafieldofdaisies @cassietrn @adelaidedrubman @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat and @strangefable + anyone else who wants to read.
First! More Silva's Hope. Reminder that this WIP of mine is still under construction and some things may or may not change in the future. Introducing John's personal Chosen bodyguard (translation: unpaid babysitter), Nadi Sinclair doing some digging for Nancy:
Adjusting her shoulder, bringing the phone closer to her ear, Nadi asked into it, "Sister Nancy, I can't find any headlines nor editorials on "Elsa Omar" or any "Floristry"... are you certain there's something here? Perhaps you had read wrong, no?"
The older woman on the other end replied, her aged and gentle voice filled with patience, "I guarantee its in one of them papers, Sister Nadi. My eyes remember the exact words when I read the cover. You'll find it eventually dearie." Nadi made an affirmative hum as she unwrapped the next piece of paper.
And lo and behold, the words "MISSING OWNER OF ELSA'S FLORISTRY FOUND! BODY RECOVERED IN LOCAL HENBANE CAVE" were centered right in the middle of the page. Nadi blinked, momentarily perplexed, and checked the date of publishing. December 7th, 2013. Bringing her eyes back to the story, she read the first few lines the page had to offer.
And Kamski's POV in the arranged marriage scenario WIP!
[TW: Mention of coerced marriages and implications of canon infanticide. Also emotional manipulation?]
Joseph appeared unbothered by his lack of trust in the prophet's words, and seemed to decide to placate the doctor's paranoia, "I assure you Doctor Neon, we care for Deputy Omar's health as much as you do. God is looking out for your charge, and will protect her from the Collapse. You can trust me to keep her safe."
Kamski hummed, unconvinced. He really wanted to scoff and snarl at the man in front of him. Yeah, shooting, stabbing, almost drowning, torturing, drugging, sicking wolves on her, almost killing her in general, letting her starve and dehydrate while conditioning her to kill innocent people has been a wonderful method of tending to her health. He hated the serenity in Joseph's voice, how easy it was for him to lie to the Good Doctor's face. Does he really think me, a 58-year-old self-taught medic and doctor, that naive? Is he so focused on what he thinks God demands of him that he can't see this isn't what Silva needs or wants? How trapping her in another set of walls will do her more harm instead of less? "Care for her" my ass. Kamski doesn't exactly know what Joseph's game is, but the evidence points to possibilities that do nothing to decrease the disgust and contempt he felt toward the so-called prophet. He knew the last place Silva should be was near Joseph and the cursed prophecy that just continues to take so much from them. He hated the familiarity of the situation, hated how little control he had again, and despised himself for wishing Paul was there. At least Paul could protect her.
Kamski shooed away those thoughts. No! Remember what he took away from Silva. Be glad he's gone. Kamski exhaled a breathe and looked to Joseph. His siblings were still around, including Silva's unwanted suitor, but the doctor felt unconcerned by their presence. If they wanted Silva to join the family, despite how low of a chance that actually is, they would need him alive. Though Kamski wasn't unprepared to fight back should he need to. After all, he couldn't trust these Saints to keep their words. He stared through the yellow lens of Joseph's aviators. It nagged him, the certainty Joseph had that he could keep anyone, especially Silva, safe, when it was him who was the danger. Kamski knew from experience that at a moments notice, whether it was "God's Will" or his own, he could have Silva life end without hesitation. Even his own family wasn't safe. A reminder he chose now to address in his response.
"Just like you protected your daughter?"
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nitronapalm · 28 days
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Unprompted Asks!
Anonymous asked:
Bakugo, How do you feel about being a Disney Princess? Do you have a favorite Disney Princess?
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...Disney Princess? Since fucking when? "'F I'm any fuckin' Disney Princess it's goddamn Mulan. Bitch was ballsy as shit goin' into th'army when it was only men and still kickin' ass. Twice as fuckin' much so even after she was fuckin' revealed."
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barbiegirldream · 4 months
Also I've noticed the My Hero Academia fandom at least the English side is brand new at fandom. They have no idea how to ignore things they don't like. Can't stand opinions they disagree with. And are completely baffled by fanfiction and shipping
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disneymbti · 2 years
Elsa and Fez’s MBTI Type?
Hi there, sweetie! I hope you like this a lot!
Elsa's MBTI Type, Big Three and Enneagram Type
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MBTI Type: INFJ [The Advocate]
Introverted INFJs exhaust quickly around people and recharge by spending time by themselves.
They tend to overlook small details and instead focus on the entire perspective. They love to see how everything connects together.
Advocates prioritize their emotions. They tend to base decisions on what they feel is right rather than what might be logically sound, making them very empathetic.
They are also very structured and organized. INFJs like to plan ahead and follow processes and schedules.
Big Three: Cancer Sun, Scorpio Moon and Capricorn Rising
Cancer Sun: Ruled by the Moon, Cancers are emotionally mature, intuitive, sensitive, and artistic. They are guided by their tender, loving, and protective hearts.
Scorpio Moon: Scorpio Moons are known for their brooding nature that exudes passion. Once you win them over, they are loyal and unconditional in matters of love.
Capricorn Rising: Capricorn ascendants are known for their efforts and diligence when it comes to attaining success and prosperity.
Enneagram Type: 1w9 [The Optimist]
Basic Fear: One-wing-nine personality types have a basic fear of being unethical and corrupt. They avoid making morally wrong choices and can be objective and emotionally reserved.
Basic Desire: They have a basic desire to be morally good. They advocate for rights of others through teaching and discussion.
Optimists tend to respond to negativity by either redirecting their emotions or by avoiding them entirely. They may push themselves deeper into their work, their type one defense mechanism, or they may withdraw from it altogether, their type nine defense mechanism.
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I May Have A Type...
I made this after realizing that I may have a type for dirty blondes and blondes in general... (Don't mind Elsa in the corner 😅😅)
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And this next one... I really think I have a type...
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I don't know what I should call this type I have but I feel like there are some similarities... I just can't place my finger on it.
Tagging peeps below if you want to contribute and/or tag your peeps idk lol XD
Tags: @micheleamidalajedi @eatmyshortsz666 @all-of-me-why-not-take-all-of-me @space-helen @sgt-morgan @doctoriletyougotogalaxy @drharlivy @livinglifelowkeyloki @rita-lean @inej-ruination-ghafa
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kipskiptrip · 2 months
Whenever I get ashamed for liking something thats unintellectual and simply does not match the vibe i remember im posting on tumblr and then i simply stop being ashamed
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annamelia-art · 11 months
November 14th is World Diabetes Day!
I'm someone who works with people affected by (mainly type 1) diabetes and I want to raise some awareness of positive things happening in 2023!
(Please note, I'm from the UK, so I'm biased to a UK perspective, and we are a bit behind some of the rest of the world...)
Best news is that the recent draft NICE guidance has recommended hybrid closed loop for people with type 1 diabetes. 🎉
Did you know that currently there are multiple hybrid closed loop insulin pumps on the market? These operate as close to the pancreas as we are currently able to mimic (a continuous glucose monitor measures interstitial fluid glucose and adjusts insulin delivery from a continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion pump - all the person has to do is tell it how many carbs they're eating, and the algorithm does the rest)
Have you heard about the ELSA study? This is screening for children happening right now in the UK to identify if they are at risk of developing type 1 diabetes. It requires only a simple finger stick blood glucose test and is open to every child aged 3 - 13, living in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
How about Ogluo? It's a newer form of glucagon that can be used like an EpiPen, which is a lot easier than the orange box for a panicking parent!
I'm going to reblog with some links to information about World Diabetes Day and charities that support research into diabetes (type 1 and type 2 and rarer types).
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