#elsie larson
vintage-every-day · 3 months
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Elsie Larson and June Lang in Malibu, California, May 25, 1933.
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polkadotmotmot · 4 months
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Elsie Larson - Spring Moth no. 6, 2024 - Acrylic on canvas
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spenglercore · 3 months
OC Masterlist
Made a list of OCs, organized by the IP they exist in. I'll add links to general info on them as I make the posts, and update this with missing info over time.
A lot of them are just different versions of an original, for example Victoria is the 'original', and all other OCs paired with a Harold look the same as her physically and share certain aspects of their backstory, but have different haircuts, styles of dress, etc.
-Victoria 'Vic' Smith, punk nerd and Ghostbuster and later wife to Egon and mother to Callie.
-Cameron Spengler, Callie's younger brother by a year.
-Piotr Kowalski and Ilse Spengler, Egon's parents.
-Johann, Wilhelmina (Willie), Iosif, Marie and Pierre Spengler, Egon's five younger siblings.
-Ingrid Antonova, greaser-punk and car mechanic.
-Zane Ziskey, Ingrid and Russell's wildass sentient mop of a son.
-Pater and Elsie, Russell's parents.
-Ian, Velma, Joseph, Maria and Piers, Russell's five chaotic younger siblings.
-Katya Brown, chemist and Stanford graduate just trying to make it work in the Bay Area.
-Maksym and Megan (Maks and Meg), fraternal twin children to Don and Katya and complete and utter surprise babies.
-Peter and Ellen, Don's parents.
-Giovanni, Willa, Joshua, Mariah and Pierce, Don's younger siblings.
-Sophia 'Trippy' Tripolski, artist and handyman.
- Edward and Andrea (Eddie and Andy), her two kids with Alan.
-Tracey Miller, secretary/office gofer currently pursuing a degree in Architecture
- Veronica, the daughter with Steven that shouldn't exist bc Tracey had always been told she wasn't able to even have kids.
For Dustin Eastwood:
-Cassidy 'Sid' Larson, general ranch hand type, occasional bounty hunter.
-Milo, her and Dustin's son who is FASCINATED by the outdoors.
-Piter and Elise, Dustin's parents.
-John, Elma, Joey, Mary and Pete, Dustin's five younger siblings.
For Officer Friendly, whom I named Oscar:
-Penelope 'Penny' Miller, professional 70s punk protestor.
-Benjamin, Casey, Melanie (Mel), Crystal, Shaun and Josephine, Penny and Friendly's six little chaotic felons.
- Philip and Lisa, Ofc. Friendly's parents.
For Moe Green:
- Nicole 'Nick' Jensen. Info pending. Because Moe needs SOMEbody to comfort him, holy shit.
- Ryan, Erin and Joel, her three kids with Moe.
For the PTA Fucker, whom I named Sterling Silver (fuck you Sam):
- Judy 'Jude' Silver, formerly Judy Gold, all I have for her is sixties hippie vibes but to the left.
- Joy, Cassius (Cas), Bianca (Bee), Leroy, Charlie and Dawn, Jude and Sterlings half-planned, half-surprise counterculture mob.
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A Life Of Faith Dolls
So recently I fell down this little rabbit hole and I want to share it. I don't have any of these dolls (and I don't really have any interest do) and there's little information about the company, so I got even more interested.
Created by homeschooling parents Lee and Bill Bereza in 1998, when they established Breezy Point Treasures. Together they based a custom doll on the Elsie Dinsmore book series by Martha Finley. Later they worked with Sandra Bilotto to design the dolls, and Lloyd Middleton to produce the dolls.The second character in the series was Mildred (shortened to Millie) Keith, Elsie's oldest cousin.
In 2003 Mission City Press purchased the company, and Elsie and Millie's appearances were changed. The dresses were more striking and stood out with lace and frills. Additionally their appearances were changed as Elsie was given pincurls and ribbons. Millie went from being a brunette to having blond hair and blue eyes (similar to Kirsten Larson) and the dolls got darker eye makeup and longer eyelashes.
Since the 2 original dolls were based off a book series, the original Elsie Dinsmore and Millie Keith series were re-released. One thing that seperated them from American Girl was that the story would follow their life- starting from childhood into their 20s and so on.
Additionally 3 new characters were introduced- Violet Travilla (Elsie's daughter in the series), Laylie Colbert and Kathleen Mckenzie. During this time the Elsie Dinsmore Collection was renamed to "A Life of Faith."
Once again the dolls were changed, this time with much more simpler outfits in contrast to their past look. After struggling to stay afloat, Mission City Press ceased production of the dolls in 2006.
Elsie Dinsmore- hazel eyes, brown hair with pincurls
Elsie is an 8 year old growing up in the mid 1800s in the South, on a plantation. They kinda gloss over the fact that she literally has slaves on her property and refers to them as just "servants." Anyways, Elsie is very wealthy but grows up without a mother, and for much of the story she waits for her father to return, as she's never met him. Her collection contained many dresses, coats, undergarments, a grand piano, some more furniture and accessories.
Millie Keith- blond hair, blue eyes
Aside from being a Kirsten Larson clone (I'm only half kidding) Millie Keith is a 12 year old girl living on the Indiana frontier in 1833. Her story follows as she is forced to move from an established town in Ohio to the unknown frontier. Her collection also features many outfits, coats, a horse, a table and chair set and many accessories. As far as looks are concerned, Millie does look very similar to Kirsten Larson, with one of her outfits even displaying her wearing loop braids.
Laylie Colbert- black hair, brown eyes, different face mold from the other dolls
Laylie Colbert is a 7 year old who's story follows her escape from slavery. In the story her family escapes and meets Millie Keith (who is 15) and the two become friends. Her meet oufit is supposed to be one that Millie gave her. Her collection literally has nothing- it has one nightgown, a robin hood costume (????) and a few accessories. She has the smallest collection out of them all.
Violet Travilla- black hair, brown eyes (well really red but I'll get to that later)
Violet Travilla is a 14 year old in the 1870s, and is the daughter of Elsie Dinsmore. She loves art, school, her family and God. Violet is the oldest doll out of the whole collection, so her story is supposed to feel personal to teenagers, so she's also very anxious about her future, and feels misunderstood. Her collection has many outfits, accessories, a sofa and a cat.
Kathleen Mckenzie- hazel eyes, curly brown hair, freckles, different face mold
Kathleen Mckenzie, the last doll to be released, is an 11 year old (although her face mold makes her look a lot younger) growing up in 1929. She has a lot of similarities with Kit, as her story talks about economic struggles, and she enjoys writing. Her collection has a lot of outfits, accessories, but no furniture.
Current State:
the Violet Travilla dolls have a defect in which over time her brown eyes have changed to a BRIGHT red. (seriously, look it up)
as I talked about earlier, A Life Of Faith bore some similarites to AG. With Kathleen's story being similar to Kit, Millie, the frontier doll's redesign looking very similar to Kirsten.
They promoted themselves as a Christian alternative to AG, with each doll coming with a dol-sized Bible, and each story talks about how the dolls overcome their struggles through God.
I want to say I have no problem with Christianity, or religious dolls. What I am going to judge is how they painted AG to be bad in their eyes, with the Baptist Press stating that AG donates to "homosexual and abortion-rights causes."
I also have a problem with how Laylie Colbert literally had no collection. A Robin Hood cloak to put over her original dress and a little nightgown just feels wrong. Every other doll got such large collections with such beautiful outfits and she got basically nothing in comparison.
catalogue from 2007 -> https://prokukol.ru/wallpapers/images/katalogs/alof2007/alof2007.pdf
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From right to left: Elsie Dinsmore, Millie Keith, Violet Travilla and Laylie Colbert
Not Pictured: Kathleen Mckenzie
I know this was a long post, if you read it- thank you so much! I found this fun to research and fun to share :)
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growinstablog · 2 months
People with disabilities are finding empowerment from Instagram communities
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When I search for “bipolar mother” on Google Images, I find a lot of women with their heads in their hands, their crying children in the corner. These images actually understate the broader stigma of being a bipolar mother — the stories that I hear daily about interactions between mothers and their families are disheartening. As a bipolar pregnant woman, I was terrified that my first psychiatrist was right when he told me I should never allow myself to get pregnant; he said I might kill my baby.
When empathy and understanding are not part of our daily life, we suffer. But social media has filled in that chasm — and it can provide a lifeline. I don’t drive on freeways, and while getting around Southern California has always been intimidating for me, with an infant it’s become even more difficult. Social media can function as the support group and family that most of us don’t have, or have trouble accessing physically.
While pregnant, I started to follow Elsie Larson’s entry into motherhood on Instagram. Larson is known for her popular DIY blog on “A Beautiful Mess” and for the app “A Color Story.” She adopted a girl with albinism from China named Nova. They painted together, giggled together — they were what I wanted to look like with my little girl. I decided that when I had my baby, I would try to Elsie Larson it and forget about those scary Google images.
I joined Instagram. I didn’t know what typical people were doing there — I saw a lot of pictures of food. But popular hashtags like #disabledandcute and #disabledandsexy mean that a diverse group of disabled people — different genders, nationalities, disabilities — are calling their bodies sexy with the same tag. All of these people are connected by disability.
Michelle Griffith, owner of the Spoonie Sisters shop on Etsy, explains it this way: “Those with disabilities learn what it’s like to live with other disabilities. It’s an amazing supportive community. They truly understand your struggles, victories, frustrations, excitements.”
Hulya Marquardt, a double amputee and course manager, finds a correlation between how many pictures of disabled people one is able to see and the degree of acceptance they embrace. “It becomes normal,” Marquart tells me. “People get used to seeing other people in wheelchairs or with missing limbs.”
Images like these are influential. Kārlis Podnieks, a paraplegic basketball player, was inspired by photos he saw online. “As an athlete, I always have had examples,” he says. “So I try to be that example now. Instagram gives me a way bigger platform to be an example for a bigger audience.”
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The dual effect of this dynamic is to simultaneously manifest an actual community — you and I are not alone — and to build self-esteem — you and I are “normal.” A bipolar woman posted on Instagram that she hated taking her medicine. One day later, this started an expanding conversation about how we are all so grateful that bipolar is a treatable disorder, despite the real physical and emotional hassle that taking or changing medicine can cause.
Of course, some people with disabilities are unable to access the internet at all. And for those of us who can, connecting online still has its downsides — social media spaces can be both dangerous and upsetting, and personal boundaries are poorly defined. I get lots of responses to my pictures asking if it’s really true that I’m bipolar and a mother because other users, too, have been warned not to have children.
Recently, I received a message from a woman with bipolar disorder asking if she could also get married and have children. I sent a picture of my baby, asleep on my lap, and told her that I was properly medicated. She sent me a self-harm picture of her wrist with the words: “Look what I did.” I told her that was unacceptable and if she did it again I’d have to report her.
When guys try to hit on me on Instagram, I ignore them at first. But if they continue, I block them. Once I started a conversation about what to do about insomnia. People were chiming in with all the things they do to sleep. But one man — who was mad that I wasn’t following him back — wrote, “Try a shotgun.”
Sometimes people ask for my cocktail of medications so they can be as stable as I am. I’m glad to describe what works for me, but I make it clear that different meds work differently for different people. I always tell them the same thing: this is the best time in history to be bipolar, but it’s just about finding what works for you.
Like Kārlis Podnieks, I’ve wanted to be an example for others since finding this diverse support community. I don’t want to be a victim. My desire to set an example has helped me move away from people who demeaned me (intentionally or not) and spend more time in a more supportive climate, even if the support is digital. My digital spaces help me feel that I’m protecting myself in an otherwise hostile environment.
Elsie Larson is setting an example for me to follow: when she announced that she had been matched with a baby with albinism, the increased traffic to her blog crashed her site. Though she talks openly about albinism and her daughter’s sensitive eyes, no one is obsessed with her daughter’s disability. With every image on Instagram, Larson and Nova normalize it. We’re obsessed with Nova’s sunglasses, her bell-bottoms, and her three stuffed pigs, all named Piggy.
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I have experienced what Ben Clark, another person in my online social sphere who calls himself “your friendly paraplegic,” explains this way: “Having the platform to do this has really helped not only others but myself, giving me the opportunity to learn about myself.”
During the terrible days of a med change, I removed myself from my daughter for her safety. I turned to Instagram for support. I didn’t post happy photos to pretend it wasn’t happening. I posted thoughts and images of how I felt in a “bipolar middle” — the middle of a potential relapse. I showed what my house looked like during a recovery and a list of my med-change mistakes, and I talked about what I should have done differently.
The irony is that the digital world feels more real to me than the real world has ever felt — this digital world includes so many of us, and it shows our strengths and helps us deal with our weaknesses. I have found not only friends on Instagram but collaborators as well. I’ve asked people to be a guest on my blog and sell “Meet My Meds” T-shirts, which list the medications that help make us who we are.
Knowing that I’m part of this becomes a touchstone, something I can rely on when I’m feeling great or not so great. No matter the time or day of the week, I can find someone going through something similar to what I’m going through. A comment on a picture or a direct message starts a dialogue. This centers me — it helps me be honest about who I am, and about what I can and cannot do every day.
I can’t wait for everyone to catch up and learn from us. I long for the day when a Google search offers images of a “bipolar mother” in the same context as a “working mother” or “CEO mother” or “astronaut mother.” After all, the moon is within our reach.
This article by Rae Rose was originally published on How We Get To Next, a non-profit project interested in exploring the intersections between science, technology and culture, and how those things are changing the future. Follow them on Twitter,  like them on Facebook, and subscribe to their newsletter.
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absoluteroses · 4 years
PAMELA HOWARD. the only one who cares. fandomless/1980s. secondary. bio / tag.
BRIAR DESROSERS. the assassin. fandomless/victorian era. request. bio / tag.
ELLEN MARIE TRUMAN. the sunshine. fandomless/1950s. primary. bio / tag.
ELSIE DAY. the actress. fandomless/1920s. secondary. bio / tag.
LAURA HOPE. the sheltered. sweeney todd. primary. bio / tag.
the great gatsby.
DAISY BUCHANAN. the green light. musical/headcanon based. testing. bio / tag.
MYRTLE WILSON. the whore. musical/headcanon based. testing. bio / tag.
a tale of two cities:
LUCIE MANETTE. the golden thread. headcanon based. testing. bio / tag.
west side story.
SORELLA RICCI. the ballerina. headcanon-based. primary. bio / tag.
TAT AGAPOV. the runner. headcanon-based. secondary. bio / tag.
KAREN HANSEN. the fighter. headcanon-based. primary. bio / tag.
RHONDA THOMPSON. the talker. headcanon-based. primary. bio / tag.
TESSIE JOHNSON. the youngest. headcanon-based. primary. bio / tag.
MAMIE O'REILLY. the replaceable. headcanon-based. secondary. bio / tag.
MAXIE KILMARTIN. the runaway. headcanon based. secondary. bio / tag.
MACK MASOTTI. the faithful. headcanon-based. secondary. bio / tag.
NATALIE MARCINEK. the eldest daughter. headcanon-based. secondary. bio / tag.
GUSSIE REITER. the b----. headcanon-based. secondary. bio / tag.
DOT SCHMIDT. the mechanic. headcanon-based. secondary. bio / tag.
SWEDEN LARSON. the stylist. headcanon-based. secondary. bio / tag.
GRAZIELLA BIANCHI. the dancer. headcanon-based. highly selective. bio / tag.
TONY WYSEK. the romeo. west side story. exclusive. bio / tag.
BESS TOWNELEY. the landlord's daughter. the highwayman (poem). secondary. bio / tag.
the hunger games.
LIVIA CARDEW. the first lady. headcanon based. testing. bio / tag.
LUCY CORAL BARKER. the ophelia. based in thg universe. request. bio / tag.
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pimpernals · 3 years
sweeney todd: the demon barber of fleet street:
— johanna barker (main muse; as found on @cannotfly)
west side story:
— sorella ricci (primary)
— tat agapov (secondary)
— karen hansen (primary)
— rhonda thompson (primary)
— tessie johnson (primary)
— mamie o'reilly (secondary)
— mack masotti (secondary)
— maxie kilmartin (secondary)
— natalie marcinek (secondary)
— gussie reiter (secondary)
— dot schmit (primary)
— sweden larson (secondary)
— graziella bianchi (request)
— maria nunez (secondary)
— maria gonzalez (secondary)
the great gatsby
— daisy buchanan (request/testing)
— myrtle wilson (request/testing)
— jenny banks (secondary)
sweeney todd: the demon barber of fleet street:
— marianne hope (secondary)
— amy jo hope (secondary)
— ellie hope (secondary)
— laura hope (primary)
stranger things:
— pamela howard (secondary)
— briar desrosiers (request)
— ellen marie truman (primary)
— rose of vobuvoria (primary; affiliated with gilbertine fabron *see below)
— gilbertine fabron (primary; affiliated with rose *see above)
— elsie day (primary)
the highwayman (poem):
— bess towneley (secondary)
— livia cardew
0 notes
gathersroses · 3 years
sweeney todd: the demon barber of fleet street:
— johanna barker (main muse; as found on @cannotfly)
— lucy barker (request)
— nellie lovett (secondary)
— annie bamford (secondary)
les miserables:
— cosette fauchelevent (strictly plotting only)
west side story:
— graziella bianchi (as found on @aintdumb)
— sorella ricci (primary)
— tat agapov (primary)
— karen hansen (secondary)
— rhonda thompson (primary)
— tessie johnson (primary)
— mamie o'reilly (secondary)
— mack masotti (secondary)
— maxie kilmartin (secondary)
— natalie marcinek (secondary)
— gussie reiter (secondary)
— dot schmit (primary)
— sweden larson (secondary)
— maria nunez (secondary)
— maria gonzalez (secondary)
a tale of two cities:
— lucie manette (request/testing)
the great gatsby
— daisy buchanan (request/testing)
corpse bride:
—victoria everglot (strictly plotting only)
cyrano (2021):
— roxanne (secondary)
— jenny banks (secondary)
stranger things:
— chrissy cunningham (request/testing)
the haunted mansion:
— eleanora beaufort (request)
pirates of the caribbean:
— catherine sherwood (request)
phantom of the opera:
— clarise battencourt (request)
sweeney todd: the demon barber of fleet street:
— clara hope (secondary)
— amy jo hope (primary)
— ellie hope (primary)
— laura hope (primary)
stranger things:
— pamela howard (secondary)
a haunting in venice:
— alicia drake (testing)
— briar desrosiers (secondary)
— ellen marie truman (primary)
— rose of vobuvoria (primary; affiliated with gilbertine fabron *see below)
— gilbertine fabron (primary; affiliated with rose *see above)
— elsie day (primary)
— mary o'clergh (primary)
the highwayman (poem):
— bess towneley (secondary)
sense and sensibility:
— eliza williams (request/testing)
— helene lautmann (request; affilated with @soldwrecked)
— mary o'hara (request; affliated with @whatsbehindthefacade)
— marta hoffman (request; affiliated with @whatsbehindthefacade)
— sophie mcclellan (request; affiliated with @heygutlcss)
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discoatnine · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 🛍 4 for $16 • NEW A Beautiful Mess: Photo Idea Book.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: A Beautiful Mess Happy Handmade Home Crafting Book.
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wehavethoughts · 4 years
Happy Homemade Home Review!
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A Beautiful Mess: Happy Handmade Home: Painting, Crafting, and Decorating a Cheerful, More Inspiring Space By Elsie Larson and Emma Chapman Potter Style, New York. 2014.
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This book certainly is happy! You will find lots of colors, patterns, and textures on every page. Happy Homemade Home is exuberant and encouraging. This interior design book wins points for it’s low-budget decor ideas and emphasis on creativity. Additionally it is well laid out and easy to read with lots of pictures.
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Rating: I award 5 plump geese out of a possible 6 to a book that finds the beauty in the mess.
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The best audience for this book is not afraid to try their own hand at something. Two-page DIY projects are spread all throughout the room-based chapters. The majority of the projects do not require tools, although specific materials like yarn or electrical tape are incorporated. The ideas are definitely oriented to include a wide survey of readers in terms of economic accessibility. It’s not a stretch to say that most people have tin cans or markers in their homes. The DIY projects do require a little pocket change, but ultimately make use of base materials one would already have in their home. Authors and sisters Elsie and Emma encourage readers to transform objects they already have mostly on the surface, through perhaps new paint, sponge-stamped geometric design, or added tassels. Most of the projects accessorize what you already have, often in a very crafty way. Some examples include a curtain made of patchworked silk scarves, ‘drawing’ with electrical tape on your fridge, and --perhaps my favorite-- using rubber dinosaur toys for book ends!!
Though not always the most refined, the approach works with what you already have, which I can appreciate for those starting out or who don’t have the time or resources to scour endless flea markets and antique stores. It’s also sustainable and anti-capitalist, which is always great. Elsie and Emma present readers with very realistic ways to brighten up or personalize items in their space, from a picnic table to a wall clock. Readers can take inspiration from any combination of the approach, the material, or the design. Furthermore, the styling can often be undone on more permanent features of a home, like walls, cabinets, even the fridge, which considers readers who rent, another plus. The most sustainable option is always second-hand, but there are many ways to get the job done, and re-styling what you have is definitely more sustainable and anti-capitalist than buying new.
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One recurring section is called 9 Ways. Here, in one example, showcases coffee mugs and a variety of ways to decorate: washi tape stripes, drawn polka dots (baked in the oven to seal for food safety), wrapping twine around the handle, etc. Again, these are projects you can do with children, or if you’re not super artistic. These DIY projects don’t require complicated woodworking tools, cement mixes, or expensive fabrics. So, the trade off for economic accessibility is pieces that aren’t always the most durable or sophisticated. But they can be plenty cute, not to mention satisfying because you created it! The other items presented with multiple personalization possibilities are cloth napkins, vases, supply baskets, toothbrush holders, terra cotta pots and throw pillows. The 9 Ways part of the book offers possibilities without insisting on any color, application, or design, showing you finished products that can be taken in any direction or style you choose. The subtitle “painting, crafting, and decorating a cheerful, more inspiring space” accurately signals what readers will find beneath the cover.
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The language in Happy Handmade Home transparently explains that readers should embody their own individual styles. Elsie and Emma never mandate that stripes should be ½” thick, or that ribbon should be tied counter-clockwise. The book avoids positioning itself as a rule book. The voice is non-authoritarian. The sisters dedicate the book to their father who instilled in them to be actively handy. The introduction sets the scene as a journey with three important messages: 
1) don’t be afraid to mess up 2) our ideas are only starting points, and 3) if you love it, love it.
Their welcome continues with prompts for some reflection, which is another reason for points in this review. There is an acknowledgment of one’s lived relationship with their space, that the solutions (though often physically surface level as per their ideas) engage deeply with one’s personality, desires, and sources of joy. I definitely plan on journaling through the lists they suggest. One teaser example is a list of colors you have a strong reaction to, positive, negative or mixed. Then you list what you’re reminded of with each color, then where you’ve seen positive examples of those colors in rooms or even movies and artwork.
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Now for the not so good qualities: low-key white-washing and narrow assumptions on lifestyle. Most of the images come from Elsie and Emma’s own homes, and the two authors are young-ish American white women. So of course when showing their own spaces, the images will show a happy white lady in her home. However, even images in the Celebrate sections, which feature a different party-themed recipe and decorations, are close to celebrating only white kids, grandmas, girlfriends, etc. I appreciated the Celebrate sections because it’s another way of portraying decor as connected to how we actually live. Unfortunately, it’s really not diverse. Nothing varies outside of a traditional American concept of family. I cringed when I saw the Mr. & Mrs. mugs, you know, the kind of images where he has the bow tie and she has the red lipstick: it’s such a narrow and controlled expression of gender roles in a family. This limitation doesn’t present interior design as a meaningful means of self-care and personal expression for anyone, but rather as a way for white women to feel special. Which in itself isn’t problematic. Everyone deserves to feel special and to have a positive relationship between their mental and emotional self-concept and the material objects around them. But while I think Elsie and Emma’s decor is presented with a lot of possibility (‘do this in YOUR own way’), the majority of the images presented cater to a life lived by a narrow group of people. Most likely, most readers live this lifestyle, and so in a supply-and-demand mindset, the job was done well. However, if we truly consider interior design as empowering, cathartic, and simply a happy thing to do, these books need to do better.  
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The ideas presented in this book are true DIY opportunities to engage with the material space around you and express your personality. Although the authors’ styles show clearly throughout the book, Happy Handmade Home presents itself as an example instead of an aspiration. I personally wouldn’t incorporate a lot of Elsie or Emma’s style choices into my home, but that’s a just taste thing! I definitely recommend some of the DIY treatments for those who want to get started or have limited resources. I’m sure readers can find at least a few ideas that they could do immediately without leaving home. I appreciate this book’s commitment to an interior design approach that avoids simply buying a thing, but instead cheers people on: you can actually do it yourself. You’re more powerful than you know.
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Again, 5 precious geese out of a possible 6. Truly happy. Very hands on. Small budgets welcome. Let’s invite more people to the party.
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With loving curiosity, DesignMod
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annagracewood · 3 years
Theologically sound books for children and youth
Theologically sound books for children and youth
The necessity of theologically sound books Theologically sound books are a must for me. I love reading books that present the truth of God’s Word in a way that honors Him and stays true to the text. We sometimes forget that our children also need theologically sound books or if we know we need them, we might not know where to find them. I loved reading to my little children when they were…
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mosseisley · 7 years
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Instagram / sucremusic
Super special day celebrating my soon to be nephew with all of our friends and fam today! Love you @wldrnessa @collindupree can't wait to meet Mr. Phoenix!!!
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rodarte · 6 years
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Front Rows
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natkatlat · 6 years
You know what?
Who’s your favorite A24 boy/girl?
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brietastic · 6 years
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brielarson: NEVER meet your meet your idols. Unless your idol is @elsiekfisher and then you should definitely meet them. Congrats on your award sis. @laofcs we love you - Gucci 👌 (x)
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