#elvis comeback
lilwulfpresley · 9 months
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The red/burgundy outfit from the ‘68 comeback!
Elvis was such a lovely human, personality and looks.
I love this outfit, not sure why but it really catches my eye!
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claire-elvisgirl · 1 year
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This was ready since a while, but I wasn't sure about posting it because...another comeback fic?! The web is literally stuffed! But I decided to share it with you anyway...I hope you like it. I got excited just writing it! It's a one-shot, I couldn't split it up!
Summary: You’re in the crowd during the Comeback. He notices you. You end up in his dressing room living the best night of your life
Warning: 18+, smut, fingering, sex, loss of virginity.
Word cunt: 3400
NBC studios, Burbank, California, 1968.
You were sitting in the very first row, under that big white and red square that he would use a stage. You and other girls. Too many girls. But you couldn’t believe you were about to see him perform live. Suddenly the crowd roared and everybody looked in the same spot. He was coming out. When you lay your eyes on him you were stunned. He wore a leather suit, jacket and pants practically glued to his body, making him look thinner than ever. His hair were perfect too. He got up on stage and looked around at the crowd. He has been away from live concerts for almost 10 years and he was scared to death, even if he would have never show it.
“It’s been a long time baby…”
Listening his voice in presence made you jump from your seat, while the crowd applauded. He was literally perfect and you couldn’t take your eyes off of him.
“I missed this, ya have no idea how much I missed this!” he said looking at the crowd which went wild in screams.
You brought with you a red rose and as he turned to get the microphone you threw it on the stage, making sure he saw who was the sender of that little gift. He picked up the rose and sniffed it, looking at you with a sweet smile then he whispered a light “Thank you” in your direction and put the rose away.
He turned in the center of the stage, putting his finger on his lip, trying his best to contain an embarrassed smile. In that moment the music starts and he started to sing. His eyes were locked on you. “Wise men say / only fools rush in / but I can’t help / falling in love with you…”
You got teary eyes. You couldn’t believe it, he was practically singing only for you. In a soft and sensual voice he kept singing: “Shall I stay / would it be a sin / if I can’t help / falling in love with you”. He got closer to you and leaned down to kiss your cheek. You almost passed out and you felt your face burning red…and not only your face. After a second he turned back to the stage, but his eyes were always looking at you. He pulled out a hand in your direction and ends the song: “Take my hand / take my whole life too / for I can’t help / falling in love with you!”
The crowd went crazy. You screamed with all the other girls without taking your eyes off of him. The king was back.
As the concert ended you were about to leave with all the other people, when a guy approached you. He was one of Elvis’s guys. He talked to you in a professional way and asked you to follow him. “Elvis wants you to meet him in his dressing room. If you could follow me…”
You looked at him with your mouth open. “What? He wants to meet me? Why?”
The guy answered: “He said you were an amazing fan that he’d like to meet personally and he wants you to be the first person he meets after this great comeback.” He paused: “So…you wanna come?”
You nodded and the guy lead you to his dressing room. You kept looking around, feeling nervous, you were even checking if you looked pretty enough to deserve a meet-up with Elvis Presley. Once you were by his dressing room, the guy opens the door for you. “This way”
You went into the room, but its’ empty, it seemed no one was there. Then you noticed something that caught your attention. On a little table there was your rose, the rose you threw on the stage. He kept it.
Suddenly you heard the door closing behind you. You turned your head to see Elvis himself staring at you, seductively smiling. “Hi sweetheart!”
You stared at him with your mouth open wide.
“Don’t be nervous baby, I don’t bite. What’s your name?” he asked while looking at you up and down.
“I…I’m y/n!”
He chuckled to himself “Beautiful name for a beautiful lil’ thang like ya!”
He went to the table and picked up your rose, playing with it in his hands. “I wanted to thank ya for this lil’ gift…” he came close to you “But the most beautiful rose is standing right in front of me now!”
You blushed: “Oh please!”
He sat on a nearby sofa and he patted on the spot next to him. “Come hun, sit here with me!”
You sat nervously right next to him and you felt his warmth fragrance piercing your nostrils. He put an arm around you and pulled you close to him. “Now…I’ve got a few questions for ya!” he said as he gently pinched your cheek.
“Ya see…I noticed ya were alone out there in the crowd. Am I right?”
“Well, I was supposed to come with a friend, but she got sick and so…I came here alone. I couldn’t lose your show…”
He talked back slowly: “Oh I’m sorry to hear that, but…” he got closer to you, putting his hand on your waist “…in a strange way I’m glad she didn’t come!”
He smiled and he moved his lips to touch yours. You were about to kiss when he grabbed your chin and looked at you: “I wanna taste that pretty lil’ mouth of yours!” he leaned closer and kissed you. Your hearts skipped a beat and you tried to say something, but the contact with his lips broke every single word you could say.
Elvis noticed how tensed you were and he saw you blushing: “Oh look at ya…you’re as nervous as a lil’ bird!” He spoke with a soft and loving voice. He looked you right in your eyes and hummed a few words of one of his songs: “Don’t fly away…my beautiful bird…” before starting to kiss you again.
You pulled back from him for a while: “Elvis…can I…can I ask you something?”
He looked at you smiling: “Of course you can hun, what is it?”
You thought you knew the answer, but you asked him anyway: “Why did you want me here?”
He took a second to answer: “Well…I saw you when you threw me that rose. Ya looked so lil’, so precious…I saw ya blushing like a baby…I decided I wanted to meet ya!”
“And you do that every night?”
He got serious: “Ya wanna the truth? Yeah, every night…every night with a diff’rent girl. My guys think I’m happy to do that and they took me a new gal, thinkin’ I like it, but…tonight…tonight I feel strange, I’m hoping this is gonna be more than just a one-night-thing!”
You looked at him without saying a word, then you spoke again: “What?”
He grabbed your hand: “Can you promise me something?” he asked looking right into your eyes.
“Elvis, I…”
He moved his hand down to your thighs and he whispered: “I dunt wanna let ya go…I wanna hold you tonight…and tomorrow night…and the night after…”
You understood in that right moment you wanted the same thing from him: “Oh fuck, come here!” you grabbed him and pulled him on you.
He let out a big sexy laugh as you pulled him on top of you and he moved his body up and down, starting to kiss you neck. With every kiss your mind went crazy as his lips burnt you like fire.
“Take off that jacket…” you asked him panting.
He smiled, then slowly and sexily, he reached his jacket zipper and started to lower it.
“Wait…I wanna do it myself!” you slowly pulled down the zipper revealing him inch by inch, his chest, then his stomach and finally his belly.
His eyes went wide open as you did that. He smiled keeping his eyes on what you were doing: “Ya wanna help me, hun?”
You nodded as you took off the jacket and threw it away. He gave you that sexy Elvis laugh and moved closer to you. You caressed his pants too. They were so tight that they were almost glued to his skin.
“Hey, am I wrong or I do have a lil’ naughty girlie here? And I thought ya were so innocent…”
You looked up at him, almost trying to justify what you were doing to him. “I dunt even know why I’m doing this, I can’t stop…”
“But I dunt wanna you to stop! Keep doing that y/n, it makes me feel real good!”
You stopped and you kneeled down in front of him.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“Take off your pants…”
“Oh I think I know what yaw anna do, but I’m not taking off them yet!”
You thought you stepped out of line, pushing yourself too far. “Why?”
He took a little breath and bit his lower lip speaking in a sexy voice: “Because…I enjoy watching ya kneeled down for me!”
And you thought he would stopped everything! No, he wanted to turn you crazy, he wanted you to beg for his love. He was enjoying himself, as you noticed him getting hard between his legs.
You decided to do something to excite him even more. You stood up and took off your shirt revealing your white bra and you stood firm in front of him. You got close to him and rubbed your chest onto his. He groaned as he saw you in that way and he looked at your chest. “White! I like that…and…” he squeezed your breasts in his hands, making you gasp. “…and ya got a great pair of titties, hun…a really great pair! Can I see ‘em?” he asked taking off your bra. Your breath gets heavier as he revealed your titties out: “You like what you see?”
“I LOVE what I’m seeing y/n!” he answered taking one of your nipples in his mouth and sucking him with hunger. This made you arch your back and close your eyes with you head rolled back: “Oh my God…”
“Ya like it when I do this uh?”
You can’t even answer from the excitement you felt. He made you look down at him: “I’m gonna move my head down further now…ya ready?”
He moved his head down and started to kiss your stomach and then your belly, just right on top of your pants. “Oh that feels so good!” you said.
“And I’m just getting started!” he replied. “Hun I’m gonna slide your pants down a little now!”
“Okay…you can do it!” you replied knowing it would be a not-going-back experience.
He started to unbutton your pants, button after button. “I’m gonna go a little bit slower this time…ok?”
He pulled your pants down. You closed your eyes as you felt the fabric going down on your legs.  He smiled as he pulled your pants off and make them fall to the floor. “I like what I see…I like what I see a lot!”
And then those words spread out of your mouth like a bullet. “If you want…it’s all yours!” You didn’t even realized how you could possibly said something like that. He looked at you: “Are you serious?”
You nodded. “I am!”
He closed his eyes for a while. “Y/n please…say you’re mine…I wanna hear ya say it f’ me. Say it!” he asked you while rubbing his hands on your thighs.
“I’m…I’m yours Elvis, all yours!” you whispered.
“Say it louder!”
“Oh God, ya know what I’m gonna do now?” he put a hand inside your panties and started stroking, looking at you in a mischievous way. “Fuck baby, you’re so wet…I want ya…I want all of ya!”
You couldn’t believe your ears. In that right moment Elvis Presley was yours and you were his. He leaned in to face you: “You’re mine…and you’re gonna stay mine! Okay?”
“You mean…”
“Ya belong to me baby, okay? I’m gonna take ya…now!” He slid your panties down leaving you completely naked. “Say you’re mine…say it!”
You answered to him while your arms were wrapped around his body, hanging onto him to resist the strange feeling that was growing inside of you. You never felt that way before. You touched yourself sometimes, but it was completely different. He moved in a certain way, knowing where and how to touch you. He tubbed his fingers on your clit and gave you little spankings on your pussy, making you shivering from the intense pleasure.
He looked at you sweetly: “Do ya trust me baby?”
You looked back at him and nodded: “I trust you!”
He stops for a moment and he caressed your cheek: “I’m dead serious now! Are ya really ready for me hun? Answer me! Because if ya say yes, I’m gonna make you release all your stress!”
His words got you more excited: “Keep talking while you touch me, your voice sends me over the moon!”
“You have to answer me, hun! Do ya really want me to take ya right here? Right now?”
You took a long and deep breath and you answered looking him into his beautiful blue eyes: “Yes!”
“Say that again!” he asked moving on your body to increase the pleasure for both of you. “Say it! Say that ya want me to take ya!”
You closed your eyes and raised your voice: “I want you to take me Elvis…now…here!! I want you, I want to feel you, to have you…to love you!”
He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your neck. “I’ll keep kissing you like this y/n, I’m gonna kiss every inch of your perfect body. Ya know ya can touch me too? Ya want to touch me hun?”
You felt a little embarrassed, but then you asked him gently: “You want me to do it?”
He felt his excitement growing more and more: “Go ahead baby, touch me…kiss me…do whatever ya want! But first…” he got up from the sofa and he took off his pants.
You stared at him almost naked in front of you. We was like a Greek god, just the simple sight of every muscle of his body made you throbbing all over.
You pulled out your arms, inviting him to get back on you again: “Come here! I want to feel every inch of my body on me!”
He got back on the sofa and without saying a word he slid two fingers inside of you, making you jump from your seat. “Relax baby, I wanna feel again how wet you are…and get ya ready for something bigger!” his excitement grow bigger listening to the sounds that were coming from your wetness. He kept moving his fingers inside of you, touching every spot to make you squirm like never before. You started to move on his hand like you were riding his fingers. “Daddy…that’s’ amazing…I never felt this way before!”
“I know hun…but I think it’s time to make another step…d’ya want my cock inside of ya? Say ya want it, baby! Ask and you’re gonna get it!"
You opened your teary eyes and looked at him: “Daddy…take me…I want you inside of me!"
He lay down on the sofa and took off his boxer too. There he stood, completely undressed, with his hard cock waiting for you: “I want ya to sit on me, sit on my cock baby, I want ya to take the lead! Ride your daddy, lil’ slut!”
You got on top of him and started to move up and down, making your pussy and his cock touch gently. You could feel it rubbing between your foldings. Elvis’ face lighted up as you kept moving. “Oh God baby, you’re gonna be the death of me…I’ll die loving ya if ya keep doing this!”
You laughed at what he said: “Oh dunt worry, I’m gonna keep you with me for a loooong time!” You kept moving on him with gentle movements. “You like it daddy? You want me to speed up?”
“Not yet baby, I love this, take your time…I dunt want this night to end! Take your time and enjoy yourself too!”
You thought this was the right time to reveal him your secret. You leaned to his ear and you whispered softly: “Guess what daddy…you’re gonna be my first!”
His eyes lighted up and he smiled almost in shock: “You’re a first timer baby? Woah, this night is getting’ even better. I guess I better be in charge then, I’m gonna make it a night to remember forever! It’s gonna be the best night of your life!”
You were scared to tell him that you were still a virgin. He was rather surprised but happy. He wanted to ask you one more time if you were sure about him taking you right there, since he would have took your virginity too.
You answered yes again: “Just be gentle!”
He caressed you sweetly, like he was almost afraid to hurt you. “Of course hun, I’ll be as gentle as I can!” He got closer to you and grabbed your body. “Come on over here hun, sit on daddy’s cock!” You crawled to his lap and sat on his cock. He hesitated for a moment before slowly let it inside of you, feeling your tightness and wetness. He guided you gently, afraid of hurting you. “That’s it hun, if you feel bad stop me, ok? I’ll take it slow and make sure you’re confortable.”
You tried not to cry as he pushed more. “I-it hurts daddy…I can’t…”
“You’re meant to feel a lil’ burn hun, it’ll be over soon and it’ll be worth it!”
He took your body and moved it up and down, making his cock gently going in and out of your wet pussy. “That’s it hun, good girl, you’re doing so fine…let me guide ya! My God, you’re so tight…relax…” he said, groaning between each word. His sounds excited you even more. You grabbed his body, trying not to cry for the pain, but it soon turned into something else. It was pure pleasure, as time went by, your pussy stretched out to welcome him.
“I love you…it’s incredible to have you inside of me!” you said. He kissed you deeply, making his tongue dancing with yours. Then he started to massage your breasts, squeezing your nipples in his fingers as he kept fucking you. Suddenly you gasped for air. Tthat pressure that was growing inside you were about to explode, as he moved so well to touch your g-point with every thrust. “Make me cum daddy!” you shouted to him as he paced up his moving, in and out of you, making you moan in pleasure like you never did before. You felt waves of pleasure hitting you, as your body shook from head to toes, making you moan louder and louder. He looked at you satisfied of his work: “God baby…you’re really enjoying my cock inside of you...keep moaning for daddy, let me feel how much you’re in pleasure!”
“Daddy I’m…I’m cumin’…don’t stop…”
“I won’t…let me feel you around my cock baby!”. Those words gave you the last urge to release all your feelings and your pressure on him. You arched your back letting out a loud scream as you cum for the first time in your life. You felt your walls trembling and squeezing around his cock. “Oh..God!”
“Atta girl…that’s what daddy wanted from ya! Ya came so well, squeezing my cock like a lil’ slut! And now…it’s daddy’s turn!” His thrusts became faster as he cums inside of you. “Holy shit! Yesss!” He grunted loudly, holding himself deep inside of you as he released his hot sticky cum inside your womb. “Goddd!” he collapsed on your shoulder, panting heavily, trying to breath. Then he pulled out slowly, leaving you empty and exhausted. Some of your combined juices dropped out of your pussy as he lay next to you kissing you lovingly. “Thank ya for being mine tonight!  I want to know if you’re serious about being mine forever, even if we go through hard times like any other couple does. I need to know that you’re willing to stick by me, no matter what, even if things get really hard…I need to hear ya say it!”
“I promise!”
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uselssdishwasher · 2 years
SIR- SIR Please don’t look at me like that I can’t take it. And that Growl?! What?! 😳😳😳
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ladelinee · 5 months
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lustnhim · 5 months
elvis in the 68’ comeback special) 𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩
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𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩
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my elvis obsession just keeps getting worse everyday- i actually think i need to be put down tbh.
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presley4president · 16 days
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lilmisspeaches · 3 months
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ red !!
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ i wanna play house with you !! ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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livylivss · 4 months
I have no words 🫢
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hooked-on-elvis · 8 months
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Ready, honey? C'mon!
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;elvis fairytales for a princess
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someday, we’ll be together 🫧
student!elvis x new student!reader
let me be your teddy bear 18+
sub!naive!elvis x experienced!reader
buttered and sweet bread piece 🫧
captain!presley x maiden!reader
fools 18+ army!elvis x insecure!fem!reader
stay 18+
army!elvis x Virgin!inexperienced!fem!reader
flowers 🫧
insecure!big daddy elvis x reader
ladies night 18+
Las Vegas!elvis x gn!reader
pure filth 18+
sexy!elvis x sex worker!fem!reader
mani and pedi 18+
big daddy elvis x fem!reader
sweet sensation 18+
manager!elvis x fem!reader
don’t be cruel 18+
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uselssdishwasher · 2 years
This man won’t let me rest
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His smile, the jokes, the laugh. We sure were born in the wrong era. 😍😍🙏🙏😏😏Credit original owner
Video from caresaboutEP IG
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suraemoon · 11 months
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🎬 “it was just like a movie. it was just like a song.” 🎶
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coolthingsguyslike · 1 year
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presley4president · 2 days
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I’m drooling
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