#embrace that
birdinabowl · 4 months
Honestly stop defending Mapleshade and embrace the fact her actions aren’t redeemable, let her just be evil
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autisticandroids · 3 years
being gay makes you evil is actually a fine aesop to have if your thing is like "being evil is cool and fine actually"
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oh man ok so i keep seeing a lot of debate about people playing oc’s and the very real struggle it is to sometimes be valued/accepted/considered a valid rp partner. for all you ocs out there, here’s my advice:
if someone doesnt want to rp with you bc youre an oc, theyre not worth your time. 
if someone makes you feel inadequate bc youre an oc, theyre not  worth your time
if someone makes you feel as though your writing is somehow lesser because it manifests through an oc, theyre not worth your time
anyone that treats with you anything less than respect and anyone who treats you poorly because youre an oc is a waste of your time and energy and thought
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tmisos · 9 years
reblog if ur a nerd
any type of nerd man like anything you do that u consider nerdy deserves a reblog
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Tell me things that mean a lot to you
I don’t care if we’ve never talked- tell me your favorite poem, song, artist, picture, place in the world, smell, anything that means something to you
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humanityinahandbag · 9 years
Today seems like a day that everyone on Tumblr is just making sure that everyone else on Tumblr feels like the most important person in the world.
And I am a-okay with this.
To all my followers- you are important. You matter. You are special and kind and wonderful.
This does not make you better than the person next to you. It makes you a different kind of wonderful on your own. So don’t look beside you to confirm that your worth is more. Look at yourself and know just how amazing you are all on your own.
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hoeratiomccoy · 9 years
there's so much drama and salty opinions on my dash today can y'all ever just chill and realize that nothing truly matters
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galren · 9 years
stop feeling guilty for liking things that aren’t harmful
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anima-mente · 9 years
There is a big difference between loving yourself and being egotistical.
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mesii · 10 years
see, this is the thing I love about love
when you see someone again, after a day, a week, a month, whatever, and your heart jumps
and you smile
and it can be a real person in your real life
or it can be someone in your fangirling-universe
it doesn't really matter
the feeling is the same
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i-tremble-blog · 10 years
You can see my face, you can read my words, but you will never know my thoughts, my dreams, or my nightmares.
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whenandwhereienter · 11 years
I'm sorry...Brooke is about to get her feelings hurt with this album thing. She needs to stick to what she's good at because singing is not that. Her sales will be exactly the girls on the team and her family. That's a max of like...50 people. That joint will go double plastic and drop off the face of the earth. 
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poes-ghosts · 11 years
Okay, I've decided that this will be directly linked up to my Youtube.. and I'm going to start ranting. And you're all going to hate me... because this is my life...
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smukkedansker · 12 years
(omfg when Norway and I (and soon-Sweden) move in together in a few months I just yes. I will buy delicious coffee and have the pot to myself (because Norway is actually anti-coffee.) and I don't have to worry about MY MOTHER STEALING THE ENTIRE THING OF COFFEE AND PICKING REALLY GROSS ROASTS.)
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4vienne · 12 years
some people who watch breaking bad
do we even watch the same show because wow u guys r dumb
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