petermorwood · 6 months
This Reply by @neil-gaiman reminded me of two things:
(1) How much I despised doing, and avoiding, compulsory Games / Sports / Gym / PE / PT / Whatever.
(2) That I never, ever have to do, or avoid, compulsory Whatever again in my life.
I spent my whole school career avoiding them, and forged sick notes which helped that avoidance were the first really successful fiction-writing of my life.
I also learned that when acting the part of someone with a sprained ankle, a tiny stone in the appropriate shoe was a good reminder of which ankle to limp on, while an air of suffering bravely borne was always more convincing if that air was scented with a faint hint of the embrocation rubbed into one sock.
Neil didn't mention the effects of time of year or weather, but both were frequent entries in My List Of Unpleasing Things About Games.
Leaving out PT / Gym / PE or whatever, which was indoors and - thanks to the solidity of the equipment - a weekly source of sprains, strains, bruises, mild concussion and deep loathing, my old school used to observe Ye Olde Academic terms and their associated sporting pleasures.
This says something about which I'm not quite sure, and I see it's replaced them with plain old Autumn-Spring-Summer Term, which says something else about which I'm even less sure.
So there was Michaelmas Term (August to Christmas), and rugby.
A soggy school rugby pitch in Northern Ireland in November, halfway through the game with the pitch well churned up, the daylight fading, the rain turning to sleet and every other member of both teams still (a) Too Large and (b) Too Keen, was a reluctant 12-year-old's equivalent of Flanders Fields on the Western Front ca. 1916.
(No artillery or machine-guns, but (a) and (b) were quite enough.)
I was also a skinny reluctant 12-year-old - those who know me now can believe that or not as you please - and the icy breezes which whistled unimpeded up, across and down the legs of my too-baggy-now-but-he'll-grow-into-them shorts were at least one cause of a lifelong fondness for saunas, hot tubs and steam baths.
Then there was Hilary Term (January to Easter) and field hockey.
That was when the School Armoury issued hockey sticks and sent us forth onto the Artificial Pitch, which wasn't as muddy as the grass-covered rugby one but could produce amazing scabby knees and elbows after a tumble at speed, either after the ball or more often away from the opposition's bloody-minded front row.
Being artificial, rainwater didn't soak in but just sat there in puddles, and sometimes in early term they froze hard enough that field hockey could become ice hockey in the space of a couple of strides, cue another tumble and more scabs. Oh yes, and my shorts were still too baggy, so icy breezes in unwanted places continued to be an ongoing delight.
And then there was Trinity Term (post-Easter to July) and field athletics then cricket, AKA liveliness meets somnolence.
That was when the sky became increasingly blue, the birdies sang tweet-tweet, the sun shone more often, the air became noticeably warmer and anyone with sense enjoyed as much of the soon-to-be-summer days as worries about impending End-Of-Term exams allowed.
It was also a time for field athletics until Half-Term, featuring long-jumps, high-jumps and runs of various speed and duration.
We re-learned every year that it was possible to get a nasty sunburn even in a Northern Ireland May, that unless the groundskeeper raked the sand in the long-jump pit properly there would be at least one souvenir from a local cat, that sweat could break out with the least exertion because sunny and humid were frequently simultaneous, and that horseflies were always ready to sample new blood and the way they got that blood was a painful process.
It still is.
After Half-Term it was cricket, which combined disinterested boredom and pointless intermittent activity at a nearly Zen level with me being very, very bad at it.
I was no good as a bowler, I could throw straight or I could throw hard, but throwing hard and straight at the same time was something I never seemed to master.
Oh dear.
I was no good as a batsman, I tended to step out and slosh so the ball went in all directions, including on a couple of occasions straight up and straight down again, though not high enough or for long enough to get any runs.
What a shame.
I was no good as a wicketkeeper because I was more butterfingered than a clumsy dairymaid, and what I didn't drop I would handle wrongly, like that time I made what would have been a perfect catch except I fumbled it and knocked the stumps down before, not after.
My incompetence at everything up close was Really Quite Remarkable, so I was invariably sent out to one of the deep field positions where, unless something Silly happened, I could be safely ignored and - if the grass was long enough - I would be ignored whatever happened.
I read a lot of good books that way.
Not a single one was about sport.
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une-sanz-pluis · 3 months
As was the case during Henry VI's prolonged collapse, such measures were also deemed therapeutic. The royal letters patent of April 1454, permitting the king's physicians and surgeons to treat him during his first sustained period of mental incapacity, sanctioned the provision of 'laxative medicines in whatever form seems most effective, clysters, suppositories, medicines for clearing the head, gargles, complete or partial baths, poultices, fomentations, embrocations, shaving of the head, ointments, plasters, waxes, cupping - with or without cutting the skin - and inducements to bleeding', most of which should have been administered by his two designated surgeons, Master Robert Wareyn and John Marshall. It is, however, worth noting that they were assisted by Thomas Belwel, a Frenchman who had been naturalised by royal letters patent in February 1443, having already found employment as a yeoman surgeon to the crown. No doubt because she wished to be treated by a compatriot, Margaret of Anjou retained him formally herself four years later at a fee of 106s. 8d. a year. She clearly intended to keep a watchful eye on the course of Henry's illness by adding him to the official team of practitioners entrusted with his cure. Belwel and his two colleagues were eventually rewarded with a gift of £20 in 1460, 'for special labour and diligence doon aboute our persone', although by then it was evident that Henry needed more than humoral therapy to restore his damaged faculties."
Carole Rawcliffe, "Master Surgeons in the Lancastrian Court", in The Lancastrian Court (Shaun Tyas 2003)
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cloudbeardy · 9 months
Kingdom Come Deliverance Alchemy Recipes
This is a list of all the alchemy recipes in the game. There seems to be a lot of mistakes around as to what the different recipes actually require, this to such a degree that even the books in the game contains them, as well as the fandom wikis. I can't promise that these recipes are all correct, but they have worked for me, both when it comes to unlocking the recipes as well as unlocking the auto-brew option.
The first step of brewing starts with adding a base to the cauldron. This is a free ingredient at every alchemy station. They are: Water, Wine, Oil and Spirits.
When I mention boiling for a certain amount of turns, I usually define 1 turn as 3 pulls on the bellow, until the bubbling has once again stopped. Multiply this by as many turns as you need. Worth noting that you need to add 1 extra pull if the fire isn't lit or has gone out.
When you get the Trial And Error perk, it is also quite safe to stop boiling entirely, which makes the brewing process a lot faster.
Some of the recipes mention letting the mixture cool before continuing. I usually find it adequate to wait until the bubbling has stopped, but you can try to wait until the fire has gone out too if you are having problems.
Potions that are needed for quests:
Fake Blood (DLC)
Musk Of Infinite Allure (DLC)
Remedy For Merhojed
Recipes For Leveling Up Fast:
Bowman's Brew
Spirits, 2x Eyebright, 1x St. John's Wort
Add Spirits
Add 2x Eyebright
Add 1x St. John's Wort
Don't Distill
Digestive Potion
Spirits, 2x Chamomile, 1x Mint
Add Spirits
Add 2x Chamomile
Add 1x Mint
Don't Distill
Water, 1x Nettle, 2x Marigold
Add Water
Add 1x Nettle
Add 2x Marigold
Don't Distill
Ingredients: Oil, 1x Thistle, 2x Herb Paris
Add Oil
Add 1x Thistle
Add 2x Herb Paris
Don't Distill
Regular Recipes:
Aesop Potion
Spirits, 1x Wormwood, 1x Wild Boar's Tusk, 1x Comfrey. 1x Belladonna
Add Spirits
Add 1x Wormwood
Add 1x Wild Boar's Tusk
Boil for 2 turns
Grind 1x Comfrey
Add ground Comfrey
Add 1x Belladonna
Amor Potion
Wine, 1x Antlers, 1x Marigold, 1x Chamomile, 1x Wormwood
Add Wine
Add 1x Antlers
Boil for 1 turn
Add 1x Marigold
Add 1x Chamomile
Boil for 1 turn
Grind 1x Wormwood
Add ground Wormwood
Don't distill
Water, 2x Thistle, 1x Nettle, 1x Charcoal
Add Water
Add 2x Thistle
Boil for 2 turns
Add 1x Nettle
Boil for 1 turn
Let Cool
Add 1x Charcoal
Don't distill
Aqua Vitalis
Water, 2x Dandelion, 1x Marigold
Add Water
Add 2x Dandelion
Boil for 1 turn
Grind 1x Marigold
Add ground Marigold
Boil for 1 turn
Artemisia Potion
Spirits, 1x Sage, 2x Wormwood
Add Spirits
Add 1x Sage
Boil for 1 turn
Grind 2x Wormwood
Add ground Wormwood
Boil for 2 turns
Bane Potion
Wine, 1x Wormwood, 2x Belladonna, 1x Fly Agaric
Add Wine
Add 1x Wormwood
Boil for 2 turns
Let Cool
Grind 2x Belladonna
Add ground Belladonna
Add 1x Fly Agaric
Bard Potion
Oil, 1x Nettle, 1x St. John's Wort, 1x Belladonna, 1x Charcoal
Add Oil
Grind 1x Nettle
Grind 1x St. John's Wort
Add ground Nettle and St. John's Wort
Add 1x Belladonna
Boil for 2 turns
Add 1x Charcoal
Don't distill
Bivoj's Rage Potion
Wine, 2x Sage, 1x Wormwood, 1x Cave Mushroom
Add Wine
Add 2x Sage
Boil for 2 turns
Grind 1x Wormwood
Add ground Wormwood
Add 1x Cave Mushroom
Bowman's Brew
Spirits, 2x Eyebright, 1x St. John's Wort
Add Spirits
Add 2x Eyebright
Boil for 1 turn
Grind 1x St. John's Wort
Add ground St. John's Wort
Buck's Blood Potion
Oil, 1x St. John's Wort, 1x Comfrey, 1x Dandelion
Add Oil
Grind 1x St. John's Wort
Add ground St. John's Wort
Add 1x Comfrey
Boil for 1 turn
Add 1x Dandelion
Don't distill
Chamomile Brew (DLC)
Water, 2x Chamomile, 1x Sage
Add Water
Add 2x Chamomile
Boil for 2 turns
Add 1x Sage
Don't distill
Cockerel Potion
Spirits, 2x Mint, 1x Valerian
Add Spirits
Grind 2x Mint
Add ground Mint
Boil for 1 turn
Add 1x Valerian
Boil for 2 turns
Digestive Potion
Spirits, 2x Chamomile, 1x Mint
Add Spirits
Grind 2x Chamomile
Add ground Chamomile
Add 1x Mint
Boil for 1 turn
Don't distill
Dollmaker Potion
Spirits, 2x Herb Paris, 1x Valerian
Add Spirits
Add 2x Herb Paris
Boil for 3 turns
Grind 1x Valerian
Add ground Valerian
Oil, 1x Poppy, 1x Valerian, 1x Eyebright, 1x Wild Boar's Tusk
Add Oil
Add 1x Poppy
Add 1x Valerian
Boil for 2 turns
Grind 1x Eyebright
Add ground Eyebright
Add 1x Wild Boar's Tusk
Don't distill
Fake Blood (DLC)
Wine, 1x Poppy, 1x Thistle, 1x St. John's Wort
Add Wine
Grind 1x Poppy
Grind 1x Thistle
Grind 1x St. John's Wort
Add ground Poppy, Thistle and St. John's Wort
Boil for 1 turn
Don't distill
Hair O' The Dog Potion
Water, 1x St. John's Wort, 1x Sage, 1x Mint
Add Water
Add 1x St. John's wort
Add 1x Sage
Boil for 3 turns
Grind 1x Mint
Add ground Mint
Don't distill
Lazarus Potion
Water, 1x Valerian, 2x Comfrey
Add Water
Add 1x Valerian
Boil for 1 turn
Grind 2x Comfrey
Add ground Comfrey
Boil for 1 turn
Lethean Water
Spirits, 2x Wormwood, 1x Belladonna, 1x Fly Agaric
Add Spirits
Grind 2x Wormwood
Add ground Wormwood
Add 1x Belladonna
Boil for 3 turns
Add 1x Fly Agaric
Lullaby Potion
Oil, 1x Poppy, 1x Thistle, 1x Herb Paris
Add Oil
Add 1x Poppy
Boil for 1 turn
Add 1x Thistle
Boil for 1 turn
Let cool
Add 1x Herb Paris
Don't distill
Marigold Decoction
Water, 1x Nettle, 2x Marigold
Add Water
Add 1x Nettle
Boil for 1 turn
Let cool
Add 2x Marigold
Don't distill
Spirits, 1x St. John's Wort, 1x Sage, 1x Mint
Add Spirits
Add 1x St. John's Wort
Boil for 1 turn
Grind 1x Sage
Grind 1x Mint
Add ground Sage and Mint
Boil for 1 turn
Musk Of Infinite Allure (DLC)
Water, 1x Sage, 1x Marigold, 1x Comfrey, 1x Cave Mushroom
Add Water
Grind 1x Sage
Add ground Sage
Boil for 3 turns
Add 1x Marigold
Add 1x Comfrey
Boil for 1 turn
Add 1x Cave Mushroom
Don't distill
Nighthawk Potion
Water, 2x Eyebright, 1x Belladonna, 1x Cave Mushroom
Add Water
Grind 2x Eyebright
Add ground Eyebright
Add 1x Belladonna
Boil for 3 turns
Add 1x Cave Mushroom
Padfoot Potion
Water, 1x Cobweb, 1x Eyebright, 1x Valerian, 1x Chamomile
Add Water
Add 1x Cobweb
Add 1x Eyebright
Boil for 3 turns
Grind 1x Valerian
Add ground Valerian
Boil for 1 turn
Grind 1x Chamomile
Add ground Chamomile
Oil, 1x Thistle, 2x Herb Paris
Add Oil
Add 1x Thistle
Boil for 1 turn
Let cool
Add 2x Herb Paris
Don't distill
Oil, 1x Mint, 1x Nettle, 1x St. John's Wort
Add Oil
Grind 1x Mint
Grind 1x Nettle
Add ground Mint and Nettle
Boil for 1 turn
Add 1x St. John's Wort
Don't distill
Remedy For Merhojed
Water, 2x Thistle, 1x Valerian, 1x Charcoal
Add Water
Add 2x Thistle
Boil for 2 turns
Add 1x Valerian
Boil for 1 turn
Let cool
Add 1x Charcoal
Don't distill
Saviour Schnapps
Wine, 1x Nettle, 2x Belladonna
Add Wine
Add 1x Nettle
Boil for 2 turns
Grind 2x Belladonna
Add ground Belladonna
Boil for 1 turn
Don't distill
Witch Potion
Oil, 1x Herb Paris, 1x Marigold, 1x Belladonna
Add Oil
Add 1x Herb Paris
Boil for 1 turn
Grind 1x Marigold
Add ground Marigold
Boil for 1 turn
Grind 1x Belladonna
Add ground Belladonna
Don't distill
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A Gesture
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Aldereyes grimaced, more in annoyance than in pain as he walked with a slight limp toward the medicine den. He pushed through the fern tunnel and flopped onto the nearest empty nest with a grunt. "Thunderclan are a bunch of cox-combs!"
Myrtlewing didn't look up from the poultice he was making for Wolfburn, who was asleep in a corner.
Aldereyes's tail flicked to and fro in irritation. Then, still annoyed, he decided to stand and paced back and forth along the small clearing. "We found them just laying on our side of the Thunderpath. Said that they were going to claim it, and that Stormstar wouldn't win against them in battle anyway, so why bother waiting!"
"Did they hold up on that promise?" Myrtlewing asked, padding over to Wolfburn. Dipping his toe into the liquid he had made, he rubbed the ointment on Wolfburn's old burns, which needed embrocation at least once a moon to prevent the skin from stiffening up.
Aldereyes lifted his chin, pride warming him. "What do you think?"
Myrtlewing rolled his eyes, but smiled in amusement. "So should I be stocking up on wound-supplies?"
Aldereyes snorted, settling back into the nest. He was certain that it was only the three young morons who wanted to cause trouble. It hadn't taken much for Aldereyes, Rainbur, and Hootpetal to drive them back with their tails between their legs. He couldn't imagine why Thunderclan would want trouble. It was Green-leaf, and prey and herbs were both plentiful. Even so, he knew that Shadowclan was strong right now, and could handle the challenge if it faced them. "You do your job? I could never ask such a rare occurrence of you! Ow!" he added with a hiss when Myrtlewing–who had now gathered supplies for Aldereyes–pressed an ointment hard into a scratch.
"Oh, sorry," Myrtlewing mumbled.
Aldereyes raised a paw, flexing his claws threateningly. "Maybe we can have another bout of training."
"No, you should rest. It must have been hard spending all day actually doing stuff instead of lazing about in my den."
"Lazing about?" Aldereyes repeated incredulously.
Myrtlewing only grinned. Instead of replying, he asked "is anyone else hurt?"
"Only minor scratches," Aldereyes told him. "They're picking up some fresh-kill they buried before the whole thing. Try to look professional when they get here," he added, flicking at a tuft of fur sticking out on top of Myrtlewing's head.
"Whatever you say," Myrtlewing murmured, ducking. He walked once again to his herbs, before picking out a dark red flower kept in one cleft on its own. He brought it back and dropped it at Aldereyes's paws. "Don't eat it."
Aldereyes blinked at the plant. "What is it?" It was nothing he remembered being used as an herb before, either on himself or on someone who happened to be in the den while he talked with Myrtlewing.
"A mouse."
Aldereyes huffed. "I can eat a mouse. What can I do with this?"
Myrtlewing shrugged, irking Aldereyes further. "Put it in your nest."
Aldereyes nodded sarcastically. "Yes, a pretty nest is just the thing I need, it will solve all my problems!"
"So you think it's pretty?" Myrtlewing's voice was twirling in mirth.
Aldereyes stuttered. He wasn't soft! "No! I–well that's the thing about flowers, isn't it? Everyone knows that!" He studied the flower, rolling it in his paws. "Is it a new herb?"
"Just something I wanted to give you," Myrtlewing told him.
Aldereyes's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "What's wrong with it?"
"It smells, doesn't it? Or it makes me smell, or it'll attract bees and wasps."
"Flowers tend to do that."
"So why give it to me?"
Myrtlewing shrugged again, more exasperated this time. "Can't I do a nice thing?"
"Of course you can, but I seriously doubt that you did. Wait, let me guess–you were wandering around uselessly and then suddenly remembered that you have to actually do your job and gather herbs, so you grabbed the closest thing nearby, not even realizing that it wasn't anything useful until now, and now you want to get rid of it by messing with me. How close am I?"
"Very off," Myrtlewing grumbled. "I'm starting to regret giving that to you. It was just a gesture, but if you don't like it, I can take it back." He moved to grab the flower. Aldereyes held it in a paw and lifted it up, rubbing the stem between his toes.
"A gesture of what?"
"Does it matter?"
Aldereyes was about to reply when a shadow fell over him. He glanced over to see that Hootpetal and Rainbur had returned, and were standing in the den entrance, waiting to be treated.
"What's that?" Hootpetal asked with a tilt of her head, gazing at the dark flower.
"A gift for Aldereyes," Myrtlewing answered before the golden tom could. "He was just about to leave with it. Weren't you?"
"Of course," Aldereyes grumbled with a fake smile. To Myrtlewing, he added in a low voice, "if this does something, I will pummel you into the dirt," to which Myrtlewing responded with a simple "I'm sure."
With that, Aldereyes brushed past his Clanmates and into the main clearing, holding an unfamiliar plant in his jaws and wondering what on Starclan's name he was supposed to do with it, and why he had it at all.
--AMAZING ART DONE BY THE LOVELY R1ISER63 HERE: https://www.deviantart.com/r1iser63/art/A-Gesture-Raffle-Prize-971974413
--Both Myrtle and Alder actually do work a lot, they just like making fun of each other.
--Just to be clear, Myrtlewing wasn't like "awww you think it's pretty?" he just knows Alder hates others thinking he's soft and was poking fun.
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taminoarticles · 2 years
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— Tamino for Libération, 2018 (x) (Original French text)
Tamino, Amir do you hear...
Still unknown last year, the young Belgian singer of Egyptian origin wants to be circumspect in the face of the announced success.
by Gilles Renault, photo Marleen Daniels for “Liberation”published on October 26, 2018 at 5:06 p.m.(updated at 6:10 p.m.)
To well-born souls, value not waiting for the number of years, here comes another Belgian kid knocking at the door of musical fame. The Walloon Infanta Angèle, barely hatched in the light song department for children, likely to titillate the grown-ups, makes way for Tamino, 22, an indifferently Flemish - and mixed-blood - replica of a strong magnitude within an industry in perpetual quest for fresh flesh.
As recently as last year, the three syllables only referred to the Oriental Prince of The Magic Flute, a Mozartian hero pursued by a snake and saved by the Queen of the Night who, in return, commissions him to fly to the aid of her daughter. However, by the grace of the nickname connoted, the obliging ephebe becomes, in 2018, one of the most serious hopes of the European pop scene, ready to capsize the choirs.
A hundred and eighty-eight centimeters of haughty youth, swaddled in an endless black sweater (and unwearable, for a quidam) branded Ann Demeulemeester, matching the flagrant charm of a dark romanticism à la Louis Garrel, Amir Moharam Fouad wears handsome with his left ear ring. But does not seem to make much of it, in the art-deco house surrounded by greenery of the maternal grandparents, where he gives audience on his land, in Antwerp, a few days before the international release of a much awaited first album "based on a harmonious blend of oppositions, hot - cold, bright - dark, western - eastern…”.
Indeed, for months in Belgium first, then in France and elsewhere, all the halls and festivals (Printemps de Bourges, Rock en Seine, Montreux) have been rolling out the red carpet in front of the steep romanticism of the precocious English-speaking prodigy. Germinated in the spring, a song, Habibi, was enough to raise the temperature, an embrocation steeped in spleen, climbing so cheerfully in the treble that it revived this flame once fanned by the late Jeff Buckley - to stick to a filiation which he cannot escape. Since then, the fever has not gone down.
Sitting on a big gym ball behind the grandfather's desk, the neo-crooner deceives it without hesitation, while taking care to maintain the private sphere within a security perimeter: it will be necessary to be satisfied with the minimum service - "a girlfriend, for a long time" - in the taste buds department. Just as the hypothesis of a meeting at home was politely dismissed, on the grounds that the Antwerp apartment into which he moved a year ago hardly represents him, fault, already caught up in the whirlwind of concerts and the recording of the disc, to have had time to open all the boxes.
Conversely, Tamino rightly feels at home in the home of Lucas and “Nonna” Gerda, affectionate ancestors who still brood over the infant whose sleepless hours were brushed with Mozart. The little boy who “transformed the living room into a place of theatrical performance”. The child "often in his bubble who, eager for reading, promised to one day transform into films the stories that captivated him". Then the teenager who, having no Christmas present to offer his grandmother, "went to her room for an hour, writing her a song at a moment's notice" - whose framed manuscript is now hanging on the wall.
Going back in the annals, we come across another Moharam Fouad who, on stage, once caused syncope. Adored actor and prolific singer (his track record counts 900 tunes), the roucouleur who died in 2002 was one of the Egyptian figures of the golden age of Arabic song, in the 60s and 70s. Dogs don't make cats; Tamino has a deep respect for his paternal grandfather, whose guitar he now uses like a talisman; while specifying to have been especially marked, child, by the melodic unction of John Lennon, or the considerations on the life, the love and the friendship of the Prophet, of the Lebanese author Khalil Gibran.
“If I have a role to play today, it's that of a unifier through my music. A large part of the evils that overwhelm our society comes from the ignorance that generates these prejudices fueling rejection and racism", extrapolates the "citizen of the world", not stingy with clichés for which he apologizes, while praising a spirituality kindly abstruse, based on a transcendence that defies monotheisms.
Growing up in a land where the Vlaams Belang - the Flemish far-right party - is fanning the embers of intolerance, Tamino - who, due to his young age, won't vote for the first time in his life until next year , to the municipal ones - prefers to appeal to the weighting. “Certainly, with my head and my name, I know that in the event of a random identity check, in a crowd, it will undoubtedly fall on me. But to be frank, I must admit that I have never had to suffer from discrimination for all that”, assures the ephebe, born of a Belgian mother, anthropologist, and an Egyptian father working today in events, who separate when he is just 3 years old - and his little brother has just been born (two half-brothers will follow, one on each side).
Retaining the "friendliness and open-mindedness" of the first, and the "humor" of the second - a moment lost sight of and today requalified as an excellent "friend" - Tamino assures, as far as he remembers, always wanting to be an artist. Even though the study of languages and behavioral sciences do not leave the high school student indifferent, music is indeed very quickly imposed on his eyes - and his ears - as the "most natural way of expressing himself". The shyness overcome at the conservatory of Amsterdam, where he will perfect his scales at the age of 17, Tamino nevertheless continues to appreciate this loneliness which, in the past, encouraged him to "stay two hours hidden reading under the desk of the grandfather". Or to take refuge in phantasmagoria, at this age when, ordinarily, boys seriously begin to stare at girls.
"Still today, isolation is not displeasing to me, and I know very well how to adapt to silence", certifies the seed of star, whose sincerity does not seem subject to caution. Without this preventing him from adding, a little later in the exchange, that he would see no incompatibility therewith with the fact of "becoming the new Bono". A brazenness that hastens to defuse an ingenuous smile, pushing away the still distant specter of disappointed hopes.
October 24, 1996 Born in Mortsel (Belgium).
2017 Release of the song Habibi in Belgium and first big concert, at the Werchter festival.
October 19, 2018 Release of the album Amir.
November 19 Concert at the Café de la danse (full).
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26 and 39 from the kissing prompt !
Thank you so much for the prompt, anon! Just as in the previous prompt, in this one, I will drop scenes that I might include in the future chapters of my fic (26), or scenes that I have already published but a little bit altered (39)! 💖
26. Brushing a kiss along the shell of the other person’s ear. (Warning: this one contains slightly sexy themes, so just in case, I put it under the NSFW label)
It is rare for her when she chooses to dress in gowns, Miraak realizes. And even rarer is when she lets her hair fall free to her waist, thick and fiery. And he cannot tell what it is that he looks at so intently now, with a wildfire blazing in his eyes––her breathtaking ethereal dress, made of white spun silk and satin, or her body clearly outlined through it, is dazzling his mind?
Not holding back the flame that burns his heart with alight eros, he comes to stand behind her back as she combs her hair, and slowly sliding his hands around her waist, Jia stops all movement, and the breath destined for her lungs snares itself by her throat. She feels his own breath kindling her neck as he leans over her a thousand kisses––one of them brushes along the shell of her ear, and low and hoarse, Miraak tells her, "I like you inside this gown," and gently slipping its thin straps from her shoulders, her airy dress without a sound falls down at her feet. And then, he whispers again, "But I like you even more without it."
39. Kissing tears from the other’s face.
"What–what did you do?" It is her voice that shakes, and while she considers herself abundant in self-control, her eyes deceive anew, and they blur––so much that Miraak thinks he sees two little magelights trapped within, but instead of silver, they glistened gold. And then, all the emotion she swallows again and again and again until her throat is scraped and almost bleeds, becomes tears that roll down her cheeks like rivers endless.
I saved you! He wants to scream with all the power his soul begets until he tears his own lungs in pieces with his Voice. I saved you when Arkay wronged you, and instead of his breath of life, he condemned you with the embrocation of death. I saved you when you were born small and fragile, like a withered leaf blustered by the wind, with heart and lungs frail. And I touched you and whispered that I offer you my Light and everything along with it... And I saw our souls become a majestic crescent growing over your cradle into a sun and a moon, linked together. Because you see, we are written in the skies eternally, you and me. And as the sun chases the elusive moon but never encounters it, just as your soul searched mine between Nirn and Oblivion. But we were sealed with an extramundane promise to meet again... 
And Miraak comes nearer and nestles her face inside his hands and desperately kisses her cheeks, his lips moving along with the saltiness of her tears, drinking them away––and he tightens her in a heated embrace and finds her once more. 
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mega2wheellife · 2 years
as they are
whoever wrote
girls are made of sugar & spice
& all things nice
had very obviously
never lived with one
as they are
seems to me (who has)
composed of dead tissues
to be left in their wake
on the floor
beside under & in the bed
book piles
that will be read
when they have the time
ditto magazines
of potions pills
unguents of varying kinds
make-up wipes
bought to be left unused
discarded at a later time
empty jewellery boxes
hair pins that find
their way into corners
or into my feet
tweezers in the bathroom
lotions salves balms
embrocations if you please
girls are made of these
neil benbow
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acushopeu · 1 year
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aronasouris · 2 years
Is Travel Replacing Retail Therapy For Today’s Millennials?
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Although this might sound far-fetched at first, as shopping is a faster and often a cheaper way of spending one’s money as compared to travelling, however, with the recent Covid-19 crisis, the volatility and uncertainty surrounding the travel landscape and policies, the travel sector is now seeing higher consumptions.
Over the past decade, there has been a rise in travelling to gain experience. Many industries have also discussed the growing popularity of this rising class of consumers who seek and value experiences.
There is a consensus held on the fact that while the generation ‘Baby Boomers’ (born 1946-64) ensured necessities (housing, education & security) for themselves and their offspring, ‘Gen X’ (born 1965-1980) didn’t feel the need to worry about the necessities and instead worked towards attaining material quality of their lives (bigger houses, cars, superior education, and achieving financial stability and comfort.) Millennials purely live for the experiences that life has to offer.
The majority of the research we run using our futuriZm technique to understand future consumers show that a small group of consumers will start the trend, and eventually the rest of the market will follow suit. The contemporary generation eagerly anticipates experiences and prioritises making memories.
A few distinct trends that are picking up could shape the future of leisure travel.
Recently Evolved Travel Trends Revitalising The Industry:
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Growing in importance for the travel sector is China. In 2019 alone, over 155 million visitors spent more than $250 billion outside of its boundaries, making it the top source of international travellers before Covid-19. A floodgate is expected to open when China opens its borders to travellers who are currently deprived of global travel. So it comes as no surprise that the Gulf States are negotiating special terms with Chinese officials to establish more routes.
Proximity Travel:
Commonly referred to as ‘staycations,’ is the practice of travelling to locations nearby for a short break. Brands are actively seeking out close-by travellers and developing packages with unique features in response to the shortfalls in air traffic when air travel is not yet operating at its peak (or pre-COVID level) capacity. Understanding this market's needs is crucial to giving travel businesses the swift boost they require to resume their halted pace.
Revenge Travel:
With "escape" on their minds, consumers are coming out of lockdowns with a new, intensive post-pandemic type of travel bucket list. Travel for retribution has become popular, either to make up for lost ground or to comfort their pandemic-bound selves of the lockdown imposed upon them. Understanding the needs of these segments is crucial as they may differ drastically from the regular travellers. They may want to experience nature, culture, lifestyle, heritage, entertainment, a combination of these, or something else entirely.
A "friendcation," that allows one to take a fly-and-flop trip with peers, is growing in popularity. This enables you to go on vacation on a budget, much like going Dutch while dining out with friends. After all, budget is a driving factor when it comes to making travel plans. Buddymoon greatly aids in controlling it.
Much like Buddymoon, which is mostly associated with men, embrocation involves both independent men and women travelling in groups that are growing in popularity. Brands need to consider these groups alongside families and ask themselves if they are fit to accommodate their needs.
While the concept isn’t new, mixing business with leisure is certainly evolving. Previously, business travels used to get over before the weekend began (Luggers filling a Friday evening, and Thursdays for most Gulf markets). Today business trips include parties and leisure and adventure activities too. Hotels that generally cater to business stays may want to look into amenities suited for leisure stays too.
Offbeat Travel:
This is a fresh approach to travel that seeks out “underrated” remote locales away from areas over-saturated with tourists, where life is more relaxed and languid. The travel sector can take advantage of this tendency to meet a dispersed demand. Tourists travel to off-beat locations to enjoy the experience, mix with the locals and avoid crowds.
Also known as the mini-sabbatical – it’s longer than your average holiday and the chance to find a new vocation while on vacation, perhaps as part of the ‘great resignation’. The industry can create great value by devising offers which cater to this trend which is different from the short-term travellers.
You can capture insights into the evolving travel trends with innovation and new-age market research from Borderless Access. The solutions under BA Insightz use the latest tech-driven methodologies that identify patterns in travel behaviour. They gather actionable data for brands on preferences for travel experiences.
Overall, the industry is optimistic, which is understandable given the fact that people believe they have recovered from an incident that no generation in existence has ever personally witnessed before. Both consumers and businesses want to reclaim lost ground and completely overhaul the sector.
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A Gesture (short story)
Aldereyes grimaced, more in annoyance than in pain as he walked with a slight limp toward the medicine den. He pushed through the fern tunnel and flopped onto the nearest empty nest with a grunt. “Thunderclan are a bunch of cox-combs!”
Myrtlewing didn’t look up from the poultice he was making for Wolfburn, who was asleep in a corner.
Aldereyes’s tail flicked to and fro in irritation. Then, still annoyed, he decided to stand and paced back and forth along the small clearing. “We found them just laying on our side of the Thunderpath. Said that they were going to claim it, and that Stormstar wouldn’t win against them in battle anyway, so why bother waiting!”
“Did they hold up on that promise?” Myrtlewing asked, padding over to Wolfburn. Dipping his toe into the liquid he had made, he rubbed the ointment on Wolfburn’s old burns, which needed embrocation at least once a moon to prevent the skin from stiffening up.
Aldereyes lifted his chin, pride warming him. “What do you think?”
Myrtlewing rolled his eyes, but smiled in amusement. “So should I be stocking up on wound-supplies?”
Aldereyes snorted, settling back into the nest. He was certain that it was only the three young morons who wanted to cause trouble. It hadn’t taken much for Aldereyes, Rainbur, and Hootpetal to drive them back with their tails between their legs. He couldn’t imagine why Thunderclan would want trouble. It was Green-leaf, and prey and herbs were both plentiful. Even so, he knew that Shadowclan was strong right now, and could handle the challenge if it faced them. “You do your job? I could never ask such a rare occurrence of you! Ow!” he added with a hiss when Myrtlewing–who had now gathered supplies for Aldereyes–pressed an ointment hard into a scratch.
“Oh, sorry,” Myrtlewing mumbled.
Aldereyes raised a paw, flexing his claws threateningly. “Maybe we can have another bout of training.”
“No, you should rest. It must have been hard spending all day actually doing stuff instead of lazing about in my den.”
“Lazing about?” Aldereyes repeated incredulously.
Myrtlewing only grinned. Instead of replying, he asked “is anyone else hurt?”
“Only minor scratches,” Aldereyes told him. “They’re picking up some fresh-kill they buried before the whole thing. Try to look professional when they get here,” he added, flicking at a tuft of fur sticking out on top of Myrtlewing’s head.
“Whatever you say,” Myrtlewing murmured, ducking. He walked once again to his herbs, before picking out a dark red flower kept in one cleft on its own. He brought it back and dropped it at Aldereyes’s paws. “Don’t eat it.”
Aldereyes blinked at the plant. “What is it?” It was nothing he remembered being used as an herb before, either on himself or on someone who happened to be in the den while he talked with Myrtlewing.
“A mouse.”
Aldereyes huffed. “I can eat a mouse. What can I do with this?”
Myrtlewing shrugged, irking Aldereyes further. “Put it in your nest.”
Aldereyes nodded sarcastically. “Yes, a pretty nest is just the thing I need, it will solve all my problems!”
“So you think it’s pretty?” Myrtlewing’s voice was twirling in mirth.
Aldereyes stuttered. He wasn’t soft! “No! I–well that’s the thing about flowers, isn’t it? Everyone knows that!” He studied the flower, rolling it in his paws. “Is it a new herb?”
“Just something I wanted to give you,” Myrtlewing told him.
Aldereyes’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. “What’s wrong with it?”
“It smells, doesn’t it? Or it makes me smell, or it’ll attract bees and wasps.”
“Flowers tend to do that.”
“So why give it to me?”
Myrtlewing shrugged again, more exasperated this time. “Can’t I do a nice thing?”
“Of course you can, but I seriously doubt that you did. Wait, let me guess–you were wandering around uselessly and then suddenly remembered that you have to actually do your job and gather herbs, so you grabbed the closest thing nearby, not even realizing that it wasn’t anything useful until now, and now you want to get rid of it by messing with me. How close am I?”
“Very off,” Myrtlewing grumbled. “I’m starting to regret giving that to you. It was just a gesture, but if you don’t like it, I can take it back.” He moved to grab the flower. Aldereyes held it in a paw and lifted it up, rubbing the stem between his toes.
“A gesture of what?”
“Does it matter?”
Aldereyes was about to reply when a shadow fell over him. He glanced over to see that Hootpetal and Rainbur had returned, and were standing in the den entrance, waiting to be treated.
“What’s that?” Hootpetal asked with a tilt of her head, gazing at the dark flower.
“A gift for Aldereyes,” Myrtlewing answered before the golden tom could. “He was just about to leave with it. Weren’t you?”
“Of course,” Aldereyes grumbled with a fake smile. To Myrtlewing, he added in a low voice, “if this does something, I will pummel you into the dirt,” to which Myrtlewing responded with a simple “I’m sure.”
With that, Aldereyes brushed past his Clanmates and into the main clearing, holding an unfamiliar plant in his jaws and wondering what on Starclan’s name he was supposed to do with it, and why he had it at all.
--Since they’re (very loosely) based on characters from a Medieval setting, I thought it would be fun to include an insult of the time. Not that I think this story takes place then, that would be way off.
--Both Myrtle and Alder actually do work a lot, they just like making fun of each other.
--Just to be clear, Myrtlewing wasn’t like “awww you think it’s pretty?” he just knows Alder hates others thinking he’s soft and was poking fun.
--Notice how Myrtlewing doesn’t say “I wanted to make you feel better” or something like that. It’s to help give Alder the impression of ‘oooh he wants to be with me.’
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farzanatrading · 2 years
You should be aware of the advantages of drinking a gallon of water every day.
Water is especially important for icing that your organs serve duly. Generally, your organs need water because it helps cover them; for illustration, water lubricates and cocoons your chine, helping guard it against diurnal wear and tear and gash.
1. Water Provides an Energy Boost
One reason to aim for a gallon of water each day is that, according to WebMD, doing so may significantly boost your energy position. Low energy is a common problem. Some people start to depression in the autumn and would sooner reach for a soda pop or a mug of coffee than a glass of water. Others feel swimmy from the moment they wake up.
No count your typical energy position, better hydration could be the answer. In fact, fatigue and low energy are two of the most immediate symptoms of inadequate water input. Drinking a gallon of water each day may help you sustain your energy and indeed sleep better at night.
2. Water Improves Your Skin
Drinking plenitude of water may also affect in smoother, healthier skin and an altogether healthier appearance. Dehydrated skin snappily starts looking parched, cracked, and short. While moisturizing embrocation has its place, croakers
say that the stylish skincare comes from within. Those who drink a gallon of water each day report a whole host of advancements to their skin smaller wrinkles, lower blankness, and lower itchiness.
3. Drinking Water Checks jones
A third benefit to drinking a gallon of water each day is that water consumption helps check hunger jones
, and without as important appetite for snacks or alternate helpings, you might indeed see some weight loss. The reason for this is that when your body is dehydrated, it sends confusing signals to your brain; it may tell your brain that you ’re still empty, indeed ifyou ’ve just finished a big mess. In other words, dehumidification tricks your body into consuming food that it doesn’t really need.
A gallon of water each day may specifically help exclude jones
For sweets; again, the corollary may be an overall healthier diet and weight loss.
4. Water Balances Your Fluids
When you’re not getting enough water, your brain triggers its “ thirst ” medium, which is its way of telling you it’s time to stop and hydrate. Along with this thirsty feeling, you may witness dry mouth or blankness and vexation in the nose and throat.
Fleshly fluids that help in blood rotation and nutrient consumption are also thrown out of balance, potentially leading to passions of illness or fatigue. All these issues are touched off when your body is undehydrated and its fluid situations are out of balance.
Choose drinking water online, because water has a specific relationship with organs like the feathers and liver. These organs play a critical part in helping your body process and remove waste; water helps flush your system and minimize that waste, which in turn eases the burden on your feathers and liver.
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hraeth-ethile · 2 years
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Flourish, originally German Mark, was a riverside Kentuckian city near the Tennessee border, northwest of modern Pruden, Tennessee. Founded as a trade post in 1829 by two wealthy German immigrant hunters and bone traders, Helmond Bach and Matthäus Mose Glas, it eventually prospered as an important hub of postal communication and lumber processing. Settled in a remote valley, and promising plentiful game and opportunity, Helmond and Matthäus spent much of their acquired wealth advertising the distant location and sponsored hunting and logging visits between themselves and then-influential tycoons and magnates. While their work was successful, it was only partly-so, after the two men - both exemptus possums - failed to entice longterm financial investment interest.
In 1850, they left the town they founded to retire in Beantown, Maryland (modern Waldorf) and lived in relative obscurity and isolation despite numerous attempts at contact by German Mark residents asking for their return. By autumn of the same year, the town had a large central street, complete with a bank, saloon, two general stores, and jail. The saloon owner, operator, and bartender, a half-possum known only as Charlie, was a mixologist of some renown. So impressive was his skill, and so well-stocked was his bar, that the saloon by itself had begun to draw in many interested travellers and visitors to the town.
Much of the town's money came from people visiting to hunt and trade for strong lumber and, upon returning home, would tell tales about Charlie, his curious physical features, his gentle and friendly demeanour, his immaculate talent at barkeeping, and the beautiful and well-kept German-styled interior of his saloon. Among those curious who came to visit the half-possum and to witness the remote Kentuckian landscape was a rabbit woman, a wandering doctor, from southern Indiana.
The rabbit, an exemptus who called herself Margot, came to be known by many names by the people of German Mark. Described as frail and quiet and shy, the tall, white rabbit with the bright and young voice soon set up a small health and tonics stall beside the jail where she sold embrocation.
The first month of her operation saw very little interest from the skittish locals, who were wary of the effects of medicine and professed little trust in doctors, especially one who was a rabbit and a doctor. Things only changed from the outside, after a different wandering tonics salesman, a lynx from Tennessee named Martin Martins, found believed her failure to be an opportunity for him to upsale his wares using his long and rich history in public sales pitching. He intended to make a great deal of money and fame by pitting his tonics and salves against hers, where he could both discredit her and raise trust with a wary population.
Margot, or Marie as the locals came to address her as, agreed to his proposal of a sales-off. The town sheriff, who had become frustrated with the idea of miracle sellers taking residence in his town, agreed to rally the town's attention in the hopes that they might both be discredited and ousted by the community.
The end result was as much a shock to Martin as it was to the townspeople: the rabbit's tonics were genuine. Martin, who believed her to be a charlatan just like himself, albeit a beginner in the art of clever lying, was astonished to see that her 'herbal water' embrocation rapidly healed a recent wound on a woman's husband who had tripped over horseshoes. Impressed and humbled, Martin politely bowed out of his own challenge against her and declared that Margot was "the real deal" and that the town would do well to let her conduct business.
Martin Martins left German Mark, and the town immediately bought the rabbit's healing remedies until there were one left for her to sell. With the money she received, she built an actual store beside the jail and would begin producing larger quantities of her medication and more kinds, as well as gauzes and bandages for triage.
Charlie, having been one of the faces in the crowd, found himself enthralled by the quiet rabbit and how honourable she appeared. In the coming weeks, he visited her and her shop many times to spend time speaking and learning more about her. She began visiting him, too, and became a regular sight at his bar.
Charlie and the bar patrons began seeing her as a dependable and unusually intelligent and brave woman, and began offering paid tasks for her to do. These tasks, which the town called 'quests' - in reference to the times of knight-errants - sent Marie all over the town and involving her in many different kinds of personal affairs, all of which she was successful in pursuing to the fullest possible extent, earning her a very positive reputation.
The health of the town, in very large part to her accomplishments and her healing salves, eventually brought massive change to the city. Tourists from many places, with some even being state legislators, came to visit the town that was growing so fast as to become the county seat for Bell County. In only two-and-a-half years, the town reached city status, and its wealth and influence became immense. Its location no longer seemed remote, with new trade routes being hewn and formed in every effort to connect the city to every other nearby settlement, which were then attempting to connect themselves to farther-off cities like Nashville and Knoxville.
The name of the city was changed from German Mark to Flourish. The city rapidly became one of the largest in the southern United States, and "Flourish, Kentucky!" was adopted as the state's tourism slogan - which it retains to this day.
On 1 June, 1855, Marie was allegedly struck in the head with a heavy bottle of whiskey and then raped in the street by the town sheriff's son Marcus. Long-suspected, but then finally confirmed, Marie's outed as a lesbian when her black, blue-eyed lupine wife-in-secret Vivienne, a local celebrity seamstress and fashion designer, cries out for justice for Marie. The tremendous appreciation and respect that Flourish and its mayor has for both of their efforts in uplifting the town of German Mark to the enormity of its time as the city of Flourish spares them from punishment and repercussion, but the justice they seek against Deputy Marcus Vander is denied to them.
On 19 June, Marie, after weeks of being bedridden, is taken out by Vivienne and Charlie as a gift to her in a desperate effort to lift her spirits and restore her health. In their time out in the city, on a particularly hot and sunny afternoon with pure blue skies, Deputy Marcus approaches the three to goad and to gloat. Without hesitation, Marie takes her revolver out and empties every round in its chambers into Marcus' chest. She's eventually chased into a small and empty nearby bar, where an hours-long stand-off ensues between Marie and the entire city of Flourish which sides with the sheriff against her.
This is the beginning of the Siege of Flourish, or more commonly known as the Fall of Flourish, Kentucky.
The sheriff of the city, Sloan Vander, confronts her after failed negotiations. Against immense and impossible odds, Marie kills him and escapes the mob. Every attempt to attack or capture her fails, and everyone in the attempt is killed. Hundreds are dead in an hour, and several thousand are dead in three, after a massive fire - the largest city fire since the times of the Roman Empire - begins to rapidly facilitate the total destruction of Flourish, Kentucky.
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Sunbed Tanning
Do you run a sunbed installation? It can not beover-emphasized just how important staff training is in any type of tanning installation. There are' Health & Safety Executive' guidelines that must be followed. Staff must know about the type of sunbeds they're offering, correct session times, skin types, medical contra- suggestions, tanning guidelines and of course staff must understand the range of tanning products they're offering.
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There are numerous different types of sunbeds. They all have different types of tubes which means the affair of the machines will vary according to the quantum and strength of the tubes fitted. How can you advise your customer of the correct session times if you don't understand the machines you're offering. This is advice you should be given from your sunbed supplier. In recent times the tanning assiduity has been knocked by negative press reports grounded on inadequately run salons where guests weren't given the correct advice. A nonage of salons were set up to be allowing people to use their sunbeds anyhow of skin type, age or medical background. This really doesn't help the assiduity nor the tanning customer.
Some people believe that to run a tanning installation you can simply install sunbeds, sit back and make money. Incorrect! A sunbed customer needs to be given a discussion. Advice should be given about certain medical conditions or specifics that could affect their skin. The customer will need help to rightly determine their skin type. From this the customer can be offered them the correct session times and interval times between their sessions and of course make sure that the client is using suitable eye protection. However, also you'll make plutocrat, If you do this. Every client should complete and subscribe a record card. Advice should be given about the maximum quantum of sessions per time. client care can't be overdrawn and your guests will notice this. People tend to use salons where they feel confident and safe in the hands of a Sunbed Tanning counsel.
Drawing and hygiene is another area that's of the up-most significance. Staff need to be trained how to clean a sunbed duly and why this is so important. What a better way to promote your tanning installation than to give first class client care and CORRECT advice, offering well maintained, well sanitized sunbeds. If your staff don't know the benefits of using a sunbed also neither will your guests.
Product training is another important part of a successful salon. Tanning products can be a large part of a salons income still, if staff don't understand your range of products there's a threat of guests being vended the incorrect embrocation for their skin type. Sunbeds are designed to offer a controlled tanning terrain, but staff MUST be trained to maintain this position of client service.
The stylish way for a sunbed stoner to guarantee a salon is being duly run with trained staff is to look for the' Sunbed Association' totem in a salon window. If a salon is a member of the Sunbed Association also you're guaranteed to be given correct advice and the standard of client watch you would anticipate.
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bodybare8 · 2 years
Make your skin glow
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Under eye gel cream
The salutary factory excerpts, antioxidants, and vitamins( C & E) in Bare Body rudiments Under Eye Gel Cream restore the skin damage under the eyes and make the region appear lustrously by fading dark circles. It hydrates and calms the skin around the eyes due to its potent comforting and comforting goods. also, it contains Lumiskin, a potent antioxidant that aids in removing aging-related hyperpigmentation, pustules, and dark bags under the eyes. Together with hyaluronic acid, this deeply hydrates the skin around the eyes and fortifies the skin’s defensive natural walls by enmeshing humidity in the epidermis.
Corrects periorbital saturation that’s blue and red( dark circles)
Decreases stress and early aging symptoms visibly
Reduces wrinkles, crow’s bases, air, and sagginess
Lifts the under-eye region without causing skin vexation.
Under-eye gel for dark cream
With the virtuousness of natural conditioning, Bare Body Essentials Under Eye Gel for dark cream is then to help you revitalize your eyes. It’s made with a special combination of high-quality constituents that efficiently reduce air, fine wrinkles, and dark circles under your eyes, leaving your skin looking youthful and vibrant. This amping admixture is a gel cream that’s loaded with effective sauces and each-natural substances to help reduce the appearance of dark undereye circles. This cream’s restorative rates help awaken the eyes to an appearance that’s noticeably refreshed. It’s a featherlight, snappily absorbing product. The first suggestions of aging are most likely to manifest around the eyes, therefore it replenishes humidity to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles there. It promotes a more rejuvenated appearance by reducing skin blankness and soothing skin weariness. For bettered blood rotation and the junking of dark circles, Bare Body rudiments’ under-eye gel for dark circles has a comforting effect and cools your under-eye area.
Dark circles, fine wrinkles, and air beneath the eyes are avoided with hydrating under-eye gel cream.
Made using a special combination of decoration factors
The formula that absorbs snappily and is incredibly light
Revitalizes skin and gives it an immature, vibrant appearance.
Reduces blankness and soothes skin frazzle.
Under eye, bags are excluded with this nutrient-rich embrocation, which also evens up the skin there.
Provides a comforting effect and boosts blood inflow
Stretch Mark Removal Cream in India
Stretch marks and scars are lowered with Bare Body Essentials Stretch Mark Removal Cream in India, which also heals and nourishes the skin. To soften, smooth, and rotund your skin, it’s invested with organic aloe vera gel, natural excerpts, jojoba oil painting, organic shea adulation, kokum, and chocolate. There are no parabens, phthalates, petrolatum, or SLS in this cream only skin-salutary factors are present.
Reduce, mend, and get relief from stretch marks and scars with stretch mark junking cream.
Helps to feed the skin and indeed out skin discoloration
Better and quicker issues
Skin that’s smooth and softened
Useful for all skin types and recommended for use both during and after a gestation
Free of petrolatum, phthalates, parabens, and SLS
Stretch Mark Removal Cream
Stretch marks can be less conspicuous with Bare Body Essentials best stretch mark removal cream made especially for stretch marks after gestation. Pure Cocoa Adulation, Vitamin E, Shea Butter, and Bio-Elast are added as enrichments. Bare Body rudiments Stretch Marks moisturize the skin, aiding the epidermis in maintaining its natural malleability and aiding in precluding the gashes that give stretch marks their appearance.
Also, this dermatologist-recommended embrocation might prop in easing the blankness brought on by stretched skin after gestation.
Cuts down on stretch marks
Also advised for stretch marks brought on by weight swings.
Sunscreen Gel
The featherlight, non-sticky Bare Body Essentials Sunscreen Gel is made with natural constituents to give protection from the sun’s dangerous UVA, UVB, and IR( Infrared) radiation as well as pollution. This sunscreen is made using reprised nanotechnology, which offers longer and safer skin hearthstone times, livery, dragged, and constant protection, and prevents sunscreen constituents from being absorbed into the skin. This sunscreen gel’s natural factors include skin-lightening,anti-pollution, and antioxidant parcels.
Using reprised nanotechnology in the expression
A non-sticky, ultra-lightweight formula that is not slithery
Features a water-resistant-absorbing composition.
Suitable for all types of skin( normal to sensitive skin)
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no0dlru · 3 years
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beingjellybeans · 4 years
Quick relief with White Flower
Quick relief with White Flower
I’m no snowflake. In fact, I pride myself on being a low-maintenance kind of girl, a koboy, in fact. But sometimes, there are those aches and pains that stop me from having a happy and productive day. Blame it on today’s busy and overwhelming pace of living, or, yes, my age, but lately, I can succumb to those twinges and sniffles that get in the way of what I have set out to do. I guess I’m not…
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